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Len Takahashi

The 2nd in command of Chikyuu no Mirai. Was in the middle of a mission when he sensed The Destroyer.

0 · 2,487 views · located in Kuusou

a character in “Chasing Rin Hayashi”, as played by Rari


Quote: "please, no kissing, hugging, or anything that would be romantic for 100 ft in all directions of me. lets be civilized here."- Len Takahashi.
Name: Len Takahashi
Gender: male
Age: 20
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 156 pounds
Race: Vampire
Sexual orientation: straight
Likes: the dark, night time, the moon, blood, cute girls.
Dislikes: mushy romance, the sun, the shikaku, rude people.
Magic: shadow tail:can control shadows ,usually in the shape of a tail when hes not using it to sheild himself from the sunlight. renewal: a spell that he must use nightly to keep the shadows from fading.The nightly spell casting causes him energy loss. shadow healing: due to his dark race, while healling the injury being healed is passed onto him. fire balls: he can send fire balls flying at his opponents.
Group: 2nd in command of Chikyuu no Mirai
Weaknesses: sunlight.
Equipment: throwing knives and a sword.
personal description: black hair, bright blue eyes, and somewhat pale skin, due to the fact that he is in fact a vampire, his ears are slightly pointed (not as long as an elfs) and he has a reletively muscular build. He usually wears a white button up shirt and black pants
Personality: Grumpy and missunderstood,calm, and easily disgusted by any type of romance. Len tends to push people away when they get to close to him to avoid emotional pain. He never shares his feelings and pretends he doesnt have any. If you manage to crack his extremely hard shell hes actually a nice caring guy who enjoys being around people. Not usually easy to piss off or anger, unless of course you follow him to his favorite cave.
History: Grew up as a nobel. His family often fought over beliefs until his mom and dad split up. ever since they split up, he has never liked the idea of romance. When he was 18 his mother died at the hands of the leader of shikaku. enraged, he joined the Chikyuu no Mirai to take him down and went up the ranks rapidly.

So begins...

Len Takahashi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin slightly opened her eyes as she felt the start of a migraine behind her eyes.
"What the hell happened...." She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes slightly. She slowly noticed where she was. She was laying on the floor of the forest. She slowly sat up and took in her surroundings. She was in the forest on the edge of her town.
Immediately, she felt a horrible pain as she started to recall her memories.
"D-..... did I kill anyone?... Oh God.... I didn't ask for this...." She mumbled as she rested her head on her knees. She wished it was summer but she knew that would be impossible. She shivered slightly as she looked up at the bare branches. Suddenly, she heard a crack from not that far away as she saw someones eyes through the forest.
"Who's there!?" She yelled and she grabbed the hilt of one of her swords. She was afraid of it being a vampire but she couldn't be sure until she saw what exactly was looking at her. She slowly stood up as her eyes didn't leave the eyes of this other person.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Rari
Len immidiately became flustered as he realized he had been staring.
"Terribly sorry miss, staring wasn't my intention." he blurted out.

"Who's there!?" She yelled and asked at the same time.

"I'm Len Takahashi. Its a pleasure to meet you." He said walking toward her calmly.
" I'm second in command or the Chikyuu no Mirai, i was sent here to look after you because you're..........." He then took a small pause, looking off to the side.
"The destroyer of the world..." He wispered and then quickly cleared his throat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin's eyes narrowed as she saw the vampire's pale skin.
"Oh yah? and why should I believe YOU, vampire." She said as her grip on her sword tightened.
"And why would the Chikyuu no Mirai have a vampire as it's second in command.... Sounds like bull shit to me." She stated rashly. She was never too kind to vampires. Especially when one sucked her sister dry. Angry, she quickly drew her sword and pointed it at Len.
"And you feel I'd believe you about the destroyer!?" She said as she tried to add a fake laugh.
"Why would I believe you, Vampire? That's just a fairy tale to scare children into not over using their magic. Also, I don't even have magic. Never had it in my life." She lied at the end as she bit her lip. That extreme power that seemed to surround her earlier was something she'd rather not remember. She also didn't want to think of any "Destroyer" stories right now. Suddenly, she felt a pain in her right arm where she knew the new golden marking was. She knew it was covered by her sleeve but she was slightly afraid that this person could actually sense magic. Who knew. There were a lot of weird powers out there and you can never really learn them all.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Rari
Len then pulled out his I.D that clearly stated his name and rank and then waited for her to look at it.
"Still dont believe me?" He said, A barely noticible smirk quickly appeared then faded as quickly as it showed up.
" what im telling you is true, and you know it. I can also sense that you have magic so theres no use denying it any longer." he stated while putting the I.D back into his pocket.
"Now, I'd appreciate it if you would be so kind as to put that sword down" He said, gently moving the sword away from him. He then noticed a look of pain on her face and his eyes dropped tp her right right arm.
"How much pain does that marking on your arm actually cause you?" He then questioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Kaire23
She slightly lowered her sword as the vampire pulled out his ID. It clearly stated that he was part of the Chikyuu no Mirai.... sadly.
"....It could be.... A fake ID?" she said, hoping to find some tiny bit of evidence for not being able to trust the vampire. She also was trying to find a reason to believe he was lieing. She just couldn't be the Destroyer.

"How much pain does that marking on your arm actually cause you?" He then questioned.

"... Not like I'd tell YOU that Vampire. And by the way, It barely hurts..." She lied through her teeth as she looked at him. She didn't want any reason for him to think she was weak. And the truth was, it hurt like hell.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Rari
slightly caught of guard by her accusations, he paused for a second.
"I have no reason to lie to you, if i were i would have made up some insane story about needing your help to spread rainbows and happiness through out the world or something." He stated, being completely serious. Due to the fact that he almost never lies, the lies that he does come up with are often failures and are immidiately discarded and never spoken.
"And you dont need to lie to me. I can tell that mark is obviously causing you pain..." He said putting his hands in his pockets and looking her directly in the eye, wondering why she distrusted him so very much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
She looked him over slightly as he told her all of this. The happiness and rainbows almost made her laugh.... Almost, but she was able to make sure that she didn't even smile.
"....And why SHOULD I trust you? Eh? your a blood sucking vampire. A monster. Sorry, but I've never been able to trust your kind. Your all bad in my eyes." She stated as she looked away. She absolutely hated his kind and she was finding it harder to concentrate as the pain continued.
"And sure, it's painful. Happy now?" She said somewhat angrily. She was never good at being nice when she was in pain. She also wasn't that good around people either but that didn't really matter in the end.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

"Len... Len... Where the hell did he go?" Raze questioned the air as he struggled his way through the trees. "Herp, I've got to find the destroyer of the world before the Shikaku do." he quoted Len's last words to him in a wierd voice that wasn't actually Len's. He pushed some more branches and leaves out of his face to reveal....more trees. He wasn't the best at waded through a jungle, especially alone.

After a few more minutes of trees and more trees, he started hearing faint voices.

"....And why SHOULD I trust you? Eh? your a blood sucking vampire. A monster. Sorry, but I've never been able to trust your kind. Your all bad in my eyes."

That wasn't the best thing for Raze to stumble upon. He deduced that since she just mentioned a vampire, she was talking to Len. However, she was in fact, a she, which wasn't Raze's favorite thing to speak to because of his shy nature towards women. The situation was bad as is, and she obviously had no good feelings towards a vampire, but luckily, Raze didn't look like one. He appeared like a human, and that was good.

He pushed through a few trees seperating them from him and ended up right behind Len. "Hey Len, how's it goin? Find our destroyer?" he asked casually, trying to avoid eye contact with the girl he was speaking to.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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#, as written by Rari
Len turned around.
"Of course I did. when dont i find what im looking for?"
He then turned back to rin and said.
" Despite what you might believe, not all vampires are blood thirsty monters who are out to steal your soul. some of us are actually quite nice and dont really enjoy sucking humans dry..." He shifted his weight obviously not too enthusiastic about the current conversation. He then turned to Raze.
" you talk to her, she refuses to listen to a word i say and keeps accusing me of lying to her. Unless of course you find yourself unable to speak to a her."

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin's eyes followed the new guy who entered. She didn't really like the fact of being out numbered but what could you do now?
"So.... You've both been looking at me?...." She questioned slightly as her eyes darted back and forth from the two guys. One who stayed anonymous and one who she didn't really care to use his name.
"Sorry, but I still highly doubt that and don't think you can prove me wrong." She said angrily at the vampire, angry about basically everything in the world. Nothing ever seemed to be easy for her nor did anything ever go her way. It always seemed as if she'd have to be paired up with something she hates.... Or someone if you could call him that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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"Unless of course you find yourself unable to speak to a her."

"No! Why would I be?" he wasn't sure he was going to be able to pull it off. He turned towards the girl, who was apparently the Destroyer of Worlds, much to his surprise.

"Err...Hello." he said uneasy. "I'm R-Raze and third in command of the Chikyuu No Mirai. W-we're supposed to protect you." he turned his head away from her after he spoke. "So good, so far...." he mumbled to himself.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
She raised her eyebrow slightly as she looked at Raze.
"I'm Rin..." she said slightly unconvinced.
"What exactly are you trying to protect me from? Vampires?" She said while giving an evil eye to The Vampire. She didn't quite understand. Was someone out to get her or something. Immediately, she felt a bit uneasy about her rudeness to The Vampire. He was just trying to do his job.... Assuming he didn't suck everyone dry where ever he went..

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

"I'm Rin..." she said slightly unconvinced.

"Oh, sorry! I'm...I'm Raze...." introduced himself in a small panic, keeping his eyes from hers.

"What exactly are you trying to protect me from? Vampires?"

"No, no! W-why would we protect you from vampires?.... We're here to make sure the Shikaku don't kill you......" he informed her. It was bad enough trying to concentrate while she was angered just because Len happened to be a vampire. Raze was too, but he was hoping she would just assume he was a human and not ask him. He wasn't about to lie to someone, but odds are that she would've been angered at him as well. "" he thought the what he was about to say over again and then looked at her. "Please let us protect you, miss." he said in a serious tone which he quickly dropped after he finished.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"ok, thats it, im going to stay with you as long as it takes to prove you wrong, i dont care if it takes years, consider yourself stuck with me until you admit that not all vampires are evil blood sucking monsters from hell" He said angrily as he quickly glared at her for a second.
"The shikaku are basically assassins who deal with things by killing them, and it just so happens that right're their main target" He steped back into the shadows avoiding a small ray of sunlight.
"Thats why we're here, to protect you from being murdered by the shikaku, you see the members of the Chikyuu no Mirai believe that instead of destroying the world, that you can learn to control your powere and use them to actually benefit the world rather than destroying it entirely."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Her eyes darted from Raze to The Vampire. She never knew someone actually wanted to kill her. She suddenly got slightly scared but quickly decided to bury it. This wasn't a time to be scared.

"ok, thats it, im going to stay with you as long as it takes to prove you wrong, i dont care if it takes years, consider yourself stuck with me until you admit that not all vampires are evil blood sucking monsters from hell" He said angrily as he quickly glared at her for a second.

She looked at the vampire as the horrifying thought of that crossed her mind.
"Woah, woah, woah! I don't want to be stuck with a vampire throughout my whole life!" She said quickly as she hoped to quickly change his mind.

"Please let us protect you, miss." Raze said in a serious tone which he quickly dropped after he finished.

She slightly looked at Raze for a second and then looked away.
"...Sure.... I'd be honored.... Better than dieing I'd assume..." She said, unsure about how she should feel about this all. She still felt numb from being told she was the Destroyer.... She wasn't ready for this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
" then admit that not all vampires are evil, and you wont be forced to spend the rest of your life with me accompaning you in everything you do." He shrugged.
"your choice dear." He stated, suddenly finding himself having a minor headache. He leaned on a nicely shaded tree, and sighed alittle.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

She agreed to let them protect her, which made Raze feel better about even engaging in convesation.

"Woah, woah, woah! I don't want to be stuck with a vampire throughout my whole life!" She said quickly as she hoped to quickly change his mind.

That response to Len's comment told Raze that she wasn't ever going to think differently of vampires. It was such a single minded thing to say. He wasn't sure what caused her hate for vampires, but nothing should explain her hate for his entire race. Even if vampires did something to her, not all are the same and to think that way would be foolish and a form of racism, which Raze disliked.

"You know, they aren't all the same...." he chimed in softly.

Raze noticed the sunlight beginning to sneak through the tops of the trees and some of the light hit him. It did nothing to him, which he was thankful of his human half for, but he could tell Len might've began to get a headache.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin's eyes narrowed. She was always told that she was as stubborn as a mule but everyone knew that was a lie. She was WAAAY more stubborn than that.
"Again, I highly doubt that Raze... And I'd rather not lie about how I feel about Vampires. It's better to just make it as clear as possible for now." She finished as she looked at both of them and noticed Len taking shelter under a tree. Of course, the sun was out. She always made it her job to bring a mini mirror in case if a vampire ever got too close but she knew that it would be way more rude than she was intending to be.
"Whatever.... Where exactly are we going?..." She asked slightly as she looked from one to the other.

The setting changes from Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest) to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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"Again, I highly doubt that Raze... And I'd rather not lie about how I feel about Vampires. It's better to just make it as clear as possible for now."

That struck a nerve on Raze. "So I take it all elves are the same? They all frolic in the flowers and cut their food with their ears?!" he spat, but quickly retreated as he remembered who he was talking to. He wasn't normally prone to outburst, but racism, especially against his own kind(s) was something he couldn't tolerate too much.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Outskirts of Utoko (The Forest)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
" The base of course, where else would we go?" He said looking over at her.
"You'll be much safer there than with just the two of us" He stated. He dreaded knowing that they had to get moving soon and that he would have to move away from his shadey tree and back into the dreadfull sunlight. Getting headaches was one of his least favorite things because he seemed to get them much easier than other vampires. He then took a step away from his new favorite tree of the day and moved around a ray of light that had shown through the bare branches.
" we better get going now" he sighed, not wanting to leave the comfort of the shade. But he knew her safety was much more improtant than avoiding a stupid headache.