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Katrina Medsai

0 · 598 views · located in Earth, 2015

a character in “Celestial Soldiers: Return of the Senshi”, as played by KameJLa


Name:Katrina Medsai
Nickname: Trini
Soldier:Sailor Guardian of Love and Beauty, Venus
Abilities:Can Seduce/Distract with her looks.
-Crescent Beam - Sends a beam of light at the enemy.
-Crescent Beam Shower - Stronger version of Crescent Beam. The single beam would split off into multiple beams.
-Venus Love-Me Chain - Preforms this attack with the use of the chain around her waist. Can restrict movement, bring harm or be used as rope.
-Furious Random Crescent Beam Shots - Similar to the Crescent Beam attackts, only instead of splitting off from one single beam into multiples, it would be multiple shots at once, with more concentrated power.
Personality: Trini is kind, sweet, and caring. She always tries her best to look at the positive side of things even when things seem they can only get worse. She constantly encourages her friends, telling them that love is everything, and believes it is fundamentally important to the way the universe works. But even Trini has her days, making her unusually quiet or retreating into her room.
DIFFERENCES: Add the Chain around her waist.
-Before: 5 Foot 5 Inches
-After: 5 Foot 8 Inches (With Heels)
+Eye Color:
Before: Light Brown with a tint of Hazel
After: Blue
+Hair Color:
Before: Medium length Blonde Hair
After: Long Blonde Hair with two heart colored buns
+Ethnicity:Caucasian - American/Greek
FC: Hilary Duff
Place of Origin: San Francisco, California
Brief Bio: Katrina Medsai (pronounced Med-say) was born in San Francisco, California. Her mother is a Model/Fashion Designer, and her Father is a Talent Agent, working with some big name stars. Being an only child, she was somewhat spoiled in her younger years. After a life threatening accident to her father when Trini was 4, he became a full time live in parent while her mother worked. Taking care of Trini, he nudged her into the world of TV, landing her a few roles growing up, but making sure the fame never went to her head, he kept her grounded and was strict about school. Because of it, Trini grew up to work hard to achieve her goals. In recent days, Trini has noticed odd things happening, not just around her, but to her as well.
Theme Song: Open up your Mind - Mirai
Answer: All of them are Important, but 6 made me giggle.
OTHER: I know the last name is Unusual, but I wanted to somehow add the Japanese word for 'Love' in the name..

(I was unsure if they know of their powers already or not. Let me know if I need to change anything. XD)

So begins...

Katrina Medsai's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leo Xinyin Character Portrait: Katrina Medsai
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#, as written by KameJLa

Katrina awoke to a buzzing alarm. Rolling around under the covers, her arm snaked out, slaming down on the snooze button. With a groan, the covers flipped off, a sleepy figure with a mop of tangled blonde hair emerging. Sleepy brown eyes blinked repeatedly to remove the glossiness from them. The clock read 7:15 am, Katrina letting out a huge yawn as she slowly made her way from her bed to the bathroom, flicking on the Radio as she went by.
The Light of Beam that had shot out from somewhere only last night, had been the top news this morning. Many theories flew between the Callers and Radio hosts, the most popular one being some sort of Government conspiracy theory. It had it's merits, Katrina agreed, though anything was possible. finishing up the touches to her now nicely brushed hair, she tied off the end of the braid, double checking before heading down the stairs. Her father was sitting in his wheelchair at the breakfast table, paper in hand. "Morning Daddy!" Katrina said in a perky tone, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before sneaking away half of his bagel, taking a bite.
"Morning sweetie." He replied, briefly looking up from the paper. "You look different this morning. Have anything to do with a man named Kyle?"
Katrina gulped, laughing nervously. "Haha why would you think that Daddy?"
Her father smiled, placing the paper down and rolling himself over to his daughter. "You know I may be old, but I was 16 once. Just be safe, and don't forget about your mother's dinner party tonight to promote her new line 'Venusia'." Katrina nodded, waving good bye before disappearing outside the door. She had to hand it to her father. Not only was he a sharp one, but she was pretty sure if she did bring a boy home, one look from her Father would send him running. The only problem Katrina faced, was how to make her existence known to the 5'10 Basketball star of the school, especially since he had so many girls after him already. With determination, she had dressed herself up this morning with light make-up, hoping that when he passed her in the hall, or sat next to her in Math, something would happen, like Magic in the movies that would make him do a double take. With these thoughts in mind, Katrina giggled to herself, hoping, and wishing that today would be the day he noticed.


( I am a huge fan of the celestial emblems, and the mythology behind Fushigi Yuugi, and have done a lot of research. Any and all information was taken from, one of my FAVORITE sites. Take a look!)

As the guest speaker at UCLA, Mythology Class, Leo pushed the glasses up on the bridge of his nose while reading from his notes, the black board behind him covered in symbols and writing. The topic: Ancient Chinese Mythology.
"The four Celestial emblems, the guardians of the Compass points, The red bird, the blue dragon, the white tiger, and the turtle snake are at the heart of Chinese Mythology. They date back to the beginning of the 2nd Century AD. Each creature has a corresponding season, color, element, virtue and other traits. Each also had their own quadrant in the sky, and each contained seven Seishuku, or constellations. All four surrounded the center, which represented China itself. In Japan, the Emblems were replaced with the Shitennou, or four heavenly kings, which were closely associated with China's Five Elemental Theory." As he continued, he would point to the board, the stick making a smacking sound as it hit. Once finished, he moved to the side, Allowing the teacher Mr. Guilliam to take back his class. "Thank you Mr. Xinying for coming to speak to us today about Chinese Mythology. If anyone knows, it's you. Now, are there any questions for Mr. Xinying?" Most of the female class put their hands up, and he could swear he saw Heart eyes, star eyes, and corner of the mouth drool. He felt like he was prey, but all in a day's work of being Leo. "Let me rephrase that..." Mr. Guilliam began. "Anyone have any Questions for Mr. Xinying -about- today's lesson?" The hands that were high in the air began to slowly move downwards, until not one was left in the air. "Thought so. Thank you again for coming Mr. Xinying, and we are looking forward to your advanced lecture near the end of the semester." Leo nodded his thanks, placing his papers back in the briefcase, before closing it, making a slightly hasty getaway up the stairs. It was only 2 minutes before the lunch time bell, and he wanted to be out of the way, at least in the Staff office before the swarm came.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leo Xinyin Character Portrait: Katrina Medsai Character Portrait: Eunjin 'Ellen' Lee
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#, as written by KameJLa

On the way to school, as she walked, her brain was running constant scenario's on how she would approach Kyle. She could -accidentally- bump into him and drop her books. Kyle would pick them up for her and she would meet his eyes, or she could ask him for help on an extremely easy Math question, and sit rather closely to him. Katrina laughed to herself at the possibilities that she didn't see who she rammed into. "I'm - Kyle?!" She squeaked, freezing in her spot. He laughed.
"I didn't think you'd have the same name as me." he joked, Katrina's cheeks reddening. "Ah! No.. I ment to say sorry.. I'm-" she was interrupted when he answered for her. "Katrina.. I know.. I often see you walk this way to school. Thought I'd join you since I just moved into this area."
Katrina's heart leaped into her throat. He had already known who she was which was good. It was even better that he often saw her walk. It was best when he said he wanted to join her. Floating on Cloud Nine, she accepted his offer, taking this time to find out all she could.



He laughed softly to himself, letting her hand go when she released his. "Then Leo please Eunjin... And I'm not a Professor..Just a guest speaker today." While Eunjin looked outside of the classroom, Leo tried to read her. When he mentioned his name, she didn't even flinch. Her body language didn't give anything away either. Either she never heard of him, didn't care, or was a very good actress. He couldn't tell which one, but it defiantly made him want to know. Was she different, or the same?
"Glad to hear it." He responded, the coast clear. When she asked if he wanted to grab a bite, he wondered if she had heard the growl his stomach gave off a few minutes before. Flashing her a smile, he nodded in agreement, reaching around her to open the door. "A bite would be alright. A guy can get hungry running from crowds, and this Italian place just opened up down the street from the Campus... that like Italian.." He trailed off quietly, unsure if she would accompany him. After all, she did ask, and it was a treat to have a meal with someone other than co-workers, or a business meeting.
Leo let Eunjin go through the door before himself, closing it behind himself while walking with her down the hall and through the doors, no swarm in site. He figured they went to the back entrance where his car was indeed waiting for him. However, he wouldn't be taking it today, and it would provide with a momentary distraction to slip through the cracks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Richards Character Portrait: Leo Xinyin Character Portrait: Katrina Medsai Character Portrait: Eunjin 'Ellen' Lee Character Portrait: Harlow Docherty
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#, as written by KameJLa

It was all smiles and stars while Katrina walked with her crush to school. she learned that he liked to paint on top of being a basketball star, and one of his fears surprisingly was heights. It wasn't long before they reached the school gates, a huge brawl happening. People were being thrown left, right and center. Screams filled the air, people running in every direction. It wasn't long before Katrina realized that it was a huge creepy monster looking thing, with a few friends that were spring cleaning the school. Instead of garbage, it was students and teachers.

"Kyle.. Let's get out of here!" Katrina whispered, but got no answer. Looking over her shoulder, he was already running for it. "You're not suppose to leave a defenseless girl here by herself! What kind of man are you?!" Turning her attention back, she came eye to eye with a hideous one, who seemed to have a salivating issue. "Um.. Nice salivating monster.." Katrina backed up a few paces, clutching her bag. Her back hit something hard, and she looked up, face to face with another one. She screamed, using her bag to wack them in the faces, before running herself. "You don't want to eat me! I'll be too crunchy!"


Perhaps he did over react over something stupid, but to Leo, to be honest up front is always the best option. With the life he lead, he was surrounded by lies, and ulterior motives. He didn't have much time to think, or care too much about it when screams filled his ears. Juniper and Eunjin had disappeared into the mass, and it wasn't long before he was yanked backwards, pinned up against the wall by a demon, fingers wrapped around his neck. "What the hell?" he managed to say, the demon's grip tightening.

Was this the way he was going to go out? Leo XinYing, Actor, Script writer, Music video director, was going to let a lowly demon kill him? Not only would his fans be shocked, to Leo, it would be disappointing to go out like this. Clasping both hands together, he made a huge fist, bringing it down on the demon's elbow, hearing it shatter. His grip loosened as he howled out, Leo gasping for air to fill his lungs while coughing. It just seemed to piss the demon off more, and it used what strength it had left in his arm to throw Leo a good 10 feet. He landed not a few feet away from a girl who was reading, and odviously blissfully ignorant on what was going on. "You should scram if you want to see another day." he said, voice harsh from the squeezing it had, and with the throw down he was recieving, he would be damn sore tomorrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Richards Character Portrait: Leo Xinyin Character Portrait: Katrina Medsai Character Portrait: Eunjin 'Ellen' Lee Character Portrait: Nima Dawson Character Portrait: Seline
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#, as written by KameJLa

Katrina watched, eyes peering over her bag as she clutched it tightly to her as the tall, African American beat, and almost got beat by, the slimy monster that was chasing Trini. Her moves were graceful, and Trini could swear she was a model. And she was strong. way stronger than she ever could be. At least, this girl didn't leave a poor defenseless girl like Trini to the monsters like Kyle did. In her concern, she almost didn't hear the other girl telling her to get in. "Oh...right!" Opening the passenger door, she slid in and closed it. "Thank you for helping me. Are you ok?" Trini asked. the fight between the taller one and the monster looked intense, and she hoped that the girl didn't get seriously hurt in helping her.


Leo looked up at a woman who seemed to just appear out of no where, telling him to fight it. How was he suppose to fight it? Read it a story? Put it in front of a bad movie and hope it combusted? He had a feeling that he could help, but he wasn't sure how. And how did the girl know his name? "H...How am I suppose to fight something like that?!"
He stood up slowly, slightly wobbly on his feet. Using the tree as a leaning post, he never expected to see flashes of what seemed like the Earth, in pain. It was like he was floating above the Earth in space, seeing it bleed and cry out. It was in pain, and when Leo felt that pain, it was excruciating. He grinded his teeth together while sliding back down into a sitting position, the demon getting closer, and the images fading as fast as they came.
"Are you guys hurt?
Lifting his head, he was highly surprised to see Eunjin and the small girl running at them. He didn't know if they had a death wish, but they were indeed brave. Even the girl who was blissfully ignorant was brave. The monster got closer, but it seemed to freeze in place, like time stopped for the demon. "I'm ok.. but what the hell is going on?" He looked between Eunjin and Juniper, and girl named Harlow. Strange things had happened in mere minutes.