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Tony Everditch

"I hate doing things myself, so I let 'others' do the nasty stuff for me."

0 · 313 views · located in LA

a character in “Charmed: More then one”, originally authored by The Great Thundorz, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Tony Everditch

Age: 19

Role: An evil demon, sort of

Power: Telekinesis

Personality/History: His personality is mostly cold towards others, especially humans, and while he keeps to a distance from most others, sometimes he will talk to people, if only for his own benefits. He also sees himself always in eternal suffering because he has to deal with humans all the time, and while he doesn't think twice about manipulating them, sometimes he may go to get aid from demons.
At a young age he was abandoned by his father who was the only family he had left at this point, his mother dying shortly after his birth, and throughout his life he has always loathed the human race. Although he distances himself from the demons as well, he sees the good and bad in both, and even sometimes acknowledges his actions to the point he can witness several humans die. He keeps a low profile, mostly using humans at times to do his dirty work, and currently has enrolled himself in a college to learn more about the human culture, so that he can blend in more easily, all the while working towards the greater goal of finding a way to punish the human race.

Other: His chest and back have been tattooed with the strangest symbols he could find.

So begins...

Tony Everditch's Story


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:: He opened his eyes slowly, his mind starting back up as he noted one thing; tired. One of the downfalls of this form was that he found himself always wanting to rest, he didn't see how people could stand it. He placed his hands down on either side of him as he lifted himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes like a normal person would before getting up to his feet. "Let's see, what do I need to do today? Need to find some information for starters, probably can get some idiot on the inside to do it. Oh who am I kidding, they all are idiots!" He then looked to see what day it was and then proceeded to start picking out some clothes to use for the day. "Maybe I can convince some of those idiots to get into a fight with each other, maybe if I'm lucky there may be some murders tonight, who knows. I can prompt some males into getting drugs, oh, maybe I can get them thrown into jail for life! ...Nah, doesn't sound like me. I'd personally would let them die." After doing this, he gets out a list full of new names he had gotten over in the past few weeks, keeping an extra pencil in his pocket just in case he needed to cross some off tonight, or maybe he would find out last night made some results. But he quickly pushed the thought away, it was too soon for that. It seemed like the perfect morning to plan out some evil deeds, but then he thought about it. Evil? No, this is something I do on a daily basis! ::


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Character Portrait: Tony Everditch
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:: Tony soon walked out of his apartment as he locked the door behind him and began his usual walk towards the college, making himself look a bit fancy today by putting on a hat. He noticed one of the people from the college he went to come by, he tried to remember his name, it started with an F. Frank, no... Frederick, no... Frenchy? Nah! Fred? Yes, he remembered now, his name was Fred! Fred came to stop by Tony's side with some papers in his hand, they looked like they were from some important files, as the conversation began. "Hey there Tony, I uh got the information you needed on that one person from the college, it isn't much though..." Fred handed him the papers, Tony taking them as he looked them over quickly with a glance before smiling and looking back to Fred. "Why Fred, this is more than enough for me to use, thank you! Now, have you been reading what I told you to read?" He asked, watching Fred's expressions as he tried to remember. "Oh, umm, yes, I believe it was The Crucible, right?" Tony could not help himself with a confident smile as he continued on with the conversation. "That's right Fred! Who is it by?" Fred seemed to recall right off the bat like he was holding the play in his hands. "Arthur Miller, right?" Tony gave a silent nod before continuing to speak. "I want you to pay close attention to what happens in it, this will come in handy for my upcoming project, alright?" He watched Fred give a few signs of concern as to what this project was, but reluctantly nodded. "Right, let's hope today goes better then yesterday." All the while Tony was chuckling in his head, knowing his plan was moving along just fine, as it always did for him, after all, his aims did involve bringing the human race down. ::


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Character Portrait: Tony Everditch
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:: Tony seemed to stop as he looked around a bit before looking back at Fred with a concerned look. "You okay Tony?" He heard Fred ask him, as his eyes shifted uneasy before he sighed out to himself. "Yes I'll be alright, go on ahead without me, I forgot to do something it seems..." Fred seemed to pace off ahead, obviously worried, but Tony knew this feeling would not be returned, he would of personally killed him off by now if it wasn't for him being so useful. Walking around by himself for a bit, a shady looking fellow soon came by his side. "What is it now, you know I can't be bothered when I'm manipulating people..." Tony spoke out to him in a whispering threatening tone, the figure didn't seem to be scared though as he pulled out some papers and handed them to Tony, he took them from the man's hands and looked them over while he spoke. "I believe we have a problem... It seems we have overlooked a family in these parts. Could be trouble if they start to get on our trail, what should we do about them?" The man asked, Tony seemed to furrow his brows as he shoved the papers into the man's hands.

"Hah, they won't, I know how this works. If we don't do anything to bother them or give them any personal reason, they will not. Besides, I am only in this town for three more weeks as it is, then we will move on and find other targets to kill off. I will purge them soon enough, but I will push them more towards the end, when I am powerful enough to kill a human just by touching them!" He gave a dark chuckle to himself before regaining his posture. "I bring this up now because there was a fight at the park just minutes ago, we are lucky it is being covered up as a demon attack or they might suspect us in it..." This time Tony breathed out through his nostrils with impatience. "They don't even know we exist, as I said, we are fine. Continue with the plan, by the end of this week I may have sixteen more heads to have as personal trophies. We will continue to draw this race towards death's hands, no matter what the cost." With that the man walked away and vanished into a crowd of people as Tony made his way towards his destination. With any luck, he may be able to have a fight occur by the end of the day. Oh how the thought was so sweet! ::