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City Hunters

City Hunters


In the dangerous streets of Tokyo City, there's a special organization that's there to help...

1,043 readers have visited City Hunters since jadedragon66 created it.


The streets of Tokyo City may look beautiful, but it’s a dangerous place. Gangs are everywhere, and criminals are on the loose. As far as you know, your neighbor, or even your friend can be in part of a dangerous organization. Don’t let your guard down… because everything you see may not be the truth. That’s the reality of this world.
Now, I’m not saying Tokyo City is only filled with bad people. There are many who are nice and friendly. Just like in the movies, there are ‘heroes’ who saves people from the ‘bad guys’. The ‘heroes’ of Tokyo City is an organization called City Hunters. They may help the innocent citizens, but they still are a dangerous bunch. Everyone had heard about them, but nobody knows who they really are. There were even rumors that the City Hunters were not human, after they beat up a whole gang half to death.
Well, whatever the case is, you better watch your back. Tokyo City isn’t a place for naïve fools.

City Hunters Organization
Also known as CHO. As stated above, nobody knows these guys true identity. However, would it be a surprise to you, if I said the City Hunters are made up of young teens? That’s right. They’re just normal kids who go to high school or college, and live in a house together (also used as a base). Oh, and trust me… they are human. Not some supernatural, immortal creature.
They don’t do this for fun. This is their ‘job’. Their clients contact them by e-mail or their private website, asking a certain favor. People who have problems with stalkers, bullies, gangs, etc can ask for help. CHO will do their job, and in return they will receive money from their clients. However, there is one rule that they had vowed to keep. NEVER kill an innocent citizen.

A 17 year old girl had moved into a small apartment with her uncle. She’s still new to the city, since she was born and raised in a small town. After her parents’ unfortunate deaths, she had no choice but to come live with her uncle. After 2 month of her stay, her uncle was murdered by a dangerous gang who calls themselves The Jaguars. They are one of the many gangs that people try to avoid… probably the most fearsome gang in Tokyo City. Even the police cant do anything about them.
Now with her uncle dead, the girl has no idea how she’s going to live on. That’s until she ran into one of the member of CHO. They decided to take her in, letting her live with them as long as she kept their secret and did simple house chores. But with The Jaguars running loose, things are not that simple around Tokyo City.

Taken-[Leon Maeko]-Taken
He’s the one that sort of started this whole organization thing.

Taken-[Kelli Cruz]-Taken
The new girl

Taken-[Suburu Hanabasho]-Taken
The one who makes sure the person or group of people are the right target, before they head out to do their job.

Taken-[Casey Marxs]-Taken
Specializes in hacking. She has connections…

Taken-[Kyler Rocco]-Taken
The one who gathers in information. You should always know about your enemy before you strike.

Taken-[Hana Taniguchi]-Taken
The one who is in charge of getting everything in order. She’s the one who makes sure the clients pay their money, and check the website/e-mail for any jobs.

-No Godmodding. Your character is not some immortal being. They can get hurt. They're not perfect-
-Respect others-
-Swearing is fine, but not in ever single sentence-
-Keep romance at an appropriate level-
-Make sure your post is at least one good paragraph (or 4 lines. NOT sentences. I’ll gladly explain what that means if someone doesn’t get it. Just let me know in OOC or PM)-
-I know some of us might be busy, but try to be active as possible-
-If you're not going to join, dont reserve. I hold reservations for 24 Hours-
-Have Fun-

Character Sheet:

Appearance (anime picture)
Age: [between 16-22]
Equipments: [anything your character carries around. Weapons?]
Specialties: [what are you good/skilled at]
These Song: [optional]
Others: [anything you want to add?]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Leon walked down the familiar streets of Tokyo City, his eyes simply watching as people walked by. Cars honked loudly from all directions as people shouted out some unfriendly things to each other. A group of teen girls were gossiping about the latest news, whereas a couple of men walked out of the bar, laughing like a bunch of idiots. Leon stuffed his hands in his pocket and continued to walk as he got lost in his own thoughts. A black dog that was trotting beside him barked once before grabbing his shirt and jerking him back. Leon lost his footing, falling onto the ground just as a car zoomed past him. The driver didn’t bother saying anything… let alone stopping. It sped across the street, making a sharp turn around the corner. If his dog haven’t pulled him out of the way in time, that guy really would’ve just hit and run.

This city certainly was a mess. “Thanks Nite,” he said placing a hand on the shepherd’s head and scratching him behind the ears. With a small smile, the teen stood up and brushed off the dirt before continuing his way towards his-- their house. Leon lived with the CHO members. No parents or other guardians… just them. He had to say, they lived perfectly fine without anyone supervising them. Money was not a problem, and they were all old enough to take care of themselves.

“I wonder if they’re home…” he mumbled to himself as he walked down the last block. Hopefully there was something to eat. He was in a mood for some cake, or anything sweet. “Aah~ I should have bought something on the way,” Leon whined. Nite looked up at him and walked on ahead. “O-oi… don’t be like that,” Chuckling quietly he caught up to the dog and walked into the house. “Yo~! I’m home!!!” he announced.


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Casey went out for some coffee, seeing that she was up all night. Nothing new there. Walking back she pushed through the crowd trying to get home. She had a couple of things she still had to do on her computer, and she felt like she was wasting time right now. Stopping at a stop walk, she looked in the car window and her eyes were blood shot and she had dark circles under her eyes. "I need to chill out...yeah right." She laughed lightly to herself before walking across the street. Once she was home, she saw Leon was there with his dog.

"Hello." She smiled at Leon before sitting down at her desk. Looking at his dog she smiled at it before her eyes wondered back to the computer screen. Taking a sip of her coffee, she started to type away. Sometimes she liked to 'tap in' on her computer. Meaning she would ignore everything around her and would be so focused on what she was typing. Taking a breath, she cracked her knuckles before typing again.


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In an apartment building in Tokyo that belonged to a 37 year old man, who had his 17 year-old niece living with him for two months because her parents died in a tragic car accident, was killed by a group of people. But the niece survived but wasn’t spared of seeing her own uncle die infront of her eyes while she hid in a closet. The people who killed the uncle then poured gasoline in the apartment and light a match and threw it on the ground, starting a fire. The girl barely got out of the apartment before it was engulfed up in flames, but getting minor burns. This was just another assault by a infamous gang in Tokyo, that not even the police could keep them under control, the gang was called the Jaguars.

Now, three days later Kelli, the niece who saw a third member of her family died, walked one of the many streets of the city, going around many different types of people, from street magicians to businessmen. This is what she has been doing a lot lately because she didn’t tell the police about seeing her uncle dieing, just calling the police and running, mostly because she knew she would be thrown into an orphanage.

Great, now I’m alone in this huge city, and my phone doesn’t have any international, so I can’t any other family to come get me… Kelli sighed as she thought to herself, knowing she would have to live as a street rat or go into an orphanage. Now Kelli wasn’t really minding where she was going, just thinking of any way she could live, usually we would be able to live on her own, but besides grabbing her wallet in the apartment, she has no money to live off of. Then out of nowhere she bumped into a pretty cute boy with blue eyes and black hair, she stumbled and fell back.
“Oh, I-I’m sorry, I was just thinking about how I’m suppose to live by myse-“ Kelli then shut her mouth after almost saying that she had to live by herself when she had nothing to live with. “I just mean I’m sorry for not paying attention. Don’t mind me.” Kelli said, standing up and dusting herself off.


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Ah, the fresh air, the cool breeze, the smell of dandelions and gasoline. This was the city life. Tokyo: where the buildings reach the skies and the lights never shut off. Kyler sat on the rooftop of one of the smaller buildings, looking out over the city while breathing in the sushi-scented breeze as it blew by. He had his eyes on a few people now. A couple of men were giving off a suspicious air. He traced them from this height for a good twenty minutes now. They bumped into each other--seemingly a harmless act on the outside, but to the perfectly trained eye, a package could be seen being passed between the two. What could be in such a package? Cash? Equipment? Well, that's what he was here to figure out.

Kyler watched the two men part ways, going in separate directions at first, then rounding around a few blocks and meeting back up in an alleyway with two other people. He lost them when they rounded another corner, out of sight. Sighing, he knew he'd have to actually get up and do something physical, so he lazily got to his feet and went down the elevator to the bottom floor of the hotel he'd been watching from. "Now where did they get off to...?" he mumbled to himself, looking back and fourth. He took one step forward in the right direction, when he was stopped by someone bumping into him. He blinked down at the girl, more than prepared to give her a stream of insults for getting in his way on such an important self-assigned mission of curiositym, but held back when she spoke.

How gloomy, he mused. Kyler smiled down at the girl. "Well aren't you looking chipper today? Have you run into a bout of good luck?" he said with a cheery tone of voice. He placed one hand on his chin and the other on his hip as he studied her. "Living on your own, huh? Sounds dreadful. If you don't mind my saying, do you, perhaps, have any special skills? Abilities? Good-natured intentions despite the travesties that have occurred in your lifetime?" Oh yes, he could read right through this one. With a grin, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her along, shortly coming up to an oddly shaped building on the corner. "Well, whatever. You seem like the hard-working type. Welcome to City Hunters Organization." He bent down and whispered in her ear. "But don't tell anybody, or I'll have to slit your throat, y'hear?" Straightening up, he pushed her inside. "Well, c'mon, you have such wonderful people to meet." Inside, he called out to the others who were there. "Pizza delivery! Come down and get some! Special order."


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Hana Taniguchi was doing what she did best, taking care of business. Honestly she was a sweetheart and if someone didn't pay up, with a good excuse she would normally give them an extension and go about her merry way. But, if her generosity was bluntly ignored she didn't always take it so well. "Mister Shigusu, I understand completely, your dog died and the third deadline just escaped your mind, but I-..." In the middle of her sentence Hana went silent, her eyes went from the man's face to the sparkling, diamond-encrusted watch he wore around his wrist. "That's a Cartier Santos 100, very expensive. In fact, it looks brand new." Her piercing hazel eyes focused back on the man and she sighed and shrugged her shoulders as if giving up, anyone who truly knew her would be aware that the switch in her brain was about to flip.

"Now now, Yuro it's imperative to my well-being, as well as the other's, that we receive proper payment for our services." Her head tilted downward and she laughed, seemingly fishing around for something in her blue blazer's pocket. She retrieved a pair of shiny brass knuckles and slipped them on her hands. "It's not even that much money really, considering you just went out and dropped a few grand on a watch." She drew closer to the man and lightly pushed him up against the wall with one hand, her other one was raised just a few centimeters from his face. "I'm not a violent person and I would really hate to break your nose over some money. Pay up and the problems solved."

"Okay okay! Look I've got the money right here, just put those things away!" The man squeaked and handed Hana a little, but thick envelope. "Thank you very much Mister Shigusu, if you ever need our services again you know exactly how to contact me. You take care!" The brass knuckles came off and Hana backed away with a genuine, flashy smile on her face. She waved at the customer and was on her way back home as if nothing had happened. "Mhm, such a nice man." She started humming on her way, the envelope tucked away inside of her jacket. She would get home and count it twice to make sure the amount was right.

Hana finally got back to the house and upon entering the front door she immediately saw Kyler along with an unfamiliar female face. "Hi, I'm Hana." She went ahead and introduced herself, her head tipping forward slightly in a quick bow. She thought about coming out and asking who she was, but it seemed kind of rude so she decided she'd find out soon enough.


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#, as written by Siren
And as for Suburu, well, he had spent his day inside the house. A sowing kit in tow, he had begun altering clothes to perfectly fit himself, tossing out any clothes that were too small to be..."modified" any further. Humming to himself, he hemmed the dresses, sown ribbons to hats, put new buttons on the dress shirts and fancy dinner jackets. Today could have been dubbed a full maintenance day, since there had been no job nor plans made that day. Thoughts urging him to leaving the house - observe Kyler and his antics (and obviously not participate in any of them), follow Casey out for a cup of coffee, something related to the outside world- soon left his mind as he focused on his work.

It had been long since Suburu picked up his...occupation. He honestly can't quite recall anymore, months blurred together by adrenaline and the joys of companionship. He was sort of surprised to find his talents put to good use instead of being laughed at, or having to live in constant fear of either dying of embarrassment, starvation, or some disease that he needed medication for. But now, he had money. Now, he had status (as much as a shadow organization like this allowed). Now he had nothing to fear- except well, dying violently or on some street or....


There will always be something that will worry poor ol' Suburu. That's why he was careful, concise. He avoided mistakes-

"Uhn...." He stared at his thumb. He had...stitched thread right down it. Yet, instead of freaking out, he calmly cut the thread (there was blood, blood, blood) and stared at it some more. And then proceeded to freak out. He bolted out of the room, rushing to the bathroom.

"Pizza delivery! Come down and get some! Special order."

"Okay-that's-nice-thanks-don't-wait-for-me." He said just before slamming the door to the bathroom shut and putting his thumb under the sink, turning the knob and running some cool water on the wound.


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Leon raised his eyebrows, upon seeing Casey’s tired red eyes. “Hey, you should get some sleep, you’re turning into a panda,” he said, talking about her dark circles. He sighed to himself when she continued to type, knowing that she was in her ‘tap in’ mode. Leon walked into the kitchen, digging into the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. “I knew I should’ve bought something…” he growled to himself. With the amount of job and payment they got, buying food was no big deal, but why was it that their refrigerator was empty half the time? Mumbling something to himself, he shut the fridge and made his way onto the couch. Leon buried his face into the cushion, “I need a job…” he complained. His voice sounded like a muffle, but it clear enough to understand it.

"Pizza delivery! Come down and get some! Special order." He heard Kyler yell. Leon lazily lifted up his head and dragged himself towards the door. He blinked when he saw a girl standing beside him and tilted his head. They usually didn’t bring a client to the house, or any other guests. He pointed at the girl, and looked at Kyler, “She doesn’t look like pizza to me,” he said. Nite barked loudly at the stranger until Leon shushed him. “Who is she?” he asked.

“Hana, the fridge is empty,” he said as soon as she walked in after Kyler.


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Casey heard what Leon had suggested to her and she had to laugh at the thought. Why would she sleep when she could be on to something? Laughing a little she continued to type. Finally she decided to take a break and stretch her legs out. Walking over she heard Kyler yelling about something. Sighing she walked over to see Kyler with some new girl. "Hello I'm Casey." She smiled before going over to the coffee maker and making herself some coffee. Looking at the girl she seemed nice to her.

As badly as she wanted to go back to the computer, she knew she couldn't. Well she could but she didn't want to be rude. She sat in a chair and waited for her coffee. Casey could tell Hana was coming back from somewhere. Most likely handling some business. Once her coffee was done she stood next to the counter and bent over it taking sips of her drink. "So new girl where are you from?" She asked with a friendly smile. She was probably scarring the girl with her dark circles and red eyes. But Casey took pride in it because it meant she gas been working hard on something.


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"Living on your own, huh? Sounds dreadful. If you don't mind my saying, do you, perhaps, have any special skills? Abilities? Good-natured intentions despite the travesties that have occurred in your lifetime?" Kelli didn’t really have time to answer each question before being dragged to a house, hell if this boy wasn’t cute, and didn’t look around her age, she would’ve yelled for help, “Well I’m quick on my feet, have good agility and people say i have cat like reflexes.” Ruko said as they stopped, but what Kelli didnt tell the boy was that she could easily take something out of your pocket, or pick a lock with no problem at all. She stood there for a second admiring the house, it looked very odd, but it was pretty cool too. "Well, whatever. You seem like the hard-working type. Welcome to City Hunters Organization." Kelli was surprised that this was the CHO place; she expected it like hidden from the rumors she heard. “Wow so yo-“ she was interrupted when he whispered in her ear, saying basically keep it a secret, or he would kill her, which gave her a shiver.

Kelli walked in after this boy, which she still didn’t know his name. "Pizza delivery! Come down and get some! Special order." Kelli laughed at how this boy called everyone down, knowing it was a joke, but he didn’t put enough sarcasm into it. Next thing she knew three other people were already by her, asking her name, and asking where she was from. Kelli took the time to examine everyone, one girl looked like she hadn’t slept in a couple days, one was another, who looked nice, but could tell there was something about her that didn’t seem nice, and the third was another boy, nothing too special. “W-well, Hana, Casey, my name is Kelli Cruz, and I’m actually from New York City.” Kelli said with a sweet smile. She then looked over at the other boy, who didn’t give his name. “Well I don’t look like pizza to me either.” She said with a little giggle.


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Kyler frowned as the others entered the room. He called them down, sure, but he wasn't as chipper as he'd been a few minutes ago. He laughed under his breath as he saw Suburu rush into the bathroom, but didn't think twice about it. It was probably just another thing he was freaking out over anyway. Probably something small or simple, like bleeding. What was wrong with a little bleeding every once it a while? It built character. He rolled his eyes, realizing he'd been stuck up in his thoughts too long and that everyone else had already come to see, more or less, and that the stray dog he'd brought home had already introduced herself.

"Well, that's great!" Kyler said suddenly, clasping his hands together. He stepped forward and put an arm around Leon, twirling the leader around and leaning in to whisper. "She's a keeper, I think. Don't you think so too? I can tell. You can trust me on this, right, Leon? I've never been wrong before." He thought back for a second and frowned. "Except for that one time...and before that...oh and last... Well, this time I'm sure. Come oooon." He gave the other boy a big grin. "If you agree to let her in, I'll do groceries for the week. You did mention the fridge was empty, right?" Hardly waiting for an answer, he patted Leon's back and laughed. "I knew you'd say yes. Fantastic." Still smiling, he turned back to Kelli. "Boss man here said you're in. Isn't that just great? It's great."

With that business over and done with, Kyler spun back on his heel, heading off for one of the rooms. Suburu's to be exact. Oh, how he enjoyed trying on some of the clothes that kid made. Mainly just to mess with the other, especially when he 'accidentally' tore some of the items. "I'm done here. Have fun! Oh, and no calls; unless something comes up. Then I'll think about it." Then, he continued into Suburu's room and proceeded to try on the various hats laying about.


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Hana was in a great mood after getting money from another client, so she only briefly examined the girl who just introduced herself as Kelli and decided she didn't give her any reason to b rude to her. The business savvy side of her did silently wonder if the girl had any skills that would be helpful to the group, but she assumed she'd be able to find out sooner or later. Her attention was turned to Leon when he mentioned the refrigerator being empty and she held back from rolling her eyes. "Don't be silly, there should be plenty of food here." She went into the kitchen herself to investigate and was surprised to see that the fridge was, in fact, barren. She blinked dumbly then turned around with a solemn sigh before facing the group.

"Okay, so I guess I should buy something lest we all wanna starve." Hana's mouth turned into a small pout, she hated to think about spending money. She enjoyed it much more when she could just stack it up in piles and count it. "I'll order takeout for now." She shrugged helplessly and dismissed herself, retreating to the privacy of her own room. She made sure to call and order the food first before sitting down on her bed and getting busy with recounting the money that was in the envelope. A portion of it would have to go towards paying the house's utilities, but Hana didn't mind that as much.


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#, as written by Siren
Suburu bit his lip trying to get the thread out of his skin. He was not "overreacting" to the situation at all- this what normal people would do (which was joke. There was no hiding that he and everyone else in the group were clearly not normal people.

But that was no excuse to act like an animal. Even if his alias was 'Turtle-san'.)

The thread was successfully removed without a hitch, and dropped into the waste basket. Turning off the water, he examined the wound again. It was bleeding just a little bit, but a bit swollen. It honestly looked like someone stapled it, really. Suburu fished the adhesive tape out of the first aid kit in the 'Giant Closet of Medical Kits', and wrapped his thumb up nicely. (N-not that he was a professional or anything. It never got that bad.)

After which, his instincts kicked in. And they warned him that if he went inside his room, he'd become very angry!

...He wish his instincts worked like that. But, alas, it didn't. It was sort of worked out by the sound of someone coming up the stairs and someone calling down not to bother them. Suburu sighed. He'd just worked on his clothes too...

Well-! He'd just have to throw Kyler out. Using a magical spell, he magically teleported Kyler just above the neighbor's pool!

...Or not.

Kicking himself for even thinking that that would work (even if the idea was amusing), he prepared himself and exited the bathroom, clearly not amused. Leaning against his door, he decides that looking at Kyler while he trashes his clothes would probably be more horrifying than the mental images (and ergo, he probably won't sound tough. He needs to be tough and manly just for a moment!)

"Kyler. Out of my room. NOW."


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When Kyler placed his arms around him and twirled around, Leon almost lost his balance. "She's a keeper, I think. Don't you think so too? I can tell. You can trust me on this, right, Leon? I've never been wrong before." he said. Leon sighed as the other teen ranted on, finally making the decision himself. "O-oi!! Stop deciding things on your own," he said when Kyler finally got off him. "I dont ever remember saying yes..." he mumbled to himself. "But! It seems like Kyler brought you here for a reason... although he's a bit of an idiot, and tends to do things according to his own opinion... You're in! Welcome to CHO! I'm not sure if you have heard about us or not, but if you didnt that'll be a bit strange. Almost everyone in Tokyo City knows about our organization..." Leon trailed off, and looked at the girl. "Oh, where are my manners? My name's Leon but feel free to call me Leo. This here, is my buddy, Nite." he said pointing down at the black dog.

"Erm, I'm not sure what exactly you're good at. Maybe... cooking? I think we need a cook in here. I'm sick of--"
"I'll order takeout for now." Hana decided. Leon frowned, "Yeah... takeouts..." he muttered. "Anyway, there's a set of rules here. Hana is in charge of the money. Trying to steal money from her wont be a good idea. I tried that, and well... the result was not pretty. That girl over there with bags under her eyes is our technician... I guess. Dont take it personally when she ignore you. Casey tends to do that once she's in her computer mode. Kyler, the guy that brought you here is... just a crazy stalker guy. Then we have Suburu. Master in disguises. Lastly there's me!" he concluded.

Leon blinked, wondering if he had forgotten anything. He wasnt used to all these stuff since it was just the five of them. "Any questions or concerns?" he asked, putting his hands behind his head.


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Casey looked at the new girl named Kelli. She seemed nice enough, so she didn't care if she was in the group or not. She chuckled when Kyler asked if she was good at cooking. Is that the only thing he could come up with? She giggled at the thought before looking at Hana. "Oh Hana I found that location you were asking about the other day. He lives just around the corner from us. I know you've been waiting for me to find him." Running back to her computer she grabbed a map she had made out. "Here it's not far from here."

She pointed to the spot on the map before handing it over to the girl. "If you want I can hack the security cams and make sure he doesn't try and run or anything." She laughed to the thought. It was the easiest thing to hack into those cameras. She watched as the Hana walked up stairs and she walked back over to her coffee on the counter and started to drink it again. "I look so old right now." She pulled at the skin on her face as if her bags would go away. Seeing it was no use she hung her head down on the counter. Why did she have to stay up so late?


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Kelli was slightly started when Kyler clapped out of nowhere, she tried to play it off and hope no one noticed, but someone was bound to have noticed. "Boss man here said you're in. Isn't that just great? It's great." Kyler said, Kelli thought he was joking because she heard the whole conversation between him and the other boy who was supposedly the boss or leader. “You're in! Welcome to CHO!” The other boy said to Kelli, and telling her his name, which was Leon. “Erm, I'm not sure what exactly you're good at. Maybe... cooking?” Kelli smiled. “Well, i learned how to cook some stuff, i don’t like take-out or fast food.” Kelli said, basically saying yes but in a very long way.

Kelli watched as the others went off, Kyler going upstairs and then getting yelled at by what sounded by another boy, Hana going into what Kelli guessed was her room, Casey going to get some coffee, but Leon just stayed there, but relaxed. "Any questions or concerns?" “Yeah, one, do i get my own room or should i just bunk with one of you.” Kelli said with a wink and a smile. “And two...” Kelli then went up and whispered to Leon. “Where is the shower at? I need to take one.” Kelli said, she hadn’t taken one in the while because she’s been on the streets, but at least she didn’t smell bad. Please, please, please don’t think I’m nasty, and please don’t ask why i haven’t taken one. Kelli prayed, really hoping he would just say yes and show her.


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Kyler was in the process of trying on and adjusting a very lovely sun-hat, completely with a fake yellow daisy, when he heard footsteps at the door. He spun around the face the person, a large grin on his face, and the hat still on his head. "Kyler. Out of my room. NOW." Oh, look at that little one there trying to be all tough and kick him out of the room. Well, that certainly just would not do. Now, Suburu was asking to be messed with. He brought it on himself, after all. He should know by now the consequences of trying to tell him what to do.

Kyler took the hat off his head and flung it across the room somewhere, not caring where it landed. Then, he ran dramatically over to Suburu and squeezed his head tightly. "Sububu! I saw that look on your face when you rushed to the bathroom! Tell me, you were at least thinking of me when you did it!" He snickered and let go of the short boy's head, leaning slightly down in front of Suburu. He glanced down, noting the hurt finger and gasped dramatically, reaching for the other's hand and bringing it up. "And you hurt yourself in the process?! Oh, Sububu! You shouldn't try so hard!" He squeezed the hand tightly, his smile growing as he lightly kissed the spot where it was hurt. "Next time, you should just ask me to take care of it." With that, he decided his duty was done. So, he straightened up, patted Suburu on the head, and strolled casually passed him and out of the room, re-joining the others downstairs.

"Leo, I'm bored!" he loudly complained as he plopped onto the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. "What's the next mission? Is there anyone we need info on?"


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“Yeah, one, do i get my own room or should i just bunk with one of you.”
Leon tapped his chin, "We actually have an empty room at the end of the hallway... but it's literally empty," he answered. "That could be your room, but I dont think you'll enjoy sleeping in the floor. I guess you can use my room for today. I can sleep on the couch. I'll probably stay awake watching tv anyway..." he said trailing off. "Casey! Can you order a bed online? I think we'll need a desk too," He nodded in his head as if agreeing with himself and crossed his arms. “Where is the shower at? I need to take one.” the asked in a whisper.

Leon looked up with his eyebrows raised, "Shower? Oh of course. Its just down the hall from the kitchen. Third door to your right," he answered. "Oh, and is there anything you need? Maybe a phone.. unless you have one, or clothes to change into?" he asked. Might as well make their new member feel comfortable. She was now a part of their team. "Just let me know if there's anything you need,"

"Leo, I'm bored!" Kyler complained as he came back downstairs. Leon sighed as he flopped down onto the other couch. He placed his hands behind his head and laid down, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm bored too..." he mumbled. "What's the next mission? Is there anyone we need info on?"
"Well, there's a group that calls themselves the Jaguars. It's obvious they're just an imposter.... The Jaguars will never run around and expose themselves. I'm going out today to check up on them," he said with a small grin. "Hopefully they'll keep be busy,"


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Kelli listened to Leon speak. "We actually have an empty room at the end of the hallway... but it's literally empty," he answered. "That could be your room, but I don’t think you'll enjoy sleeping in the floor. I guess you can use my room for today. I can sleep on the couch. I'll probably stay awake watching TV anyway..." Kelli smiled. “Well, no, don’t sleep on the couch, we could bunk together?” Kelli said with a giggle. Then hearing him yell up to Casey. “Shower? Oh of course. Its just down the hall from the kitchen. Third door to your right," Leon then just continued, saying if she needed anything she could just ask. “Thanks, and i have a phone, just not a change of clothes.” Kelli said as she started heading towards the shower room.

"Well, there's a group that calls themselves the Jaguars. It's obvious they're just an imposter.... The Jaguars will never run around and expose themselves” Kelli stopped and looked back. “Thats what you think, did you not hear the news a couple days ago? Check it, the one about a fire-“ Kelli stopped herself and just hurried into the bathroom. No no no, what was i thinking, great, now when they look at it, my name will pop up. Great! She thought to herself, then sighing. Kelli then turned on the water and undressed and stepped into the shower. “Wow, this water pressure is pretty good.” Kelli said as she washed herself and her hair.

As Kelli washed the soap and shampoo off, she then turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, then realizing there wasn’t any towels. Oh. Ah, not a big deal, I’ll just ask for one. Kelii thought, then going over the door and cracking it barely open, just enough for her to peep her head out. “Hey, can someone bring me a towel, there aren’t any in here. Just knock on the door and hold it inside and ill grab it. Please and thank you.” Kelli said, then closing the door and waiting for the knock. Not thinking about if the boys wanted to be mean and play a prank on her.


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"Well, there's a group that calls themselves the Jaguars. It's obvious they're just an imposter.... The Jaguars will never run around and expose themselves. I'm going out today to check up on them," Leo replied as he sat on the other couch. Kyler nodded, still not feeling the slightest bit less bored than he was before. These Jaguars, though, they intrigued him. He'd heard a lot about them--they all had--but they were a gang even too elusive for them to get ahold of. He knew they would have to find them eventually, though. “Thats what you think, did you not hear the news a couple days ago? Check it, the one about a fire-“ He raised his head up and glanced over the other side of the couch, back at the retreating form of the new girl.

"Well, well," he mumbled, taking a mental note of her slip-up. He'd be sure to look into that fire indeed, not to mention a little background info on Kelli herself. It was his job to know everything about everyone, right, from their strengths to their weaknesses. Members of CHO were no exception. After all, this knowledge was necessary in the case anyone would someday have a little change of heart against him... He looked suspiciously over at those in the room before shaking it off. They know better than that. “Hey, can someone bring me a towel, there aren’t any in here. Just knock on the door and hold it inside and ill grab it. Please and thank you.”

Oh, no. That is just too good to be true, Kyler thought with a growing smirk. He got to his feet, almost too quickly. "I'll get them!" he announced, rushing over before anyone else could steal his perfect opportunity away from him. He stood out front of the bathroom door, a towel he grabbed on the way in hand. "Knock knock!" he said cheerily, knocking on the bathroom door. He waited for the door to crack open. "I'm sorry, but these towels are for guests only and since you live here now, well, I'm just not sure I should give them to you.. Hm...what to do, what to do..." He held the towel out in front of the crack in the door so Kelli could see them, just out of reach. "And oh, I couldn't possibly go any closer to the bathroom. The steam might ruin my hair." He tutted and shook his head, taking a step back and dropping the towel on the ground. "Oh, look at that. Too bad so sad... Looks like you'll have to come out here and get it yourself! With this poor back of mine, I couldn't possibly be expected to pick them up..." He grinned and waited expectantly.


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Casey raised her head from her depression and looked at Leon. "Umm a bed and a desk? What do you think I do here?!" She questioned standing all the way up and resting her hands on her hips. "I'm kidding of course I can!" She smiled at him before grabbing her coffee off of the counter. Walking back to her computer she sat down. Were they talking about the Jaguars? She has heard rumors about them but that was it. Thinking for a moment, she snapped herself out of it and started to type on the keyboard.

"A bed? That's way easier than trying to find someone." She laughed silently to herself. After finding the bed and desk she smiled widely to herself. "Oh before I forget here is the latest news that's going on around the city. I printed an article on the Jaguars and their main type of victims." She walked over to Leon again with a more serious face. "It seems they are causing quite a scene around the city." She spoke again. Smiling for a brief moment she walked away again and got back on her computer. Maybe she could look something up on the new girl.


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“Thats what you think, did you not hear the news a couple days ago? Check it, the one about a fire-“
Leon sat up to look at Kelli with a questioning look. "Fire?" he repeated as he laid back down. Come to think of it, he did hear some people talking about the Jaguars setting a building on fire. "Seems like these guys are getting a bit active," he mumbled to himself. Leon seemed to be lost in his own thoughts until someone yelled for a towel. Before he can offer the help, Kyler decided to get it for her. He watched the other teen run off with a smirk.

"Oh before I forget here is the latest news that's going on around the city. I printed an article on the Jaguars and their main type of victims." Casey said as she handed him the article. "Thanks," he murmured, taking the paper and reading it over. Leon's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Kelli's name in the article. 'I see...' he thought to himself. "You might want to read the article yourself before you do some 'research' on Kelli," he said handing the paper back to Casey, "and Kyler! Stop fooling around with her and give her the towel,"

With a small sigh, Leon headed for the door. "Oi~ I'm gonna go out for a walk!" he announced before walking out. Nite followed after him, looking up at his owner. "Things are... starting to get interesting... I guess," he mumbled. He stuffed his hands in his pocket before grinning, "Hey Nite... Lets go have some fun, neh?"


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#, as written by Siren
"Sububu! I saw that look on your face when you rushed to the bathroom! Tell me, you were at least thinking of me when you did it!"


Suburu looked absolutely horrified when he said that. It totally didn't look like he was going in know. Forget the fact that Kyler had somehow got the idea that it was perfectly okay to trespass into someone's room (repeatedly, while making a mess of things). The fact that he was suggesting that he'd do that-

Okay, so he does do that. H-he is a GUY after all. But not this time. A-and either way, it didn't make it okay to mention it!

And what was with that reaction?! Its not like Kyler cared if his finger was-

"And you hurt yourself in the process?! Oh, Sububu! You shouldn't try so hard!" Kyler took his hand and kissed his finger, "Next time, you should just ask me to take care of it"

DROP DEAD ALREADY. He thought, glaring at Kyler as he kissed his finger. This man KNEW how to push buttons, and while Suburu should be use to this already (that is, Kyler treading the line of harassment and simple teasing), he just couldn't get over it. You should always fight, fight, fight! (Or run. Suburu wasn't THAT stupid.)

Before Suburu could really get anything in to say, Kyler had left his room, announcing to the world (after playing with the Suburu Toy; Dress, tuxedo, sun hat, and *clearly not amused* expression included with every purchase) that he was bored. Suburu fumed. He would have his revenge. Yes. He'll... He'll...

Ah, what the hell was the point? His room was a mess now, that was for certain. And considering what was going on downstairs, they had guests. Suburu sighed, and started picking up clothes and putting them away. When he was done (his poor sunflower hat had a burnt hole in it from landing on a very, very hot light bulb, sob, sob), he plopped down on his bed. And as though on cue, his stomach growled.

...Oh yeah. I haven't had dinner yet.

"Hey, guys?" He called lazily from his bed, "What are we doing for dinner? There wasn't anything-" edible "-in the fridge."


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Kelli was glad that someone had brought her a towel, as she saw the towel in the crack of the door, she reached out but Kyler moved back a little. “Come on, just give it to me.” Kai said, as she tried reaching for it again. As Kyler dropped the towel it was barely out of Kelli’s reach, but she kept trying. “You are an ass you know...” Kelli said, but this time when reaching for the towel she lost her balance and fell towards the door. As she fell, the door flung open and Kelli fell on the floor, exposing her naked backside. Kelli quickly grabbed the towel and crawled back into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it.

“I’m going to get payback for that Kyler! You know the saying, Karma’s a bitch!” Kelli yelled while drying off. As Kelli finished up drying her body off, she then went to do her hair, and wrapped the towel around her body and stepped out of the bathroom for a second. As she stepped out she saw Kyler, and just pushed him out of the way. “Hey, do any of you girls have something i can wear for now, I’ll even pay for it, i have about 50 in my wallet.” Kelli said, then thinking of an idea to get payback for Kyler.

Kelli looked back over at Kyler. “Sorry for getting mad, but that wasn’t exactly necessary, maybe after i get some clothes on, could you show me everyone’s room so i know whose where and all that? Please?” Kelli said, hoping he would saw yes and Kelli could put her little payback scheme back in motion, then she could watch Kyler feel the pain of how karma can come back around and bite you in the ass.


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Kyler waited and crossed his arms. "...and Kyler! Stop fooling around with her and give her the towel," He winced and playfully waved a hand behind him, brushing away Leo's orders. “You are an ass you know...” "I know," he agreed. He was about to give up and give the towel over to Kelli, but--the greatest thing happened! She fell out, grabbed the towel, and slinked back inside the bathroom. "Oh my God." He burst out laughing. "That was fantastic!" When he finally gained his ability to speak without wheezing, having ignored all the threats she tossed at him in the meanwhile, he glanced up again when Kelli came out with a towel wrapped around her. He was still snickering.

"Clothes?" He echoed. "Now why would you want those when your backside looks that good?" He grinned and stepped back away from her. He knew he was pushing his limits around here--but, hey, he was just innocently breaking the new girl in. That was all. Besides, she'd have to learn her place when around him. Leon might be the leader, but Kyler was the only important person around here. At least, that's how he saw it. “Sorry for getting mad, but that wasn’t exactly necessary, maybe after i get some clothes on, could you show me everyone’s room so i know whose where and all that? Please?”

Kyler was a little surprised she was still willing to be around him after all that--and a little suspicious. He nodded his head slowly, however. "Alright, can do." He placed a hand lightly on her back and led her down the hall to Suburu's room where the boy was lounging on his bed. "Sububu! This creature needs clothes." He grinned, hoping Suburu would catch on. "Think you can help her out?"


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Leon walked through the busy streets of Tokyo City, watching as the sky started to turn darker. "I need... something to eat..." he complained. "How about sushi? Yes.. sushi sounds good," he said to himself. Leon stopped at his tracks, when he heard a crashing noise in the alley. He could hear voices, but it wasnt all that clear for him to understand. "Nite, stay here," he ordered. The black dog whinned, but sat down. With a small smile, Leon patted him on the head before disappearing into the alley.

"I'm sorry!" a boy cried as he was surrounded by gang of teens. "Oi!" Leon called out without thinking. The gang turned to look at him, "Who the hell are you?" one of them asked, as they took a step forward. "Me? Just a guy who was passing by the steet. Problem?" A tall guy with a long metal pole spoke up this time, "Get the hell out of here if you dont want to get hurt,"

Leon chuckled, "Is that a threat?" he asked. Glaring at him, the taller boy ran towards him, swinging the pole down in attempt to hit him. Sighing, Leon stopped the attack with ease, kneeing the other teen in his stomach and snatching the weapon out of his hands. "Hey, it's not good to be playing around with such dangerous weapons you know," Shaking his head in disapproval, he tapped the pole on his shoulder, "One question... are you guys the 'Jaguars' or something like that?" he asked. "W-what if we are? Huh?" a blonde stuttered.

"Oh nothing really," Leon answered, "I just happen to have a small business with them,"

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Character Portrait: Hana Taniguchi
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"I dream about money every night."
Character Portrait: Suburu Hanabasho
0 sightings Suburu Hanabasho played by Siren
"I-I didn't make this to impress you or anything, I made it for the team!"

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Re: [OOC] City Hunters

@Pimpette: it's okay. (;

& if you know anyone that might be interested, feel free to ask them for the spot.
Anyway, I wont be able to be on tomorrow and on saturday. Just a heads up.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Can we please find a replacement for the money girl. Without her, my pay back plan wont really work.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Guyyys, I feel really terrible about how slow I've been with posting in this, so I've decided to put my character up for adoption. I really have been enjoying it, but between work, getting ready for school, and everything else I'm in I'm afraid I won't have the time to post in this like I should. I'll try and find someone to adopt Hana, and I'm really sorry for leaving DX I do hope the roleplay goes well though!

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Kyler: the one with the ability to flirt with two different people of two different genders within 2 posts in a row. >3 I love this guy <3 Suburu is hilarious. Yours posts make me laugh, Siren. xD

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

The same reason Kyler does stuff to 'Sububu'. :P

Its just that fun. :)

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Hey, why is everyone doing stuff to the new girl?

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

And I posted. ^_^

Oh, and someone should totally ask Suburu to bring some clothes for Kelli. *Evil Grin* I've got something plllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaannnned.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

I'll post first thing in the morning(or as soon as I wake up...whenever that will be) proooomise ^^;

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Gomen, Gomen! I'll get right on my post. >.<

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Sorry for the wait. Posted :)!

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

it's fine. I guess posting 2 or 3 times day isnt too bad.
I'll wait for Lovely and Pimpette to post. If they dont today, then I'll PM. & hopefully Siren will post too (;

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

At the risk of spamming... I'll post, just so I don't miss the perfect opportunity here. xD But I won't do it again, jade, I promise.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Told ya... And are you going to post in here?

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

I think Tabby and I are betrothed to each other. In. Like. Everything. Maybe you are right, Maci. xDx Shoot, we're even playing two halves of a whole in another RP.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Bleh! Whatever, i just like messing with you two. Im still trying to decide between you and tabbs....

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

lol, Maci, always after that love interest aren't you? Kyler will eat her. And I saw what you put in your Purgatory sheet! Just because Tabby-cat's there and that one RP of Timeless where our characters are "implied" together, doesn't mean we're going to be soul-mates for every RP. D< Even though her characters are the coolest. xD Jokingjoking

I posted! Have fun with...all that, guys. ;D

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Great, i had a plan, but i dont want kelli to fall in love with a stalker...
Might try Leon though

Also, any of the guys character are can do mean/funny thing to Kelli after my next post, ill totally set some up, but you dont have to do it if you dont, it will be first come first serve thought.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

i edited anyways XD haha.
it wasnt much.. i just added the word stalker next to crazy.

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

Nono! Keep it! xD I was seriously only joking!

Re: [OOC] City Hunters

lol .
oh im sorryy >< I was just trying to be nice ;D
I'll edit it if it'll make you any happier. (;