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Seph (Joseph Lee)

"Even in times like these, I don't know if I even want to go home.

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a character in “Conquest of Babylon Online”, originally authored by Damioa, as played by RolePlayGateway



Demon speeder
Lightning King



His most distinctive feature being his choice of hair color, at first glance you would think that the creator of such a character either has some style, or just randomly through some colors together. Luckily, the hair matches the rest of the character quite well. Living up to his status as chaos, just as you would expect, he never smiles. Some say when the game first started he wore a different demeanor, but, with all the in game time that has passed, no one dares doubt his facial expression. Along with his demonic yellow eyes, rumor has it that one stare would pk a man and one charming glance would pk a woman. If there was a charming expression to through, you shouldn't expect it to come from him. Though quite small in both build and height, standing at just 5 feet 9 inches, he gives off a bigger presence with his stance and demeanor.

Next topic is his choice of clothes. Already having the power of a demon race, Seph's design is meant for speed. His clothes and wear consist of light clothes most being basic garments that he upgraded. His signature coat is has his left arm sleeve cut to the elbow. By looks of it, it seems ripped off. The right arm sleeve is intact and the tail of the coat is long enough to almost reach the ground. With a sash at his waistline you can barely tell if his clothes are one piece or dual wear. He also caries his signature kisanagi type sword inside the sash placed on his left side. As for foot wear, he wears cloth shoes that resemble socks.

Joseph Lee




Unlike his character in game, he has silver hair and blue eyes. wanting to actually through himself in game he modeled his character after himself with some minor differences. In reality, he is 5 foot 7 inches and not as muscularly built as his in-game persona, but just as skinny. Unlike the sharp eyes he gives to his intimidating game character he is actually wide eyed, looking innocent as a middle school kid and on occasion gets confused for one. He isn't as intimidating either usually dawning innocent looks and never scowling. You would be surprised he was the same hardened looking warrior that you'd seen in-game if you met him in real life.

His actions in the present are not like the ones he displayed in the past. If you had known him long enough, then you would know him to be a friendly young man who would do any favor you asked him for. He liked going outside and having fun with his friends. When he walked around people they never felt threatened or awkward because he always wore the nicest smile and displayed happiness at all times. Due to an event that happened in his past OOC and due to the current situation he has to share with a society of other players, he has modeled his personality completely after his character and has most likely lost himself in this horrible new world that he's stuck in.

Presently, he is a battle hardened warrior. He doesn't even know why he keeps fighting or training his skills. Maybe it's to keep his mind off of things. Maybe it's even to really be freed from the game. However, he doubts the later, thinking that reality might not be a sweet thing to return too. Seeing some of his past in game comrades fall and being targeted by player characters in the game, he has secluded himself from people only helping those who are strong enough to take care of themselves in a quest or people who he has soft spots for. Yes, he does have a soft spot under his cold exterior, but, he tries to hide it the best way possible. Still, even with the anger and confusion he carries, he doesn't target other players unless they target him. He follows two codes when it comes to freely talking to people. 1: Never talk to someone who is renowned as weak unless they speak first. 2: Never talk to someone out of the race of demon unless they speak first and always your back when around them.

One thing is certain. He wants to live. To do so, he will become the demon his character actually is and do whatever it takes to survive. He does have some old qualities left over of his old persona. He wont jerk around a person or pick on the weak and if he sees someone in trouble he will give his aid. Still, he prefers to keep to himself and higher level players and doesn't get to friendly with allot of people. Not to say he doesn't act friendly to some, but not everyone will get a glimpse of his older, maybe truer self. One thing can be said for sure. He is a fragile person.

His background isn't really that spectacular. Out of character at least. He grew up, raised by a single mother, happily going through life by the motions and never letting anything damper his mood. For his mothers sake, he tried hard in school maintaining a B average and made allot of friends in school. Sadly his normal life in school was over when his mom became deathly ill and soon comatose. Following her instructions he stayed strong and got himself a job. He even switched schools in order to move to a cheaper place. It wasn't all bad because one friend from his school still decided to come visit him even though he was a whole city away. Her name was Seio Taizono. He appreciated her friendship and it may have been what kept his spirits high. That was when he was only 14 years old.

Years went by and both him and Seio eventually became a couple. In fact it was Seio that got him interested in games, seeing as he was naturally occupied with work and school. It was from her that he obtained knowledge of Babylon Online. Of course both were excited by this new development. In the months of wait both he pre-ordered the game for both of them and they waited patiently. It seemed the two were inseparable. Or so it seemed. Apparently, Seio was starting to have troubles at home and became mixed with a bad crowd, totally unknown to Joseph. Soon even her visits stopped and he went to go see for himself if she was alright. He found her with a group of suspicious looking friends, mostly delinquents. When asked what was wrong, she simply said that life was beginning to get to her. It was then that she told him that she wouldn't be able to see him anymore. He tried to come to an understanding with her, even telling her that she could move in with him. He even said he would work more than one job and quit school, whatever it took to make her happy. That's probably when his personality changed. With her next words he lost a pillar that was holding him up.

"I-I love someone else. I just can't.... I can't be around someone who's able to be happy all the time."

Didn't she realize that it was because of her that he felt strong enough to be happy. If she didn't then she never would have. He was at a lost for words when one of the men she was with grabbed her, laughed, and walked away. He was crushed and already loosing the company of his mother, he was left alone. Still, he did lay down money on the games and instead of getting his money back he decided to put both copies savings into one. When the game came out he was one of the first in his city to buy a copy quickly wanting to see if he could somehow escape from his real life. He even made a character that was the complete opposite of him. The last curve ball thrown at him was the announcement that followed weeks after the release. Being stuck in a game didn't seem that bad. He had a group of friends and they quested together getting stronger. But, like most people have experienced in game, those friends soon became small in numbers.

Not wanting to witness anymore of their deaths he left remaining people of the group and set out to find his own way. He doesn't know what he actually wants or expects to find, but he will keep on walking his own road. That is what he's convinced himself he needs to do to survive. His mother might even be waiting for him if he gets out of the game. On the other hand, she might not. Still, even though he is conflicted on if he wants to return to reality, he will do so if it means surviving.

In game he made more friends and was slowly starting to get his happiness back.


Kisanagi of Raigeki :
Just like its name it is a speed type weapon that enhances lightning magic. It is light and also increases dexterity. Although its not a strong blade, with technique, it can slice even the thickest surface. It is a blade for speed types and should not be used if you can't make precise swift swings.

Magic Abilities

Lightning crash:
It brings forth a crash of lightning that hits multiple targets at high speeds.

Come forth Lightning


Lightning step:
Flashes users around for quick movement in battle.

Last Rebellion:
Increases Physical stats upon HP falling below 30%

Demonic Will
Allows user to tap into his demon nature and heightens strength for 30 seconds.


Eye's of Akuma
Allows speed user heightened eyesight to match his speed at the time. When not using speed, allows user to see miles ahead.

Demon Regeneration
Being a demon class, the more damage you inflict, you regain small amounts of health.

When this atribute becomes a passive skill you can move with lightning speeds and make precise acurrate swings in battle.

Earth Damnation - Weakness
Comes with being experienced in one element. Users element must be Lightning in order to be weak against earth.

So begins...

Seph (Joseph Lee)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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#, as written by Damioa
Joseph Lee, or Seph, as he was named in the world of BO, was just walking around aimlessly like he would do on certain days that he didn't have a request from one of his old friends or from a weak character he bumped into. Why would he waste time doing such a thing? He had no clue. Maybe it was because he enjoyed a good walk every now and then. Whatever the reason, he was growing real tired of the dark and gloomy scenery of the demon area of the game. He had no reason to travel outside of the area though and stayed to his roots. He came to a town that he was used to seeing everyday. His base of operations, if you could call it that and the place where he rested at during nighttime hours of the game.

Passing in town he received the hello's and bows from some players who he had the pleasure of helping in the past. Some of the other townsfolk averted their eyes from his cold gaze, while others just pretended he wasn't there. He enjoyed those people more than the others. He hated being looked upon and talked about, much less being talked too. Still, when a person needed help, he couldn't help himself but to help them. No matter how cold he tried to act, people of weaker levels still seemed to think he was safe enough to step up to for help. Lucky for them that he was. He never denied a request from someone weaker or even someone strong enough to take care of themselves. However, he would never out right talk to someone, especially if said person was weaker than him. He would only talk to someone if he had to, or someone he already knew and trusted. If you were to know him that well then you would be one of the small few and if you were to just meet him after the start of real like in BO then you would be part of the sum he could count on one hand.

As he was just about to walk into the inn where he stayed he was stopped by an incoming message.
"Hey man. It's me, Korin. I have a request for you. I know you're not part of the Angel race, but I have just been randomly invited by a weaker character to party inside of a high level dungeon. Thing is, I'm busy at the moment, but I still worry for that player. If you would be so kind, would you please follow the link and assist them? I'll be forever in your debt man. Thanks. -The Korinator."

The first thought on Seph's mind was that Korin had to change his signature. The second thought was that the man should be lucky that he use to party and spar with him. If it wasn't for the bond the two had then he would've denied immediately. He touched his hand on the link and saw,
{Sylpha} requests players to join them at [Brightwood Glade]. Click here to warp.

Great. She's a female. That guy sure knows how to get me to do things.

Reluctantly he pushed the link and was warped to the destination. The scenery was at least a good change. He had always felt warm in Angel territory. Sick to his stomach at times, but on a day that he was hoping for a change of environment, this was pretty good. Everything was brighter here. Still the dungeon might prove to be uglier than the exterior. He walked to the woman who had her back turned. "I am here to assist you." He said. Even though he was there to help he couldn't get rid of his glare, especially as he saw that she was masked. Based on all he knew, it was a trap. However, she was a weaker character so it shouldn't be a problem if she would attack him. Hopefully it wouldn't cause a problem.

"If you're wondering how a demon got your request, I was forwarded it from a friend. If you don't want my help I could leave if you want."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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Sylpha was about to head into Brightwood Grove when a player appeared near her on the mini-map. It caught her off guard, causing her to jump. She turned around, and was already apprehensive. The perception bonus from Sylph's Visage was showing a dark indicator surrounding this newcomer, which indicated a Demon. Damn it, I knew this was a terrible idea... Sylpha felt anxiety rising up in her, but she fought it down. Her expression may have given away her uneasiness, but her mask hid that from view; a blessing, if she wanted to survive this new arrival.

Then...he approached her, without drawing his weapons. His amber eyes were cold, as a Demon's would be, a complete opposite from their rather warm color. "I am here to assist you.". The man said simply. His eyes still glared and pierced SYlpha's mask, despite this offer. While it may have been a foolish move, Sylpha moved her hand to her face, and removed the mask. She returned the Demon's gaze with her own magenta eyes. She had to look up, as he was quite a bit taller than her, but she showed that she wasn't scared. Even if she was, in the slightest. "If you're wondering how a demon got your request, I was forwarded it from a friend. If you don't want my help I could leave if you want." The man said once more.

It did answer part of the question in her mind, since she thought the request was for the Angel region only, but help was help. A Demon would be more susceptible to the creatures in the dungeon, but they would also be able to attack with full force. With a bit of doubt, Sylpha held out her hand. "No, it's fine. As long as you don't stab me in the back, I won't leave you at the mercy of the Light-based monsters in there. Well, you already know who I am. We can talk all about you and the quest on the way. Come along, if you would." Sylpha revealed her dragonfly wings, and sent a party invite to "Seph", her new ally. At least she hoped so. The Angel began fluttering towards the entrance, a large pathway surrounded by trees of golden leaves and birch-like bark...a pleasant image, despite what lurked inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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#, as written by Damioa
Seph looked at Sylpha, wondering why in Babylon's name would she want to go to a super high dungeon. That's like suicide. Maybe she wasn't that smart. Well, it didn't really matter. A favor for a friend is a favor for a friend.

"No, it's fine. As long as you don't stab me in the back, I won't leave you at the mercy of the Light-based monsters in there. Well, you already know who I am. We can talk all about you and the quest on the way. Come along, if you would."

To this he didn't say anything. His thoughts were doing all the talking that he needed.

Who in the world does this chick think I am? I don't join parties just to kill people I am partied with. That's one thing. Another thing is that she wants to talk about me. If she looks at my info tab she can know all about me. Really. Seph. Demon. Strong. Lightning user. Done. What else does she want to know? On top of all that she wants to boss me around like I'm her pet dog. Well I'll show you who the dog is. Hold on. I can't attack her. She could die. Damn. I wanna go back to the inn. I thought I was gonna meet a kind person or something. I always take jobs without asking about the client. Not that I'm getting paid for this. Dang, I should start charging like that one guy. What was his name. Oh crap, she's leaving.

He looked out towards her as she flew away. Butterfly wings weren't really common. Must've been the first time he saw them. He drew out his black feathered bat wings, a design he won from a demon and mixed it with his own, and flew after her.

"So um, why do you want to do this quest?" He asked. Maybe if he got some information on her motive, he could find out what kind of perks this quest had to offer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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As the duo flew into the forest, the dungeon became a separate instance, locking them inside until the quest was done. Inside, Brightwood Glade was a beautiful forest of shimmering golden leaves, warm sunlight, and woodland creatures rustling in the fallen leaves. Sylpha, however, knew that dangerous creatures spawned in the area, and she was ready for anything. Her bow hummed in her hands, and her mask showed her the slightest movement in the brush. The path was straight, but there was a clearing up ahead.

"What am I here for, you ask?" Sylpha said, in response to Seph's question. "The last pieces of my armor set are here. I don't know if you'd want them, since all the pieces are Light-based." Sylpha told her companion simply. Up ahead in the clearing, she could see some figures moving. Their names tags above the health bars said "Brightwood Hound". They weren't too highly leveled, nut they might prove a problem with their evasion rate. There were five of them.

"Looks like we have company already." Sylpha placed her fingers on the drawstring of Shimmerthorn, creating an arrow of light notched in the bow. "Do you think you could go out and lead them to me? That way we can bottleneck them, and I'll hit them with my trapping magic. Sound good?" She questioned, hoping the demon would be satisfied. It could work, considering her Holy Salvo skill, with it's ability to home in on targets. She pulled her drawstring taut, in wait for Seph to get started.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bela Gardner (Sylpha) Character Portrait: Seph (Joseph Lee)
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#, as written by Damioa
The woman was right. Seph wasn't interested in armor of any kind. It would hurt his speed. He had lightning and his sword to protect him. It's probably because of his lack of armor that people mistake his abilities, not that it mattered to him of course. The less people that knew how strong he was the better. That way no one would bother him for help. Although, there were some bad points to being looked upon as week. For example he had to hash out lessons to many player killers.

He followed Sylpha through the straight path admiring the Angel area dungeon. It was much more relaxing than a Demon's dungeon but just as dangerous. "Looks like we have company already.", the woman said. He gazed in front of them and saw the are monsters in front of them. "Brightwood Hound" He thought maybe he could just fight them all by dashing about then realized if they couldn't catch him they would go after his partner.


He was thinking of a new plan when the girl declared one of her own. "Do you think you could go out and lead them to me? That way we can bottleneck them, and I'll hit them with my trapping magic. Sound good?" Seph stood there in a moment of thought and then nodded his head. Turning towards his targets he stepped forward and almost disappeared in a flash of speed. He stopped his lightning step right in the middle of the enemy group to get their attention. One of the Hounds growled at him in furry. He wasn't fazed. Even when they started to chase him he simply back stepped with his hands on his blade, leading them closer to the girl.