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Circle of Fae

Circle of Fae


A human moves into a new town populated mainly by Fae, when she falls in love with the leaders daughter she gets more than she bargains for one fateful night.

1,762 readers have visited Circle of Fae since TheSpaceInBetween created it.


1x1 between Thespaceinbetween and Maliceinwonderland

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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Emma had been in a daze throughout the drive as she made her way to her new home, she had got it for a very reasonable price from the agent. In fact it was so reasonable she had questioned the agent to werher there was a dead body under the floorboards which she recived with a hearty laugh from the agent.

At least she was here now, she stepped out of her car and took a deep breath and smiled. " Good pick Em. Unpack and get a job" she rubbed her hands together and set to work.

Since she didn't own many items it didn't take her long to unpack, the house was all furnished and painted so nothing had to be done. Emma stepped out of the house and set off for a walk, she found the small stores so interesting. A quaint little coffee shop, a general store and a bookstore which held her attention especially when she saw a "help wanted" sign in the window.

Pushing the door Emma breath in the smell of old paper, she loved the smell of books it was so relaxing. She browsed the Isles her fingers tracing over the ridges of the books. She emerged at the counter " Hello? Anyone there?" She called out her fingers tapping the counter her eyes drew to a symbol on a book.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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ImageChanter sat in the back room, fumbling with a charm bracelet she found outside. It was a nasty habit of hers. She was Fae so it was in her nature. SHe fussed and fumbled trying to fit the thing on to her arm. "Arrg." She groaned, until it finally slipped on. She smiled brightly. " Yay! " She cheered and admired the shimmering thing on her wrist. She loved anything that shined. It made her smile to do so.
"Hello? Anyone there?" called out a woman's voice from the front room.

"Oops!" She winched and darted to the front.

"Welcome to the Saturn Books and Baubles." She said but was stopped in her tracks by a lovely woman stood at the counter, her fingers drumming against the wood as she admired the books on the desk. She smiled at her. Humans were fascinating, and this one was simply beautiful. It was a shame, Mother never let her interact with them for a long period of time, humans never stayed here. They came and went,but never stayed, this one, something told Chanter that she was staying around for a while. Or maybe that was wishful thinking on Chanter's part.

"I'm Charlotte Saturn, How can I help you?"

She asked, doing her to appear human, they were in their world, so they had to hid, among them, they were even given human names to blend in. So was Chanter to the Fae, but Charlotte to the humans, She liked her true name, but humans could never have a Fae's true name, they'd be under their control and with Fae gifts, humans would reek havoc. That's what Mother says.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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Emma was intrigued at the books on the desk and only looked up when a soft voice spoke. "Welcome to the Saturn Books and Baubles" her eyebrows raised Baubles? weren't they those things that hung on Christmas trees for decoration. Emma actually turned her head in an attempt to see what the girl was on about.

"I'm Charlotte Saturn, How can I help you?"

Emma turned her head again from looking around to the girl at the counter, her mouth dropped a little at the stunning girl in front of her. She cleared her throat and spoke " Hi...erm I'm Emma Castro. I'm new in town...I've literally just moved in. I was wondering if you needed any assistance. I saw a help wanted sign in the window and I'd like to apply for the possition if it's still open" She raised her eyebrows again giving a light smile, leaning a little on the desk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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" Hi...erm I'm Emma Castro. I'm new in town...I've literally just moved in. I was wondering if you needed any assistance. I saw a help wanted sign in the window and I'd like to apply for the position if it's still open"

Chanter frowned a bit. "Huh?" She said and looked at the window. Did she put that there? No, she didn't, Mother just never took it down when she purchased the place. " Oh that's old," She told her simply. "Mother left it there." She said and then looked at Emma. She was pretty, bright eyes and lighter hair, that Chanter wanted to run her fingers through. She didn't want her to leave so she waved her hand. " You know, I think I can see if we have a position open, This place doesn't really get much activity, what with the internet and all," She said and looked around under the desk, behind the shelves, anywhere for something like an application. She put a hand on her hips and turned up her lips. " Hmm...." She said more to herself. " Ya know, I don't think we have any applications." She said with a slight frown as she turned to her, then smiled. "Oo! I have an idea!" She chirped loudly. "You seem really nice, so you can work here, how about the weekends? I'll talk to Mother, I'm sure she won't mind too much." She said all in one breath.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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"Oh that's old, Mother left it there"

A bitter pang of disappointment hung at the bottom of her stomach, perhaps this was a bad idea in the first place. " Oh.." She sighed pushing off the desk a little preparing to walk away.

"Ya know, I don't think we have any applications. Oo! I have an idea! You seem really nice, so you can work here, how about the weekends? I'll talk to Mother, I'm sure she won't mind too much."

Emma burst into a wide smile " Oh! Thanks so much! The weekends are fine for me. I have plenty of experience with books and such allthough you've intrigued me with the mention of baubles. What are they? Would you mind showing me around the store?" She asked leaning on the desk her fingertips tracing the patterns slowly. She found herself staring a little at Charlotte her eyes wanting to feel how soft her lips were.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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" Oh! Thanks so much! The weekends are fine for me. I have plenty of experience with books and such although you've intrigued me with the mention of baubles. What are they? Would you mind showing me around the store?"

Chanter smiled, she liked this human girl. "well, Baubles, Mother says there like trinkets, little things to put on tables or on walls, decorations. I didn't know what they were at first either, so I totally understand your confusion" She said and came around the desk, her black and white striped dress twirling around her slender legs as she moved.

"Now, this place isn't all that big, but It does have a lot of books," She said as she walked in front of her, guiding through the narrow mazes of bookcases. There were two doors at the back of the store. "Okay, this door leads to the stock room and the door inside of that leads outside, where the trucks come for shipments, though you really won't need to worry about shipments since they come on Wednesday, but we've gotta make sure to restock on Sundays." she told her and and then gestured to the door beside that. "This here leads to mother's office, she's very picky about those things, so just don't bother going in there." She said, and it wasn't a complete lie, if it was, it would have killed her. Literally. "That's pretty much it. " she said and smiled brightly at her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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" Well, Baubles. Mother says there like trinkets, little things to put on tables or on walls, decorations.i didn't know what they were at first either, so I totally understand your confusion"

Emma returned the smile and followed Charlotte around the store her eyes trailing down her legs as she walked the way the dress she looked Shaking her head a little she ran her fingers over the spines of the books as she showed her around. " Now, this place isn't all that big, but it does have a lot of books," she paused as they came to two doors. Charlotte was indeed right there was a lot of books and Emma couldn't wait to have a looks through them in her spare time.

" Okay, this door leads to the stock room and the door inside of that leads outside, where the trucks come for shipments, though you really won't need to worry about shipments since they come on Wednesday, but we've gotta make sure to restock on Sunday's. This here leads to mothers office, she's very picky about those things, so just don't bother going in there. That's pretty much it"

Emma nodded in understanding, she did wonder however if she was ever going to meet Charlotte's Mother. Since she mentioned her a lot. Emma smiled softly and spoke "Well sounds good to me, looks like I'll see you tomorow unless I see you around town. I've got to go and get my electric sorted and get some food shopping done. 10 you open right I'll see you then, say goodbye to your mother for me" Emma gave a cheeky smile and a small giggle.

As she left she a quick glance back at Charlotte and in her distractionmanaged to trip over the step to the exit and nearly fell into the street. She flushed a bright shade of red and headed slowly down the street a small smirk on her face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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ImageWell sounds good to me, looks like I'll see you tomorrow unless I see you around town. I've got to go and get my electric sorted and get some food shopping done. 10 you open right I'll see you then, say goodbye to your mother for me" Emma said and Chanter chuckled before as she made her way toward the exit, and gasped a little when Emma tripped over the step. "I'll see you around town I'm sure." she waved.

Chanter sighed softly as the girl walked off. she knew her mother wouldn't approve, but Chanter found herself already missing the bubbly blonde. she turned back inside and began to close up for the night.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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If she was honest Charlotte was on her mind through the night as she picked up her food shopping, some grilled chicken with carrots and asparagus. She picked up a local newspaper to see what was going on in the town and headed home. She had a visit from the local electric company to switch on her electric for her since it was in such an awkward place her own fingers couldn't switch it on. Plus she had no experience with electric stuff, technology she could deal with but broken appliances? nope.

She watched the sunset out of her bedroom window, feeling the cool air waft over the tress bordering her house. She would have to go for a walk around the forest, she notices a small pathway leading through her small backyard.

The next morning Emma headed to the store ready for a day's work, she wanted to make a good impression so that if any extra hours opened up in the week she would be offered it. Pushing the door open she stepped in, the warm smell of books welcoming her in.

" Morning!" She called out walking around the shop to find Charlotte. " Charlotte? You hiding somewhere?" She called out again moving to the back of the store, not wanting to disturb Charlotte's mother if she was there . She opened the door to the stock room to find Charlotte sorting through books, she looked more stunning than yesterday. " Hey, you look nice. What are we doing today?" She smiled giving a look at the store room. It was full of books new and old, some even looked old enough to be antiques.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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Chanter's mother was not pleased to find that she'd hired a human with out her permission, apparently it was bad enough that a human was around in the first place, but to give one a job was absurd.

It was too late now. Not that Chanter heard the end of it this morning, but oh well.
Chanter was opening boxes of new books when she heard the door of the stock room open. "Hey, you look nice. What are you doing today?" Chanter smiled brightly at Emma. "Oh, Good Morning." she said and looked down at her clothes, She wore a simple orange and white collared shirt, with belled sleeves and a blue jean skirt and some Converses, with her hair in a high ponytail and a thick bang. Chanter smiled. "Oh thanks," She said with a shrug and looked around. "I'm just restocking now. I shouldn't be long if you'd like to man the front." She said, clearly not her usual chipper self, but she hid it well. "How are you this morning?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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"I'm just restocking now. I shouldn't be long if you'd like to man the front."

Emma nodded slowly in understanding, even though she was a little daunted at the fact she was (Basically) in charge at the front while Charlotte restocked books. " Sure I can do that. And Im very well Thankyou. The electric company sorted out my power, I have no idea how the guy managed to get it on. The switch was in the most awkward place. There's a pathway leading into the forest from my backyard. So that might be a good walk in the morning or an evening"

She smiled and walked into the store taking a seat at the desk, now she was able to see the symbols on the desk properly now,the sunlight streaming on them made them almost shimmer and glow. She also notice the book she was looking at earlier, lifting it up she was surprised at how heavy it was. The book looked only small but it was like holding a brick.

She turned the pages slowly pausing when she found the matching symbols of the desk in the book. Some meant prosperity and wealth when others meant protection and safety. She continued to turn the pages becoming very intrigued at the symbols, why were they here. Was it because of a famous author that used these symbols? And the town just celebrated that? She would have to read more into this or in fact ask Charlotte.

As she turned another page she noticed it felt a little heavy than the others, infact when she turned the page it sliced her fingers a little enough for blood to bubble to the surface and run down her finger and hand. Oh...not blood anything but blood...Emma's eyes fluttered a little and she keeled over to the side, falling off the chair and landing on the floor.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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" Sure I can do that. And Im very well Thankyou. The electric company sorted out my power, I have no idea how the guy managed to get it on. The switch was in the most awkward place. There's a pathway leading into the forest from my backyard. So that might be a good walk in the morning or an evening" Emma said and walked off before Chanter realized what she said.

The Pathway toward the Forest. She couldn't let her enter the forest, Mother would be ever so cross. She might even...
Image Shaking her head, Chanter abandoned the thought. She'd have to find a way to get Emma to avoid the forest. She knew telling her not to go would only pique her curiosity .Chanter was Fae, curiosity was about as common as a human cold, so she couldn't tell her not to go, she would just have to figure away to distract her from it.

As she finished stocking the room, She heard a loud thump outside. "Emma?!" Chanter called out but when she received no answer, Chanter came running out, much too fast then she should have. She had to dial back her unnatural speed.

She found Emma on the floor, bleeding from her hand. "Emma!" She gasped and grabbed a towel from the back room and wrapped it around her hand without so much as a second thought, and placing a gentle and on her forehead.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
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Emma would have loved to stay on the floor for a few minutes longer. Her head spinning still from the sight of blood, her mouth was dry. Her eyes fluttered a little at the contact to her foehead, a cooling feeling rushing through her body waking her up fully.

He groaned softly and looked up at Charlotte who had wrapped her hand in a towel and was holding it up slightly to stem the blood flow a little better. Emma stayed on the floor and chuckled in emmbaresment " Hi...I'm not good around blood....makes me fall like a newborn giraffe..thanks for the help...I just need a minute my head is still spinning...that book is sharp" she mumbled resting her head back her hand still holding onto Charlotte's not wanting to let go.

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Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro


Character Portrait: Charlotte Saturn
Charlotte Saturn

"I know she is human mother but...."

Character Portrait: Emma Jane Castro
Emma Jane Castro

This place makes no sense.


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