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Alexander Holt

"I will not bow to an Alpha, however if necessary then I will protect our kind with all my might."

0 · 578 views · located in Modern Day New York City

a character in “City Strays”, as played by Scorpion01


Human Form:

Wolf Form:

-Alexander Holt


-Indifferent to other werewolves
-Doesn't like the idea of having an Alpha
-Protective with close friends/those that can't fend for themselves
-Can be kind, however achieving friendship must come first.

-Alexander grew up like most werewolf children (or so he assumed), away from Humans and kept secluded from the world until he was ready. His parents taught him everything he needed to know to survive and get anywhere in life. He was taught when it was okay to shift, when it was not, and many other things. He learned quickly and soon his parents set him loose upon the world at the age of fifteen, allowing New York to be his "sandbox" to continue to develop in.

Growing up from then on by himself, he rarely, if ever, had company with him, and did not like being told what to do, and as such has gotten in a few minor scuffles with the police. By now the police have forgotten that he exists; they have bigger crimes to deal with. He lives in a simple apartment and pays the rent by running certain "errands" for various people.

Physical Appearance:
--Compact Muscles
-Hair color:
-Eye color:
-Skin Tone:
--Black overcoat
--Dark green shirt
--Black pants
--Black shoes
--What ever he can find


--Stronger and more durable than your average human
--Heightened senses
--Transformation into Wolf form

(Note: Round attributes to nearest number. Ex: 8.5=9/8.4=8)

-None discovered yet

Picture(s) do not belong to me, and will be taken down if asked.

So begins...

Alexander Holt's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Alexander awoke to the sound of gunshots. Since Claire had finished taking out the teeth and closing his wounds, he sat up quickly and looked at the door, standing and tilting his head to either side, making his neck pop loudly as he grunted. He walked to the door and opened it, sniffing the air to try and figure out where he was, since he was in too much pain earlier to even remember the trip to the room where his life was saved.

He caught the scent of Sophia'a Alpha Blood boiling, and his teeth gritted at the scent. He didn't like the idea of an Alpha being in town, and he definitely didn't like the idea of an Alpha who's blood was boiling. It was almost enough to send shivers up his spine.


He walked to the sidewalk and looked around, sniffing the air again. He let out a low growl and started walking again, this time towards Sophia, Felan, and Connor. They were in more danger than they knew at the moment.

Heading towards the three was another group of werewolves from the same gang that had previously attacked Alexander. He then took off in a run and skidded around the corner, quickly catching up to Sophia before getting in front of her, turning around and stopping, his arm extended.

"You need to stop." he said. "There are more people from the gang that attacked me coming this way." he warned sternly as he looked down at the naturally shorter human form of Sophia. "They are either going to try and finish me, kill you because you're an Alpha, or they will kill the other two because they are in the gang's territory." he said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Connor did as his master said and checked his notes, this time on the other arm. 'NO JUMPING OFF ROOFS' was written down taking up the whole paper. "Oh." Connor realized and quickly turned around and walked quickly to the door.
As he walked down the stairs, trying to catch up with his Master, he was wincing in pain. He hadn't rested his legs long enough to get going again, and now he has to walk to wherever a doctor is. But it didn't matter, he has a master, so now his life has a meaning, but why does he feel warm when he is around her? and why does his face feel hot when she touches him?

His thoughts stop as he notices his master sitting on a step, stood next to her, he spoke out. "Master, are you tired?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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She looked up at him and nodded, "Kinda.." she faced forward placing her elbow on her knee and propping her head up with her hand, "I thought it would be best to actually rest before running off." She says sighing before looking back up at him her head still propped against her hand, "I know you must still be pretty tired so rest as long as you need to then we'll get on going, okay?" With that she patted the spot next to her "Crouch anywhere you like" she says smiling up at him. She begins to wonder why just seeing him lightens everything up and makes her relax so easily.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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"Then we shall rest." Connor was happy that his master is giving him a chance to rest, this caused him to give off a radiant smile as he squatted down next to Felan. His arms rested on his knees with his hands hanging limp. Connor gave off a sigh of relief as his comfortable yet not comfortable position allowed him to regain some stamina.

He turned his head to face his master, his eyes again seemed to glow through his fringe covering his face. "You know, I think you are the kindest Master I ever had." He mulls through is small memory, where tiny parts of his previous masters were kept never able to be forgotten. "I had two Masters before you, One of them wore a white coat and called me an experiment. The other had a glowing eye and called me a soldier. I admit that I enjoyed being under the command of the glowing eye guy, but he constantly made me go into action. I killed soo many people. He would sometimes loose his temper and let it out on me, claiming it's my 'training'. Other times he would loose his sanity and just drag me into battles where we are majorly outnumbered. If it weren't for our skills, I would've died. He also managed to mirror everyone's attacks. And made bullets bend around him. I just shot and shot and shot."

Tears began to run down his face as he accessed too much of his limited memory. Seeing what he did to families back when he was a 'soldier'. Images of dead mothers and children propped into his head, all with bullet holes in their eyes. But Connor simply touched his tears and stared at his hand with confusion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia was dizzy for a moment, she hadn't realized how fast she had been running until Alexander had jerked her to a halt. She looked around at his mention of Felan and Connor, "Felan and Connor aren't with me. I was trying to find them because they may be hurt." Sophia sniffed the air, they were directly above them, "Some punk bothered them, they're on the roof." Sophia also smelled hostility, and the same scent as what was on the thief from the Convenience store. They were going to be pissed at her now. Furthermore Alexander was still injured and on his feet, "Are you okay enough to be out and about, or fight if necessary?" Alexander's scent spiked with aggravation, "I'm asking out of friendly concern, not as an alpha who needs you to protect her. Jessie would kill me if you died and I didn't even ask if you were ok." Mark flashed through Sophia's mind and she slapped herself in the forehead, "Shit, Mark's scent is going to be on the scene too, they'll go after him as well."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Alexander looked up then looked around, sniffing the air with a growl. When Sophia inquired about whether or not he was okay, and he looked at her. "I'm not a normal werewolf. It doesn't take me a couple of minutes to heal. Alpha's heal within seconds, and I heal only slightly slower than Alphas do." he said. "So yes, I am fine." he said calmly. "And besides, a real Alpha does not need to be protected." he added.

He sniffed the air again and gritted his teeth. "They're getting closer...." he muttered. "Warn Felan, Connor, and whoever the hell Mark is. I will handle the threat." he said, turning to face Sophia again, this time a confident smirk on his face.

He then quickly turned and sniffed the air and took off in a dead sprint towards the hostile scent, disappearing around a corner in mere seconds. After more time, he stopped, confronted by another group of people, this time numbering more towards a dozen. Alexander gritted his teeth and growled loudly.

He was met with a chorus of growling from the other werewolves in front of him, most of them shifting into their wolf forms. Alexander smirked and shifted into his wolf form, towering above the rest of the wolves as he let out another howl before charging into the group of wolves, some of whom were wondering whether or not fighting a wolf that was so close to Alpha status was a good idea, even if Alexander was a lone wolf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arxi
Sophia laughed at his comment, "I know, I can fend for myself quite easily, I just want to make sure you understand, anytime I ask you things, or talk to you I am not trying to enforce my authority over you, I care is all."

Acknowledging the rest of what Alexander said Sophia started running again, this time to the front door of the building Connor and Felan were on. Flying down the hallways Sophia located the stairs and proceeded to climb the flights until she reached the roof door, she through it open.

"Felan, Connor!" The two of them faced her surprised, "Dangers coming! Please, go to times square! I'll meet up with you there. There's too many people in times square, the enemy pack won't attack us there." Tuning abruptly Sophia ran across the roof of the building and launched herself off. She hit the next one hard and rolled before continuing onto the next roof. It took no time at all to catch Mark's scent. She followed it as fast as she could until she dropped onto the roof of a small motel.

Sophia proceeded with caution, sniffing carefully, but there was no sign of the other pack, yet. She dropped onto the balcony she was over and sniffed the door carefully, defiantly Mark's room. The door was a standard sliding glass, and not locked, but then again, Mark didn't anticipate werewolves breaking into his room. Sophia entered silently. The room was as messy as Mark had said, speaking of Mark, he was passed out on his bed. Sophia sighed, "Mark! Get up! Your in danger ."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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0.00 INK

The fight started to grow in intensity, with Alexander literally smashing the other werewolves, or picking them up in his jaws and throwing them at each other or at the walls. All that could be heard were barks, growls, snarls, and yipes of pain and fear as the pack clashed with the lone wolf who stood almost twice the size of their largest.

"You always get in our way, Alexander." one of them growled. "Always asking questions, never just delivering the package like your job entails. Or you kill our men or disrespect our females and children. And they say we are the bad ones."

Alexander merely stood where he was, head lowered and teeth bared; ears back and fur raised. The enemy pack had managed to back him into a corner, though most of them were bleeding and limping.

"And now a new Alpha is in town and like a coward you start picking fights to prove your own strength." the leader of the group Alexander was fighting taunted.

"And like the little weaklings you all are, you fight in groups of ten or more! Picking on who ever you want and leaving nothing but pain!" Alexander snarled, letting out a loud growl that echoed throughout the alleyways.

With a loud, echoing howl, Alexander charged once more into battle against his enemies, dust rising into the air because of the intensity, blocking most of the fight from prying eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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0.00 INK

Felan tried to explain to Sophia when she suddenly appeared that Conner was hurt but she had gone as soon as she had appeared. This made the young wolf to sigh heavily and turn to Conner "Are you okay to walk now? We may be able to find a doctor closer to times square and out of danger." She shook her head confused, "I don't know what's going on but I don't want you in any danger right now." Getting up she looked down at him worriedly, "Do you need any help walking at all?" a thought crossed her mind at that moment "Oh! that was my pack leader, Sophia, in case you were wondering."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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0.00 INK

Connor was surprised to see Sophia pop in tell the two to go to times square and ran off. He was in thought as Felan was speaking, not listening until he saw her get up. This snapped him out of his thinking, allowing him to listen. "I'm good for walking, but this sounds fun. Can I join in with the fight?" Connor had already pulled out his guns and stood up, trying his best to ignore the pain in his leg and walked towards Felan. "Do you need a weapon, Master? Or are you gonna go the that place?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan sighed scratching her head for a second then crossed her arms in front of her, "I'm not letting you go fight alone so yeah I guess I'll need a weapon." She then tilted her head to the side thinking before turning to Conner "I dunno if this will really make a difference or matter or anything but I think you should know.. I'm only half werewolf so I won't be as strong as everyone else but if you can back me up while I'm in wolf form I think I could help ya out" before Conner could say anything she stared down the stairs and headed out the door sniffing around until she caught the scent of Alexander. Blinking in confusion she figured he'd healed enough to be out and about so she decided to follow his scent slowly so Conner could keep up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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0.00 INK

"Well, if you need a weapon..." Connor placed his guns back in their holsters on the back of his belt and pulled out a knife and a third machine pistol and held it out to Felan as she was walking. "Take these, just don't break or loose them please. Oh and you will need these too;" Connor undid his cloak to show belts and belts on ammunition all over his chest, it looked a bit like armor as the ammunition was kept as clips, all attached to belts which were slung over his body under his cloak. There must be about 50-100 clips all together, with them, he pulled 4 clips off of a belt and handed them over as well. "There are 30 rounds in each clip. These guns are automatic so you can't fire one bullet. No matter how fast to pull the trigger, about 3 will be fired. So be careful, if you run out. Come to me, or use the knife."

Connor then pulled his two guns out of their holsters and refastened his cloak. "Lead the way. And I will protect you, no matter what. Master."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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By the time that Felan and Connor had reached the sight where Alexander was fighting the group of werewolves, another group of werewolves joined the fight, all of them snarling and growling at Alexander, who growled back at them, his fur raising to make himself appear to be about twice his own size.

Alexander's paws, teeth, and snout were covered in blood from all the times he's bitten into the other werewolves and then thrown them at each other, only for them to get back up.

"Come on boys!" one of the other werewolves yelled. "It's fifteen of us against one of him! What is the big problem?" the wolf barked.

"He is the big problem!" another wolf shouted.

Suddenly Alexander began to laugh. "You are all fools. Especially since you don't know how to fight without using all of your power at once." he said. "The only reason you're not dead is because I've been toying with you." he said.

"But no longer!" Alexander yelled. He lifted his head and let out another howl that echoed throughout the city. Then he began to grow again, his wolf form, normally just barely smaller than Sophia's, started to grow again, and this time, he was much bigger than Sophia was in her wolf form.

Alexander then started snarling as he charged once again into the crowd of enemies before him, this time biting hard enough to snap their necks audibly, then picking them up and chucking them at each other.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan stood frozen for a second at the gruesome sight not used to such violence but shoved it away as quickly as she could. Falling to all fours as she painfully shifted into her wolf form, something was wrong, she had gone without eating for to long and the sight and smell of the blood fueled her fierce hunger. Letting out a growl that was much to big for her slight form, she charged into the fray teeth flashing mainly aiming for the legs to take them down before jumping on top and biting the jugular. Blood stained her fur as she took down as many as she could surprisingly able to handle herself one on one but struggled with more than that. Three wolves had eventually been able to surround her, snapping at them to keep them at bay though not without injury.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Watching as Alexander was fighting, Connor gave off a crazy smile. Grabbing his guns. At first it seemed that the massive wolf was the bad guy, but seeing his master shift inter her form to fight against the group of wolves. It was obvious that the big guy was on their side. Keeping an eye on his master, Connor pointed his guns and began firing. Giving off bursts of 3-5 bullets, aimed at the eyes of the enemy wolves. However, he did miss a few shots due to them being moving targets and that big wolf was getting in the way at times.

One of the wolves tried attacking Connor, it appearing in front of him, growling and ready to pounce. But that did not make Connor watch and wait, instead he just shot another burst straight into the wolves eyes, piercing the brain and causing instant death. With each death Connor caused, his smile became more insane and his movements more agile. But then he saw his master being surrounded.

"No..." Connor tried to run but the swelling prevented him to move as much, so he simply walked as fast as he could, using his arms as movement as if he was running. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" He shouted as he jumped over one of the smaller wolves to land in front of Felan. But he quickly fell to kneel down, the shock of landing on his bad leg threw pain across his body. But he didn't stop and shot with all of his anger, using his whole clip to kill 2 of the 3 wolves. The two who died had bullet holes in their eyes and skull.
"Are you okay, Master?" Connor called out behind him as the empty clips dropped down from his guns. He then flipped his cloak backwards to show his massive amount of ammo clip belts wrapped around his body, he ran the guns over one of the belts, scooping up a clip and finalizing the reload by banging the guns on his side to push the clips into place. He then aimed the guns toward the last wolf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Her fur bristled at the sound of gun fire in her hunger fueled rage and as soon as two of the wolves were down she targeted the last wolf. Targeting the legs she charged biting down on the joint between the paw and foreleg nearly crushing it and pulled up before letting go bringing it down. Her eyes became wild as she pounced on top ripping and tearing out the throat and chest area, her fur becoming soaked in her frenzy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Connor was watching in awe, "Uh. Master?" He was confused on how his master can suddenly become like that, wasn't she a coward? It didn't matter, what did matter was the wolf that suddenly pounced on Connor from behind. Pushing him down to the floor. He was in pain, it forced his body to straighten out, which his back really did not like. It felt like he was on fire, the pain felt like he was being ripped apart. And so, he had to act quickly before that wolf bit down on his throat. He quickly grabbed his knife and pushed it into the wolf's shoulder, causing it to jump back in pain. Then he could easily point the gun and place bullet holes into the eyes. He then turned around to see his master again, he quickly moved to reach his master, ready to protect her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Alexander heard gunshots and the sound of smaller feet running around, along with the deaths of other wolves. He bit one wolf and threw them hard into a building, snapping its back and killing it instantly. Soon the number of enemy wolves began to fall, and Alexander started to shrink in size back to his normal size for his wolf form.

He looked around and saw one last wolf in the shadow of the alley way, and he let out a growl before bounding towards the wolf, ducking down and tearing out the throat and snapping the neck in one swift movement. Alexander then turned to face Felan and Connor, his piercingly dark green eyes staring at them as he slowly approached.

Felan seemed to be tearing apart the already dead body of an enemy wolf while Connor merely stood by her. Alexander approached the two and nudged Felan in the side with his snout hard enough to snap her out of her frenzy. "We do not tear apart the bodies of the dead, even if they are our enemies." he said sternly to the young female.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Connor stared at the large wolf, his eyes seemed to glow green in the small amount of light. Steam trailed from the barrels of his guns as Connor held them to his side, he seemed very short compared to the wolf due his his slouching and slightly bent legs. Without hesitation, Connor pointed his guns at the large wolf, aiming straight for the eyes. "Master, is he an enemy?" He was eager to pull the triggers, his smile intensified as he waiting for an answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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Felan's whole body shivered as she slowly came back from her hunger fueled rage. As her eyes cleared they widened at the carnage she was standing over, the shock forced a rapid change and she groaned at the pain and sickness at what she's done. "No Conner he's... A friend.." She said to him before beginning to gag but she tried to force it away. She looked up at Conner worried, "A-are you okay?.. W-we need to get you t-to a doctor now.." a big wave of nausea passed through her making her gag forcefully, "Oh n-no.. I-I don't feel so.." before she could finish the sentence she ran behind a bunch of boxes and junk as her stomach began to try to empty itself of nothing.