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Code Geass RX: Heroes of the Revolution

The War-Torn World


a part of Code Geass RX: Heroes of the Revolution, by Azure Limit.


Azure Limit holds sovereignty over The War-Torn World, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The War-Torn World is a part of Code Geass RX: Heroes of the Revolution.

8 Characters Here

Levantine Lu Britannia [0] The heartless and iron-fisted emperor of Britannia.
Lilia Vertaguard [0] An ace pilot of Britannia, know as the War Goddess.
Marcus Maltive [0] Ace pilot of the holy Knights has a strong sense of justice
Demetri Ulrich [0] A wild, but noble soul that leads the Holy Knights
Maja Bornhal [0] Code Bearor for Tenbatsu. She has sworn herself into a contract with Satosha in return for finding what she has lost.
Kaede Kurosaki [0] Ace pilot and member of the Tenbatsu
Jack Charing [0] Ace Britannian Pilot and Commandant
Satosha Uesugi [0] The young leader of the Tenbatsu, who vows to stop Britannia

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Satosha stepped outside, walking out onto the balcony of his room. The sun began to rise as he looked out into the city. What once was the beautiful city of Tokyo was now a battle scarred land, most of the building suffering some kind of damage. The upper part of the city, where the Britannian noble's lived, was perfectly fine, yet this part was left the way it was, with no repair. He could see people huddled around trashcans with fires lit inside, and children playing in the streets, their clothing old and worn. Because of Britannia's high taxing, the people could barely afford food, yet alone new clothing. He sighed and went back inside. He got dressed, wearing his tradition Japanese attire. He walked downstairs, entering the command center of the Tenbatsu, the organization dedicated to the removal of Britannia from Japanese soil. There were large monitors on the walls, showing various data such as maps and supply routes. As Satosha walked in everyone stood at attention.

"At ease." He said, waving his hand. He stepped up to a monitor, viewing the supply route of Britannian guns and supplies throughout northern Japan. "I see they are still busy...Changing their routes after we attack them." The last major attack seemed to be a blow to Britannia. The cargo was something much more precious than supplies. The girl, Maja, whom he found inside on of the trucks, turned out to be his most valuable discovery. Because of her, he was given a trump card to stand against Britannia, the Geass. This power would help him save the people of Japan, and make Britannia pay. Yet, he also remembered the promise he made to Maja, to help restore her memories, and help her find out who she was. He was a man of honor, and would not stop until he helped her.

Satosha pondered what his next move should be...should he attack, or should he wait for more information. Bringing his hand to his chin he began to think. Another shipment of supplies would be traveling nearby tomorrow to a Britannian outpost. It was likely to be heavily guarded, yet, he was expecting it.

"Okay. I have it. They expect us to attack this cargo shipment...That is why they drive it so close to our territory. So we will oblige them. I will have a small group attack from the mountains. However, we will also set up automated turrets to give the impression that we have sent more troops. They will believe we are attacking them with full strength, but as they send out more reinforcements we will strike the base they were delivering the supplies to. I will lead the attack on the base. After five minutes I want the convoy attack team to retreat. We do not need casualties when the enemy reinforcements arrive. Now then, who wants to go with me to attack the base?"

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"Count me in."

A young woman who appeared no more than perhaps twenty two years old stepped forward as Satosha Uesagi spoke. The expression she wore did not nearly match the serious, almost tragic atmosphere the other soldiers present seemed to lend to the room with their downcast, frowning faces--but that was to be expected of Kaede Kurosaki. However, her light-hearted, amiable disposition was not to be taken lightly--the smiling, calm expression concealed a warrior of the highest calibre, one of Tenbatsu's best pilots, and, perhaps above all, a patriot determined to send the Britannians fleeing from Japan--one way or another, a goal that had to be achieved. The state of Japan under the rule of Britannia disgusted and horrified Kaede every time she saw children lying on the streets half naked and dirty, begging for a scrap of food that would not come--this was not how a proud people and a grand culture as the Japanese should ever be! Japan should never, ever be marked on the map as anything but a proud, sovereign nation....


"So the last shipment attacked while passing through this province was of greater worth than I had been led to believe..."

"Yes, sir." The Britannian soldier's eyes looked back into the calm blue eyes of Commandant Jack Charing as he spoke. "The Emperor was highly dissatisfied to hear that the cargo fell into the hands of the Tenbatsu, and is considering the ramifications and consequences of their acquirement of the shipment."

"It seems we will have to punish the Japanese people further for the actions of their 'knights in shining armour'..." Commandant Charing spoke with the tone of someone commenting on the weather. "Cut food ration supplies another ten percent to all districts but District One, and increase patrols--again, all districts but District One."--District One being the area in which Britannians lived.

"But...sir...the rations were cut by ten percent already last week...surely another cut would cause...?"

"There is no need to question my orders, soldier," Charing interrupted. Despite the absence of anger or seriousness on his face--two emotions that never seemed to cross his fair countenance--Charing clearly made no empty threats. "This is war. If we wish to break the will of the enemy, we must strike where they are their civilians."

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#, as written by Nanase
Maja was somewhat lounging on a soft chair in the Tenbatsu Control room. She looked as if she was watching one of the large screens where images of news or Tenbatsu cameras were streaming into the base, but if anyone was to look her in the eyes they would know she was doing no such thing. Maja stared out at the world in a somewhat blank face, a frown displayed on young but somehow ageless lips. Her eyes seemed to flash and her face obliterated the frown when Satosha stepped in. Her actual rushed admittance into Tenbatsu was still muttered about but every once in awhile she would prove her worth over the last week.

Maja nodded at Satosha's plan but continued her relaxed somewhat spaced out sprawl over the chair. She was clutching a handful of her hair of her mouth, a habit she had and did not remember from where. "Satosha, is there anything you want me to do?" she asked him slowly. The pair of them shared a secret from everyone here, a secret she did not understand. Still, until their promise was fulfilled, she would help him, and even afterwards perhaps. Over the past week, Satosha had served as a very good friend to her and helped her get adjusted here at Tenbatsu.

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Marcus looks up at the Sunder cannon he still can't understand the reason he has to carry a weapon of such desterctive powers just the image of him firing it means the death of countless pilots is just to horrible. "Why am I even thinking of such things" Marcus says to himself. "Sir the commander wants to see you" says a young recruit. "Thank you for the message I shall see him now" Marcus answers in a passive tone.

While Marcus walks he wonder what this is about he ponders the idea of the meeting when a glowing light of moniter catch his eye on screen was Britannia patrol base. AS he arrives at Demetrl command room. He opens the door and steps in to see misson spects on the table and couple of officers talking about the misson.