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Chapter One: Rapture

Briar Town, Vermont


a part of Chapter One: Rapture, by Pimpette.


Pimpette holds sovereignty over Briar Town, Vermont, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Briar Town, Vermont is a part of Chapter One: Rapture.

9 Characters Here

Amelie Trech [0] Do it yourself, much quicker
Sebastian Cicean [0] I will never get tired of following you
Mia Thomas [0] *point and stare* .............
Forcas Alexander [0] Life, I know It Goes On.
Diego Cortes [0] Immortal Servent of the Dark Lord. The Dark Agent set out to snuff the light born in the girl.
Angel Circean [0] "I'm getting tired of these fights. You'd better not screw up this time, girl."
Nathan Thomas [0] .....
Fayth Alexander [0] past lives hmmmm
Alysia Eloiny [0] "A little magic never hurt anyone, or at least I don't think so."

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"What?...oh." Sebastian said, being pulled from his thoughts by Fayth. "Yeah sure. It's been a trying time for you, I understand." He gently lowered her to the floor, folding his wings.
"Sorry, I should have noticed, Fayth." He said as he stretched his shoulders. His wings were feeling pretty tired too, to tell the truth. They hadn't been used for quite a while, since he was trying to go incognito. He made sure to stretch every little muscle of his wings, making them fold and unfold. He had to make sure they were still working correctly. It would be bad if he needed to make an escape and his wings gave out. Very bad. He sank to the floor, leaning against the wall.
"I'll keep watch Fayth. shout if you need anything." He said sliding his jacket back on. He settled himself against the wall so he could run or take flight at any second.

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"No really its fine you were just relishing the moment"
she smiled and then walked away and she found a room with a double bed and flopped down on and went to sleep quite fast and sh slept right though the night with out a hitch and with a dreamless sleep.

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“What in all the hells!?” Angel’s eyes snapped open and jumped to the left in the very nanosecond before her head would have been taken off by the two wraiths attacking her from the front and back. Of course that didn’t help too much, as the Wraiths immediately flew after her.

Angel spun around midair, using the momentum to help swing her newly appeared scythe horizontally at one of them, who simply ducked to avoid it. The Wraith brought its claws up and tried to dig its claws under Angel’s jaw. Angel flung her head backwards in order to dodge it, and also to backflip and kick the Wraith right it its face. Probably not the best move while wearing a dress, but she still did it a lot.

The Wraith flew backwards a few feet, just in time for the second one to rush forward, swinging its claws like a madman. It was all Angel could do to twist in every which way to avoid its moves. But the demon was still pushing her back, and the other Wraith had decided to fly behind her and attack from behind.

Angel was dodging the Wraith in front of her easily. But the thing was fast. Real fast, and she couldn’t seem to find an opening. Angel was the fastest thing alive or dead, but if she struck, it would leave her open for a counter. She didn’t notice the Wraith behind her until it was too late. Its claw came rushing for the back of her head, but Angel didn’t notice until it was grazing her hair. She jerked her head to the left, but the claws still ran across her cheek.

Shit. Cornered. She thought as she rocketed in the sky, unable to defend on the ground. The Wraiths soared into the sky after her, stopping a few meters in front of her.

It was a classic, gunslinger moment. Angel and the Wraiths were in a standoff in midair. The girl slowly brought her hand up and wiped her bleeding cheek, smearing it a bit, but more importantly

Keeping it off her dress.

“God you two are annoying.” Angel said, frowning, her scythe hanging in her hand. The Wraiths only let out a low, rumbling laugh. Or maybe it was a growl. Either or.

“How the hell did Diego summon Wraiths anyway?” Angel held a hand to her hip. This time, that low grumble was definitely a laugh. “FUCK YOU BOTH!!” Angel yelled as she flew forward, now very annoyed. She swung at the both of them side by side. One went up and the other down. Angel through her scythe down at the one below her, who simply sidestepped it. But Angel wasn’t done. She yanked her hand upwards, and a black rope materialized connecting the scythes handle and Angel’s wrist. Her scythe was yanked upward, slicing the unsuspecting Wraiths arm clean off.

An otherworldly screech rang through the air, the kind that makes the hairs on your entire body stand up. But Angel didn’t care, she was concentrating on the Wraith above her, who was back to attacking her wildly, keeping her on the defensive.

I don’t get it! Angel couldn’t help but think as she dodged the Wraiths moves. How did he do it!? Diego shouldn’t be able to summon demons! He’s a necromancer! He’d need some kind of celestial blood to do-

And then it clicked. Somehow forgetting to be defensive, Angel absentmindedly kicked the Wraith in the face, sending it flying over to the other one who was just starting to quit wailing.

Angel blood
 Angel had a blank look on her face, just hanging there in the air. My blood
 the school
 Angel rubbed her neck. Summoned
 he used my blood
 to summon these
 and there’s probably more
 Angel’s eyes widened, and she looked at the Wraiths.

” She could barely speak. Angel was in shock. And then she wasn’t.

He used my blood
 to hunt us down
 My blood
 is it my fault? No
 it’s Diego’s
 Angel’s eyes darkened to almost black, her face slowly beginning to scowl. Diego’s fault
 Sebastian could be hurt
 and it’s all

“DIEGO I WILL END YOU!!” Angel screamed, her eyes fully dark now. Without so much as a warning, Angel shot herself at the poor Wraiths, using the handle of her scythe the bash the heads of both of them nearly thirty feet away. Electricity began the crackle all over her body. Angel didn’t rush after the Wraiths this time. Instead she dropped her scythe, the weapon hanging by the rope that just reappeared, and raised both her hands up. The electricity around her body suddenly turned black.

”Die.” Angel said simply, glaring at the Wraiths with a crazed yet controlled smile on her face. It wasn’t a demand. It was a statement of fact. She brought her hands down, and two black bolts of lightning came down from the blue sky, striking both the Wraiths dead instantly. But Angel smiled and kept the stream of lightning going for a full ten seconds. Just to make sure.

Not even ashes fell when the lightning stopped. But no, Angel wasn’t finished. There were more Wraiths, and they would all die.

Angel was gone from the sky in a second, crashing through the window to Nathan’s house, smiling wickedly, holding her scythe blade down, like a sword.
Wraith bodies were on the floor. One was on fire. Whether they were already dead or not Angel didn’t care. One swing of her scythe had lightning shooting from it and vaporizing the bodies in a flash and a crack. She then turned her deadly gaze two the guardians, and spoke. Her voice was layered, as it was when she was angry.

”Where. Is. My. Brother.”

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Seb's head lolled sideways as he drifted off to sleep, his black jacket on his lap. He really should have stayed awake, and he really had tried, honest, but sleep had overtaken him easily. His dart tube had rolled away from his hand, and his wings were half out. His body was splayed like a cast away doll. When he was asleep, Seb always took up as much space as he could. He also made sure, from years of practice, that he was not breathing. It made it easy to play possum in case of emergencies, and hell, what kind of idiot would stab an already dead body? It is a waste of energy, and anyone who was stealthy enough to get close to him while asleep probably wouldn't be all that stupid. But hey, you never know. That was why he had his dart tube out. But being a cylinder, acted on by gravity, it had made it's escape from his hand and was halfway across the room. His mouth was half open and his brow was slightly furrowed from the dream he was having, which he would recall vaguely later as having something to do with his sister and a taco. Sweet sleep.

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Mia stood in shock, a jet black shadow “thing” was standing on the other side of the door, waiting. Its eyes burning red in the blackness of its hood, it stood looming over her.
Then It lunged coming through the doorway, its claws missing her by a hairs breath and lodging into the doorframe. Mai stumbled back as another “thing” rushed past her and charged Nathan. “What the hell!“ Mai yelped, the “thing” disentangling its claws from the doorframe slashed at Mia this time cutting through the straps of her backpack and nicking her jacket.
Mia looked down herself, backpack falling to the floor with a bump; she slowly looked back up at the “thing”. “You just made me angry,” Mia growled. Fire sparked around her, Mai raised a hand a torrent of fire streamed out of nowhere slamming into the “thing”.
The room started going up in flames around her feet. The “thing” screamed in anger and shock, trying to get at Mai thro the flames. Mai let out a almost inhuman growl and the torrent turned in to a wall of fire and Mai started to walk forward pushing the ”thing” back from her.
Slowly the “thing” fell on its face. Mia let a breath, she stopped the flames in time to see the window bracing. Glass shaded down to the floor to revel and angel with a scythe standing in the kitchen. Turning to face the stranger, Mia smiled. The angel growled out the words, “WHERE. IS. MY. BROTHER.”

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Fayth woke up and got out the bed and looked around, she walked to were she he left seb and saw him sleeping on the floor so she went over to him and stroked his hair being careful not to wake him as she could see that he was tired. She sat there for a little while just stoking his hair waiting for him to wake up himself, but she was also hoping he had a good sleep.

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#, as written by DTalon
He really couldn’t remember much about the fight. It happened so fast that he had reacted on instinct. The only solid things he could remember that he had stabbed the bastard about 17 times before it had finally let go, and even then, it had taken two bullets to finally to put it done. Nathan had not come out of the fight unscathed. The Kevlar he had had on didn’t even slow it down. He had deep gouges were it had clawed him, and a deep puncture in his left shoulder when it pinned him to the wall. He was losing blood but he really didn’t care. Right now the pain was the only thing keeping him upright. That and the adrenaline. He just been ready to yell at Mia for using pyromancy in his apartment when he saw the window crash open and in came Angel, a veritable Angel of Death. Great. They really didn’t have the time to waste making talk. “Alright,” he said with an obvious effort, “ Maybe we should wait until after we get out of the building that going to explode before we start exchanging information? I would rather not die due to my own explosive work.” He limped back towards the door and picked the bags he had dropped. “Mia, seeing as you’re already trying to burn the building maybe you could start a controlled burn? Try and keep it to this room.” Shaking his head he made his way down the hall, leaving red boot prints as he walked.

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Seb shifted in his sleep, waking up for a few groggy seconds as Fayth began running her hands gently through his golden hair, rolling over and curling up on his side. "Mmm." he said blearily, "Fay..mmm." He fell back to sleep. Too much work and stress took it's toll on one's body, even that of an angel. His jacket managed to tangle itself in his limbs, twisting one wing awkwardly. Seb didn't really notice however. he was too far out of it. He pressed his forehead into Fayth's knee, unconsciously seeking her warm comfort. He let out a small sigh, a frown crossing his features, and tried to rouse himself again. He tried to pull himself from his sleep again, mumbled, " Gotta...protect Fayth." and opened one eyes sleepily. "Oh, Fayth. Hi." He said, focusing on her face, but not sitting up. He could feel the weight of sleep sitting on his chest and his eyelids, and he struggled against it, to no avail. The sleepy fog kept him in a suspended state, awake but not entirely conscious. He blinked slowly at Fayth and smiled. "Oh, hi Fayth. Didn't...see you there." He said again, not remembering that he'd said it a few moments before.

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Angel groaned. And in her layered voice, it sounded very bad. One of them probably though she was about to slaughter them. Which she easily could, but that would be defaeting the point, wouldn't it? All that aside, the very mention of a bomb distracted Angel from her 'kill anything that harms my family' state of mind.

"A what? Oh come on man!" Angel said, her eyes lightening from their near black. Her voice turned back to normal as well. That and she lost her ability to control elements, but that didn't matter at the moment. Angel followed Nathan down the stairs frowning, her bare feet slapping loudly on the groud to emphasize her annoyance at the situation.

The second they were outside, Angel grabbed Nathan's shoulder and spun him around, impatience for her answer. "Now are you going to tell me where my brother is or not!? He could be dying right now! Now spill it!" She shook his shoulders a few times to stress the point that she wanted to know NOW.

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Mia blinked in surprise, as she watched her cousin leave closely followed by the “angel” hmmmmm interesting. Snapping her fingers once the room went up in hungry red flames, she stopped to pick up her ruined backpack, sighing she closed the door behind her. I never liked his taste in home dĂ©cor. Walking behind the “angel” and her cousin she heard the last snippets of the conversation they were having.”---tell me where my brother is-- not!? He could be dying--now! Now spill it!" Mai saw the “angel” shack her already heart cousin. She cleared her throat to get there attention, “I know you asked him politely, but if you keep doing that, he’s liable to fall apart". She moved her golden eyes to her to the “angel”. Putting out a hand she then said “Hello my name is Mia Thomas, current Historian of the Talbert Archives, Thomas Division, and cousin to that man you are shaking to death” grinning she offered her upturned hand to the “angel” .“Oh I almost forgot I am also a pyromancer meaning I play with fire”, eyes sparking.

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Seb opened his eyes she kinda jumped a little as she thought she had woken him up. she looked at him and smiled, she felt her cheeks go red and she looked away but kept the smile on her face. She looked back round to face him as she didn't want to hide from him. "Hey Sebastien did you sleep well you know it would be more comfortable in one of the room's on a bed."

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Sebastian sat up, rubbing his eye with his wrist. "Uhhng. I wasn't...supposed to fall asleep....sorry." He said, stretching and blinking a couple times. Then he slumped back against the wall. "I need to keep watch." he said, his voice still heavy with sleep. He blinked slowly, focusing on Fayth's face. "Did you have a good sleep?" he asked her as he pulled on each of his fingers to release the pressure built up inside. Then he reached out to grab his dart tube so he could , but it wasn't next to him. "Where did-?" he said, looking around himself for his weapon. He frowned, running his hand through his hair worriedly. He couldn't have left it anywhere, could he have? No, it had to be here somewhere. But where was it?

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"Yeah yeah yeah." Angel sort of waved off Mia's words. They weren't of any concern right now. ... Wait... Angbel turned sharply to Mia, her eyes wide. "Do you know where they are!?" She said pleadingly, probably showing a bit more emotion than she would have liked to keep up her appearance. Noticing this fact, she quickly added another sentance. "I will NOT let Diego kill this group again!" She tried to make it seem like it was a pride thing, rather than admiting she actually was worried about her brother.

"SOMEONE FREAKING TELL ME." Angel slammed her scythe into the ground, the blade sinking into the concrete like butter. Several civilians began to murmer under their breath and back away.

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Fayth looked at Seb when he said that he was not suppost to be sleeping, the look she gave him was and 'are you insane' then said " Sebastian you may some angel but you need sleep and your nap proves that, now come on go to a room and get a proper sleep" She was now standing up and was holding out a hand to help him and she had been meaning to ask him or anyone who would agree so she asked him "Um Sebastian after you have had a proper sleep could you please teach me how to fight with a weapon?" She was looking at him as if pleading.