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Jack Parston

Please...Don't fight...

0 · 242 views · located in Earth

a character in “Children Of The Night”, as played by NecromancerJoe



Name: Jack Parston
Gender: male
Sexuality: undecided.

Clan: Water
Power:Jack is one to avoid combat and has gained a strange ability when near a sizable body of water, he can at time summon a sphere of rapid water to shield him as well as whips of water. He is still young and testing himself.

Love interest: None
Personality:Jack is a soft heart with a constant sense in fear and tensions of dark intent.
Likes: To be safe.
Dislikes: To be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Weapons:A pocket knife.Yeah.....wut?

Jack is by standards a scared little kid who wants nothing more then to hide or flee from conflict. His small frame is almost femnine and girly. His hair a length full head of dark brown, his eyes a soft pale purple. His entire being shows delicate and gentle form.
His clothing ranged from school cloths and baggy casual. His voice becomes soft like a whisper when frightened, but speaks calmly when everything settles.
Many have mistaken him for a girl due to his all round slender features and form.


Jack's personality speaks loudly through his looks and actions, young and curious. Yet when confronted with danger he shrivels up like a scared leaf. He runs and flee's from many and rarely speaks out. His hands contantly held together or hugging himself out of sight from most people. His new senses as a vampire are just awakening, bringing out the more carnal needs of what he became. His thirst is ravenous yet he fights it tooth and nail to halt himself from feeding.
All found a gentle and sweet creature who values kindness and compassion.


Jack's tools are nothing but what was left in his pockets before running away from home.
A switchblade for protection, an ipod, some ciggerettes he stole from his dad. And his Sisters cellphone.


Jack Parston

Son of a happy couple in the small suburban part of town. A lovely little home, he and his loving big sister Emily along with their parents lived a comfortable and happy life. Not a day went by that Jack didn’t have a smile on his face, had fun and all round enjoyed his life as a kid.

His sister, who was ten years older then him, had a boyfriend and they had planned on moving out. The boyfriend always seemed odd or weird around Jake. He would always stare at Jake with such an intense look in his eyes. It made the boys legs weak, his lips quiver as he would scamper away in fear.

Not even his Sister nor parents did not see this the same as Jack has. It lead up to one night, a week before his sister and her boyfriend would move out. Jack was laying alone in bed with the lights off. The storm that had plagued the neighborhood was getting worse. Heavy rain hitting across his bedroom window. It almost drowned out the sound of the footstep that sounded across the wooden floor of his room.

His eyes slowly opened, half asleep and half awake. It was merely a moment before he felt a heavy weight push him down and pressed against his body. Jack's eyes opened wide to see his sisters boyfriend laying a top of him. His big strong hands pinning the boys arms back against the post.

Jack couldn’t speak, he couldn’t move. Fear had stricken him silent as he stared up at the guy's face. His mouth was covered in a thick gloss of red smear. Blood, it had a heavy rusty smell. Jack start to chake and tears ran down his cheek when the guy smiled to reveal his fangs, long sharp pearly whites stained in a heavy gloss of blood.

Those horrible fangs slowly began to move closer. The man restraining Jack latched onto the boys throat with his cold whetted lips. Sucking the skin with such violent force it felt as though being torn off.

Jack kicked and skwirmed for a moment or two till the sudden stabbing pain froze his moments. The sharp elongated fangs punctured the fresh flesh of Jacks neck so fast, a yelp that bellowed from his lungs could not escape fast enough. The heated rush to his head. The blood loss was rapid, he could not feel most of his limbs.

His body was growing cold,froze in that weak pose as his head fell back, his eyes closing to the sight of that man, drinking his blood.

Time that had passed after that was unknown, waking up in the evening, your throat stained with blood. Jack found himself shooting out of bed panting and crying. He shook violently with hysteria and fear. It took him a few moments to feel his throat, a numbing pain radiated when his fingers ran over the two punturing marks on his neck.

Fear crept into him once more. What had happened last night was real. His sisters boyfriend was a vampire, and he fed on Jack last night. But would he become one as well? He was unsure, and the rise of fear turned to adrenaline as he rushed to his sisters room, finding her asleep and alone. Where did he go? Did he leave?

Jack searched the house high and low. His parents were fine, his sister was fine. Everyone was completely unharmed except for him. It was all to grand on the scale of confusion for him. He was weak, the room shook slightly as he shambled his way to the bathroom.

His head was pounding, his chest started to burn as it was getting harder to breath. His head turned to look at his complexion. His skin was ghostly pale, his eyes had an eerie glow to them. His own reflection frightened him. Reaching out almost to touch it, but pulled away when he hear movement down the hall.

His sister was awake, but something inside of him was pushing him towards her room. Everything was growing hazy, shaky and blurry. Soon enough, all he could remember was the screaming. The horrible screams.

Blacking out to only come to with his sister in his arms. His mouth around her throat,sucking violently on the open wound that spurted the lush hot red nectar. She was already dead, even when he realized and stopped. Pulling his quivering lips away from her neck. His sobs and groans came out choking.

He looked about, panicked and scared. Wanting to yell for help, but only fear stricken him. He couldn’t cry now, not now at least. Gathering what he could around him and running to his room. He grabbed what he needed and ran from home that morning.

Lips streaked with blood, lost and frightened little vampire boy.

So begins...

Jack Parston's Story