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Rhys Llewelyn

"There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it. I believe myself to be the result of the latter."

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a character in “Collapsing Mana”, as played by Cheru-Chu



"I request you maintain your distance and keep all your unclean hands, paws, or whatever body parts it is you possess off my Hagoromo."

The Basics

(Image: Rhys with his Hagoromo)
Rhys Llewelyn

An old, now deceased missing, 'companion' of Rhys's once took to calling him Lewie (as well as Lyn), which might offer some explanation to why he is no longer around, well
physically. Admittedly, he hates the nickname(s) and does his best not to respond to it(them). However, on the rare occasion someone does actually refer to him as such, he has been known to slip up and acknowledge the name(s). (Much to his aggravation.)

Wouldn't you like to know. Well, between you and I, despite looking like he's in his early twenties he's actually 347 years old. Admittedly, for his particular sub-species, the Tennin, that's quite young, but for Humes, he's a bit of an old man.

Rhys is a Tennin, which is a sub-species to the fae. (To be elaborated on in OOC.)

Lyn Rhys is a male.

It's doubtful Rhys is entirely sure himself. What can be said is that if you interest him, then you interest him. You could be male or female, it just might also not be a romantic interest.

Rhys is a very attractive creature, and he is fully aware of it. He stands just short of six feet at 5’ 11.5” and possesses a slender frame. That is not to say he is too tall and gangly, but rather he has a lithe build that is well suited to his size – even if it is a little feminine due to it’s slightly dainty appearance. His silky, straight hair, though once quite long, has recently been cut short and is a dark black color that occasionally gives off a blue gleam in the right kind of lighting. He possesses narrow, sharp, icy blue eyes that are framed by long, thick, and vaguely feminine eyelashes. His blue stare always seems unceasingly focused on whatever is currently holding his attention. Admittedly, it can be a little unnerving to meet his eyes since he possesses an incredible intensity behind them. His facial features are quite attractive, while they are softer than most men’s and lack that rugged quality that is expressly masculine, it is still apparent that he is male due to the angular qualities of his facial structure found most often in his sex. Furthermore, he possesses ivory-colored, unblemished skin and rosy colored, small, plush lips. Finally, he does possess vaguely pointed ears that give him away as not being Hume, but they by no means compare to the ears of most elves.

Rhys carries himself with a great amount of poise and refinement. Every slight movement is done with a subtlety, balance, and charm usually only seen after years of training and with no small degree of talent. When he walks, he does so with his head held high and his back perpendicular to the floor, and though it may be exhausting he seems to do it with great ease. Of course, even he has moments where he must let loose, but even in those rare moments when he has relaxed his carefully maintained stance, he still exudes that air of sophistication.

His choice of clothing is also quite conspicuous as well. Rhys chooses to dress himself in traditional Japanese garb. Often, when he is not out to impress and generally alone and relaxing this includes a yukata. However, when he must travel or simply wishes to dress nicely he wears his feathered kimono, the Hagoromo. The kimono itself is both beautiful and striking as it possesses a beautiful flower design in a multitude of blue shades and long, flowing sleeves. The neckline, shoulders, and sleeves are lined with large beautiful dark, almost black (just like the color of his hair) feathers. So long, in fact, are the feathers of his sleeves that some actually drag behind him when he walks. He generally ties this kimono with a black obi and wears black tabi with his dark fabric zori.

Inner Mechanisms

Rhys is an extremely prideful male. He, like many of his race, is extremely attractive and he knows it all too well. Now pride is not always necessarily a bad thing. Pride can be an effective power in encouraging good behavior. Because of the pride he possesses in his appearance, Rhys puts a lot of importance in how he behaves and as a result he is extremely graceful and sophisticated. His every movement is well practiced and never wasted and he possesses very high-class etiquette. Furthermore, even when he is saying less than kind things, Rhys always speaks properly and politely when speaking to or around someone. His thoughts, however, tend to be a little more crude. His pride also makes him feel extremely honor bound. If he says he will do something, you can certainly trust him to do it. Unsurprisingly as pride and confidence tend to go hand in hand, Rhys is also quite confident in his ability to do things, look a certain way, and be accurate in his thoughts. He believes quite strongly in himself, and hardly cares for how others perceive him; although he does find life much easier if those he surrounds himself with have a good opinion of him. Unfortunately, this confidence and pride does often result with him being exceptionally arrogant.

Laziness is another quality Rhys has in his arsenal. Although, he would probably refer to it as doing no more than absolutely necessary and preemptively resting before he becomes tired. No matter what he calls it or how he chooses to disguise it, the fact remains that Rhys simply hates to do labor of any kind. He’s more inclined to tell other what to do than be told to do something himself, and rather hates it when someone tries to force him into doing anything that may work up a sweat. Especially since he hates sweat. Admittedly, there is one thing he always finds toil worthy and that is the elimination of anything he deems dirty. In all actuality, when it involves a lack of cleanliness, no one works harder than Rhys (unless there’s someone he can force to do the labor for him that is, he is quite bossy after all).

There is one other matter that he is willing to overcome his laziness for and that concerns his abilities. Rhys desire to achieve self-transcendence, basically, he wishes to overcome himself and be better than he already is, and to attain that he’s willing to do just about anything. But, much to his aggravation, his progression towards this has become stagnant and he has no clear understanding as to why. As a result he’s taken to spending incredible amounts of time studying the matter as well as going to great lengths to find research material. He may even be slightly obsessive (okay, he’s OCD, he’s very obsessive). His failure to advance is admittedly making him very angry with himself, and when pointed out is a very touchy subject and could incite rage towards the one that mentioned it. That being said, he’d be very ‘attached’ to anyone who could share knowledge with him concerning the subject and would remain in his or her company until they’ve shared all they could with him. Furthermore, he’d be more than willing to commit slightly immoral acts in order to grow in knowledge and ability.

ImageThis leads us into the next section of Rhys. He has a deep, deep, and down-right unhealthy love for organization and cleanliness. He’s obsessive compulsive, which means he’s extremely quick to see even the slightest error in anything and when he does he simply cannot leave it be. It must be fixed or he will become extremely agitated and very unpleasant for anyone to be around. Furthermore, it would be in everyone’s best interest if, once he’s finished cleaning or organizing something (especially something that belongs to him), no one touches it. Ever. Friend or foe, Rhys is very unforgiving of people when hard earned perfection has been shattered.

Rhys is neither a recluse nor a social butterfly. Sometimes he enjoys the company of people, other times he simply wishes to spend time in his own company. It depends quite heavily on his mood and what it is he feels like doing at that moment. When he needs time to think or simply wishes to relax, he’ll seek solitude. However, Rhys does get lonely from time to time, and, on occasion, he enjoys having thought-provoking conversations with intelligent people, especially since he himself is extremely intelligent and likes intelligence in other people (although, he does occasionally find stupidity amusing to a certain extent). Furthermore, he can be extremely easy to talk to and his age and experience allows him to offer good advice, which he does not mind giving. That being said, he purposely avoids talking about himself since he feels it opens himself up to growing emotionally attached to people, which is something he actively avoids at all costs. He’s even gone so far as to give up caring about people’s well being in general in order to maintain a comfortable distance – although, he still feigns caring and does seem like an extremely loyal and kind person that many would happily go to for help. However, if you are going to have a conversation with him or ask for his advice, be warned that you may want to think through what you decide to share with him. Rhys, though proficient at keeping secrets, is not above blackmail if you annoy him, so it may be in your best interest not to say anything at all.

As is the case with many Tennin, Rhys is a bit of a trickster by nature. These pranks more than likely stems from the fact he is easily bored and easily amused. He enjoys ‘interesting things’, which can be a rather numerous number of somewhat random things, and finds peoples’ reactions to his tricks to be particularly interesting. Admittedly, though entertained by most things, generally his interest is only held for a short time before he moves on to something else on account of it becoming boring to him. Despite being a prankster, he isn’t a very obvious or open about his devious nature. He prefers it if people aren’t aware that he actively engages in tricks since it takes away from his sophistication and makes it easier to get away with them. Unsurprisingly, his abilities as a tactician have been honed over time through this constant pranking, which has resulted in his being a very skilled planner.

Rhys is also a fickle realist. He sees the world for how it is, but on occasion he does try to be optimistic about what could happen. Then again, he’ll just as often be extremely pessimistic about what may happen in the future as well. Often, the situation itself and the people he’s surrounded with will determine how he chooses to respond. Except, that is, when it comes to his outlook on people. Eternally pessimistic in his opinion of other living creatures, experience has fashioned Rhys into a very distrustful person. He expects there to be a liar in every person and actively searches for it. And even if anyone is lucky enough to gain his trust, the ease with which can be broken has no compare, and it can never be regained once lost.

His respect is just as difficult to gain as his trust and just as easily lost. That being said, if you are able to gain his respect, you’ll have also gained the dual bonus of a very loyal companion and an exemption from his mischievousness. Of course, a friend and a companion is not entirely the same thing to him. To him a companion is someone with whom you enter into an unspoken contract. If you give, he will give in return without fail, however, there are no feelings of care involved. If a companion were to ask for his help but have nothing to offer in exchange he’d do nothing for them and sleep soundly at night. A friend, on the other hand, would always be cared for whether or not they could give him anything in exchange. Well, theoretically that would be the case. It’s been a very long time since he’s had feelings of ‘friendship’ for another person.

Speaking of feelings, Rhys has an extremely wide range of them. He isn’t too sensitive, not every little thing causes a large emotional reaction, but he doesn’t attempt to put a cap on them either. He realizes that feelings are acceptable and a necessary part of living life, and, as long as he has good control over them (which he does), they can make him a better and stronger person and even combatant. That being said, he does have certain ‘buttons’ that set him off and cause him too lose control of his leashed emotions. Messing up anything he’s cleaned or organized, and anything to do with his appearance or Hagoromo will effectively cause a fairly intense and out-of-character emotional reaction.

More than likely due to his arrogance, Rhys is an extremely competitive person. He feels as though he must always live up to his own expectations and be the best at whatever he deems necessary. This is most evident in his competitive nature concerning appearance. If someone’s appearance is garnering more attention than him then he will be very quick to embellish himself in an attempt to enhance his natural beauty.

This leads into the final section of his personality. Just as he loves sanitation and order, Rhys loves beautiful things. That is not to say he hates ugly things, it merely means he has a preference for things that are attractive. As a result of this he’s become a collector of ornate antiquities and occasionally a collector of people. When it comes to things, he does tend to lock them away. However, he is by no means a thief of free will so he does not entrap the people he ‘collects’ rather he merely forces his own companionship upon them until he grows bored or they are no longer attractive and he ‘throws them away’. Admittedly, he finds throwing away people and ‘so-called’ friendships fairly easy since he does tend to keep people at ‘an arm’s length’ anyways.

  • Lotus flowers – He’s always found them to be particularly beautiful flowers.
  • Art – He finds it to be the expression of beauty and is quite the collector of many different types such as sculptures and paintings.
  • Biwa – An instrument he truly enjoys playing and is something he does often when he is alone with only his thoughts. He has a lot of practice and is quite good, he is often quick to show off when asked to perform.
  • Kiseru – A Japanese pipe that he smokes far too often and relishes despite its unclean nature.
  • Giving Orders – And he’s so good at it too.
  • Then there’s the obvious list of: Organization, Cleanliness, Beautiful Things, Being the Best, and Himself.

  • Working up a sweat – Sweat both smells and feels gross, and Rhys by no means wants any experience with it.
  • Being told what to do – How dare anyone, especially someone he holds no respect for, attempt to tell him to do anything. It is most certainly not there place.
  • A complete and utter lack of propriety – It’s not hard to say please and thank you. Both can be said in the same breath with air to spare, but if someone is incapable of doing even that, then Rhys is incapable of liking them.
  • Cold Weather – He does not like having to wear a large number of layers simply to try and remain comfortably warm. It’s a nuisance.
  • Hot Weather – Rhys simply can’t be made happy unless the temperature is just right. Although, if he had to make a decision, he’d probably say that the cold weather is the lesser of the two evils. After all, at least if you’re cold you can add more layers. There’s only so many layers you can take off if you’re hot.
  • Mornings – Rhys is not a morning person. Of course, he’s not a generally active person any time during the day but at least he’s a pleasant sloth. Unfortunately, he’s a complete monster at daybreak or, at the very least, until he wakes up fully.
  • Being Touched – As far as Rhys is concerned all living things are by nature unclean and he loathes being unclean, so he doesn’t like being touched.

Combat Or Lack Of

⌈Equipment and Personal Objects⌋
  • Hagoromo – All Tennin possess one unique to themselves. It is a kimono created of the finest, and most exquisitely colored silk and coated in beautiful, large, soft feathers. Rhys’s, as described earlier, is blue in color and his feathers are of the same hue as his hair. But what makes the Hagoromo so important to the Tennin, to Rhys, is that it is an extension of their bodies. If the Hagoromo is damaged, they can feel the pain. Furthermore, the entirety of a Tennin’s mana is contained within this piece of cloth. Without being in visual or spiritual* range of it, a Tennin is incapable of performing any magic, it also means that if the Hagoromo is destroyed, the Tennin is permanently handicapped as it cannot be remade. That being said, the Hagoromo, due to the extraordinary amount of mana contained within every individual thread and feather, is tremendously difficult to damage. So much so, it serves as an extraordinarily lightweight and effective armor. As a side note, if the Hagoromo is stolen, it is possible for the thief to utilize the mana and abilities stored within it. Moreover, Rhys would be the one to exhibit the effects of exhaustion, not the user, thus making it a rather convenient and prized treasure to those that know of its properties.
  • Kiseru – Don’t let it fool you, this tobacco pipe is a dangerous weapon! Especially if you aren’t fond of smoke, although I suppose he could use it to blow ember and ash in your face if his hand is forced.
  • Biwa – It’s a beautiful instrument which he carries on his back when he travels but has absolutely no use except to play beautiful music to entertain him when he’s bored.

As with all living things, Rhys is a work in progress. He has an affinity for Spirit magic and as a result he is hyper sensitive to souls and spirits. He can sense them, both living and dead, (not necessarily see them except under proper circumstances; it's more of an awareness of their general presence) and he grows in ability with his own soul faster than most because he’s more naturally attuned to it. That being said, the time, complexity, an amount of sheer dedication and training required to achieve some of the more impressive spiritual abilities make them very difficult to master and as a result Rhys's current skills are very limited and to be honest, unreliable, much to his aggravation. Nonetheless, he's stubborn and as result is finding himself spending a great majority of his free time studying the mechanics and the philosophy behind Spirit magic so that he may improve his ability to utilize it. He has hopes he'll be able to one day surpass himself - which in his prideful eyes is an incomparable feat.

  • Spiritual Awareness – While in deep meditation, Rhys becomes hyper aware of the world. His spirit is very calm and as a result is very sensitive to changes in the environment, especially spiritual ones. Furthermore, with the proper exertion, he can expand his spirit out into the environment in order to observe it more closely. This particular ability allows for Rhys to gather information on his surroundings. Usually, the information is vague without expansion, but detailed with. That being said, meditating leaves him vulnerable to physical attack, and expanding his spirit or soul leaves him vulnerable in a spiritual sense - which is never good and part of the reason he doesn't often expand his soul unless absolutely necessary, since simply meditating can generally give him enough information to warn him of imposing danger.
  • Medium – A step up from being able to expand his soul, Rhys has the ability to astral project it. He does this whenever he feels it necessary to actually speak to roaming spirits, such as the spirits of Erandal and Feran. He has yet to develop ‘astral eyes’ so he is limited to merely doing it through astral projection, and, just like with expanding his soul, it leaves his body exposed to physical attack, and leaves his soul even more susceptible to attack and damage, which is part of the reason he almost never does it, and when he does it’s only for very short periods of time. Astral projection, however, is also useful for other purposes, such as communicating with people a long ways away quickly. But as said before he generally doesn’t do it because he believes the cons outweigh the pros.
  • Self-Transcendence - Basically, this is the ability to exceed your own limitations whether physically, mentally, or existentially through the use of ones spirit or soul (basically sheer willpower). He could do almost anything as long as he has the mana and soul to achieve it. Well, that would supposedly be the case if he could actually do this. While it is technically possible, Rhys has no where near the knowledge or experience to achieve it currently and admittedly is finding himself stagnant in his progression to achieving this. This stagnancy is in part due to the fact that self-transcendence requires achieving a certain psychological state and Rhys does not know how to achieve it or even what this state actually is, he is failing in his understanding of what it means to transcend himself. It's a good question really, how does one exceed their own limitations or the limitations of the world they live in? Hence his obsession with researching it.
As a further side note, he can fly. His Hagoromo grants anyone who wears it the ability of flight as it is something akin to a removable set of wings that aren’t actually wings and don’t flap. Lastly, he does possess another ability unique to Tennen and that is the ability to inhabit Religious items. It’s an ability often used by the dying species in order to remain hidden and safe from the eyes of other aggressive species. That being said, when this ability is used they cannot move the object they’ve inhabited and any other magic cannot be cast, furthermore destroying or damaging the object would severely wound the Tennen inside. Rhys is no exception to this.

  • Scouting – Rhys is very good at gathering and organizing large amounts of information very quickly. He has a large information network, via his two ghost friends (on those rare occasions when they feel like being helpful) that can travel large distances quickly and eavesdrop on almost any conversation without being noticed. They are very effective spies. Furthermore, his spiritual awareness ability allows him to somewhat observe the world around him.
  • Tactician – Rhys is one of the most effective, intelligent, and efficient tacticians you will probably ever meet. He excels at quickly applying the information he has gathered in the way that would most benefit him on and off the battlefield. Furthermore, while he does prefer plotting traps (as he isn’t particularly combat oriented), he can and does plan extravagant attack strategies down to the smallest details; he’s even capable of predicting his opponent’s moves fairly accurately based on his reports, which makes planning the details quite easy for him. Generally, he’s three steps ahead of his opponent at all times, and, whether they’re necessary or not, he has back up plans for his back up plans.
  • Quick on His Feet – Rhys is fast and agile, at least enough to allow him to dodge and retreat to a safe distance (in other words runaway).
  • Abundant Energy – As a fae, Rhys has an extraordinary amount of mana stored within his Hagoromo, more so than most of his race actually, a lot more, and knows how to use it practically and sparingly. It’s a shame he doesn’t have more effective combat spells to waste it on.
  • Hagoromo – It offers him both ease of flight and extremely beautiful, lightweight, armor.
  • Knowledge of rituals and funeral rights – Having spent a lot of time under the tutelage of an elf with great skill in Death Magic, Rhys has a lot of knowledge of rituals and funeral rights. As a result he’s more than capable of performing them, and thus is often approached by ghosts that are unable to pass over on their own. That being said, this isn’t actually a spell or magic, it is only rituals that could be done by anyone with the knowledge and tools to perform them.
  • Trap Building – And people told him nothing good would come of his being a prankster. Rhys has a lot of practice in building both simple and elaborate traps that tend to be very difficult to avoid. It’s this particular skill that he uses to keep people away from the temple he inhabits as few who enter it escape unscathed if at all. This is a skill he’s honed to make up for his lack of combat capability, unfortunately, building traps takes time, so it’s not particularly useful in the dead of battle unless the traps have been set previously.

  • Limited Combat Ability – Rhys is a tactician that tells other people how to win, or ensures he can win without actively having to take part in any hand-to-hand combat. If he could have his way he’d never see his opponents face to face. Furthermore, he’s lived the majority of his life in a rather peaceful temple. Nonetheless, he is aware that some combat know-how is better than none and has at least some basic self-defense knowledge, he can at least throw a decent punch.
  • Little to no Physical Ability – Honestly, he should be ashamed to call himself a ‘man’, seeing as he has relatively little muscle tone whatsoever and no magic induced strength to make up for that. Quick, he is, but strong he is not.
  • Lack of Combative Spells – At his current state of magical ability, Rhys is unable to utilize any magic that would be useful in the middle of combat. All of the magical skills he actually can use are useful only for communication or scouting purposes.
  • Hagoromo – His most obvious weakness. If it is ever taken from him he would lose his ability to cast or maintain any spells. Furthermore, he feels pain when it receives damage, and anyone who steals it would be able to use it at his expense. Fortunately, he generally keeps it close and safe, and most people are not aware of the importance of the Hagoromo unless given the opportunity to study it, which most aren’t.



Tennin are not the type of species to live in each other’s company as a result there is no specific region that Tennin take to inhabiting in. Most live on their own hidden in shrines and temples built by other species and tend to avoid traveling.

Rhys lives in a now abandoned, large, and extravagant temple that was built in honor of the primordial elementals and the accompanying dragon-kin. Admittedly, there was once a time when creatures of all shapes and sizes often visited, but now the sanctuary lies forgotten and perhaps a little menacing (which is entirely his fault). Despite its abandoned state it is well taken care of (by him) and every sculpture, painting, and writing has been salvaged and maintained to appear as it was at its prime. Unfortunately, Rhys tends to attract spirits to the temple, as he has some knowledge on how to help them pass on and can actually communicate with them. Moreover, his trickster nature led to him playing a great number of pranks on visitors, and all of this combined eventually led to the belief that the place was cursed (and it is cursed
with his presence).

The temple was not built within a city like many; instead it was carved out of the side of a lonely southern mountain called Huíyì Guñn, which is about a two days walk from the nearest town. Due to the distance between his home and civilization, Rhys actually maintains his own garden from which he gathers food – primarily his diet is vegetarian, but occasionally he goes into town and splurges on meat. The climate is actually quite humid all the year long (since the temple sits in the shadow of the mountain and the rain clouds can’t actually go anywhere as the mountain blocks the path), but the temperature fluctuates between hot and cold normally as per the seasons’ dictate, which means instead of rain he’ll occasionally receive snow.

Rhys, as is common among the Tennin, never had the opportunity to truly grow to know either of his parents. Although, he did know his mother far better than his father, especially considering he never met his father. For the first eight years of his life he lived by his mother’s side. That being said, she was distant. Yes she cared for him and kept him alive but she did not shower him in the love mother’s often give their children. It seemed as though caring for him was more like a requirement for his mother than a desire. And to make that requirement easier, he too kept his distance.

The one that actually raised and cared for Rhys was an old elf with a mastery of Death magic and knowledge of a great many forms of magic (though he did not necessarily practice them), his name was Erandal and he was the caretaker of Rhys’s temple before he passed away. He found Rhys a few months after the Tennin had left his mother’s side and took him to the shrine. Rhys grew quite fond of Erandal quite quickly and spent almost 146 years living with the elf before he finally passed away. Rhys was, admittedly, saddened by the loss of his first and one of his only friends but, fortunately, he only missed his company for short while as Rhys quickly encountered his ghost. Ghost or not, Erandal is one of the few people the Tennen feels comfortable talking about himself with and often seeks advice from. More specifically, he often seeks his knowledge on magic, as he was far older and more studied than Rhys is.

I should probably address this ‘friend’ of his that died went missing. Well, shortly after Erandal passed on, a young elf, name Feran took his place as caretaker of the temple. He was strangely accepting of Rhys’s presence within the holy place and often took the time to travel into town and buy the Tennen things in an attempt to befriend him. Rhys did enjoy his company from time to time, but admittedly sometimes Feran annoyed him. Especially when he started giving him nicknames. About a month after Feran started calling Rhys Lewie and Lyn, the young caretaker disappeared. His ghost reappeared about a week after he went missing and became one of the many spirits Rhys surrounds himself with. As for whether or not the Tennen is responsible for the death of Feran, it’s uncertain but many credit the ‘spirit that haunts the temple’ with causing it.

He did fall in love one time before, or he thinks he did, however he doesn’t care to relive that particular experience and as a result has forced all memory of the woman aside.

There certainly isn’t enough time to cover all 347 years of his life so I’ll simply address the key events. The first was his original encounter with Erandal. Rhys left his mother’s side of his own volition. There was no particular event that forced him away nor did anyone insist he leave. Perhaps its part of the nature of Tennin, but he simply sensed it was time for him to go and so, at the age of eight, he went. He didn’t have a particular goal in mind; he simply assumed he would eventually find a place to stay as long as he kept moving.

It would come as no surprise that it was a struggle for an eight-year-old fae to survive in the world, both in the wilderness and outside of it. There was always the threat of being attacked by something, and he would soon discover that naivety would make living far more difficult. He had more than a few encounters with creatures that were aware of his Hagoromo’s secret and sought to steal it from him, but fortunately even as a child he was more than capable of escaping their grasps and as time passed he quickly learned to begin avoiding civilization and stop trusting people so easily. Furthermore, he never stayed anywhere for any extended period of time. Well, that was the case for a short time, as it were he eventually grew weary of travel and stopped moving, taking shelter and hiding within the visible roots of a large tree for weeks. It was there that Erandal found him sleeping.

The encounter was slightly confusing for them at first as neither were expecting to see the other. For Erandal, he could not understand why a young child was sleeping beneath the roots of a tree during such a raucous thunderstorm. For Rhys, he couldn’t understand why he was being shaken awake from his slumber and found it to be an unhappy experience.

Nonetheless, Erandal eventually convinced the young Tennen to follow him by promising both food and shelter. Admittedly, Rhys was apprehensive of Erandal’s intentions at the beginning, but was pleased enough to find that the shelter was a beautiful temple uninhabited by any other Tennin, and admittedly his growling stomach wouldn't allow him to turn down the prospect of food (it had grown tired of the nuts and berries he'd managed to scrounge off the forest floor). Furthermore, Erandal quickly proved that his kindness was without cost and Rhys grew to trust and respect him. Eventually, Rhys adopted the elf as his father.

It would come as no surprise to anyone that the Rhys never made raising him easy. A troublemaker from a young age, he often would torment visitors with small, harmless, but vastly irritating pranks and traps. He was disciplined often by the elf, and Erandal spent a good amount of time apologizing for his adoptive sons actions. Ironically, many of the visitors were fond of the child despite his mischievous nature and assumed he’d eventually grow out of it, thus they were well accepting of him residing within the temple as well.

Unfortunately, he never grew out of it and, as he got older, his pranks and traps grew more intricate and on some occasions more dangerous. That being said, the number of pranks and their frequency did decrease over time, as even Rhys understood that they were hardly action suited to one of his ‘status’ (and certainly Erandal’s nagging had absolutely nothing to do with it either).

Plus, Rhys grew distracted by his desire to surpass himself, which did help lead to his spending less time being impish and more time improving his knowledge and skills in magic.

It was apparent at a young age that Rhys had an affinity for spirit magic, he was ultra sensitive to the souls of those around him and Erandal quickly recognized and decided to harvest his natural ability. Though not a proficient user of spirit magic, Erandal had enough knowledge to lead Rhys in the appropriate direction. The old elf encouraged (and did his best to teach) Rhys to learn to harvest the power of his soul through meditation, but it was only a short time before Rhys’s skills would surpass his mentor’s and he began to turn to written studies and other creatures with knowledge of the subject.

He soon however reached a wall in his studies. Rhys has familiarized himself with his soul and he is very attuned to it and, through his meditations, with others. That being said, he can’t move beyond that skill, which has lead to him leaving the temple (as he’s read all that’s available to him there) for weeks at a time in order to find more texts concerning the subject.

Rhys also spent a lot of time observing Erandal performing many rituals. As a master of death magic, the elf often performed funeral rites and any that did not require death magic to perform (but simply items, chants, and motions), Rhys was able to imitate.

Then there was the day he met her. A woman whose name, race, and face he chose to forget and wishes to never know again. She often visited the temple bringing with her flowers to lie in thanks to the primordial elements and dragon kin. It was on one of these visits he first saw her from within the holy statue he often resided in, and, admittedly, he was originally incredibly unimpressed by her appearance and low level of etiquette. Yet, stranger things have happened, as through time and observation of her kindness and gentleness he grew to look forward to her visits. And that anticipation eventually gave birth to what was probably love.

It was soon after this he finally spoke to her face to face. She had dropped a flower and being unable to contain his desire to speak to her he showed himself and returned it to her. She thanked him and continued on her way, but that was all he needed, that simple word of thanks to him. He started approaching her more often, and attempted to engage in conversation with the woman, and she would gladly respond. Minutes eventually turned to hours and he found himself looking forward to her smile more and more.

Then one day she stopped coming.

Months past without word, and Rhys suspected the worst. Then she returned, with a man, her new husband, who she loved with all her heart. Rhys was hurt, to say the least. But he knew it was not her fault and he was not angry with her, he was angry with himself. He had grown too attached to her and had allowed himself to become vulnerable and that was an unforgiveable offense and something he would not do again.

Soon after this incident, he started actively ‘haunting’ the temple in an attempt to keep away visitors. He’s created this haunted temple by laying down hundreds of traps, all varying in size and complexity, some with the goal of frightening and fooling visitors, others (usually closer to the temple itself and Rhys’s usual location) with the intention of causing harm. He’s been largely successful in ‘haunting’ the temple as now almost no one visits and the few that do generally do it as a test of courage or out of curiosity.

Erandal passed on in the beginning stages of the ‘haunting’, unfortunately, so he could do little to stop the temple from becoming a frightful place. Taking his place was the young and inexperienced Feran and, unfortunately, Rhys has never been fond of taking orders from people he doesn’t respect.

As for what exactly happened to Feran, well, that will probably remain a secret for now, but do not worry as all things come to light eventually and the events that lead up to the young caretaker’s death is no exception.

Presently, Rhys is the only living occupant within the temple and he’s quite satisfied to remain that way as long as he continues to have the occasional visitor to trick and can visit civilization whenever he chooses.

So begins...

Rhys Llewelyn's Story


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Character Portrait: Rhys Llewelyn Character Portrait: Isis Sarea Cascade
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“Tsk.” A young man clicked his tongue as he flipped through the pages of an antique book. He was noticeably aggravated; his eyes were narrowed, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his mouth was set into a grimace. Another moment passed and two more pages were turned before the man sighed, slammed the book shut, and then placed it on the top of a pile of books he had read earlier that night. Afterwards, he leaned back against the chair he was seated on, tapped his fingers impatiently against the table, and ran his other hand through his hair; his gaze shifted from the pile of worn books to the dusty window of the archive. Blue eyes took in the image of the rising sun, which caused his eyebrows to furrow deeper as his mood worsened. After a moment he turned away from the window and towards the lit candle on the desk, which he quickly blew out. It would serve no purpose soon anyways.

Rhys had travelled for weeks to reach this town and its archive. He’d been here reading and researching spirit magic day and night for days. So absorbed in his research, he had nearly lost track of the time, but his exhaustion and the constant rise and fall of the sun out the window he sat by helped keep him aware of its flow. But all this time, travel, and physical and mental labor, had been for naught. It was all a complete waste because he had learned absolutely nothing beyond what he already knew on spirit magic and transcendence. He’d read all of this before. Perhaps different scholars had written what he had read in the past, but none of them seemed to have anything different to say. It was almost as if they too had reached the same wall as he.

Blue eyes fell again on the pile of books on the table. What he saw made him flinch in horror. How on earth had he of all people managed to create such a disorganized mess? Despite his exhaustion he simply could not leave it as is. In a somewhat desperate flurry to rid himself of his nemesis: disorganization, Rhys was on his feet a gathering up as many books as he could carry to be returned to their slots on the shelves.

His shoes clattered against the floor as he rushed like a madman to find each books’ appropriate positioning on each appropriate shelf. Most were relatively easy to return as they were within his reach, but once or twice – after checking to be sure no one could see him do this – Rhys would leap into the air and hover just long enough to put away books on shelves too high for him to reach normally. Afterwards, he’d gracefully return to the floor and either continue putting away books or race back to the table to gather up more.

It had taken the better part of the morning, but every book had been removed from the table. Afterwards, Rhys returned to his short-term workplace and straightened the slightly off kilter candle on its candlestick; he then placed the light source in the center of the table. He stepped back for a moment, examining the surface with a scrutinizing eye. When he was finally content with its state, he turned away and proceeded down the halls. Within moments he was stepping out of the archive and into the sunlit streets of a town busy with festival preparations. His immediate reaction was to lift his arm so that his large feather covered sleeve could block the midday sun from his tired eyes. It’s too damn bright, the young Tennin thought as he glared at the sun from behind his kimono.

Admittedly, Rhys was not normally so adverse to sunlight, but going without sleep for so long has left his eyes in a sensitive state (not to mention made it harder to keep them open). He was momentarily tempted to retreat back into the comparatively darker archive, but the quiet rumble of his stomach reminded him that he had not eaten in days. Considering this and his lack of sleep, it was no wonder he felt so awful and was in such a bad mood.

Without lowering his arm from his face, Rhys stepped out into the street. Almost immediately he had to dodge a young boy as he carried decorative banners. ”Eh? Oh! I’m sorry! Please excuse me!” He exclaimed with a bright smile when he noticed the Tennen from behind the pile of bright colors in his arms.

Forcing a smile onto his face Rhys quickly responded, ”Of course.” The boy’s smile brightened further at Rhys’s acceptance of his apology before he continued on to his destination.

Rhys’s face fell as he observed the boy leave, after only a moment he huffed and continued on his way. The festival admittedly intrigued him, however, he was not entirely fond of the hustle and bustle that accompanied it as it usually meant he ended up being touched. He really did not like being touched. Those hands, arms, and torsos - all of them sweaty, and who knows when they had last been bathed or where they’d been in-between washings. A shudder ran down his spine.

He wouldn’t mind observing the festival at all, as long as he could observe it from a distance.

His thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like shattering glass. His eyes quickly found the source; it was not glass. It had been the sound of a dwarf dropping an ice sculpture, which had prompted chastising from the warlock in charge. Lifting his free hand to his mouth, Rhys did his utmost to hide his amusement at the expense of the dwarf. He was largely successful and soon his attention turned elsewhere.

He had found himself an inn, and it seemed well-kept enough that Rhys might be able to stand resting in it for a short time. Moreover, it further appealed to him as it offered its tenants food as well. He should have enough cash (usually taken from anyone who fell victim to one of his temple’s traps) left over from his travels to afford board for the night, and then he could be on his way home once more. Surely in his absence some fool had gotten themself trapped at his temple and he’d be able to restock his coin pouch.

Stepping into the inn he was immediately greeted by the clerk, ”Good afternoon sir. How may I help you this fine day?” Finally dropping his arm and revealing himself from behind his sleeve, Rhys grinned and stepped up to the desk.

”Would you be able to tell me whether or not you have any available rooms?”

The man smiled as he looked down at the books on the desk, ”Ah yes, I do believe we have a room available. Would you like to stay the night?” Rhys responded in the affirmative and soon began to discuss prices with the man. Fortunately, Rhys felt the price to be fair – or perhaps he was simply too tired and lazy to attempt a negotiation – and quickly paid the amount due. As Rhys handed over the coins and gave his name, the older man questioned him, ”Are you in town for the festival?”

”Hm?” Rhys met the man’s curious gaze before continuing, ”Oh, no. I was looking for something.”

The clerk seemed slightly surprised and his smile fell for a moment, but he seemed to accept his answer and the smile returned swiftly. As he handed over the key to the room he asked, ”And did you find what you were looking for?”

”It would seem my search will have to continue elsewhere.” Disappointment could not be heard in Rhys’s voice, but perhaps the older man could sense it nonetheless as his eyes seemed to pity the Tennin. This aggravated Rhys. He had no need for pity and certainly didn't want it, so as soon as he held the key within his own hands he turned away from the desk and towards the dining hall. He was quite hungry and had quickly decided that he would make his way to his room after he ate.

As he walked away he could vaguely hear the man say something, but whatever it was had been lost in the commotion and the distance between them and Rhys didn’t care enough to put any effort into trying to make it out.

Stepping into the dining hall (and not without garnering some attention from the blushing young waitresses), he was relatively pleased to discover it somewhat empty. He didn’t dislike company, however, his conversation with the man at the front desk had left a sour taste in his mouth and he didn’t feel like ‘making merry’ with anyone else at the moment. As he headed towards an empty table his eyes glanced over those that were seated. Most were vastly uninteresting, so much so that even if he had been in the mood for conversation he wouldn’t have attempted one with any of them, however one or two seemed somewhat intriguing: A young woman with silver hair, and a middle-aged man well worn by battle. Both seemed to have interesting stories to tell, but he honestly didn’t feel like listening. No, at the moment he simply wanted to eat in peace so that he could go to his room and sleep.


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Character Portrait: Rhys Llewelyn Character Portrait: Isis Sarea Cascade
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Wiping her mouth of the last crumbs of her meal with a white napkin, Isis set her fork down on the empty plate, finished with brunch. It was a simple caesar salad garnished with croutons and strips of mozzarella. If the waiter wasn't so crass and clumsy with her meal, Isis would have given the dinning experience above three stars. Not caring, Isis just put up with his ill manners and awkward disposition towards her, too hungry to really give a damn. The waiter came back to her table with a large water pitcher in his hand, Isis giving him the stare of death, "Would you care for some more refreshment?", he asked, his hand becoming more unsteady with the pitcher.

Isis mentally rolled her eyes, "No thank you. I'm quite fine with the water that is still in my glass, as of current.", she answered slightly agitated, folding her arms to her chest. The waiter only nodded but before he could turn around and head towards the kitchen, his unsteady hand became too much, accidentally spilling the pitcher as a result. Waving her hand, Isis quickly shielded herself by activating her magical girdle causing the water to easily avoid wetting her lap. Feeling very guilty, the waiter frenziedly scrambled to his knees trying to wipe up the mess he made, "I'm so sorry, miss! I wasn't paying attention...", he nervously spat.

Not paying attention to what he was wiping anymore, the waiter began wiping up Isis's white silk stocking leg.... "How dare he!!!".... One thing that Isis truly hated was a person touching her...inappropriately and she not even giving them permission to do so. To make it worse, it had to be a beast of a man to have the gall to do it. With a fervor passion, Isis hated when men acted lewd and lustful towards her, reprimanding them violently on the spot if ever they should try to pull such a reckless stunt. Eyebrow twitching and finally having enough, Isis quickly swat the waiter's hand from going any further, "That will be enough. I'm fine and no water has spilled on me so please, would you mind?", she said, trying her best to remain calm and collected.

The waiter blushed and nervously nodded, quickly getting up and dashing back to the kitchen. Resisting the urge to palm her face in disgust, Isis sipped her glass of water and dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin. Out of the corner of her eye, Isis saw a couple of waitresses swarming around the entrance to the dinning hall. Isis furrowed her eyebrows, curiously wanting to know what the frivolous and unnecessary commotion was about. Taking great strides with an air of confidence, a young man -no scratch that- a young extremely gorgeous dark-haired man entered the hall. He looked as if he was quite exhausted and just wanted to be left alone. Squealing like desperate whores in a run down bordello, the waitresses scrambled to get a close up of him, wanting desperately to be his waiter.

Seating himself, the man intriguingly scanned his surroundings, surveying the people. When he looked at the middle-aged man, that looked like he was a former military officer, Isis got a good peek at him. He appeared like he came from royal background, his garbs and feathers expensive looking and with just a right touch of feminine flare and refined masculinity, he was the definition of what all women wanted in a man. Isis couldn't help but amusingly smirk, shaking her head as she took another sip of her water. It wasn't long before his gaze shifted until it fell upon Isis herself, looking at her curiously. Isis raised an eyebrow at that and returned his stare with equal curiosity.

To her own amazement, Isis gave him a small smile and nodded, silently greeting herself. Even though the waitresses continued to buzz around him, he ignored them seeming to be too lost in his own thoughts, whatever they may be. Something about his character slowly drew Isis in wanting to know more and so with that, she rose from her seat and quietly walked over to his table. This was something Isis wouldn't do normally, knowing she had a prone shyness towards people she didn't know but something about him made her curious, wanting to know more than his surface had to offer. "I'm curious, and I don't mean to bother, but what brings you here to this inn?", she asked, genuinely curious.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhys Llewelyn Character Portrait: Isis Sarea Cascade
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The Incredibly Beautiful and Unequally Dignified
Whose name is in fact written in larger script and thus is irritating Rhys

Rhys certainly understood why he had a flock of waitresses swarming him like bees in a beehive. To be perfectly honest, it was something he had come to expect and would have likely been fretful if it had not occurred as it would have implied that somewhere in his vicinity there was someone of greater physical allure and that simply would not do. That being said, he was hardly in the mood to be throwing around pleasing smiles and glances for the benefit of the waitresses and thus had taken to ignoring their far too clear advances. He had been in hopes that if he made his ignorance perfectly apparent the plain waitresses would realize that someone of his caliber would never pay any mind to anyone of theirs. Unfortunately, his feigned obliviousness backfired and did more to kindle their determination than dash it, much to his aggravation.

It wasn’t until one waitress had stolen the privilege of serving him from her fellow employees that he was actually served anything. Upon receiving his dinner order and observing the waitress leave his table with well disguised relief (as he had grown tired of having to forcibly keep the look of disgust off his face whenever she purposely leaned over to give him a generous view of her chest), Rhys began poking at his food a dignified attempt at deciphering what it was he had been served. To be honest, he was in such a hurry to be rid of the inferior server he hadn’t put even an ounce of thought into what he ordered, choosing instead to simply ask the woman to bring him whatever was good so that now he had no idea what it was he was supposed to eat.

With a discreet sigh, Rhys turned away from his food in order to look again at his surroundings. When he did his eyes were drawn to a young woman’s movement. It was the woman he had noted from earlier. She had met his gaze and nodded in his direction, furthermore she seemed to have an air of refinement, which he could appreciate, and she was very beautiful, though hardly pretty enough to compare to him (as he is obviously the most beautiful person in the room – how could anyone compare to him?), and possessed relatively unique silver hair. Moreover, she seemed to be something of a loner, which made it seem as though it would be entertaining to force some company upon her. It was for those reasons he had made note of her originally, now he made note of her because she was quite obviously approaching him. He did have that affect on people, even the most refined and lonesome of people. And admittedly knowing (and of course he was always aware of this) he needed to make no effort to draw the attention of such a person did great things for his already overinflated ego self confidence. That being said, while he can’t say he blamed her (who could when he was as gorgeous and intriguing as he was?), he could still be aggravated with her since he really didn’t have any desire to talk to anyone.

When she was had finally reached his table, he gave her another passing glance, picked up his glass of water, and waited to hear what she had to say. "I'm curious, and I don't mean to bother, but what brings you here to this inn?"

Before he spoke he took a drink of water, If she didn’t want to bother me, she shouldn’t have come over in the first place, in fact, I’d of preferred it if she hadn’t. His face did nothing to betray his thoughts as he placed the glass down and looked towards the woman, a well-practiced graceful smile on his mouth. ”It’s no bother, however, I am sorry to say that I am not comfortable speaking of myself with someone I do not know.” Rhys cocked his head ever so slightly before he continued, ”Perhaps you would not mind telling me a little more about yourself first, such as your name. After all, you are the one making the inquiries.” His intense gaze burrowed into her own, coaxing her into giving away her own secrets first. (He wasn’t trying to avoid talking about himself or anything.)

Out of his peripheral vision he also noted, with a degree of amusement admittedly, that the waitresses were flustered by the young woman’s ‘boldness’ and openly annoyed. He could feel the ice-cold glares chill the air and they weren’t even directed at him. Still, perhaps he could make use of the silver-haired woman. Her company, as she is intimidatingly attractive, may keep the lustful vultures out of his hair. Or, depending on the determination and confidence of the female servers, her presence may make their bothersome antics worse. Still he could certainly hope for the former.

While Isis made her way to his table, the loony waitresses wouldn't let up with their antics and when she finally made it to his table and spoke to him and he replied finally, they all gave her icy-cold glares. Pathetic. Turning in their direction, Isis gave them the most threatening and unsettling stare that they would ever witness in their entire lives causing them to all shutter involuntarily. Defeated, the waitresses began to calm down and mind their own businesses, "I hope you're glad that they aren't bothering you anymore.", she smirked. Having observed the entire interactions between the young lady and waitresses, Rhys could do nothing to keep himself from chuckling except cover his mouth. The young woman was rather amusing, just as he had predicted earlier (but then again, when was he ever wrong?)

"Quite glad, thank you." He responded, though it was still somewhat muffled by nearly uncontainable chuckles and his hand.

Isis gave a small smile and nodded affirmatively, before responding to Rhys's earlier inquiry, "Of course, I should introduce myself before I ask such questions. My apologies.... I'm Isis Cascade of Floria.", she said, being polite as possible. Rhys nodded in recognition, it was a fine name and seemed to suit her (or at least that was what he thought), though it was still not quite as fine and suitable as his own (or at least that was, again, what he thought). All the while, Isis vaguely sensed that she was bothering him so she mentally smirked as he pierced his gaze at her, "I only asked why you were here since the festival is about to begin, you see.... Oh and, could I have a seat?".

Motioning to the seat next to him Rhys responded to her inquiry in the affirmative, "Please." After all, it wouldn't do for someone of his stature to keep a lady standing, it was improper etiquette (and he would never practice improper etiquette - it didn't suit him). As she seated herself, Rhys sensed more clearly the fact that she held an affinity for spirtual magic (something he may have noted a little earlier if he had been in the mood to converse). Admittedly, this both peaked his interest and pleased him as it meant he may be able to derive some useful information from her (making this trip seem much less like a complete waste of his valuable time).

Being close to him, Isis also could sense the familiar magical essence that was attributed to her as well. Ah.... This man surely wielded spiritual magic too but Isis didn't want to pry too much knowing that she might not see him again (Oh how wrong she truly was about to be in her assertion.) so she kept her mouth quiet until he would acknowledge it himself. "And now, you must tell me your name."

Rhys raised an eyebrow upon hearing the young lady's, who was now known as Ms. Cascade or Isis, latest statement. It sounded quite a lot order. Which he most certainly did not like (of course, he didn't like most things unless they somehow revolved around him and his own 'awesomeness'). She dares to order me. Me of all people. Who does she think she is? Forcing himself to maintain his smile (and disguise the subtle eye twitch caused by his annoyance with her tone), a task not made easy by any of these most recent aggravations (not to mention lack of sleep) and so it is a task worthy of applause, Rhys finally responded, "I am called Rhys Llewelyn." With a vague bow of his head he continued, "I am pleased to make your aquaintance Ms. Cascade."

Sensing Rhys's eye twitching, Isis couldn't help but stifle a small giggle. This man sure was a colorful character and seeing that he held his self to the highest standard, it made it all the more amusing for her. "I wonder what else he has up his sleeves.", she wondered as she shifted slightly in her seat.

Referring back to her earlier statement concerning the festival, Rhys once again deterred the conversation away from himself, "And yes, the festival is about to begin isn't it? It's all very exciting wouldn't you agree?" When he had finished asking his question he finally did take a bite of his food, signalling in his own way that it was her turn to speak. Upon doing so he nearly gagged and subtly pushed the plate away, it was a very well disguised and well practiced manuever and he hoped no one would notice him do it (though it was still a rather dignified motion so it hardly affected him if anyone did). This food did not live up to his expectations at all. (Not that they were very high to begin with, but he did ask for the best the place had to offer.)

When he finally commented about the festival and asked her if she agreed, Isis nodded slightly, "Umm...yes. It does rather seem interesting", she lied a little. In actuality, she hated everything about the festival and wished it didn't even commenced. It really aggravated her to no end, knowing she was going to have another restless night ahead. Resisting the urge to put her thumb and forefinger to the bridge of her nose at the thought of it, Isis just gazed silently at Rhys.

When he took a small bite of his food and then somehow managed to gracefully slide the plate away, Isis shook her head slightly, "Yes, the food here certainly isn't up to par. I was too hungry to really care. I know.... How disgusting". Rhys gazed at the young lady. He was a little surprised that she was able to settle on such...sub-par food. He could never do such a thing, but he did recognize that not many were like him (well, to be precise no one was). Nonetheless, it was hardly a matter to hold against the young woman.

The same buffoon of a waiter, who touched her inappropriately earlier, came up to their table, "Sir, would you care for more refreshment?", he asked Rhys but when he saw Isis again, he began to rattle a little at the knees. A sweat-drop began to form on the waiter's brow, "Again...I I I I'm sorry for early...Mmmiss", he stuttered. Rhys turned towards the young waiter a curious glint in a his eye. Now he was curious. What had happened earlier? On the one hand, he wanted to ask, but on the other hand, he also simply wanted to observe their interaction as it promised to be entertaining. Furthermore, he didn't want to prolong the conversation anymore than necessary.

Isis waved her hand dismissively at him, "That's water underneath the bridge now... I do not hold grudges.", she lied again. In fact, she never let what the waiter did to her go and silently fumed when he was near her again. "Will he just go already!", she thought irritated. Holding most of her true feelings inside was what Isis was used to doing, never admitting how she really felt. Bottling it up all inside was the norm for her.

A small smirk danced upon Rhys's lips. The young lady's aura betrayed her words, and though well disguised, the Tennin could sense her irritation with the poor waiter. Unfortunately for Ms. Cascade, this only served to further fuel the flames of his curiosity, which now meant Rhys would, in fact, interrogate either her or the waiter...or perhaps both. Deciding to first respond to the server's original query, Rhys first declined any further drink, "Thank you for your kind offer but I must decline." His smile turned a little mischievous as he continued, "Although, since you are both here, and I would hardly wish to talk about either one of you without your presence, may I ask what it was you find the need to apologize for?"

The waiter stared blankly at Rhys but turned his attention to Isis, who gave him one hell of a "death stare". With his hands clasped, the waiter lowered his head a little like he was a shy and nervous little boy, "Ummm, well... uhhh. I didn't mean to....", he began but was finding it hard to speak since Isis made him feel even more uncomfortable, much to Rhys's delight. Isis turned her head towards Rhys, "It simply is nothing... I mean... Just forget it...", she blurted, her cheeks beginning to form crimson red. "Well, I was trying to clean the area where I accidentally dropped the pitcher of water, Miss", he spoke up, gaining some courage to explain himself. Isis was really beginning to get more and more agitated with him so she waved her hand, "Let it go, will you. I'm done talking to you."

Enjoying the obvious struggle of both his victims acquaintances far too much, Rhys was hardly ready to 'let it go'. Plus, as long as the focus was on them he was a happy customer. As it were, the crossness of the young lady's latter comment merited a rather quick response from Rhys in the waiter's defense, "Ms. Cascade, please don't blame the young man. I am the one who asked." Was he really going to side with the waiter who really got underneath Isis's skin? Of course, because he's clearly the type of man that enjoys getting under people's skins they didn't know one another enough to have him take sides with her. It was to be expected, Isis mentally shrugged her shoulders.

Rhys's face could only be described in one way, innocent - though his intentions and thoughts were anything but. Especially considering the way in which he guaranteed the waiter's eventual return with his next request. Turning to the young man he gestured to the plate before him, "Actually, I have another favor to ask of you, if you would be so kind as to take this plate away - it was not what I had been expecting - and perhaps could you bring me a roll of bread?" The young man turned towards the plate, nodding in the affirmative as he gathered it up and scurried away. When the waiter momentarily left, Isis let out an inaudible sigh of relief, "Thank goodness....".

Now that the Tennin and Ms. Cascade were once again alone he turned back towards her. "I do apologize if I brought up such a...touchy topic, Ms. Cascade. It was hardly my intention to make you uncomfortable," (He would never purposefully make anyone uncomfortable after all). "Now, that we are alone again, however, would you mind if I asked what you are doing in town? Perhaps, you've come to take part in the festival?"

When Rhys politely apologized for not knowing if he brought up a sensitive subject or not, "It's quite alright. It's rubbish, anyway", she responded, secretly biting her lower lip. Changing the subject, Rhys asked Isis what she was doing here, seeing if she was partaking in the festival, "I've came here just to stay the night since I'm on....extended vacation. I wasn't initially going to go to the festival but since it's going to begin anyway, why not revel a little in it's merriment.", she replied, honestly not liking what she said since she had no intentions of going, "How about you?".

An extended vacation was it? Her delayed response told him there was far more to the story than that. Now what he wanted to know is what she is vacating from. As for attending the festival, Rhys could certainly think of one reason why he wasn't planning on attending: Germs. Though, he certainly wasn't going to say that. As a matter of fact he didn't really need to say anything since the conversation was interrupted by the return of the young waiter. "Excuse me sir, you bread roll."

What perfect timing he has. Although, I knew things would turn out this way so I suppose the perfect timing is my own. Rhys thought to himself as he took the roll of bread from the server. "Why thank you. And while you're here allow me to pay you for the meal.". Removing his coin pouch from within his kimono once again that day Rhys gave the waiter the amount due and then a slight tip - if only for the amusing conversation earlier. Afterwards he took to his feet and turned back towards the young Ms. Cascade. Nodding his head and smiling his most brilliant smile Rhys spoke for the last time and excused himself, "While I do hate to cut our conversation short, I'm afraid I am quite tired and would prefer to finish my dinner in the privacy of my room. If you'll excuse me."

With that and a final nod of his head, Rhys successfully dodged yet another question left the hall and headed for his room.When the waiter came back and gave Rhys what he ordered, Isis had a sense that he didn't want to answer her question. "He sure loves to dodge most of my questions... Though it does make him even more intriguing to prod.", she thought with a smirk. Rhys gave the waiter a good substantial amount of money with a sizable tip, Isis raised an eyebrow at that while the waiter beamed, smiling from ear to ear. Isis rolled her eyes at the waiter, not caring for that sickening smile on his face. She really wished she could wipe that smirk off his face but, instead, she just let those sleeping dogs, miserably, lie. Rhys then cordially excused himself with a nod of his head, Isis nodded her head in return, "I hope you have an enjoyable stay here."
, she called after him as he departed the dining hall.

Isis then turned her head back to the waiter while rising from her seat, "I really don't care this time, but if you try to pull a stunt like that again with me, let's just say you won't live to see another day...", she threatened with a menacing low voice. The waiter's eyes almost bulged out of his head, and he immediately scurried off back into the kitchen from whence he came. With a small shake of her head and a flip of her white silk long hair, Isis took her leave and left the dinning hall, sauntering her way back towards her room.