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Chasing Rin Hayashi -Remake-

Chasing Rin Hayashi -Remake-


Rin Hayashi was a normal girl... until she found people hunting her down. Now she is told that she is the destroyer of the world and two groups are after her. Who will get to her first?

2,069 readers have visited Chasing Rin Hayashi -Remake- since Kaire23 created it.


To have nothing but suddenly have something out of no where is a great surprise... But only when you find small amounts in your hands. This thought of getting something out of nowhere it an unusual occurrence and rarely happens, if at all. Sadly, when given too much, it is thought of as a burden. To have no powers at all, as sad as that might be, and then suddenly have the powers to destroy the world would often be thought of as a curse by many. What would you even do with this power? Destroy your world? Would you try your hardest to help this flawed world? Put it to use? Make your dreams true?.. Now, these may be tempting ideas at first.... But have you ever thought of the person containing this power? What about their feelings?... But hey, who really cares.... Right?.... Isn't that how you humans think? Now, I guess we should continue with our story...

Rin Hayashi thought she was a normal girl... Well, normal for the world of Kuusou at least.... Which isn't really normal at all.... well, at least by your human standards. Maybe I should explain normal for you humans before i go on.
Kuusou is full of Vampires, (No, they don't burn and explode in light. They just get head aches from prolonged exposure to sun light. It's also harder for them to use magic in light) Demonics, (someone with a demon sealed inside them) Elves, (Elegant creatures with pointy ears. Not those dumb Santa elves that i hear you humans always blabbering about), Angels (Humans with wings. They are great at any light magic), Mermaids (No, they don't comb their hair on a rock and save random princes who are drowning.) and, sadly, you Humans.

For a tiny bit of background on Kuusou. Kuusou has many cities in it. In these cities, there are certain ones that are flooded with a certain species. Ever since the demonic war, a lot of the races don't get along that well and basically leave each other alone. There are also many fights among the cities and some don't even let certain races in because of their distrust and hate for each other. The major cities of the species are very strict on who they let in. The Demonic city, Omora, allows in only Vampires and Demonics. The Angel city, Erean, allow in Elves, Humans, Angels, and Mermaids. The Vampire city, Ieta, Allows in Humans, Demonics, Elves, and Mermaids. The Human city, Kelec, allows in all races. The Mermaid city, Relor, also allows in everyone. The Elven city, Nalir, allows in Humans, Angels, Vampires, and Mermaids. There are also mixed cities where halflings, half of two races, live and where both of those species and their allies live. The Outside (Anywhere outside a city) is somewhere where people don't go. Outside is full of bandits, murderers and strangers. You live and grow up in your city because no one wants to face the unknown. Only travelers and people with work or highly trained skills go out there.... or idiots.

Now, for the story of Kuusou. Kuusou is controlled by two different groups. These groups are called The Chikyuu no Mirai and The Shikaku. The Chikyuu no Mirai believes everyone has a right to their life, no matter how dangerous. They are more of the optimists. They believe everyone can use their powers for good. They strive for unity in the many races and actually believe it's attainable. The Shikaku are more of the pessimists. They believe everyone is evil at heart and they will save Kuusou by their own means. Don't get them wrong, they do want whats right for the world, it's just the way that they do it which is the problem. If someone is a problem, they will just kill them instead of thinking of a way around them. Never stand in their path unless you know your strong enough. They have a lot of assassins to take you out and they're not afraid to use them.

Now, about our story. We'll start with our main problem, Rin Hayashi. She's half elf and half human. This story starts on her 18th birthday. You see, Rin has never been able to find her powers through out her whole life. Everyone around her has been able to use powers since they were 5 while she had to sit and watch. On her 18th birthday, she was walking to school with her friends when a golden marking started to form on her right arm. Surrounded by magic, her friends were blown away. She tried to reach out and help them, but her magic was too great and went out of control in that moment. Everything around her started to get destroyed. She did the only thing that would save everyone, she ran. She made it outside the city in seconds with the help of her new found powers. Shaking from the use of so much pure power, she collapsed on the ground. She never expected that she was destined to destroy Kuusou. Now, there are Shikaku out hunting for her and The Chikyuu no Mirai are out trying to save her and teach her to control her powers before it's too late. Will you be able to save Kuusou?


Rin Hayashii - (Taken) - Played by Kaire23

Chikyuu no Mirai: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Taken) - Played by: WaltJRimmer

God's Hand - (Reserved) - By: Angelwolf123

Protector - (Taken) - Juliet Stein - Played by: Rariszoo

Solider - (Open)

Associate - (Open)

Rookie - (Open)

Shikaku: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Taken) - Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Played by: Glmstr

Devil's Hand - (Open)

Silencer - (Taken) - Played by: Kaire23

Solider - (Reserved) - By: Mariofox

Associate - (Open)

Rookie - (Taken) - Hallbjörn Freyr - Played by: WaltJRimmer

Others: (People who weren't listed but made themselves an interesting character :D)

Bane Skamour - (Taken) - Played by: Mariofox

Matthew Rux - (Taken) - Played by: LaXnyd

Cantus Amator - (Taken) - Played by: 0neTailedf0x

Malcolm Swain "Fate" - (Taken) - Played by: FamishedPants (Mr.Pants)

Feel like there should be anyone else besides the main 15 people? submit them and I'll look it over and decide if i want it in. A guy that both sides are against? Maybe a love of someone? Someone who want's Rin for a different purpose? Maybe a whole different group who wants to use Rin to gain power? One of Rin's family members? i wont add them unless people submit people for that group so just because they aren't up here, doesn't mean you can't be that person.

(Edit: A question that came up was that if people in the group had a badge/ I.D and the answer to that is yes. Just letting you know in case if you come across a stubborn girl who happened to be named Rin)
(Edit: Someone was wondering if someone from one team knew the rest of the other team. That would be a yes if your person took time to actually listen and study the enemy but they DO NOT know each others powers.)

Now, for the dreaded skeleton. Please fill everything out and follow the rules it has with each one (if there are rules for each one)

Code: Select all
[size=90][u][b](quote)/b][/u][/size] (What would you say?)

[center] (picture)[/center]


[u][b]Nickname:[/b][/u] (Optional. Is your name too long?)
[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] (I'd rather know if this is a female or male.)
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] (18 - 25 is suggested.)

[u][b]Height:[/b][/u] (How tall are you?)
[u][b]Weight:[/b] [/u](WAIT! What did you just say!?.... No, really. I didn't hear you.)
[u][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/u] (Your gay!? I never knew..... wait, your straight? then put that down.)


[u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] (What exactly do you like? At least 4)
[u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u] (Remind me to never do that again... At least 4)


[u][b]Group:[/b][/u] (What group are they a part of and who are u trying to be? (Master of Chikyuu no Mirai, Devil's right hand))
[u][b]Partner:[/b][/u] (Do you work with anyone? Have a pet with you that helps? No? Then skip this question and move on.)


[u][b]Race:[/b][/u] (Human, Vampire, Mermaid, Elves, Angel, or Demonic. They can be half of two but no more. (also, new thing that has been brought to mind. Since Demonics and Angels are rare, they can only be used by 3rd in command and up with the small exception of someone who is not on the list yet. ) (Also, description of the races are in the OOC))


[u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] (well shouldn't this one be fun explaining. Humans can have 4 spells. Vampires - 4. Mermaids - 2. Elves - 4. Demonics - 6. Angels - 6. keep with the description up there. I said Mermaids can only do beginner magic. Only light races and normal races can heal. (Human, Mermaid, Angel, and Elves). Demonics can't heal anyone else. Vampires can't either unless it hurts them in the process. The more magic you can use, the more stronger your magic. If your only half of one and half of the other, take half of each. (Mermaid and human - 3) also, light races have stronger magic in the morning and weaker at night where darker races have stronger magic at night and weaker magic in the morning. Humans and Mermaids are neutral though so there is no change of strength during the day. I will also check all the magic to make sure nothing is too strong. Do not let this discourage your creativeness though. I like creative people.) (only exception to the magic rule is Rin Hayashi and the 2 leaders. The leaders have one extra power and Rin Hayashii's powers are unknown)


[u][b]Weakness(es)[/b][/u] - (Everyone has one. Whats yours? (may be kept private. just pm me))
[u][b]Equipment [/b][/u]- (Weapons? a hat for you vampires? Maybe a staff for strengthening your magic? No guns unless your able to incorporate it into your magic.)


[u][b]Personal Description: [/b][/u](act like your explaining to a blind guy.)
[u][b]Personality:[/b] [/u](Are you shy? Do you act like a jerk to everyone?)


[u][b]History:[/b][/u] (Did you go through a bad past? Any secrets you wanna keep hidden? Social status?)


[u][b]Extra:[/b][/u] (anything I left out? Your characters motivation? Plans for their life? Planning to overthrow your leader?)

Have fun. I look ahead to what is to become of this...... What are you still waiting her for? Get writing!

Toggle Rules

1) No God characters
2) Violence is perfectly fine just don't over do it.
3) Swearing is fine but don't over do it.
4) No one line posts. At least a paragraph.
5) Make your characters detailed.
6) you can have multiple characters IF you don't forget the other.
8) Let me know if your going to be gone for a long time so we can figure out what to do with your character.
9) If you have problems with other RPers, let me know. I'll try to get it solved as soon as possible.
10) If you read all of this, put "~Destroyer~" in your character sheet
11) Romance is allowed and encouraged but keep it pg-13
12) Try not to have guns. If you do, try to associate it with a power.
13) Everyone has a weakness.
14) Be devoted if your going to join. Don't just join and then disappear.
16) Have fun and sorry for so many rules.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin slowly shook herself out of the awful trance that her mind went into. It was hard to think. The only thing she could think of was telling them what had happened. Her eyes widened as they went back to their black color. She looked at the man as he approached her and drew her sword and pointed it at him, keeping him away from her. She was terrified of what her life turned into.

"The Destroyer of Kuusou... That name sounds familiar. Tell me what you know." She said as she glared at the man. She needed to know. In such a short time, she grew to be a stranger to herself. Even as an enemy to herself. She had to learn what she could in the time she could.

"Look, fate is fate, dandy man, but I can tell in your eyes what you're about to do and you better not do it. Rin Hayashi is just a simple girl with bad genetics. It's not her fault she's in this position. Look, she's still unaware of herself. She wouldn't hurt someone without purpose. Maybe she can control her state. But killing her isn't the way to go. Anything you do to her, I will unleash on you tenfold. And I make good on my threats. So play your cards right..." The man said as she started to feel panicked. How did he know her name!? How could he act like he knew her?... But... the voice sounded so familiar... And he seemed to care about her well being.... She had to continue trusting him...

Rin wanted to explain herself... To say she didn't mean it, but she didn't even know if they would care. They would probably just write it off as a lie and attack her.

A painful gasp escaped Alizé's lips as she put a hand lightly to her head. Connecting her mind to that much pure energy was terrifying, but invigorating at the same time. She quickly shook away the feeling and tuned back into the conversation at hand.

"The Destroyer? That was just a dumb kids book. Completely fictio-....." She suddenly stopped and then thought for a bit before responding.

"Although, there was a big book on a shelf in the library at the base that was labeled "The Destroyer"... I just labeled it as just some more of that end of the world nonsense..." She finished as she took another smoke.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Matthew Rux Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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"Look, fate is fate, dandy man," Bane began. "But I can tell in your eyes what you're about to do and you better not do it. Rin Hayashi is just a simple girl with bad genetics. It's not her fault she's in this position." the young man in the tree spoke in defense of the girl. So her name was Rin Hayashi, was it? He continued. "Look, she's still unaware of herself. She wouldn't hurt someone without purpose. Maybe she can control her state. But killing her isn't the way to go." this time, it was painfully obvious he had directed his words towards Dianne. Fate didn't like that one bit - threatening her was about as dumb of a move he could pull right now, especially given the fact that he was alone, so to say. But Fate kept any irritation hidden while he watched the boy make a threat he couldn't follow up on to Fate himself, allowing him to establish an understanding of the relationship between this man and the Destroyer. He knew her name, and he definitely wanted to protect her, so she had to be a friend of his at the very least.

Good, he could use this later on.

"I can tell you're bluffing, but can you?" Fate chuckled in response. Such threats were given to him constantly, by more feared and respected people and yet, here he was today. Malcolm Swain didn't fear words. He used them to his advantage. "You'd best be able to win the hand if you're going all in. And right now, I don't think you can. Nor should you. Because I'm not so sure harming her is the best bet." it was then that he turned his attention back towards Rin, who had drawn her blade on him. He was just out of reach of her blade, so she probably felt more comfortable from him. Considering his goal wasn't to kill her, he didn't mind the distance a bit. His words were the weapon here.

"Sorry to keep a lady waitin." he began, now ready to address the subject that she had brought up. How ironic that she didn't know what the Destroyer was when she herself was that very same legend. It only made things more interesting. "But have you truly not heard tell of the Destroyer of Kuusou? Any children's book about it could tell you: You're here to kill us all..." he let it sink in for a moment before he then said, "Or so they say. I'm sure you can tell that there's one very obvious method to making sure you don't do that. To kill you, don't cha think?" Fate extended his arm to his side and dropped about eight playing cards, which then circled around him as if he had a gravitational pull, but that's all they did. "But you see, I'm sure there's a way we can prevent such a tragedy from happening without losing one hand. Surely your power isn't uncontrollable."

At this point, some might think he was leaning towards the Chikyuu's thought-process. That is, until he continued with, "Or they'd claim to. 'Harness your talent' could easily just be a rewording of any number of things. But ultimately, it'd just mean you were a prisoner without even knowing it. And would your abilities really be put to good use? You could end up harming innocent people under the guise of saving others, when you'd be establishing a position of power above others. You'd be playing right into their hands."he shot a glare at none other than Chikyuu's leader, as if he was telling someone something the other party didn't want them to know. Fate was reasonably sure that they would't do that, but Fate couldn't manipulate events if they kept her under heavy watch. At least not without a high risk, and since his task meant that she had to trust him (willingly or not), he needed as much time as possible near her. So, he had to make both sides look bad.

"I don't see a profitable outcome for you, miss. Not with the Shikaku, and not with the Chikyuu No Mirai. Your life would either be a burden, or uselessly spent." Now, Fate's eyes seemed to lock onto Rin's, a soothing blueish glow that made things seem calmer. This situation, his voice -- they'd all seem much less tense or rough than they truly were. After all, nobody could completely resist his charm. "You can either fold, or..." he smirked. "You can make a contract with me and become a magical girl! decide your own destiny...and I never bluff about such things." he then struck a courteous bow, and held his hand out for her to take as an offering.

It wasn't safe for this woman to be in Fate's care the whole time, but he couldn't do anything if she were dead or with the Chikyuu. So, that left one party left. One who would keep her well-being intact, but wasn't affiliated with an entire group, making it impossible to reach her. Fate'd make sure she got to him.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Matthew Rux Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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#, as written by glmstr
"...But killing her isn't the way to go." There were two men with cards here, but, the one that wasn't Malcolm Swain had just offended them.
"How did you get the idea that we were going to KILL her?" As soon as Aurelie finished speaking, she had her sword drawn, and was lunging at the man.
"Attendez!" Dianne leapt infront of the man, and parried Aurelie away from hitting anyone.
"Restez pour maintenant. Senseless fighting isn't what we need right now." Dianne barked, putting her weapon away.

"We are not here to kill anyone." Dianne said, directing it to Bane and Aurelie. "Everyone needs to find a way to decide this, besides just some savage bloodbath. This is the destroyer for god's sake!"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix
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"Dianne, you're scaring the poor child. But no more than this man." His voice was again calm. He took a slightly aggressive stance and approached Fate in an attempt to pull his focus from the girl. "I do not know if she is what you are calling the 'destroyer.' But even if she is, nothing says she's meant to destroy the world, just that it's possible." He kept his physical focus on Fate but turned his head to Rin.

"If you did cause the explosion, you must be frightened. You have a power many will want to use or abuse or even destroy. You can't trust anything any of us say, even me, right now. So all I will tell you is this. Find someplace safe. You can't make any decisions when we're all calling on you like this. The only real advice I can give, until, if, we're able to talk again, is run. Keep running until no one can find you."

His eyes began to change color as he stared at her, occasionally his eyes darting back and forth to the others looking for movement."And you better run fast, girly. Because nowadays, there'll always be someone chasing you."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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#, as written by Kaire23
"But have you truly not heard tell of the Destroyer of Kuusou? Any children's book about it could tell you: You're here to kill us all..." The man said as her eyes widened. She couldn't believe it. But... she was the one who destroyed half of her own town. She tried to deny it, but her voice wouldn't allow it. She was terrified. What would she be able to do if she trained that power?

"Or so they say. I'm sure you can tell that there's one very obvious method to making sure you don't do that. To kill you, don't cha think?" The man said as her gaze hardened.

"But you see, I'm sure there's a way we can prevent such a tragedy from happening without losing one hand. Surely your power isn't uncontrollable. Or they'd claim to. 'Harness your talent' could easily just be a rewording of any number of things. But ultimately, it'd just mean you were a prisoner without even knowing it. And would your abilities really be put to good use? You could end up harming innocent people under the guise of saving others, when you'd be establishing a position of power above others. You'd be playing right into their hands." the man said as he shot a glare at the man who stopped them all earlier.

"I don't see a profitable outcome for you, miss. Not with the Shikaku, and not with the Chikyuu No Mirai. Your life would either be a burden, or uselessly spent." he stated as his eyes slowly made her grow slightly calmer and her golden essence whipped out again and stayed around her.

"You can either fold, or..." he smirked. "You can make a contract with me and decide your own destiny...and I never bluff about such things. he said as he held out his hand. The smirk on his face put her off though.

"I don't trust you in the slightest. So no, I don't believe I will." She stated bluntly as a laugh escaped a woman's mouth and she quickly covered her mouth to stop.

"Apparently I'm not the only woman to turn you down." The lady said with a smirk before Rin's attention was brought to the two people looked the same. The woman lunged at the man who Fate gestured to earlier. The other "Twin" stopped her and tried to calm them all down.

"We are not here to kill anyone. Everyone needs to find a way to decide this, besides just some savage bloodbath. This is the destroyer for god's sake!" She yelled as Rin flinched. She didn't like that name at all.

"Dianne, you're scaring the poor child. But no more than this man." he said as he approached the man from earlier.

"I do not know if she is what you are calling the 'destroyer.' But even if she is, nothing says she's meant to destroy the world, just that it's possible." he said again as her head started to spin. There were too many sides to choose from! Who could she trust!? Suddenly the man looked at her.

"If you did cause the explosion, you must be frightened. You have a power many will want to use or abuse or even destroy. You can't trust anything any of us say, even me, right now. So all I will tell you is this. Find someplace safe. You can't make any decisions when we're all calling on you like this. The only real advice I can give, until, if, we're able to talk again, is run. Keep running until no one can find you."

Rin stared blankly as she thought over her options, not giving any emotion to show anyone what she thought. Suddenly, her mind was made. Her essence quickly formed a wall between her and the others and she quickly took off, taking the mans advice. She couldn't trust anyone there.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Stein Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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#, as written by Guest
Bane Skamour

Suddenly, everyone was talking. They all were trying to get Rin on their side. The way Bane Skamour saw it, all of them wanted to use her to their benefit. The Shikaku wanted to kill her, the Chikyuu no Mirai wanted to control her to their bidding, and God knows why Dandy Man wanted her . He had to talk to her alone. He wanted to know what she wanted. He only wanted the best for her (and for everyone else to beat it.)

He whistled, shrilly. It pierced the air all around them, cutting through the noise like a hot knife through butter. He had noticed that the glint in her eyes had receded momentarily, so if there was a time to talk to her, it was now.

"STOP! ALL OF YOU!" his voice boomed over everyone elses, most likely making them stop and listen. He then turned to Rin, but she was gone. Damn all of you...

"Okay, you all need to stop and let her think for a while. She will come back when she's made her decision on what to do. We can only let her. In the meantime, I suggest you all leave me in peace because I'm not a people person anymore and I only help the closest of friends. So be gone before I decide to change my lawn's color to blood red..." his empty threat was meant to be a mood changer and his tone showed it: he really didn't want to slaughter any of these people, no matter how bad their personalities were. He just wanted to b left alone and at peace.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Matthew Rux Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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#, as written by LaXnyd
Matthew was already gone.

For the first time, he felt excited. This girl was powerful. She would surely attract a lot of those Blasted Shikaku members. When he realized that it was Fate who was talking to that girl, he got a little concerned - they knew each other, Fate and he; they were on a... "truce of mutual interest". However, when he got the girl to run instead of handing her over the Shikaku, he sighed in relief and set out after her, continuing to follow her.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Matthew Rux Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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Fate wore a dissatisfied frown on him in the face of the rejection that the woman threw at him. Not because he wasn't expecting it, not because it put a dent in his pride, not because it would make his overall goal harder to achieve, but because it's what the others wanted to see. It was a show and nothing more. Nothing about this outcome had been surprising to Fate. In fact, he predicted her reaction rather well. Everything was going according to his plan, and nobody but himself new that.

As she prevented people from following her with a wall (Or so she thought. If he had wanted to, walls couldn't really do much against someone with the ability to teleport), he let out a "tch" as if annoyed by her retreat - as if it wasn't something he wanted in the first place. He then moved his glowing blue eyes up to Alize, as he pretended to recover his cool that he hadn't lost in the first place. "Simply means I get more time with you, Alize. After all, you're one of a kind." he chuckled. She probably knew that that meant he was going to do his best to get back at her. And he would, not out of anger, but out of boredom. While he wasn't manipulating events, it was always fun to do what he could to screw with her. Childish? Maybe. Fun? Sure. Necessary? Absolutely.

Soon, the man cowering in the tree had spoken. A threat again, but this time, his bluff was obvious. Intentionally, maybe. Either way, it wouldn't matter to Malcolm, who now needed to make an appointment with someone else. Rin could wait, since his role in this was going to be on a temporary hold for now. He had alliances to forge and scenes to be behind. So many things to do, so little time and no room for errors. If things were to go his way, he couldn't allow any mistakes on his half or anybody else's. That's why he needed to predict events before they happened, as well as people too. Shikaku members wouldn't be hard: he had time to gauge what they would do in a given situation. Especially Dianne. Assuming things was foolish, but necessary in the case of the Chikyuu No Mirai. Playing cards was something Fate was a master at; people wouldn't be much harder. Speaking of.... he wasn't in the tree anymore - his target. He had moved on, presumably to follow Rin. Now was the time to confront him.

"I guess it's time for me to leave then. In fact, I'm already gone." with a smirk, the cards circling around him lowered their orbit to his feet and began spinning more rapidly, until Fate disappeared inside of them. He was no longer near the gathered crowd, but instead a lot closer to Rin. Not that she was his target at the moment. He set his sights for someone else, and when that man leaped to another tree, in pursuit of Rin, he tossed a charged card right at the man. Well, his shoulder, to be precise.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LaXnyd
Matthew felt a charged projectile enter his right shoulder as he hopped from branch to branch. Feeling the card make a small explosion, Matthew winced - it had exploded right in the middle of a jump.

Quickly gathering his bearings, Matthew grabbed a smaller branch before swinging himself up and perching himself once more, this time turning to the man who had thrown that card even as his shoulder regenerated from Rheingold. There was only one person that could be.

"...would you please stop that?" he asked in a more annoyed instead of hostile tone. "If you wanted my attention, Fate, you could decide to just, you know, tap me on the shoulder instead of doing something that would send a normal person to the hospital?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
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0.00 INK

Fate laughed at his annoyed response. Nothing more fun than calling someone's attention by hitting them with a card. At least, not to Fate. Well... Alize was always a barrel of fun, so maybe he wouldn't be entirely truthful if he said that. "What's wrong? Feelin' blue?" he asked, but didn't wait for an answer. He wanted to get right down to business. "Anyway, I got a proposition for ya, if you're interested. But why don'tcha come down hear so I don't have ta yell at ya? Wouldn't want to reveal the hand I'm playing to someone else before it's dealt." Fate made it clear that he wasn't going to say much more until he did so.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LaXnyd
Matthew sighed and jumped off the branch, landing in front of Fate. "...I have a feeling I know what you're about to say." he sighed. "It concerns the girl, doesn't it?"

There really was no other explanation on why Fate would try to talk to him now of all times. That man did promise that he wouldn't get in the way of Matthew, even if he was in the middle of attacking Shikaku members, so long as he left the leader alone. While the leader was the one he wanted to give a good punch to the most, he decided it was an ok deal if it meant getting this annoyance off of his trail; at least temporarily.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Stein Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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0.00 INK

After everything transpired, there were the five of them left, well also the shadow clone. "We'll be out of your lawn soon, I assure you I have no... Do I..." He held his head in pain again. "What can't I remember." He took an attempt to quickly recompose himself. "Now, I'm not going to beat around it here, I think we're all pretty deep into something here. We've known each other a while, been enemies for most if not all of that."

"It's been lovely seeing you all again, don't get me wrong."

"BUT!" He spoke angrily at himself, more specifically Bries. "I believe we've all had an... exciting day. I don't know about the three of you, but I have a long walk back home. So, if there's nothing else, I'll be on my way. Come along, Stein. I could use some pleasant company, he'll be in a foul mood after this." He put the hood of his robe back up and turned to walk away from the group, pausing long enough for anyone that wanted to grab him before he left to do so.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Bane Skamour

One by one, they all began to disperse. Dandy Man had gone off in the direction of Rin, but most likely not to find her at all. The Chikyuu no Mirai leader left as well. He assumed that the others would be leaving soon after, so he climbed into his secret hideout (which wasn't really a secret anymore) and continued to do what he set out to do: make breakfast. However, at this point, there was really no need to go into town to eavesdrop on conversations for intel. He'd already gotten more than he could handle.

He'd left the hatch Rin was supposed to climb into before he was rudely interrupted by Dandy Man open...just in case she came back. He began to cook eggs and bacon. It looks like he'd have a rest day today. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. The auroma of the two breakfast foods began to fill the woods altogether. For some reason, he'd made four eggs and double the bacon he usually cooked. Maybe he was feeling extra appetizing, but some would say as if he was expecting someone else to arrive and have breakfast with him. He sat down in his chair and began to eat silently. He'd left another plate of eggs and bacon on the table. He had a feeling...Rin would come to him first. She would be curious as to how he knew her name...he just knew it. Not to mention the fact that he was the one who was trying to help her stay unnoticed when Dandy Man decided to be the one to spot them out. If not...oh well. He'd been wrong before. He assumed only time would tell. The door was wide open for Rin. All she had to do was step through it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by glmstr
"Alize, we probably need to head off too." Dianne turned and started walking back the way they came, and Aurelie and Alize soon followed.
"I doubt going after that girl right now is a good idea, as we'll probably still run into everyone again." Aurelie remarked, before shivering a little. "It's pretty damn cold out here too," she added.
Dianne produced a coat, wrapped her arm around Aurelie's side, and threw the coat around both of their backs. They pulled each other close, making the coat even warmer.
"That would be why I brought a coat, darling." Dianne giggled, causing Aurelie to blush.

"Anyways," Dianne continued, "We'll need to figure out what to do back at home. Something more than just a wild goose chase."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
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0.00 INK

"You're brighter than you look, kid." Fate had said, acknowledging the fact that his proposition involved the young woman Matthew was just chasing. "Which is why I can see us being partners in crime, so to say." Malcolm then elaborated. "As I'm sure you know by now, after my splendid performance, what that young woman is is the possible destroyer anything and everything. Or, as the Shikaku might label her: A 'liability'. You can understand what that means, I'm sure you can. So, how about you help me with something selfish, and I'll do the same?"

It was simple, really. Fate hadn't tried to butter his words up, so it would be obvious he reworded, "Hey, can I use you?" to even Matthew himself. But Malcolm wasn't worried about him getting upset or declining because of an obviously hidden ulterior motive for this partnership. In fact, it'd make things simpler if Matthew understood that. Fate was a selfish man and that wasn't something he bluffed about. It wasn't something people wouldn't know. You could tell just by how he acted and did things. That was part of who he was. So, why try to hide that when discussing a partnership? They each had something to gain out of it, and that's all that really mattered.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Stein Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Juliet, not knowing quite what to do, basically just stood there next to her leader politely. She idly listened to the conversation, slightly concerned about where it was headed. Juliet found her self at one point staring at the young girl that everyone was calling "the destroyer". She had read stories about this destroyer person any times, if the young woman was the destroyer, well, Juliet still wouldn't really mind. She'd probably try to make friends with her the next time they met. If they ever do again.

Come along, Stein. I could use some pleasant company, he'll be in a foul mood after this." He put the hood of his robe back up and turned to walk away from the group, pausing long enough for anyone that wanted to grab him before he left to do so.

Juliet nodded and walked closely beside him as they departed. Pausing with him when he didnt seem like anyone was going to stop him so she took some steps forward heading back to either the base or the place they were previously at.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LaXnyd
" much as I hate to admit it, I'm used to this kind of partnership between us." Matthew sighed. After all, a partnership was, at it's core, when two parties decided to work together to head towards their own selfish goals, and the goals just happened to be on the same route. That was how he and Fate worked.

"And? What do you want me to do?" he asked. "...keep her safe? I can't think of any other reasons why you would ask me..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
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0.00 INK

"Heh, that's part of it." Fate smirked, then continued. "But keeping her safe isn't specific enough. More importantly, do you know how to make a friend?" he asked. Fate needed Matthew to be close to her, not only for scouting purposes, but for another reason as well. Of course, that was not anything Matthew had to know at this time.

"I'm sure protecting her from your favorite band of punks will come natural anyways."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate" Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dianne "Hell's Rapier" Lacroix Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: I'm so sorry for being gone so long! D: I'm going to try to make more posts this week. Once this week is over, I'm on summer break so I should be on here a lot more often :) ))

Rin kept running until she finally was too tired to continue. What was she going to do? She had no reason to trust anyone anymore and there was a high possibility of people following her. She leaned on the tree by her to catch her breath.

Images slowly started to make their way back to Rin. With a shake of the head, she refused to remember. It wasn't the right time to mourn a loss. She'd have to do that later. For now, she had to continue running. Pushing herself back up, she went back to running.

"Simply means I get more time with you, Alize. After all, you're one of a kind." Fate said as Alizé grimaced.

"I'd rather die than spend that time with you." She muttered before he was off chasing the Destroyer.

"Alize, we probably need to head off too." her Mistress said as she nodded in response and quickly followed them, quietly listening to their conversation without interrupting.

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Kuusou by Kaire23


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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Character Portrait: Juliet Stein
Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc
Character Portrait: Hallbjörn Freyr
Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate"
Character Portrait: Enya Ryder


Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Enya Ryder

"What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate"
Malcolm Swain "Fate"

"I'd say 'Good luck', but she's on my side."

Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
Matthew Rux

"The Shikaku want you dead, so I want you alive."

Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc
Vercingetorix Máedóc

"Get... Get out of... AARGH!"

Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
Bane Skamour

"The shadows are not evil, it's only concealng."

Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Alizé Ryder

"How the hell could I ever trust you...?"

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Cantus Amator

"Go away, you're scaring the rocks away."

Character Portrait: Juliet Stein
Juliet Stein

"You see these fangs right here? They'll go through your neck if you say one more bad thing about my leader."

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with enormous powers.


Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Enya Ryder

"What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate"
Malcolm Swain "Fate"

"I'd say 'Good luck', but she's on my side."

Character Portrait: Juliet Stein
Juliet Stein

"You see these fangs right here? They'll go through your neck if you say one more bad thing about my leader."

Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Alizé Ryder

"How the hell could I ever trust you...?"

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Cantus Amator

"Go away, you're scaring the rocks away."

Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
Matthew Rux

"The Shikaku want you dead, so I want you alive."

Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
Bane Skamour

"The shadows are not evil, it's only concealng."

Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc
Vercingetorix Máedóc

"Get... Get out of... AARGH!"

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with enormous powers.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Juliet Stein
Juliet Stein

"You see these fangs right here? They'll go through your neck if you say one more bad thing about my leader."

Character Portrait: Vercingetorix Máedóc
Vercingetorix Máedóc

"Get... Get out of... AARGH!"

Character Portrait: Malcolm Swain "Fate"
Malcolm Swain "Fate"

"I'd say 'Good luck', but she's on my side."

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Cantus Amator

"Go away, you're scaring the rocks away."

Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Alizé Ryder

"How the hell could I ever trust you...?"

Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Enya Ryder

"What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

Character Portrait: Matthew Rux
Matthew Rux

"The Shikaku want you dead, so I want you alive."

Character Portrait: Bane Skamour
Bane Skamour

"The shadows are not evil, it's only concealng."

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with enormous powers.

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