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Akihiro Tsuno [121] "Music is not meant to be hidden, but to be expressed openly."

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Akihiro awoke with the sun, same as every morning, and opened his pale white curtains to let in the light. The sky outside was a soft red-orange color, a soft mist hanging over the neighborhood and the chirp of birds slowly increasing. Glancing at the small digital clock sitting on his nightstand, he found that the numbers read 4:35 AM, which would have been abnormal to nearly anyone else, but to Hiro it was no surprise. He'd always been an early-riser. XX
The house was quiet while he changed into his school uniform, but when he stepped into the bathroom to gel up his hair, the clatter of cookware and muffled conversation could be heard coming from downstairs. He flashed a grin to the mirror when he finished and left the bathroom. Akki walked by, ruffling Hiro's hair playfully with a wide grin. "Good morning, chibi." Before Hiro could do anything to reiterate, Akki hopped into the bathroom and locked the door behind him, snickering. "I'm not short, I'm 'fun-sized'. Besides, I'm still cuter than you are!" Hiro couldn't help but laugh as Akki threw open the bathroom door to grab at his hair, and the two wrestled for a good ten seconds before they heard their mother scolding them from the kitchen. XX
Heading back to his bedroom, Akihiro checked to make sure all of his supplies were tucked safely in his messenger bag, and was pleased to find that he hadn't forgotten anything. "Akihiro! Akihiko! Breakfast is ready!" Hiro shouted out the door to inform his mother that Akki was still in the shower before slipping his bag over his shoulder and heading to the kitchen, having to stop and come back for his violin two steps into hallway. The kitchen was significantly warmer and better-smelling than the upstairs, and the food was already set out on the table. "Good morning!" Hiro's mother smiled and said good morning back to him before she disappeared up the stairs, most likely to scold Akki for still being in the bathroom. Just like most Tsuno mornings. XX
The next three or so hours were spent cleaning dishes, watching the morning news, and playing video games. Since the household got up so much earlier than others, Hiro always had to wait for Hotaru to wake up so that the two could bike to school together. "I don't know if it's true, but I heard that there's a really famous pianist joining our school this year." Hotaru mentioned the subject right as they rode through the school's front gate, and Hiro grinned at the idea. "A professional, eh? Sounds cool! Now c'mon, we have an hour to prep before the Entrance Ceremony, and I wanna show off!" XX
Hotaru nodded in agreement and the two parked their bikes, grabbing their things and heading toward the gymnasium, where the Student Council was still setting up chairs. The new school year began that day and therefore and Entrance Ceremony would be held for the joining first-years. Unfortunately, the rest of the school body was also forced to go, and if it weren't for the club introductions the ceremony would likely be more boring than History class. XX
It wasn't long before the rest of the Orchestra Club had arrived - they only had about twenty members - and thus, rehearsal commenced. The club had met several times over summer break in order to practice the piece and they'd been practicing for at least half a month before that, so it was a near flawless rendition of the song 'Wizards in Winter'. "This is cool, isn't it? We get to show off our musical skills to an entire year of freshmen, how awesome is that?! Maybe we'll even get some new members!" Hiro and Hotaru joined a small cluster of their classmates and chatted about the ceremony performance, traded rumors about the famous pianist, argued about whether or not the rumors were true. Half an hour later, the gym was filled with students from all three grades, and Hiro rocked back and forth on his heels excitedly, violin in hand. The Principal went through his usual speech. XX
Once the speeches were over, the Student Council announced that a few of the clubs would be doing introductions. The Dance club went first, then Kendo, Choir, and a couple of others before the Orchestra club was up. They were lucky to not have to set up the chairs or music stands, since the Band club had gone before them. Hiro took his seat and let out a deep breath, skimming over the sheet music before the song began. Those who hadn't seen the club perform before were stunned, and the applause at the end was humongous, bringing a smile to the members' faces as they headed backstage. It wasn't their best performance, and they weren't the best in Japan by far, but the Orchestra club was still the school's most popular club. XX
"That was awesome! Did you see how big that applause was?!" Hiro gushed to Hotaru as they put away their instruments, some of the club members leaving to go to their classrooms early for whatever reason. Most of the members stayed behind to watch the rest of the performances, and Hiro's interest peaked the second he caught sight of a head of blue hair. "Never seen him before. A first year, maybe?" Hotary facepalmed behind him, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Hiro. That's Shimizu Aoi, 'Best Pianist in Japan'. Please listen when people tell you things." "I don't remember you telling me anything about him." "Of course you don't." The two inched closer to the stage, and Hiro's breathed hitched when the boy started playing. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


In the middle of an empty stage, with no sight of a spectator to be found. A single piano in the white was presented, right under the spotlight of the stage.

"In this life, everyone is lonely. It just a matter how they cope with it."

A young boy with a hair with the shade of cyan slowly approached the piano, he sat down at the seat and cracked his knuckles, opened the key-board cover, he quietly started the first not of a melody. Inside his mind, he focused on nothing but the song itself, as if the whole world around him has stopped spinning.

"The only thing you needed to concentrate in is how to remain standing strong."

The melody went on. There are parts where it was as soothing as the night breeze, but there are parts where the song become more intense, like a raging storm in the sea. Even though there isn't seemed to be a single soul sitting down there, if anyone was watching his performance, they will find the it would be impossible to take their eyes off him. This is truly the performance of someone who was regarded as 'Best of Japan'. He gracefully brought the melody to its' stop.

"It's okay even if they don't understand you, or that you're lonely. Because you can only rely in yourself."

Letting out a quiet sigh of relief that his performance has just ended, the boy closed the cover of the piano. But then, the whole scenery around him turned into a complete whiteness, but still as lonely and isolated without a single soul to be found. Looking up, he could see that a woman with long, flowing blonde hair standing with her waist leaning against the piano, smiling gently to him. And next to him, a person just put their hand on his shoulder, he was a middle-aged man with black hair who was wearing a dark suit. They were no one, other than his mom and dad. They nodded to him, before disappearing to the light at the end of the road.

Outside, the sun of a new day was shining brilliantly, the bird was chirping innocently and the morning wind blows gently through the leaves on the trees. A truly beautiful day in the spring, when the whole world seemed to be brighter than ever, flourished with the blossoms and refreshment of the beginning of a whole new year. In this residential district, there are only big mansions built by those who had powers and money, but a mansion situated in the center of the district seemed to stood out the most.

As the light peaked into the big room through the thin curtain which hung over a large window, it slowly woken up the person who was sleeping innocently on the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. Sitting up with the blanket still covered from his waist down, Aoi quietly pondered over the dream that he has just had. In that dream, he was lonely as ever. But his parents were there. And all the words they've said to him. I wonder if how long has it been since then? He asked himself.

Remembering that it was his first day at high school today, Aoi stepped down the bed and neatly put the blanket and the cushion into their places. He doesn't like anyone stepping inside his own room, so he would rather to do the cleaning up around his room by himself than to let the maids to do it like his sisters. Not that it was a tiring job though because he always keep his room cleaned.

Making his way into the wardrobe which is comparable to that of a medium-sized room, Aoi picked out the uniform that was prepared for him and stepped into the bathroom. Taking a thorough shower, Aoi carefully washed every pinch of dust of his body and tenderly caressing his fingers through his hair with the shampoo. It isn't that he was flamboyant or something, but Aoi knows how to take care of himself to look clean and neat all the times. Drying himself up, Aoi brushes his teeth and ties his hair up. After putting the uniform on, he made his way downstairs to the dining room.

"Ohayo, nii-chan." Chiyoko turned and waved to Aoi with the brightest smile ever. It seemed that his sisters have already up before him. Smiling lightly to the short pink-haired girl, he nodded, "Uhm. Good morning, Chiyo-chan." He then turned to Kaori, who was reading the newspaper while sipping over a cup of frappuchino, like every morning, "Good morning, nee-san." He respectfully said to his elder sister and she replied with a nod.

Sat down at his seat, the maid brought his breakfast and served in front of him. The conversations between the three siblings then went on, though the one who spoke the most was Chiyoko, obviously. The three of them really make quite a trio of young siblings that can intimidated some of the successful adults out there. While Aoi himself was considered to be one of the best pianists in the whole country, Kaori is becoming more and more successful with her job of operating their family's company and the chains of boutiques and fashion shops she had opened brought had brought her enormous benefits and Chiyoko's awards and prizes for winning competitions in ballet and ice-skating are piling up, not to mention how much the famous magazines are dying just to hire her to be their model.

"So, today you two are going to attend high school. Remember that you must never do anything that spoils the honor of us Shimizu family. And must always perform your one hundred percent. Got it?" Kaori set her gaze to her siblings and said with a strict tone of voice, yet still emitted a delegate aura that of a powerful entrepreneur.

"Yes, nee-chan." Chiyoko winked to her sister.

"Of course, nee-san." Aoi nodded, his expression remained stoic as ever.

After breakfast, they carried their school bags and made their way to the limousine that took them to their new school - Miyagi North High. On the whole trip, Chiyoko couldn't be more excited. Apparently she couldn't wait for her new student life any longer. Aoi, on the other hand, didn't show any emotions like usual, but he's a bit looking forward to see how it would turn out.

As the car stopped right in front of the school gate, the driver opened the door and the two of them stepped down. Immediately, Aoi and Chiyoko gained the attentions of almost every student presented there. "Yo, Aoi-chan, Chiyo-chan." A red hair boy walked to them, "Hey there, Naoki-san." Chiyoko smiled brightly to him while Aoi nodded with a smile to his childhood friend, "Looks like you're doing fine, too."

"Why am I not? Come on, we'll totally steal the show today." Naoki winked as they stepped through the school gate. The whole crowd of students cheered for them. Boys fawning over Chiyoko's cuteness as she excitedly waved to them while girls screaming and swooning over Naoki and Aoi. Of course, Aoi didn't care about the love he was getting from them in the slightest, while Naoki outwardly flirted with the girls. It's no doubt that they're going to be the hottest issues in school from then on.

Aoi and Chiyoko made their ways to the backstage of the gymnasium, because they were specifically asked by the principal himself to perform in the Entrance Ceremony. This is just one of countless of stages Aoi has performed, so he doesn't feel nervous at all.

Standing in the backstage, Aoi watched as the clubs of the school perform their talents. He had seen many more professional performances before, but they were at least good for the students. When it was Chiyoko's turn to perform, she completely stole the stage and stunned everyone with her dancing of 'Swan Lake' - the performance that has earned her the first prize at the national. Her every move was flexible and graceful, and no one could spotted any errors from her dances. When Chiyoko finished, she completely captivated the attention of everyone as everyone gave her the loudest applause ever.

Upcoming was the performance of the Orchestra Club. Their performance still has some small flaws here and there, but overall, they really seemed to have practice hard for this event. While most of the members did as good, Aoi's attention was turned to a boy with black hair. He doesn't understand why, but there's something that intrigued him about him. He performed with an enthusiastic spirit and completely into his role. But he shook his head. He mustn't let his own feelings intervene before his own performance.

Next up is his time to shine. The Student Council President introduced his name and the song he's going to perform. Stepping up to the stage with grace and charisma, all the attention in the room was turned to him as complete silence covered the whole gymnasium. Bowing to the crowd, some of the girls who sat near the stage almost squeaked in excitement. Sitting down at the piano, he began to perform the song he had prepared.

As expected, no one could set their eyes off him. Perhaps it was the first time they saw a famous artist perform, but the main captivating factor is the way Aoi played the song itself. When he brought the melody to its end, the whole stage was packed with applause and cheering as he stood in the spotlight. Bowing to the crowd, he made his way back to the backstage.

From here on, it's a new beginning for him and his sister.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


The music was beautiful, but what was more beautiful was how concentrated Aoi was, as if there was nothing else in the world except him and the piano. Hiro's entire face turned up into a grin as the song continued, his eyes wide and unmoving from the figure at the piano. Once the song was finished, it took everything he had in him not to run up and gush to the pianist. "Hotaru, I think I'm in love with that pianist." Receiving a skeptical glance from his friend, Hiro turned on his heel and grabbed his violin, skipping off down the hall towards their class and leaving Hotaru to frantically try and catch up. XX
Back in their classroom, things were a bit calmer, since the only people there were the ones who hadn't stayed behind to watch the performance. At their school, most everyone knew about the Shimizu family, but for the most part, no one cared. Well, at least the third-years didn't care. Many of the first and second-year students were more captivated by the family's famous talents, whereas the third-years saw such talents as nothing more than simple entertainment. After all, at North High, Hiro was the star when it came to music, and even the world-famous Shimizu Aoi would be challenged when it came to who was most popular at the school. "Hey, do you think he'll be in our class? I hope he is. He's really attractive, right?" Hotaru nodded boredly. XX
Another fifteen minutes or so passed before the rest of the student body returned from the entrance ceremony, and Hiro's class lit up in conversation almost immediately. Most of the third-years at North High had been in the same classes together since Elementary school, and pretty much everyone knew everyone else. Their district was one of the smaller and lesser-known districts in suburban Tokyo, so it wasn't unexpected. "Hiro, what do you think of that pianist kid? I heard he's in our year." In response to the question, Hiro went on a light tangent about Aoi's music - and appearance, too. XX
"Leave it to Hiro to find someone like him attractive. Still though, if he's so rich and famous, he's probably a pompous prick." Natsuki, the boy who sat behind Hiro, frowned slightly at his own statement. Hotaru, who was sitting in front of Hiro, let out another sigh and scratched his temple. "You shouldn't make assumptions like that before you've even met someone. And besides, he's never shown any emotion in any of his concerts and he doesn't even speak at all during them, so I doubt that he's going to a 'pompous prick' or whatever you said." "That's right!" Hiro pumped a fist in the air above his head and grinned. "If we judge him right now, we'll never be able to learn what he's really like, and that's what I'm going to do!" XX
It was then that the classroom door opened, and in walked Shimizu Aoi, which only made Hiro grin even wider. "See? Told you he'd be in our class~" Unfortunately, Hiro had no time to speak to the blue-haired boy, as their teacher entered right after him and ordered the rowdy class to take their seats while he began roll call. Just like at the beginning of every year, each student stood to give a speech, though most of them were stupid jokes or random limmeriks to get on Sensei's nerves. Hotaru's speech was as plain and simple as ever, and Hiro made it a point to make up for what his friend lacked. Standing, he put his hands on his hips and laughed to himself, his classmates already anticipating whatever crazy scheme the small teen had in mind. XX
"Yo! Despite the fact that you've all known me since we were six, I'll introduce myself: my name is Tsuno Akihiro - call me Hiro - and I am the pride of North High! Not that I really wanted to be, but whatever!" The speech went on for another few sentences, and by the time Sensei made Hiro sit back down, the entire class was laughing. Hiro was a comedian, and always managed to make class more fun. As he sat down, he glanced toward Aoi and grinned brightly at him before Hotaru turned around to scold him. The rest of the speeches followed in the same joking manner until it was Aoi's turn, and contrary to what would have normally happened - anticipating silence, awkwardness, etc. - no one reacted any differently than to the other speeches. XX
After all, no one really cared that he was a world-famous pianist. To them, he was simply another member of class 3-A, a friend and classmate to all. XXXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After Aoi's performance, the President announced that the Entrance Ceremony is finished and now all students must return to their respective classes. When Aoi stepped back into the backstage, Naoki and Chiyoko who had changed from her ballerina clothes back to her uniform. "Hey dude, you totally stole the scene out there. Don't just become the hottest guy on the first day like that. Leave some popularity for me and Chiyo-chan too ~" Naoki wrapped his arms over Aoi's shoulder and said. And Chiyoko also pouted and nodded in agreement.

He shrugged, "Well, I don't care about it. I won't do anything that attract any unnecessary attention. Feel free to go around and make people go crazy. The spotlights are all yours."

"Heh, still as blunt as ever." Naoki said with a chuckle. The President then approached them and told them to follow their head teachers, who are waiting outside, to their classes. They then made their ways to their teachers and bid goodbye to each other until the lunch break. As Aoi was accompanied by the teacher, he can clearly saw that he was at awe. While they were walking to his class, which he was told to be Class 3-A, he asked him a couple of questions that most normal people would when they meet a celebrity like him. But Aoi just answered all of his questions in the same manner like when he was doing interviews: straightforward and emotionless.

The main reason why Aoi and Chiyoko chosen a mediocre school rather than a prestigious school for the riches because even though teaching qualities might not be as good, at least they would be able to stay away from those young masters, mistresses and even teachers who only know how to flatter and taking advantage of them knowing how powerful their family is, but in fact didn't have the least of respects for them. Besides, both of them will also be able to stay away from the spotlight and spying of paparazzi and journalists. All they wanted is to be concerned of nothing but studying.

Sliding the classroom's door opened, all the attentions in the class were turned to them. Writing his name on the board, he then spoke up, "Okay, everyone. This year we're going to have a new member in our class. As you all may have known already, this is Shimizu Aoi-san. I hope you all will get along. Shimizu-san, can you sit at the empty seat in the corner?"

"Yes, Sensei." He nodded as he made his way to his designated seat. He then noticed that the boy which caught his attention earlier was also a student in this class. It's rarely that someone would ever interested him like that, so he figured he'd just see how the boy reacted from now on. Then, it was time for the students to stood up and make a speech. Most of them were jokes, no less and even though Aoi didn't feel that it was funny, he was intrigued by how close everyone in this class seemed to be. Especially when it was the boy's turn, whose name he's known now to be Akihiro, the whole class burst out laughing at how hilarious what he said was. And he found that he was a bit... weird, because he just turned his head and grin to him. He might be the one to stir up the mood in this class.

When it was his turn to make a speech, he stood up while his expression remained stern as it always is, "My name is Shimizu Aoi. And this year, I will also be member of this class. I'm sure everyone must have heard a lot about me and my family already, but when I'm still in this school, I will just be a normal student like every individual presented here. So I hope that you all will treat me like a student, not a celebrity who just got transferred into your class. It's all that I asked and I hope we can work well together from now on. Thank you."

Aoi stood quietly and awaited the reaction from the whole class. He had expected that there would be some awkward silence or even some snickers at "how fake he is". However, just as the class applauded like the other speeches from the other students, he was surprised. They all seemed to treat him with informality even though he had just been there for not too long. Even though he remained stoic still while sitting down, he secretly felt contented.

Everything might just turn out well in the end.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro was outwardly intrigued by Aoi's speech, though he neglected to say anything about it, and the rest of the speeches continued as normal. Once everyone had spoken, the actual class began, which wasn't much more than he usual discussion about club requirements and class rules - though no one listened to them anyways - and most of the time, the class was ignoring the lecture since they'd heard it every year since they were all freshmen. XX
After a while the teachers switched out, and the next class was spent playing a game that involved solving Calculus equations (the game also involved more than a few pieces of flying chalk). Hiro ended up doing exceedingly well at the game and was very obviously proud of his skills with mathematics, happy to brag about it had Hotaru not stopped him. "Hotaru, you're no fun! Too much studying over the break has made you cold and boring!" He complained, playfully messing with his friend's hair while Natsuki managed to scribble a few doodles on the poor boy's notes. Nothing abnormal there. XX
Unfortunately for most, the third lesson of the day was spent doing actual work, and the entire class let out a collective groan as a pop quiz was announced. The topic was also on the winter homework, which only made them all groan more, since hardly anyone had actually completed it. "Sensei, if you're trying to kill us, just use a gun instead of all this nonsense!" Hiro said, his classmates nodding in agreement. Their teacher denied the request. XX
Lunch period came soon enough, and the room burst into conversation the second the bell rang. "Oi, Hiro! Yuki's here to see you!" Hiro looked up from where he was ungracefully eating his omelette rice, and grinned at the sight of the Orchestra club's manager. The girl smiled back at him and waved him over. "You promised the second-years that you would perform for them today, remember?" Nodding, Hiro turned on his heel and pumped his fist in the air, laughing lightly. "Hey everyone! I'm performing in the courtyard, so you guys better open up the windows and listen in!" The class let out a collective 'ossu' in reply and he disappeared out the door, somehow managing to eat his bento while he walked without spilling its contents all over. XXX
Once he had retrieved his violin from the Orchestra room, Hiro and Yuki headed out to the school's front courtyard, where a decent-sized group of assorted students had gathered. Room 3-A's windows had a perfect view of the area, and in looking up, he was happy to find that all of them were open. Apparently word of his performance had spread, since all the classrooms on that side of the school had also opened up their windows to enjoy the show. XX
"Now, I didn't practice this very much or anything, so bear with me, okay?" Turning on the small radio that held the piano song he needed, Hiro took a deep breath and lifted the violin to his chin, the usual aloof expression fading from his face and instead being replaced by a concentrated smirk. The song was fast and complicated, but he had no trouble in playing each note perfectly. Around him, first-years stood in awe, those who had seen him play before simply enjoying the music. Hiro spun slightly as he played, moving around as if he were dancing in place, a smile on his face and his entire aura in contrast to the calm and stoic nature that was usually associated with classical musicians. As the song came to an end, his applause was massive. XX
Hiro grinned brightly and bowed to the crowd, carefully returning his violin to its case before turning to his classroom's windows and waving dramatically to his classmates. He noticed Hotaru and Natsuki waving to him, and he chuckled to himself, his aura brightening even more as he caught sight of much-admired bright blue hair. Hiro shot a wink in Aoi's direction, though it was doubtful that anyone at all would notice, much less Aoi himself. "That's all for today, guys, I gotta get back to class~" Reluctantly, the crowd dispersed, allowing Hiro to return to 3-A with little more than a couple of positive comments as he made his way there. "I'm back!" Hiro threw open the door with a loud slam, hopping into the room and happily taking his seat. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After a couple of more speeches, the teacher then began to induce about clubs' requirements and some regulations of their school. Most of the students in the class didn't seem to pay attention to what the head teacher was saying, probably since they all know about them already. Aoi listened attentively to what the teacher was saying and taking note of everything important. He quietly thought of whether he should be joining a club or not. Perhaps the Instruments Club still has some empty slots, I'll go and ask them later in the lunch break.

The following class went by without any problems. Or at least, for Aoi. Next up was the Mathematics class and they seemed to revise about Calculus equations by a game. Even though Aoi haven't go to school for quite a long time, he's still proved to be quite a clever student, since Kaori did invite professional tutors to teach him and Chiyoko when they're not busy performing. He managed to answer most of the questions given by the Sensei, but didn't raise his hand to answer since apparently it was Akihiro's time to shine. And the guy seemed to be extremely proud about it.

And, the third period was Social Studies. Much to everyone protests, the teacher had gave the class a pop quiz which contents are based on the winter homework she had given them. Because Aoi wasn't presented back then and thus hasn't received the homework, the teacher allowed him to be excluded from the test. But surprisingly, he denied the offer and choose to do the quiz instead. The girl who sat next to him informed him of how dreadfully hard the quiz would be, but that didn't discourage him. "Social Studies is one of my strengths, so why didn't I challenge myself with a real test?" Aoi claimed. And true to his words, he was the first one to finished the quiz, which again surprised everyone, even the teacher herself.

Lunch break soon came and Aoi made his way out of his class towards the cafeteria, where Chiyoko and Naoki are probably waiting for him. When he was picking the food, the saleswoman said something like such mediocre foods might not be suitable for someone "with finesse taste like him." But he just shook his head while bluntly told her with a complete straight face, "In this school, I'm a student, not a prince. My tastes are not "finesse" or anything like that. Please refrain from saying anything like that from now on because you're trampling on your own efforts for making these foods." He left for the table where the other two are sitting, leaving her completely speechless.

"Oi, nii-chan." Chiyoko waved to Aoi as he approached them. Sitting down next to his sister, they all began to enjoy their lunch while conversing with each other, ignoring the fact that they totally are the center of attention in the room. "So, how's your classes going on?" Aoi asked the two as he munches a sandwich in an easy manner.

"Well, I think I've just made a lot of friends today. Some of the girls in Ballet Club are dying just to invite me to join them. Cool, right?" Chiyoko grinned, "Student life sure is awesome."

"I totally agree." Naoki grinned and poke in, "I think I've already gotten a fan club. And the Acting Club is nagging me to join them too. This is our first day at a real school and I already felt this excited."

Listening to the two of his closest friends talking, Aoi couldn't help chuckling at how carefree they are. But it's nice to have them around him though. They both are a lot more out-going and extravagant than Aoi, and they're suitable to be the 'popular couple' that most schools usually have. So, the two of them can take care of the love they received from the other students. Aoi can just be hopeful that he'll stay in the shadow and enjoy these days at school, even just by himself. After all, popularity isn't something that he's interested in and he absolutely have no intention of becoming more famous than he already is.

Having finished his lunch, Aoi stopped by the Instruments Club's room as intended. It seemed that the club consists of mostly first-year and second-year. He totally surprised everyone who presented there at the moment. And they couldn't be more excited at his request to join them. Before Aoi knows it, they all have starting to fawned over him. When he was about to raise his voice to reprimand them, another stern voice then spoken up.

"You all please step back already, where are your manners?" Hearing that, the other club members quickly stepped aside to make way for the owner of that voice, who is a black-haired girl. It looks like she's the president of this club. Bowing to Aoi in an apologetic manner, she said calmly, "I apologize for the rudeness of my friends. We're in a shortage of members currently and it's just the way they reacted whenever there is a student wanted to join us. I hope you won't be offended."

Aoi listened to what she said quietly and then spoke up in reassurance, "It's naturally that everyone would normally react like that so I'm not offended by it, because this is the first time I meet you all, so it is understandable." Then he paused for a moment to look at the other members with his chilling gaze, which in turn caused them to gulp nervously, "So, you must be the president of this club. Is it possible that a newly transferred student like me can join?"

"Every student, whether newly transferred or not, is allowed to join us if they like and have the talents. My name is Minori Amane, by the way, but you can just simply call me Minori. It's a pleasure to meet you, Shimizu-senpai." She smiled calmly and reached out her hand to Aoi.

"The pleasure is all mine." Aoi smiled lightly in return as he gave her a handshake, "It's nice knowing that this club has such a reasonable president like you, Minori-san. So, is there any joining procedure I need to take?"

"Please fill in this application and hand it in for me this afternoon when school is finished." Minori gave Aoi a piece of application, "Usually, we would have a test for newcomers to take in order to see how well they are with their instruments. But we all have watched your performance at the Entrance Ceremony so I figure that it wouldn't be necessary. Is it okay for you?"

Aoi nodded as he took the piece of paper from Minori, "I understand. I will see you again this afternoon. Have a good day." He politely bowed to everyone and then took his leave. Then, he noticed that there was a commotion going on about and the other students are heading to the school yard. But he's not usually a curious person so he just shrugged and made his way back to his class.

When he arrived, he saw that all the windows are opened and everyone looking as if they're anticipating something. Gazing through a window, he saw that Akihiro was standing at the courtyard with a crowd surrounding him and was about to perform. Raising his eyebrow, he stood up to get a better view, because he hasn't got a chance to observe his performance carefully earlier. When the melody was played, Aoi recollected the its' name from his memories.

It was a classical piece and Akihiro had played it quite flawlessly. But what intrigued him was how he performed with a cheerful and enthusiastic, unlike many other violinist he had met before. Somehow, for the rest of the performance, Aoi had to admitted that he couldn't take his eyes off the guy. When he's finished, Akihiro waved towards the direction of his classroom. The crowd then dispersed and the class is now back to their earlier conversations, until Akihiro return in with an entrance that could have never been louder.

Rolling his eyes in secret, Aoi took out the piece of application Minori gave him earlier and filled it meticulously. And after that, for the rest of the lunch break, he spent his time listening to music with his headphone while working with a piece of music that he hasn't finished composing in silent.

It's going to take a while for everyone outside Class 3-A to stop treating him like royalty like that, but until then, he'll just cope with it like he always did.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Hiro, you really shouldn't slam the doors open and shut like that. The last time you tried to do something of the sort, you actually broke the door." Hotaru scolded, causing Hiro to groan in loathing. "Aw c'mon, the door only broke that time because it was super old and no one had oiled the track in forever! You can't blame me for it." After a short and pointless argument on the subject, both Hiro and Hotaru perked up as the teacher strolled into the room, ordering everyone to their seats and writing out the day's assignment on the chalkboard. It was an English vocabulary quiz, apparently. XX
Luckily, most of the class seemed to be good with English, since no one groaned and the lesson passed without any obvious complaints. The last few classes of the day passed in a similar manner, and much to Hiro's disappointment, there wasn't a Gym period due to the fact that the entire class had neglected to bring their uniforms. When the last bell of the day rang, a cheer rang throughout the room, and a classroom-cleaning competition was established. "I hope you all enjoy losing, 'cause I'm gonna win!" In the end, no one won, and a surprising amount of cleaning got done despite the fact that no one seemed to be taking their jobs seriously. "Hey, Hotaru, we don't have club practice until next week, right?" Hiro grinned at the confirmation. XX
"Race you home!" Hiro yelled, hastily gathering his belongings and earning a characteristic sigh from Hotaru. "Hiro, the last time we raced I ran you over with my bicycle and broke your hand. Its not a good idea." "Nonsense! It was my fault for trying to touch the moving wheel anyways, and we're going to be running instead of biking, so it'll be fine!" Hotaru opened his mouth to speak, but didn't need to, as the second Hiro started to run, he crashed right into Aoi, knocking them both to the floor in an uncoordinated heap. "You see?! This is why I tell you to listen when I tell you things, Hiro!" XXXX
Opening his eyes from when he'd instinctively shut them, Hiro found himself collapsed on top of his blue-haired classmate, earning several laughs from bystanders. "Aha, sorry~" He stood up in one swift movement, taking hold of Aoi's wrists and pulling him to his feet with surprising strength. "Guess I should look where I'm going, huh?" "Or you could just walk instead of running!" Before Hiro could say anything more, Hotaru was scolding him, and the smaller boy let out a bored groan. Waving to Aoi, Hiro allowed Hotaru to drag him away down the hall, and didn't bother in responding to his lecture. XX
Rather than heading straight home like usual, the two boys ended up helping Yuki hand out instruments to the new club members - which was three - and afterward helped the Band club manager in the same endeavor. It wasn't like they had much else to do, since the only things they did at home were practice, study, and play video games (well, Hotaru studied while Hiro played video games). "Hey, do you think Shimizu would join the Orchestra club if I asked? We only have one piano player, maybe he'd be interested?" Hotaru shook his head no. "I'm pretty sure I saw him signing up for the Instruments club, so I doubt he'll join another music club. Besides, we only have practice every other week and only perform twice a year." XXX
"Yeah, I guess that wouldn't be too exciting for someone who spends their entire life playing music. Couldn't hurt to ask though..." "You really have the hots for that guy, don't you?" "Yup." Nothing more was said on the subject, and the two friends stayed behind a little bit longer before heading home. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


For the rest of the afternoon lessons, nothing special in particular has happened. And Aoi really has started to think that the teachers at this school really like to give their students some surprising pop quiz. They had to take an English vocabulary quiz that afternoon. Of course, English isn't a problem for someone who had to travel abroad frequently like him and it seemed that most of the class had done quite well with the test too. From now on I have to revise the lessons carefully before going to school then...

There was supposed to be a Gym session that afternoon but none of them remember to bring along their uniforms so the coach had to let them to take a period off. When the school bell rang, the whole class stood up and cheer as if it was something really special. For the whole day, there isn't a single minute when Class 3-A didn't show how energetic and upbeat they all were. Rather than feeling amazed, Aoi didn't know how could he possibly keep up with them. It's just... not his style.

After the lessons, they all have to stay and clean the class and there was a chaotic cleaning battle going on. Cleaning wasn't something Aoi's uncomfortable with since he cleaned his own room all the time without the help of the maids. In fact, he could clean the whole class by himself if asked because his room is much larger. But there hardly seemed to be anything left for him to do after the battle is over. It's going to take Aoi a while so that he can integrate with a class like this.

When everything is finished, Aoi excused himself and exit the classroom before everyone. He then made his way to the Instrument Club's room. Knocking the door, he stepped in when Minori allowed him to. It seemed that the other club members had gone home because the only person sitting in the room while tending her violin was the president of the club herself. "Good afternoon, Shimizu-senpai." The black-haired girl turned to Aoi.

"Here's the application." Aoi took the piece of paper out from his bag and gave it to Minori, "Is it good?"

Skimming through the application, the younger girl nodded before gazing up at Aoi, "Yeah, it's fine. I will send this to Sensei later. But that's it. Welcome to Instruments Club, Aoi Shimizu-senpai. I hope you'll have a great time with us." She tilted her head and smile, "Group activities will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school, occasionally we'll also meet together on Sunday for some recreation activities. So, please be here on Wednesday then, I'll introduce everyone to you."

"I'm looking forward to it." Aoi nodded with a light smile, "Well, if that's all then goodbye. Have a nice evening." He bowed respectfully to her before taking leave. His driver should be here already and Chiyoko might be waiting for him so it's best not to keep it long.

However, as Aoi was making his way to the school's entrance, a figure ran into him as them both fell on the ground. Winched slightly because of the sudden impact, Aoi gazed at the one who has just stumbled on him. It was Akihiro. The younger guy stood up first in a swift manner, then said in an apologetic manner, though a grin still managed to appear on his face. He pulled Aoi by his wrist to help him stood up. Brushing the dust off his clothes, Aoi then turned to the Akihiro and said with his usual stern expression, "Please watch where you're going next time. Have a nice evening." Picking up his bag, he made his way to the school gate and stepped into the limousine which took both him and his sister home.

And so, their first school day ended, just like that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Waving goodbye to Hotaru as the two split ways, Hiro parked his bike on the side of the music shop and stepped inside, winking at the security camera. "I'm back!" His mom looked up from where she was cleaning an acoustic guitar, smiling to him as he set his bag down behind the counter. "Welcome back, Hiro. Your father's out on a delivery right now, but he should be back soon." For the next hour or so, Hiro passed the time helping clean the rentals that had been returned - some of which were absolutely disgusting - and messing around on the piano in the corner of the store. He'd always been best with a violin, but he still enjoyed playing other instruments, including the piano, guitar, euphonium (only because it sounded cool), and drums. XX
"Hiro! Your father isn't back yet and I have to go meet with someone about buying a piano, can you watch the store until one of use gets back?" Hiro nodded to his mother and she disappeared out the door, leaving him in the empty store to do whatever he wanted until someone came in. He chose to play a short song on the piano while he waited. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long, since a woman and her daughter walked in five minutes later inquiring about a children's violin. Hiro helped the girl to pick one out and played 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' on his own just to show her how awesome playing the violin was. The sale was successful, and the customers exited the store smiling widely, which was exactly what Hiro had wanted. XX
Over the next half hour or so, only five other people came through the store, four out of the five making purchases before leaving. Hiro's parents returned to the store within minutes of each other and asked excitedly about the first day of the semester, receiving an equally excited answer in reply. "Also, Shimizu Aoi goes to our school now too! He's very attractive, and hearing him play in person is so much cooler than on the radio~" Being completely devoted to the music world, Hiro and his parents collectively gushed over Aoi's music, Akki joining in on the gushing when he stopped by after class. XX
As the sun began to set in the sky, the family closed up shop and headed down the street toward their home, which was within walking distance. Dinner passed with conversation about the Orchestra club's performance, Akihiko's college classes, and the fact that apparently one of the day's customers had been convinced their piano had been delivered without any keys, when in reality they had simply neglected to remove the cover. Akki and Sachiko's relationship also popped up at the end of the meal, and the older son barely had time to flee the room before Hiro started teasing him about being too much of a 'goody-two-shoes' to have sex with his girlfriend before they were married, something of which he definitely shouldn't have known. XX
The following morning repeated the same daily routine - wake up early, eat breakfast, watch the news, head to school. Hotaru scolded Hiro for not completing the previous night's homework, earning nothing but a groan of loathing from the smaller boy. "I'll just copy off your notes. It's not like you won't let me anyways, if anything you'd prefer that I copy off you and get a good score instead of failing the assignment because Social Studies sucks." XX
Hotaru sighed, but didn't say anything else, knowing Hiro was right and not wanting to argue. The conversation shifted to how much they'd been practicing their music, then to Hotaru's girlfriend, and finally they ended up at the school. "You're lucky to be in a relationship. The closest thing I've had were those really crappy blind dates my mom set me up on...ah, if only attractive boys were as interested in me as I am in them!" Hiro joked playfully. XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


On the whole trip back to mansion, there isn't a single minute that Chiyoko didn't rant about how awesome their student lives were. Apparently she'd just become the hottest girl in her class and how much she got along with her newfound friends, even those who are introverted the most in that class thanks to her inexhaustible extravagance. She had also signed up for the Ballet Club and is looking forward to helping them in the future. Maybe she would be able to learn a thing or two too.

"How about you, nii-chan? Has anything else interesting happened?" Chiyoko lowered her body and looked at her brother straight in his face.

Shrugging, Aoi replied, "Nothing much. A couple of surprising pop quizzes that the others in my class seemed to protest a lot. But Social Studies and English were easy enough, if I dare say. I've also signed up for the Instruments Club and apparently they were a bit too hyped that I did. Luckily that they still have a reasonable president." Then, somehow his thought traced back to Akihiro, "And, I guess there's someone whom I can say is a little interesting to me."

"Eh ~ That certain someone who can interests nii-chan really exists? I wanna know who." Chiyoko chuckled as the limousine stopped in front of the Shimizu's estate gate. Both of them got down from the car and made their way inside the mansion. The door was automatically opened as maids stood into two rows and bowed to them the moment they saw them, "Welcome back, ojousama, obocchama." They all said simultaneously.

Kaori was standing with her back leaned against the stairs while working with her iPad. "We're back, nee-chan. How's your day at work?" Chiyoko waved to her sister and asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, I'm all good. I'm supposed you two are too." Gazing at her two siblings, she said, "Now go and prepare. Chiyoko, you have an interview about your upcoming absence to study in two hours later, be sure not to said anything unnecessary, remember? And there's a photoshoot after that for Cosmopolitan magazine."

"Of course, you've said it for like thousands of times already. No need to said it again, nee-chan." Chiyoko pouted, "Oh well, looks like I'm going to have one last busy night."

Then, she turned to Aoi, "You're going to have dinner with Ms. Morioka tonight at 7:30 PM. Be sure to act like a gentleman and don't just show just a single face like that."

Nodding to her sister, he replied, "It's a bit hard to do as you say, nee-san, but I'll try. I'll go and change now." He said then went upstairs to his room.

When it was time, Aoi made his way outside of his room in a white suit and the cologne smell lingering on him. His outlook right now is something commented by Naoki and Chiyoko to be "girls' magnet" as there isn't a single girl who wouldn't fall for him because he just looked so "stunning" right now. It didn't matter much to him though. Making outside to the limousine with his sister, the car stopped by the restaurant first before continuing to Chiyoko's interview.

Aoi stood still and waited until his "supposed" fiancÊe arrive. He absolutely have no intention of getting married now, more so that he isn't interested in girls in the slightest. But this engagement has been arranged for him and Reiko since last year and mostly it was the Morioka family who take care of it, even though they're just as busy as Kaori. Fortunately, the first daughter of the Morioka family didn't seem to show any interests in him either so they both have secretly agreed that they would just play along with this 'betrothal' game until their families didn't show any interests in marrying them off anymore, taking into account how busy they all are with their businesses.

"Good evening, Shimizu-kun." Reiko called Aoi from behind as she walked to him. She was wearing a rather classy dress which only served to compliment her noble outlook. "Have you been waiting long for me?"

"Well, it just about time." He moved his hand to his hip, "Shall we, Reiko-san?"

Nodded, Reiko grabbed Aoi's arms and the two walked inside the restaurant. And it wouldn't be too exaggerated to say that they're the spotlight of the restaurant, as the other customers have all began to gossip the moment the stepped inside. Mostly on how beautiful they are as a couple and how powerful and rich their families are. The waiter then led them to the reserved table for them and, followed his sister word, Aoi had acted as gallant and gentlemanly as he could, which only served to raise jealousy around the restaurant.

Digging the fork into the Wellington beef that just has been served to her, Reiko rested her chin on her hand in a very unladylike manner while sighing. No one is watching them so why should she care? "Your sister really is the manifestation of devil itself. I thought you were the most boring of the bored already, but she's totally on another level."

Aoi, on the other hand, calmly enjoying his meal, "Nee-san is still my sister after all, so please refrain from speaking bad things about her when we're talking. Besides, isn't she your boss now? How bad could it be when you're working with her?"

"You have no ideas." Reiko let out another depressing sigh, "So? I hear that you're going to school for the first day today. How was it?"

"It was quite normal. My classmates were a bit too energetic for me and I hardly couldn't keep up with their frantic." Aoi replied, "But I guess I could lead a life like this in the future. You could say there's a certain someone that I found to be a little interesting."

"Really, so you really could show some affection after all." Reiko grinned, "Well, I don't know whether you did consider me as your friend or not but onee-chan here is a professional love doctor, so if you need any advice, I wouldn't mind helping."

Aoi gazed at the young woman sitting in front of him then smiled lightly, "I certainly didn't want to marry someone who's older than me, but I don't mind having another acquaintance or two. I guess I'll find you when I need something." Raising his glass of wine, he said, "Cheer?"

"Cheer." Reiko touched her glass with Aoi's as they both drank their wine. The night then went on peacefully without much fuss.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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Since there was still a decent amount of time before classes began, Hiro and Hotaru decided to hang out in the front courtyard while waiting for their other friends to arrive. While his studious friend reviewed his homework, Hiro instead chose to mess around on his violin, plucking at the strings as if it were a guitar. Not much time passed before Natsuki and Yuki arrived, joining Hiro in a conversation about troubles of the upcoming orchestra concert. XX
"We're going to have to choose a song without piano, since Hiro and Hotaru are the only ones who can play, and we need them both to play their string instruments or we'll be doomed." Yuki frowned, not liking their situation at all. "You'd think that more people would know how to play the piano, or at least that there'd be more orchestral songs that don't need one." "So we just need someone who can play the piano, right?" Yuki nodded in response to Hiro's question. "Then why don't we just ask him?" He said, gesturing toward the limousine that had just pulled up nearby. XX
It took about two seconds for the idea to sink in before Yuki's face lit up, and the girl stood up with her hands on her hips, grinning. "Hiro, you're a downright genius! You should invite him to join!" "Me? Alright!" The two high-fived, and Yuki went digging through her schoolbag while Hiro hopped off toward Aoi, shouting his name and waving with a signature grin plastered on his face. "Hey, Aoi, what d you think about joining the Orchestra club?" XX
Calling the boy by his first name could have been seen as rude, but Hiro's smile showed no signs of caring. "We need someone who can play the piano, since the only people in the club who can have to play other instruments. We only have practice every other week, and its on Tuesdays, so it won't interfere with the Instruments club either, so whaddaya say?" As if on cue, Yuki showed up beside Hiro, gently pushing the sign-up from into Aoi's hand. XX
The bell chose that moment to ring, and Hiro pouted for a moment before his smile returned, bright as ever. "Well, take your time to think about it, you can tell me anytime! Seeya in class!" And with that, Hiro left, his friends joining him without so much as even a curious glance in Aoi's direction. Hotaru tried to lecture Hiro about being too informal with someone he'd just met, but the smaller boy wasn't even listening, too caught up in the fact that the most famous pianist in Japan might be joining their school's club. After all, even though they were popular at North High, they were less than known outside. XX
Hotaru gave up on trying to 'knock some sense into Hiro' when the group made it to their floor, Yuki splitting off to go to her own class and leaving the three boys to themselves. Natsuki and Hiro chatted at their desks about the concert. Apparently, Yuki wanted the piece to include a solo of some sort, though she hadn't decided what instrument would be used. "To be honest, everyone's probably going to vote on Hiro taking the solo, just like we do every year." Natsuki said, smirking and leaning back in his chair. "I'm surprised you aren't famous like Shimizu is, you have the skills for it." XX
Hiro shrugged. "I don't think popularity is all that important. If anything, it just boosts your ego and makes you more self-centered, not to mention taking away all your privacy. Famous people can't even go on a date without the newspaper talking about whether or not you got someone pregnant or something. It's insane." The teacher walked in moments later, and the class let out a collective 'hello' before the first lesson of the day began. Hiro didn't even try to hide the glances he sent toward Aoi, admiring the color of his hair and how concentrated he looked. It wasn't like he was afraid to be caught. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After having dinner with Reiko, Aoi was invited to go for a couple of interviews and some invitations to perform at a couple of popular and luxurious tearooms around the city. So, he worked diligently and managed to finish his work when the clock ticked 11:00 PM - which is fairly early in comparison with some of his busier working days when he had to work until 3:00 AM. Since long, sleeping before 10:30 PM has been too much of a fancy thing that Aoi and Chiyoko wouldn't dare to dream of. Well, after tonight, they wouldn't have to worry about working anymore.

Morning soon approached and the second day at school for Aoi and Chiyoko soon began. As the limousine stopped by the school's gate, it gained pretty much the same overwhelming attentions like yesterday. It seemed that this will go on for quite some while though. "Well, I'm heading up first since I'm having duty today. Have fun at your class, nii-chan." The pink-haired girl said to her brother and made her way up to her class.

When Aoi stepped down of the limousine, he immediately saw that Akihiro was hopping towards him, with another girl walking behind him. "Good morning, Tsuna-san, what's up?" He politely asked as the younger boy told him his invitation to join the Orchestra club, saying that it won't hinder his activities at Instruments club since any activities are only held once on Tuesday. The girl then gave Aoi the application. Gazing over the boy and then the application, Aoi then replied, "I will check my schedule first and tell you guys about my decision later. Thanks for the invitation, anyway."

As the bell rang, Aoi quietly walked his way up to his class while not trying to bump into anyone and completely ignored the exciting and admired looks from the students. While he was walking, he quietly thought about Akihiro's offer and skimmed through the application, which is just similar to the one he filled yesterday to join Instruments Club. It's true that he doesn't have to perform while he's still studying and it would give him a chance to observe how musical activities going on around this school. I guess it wouldn't hurt joining another club.

The morning lessons went on peacefully without any fusses. The class was as energetic as ever, but all Aoi did is just focusing on what the teachers teach them. Some of the students sitting next to him exchanged a couple of sentences with him and he could noticed that Akihiro was glancing at him for times to times, and of course, with a grin each time. Out of every member of Class 3-A, it seemed that the boy pay attention him the most. But Aoi didn't mind much though, as he'd pretty much gotten used to being noticed. Though he was quite intrigued - again, by the way he casually addresses him.

When it was lunch break, Aoi sat at a rather hidden table and continued with composing his unfinished piece while enjoying a bowl of hot, spicy mapo tofu. Chiyoko and Naoki are having lunch with their clubs right now so he was all alone again. There aren't many people sitting in the cafeteria so Aoi doesn't have to worry about receiving their admired gazes.

"Shimizu-senpai." Minori carried her tray of food and approached Aoi, gaining his attention, "Would you mind if I sit here?"

"Sure, not a problem." Aoi said while making space for the younger girl. She sat down on the opposite with him as they went on with their lunches while began to converse quite casually.

"I heard Kanzaki-san who is the president of the Orchestra Club said that she invited you to join her club. It's not like I'm curious but have you made the decision?" Minori raised the question as she took a sip from her soup.

"Oh, that?" Aoi looked up to the black-haired girl, "Well, I was thinking that perhaps it wouldn't hurt joining another club. Plus, they didn't seem to have frequent activities like we do and it seemed that they're in need of pianists too, I've already filled the application too. Is there any problem with it?"

"No, it's nothing. Instruments Club often collaborate with their club in a couple of performances before. So I can say that we have quite a good relationship." Minori said, "Though I must say I'm quite jealous of them, Orchestra Club has always been a popular club around Miyagi, and Akihiro-kun was the reason. Now that you're joining them, I'm sure they'll gain even more attention. It's not like I'm saying that you're influential or anything, but there are already a couple of applications for our club after you joined." She chuckled.

"That couldn't be helped, I guess. It's more or less a 'curse' when you've accepted to become a public figure." Aoi shrugged, "So, can you tell me a little about the members of Instruments club?"

"I can say that they're all talented and they have the passion with their instruments. We're not as popular as Orchestra Club, but our performances have always receive positive feedback from everyone. However, since we're a bit shorting of members at the moment, I think everyone isn't motivated enough so their spirits had been down." Minori sighed, "It was lucky that you've joined though. I've always admired how straightforward you are so I hope you can help us to improve our strengths more."

"It would be my pleasure, Minori-san. No one is perfect and who knows whether even I can learn from all of you. It's been a while since I actually got to work with a considerate person like you. To be honest, I've had the first impression of the club members as a frantic bunch, but I can rest assure now that they've got a capable president." Aoi said with a light smile.

"Everyone would have thought the same. I always have to be strict to them to put them in order, but we're always as close as a family, so I hope you can get on well with them too." Minori tilted her head with a smile.

After having finished his lunch, Aoi excused Minori and made his way towards the Orchestra Club room. Knocking the door, Aoi was then greeted by the president, Yuki. "Hello, Kanzaki-san. Here's my application." He gave her the piece of paper and she looked as if she could jump in excitement. Gazing inside the room, it seemed that Akihiro wasn't there. The school bell rang and Aoi excused himself to went back to his class.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


When lunch period came, Hiro remained in the classroom with Hotaru and Natsuki, eating his bento while chatting endlessly about everything under the sun. Aoi popped up in the conversation several times, but not enough for it to be creepy. "I think it will be a lot less stressful for Yuki if we have a pianist in the club, not to mention that we won't have to worry about which instrument to play anymore." Hotaru spoke, not looking up from the notes he was reviewing while still managing to eat without the food missing his mouth. Hiro was constantly surprised by how studious his friend was. XX
"Well, if we have a pianist it means we have a lot more choices when it comes to what song we're gonna play in the competition." Hiro leaned back in his chair and stared out the window, watching the cherry blossoms fall from the trees lining the courtyard. "Finding one without the piano component was really hard, and it wasn't even a good song either." The three then went on to discuss note translations - since Hotaru played the double bass while Natsuki and Hiro played the violin - as well as teasing poor Hotaru about the fact he'd have to lug his double bass home for extra practice at some point. XX
There were only about ten minutes left of lunch when the three boys, along with the rest of the orchestra members, each received the same mutli-media text from Yuki stating that Shimizu Aoi had officially handed in his application to join the club. "I knew he would! Natsu, you owe me five-hundred yen~" XX
Natsuki groaned in protest, but coughed up the money anyways, grumbling about bluffs and whatnot. Their attention was on Aoi when the blue-haired boy entered the room, and the three boys, as well as the other orchestra members that were in the class, stuck thumbs-up gestures in his direction as praise for joining the club before returning to their previous conversations. Hiro waved Aoi over and grinned at him. "We heard you decided to join after all, and we wanted to thank you! Hotaru and I are the only members who can play the piano, but I'm lead violin and Hotaru's the only double bass, so neither of us can play the piano parts without messing up our own sections. Yuki's been really stressed about it so you did us a huge favor by joining~" XX
From then on, Hiro and Natsuki practically dragged Aoi into their music-centered conversation, their casual mannerisms suggesting that they'd known the boy for years. Hotaru was a bit more formal, and didn't say a whole lot, simply correcting his chatterbox friends when they were incorrect and scolding them when they were impolite. Ten minutes later, the bell rang and prompted everyone to their seats, Hiro and Natsu both groaning in protest. XX
When classes ended three hours later, several members of the class stood up in tandem, a decent contrast to the more leisurely exits from the previous day. "Time for rehearsal! And its nice out today, so we'll be playing outside again~" Gathering his things, Hiro swung his violin over his shoulder and hopped over to Aoi's desk with the usual spring in his step, pointing a thumb toward the door with a grin. "Time for your first North High Orchestra rehearsal, newbie! Best not be late~" Hiro spoke in a joking manner and left after Natsuki and Hotaru, who were arguing over whether or not a treble clef was harder to draw than a bass clef. The three waited outside for Aoi to catch up, and dragged him once again into their conversation as they walked. XX
"The Orchestra room is the only club room on the same floor as the roof access, so Sensei lets us practice outside when the weather's nice. Helps us to listen closer to our instruments as well, since there aren't any walls for the sound to echo off of." Hiro explained some of the club's habits and rules, as well as the rather odd methods they used to improve their skills (one example being random days where the members would spend the few hours of club time simply listening to their own performances from a recording). "And if you're nervous, don't be! No one really cares whether you're famous or not~" XX
Sure enough, no one said anything about his popularity, and simply thanked him for taking up the empty piano slot, regarding him as nothing but another regular student as everyone tuned their instruments and discussed the previous day's performance. And thus, the rehearsal began, entertaining as ever.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The moment Aoi stepped his feet into his classroom, he was immediately greeted with applause and a couple of thumb-ups from some of his classmates who were busy conversing, Akihiro included. They all are members of the Orchestra club since he remembered them from their performances during the Entrance Ceremony. Raising his eyebrows, Aoi felt slightly surprised at the gratitude he received from them. Though fortunately, they aren't as overexcited as the Instruments club, which was something he's grateful of. Perhaps the news about my joining has already spread within the club already, that was fast.

Akihiro then hopped towards his direction in a carefree, child-like manner like he always did. Aoi can see how cheerful the guy probably is right now since it was clearly written all over his face. He then expressed his thankfulness with Aoi's joining them, saying that they would have a hard time if he didn't. Nodding, Aoi replied, "It's no big deal, really. I joined on my own accord and it's also my pleasure if I can help my classmates in some ways. I hope I can work well with everyone in the club from now on."

Then, Aoi was pulled into a conversation with Akihiro, along with his friends Hotaru and Natsuki. They really showed how knowledgeable they're with subjects relating to music. The shorter boy seemed to converse with Aoi in an unrestricted and free manner, without any uses of honorifics. But it's just how he always converses with his classmates. The other boys, seemed to be more polite in the way they address him. Aoi, on the other hand, despite how informal his classmates seemed to be, he's still painfully respectful and formal in the way he talk to his friends, with the same expression ever presented on his face all over again.

When the bell rang, the lunch break ended and they all went back to their respective desks. The afternoon lessons went on without much fuss and there doesn't seem to be any pop quizzes today, much to everyone's relief. It doesn't matter much for Aoi though, because he's always ready for surprising situations, whether it was on stage or in school. Like usual, he put in all of his concentration in what the teachers were teaching, so none of the other students dared to speak to him unless they have some questions about the lessons, needless to say.

After the last bell of the day rang, signified the end of the day. After Aoi has finished putting his notebooks and text books into his school bag, Akihiro and his companies told him that it's time for rehearsal. Nodding, Aoi then walked with them to the Orchestra Club room which situates on the roof of the school. They have yet another conversation on their way there, which was quite pleasant, in his opinion.

Upon reaching the club's room, he was greeted by everyone by the same manner like the lunch break, and no one seemed to really care that a famous pianist had just arrived. Aoi guesses that it is understandable since most of the members are third-year students. Bowing respectfully in reply to the greetings he received, he then went on to join everyone with their activities and discussions.

Aoi had asked Yuki more specifically of how they usually work around the club and it seemed that while it's quite entertaining for everyone, they seemed to know what they are doing. After helping another member to move the piano outside for practicing, Aoi then turned to Yuki, "So, which song are we going to practice? Can you give me a music sheet?"

It's no doubt that Aoi is putting a lot of professions when he's working with the club.

Speaking of which, I'm just happened to stumble upon this, isn't it sound epic? xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


While everyone moved their chairs out onto the roof terrace, Hiro helped bring out the cleaning supplies and a couple of the larger instruments. It didn't take long to set up, and the club members chatted amongst each other while they waited, most commonly about difficult notes and instrument tuning. Hiro plopped down in his seat with a sigh, rolling up the sleeves of the white hooded sweatshirt he wore underneath his uniform. It was warm out, so most of the members had taken off their blazers to enjoy the weather. Looking towards Yuki and Aoi, Hiro silently eavesdropped on their conversation. XXX
"Ah, that's right...well, most of the members don't actually use sheet music, since we usually memorize the notes instead, so I'll have to try and find someone who has the pages..." Yuki looked through her music folder with a disgruntled expression, and Hiro took the chance to be a hero, handing her his own music folder. "Oh! You can use these then, I suppose." With a smile, Yuki handed the folder to Aoi and walked off without another word. Hiro grinned at his blue-haired classmate and leaned forward lazily, using his violin case for support. "You can keep those if you want~" XX
Yuki then announced the piece that they would be trying out: Mozart's 'Divertimento'. They only played a short version of the song before moving on to a couple of others, after each one discussing whether or not it would be good enough for a judged concert. Two or three songs were voted off of the list for being too simple or too bland or even too over-played, but at the end of rehearsal, the list was still long. "Well, I guess we'll just have to narrow it down more next week. If you need to take a school-issued instrument home be sure to sign it out. See ya'll tomorrow!" Yuki said, laughing. XXX
"I have to get to work, so I'm going ahead! See you tomorrow!" Hiro waved to his classmates as he left, hopping down the stairs at a quick pace and hoping his parents weren't too busy without him. The street by his family's shop was always closed on Mondays, so there were fewer customers, and today the usual crowds would be back. His parents still had to make deliveries and would have to close the store every time they did if he wasn't there. XX
"Hiro!" The moment he walked in the door, his mother was there, holding a box of tambourines and her car keys with one hand, purse in the other. "Perfect timing! I have to make a last-minute delivery to an Elementary school, and we have an important customer coming in about fifteen minutes, so I need you to watch the store. Hopefully I'll get back before they get here, but if not, could you take care of the purchase?" Hiro nodded and gave his mom a thumbs up, dropping his stuff behind the counter as she rushed out the door and sped off. "I wonder who's so important..." XX

I was thinking perhaps Aoi's staff needed him to buy a new piano or get his fixed? Hiro's family does repairs and stuff like that. Also, the Tsuno store has a six-month warranty thing on all the instruments they sell, so if it breaks, they'll fix it for free (more excuses for Aoi and Hiro to see each other).


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Raising an eyebrow upon Yuki's statement, he watched quietly as the younger girl searched with a rather disgruntled expression. Well, that doesn't seem to be very professional, but I guessed this is how they work after all. Aoi thought for himself. And once again, Akihiro hopped towards Aoi with a cheerful expression ever presented on his face while taking out from his bag the music sheet that he needed. "Thanks, Akihiro-san." He said as he skimmed through the music sheet, it seemed that they were going to play Mozart's Divertimento. "I know this song but it's been a while since I played it so I'll read it through again to memorize it."

Then, they went on playing a short version of the song, as well as skimming through some other songs. While playing his part, Aoi paid some attention to the way the other members of the club play. Of course, they aren't anything like professional performers, but they all shine in their own ways. They all had the passion with what they played and the spirit to do their best, despite this being just a rehearsal. But they're not the only reasons why they're so popular.

After rehearsal is finished, the club still hasn't decided on which songs to play at the concert. Aoi suggested that other than playing a classical piece, playing a modern one or a cover of a song in their own version might also be good, since judges will always looking for something new, not just sticking to tradition. The others agreed to it to a certain degree, though the decision is yet to be made.

Yuki then announced that their rehearsal is finished for today. Akihiro excused himself to go home first since he apparently has some unfinished business at home. Aoi helped others to clean up and when his job is done, he bowed to others respectfully, stating that it was fun rehearsing with them. Yuki and the other members just brush it off, replying that he doesn't have to be so formal like that.

The limousine was waiting at the school gate to take Aoi. Stepping up the car, Aoi asked the driver as the wheels starting to roll, "Has they come to take the piano yet?"

"Yes, Shimizu-bocchama." He nodded, "Shall I take you there?"

"Please do." Aoi nodded as the limousine then took Aoi towards the direction of a piano shop. There were totally three pianos in Aoi's house, one in his room, one in the hall and one in his mansion's personal studio. The biggest and oldest one was the one in the hall and it belonged to their parents. Because it has sentimental value to the three of them, they didn't get rid of it. It has been there for 20 years already so it needs a lot of maintenance every two months.

When he arrived at the shop is also when the truck which takes the piano there arrived. Stepping down, he went into the shop. "Excuse me. I'm Shimizu. I'm here as arranged." He greeted and made his way inside, only to saw Akihiro standing at the front desk. "Akihiro-san? You worked here?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


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While he waited, Hiro worked on some of his homework, helping out a few of the other customers that came in. He was spinning mindlessly in his wheeled desk chair when the door opened, a familiar voice echoing throughout the store. "Ah, so you're the super important customer! Makes sense. And yeah, my parents own this store, so I work here after school~" Hiro grinned and stood up from his chair, not even dizzy from all the spinning. "Anyways, you're just getting maintenance done on your piano, right? My mom said you'd bring it here, which is pretty convenient. Usually we do house calls to fix piano, especially grands, since they're so big~" He continued to chat happily as he was led out to the truck where the piano was transported. XX
"Whoa!" They were real sparkles floating around Hiro's head as his eyes settled on the piano. "Talk about a beautiful instrument! Though I'd expect nothing less from a famous pianist~" Hiro ran back into the shop to grab his tools, and then set to work in checking all the parts of the piano, making sure it was oiled and that none of the keys stuck. He chatted with Aoi the entire time, and even managed to explain a few ways to tell if the piano is broken or unbalanced. "Not that I think you'd ever break your piano or anything, but you never know when that kind of knowledge might come in handy." XX
Once Hiro was finished, he put away his tools and grinned, giving Aoi a thumbs-up before hopping out of the truck. "From what I can tell, you take really good care of that piano, so there's nothing for you to worry about. Just make sure you get maintenance done every once in a while to make sure the keys don't start sticking. That's all~" Walking back into the store, Hiro put away the tools and headed back out into the main room, picking up a guitar that been knocked over and placing it back on its stand. "My mom said that you paid for the maintenance in advance too, so don't worry about that either~" XX
"Well, you prob'ly have tons of stuff to do, so I won't distract you with too much chatter. See you tomorrow?" The bell above the door jingled and a young boy rushed in, carrying a viola with two broken strings. "Hiro-nii! The strings broke..." Taking the viola in his hands, Hiro grinned at the boy, who looked about to cry. "Don't worry, I can put new ones on it, and it'll work just fine~" The boy watched closely as Hiro found some viola strings, peeled the broken ones off the instrument and carefully put in the new ones, wearing a concentrated grin all the while. "Ta-da! There you go, its as good as new~" XX
The boy thanked Hiro and disappeared out the door, leaving the older teen to finish what was left of his homework. His mom returned minutes later, claiming that there had been a mix up with the delivery address and that she'd had to drive a lot further than anticipated. Hiro explained how the piano maintenance went and she thanked him for helping, ruffling his hair and joining him in watching the shop. Akki arrived not too long afterward, followed by their father, and the shop became all the more lively with conversation. The Tsuno Music Shop was never a boring place, not for this family, at least. XXX

I think it'd be funny to see Aoi's reaction when he finds out Hiro knows how to build & fix a piano. After all, Hiro is 'full of surprises' (a quote by Hotaru). XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Apparently Akihiro couldn't be happier when he caught sight of Aoi entering his shop. He hopped down from his chair and approached Aoi, saying how convenient it was for him to bring the piano here rather than having someone from the shop to come all the way to his estate, taking into account how enormous his piano was. "Is that so? Well, my sister doesn't like having strangers in our house, so we usually took anything that needed maintenance to the somewhere reliable to do it. Can you check the piano then?" Aoi then led Akihiro outside.

And, Aoi could clearly saw that sparkles were floating in his classmate's eyes, apparently at awe how big it was. Ever since Aoi enrolled Miyagi and met Akihiro, he has never stopped being amused on how much expressions he can show within just seconds. Though not technically enjoy it, he found his energetic attitude to be a bit... cool. "I have two other pianos at home which belonged to me. This one was my mother's and it has been there in our house for 20 years already. Because it was so old so it was my duty to take it for occasional maintenance."

As Akihiro was doing the maintenance, he pulled Aoi into another conversation just like those back when they're at school. He even tell Aoi how to tell if the piano is broken or unbalanced. Of course, having worked with the piano for all of his life, Aoi pretty much knew about all of it, though he just nodded and went along with what his classmate said. "Being an artist means that you always have to take extra care of your instruments as if they're your children. So that is something I'm aware of, anyway."

When the younger boy is finished with his job, he said some other couple of things in which Aoi nodded in reply, "I understand. Thank you for your help. If there isn't anything else then please excused me. See you tomorrow at school." He made his way down the truck and made his way into the limousine as it took him back with the truck following behind. When it reached the estate, Aoi ordered them to put the piano back to its place. Paying them for their service, the delivery men left.

Today, Naoki and Chiyoko had gone out for a date. They were such a lovey-dovey couple that Aoi couldn't help feeling them to be cheesy sometimes. Well, at least when Chiyoko is old enough to get married with Naoki, he wouldn't have to be married off anymore so all he needed is to play along with Reiko until then.

It seemed that there was a new project at the company, so there are chances that Kaori won't be home today. He knows that his sister is much more busier than they are so Aoi could only hope that she will take care of herself. No matter how strict she is with her siblings, both he and Chiyoko never argued or disobeyed her, because they know that she would always looking after them like their parents once did. Kaori is at the zenith of her career right now, so Aoi thought at times that perhaps she won't be thinking about falling in love any time soon, let alone finding a man who will be her betrothal.

So, in the end, the only people presented in the house are Aoi and the housemaids. One could say that it would be too lonely for a person to ever cope with. But Aoi had lived like this for most of his life already, so lonely or not didn't matter anymore.

For the rest of the day, Aoi spent time in his room composing his piece and finally was able to completed it. He was thinking about showing it to the Instruments Club tomorrow. Then, he went on doing his homework, settling down for the day. Yet another day of Aoi's new life has finished.

Well, I don't think that Aoi would be too interesting about it though (at least for now since Aoi and Akihiro aren't that closed yet) because he isn't the type to easily be wowed and showed any particular expression about it :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Hiro, wasn't it Shimizu Aoi who brought the piano?" Still spinning in his chair, Hiro nodded in response to his mother's question, not bothering to check and make sure she'd caught it. "He's quite handsome, you know, perhaps I could-" "No." Hiro stopped the spinning chair with his foot and grimaced. "I already know where you're going with this, and I do not have to remind you about what happened the last time you set me up on a date." At that, Hiro's mother visibly tensed, and she turned back to her computer with a sigh. "You're right. But still, we all know you're interested in him, so why don't you ask him out? No mother's involved." Hiro could hear Akki snickering in the background and it made his grimace even more intense. XX
The discussion went on for another five minutes with Hiro and his mom throwing the pros and cons of dating back and forth at each other, Akki and their father adding in tidbits of commentary every once in a while. Time flew by and suddenly it was six o' clock. "Alright everyone, let's head home!" Hiro's father bellowed out, opening the door and gesturing outside. The ride home was the same as always: more useless discussion about dating and Akki's classes and instrument sales. Dinner passed similarly, though there was no more talk of dating after Hiro shot everyone an uncharacteristic glare. XXXX
When morning came, Hiro woke up with the sun as usual, though instead of waiting around for Hotaru to wake up, he headed to the school at barely 5:15 AM. None of the teachers had arrived yet, but the doors were unlocked as they always were. "It have almost three hours before anyone starts to show up..." Walking up the four flights of stairs to get to the Orchestra room, Hiro slid open the door and stepped inside, opening up the windows to let in the sun and the breeze. It took him a minute to decide what to do before he finally took a seat at the piano, running his fingers over the ebony-colored keys. XX
"Okaa-san, what's this big thing called?" Hiro asked, pointing to the grand piano in the back of the music shop. "Ah, Hiro, that's called a piano. You play it by pushing down the keys like this." Hiro watched closely as his mother played a couple of notes, eyes widening in awe. "Okaa-san! I wanna play!" XX
"Funny how no one even considers that the piano was the first instrument I loved, instead of the violin." Smiling fondly at the instrument, Hiro pressed down on a few of the keys, earning a soft chirping sound from it. Though he hadn't played in a while, Hiro managed to get through Inochi no Namae with minimal mistakes, and he ended up falling into a concentrated trance, completely unaware of the presence that had joined him in the empty club room. XX

Just so you know, I might be planning a liiiiiittle bit of tension that has to do with that 'last date' of his. You'll have to wait and see though, no spoilers! XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The morning soon approached, as normal and uneventful just like any other days. He doesn't have too much of a good night sleep today so he had managed to get up when it was only 4:15 AM, having only slept for only 5 hours yesterday. He knows that he should take better care of himself since he had plenty of time now and the public mustn't see him becoming sloppy when he's back to performing again. But there are times that he just didn't sleep much and old habits don't die so easily, do they?

Getting up to do his usual personal hygiene and making himself a light breakfast which is some sandwiches and salad. The driver of his family has just started working so he took him to school, since Kaori and Chiyoko probably aren't up yet. The school gate is already opened, but the school was deserted with no souls to be found. The dawn has just barely risen and the whole horizon has just barely lightened up.

Rather than just headed straight to his class and sat there all alone, Aoi made his way up to the roof. He thinks that it could be quite a good place to hang out when he wanted to find some tranquility and peace. The air was fresh and the wind was blowing gently. As he stepped out of the door to the roof, he quietly gazed at the whole scenery in front of his eyes through the iron fence. Sat down and leaned his back against the wall of the club's room, he put on his headphone and quietly skimmed through the music sheet he has just composed. He got to hang out with the Instruments Club for the first day today so he's quite looking forward to it.

However, while Aoi thought that it was just only him who is presented on the roof, suddenly he heard that there was the tune of the piano from inside the club. Strange, there's someone here other than me? He stood up, hanging the headphones on his neck, while gazing through the window. And, he was surprised to see that the one who was playing piano was Akihiro. And the piece he was playing was Inochi no Namae, a very famous piece composed by Aoi's mentor - Joe Hisaishi.

Leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, Aoi listened attentively to the way his classmate plays it. When the piece has finished, Aoi quietly opened the door, catching Akihiro's attention. "Inochi no Namae is a melody of life. It reminds us of the values of life that we had forgotten during the course of our very lives. It brings us to the journey back to when we still believe that this world is a perfect world. And it is also the short summary of the film 'Spirited Away' itself." Aoi calmly spoken up, "Those are the words that my mentor, who is also the composer of this piece - Joe Hisaishi, had said to me when he taught me this piece. I have practiced this song for all of my life and watched many other artists performing it. I've never understood what is truly the meaning of this piece, as well as experiencing what it brings forward to me when I'm still a kid and my parents are still around. It was only now when I'm standing at the top, knowing what it is like to truly stand alone in this life that I was able to feel satisfy when I play this song."

Approaching Akihiro, Aoi continued, "I have to be honest, even though it's just a couple of days since I enrolled, you've never seized to amaze me with your spirit and skill. You have the passion and the love for music, even though you're well-aware that you still have your flaws. You have something that I myself didn't have." Aoi tilted his head and gave Akihiro a smile - a rare, genuine smile that he had never showed anyone for a long time, "Remember to always treasure it because you'll always shine in your own way."

Walking passed his classmate, Aoi remarked, "Let's head back to our class, everyone might have turned up by now." Then, he made his way down the stairs, feeling somewhat... contented, in his heart? Perhaps he might just have found something that he had been searching for, and it's definitely not just something that he would regarded an inspiration.

Great, I'll wait and see what would happen xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro jumped when he hear the door open, wondering who else would be at the school so early, but was somehow not surprised that Aoi was the one. He listened to his classmate speak and was slightly taken aback by how much he said in one go, since Aoi had been rather quiet and reserved up until now. "Your mentor is Joe Hisaishi? That's amazing, no wonder you're so good~" Hiro grinned as usual, though one could notice that it was a bit brighter than most days. In hearing a compliment from his friend, Hiro's smile grew wider, and he couldn't help the happiness that came with being appreciated. XX
And when Aoi smiled, cupid may as well have shot and arrow through Hiro's heart, because he suddenly found himself blushing like a lovestruck fool. XX
"Let's head back to our class, everyone might have turned up by now." Still grinning and now with pink cheeks, Hiro gently closed the piano and hopped after Aoi, grateful for such a good start to his day. "Hirochin! Aoi! Ohayo~" Yuki called, running up behind the two boys and flinging her arms around their shoulders. "I had to come early for morning duties. Its pretty normal for Hiro to be here early, but I'm surprised you're here, Aoi. Oh well! See you at lunch~" Without waiting for response from either boy, Yuki skipped off down the hall. "In case you're wondering, she's always like that." XXX
As they walked into their classroom, the only people inside were Hotaru, Natsuki, and a couple of other students. "Yo, Hiro! Yuki told us she was holding a last-minute morning rehearsal, but it turns out she only wanted Hotaru's notes. And to shove her morning duties onto me, as well, though I somehow managed to turn her down without dying." Natsuki's story continued as he went over the terrifying argument he'd had with Yuki a couple minutes prior, and Hiro listened intently, soaking up every word with the animated excitement of a seven-year-old on a sugar high. Typical. XXX
Fifteen minutes or so passed before everyone else started wandering into the room, striking up conversations and tossing a couple of paper airplanes around. Unfortunately, it seemed everyone was in the 'early' mood, since the teacher showed up at least five minutes before the bell rang and started the lesson despite the avid resistance. Classes went on in the same manner until lunchtime - with groaning, bored note-taking, and about twenty pairs of eyes watching the hands on the clock. Luckily, it wasn't too long before the bell rang. "Ah, finally! We are free!" Natsuki stretched in his chair. The classroom door opened, and Yuki poked her head in, causing Natsuki to sigh. "Oh wait, no we aren't, because we have a stupid club meeting..." XXX
"Aw c'mon Natsu, they aren't that bad, and you know its way worse to skip anyways so let's go!" Hiro said with a smile, grabbing his bento and moving toward the door, Hotaru in step behind him. "Ah, that's right." Stopping in front of Aoi's desk, Hiro grinned at the blue-haired boy with a cheesy grin. "The orchestra club third-years are having a meeting to discuss whose gonna take over after we graduate, but you only have to come if you want to, since you're new and all~ See you later!" And with that, Hiro disappeared out the door, the other club members following suit and very obviously teasing him. XX
Yuki gathered the other third-year members as they all made their way up to the roof, chatting about the performance and class. "Hiro, maybe you should purposefully fail your exams so that you can stay behind another year. I'm scared of how the club'll function without you and Yuki." Hiro only shrugged in response to the statement, saying something about how the second-years would be able to fare just fine, and possibly even better if they weren't always relying on their senpais. "After all, learning from experience is the best way to learn!" "Says the person who tried to jump out a window in order to find out how badly a broken leg would hurt." Hiro grimaced at Hotaru, who only stared down at his notes without another word. XX
"Now now children, stop bickering or you'll all be grounded." All arguments stopped abruptly when Yuki intervened, and obediently took their seats, scattered about the rooftop and grateful for the sunny weather. Yuki cleared her throat and remained standing as she spoke. "We may have the rest of the year to figure it out, but if we don't decide on a new club president, we'll all be too caught up in the concert and exams to figure it out later on. So, we should vote!" The meeting went on for the rest of the lunch period, with the members half-heartedly discussing their many kouhais. XX

Okay, one spoiler - I can't help it, please forgive me - the NPC guy I added yesterday has to do with it. Man, I spend way too much time on this website. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi and Akihiro then accompanied each other back to their classroom and he can clearly saw that his best friend is blushing like crazy. He secretly wondered the reason why since he only told his true opinions. It's easy to understand taking into account of how oblivious about love he is. As they were walking, Aoi noticed that Yuki was walking towards them, expressing her surprise of how early Aoi turned up at school today and disappeared as quickly as she turned up, in which Akihiro commented that it was just the usual her, "Well, I'm not very surprise." Aoi replied with a shrug.

Once they're back in their class, there were only a couple of students have turned up and most of them were also Orchestra Club's members and Akihiro went to join them. Aoi quietly walked and sat down at his desk and revise the lessons without conversing much with anyone, until the first teacher of the day arrived and began their lessons of the day. Apparently the morning's mood is still thick in the air so not everybody is enthusiastic with it.

The morning lessons went on peacefully without much fuss, and Aoi was the star of Social Study period again. It seems that the political economy of Japan in the past decade isn't too much of an interesting topic and the only one answering most of the questions was Aoi though. They also had a Home Economy period and Aoi was praised for the foods that he made, once again surprising his classmates.

When the lunch break arrives, Yuki poked her head through the door to inform them of a meeting they are going to have. As most of the members went first, Akihiro hopped to Aoi's desk and told him that he might come or not it's up to him because it's a meeting to debate who will take over the club after the third-years graduated from school, and disappeared along with his friends. Aoi thought over it for a minute and decided that he needn't have to, because he doesn't know any second-years and his opinions aren't needed in situation like this, so he decided to head to the cafeteria.

Picking up the food and carrying his tray, Aoi joined Chiyoko and Naoki at the table they were sitting. Apparently they have had a lot of fun going out on their date yesterday, as the first thing they ranted to Aoi was that it was the best date they ever had in a long while. Well, Aoi could only shrug at how cheesy his two closest friends are as a couple of love birds. Well, they're just like any other couple, but love has never been a thing that Aoi understood, after all. I just hope that they hadn't have too much fun though.

"Nee, Aoi-chan. It's been a while since the last time the three of us are all free like this." Naoki leaned his chin on Aoi's shoulder, "Wanna go and hit the club tonight? It's not bad grabbing a drink or two sometimes, right?"

"That's right, nii-chan." Chiyoko poked in, "Oh, and there are a couple of other places that I wanted to visit but hadn't been to yesterday. I heard that there's a new line of clothes at nee-chan's store. I want to go and check it out too."

Aoi stayed quiet to thought and nodded, "Sure, why not? Chilling out once in a while sounds good to me and I want to get out of the house sometimes too. I don't think nee-san is home today either. Let's see if I can still drink Naoki under the table or not."

"Hehe, I'm not going to lose you tonight." Naoki pinched his friend's cheek, "Yosh ~ Tonight, 7:30 PM at Central Mall then. We're going to rock this town once again. I can't wait ~"

After lunch break is over, Aoi headed back to his class and went on with the afternoon lessons without having much fuss. As the bell rang the last time of the day, he excused himself and headed to the school entrance, where the driver of his family was waiting. He retrieved the box of sweets and cakes that he had asked him to bring and headed to the Instrument Club room. Chiyoko also had activities at her club today so they aren't going home yet. Because it is his first day at the club, he just wanetd to have some gifts.

Aoi walked his way to the club room, which is the old music room situated on the third floor. "Good afternoon, I'm here." Aoi opened the door and greeted everyone. And he was replied with a heartwarming welcome from everyone. They didn't seem to be overexcited like when he applied anymore, which he was surprised at how they could change so quickly. But it wasn't bad at all. "Welcome to your first day at Instruments Club, Shimizu-senpai." Minori stepped forward and said.

"It's my pleasure. I'm looking forward to doing activities with all of you." He bowed slightly to show his respect and handed out the box of cakes, in which almost everyone was dazzled by its fanciness, "Here's some cakes I've ordered, I hope everyone can accept it."

And, he was replied with a row of applause. A girl holding a flute expressed her gratefulness with a thumb up, "You're the best senpai ever ~ !"

"You really don't have to spoil us like this, we should be the ones who are grateful for a new member to join like you." Minori said, but still took the box from Aoi's hands anyway, "But thank you for your gift. We'll eat them later over some tea that we've brought. Now, let me introduce everyone first."

Then, Minori went on introducing the names of every member of the club. They have the total number of ten members, included Aoi, and each of them plays a different instrument. From the first gaze, Aoi can tell that they all have very colorful personalities and trait, but they really have a passion for music and what they play. But the most important thing is, they seemed to stick together, well enough to be call a family. Looks like I didn't make the wrong choice after all.

Then, for half an hour later, every member stepped up and showed how well they have improved with a song that they played with their instruments. Minori is also a pianist while others play instruments ranging flute to drums. But what is special is that all of them know how to play more than just an instrument. Listening to how they perform, Aoi gave them some honest and straight advice, which all of them gladly accepted.

"Anou, Shimizu-senpai?" A boy who play the bass raised his hand and asked, "I think you're quite knowledgeable of other instruments rather than just piano. So I want to ask if you know how to play other instruments too..."

Aoi nodded, "Yeah. Other than piano, I can also play a couple of other instruments, though most of them are either keyboard instruments or string instruments." Then he began to recount, "Let's see... I can also play violin, cello, synthesizer and electric guitar. I also have a little knowledge of traditional instruments, which are koto and junanagen to be exact."

Everyone nodded with a 'woah' to express their admiration. "If you don't mind, can you show us?" Another member asked, in which Aoi agreed, "Sure, though it's been a while since I played any so I think my skill can get rusty a bit. I hope you won't mind. Amizuka-san, may I borrow your violin then?" He asked the girl who carries the violin and took the violin from her. Then, he turned to their president, "Minori-san, if you know the song 'Sad Romance', can you be my accompanist?"

"I would gladly to." Minori nodded and sat herself down at the piano. As both of them played the first notes of the song, everyone held their breath in anticipation.

It has been quite a while since Aoi touched the string instrument. Now that he's playing it, he somehow felt nolstagic. His mother, Akari, is both talented in violin and piano. It is no doubt that Aoi has inherited these gifts from her. But other than leading him to become a violinist, Akari had led him to become a pianist just like her. However, the memories of countless of times he watched his mom playing violin from afar still felt like they were just yesterday. And for him, there isn't a more beautiful scene.

If she hadn't led me to become a pianist, would I have become a violinist just like him instead? He wondered.

Aoi had managed to get through a song with little to no flaws at all and he received a huge applause from the other members again. Then, they went on practicing for some times later before sitting down together at the club table to enjoy the cakes that he had brought with a cup of tea. The conversations amongst them were pleasant.

He felt that this is much more peaceful than the spotlights of fame out there.

I'd love to see how would it happen if Aoi and Akihiro were to go drinking together one day xD


0 Characters Present

No characters tagged in this post!


0.00 INK

#, as written by

Aw man, I know how that feels! Not a fun feeling, I can tell you that. Don't worry about the post, take as much time as you need to rewrite, I can wait~ XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Unsurprisingly, the meeting ended without even the slightest progression. No one really wanted to choose one member over another and therefore every vote was a perfect tie. "Oh well, I guess we might as well just let the second years decide for themselves. You can leave!" Yuki dismissed the group and in hardly a minute, everyone except her and Hiro had disappeared. "You know, I don't think it really matters who leads them all as long as they manage to work well together. Unlike us third-years, the second-years know how to work without a leader. We rely on you way too much, Yuki." XXX
Hiro and Yuki chatted more about the club as they walked back to their respective classrooms, and Hiro couldn't help but feel a bit sad about leaving the orchestra he'd been a part of for so many years. After all, the members had all known each other since grade school, so it'd certainly be hard to graduate and leave them all. "Hiro, what took you so long? Class is about to start." Hotaru waved him over and thrust his notes from the previous day into Hiro's arms, telling him to hurry up and copy them down before the teacher arrived. Successful as he was in copying down notes, Hiro could hardly concentrate throughout the rest of the day's classes, instead managing to watch Aoi the entire time without getting caught. Is this what falling in love is? XX
Once classes were over, Hiro followed Hotaru and Natsuki out of the building, waving goodbye to Aoi as the three passed him on their bikes. "Hiro." After Natsuki had split off from the two, Hotaru spoke, and even Hiro noticed the subtle smirk that played on his best friend's lips. "What?" "Did you happen to fall in love with Shimizu, or were you just staring at him all day out of friendly gesture? I'm quite curious." Hiro's face reddened slightly, but he grinned widely and nodded, knowing Hotaru wouldn't care what the answer was. "Perhaps~ I mean, he's attractive as heck and from what I can tell he's a pretty good guy. Seriously though. You have to see him smile someday, it was absolutely beautiful! Totally unexpected, to be honest." XX
They continued to talk about Aoi until they reached the music shop, where Hiro bid goodbye to his friend and stepped inside, only to find a rather interesting scene. His brother was laying face-down on the floor, groaning, and their parents sat side-by-side behind the counter staring at him boredly. "Did you break him or something?" Hiro asked, skirting around his troubled nii-san and taking a seat beside his parents. They both shook their heads at his question. "Nah. Apparently he spilled coffee on Sachi-chan this morning, and she won't talk to him unless he sings to her as repayment." XX
Letting out a muffled giggle, Hiro couldn't help but admire his soon-to-be-sister-in-law. Akki absolutely hated singing, and would get so embarrassed at even the thought of it that no one in the world could manage to get him to sing. "Nii-san, you might as well just sing a song for her and get it over with. After all, its not like she said you have to sing in front of anyone except her, so I'm sure you can handle it, since if you don't then you probably won't have a fiance for much longer..." Akki looked up from where he was groaning on the floor and shot a glare towards Hiro, who simply shrugged in reply. XX
In the end, Sachiko came by the shop and practically dragged Akki out of the store, the latter of which avidly protested. Hiro and his parents waved goodbye to the two without so much as a word. "Hiro, I know you like doing piano maintenance, so do wanna take tonight's job? It's for the grand piano in the Central Mall main music store, apparently they went to sell it and a couple of the keys weren't working correctly. Their shop doesn't do maintenance so they called us. You want it?" Hiro accepted the job, grinning even wider when his parents told him he could take the motorbike to get there. Usually it was only used by his brother and for smaller deliveries, since his parent's cars were used for all of the larger ones. XXX
The shop closed before the delivery was scheduled, and Hiro remained in the shop after his parents went home, cleaning his violin and making sure he had all the tools necessary for piano maintenance. I wonder what Aoi does this late at night...pfft, I shouldn't be wondering things like that. Hiro giggled to himself and gathered his supplies, securing them on the back of his motorbike before revving up the engine and taking off, driving toward the Central Mall. He’d only been there a couple of times, and he’d gotten lost in the huge building both times, so he could hope that he’d be alright. He did enjoy the place quite a lot, especially the gigantic music store that sat in the middle of the place. It'll be fine, so long as I don't get lost for the third time in a row... XX

I honestly don't think there's a way that wouldn't end badly (mistakes, mistakes, mistakes, my friend). Oh God now I really wanna write that...hmmmm... XX
Also, Hiro's totally gonna get lost in that big-ass mall. And perhaps Aoi'll get to ride on a motorcycle? Who knows!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


When the club has finished with their activities, everyone bid goodbyes with each other and made their way back to their homes. It was a while since the last time Aoi got to play a different instrument other than a piano so it really brings back a lot of memories. Although this is just the first time he had activities with them, he had already felt that he could really got used to a life like this. After all, the extraordinary that exists within the ordinary is always more valuable and spectacular, in his opinion.

Chiyoko has just also finished with her club meeting so she joined her brother as they both walked towards the entrance of the school. Well, looks like she was having quite a fun time with her colleagues too, as she kept ranting on how beautifully the other girls danced and that she could share some of her experiences, such as how to take care of their feet after wearing ballerina's shoes for a long time. It appears that none of them have had any troubles for the past few days.

The limousine has already arrived to take them back home. Waiting for them at the stairs was Kaori, who apparently has just gotten home after her work at the company. Aoi and Chiyoko greeted their elder sister and exchange a couple of conversations with her before headed to their rooms in order to get prepare for their hanging out later that night. Though it's just an usual date, they still need to look their best.

Tonight, Aoi wears a white shirt, white jeans and white sneakers. He knows he really had a thing for white stuffs. While Chiyoko wears a simple tank-top and skinny jeans. Though they're just wearing simple clothes, they still emitted a rather luxurious aura. When it was time, Aoi and Chiyoko knocked their elder sister's door and asked for her permission for the night, in which she agreed with the same rules she had set - they had to return before 11:30 PM and they must not do anything that makes them too standout. With that said, the two headed for the garage and Aoi drove them to the Central Mall in his very own Audi.

The mall was as crowded and bustled with people as ever. Because this place is too crowded, they have no worries of being stalked. Naoki was waiting for them and the trio then went on the greatest shopping spree they've ever had in a long while. Well, mostly for Chiyoko and Naoki though. Aoi was never a shopaholic, needless to say. After a few hours of razing the shops around the mall, the three of them has bought so much stuff that could hardly be carried just by oneself.

"Woah, that was really fun. I can't wait to share them all with the girls tomorrow." Chiyoko cheerfully said as they made their way back to the entrance of the mall.

"Seriously, I thought you two had gone shopping yesterday. But if you two didn't do any shopping, then what did you do anyway? Going to a love hotel?" Aoi bluntly asked.

"Aoi-chan, stop saying sensitive topics like that with a blank face." Naoki hushed, "Don't worry, I don't want to be scandalous and put into jails for half of my life. Who would ever go shopping on a date, anyway? Let just say that we just do everything that a healthy couple does."

Aoi shrugged as they continued walking while carrying a ton of stuffs on their arms. However, as they approached a shop, Aoi noticed a familiar figure wandering. Akihiro? What is he doing here? A part of him was rather surprised at how often they've ran into each other recently.

"Hey, Akihiro-san." Aoi called and gained his classmate's attention, "I didn't think I would run into you here. Do you work here or something? Ah, by the way, this is my little sis Chiyoko and my childhood friend Naoki. I think you've already known them."

"Nii-chan, is this your classmate?" Chiyoko poked in and grinned, "Woah, he's adorable."

"Heh, so this is the famous Akihiro Tsuno-san that everyone is fawning over for?" Naoki also joined in, "Well, I'm not going to lose you." He winked.

"Guys, please." Aoi reprimanded the other two, "Anyway, are you lost? Shall we lead you to the entrance then?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro let out a distressed sigh and looked around the crowded mall, silently groaning at his own fault. I am utterly, entirely, and completely lost right now. XX
When he'd first arrived at the Central Mall, he'd managed to get one of the security guards to walk him to the music store and was able to get there without trouble. The grand piano had been fixed and the proper payments given. But the second he'd walked out of the shop, Hiro had become lost in the heavy crowds. Well, what? Hiro stood on the tips of his toes, peering over the crowd at the shops lining the walls, trying to find something familiar that could lead him back to the mall's entrance. Nothing. The fact that he was so small in size definitely didn't serve to help the problem, either. XX
"Hey, Akihiro-san." In hearing his name being called, Hiro immediately turned around, and was surprised to find Aoi standing in front of him. "Hey! And nah, I'm just here fixing a piano." Grinning brightly, Hiro listened as Aoi introduced him to Chiyoko and Naoki, to whom he bowed politely. "Nice to meet 'ya!" Being called adorable simply made him smile wider, and he happily talked about the orchestra in reply to Naoki's question, also informing the taller male that he 'would never try to steal someone's girl'. "Anyway, are you lost? Shall we lead you to the entrance then?" "Indeed I am, and yes please!" XXX
As the group of four walked toward the exit, Hiro chatted excitedly with Chiyoko and Naoki about pretty much anything, dragging Aoi into the conversation a couple of times. Hiro managed to become a part of the group in no time flat, and without a whole lot of effort. "My brother's girlfriend loves your dancing, and my entire family's obsessed with Aoi's music, so I can't say I don't know a whole lot about you. Its nice to know you guys as friends." XX
Hiro continued to chat with his schoolmates until they reached the mall's parking lot, where he proceeded to thank them. "I prob'ly would've been stuck here for another hour if you hadn't come along, so I really appreciate you helping me out~" Hiro watched Naoki and Chiyoko as the two went off ahead, grinning and laughing with each other. "I can see how they make such a good couple. People who have a lot in common get along better, making a healthy relationship." Turning to Aoi, winked at the taller boy and grinned widely. "I still love the phrase 'opposites attract'. Anyways, see you tomorrow!" XX
Akihiro didn't say anything more, and simply waved to his classmate as he hopped over to his motorbike and disappeared, still grinning from ear to ear. XX

Jeez Hiro, you're so very subtle.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


With that said, Aoi along with his companies led Akihiro towards the parking lot, which was just next to the entrance. The mall was indeed one of the hugest in the country so it's quite easy to get lost if you're not familiar with it. That would also applied for the three of them if they weren't shopping there often. As they walked, it seemed that Akihiro has already got along with Chiyoko and Naoki. And Aoi has just found out a new thing about his classmate. It's actually been a while since he could met someone so intriguing like that.

"Eh ~ Really? I'm really happy to hear that. Everyone knows me is thanks to the fact that I'm also a model, not a ballerina and that bugged me a lot." Chiyoko sighed, "But it's great to hear that there's still someone interested in dancing."

"Nee ~ So that means I'm not popular at all? Didn't you and your family watch any dramas on TV that featured me at all?" Naoki pouted as he saw that he didn't gain much attention. Well, at school he was quite popular with the girls in the first and second years too, but the Shimizu siblings were just too shiny.

"Don't mind Naoki-san, senpai. He's a real tsundere, let me tell you." Chiyoko whispered to the shorter guy as the three of them burst out laughing. Well, Aoi didn't seem to enjoy much of the conversations his friends were having though as he still didn't show any emotions.

When they've reached the parking lot, Chiyoko and Naoki made their ways to the car first to put the stuff they've bought, Akihiro thanked Aoi for leading him out of the mall while commenting about the love birds, "It's nothing. Next time if you're lost, you just need to find the nearest navigator to find your way and you'll be fine. And yeah, it isn't hard to tell that they were clearly meant for each other. I've known Naoki longer but when they started to date I felt as if they've known each other for most of their lives already."

Akihiro grinned again and said that he loves the phrase 'opposite attracts' more, which puzzled Aoi because he didn't understand it in the least, "Opposites... attract?" He questioned, but before he was answered, his classmate has already gone. Shaking the thought off his head, Aoi stepped into his Audi and took them to Ginza district - a favorite hanging out spot of rich kids and celebrities. They then stopped by at the usual bar they usually getting off to.

For the rest of the night, the three of them almost didn't care about anything anymore. They chatted with each other with a cup of whiskey, they danced under the dazzling lights and bustling music, completely blended with the carefree atmosphere of those who are colliding on the dance floor, they met up with their acquaintances and exchanging pleasant conversations that normally they wouldn't be able to.

Another day has ended, just like that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


The next morning, Hiro was the last one up, and was playfully criticized from his brother about 'his sleep schedule going bad' or something similar. He wasn't really listening, instead focused on the day ahead of him. He'd stopped by the convenience store on his way home the previous night to grab a few groceries, and a couple of rather ironic keychains had caught his eye. And, of course, he purchased them. Now all he could do was laugh at how pathetically cheesy it was to give one to Aoi. "Okaa-san, Hiro's got a love-struck grin on his face and he's holding a really cheesy keychain." Akihiko snickered loudly as Hiro glared at him for alerting their mother, who would now undoubtedly be bugging him about the gift for the rest of the day. XX
"Hiro? Are you in love? If you are, you sure a heck better tell me!" Sure enough, their mother shouted to him from the kitchen, her voice feigning seriousness while still sounding like she was going to crack up at any moment. "Will you leave me alone if I tell you? "No, but I'll put an extra meat bun in your lunch." "Fair enough. And yes, I am 'in love'." Hiro grinned as his brother almost spit out his milk, their mother rushing in for details. The conversation continued until there was no longer anything to talk about concerning the subject of Shimizu Aoi. Hotaru showed up an hour or two later. XX
As the two made their way to the school, they chatted about several different things - the concert and solo, college, Aoi and his piano playing - none of which were about the homework they'd forgotten to complete the previous night. "So the ever-studious Kousaka Hotaru didn't finish his homework? That's something I've only seen in my dreams." Hiro said sarcastically, earning a groan from the taller boy. "My mom was sick, so I had to take care of her and ended up falling asleep before I could do the classwork. And its not like you did it either, so you have no right to make fun of me." XX
The courtyard was bustling with morning activity when they arrived, as it was nice outside and most of the students wanted to avoid class for as long as they could. Hiro and Hotaru parked their bikes and headed to the picnic table where Natsuki, Yuki, and a couple of other orchestra club-third years were sitting, chatting about the concert. It wasn't long before the discussion turned toward the solo and whether or not Hiro would take it - same as every other solo since they were first-years. The entire club seemed to agree that Hiro was the best in the club when it came to solos - and pleasing the crowd, too. XX
Hiro waved to Aoi when he arrived, and the rest of the group followed his gesture, though they didn't try to drag him into their conversation like they did some days. After all, there was a limit to how much time one person could spend with the ever-cheerful orchestra club members, Hiro especially. The bell rang not long after and they all split up to head to their own classes. "Yo!" Hiro said, stopping in front of Aoi's desk and grinning brightly. "I saw this yesterday, and it made me think of you, so I bought you one~" Reaching into his jacket pocket, Hiro pulled out one of the keychains from that morning, a light blue strap with the tiniest grand piano on the end of it, and held it out to his blue-haired friend. He then headed to his seat without another word. XXX

I really like the idea that everyone at school can tell Hiro's into Aoi, except for Aoi himself. The poor boy is so painfully oblivious to all the new affection. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After leaving the bar, Naoki has already dead drunken after only three glasses of whiskey and vodka. Which makes both Chiyoko and Aoi had to carried him out to his car. Aoi himself didn't drink more than a glass because he had to drive and Chiyoko wasn't old enough to drink. "Geez, I know he always had such a low tolerance but I didn't expect it to be this bad." Said Chiyoko as she placed her boyfriend, who's now already snoring, sitting on the back seat.

"That's why I told him not to challenge me because I can always drink him under the table."
Aoi said as he turned on the car after he and his sister had sat in, "Still, it's been a while since I got to drink. Wish that I could be able to knock a bottle or two though."

For some reasons, Aoi has always had a favor for alcoholic drinks. Though he still managed to stay perfectly sane even after drinking half a bottle, it makes him feel more alive to gulp down some liquors once in a while. "Yeah, yeah. I know how strong a drinker you are already." Chiyoko chuckled, "We really had a great night though. Perhaps one day I should invite the girls out for a night too. That would be awesome."

Aoi stayed quiet at his sister's statement. It's true that it would be fun to share moments like these with their newfound friends and they could get to know more about them too. But for now, the night has ended. What comes will come tomorrow and they have had their fun.

The next day, Aoi and Chiyoko were greeted in the same manner like the previous day, though they aren't being crazed over as much as the first day - which was something to be grateful of. Aoi caught his classmates waving to him after Akihiro while they were discussing, but didn't tag him along into his conversation as usual. Figuring that there's nothing important going on other than some gossips, he just continued with his walk to his classroom.

However, the moment he sat down at his seat, Akihiro walked over his desk again and gave him a keychain of sort, saying that he remembered him when he bought it. This gained the attention of the whole class and everyone seemed to look at them with amusement. Aoi, however, didn't understand the meaning behind the gift, "Thanks, I guess...?" He replied and received the keychain from Akihiro. Gazing at the keychain, Aoi slightly tilted his head and gave it a questioning look. But then he just brushed the thought off his head and put the chain into his school bag, thinking that it was just like any other gifts that his fans gave him during his concerts.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro ignored the jeering commentary of his classmates, simply grinning from ear to ear as he took his seat and copied his notes from Natsuki. His two friends hardly had time to ask him anything before the teacher waltzed in, ordering everyone to their seats and beginning the lesson. The first lesson passed excruciatingly slowly, as World History had always been the most boring of subjects, especially with an essay added in. The next two lessons were more fun though, as Math and English were mostly just notes and a lot of interesting number theories - and a lot of making fun of English words. XX
When lunch period came, Hiro spent most of the hour with Aoi, chatting calmly about music and academics. He tried not to be too overwhelming with his conversation, as he could sometimes be, and made sure not to talk too loudly either. The rest of the class obviously knew what was up, but did little more about than snicker and pass glances at the two every once in a while. When the bell rang, Hiro thanked Aoi for letting them eat together and hopped back to his own desk, ignoring Hotaru and Natsuki as they pried for information. "We'll talk about it when we aren't in class, okay? So be quiet." XX
The two boys left him alone, and the next class started, passing by quickly. The rest of the day passed similarly - a little groaning here and there, a couple quizzes, another essay. Needless to say, everyone was glad when the last bell finally rang. "Oi!" Yuki called, striding into the room with her bag and a grin on her face. "Hiro, Hotaru, Natsuki! Wanna go to the mall?" Hiro grimaced at the thought. "No way, I went there just last night and got lost." "Aw, c'mon Hiro, you won't get lost if we're there!" After two more minutes of prodding, Hiro still wouldn't give in, and Yuki frowned. However, it took her less than five seconds to find a way to get him to come, and she skipped over to Aoi's desk with a sly smirk and and rather sneaky aura about her. XXX
"A-o-i-kun! How would you like to join us on a mall adventure? We've never been there as a group, and I heard that you were there recently, so perhaps you could show us the best places to go~" Yuki proved to be rather persuasive, and it wasn't long before she'd achieved her goal. Practically bathing in her success, Yuki returned to Hiro's side, earning a frustrated glare from the smaller boy. "Wanna come along now?" "Yes." XXX
The four friends welcomed Aoi into their group outing, chatting with him same as they would with anyone else. Walking to the central mall was a long but enjoyable venture, and it was obvious how well everyone got along, despite having only known their newest friend for about three days. "You know, Aoi, Hiro gets along with everyone, but I'm pretty sure you're the first person he's taken a liking to this quickly~" Yuki giggled to herself. Hiro elbowed her lightly in the side but didn't make his frustration apparent, instead starting up a new conversation about everyone's after-graduation plans. XXX
"Woah, its definitely crowded in here." While it wasn't nearly as crowded as it'd been the night before, the central mall was still filled with people, and Hiro groaned inwardly. Well, with everyone here, at least it'll be harder to get dragged away by the crowd. For the next ten minutes or so, the group wandered in and out of stores, making fun of different items and somehow managing to get kicked out of one shop for teasing the shop's very misleading logo. Hiro and Aoi were in the middle of a conversation about piano songs when they turned to find that they were alone, the others nowhere in sight. XXX
"I bet they disappeared on purpose." Hiro let out a sigh before looking to Aoi with a smile. "Well, we can go wherever we want! Got any suggestions?" XX

Do you want to do a timeskip for maybe a week later? That way we won't have to write out every interaction during the time it takes for them to get close. Also, I may or may not have dragged Aoi into this, but I didn't actually realize I'd forgotten to mention it in a PM until I'd already finished most of the post.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Because of his classmates' jokes, Aoi has to apologized to the shops' owners afterward when they're kicked out. Well, the moment when they realized that Shimizu Aoi was their friend, they were the ones who apologized instead. Outside school, his fame still spread far and wide so it couldn't be helped, after all. However, some times later when Aoi and Akihiro were busying with their conversations, the others seemed to have disappeared which left both of them alone in a middle of the crowd in the mall.

When Akihiro asked him if he had any suggestion of where they should go, he thought for a moment and replied, "Usually when I didn't have anything to do I would go drinking, but I don't think they're going to allow you to enter a bar since you're still underage. I didn't have any other stuff I needed to buy either since yesterday both Chiyoko and Naoki had already packed me with a lot of stuffs."

Turning his back, Aoi gestured Akihiro to follow him so that he wouldn't got lost, "We could go and eat something if you're hungry. Then I guess we can go around the district to get some air. If you're okay with it then I'll give you a ride. Let's go then." Aoi said as he led both of them to the parking lot. Somehow it felt a bit strange because he is hanging out with someone else rather than the other two. Except for the fact that he's at risk of having his image ruined because of his classmates antics earlier, it isn't at all bad.

When both of them are in Aoi's Audi, he drove them around the shopping district and it seemed that Akihiro couldn't be more cheerful because of the glamorous sight of the district at night. They did stop by a couple of music shops and bookstores and managed to grab a few things, as well as buying some food to fill their stomachs. Though this might seemed like a date in others perspectives, Aoi saw it as nothing more than just normal hanging out with his friend. He knows that Akihiro has always been cheerful like that ever since he enrolled, but he didn't understand why he seemed to brighten even more when he's around.

Later in the night, Aoi took Akihiro to a high hill situated in the outskirt of the city. Stopping the car at its' peak, they both can see the whole city when gazing down the hill the moment they stepped off the car. The wind was blowing gently and a starry sky that normally couldn't be seen within the city was opened in front of their eyes.

"Chiyoko and I usually get here when we felt like having some fresh air. This place is much quieter and more relaxing than the city and we're pretty much the only ones who trespass here so you can say that this is our secret place." Aoi said as he sat down at the grass while watching the twinkling stars. Closing his eyes, he inhaled a deep breath, "Somehow, I prefer it to be peaceful this way forever."

When Akihiro joined him, they continued to talk about many things. And they were able to get to know a little bit more of their personal lives, though not much since they're not that particular close. Though Aoi couldn't deny that it was fun having a friend whom you can talk freely like this, even if he's not the one to talk much.

"Now that I've shown you this place, I guess... I can see you as a good friend? I don't really know how to say it without being cheesy but... yeah." Aoi said with yet another sincere smile before standing up from where he sat, "It's getting late. We should head back. I can take you back to your home if you like."

And with that, another day ended as they apparently has taken a step closer to each other.

A timeskip sounds fine, I'm running out of things to said too xD Perhaps we could skip to a month or something and then there's a festival where there are dancing and stuffs? :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Listening to Aoi's suggestion, Hiro simply grinned. "Sounds good to me!" And so the rest of the day passed. Hiro was thoroughly impressed with his friend's car, which was probably the nicest one he'd seen in Miyagi - and in this case, probably holds the same meaning as most definitely. Hiro enjoyed every minute of the time he spent with Aoi, whether it be in learning what kinds of foods the boy liked to which authors were his favorites. Hiro was quite the bookworm himself, despite his ADHD, and was happy to showcase his love of English novels. His favorite happened to be The Samurai's Garden. XX
The two stopped by several other shops, and Hiro grew brighter each time he found something he liked, even if was just a picture in a magazine or a cool t-shirt someone was wearing. After a while, he became to calm down a bit, and instead busied himself with gentle conversation with Aoi. When it began to get dark, Hiro messaged their earlier group, who simply replied with a 'way to go' and a plethora of emojis. "Looks like they had lots of fun too." XX
Hiro was decently surprised when he saw the view from the hilltop, mostly from how beautiful it was but also because of the fact that he hadn't known of the spot, despite having lived in Miyagi all his life. "Wow..." Flopping down onto the soft grass, Hiro listened to what Aoi said, and his smile softened. "Its nice that you're so close to your sister. My brother and I are like that too, but we probably tease each other a lot more than you and Chiyoko-chan." The two continued to chat, covering a wide variety of topics - from music to family to college - and Hiro loved the conversation, even if he was doing most of the talking. He shared many things about himself: his volleyball years, how he found music, even how he almost won a national competition. XXX
"Now that I've shown you this place, I guess... I can see you as a good friend? I don't really know how to say it without being cheesy but... yeah." Hiro's heart melted yet again at the sight of his friend's smile, and he felt his face grow pink, though he didn't really care. "Nah, that's not cheesy at all! In fact, its really nice to know that you think of me as a friend~" Aoi offered to drive him home, and Hiro gratefully accepted, though he silently worried about how his mom would react to seeing them together. When they got to his house, Hiro thanked Aoi for spending time with him and waved as the boy drove off, ignoring the obvious snickering that was coming from the front door. "No matter what you say, there's no way you're gonna ruin this night for me!" XXX

Over the next few weeks, Hiro and Aoi continued to grow closer, and spent quite a bit of out-of-school time together. Hotaru, Natsuki, and Yuki were suddenly busy all the time, yet they somehow managed to always be around to pester Hiro about his affections. Classes continued as always: some of them annoying, others fun and enjoyable. Gym class was always interesting, as Hiro and Aoi constantly trumped over their peers in terms of skill and stamina. The two often ate lunch together, and were usually joined by other orchestra club members or sometimes Chiyoko and Naoki. The most exciting days were when everyone was there at once, taking up half the classroom and talking about every topic they could possibly come up with. XXXX
As far as outside of school, Hiro and Aoi ended up spending a lot of time in a large cafe, which doubled as an extensive bookstore - an odd mix of venue, in Hiro's opinion. Since they both loved books, it was a good place to hang out, and since it was also a coffee shop no one could scold them for talking. Parks, cafes, and Aoi's hilltop were common places for them to hang out at as well. During those few weeks, Hiro learned a lot about Aoi: how he took his coffee, which colors he wore the most, which sports he liked best. Nothing went unnoticed. Hiro was an avid observer, watching everything. XX
Summer break came and went, with a trip to the beach with Aoi, Hotaru, Natsuki, and Yuki, as well as Akihiko and Sachiko, who decided to tag along at the last minute. It was an enjoyable trip. However, the trip was nothing compared to the excitement that came with the annual Miyagi Summer Festival. XX

That's perfect! Since its spring now, I guess it should be the end-of-summer-break festival or something. Hiro's family is gonna be super hyped about it~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


It seemed that time really has flown ever since the Entrance Ceremony. Before Aoi and Chiyoko knows it, they've already spent a month at Miyagi High School. These days had passed quietly for them and they've finally gotten used to the life of normal students. They felt as if they've almost forgotten how it felt to stay in the spotlights and cameras of journalists and paparazzi and relieved that they were able to focus on nothing but their studies. And for Aoi himself, he can be quite certain that those time has passed are memorable.

In comparison with other students at school, Aoi seemed to hang out the most with Akihiro. Sometimes so much that even Chiyoko and Naoki did complain and ask jokingly if he had forgotten them already. Of course, they, along with most of the students in Class 3-A and members of the Orchestra Club, know all too well of the fact that Akihiro has totally fawned for Aoi. But Aoi, unfortunately, still sees Akihiro as nothing more than a close friend, completely oblivious of how his classmate felt towards him.

After returning from the summer trip, the whole school is busy with the preparation for the upcoming annual Miyagi Summer Festival. The clubs are also in a hurry to practice and prepare to show their talents in the festival, but overall, an energetic and bustling atmosphere is definitely in. And, it seemed that the most anticipated performances this year belonged to Orchestra Club and Instruments Club.

At times that Aoi didn't hang out with Chiyoko, Naoki or Akihiro, he would spend time with the Instruments Club the most. In a course of a month after he join, Aoi is truly pleased to see how they've improved and how hard and enthusiastic they practice and doing all sorts of activities together. He felt that it was nice to stick together like a family like this and he really enjoys their companies.

"...It's you, you who taught me.

If the darkness shines too, then it'll become a night of stars.

Don't hide your sadness behind a laughing face anymore

Because all the twinkling stars will shine on you..."

Currently, they are practicing the song Hikaru Nara and all of them will perform this song together on the stage while playing their respective instruments, with Aoi playing the synthesizer. They all sang together as the melodies from their instruments echoed. Though this is just practicing, they still put all of their heart and soul into their performances.

"Okay, guys. You all did well. Keep this up while we're in that stage and we'll win the first place for sure." Minori praised as the whole club cheered and applauded themselves.

Other than the song they all will perform together, they still have three other performances - "Summer in my heart", the performance of Minori, along with the violinist Nikaeda and the flute player Amizuki; a remixed version of "Synchrogazer" performed by the two bass players Mizuhashi and Okimura with the drum player Hashimoto; lastly was apparently the most expected piano solo by Aoi himself with the song "Planetarium." They all have their own rooms and spaces to shine and they have been practicing hard for it.

After going through the performances one last time and giving everyone their advice, Minori called the day off and everyone then headed home, feeling more excited than ever because of the festival which was only two days away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Hey Yuki, do we have enough uniforms for everyone? My mom wants to know if she has to make any more for the new members." Hiro sat on the floor of the orchestra club room, replacing one of the strings on his violin while Hotaru sat on a chair next to him, sewing patches of cloth onto the parade uniforms. Each cloth held North High's school emblem, and it had been Yuki's idea to add them in this year. "Actually, we will need about seven more, if that's alright with her. We actually got new members this year, and we only have three extra uniforms from last year's graduates." XXX
Unlike the rest of the year, when the orchestra club would perform concerts separate from the other clubs, during the Summer Festival the orchestra performed alongside the school's band. It made everything a lot more dramatic and exciting, as well as turning two shows into one, which was helpful since many of both clubs' members had other business to attend to during the festival. "I doubt she'll mind. She loves making the costumes, since its the only time of year she gets to do anything non-music related. I swear, she'd make all my clothes for me if I didn't tell her not to..." Finishing in replacing the broken string, Hiro returned his violin to its case and cleaned up his supplies, turning to his cell phone. "So seven then?" "Yup!" "She says its fine." XX
The three teens turned toward the doorway as Natsuki strode into the room, carrying an armful of drum mallets. "Why, exactly, are we keeping the drum mallets here?" "Because the music performances are gonna be held in the school courtyard. The park we held 'em in last year got destroyed because of a chemical leak or something like that." Groaning melodramatically, Natsuki deposited the mallets in a corner of the room before disappearing again, the other three simply turned back to their duties. With only two days left until the festival, everyone in town was pretty busy with preparations, especially when it came to those who played music. Performances were an extremely revered and important part of any Iwanuma festival. XX
After another half hour of general work - mending ripped costumes, cleaning instruments, and taking inventory - the orchestra room was finally void of any people, as everyone had decided to finally go home for the day. "See you tomorrow!" Yuki broke off from Hiro and Hotaru, heading toward the faculty room with a stack of papers. "My mom says she dropped off your costume at your house, adjusted and all. Its really unfair how you get to grow every year, and I've been the same size since fifth grade..." From the corner of his eye, Hiro noticed Aoi heading toward his car, and waved dramatically at the boy, grinning brightly. Afterward, Hiro grimaced at Hotaru's smug expression. "What?" "Nothing! I just think you're being extremely obvious." XX
The conversation lasted hardly a minute more before the subject changed, turning towards taiko drumming and whether or not Hiro would stand out in a crowd of adults (due to his height, of course) during the drum performance. "Eh, I don't really mind if I stand out. With my size, being able to do taiko drumming among a crowd of huge adults is probably the coolest thing ever!" "You say everything is the best thing ever." "Because everything is, my good tall friend~" When they reached their side-by-side houses, Hiro waved good night to his friend and hopped inside his own home, greeted by the smell of hot glue and the sounds of a sewing machine. "Hiro, welcome home! Now, can you come and help me with these costumes?" "Coming!" XX
The next morning, Hiro and Hotaru arrived at the school early to continue festival preparations, though Hotaru was still half-asleep even after they'd made the long trek to the club room. "Good morning, Yuki! What's left for us to finish?" Hiro said cheerfully, his tall friend collapsing onto a chair behind him. "Not much, actually, the band club offered to take care of the rest. We are in charge of the costumes and setup, but neither of those'll be happening until festival day, so for now I guess we can just hang out here!" For the next hour, Hiro and Yuki played othello, while Hotaru slept. XSX
It wasn't until the bell rang that Hotaru woke up again, and the three headed to their respective classes, still overly excited for the upcoming festival. XXXX

Ahaha, sorry for not being more specific, but I think the Miyagi Festival is more of a town thing than a school thing? The clubs could still perform and stuff, I think that's a great idea, but my plan was for Hiro (and his family) to be a part of the festival parade? Something where he'd wear a traditional ceremony outfit like the ones in Nagi-Asu and Ao no Exorcist. Anyways! You don't need to change what you wrote or anything, performances are great~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After leaving the club's room, Aoi and Minori accompanied and chatted with each other until they reach their shoe lockers. He had managed to ask her what would usually happened during the festival becuase it has been so long since the last time he got to partake in a big festival like this and who knows how much has it changed? As Aoi made his way to the entrance where the limousine is waiting for him and his sister. "Oi, nii-chan." Chiyoko waved to him as she joined him to the car, "How's the Instruments Club prepared? Was it all good?"

Aoi nodded as they stepped up the car, "Yeah, we've been practicing hard. They all managed to pull off their best and everything's going to be fine if we can keep this up on the stage. Though I must admit that the pressure really is there. It's the first time they got to perform in front of such a large crowd like that."

"I know right?" Chiyoko said while chuckling and gazing out of the window to see how people are preparing for the event, "I'm really jealous with you guys though. If only they would allow ballet at the square though. But I'm sure I'll watch your performances with both my eyes open."

"Well, I sure hope you did. This is too perfect of a chance for you just to make up another excuse to hang out with Naoki." Aoi shrugged, "Anyway, Minori-san said that we'll got to wear yukata and kitsune masks or things like that while we're watching the parade. Still keeping that yukata that ojii-san gave you last year?"

They chatted with each other on all their way back home and another day has just passed by like that.

The next day, Aoi hung out with the Instruments Club before class and asked them about what should he prepare for the big event. They were surprised that he didn't know about things like that at first, but still agreed totell him anyway. He had managed to learn how to put on a yukata and what events are going to take place in the festival. It looks like they're all going to hang out with each other until then too.

When the bell rang, they all made their way back to their classes and Aoi was thinking how should he and Chiyoko persuaded their elder sister to join them. Especially since recently Kaori seemed to be in a rather good mood, but they didn't really dare to ask the reason why. However, there's one thing that he could be certain is how much he is looking forward in participating this festival. He had a feeling that it's going to be something he wouldn't ever forget.

Yeah, that sounds good :)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro waved to Aoi as he walked in, but didn't get a chance to say anything, as the lesson started hardly a minute later. The first class passed unbearably slow, simply because their homeroom teacher felt the need to lecture them about how to remain safe and polite during a festival, despite the fact they'd all been a part of it since grade school. Hiro actually managed to fall asleep ten minutes into class, and luckily, their teacher didn't happen to notice. XXX
The next few classes passed much quicker, and Hotaru woke Hiro up after first period, so he never got caught. Lunch came, but Hiro still couldn't say more than 'hello' before Yuki dragged him out of the room for a 'pep talk'. Hotaru chuckled when Aoi inquired as to what the pep talk was about. "Well, Hiro has a habit of running off on his own and getting lost. Apparently Yuki wants someone to be his 'chaperone' for the night so he doesn't get injured like last year. He got trampled by the crowd and almost broke his ankle...anyways, we have final rehearsals after school with the band, so try not to be late. Yuki'll be pissed." The taller male waved to Aoi and disappeared out the door, apparently to follow his two odd friends. XXX
About ten minutes later, Yuki appeared in the classroom, though Hotaru and Hiro were nowhere to be seen. "Aoi-kun, I have another favor to ask of you!" Giggling quietly, she took the empty seat next to Aoi and leaned her head in her hand, grinning sneakily. "I assume Hotaru told you about Hiro's habit of getting lost. Well, I have a solution! And I have decided that you are best suited to help me! So, would you be willing to spend at least part of the night with him? Hotaru and I can watch him the rest of the night if you have plans, but I know he loves being with you." XXX
Yuki observed Aoi's response to the proposition, and her smirk widened. "Well, feel free to think it over! You know where to find me, and you can give me your answer whenever you want~ Sayonara!" And with that, she was gone, instead replaced by the entry of Hiro and Hotaru. Hiro moved straight to Aoi's desk, grinning and in seconds igniting a conversation that lasted throughout the rest of lunch, only interrupted by the ringing class bell. XX
After classes had ended, Hiro cheerfully followed Hotaru and Aoi up to the club room, appearing far more excited about the festival than most others. Hotaru groaned heavily at his friend's infinite energy. "Hiro, please calm down, at this rate you're going to break something. Or yourself. Most likely yourself, actually." Hotaru's tired expression simply intensified as Hiro denied his accusations and then fell flat on his face two minutes later, though he was hardly injured. "C'mon, you just worry too much!" "I worry because you don't, at all, which is why you're getting hurt all the time." XX
Hiro ignored him as the three walked into the club room, rehearsal with the band club starting a couple minutes later. It was quite impressive how well the two clubs worked together despite their innate differences, and it was likely that they would be able to win the festival music contest, yet the two clubs had agreed to choose a toned-down piece and play normally, in the hopes of not over-shadowing the Instruments Club. It could have been considered rude to purposefully allow another club to win, but Yuki insisted that 'her beautiful Minori-chan' earn an award for her own club for once. XXXX
The clubs were only playing one song, so rehearsal was soon over, though Hiro still didn't want to leave. "If I go home I'll probably be stuck trying on festival outfits for my mom. Which isn't horrible, I guess, but its not exactly how I wanna spend my afternoon. So! How about we just hang out here for a while or something?" The only other members still there were Hotaru, Aoi, Natsuki, and Yuki, and Hiro spun on his chair as he awaited their responses. XX

Sometimes I think of Hotaru and just feel bad for him, having to put up with Akihiro and Yuki's crazy antics all the time. Though that is why I created him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi was absent during the meeting of the Orchestra Club over which songs they are going to perform at Miyagi Square because he was busy with the rehearsal of the Instruments Club. They all are going to perform in front of a huge audience in one of the biggest square in the countries so the tension really is high in the air. But Aoi has been a huge encouragement for all of them and he believe that they will be able to show the most perfect of performances during their student time.

After the rehearsal with them, Aoi excused himself because he still had another rehearsal with the Orchestra Club up next. Though he had promised that he would take all of them for a treat when the session is finished, in which they all were thrilled. The rehearsal with the Orchestra Club is quite fast since there are only one song, in which Aoi secretly wondered why did they only choose one. When it is finished, every member left, with the exception of Yuki and those from Class 3-A. Hiro then asked if they wanted to do anything.

"I think Chiyo-chan and Naoki have already got stuffs to do with their clubs today so I'm going to take the guys from the Instruments Club out for a treat. If you guys aren't busy right now then I suppose you can come along too? My limousine is big enough to take us all and I think they wouldn't mind. What do you say?" Aoi suggested and Akihiro was the first to raise his hand, without doubt. Others also decided to come along since they didn't seem to have any other businesses either.

As they made their way towards the school entrance where the limousine is waiting for them. However, as they stepped outside, Minori was standing in front of the club door. "Oh, hey Minori-san. Where are the others?" Aoi asked the Instruments Club president. However, he sensed that something was rather odd just by looking at her serious expression.

"I told them to wait at the entrance. I'm just here to have a word with Yuki-chan about the contest at the square tomorrow." Minori said calmly before moving her gaze to Yuki, "Yuki-chan. I heard the guys said that you only chose to play only one piece tomorrow. Is it because you thought that you might completely stole the show like last year?"

"Wait, so the Orchestra Club only play one piece, after all? I thought it was strange since we only practice one song earlier and it wasn't even a really stand-out piece either." Aoi asked, in which Yuki nodded. And it somehow caused him to feel a little annoyed, because it also means that they only partake in the contest for fun, not taking it serious.

"Listen, Yuki-chan." Minori approached her classmate and held her hand before Aoi could manage to say anything, "I know you have good intentions and you want me to win this year. But we play music because it is our passion and we can express ourselves through it. Of course, we also have high hope that we would win, but if we didn't, that's okay. It's a huge blow to our prides knowing that we won just because someone with higher potential stepped back for us to claim the prize. It's not like me and my guys, Shimizu-senpai included, wanted to start a competition between us and you guys. But this is a contest and we want it to be fair. So I hope that you guys will just do your very best like how you did last year. Is it okay?"

Aoi also stepped up from behind and spoke, "I'm also a member of the Instruments Club and I agree with what Minori-san has just said. The only thing a true artist seek when playing music is passion and the joy of expressing themselves and bringing different stages of emotions to their listeners. I know you have good intentions for Minori-san, but by doing this, you have unintentionally discourage the spirit of my club and it is something I can't tolerate. I do not want to start a fight either, but I will not play for the Orchestra Club's performance tomorrow if you don't promise that everyone will play at their best too. What do you say?"

He knows that he's being painfully straightforward, but this is just how he is.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


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Hiro watched the scene with a curious expression, but dared not to intervene, as his imput would probably ruin the atmosphere. Yuki sighed, a smile making its way across her face. "Ah, I had a feeling this would happen. I know that its wrong of me to not play fair, and I can't bear to lose one of my star musicians, so I agree to not hold back." A relieved sigh could be heard in the background from Hotaru. "The band practiced their own piece in case we needed to play longer, so I'll inform the president that we'll need them to perform that song as well as the collaborative piece. Well, I'm afraid I won't be able to join you all, but be sure to send me lots of pictures of your day out~ See you tomorrow, my lovelies!" XX
"Well, that could've gone a lot worse. Its good Yuki agreed with you guys, she's absolutely terrifying when she's angry." Hiro said in a half-assed attempt to lighten the decently tense mood. "I don't think she'd get mad over something like that, Hiro." "Aw c'mon Hotaru, you can never tell with her! She can change from an angel to Satan in two seconds flat!" Yuki remained the dominant topic for hardly a minute more before the conversation shifted to other subjects, those still on the top floor heading down toward the front gate. As promised, the rest of the Instruments Club was waiting there. XX
Aoi had been right: the limousine did fit everyone, and boy were they impressed, especially Hiro, who attempted to mess with just about everything he could possibly find in the vehicle. Hotaru finally managed to calm his curiosity by getting him to tell everyone some random story from their childhood. The tale sounded far more dramatic than it had been in reality, but everyone loved it, and it kept Hiro from breaking any of the gadgets the limo offered. XX
After a long debate about where to go for their 'treat', it was decided that they would go for ice cream, as it was still rather warm and summer-like. Most of the group chose rather simply, not wanting to take advantage of Aoi's courtesy. Hiro only got a blue-raspberry popsicle, the only ice cream he'd ever eaten, while Hotaru had only come along to enjoy the company of a large group, since he was lactose-intolerant and couldn't eat ice cream anyways. XXX
"Hey, Aoi, didn't Yuki ask you about being my chaperone for the festival tomorrow or something? She said she had someone in mind, and you're the first person I can think of whom she'd ask about something like that. Just so you know, I don't really need a chaperone or anything-" "Yes you do, Hiro." "Aw come on, having a babysitter during a festival makes me seem like a child, and my height only adds to that! I was mistaken for a grade-schooler by some random tourist yesterday..." While Hiro pouted, Hotaru rolled his eyes and continued the conversation he'd been holding with Minori and Natsuki. XX
The sun was already setting by the time everyone decided to head home. Those who had left their bicycles at the school gratefully accepted a ride back, and Hiro waved dramatically to Aoi as the limousine drove away, disappearing around the corner. "You really do need a chaperone, Hiro." "Shut up." XX

Hiro most definitely has both ADD and ADHD, and I'm pretty sure his curiosity would absolutely destroy that limousine if he were left inside unattended.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After the little negotiation with Yuki, they all headed to Aoi's limousine where he took them to a Starbuck coffee shop. And as expected, they all were apparently at awe because it was the first time they travel by a limo, after all. Though soon enough, they all shifted to their own topics. Aoi sat with Minori and Hotaru and had quite a pleasant conversation with them. One of them was his intention to release a new album after his graduation and a new song that he's just finished composing a week ago but hasn't got a chance to play yet.

When they arrived at the coffee shop, Aoi had told them not to hold back as it is his treat. Though none of them really did call anything too expensive as most of them were ice cream or just simple cappuccino and milk. Well, just the presence of Aoi himself is enough to spark up the admiration of the whole shop already. But luckily it was short-lived thanks to the fact that others are with him.

While chatting with Natsuki and a member of the Instrument Club, his attention was turned to Akihiro as the guy raised the question of him being his chaperon the following day, in which he nodded, "Yeah, she did ask me so. I wouldn't mind it too much because tomorrow Kaori-neesan and Chiyo-chan are probably accompanied by someone else already so I need to find someone to hang out with during the festival too. Though I've promised her to keep an eye on you so I will. Hope that you won't mind." Of course, he had already knew that if it was Akihiro then he wouldn't mind Aoi's presence near him the slightest.
After Aoi offered to take them back to school and the group parted, the limousine then went on to take him back to Shimizu's estate. He had spent almost the whole night picking clothes for Chiyoko and, surprisingly, Kaori. It was indeed noticeable that her mood has gotten a lot better recently. Though Aoi and Chiyoko could understand why, they decided to just keep it as mutual between them.

Tomorrow is the grand festival and it seemed that no one could really contain their excitement.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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Hiro waved to Aoi as he entered, but had no time to say anything more, as their homeroom teacher walked in only seconds later to begin the lesson. Most of their teacher's ramblings were ignored, since he was simply going over the different parts of the festival, which everyone knew already anyway. Hiro didn't sleep through homeroom like he had the day before, however, and instead passed the time by doodling different instruments in his notebook. XX
At lunchtime, Hotaru disappeared to do who-knows-what, so Hiro and Natsuki took the opportunity to chat about a variety of uncommon things with Aoi, unafraid of being scolded since their motherly friend was gone. It wasn't long before others from their class - some members of the orchestra club, some not - also joined the conversation, adding in commentary and laughing at Hiro's jokes. He was in the middle of a story when everything just went to hell. XX
"Um...Hiro?" Natsuki, with an uncharacteristically worried expression, gestured out the window at the courtyard below. "Yamada-senpai's outside..." XX
At the mere mention of the name, half the class tensed - especially those who were part of the orchestra club. The room grew silent, and slowly, everyone turned to stare at Hiro. The boy in mention was glaring out the window, fists clenched and his expression the pure definition of angry. "Hiro, wait!" Natsuki yelled as Hiro stormed out of the room, throwing the door open with such force that it was a surprise the door wasn't broken. Several of the club members rushed out after him, yelling at each other to find Hotaru and Yuki. No one bothered to explain to Aoi, just looked at him worriedly. XXX
Hiro, grinding his teeth together out of frustration, was practically barreling through the halls at a surprising pace, ignoring the shouts that were coming from behind him. Racing through the front entrance of the school, he stopped dead in his tracks when he caught sight of the tall brunette male in front of him. "The hell are you doing here?!He growled, earning nothing but an arrogant smirk from Hanji. "Oh, nothing much, I just thought it'd be nice to see just how overshadowed you've become now that Mister Popular's started school here~ You must've lost all your fame with him around." XX
The insult made Hiro grind his teeth harder, yet Hanji continued. "Besides, there's no reason why I shouldn't be here! Aren't I still your beloved senpai, Hiro-chan?" "Don't call me that. We all stopped respecting you after you attacked me and Hotaru." Hiro's hands gripped hard at his sweatshirt. XX
Natsuki and a few others stood at a distance from the scene, not wanting to get in the middle of it. Meanwhile, someone had finally found Hotaru and Yuki, both of whom were racing towards the courtyard. Yuki stopped at room 3-A and rushed inside, stopping right at Aoi's desk. "Aoi-kun, I think we might need your help with Hiro. I don't know if any of us will be able to calm him down this time..." Taking a deep breath, Yuki went on to explain - albeit hurriedly - how Yamada Hanji had been Hiro's first love and how he'd both given Hotaru a black eye and completely broken Hiro's arm in reply. XX
The broken arm had ruined Hiro's chances at winning a national music competition, which he had been about to compete in a semifinalist. Hanji was the only reason why Hiro wasn't a nation-wide music star like Aoi. "I'm worried this meeting will end in a fight, and Hiro'll probably only listen to you." XX
Back in the courtyard, everything was heating up as Hanji continued to speak about disgusted he'd been when Hiro had confessed to being in love with him, as well as how disappointed he'd been to see Hiro get disqualified from the competition. "It’s your fault I was disqualified, don't even pretend you felt bad for me! And you better take responsibility for hurting Hotaru, he couldn't see for a week after what you did!" Hiro's yelling drew the attention of several nearby class, who watched curiously from the windows. Hanji just sneered at Hiro. "Well, what can I say, other than that he deserved it?" XX
In that moment, Hiro snapped, lunging forward and grabbing at Hanji's shirt with surprising force, knocking them both to the ground while his classmates shouted and rushed at him. Hotaru stopped them all and hurried toward his friend, taken aback when Hiro simply pushed him away. Yuki arrived at the scene just as Hiro raised his fist to punch Hanji. "Hiro, stop!" Hiro ignored her. Yuki grimaced, and turned to Aoi, whom she'd literally dragged along. XX

I decided to add some drama because I didn't wanna go straight to the festival and couldn't think of anything else to write about. Such angst...also, the reason everyone's looking at Aoi so worriedly (while not explaining) is because they know Hiro likes him a lot and don't really wanna explain that he was rejected and attacked by his first crush/love or whatever. He also attacked Hotaru, which is mostly why Hiro's so freakin' pissed at seeing the guy... XX
Also, I'm not quite sure what's supposed to happen next, but I'm assuming its something along the lines of Aoi calming Hiro down? I have no idea...ehe...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


A new day has already begun and it seemed that everybody was being more energetic than ever. This is the first time that the three of them could actually partake in such a big event like this. Kaori has even canceled all of her work at the company and gave herself a day off to enjoy this day with her two siblings. Ever since last night, both of them couldn't help noticing how brighter she seemed to be. Of course, she still speaks and acts with elegance and strictness, but it was all loosen up somehow. They could only hope that they will hear some good news about her soon.

At school, the school day seemed to went on with a lot of fuss and chatters, as the festival atmosphere is really in the air. Almost everyone at school was thrilled and everyone was really looking forward to this event. Aoi was concentrated with the lessons as ever and others often commented that he is way too hardworking and that he should slow down and enjoy life a bit. It was difficult for him not to work, so he'll just go on with whatever he did best.

When lunch break came, Aoi found himself in the cafeteria with the company of Naoki and Chiyoko as usual. Like any other of their lunches, they talked about all sorts of things. It's no surprise to see the love bird to be so excited. This festival is just another excuse for them to dating, after all.

However, they stopped laughing the moment they saw that Yuki was running towards their table in a rather hasty manner. "Kanzaki-san? What's up?" Aoi raised the question as the Orchestra Club's president catches her breath. She then went on explaining where Akihiro is right now and what is happening at the school's ground. Aoi couldn't help but feel rather surprise upon hearing such a tale about his classmate. It seemed that the situation is getting serious and only him could put a stop to it. Even knowing that, he still remained surprisingly compose.

"I understand. Let's go before Akihiro does something he's going to regret later." Aoi stood up and followed Kanzaki. Of course, the love bird also follow their best friend to see if they might be of aid. Making their way to the school's ground, they barely made it when Akihiro was about to confronted Hanji. The whole Orchestra Club members are also there and it seemed that the meeting has gained to attention of quite some students. Everyone was worried as they watched Akihiro and Hanji taunting each other.

Despite all of it, Aoi still remained as calm as ever.

When Akihiro was raising his arm and about to give his ex-lover a punch, Aoi had already stood next to his classmate and held his arm back before he could throw a punch. Despite Akihiro's feat of strength is quite monstrous for his size, Aoi seemed to hold him back with almost no effort. "Akihiro-san. I know that you are dying to give him a piece of your mind right now, but please taking into consideration of where you are standing. If a fight break out, I don't think the faculty will allow you to partake in the festival tonight. Kanzaki-san has told me a little about him so I understand how you feel. But let's deal with this in a more civilian way, shall we?"

When the shorter boy has seemingly calmed down, Aoi put his hand into his pocket in a compose manner while stepping up and face the so-called Yamada Hanji, who was putting on a smug look on his face right now, "I have no idea why an already-graduated like you would come all the way back to his old school like this, but from what I heard of you, it seemed that whatever you're scheming, it's no good." He said with the calmest of tone ever, but the aura emitted from him is intimidating, "I'm the so-called Mister Popular you've just talked about and for your information, I have no intention of "stealing Akihiro's fame" or whatever. I have no business with whatever goes on between you and Akihiro-san, but the fact that you're starting an unnecessary commotion here is something I can't tolerate. So, in the most respectful of way, I ask you to leave now."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


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Hiro tried to strike, but found himself restrained, and his face scrunched up in frustration. "Let go!" He screamed as he tried - in vain - to yank his hand free. However, once he realized who exactly was holding him, he stopped moving, and his expression turned from anger to simple shock. "Akihiro-san. I know that you are dying to give him a piece of your mind right now, but please taking into consideration of where you are standing. If a fight break out, I don't think the faculty will allow you to partake in the festival tonight. Kanzaki-san has told me a little about him so I understand how you feel. But let's deal with this in a more civilian way, shall we?" Hiro turned to stare at Hanji, and slowly nodded, getting off the man and scratching his arm nervously. XX
In more ways than one, Hiro was embarrassed about Aoi having seen him in such an ugly moment. After all, Hiro was the definition of optimism. He wasn't supposed to get angry or sad. And yet, here he was, having caused likely one of the biggest commotions in quite a while. Awkwardly scratching at his arm, Hiro walked towards the school, Hotaru and Yuki rushing over to him. Their worried expressions instantly made him feel bad, even as they questioned him about if he was hurt and needed to go to the nurse. "I'm fine, really, you don't need to worry about me so much. Its not like I deserve it." XX
Meanwhile, Hanji had gotten up from the ground, grumbling angrily about how he'd been 'caught off guard'. He scoffed at Aoi in hearing him speak, a sneer crossing his face. "So you're the one everybody's so hung up on? Well, I only came here to get on Hiro's nerves anyway, so since you asked so nicely, I'll be taking my leave~" Shoving his hands into his pockets and smirking at Hiro, Hanji left, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. XX
The bell rang overhead, and everyone gravitated back toward the classroom, though Hotaru insisted that Hiro see the nurse first. "Hotaru, I'm fine. I don't need to see the nurse, he didn't even touch me or anything." "You never know, you could've bruised yourself from knocking him over! I'd rather be sure you're alright than have you be in pain and keep it secret. Which I know you've done many times before, so don't even try to deny it." XXXX
Hiro didn't protest, and instead turned to look at Aoi, who was currently accompanied by his Chiyoko and Naoki. His gaze shifted to the floor out of embarrassment and he felt his cheeks heat up, which didn't go unnoticed by Hotaru. "C'mon, lets go." The two disappeared down the hall towards the infirmary, walking right past the teachers who were asking about what had happened. Meanwhile, Yuki walked up to Aoi with a relieved smile, and bowed to him in gratitude. "Thank you so much for helping, I don't what we'd have done had you not been here. Hiro listens to you, so...heh." XX
Yuki returned to a standing position and grinned at Aoi, folding her hands behind her back and winking to him before hopping away. Natsuki, who had been waiting in the entrance, passed a skeptical look between Aoi and Yuki, then shrugged and followed her inside. The girl was a bit abnormal for sure. XX

Pffft why must I put my children through so much torment? I think I might have a problem, someone please take these children out of my dangerous care.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After Hanji has left, Aoi let out a sigh of relief and turned to Akihiro, who was caught up by Hotaru and the Orchestra Club, who asked him if he's okay after the confrontation, even though there hasn't been anything too serious that happened between them. Naoki then hopped towards him and gave him a pat on his back with a grin, stating how cool he looked earlier and Chiyoko also expressed the same thing. They both were quite surprise that there would be a day when Aoi could step up to defend someone like this.

The bell rang, indicated that the afternoon lesson has begun. Everyone made their way back to their class and tried to forget tht the earlier commotion has just happened. Hotaru has taken Akihiro to the infirmary, just to make sure that he wasn't hurt too serious. When Aoi traced his steps back to his classroom, Yuki stepped up to him express her gratefulness, "Well, it was no big deal. I don't want something serious to happen just before the festival tonight. Please rest assure that I will keep a good eye on him. Well, see you later then." He bid goodbye with the younger girl before stepping into the classroom.

The lessons went on peacefully without too much fuss. Not very long later, Akihiro came back and didn't turn to look and grin at him as usual, in which he wondered why but brushing off to focus on the lesson. They were allowed to go back early today to prepare for the event. Aoi stopped by the Instruments Club to do one last rehearsal with them before the big show tonight and they nailed their performances perfectly.

After arriving at the Shimizu's estate, Aoi helped his sisters to put on their yukatas while he just dressed in simple, normal clothes. Chiyoko and Kaori both looked beautiful and elegant in the traditional costumes. When everything is finished, they made their ways to the town's square. On the street, lanterns were already hung and shine brilliantly. Children and women have also dressed in their yukata and they all headed to the square. It feels like the whole city has just come alive.

Both Kaori and Chiyoko then went on their own ways while Aoi met up with Akihiro, at the square entrance. "Hey. Did you come here alone? It's still a while before the show begin so do you want to go anywhere?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


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The nurse confirmed that Hiro was fine, and he looked to Hotaru with an 'I told you so expression as the two headed back to class. As they walked in, Hiro's gaze went straight to Aoi, but instead of grinning like he usually would, he turned red and stared at the floor, still embarrassed. He took his seat quietly and class began, though he was unable to concentrate on any of the material. The rest of the day passed quicker than usual due to the festival. XX
While most of his classmates stayed behind to aid in festival preparations, Hiro went home to help his family get ready for the drumming parade. The Tsuno store was the host of the event and supplied most of the drums used in the parade, as well as the costumes the drummers wore (courtesy of his mother's affection for sewing). The cheerful antics of his parents and playful teasing from his brother helped to lift Hiro's gloomy mood, and before long, he was grinning as widely as always. It took a while to pack all the equipment into the store's delivery truck, but they made it to the festival area on time. XX
Dressed in the costume planned for the orchestra performance and drumming parade, Hiro helped his parents park the drums where they wouldn't be in the way. The drums wouldn't be needed until after the school's performances. Though he still wanted to help, his parents were fast in shooing him away, so he headed to the festival's entrance. It didn't take long before Aoi showed up, and Hiro waved dramatically as his blue-haired classmate approached. XX
"Hey! I came here with my family, but they shooed me away. And I didn't have any specific ideas, so why don't we just try out everything?" Over the course of the next hour or so, Hiro and Aoi did just that, moving from stand to stand and enjoying every aspect of the festival. Hiro was especially excited about the goldfish-scooping, and managed to catch just about all of them, though he didn't keep any. They were both extremely skilled at anything that had to do with sharp-shooting or darts, though neither teen really felt the need to keep any of the prizes since most were stuffed animals. XX
When the time came for the school performances, the two joined the orchestra and band clubs in the school courtyard, helping with the few final preparations. A large crowd had gathered at the mention of a North High music performance, and the two clubs took no time in getting started. Signaled by a long, drawn-out saxophone solo, the song Rhapsody in Blue was easily recognized by those who knew their music. The song was widely popular and had been an easy pick for the performance, especially since it was easy to hear each of the different instruments throughout the course of the song. XX
Unlike the original song, however, Hiro joined in on one of Aoi's piano solos, their two instruments melding perfectly and dazzling the crowd. It had been Yuki's idea, and she grinned proudly as they played. Hiro's parents and brother cheered loudly, despite the fact that he'd told them not to until the end of the performance. However, no one else seemed to mind, and other spectators even joined in on the cheering, despite the action's rareness in Japan. XXX
Hiro grinned happily as the song came to an end, and the two clubs took a bow, glad to hear the massive applause that came afterward. "That was awesome, I bet we could go to nationals with a performance like that!" Hiro gushed to Hotaru, who simply shrugged. "Perhaps, but I don't think that's what you should be worrying about right now. Don't you have to go set up the drum parade?" "Nah, not until after the Instrument Club performances, since Minori's part of the parade. And besides, I still wanna see Aoi play~" Hotaru sighed, but followed his friend into the crowd of spectators, watching as the Instruments Club began. Their performances were impressive, even in comparison to the ever-popular Orchestra Club. XXXX
"With a performance like that, they've just got to win!" Hotaru nodded in agreement, and the two joined on the applause, waving to Aoi and Minori as the club left the stage. The band took over the stage and started their piece, Fiesta. None of the band members were a part of other events - Yuki had checked to make sure - and so their performance had put last. "I don't think we'll be able to watch the whole performance, since the parade starts halfway through the song." Sure enough, Hiro's parents came to get him and Hotaru halfway through the song, ushering them towards the parade's starting point. Meanwhile, Yuki hopped over to Aoi with a smile. "If you don't mind missing the rest, you should come watch the drum parade~" XX
Back at the parade area, passers-by watched curiously as a huge group of men and women gathered on a line of wheeled floats, drums situated on each one. Hiro, Hotaru, Yuki, and - somewhat surprisingly - Minori were lined up at the front of the first float, standing steadily in front of their drums with thick wooden mallets in their hands. As soon as everyone had found their specific drum, the parade line started moving, and the song began. The drummers all danced around their drums as they played, moving in fluid formations that should have been impossible while drumming, but were instead beautiful. XX

I looked everywhere for an image of Hiro's costume, but this one's all I've got. Its the same as the ceremonial one worn by the boys in Nagi no Asukara. Also, I may have kinda scrapped the theme of them playing a toned-down song, but I guess maybe they'd planned to play it slower and less...'showy'???


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Nodding at Akihiro's statement, Aoi replied, "Sure. Let's go and see around if there's anything interesting. Honestly, this is my first time attending an event like this so I didn't know much about what to see anyway. You should just go ahead and enjoy." He replied with his usual calm, expressionless tone. Though right after that, he was literally dragged around the stalls around the square and do all sorts of stuff. There were many kinds of foods and a lot of games that Aoi had never eaten or played before, but he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy it.

After a couple of hours lazing around the square and visited almost every stall presented there, the music show has finally begun. Aoi caught up with the Instruments Club in the backstage and got ready with them for their performances. Aoi had to performed for two clubs in this show but he isn't going to play any less professional for either clubs. Of course, his appearance in this show more and less has attracted quite some people gathering to see it. After finishing with the performances of the Orchestra Club, the Instruments Club was up next and nearly all of them were nervous, but excited to show themselves.

First up is the performance of "Summer in my Heart" which proves to be quite a soothing for the spectators after the upbeat performances of the Orchestra Club earlier. Minori and her companies had played beautifully like when they're rehearsing. Everyone cheered with a loud applause and the judge panel seemed to be very please with their appearance this year.

Stirring up the mood up next is the remix version of "Synchrogazer" played by the drum player and the two bass players of the club, along with the main vocalist of the club. Of course, they managed to pull it just right and carried out their performance just as well as the original version of Nana Mizuki. Watching how they played from behind the backstage, Aoi was pleased by how better it has turned out in comparison with his expectations.

Next up is no doubt one of the most awaited performance of the night - Aoi's piano solo of the song "Planetarium." All the attention was turned to him as he stepped up the stage, wearing a simple, yet elegant white shirt and jeans. As the melody begun, people were surprised at the fact that he was singing - something that he had never done at his previous concerts. Despite that, he still managed to bring a performance that was received with an overwhelming applause from the spectators and even the judge themselves.

And finally is the performance of "Hikaru Nara", featured all members of the Instruments Club. And as expected from their previous performances, they all did well. Each and everyone of them all got a chance to shine during the song. And it marked the end of the Instruments Club performances of the night. As Minori gave her thanking speech and they all bow to the spectators, holding hands. They know that whether they win tonight or not, they are already the stars.

Aoi decided to stay and watched the rest of the show along with his club, while Minori and Akihiro seemed to have disappeared somewhere. Later on, Yuki walked to him and asked him if he wanted to go and see the drum parade, in which he agreed. When he made it there with Yuki, people have already crowded both sides of the street, but they still managed to have a good view. As the parade begun, Aoi was rather surprised to see that Akihiro and Minori were ones of the leading dancers. He watched their dances and drum-playing with amusement, since this is the first time he got to see something like this.

It's fine, I can imagine the costume quite easily xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro spent the next half-hour atop the wheeled float, completing the array of complicated songs and dances with surprising grace, and hardly even broke a sweat. He was, however, the smallest bit sore when the parade finally ended, in the same way as after he'd played a long violin solo. Looking around for Aoi and Yuki, he caught sight of blue hair and waved dramatically into the crowd, grinning as his friends approached. "Hey hey hey! Weren't we all so cool? Minori's our best drummer, believe it or not. She seems like a pretty docile person most of the time, but she gets real hostile with the drums." XX
He continued to gush about the performance until a hand wrapped around his mouth and eyes, Akihiko standing behind him with a playful smirk. "Hey, Chibi-chan, why don't you stop gloating and talk about how you threw your mallet into Hotaru's face that one time?" Hotaru, who had appeared next to the two siblings, shuddered at the memory. "That was terrifying..." "Nii-san, get off! And that was an accident too, stop making me look like the bad guy!" Hiro grumbled, batting Akki's hand away and sparking an heated argument, which soon grew physical. Hotaru groaned loathingly. XX
As the two siblings argued, Yuki and Hotaru took the time to explain to Aoi who Akihiko was, as it'd probably been weird to suddenly see an extremely buff male with suspiciously dyed hair messing with your classmate. Hiro and Akki's argument grew progressively angrier until a black-haired woman suddenly popped up behind them, smashing their heads together with a loud thunk that probably should have injured the two boys, though they hardly even flinched from the contact. "Come on boys, I expect you to get along for tonight at least. And Ko, stop picking on Hiro or I'll ground you." XX
"What? Why are you only grounding me?" Akki complained, watching with a pout as his girlfriend ruffled Hiro's hair with a wide smile. "Haha, your girlfriend loves me more than she loves you!" The two brothers exchanged angry looks. "Ah, that's right! Nee-san, this is Shimizu Aoi, remember? I told you about him~" Sachiko grinned at Aoi and bowed in greeting. "Hmmm, so you're the one Hiro's been talking about? I can see why he likes you. I'm a big fan of your sister...ah, perhaps I can meet her! Come on Ko, lets go!" Without another word, the two lovebirds disappeared into the crowd. XX
Yuki let out a giggle. "Hiro's siblings sure are interesting to watch. Anyhow, Hotaru and I have to help with packing up the drums, so you two go on ahead. And make sure you aren't followed~ Anyways, lets go!" Hiro nodded in response and watched his two friends disappear. "By the way, we don't plan on doing anything illegal. We have a secret firework viewing spot that we've been going to every year since we were kids, and its against the rules to let anyone follow you~" Leading the way through the dense crowd, Hiro gently pulled Aoi along by his sleeve, chatting about how cool the fireworks looked and how he'd once managed to burn off his eyebrows with a sparkler. His tale was a dramatic adventure from start to finish, as always. XX
As they walked on, the crowd grew thinner, and eventually vanished. Hiro led Aoi across an old, worn-out wooden bridge and along a small creek, until they finally arrived at what appeared to be a treehouse. The structure itself was hardly three feet off the ground, supported by steady wooden beams and half-hidden among thick clusters of bamboo. "We found the place when we were grade-schoolers and made it our Secret Base. We didn't know it was good for firework-viewing until nearly two years after, now we come here every year, since its not crowded like everywhere else. Plus, there's fireflies!" XX
As if on cue, the tall grass surrounding the area was suddenly illuminated by tiny, glowing lights that flickered on and off. The fireflies were scattered about, some sitting idly in the grass and other flying around. Hiro grinned softly. "I guess we both have our own secret place with a great view, huh?" XXX
Taking Aoi's sleeve again, Hiro led his companion up the short ladder and into the treehouse, which was surprisingly clean and cozy despite its old and abandoned-looking appearance. The roof had been reinforced with extra boards to keep out the rain, and the windows were surprisingly clean. Cushions and blankets were scattered around the small room and a wide assortment of photographs covered the walls: photos of Hiro, Hotaru, and Yuki in grade school, of Yuki and Minori in Junior High, of their Junior High school graduation. Some were of of Hiro and his brother, others of sceneries and animals. XX
"You can sit down if you want to. Hotaru and Yuki should be here soon, and they might bring Minori. She knows about the base since Yuki's brought her here a couple times~" Hiro gestured to and pillow-covered couch and plopped down on one end, patting the seat next to him with a silly grin. When Aoi sat down, Hiro started to explain the photographs on the wall, some of them harboring rather hilarious stories, others with stories a bit less nice. No one else interrupted the moment, and before long, the loud boom of fireworks could be heard overhead, and Hiro hurried to the huge glass window to watch. XX

Oh my friend, so I finally finished watching Hyouka last night, and I swear to God, Houtaro and Eru would make the cutest freakin' couple in all of anime. Also, I now realize that we had an idea about the festival already...welp, I completely destroyed that. I got a little bit carried away with my Secret Base...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After seeing Minori and Akihiro in the parade, the shorter boy later joined up with Yuki and Aoi. They chatted for a while before Akihiko showed up and put up a cat fight with his brother, something that Aoi secretly found to be amusing. He had heard Akihiro speaking a lot about his brother and it seemed that they were quite a fun couple themselves, just like Aoi and Chiyoko. Akihiko's fianceÊ showed up later and literally dragged him to find Chiyoko, after giving Aoi some compliment on how he's just like people talking about him.

Yuki excused herself because she had to helped the parade to pack up the drums so Akihiro offered to take Aoi somewhere to watch the fireworks. As the shorter boy led Aoi through a small, wooden old bridge that was quite far away from the crowds but still within the square, Aoi felt that it was nicer that wherever they're heading to, the crowd seemed to be growing thinner. It's not like he doesn't enjoy the presences of people because it's a big event, it's his nature to be at places where it is quiet.

And, they finally stopped at a treehouse. Well, sort of. It looks like a treehouse but isn't actually very tall. It looks rather old, but still in quite a good shape. Akihiro then explained that this is some sort of secret base that he and his classmates shared and would come here every two years to watch the fireworks. "Well, everybody has their own getaway place to go to whenever they felt like running from life, after all." He replied to Akihiro's question and sat down at the couch.

Looking around the inside of the treehouse, Aoi could see that there are plenty of pictures hanging around the wooden wall. It showed that other than just a getaway place, this place surely held a lot of memorable events. It sure nice to have a lot of friends, huh? He secretly thought. All his life, those he had ever known were his parents, his sisters and Naoki. He had been living in fame and one could possibly wonder if he would wanted anything else. The melodies he composed are full of meanings and were well received by everyone, but not many would understand how he truly felt.

As the fireworks show started, Akihiro stood went to the window to watch it, while Aoi just sat and gaze from afar. Hotaru, Minori and Yuki soon climbed up the house as they all enjoyed the fireworks together, as they exploded on the night sky. This event might be something that Aoi will never forget in his life.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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After the fireworks event had ended, it was already rather late, but no one seemed to want to leave yet, so instead the five teens gathered into a circle and told stories - some true, some not. A fair amount of said stories were centered around music in one way or another, and to someone not in their little group, it might have been odd how much music dominated their lives. This assumption applied especially to Hiro and Aoi, who spent nearly all of their free time practicing, whether it be in school or in their own homes. However, it wasn't something that could be considered bad, if it was what they loved. XX
Hotaru was the first to leave, since his mother was still fairly ill and he didn't want to leave her home alone any longer than he had to. Yuki and Minori left together not long afterwards, since their homes were close together, and left Hiro and Aoi alone in the small treehouse. Hiro was willing to spend the entire night there, chatting away, but he knew Aoi had brought his sisters along to the festival, and didn't want to keep his blue-haired friend from them too long. So, after a few more wild stories, the two headed back toward the festival area, walking in uncharacteristic - but not uncomfortable - silence. XX
"Y'know, I bet a lot of people think its weird that you chose our boring school instead of some fancy academy, but I'm really glad you did. I doubt I ever would've met you if you hadn't." Hiro said, a soft smile on his face. "You're really amazing, you know that right? I mean, people probably say so all the time, but maybe its nice to hear it from someone who knows music the same way you do. Though that does sound a bit conceited, to be honest..." XXXXX
It took a moment for Hiro to realize he was rambling, and he promptly shut his mouth, clasping his hands behind his back and breathing outward shakily. XX
They were close to the festival area, but still decently hidden behind the thick rows of bamboo, and Hiro decided to take a chance, completely ignoring the voice in his head that was screaming at him to keep walking. Turning on his heel and standing up on the tips of his toes, Hiro pressed his lips to Aoi's in a gentle kiss, pulling back a few seconds later. He was glad it was dark enough that the flush on his face wouldn't be evident. With a wide grin, Hiro hopped back a bit and giggled to himself. "I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay? Good night!" And with that, he was gone, melding into the thinning crowd. XXX
He found his parents waiting for him at the truck, eating cotton candy and arguing over who had to drive them home (even though they lived hardly two streets away). His mother ended up winning the argument, since she'd drank a decent amount during the night, and the three loaded into the truck, chatting animatedly about all the goings-on the evening had presented. Akki and Sachiko had apparently gotten drunk and headed to her place for the night, which didn't surprise Hiro in the least, as the situation arose every year since they'd become old enough to drink, which wasn't that long ago. XXXX
Hiro's parents decided they were too tired to unload the drums right away and claimed they'd do it in the morning, so he made his way up to his bedroom and collapsed onto his futon, face still flushed and dominated by a silly grin. He'd never really been a shy person, but he was still surprised he'd actually found the courage to kiss Aoi. It wasn't until he'd changed into pyjamas that Hiro remembered that Morioka Reiko existed. Holy shit, I just kissed someone who's engaged! How could I have forgotten about that?! Groaning audibly, Hiro shoved his face into his pillow and tried not to think about it. XXX
The next morning came rather quickly, and for the first time in years, Hiro slept in. It was nearly eight by the time his mother finally came in, nudging him awake and offering to cook him breakfast. He found out moments later that his brother had come home at around four am, passed out on the couch, and had proceeded to vomit all over the floor when he woke up an hour later. Hiro himself thought it was an entertaining piece of blackmail, vomit and all. XXX
Despite the excitement from the festival the night before, it was still a school day, and Hiro hurried through his morning routine in a desperate attempt to not be late. It was an unfamiliar feeling, the fear of being late, seeing as he'd always been up hours before anyone else even considered leaving the house. However, he didn't think it was all that bad, and he was out the door only minutes after finishing his breakfast, hopping on his bike and disappearing down the road. Hopefully I won't get scolded by Hotaru for making him wait, though mom might've told him to just go on ahead of me...ugh. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After the fireworks show has ended, they all sat down together on the floor of the tree house and began to chat about all sorts of thing, mostly about their pasts. Since they all were music players, they also discussed how they've approached music in their lives. Well, since Aoi and Akihiro had been playing music all their lives, they certainly have a lot to tell. Most of Aoi's stories are true to those that he had shared in an autobiography he once published, which most of them have read, anyway. So there's really nothing new.

When it's starting to get late, everyone excused themselves to go back home, as tomorrow they still have school. Aoi's sisters and Naoki are probably waiting for him too, so he also had to make his way back. On their way, they continued to chat about some other trivial things, before things turned somewhat silent, though it isn't particularly awkward. While they are still a good distance away from the crowds of the people, Akihiro began to speak up.

Aoi shrugged, "Well, like I've said before, choosing to study here is much more easier for me and my sis. If I've enrolled a prestigious school, I wouldn't be as comfortable as I am now. And I'm pretty sure Chiyoko would feel the same." A soft smile appeared in his face in reply to Akihiro's latter statement, "And I'm glad that I've met you and everyone here too. I'm not that amazing as they said either, because behind all the glamours I've been living in, I'm just a normal teenage boy who loves doing normal things."

However, what has taken him aback was that his friend suddenly kissed him right on his lips before waving goodbye to him. Aoi widened his eyes for a few seconds and then quietly thought why would he do that. Then he suddenly remembered that during a trip to the US last year, he saw people actually greeting and parting by kissing like that. Weird, I've never thought that he would be having a rather openly way of bidding goodbye like that.

Aoi made his way to the entrance of the square, where his sisters and Naoki were waiting for him. They casually strolled their ways back in an easy manner, though it seemed that they did attract quite some attention from the other people. It's understandable since people don't usually see the "talented and shining siblings of the Shimizu family" and the "famous head son of the prestigious Akizumi family" walking together and chatting like that on the streets every day.

Back at home, Aoi bids goodnight to her sisters before going on with his composing. He had managed to composed almost enough pieces for an album already. After all, he needed something to satisfy the public's hunger after going back to work when he graduated.

The following morning, he arrived at school and started his day just as normal like every day. Though it was a little bit weird to see that Akihiro was almost late for class, making his way into their classroom only minutes before their head teacher walked in for a homeroom session. Aoi waved to him in greeting before going back to focus on what was on that day.

I've just come back from a camping trip with my school and oh my god I was so tired that I couldn't lift my pinky finger :(


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro breathed a sigh of relief as he walked to his seat, grateful that he hadn't besmudged his 'perfect attendance record', though it'd been a pretty close call. Hotaru frowned at him and opened his mouth - surely to lecture him - but the teacher strode in and called everyone to a bow, forcing the taller boy to wait until later on. Thank you, Sensei! Pulling out his notebook and pencils, Hiro snuck a glance in Aoi's direction, looking away when their eyes met. XXX
How could he have forgotten about Aoi being engaged? And not only had he forgotten, he'd fallen in love with the guy, and even gone so far as to kiss him. Surely Aoi despised him now. After all, they weren't that close, even if Hiro had given away the location of his secret hiding place. I'm such an idiot... He spent the next few hours worrying about it, while simultaneously jotting down notes on whatever topic they were studying. He paid little attention to the morning lessons, instead doodling on his half-assed notes or staring blankly out the window, which eventually caught Hotaru's attention. XXX
"Hiro, what's wrong? You're not yourself today." Hotaru turned in his chair to face Hiro, bearing a worried expression. The lunch bell had just rang and the classroom was emptying out, leaving the two of them, Natsuki, and a couple other Orchestra club members. Hiro broke out of his daydream and turned to his friend, his expression showing for a moment nothing more than a blank glare, his lips quickly turning up into a grin. "Nothing's wrong, you're just worrying too much! Anyways, I'm gonna go practice, see you after lunch!" Speedily scooping up his bento, Hiro disappeared out the door. XXX
Hotaru watched Hiro leave, and turned to look down at the violin that had been left behind. "Something's definitely wrong." Natsuki looked at him confusedly. "Really? He looks the same as always." With an exasperated smile, Hotaru stood, picking up his own bento. "Well, I've known him a lot longer than you have, and I've only seen him act this way twice before: the first time being before he came out as homosexual, and the second time being after the accident last year. Something's definitely wrong, I just have to figure out what it is exactly. See you after lunch." XXX
Meanwhile, Hiro walked up the stairs to the orchestra room, opening the door with a spare key he'd never bothered returning to Yuki and striding over to the piano. He set his bento on a chair as he sat down on the piano bench, lifting the lid and running a hand over the ivory-colored keys. Why am I so upset over this? He's engaged, so what? Why should I care? With a scowl, Hiro slammed his fingers down on the piano keys. It wasn't hard enough to cause damage, but still hard enough for the instrument to emit a loud, unattractive jumble of notes. He continued to do this for the following five minutes. XX
He was breathing heavily when he finally stopped, his fingers red and aching, and sweat beading on his forehead. He didn't notice Hotaru's presence in the room until the worried boy spoke. "You know, taking your frustration out on the piano probably isn't the best way to deal with your feelings." Hiro sighed, not bothering to try and fake a smile. He knew his best friend wouldn't buy it. "And what would you suggest, Doctor?" He said, sarcastically. Hotaru moved to sit beside him on the piano bench and gently shut the lid over the keys. "I would suggest talking to someone about it. That way they can help you get through it, if they can. Especially when the person with the problem is Tsuno Akihiro, the master of hiding emotions." XX
Hiro groaned. It was painfully true, he was amazing at masking his true emotions behind a smile, and though he didn't often have reason to, it was awfully hard to tell when he was upset. Hotaru was the only person outside his family who could, and was arguably better at it than his parents and older brother. Which wasn't a nice thing, at least from Hiro's point of view. He knew Hotaru wouldn't leave him alone until the issue was 'properly discussed'. XX
Heaving a sigh, Hiro turned around on the bench and leaned on the piano, staring up at the ceiling. "I kissed Aoi." He'd expected some sort of sputtering reaction from his best friend, but in looking at Hotaru's face, all he got was a sad smile. "Something else must have happened. You wouldn't be this upset over a simple rejection." Damn this guy and his psychic powers. Hir frowned. "I left before he could say anything. And then I remembered what is probably the worst thing to have forgotten in a moment like that. He's engaged, Hotaru. Engaged! And I kissed him, without warning or explanation! Who does that?" "You, apparently." Hiro glared at his friend. "Hey, I was just saying! Anyways, shouldn't you just go and talk to him about it?" XX
"And say what? That I fell in love with a guy, a taken guy, and that I forgot he was engaged so I decided to kiss him even though we've only known each other for a month? No, definitely not." "Hiro, you're being unreasonable. I'm sure if you explained, it'd be perfectly fine." "Doesn't matter, because I'm not going to say anything about it. And you better not either. Promise me?" Hiro-" "Promise me?" Albeit reluctantly, Hotaru agreed not to speak of it. XX
The two ate their lunches in comfortable silence, having nothing more to talk about. It wasn't long before the bell rang. and they walked back to class in more silence, smiling to their classmates as they passed on the way to their seats. Hiro didn't so much as look in Aoi's direction, and Hotaru tried to ignore the hardly-noticeable pained expression his friend wore. The rest of the day's classes passed by slowly. Hiro didn't do much of anything, opting to stare out the window at the cars on the road or the runners on the track, focusing on everything except the lessons that were going on around him. XXX
Since the festival had taken place the night before, none of the music clubs were to meet for a while - for the orchestra, it was a week, though other clubs had a shorter break - so Hiro and Hotaru didn't linger after the final bell rang. They walked home in utter silence, and though Hotaru tried to make small talk, none of the conversations seemed to gain even the slightest bit of Hiro's interest, a scenario he'd only experienced a couple of times prior. XX
Hiro spent most of the evening doing homework and copying the notes Hotaru had written while he'd daydreaned through each of the day's classes. He tried not to worry about what Aoi now thought of him, and tried not to hate the fact he'd never be able to tell through the boy's expressions. At least if he showed obvious disgust I'd be able to know. Not knowing is just plain annoying. Hiro grimaced at the math equations before him, and while he'd usually find comfort in the complexity of the numbers, right now he just felt frustrated. Pushing the textbook off to the side, he clicked off his lamp and sighed. XXXXX
What if Hotaru's right? What if explaining it really can fix the problem? Hiro pondered the thought for a moment. Nah, I'm way too much of a coward. XXXX

Also, d'ya think perhaps we can have two or three days pass between now and whenever Aoi watches 'the romance movie that changes his life forever'? Three or so days would give enough time for him to notice Hiro's behavior. Whether or not and/or how he confronts him about it is your choice as well.


0 Characters Present

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0.00 INK

#, as written by
Holy crap, that's way longer than I thought it was!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


During the whole morning lessons, while Aoi is still focusing on what the teachers were teaching them, he couldn't help noticing that Akihiro didn't turn his back and look at him with a grin today. There one time, actually, when the shorter boy actually turned to look at him. Though when their eyes met, he quickly reverted his eyes and turned back to the board. Even though Aoi is a bit oblivious, he's not insensitive. So he could immediately sensed that something is wrong with Akihiro, though he isn't that different from every day.

Even when lunch break came, Akihiro didn't hop to his desk as usual. Aoi pondered for a short moment. What could possibly happened just in a short period of time? But then when he saw that he was grinning with his close friends and run away for practice, Aoi just shook the thought off his head. Perhaps he shouldn't be too concern about it. They aren't that close and all, anyway. If Akihiro didn't want to talk about it then Aoi doesn't have the right to poke in.

At the cafeteria, Aoi had lunch with Naoki and Chiyoko as usual. Naoki showed him a newspaper of his performance yesterday right in the first page. He raises his eyebrow at the sight a bit, "So, people have already talking about it, huh?" He remarked while quietly munching his sandwich. Naoki shrugged, "Well, taking into account of how your powerful onee-chan got eyes and ears in almost every corner of this city, I'm pretty sure your and Chiyo-chan's privacy will still be kept as good. It's really something we have to dealt with even when we've got off to spotlight, don't you think."

Aoi shrugged, "Well, it's not like I really care about it. I'm just going to smash any camera those paparazzi carried with them should they stalk on me."

Chiyoko chuckled, "Still as bold as ever, niichan."

The afternoon lesson went on peacefully, though Akihiro seemed to continue to avoid Aoi. Because usually the shorter boy would be the first one to strike up the conversation, Aoi isn't very comfortable with being the one to start it. So the whole afternoon went on without them exchanging any word with each other. After school, he stopped by the Instruments Club to have a celebration with them for their successful performances before going back with his sister.

There isn't anything interesting that had happened in the evening either. After dinner, Aoi was doing his homework when his phone suddenly rang. It was Reiko. "Hello?" He said to his fake fiancÊe.

"Hey, Aoi-kun. How are you doing?" She asked from the other side.

"Pretty well. I didn't see you yesterday at the festival. Busy?" He replied.

"I have to visit my grandparents in the countryside so it's a pity that I missed it." Reiko sighed through the phone, "Say, are you free this Friday? Wanna go to a film premiere with me?"

"Why so suddenly?"

"Well, it's a premiere of a rather anticipated film starred by Kazuto Jirohaku and Toku Shinoha, who happened to be two friends of mine. They asked me to come but I didn't want to go alone. I was thinking of Chiyoko-chan but it's 18+ so the only one I could think of was you. So, what do you say?" Reiko asked.

Stopping for a moment to think, Aoi then replied, "Sure. I'll see if I had any free time on my schedule. I'll text you later if I can go or not."

"Great. See you then, good night." Reiko said and their call stopped. Aoi then went on with his homework peacefully. Another day has passed.

Yeah, it was long indeed :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro woke up extra early the next morning, and was out the door just as the rest of his family was waking up. He sent a quick text telling Hotaru not to wait for him, and sped off toward the school, taking only a few slow seconds to park his bicycle before racing up the stairs to the orchestra club room. XX
For the next three or so hours, Hiro spent his time finishing his notes and practicing music, though he ended up switching between his violin and the piano several times. Yuki came in around seven-thirty to put away some paperwork, and stayed only to point out how horribly messy his handwriting was before leaving. He then gathered his things and closed the piano lid, gripping his violin case tightly as he headed to class. Most of his classmates were already there, and Hiro gave them a usual grin as he greeted them, walking past Aoi's desk without a word as he joined the conversation. He could see Hotaru staring at him in his peripheral vision and promptly ignored it. The teacher walked in, the lesson started. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. XX
True to his word, Hiro never did speak to Aoi about what had happened during the festival. In fact, he never spoke to Aoi at all, not even in a sideways glance. Hotaru didn't say a thing about it either, and neglected to bring it up, not wanting to make Hiro any more upset. Hotaru was also the only one who noticed that Hiro was different. If anyone else did, they surely didn't show it. During lunch, Hiro, Hotaru, Natsuki and Yuki flocked to the roof to practice. XX
They ended up discussing the solos for their next performance. Apparently their main title for the tournament required both a duet and a solo of some sort. There had to be three different musicians and three different instruments, so as to create a bit of 'variety', and it had been quite a pain when it came to choosing a song to play, but they'd finally agreed on one. It was an undiscussed fact that Hiro would end up with one of the solos, by choice or not. XXX
"I was actually thinking that Hiro could be part of the duet. " Yuki said. Hiro and Hotaru both were irked by her sinister smirk. "And, since we have to have an instrument that goes well with a violin, why not have it be you and Aoi-kun? " "No, I don't want to play with him." Hotaru tensed. "Eh? I thought you were enamored by him." Yuki's smirk returning, and Hiro frowned. "Or are you just nervous about being too close to your crush? I think its better if-" "I said no, okay?! Stop being so pushy all the time!" Hiro ignored the surprised and concerned looks his friends gave him as he stormed off, red in the face an decently pissed off. Instead of going the piano, however, he took a seat on the cold tile staircase and fumed in silence. XXX
The bell rang not long after that, and Hiro headed back to class, smiling to those who spoke to him but not saying anything himself. Hotaru and Natsuki came in moments later, and neither said a word to him, though they both looked worried. Hiro ignored them and stared out the window, lightly tapping his pencil on the desk as a nervous tick. The next few classes passed by the same as usual. Hiro was noticeably more aggressive during the game of soccer the class played during gym, but no one spoke up about it, so he assumed they either didn't notice or - the more likely case - couldn't care less. XXX
Hiro arrived at school early again the next day, wanting to avoid his best friend's worried lectures for as long as he could. This time he didn't have any homework or notes to complete, and for once in his life he didn't have the motivation to practice, so he simply lay on the roof staring at the clouds and waiting for the bell to ring. Am I overreacting to all this? I'm probably overreacting. Sitting up, Hiro sighed in annoyance. I'm definitely overreacting. The bell rang overhead and Hiro stood up, grabbing his things and heading to class. Well, its not like there's anything I can do, so I guess it doesn't matter. XXX

Since I modeled Hiro's personality after mine, he's basically the type of person who constantly has very bad mood swings, but no one ever notices them because he's so good at masking his emotions. Except for those who've either known him since childhood, - Hotaru - or are really good observers - Aoi.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The next morning soon approaches as Aoi had seemingly woke up along with the first lights of dawn, as usual. After having some morning exercises and took a thorough bath, he headed downstairs. It was still early so his sisters didn't seem to have woken up yet. Because their mansion's chef had to taken a day off that day, Aoi was the one to make breakfast instead. Even though it was just breakfast, he still managed to make some decent foods with whatever he could find in the refrigerator.

After having breakfast, Aoi and Chiyoko set off to their school as usual while Kaori prepared to head for the company. Another busy day has begun for all of them. At class, things seemed to went on normally. However, Akihiro didn't seem to be any different from yesterday. And it is visibly clear that he was avoiding Aoi. He still smiled and chatted normally with other people, but there's definitely something off about him. Aoi had decided to ask him directly about it, but there are a lot of things getting in his way today, so he didn't have a chance.

When school's sessions have finished, Aoi stopped by the room of the Orchestra Club to meet up with Yuki about the plans of their upcoming solo tournament. And of course, the topic of Akihiro being rather odd was brought up. The club president has asked him whether he can personally come and ask his classmate about what has happened. As he turned his back and head for the door, he replied that it's what he's going to do. When it comes to straightforwardness, there's probably no one in Japan that can beat him.

And the following day, after another morning session of being avoided by Akihiro, he quickly grabbed Akihiro by his arm before the shorter boy could manage to disappeared, in the same manner as he did when he was confronting Hanji the other day. Apparently it has surprised both Akihiro and their classmates, "Akihiro-san. Come here with me for a few moment. There's something I want to ask you."

Leaving no rooms for Akihiro to make up excuses, Aoi led both of them through the hallway to the Instrument Club's room. The other members have gone out for lunch now, so there are no one in the room. He sat down at the piano of the club and began to play a song. Although he isn't performing on stage right now, his performance is still charming and charismatic. The melody from the song was enchanting, emitting off a nostalgic, yet graceful feeling of it. It was something that all of the pieces that he had composed share.

When he finished with the song, Aoi closed the cover of the piano, while speaking up with his usual calm tone, "I called this song 1 Billion Lightyear of Distance. It is going to be one of the main pieces that I have composed for my upcoming album and so far I haven't played it to anyone yet, even my sisters and the members of the Instrument Club. Which also means, I'm asking you to be my very first reviewer. Not too much of a big task, huh?"

Then, he stood up and crossed his arms, "And there's another thing. I figure that you've already known how I really dislike meandering, so I'm going straight to the point. Is there any reason why you've been avoiding me the past few days? Have I done something that offended you? If there's anything that you're having a hard time dealing with, of course I will help you however I can. Or, if you don't want us to be friends anymore, it's not a problem either. But what I needed to know is why you've been acting strange like that. Not just for me, but for your friends' sake as well."

Aoi knows that he's being painfully blunt. But that is just how he always works. If people can't honestly say what is it that burdens their minds, then nothing is going to be solved.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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Hiro made an effort to take notes, unlike the previous two days, and managed to get down at least one page full for each of the morning classes, though he still didn't comprehend any of the material. When the lunch bell rang, he gathered his things quickly and nearly made it out the door before he felt someone's hand wrap around his arm. His stomach did flips when he realized it was Aoi holding him. "Akihiro-san. Come here with me for a few moment. There's something I want to ask you." Hiro didn't know what to say. Apparently a response wasn't necessary, since two seconds later he was being led through the school by a warm hand holding tight around his wrist. Aoi didn't let go until they were in the Instruments club, which was empty. XX
Neither of them said a word, and Hiro felt more awkward than he'd felt in years. He watched with curiosity - and slight confusion - as Aoi took a seat at the piano and began to play. The song was calm and beautiful, and Hiro felt himself becoming entranced by the way Aoi's fingers moved over the keys, for just a moment forgetting that he didn't want to be there. He watched the pianist closely, and continued to stare at him even after the song had ended. XX
Hiro was snapped out of his trance when Aoi spoke, and he immediately straightened, turning his gaze to the floor instead of his attractive classmate. He was surprised in hearing Aoi's words, and clearly showed it. He wanted me to be his first opinion? Hiro felt the slightest bit intimidated as Aoi stood, arms crossed over his chest and a blank stare as his only expression. "And there's another thing. I figure that you've already known how I really dislike meandering, so I'm going straight to the point. Is there any reason why you've been avoiding me the past few days? Have I done something that offended you? If there's anything that you're having a hard time dealing with, of course I will help you however I can. Or, if you don't want us to be friends anymore, it's not a problem either. But what I needed to know is why you've been acting strange like that. Not just for me, but for your friends' sake as well." Now more confused than ever, Hiro swallowed the lump in his throat and simply stared blankly at Aoi while his mind raced with silent thoughts. XX
Wait, he doesn't know? Did he forget about the kiss or something? He didn't even bring it up, and he doesn't look like he's just avoiding the topic... Going against his better judgement and his conscience, Hiro decided to take the opportunity he'd been given and pretend that the kiss had never happened. XXX
"Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with you." Hiro gave an awkward half-smile. "I get mood swings sometimes, and I was avoiding you to try and keep from snapping at you or something like that. I can't really control myself as easily around people I'm really close to, so..." Rubbing the back of his head with his hand, Hiro prayed to whatever God he could think of that what he was saying was believable. It was really only a half-lie, too, which made it easier to stand by, but unfortunately he couldn't control whether or not Aoi actually believed his excuse. Hiro couldn't even fully believe it himself. XXX
With a bigger, genuine smile, Hiro placed his hands on his hips and stood a bit taller. "Well, now that you know, I guess there's no reason for me to avoid you anymore, right? So why don't we eat together?" Without waiting for an answer, Hiro picked up the bento he'd been carrying with him before he was 'kidnapped' and plopped down on the piano bench, patting the bench beside him with a playful grin. Even if its a lie, its a lie that fixed my problem. XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi listened to what Akihiro stated with his calm demeanor as always, but he can clearly see that whatever his classmate has said wasn't completely genuine, taking into consideration of how his friends were worried for him that much. But it seemed that there isn't going to be any problem from now on. He was indeed someone with the mood that can go up and down in a rather abnormal pace. From observing and hanging out with him for the past few month, Aoi could at least have known that much.

When Akihiro offered to them to eat lunch together, Aoi shook his head, "I'd love to, but I've promised the guys in the Instruments Club to have lunch with them since they're up to something. I guess. That, and if you can send me some review of my song, I'd pretty much appreciate it. I can send you an MP3 file if you need it."

Then, suddenly, Aoi leaned closer and to Akihiro's face and kisses him on his cheek. If Akihiro has such a style of greeting and goodbye, then Aoi might just as well do the same. There isn't a problem to it, right? "I'll see you again in class then." Aoi said then turned his back and make his leave through the door to the school garden, where his club's members are waiting for him.

The afternoon session went on without any further problem. Things seemed to have gone back to normal and Akihiro had probably gotten over his mood swinging. When school is finished, Akihiro's friends gathered in front of him and asked what had he done, but he just shrugged and replied that "it's nothing."

Little did he know that he misunderstandings are piling on one another...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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Hiro was a little bit disappointed that Aoi couldn't stay, but he grinned anyways. "Tomorrow, then! And I'll write out a full review tonight, detailed and specific~" Hiro expected Aoi to leave with nothing but a wave, as usual, and was caught completely off guard as the blue-haired leaned down to kiss his cheek. His face grew red and he just stared at his friend. "I'll see you again in class then." "Yeah..." Watching his friend leave, Hiro lifted his hands up to touch his cheek, which was now hot and flushed. ...I am so confused right now...but I guess its not a bad confusion. With another cheeky grin, Hiro finished his lunch in comfortable silence, watching the Instruments Club through the window and hurrying back to the classroom when once bell rang. XX
Hotaru was the first to acknowledge him. "So? What did he say?" Hiro simply grinned - a genuine, happy smile - and took his seat. The teacher came in soon after, giving Hotaru no time to protest, and Hiro couldn't care less. The afternoon lessons passed by quickly, and Hiro found himself able to focus again, now that he wasn't worrying so much. Hotaru didn't say anything about his frustration the day before, but Hiro could tell he was relieved. XXX
When the last bell rang, Hiro was the first to rise, eager to get through classroom cleanup. The ritual took half as much time as usual due to his enthusiasm, and he hopped over to Aoi with a wide grin, bag and violin in tow. "Yuki wants us to play a duet during the tournament, so I think it'd be a good idea if we practice playing together a bit more. And I know you have Instrument Club today, so if you want to practice afterward, I'll still be here!" Giggling to himself, Hiro waved goodbye to Aoi and walked off down the hall, Hotaru running to catch up with a rather amused expression on his face. XX
Hotaru split off from his friend as they reached the stairs, and Hiro headed up to the Orchestra club room, setting his violin case down on top of the piano. So if he's engaged, why did he kiss me? Hiro pondered over the question for a minute or two before shrugging it off and starting on his homework, finishing nearly all of it before he grew bored of numbers and vocabulary. He then turned to his violin. Since no one else was on the top floor, he didn't worry about disturbing any of the other clubs, especially since his playing was far quieter than whenever the entire Orchestra club practiced together. XX
After playing several songs on his violin and messing around a bit on the piano, Hiro took a seat at one of the desks and watched the setting sun through the open window. There was just enough of a breeze to make the curtains sway, and Hiro laughed as he imagined the sakura petals flying around in a ridiculous anime cliche. A minute later, he was fast asleep, hair no longer straight up due to a day of movement and the smallest bit of drool making its way onto the wood of the desk. In his dreams, all he could see were fireworks and a hundred different shades of blue, piano melodies filling his ears. XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


As the classes went on, things seemed to have turned back to how they normally are. Akihiro have started to turned back and grinned with him as usual and the shorter boys seemed to have been more relaxed around everyone now that they have talked about whatever that has happened. Though Aoi could hardly believe that whatever Akihiro has said is entirely the truth, but he didn't let it concern him too much, anyway.

When the lessons have finished, Aoi packed up his stuff and was about to head for the Instrument Club since they have some rehearsal today. Akihiro hopped to him after having finished with the duty and told him that they were chosen for the duet at the upcoming tournament, in which he nodded. "Sure, I'll stop by." And as they walked out of the classroom, they both parted in their own ways.

Aoi stopped by the school entrance to get the sweets that he had told his driver to bring along. Though the members are shy at first because he keeps spoiling them, he just shrugged it off because it's the least he could do. And eventually, they got used to it and once a week he would asked his driver to bring some cakes from home and they all can enjoy them over some cups of tea. Well, Aoi is pretty sure that Kaori would be please to get rid of them though because the kitchen are beginning to be filled with fancy cakes or sweets of all types.

When everyone has gathered, they began their usual rehearsing. Everyone would play their own instruments and Aoi would tell them what they should do to improve. It was a lucky thing that he knows how to play half of the instruments the other members play. He had also learnt a couple of things from them too though he didn't particularly show it. They all were talented and it was nice knowing that they can all learn from each other.

After finishing with every activity, the members bid farewell as they all headed back to their homes, while Aoi made his way to the Orchestra Club room on the roof. When he had arrived, the first thing he saw was Akihiro sleeping peacefully on the table he was sitting at. Gently nudging the boy to wake him up, Aoi said, "I'm finished. Shall we get to practice then?"

And so, they both get down to practice as they play the songs that they were assigned to play as duet. Though they didn't say anything much to each other, focusing only to what they were playing. After a couple of songs, Aoi told his friend to take a break, "I brought along some sweets. Do you want to have some?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


When Hiro opened his eyes again, Aoi was standing above him, slightly blurry until his eyes adjusted from their half-asleep state. "I'm finished. Shall we get to practice then?" Hiro smiled to Aoi and nods, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand, and moves to fetch his violin from its case. He takes a moment to admire it - the sleek white wood, the tiny black details painted onto the front and sides, the strong silver strings and delicate horsehairs of his bow - before he lifts it to his chin and waits patiently for the sound of the piano to guide him. And the song begins, music flowing out the open window. XX
They played for nearly an hour, stopping every once in a while to discuss pitches or speed of the notes. Most parts of the songs came easy, and a few they had to replay a few times. Both Hiro and Aoi were quick learners so it wasn't that big of a deal. One of the songs, a classical version of the song 'Blue Dasher', actually caused a few strings on Hiro's bow to snap from how vigorously he was playing, though they were also rather worn anyways. XXX
After about an hour had passed, Aoi proposed that they take a break. It was now dark out, and it was doubtful that anyone else was still in the school, as most clubs had already ended. Hiro didn't mind. It definitely wasn't the first time he'd stayed late to practice, he ended up staying late a lot before performances since he couldn't play in his house without bothering the rest of the neighborhood. And judging by the fact that he hadn't made any indications of wanting to leave, Aoi didn't seem to mind it either. "I brought along some sweets. Do you want to have some?" Hiro nodded with a grin. XXX
Carefully returning his violin to its case, Hiro gladly took a chocolate eclair from the box and took a seat by the still-open window. The breeze was colder than it had been earlier, but it wasn't that bad, and Hiro enjoyed that he could see the stars from where he sat. "Y'know, you can't see the stars like this in the city. There's too much light, so they don't stand out enough. Here we don't have more than a couple street lamps every few blocks, so the stars are really easy to see, especially from places like the treehouse or that hill you took me to~" Hiro smiled as he spoke, admiring the constellations. XX
Hiro then pulled a package of horsehairs and a pair of scissors from his bag - how he could fit such random things into it, no one knew - and began to replace the broken strings on his bow. His hair hung over his face as he worked, the gel having come out after a full day, and he chatted animatedly with Aoi about the songs they were to play and how well their instruments blended. "The only other person I've ever done a duet with before was Hotaru, when we were in seventh grade. He got stage-fright in the middle of the performance and almost threw up on stage, it was pretty hilarious~ Actually, now that I think of it, that doesn't even really count as a duet since we never ended up actually playing the song..." Hiro couldn't help but laugh at the memory. XX
Once he'd finished repairing it, Hiro returned the bow to its case and the supplies to his bag, letting out a sigh. He leaned back in his chair in a precarious manner, and continued to chat with Aoi. He didn't pause in his stories until his phone lit up, jingling merrily. "Eh?" Picking up the phone, Hiro recognized his brother's picture on the front, and frowned slightly before answering. Akihiko scolded him for forgetting about their pre-planned video game marathon and demanded to know what had taken up his evening. Hiro hung up without another word, and returned to his conversation with a smile. XX
It was nearly nine pm by the time they finally left the school. Hiro waved dramatically as Aoi's car drove away down the dimly lit road, and turned his bicycle to ride off in the opposite direction. Despite how bad he'd felt only just that morning, now he couldn't help but smile, as happy as he could be. XXX

That first paragraph is so ridiculously picturesque, I didn't even realize how into the wording I was until I was proofreading my post after finishing it, heh!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After spending the whole afternoon and probably most of the evening with Akihiro, Aoi bid goodbye to his friend as he head on the limousine that took him home. It was almost 9:00 PM already. He didn't know what his sisters would said when he's gotten back. He had told them beforehand, but he didn't think that they would be hanging out with each other that long. Not that he really minded, though. Somehow, he felt rather comfortable and somewhat... contented, whenever he hung out with the younger boy. Something that felt a lot different when compared with other people he's acquainted with.

Suddenly, his phone was ringing. Taking it out, Aoi saw that it was Chiyoko. Wiped the screen to take the call, Aoi spoke up, "What's up, Chiyo-chan?"

"I didn't think you'd be hanging out with Akihiro-san that long, did something happen?" Chiyoko said, though her tone was somewhat mischievous.

"Nothing much, really. We're just playing music together and have some sweets. And a lot of talking, I guess." Aoi replied.

"Ooh, nii-chan had already got someone else whom he can confided already, that's sweet." Chiyoko chuckled, "Anyway, Reiko-san stopped by earlier for dinner. She had already left but she reminded me to tell you not to be late for tomorrow's premiere. Aw ~ I'm so jealous, I've been dying just to watch that film ~ I also wanted to meet Kazuto-senpai too ~"

"Well, I'll be sure to retell in full details for you when I came back tomorrow. Figures these kinds of genre really did make girls like you fawning, huh?"

"Tell me about it." Chiyoko grinned.

As the limousine took Aoi back to his mansion, the night went on peacefully and another long day has passed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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When Hiro arrived home, his parents were already asleep, having been worked especially hard with a swarm of deliveries. Akki and Sachiko were cuddled together on the couch watching a romance film. "Ah, Hiro, welcome home!" Sachiko said, jumping up to run over and hug him. "Akki said you weren't feeling good this morning, did something happen during the festival? You didn't have a hangover or anything right?" "No, nothing like that! I just had some trouble with a friend, but its resolved now!" They were unconvinced, and so he explained the situation to them, leaving nothing out. XX
After the story had been told, Akki and Sachiko made a big deal out of congratulating Hiro for being the first person 'to make a move', and he almost worried that they'd wake up his parents. The three chatted a bit more about it - "So, are you dating or what?" - before Hiro bid them goodnight and headed to his room. He spent the next twenty-or-so minutes finishing what was left of his homework and daydreaming about Aoi kissing his cheek. Once he'd finished his work, he was still wide awake, so he went back downstairs to watch the movie his siblings had neglected in favor of sleeping. XXX
All three of them ended up sleeping on the couch in the sitting room (or, in Hiro's case, on the rug in front of it). Sachiko remained asleep on the couch, even as Hiro left for school the next morning, letting out surprisingly loud snores every ten seconds. Hotaru was waiting outside the house when Hiro left. "You know, you still haven't explained what happened between you and Aoi yesterday. I expect full details." Groaning at his friend, Hiro pushed his bike besides him as he relayed the previous day's events. The story was short, though Hotaru made a big show of laughing at the situation. XX
"Ha! So you kissed him, regretted it for a full day, then he kissed you and now you can't even tell whether or not you guys are dating? This is by far your best story!" "Well I'm glad I entertain you." Hiro huffed, speeding off ahead. The topic was dropped and they arrived at the school not long after. "I would appreciate that you come up with a different story to tell Yuki. I'd rather not have her spreading the whole thing around until after I've got it all figured out. 'Kay?" "Sure. Just don't expect her to believe me!" With that, they both parked their bikes and joined Natsuki, heading towards class. XX
This time, Hiro waved as dramatically as possible as Aoi entered, immediately hopping over to his classmate's desk and sparking a conversation. It was as if nothing had really happened, and in his mind, nothing had. He was perfectly fine with forgetting the ordeal forever. "About that song you played for me yesterday, I wrote a full two pages of commentary and pointers!" With a grin, Hiro handed over the papers and went to chat more, reluctantly returning to his seat as the teacher walked in seconds later. Well, at least I'm not avoiding him like the plague anymore. That was heart-wrenching... XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


When Aoi made it back to his mansion, Kaori had already retreated back to her room to rest for the night already,but Chiyoko is still sitting at the couch while focusing on her iPad, seemingly waiting for her brother to return. The moment Aoi stepped into the estate, he was immediately greeted with the question of "how fun was it?". Well, Aoi's and Akihiro's going-to-be relationship has been pretty obvious for almost everyone at their school already. Even the fujoshi club is about to crown them the best couple of the year only serve to tell how popular they are.

Well, except for a certain of main character who's still being painfully oblivious.

The next morning, Aoi had gotten up early to make two bentos for himself and Chiyoko. He's fine with eating at the cafeteria, but bringing something homemade for lunch doesn't sound like a bad idea for a change either. He had made a rather cute version for his sister and a simpler version for himself, but both turned out to be glamorous.

Chiyoko was thrilled the moment she received her lunch, "The girls in my class are gonna be so jealous with my nii-chan's awesomeness." She said as both of them headed for the limousine.

When Aoi arrived at his classroom, Akihiro waved to him in a dramatic manner as usual. Looks like everything still turned out to be fine since yesterday, even though he still didn't understand the reason why his classmate was having a mood swing like that. Later, the shorter boy hopped to his desk and gave him the two pages of commentary. "Thanks, I will look at it more careful when I get home." He said and received them from Akihiro.

The morning lessons soon passed with nothing happened, except for the remind of the teachers that finals of the third semester are almost here and they should focus entirely on their studies. After the exams, they will have to decide whether to continue pursue higher education or to find a job. Aoi had been thinking about enrolling an economic institute, however he must return to his line of work that he had dropped almost a year ago so he needed to consult it with his manager first, but that is not his main concern at the moment.

As the bell rang, signaling the lunch break, Aoi sat casually at his desk to enjoy his bento. Some of the girls joined him and expressed their admiration at how good he is at cooking, going even as far to claim that Reiko is a lucky woman. He conversed with them in quite a relaxed manner, quite contrasted with how distant he was when he enrolled. Now he can speak and coverse with anyone at school without feeling discomforted.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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Hiro, for probably the first time in his life, actually managed to doze off during first period, head leaning on the half-open window to his left. No one bothered to wake him up. While he was stuck in the dreamworld, music surrounded him - unsurprisingly - and he recognized the different instruments and playing styles. Aoi's piano and his own violin were the most prominent sounds, but he could also hear the low boom of Hotaru's double bass and the light trills of Yuki's harp. When he woke up all he could think of was that he might be a bit too obsessed with music if it was taking over his dreams. XXX
Looking around, Hiro noticed that it was already fourth period, with only ten or so minutes before lunch period. ...did I really fall asleep? That's a first... Sitting upright in his chair, Hiro quietly fished his notebook from his bag and started to take notes. Most of them ended up as doodles rather than notes, but he didn't really care, since he usually just copied Hotaru's anyway. The next ten minutes passed in a flash and then the bell was ringing, their fourth period teaching taking the opportunity to flee from the room of bored students and everyone else still in the classroom going about their usual business. XX
"So you really managed to fall asleep in class? I honestly thought I'd never get to see it happen." Natsuki teased, smirking slightly. "Oh come on, there are plenty of people who've never slept through class. I know for a fact that Yuki hasn't, and I doubt Aoi has either. Not everyone can be like you and sleep through every class without failing every subject. How do you not fail, anyways?" "I copy off you and Hotaru~" "Ah, that makes sense." XXXX
Hotaru then popped into the conversation, turning around in his chair and leaning his elbows on Hiro's desk as he complained about the two always needing to copy off of his notes and homework. "You may be opposed to it, but we'd both fail if you didn't let us, and that'd just be more of a pain on your side, having to put up with us teenagers after you've already graduated~" Hiro and Natsuki laughed teasingly and Hotaru simply sighed, saying nothing in favor of eating his lunch. The three continued to chat about less 'annoying' topics, most concerning the concert or the other members of the orchestra. XX
Hiro looked over toward Aoi's desk - absolutely bored with the conversation they were having, which he thought was about which polishing oils were the best quality for the cheapest price - and was surprised to find that quite a few of the girls from their class were gathered around him, chatting about who-knows-what. From what he could see, they seemed to be praising his cooking or something of the sort, and Hiro overheard Reiko's name being mentioned. The idea of them talking about Aoi's fiance made Hiro feel a little bit jealous, but he made no move to do anything about it, instead moving his attention back to the now-escalated argument between Hotaru and Natsuki. "ThTsuno Music Store's polishing oil is the best, in case you didn't know~" XX
Not wanting to interrupt the horde of girls surrounding his crush, Hiro remained stuck in the boring everyday chitchat between his two close friends, adding an opinion here and there but mostly focusing on eating his lunch very, very slowly. Eventually the bell rang again and everyone came wandering back into the classroom, their fifth period teacher showing up not long after and the lesson commencing. Hiro was intrigued by the information to a certain extent, and managed to get down at least half a page of real notes - though the rest of it was covered in doodles and tiny music scores. XXXX
The entire class let out a collective sigh as the last bell of the day rang throughout the room, releasing them all to their respective club activities. Hiro immediately hopped out of his chair, shoving his things unceremoniously into his bag and grinned widely, heading toward the door without any prompting. "Hiro, please stop rushing all the time, you're going to knock someone over again!" Hotaru fretted, and Hiro ignored him, moving to Aoi's desk with a bright smile. "Hey, my onee-san's band is having a concert at the park in an hour, do you wanna come see it with us? Hotaru, Natsuki, Yuki, and Minori are coming too, and the music is pretty chill, so I think you'd enjoy it. We're leaving right now, so you better hurry if you're interested!" XX

I decided Yuki would play the harp with absolutely no reasoning. She just needed an instrument and I didn't want anyone to play the same one, so...harp...also I suddenly decided that Sachiko is a music major in college and is the vocalist/guitarist of her own band? Akihiko is in it too but he doesn't play an instrument, he just does all the sound/mixtape-ish stuff (help I have no idea what I'm talking about). Hiro knows all their songs by heart~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi was chatting with the girls in his class until the lunch break is finished. Then, for the rest of the afternoon's lessons, he paid attention only to what the teachers were saying and taking notes diligently. Except for a couple of times when Akihiro turned back and grinned at him, as usual, things seemed to went on naturally though. At least for now, Aoi was glad that things are back to the way it was. Which was a good thing, he guessed?

As the bell rang, everyone gathered their stuffs and slowly made their ways out of the classroom. It's still a couple of hours away until his meeting with Reiko at the film's premiere so he probably should just hang out with the members of the Instruments club. At least it was what he was planning, until Akihiro hopped to his table and invited him to a performance of his sister's band. "Sure, I'm free at the moment so I'll come along."

When they made their ways out of the school entrance, Naoki also tagged along. As the group made their ways towards the park, Aoi was occupied with talking with the others, while Naoki pulled Akihiro as they walked behind the others. "So? How far had you two got?" He grinned then patted the younger boy's back, "Lemme tell you what. Aoi might be a smart guy, but he's really oblivious when it comes to these kinds of stuff. What you need to do is keep attacking him and he'll fall for you, sooner or later. I'll wait for your news, 'kay?" He winked.

So I watched Gensou to Hai no Grimgar yesterday and I think the concept of being trapped in a game, or another world sounds cool, what am I doing with my life LOL


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Sure, I'm free at the moment so I'll come along." Hiro grinned wider at Aoi's response, and hopped out of the room excitedly, the rest of the group following behind him. The first conversation topic that arose - unsurprisingly - was about music, specifically about the upcoming orchestra concert. What else could you expect from a group of devoted musicians? Aoi was accepted into the conversation with ease and everyone enjoyed his input and opinions, especially Hiro, who silently hung onto his classmate's every word. Hotaru noticed, but dared not mention it for fear of the consequences. XXXX
Feeling a tug on his sleeve, Hiro slowed a bit to walk behind the rest of the group as Naoki smiled down at him. "So? How far had you two got?" Well I kissed him and he kissed me, does that count? "Lemme tell you what. Aoi might be a smart guy, but he's really oblivious when it comes to these kinds of stuff. What you need to do is keep attacking him and he'll fall for you, sooner or later. I'll wait for your news, 'kay?" "Mkay!" XXXX
Idle chatter continued to shift between various conversation topics before the group finally made it to the park, where a small crowd had gathered. Sachiko's band - which consisted of only four other members, one of which being Akihiko - was situated at the top of the short staircase that led up to the park fountain, and Hiro waved dramatic to his brother and sister-in-law. "Ah, Hiro!" Waving back, Sachiko hopped down the steps and over to the group with a grin, ruffling Hiro's hair and causing it to fall out of its slicked-back state. "What a great lil' brother, bringing his friends to watch his nee-san's performance! Thanks for coming, you guys, I hope you came along by choice and not by getting dragged all the way here by Hiro~" XX
"Nah, I'd never make them come if they didn't want to!" "You dragged me to her last concert by force." Hotaru spoke up, ignoring Hiro's glare and shrugging. "What? Its true!" Minori, Yuki, and Naoki watched in amusement, growing especially entertained when Akki showed up and the two Tsuno brothers started arguing over something or other - no one knew, no one cared - before getting scolded by Sachiko. The entire exchange seemed like something straight out of a slice-of-life anime, but it was over as soon as it had started. And, about fifteen minutes later, the concert finally started. XXXXX
The first few songs the band played were upbeat, but in a much calmer way when compared to most modern pop songs. As the concert went on, the songs gradually became more mellow and slow-paced, until the entire crowd was completely silent. Hiro spent the duration of the concert with his eyes closed, drifting off into a daydream as he hummed along, each song already memorized. When the final song came to an end, he pouted slightly, but grinned anyways and opened his eyes, joining in on the applause. Sachiko thanked everyone for coming and waved as the crowd slowly dispersed. XXX
Turning to Aoi, Hiro nudged his arm with a bright smile. "Told'ya it'd be pretty chill, didn't I?" He said teasingly, running off to gush about the performance to his older siblings and leaving Hotaru to complain about 'not being a good host'. Minori and Yuki took their leave, explaining that they had cram school classes to get to, and Natsuki ran off to gush with Hiro while Hotaru attempted to strike up a conversation with Aoi and Naoki. Hiro and Natsuki returned about five minutes later. "They have to go help out at the family store, so they're leaving now. What do you guys wanna do with the rest of the evening?" XX

Oh my gosh, the animation for that show is my favorite! The lack of explanation really frustrated me though, they left me so many unanswered questions. And as far as what you're doing with your life goes, well I'd say writing about cheesy romance is something to be proud of, though that's just my opinion~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The group engaged in different topics to keep their conversation going as they made their ways to the park where Sachiko - Akihiro's sister and her band will perform. Aoi also joined in and have quite a pleasant talk with his friends. Other than Akihiro and Naoki, he's confident now that he can converse with other people now. It wasn't long before their group reached the park. The concert seemed to have attracted quite some attention as there are quite many people coming here to enjoy the show. Aoi finds it amazing how Akihiro's family can be so passion with music.

When they've reached the entrance of the park, Sachiko came forth and greeted them before their performance. Though their happy get-together seemed to be short-lived when Akihiro's brother appeared and the two engaged in a brotherly fist-fight again. That never seized to amuse the others as they all burst out laughing. Aoi, in a lesser extent, also chuckling a bit when he observe the scene.

The show finally begins as everyone sat at their own seats. It has the vibe of the performances back at the festival, but unique in its own way. Everyone seemed to be captivated by their performances and when the show is finished, the whole crowd of spectators are overwhelmed with applause. Aoi was quite impressed by how passionate the band's spirit is. Though it wasn't surprising since Sachiko and Akihiko were relatives of Akihiro, after all.

After the show, the crowd dispersed after Sachiko waved to them. When Akihiro nudged him and remark how chill it was, in which Aoi nodded with a smile, "Yeah, it was quite fun." Soon after that, their group also took their leave one by one as they all have their own businesses to take care of. When it was only Akihiro with Naoki and Aoi left, the younger boy asked if they wanted to do anything for the night.

"Ah, that's right. I almost forgot." Naoki took his phone out to check the time, "There's still two hours away so we'd better go back to prepare."

Aoi nodded before turning to Akihiro, "We're sorry but tonight we're occupied. I hope we could bring you along but it's invited only. So, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then."

As both of them bid farewell to Akihiro, they headed back to their mansions. Aoi then got a shower as well as changing into a more formal attire for the premiere. Aoi will stop by Reiko's and Naoki's places first as he'd promised to tag them along. The premiere will take place Mediage Theater. Though it has been quite a while since he last appeared somewhere with the presences of journalists and flashing lights and no doubt newspapers will have his face in the first page tomorrow. But that shouldn't be too much of a problem.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"We're sorry but tonight we're occupied. I hope we could bring you along but it's invited only. So, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then." Hiro refused to let his disappointment show, and instead grinned even wider. "Aw, that's okay! Enjoy your event then~" Hopping off toward his siblings, Hiro turned on his heel to wave. "See ya tomorrow!" He watched Aoi and Naoki leave, his eyes not moving from their backs until the two boys were out of sight. Hiro then sighed and stretched tiredly before hurrying over to Sachiko and his brother, offering to help them pack up their instruments and tech equipment. XX
The three all decided to head back together, chatting animatedly in the cramped bench seat of Akki's borrowed store truck. Once they'd returned to the store, he helped unload and put away all the equipment. "So, Hiro, how're things with that star-crossed-lover of yours?" Sachiko smirked, crossing her legs over each other where they leaned on Akki's lap. With a grin, Hiro turned to his sister-in-law and narrowed his eyes. "That's none of your business. But if you really must know, I can tell you that it isn't going particularly bad~" His response triggered an hour full of unabashed nagging, both from Sachiko and his mother. Akihiko watched in amusement, and their father said nothing, either not wanting to get involved or simply not caring. XXXX
Hiro managed to finish all of his homework without getting overly bored, and spent the next two hours performing duets with Sachiko on the acoustic guitar. When it was time for dinner, the family returned to the house and cooked together - well, Sachiko and Akihiko cooked while Hiro was nagged even more by his mother. The conversation was (thankfully) turned towards other subjects as they ate, though it eventually got to the topic of the Orchestra club's upcoming concert and unfortunately ended up on his and Aoi's supposed duet. Hiro ignored his family as they pressed for more details. XX
After the meal, Hiro headed up to his bedroom and flopped onto his futon, causing some of the papers scattered around him to flutter slightly. His room really was a mess. He had hardly any wall space, as every inch of them were occupied by either over-stuffed bookshelves, the door, or the window. The low-sitting desk that sat under said window was covered in music scores and open books, pencils and crumpled pieces of paper scattered among them. Notes, doodles, and music sheets covered every inch of the floor surrounding his futon, leaving close to no space to even step. It was a catastrophe. XXX
Flicking on the tiny antique television that sat on one of his shelves, Hiro found the news channel and changed into his pyjamas while he waited for reports of something interesting. Sure enough, only a minute passed before a reporter with too much makeup was talking hurriedly about a movie premiere, which was apparently being attended by 'the famous Shimizu Aoi and his fiance Morioka Reiko'. Staring at the screen, Hiro blew his bangs out of his face and watched intently as the shaky camera followed the couple, who were walking arm in arm down the carpeted path into the theater. XXX
Well what did you expect? They're engaged, of course they're gonna go do things together. That's what people do when they're in love. Frowning slightly, Hiro pulled his comforter around him and sighed. But if he's in love with her, then why did he kiss me? Hiro groaned loudly in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. It was all so confusing, unrecognizable. Nothing seemed to make sense in this situation and it made him want to scream. Hiro thought back to Naoki's words from that afternoon. ' He's really oblivious when it comes to these kinds of stuff. ' What the hell is that supposed to mean? XX
Turning off the television, Hiro curled up beneath his covers and contemplated these questions, eventually falling asleep. The next morning he was awake as bright and early as always, and left the house early for the third time that week. He spent the two hours before first period plucking at the strings of his violin, silently wondering if Aoi really hadn't realized his feelings. Nah, he's a genius! And its not like I'm that hard to figure out...right? XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After finished taking a shower, Aoi got dressed in a white suit. It has been quite a while since the last time he got to dress in such a formal attire. Aside from when he performs, he also appears in some events like this film premiere. The three of them also have quite a close relationship with other celebrities in the country too. Appearing in the public after almost a year living undercover isn't too bad though. He was about to graduate anyway so it's not a problem trying to get the attention back slowly from now.

As he made his way downstairs, Chiyoko was sitting on their couch. "Hey, nii-chan. You're going to head to that film premiere?" She asked as she stood up.

"Yeah, it'll begin 30 minutes later so I'm heading to Naoki's and Reiko-san's place to tag them along." Aoi replied his sister, "Why don't you just coming along? It's been a while since we last appeared in the public after all."

"Nah, it's going to be scandalous if I attend a film premiere that surpasses my age limit." Chiyoko chuckled, "Well, have fun over there, nii-chan. If possible, hope you can ask Toku-san for an autography. I'm kind of a fan of his work recently."

"I will. Have fun, Chiyo-chan." Aoi winked and smiled lightly as he made his way to the garage of their mansion and drove his Audi out of the mansion towards Naoki's place first, who also seemed to dress quite flamboyantly. And then the star of the night, Reiko. After tagging them along, Aoi then drove his way towards Mediage Theater. The ride was quite smooth and it was lucky that no one was following them.

The first thing they all see when they arrived there were the flashing light of the cameras from the journalists there, as well as a long line of luxurious cars lining up in front of the entrance. As celebrities stepped down from their cars and walked up to the red carpet lead into the theater, reporters and news didn't miss any chance to take pictures as well as recording them in every angle. There are plenty of famous faces that Aoi know here, so he can tell how anticipated this film is.

As expected, the moment Aoi stopped the vehicle, all the cameras were headed towards them. Aoi and Naoki stepped down first and Aoi opened the car door to help Reiko made his way down the Audi, she wrapped her arms around both of them as they made their way on the red carpet. A news reported was reporting them so it seemed that this will be live on TV. Now I'm certain that my face will make it way to the front page of the newspaper tomorrow...

As they entered the theater, all reporters and journalists were blocked outside by the securities. The only people presented within the theater now are only celebrities. The two starring actors, Kazuto and Toku, walked up to Reiko and greeted her as she introduced Aoi and Naoki. After all guests have arrived and sat at their respective chairs, the lights of the room switched off as the film began.

Naoki sighed, "I hoped that I could bought some popcorn on the way."

Reiko chuckled, "You seriously wanted to eat popcorn while watching two guys doing it in front of you? Now that's quite something."

The film was about a forbidden love between two artists. One of them is a worldwide famous pianist while the other is only an amateur violinist who's still a student. Somehow, they met and become friends in a strange circumstance. The famous pianist was cold and unsociable at first. He constantly push the violinist away, even gave him cruel words. But thanks to the violinist's endless generosity and understanding, they slowly realize how much they love each other. After many hardships they went through together, and the tragic incident that happened at the climax of the film that nearly cost the life of the pianist, they finally are able to be together, as they held hand and sit in the garden of the school, where they first met.

It was such a touching two hours that no one was able to move their eyes away from the screen. Reiko was even crying so much that her make-ups were all washed away as she dried her tears with her napkin. Everyone applauded at the end of the film and congratulated the two main stars for their success.

After watching the film, Aoi felt that something is... different in his heart. It was the first time he ever got such feelings. Though his expressions remained stoic, his heart couldn't stop racing through the whole film. Somehow, he felt that the movie was the adaptation of his very life itself. All of the things that the two main characters of the film had done, was exactly the thing that he had always been doing with...


"Hey Aoi-kun, you've been so quiet ever since we're out of that theater. What's up?" Reiko asked. Aoi is taking Reiko and Naoki back to their houses now and he had been awfully quiet ever since they're out of the sight of the cameras.

Suddenly being dragged out of his stream of thought, Aoi stammered, "Ah... I'm... no, it's nothing. Never... mind." It was so strange of him, he's never been like this before. Hearing her "fianceÊ" like that, Reiko couldn't help letting out a chuckle as she winked ambiguously with Naoki, who replied with a thumb-up.

That night, Aoi couldn't possibly sleep at all, feeling as if he's completely lost in thoughts. Most of them are, strangely, all about the time he and Akihiro spend together. And the movie he's just watched.

The following morning, when Aoi was walking to his class with his best friend. However, when Akihiro came into sight and greeted him as usual, Aoi suddenly blushed lightly. This, of course, surprised Naoki very much. "Hey, are you really Aoi?" He sneered with an amused smirk.

"Shut up." Aoi turned his face away to hide it from Akihiro and Naoki as he hastily made his way to his classroom first. When he sat down on his chair, he could only look outside of the window and sighed. What's wrong with me?


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Akihiro ended up falling into a half-asleep-half-awake state while he waited for the start of morning classes, and remained that way until the bell rang forty minutes later, jolting him from his trance. His thoughts were still conflicting one another and he groaned, pushing the thoughts to the back of his head as he gathered his bag and violin. The suppression only took effect for about three minutes. Hiro groaned again, this time much quieter, and looked around the now-bustling hallway for any familiar faces. Hotaru was the first one he caught in his gaze, though Aoi and Naoki were found not long after, standing just past his best friend and chatting about who-knows-what. "Oi, Hotaru! Did'ya miss me?" This time it was Hotaru who groaned in loathing. XX
"No, Hiro, not particularly. Though it would be nice if you'd text me when you're going to go ahead so I don't end up standing inside your foyer for five minutes before someone tells me you're not home." Hotaru said, reading over the world history notes he had in his hand. Hiro simply laughed and landed a playful punch to his friend's arm. "Nah, I think its way more entertaining if you get stuck listening to my mom rant about our baby pictures and how sweet your girlfriend is~" The taller male groaned again, and the two friends made their way down the hallway towards Naoki and Aoi. Hiro hopped up his blue-haired classmate with a wide grin, as usual, the television report from the night before still flashing in neon colors in his head. XX
He knew Hotaru would probably notice the slight downturn of his lips as the memory flooded his brain, and the pointed look Hotaru gave him was proof enough. Ignoring his friend's stare, Hiro turned back to Aoi and Naoki, pretending not to notice the slightest shade of pink on Aoi's cheeks. He's blushing? Whoa, I wonder what could'a caused that... Setting the curiosity aside for the moment, he fell into a normal morning conversation with Naoki about different musicians, Hotaru cutting in every once in a while to correct the name of a song or band. To outsiders, nothing was out of the ordinary. XX
As the four made their way to class, Hiro couldn't stop himself from observing Aoi's expression and body language from the corner of his eye. He was pretty sure Aoi was attempting to hide his blush - too bad for him, it'd already been noticed - and in a way, he almost seemed tense. As if something were troubling him. Hiro was almost positive no one else would have noticed, except maybe Chiyoko or Naoki, but Chiyoko wasn't there and Naoki hadn't said anything so far so there was no way to tell. Hiro felt the smallest bit of pride in the idea that he might be the only one to notice when something was different with his friend and crush, even if it most likely wasn't true. He tried to ignore the fact that Aoi still hadn't said anything to him. XX
Hiro continued to observe Aoi all through their morning classes, and what made him lose it was the fact that the guy simply stared out the window through every lesson. Aoi, who was ever the studious teenager, paid absolutely no attention to anything the teachers were saying. Not to mention the fact he kept sighing pretty much every five minutes. Okay, there is no way this is normal! Something's definitely weird, and I am gonna find out what! XXX
The moment the bell rang to signal the start of lunch period, Hiro was out of his seat and stomping determinedly to Aoi's desk with a confident smirk. He pointed a finger in Aoi's direction and spoke with a decent amount of power in his voice. "You! You're coming with me to the club room and you have absolutely no say in the matter!" The rest of the class looked on in amusement as Hiro grabbed hold of Aoi's arm and practically dragged him out of the room, down the hall, and up the stairs to the Orchestra club room. He let go once they had arrived, turning to his friend with a concerned expression. XXX
"Its probably not my business, but I've never really been one to care about that, so screw it. You've been acting weird all morning! You didn't pay attention at all in class, you sighed like every five minutes, you've been all stiff since this morning, there are bags under your eyes and I swear you were actually blushing earlier! None of those things have ever happened before today, and as your friend, I demand that you at least attempt to explain why." XX

Oh my gosh, these two are so damn cute! I'm in love with how shy and awkward Aoi is when it finally comes down to his feelings for Hiro. Ack, so cute!! Also Hiro is confident as hell when it comes to getting what he wants, even if he doubts himself sometimes. Smol Seme characters are my favorite, tbh.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi felt like something is really wrong with him and he isn't happy about it at all.

For the whole morning lessons, he had actually lost count of how many times he turned his gaze from the black board to the scenery outside in the campus of the school. And he was sighing so much that he didn't think he will ever sigh again for the next couple of decades. He had also tried to focus on what the teachers were saying, but not a single word seemed to enter his mind. He didn't know that the movie has had such impact on him like that. Such feelings are something that he had never felt before. And he doesn't even know how he should feel about them.

As the bell rang, signified that it was already lunch break. Aoi really felt like dying right now, because he's totally not in his best shape. At least he's managed to pull enough concentration to scrap down some notes from what the teachers were saying. He sighed again as he arranged his notebooks and put them back into his school bag. I should consult with Naoki or Reiko-san about this soon...

However, when Akihiro suddenly hopped to his desk like everyday, he didn't understand why he was taken aback as Akihiro pointed his finger to him with a smirk and then took him by his arm. "Akihiro-san?" Aoi said as his face was reddened again. All the attentions in the room that were turned to him couldn't help it either, as he felt even more... flustered? He's good with words, but he doesn't know how to express what's happening to him right now.

As Akihiro took him by the arm and pull him along the hallway, Aoi couldn't help feeling ironic as it was him who did this in his place just a couple of days ago, and it was his younger friend who was in his place. Of course, Aoi is still stronger than Akihiro in term of physical strength, so he could have just swung his arm away from him and walked away. But with all of the thoughts whirling around his mind right now, how could he?

When they've made it to the Orchestre club room, Aoi knows for sure that he would be questioning of why he was acting all messed up like that since the day begun. When Akihiro has finished asking with a concern expression on his face, Aoi just stayed silent for a few moment. Usually, he would be painfully straight with his thoughts, but it totally wouldn't be wise to confide what are on his mind right now. Even though he doesn't like lying, it's better that he should just make up something, to prevent things from getting even more complicated.

"I didn't think that it was that noticeable, but you sure are more observant than you look." He crossed his arm and gaze directly into Akihiro's eyes, "It was nothing, really. Perhaps I was feeling a bit under the weather today, so I'll stop by the infirmary for some medicines later. I stayed up last night to work with my upcoming album since I got some inspirations, and it's no big deal really. I stayed up overnight countless of times before."

Then, he tilted his head with a light smile, "I admitted that I'm not in my best shape today. I don't usually lose my cool like this, but anytime I'll be normal soon enough. You don't have to concern yourself to much because I'm totally capable of taking care of myself. Okay? Now then, please excuse me."

Even though it was unusual of him not to say things truthfully, Aoi can actually be quite persuasive with his words. He had put up a stoic expression on his face for most of his life now, so it's also one of his many talents to hide what he was thinking. As he calmly walked pass Akihiro and made his way out of the club room. As he made his way back to his classroom, he sighed in relief. Next time I'm staying awake overnight, I gotta remember to ask Chiyo-chan to help me putting on some make-up...

As of the afternoon lessons, Aoi had tried his best to act normally again. Of course, many things are still weighing heavily on his mind, but he isn't totally fawning like he was in the morning. After the lessons, he just made his way to the Instruments club without bumping into Akihiro. Thankfully, when he was there, all the comments he got were how glamorous he was appearing on the live stream yesterday at the film premiere. It was a relief that his image isn't totally ruined.


0 Characters Present

No characters tagged in this post!


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"I didn't think that it was that noticeable, but you sure are more observant than you look. It was nothing, really. Perhaps I was feeling a bit under the weather today, so I'll stop by the infirmary for some medicines later. I stayed up last night to work with my upcoming album since I got some inspirations, and it's no big deal really. I stayed up overnight countless of times before." Hiro met Aoi's gaze with a wide-eyed stare, his breath hitching slightly when the taller boy smiled at him. "I admitted that I'm not in my best shape today. I don't usually lose my cool like this, but anytime I'll be normal soon enough. You don't have to concern yourself to much because I'm totally capable of taking care of myself. Okay? Now then, please excuse me." XXX
As Aoi walked away, Hiro didn't say anything, and simply stared at the wall across the room with a blank look on his face. Somehow, he couldn't stop the gut feeling that Aoi was lying, that something was truly off. His intuition was screaming at him not to believe what his friend said. But why would he lie to me? I mean, its not like he has to tell me everything, but wouldn't he just say he didn't want to instead of lying? Fiddling with the hem of his sweatshirt, Hiro turned and walked with slow steps back to the classroom, his gaze stuck on the floor. He ate lunch with Hotaru and Natsuki, the former of which showed no signs of noticing Hiro's now-odd behavior, other than a few pointed looks. Hiro himself ignored their lunch conversation entirely. XXX
As the rest of the day passed by, both Hiro and Aoi's odd behaviors turned into an extremely awkward atmosphere that filled the entire room, despite the fact that no one realized it was coming from them. Hiro didn't laugh or make jokes as often, and there were a few times where Aoi would space out while someone was talking to him. Yet no one really noticed. Except for Hotaru, who had become an expert in observation. It was one of the perks that came with being friends with emotionally-constipated Hiro. Watching his two classmates, Hotaru knew something was up, and it was extremely likely that they were acting odd because of the other. He figured Naoki and Chiyoko would take care of confronting Aoi, so he focused his attention on his best friend. XX
"Hiro, we need to talk, again." Hotaru offered his friend a half-smirk as Hiro stared up at him blankly, the shorter boy's face turning up into a wide, fake smile seconds later. Aoi had left already, and Natsuki had been dragged away by Yuki the minute classes ended (how she got to their classroom so fast, no one knew), so it was just the two of them for the time being. "M'kay! Let's get goin' then~" The two walked out of the school side-by-side. XXXXXX
Once in the courtyard, they both flopped over on the grass underneath a cluster of trees, away from other students. "So, you gonna tell me what's gone wrong this time? And no, I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me. I'm sick of you suffering through everything by yourself." Hotaru grumbled, just a little bit frustrated. Hiro said nothing for a minute or two, but Hotaru didn't pressure him, instead pulling up blades of grass and dropping them on his friend's stomach in boredom. "Hotaru..." "Hm?" "What do you do if you think someone's lying to you, but you don't know for sure?" XX
Hotaru gave him a look of annoyance. "So you're worried because you think Shimizu's lying? Just like the way you lied about that kiss and why you were avoiding him for two days straight?" Sighing, Hiro sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. "I know, its pretty selfish. I only lied because he's engaged, otherwise I'd have confessed long ago, but I feel like he's hiding something. Something important, maybe. And I wanna ask him about it but I'm too much of a wimp to pressure someone into telling me things, plus it'd probably be kinda rude." Hotaru groaned. "Man, your mood swings are gonna give me whiplash. At lunch you were dragging him out the door with more confidence than I've ever seen you have. What happened?" XX
They spent the next half hour arguing about the pros and cons of confronting Aoi, as well as the pros and cons of confessing to the guy - which Hiro blatantly refused to do. Yuki and Natsuki joined them after the topic finally changed, and the four sat there for another hour chatting about everything they could come up with. Yuki insisted on staying behind until the Instruments club had finished, since he apparently wanted to talk to Minori about a joint practice in order to get an outside opinion on their progress. Hiro didn't really want to see Aoi, not if the guy really was lying and hiding things, but he made no move to leave. He didn't think Yuki would let him even if he tried. So he stayed, ignoring the conversation in favor of watching the clouds. XX
In the end, he fell asleep only minutes before the Instruments club member came flooding out of the building, along with members of other clubs that had just ended. Yuki and Natsuki were extra loud in waving over Aoi and Minori, catching the attention of pretty much everyone in the process but not really caring. Hotaru looked back and forth between Aoi and Hiro with a barely-noticeable expression of concern, and made an attempt to wake his best friend up while Yuki smothered Minori in ideas for the joint practice. The only movement from Hiro was the drool sliding down his face. "He's hopeless..." XXX

These two are so hopeless (- v -) I have a feeling that pressure from their friends is going to be what gets them to finally fess up and stop being wimps~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


For the rest of the time Aoi spent with the other members of the Instruments club, he had tried his best not to show any abnormal behaviours and instead focusing on playing music along with the other. Since the graduation day is approaching, they need to take some extra rehearsals for the performances they are going to show. Aoi had also volunteered to play for the school's choir. At least for now, he can try to do something to put all of these thoughts out of his mind and focus on something he's actually good at.

When they've finished with their activities, all members bid goodbye to each other as they all went back to their houses. Minori and Aoi also packed up their stuffs as they strolled out of the club's room together. "So you're working on your upcoming album now, senpai?" Minori asked.

"Yeah, it's naturally since I've lived away from the eyes of the public for quite long now. It's about time I started planning how to gain the attentions back, since 35% of my family's incomes depend on it." Aoi said.

"I'll look forward to it. It really has been a long year." The black-haired girl chuckled. Suddenly, she poked her head and look into his face with a rather ambiguous grin, "Say, senpai. Please forgive me if I was wrong, but aren't you acting a bit... stranger than usual today? I mean, you're still as cool and calm as ever, but something are troubling you, right?"

Aoi was once again taken aback. He didn't know that he was that noticeable. But if it was Minori then he supposed that there was no reason for him to hide, "So you noticed too. Well, let's just say that there's a certain of things that had happened since I came home from the film premiere yesterday. I'm not quite sure what is happening to me... yet."

Minori chuckled, "Everyone has always thought that you're some sort of saints, but it turned out you're just a mere human. Graduation sure is drawing near so it's best that we try to enjoy our last high school days. I'm always here if you ever needed me, senpai."

Aoi nodded, feeling a little better, "Yeah, thanks. Minori-san."

When they've made it outside the school building, their attention was caught by Yuki and Natsuki calling them over. Akihiro and Hotaru were also there, though Akihiro was sleeping, much to Aoi's relief. Yuki asked Minori to see a joint performance and give opinion about their progress. Of course, she agreed. Though when Aoi was asked, he just declined, "I have some... er... business, to take care of at home. Beside, I believe that I've pretty much gave you guys my opinion when we're practising already. So, see you guys tomorrow then." Aoi bowed slightly to apologize and turn his back and made his way to the limousine waiting for him.

As Aoi made his way into the car, Chiyoko tilted her head and grinned, "Well, I believe an emergency meeting is in order tonight."

He sighed, "You don't have to say."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


By the time Hotaru finally managed to wake Hiro up, everyone else had already gone, leaving them to walk home together. Not that they didn't already do that everyday as it was. "...everyone left already?" "Yup." With a groan, Hiro stood, brushing off the bits of grass that were covering him from head to toe. "Did'ya really have to cover me in grass?" He got no answer. The two rode home in silence, which Hiro was grateful for, though he knew Hotaru wouldn't put up with his moodiness for too long. As the two parted ways to enter their respective houses, Hiro all but loathed what would come tomorrow. XX
Akihiko and Sachiko were hopelessly drunk when Hiro walked into the house, and his parents must not have been home since the two were blasting a horribly inappropriate song through the stereo in the foyer. The couple didn't seem to notice him, so Hiro bypassed the two and headed straight for his bedroom. He spent the next hour attempting to do homework - which proved to be extremely difficult with the entire floor vibrating - so after a while he gathered his things and left, hopping on his bicycle and riding off towards the family shop. Hopefully he'd be able to concentrate on his homework there. XX
When he got there, the shop was closed, which meant that both his parents were out on deliveries. Hiro dug the spare key out of his bag and stepped into the shop, turning on the lights and flipping the sign from 'Closed' to 'Open'. It was quiet, just as he'd hoped. How ironic is it that a chatterbox like me can't stand places that are too loud? Hiro spent the next two hours completing his homework and serving the few customers that came in. His parents returned not long after he'd arrived, though they weren't able to stay long due to a sudden influx of deliveries, so he was alone most of the evening. XXXX
After the shop closed up for the night, Hiro followed his parents home and ate dinner with them as usual, Akihiko and Sachiko having disappeared at one time or another. The moment he was alone again, hidden underneath his mess of blankets, he started to think about Aoi. And Reiko. And the kiss - well, multiple kisses, really. He thought about his classmate's odd behavior and how unbearably unlikely it was that Aoi hadn't fallen asleep due to exhaustion after being hassled by the press for most of the previous evening. A burst of inspiration, he says. I can't say I don't know what that's like, I've gone without sleep for days at a time due to random musical genius, but still...and what was with all the damn blushing?! Its like it wasn't even him! XXXX
Hiro groaned loudly and attempted to push the thoughts to the back of his head so he could sleep. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work, and he ended up getting hardly three hours worth of sleep. He left early again and headed to school with bags under his eyes and an expression that simply screamed boredom. XX
No one was at the school when he arrived, as the sun had just barely risen over the horizon, and Hiro ended up using the outside staircase to get to the roof as the main doors were still locked. Using the (stolen) spare key to into the club room through the roof access, Hiro dropped his things unceremoniously on the floor and took a seat underneath the window, having absolutely no idea what to do for the next five hours. After forty minutes of key-slamming on the piano and another twenty messing around on his violin, Hiro finally settled on trying to take a nap, and fell asleep instantaneously. XX
In fact, he even managed to sleep through the morning bells, oblivious to the fact that classes had already begun. And unfortunately, Hotaru - who was practically his second mother - wasn't able to come and drag him to class, as the taller male had been forced to stay home in order to care for his still-ill mother. And so, Hiro remained asleep, curled up on the floor in the Orchestra club room and dreaming happily about wedding dances with Shimizu Aoi. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After making it back home, Aoi took a quick shower and got changed into his usual casual clothes. Then, for the next few hours until dinner, he just indulged in whatever he could come up just to try and forget. He still doesn't understand why Akihiro's face kept popping up. All of the scenes he had watched from the movie the day before, he still remembered as if they were engraved deeply in his mind. But why Akihiro-kun, of all people? He had been questioning himself over it again and again since last night.

Kaori had gone on a trip to Australia to have a meeting with one of her new trading partner and she wouldn't be back until next week, so it's only Aoi and Chiyoko at home now. Chiyoko had already arranged an "emergency meeting" for Aoi with Reiko and Naoki at 7:00 PM at their usual bar. To be frank, Aoi had wanted to just keep all of these for himself and continue to act like nothing happen. But he figured that they will bug him about them sooner or later, so it's better to just confide with them.

Aoi drove Chiyoko to the bar, as Naoki had promised to take Reiko there by himself. They met up at the bar and, like anytime they got together, they seemed to completely forget that they are celebrities. As the night went on, all they focused on is dancing on the stage as the non-stop beat kept blaring. Sitting together in a table together, they chatted and talked about all sorts of things, how life has treated them, and what they're going to do in the future.

"Now then, shall we turn back to the star of our night?" Naoki remarked after taking a ship from his glass of whisky as he wrapped his other arm around his best friend, grinning.

"Hmm? Me?" Aoi was sitting with his leg crossed while also calmly drinking from his glass. However, when he understood what Naoki was implied, he sighed again, "Oh, that..."

"I've never thought that I would see the cold, stoic national famous pianist Aoi Shimizu here looking like a teenage girl fawning in love for the first time in her life. Has that film we saw left such a big impact that your life has changed? Nothing can escape onee-chan's eyes, you know." Reiko chuckling as she poured her own drink from the wine bottle, "Now then, would you set aside all your awkwardness just for once and tell us why you're all worked up like that?"

Sighing again, Aoi gulped down all of the alcohol in his glass and began retelling how he was feeling ever since yesterday. It was... a little embarrassing to just say it out. But he couldn't deny that the image of a certain boy somehow has filled his heart, perhaps since long, long ago. Perhaps he truly is oblivious, because of his stoicism like how his friends would remark. But, for once, he can actually be true to himself.

"I see." Chiyoko nodded after listened attentively, "Well, if you aren't such a baka when it comes to matters like this, you aren't my nii-chan, after all."

"It's not like you and your lovey-dovey over here are any better." Aoi argued.

Naoki smirked, "But I still couldn't believe that you actually believe that when Tsuno-kun kissed you it was just a "friendly" kiss. Hello, we're in Japan, not America. And how many times did you actually see Americans kissing each other around, anyway? You even kissed him back. It's no wonder that the misunderstandings between you two kept piling up."

"Just shut up, will you?" Aoi turned his face away to hide his blushing face. Both of them chuckled as they suddenly went quiet for a while.

"Listen to me, Aoi-kun." Reiko, who had been staying quiet, finally spoke up, "I haven't been hanging out with you as long as Chiyo-chan and Naoki-kun over here, but one thing I know for sure about you is that you never actually live a life for yourself. You just went on and become successful because it was what other people expected you to be. I mean, living for the others are good, but you mustn't neglect your own feelings. And, I'm not asking you to change your style either. Isn't your life has turned for the better since you started your school life?"

Aoi couldn't disagree with this. It was true that he had loosen up a lot thanks to the students at school, his classmates, and the members of both Instruments club and Orchestra club. For once, he finally realize that he isn't lonely as he thought. He doesn't actually have to be too tough and distant all the time. And it was all thanks to a certain someone.

"What I'm trying to say here is: give your heart a chance, Aoi-kun. You have to listen to what it tells you and decide what is the right thing. You've made everyone's lives happy, now it's your turn to be happy. I really mean it." Reiko said with a grin as she hold his hand.

"That's right, nii-chan." Chiyoko smiled brightly.

"I'll certainly enjoy the scenario where you can be happy in someone's arms." Naoki winked.

"You guys..." Aoi listened to the genuine words of his friends, before smiling, brighter than ever, "Thanks, I guess."

And with that said, the night finally ended, as Aoi could finally sense that his life is changing.

Before everyone knows it, another two weeks had passed by quietly. There isn't much interactions between Aoi and Akihiro since then, but almost everyone can now sigh in relief that things will surely turn out well. Every minute ticking by until another long day at school passed.

When the bell rang, signifying the end of the day, it was also when a shower suddenly pour. All students hastily made their ways back before the rain getting harder. The sight of the colorful umbrellas seemed to lighten up the whole campus. Aoi, however, was standing alone, quietly, on the roof top of the school's building. He is totally drenched right now, but he didn't care. As he quietly gazes his face up onto the rainy sky above him, he closes his eyes as drops of water washed his face. And, he was smiling.

One thing for sure, all doubts, all worries, all burdens that weighed his shoulders up til now, had all been washed away by the rain. All that was left now, is nothing but love.

I'm waiting for you, Akihiro-san.

Ah, another long post~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Two weeks had passed, and Hotaru was just about at his limit when it came to dealing with his emotionally-constipated and way-too-moody best friend. XX
Relations between Hiro and Aoi had started becoming more and more strained as each day passed, until finally they simply stopped talking to each other at all. Hiro grew more snappy and aggressive, spending more time on his own in the Orchestra club room, and Hotaru was positive he only went there to take out his frustrations on the piano. He supposed there was a good reason for Hiro to be upset. After the first three days, Hotaru had given up and explained the circumstances to Yuki and Natsuki. Hiro was furious, and refused to speak to him for two days as a result. In the end, Yuki and Natsuki weren't even of much help, as Hiro wouldn't take anyone's advice seriously in favor of being alone and depressed. Hotaru was fed up with it all. XX
It was Friday of the second week that he finally snapped. It was raining outside, and Hiro hated the rain more than anything, which meant he was going to be extra grumpy on the way home. Hotaru didn't want to deal with it. So instead, he custody of all Hiro's belongings, including his bike, and ordered the boy to go find Aoi and do something about his problems. "If you run away from this one more time, I swear I'm going to go to your house and tell your mother every little detail of this situation, and then you won't be able to escape Shimizu no matter how damn hard you try. Now go!" XX
Watching as Hotaru stormed off with all his belongings, Hiro groaned loudly and cursed under his breath. He didn't want to confront Aoi. He was too afraid of what he would say. And even though Aoi hadn't treated him any differently since the kiss, he was too indifferent of a person for Hiro to be sure whether or not the guy's feelings of him were positive or negative. As it was, the only time they had spoken to each other during the last two weeks were during the one joint practice they'd had with the Instruments club, and even then it was nothing more than a couple words to point out their mistakes. XXX
Ugh, screw this... Hiro kept his eyes on the floor as he made his way up the stairs to the roof. Apparently Hotaru had seen him go up there after the bell rang, and no one had seen him leave yet. If he's not there, I'm gonna put wasabi in Hotaru's afternoon tea! His steps began to slow as he reached the top floor, and he came to a complete stop in front of the Orchestra room's door. Hiro didn't know what he was supposed to do or say or feel. He was still scared of what Aoi might say. Ah, screw it all! Its not like we're talking anyways, so there's nothing left to lose! So stop being a wimp and go in there! XXX
Walking silently through the Orchestra room, Hiro almost groaned in noticing that it was void of any people. However, he did notice Aoi's bag sitting on one of the chairs, and it only took him a few seconds to realize that his blue-haired crush was standing in the rain, probably soaked to the bone. With a sudden burst of confidence, Hiro threw open the door to the roof terrace with a loud crash, wincing slightly as a gust of wind hit him. The rain caused the gel in his hair to dissolve, plastering the dark strands to the side of his head and most likely making him appear much more intimidating than he felt. XXX
Their eyes met, and Hiro almost frowned with the level of determination he wanted to believe he had. His clothes were already soaked through, but he didn't shiver. He didn't move at all. For one long minute, he simply stared at Aoi, his body stiff and rigid. Suddenly, Hiro took a deep breath and stood a little bit taller, a little bit wider. He tried to make himself as big as he possibly could, and all but screamed at his classmate. "I'm in love with you!" XXXXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


From his aptitude, Aoi gazed over all the scenery under him. It felt as if the whole city was covered with a white veil as the rain kept pouring down. But, it doesn't really matter. What matters now is he's waiting. For the past two weeks, all that he had been doing is wait. After his little "emergency talk" with his friends, he felt as if he's finally awoken from what seemed to be an everlasting slumber. He had questioned himself why must he always have to try so hard, while no one ever really asks him to? But for now, at least he's sure that he can be true to himself.

As the door to the Orchestra club room swung opened behind him, he calmly turned back and face Akihiro - the person that had claimed his heart before he could even noticed. As their eyes met and Akihiro shouted out to him that he's in love with him, all doubts in him suddenly just disappeared. He slightly tilt his head with a light, yet genuine smile. It was the first time in his life that he could be able to smile so happily like that, "Took you long enough to say it. I suppose, it was because both of us are just too stubborn to realize, huh?"

The rain still pouring down on their heads, but they didn't care, because in their eyes right now, there are only each other.

Aoi quietly approached Akihiro, shortening the distance between them, which was also the distance between their hearts. "All my life, I've never felt anything like this. I've always tried my best just to keep my image and never once I let myself lost my cool like this. I guess life is never something that you could predict. I didn't think that there would be someone who would just boldly come into my life and change everything like you. But... it wasn't a bad thing."

Lightly brushes his hand through his soaked hair, Aoi continued, "You must think that I'm really a fool, do you? Almost everyone around me knows how both of us feel about each other, but in the end, all I did is staying oblivious about my own feelings, and yours too. It was because of my indifference to everything that had made me felt like I'm no longer human. So, I want to ask you..."

He leaned closer as he places a long kiss on Akihiro's lips, before embracing the smaller boy, leaning his head on his shoulder. He was trembling a little as their cold bodies touched, "Is it okay for me to throw away my old self away? Will everything stay the same if I hold on to these feelings?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Aoi's smile, so genuine and bright, caused Akihiro's breath to shake slightly, and despite the freezing rain he could feel the heat rushing to his face. Hiro was at a loss for words, and so he simply listened, taking in everything Aoi said and trying hard to process it all. His brain was working at maximum speed and his heart was beating so fast he feared it might burst. "I didn't think that there would be someone who would just boldly come into my life and change everything like you." What? How could I have changed anything? A split second passed where Hiro almost felt self-conscious, not knowing whether this change was positive or not. It seemed positive, judging by Aoi's smile. " wasn't a bad thing." Hiro breathed the slightest sigh of relief. XX
He watched from behind his badly-dyed bangs as the distance between them grew smaller and smaller, and he felt his face grow even hotter as he watched Aoi run a hand through his dripping-wet blue hair. Oh God, he's hot... "You must think that I'm really a fool, do you?" No, there's no way I could possibly think that. Sure, the guy was painfully ignorant when it came to Hiro's feelings, but there was no reason for him to be angry at Aoi for it. It wasn't like he was easy to understand. "It was because of my indifference to everything that had made me felt like I'm no longer human. So, I want to ask you..." XX
As their lips touched, Hiro lost all the tension that had been in his body, and he let out a long sigh. He'd spent months admiring Aoi from afar, and years trying to find an interest in someone, and it only took a few minutes for everything to fall into place. As they kissed, nothing else mattered - not the rain, not the cold, not even the possibility that someone might be watching. In that moment, there was only them, and he supposed that was how it should be. XX
Hiro could feel Aoi shivering, and he was too. They were both soaked to the bone, yet somehow, he still felt warm on the inside. He felt Aoi's hair sticking to his neck as the taller male buried his face in Hiro's shoulder. "Is it okay for me to throw away my old self away? Will everything stay the same if I hold on to these feelings?" Placing a hand on either side of Aoi's face, Hiro held it in front of his own so their eyes could meet, running a thumb over his friend's cheek as he did so. "Of course its okay." Hiro smiled, brighter than he had in a long while. "If you want to move forward, then sometimes you'll have to give up parts of your past self. And that's not a bad thing. Our lives will probably change a lot too, but that's not a bad thing either. Besides, I think its always better to follow your heart, even if the entire world changes because of it. You don't need my permission to do that." XX
Taking hold of Aoi's hand, Hiro brought it to his own cheek and pressed their lips together in another long, gentle kiss. When they parted, he was beaming from ear to ear and almost knocked Aoi to the ground in a bone-crushing hug. "Man, we must be really stupid if it took this long for us to figure everything out~" Hiro let out a laugh and released Aoi from the embrace and lacing their fingers together. Behind them, the clouds slowly started to drfit apart, and the heavy downpour was reduced to a light drizzle as the sun started to cast rays onto them. The roof terrace was almost completely covered in a thee-centimeter-high pool of rainwater, and the sunlight reflected off of it brightly. "Even rain, which seems so depressing, can be beautiful, huh?" XX
"Anyways, we should probably go inside before we catch a cold or something. We wouldn't wanna get sick after something so happy, right?" With a grin, Hiro gently pulled Aoi back into the club room. There was a damp spot on the floor, since he'd left the door wide open, but he elected to ignore it for the time being. "We should go and change into our gym uniforms. That way, we won't risk getting sick from being stuck in wet clothing~" Swinging both their bags over his shoulder, Hiro took Aoi's hand in his and led the way out of the club room, walking carefully down the stairs so as to avoid slipping. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the building, so they made it to the locker rooms undisturbed, having made the short journey in comfortable silence. XXX
After they had changed out of their rain-soaked clothes, Hiro pulled out his violin and gently plucked at the strings, leaning his weight into Aoi's side. "You know, you're the first person I ever kissed. And the first person I've ever actually been scared to confess to. I was afraid of what you'd say, seeing as you're engaged and all. Speaking of which, does Morioka-san know that you spend your free time kissing your male classmates?" Hiro joked, giggling to himself and no longer caring about the things he'd previously been afraid of. After all, Aoi loved him back, so what was there to be afraid of? XX

*screaming* OH. MY. GOD. This is our best confession scene yet! Someone should call an ambulance, I think I might be having a heart attack (â•Ĩī¸Ŗīšáˇ…â•Ĩ)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi quietly listened to what Akihiro was saying as their body are still colliding with each other. These are the words that he was dying to hear since two weeks ago. He had thought that it might turned out to be weird for him, but it wasn't bad at all. Perhaps he might never reach the level of lovey-dovey like Naoki and Chiyoko, but he had to admitted that love sure will change a person, for the better. For now, he had found the one he can hold onto, someone who had opened his heart and treasure it, and he knows that he will never let these feelings go.

After their lips met again, Akihiro remarked on how stupid they must be for taking such long time just to resolve things as they are now, and that the rain is indeed beautiful, despite its depression. "Yeah, I guess so..." None of that really matters now, because Aoi had finally found what he was searching for all his life - an exit to the endless maze that he had been lost in ever since he was a kid. In the future, no matter which path he will choose, at least he can be sure that he can feel like a human once again.

When the rain has finally stopped, they decided to made their way to the locker room to change into their gym uniforms, because both of them are literally drenched from the bottom to the top. After drying themselves up, they sat together on a bench as Akihiro leaned himself against Aoi's side. Akihiro then confessed of how Aoi was the first one he ever kissed and the first one he was afraid to speak up his love, due to the fact that Aoi was engaged.

"Is that so? Well, I'll see that as my pleasure then. I kissed Naoki before though it was only a punishment in a game that we used to play. But, I guess you could say that you're my first love? It still sounds a little awkward to me." Aoi said with a light chuckle, "And, about Reiko-san. The truth is... we're just acting that we're engaged. It's true that my parents and the Morioka family had arranged for me and Reiko-san to get married one day, but my parents had long passed away. Reiko-san's parents only marrying her off because they think that it was some sort of trends, but since they're too busy, they'll soon forget that such engagement exist. Until Reiko-san formally introduce the man whom she's really going to get married with to her parents, we've agreed to just act like we're really engaged."

Aoi let out a quiet sigh, "I guess it was my fault that had caused all misunderstandings between us, but it'll be scandalous if this reach the ears of those nosy reporters and paparazzi so we have to keep this to ourselves. I will personally announce that we're no longer engaged in a press conference when Reiko-san has dealt with her parents. Probably after we've graduated." He then turned to Akihiro and smiled lightly, "Now that you've known, can you promise to stay quiet about this too?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Is that so? Well, I'll see that as my pleasure then. I kissed Naoki before though it was only a punishment in a game that we used to play. But, I guess you could say that you're my first love? It still sounds a little awkward to me." Hiro tried very hard to suppress his laughter, cupping a hand over his mouth and grinning from ear to ear. "You kissed Naoki? That's absolutely hilarious~" Calming down and letting out a sigh, Hiro listened intently as Aoi explained the situation with Reiko. So there really wasn't anything to worry about in the first, I should've just confessed back then and saved us all this drama! Hiro scolded himself silently. After all, it was his fear of destroying Aoi and Reiko's relationship that had kept him from confessing. XXX
As Aoi continued to talk, Hiro memorized every word, every sentence. He didn't want to forget a thing, whether it was important information or not. Aoi's voice was calm and level, very much unlike Hiro's, which was loud and boisterous. They were pretty much opposites, him and Aoi, but it didn't exactly matter so long as they loved each other. "I guess it was my fault that had caused all misunderstandings between us, but it'll be scandalous if this reach the ears of those nosy reporters and paparazzi so we have to keep this to ourselves. I will personally announce that we're no longer engaged in a press conference when Reiko-san has dealt with her parents. Probably after we've graduated." That's not too far off, only four months or so. I wonder how people will react when they find out Aoi's been dating a guy, or that he and Reiko-san were only engaged in order to keep up appearances. Who knows. XX
"Now that you've known, can you promise to stay quiet about this too?" Sitting up and stretching his arms out in front of him, Hiro turned to face Aoi with a gentle smile. "Of course~ To be honest, I don't really wanna have the press following me around all the time, it'd be bad for business if they started showing up at the family store or something. And besides, it'll probably be best if you and Reiko-san stay engaged for a while, for both your sakes. And I don't mind if we have to keep our relationship secret, hanging out at school and being able to kiss you is enough to keep me happy and contented~" XXX
Hiro took Aoi's hand in his and laced their fingers together, leaning back into his taller companion and declared that since they're dating, they should open up a bit and share things about themselves. Hiro spoke the most, as he was perfectly comfortable with spilling everything about himself, from his favorite foods to what his bedroom looked like to his first date - which had been without his consent and a total mess. During the conversation, Hiro also learned several things about Aoi: how he took his coffee, how much he hated elevators. By the time they stopped talking, the rain had fully disappeared. XX
Checking the time on his phone, Hiro groaned in annoyance and stood, stretching once again. "Well, its almost five-thirty, and it isn't raining anymore, so we should probably leave the school before security comes to lock up for the night. We don't technically have to go home though, if you still wanna hang out~" Grinning, Hiro shoved his soaking wet uniform into his gym locker and grabbed the rest of his things. He'd have to bring something tomorrow to carry his clothes home, as he couldn't put in his bag and risk ruining all his textbooks. "Hey, why don't you come over to my place? My parents are huge fans of your music, and they kind of already know I like you, so I bet they'd be super excited if you came over. Does that sound like an okay plan?" XX

I already feel bad for Aoi. Hiro's parents are gonna fawn over him worse than the paparazzi, and at the same time they'll be glaring at him protectively...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi sat quietly and listened to Akihiro as the smaller guy promised that he will keep this as a secret for himself and how troublesome it's going to be if the press following him around or turning up at his family's shop. Aoi smiled lightly as he leaned against him. Looks like he could consider himself to be quite fortunate for having fallen for a guy like his classmate. Just imagine what would happen if I didn't attend this school in the first place. He sheepishly thought for himself.

"I'm glad that you've promised. The world of celebrities isn't just about glamours and luxuries. There's a lot of complications going on and the three of us always have to keep an eye as anything can happen. But, I guess we could remain standing strong like this is thanks to the determination we inherited from our parents." Aoi confided with his now... boyfriend? It's going to take a while for him to get used to it though.

For a while later, they chatted about all sorts of things. There's no barrier that prevented them from sharing everything with each other now. Aoi felt like this is the first time he could ever talked about some of his secrets with someone else rather than Naoki and Chiyoko. And, for the first time in forever, he could smile so freely and peacefully like this. Just moments being with Akihiro and he already felt that all burdens weighed on his shoulders his whole life disappeared.

Akihiro checked the time as they stopped talking, saying that it was almost time for the school's guard to close the school and they probably should leave. He offers that they should go to his house if they still wanted to hang out for the day. Aoi nodded in agreement, "Yeah, let's go. I haven't been to your shop since the last time I took my piano there. I haven't got a chance to see your parents too. If it's okay then let's go."

Aoi also put his drenched clothes into his locker and carried his bag with him. He also put on a hoodie he left to spare in the locker. Both of them then strolled their way along the path on their way to Akihiro's house. The sunset makes all the puddles on the street seemed twinkling. Because there's usually a lot of people on the streets in these hours, he had to wear the hoodie's hat as not to catch too much attention.

After about 15 minute walk, they made it to Akihiro's house. As expected, they were waiting at the counter in the shop. After Akihiro introduced him, Aoi bowed respectfully to them, "I'm Aoi Shimizu - Akihiro-san's classmate. It's a pleasure to meet you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Yeah, let's go. I haven't been to your shop since the last time I took my piano there. I haven't got a chance to see your parents too. If it's okay then let's go." "Alright! Let's go then~" Completely forgetting about his bicycle, Hiro led the way out of the school and down the road toward the family store. He spoke aloud about everything he could think of as they walked, and made it a point to step through every puddle, effectively soaking his shoes. He really couldn't care less. It wasn't until they got to the shop that he finally remembered his abandoned bike. "Oh well, I'll just have to bring it home tomorrow." XX
"I'm back!" He shouted, hopping into the store and dropping his things on a chair behind the counter. His mother greeted him with a smile, and lit up when she caught sight of Aoi, rushing over to him in seconds' time. Hiro's father wasn't far behind, and the two introduced themselves with as much enthusiasm as Hiro had on a daily basis. They both expressed their admiration for Aoi's music and were absolutely ecstatic about the fact that he was such good friends with Hiro. "Aoi-kun, we have decided to invite you to dinner at our home! And don't even think about saying no, young man!" XX
And it was decided. While they waited for closing time, Hiro and Aoi passed the time by attempting to complete their homework - which was fruitless, as Hiro refused to stay concentrated - and by messing around in the shop. Hiro taught Aoi how to build a violin, and the two even managed to sell a piano after performing a song together for a little girl who didn't know what instrument she wanted to play. Akihiko made it a point to tease the two of them after he got back from his classes, ruffling both their hair and causing it to stick up in weird directions. An hour and a half passed, and it was closing time. XXX
Hiro went on a long rant to his family members as they walked toward the Tsuno house, talking dramatically about how amazing Aoi had been while on stage during the entrance ceremonies. Of course, they'd already heard about it at least twice, but no one made a move to change the subject. They also seemed to enjoy it when Aoi got flustered over all the praise. "And you should've seen him during the Instrument club's performance, it was so cool-" His words cut out as his brother cupped a hand over his mouth. "Hiro, we've literally heard this story four times before today, stop gushing about your secret boyfriend and think of something else to talk about." Ugh, of course they'd figure it out. Should've expected that. Hiro let out a sigh. XXX
After explaining the situation, the family happily agreed to 'keep the secret'. Hiro was painfully oblivious to the over-protective stares they were shooting at Aoi over the dinner table. The meal was lively, as was to be expected of the Tsuno household. Halfway through, an argument sparked between Hiro and Akki over whether spicy curry or sweet curry was better, and Sachiko arrived just in time to smack them both on the head and end the fighting. "Don't worry, they're always like this~" Hiro's mother said reassuringly, noticing the surprised and somewhat concerned expression Aoi was wearing. XX
Once the meal was finished and the dishes were clean, Sachiko and Akihiko declared they were going out on a late-night date, so Hiro excitedly led Aoi up to his bedroom. It was still a mess, with papers and textbooks scattered everywhere. but somehow it was appropriate for Hiro's personality. "Sorry its such a mess, I never really clean it. My mom says you should stay here for the night, since your house is so far away from ours, though I think she just wants to tease me. Hey, do you remember that piano song you showed me? I got bored the other day and wrote a violin part for it!" Shuffling about the room, Hiro gathered a pile of pages in his hands and gave them to Aoi with a grin. "I'm not as good at composing as you are, but its still a lot of fun~" XXX
Hiro went on to show Aoi a couple violin covers he'd written, as well as a piano ballad he'd never gotten around to finishing. They tried again to complete their homework, and were able to get through most of it before Hiro grew bored of numbers and formulas. "Hey, what do you think is gonna happen after we graduate? I mean, after everyone finds out we're dating and that your engagement to Reiko-san is a fake? Will things be difficult for you and her?" XXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi was rather taken aback at how enthusiastic both of Akihiro's parents were when they saw him. Well, he always have fans from all ages after all, though he isn't very confident that he was as popular with the younger fans as singers and idols. Immediately, they asked him to stay for dinner. It's been a while since the last time he got showered with such admiration like this, but he has no reason to decline either. "Sure, if it wasn't too much of a problem with your family then I would love to." He replied.

After staying with the family until the shop closes, they made their way to the Tsuno's house. Aoi had never been too much of a talkative person though so he just listened to Akihiro's rant and his parents talking, nodding as agreement and to show that he was still interested in all the topics sometimes. And until his brother came in and shut him, he still kept talking and praising Aoi endlessly, which makes him felt a little unease though. Apparently I'm going to see a lot of different sides of him that I've never seen before... He sheepishly thought.

When the topic of Aoi's engagement with Reiko was brought up when they are having dinner, he explained it to them and fortunately, based on the protective and sympathizing gaze that they threw him, Aoi can rest assure that he can trust them with this secret. But he wasn't sure if his sisters are going to be happy if they found out that he had secretly spilled this out though.

Despite how lively the meal seemed to be, Aoi just enjoyed his meal in a graceful and humble manner. The food was delicious and he just answered any questions the family's members got in stored for him, from when will he decide to comeback after having to stay on hiatus for his study to his plan with Akihiro in the future, in which he doesn't mind to share them. He even promised to take them to one of his live concert after his new album is out.

And, it seemed that the Aki brothers have just sparked another one of their brotherly cat fight again, this time over the curry, until Sachiko came in and slammed their heads together. When Akihiro's mother stated that this was natural, Aoi chuckled and replied with an amusing tone, "Well, I've seen them like this numerous of times already so I'm not very surprised. It seemed like Sachiko-san really make a good job in neutralizing them."

After the meal, Aoi offered to help with the washing up and the cleaning, much to the surprise of Akihiro's parents. But he just brushed off with a smile, stating that it's something he did everyday rather than letting someone else to do it for him. She told him to stay for the night as it was already quite late and tomorrow is also Sunday. And, as it was his first time staying over at a friend's house, he agreed as Akihiro took him to his room.

As expected, the room totally fitted Akihiro himself. In contrast with how clean Aoi's room is, it was quite messy, so he helped Akihiro to clean up a little bit to make place for them to sleep later while Akihiro finishes with his homework. After that, Aoi was showed some of Akihiro's own music sheets that he composed by himself. Taking a thorough look over the sheets, Aoi commented, "This was actually quite good, if I must say. If you record your own playing and posted it on the Internet then I guess you could also gain a lot of views."

When Akihiro asked if what does he think is going to happen when they graduated, he just smiled lightly and sat by the window, gazing up the starry sky, "I think everything's going to be just fine. Of course, I will not directly state that it was fake all along. I will simply say that we'll go on our own ways, but we'll definitely stay as friend. Something like that. It's going to be a fuss for the public for a while but me and Reiko-san are pretty much used to it. What you should be concern first is yourself. You have to decide whether you want us to be public about our relationship, or just stay quiet about it."

They continued to chat and do things together. Aoi even showed Akihiro his playing violin, and was a bit exaggeratedly praised by him again. They finally decided to rest for the day as they lied together on Akihiro's bed. It was a little small for two people, but they can manage. "I wish it could stay like this forever." Aoi smiled lightly as he remarked, before they fell asleep in each other's arms after a long day.

Dawn was fast approaching and Aoi had gotten up when it was still quite early, like he always did every morning. Checking the time from his phone on the table next to them, it was 5:30 AM. He had to go back now as today he got an interview with the Tokyo Times and a photoshoot with Chiyoko. Today was also they day Kaori came back from her trip. It's going to be a busy morning.

As his state now, Akihiro was still sleeping peacefully while drooling as always, while almost roll over on top of Aoi. Chuckling, he gently moved Akihiro's body away and get off the bed, leaving a note on his desk to inform him.

Aoi dialled his family's driver to pick him up. When he made his way downstairs to the door, he saw Akihiro's mother who also had gotten up, doing her chores. She was a bit surprise to see that he was up so early and they exchanged a few morning lines with each other. She offered him to stay for breakfast, but he politely denied as he has to prepare for the interview. Besides, Chiyoko is probably waiting for him. It was visible that she was a bit disappointed, but it couldn't be helped.

Moments later, when the limousine arrived, Aoi thanked her for letting him stay last night and stepped up the limousine. As the wheels rolled, Aoi turned his head to see that Akihiro's mother was waving for him. He smiled contentedly, happy of how well things have turned out.

I've been listening to Hall of Fame nonstop since last night, that piano at the beginning really got me hooked LOL


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


That night, with the person he loved laying next to him, Hiro slept blissfully. Lately he'd been having trouble falling asleep due to the amount of rampant thoughts plaguing his mind, but now that everything had been explained and solved, it only took him half a minute to fall deep into slumber. At one point, Hiro's mother peeked into the room to check on the two boys, only to find Hiro drooling onto the pillow with his entire body curled around Aoi. Smiling, she said nothing and left them to sleep. The next morning, she was surprised to find that Aoi somehow managed to wake up before Hiro, who was a natural early-riser. She politely offered to cook breakfast, and was disappointed slightly at being denied, though she still waved Aoi off with a smile. XXX
As for Hiro, it was nearly ten in the morning before he finally got up, something which was very rare in a household of people who were constantly awake at the crack of dawn. The first thing he noticed was the absence of heat, and he shivered a bit before looking around and realizing that he was alone. "" Catching sight of the note beside his futon, Hiro read it over and smiled to himself. Ah, so he was just busy is all. Hiro shuffled around in the mess surrounding him until he found some tape, and proudly hung the note on the wall above his desk, admiring his boyfriend's neat penmanship. XX
"Ne, 'kaa-san, when did Aoi leave this morning?" Hiro yawned tiredly as he made his way downstairs and into the living room, where his mother was watching a romantic drama on television. "Hm, about seven-forty, I believe. I was surprised he managed to wake up before you did. You never sleep in this late, Akihiro, is something bothering you?" Shaking his head slowly, Hiro yawned again and started walking toward the kitchen. "Nah, I'm fine, just really tired..." Hiro said, his voice quiet and raspy. Bright white splotches filled his vision, and Hiro toppled to the floor, panting slightly. XXX
His mother rushed over with a face full of concern, and pressed a hand to his forehead, which he now noticed was covered in sweat. "Oh, darling, you've got a bad fever. Must've been from standing out in the rain so long yesterday." Hiro couldn't really hear what his mother was saying as she moved him from the floor to the couch, and almost fell asleep, though s cool towel brought him back to the present as his mother covered his forehead and cooed softly to him. Ha, its like I'm a kid all over again. Once he'd taken a couple of pills and drank several glasses of water, he fell back asleep. XX
While he slept, Hiro's mother searched through her son's cell phone until she came upon the number she was looking for, calling Aoi and sighing lightly when she received the voicemail instead of the boy himself. "Aoi-kun? This is Akihiro's mother. I just wanted to let you know that you should be extra careful today, try not to over-exert yourself. Akihiro seems to have gotten a bad fever from standing out in the rain, and I thought you ought to know, in case you've gotten one as well. And don't worry about Akihiro, he'll be fine with a bit of rest. Have a good day, dear~" XXXX
Hiro spent the rest of the day sleeping, though was woken up a few times in order to take more medicine. His mother spent her own day watching over him, as any mother should, and by the time evening came, Hiro's temperature was stable and he had finally stopped sweating. "Well, at least he didn't throw up everywhere. That would not have been fun for either of us." When Hiro woke up again, it was almost eight pm, and he was feeling significantly better than he had that morning. Well that sucked... Sitting up, Hiro rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked around for his mother, who was sitting on the floor beside him knitting what seemed to be a scarf. She gave him permission to get up and he headed straight for the shower. XXXXX
Once he no longer smelled like sweat, Hiro returned to his bedroom and fished his cell phone from the covers of his futon, opening it up to text Aoi. He told his boyfriend about his fever and that he should be careful not to get one as well, since 'you have way more important things to do than me'. Hiro sent the text with a grin and went back downstairs to heat up the leftovers his mother had saved for him, chatting with her and his father while he ate. As soon as he was done, he thanked his mother for taking care of him, and headed back to bed, though in his room this time. still smells like Aoi... XXXX

I had this really bad fever for a couple days when we were in the middle of writing My Angel, and boy, did it suck ass. You can't move or eat or even talk really, and it was snowing outside to boot, so I was really depressed about being stuck indoors. I pretty much just slept and watched movies both days...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


When Aoi was on his way home, he stopped by the school to grab the clothes that was drenched that he left in his locker yesterday. As expected, they smell real bad. But he can just tossed them in the washing machine later when he got home. Aoi asked the driver if there's anything last night. It was a little bad of him to left Chiyoko at home all alone like that. Speaking of which, he totally had no idea what is she going to ask later when he arrived at home. But she seemed contented enough when he called her last night.

As the limousine drove into the mansion, Aoi stepped down and carried with him his dirtied clothes. And, not very surprising, Chiyoko was standing by the door, with her arm crossed and a rather ambiguous expression. "Hey, Chiyo-chan. How's things-" His sentence was cut short as his sister walked to him and stood on her toes while sniffing on Aoi, "What on earth are you doing?"

"Nii-chan, you haven't done anything with Akihiro-san, right? You totally smell like him, you know." Chiyoko questioned with her arms crossed again.

"How do I suppose to know that whether I smell like him or not? And what do you mean by anything? I only ate, talked and slept on the same bed with him and that's it. Didn't you do it with Naoki all the time yourself?" Aoi tilted his head and replied in a dreadfully innocent manner.

Chiyoko let out a sigh. It seemed that despite having found his love, her brother still got a lot to learn. But then, she smiled with him nonetheless. Aoi has more light in his eyes now. She can clearly saw that. "Well, whatever. I'm glad that you're happier now, nii-chan." She smiled brightly while tilted her head, "I've made breakfast. Let's dig in and get prepared. It's an hour and a half away until our interview. And, I suppose you'll also be really surprise when you saw nee-chan when she returned to Japan today. Just wait."

Aoi doesn't really understand what Chiyoko meant, but shrugged it off as they both had their breakfast before taking off to the Tokyo News Building, where they had their interviews. Despite being a little brighter, Aoi pretty much held the same expression like whenever he do interviews. The questions are pretty much the same like what Akihiro's asked him yesterday, so in some ways, he was prepared for it.

After the interview, they went to the studio where they will do photoshoot for Cosmopolitan. While Aoi sat as the stylists make him up, he received a voice message from Akihiro's mother, who informed him that Akihiro had come down with a rather severe fever, due to staying in the rain too long yesterday. A concerned expression flashed on his face, but he remained stoic still. When the photoshoot is done, both of them set off for lunch, before attending another event of a new fashion line. They still had a long list of things to do.

When everything's done, it was already 6:30PM. Their sister will arrive at Haneda Airport about 15 minutes later. As the limousine took them there, Aoi received a text message from Akihiro. He told him about his fever and that he should take care of himself. Smiling lightly, he replied, saying that Akihiro just need to rest and get better and there's no need to worry about Aoi, since he's a lot more indestructible than he looked. When Kaori stepped out of the terminal, she was chatting happily with a man who seemed to be quite tall. And, it was probably the most surprising thing he'd ever seen in ten years.

"I guess they were right, after all. It's mating season all year round." Chiyoko said jokingly to Aoi, "Now even my uptight sister and brother have also head over heels, I'm pretty jealous."

"Yeah, I think so." Aoi nodded as they waved to Kaori.

Well, I've never had high fevers in my life though xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


The next morning, Hiro slept in once again, though not nearly as long as he had the previous day. It was just past eight when he made it downstairs, where his mother was waiting. She checked his temperature to make sure the fever had disappeared and the two were both relieved to find that it was fully gone. They ate breakfast together, and as they headed off toward the family store, Hiro sent Aoi a good morning text, complete with a multitude of random emojis. His mother gave him a knowing smile and asked about the upcoming Orchestra concert, igniting a pleasant conversation between them. XX
Hiro spent most of the day helping his parents and brother watch over the family store. It was a Sunday, which meant the main road was closed to any motorized vehicles, so deliveries were pretty much out of the question. They weren't completely bored, though, as they still had their usual amount of customers. Hiro passed the time tinkering with the strings on his violin and attempting to finish the piano ballad he hadn't touched since seventh grade. The song itself was somewhat fast-paced and filled with abrupt changes in the pitch of the notes, which made it hard to play, especially when the piano wasn't your native instrument. Sure, it had been his first, but Hiro was still much more used the violin when it came to composing an original song. XXXX
If I finish it though, maybe Aoi will play it for me! Hiro loved nothing more than hearing Aoi play the piano - well, except Aoi himself - and took a moment to daydream about how cool his lover would look playing the ballad on a grand piano. Snapping out of his thoughts with new determination, Hiro got back to word composing the song, and didn't move from his place at the piano until another four hours had passed. He tried not to notice his parents' confused and equally amused expressions from across the room. I wonder what kinds of duties Aoi has during the weekend...seems like they'd be kinda boring. XX
"Akihiro! We're about to close up shop, are you coming home now or are you going to stay a while?" Hiro's father asked, waiting patiently by the door. "Ah, I'm coming!" Following his parents out of the store, Hiro read over the scores he'd written as they walked, playing the notes over in his head. The family ate dinner as calmly - or not so calmly, once Akihiko got home - as usual. And afterward, Hiro was holed up in his room with his electric keyboard, adding more to the ballad. He didn't end up going to sleep until rather late at night, but was still awake at the crack of dawn the next morning. XX
As expected, Hotaru was waiting for him when he left his house. "So, your mom told me that Shimizu stayed over at your place the other night. Care to explain what happened after I left on Friday?" Hiro beamed, ignoring his friend's knowing smirk, and started walking down the road. "What happened to your bike?" "I left it behind on Friday. On accident." "Are you going to tell me why you, someone who is all but obsessed with 'speedy transportation', would forget his bicycle on a rainy day, when you would be even more determined than usual to get home quickly?" XX
Knowing he wouldn't be able to avoid the question, and knowing that Hotaru was trustworthy, Hiro explained everything that had happened on Friday and over the weekend. His explanation quickly turned into an enthusiastic rant, and Hotaru listened to his friend's words with an expression that was somewhere between amusement and exasperation. "Well, I'd say it took you long enough. By now nearly half the school is aware of your guys' insanely unconventional love affair. I doubt anyone's going to mention it, but I'm pretty your 'secret' isn't much of a secret when it comes to all our classmates." Hiro sighed dramatically. "I know! And it sucks! I guess it doesn't really matter, just don't tell anyone we're officially dating, 'kay?" XX
"Of course." Hiro and Hotaru continued to make small talk as they walked toward the school, waving to Yuki and Natsuki as they stepped through the front gate. Their two friends immediately started talking about the duet Hiro was to perform in during their big concert, and without a second thought, he suggested Aoi play the part. Yuki stared at him for a full minute, bewildered. "Really? Last time I suggested that, you got all angry and said you didn't want to play with him..." "Its fine now! Besides, no one else can play the piano part of the duet, so we don't have much of a choice, right?" XXXX
Nodding slowly, Yuki shot Hotaru a confused glance, to which she only got a shrug in reply. Meanwhile, Hiro had disappeared inside the building, racing up the stairs with a grin and speeding down the hallway to the classroom. Throwing open the door, he made his way over to Aoi's desk and greeted his boyfriend with a laugh, same as he usually did - well, before he'd been too stubborn to even look at the guy. They chatted about normal topics, and the entire class seemed relieved that the two had gotten rid of all the tension, though no one inquired as to how. Hotaru knew how, but said nothing, and simply dragged Hiro to his seat as their homeroom teacher walked in to start the lesson. Finally everything was back to normal: nice and tension-free. XX

Well, you aren't missing on anything, I promise! And I'm kind of concerned about how Chiyoko knows what Hiro smells like? That's a little bit creepy... also! This is random, but what if instead of announcing their relationship over the news, Aoi plays Hiro's ballad at one of his concerts and at the end he explains that it was his lover who wrote it? I have no idea if Aoi would actually do that, but it popped into my head and I thought it was a really cute idea~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Pretty much like Aoi, when Kaori returned to Japan with her new lover, it seemed that she had also brightened up a lot, although the elegant and solemn aura of a successful entrepreneur, the head of a prestigious family and the eldest sibling were still there. Of course, as her younger siblings, both Aoi and Chiyoko were glad for their sister, for having found someone whom she can share some of her burdens with. Perhaps it really is mating season all year round after all. Aoi sheepishly thought as the limousine took them home.

As expected from a perceptive woman, Kaori immediately realized that something has changed with her brother too. Well, because both of them had found out about her little 'secret' now, there's no need to hide it, right? Although she told him not too let it interfere too much with his performances, she wishes that he would be happy with his choice, with a smile on her face. It's been so long since the three of them could smile together like this.

The next morning, the three of them decided to pack some of their stuffs and got on a trip to a countryside town in Shizuoka Prefecture - their hometown, to visit their parents' graves. The trip was quite smooth, and it took only about 5 hours to travel there by their personal limousine. It was a really peaceful town and it's hard to believe that this frugal place is the very place where the prestigious Shimizu family was founded.

While most members have a broad and Westernized ideal, they still valued traditions a lot. The three of them know this place just as well as Tokyo, as their parents used to take them here all the time, to remind them not to ever forget the debts of their ancestors, who had worked hard for them to have a luxury life like now. It really is the special place for them.

Before exhaling their last breaths while holding their hands on their death beds, Kiharu and Akari had told their children to buried them here, where they believe will be the only place the would be able to rest on. And Kaori, who personally organized their funeral all by herself, had fulfilled that request, while taking up the huge responsibility that her parents had left behind, not just with the property that they have spent their whole lives building, but with her younger siblings as well. It was her success in taking up that responsibility that had earned Kaori her respect from even some of the most powerful names in Japan, despite her still being young.

Of course, the same also applied to both Aoi and Chiyoko. It was neither their talents nor their wealth that made so many others looking up to them, but their determination and resilience to honorably achieve their successes all by themselves.

Stopping by some of their relatives' houses first and buying some flowers on the way, they finally reached their destination, which is a small, peaceful graveyard situated on a hill, with many cherry blossom trees planted around. They walked through the path until the reach the two graves that have their parents name carved on them, situated next to each other. The three of them bowed to their parents as Kaori greeted them with a smile. Chiyoko and Aoi stepped up and place the flower bouquets before the graves, smiling peacefully.

Deep down inside, they know that their parents have always wanted them to be truly happy, despite always being strict and uptight. Looking at his parents' resting place, somehow the words that they've always told him suddenly popped up again. But, he's never stopped being grateful for what they've done for them. I hope I can take Akihiro-san here someday.

The rest of the day passed by quietly without anything else happening. When they've made it back home, they returned to do whatever business they have. Aoi still have only 2 or 3 songs before his album is finished, so until graduation day, he should try to finish with it.

When the new day came, everyone in his class notice that both Akihiro and Aoi have somehow changed in their interactions with each other. Well, he knows that many students at school have been matching him with Akihiro since he enrolled school. They held the first place in the Top 10 Most Beautiful Couples of the Year, surveyed by the Fujoshi club. And from what Chiyoko told him, it seemed that fanfictions and doujinshi about them were also quite hot around school too. So, he wasn't sure whether if he should be happy of the admirations he got or not.

But, one thing he knows for sure, is he now felt happy, just seeing Akihiro smiling to him, like he always did.

That's certainly something Aoi would do xD


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Throughout the morning lessons, Hiro passed the time by attempting to add more to his piano ballad, though he failed due to the fact that he was using his memory instead of an actual piano. As usual, he managed to write down no notes whatsoever - class notes, anyways, though he didn't get down any music notes either - and was fully planning on stealing Hotaru's notes to copy off of later in the day. The weather was bright and sunny, as opposed to the previous week, and Hiro was excited about being able to practice outdoors during the Orchestra club rehearsal. However, when the lunch bell finally rang, Aoi was the only thing on Hiro's mind as he shot out of his seat and bounced over to his boyfriend's desk, sporting a cheeky smile as he did so. XX
"Its nice out today, so d'ya wanna eat outside? We should go find Naoki and Chiyoko-chan too, then it'll be extra fun!" Continuing to chatter on about their other friends and food, Hiro practically dragged Aoi out the door, Hotaru and Natsuki following after them. Hiro hurried into the second-year classrooms looking for Chiyoko, and greeted her excitedly, already starting to rant about something or another. While his friend was distracted, Hotaru took the moment to speak to Aoi. "Hiro told me you stayed at his house on Friday. I hope it wasn't too overwhelming, his family can be a bit much sometimes. They're definitely some of your biggest fans though~" Hotaru patted Aoi softly on the back, as if reassuring him, and walked on ahead. XXXX
Once Chiyoko, Naoki, Yuki, and Minori had all be drafted to their 'group-lunch-date', Hiro dragged everyone out to the courtyard and chose a spot thick with green grass, which was thankfully dry. There were trees surrounding the area to block the sun and even a couple wildflowers scattered about. "Its perfect!" Flopping down onto the grass, Hiro happily started shoveling his food into his mouth while attempting to make conversation at the same time, until Hotaru scolded him for eating with his mouth open. The primary topic of conversation was music, of course, but Hiro and Aoi were a close second. XX
"Everyone was starting to worry, you know! Everything was so tense between the two of you, no one knew what to do about it. I'm glad you've figured everything out~" Yuki said, stealing an octopus sausage from Hiro's bento. "That's right! Our friendship game is so strong, not even the troubles of day-to-day life can break us apart!" "You're dating now, aren't you?" Hiro froze, his voice dying in his throat, and Hotaru all but spit out whatever he'd been eating before bursting into laughter. Natsuki and Minori both followed suit, and Hiro looked to Aoi with an expression that could only be described as apologetic. "Is it really that obvious?" "Yeah, pretty much. I don't think anyone really cares though, to be honest." Hotaru said. XXX
Once everyone had finished teasing Hiro and Aoi, the conversation went back to normal, topics shifting from one subject to another in rapid succession. Hiro audibly groaned as the bell rang. "Ugh, afternoon classes are so boring, can I just skip?" "No, you can't skip." Hotaru frowned at his friend. "This our last year, if you don't at least pass your classes, you aren't going to graduate. And its not like I'm going to be patient and wait for you before I go to college." "What? You wouldn't really leave me behind, would you?!" Yuki, Natsuki, and Minori watched the exchange with amusement. XX
Hotaru gave up on arguing with Hiro, and the shorter male hopped over to Aoi with a dejected face, playfully demanding to know if he would also leave him behind if he didn't graduate. Hotaru smacked him atop the head before he could get an answer, and the group slit up as they passed their respective classes. The afternoon lessons passed in the same manner as morning lessons - uneventfully. Hiro spent the duration of the few hours staring out the window and doodling on what should have been his class notes. However, it wasn't too long before the last bell rang, and it was time for rehearsal. XXXX

I feel kinda bad for Hiro and Aoi because they were oh so prepared to keep their relationship a secret but pretty much everyone already knows about it...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The morning lesson seemed to passed by peacefully, as everything has returned to how it was before the whole avoiding thing between Aoi and Akihiro that had plunged awkwardness over the whole class. But now, almost everyone can sigh in relief that whatever happened between their two hottest guys in school had finally reconciled with each other. In fact, they can pretty much see that love is blooming in the air by the way Aoi smiled and Akihiro's cheerfulness. Though they didn't show, it seemed they were quite happy for them.

Aoi had returned from being all lovesick like a teenager back to his usual diligent self. When lunch break came, Akihiro asked Aoi and some of their friends to have lunch outside, since the weather was nice today. Luckily he had also made a lunch box for him and his sister today too. So when Akihiro asked him, he just nodded in agreement before making their way out of their classroom into the grass on behind the school building, under a big tree. Chiyoko and Naoki also joined them on their way. Everyone seemed to share one thing in their mind right now - the relationship between Aoi and Akihiro.

The weather seemed to be very nice, which is quite contrasting with the weathers on Friday, and they all enjoyed their lunch while conversing with each other. Aoi's bento boxes were as good as always and everyone kept asking how could he so good at cooking. Well, he's relaxed a lot now and he's smiled more. It was amazing what love can do to people. "You really have stayed over Akihiro-kun's house the whole Friday night? For someone who've just started dating for a few hours, you two are really fast." Naoki said with a smirk as he poked Aoi, "So, how far have you two actually got? Who is tachi and who is neko, eh?"

Aoi raised his eyebrow, "Tachi and... neko? What do you mean?" Though before Naoki can reply, Chiyoko hit him with her elbow, "They haven't done anything, Nao-kun. I've checked. It's funny how they smell just like each other because they slept together but hadn't reach any further than that. Though I'm pretty sure nii-chan is going to be a neko." She chuckled and reply her boyfriend as they both burst out laughing. And Aoi didn't understand the least of what they've said, but he couldn't care nonetheless.

Lunch break passed by in a flash and soon enough they all resume with the afternoon lessons. Clearly not everyone can be distracting now that the final exams are coming close within just few months, but they can make it if determined enough. After the lessons, the members of the Orchestra club stopped by for rehearsal.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


As usual, Hiro was the first person out of his seat when the bell rang, and was chatting animatedly with Aoi before the teacher had even left the room. Hotaru and Natsuki followed close behind, and the four of them headed towards the roof. Practice was held on the roof terrace, since it was nice out. Hiro couldn't help but remember the last time he'd been out there, and shot Aoi a bright smile as he helped set up chairs, placing his as close to the piano as he could get it. Once everything had been set up, the members all took their seats and listened as Yuki went through the list of songs they'd finally decided on performing. They were supposed to have three different songs, one for each stage of the tournament, and each was a rather rare song. XX
At least no one will get bored with us if we aren't playing a stereotypical piece like all the other schools probably will. As the rehearsal carried out, each song was played through, stopped every once in a while to address mistakes and adjust a couple different parts. Yuki was intent on rewriting any parts of the songs that didn't sound 'right' to her, which would make the whole thing more complicated for sure, but overall more impressive. Hiro stopped a couple of times to give advice to the other students in his section and played with his usual vigor, watching Aoi at the piano in his peripheral vision. XXX
Two hours passed, and the sun was beginning to set, so Yuki declared the rehearsal over and ordered everyone to head home. Hiro eagerly helped Aoi move the piano back into the club room, praising his boyfriend's playing as they did so. Hotaru stopped by to smack Hiro lightly atop the head. "Hiro, if you keep praising him so much all the time, you'll make him numb with embarrassment." Hiro took a moment to pout - for comical purposes - before going to help bring in the rest of the equipment. "Its not like I can help it, he really is amazing! And not just at playing the piano either, his grades are way better than mine and his handwriting is super neat and he knows how to talk to people without driving them nuts!" "Yeah, you tend to do that." XX
It didn't take long for everything to be brought back into the building and stored away, so the club room was empty in only a couple minutes, leaving only Hiro's core group of friends still in the room. Yuki practically shoved them all out of the club room and locked up, hurrying down the stairs without them and yelling behind her that she was late for her 'date'. Natsuki inquired as to who she had a date with, but Yuki was already gone, so he and Hiro decided to come up with their own theories of who it might be. Hotaru offered up Minori as his suggestion, and they all agreed that she was the most probable, since Yuki had been crushing on her since before the two had become part of Hiro's group. It wouldn't be real surprising if they were on a date. XXX
Natsuki split off from the four as they reached the front gate, and Hiro sneakily kissed Aoi on the cheek before scurrying away laughing, waving dramatically as he rode off toward his house. "Hiro, please face forward when you're on your bike, it makes me nervous knowing that you aren't watching where you're going." Sticking his tongue out at his tall friend, Hiro grinned and sped up, laughing louder as Hotaru struggled to keep up. They were both out of breath when they finally reached their respective houses, and Hiro waved to his friend as he stepped through the front door. XXXX
"I'm home!" Hiro said, dropping his things next to the stairs and tossing his shoes off to the side. His mother poked her head out from the kitchen to greet him and Akihiko waved half-assedly from the couch in the sitting room. The evening passed same as always - a delicious meal, arguing brothers, boring homework, and finally sleep. Well, everyone else went to sleep. Hiro was up long after everyone else had gone to bed, working on his piano ballad with a pair of headphones plugged into his electric keyboard. He ended up falling asleep on top of the machine, the unfinished recording of his ballad playing on repeat through his headphones. Despite his late-night composing session, Hiro still managed to wake up at the first crack of dawn. XXX

I don't know how this started but I have started to think Minori and Yuki would make the third cutest couple of this story (Naoki and Chiyoko are second).


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The afternoon classes passed by quietly without any hassles, just like any other days. In comparison with the busy days from before, Aoi hope that he can enjoy these peaceful days before coming back to his everlasting busy day full of performances and work. Especially now that he had finally found his beloved one. Well, he didn't have worry much about grades though, since his actual level surpassed those of his classmates. All he needed to do is to try earn a high school degree, and the Department of Culture in Tokyo will give him his licence to perform as a professional artist again.

After school time ended, they all made their way to the Orchestra club's room, where Yuki told them about the songs that they are going to perform. This is pretty much the last stage they got to perform in their high school already so they needed to put a lot of effort into rehearsal, as this will be a memorable event for all of them when they graduated. Everyone seemed to be enthusiastic enough though.

As the rehearsal began, Aoi also helped Akihiro and Yuki to give advice to other players so that they can perform better on stage. During his time working and participating in both Instrument club and Orchestra club, Aoi felt that they have improved a lot. If one day they got a chance to perform on a professional stage, surely they will also do as good as any artist out there, in his opinion.

When the practicing is finished, Yuki quickly headed off for her 'date', everyone was left pondering over who would be lucky enough to be her date. Many suggestions were brought up as they all made their ways to the school entrance. Well, it seemed that everyone agreed that it was Minori whom Yuki was going out with. Minori had actually confirmed this with the members of the Instruments club and they've all promised to keep her secret and Aoi accidentally saw them kissing on the stairs the other day when he stayed behind because he had duties.

Chiyoko showed up at the entrance when the limousine arrived and it took both her and Aoi back home, after a long day. It seemed that her activity at the Ballet club is also quite smooth. They're practicing hard for the Swan Lake dance that they will perform on graduation day. And thus, another long day ended.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro awoke to his mother shaking him violently, instead of his internal clock like usual. He scrambled out of her grasp and stared at her confusedly. "What's wrong?! Is the house on fire?!" Shaking her head, the woman beamed and continued to shake him more. "Your brother finally proposed to Sachiko!" It took a moment for his mom's words to settle. Then, Hiro beamed just as wide, and the two began to shout excitedly at each other. Hiro's father came in a second later and joined in, and the three all but fell down the stairs as they hurried to question Akki, who was looking very uncomfortable from his spot on the couch. Sachiko was sitting next to him, laughing, and the two were quickly swept up into a bone-crushing family hug. XX
After a long game of Twenty Questions that far surpassed twenty, it was revealed that Akihiko had proposed early that morning, when they were on their way back to the house and decided to stop and admire the sunset. Today was their fifth anniversary, and the two had been dating since their first year of Senior High, so it was a relief for everyone that the two were finally making things permanent. Hiro teased his brother about everything he could think of that fit the situation, down to how Akihiko had started dying his bangs in an attempt to impress Sachiko before he'd actually gotten around to confessing. XX
Unfortunately for Hiro - and very fortunate for Akihiko - it was a school day, and he was forced to bid goodbye to his family as he headed out the door, happy to explain that morning's festivities with Hotaru on their way to class. "Well, took him long enough. Its been five years since they started dating, hasn't it? I think its very interesting that your brother is the one who gets embarrassed in their relationship, instead of Sachiko-san." Hiro snickered at that. "Actually, now that I think about, its like you and him are complete opposites when it comes to a relationship. Akihiko is 'neko', and you're 'tachi'. Isn't that interesting?" They both laughed, and joked about what kind of wedding the two love-birds were going to have. XXX
"I bet they're probably going to have a Western-style wedding. Anything traditional would be too serious for them to handle~" Hotaru nodded in agreement, and they both parked their bikes before heading over to where Yuki, Minori, and Natsuki were situated on the grass. It didn't take long for Hiro to spill the beans about his brother's engagement, and soon it was the chief topic of their conversation, with everyone adding their own ideas to the mess of blackmail and cute stories about the couple's future life together. Most of it was just nonsense anyway. When Aoi's limousine rolled up, the group waved dramatically to him and Chiyoko as they stepped out - well, with the exception of Hotaru and Minori, who instead face-palmed in unison. XXX
"Hey, my brother finally proposed to his girlfriend this morning!" Hiro blurted, beaming from ear to ear. He was willing to share the information with anyone and everyone who would listen. "My parents are planning the wedding right now, and the engagement rings are super pretty too!" Hiro continued to ramble on for another thirty seconds or so, being stopped by the morning bell. The group then headed to their respective classes, now chatting about studying for final exams. Hiro groaned at every mention of exam season and refused to say anything about whether or not he was studying for them. XXX
Their homeroom teacher came in only minutes after everyone arrived, and morning classes began, though Hiro's attention was hardly focused on the lesson. He was far too excited about the upcoming wedding to concentrate on math and English. It would be his first wedding, and his first 'formal party', even though he very much doubted how serious the event was going to be. Knowing Sachiko, she'd have her band do the wedding music and perform in her wedding dress if no one talked her out of it. Hiro knew Hotaru would be one of the guests, since Akki had known him just as long as Hiro had, and if it was a wedding than his mother would probably suggest that Hotaru also invite his girlfriend, Iori. Hiro then daydreamed about slow-dancing with Aoi. XX

How long do you think they'll be dating before Aoi decides Hiro should meet Kaori? I'm wondering if we'll need to do a time-skip until that moment or not.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After Aoi and Chiyoko have made it back to their mansion, they were rather surprised because Kaori was standing in front of the door and waiting for them to return. It was a while since the last time she actually did this so it was naturally. But they know for sure that she definitely have something in mind that she wanted to tell both of them.

Well, her expression remains calm as ever, but just like Aoi, she'd seemingly found more lights in her eyes now than before. When Chiyoko asked her what makes her waiting for them like this, she just smiled gently and said that it's a surprise.

After taking a shower and got changed into their casual clothes, Aoi and Chiyoko joined their sister for dinner. But they weren't the only ones, since Kaori had invited the man who accompanied her back to Japan the other day to dine with them. She formally introduce him to be her lover and confessed that they've secretly dated for a year. It wasn't very surprising though, since they've pretty much figured it out some times ago.

They also told Aoi and Chiyoko about their plan to get married after another year or two, because Kaori's lover, whose name is Akira, is also a successful businessman and they both can share a lot of their burden with each other once they've settled down. This news was rather shocking for both Chiyoko and Aoi, but seeing that the guy was such a good man by the way he talked and treated their sister, they can rest assure that Kaori can have a pretty good life from now on. Chiyoko was excited that her dream of being her sister's maid of honor can finally come true. Aoi was happy for Kaori too, but he didn't show it much.

Later that night, Chiyoko stayed up and chatted with Aoi about all things related to love and how awesome it was to see both of her older siblings to be head over heels infatuated now. Well, thanks to Chiyoko, Aoi was enlightened a lot about may concepts that he had never known before. It was rather endearing, in his opinion. He felt a little bit embarrassed at the thought of doing all that normal couple usually do with Akihiro, but still, he mustn't lose his cool.

When Aoi was at school the following day, he was greeted with the news that Akihiro's brother had finally proposed and they're planning their wedding soon. "Is that so, well good for them then. I hope I'll be invite too." Aoi said with a smile as they made their way to their classroom.

The day passed by quietly and as school time was over, Aoi and Chiyoko was busied with their activities at the Instruments club and Ballet club, so they didn't join their friends on their way. However, there was seemingly a fuss at the school's entrance when a shiny Audi driven by a young, beautiful woman was stopping by. She stood while leaning against the car, seemingly waiting for someone and didn't care much about the attention she was drawing from the students.

When she caught Akihiro walking towards the gate, she lowered her sunglasses and said to him, "Good afternoon. You must be Akihiro Tsuno-san. I'm Shimizu Kaori. As you must have known by now, I'm Aoi's sister. There's a couple of thing that I want to talk with you, so do you have some free time at the moment?"

Why not now? xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


After the first few classes passed, Hiro started to concentrate more on the lesson material, though he did end up doodling wedding dresses and tuxedos all over his notes. A couple of the doodles were of him and Aoi in suits, and one - his personal favorite - was of Hotaru in a Western-style wedding dress. It took all the willpower he had not to burst out laughing in the middle of class after he drew it. However, it wasn't long before lunch period rolled around, and as it was nice out, the group once again ate their lunches in the courtyard. Hiro and Chiyoko talked a about wedding dresses and flowers, and the two of them both fawned over the image of their respective boyfriends wearing fancy suits. It was nothing out of the ordinary, to say the least. XXX
Afternoon classes passed by much slower than morning classes, now that Hiro was actually putting effort into taking notes. He ended up getting several different sports balls stuck in the rafters during gym, and was sent outside to do laps after the third incident, though he didn't particularly mind. Hotaru found the wedding dress drawing of him during Home Economics and promptly confiscated it (Hiro knew he didn't throw it away though). Naturally, everyone was impressed by Aoi's cooking, and laughed at Hiro's pathetic attempt to make curry. There was a reason why his mother made his lunches. XX
"Oi, Hotaru, what're you gonna do with the drawing of you in a wedding dress? You should show it to your mom, I know she'd love it~" Hiro teased, pausing the conversation to wave dramatically as Aoi left to go to his club. Hotaru groaned at being reminded of the drawing. "I know you only drew that to make fun of the fact that I was supposed to be a girl, and if you're trying to make me loath your presence, its working. And yes, I'm going to show it to my mom. I'll tell her its a gift from her precious 'Hiro-chan'." Laughing to himself, Hiro inquired as to the health of Hotaru's mother, who was mentally ill. She was doing better, apparently. The two were joined by Yuki and Minori as they stepped into the hall, the latter of which bid them a quick farewell and hurried up the stairs toward her club. Hiro and Yuki then went on to tease each other about their respective relationships. XX
The courtyard was in a bit of a fuss when they stepped out of the building, and everyone seemed to be staring confusedly at a limousine that was parked in front of the school. "I wonder why everyone's so confused, that car is parked outside the school every day." Hotaru said, trying to figure out what everyone was ogling. The question was answered when the three made it through the crowd and finally caught sight of the young woman standing outside said car. Hiro recognized her, but couldn't put his finger on how. Hotaru also recognized her, and proceeded to silently push his friend forward, him and Yuki slinking out of sight as the woman - Shimizu Kaori, as she soon introduced herself as - confronted Hiro and confused everyone further. XX
"There's a couple of thing that I want to talk with you, so do you have some free time at the moment?" Hiro grinned up at her, nodding excitedly. "Yeah, I'm free all day! Though, do you think Aoi would mind if I met you without him?" Taking a moment to ponder it, Hiro shrugged, and waved to his two friends - who were currently hiding behind the crowd of onlookers, not wanting to get involved - before following Kaori into the limousine. The vehicle was just as fancy on the inside as the one he'd ridden in before, and Hiro's excitement about being inside the limousine was nothing but obvious. XX
So this is Shimizu Kaori? I remember watching a news report on her once, though I have no idea what it said. Something about her being famous for raising her siblings...speaking of which, are Aoi's parents even in the picture? I've never heard anything about them... Hiro thought to himself, briefly forgetting that he wasn't alone. As he snapped out of his inner monologue, he turned to Kaori with a smile and listened to what she had to say - and ask. XX

No reason why we can't do it now~ I just didn't know if you wanted that part to happen right away or not. Also, are we still going with the plan for Hiro to be taken from inside the mansion? I wanna get all that stuff sorted out so I don't go and do anything too dramatic without us being on the same page first.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


"I don't think he's going to mind much if I were to have some words with his lover. After all, I did confess to both him and Chiyoko about my own affairs, so I can say that we're even." Kaori replied to Akihiro as he raised the question, "Anyway, just hop in. I don't think we'll find it very comfortable to talk here with so many people watching us, right?" Kaori opened the door and got in. When Akihiro is on the car, she drove both of them to a rather fancy cafÊ shop nearby. On their way, they exchanged some conversation.

When they've arrived at the cafÊ shop, Kaori parked the car on a parking lot as she walked into the cafÊ shop along with the younger boy. Many people seemed to recognize her - the youngest CEO of the prestigious Shimizu Corporation and founder of the popular fashion line K's as she walked in. It only served to tell how respectable she is. When the waitress took her order, she told Akihiro to call anything he like, as it is her treat.

Calmly sipping from her coffee, Kaori swept a gaze over Akihiro. "I've never thought that there would be someone who would be able to conquer a mountain that is indestructible like Aoi. In a way, he's even stricter than I am and long he's stopped showing any emotion, or telling me or Chiyoko how he felt about himself. Of course, no matter how much I have pushed my younger siblings to do their best all the time, I still wanted them to be happy, because I'm still their sister after all."

Placing the cup of coffee down on its' plate, Kaori gracefully crossed her legs, "After the death of my parents, it has left a big impact in all of us, but I think the one who was affected by it the most was Aoi. He had always looked up to them and they were his motivation to work for the top. What's more, he's a successful artist, but the world he's living in isn't just about glamour and fame. There's a lot of complication and the more successful he got, the more hatred and jealousy he also gained. That's why he had to conceal all of his thought and become the person who he is today. I guess that is, until he met you."

Even though what Kaori said was important, her tone of voice remained calm, "I can see that Aoi had brightened up a lot recently and there's always a hint of deep trust and amity in his eyes whenever he talked about you. I have to admit, I thought that it was amazing for anyone being able to break his ice like that. So, I will place my trust on you to look after and care for him too, because I will not always be around to keep an eye for my siblings. He might be cold at first, but there's no one that can be faithful as him, so try your best to hold onto him and don't ever break his heart." She emphasized her final sentence a little in a slight threatening tone.

Kaori leaned against her chair and continued to enjoy her drink, "I'm supposed that you've already known that the engagement between Aoi and Reiko is nothing more than an act, until then, I hope you will continue to stay quiet about it. I will ensure that none of the reporters and news press will bother you, but you and Aoi shouldn't be too exposed. If you have any other request or question, feel free to ask."

It's up to you :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


While they drove, Hiro tried his very best to keep his attention on the conversation between him and Kaori rather than all the buttons there were to mess with. Their conversation was mostly small talk - Hiro talked about the Orchestra club and his family's music shop, and Kaori told him about her fashion line. It was pleasant, to say the least, yet somehow Akihiro felt himself growing the slightest bit awkward under her quiet gaze and calm expression. Just like Aoi. Except I know how to read Aoi, sort of. I don't know anything about Kaori-san yet, other than that she's Aoi's sister and owns a famous fashion line. I don't even know if she likes me or not. What if she's here to send me away? What if she thinks Reiko-san is better for him than I am? XXXX
Suddenly, Hiro felt uncharacteristically worried, and fidgeted restlessly in his seat. He still managed to continue their chat without showing any outward hints of his impending awkwardness, and was silently grateful when the limousine finally came to a stop outside a cafe. The smell of coffee was comforting, despite the fact he didn't actually like coffee himself. Maybe its comforting because I know how much Aoi loves it... Taking a seat across from Kaori, Hiro nervously rocked his feet back and forth underneath his chair and fiddled with his fingers in his lap, politely refusing to order anything. XX
"I've never thought that there would be someone who would be able to conquer a mountain that is indestructible like Aoi." Hiro looked up at Kaori with an open expression. Indestructible mountain? What an interesting way to describe him, I never thought of that. "In a way, he's even stricter than I am and long he's stopped showing any emotion, or telling me or Chiyoko how he felt about himself. Of course, no matter how much I have pushed my younger siblings to do their best all the time, I still wanted them to be happy, because I'm still their sister after all." Hiro nodded at that, understanding how it felt. Though he was the youngest, he'd always been very close to his brother, and was always his main supporter. XX
"After the death of my parents-" Oh, so that's why. "-it has left a big impact in all of us, but I think the one who was affected by it the most was Aoi. He had always looked up to them and they were his motivation to work for the top. What's more, he's a successful artist, but the world he's living in isn't just about glamour and fame. There's a lot of complication and the more successful he got, the more hatred and jealousy he also gained. That's why he had to conceal all of his thought and become the person who he is today. I guess that is, until he met you." XXX
" I thought Aoi seemed really close to you and Chiyoko-chan..." Akihiro's expression surely showed surprise. Aoi wasn't too charismatic, but he wasn't distant either, and had put quite a lot of effort into getting to know his classmates and clubmates. Surely I can't be the first person he's ever opened up to. After all, he has two really great sisters who seem like they care about him a lot, doesn't he open up to them too? "I can see that Aoi had brightened up a lot recently and there's always a hint of deep trust and amity in his eyes whenever he talked about you. I have to admit, I thought that it was amazing for anyone being able to break his ice like that. So, I will place my trust on you to look after and care for him too, because I will not always be around to keep an eye for my siblings. He might be cold at first, but there's no one that can be faithful as him." XX
"So try your best to hold onto him and don't ever break his heart." Nodding furiously, Hiro flashed Kaori what he hoped she would interpret as a reassuring smile. He hadn't missed the edge in her tone. He was an idiot, but he was observant, and he figured it was probably the same edge his brother had used when Aoi had visited a few days prior. "Never in a million years would I ever do anything to hurt him. I know what its like to have your heart broken, and there's no way I'd want to put Aoi through that." Hiro planted his feet flat on the floor and messed around with the keychain on his bag. XX
"I'm supposed that you've already known that the engagement between Aoi and Reiko is nothing more than an act, until then, I hope you will continue to stay quiet about it. I will ensure that none of the reporters and news press will bother you, but you and Aoi shouldn't be too exposed. If you have any other request or question, feel free to ask." "Will you come to our Orchestra tournament?" Even through Kaori's calm exterior, Hiro could tell she was surprised, if only slightly. "We have a big tournament coming up next month, and the preliminaries are in Tokyo. Aoi and I will be playing a duet together, and I think it would make him really really happy if you and Chiyoko-chan came to watch the performance, so..." XXX

In that case, I think I might have the actual abduction take place in front of Hiro's house. It would make a lot more sense logically, and this guy isn't an idiot, so he'd probably be lying in wait for a good opportunity. I was thinking it might be right after Aoi drops Hiro at home (after the visit to the Shimizu house) and Aoi is driving away? It'd probably be the only time the criminal could get Hiro while he's by himself, since the kid is pretty much never alone.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Kaori was a bit surprised after Akihiro asked her if she could come to a tournament they are having a couple of weeks later, and assured her that Aoi would be happy if she could come. "I will check my schedule first to see if I can go or not. After all, it's a bit hard to arrange all things neatly when you have to take care of a whole incorporation and fashion line, don't you think?"

She then calmly fixed her hair and replied, "I guess both Aoi and Chiyoko didn't know but I've never missed any of their shows. If I couldn't come personally, I always have someone to record for me. So you don't have to worry much and I'm pretty sure whether I can come or not wouldn't make much of a difference. They can always do fine without me and all I need to do is to support them from behind."

Kaori placed the cup down on its' place and paid for their drinks before she stood up, "Well, I guess we should go back. It's getting late and I still have a couple of things left to do. I will take you back to your home. It's been a pleasure meeting you, Akihiro-san."

With that said, Kaori drove Akihiro back to his house before making it back to the Shimizu's estate. Of course, the very question she was asked by her younger siblings the moment she stepped into their house is where she had been, but she replied that she was just taking care of some businesses, while offering to make dinner. Aoi couldn't help wondering whether it had something to do with Akihiro, since Minori texted him and told him that she stopped by his school earlier that afternoon. But he didn't concern himself too much with it.

And just like that, another day passes by. There didn't seem to be much problems today either and graduation day is getting closer and closer. Aoi told himself that he got to make his own mark somehow, to make this period of his life become memorable, both for him and his sister.

Morning soon approaches as Aoi got prepared for a new day just like usual. When he's finished, he got on the limousine with Chiyoko as the vehicle takes him to school. "Hey, there's something I've always wanted to know. Why didn't you just drive us to school instead?" Chiyoko asked.

"Well, do you happen to see any parking lot nearby then? It's against the rule for students to drive into the campus whether they have license or not. Besides, I don't want everyone to gossip much about it." Aoi shrugged as he replied.

"Still as serious as ever." Chiyoko chuckled, "I can't wait until I can get my own license though. I hope you haven't forgotten that you've promised to buy a car for me if I pass."

"Yeah, you've been nagging me about it all the time, how could I forgot? But it's still years away so just take your time. High school is still long for you." Aoi smiled lightly.

As usual, school day passed by without much fuss, though everyone seemed to be hanging around their own clubs more during the lunch break so there aren't many that still hang around the classroom. As soon as the bell rang, Aoi put his stuffs into his schoolbag before making his way to Akihiro's desk, "Akihiro-san. Do you want to come over my house today?"

Yeah, I think that would be best xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"I will check my schedule first to see if I can go or not. After all, it's a bit hard to arrange all things neatly when you have to take care of a whole incorporation and fashion line, don't you think?" Hiro nodded slowly and stared down at his lap, a little bit deflated by Kaori's indefinite answer. His gaze met hers again as she continued to speak. "I guess both Aoi and Chiyoko didn't know but I've never missed any of their shows. If I couldn't come personally, I always have someone to record for me. So you don't have to worry much and I'm pretty sure whether I can come or not wouldn't make much of a difference. They can always do fine without me and all I need to do is to support them from behind." XX
Reassured, Hiro nodded once more, though more vigorously than before. It was late, and Kaori offered to drive him home, which he gratefully accepted. If Hotaru hadn't brought his bike home for him, he would just have to bring it back the next day. The drive to his home was pretty quiet, as Kaori seemed to have no more questions and Hiro was far to antsy to start up a conversation himself. He thanked her for the ride and headed inside, humming quietly to himself. "Ah, Hiro! I was worried! Hotaru-kun said you went somewhere with Aoi-kun's sister?" His mom inquired. Hiro explained the ordeal. XX
Once he'd given his relatives time to tease him, Hiro excused himself from their company and made his way up to his room, flopping over onto his futon and pulling out his cell phone to text Aoi good night. He opted not tell his boyfriend about the 'older-sibling-talk' since he didn't want Aoi to worry, not that he really would anyway. Is he even the kind of person who worries about their lover? After all, he did come and talk to me when I was feeling down about the whole first-kiss thing, though technically he was asked to by Yuki and Hotaru, so maybe it doesn't count... Letting out a tired sigh, Hiro set his ever-so-confusing thoughts aside and went about attempting to finish his homework before crawling under his covers and falling into a peaceful slumber. XXX
The next morning, Hiro was the first to wake, passing the time completing what was left of his homework while he waited for his parents to rise. The family spent their morning as lively as ever - and with more pointless teasing between the two brothers. Sachiko wasn't there to intervene, as she was dead asleep in Akihiko's room, and in the end it was Hotaru who broke up their run-on argument by dragging Hiro out of the house. "You two never change, always fighting about everything you can possibly think of to fight about..." Hotaru sighed, ignored his shorter friend's frustrated ranting. XX
Yuki, Minori, and Natsuki were there to greet them when they arrived, and the group chatted excitedly about the orchestra tournament, as well as about Akki and Sachiko's wedding. As it turned out, Sachiko had stated that 'all of Hiro's close friends were invited, as well as their lovers' and Hiro's mom had been unable to talk her out of the idea. Natsuki groaned in loathing. "Man, but that means I'm gonna be the only person there without a date!" XX
The school day passed same as every other - long, boring, and uneventful. When the last class of the day ended, Hiro stretched his arms out, smirking when he 'accidentally' hit Natsuki in the process. The two then engaged in a half-serious poke war, which Hotaru watched with loathing. "Can't you two act like your own age for at least one day?" "Nope!" "Of course not..." Hiro pulled himself from the poke war with a wide grin as Aoi approached, and surprise was clearly evident in his features at what his boyfriend said. "Akihiro-san. Do you want to come over my house today?" The excitement was obvious. "Go to your house?! Yes! I've never even seen any pictures of where you live on the internet or anything, so this sounds super-duper fun!" XXXX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi nodded to Akihiro with a light smile, "Okay then. Come along with me and Chiyo-chan after school then, 'kay? I have a meeting with the guys in the Instruments Club though, so I hope you can wait with her until I finish with them. I'm off then." He made his way out of the classroom and headed to the cafeteria, since today he didn't make any bento for him and Chiyoko. He kinda missed the yakisoba bread though. Naoki and Chiyoko were there before him so he grabbed his food and joined them.

The rest of the afternoon class passed by quietly without much fuss. The teachers have begun to remind them to start revising their lessons, as finals are coming close. Each student will also be sent an application of their plans in the future next week and they have to check in with the teachers who will be their advisors. Aoi really didn't have any plan in mind of whether he wanted to continue with university or just quit. Perhaps he can apply for a business institute so that he can help Kaori with their family's corporation.

As the bell rang, Aoi excused everyone as he left for the Instruments club. They are still as energetic and enthusiastic as ever. It's hard for him to think that he can only hang out with them like this for only a couple of months later. Since the day he joined, he had had great fun playing music with them. Hope that I can still keep contact with them in the future, or maybe invited them to perform with me in my concert. He thought.

When they are finished, everyone left to return to their houses. Aoi was accompanied by Minori as they walked towards the entrance of the school while discussing about their future. And, as expected, Akihiro had already waiting for Aoi, along with Chiyoko. "Sorry for keeping you two waiting. Let's go then." He said as the three of them get on the limousine as it took them to the Shimizu's estate.

On their way, they chatted with each other. Chiyoko said excitedly that there's going to be an event held by Ballet Club and Drama Club and that she and her fellow club members will perform Swan Lake and the Nutcracker plays, while Naoki will also directed their own play. And Aoi told her that they're also preparing for the upcoming tournament as well. It's going to be huge since it will be the last big stage for both Instruments club and Orchestra club.

As the limousine drove its way to the special residential area for celebrities and prestigious families, it stopped by their home. The driver then opened the car's door for them, "We're here."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Okay then. Come along with me and Chiyo-chan after school then, 'kay? I have a meeting with the guys in the Instruments Club though, so I hope you can wait with her until I finish with them. I'm off then." Hiro nodded furiously and watched Aoi leave the room, grinning from ear to ear. He spent the rest of lunch speculating with Hotaru and Natsuki about what the Shimizu estate really looked like, and throughout their afternoon classes, he was far too distracted to concentrate on any of the material. He was the first person to stand as the last bell of the day rang, having already packed up his things. XXX
"Geez Hiro, at least wait for class to end before you start getting ready to leave..." Hotaru sighed, watching his friend with a tired expression and slowly putting his own textbooks into his bag. "I suppose I should walk your bike home for you, huh? I figured you'd be coming back to the school after your outing yesterday so I left it here, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you end up staying over at Shimizu's place tonight." Hiro didn't miss Hotaru's smirk, and it only served to widen his grin. "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I'll make sure to send you all the details~" XX
Since there was no Orchestra club practice that day, Hiro walked with Hotaru to the front gate and waved as he left. He wasn't alone very long, as Naoki and Chiyoko soon came out as well, since neither of them had club activities either. The three spent their time chatting about music, drama shows, and whatever else they could think of until Naoki eventually had to leave. When the members of the Instruments club finally began to file out of the building, Hiro and Chiyoko were engaged in an unnecessarily serious battle of Janken-pon, racing to see who could poke the other first whenever it came to a tie. XX
"Oi, Aoi! How was practice?" Hiro inquired, starting up another lively conversation as the three huddled into the limousine and drove off toward the Shimizu estate. It wasn't long before Hiro was distracted, however, his excitement about seeing Aoi's house proving to tear his mind away from anything else. He fidgeted restlessly in his seat, watching out the window and doing his best to memorize their path while still half-listening to the conversation. XX
Akihiro eventually fell back into the chatter, adding his own opinions and random points that had nothing to do with the original topic. He was able to keep his attention on his friends until the car slowed, coming to a stop and causing his restless energy to reach its peak. "We're here." Grinning, Hiro was the first one out of the car, unintentionally pulling Aoi along with him as their fingers had laced together sometime during the drive. Akihiro's eyes sparkled with awe as he silently took it all in, admiring the flawless stone driveway, flower-filled front yard, and - of course - the mansion itself as well. XX
"Whoa, you guys live here?! Its amazing! My house is so cute and tiny compared to this place, I bet its super pretty on the inside too~ C'mon, lets go!" Impatient but gentle, Hiro grabbed hold of Chiyoko's hand as well and gleefully led the Shimizu siblings into the mansion, grinning from ear to ear and practically giggling with enthusiasm. He stopped in the foyer to rant about how 'beautifully symmetrical' the room was and how pretty the tile floors were and how there wasn't a single thing out of place, unlike his own rather cluttered home. Underneath his admiration, Hiro did feel the smallest bit uneasy standing in such a huge room, silently wondering how big Aoi's bedroom was if a simple foyer was this size. Uwah, his house is so super-duper pretty! XX

I referred to Rock Paper Scissors as 'Janken-pon', though that isn't actually what its called in Japan, the phrase just sounded better than 'Saishowaguu'. Edit: I finished reading the article and that's still not what its called, it actually just called 'Janken'. I guess I need to do better research on these things...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


As soon as the limousine stopped by the estate, Akihiro seemed to couldn't contain his excitement as he pulled both Aoi and Chiyoko down the car in a rush. "Hey, don't be too rushy. You'll stumble on your feet." Aoi gently reminded as the three of them made their way into the front yard. As both of them were being dragged through the yard into the house, they couldn't only shook their heads at how childish and over-active Akihiro can be. Chiyoko chuckled, "Please, don't just drag us into our own house like that."

When the three walked into the house, two housemaids bowed to them, "Okaerinasai, Aoi-sama and Chiyoko-sama. Is this your friend?" One of them greeted them. Aoi then nodded, "Please make some tea and some sweets and bring them to my room." They bowed their heads again and walked to the kitchen to prepare what Aoi had required. "Well, you two have fun then. If you need anything, I'll be in my room." Chiyoko grinned as she retreated back to her room.

"Come on, let's me show you around." Aoi smiled lightly and began to take Akihiro around the estate. He showed him his parents' grand piano sitting in the center of the mansion, the big garden in the backyard, and other rooms include the kitchen, the dining room. There are plenty of bedrooms, with the three largest belonged to the three sibling, respectively. There is even a small gym, too. It can be rather surprising for a normal person that there are only the three of them living in such a spacious place.

Taking Akihiro to the second floor, they both went inside Aoi's room. There was a racket of cupcakes and teas already waiting for them on the table. "Well, make yourself at home, I guess. Just don't make a mess though." He smiled and sat down at the table while pouring the tea into the cups. Aside from its' spaciousness and its' cleanness, his room is perfectly normal like any other boys at his age. There are also enough instruments and things needed to make it a small studio, which is something a composer like him would needed.

"I suppose that's all I got to show around my house. Naoki's place is just a few blocks away from here and we can drop by for a change some times if you like." Aoi said while crossing his legs and calmly drink his tea.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

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Hiro stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of the two housemaids, bowing to them politely and attempting to control his eagerness. "Okaerinasai, Aoi-sama and Chiyoko-sama. Is this your friend?" His attempt failed as he nodded furiously, grinning to the housemaids and grinning wider when they grinned back. "I like them, they're very nice~" He said, giggling to himself. "Well, you two have fun then. If you need anything, I'll be in my room." Akihiro waved as Chiyoko left, taking the opportunity to press a kiss to Aoi's cheek before they headed off on their tour of the Shimizu estate. XXX
Hiro's enthusiasm did not decrease as Aoi showed him around - if anything, it became more potent. The sight of the beautiful piano Hiro had seen after they'd first met was most likely the highlight of the tour, as the brunet took the liberty of actually hugging the piano. "You should play a song for me later, I wanna see this piano in use! Plus, your music is the best ever, I could never get tired of hearing you play~" He put effort into smelling just about every flower in the garden, at least until he got bored of it, and he found his bombarded with a horde of different smells when they entered the kitchen. It was much different than his own - definitely bigger, definitely more modern, and definitely cleaner (though not by much, his mother was a pretty tidy person). XX
The dining room was beautiful, and Hiro was quick to say so, marveling at the crystal chandelier and the simple fact of how Western the whole room was - at least compared to his own home's low-sitting table and seat cushions. I bet okaa-san would want to re-decorate our entire house if she came to visit here. Hiro smiled at the idea as Aoi let him upstairs, their hands still linked together. Hiro didn't wander off as they looked around the different bedrooms, though he couldn't help himself when he discovered the Shimizu estate's home gym - because who the heck has a gym in their house?! - and did his best to inspect all the equipment without actually touching anything, not wanting to break anything and upset his boyfriend. That would not be fun. XX
By the time they made it to Aoi's bedroom, Akihiro was in complete awe of the entire mansion. He'd never known that such a spacious and beautiful home even existed in the prefecture, since Miyagi was mostly traditionally-styled neighborhoods and old buildings that had been repaired time and time again. It was a nice change, to say the least. Woah... Aoi's bedroom was at least twice the size of Hiro's own, and about a hundred times neater, filled with a wide assortment of instruments that Hiro was more than familiar with. "Wow, its like our music store, but in your bedroom!" Hiro said with a laugh. XX
Hiro didn't know there were sweets present until he turned to drape himself over Aoi, nuzzling his face into his lover's soft blue hair. "Hey, what made you want to dye your hair blue? And how come Chiyo-chan's is pink? Not that it looks bad or anything, I'm just curious now~" Hiro inquired, moving his chair next to Aoi's and leaning into him as he licked the frosting off a chocolate cupcake. "I wanna see photographs of you with your natural hair color~" XX

Hiro is definitely a bold little shit. Now that I think about it, my favorite OCs are all the more flirtatious ones, which is funny because I am the most socially awkward person on the face of the Earth... Do you think I'm making my characters act the way I wish I could myself? Is that a thing writers do??


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Aoi calmly took a sip from his cup of tea and watched in amusement as Akihiro explored every cranny and nook of his room with excitement. He had a feeling that the moment he decided that he would place his heart in the younger boy, his life would never really be the same again. But not that he would have any complain about it though. He had spent his whole life being closed to no one but himself, and people would have to change the way they are, for the better or worse, at some points in their lives.

As Akihiro remarked about the fact that it almost looked like his whole family shop could fit into Aoi's room, he just shrug, "It's pretty much the same for any other composer out there. It would be really troublesome if I have to stay over the studio all the time when I'm working on my albums or something. It feels a lot more comfortable here at home. There's a whole lot of stuffs but at least I've managed to keep my room clean."

When Akihiro draped over Aoi and asked him why did he dye his hair, he replied, "Nothing much in particular. Naturally both me and Chiyo-chan had brown hair, just like Kao-nee and our parents. It's just that we both have to appear in public a lot more than Kao-nee, so our parents let us dyed our hair to have a more suitable image, I suppose. I had it blue to match my eyes and Chiyo-chan had a thing for pink. If you notice, her ballet dress is also pink. I've kept my hair dyed like this since I was 5 or something and most of the pictures before that are in Kao-nee's room."

Then, for the rest of the evening, Aoi and Akihiro did everything they could around Aoi's house together. He showed his lover a couple of albums compiled of all his concerts and stages. They played game together and helped each other with the homeworks that the teachers had given them. And afterward, Aoi showed Akihiro the basic steps as of how to compose a piece of music, and recounted a list of TV dramas and animes that he composed the musics for. They basically all sorts of things Aoi did everyday, but it seemed to be more enjoyable now that he had had company.

When it was time for dinner, Chiyoko called them to head down to the dining room. Kaori had to stayed overnight at the company again today, so it's just the three of them. When the maids served the dishes, apparently Akihiro was dazzled by their glamours. They had fun dining and talking together. This would be a memorable night. Aoi thought to himself.

I don't know, maybe you're right. Though for me, most of my chars reflected a bit of me, I think. I wish I could be as hot as they are xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"Nothing much in particular. Naturally both me and Chiyo-chan had brown hair, just like Kao-nee and our parents. It's just that we both have to appear in public a lot more than Kao-nee, so our parents let us dyed our hair to have a more suitable image, I suppose. I had it blue to match my eyes and Chiyo-chan had a thing for pink. If you notice, her ballet dress is also pink. I've kept my hair dyed like this since I was 5 or something and most of the pictures before that are in Kao-nee's room." "Ah, that makes sense. Seems like Kaori-san would be pretty stressed, since she's so busy all the time, but instead she's just calm and collected. Like you! You both seem really alike~" Finishing his cupcake, Hiro nuzzled into Aoi's side and watched him drink his tea. XX
They continued to chat for about ten minutes before Chiyoko came in, saying it was time for dinner. Hiro was more than excited about getting to eat a meal in the dining room - after all, who wouldn't enjoy eating in a room so beautiful? Someone who definitely doesn't have their priorities right. During the meal - which Akihiro complimented far more than was probably necessary - Hiro managed to get Chiyoko to spill several different stories about the siblings' childhood, most of which were far different from the stories that governed Hiro's own childhood. "I find it hard to believe that neither of you ever made mud pies, or that you never tried to eat one. Akki-nii tricked me into eating one when we were kids and I was sick in bed the rest of the week." XXX
The rest of the meal passed in a similar manner - swapping stories, teasing, and several complaints from Hiro about how much of a pain final exams were going to be. He didn't really need to go to college or university, since he planned to simply work full-time at his parents' store and maybe play the guitar or violin in parks for tips. "Though I think if Aoi went to a college far away, I'd probably wanna attend college with him, just so we wouldn't have to be apart." Akihiro grinned, ignoring how stupidly cliche the phrase sounded. Chiyoko attempted to hide her laughter behind her hand as Aoi blushed. XXX
Once they were finished eating, Hiro and Aoi returned to Aoi's room. They chatted for a bit about the couple instruments in the room that Hiro didn't recognize. As the conversation slowed, Hiro perked up suddenly, hopping over to his school bag and digging through it. "Hotaru and his girlfriend have matching keychains on their phones, and I thought we could do the same thing! I already gave you the blue one with the piano, so what if we traded - you take mine and I take yours? That way we can live up to the cliche of always having something of the other's with us!" Hiro said, pulling out his cell phone. Hanging off the end of it was the tiny violin charm he'd bought, hanging on a red strap. Hiro pulled it carefully off his phone and handed it to Aoi. XX
"Y'know, it probably wouldn't matter if I stayed the night, but I should probably go home. I wanna work on my piano ballad before I go to bed~" On their way out of the mansion, the two lovers came across a tall brunet man in a fancy suit. The man stopped to say a few sentences about the estate's security system before introducing himself to Hiro as Fujikawa Haruto, one of the Shimizu family's bodyguards. After introducing himself, the man disappeared. "Woah, you even have bodyguards? That's pretty cool, though it makes me kinda nervous when I wonder why you'd need bodyguards." XXX
The drive to Hiro's house was pretty quiet, but not at all in an awkward way. Akihiro almost fell asleep, and denied being tired immediately afterward. It was peaceful, and probably somewhat welcome after a full evening of Hiro's boundless energy and enthusiasm. When they got to his house, he was suddenly wide awake. "Thank you for the date~" Hiro smirked, leaning out of his seat to kiss his boyfriend goodbye before sliding out of the car. "Oyasumi~" Waving and blushing lightly, Hiro smiled to Aoi and closed the car door, watching until the car was completely out of sight down the road. XX
Hiro was about to head inside when someone called out to him. Turning, he found a man walking toward him, cracked glasses and a scarf obscuring his face. "Excuse me, but could you point me toward the freeway? I have a map here but I have no idea what road I'm on right now." Smiling to the man, Hiro took hold of the map and pointed down the street. "Sure! We're in the Yamada neighborhood, so the freeway would be that way-" Hiro's body thrashed on autopilot as a hand wrapped around his mouth, dragging him back against the man's chest. He tried to scream as a needle stabbed into his neck, something cold flowing out of it and making his vision blur. Hiro did his best to break out of the man's grip, but fell unconscious before he could. XX

The next morning, Hotaru - same as every day - stepped into the Tsuno house as if it were his own, calling out for Hiro and sighing when there wasn't a reply. "Ah, ohayo, Hotaru-kun! I think Akihiro left early today, he wasn't here when we woke up. I apologize if he didn't let you know." Hotaru let out another sigh and shook his head, smiling to her. "Don't worry, its nothing I'm not used to by now. Thank you, okaa-san." "Of course. Have a good day at school!" Waving to her, Hotaru left the house and got back on his bike, moving to head toward school before stopping when he spotted something laying in the grass in the front yard. Leaning down to inspect it, he found it was the piano keychain Hiro that had given Aoi ever-so-long-ago. XX
If it belongs to Aoi, then why is it lying in Hiro's yard? Taking a moment to think about it, Hotaru smiled to himself. Ah, that's right, he saw the sakura flower keychain Iori sent me and wanted him and Aoi to have matching ones too. He probably had them trade or something. How cliche. Pocketing the keychain, Hotaru hopped back on his bike and rode off toward the school. He's an idiot though, dropping something like that. XX

Yes, it'll be a very memorable night indeed! Also, if you want, you can be in charge of voicing Hiro's parents/siblings during the time when he's missing. Also, as an add-on to the mud thing, a relative once tricked me into eating a spoonful of mayonaise when I was 6 (they said it was ice cream) and I was completely unable to eat mayonaise until I was about fourteen. I never trusted them again after that, by the way. It was horrible! Don't ever eat it like that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


As they continued to have dinner together, they chatted away about all sorts of things together. Most of them were about their childhoods and what they've been doing when they were still kids. For Aoi and Chiyoko, they didn't know a whole lot about what normal kids would usually do, as their parents would provided them with anything that they wanted, but they didn't have many friends, until they meet Naoki when they grew up a little more. The secret place on top of the hill was pretty much the only place the three of them usually hang out.

When Akihiro stated his surprise of how both of them never made nor taste... mud pie, Aoi just shrugged as he took a sip from his glass of wine, "It's not like our parents would allow us to do anything like that. Besides, I'm not sure I would ever want to eat or make something like that."

As the topic shifted into what they would do after graduation, Aoi said that he's considering of enrolling a business institute, so along with his work with music, he will also help Kaori with her business at the company. Chiyoko will continue to study at Miyagi High as she still had another year to go. When Akihiro stated that he would follow Aoi to his university even if it was somewhere far away, Chiyoko couldn't help but laugh. Aoi, however, tilted his head with a smile, "I don't really think that you and business would go well together."

After having finished with their dinner, Chiyoko excused herself first as she's in the middle of an anime marathon, which left Aoi and Akihiro alone. Akihiro then offered that they exchanged their keychains, "Well, that sounds like fun. Why not?" They then exchanged their keychains.

Akihiro then said that he could stay overnight, but wanted to continue with his piano ballad before he sleep, "I guess it couldn't be helped then. I'll take you home." As they walked outside, they were greeted by a bodyguard hired by Kaori, whose name is Haruto. He greeted them respectively before walking passed them, and Akihiro stated how nervous he was as of why they would have bodyguards, "Well, it was mostly just for the security of the estate, I guess. The three of us were "trained" before in case any situations popped up already so having bodyguards watching over us is unnecessary."

Aoi then drove his boyfriend back to his home and kissed him goodbye. As he drove back to his estate, he secretly felt quit happy of the night that they've just spent together. Unbeknownst to Akihiro though, this was actually the first step in Chiyoko's plan to push both of them closer, as Aoi was completely oblivious of what to do. She would never miss such a rare chance though and apparently she'd had fun coupling them. I probably should ask Chiyo-chan what I should do next...

The following morning, both Aoi and Chiyoko were taken to school in their limo as usual. As Chiyoko advised, Aoi had made an extra bento box for Akihiro. Making heart-shaped rolls was new to him, but Chiyoko assured him that his boyfriend would definitely enjoy it, so he just kind of went along with it.

Today, Aoi and Hotaru are in charge of class' duty, so they arrived quite early. There isn't many students yet, as expected. Slided the classroom's door opened, Aoi saw that Hotaru was sweeping the floor, "Hey, Hotaru-san. Akihiro-san didn't come along with you today?"

Well, I'd never eat mayonnaise that way xD The only times when I had mayonnaise is when having salad and takoyaki LOL


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Since Hotaru had morning duties, alongside Shimizu, he figured perhaps Hiro had left before him to avoid being drafted to help with cleaning. I wouldn't doubt it, actually... Waving to a couple other early students - including Yuki, who was the Student Council President - Hotaru parked his bike and headed into the building, humming quietly to himself as he made his way up to the third floor. There wasn't anyone in their classroom yet, since the only people in the building were Student Council members and those with morning duties, so he got to work sweeping the floor while he waited for Shimizu. XX
He was almost done with the floors when Shimizu came in. "Hey, Hotaru-san. Akihiro-san didn't come along with you today?" Dumping the contents of the dust pan into the trash, Hotaru shook his head. "No, not today. Its nothing unusual thought, sometimes he leaves before me because he's too impatient or wants to avoid me ragging on him about something. Today he probably just wanted to avoid me forcing him to help clean up the classroom. If you need him, he's probably in the Orchestra room." Smiling knowingly, Hotaru put away the broom and started to set out the desks. XX
About half an hour later, the room was cleaned and situated, and more than two-thirds of the class had arrived. Hotaru took his seat and chatted with Natsuki about Yuki and Minori's relationship - apparently Natsu had gotten a few compromising pictures of the two to use as blackmail, which Hotaru managed to delete - and quietly waited for their homeroom teacher to come in. When they did, Hotaru groaned in realizing that Hiro was nowhere in sight. Ugh, that idiot, if he fell asleep in the Orchestra room I'll...actually, I probably wouldn't do anything... Hotaru set the matter aside and turned toward the blackboard, pulling out his notebook to take notes for him and for Hiro. He better be grateful that I'm not just letting him suffer. XXX
Hotaru only started to think something was wrong when lunch period came and Hiro still hadn't shown up. Well he didn't just sleep through all our morning classes, even a dunce like him would know to get up and come to class. So where the hell is he?! Standing, Hotaru walked over to Aoi's desk and crossed his arms, probably looking more threatening than he meant to. "Hey, Shimizu-san? Did anything happen last night between you and Hiro? Anything that would make him depressed?" In receiving his answer - and believing it - Hotaru pulled out his cell to call Hiro's mom. XX
"Hotaru-kun? Do you need something? You'd better be in class, young man." "Yes, I am, okaa-san. But I need to ask you something? About what time did Hiro comes home last night? He isn't here." "What?! That boy better not be skipping school. Anyhow, Hiro didn't come home until after we'd gone to bed, at least I'm assuming he did. We went to bed around midnight, I believe." "I see. Shimizu-san, when did you drop Hiro off at home?" Hotaru couldn't help the sense of panic that washed over him as Aoi answered 'eleven'. "That's means Hiro didn't get home last night. Or at least he didn't get inside his house, and I doubt he would've gone anywhere else at eleven pm. Which means...I don't know..." XXX
Hotaru then remembered the keychain he'd found that morning. "Oh, that's right! I found this in Hiro's yard this morning." He said, pulling out the piano charm and handing it to Aoi. "He can be pretty clumsy, but that charm probably means more to him than anything else he owns, so I seriously doubt he would drop it and not notice." More worry seeped into his expression. " you think he could've been kidnapped?" XXX

*gasp* You've had actually takoyaki?! Cool! The closest thing I've ever had to Japanese food is gyoza and orange chicken. I can't stand orange chicken. Also, I've noticed that in several manga, the childhood friend calls the friend's mom 'okaa-san' as well, and its easier, so Hotaru calls Hiro's mom 'mom'.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


As Aoi received the answer for his question, he nodded, "I see. Well, I'm just asking though, usually I would have heard his cheeky voice around this time though so I'm just curious." Perhaps Akihiro got a bit too carried away with his ballad last night and taking into account of how he is, it's no surprise that he would do something like that, so Aoi didn't let it concern him any further and helped Hotaru with the rest of the duty they both shared.

When both of them have finished, almost every member of the class had turned up, except for Akihiro. It was now that Aoi had begun to showed his suspicion. The morning lessons passed by, and his boyfriend still didn't turn up. Without seeing Akihiro turning his back and grin at him, he actually felt somewhat... lacking. Akihiro were late for class a couple of times during the year, but would never not showing up without any excuses like this. Quietly gazed over Hotaru, he saw that the guy is also somewhat concerned too. Something's definitely not right...

Lunch break came and the whereabouts of Akihiro is still unclear. No one seemed to know whenever the teachers asked about his absence. And while Aoi still pondered over it, Hotaru made his way to his desk and questioned him if there's anything that made Akihiro upset last night, "No, he seemed pretty happy when I drop him off at his house last night, so I doubt there would be anything that saddened him that much to make him not going to school. I wonder..."

Hotaru then pulled out his phone and contacted Akihiro's mother, confirmed that he hasn't returned home last night. When Aoi replied of the time he dropped Akihiro home, which was at 11:00PM. He can clearly see that panic is washing all over his expression. He was more or less the same, however, he still managed to keep a straight face. In a way, he's "used" to situation like this, and if there's anyone who shouldn't panic, it's undoubtedly Aoi.

"That could also be a possibility." Aoi nodded while letting out a sigh, "I've warned him about this before, but it seemed that sometimes he can be a bit too carefree. It's also my fault not to look after him more carefully."

Suddenly, Aoi's phone rang, signaling a coming message. The number was anonymous, but Aoi can clearly smell something fishy about this. Opening the text, he widened his eyes in shock as he saw that it was a picture of Akihiro, being tied into a wooden chair and apparently was unconscious. The text message written was, "Come to this place, alone. Don't up to anything or else you'll regret it." And a map, leading to the location of an abandoned storage was shown later on.

Aoi ground his teeth and showed obvious sign of worry on his face, but quickly took a deep breath. Turning to Hotaru who was on the point of panicking out loud, he calmly assured, "I will deal with this. I know you're worried, but for your own safety, don't follow me. Please go and find Chiyo-chan and Naoki and tell them about what had happened, they will know what to do."

With that said, Aoi left the classroom and went straight to the Principal Office, asking him to take the rest of the day off because he had businesses to take care. Of course, it wasn't hard to convince him. He contacted his driver, who arrived just moments later to take him back home. And hastily, he drove to the directions of the abandoned storage, where Akihiro was held captive.

Akihiro-san, please be okay. I'm on my way. He quietly prayed.

Well, there's a lot of Japanese food stores here, so I've had all sorts of Japanese foods xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


When Hiro woke up again, his head ached, and his vision was blurred considerably. He blinked a couple of times, and it seemed to help. He tried to move, only to find that his middle was bound to a chair, the knots too complicated-looking to break through. ...dammit... Looking around, he assumed he was in some type of abandoned factory or storage area, a fact that brought little comfort. Hiro grimaced as his gaze fell upon a work table of some kind, covered in chemistry sets and a wide array of racks with tiny liquid-filled vials inside. There was an unused syringe sitting next to a vial filled with some sort of grey liquid, and Hiro shuddered in wondering what the liquid did. He was still suffering effects from whatever he'd been injected with before. XXXX
Since his legs - for whatever reason - were still unrestrained, Hiro put all his effort into shifting the weight of the chair so he could stand up. He managed to get a whole two steps before the weight became unbalanced and he tumbled face-first to the dirt floor, the chair more or less pinning him down. "If you're trying to leave, its not going to happen anytime soon." The voice behind him startled Hiro, and he attempted to look up at the person speaking but was unsuccessful with the chair pinning him to the floor. Suddenly, he was being uprighted, though not very gently, and then he was face-to-face with the security guard from Aoi's house. Hiro opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted by the man - Haruto, he thought. XX
"Ah yes, it is I, the infamous protector of the Shimizu family, paid to beat up people who want to teach rich punks a lesson. Though I've grown tired of that job, so I figured I could move on to something much more fun~" "The hell do you want with me? You met me yesterday, what the hell could you possibly need me for?" Hiro growled, glaring at the man. Haruto looked confused. "You mean the situation isn't obvious? Boy, you must be a real idiot. I wonder why a wealthy prodigy like Aoi puts up with you. Out of pity, perhaps?" "Shut up!" Hiro kicked at Haruto's shin and made contact, satisfied with the way his captor grimaced. He did not, however, enjoy the fact that seconds later, Haruto punched Hiro across the face. XX
Hiro coughed and blinked a couple of times to get rid of the brand new haze blurring his eyesight. A rough hand gripped at his chin and pulled his face closer to Haruto. "You should behave, kid, or it won't end up well for you." Hiro bit down on Haruto's hand hard enough to draw blood, and the man punched him again, this time hard enough to throw Hiro's entire body (and the chair) backwards and to the floor, effectively knocking the wind out of him. "I wasn't joking. Though I suppose it can't be helped." Hiro tasted blood and spit some out onto himself, feeling sick with the taste in his mouth. He noticed Haruto take out his cell phone, and pulled weakly at his restraints as the man took a photograph of him. "I know just who to send this to~" XXX
Haruto sent the picture to Aoi with the caption You're running out of time. Smiling creepily, he pulled Hiro back into an upright position and patted him lightly on the cheek, retracting his hand before Hiro could bite him again. A beeping noise sounded from somewhere on the work table, and Haruto walked over to it, only to return seconds later with an iPad showing what he assumed to be the front of the place they were at. Panic set in immediately as Hiro saw Aoi on the monitor. "You used me as bait to get him here! You asshole, what the hell do you want with him?!" Haruto didn't answer his angry question for once, and a couple seconds later, Aoi was rushing into the room, making Hiro's heart skip a few beats - though not in a good way this time. XX
"Aoi! Don't come in here, its a trap, you gotta leave before-" Hiro's panicked sentence cut out as Haruto kicked the chair forward, pinning him under it and pushing down with his foot to keep Hiro from moving. "Aoi-kun, how wonderful of you to show up! I was beginning to wonder if you cared for this kid at all~" Hiro couldn't see what was happening with his face shoved into the dirt, but he heard the unmistakeable click of a gun being readied, and he could only assume that it was being aimed at either him or Aoi. The chair was suddenly pushed onto its side, and he was able to see that it was pointed at Aoi. That made him extremely angry. "Now that you've arrived, Aoi-kun, I suppose we can finally proceed with our negotiations~" XXXX
"You see, I want something you have enjoyed for your entire life. I doubt you'd be willing to give up half your family's fortune, but seeing as I have a very good incentive-" Haruto grinned, nudging Hiro with his foot. "-I don't think it'll be too hard, will it?" Haruto stopped talking for a moment, and appeared to be thinking over something, his face splitting into a wide smirk that was nothing short of terrifying. "Thought I could make this a bit more of a challenge for you~" Hiro watched his captor walk to the work table, teeth grinding together painfully. When Aoi moved toward Hiro, three shots fired at the ground by his feet, keeping him in one place. Haruto returned to Hiro's side a second later, the syringe - now full - ready in his hand. XX
"Before I inject your boy-toy with this lovely chemical, I'm going to be nice tell you what it does." Haruto said, gun still leveled at Aoi. "You see, this one is much like an anesthetic - weakens the muscles, slows the heart rate - only this one doesn't have an off switch. It will keep lowering a person's heart rate until, eventually, their heart stops completely. And in the time before that happens, the victim will pretty much feel like absolute shit. I made this myself, and I am the only person with the antitode. If you are able to transfer the money into my account before your friend dies, I'll give it to you, and you can be on your merry way! Though you'll probably only have about twenty minutes to do so." XXXX
Hiro hated the idea. When Haruto moved toward him, he kicked at the man with as much force as he could, attempting to push him away. Instead, the man just moved the chair over again, pinning him to the floor. "I believe that's the third time I've told you to behave, kid." Haruto shot twice at Aoi's feet, glaring at him. "If you move, you'll both be dead." Hiro groaned as the syringe stabbed into his neck, and immediately he felt the effects of the drug, blurring his vision but not knocking him out. Haruto uprighted him again, and lowered his gun, sauntering over to the worktable and pulling open a laptop. "You're free to say hello to your lover now, Aoi-kun, though I would suggest you focus on saving his life before you smother him~" XXX

Lucky! The US is mega diverse with food, but my town is pretty small so we don't have a ton of options. There's this really good Japanese restaurant called Fuji's though, and the fried rice there is like heaven on a plate, I swear! Also, I already feel really bad for the idea I have for our poor children. T-T I'm so sorry Hiro! I've had the whole death-drug-time-limit idea ever since we decided to do the kidnapping thing, is it bad to say I don't regret using it???


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


When Aoi had made it to the storage where the anonymous messenger sent him the text, he knew right away that he was not to charge in without companies. Four bodyguards suited in black were waiting in front of the storage's entrance. Aoi sighed, he knows this isn't the right time to be feeling like this but somehow he's really feeling like a protagonist of a mafia manga or something. Stepping down from his car, Aoi raised his voice, "If you don't want to lie face-down the next minute, I'd prefer you to stay out of the way."

The four guys laughed, apparently they wouldn't expect a "rich punk" like Aoi to put up any sort of fight. Letting out yet another sigh, Aoi cracked his knuckles, "Fine then, you asked for it." The bodyguards then all charged at him at once. But surprisingly, he made quick works of them. Aoi's movements were swift and all the punches and kicks that they threw at him just become clumsy. When they've already all lying on the ground, Aoi swept his hands and coldly walked cross them, ventured further into the storage.

The moment he entered the storage, he saw that Akihiro was being tied to the chair like the picture that was sent. Though before he could ran over towards his lover, three bullets were shot on the ground, near his feet, keeping him at bay. At least he's still safe... He quietly thought while gazed up at the kidnapper - his estate's bodyguard, Haruto. However, Aoi didn't show any sign of shocked or just slight surprise.

As Haruto still went on ranting and demanding that Aoi sent half of his family's fortune into his account, and even when he injected Akihiro with a chemical of sort which was hold in the syringe, Aoi was still, remarkably, calm. He still exuded a calm aura as ever. "As you wish." He said pick up his phone from his pocket, and dialed a number, "Hello, it's me, Aoi Shimizu. Please carry out the arrangement."

Suddenly, all windows and doors of the storage were sprung opened as armed police officer wearing bulletproof suits entered and surrounded them all. As Haruto was shocked of how he didn't see any of them coming, he frantically turned to look at his monitors which connected to the cameras he had set up around the site, only to found that they all had blackened.

"I'm sorry, but I think you're still an amateur when it comes to camera setting up. Just a few swing here and there and I had hoped at least one of them could have caught me, you know." Chiyoko spoke up with a grin and walked in with Naoki, as both of them held the dispatched cameras on their hands.

"Fujikawa Haruto, head son of the Fujikawa family, owning the once prestigious Fujikawa corporation. After series of scandalous incidents of your father related to gambling, illegal drugs dealing and weapon selling of the CEO, in other words, your father, they are are on the verge of bankrupt. Your family has always had your eyes on the fortune of our family, and had been waiting a chance to kick us down. Am I right, Haruto-san?" This time, it was Kaori who stepped in. As she took off her sunglasses, Haruto couldn't be more frantic, "You must have been certain that I couldn't find out about any of it because of your "perfect" camouflage, did you? I'm interested in finding out what kind of face your father would make the moment he heard about all of this."

"And you should have disposed of anything that would turn against you in your shelter the moment you planned this ridiculous kidnapping." Aoi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle, which was the antidote, "You may think you're a mad scientist, but you're not the only scientist in world, you know."

In a moment of desperation, Haruto tried to pulled out his gun, but Aoi had quickly closed up the distance between them and disarmed the kidnapper, "Now, I hope that you've understand why none of the other so-called old, mature adults out there would dare to touch us three wimpy, sissy punks." Aoi said to Haruto as he restrained the guy, visibly angered in his action. This was the first time in a long, long while he was angry like this.

"Please take him away. I will make sure that that his father learned every detail of this." Kaori said to the polices as they handcuffed him and escorted him out of the storage, "Good job, all of you. Just take care of everything else you need. An ambulance will be here in 5 minutes to take Akihiro-kun to the hospital." She said before leaving with the polices.

Taking an unused syringe, Aoi filled in the antidote and injected his lover with it. He was still unconscious, but seemed to have gotten better now. When the sound from the sirens of the ambulance was heard, Aoi carried Akihiro on his back, "Sorry for troubling you guys." He said to Chiyoko and Naoki, but the two just laughed it off, saying of how much they've used to things like this already.

Nodded, Aoi made his way out of the storage. While walking from right behind, Chiyoko giggled, "They sure are meant to be, huh? I'm pretty jealous."

Naoki snorted, "Damn right they do."

Don't touch the Shimizu siblings if you want to live and see another day LOL
There's plenty of Japanese buffet restaurant too and Jap foods sure are popular. The stalls where they sell takoyaki or sushi are always crowded xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Hiro started to feel woozy the second the chemical was injected into his bloodstream, and he felt far colder than he probably should have. He willed himself to stay awake, watching through his blurred field of vision as police flooded the room, barely able to distinguish the shapes. He couldn't stay awake forever though, and before long, he was slipping out of consciousness, despite his internal self screaming out the need to stay awake longer. XXX

The second Aoi had rushed out of the school, Hotaru had relayed the situation to Hiro's mother, who was still on the phone at the time. He was forced to explain Aoi's reason for leaving the school - though he left out most of the major details - and it wasn't long before most of the school knew what was happening. Hotaru cursed himself for letting something so important go viral, but ignored it for the most part, instead using his time to worry about Hiro. XX
Meanwhile, Hiro's family was going awol. His mother had the entire police station off to help Aoi within five minutes after her phone call with Hotaru. In any other city, the police wouldn't be able to do anything until Hiro had been missing for twenty-four hours, but since their part of Miyagi was almost completely self-sufficient, the police pretty much did whatever they felt was right. The Sherriff kept the Tsuno family updated on what was happening, and they were all waiting at the hospital when Hiro arrived in the ambulance, hurrying over to Aoi as Akihiro was wheeled away by a group of nurses. XX
Hiro's mother went straight into thanking Aoi for helping Hiro, but Akihiko had a different plan, grabbing the teen by his collar and pulling their faces close together. "The hell is your problem?! You knew people were targeting you, and that they would target whoever you had a relationship with, yet you still let Hiro be with you?! He's your lover, and even though he's been through hell, you haven't even blinked! Do you even care about him at all?!" Akki yelled, startling a few other people in the hall, and glared angrily at Aoi. "If he doesn't get better after this, its on you-" XXXX
With surprising strength, Sachiko wrenched Akki away from Aoi and slapped him hard across the face, successfully capturing his full attention. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" By now, everyone else had cleared out of the hallway. "This isn't like you, blaming something like this on someone else! Aoi-kun was probably just as worried as we were, and if there's anyone to blame for what happened to Hiro, its us, not him. We should have been there, we should have been watching. He was taken from right outside our own damn house, we should have noticed something!" XX
"I know you're upset, and I know you want to protect Hiro, but blaming Aoi isn't the right thing to do here. What would Hiro say? Think about it, would he want us to be fighting right now?" Akki moved away from his fiance, as if he was ashamed, and it was obvious he was crying. Sachiko let out a tired sigh and walked over to Aoi, hugging him tightly. "Thank you for bringing Hiro back. He would probably be dead now without you." XX

When Hiro opened his eyes again, he was bombarded with bright white light that made his head hurt, and he quickly closed his eyes again. He felt cold, but not as cold as he had before, and he could tell from the familiar beeping of a monitor that he probably in a hospital. ...great. Hospitals are lots of fun. He thought sarcastically, bringing a hand up to rub at his eyes and disliking the fact that it hurt to do so. Once his eyes had adjusted to the brightness, Hiro turned his head to look around, and was disappointed to find that he was alone in the boring hospital room, though he wasn't alone too much longer. XX
A nurse came in moments later, smiling when she realized he was awake. She asked him a couple of questions - does anything hurt, where does it hurt, do you need to vomit, etc. - before leaving the room to find his family. Hiro had specifically asked for Aoi, as he wanted to know what had happened, and if his lover had been hurt. After all, he'd been shot at more than five times back at the warehouse, and Hiro couldn't remember if any of those shots had actually hit. His memory was hazy, all he could remember was being tied to a chair and watching Aoi get shot at by someone he knew he'd recognized. XX
When Aoi stepped through the hospital room door, Akihiro struggled to sit up, ignoring how sore his muscles were as he reached out, clinging to his lover like a lifeline and sobbing into his shirt. He attempted to speak, to say how happy he was to see Aoi, but his vocal chords weren't having any of it, and all he could get out was a pathetic whine. I don't know if I was scared while it was happening, but now that its over, being kidnapped was terrifying. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


As the ambulance took Akihiro, along with Aoi, Chiyoko and Naoki, to the nearest hospital in town, Aoi sat quietly next to Akihiro and quietly watched as the younger breathing monotonously, smiling a bit of how peaceful he seemed when he's asleep. Seeing Aoi like that, the other couple help teasing him, which was a little embarrassing, but he couldn't say that he hated it.

Hotaru had called him and informed him that Akihiro's family is waiting for them at the hospital they're heading to. Of course, he also apologized for accidentally spreading the news and apparently it's become a hot topic at school. Luckily, the Principal had made an announcement that prohibited the students from gossiping about it outside of school campus, so the media and the press will be kept in the dark for now. Aoi thanked Hotaru for everything as they reached the hospital. He doesn't know how they would feel, but he's ready for anything.

As Akihiro was transferred into a specific room, Aoi, along with Chiyoko and Naoki, met up with Akihiro's family. Mrs. Tsuno and Sachiko thanked him, but apparently Akihiko wasn't as calm. The moment Naoki saw that Aoi was being grabbed by the collar, he irritably spoke up. He definitely isn't going to let his best friend being beaten up for being misunderstood like that. "Oi, do you have any idea what you're-" Before he could step up and interfere, Chiyoko stopped him and shook her head, telling him to just watch, as this is Aoi's own business.

Aoi listened to Akihiko's accuses attentively, yet like always, he remained expressionless. Though surprisingly, before Akihiko could finished what he was saying, Sachiko had pulled him back with such force and gave him a slap that brought him back to his senses. After giving her fiancÊe a piece of her mind, Sachiko hugged Aoi and thanked him, as if it wasn't for him, Akihiro might have to suffered a worse fate.

Exhaled a breath, Aoi stepped back, now that he finally got a chance to speak up, "Me and my sisters, Kao-nee and Chiyo-chan, had been kidnapped ourselves in the past for no less than 20 times. We've also dealt with worse problems on our ways of pursuing our own careers. None of them were known to the public is thanks to the influence we had over the media and the press, though. I'm saying this not because I wanted to make up some excuses, but because I understood how each and everyone of you felt, how Akihiro-san felt, when having to go through some hell like that."

He stopped for a short moment as he realized that Akihiro's family, even Akihiko, were obviously shocked, but he proceeded to continue, "Of course, I'm just as worried for his sake and there isn't a single second that went by that I'm not praying that he's okay. But my parents once taught us that, no matter what terrible things may happened to us, we must not panic. Even if the whole world around us went chaos, we still have to remain calm. If I had shown hesitation, the culprit would have won. I might not even got to stand here to tell the tale. I know for sure that he was targeting me, and Akihiro-san is no more than a ransom for him to achieve his goal. Being kidnapped is something that no one would ever wanted to experience, but let just say that, having to gone through them so many times, me and my siblings had gotten used to it. And we know how to deal with them. That's how we've managed to stand where we are now, even without our parents' guidance."

"I also have to apologize since this was my fault too. As Akihiko-san had said, I was careless for one second and they've already struck. This is because knowing Akihiro-san, I'm certain that he would feel uncomfortable if I had hired someone to look after him 24/7, and I don't think that he would like it if I was being over-protective either. But from now on, I will do my best to ensure that nothing like that will happen to him again." Then, he bowed to Akihiro's family, "That is why, I hope that you will continue to place your trust in us. It's not just for me, but for his sake as well."

Aoi walked in when he saw that Akihiro had woken up, at which he let out a sigh of relieve. Telling the nurse that he will take care of him, she left and Aoi made his way to sit next to his loved one. "Don't exert yourself too much. Lucky that that bastard didn't harm you much yet..."

Suddenly, Aoi embraced Akihiro, smiling, "I'm really glad. I don't care if anything happens to me, but how can I live if you one day, you weren't by my side anymore?" Some drops of tears fell from his eyes and landed on Akihiro's neck. Even he was surprised at the way was he is now, but never in his life had he felt more alive.

Wiping his eyes, Aoi then showed Akihiro the bento that he had made earlier today, "You must be hungry though, I made this earlier today but I couldn't give it to you since you couldn't come to school. I didn't really know what dishes you like yet but I hope you'll like it."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


"I'm really glad. I don't care if anything happens to me, but how can I live if you one day, you weren't by my side anymore?" Hiro nuzzled closer into Aoi. XX
Hiro cried until he couldn't cry anymore, hardly sorry about the fact that Aoi's shirt was now soaked with tears. He didn't bother to wipe his eyes as he sat up, one hand still clinging to his lover. What Hiro didn't expect was to see Aoi crying as well, though not nearly as openly. Hiro had never seen Aoi cry before. In fact, it hadn't even occurred to him that Aoi did cry. He was so strong-willed, and Hiro felt like the most special person in the world knowing that Aoi trusted him enough to cry in front of him. Lacing their fingers together, Hiro pulled Aoi close, ignoring the fact that it hurt to do so. XXXXX
They stayed like that for a bit, until Aoi sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes. Akihiro scooted over on the hospital bed, wincing as he did so, and then motioned for Aoi to sit next to him, leaning into the taller male with a contented smile. He grew curious when Aoi pulled a bento out of seemingly nowhere. "You must be hungry though, I made this earlier today but I couldn't give it to you since you couldn't come to school. I didn't really know what dishes you like yet but I hope you'll like it." Hiro's eyes sparkled at the sight of it, and his smile grew as he pressed a gentle kiss to his lover's cheek. XX
It still hurt to move, but the pain was overridden by satisfaction from the moment Hiro took the first bite of his specially-made bento. He expressed his gratitude in slow, raspy words, nuzzling into Aoi as he ate and making sure to share, knowing Aoi probably hadn't eaten in a while either. Hiro's thoughts drifted back to Aoi's brief mention of school. "Hey, do you think everyone knows what happened?" He said quietly, setting the now-empty bento on his lap. "I bet Hotaru's freaking out right now. He always worried too much, even about small things. And Yuki'll probably scold me for worrying everyone..." XX
Hiro coughed a bit, and moved the bento box onto the table next to his hospital bed. He didn't like hospitals. They were too lonely, too sterile, too white. Surprisingly enough, he'd been to the Emergency Room plenty of times before now: when he broke his fingers sticking his hand into bicycle spokes, when he tried to fly by jumping out his bedroom window and broke his leg, when his arm was broken in his first year of Senior High. And all of those times, the sickly sweet smell of chemicals and medicine was his least favorite part of the visit. But this time, he couldn't have possibly cared less. XXXX
Lacing his fingers with Aoi's and pulling the blanket up over them, Hiro relaxed into his lover, not wanting the moment to change, even though they were in a hospital. "I promise I won't make you worry like that ever again. No matter what, I won't ever make you cry for me ever again, I promise. I love you." XX

When the rest of Hiro's family came to check in, they found the two boys curled around each other, fast asleep. Sachiko went straight to snapping pictures of them while Akihiko drooped into one of the chairs by the bed, exhausted from stress. "I'm glad those two have each other to look out for, and I'm glad they both came back here safely, even if they came with a few bruises." Hiro's mother said, her husband nodding in agreement as she watched the two sleep. "Well, seeing as Akihiro is well protected, I think we'll be going home now. I'd like a nice long nap after today's stress." XX
"I'll stay. So someone can tell them where you went, and in case the doctors have any more news." Akihiko said, making himself comfortable in his chair. Sachiko took the seat next to him and leaned into her fiance, mimicking the position Hiro and Aoi were in. Five minutes later, and they were all asleep, the nurse coming in to smile at the two couples before checking Hiro's vitals and quietly exiting the room, turning off the light on her way out. XXX

I don't know if you've ever seen Zankyou no Terror, but I have, and I keep getting emotional over this piano cover of the song Von and this piano mix of the show's soundtrack. Its such a sad show, but so amazing, and the animation is very beautiful. I want to re-watch it but I'm also scared of all the feels...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


When Aoi showed Akihiro the bento box that he had specifically made for him, Akihiro seemed contented enough and that alone is enough to make him feel warm in his heart. At least for now, he had finally known what it is like to truly love someone, to experience many emotions that he never thought that he would before in his life. He had been walking alone on his path for too long now, and perhaps, it's time for him to actually find someone to rely on. Someone he could protect, like his family.

As they ate away the box together, they chatted about things and Aoi assured his boyfriend that there's nothing much to worry about, as he just have to rest and everything will be as normal as it always was when they returned. "Hotaru-san told me he accidentally let the news slipped, and pretty much everyone had known about it by now. But don't worry though, Chiyo-chan and Naoki will take care of things for us. But I wouldn't be surprise if our friends would come here to see you first thing after school tomorrow."

It's not like Aoi had never stayed alongside someone, but this time, he felt different. He knows that these will be the very moments that he would cherish with all of his life. Now he had finally understood why Chiyoko and Naoki had always been lovey-dovey like that, but he would never be on the same level as them. What matters most right now is that he got to stay with the one he loves more than himself.

Sleeping together on the same bed in a hospital might sound weird, and this would make a laughing stock for Naoki if he was here, but Aoi didn't care anymore. He nodded to Akihiro with a gentle smile, "Yeah, me too. I will never let something like that happened to you ever again."

Just like that, they both fell asleep as they clung to each other. It has been a long day, and finally they can rest. It will just be a testament of how much they will always look out to each other.

The next morning, Aoi woke up, only to find that Sachiko and Akihiko had also stayed over for the night. Sachiko had gotten up before them and had gone to bought some fresh flowers and fruits first, as well as buying breakfast for all of them. The two brothers are still wandering in the dream world and their positions seemed to be quite hilarious. The doctor also informed that Akihiro's conditions is recovering fast and he should be discharged in a couple of days.

The morning quickly passed as Aoi opted to stay there to take care of Akihiro, knowing that his lover would be lonely without someone by his side. When it was the time when school finishes, Naoki and Chiyoko appeared, grinning in assurance that they had got all things at school settled and apparently no one seemed to have any negative attitude towards it. And merely seconds later, Hotaru, Natsuki, Yuki and Minori ran in, with the former two almost jumped over Akihiro, crying over how much they worried for him, and Yuki gave Akihiro a smack on his head, but expressing her relief nonetheless.

I know about that series, though its' theme is a bit too heavy for me :D
You should watch some of the animes from Fate series too, they're epic, especially Fate/Zero, the soundtracks are awesome too :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


When morning came, Sachiko - by some twisted turn of fate - was the first to wake, despite the fact that Hiro and Akki woke up every day at the crack of dawn. She supposed it couldn't be helped though, since they both had been through quite a lot the day before. She couldn't help but giggle watching the three boys sleep. Hiro was laying with his entire body draped over Aoi, the blankets bunched up around their legs and the IV miraculously still in place. Akki, similarly, was only partially on his chair, laying sideways with one leg touching the floor and one arm hanging at his side. Both were drooling. XXX
Sachiko watched the three until a nurse came in to check on Hiro, the doctor following not far behind. He informed her that Hiro would be fine, but would have to stay in the hospital for a few days in order to keep him from aggravating his wounds before they healed completely. The doctor had been treating Hiro since he was a baby and was well acquainted with the teen's boisterous attitude, so he knew it would be impossible for Hiro to resist reckless actions if he were released too soon. Sachiko thanked him for the news and called Hiro's parents to relay the information before heading off toward the cafeteria. She ended up needing a food cart to carry all four tray back to the room, stopping by the gift shop to buy a bouquet of iris flowers on her way. XX
Aoi woke up minutes after Sachiko returned, giving Hiro the same fond look she gave to her own fiance. "Ohayo. The doctor said that Hiro's going to be fine, though he'll have to stay here until his injuries heal completely. We can't risk him going through with some wacky plan and hurting himself further, can we?" She said with a smile, arranging the flowers in a vase by the window. "I brought breakfast, if you're hungry. Hopefully those two will wake up soon, its almost noon. To be quite honest, I don't think I've ever seen them sleep in this late in the eight years I've known them~" Sachiko ruffled Aoi's hair playfully, smiling to him as she spoke. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone you two slept together~" XXX

As he slept through the night, Hiro dreamt of far-too-familiar piano melodies and rainstorms, of Aoi, and of Fujikawa Hatsuko. He tossed and turned throughout the entire night - though that wasn't anything out of the ordinary - and when he finally woke up the next morning, he had a massive bedhead and an ache in his side from sleeping in a weird position. Hiro was immediately greeted with the smell of eggs and bacon, as well as the scent he'd come to recognize as Aoi's, and he was glad to find that his lover was still there next to him. "...good morning..." He said quietly, yawning as he sat up. XX
Surprisingly enough, Sachiko was the first to greet him, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug and ruffling his already-mussed-up hair as she did so. "I'm glad you came out okay, Hiro. I think my life would be a bit too quiet without you to get Ko all riled up and excited." Hiro returned her smile with his own wide grin, hugging her back just as tightly before turning to nuzzle into Aoi. "Yup, I'm okay all thanks to him!" He said, giggling into Aoi's chest. XX
Not long after they started eating breakfast - Akihiko still snoring away in his chair - the door opened, Chiyoko and Naoki stepping in. Hiro waved dramatically to them and asked about school, breathing a sigh of relief in hearing that everyone was pretty calm about the situation and that nothing had been revealed yet. He was glad that their secret had been spilled, mostly because it meant Aoi wouldn't have to worry about explaining anything yet. XXX
Sachiko yelped when the door bursted open, and Akihiko finally woke, falling from his chair onto the laminate floor below. Hiro had never been more comforted in seeing his friends, Hotaru and Natsuki literally throwing themselves at him. Hotaru was crying and mumbling about how worried he'd been. Honestly... As expected, Yuki stomped over to smack Hiro upside the head. "Don't make us worry like that, Hotaru almost got an ulcer!" Letting out a sigh, Yuki smiled in relief, joining the Hiro-hug-fest. Sachiko watched from afar, videotaping the scene to show her family about ten years from now. XX
For the rest of the day, Hiro's hospital room was packed full with visitors. Hotaru and Natsuki blatantly refused to leave Hiro's side for anything short of a bathroom emergency, listening to every word as he told every detail of the previous day's events, leaving out nothing. He went on a long rant about how heroic Aoi had been, waltzing into the place and knocking Fujikawa off his game without so much as breaking a sweat. Of course, he hadn't actually seen all that, since he'd been unconscious at the time, and was for the most part making the scene up, though it wasn't too far from the truth. XXXX
Despite Hiro's close call with death less than twelve hours earlier, he was not spared from the wrath of schoolwork. Hotaru took complete advantage of Hiro's confined state and managed to convince Hiro into a group study session, with their entire friend group trading notes, despite the fact that Yuki, Minori, Naoki, and Chiyoko were all from different classes. The nurses came by every half hour or so to check Hiro's vitals, but for the most part, the group was left alone. Akihiko and Sachiko had gone off home once it was confirmed that Hiro's friends would be staying, knowing he was in safe hands. XX

Honestly though, ZNT's theme is a lot tamer compared to the clips I've seen of people dying in Fate/Zero, but I do admit there's an extremely sad ending.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


The confined and boring hospital room seemed to had gotten a lot more lively since there are many people presented now. At least, Aoi didn't have to worry about Akihiro being lonely now. And he was quite thankful that they were understanding enough not to let any news about this slipped. He wasn't sure how things will be when they got back to school after Akihiro has been discharged yet, but this is another thing that Aoi can throw off his shoulders now. Though, he keeps reminding himself not to get distracted ever again.

While Akihiro was sitting on his bed, recounting of how heroic Aoi had been yesterday, which comes off not as surprising to everyone as Naoki and Chiyoko had reported the whole thing for them, Minori and Aoi went on to discuss a bit about their plan for their final show on graduation day. Apparently everyone in the Instruments Club is still practicing hard and Aoi can rest assure that they will put up a memorable performance when the day come. Aoi also asked a couple of things related to how far Minori and Yuki are, which causes her to blush, but she just remarked that it's the story for another time.

Everyone then decided to hold a study session, apparently much to Akihiro's chagrin. Well, Aoi, along with Naoki and Chiyoko had far passed the high school level of education, being taught by famous professors and lecturers since a young age. Even without going to school, they can still tread the entrance exams with no problems at all. But they still need that high school degree so that they can continue to perform freely again. They can never be assured that they've learned everything anyway, so they were glad they've got a chance to study high school.

When everyone had finished trading their notes, it has gotten dark outside. Chiyoko had assigned for a limousine to come and take them straight back home. Hotaru and Natsuki wanted to stay over, but it seemed that their family wouldn't allow them to, so they have no choice but to go back. Tonight, it was Chiyoko and Naoki turn to watch over Akihiro should there are any news, so none of them really have to worry.

After everyone left, Naoki offered to go and buy dinner, while the three of them sat and chatted. Chiyoko recounted those time when she, Aoi and Kaori were kidnapped and how they've managed to get out of them in one piece, apparently much to Akihiro's amazement. A while later, Naoki returned with some hot, steamy ramen bowls. While having their dinner, they continued where they left off, having quite a pleasant night together.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


As much as Hiro hated studying, there was no place he'd have rather been at that moment, as he was surrounded by people he cared about, and who cared about him. Hotaru all but clung to Hiro's side the entire time, his eternal worry slowly starting to wear off. Hotaru had always been a worrier, but it wasn't like anyone could be surprised, since Hotaru's mother was almost always ill combined with the fact that Hiro was simultaneously his best friend and the most accident-prone person on the planet. Needless to say, Hiro spent the entirety of the day with both Aoi and Hotaru refusing to leave his side. XX
About an hour passed before the study session was scrapped in favor of more lively conversation, mostly containing wild stories from Hiro, Yuki, and Natsuki on how 'dramatic' and 'exciting' their childhood was, with Hotaru and Minori interrupting every once in a while to add truths to the over-exaggerated tales. Hiro, Hotaru had known each other since before grade school, with Natsuki and Yuki joining them in Kindergarten and Minori joining the group in Junior High. The groups years together made for a long list of stories of beating up bullies and getting into trouble everywhere they could. XX
Hiro's parents came in to visit that afternoon, joining the lively group of teens and somehow managing to meld into the conversation as easily as if they were teenagers themselves. They stayed for about an hour - spending half the time talking to doctors against their will - before heading home. As it was already getting late, Hotaru was forced to part with Hiro in order to get home and tend to his mother, riding with Hiro's parents. Natsuki's older sister also called to lecture him for being gone too long, and he left, Yuki and Minori following behind him. The room grew quiet, but the silence wasn't unwelcome. XX
What was unwelcome was the idea of spending the night without Aoi to latch onto. Luckily, his lover didn't seem to plan on leaving, even though Hiro wouldn't have protested, despite his feelings on the matter. He was glad that Chiyoko and Naoki had decided to stay as well, since it meant more stories about Aoi's childhood. And, of course, Chiyoko was more than willing to fulfill his wish. While Naoki went off to buy dinner, Hiro listened intently as Chiyoko told him about the many different times when she or her elder siblings had been kidnapped due to their fame. It made Hiro a little nervous. XXXX
The conversation continued throughout their meal - which was ramen, a nice surprise when all Hiro had eaten for the last two days was hospital food - and late into the night, until Hiro finally started to get tired. He still refused to let his friends stop their storytelling, insisting that they continue the stories until he inevitably fell asleep and was no longer able to protest. As he slept, Hiro instinctively clung at Aoi's sleeves, almost the way a newborn infant clung to their parents' finger. In many ways, Hiro was like a child, but in hearing Chiyoko's kidnapping stories, he'd become absolutely sure of one thing: XX
Hiro was going to protect Aoi, and make sure he never had to go through being kidnapped again. After all, Aoi had protected him too, so it was only fair. XX

I really like Hiro and Chiyoko's friendship dynamic. I bet these two are texting buddies. They probably spend their time swapping stories and bragging about their boyfriends late into the night. Its already canon that they love teasing their boyfriends, as well as each other's boyfriends. Is it bad that I think Hiro and Naoki wouldn't get along? I see Naoki as the possessive type and I think he'd get frustrated by how easily Akihiro befriended Aoi and Chiyoko.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


As they dined together over their own bowls of hot and steamy ramen, Chiyoko and Naoki continued in turn to recount about the events in the past when they were kidnapped. Of course, having been through it for so many times that normal people wouldn't even dare to think of. They also know a lot of other celebrities in the same field as them who suffered the same fate, sometimes worse, but didn't get their incidents to be known by the public. So all of these came as rather normal for them. But Akihiro seemed to be surprised more and more by the minute, which was normal.

Soon enough, Akihiro fell asleep peacefully. Naoki then went on teasing how much of a nice catch Aoi had managed to get. He was a little bit embarrassing, but shook it off nonetheless. He knows that he had to be strong, for the Akihiro and for everyone who is important to him, now and forever. Curled into a ball on the chair next to Akihiro's bed, Aoi soon fell into a peaceful sleep, something that he had longed for so long.

Chiyoko and Naoki both smiled, looking at the two. Well, it took them quite some efforts to bring them together, so when they finally come off to a good result like this, how could they not being happy? Chiyoko leaned her head on Naoki's lap as they too rested for the night.

Morning approached and another day at the hospital begins, however, what Aoi didn't expect that they were visited by an unexpected guest. Not very long after he and Akihiro had gotten up, someone come knocking on the room's door and asked if they can go in. And surprisingly, it was Reiko, who brought along with her a bouquet of lilies and an expensive-looking box of cakes. "Ohayo ~ Sorry for troubling you guys this early."

"Reiko-san? How did you know that we were here?" Aoi raised the question in surprise.

"I called her here. Apparently she got some important stuff that she wanted to personally tell you, so I don't think it's too much of a problem, right?" Chiyoko raised her hand and said.

Nodded, Reiko then approached Akihiro and smiled to him as she extended her arm, "You must be Akihiro-san. I've heard a lot about you from Chiyo-chan. I really wanted to personally meet the person who managed to date Aoi-kun, so I hope you're not offended of my sudden appearance."

"Anyway, where are my manners?" Reiko cleared her throat as she straightened herself up, "I'm also here to inform everyone that last night, me, my parents and Kaori-senpai had a dinner together. And know what? They've finally accepted to cancel our ridiculous so-called marriage. Which means, Aoi-kun and I no longer needed to put up the fiancÊ act anymore."

After finishing her sentence, everyone in the room clapped their hands in rejoice, "That's a good news indeed. I was intended for us to hold a meeting with the press to inform this to the public after I graduated, does that sound okay?" Aoi asked and Reiko nodded, "Of course, that's going to be rather scandalous but someone with the influence like your sister probably wouldn't let it last long."

Reiko then chatted with everyone a little bit more and answered any question that Akihiro had for her, before she excused herself because she still got work to do and that Kaori will have her head if she was late. After everything that had happened, it appears that the only best will come in their ways from now on.

Hiro and Chiyoko sure will have a lot of things to chit-chat about xD
About Naoki, I don't think there's any reason for him not to get along with Akihiro. And he's not some possessive jerk. Has him not being nice enough ever since the start of this RP? LOL
In case you didn't know yet, Naoki's an actor and had a rather wide relationship with people of all types, so if there's someone who's broadminded, no one's better than him. He and Chiyoko had a pretty healthy relationship and since they were so lovey-dovey all the time, I could hardly imagine him being jealous :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


It seemed Hiro's sleep pattern was turning back to normal, since he was the first one to wake the next morning, the sun having just barely risen. He took a moment to debate the pros and cons of leaving the hospital room to explore - after all, no one was awake to scold him for it - but his plans were ruined anyways when a nurse came in to run the usual tests. Aoi, Naoki, and Chiyoko woke up to the noise and watched. Hiro wanted nothing more than to be a pain in the ass when it came to doing tests, but he knew that everyone in the room would be upset with him if he did, so he opted to stay perfectly still. XX
Once the nurse had taken blood samples and declared how much better he was - as if he didn't already know that - she left, making Hiro much more comfortable now that the testing was over. "I really hate hospitals. People are always running tests on you and putting meds in you and stabbing you and shit, its horrible. When do I get to go home exactly?" He didn't have a chance to get an answer before there was a knock at the door. Hiro grimaced at the thought that it might be another nurse, but to his delight, it was Reiko-san, who he only recognized from a news article he'd read on her a while back. XX
"Ohayo ~ Sorry for troubling you guys this early." Hiro shook his head furiously and assured her that she wasn't a bother. "I'm honestly just glad you aren't another nurse!" When Aoi inquired as to how Reiko had known they were there, Chiyoko explained that she'd asked her to come, since Reiko apparently had something important to discuss. Akihiro was itching to know what it was, but he didn't want to be impolite by asking, especially since it likely had nothing to do with him and would therefore be none of his business. Hiro shook Reiko's hand gently and returned her smile. "You must be Akihiro-san. I've heard a lot about you from Chiyo-chan. I really wanted to personally meet the person who managed to date Aoi-kun, so I hope you're not offended of my sudden appearance." "Not at all, I've actually wanted to meet you for a while~" He said loudly, bouncing restlessly. XX
"Anyway, where are my manners? I'm also here to inform everyone that last night, me, my parents and Kaori-senpai had a dinner together. And know what? They've finally accepted to cancel our ridiculous so-called marriage. Which means, Aoi-kun and I no longer needed to put up the fiancÊ act anymore." Hiro was relieved, though he tried not to show it, since he didn't want to be offensive. He still didn't know a whole lot about Aoi and Reiko's relationship except the fact that they weren't in a romantic relationship. "That's a good news indeed. I was intended for us to hold a meeting with the press to inform this to the public after I graduated, does that sound okay?" Press? Hiro then remembered just how famous the two were. XX
"Of course, that's going to be rather scandalous but someone with the influence like your sister probably wouldn't let it last long." Reiko said. Hiro figured that would make sense, though he still couldn't understand why breaking off their marriage would be such a big deal. These guys all live in a different world than I do though, so of course I don't get it. Hiro was happy that Reiko decided to stay a bit longer and chat with him. He asked her a wide variety of questions - what kind of work she did, what her family was like, how she'd met Aoi, etc. He was definitely an excitable person to be near, and not once did he stop to worry about whether he was overwhelming her or not. He was, however, disappointed when she had to leave oh so soon. XXX
After Reiko left, Hiro stated he was perfectly fine to get up and move around, and declared that the four of them go on an immediate 'double-date' for breakfast in the hospital cafeteria. After spending two full days cooped up in the tiny hospital room, he was more than desperate to go anywhere else. Unfortunately, due to whatever medication the nurse had given him that morning, he was effectively unable to walk very far and ended up confined to a wheelchair for the entire journey from the fifth floor to the first floor cafeteria. It wasn't all bad, he supposed, since he was still able to move the wheelchair on his own. He used to opportunity to speed-roll himself through the long hallways, laughing as several nurses worriedly chased after him. XX

Yeah, sorry. I don't think possessive was the right word to describe how I see him. I think overprotective would be better. And there's no reason for them not to get along I guess, I just like the mental image of them having long debates about really stupid things and their respective lovers having to drag them apart after too long~ Also, I think Hiro would probably tease Naoki about his acting gigs since Akki and Sachiko are addicted to the shows he is in.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After Reiko had left, Akihiro had opted them to go on for a "double-date." The idea of having it in a cafeteria of a hospital didn't sound to be very appealing to Aoi, Chiyoko and Naoki. However, they all took into account of how Akihiro had been confined in his room for the past few days, which apparently had been more than hell for someone who hates hospital and excitable like him. However, he couldn't walk too much because of some kind of medicine that the doctor gave him moments earlier, so it ended up that Aoi took him to the cafeteria by a wheelchair.

It wasn't a very peaceful journey, to be expected, as the other three had to assured any doctor or nurse they come across that there isn't any problem at all. But they eventually made it to the cafeteria. For Chiyoko and Naoki, however, this isn't something that they would regarded even as a date, instead opting that next time if they still wanted to go on a double date then they have several perfect spots to do that.

The meal passed by peacefully as the four of them dined and talked. Other people who are presented in the room also seemed to regconize them. Some even walked up to the table they're sitting and asked for autographs. Of course, Aoi, Chiyoko and Naoki happily did so for their fans. It was kind of nice to know that even after having disappeared for a while, their popularity hadn't been reduced very much. Everyone will expect them to hold a big comeback, and they've already got their plans cooking - Aoi will release his album and there are a couple of big film projects waiting for Naoki.

When it had gotten darker, which was about the same time when school is finished, Akihiro's room was filled become livelier as it was filled with the presences of his friends. It was quite fortunate for everyone to be there as Akihiro wouldn't feel lonely. The doctor came in and said that he can be discharged tomorrow, which came as a good news.

Another fun day confining in the hospital for Akihiro had finally passed. It was Sunday, so they didn't have school attend. Not like they would even if it was a weekday, anyway. This time, Aoi had personally taken Akihiro straight right in front of his house's door. Though offered to stay over for lunch, Aoi declined as he still had a couple of things to take care of back home during the day he spent at the hospital alongside Akihiro, promising that they can plan to do something else later as they still have a whole day off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Their meal was lively and for the most part peaceful, as Hiro was more concerned with stuffing his face than causing any more trouble. The four friends continued to chat for a while after they'd finished. Hiro was surprised to see several different people come up to the table praising his companions and asking for autographs, though he couldn't help but grin at how happy the people seemed to be in meeting Aoi, Naoki, or Chiyoko. Well, they are all pretty famous, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised~ As the group of people finally dissipated, Hiro watched them go, then hopped right back into conversation. XX
Akihiro was keen on avoiding his room for as long as he possibly could, so a good few hours were spent exploring every inch of the hospital - well, every inch they were allowed. Hiro was pleased to find that not every floor was exactly alike, and that the first floor had much more color, most likely due to the fact that the first floor housed the cafeteria, waiting rooms, and the pediatrics center. He adamantly refused to go into pediatrics. He didn't want to see the different children who were ill, since he knew that it would very likely made him cry. Unsurprisingly, his groupmates didn't mind at all. XX
After their extensive self-tour of the hospital, the group returned to Hiro's room - despite Hiro's angry pouting - and continued their conversation. A few hours of chatting and one nap later, Hotaru had arrived with Natsuki in tow. Yuki had a Student Council meeting to attend and Minori had club, so they had stayed behind. Hotaru had blatantly refused to leave Hiro's side every day he'd come, and today was no different, the gentle giant sitting close enough to his friend that they were always touching somewhere. Akihiro felt at ease with his friends nearby, much more so than if he were without them. XX
Hiro was overjoyed when the next day, he was finally discharged from the hospital. His parents arrived early that morning to take care of all the paperwork, and even brought pastries from the local cafe so the four teens wouldn't have to eat cafeteria food for the fourth day in a row. Hiro was oddly calm during the drive home, too happy to go home to be restless. His parents drove on ahead, while Akihiro rode with Aoi, and it was a peaceful journey since Hiro wasn't chattering away like usual. The silence was calming, at least when compared to the eerie quiet of the hospital (especially at night). XXX
Though he was invited to stay for lunch at the Tsuno household, Aoi politely declined the offer. Hiro was a bit disappointed - after all, they'd spent nearly five days together 24/7 and he didn't want to stop now - but understood that Aoi had likely lost a lot of work time while staying with him at the hospital, and instead of protesting, Hiro kissed his boyfriend goodbye and waved dramatically from the front porche as Aoi drove off. "Well, now that you're home, I'd very much appreciate if you'd go shower. You smell like chemicals and sweat." Akki said, ruffling Hiro's hair and grinning playfully. Hiro pouted. " Oh come on, its not like its my fault! Those stupid nurses wouldn't leave me alone! They kept stabbing me and putting weird medicines in me!" XX
Lunch passed slowly, and Hiro spent the hour and a half catching on up on what he'd missed while being in the hospital. There wasn't much, really, except a few big purchases from the family store and a couple new ideas concerning Akki and Sachiko's wedding. The service was definitely going to happen right after graduation, and was definitely going to take place at their house, since they rarely used their spacious yard for much and so they had a good excuse to keep the service somewhat small. There was only a handful of people they wanted to invite, including Sachiko's parents, Kaori, and all of Hiro's closer friends, as well the members of Sachiko's band. Hiro was excited to have the date set in stone so he could ask Aoi to be his date for it. XX
Hiro spent the rest of the day watching drama TV shows (all of them starring Naoki) with his mom, and Sachiko after she got back. It was peaceful, and it made Hiro feel like his routine was turning back to normal. The next morning, Hotaru was actually waiting in the living room of their house before Hiro had even awoke - yawning and clutching a cup of coffee like a lifeline. Akihiro made a good show of teasing his friend but appreciated the gesture all the same, and Hotaru joined the family for breakfast before the two headed off to school. I wonder what else good is going to happen on this wonderful day! XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


After taking Akihiro back to his home, Aoi made his way back to the Shimizu's estate. It had been a couple of days since he last returned home. He doesn't feel homesick or anything like that since he's used to being away for weeks or even months on his concerts and tours, so he'd pretty much gotten used to it. However, since this is the first time he got to spent time with someone he loves, so it felt like ages already. In a way, he's quite looking forward to how things will turn out in the future.

When he's back at home, his sisters are already waiting for him. Chiyoko had already reported what had happened during those few days when Aoi is taking care of Akihiro at the hospital. Kaori remains calm as always, but it is quite visible that she was happy to see her brother finally found someone whom he can rely on. Also, it was another problem off her shoulders so that she too can focus in her own affairs, without having to worry about her younger siblings all the time.

Both Chiyoko and Aoi then made their way into their rooms to dressed up real quick because Kaori was intending to take both of them to a party congratulated her for her success with the newly released fashion line, which she cooperates with Reiko for quite a long time now. It's been a while since both of them got to attend a formal party like this, so they may as well take a chance to brush up their names a little bit before officially returning to their career after graduation.

As they arrived at the 5-star restaurant, the three of them were greeted with flashing lights from camera as they walked together over on the red carpet. Making their way inside, Aoi and Chiyoko sat at a front table as Kaori stepped up and made the speech, as well as commencing the party. The foods are of top-notch so there's no question over their delicacy, but Aoi still prefers to cook for himself more.

Throughout the party, Aoi couldn't help wondering if one day he could take Akihiro into classy parties like this and how would his lover looked like in a designer suit that he would personally pick for him. Well, it wouldn't be too long in the future now, Aoi hoped.

The rest of the day passed by quietly without much fuss. Kaori was off somewhere, said she had some "business" to take care of, but both Aoi and Chiyoko know what kind of business it was. Chiyoko had also gone off for a shopping spree with her club members and have a "girl out" night already. While Aoi decided to just stay home and work on the final song of the album he will release after graduation.

When the next day come, Aoi and Chiyoko headed to school as usual. As they walked together to their classrooms, they chatted about what they've been doing the previous day. Everything was good and Aoi really hopes that everyday would be as bright like today.

Should we just skip to graduation day already? I think it's a perfect time to wrap this up xD


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


When they got to school, Hiro and Hotaru parked their bikes and took their usual spot under the trees in the courtyard, where Yuki and Minori were playing what looked to be a game of Othello. Natsuki arrived not long after, but had apparently gotten no sleep the night before and went straight into taking a nap. While they waited for their other friends, Hiro took to copying down more notes from Hotaru while the latter observed Yuki and Minori's Othello match. When Aoi and Chiyoko arrived, Hiro was the first to call them, waving dramatically from their group's spot and grinning triumphantly as the two joined, dragging the entire group - including the sleeping Natsuki - into an extensive conversation about Akki and Sachiko's upcoming wedding. XX
When the bell rang, the group members all went their separate ways, while Hiro pulled Aoi away from prying eyes. Once he was sure no one could see them, Hiro cleared his throat with a serious expression and sunk to one knee, as if he were about to propose, and asked Aoi to be his date to the wedding with the most gruff, 'adult' voice he could. Seconds later, he burst out laughing and almost fell over, beaming when Aoi accepted the invitation. XX

And so, the months remaining before graduation sped by. A lot happened during that time - the Orchestra club advanced all the way to the big music competition's finals, winning the grand prize with their flawless rendition of the Clair de Lune. It was a proper send-off for the club's third years, who had finally gotten around to electing the proper underclassmen to take on the roles of President and Vice-president of the club. There was crying involved. During those few months, Hiro spent a his free time on discreet dates with Aoi, helping plan his brother's wedding, and composing his piano ballad. It was an eventful few months, and despite all the many things that went on during that time, the months flashed by, and finally it was graduation day. XXXX
Graduation day was a day full of emotion, especially for the Instrument and Orchestra clubs' third year members. The underclassmen of the two clubs had been practicing in secret a song called 'Farewell Symphony', which they played together as a last goodbye to the upperclassmen. Yuki, Hiro, and Hotaru inevitably bawled, huddling together in a puddle of their own emotions and admiring the performance with all their senses. There were farewell speeches from Yuki and Minori, who were both part of the Student Council, and from all other third years who were the President or Vice-pres of a club. XX
And then, it was over. All around the courtyard, students and teachers alike were hugging and giving their farewells to one another. Most of the graduates wouldn't have to worry about seeing their friends again, since the town was indeed quite small, however it was a hard goodbye for those who were moving away or leaving to attend college in other cities. Hotaru especially was having a difficult time, as he planned to go to Tokyo to attend the university there and so he could be closer in proximity to his girlfriend, Iori. He and Hotaru spent a good amount of time hugging each other and crying. XX
Of course, their time together was not yet up, as there were still many things for the two friends - and everyone else in their social circle - to do together, the most important of which being the wedding that was to take place the day after graduation. And boy, was that to be the grandest of celebrations! XXXX

The wedding was indeed a grand celebration. As expected, Sachiko's bandmates had insisted on providing music for the party, claiming that they wouldn't be true bandmates if they didn't perform their friend's favorite songs at her wedding. The wedding itself was to take place at the Tsuno estate, as the house had a spacious backyard full of flowered hedges and soft green grass that was meticulously well-kept but rarely used. There were Christmas lights hung along the fence and white paper lanterns hanging on thin metal poles, comfortable cushioned seats and white tableclothed tables with huge bouquets of flowers that Akki and Sachiko's mothers had arranged together. There was a wide assortment of home-cooked foods, and an air of ease. XXX
Not too many people were invited - the bride and groom's families, Hiro's group of close friends, Sachiko's bandmates, and the dates of anyone who had decided to bring one. Unsurprisingly, Natsuki was the only guest to show up without a date, but Hotaru had looked out for his friend and invited his own girlfriend's sister, and the two wallflowers hit it off immediately. Yuki, Minori, and Chiyoko had all gone shopping for dresses together and had ended up with the same dress, though in different colors. Hotaru and Iori arrived with matching outfits, being the sweet couple they were, and after a long lecture on how to act while wearing formal clothes, Hiro had finally been convinced to wear the nice suit and tie his mother had taken him out shopping for. XXXX
The service was sweet, if a bit unorthodox, as Sachiko's close friend had insisted on doing the vows and proceeded to make jokes throughout the entire speech. It was light-hearted and fun, and after the newly-weds had shared their wedding kiss, Sachiko had run onto the stage and joined her bandmates in playing Akki's favorite song, still in her wedding dress. Sachiko's mother had fretted at the scene, but Hiro's mom simply smiled and sang along to the tune. Akki had promptly began to cry when the song's lyrics were edited slightly so Sachiko could express just how much she really loved her husband. XX
"Hey, who do you think is going to catch it?" Hiro inquired, standing on his tip-toes in an attempt to see over the crowd. Sachiko was about to throw the bouquet, whose catcher was rumored to be the next person who would be marrying their true love. "It should be Chiyoko, her and Naoki deserve to get married already~" When the bouquet became airborne, the crowd moved with it, and to everyone's surprise, it landed in Aoi's hands, despite the fact that he and Hiro had been nowhere near the event. Natsuki burst out laughing. Hiro just beamed, throwing his arms around Aoi's neck and kissing his cheek. XX


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


⌈ If you think this glamorous life I'm living is something worth dreaming of, you better think again because you're dead wrong. ⌋
【 Naked Dive : SCREEN mode 】

【 Dialogue : #00CED1 : Thought : #4682B4 】

【 Face Claim : Ai Mikaze | Uta no Prince-sama 】


Soon after Aoi and Chiyoko arrived, they were tagged along by their friends, or more specific, Akihiro, as they seemed to be having a bit of a chatting with each other about Sachiko and Akihiro's upcoming wedding. Most of them seemed to be a bit too enthusiastic about it. But apparently, that seemed to be quite natural, it seemed. It was an event to be happy of. Chiyoko was as excited as the rest of them, while Aoi remained calm as always, but he was quite looking forward to see how everything would be.

After the bell rang, when everyone had made their way back to the classrooms, Aoi was pulled to a corner which is out of sight of prying eyes, and was asked to become his date on his sister's wedding day in a manner that is quite similar to how people would propose. Aoi couldn't help chuckling at the sight, saying that Akihiro didn't have to try too hard as it might not suit him as he think, he soon burst out laughing soon after. And of course, Aoi accepted.

The following months seemed to pass by in a flash.

The Instruments club, by their own strength, had managed to overcome many other strong opponents throughout Japan in a nationwide competition for a ticket of performing at the biggest music festival of the year, held in the largest square of the country in the country. Needless to say, they accomplish such a feat without the influence of Aoi on the results. As the winner of the competition, they performed passionately at the festival and were highly praised by some of the famous names that can match up to Aoi himself. Of course, it was a stage to be remembered not to Minori and the members of the club, but to Aoi as well.

And then come the dreaded and daunting finals, which everyone managed to pass with flying colors. Everyone in their group had gathered at Aoi's house where he personally tutored them and give them advice on the subjects they're the weakest. And then come the graduation day, when Aoi could experienced many touching moments for the first time ever. He was specifically asked by the Principal to make a speech and he delivered a touching one, then bowing to the students sitting beneath him while proudly holding the certification. Everyone applauded and some of them even shed tears.

A lot had happened during that day and Aoi certainly will never forget the single year when he was able to experience true school life. After the ceremony, he, Naoki and Chiyoko were surrounded not only by their classmates, friends but also a good portion of the school's population. Most of whom remarking that they would be the most remembered of students who had ever studied at this school for many years to come.

The next day was Sachiko's wedding day and everyone certainly was thrilled. The Shimizu siblings, Kaori included, have arrived in their most stunning attires for such a wonderful event. The ceremony was quite simple and rather unorthodox, and not many people except for friends and families were invited, but everyone had their own dates. All the attention was turned to Sachiko as the ceremony went on because the gorgeous wedding dress she was wearing was picked by Kaori herself.

During the reception, Aoi also stepped up as he offered to play a song in contribution to this happy day. It was a song that both he and his lover had composed together and will be featured in his upcoming album as the final song. Aoi named it 'Next To You' and as he played, all the attention was turned to him. And everyone applauded after the song finished.

When it was the bouquet catching part, Aoi was quite surprised when he saw the flower flying towards his direction and just raised his arm and caught it, much to everyone's amusement. And Akihiro wrapped his arm around his neck, giving him a kiss, which he also returns. They totally stole the scene at that moment and everyone was cheering at them. Aoi, however, passed the flower to his sister, Kaori, who was sitting nearby, saying that it's going to be her turn next. Which surprisingly, Kaori gladly accepted, as everyone burst out laughing again.

It was certainly a night to remember.

As more weeks passed by, Aoi, Chiyoko and Naoki had been given their license to perform professionally back and they immediately continued with the careers they've left just a little more than a year ago. It was an experience that they would never forget in their lives. During those days, they didn't even have a moment to rest.

After releasing the album, which Aoi named "School Life Saga", it gained popularity within just a few days, and the song which he and Akihiro composed together had already been asked by several producers to use as the soundtrack for their works. His schedule is also packed with interviews, where Aoi and Reiko announced their engagement annulled to the public. Of course, the news came as a shock to the public, but died down soon enough. Aoi had also sent application to several business universities and institutes, and he was accepted to a famous school. It seemed things could only get busier everyday.

For everyone to have a chance to slow down and relax a bit, Kaori organized a one-week trip to the Shimizu's family private beach and estate in Okinawa, where all of their friends came along. Of course, everyone was excited and looking forward to this trip.

The first day of the trip passed in a flash and everyone has had a lot of fun. It was almost sunset and Aoi was sitting alone, on the beach, watching the sun about to set as he rethought about the past year. He never thought he would have changed so much. He had made new precious friends, experiencing unforgettable moments, doing all that a normal schoolboy could do. But of course, he was more grateful of one thing more than anything else.

Moments later, Aoi was joined by Akihiro who ran up to him and sat next to him. Together, they recounted all that had happened together, with happiness clearly visible in their eyes. "For me, I think the most miraculous thing that had happened..." Aoi leaned closer to his lover, " that I have met you, Akihiro-san."

And they kissed, under the orange hues of sunset. The waves kept hitting the shore repeatedly and the sea breezes kept blowing. All that mattered right now is that they will hold each other tight, and will never let go.

Now that's what I would call romantic xD
Make the last post, girl. Then I'll wrap it up :D


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by


Everyone was excited about going to the beach. Due to living in Miyagi their entire lives, few of the group members had ever even seen a beach in person, and those who had had only seen it once, so it was to expected that everyone would be ecstatic about the trip. Akki and Sachiko were off in Hawaii for their honeymoon, and Hiro's parents had decided to take a vacation of their own to Kyoto to visit some friends, so Hiro was left to spend the week with his friends before they all went off in their own directions. Hotaru was moving to Tokyo the week after the trip, while Yuki and Minori were off to a nearby boarding school. Natsuki's family was moving too, and with Aoi applying to a business school, Hiro couldn't help but feel a little left behind. XX
However, he was content to savor every moment of their beach trip together. After consulting with Kaori, Hotaru had brought his mother along so she could enjoy the beach as well, a good thing since the woman was almost always confined to her house due to constantly being ill. She was happy to join them, becoming friends with Kaori instantaneously, and the two sat together chatting while everyone else enjoyed the beach. Hiro was more than happy to show off the volleyball skills he'd left untouched since Junior High, and destroyed everyone who decided to play against his team. The watermelon smashing was as messy as could be, especially with four Taiko drummers in the midst, and in the end the watermelon was scattered all over the beach. XX
And just as quickly as it had began, the first day was over, with the sun slowly dipped below the horizon. Yuki and Minori had left on a long walk, Naoki and Chiyoko walking down the beach in the opposite direction, Natsuki had passed out under the beach umbrella, and Hotaru was reading that morning's newspaper to his mom, so Hiro set off in search of his lover. He found Aoi sitting by himself on the beach, the waves lapping at his feet. Sitting down next to him on the wet sand, Hiro snuggled into Aoi's side and intertwined their fingers, looking out at the sunset with a smile as they talked quietly to one another and recounted the dramatic events of that year, from their first meeting to their confession in the rain to Hiro's amusing wedding invitation. XX
"Not a whole lot of bad stuff has happened to me in my life, and I know I must be really lucky to have that. But I know for certain that this year was the most exciting and positive year out of every year of my life~" Hiro grinned and giggled quietly, digging his toes into the sand and watching the waves wash it off them. "For me, I think the most miraculous thing that had happened, is that I have met you, Akihiro-san." Hiro giggled into their kiss, his heart feeling as if it at any minute it would sprout wings and fly away. He grinned from ear to ear as they parted. "You don't have to keep putting -san onto my name, y'know~" He said, pausing for a moment. "I can't say I don't like it though~" And there they remained, cuddling and kissing as the sun went down. XX

- One Year Later -

Hiro let out a deep breath, his eyes following the ball as it passed from person to person on the other side of the net. The other team's spiker jumped, hitting the ball with a ferocity that to onlookers would have looked impossible to receive. But just as the ball was about to hit the floor, Hiro's foot shot out, knocking it back into the air and straight into the waiting hands of his team's setter. His own teammate spiked it, and with a loud bang, the ball hit the floor on the other side of the net, gaining them the last point of the game - it had lasted three sets and reached deuce four times. His team was victorious. XX
After celebrating their win with loud cheers that could rival even the volume of a High School orchestra, Hiro followed his teammates off the court and into the waiting crowd of reporters. The team had won the Miyagi Spring Tournament, beating even the district's undefeated champions, so the media attention was to be expected. Hiro answered a couple of questions, waved to the camera, and slipped away to the locker rooms the first chance he got. XX
A year had passed since High School graduation, since the trip to the beach, since everyone had gone their separate ways. Hiro himself had taken up a career as a professional volleyball player, attending school at the university near his hometown and taking up classes in musical composing and dance. Aoi was living in Tokyo, attending a prestigious business school there, and had been so busy with classes and his ever-growing fame that he hadn't been able to find the time to come and visit. However, that didn't hold them back from texting every minute of the day and video messaging each other every chance they got. They were both happy with their lives, and Hiro was ever patient in waiting for his lover to return home for a long-awaited visit. XX
Which was most of why he was in such a hurry to get away from the crowds of reporters waiting to interview him. Hiro showered in solitude in the locker rooms, changing out of his sweat-soaked volleyball uniform and gathering his things, humming along to one of Aoi's songs as it played through his earbuds. Hiro's hair had grown longer in the year he'd been playing volleyball, and he'd stopped dying his bangs after Sachiko had gotten too busy with her pregnancy to do it for him. Not that he minded, he was far more excited about the fact that he was going to be an uncle in little more than a month. XXX
Twenty minutes later, Hiro was parking his bike outside the train station, locking it up tightly at the nearest bike rack and heading into the station with a skip in his step and a smile on his face, the sound of a piano melody blocking out the bustling noise around him. Trains and people came and went; nothing was permanent here. Hiro kept his eye on the tracks, waiting for one specific train to arrive, and beaming from ear to ear when it finally did. Bouncing up on his tiptoes - he'd hardly grown at all in a year - and searched the departing crowd until his gaze stopped on familiar blue hair. Making his way speedily through the crowd, Hiro grinned as he approached his lover, all but pouncing into Aoi's arms and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. XX

I may or may not have skipped ahead, but I really wanted to write a little bit about their future life together. Of course, Hiro had to have something to do with volleyball in this story (taking advantage of that Face Claim) but music is still his number one passion!! They almost remind me a of Rin and Haru...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Shimizu Character Portrait: Akihiro Tsuno


0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


It is undeniable that life is an unpredictable journey that would take you anywhere, showing you the new horizons you may never know existed before, and even changing you for the better.

The past few years had been eventful for both Akihiro and Aoi. They always thought they will stand lonely at their own pedestals, never truly found the one meant for them. Yet, here they are, hand in hand and walking with each other towards the far future that is yet to be seen. Coming from different backgrounds, having different levels of fame, with personalities that are clashing with each other, but that simply just make them become perfect whenever they are by each other.

Together, their lives will be an endless melody, and soon, the world will know their names.

