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"Work is for mortals! Let's have some fun!"

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a character in “College of the Gods”, as played by November_Rain_18


Name: Apollo

What are you God or Goddess of?:

The god of music, healing, plague, the sun, prophecies, poetry, and archery; associated with light, truth and the sun. He is Artemis' twin brother and Hermes' elder (half)brother, and son of Zeus and Leto. He was depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair and various attributes including a laurel wreath, bow and quiver, raven, and lyre. Animals sacred to Apollo include: roe deer, swans, cicadas, hawks, ravens, crows, foxes, and snakes.

Gender: Male

Age(18-24): 21


Apollo can heal the sick or injured, and he and his oracles tell the future in prophecies. He is unusually gifted with musical and literary talents. In the morning, he carries the sun across the sky in his flaming chariot.

Past (Either Comic Version or Myth version or a blend of both):

Apolloā€™s skill and determination were evident at a very early age. When he was only 4 days old, he took his bow and arrow and went out in search of the snake that had tormented his mother during her pregnancy. Finding the snake named Python, he succeeded in killing the snake with his second shot. The citizens of Delphi were glad to be rid of her and were grateful to Apollo - later Delphi was established as the center of Apolloā€™s worship.As it happened this was not just a regular snake that Apollo had killed - it turns out that it happened to be the famed Oracle of Delphi, the greatest prophet of all time. The Python lived in the cave and could answer any question since she could see anything in the present or the future. The killing of the Python was no small matter. Though very proud of his sonā€™s courage and prowess, Zeus was not pleased that Apollo had killed the serpent. Where could he go now when he needed advice based on her remarkable foresight? ā€œNot a problemā€, Apollo assured him, and returned to Delphi where he took over the Temple and persuaded the priestess to teach him the art of prophecy.
Now, on Earth, Apollo has to work much harder to make things happen. He is no longer at the top of the popularity heap, and must reclaim his rightful place as top student.

Weapons: ((One or two)): Bow and arrows. At four days old, he was said to have shot a giant serpent who was harassing his mother.

Description/ Picture: Image

Apollo appears medium height (about 5ā€™10ā€), with sandy blond hair and an athletic build. Heā€™s very handsome and very charming, with beautiful grey eyes and a bright white smile.


Apollo is a loud, outgoing, good-natured god. He loves to party and have fun, but can sometimes go a bit overboard and is quite full of himself at times. He thinks heā€™s waaay more important than he actually is, and is quite immature and whiny. He does what he wants, and doesnā€™t listen to rules and regulations, much less bossy people who try to control him.


Apollo is afraid of losing the people he loves, being betrayed, used, or lied to, because heā€™s the god of truth.


-Eating. Anything.
-Writing poetry


-Being bored
-Serious people who have no fun
-His sister

So begins...

Apollo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ganesh Character Portrait: Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (Eztli) Character Portrait: Apollo Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Sekhmet Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou
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#, as written by Zensai
Modern Earth, the age of science has replaced the age of Gods and Magic. They all have disproven everything about them. People have gone to the so called home of the Greek Gods and foundā€¦ nothingā€¦ No grand palaces or anything else. The Gods places of worship have all but crumbled away. Some have been stolen from and some broken into and vandalized.
The mortals have forgotten about them and explained away everything about them.
But they have not thought of one simple possibilityā€¦Maybe the Gods have movedā€¦ or have their own dimension. The Gods have never met the other gods of a different culture, aside from the Roman and Greek, but that is because they are one and the sameā€¦Each realm feels like one would expect from each culture.

Asgard is surrounded by an impregnable wall and is one of the Nine worlds, inhabited by the Aesir, the race of Warrior Gods. It is located at the highest point of their universe and has the Rainbow Bridge connecting their world to Earth. They also have Valhalla the place were slain warriors wait for the final battle, Ragnarok. The realm of their Elves Alfheim and Svartalfheim is also there as well as Vanaheim the home of Vanir, it is a glorious if a bit cold. Also there is the realm of frost giants they are constantly battling. As well as Helheim, their underworld which Hel, Lokisā€™ daughter resides and is protected by Garm, Hel's enormous dog-guard, lives in the cave Gnipahellir. He is an eight-foot-tall black hound with glowing eyes. It is important not to underestimate Garm. While he may act like a big dog - vicious and dangerous or friendly depending on who you are - it's an act. There is as much intelligence in Garm as in any other of Helheim's guards. He is a Jotun who is always in dog-form, but he is no dumb beast. Garm seems to be on a general patrol around the borders of Helheim, meaning that he could be anywhere at any point.
Mount Olympus is the abode of the chief god Zeus. Also, the foremost gods of the Greek pantheon have their palaces at the summit. It is here that the gods assemble to consume nectar and ambrosia, the substances which reinforces their immortality. The top of the Olympus, which is covered in snow and hidden in the clouds, reaches all the way into the aether. It is the highest mountain of Greece and lies on the border of Macedonia and Thessaly, yet though mortals have been to the top they have never seen the realm. And why would they? The Gods have hidden it from their mortal eyes. Also of course is the Domain of Hades, which is surrounded nine times by the River Styx, where Hades resides.
The Egyptian Gods abandoned Walking the Earth and made their own realm one that mimics Ancient Egypt, yet more elegantly and seems to never decay.
The Aztec took a liking to the lushness of the place they were worshipped and made their own realm reflect that. Lushness surrounding them and the sounds of the jungle ever present as each God resided in their own grand pyramids, very much like the temples that the Aztecs worshipped them in.
The Hindu gods have retreated back into their Lokas, looking forlornly at the world they left, though it should be mentioned that they have never seen the other Gods walk the world, perhaps the Earth of the other Gods are different in some way?

Each God in each realm have seen the flow of time on Earth and seen it change, but never seeing the other realms of the other gods.

Until now.

Ten Gods, including a few Goddesses, have been cast out of their realm by someone, though they do not know who. Some of the Gods and Goddesses are the righteous; some are the outcasts among the godsā€¦ They each have their weapons on them and have been assigned lodges at a college. They do not know how they have come to Earth or who these others are, though a few they recognize from their own realm. For the first time in history The Asgardians will meet the Olympians, the Hindu Gods will meet the Egpytian Gods and the Alaskan Gods as well as the Azetec.
Thrown into this mix are four mortals, two men and two women, who are going to the school as well. They know not who these ones are or the powers they possess, but they soon willā€¦
The Gods have a common goal, though some are more reluctant about it than others, get back to their own realm, but to do that they need helpā€¦ from the mortals. But will the mortals help? Or will they try to kill the gods, for on Earth there maybe a weapon that can kill them. Though only Mortals may wield it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ganesh Character Portrait: Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (Eztli) Character Portrait: Erebus Character Portrait: Apollo Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Sekhmet
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Erebus breathed out weakly, exhausted and irritated to think that his immortality had been weakened to stay at this mortal institution. What more, when he heard Loki and Thor were to lodge together in a dorm of the Norse, he gritted his teeth in anger. As he had sat there, he had noticed his great-nephew Hades (one of the few Gods of Olympus he could stand) and a throne set aside for his least favorite great-great-nephew, Apollo. Erebus may have not interacted with his nephews but from his visits to Earth, he was constantly reminded of his Olympic family. The terrible bright lights, the endless crowds of people, and all of the NOISE.Ā 

Erebus like many of the other primordial gods existed unhindered and free to act as long as it did not go against the 'rulers'. Most of the primordial gods and goddess were the embodiments of the universe, avatars of existence. Erebus was the 'avatar' of darkness, so his freedom was uncontested, but if he was to go against the current rulers, he would risk being imprisioned to his embodiment. His sister Gaia, the 'avatar' of the Earth and mother of the titans, was imprisoned to her embodiment, trapping her within herself, in a form of stasis. Erebus believed his sister to be a fool but it was truly the fault of the Olympians, after all they were her grandchildren. Erebus had no attachment to existing freely really, he still lived in constant agony and anger, but if he was imprisioned he would truly be alone. While Erebus likes to be left alone and have alone time, he did not like the idea of being forced alone. It would be like the murder of his wife all again.,

Erebus closed his eyes, focusing upon the key he was suppose to find to try and ease the rage and anguish from his thoughts family. He began to think, "A key for the Greek dorm. A key..." Suddenly his eyes busted open and spoke softly to himself. "The Greek Key."

The Greek Key, also known as the Greek Fret or Greek Line, is a decorative border constructed from a continuous line, shaped into a repeated motif. It is also known as a 'meander' or 'meandros' from the Greek God of the winding river, MaĆ­andros.

Erebus spoke softly "Shadow, find the meandros." Erebus's shadow faded into the room around them, melding with the other shadows. It was but a few moments later, when Erebus's shadow reformed three dimensionally beside him. Like a shadowy specter it did not speak but simply raised its left arm, pointing a dark smokey like finger. Erebus rose from his chair, calmly and slowly walking for where his Shadow had gestured.Ā 

Against the wall, down on the floor was a solid stone base molding, that circled the room. It had no designs on it, except for one small square with the Greek Key engraved in it. Erebus reached down to the design, casting a shadow over it. The moment his hand touched the shadow on the base molding, his hand passed through the shadow and inside the wall.Ā 

Erebus slowly pulled away from the wall, a key and scroll in hand, thinking to himself. "The sooner to begin, the sooner to finish."
