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Come get me

Come get me


Two boys have to rescue their soulmates from demons, while them and their soulmates are still uncovering secretes from their past and learning about their powers over the elements. (FULL)

1,121 readers have visited Come get me since Horseygirl created it.


Two girls that have been best friends their whole lives, grew up completely normally. They were referred to as "The emotionless brain" and "The blind heart". "The emotionless brain" suppressed all emotion, thinking that they only lead to pain. She feels that emotion can easily be explained as a simple mental reaction. The only person she was connected to emotionally was "The blind heart". "The blind heart" is much too trusting. The word 'hate' isn't in her mental dictionary- she's extreamly loving and open. But her empathy also blinds her- she can't see the bad in people. Both of them always wear a necklace with a charm on it. "The blind heart" has a broken heart, and "The emotionless brain" has a dove.

Two boys grew up in the opposite circumstances. They were raised in an orphanage that did experiments on them constantly, trying to figure out why they were different. They had charms, too, but they were taken away. One boy could control fire, the other could control air, and air currents. On their seventeenth birthday, for some reason they were just let out. No explanation, no reasoning. Until they found a note in their suitcase that had their names on it. It said, "Find the dove and the broken heart in the claws of a shadow." Neither of them understood this, until they fell asleep and "The blind heart" and "The emotionless brain" where able to speak to them through their dreams. They focused on finding the girls, and they started to look forward to seeing the girls in their dreams.

The two girls where kidnapped by two demons and kept in an abandoned lab. He showed them that when their charms where taken away, "The blind heart" can control earth and "The emotionless brain" can control water. After their charms were taken away, the demon kept them in a gorgeous courtyard with stunning flowers and trees. There was also a small stream that went through the courtyard, and there was a tiny opening in the wall were the stream entered, and another were it left. Every day "The blind heart" would send a rose down the stream. This would eventually lead the two boys to them. As all of them explore their powers, their true parents start to show up in their dreams. The girls are actually sisters, and the boys are brothers. They were taken from their parents when their were infants, and given the charms in hopes that they'd never find out about their powers.


The Girls
"The blind heart"- Horseygirl
"The emotionless brain"- ChristyLovesYou

The Boys
Boy 1 (controls fire)- scarlet bullets
Boy 2 (controls air)- reserved

The demons
Male demon-
Female demon- Aixulram





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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Annabelle opened her eyes with a gentle smile as the sun warmed her and the soft dewy grass tickled her skin. A white rose pulled back one side of her blonde waves. She wore a soft, strapless white cotten dress. Sitting up, she observed her surroundings. She was in an open medow with wild flowers and soft grass growing. The two brothers and her sister were sleeping, all of them barefoot and wearing soft white cotten outfits. This was a dream. In the dream world the others were asleep so in the real world they were asleep. Each of them had a place they felt at peace at, so the first one to fall asleep brought them to that place without realizing it. There were animals, but never people. And the animals were never animals from the real worl. This was Annabelle's at peace place,so she was the first to give into sleep. It was hard not to feel calm and at peace here. Standing up, she smiled as she saw a sweet lttle babt deer. She turned and waited for the others to enter her world. Bell hadn't really been able toearn much about the boys yet, this was their second time meeting in the dreams. Yes, Annabelle had her blonde moments, but she was actually quite imtelligent. She had figured out the concept of dream sharing very quickly, and she already trusted the boys. It never took long for Bell to trust others, and for them to trust her. Her kind heart was hard not to relax around.


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Alice sat awake in the courtyard sitting near her sister Annabelle. She glanced over at her, still sound asleep. Her sister had a soft smile on her face, she never seemed to stop being happy even in her sleep. Alice turned away looking up at the stars. There were so many, she decided to count them anyway. After getting lost, she sighed, boredom was the only emotion she seemed to show. To others she might of seemed bored, but Alice kept herself entertained pretty easily. She ran her fingers through her chocolaty brown hair, she wondered if they were ever to leave this place. She debated going to bed, but she didn't feel tired. And going to sleep had the risk of seeing the boys in her dreams. They confused her, and she got a tickle in her stomach when she really thought about them. She didn't know if she liked the feeling or not. Unlike her sister, it took awhile for her to trust others, and she didn't really know if they trusted her or not. She was probably intimidatingly quiet and observant, maybe unpredictable. Well that actually wasn't true. If you knew her, than she was easy to read like a book. Annabelle knew that Alice wouldn't do anything, like show emotion. She probably seemed like the laziest person, though she was always looking out for her sister.


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Christian was laying on the ground of the rusty abandoned house him and Tanner had found. It was better than staying at some orphanage it of course wasn't as comfurtable but it would have to do until they found another place to stay. It didn't take long for slee to overtake him. Then something unusual happened. He found him self in a meadow full of wild flowers and lush green grass. It was so beautiful that it seemed almost unreal. He wondered what Tanner might say. The thought of his brother skipping through a field of dasies was enough to make him roar into laughter. His laughter died when he got this odd feeling, it was almost like a hypnotic pull and before he knew it he was walking.Where the hell was he going? But he couldn't help it he soon found himself walking across the meadow until he saw a girl with wavy blonde hair pulled at the side by a white rose. She wore a short nightgown and seemed to be almost in a daze. Like the meadow, she also seemed unreal. She had soft ivory skin and looked to be almost breakable and delicate. Christian found himself going up to her. He'd never been good at talking to girls, he'd always end up making dumbass coments and looked childish, but something made him feel like he had to talk to her. Before he could contain it, words slipped out o his mouth."T-The blind heart. Your the blind heart."What was he even talking about? Who's the blind heart? It was almost as if someone was apeaking for him."Where's your sister?"Sister? What the hell am i talking about?


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Tanner fought sleep as long as he possibly could but it had finally won the battle. No matter how dirty the dump they were staying in was or how scary the noises that haunted him from outside throughout the night were he couldn't stop himself from falling to sleep. Before he went off the dreamland he had to make sure that his brother was okay and would be safe throughout the night. With eyes as heavy as sand bags he finally drifted to the field that recently had become the setting for his dreams. The warm soft rays of the sun feel upon his face waking him from his slumber. In this wonderful field of wild flowers Tanner couldn't feel more silly. Not only was he in this field but he had been dressed in these basic soft clothes that he would never ever think about putting on himself. The silliness didn't come from all these things but from the feeling of calm he felt that went along with it. The sense of safety and trust surrounding him.

As long as he could remember never has he felt something that beautiful before. Taking it all in he realized that brother was not beside him like he normally was in these situation. Feeling the soft grass between his toes he ran through the field looking for his brother. Reaching the other side of the meadow he saw his brother talking to this almost angelic girl. That was the only way he felt was right to describe this girl. When Tanner first ran into her he thought that she was a part of the dream. Around her he and his brother didn't feel quite like freaks of nature. Approaching the two of them he straightened out his outfit. " Why must you give me heart attacks hun? Do you like seeing me stressed out beyond belief" he said punching his brother in the shoulder. He looked at the girl obviously phased by something that his brother said. " What did you do to her?" he asked curious on why they were having this staring contest between the two of them.


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Annabelle's expression brightened as she saw the brothers had woken up. The sun made them seem so kind and handsome. First a more surprised, confused boy came to her. When he mentioned her being the blind heart, she gave him a sweet half smile. "Yes, i'm the blind heart. My sister hasn't fallen asleep yet. " Bell jerked back in surprise when his brother ran over to them. They both had a weightlessness about themselves that was infactuating. A soft pink colored her cheeks as she looked at the boy who had just ran over to them. She was embarrassed for jerking back like a frightned little rabbit. "Sorry." She said softly in her musical voice.

Annabelle held both of her delicate hnds out for them to shake. "Annabelle Love. Weilder of earth." She didn't try to hide what made her so different. Right away she told them, as is saying, 'heres my flaw. Please still accept me." She gave the both of them a gentle smile, raidyating warmth and calm. Hopefully her sister would be here, so they could all formally meet. The first time they met, her sister didn't know what to make of them, so she dragged Bella off away from them. It was all rather confusing and short. She didn't even remember most of it. But now they were in her world, full of beuty and peace.


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Alice laid down next to her sister, staring up at the sky again. She squeezed her eyes shut, only for them to wander open again. She sometimes felt like an insomniac. After what seemed like hours, which was only about five minutes, she slowly drifted to sleep. She woke up in a white land, everything was fluffy. Yes, fluffy was the word she would choose. It seemed like a place her sister would think of. She stood up, seeing that she was wearing a white cotton dress, she stared at it, not remembering how she got it. She felt a slight panic, on the inside of her brain when Annabelle wasn't next to her. She turned to find her talking to the mysterious boys. Was she was blushing because of the blonde one who had run over? Alice wondered. In not a lot of time she managed to get over to her sister, standing behind her. She took her sisters hand and pulled on it, not making eye contact with either of the boys. She looked up to her sister, who was happily introducing herself. She glanced at the black hair boy, she got that tickle in her stomach again. That feeling that she couldn't explain, it happened every time she was around them. She decided not to say anything, these boys were strangers and Annabelle had already decided to be friendly. Then that word. Flaw, Alice didn't like that word. She didn't care if her and her sister wear strange. They had no flaws... right? Just because she could move water didn't mean she was flawed, it was more of a gift.


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Christian smiled at Annabelle, taken aback by her kindness. No one he and his brother had met were this pure and innocent. His smile wavered when his brother punched him in the shoulder. He turned his attention to his brother.Why must you give me heart attacks hun? Do you like seeing me stressed out beyoned belief""What did you do to her", his brother asked now looking at Annabelle with the same expression on his face that Christian had the second he saw her. Christian pet his brother on the head and then smacked him. He laughed. "Bad kitty, can't you see I'm talking to a pretty girl?" Before he could get out another word a girl who he somehow recognized as the emotionless brain walked up to them and seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him and Tanner, until she glanced at Christian.

She looked unsure and ready to protect her sister. Christian gave her one of his reasuring smiles that usually led to him making a lot friends."Hey, no need to feel uncomfortable we're here to help. I'm Christian Collins, and this is my brother Tanner." He laughed."We're not out to hurt you. I promise." He hoped that she'd at least consider speaking. He looked over at Tanner. Then at Annabelle who was smiling sweetly at all of them. It seemed almost imposible not to trust her.


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Tanner absolutely hated when his brother petted him on the head like he was some type of animal that need to be trained. Even though he was sure Christian knew that he continued to do it. Probably for the sole reason of getting under his skin. " I told you the next time you petted me I was gonna break your arm lucky for you were in a dream but do it when we wake up your dead" he said taking his eyes off of the new girl who had just joined them. From what he could feel out it was the blonde girl's sister. They looked enough a like to be but other than that they were totally different. He could tell just from the way they carried themselves.

Hearing his brother's voice snapped him out of his deep thought one questioning and the other as open as he has ever seen somebody. He wondered if she knew their little secret would she still welcome them with open arms. Probably not whenever their secret got out it complicated things to new levels. They would either run or turn out to be the bad guys chasing them.

" This isn't the first time this has happened what is going on here....i mean not like Im not mad being here with you guys I just wanna know how this is even possible" Tanner said done with the silence.


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Annabelle gave her sister a gentle smile. "Alice, it's fine. If they were bad people, they wouldn't be here. It also means their probably different, like us." She turned back to the brothers, her face open and sweet. A small, cute bubble of laughter escaped her as she watched the two brothers interact. "Well, this is a dream. I'm not sure why us four have been pushed into sharing a dream, but from what I've gathered the first of us four to fall asleep goes into a place where they feel calm and secure. The others follow the first dreamer into her dream. I think somehow we're connected, and our minds reached out to one another and this was the only way to be in each others presence, being away from each other. The question is, why us four, and what do we have to together." Bell spoke gently and evenly, the sun catching her features and brightening her expression.

She gave them a shy smile as she reached out and touched Tanner's cheek softly. Quickly she pulled her arms back, blushing. "Sorry, I just wanted to see if it was possible to touch."


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Alice sighed. Why must Annabelle be so trusting? But then again it was a dream, and this was all fake right?
"Hey, no need to feel uncomfortable we're here to help. I'm Christian Collins, and this is my brother Tanner. We're not out to hurt you. I promise." He said. She looked at him, and replied. "I'm Alice. And I'm not afraid you'll hurt us... I'm just trying to figure out... you." She said, looking away. Then Annabelle figured out the basics, and had some idea they were connected. The sun seemed to suddenly shine on her, making her look even more beautiful and happy. Alice felt as if Annabelle were a flower in the garden, and she was the stem, supporting the flower, but not as beautiful and noticed. She liked to keep it that way, at least she knew her sister would be safe with her.
Then Annabelle touched the blonde one's cheek. Tanner. Names she'd somehow already knew. She wondered if the boys were even real or not, she decided to just ask, slightly off topic. "Are you even real? Is this a dream for you too? Or are we just imagining it all?" She asked, glancing between the two of them.


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Tanner was caught off guard by the warm touch of Anabelle's hand it felt better than anything he had ever experienced before. Through her hand he could feel that she was a friend that no matter what se would never try and hurt him. For the first time in his life someone besides his brother had given him a feeling that made him feel as if he were able to tell them any thing. That feeling took a load off his shoulders he never knew he was carrying.

The strange thing about the touch is the fact that he didn't mind it at all. Sure it was a little weird but he didn't want her to take her hand away. As she blushed and apologize Tanner just looked at her not knowing what exactly to say. How could he tell one of the beautiful girls he had ever seen that he wanted her to touch him. Had he gone crazy?

The feeling of her skin against his assured him that it wasn't any type of dream he had ever experienced before. " No problem I think we were all wondering it you just had the balls to do it" he said finally thinkIng of something to say even though it sounded completely stupid to him. Suddenly he heard Alice say something to him and his brother about them being real.

" We could ask you guys the same thing...I mean to be honest you two look to good to be true but me and my brother are most deffinately real. All I know is that one minute I'm sleep in a place that is completely horrible and the next I'm here with you guys...btw what did you mean by you are the earth wielder I feel like I already knew that before you said it I just didn't know what it meant". He knew he was playing 20 questions with these girls but he had to get some answers.


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Annabelle watched Tanner and for a moment, she wished she had kept her hand on his cheek for just a moment longer. Her eyes linger on his cheek for a second before kneeling on the ground. Closing her eyes, a vine grew up her arm. Soft blue flowers bloomed along the vine. She opened her eyes and smiled at Tanner. She didn't speak, she knowing this would answer his question. The vines released her arm, leaving only an intricate blue flower.

"Trust me, we're real." she closed his hands around the flower, her hands lingering on his for a moment. Bell was sure, in that moment, they where real. She gave an assuring smile to the others. She closed her eyes for a second before saying softly, "we where kidnapped by a demon. But I adore her. Sae. "


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Watching Annabelle work was something that resembled an abstract art. He couldn't take his eyes off of the magic that was happening before him between this beautiful girl and the earth. She looked so comfortable and at peace as she became one with the earth making life sprout from the ground had to be one of the most precious things. " That's... I mean.. it's beautiful to see that what you did there". Smooth he thought to himself. After the all the beauty he had just seen all he could manage was to sound like a bubbling idiot.

Her hands on his felt so right to him. It was almost weird that he didn't pull away from her. Normally he never would let someone even touch him let alone let it linger there. The thing that was so amazing was the fact that he and his brother weren't the only ones who had weird tricks they can do. Among his group of people he finally felt normal. " Were are you guys do you know? I mean are you guys coming to us in this dream so that we can help you" he asked in total confusion.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Annabelle Love
Character Portrait: Alice Love
Character Portrait: Tanner Collins
Character Portrait: Christian Collins


Character Portrait: Christian Collins
Christian Collins

"Come on smile tanner." -smiles- "See it's not hard."

Character Portrait: Tanner Collins
Tanner Collins

The Temperamental Braun

Character Portrait: Alice Love
Alice Love

"The emotionless brain."

Character Portrait: Annabelle Love
Annabelle Love

"The blind heart"


Character Portrait: Tanner Collins
Tanner Collins

The Temperamental Braun

Character Portrait: Alice Love
Alice Love

"The emotionless brain."

Character Portrait: Annabelle Love
Annabelle Love

"The blind heart"

Character Portrait: Christian Collins
Christian Collins

"Come on smile tanner." -smiles- "See it's not hard."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Christian Collins
Christian Collins

"Come on smile tanner." -smiles- "See it's not hard."

Character Portrait: Annabelle Love
Annabelle Love

"The blind heart"

Character Portrait: Tanner Collins
Tanner Collins

The Temperamental Braun

Character Portrait: Alice Love
Alice Love

"The emotionless brain."

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Re: [OOC] Come get me

all the characters are in. Ill have the first post up in a second.

Re: [OOC] Come get me

@Horseygirl i don't know if the others are still interested, you might as well take his/her character because the others haven't sent one. Just a suggestion.

Re: [OOC] Come get me

I'm sooo sorry but i already reserved that for someone. It's my fault for not posting it, i'm sorry! But there's still the male demon spot open!

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Profile's sent, hope you like it. ^-^

Re: [OOC] Come get me

I'll have my profile for Boy 2 posted soon

Re: [OOC] Come get me

I'd be interested, but just out of curiosity how old are the human characters supposed to be?

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Yes! I love you!!!!!!

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Well if your still looking for male players may I reserve one? Fire?

Re: [OOC] Come get me

No, she's perfect. ;)

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Anything you want me to change? (:

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Okay, thanks! I'll be finished soon

Re: [OOC] Come get me

That'd make sense, because they're the same age.

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Also, should they be twins?

Re: [OOC] Come get me

Since the girls are sisters, i made them have the same last name, is that okay?

Re: [OOC] Come get me

reserve the emotionless brain? Thanks(:

Re: [OOC] Come get me

a.) yes
b.) yes
