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Haley Auditore-Brennan

"Damn it! I told you to not touch anything!

0 · 510 views · located in Omega

a character in “Corolla Hills”, as played by AmbrosiaVAC


"Harley or Camaro, I can fix it."

Full Name: Haley Mara Auditore-Brennan
Nickname(s): Hales, Leigh (Pronounced "Lay")
Age: 21
Date of Birth: January 27th, 1992
Education: She has a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and is considering going back to school.
Sexuality: Straight, though she's had more than her fair share of girl time now and then.
Hometown: Corolla Hills
Class: Technically Middle-Class on her own terms, though with the amount of money she's given by her uncle and father (Who is still trying to gain her forgiveness for something she will never speak of) she might as well be Upper-Class.
Occupation: Mechanic. She works at, and practically owns, the most popular Mechanics shop in the town and is respected as one of the best there.


| Cars |
| Motorcycles |
| Practically Anything with an Engine |
| Her Black Labrador pup and her Corgi, Archer and Caesar respectively |
| Apples |
| Rain |
| Swimming |
| The Beach |
| Traveling |
| The Highway |
| Her beloved Sleek, Black, Custom Harley Davidson Night Rod |
| The shining black Ducati Desmosedici RR her uncle gave to her for her 18th Birthday |
| Any other Automobile she owns |
| Her extended family |

| Her parents |
| Being sad |
| Being around sad people |
| Rats |
| Whenever her Corgi runs into a wall |
| Forgetting to feed her dogs |
| Spiteful cats |
| Squirrels- "They're fucking evil, I tell you!". She was bitten by a squirrel at age 10. |
| Salamanders- She questions why they have to be able to grow their tails back and humans can't regrow appendages. |
| Pinching her fingers on the shop equipment |
| Pre-teen and early teen boys who constantly use the terms, "YOLO", "Swag", or try to act gangster. Though she laughs when they try to hit on her. |
| Pigeons. Not sure why, but she just doesn't like them. |

Quirks: She sings to herself in a low voice absentmindedly often. She really does have a good singing voice. She will also talk to herself (or the vehicles, nobody quite knows) while working to make things "More Interesting", as she puts it.
Fears: She is deathly afraid of Centipedes,

Skills: She is an amazing mechanic, able to fix bikes and cars like magic. She's also a rather good cook and an amazing dancer. She also happens to be fluent in multiple languages.
Romance: She does have a small crush, but keeps it to herself.

Thoughts on the Auditore Family: Haley is a cousin of the Auditore Family, and the best friend of Alexandra Auditore. Her aunt and uncle act almost as surrogate parents, in a way.

Thoughts on the Sarinelli Family: She doesn't mind them. Except for whenever they bring in their damn cars all the time because they don't understand the meaning of playing it safe. Then she gives them the evil look.

Personality: Haley is the kind of girl every other girl secretly envies; beautiful, charming, charismatic, and modest about herself. Unlike her best friend, she isn't very outlandish. Although she does have the same kind of straightforward, I-Don't-Give-A-Damn attitude. She's one hell of a lot of fun to be around and is always a great source of entertainment. She can be a derp sometimes but that adds far more than it retracts to her personality. Because it's "Cute", you know? She believes in being athletic and that one should work with what they love, like she does. Though some people hate others shoving their beliefs in their faces, this belief is one that many don't actually mind. Probably because everyone shares it. She isn't religious at all and counts herself as Agnostic though she has a small tattoo of a celtic cross emblazoned on her hip. More for looks than for belief.

History: Haley was born on a chilly January morning to Mason and Amelia Auditore. She is the only child of the couple. When her parents first laid eyes on the infant, they fell in love immediately with her. The moment was the happiest in their lives, and they vowed to raise her the best that they could. It turned out great the first years of their daughter's life. She excelled in nearly everything she attempted, especially when it came to things like horseback riding or singing. She was well-behaved and well-mannered. The perfect little girl.

Around the time when Haley was 9, her parents began to fight. Arguing and the such, never getting along. She remained rather oblivious to it all. She was fine staying with her aunt and uncle who, when her parents began to neglect their daughter, took care of Haley. She and Alexandra grew up to be very close as a result.

By the time Haley was 15 her parents had divorced and her father had come out as her legal guardian. Her name, legally adopted as a co-surname of her mother's maiden name and her family name, is often simply just shortened to Auditore when things concern family matters though she will often go by the surname of Brennan. She graduated high-school with flying colours and went to university for only three years, taking an accelerated course.

Misc. : Anything that doesn't fit into the categories.

So begins...

Haley Auditore-Brennan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Alena Auditore Character Portrait: Haley Auditore-Brennan Character Portrait: James DeSilvio Character Portrait: Greyson Auditore Character Portrait: Jack Losk
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Alex walked into Omega in high spirits. That night would no doubt be filled with plenty of the graduates using fake IDs to get alcohol, but she wasn't one to pass judgement for such an offense. She could already hear Shawn, the main DJ at the club, running through a few of the songs before the club actually opened for later. She was there simply to take inventory so that James didn't metaphorically smack her on the ass for it later. She hoped that Greyson would take her advice; she had heard from Shawn that the night before had been ridiculous and had told her oldest brother to take the day off. She'd clear everything up with James, as she usually did. Not that he ever really bothered to argue with her. Trying to argue with her about her decisions with her family was like throwing peas at a brick wall. It yielded no results. Except that you wasted peas.

She tossed her bag in the small employee lounge right next to the entry hallway of the club and went on into the main room. Her hips moved automatically with the beat of the song that Shawn was trying out, and the loud Jamaican let out one of his signature boisterous and contagious laughs.

"You were born dancin' out of te' womb, I tell ya'!" He said. Somehow his voice managed to carry through all the other noise blasting from the surround-sound speakers set up strategically around the massive room. Alex smiled at him as she did a small slide over the counter of the bar.

"Must have been pretty painful, then!" She shouted back as the music faded away. Shawn hopped down from his DJ stand, and slid a USB drive into the pocket of his cargo shorts. He walked over to the bar, with no less than a few steps and spin on the way, singing to himself quietly. His hair was close-cut and he had a rather oversized hat covering his skull. He wore a baggy sweatshirt emblazoned with a puma and tan cargo shorts, the outfit complete by white hi-top Nikes.

"Ya', well, I would'n know anytan' about dat'," He leaned forward with his forearms on the counter, his dark eyes on Alex's back while she picked up a tablet from under the counter. She was thankful that James had made the switch from clipboards to electronics long before; she didn't have her pen with her. Shawn watched absentmindedly as she went through the bar's large stock of liquers and liquors. She smiled as the words popped into her head.

Once finished with the inventory she noted only one thing wrong and set the tablet down. Sliding her phone out of her back pocket she was greeted with the all-too-familiar "Slide to Unlock" prompt. Following it she quickly tapped in her passcode and began to scroll down her contacts.

Tapping on the one that read "James DeTakeAChillPill" she put the phone to her ear and listened to the obnoxious ringing while Shawn played with his thumb.


"Sonuva' fucking BITCH!" Haley yelled out and leapt back from under the hood of the Ford SUV she was working on. Her pair of pliers went flying off to the side and she cradled her left hand. Somehow, from some magical place in the abyss that was the beat-up engine of the SUV from hell, a thin wire had snapped. Out at her. And made a nice, neat, surgical cut about 3 centimeters along the back of her left hand. She glared back down into the engine, narrowing her eyes at the offending machine. Everyone said cars couldn't have feelings; she begged to differ, as they often tried to injure her in more way than one in what seemed like revenge for her going inside their most precious areas. In hindsight, the entire idea seemed rather vulgar if one had such a dirty mind. But she didn't care right now. She simply leaned against the side of the counter behind her and wrapped her hand in clean gauze that she had made sure to go buy after the third bleeding injury she sustained in the shop. Now all she had to worry about was that nomadic guy that had showed up the one time coming back up again. Not that she remembered his name.

It must have been Jake or something.