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Sarah-Jane McMullin

"Well, we can't all be lucky, can we?"

0 · 608 views · located in Corolla Hills

a character in “Corolla Hills”, as played by OurStars


"Not all of us can be born on satin pillows with silver spoons in our mouths."

Image Full Name:
Sarah-Jane Olivia McMullin

"I've been called a lot of things, but that's a different matter."
Typically Sarah, Sarah-Jane, or Liv is accepted.

"Is this an investigation or something?"

Date of Birth:
February 3rd

"It's not like I don't want to go to college."
Sarah attended all of the necessary schooling up until high school, but never attended college. It just always seemed kind of out of the question for her, though she wanted to attend. She's always wanted to study Bio-medical Engineering.

"Is that an invitation?"

"I've always been in the same place, all my life."
She has been born and raised in Corolla Hills

"Corolla Hills isn't all wealth and sunshine."
Lower Class; Poor

"I've gotten pretty good at cleaning, unfortunately."
Sarah works as a housekeeper and maid for hire- the sort that people hire once a week to do laundry, mop, etc. She also works as a nanny when necessary. Honestly, if it's a job, she's likely to take it.

Ska Music
Night Life
Sleeping After Work
Days Off
Jazzy Songs
Thrift Stores
Old Things
Playing Around
Class Gaps
Her Job
History Class
'All talk no bite' types
Dwelling on Things
Conversationally Challenged

Sarah has that common habit of biting her lip slightly when she's thinking about something, though when she's really focusing she has the tendency to make strange faces- the sort that one would make whilst feeding an infant or something like that. Besides this, she's often poking the tip of her toe against the ground when she's feeling nervous, as though she can bore a hole into the ground by doing so or something.

This is something that Sarah would never admit, stubbornly denying it even if someone finds evidence that completely points to it, but she is afraid of the dark, despite being past the age where that is acceptable. She keeps a little light on at night, because she has this sort of paranoia and an overactive imagination that has her seeing monsters in the dark. Likewise, she's the type who won't sleep with her feet hanging off the bed, as though fears of monsters under the bed linger. She's also afraid of large dogs.

Like many residents of the town, Sarah has a talent for dancing. Of course, her style of dancing is different than that of other residents, for the most part. While some say that they enjoy jazz dancing, she prefers the more old school stuff- that would be swing dancing, the charleston, blues dancing, etc. Other than dancing, she has gotten really good at cleaning, thanks to her job, and is efficient about it. Her best subject, however, has always been math- she does calculus problems to relax.

Romance: Again, I'll wait for relationship sheets, just in case.

Thoughts on the Auditore Family:
"Supposedly, envy is a sin. I suppose it is a good thing that I'm not particularly religious. Maybe I'm greedy or selfish or something, but I envy that family so much. I envy their privilege, wealth, and, stupid as it sounds, I admire their loyalty to each other. In fact, watching them makes me feel rather bitter, to be honest- I might even hate them a bit for being so lucky."

Thoughts on the Sarinelli Family:
"Another wealthy family. Maybe they are a bit more tolerable, because they don't seem quite as ideal, but I'm still jealous of all the members of the family and all that they have. I've grown up with some of them, and have felt this way ever since I was old enough to realize that they had so much that I couldn't. Maybe it makes me petty, but my envy leans towards bitter dislike, just as it does for the Auditore family, when it comes to these people."

Most people are somewhat familiar with the idea of the 'Seven Deadly Sins,' regardless of whether or not they actually believe in them or in the religion that has declared them to be sins. One of those 'sins' happens to be envy, and it fits Sarah quite nicely, because she never seems to feel entirely content with herself or her life, instead always looking towards what others have and what she wants to have. In many situations, this envy, this sort of lust for what others have and she does not, has embittered her towards those people, especially when the thing she desires is completely out of her grasp. An example for this, though not an accurate one, would be seeing someone with a twin and wishing that she also had one. But, anyway, she is very bad at seeing what she does have and appreciating it, because her mind seems to be constantly set on the future, blind to what is going on around her. She is always thinking of what she will have, not what she does have. Like the song "Tomorrow" in Little Orphan Annie, except that she isn't a spunky little orphan and she isn't singing songs for the sake of others. She is no mockingbird, no innocent who does nothing but make others happy. She's just a discontent young woman who lives in the potential of the future instead of the reality of the present.

Of course, for all of her envy and apparent lack of satisfaction, one will never hear a direct peep about it from the young woman, because she decided as a child that a special place in hell was reserved for those who are constantly complaining, and acted based on this belief from thereon out. She may be constantly envious and rarely appreciative of what she has, but she isn't going to bother other people with her own desires or complaints, and she at least does her best to work towards the life she wants. She isn't just sitting around whining about how other people have nicer things and how it isn't fair or some bullshit like that- instead, she is working, and doing it quietly. For one thing, she doesn't want people to look down on her or pity her, and complaining tends to be a magnet for such emotions, when it isn't causing some form of irritation in others. For another, it strikes her as perfectly useless in every way- so what, you have been living off of crackers for the past week? Why should anyone give a shit about that, and even if they do, what are they going to do about it? Well, that might be a bad example, but the point is that she doesn't want people to pity her- pity tends to require a belief that you have it somewhat better, and even if she thinks as much about many people, she certainly doesn't want them to share the opinion. Sarah doesn't want people to know how hard she has to work, how discontent she is, or the fact that all of her clothing is secondhand. She wants them to think that she lives an easy life, or that she somehow has it better off than she does- that way, they won't dare to think of her as being below them. So she works quietly, efficiently, and secretly. She will be on her deathbed before anyone hears her mutter a complaint about her life. She's far too proud for that.

Despite the conclusions that people tend to immediately draw simply because she's never gone to college, Sarah is actually a rather bright individual- that's probably part of what causes her to be such a pessimist. Somehow, brilliance and envy simply made her unlikely to see the positive light in things. Anyway, she has always been an intelligent young woman, with a particular gift for mathematics. While people might not guess it about her, because she comes across as a stubborn party girl, the young woman has a mind that seems to be wired for Math and Science. Ever since she was young, she has been able to do problems in her head that would require a calculator for most others, and calculus problems are the sort of things she does when she is bored or needs to let off some steam. It has always been almost mindless to the young woman, and STEM classes kept her GPA up in High School, as she was hopeless with History and English, never able to remember the names for various grammatical rules or old battles. She has potential, but it goes unrealized for the most part, because she doesn't have the time, or the money, or the opportunity. She certainly doesn't have the luck- Sarah seems to have been cursed with poor luck from birth, the sort who would never fail to be targeted by every bird, every car driving through a puddle, and every outdated map. She has to make up for her unluckiness with hard work and practice, but even then there is always something going wrong. She's stubborn as hell, though, and will keep doing it all the same. Her pride is a terrible force that keeps her from accepting help from others, and those who extend it to her will feel the sting of her sarcasm and insults, because she doesn't take kindly to charity. She's independent to a fault, after all, the sort who is convinced that they have to do everything themselves, no matter what.

Sure, she's still social. She's independent, not introverted. She is a lover of parties, dancing, and large crowds. She just tends to draw a line between herself and others when it comes to the things that she really cares about, and that line is part of her problems. After all, it is the boundary she must cross for her hard work and energy to mean something, because a person can't do everything on their own, as no one is omnipotent. She just refuses to admit otherwise.

Envious || Discontent || Uncomplaining || Hardworking || Liar || Pessimistic || Intelligent || Sarcastic || Stubborn || Independent || Proud || Unlucky

Sarah-Jane was the middle of five children in a family that would have struggled to support two, and were barely scraping by without allowing their children to starve. As the child smack dab in the middle, it was often easy to forget that she was there, and an introverted personality as a child hardly helped this from being anything but sticking. She was far louder in school than at home, because she was terrified of bothering her parents, who always seemed to be just on the edge of cracking. Not cracking as in beating their children, but cracking as in breaking down and crying, which is the thing that terrified Sarah-Jane more than anything else every could. She grew up in a family which was close-knit but lacked what her peers had, something which she loathed as a child, having been a jealous sort of person from the very beginning. She would watch her peers complain about not getting the newest game, even though they had received a toy last week, and couldn't help but grow frustrated with these children, when her own younger brother and sister were lucky to get a little Thomas the Train figurine once every few weeks. Her parents had both been orphans, in fact meeting at a service held to mourn the death of a beloved social worker who had been in charge of both of them, and therefore had no families to help. In fact, though she seemed quiet and unassuming, Sarah-Jane as a child developed a stealing habit, and would often steal little toys from her friends, saying that they didn't play with them anymore anyway, and would give them to her siblings.

Her parents never realized this until her younger brother, Luke, was showing off the toy that 'Sarah had bought him,' something which immediately alerted the couple to this problem. Terrified that being too soft on her for this would make the girl believe that stealing was okay, they punished her rather severely, something which only served to make the young woman indignant. She was very proud, again something which began from a young age, and hated such humiliation. That's probably why she used to tell these grand lies to her peers about how her family was actually wealthy once, and had lost their fortune, or how they were only living like this as an experiment for a book that her mother, an award winning author of course, was writing. Lies came to her as easily as breathing, and they were readily believed by her friends, for everyone was young. When people were skeptical to her claims, she would become overly defensive, telling them that they shouldn't just decide that they know everyone about someone like that. As she grew older, she became a better liar, but also found talents in other fields. Her parents, in their youth, had been avid dancers, and they taught her how to swing, foxtrot, and blues dance- it was a family activity to make up for their inability to pay for things like soccer or piano lessons- those were the best moments of Sarah's childhood, as far as she is concerned. In middle school, she had discovered a talent for math that stuck, leaving her with a reputation for 'that math kid' in her school. This gift earned her a scholarship to a well-known university outside of the state, and she had been saving money to go- everything seemed well enough.

Until her parents both died in a fire that destroyed their small house and also killed the youngest child of the family, Annie. Immediately, she and her siblings had to stop and deal with her parents' debt, the cost of the funeral, etc. Sarah may have been a liar and someone constantly envying what others had, but she valued family a good deal, and put in her money to help pay for the funeral costs. She had to drop her scholarship, only staying long enough to finish high school, living out of her elder brother's apartment. After that, her elder brother took Luke to live with him in another state, and the three eldest siblings, Sarah, Ryan (the brother), and Cynthia, split up the debt, because none of them were going to tackle it on their own. Cynthia would be, as of yet, the only member of the siblings to attend college, and Ryan had been working to help put her through. It became necessary for Sarah to contribute, so she found the cheapest apartment available and got a job cleaning the houses of the wealthy and the better off. That is where she has remained for a while now, actually. Perhaps by now she could have gone to community college, but she seems to be stuck in a sort of rut, never sure if she can really do it. So, instead, she works her fingers to the bone during working hours and then, to forget her life, parties every night. She's ruining her health, but doesn't seem to care so long as she can escape for some period of time, and pretend to be one of the lucky ones.

So begins...

Sarah-Jane McMullin's Story


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Light shines through the open curtains, left that way intentionally, and directly onto the eyes of one blond young woman, who had only gotten home maybe four hours ago. It's far too early for her to willingly wake up, especially after having spent the night at the club, but she doesn't really have much of a choice in the matter. As it happens, the need to eat and have shelter overcomes her desire to sleep, and those needs are facilitated by a relatively steady flow of cash. This requires her to actually wake up and get ready for work. Luckily, Sarah-Jane's love for parties does not entirely destroy her common sense, and so she limits her alcohol intake severely whenever she knows that she has a job any time before noon. Noon is actually a bit of a stretch, even, but she forces herself through the migraines anyway, because knowing what hunger feels like can do that to a person. "F*ck you," she says to no one in particular, probably addressing the sun, before sitting up in her twin-sized bed and pushing hair out of her face with her fingers. She is not a morning person, despite the fact that she often has to work weekends. The Summer season is always even worse, because she works for the local hotel when they need extra anythings, and then there are all of the college kids coming back home, whose parents would like to take a break from cleaning. Her biggest customers, though, continue to be constant: wealthy families with better things to do than clean their own toilets.

Where am I today? she wonders to herself, reluctantly climbing out of bed and trying to think of the jobs she is scheduled for today. Her solution is to wait and check the schedule after she has gotten a decent cup of coffee into her bloodstream. Before doing this, however, she unplugs a little nightlight, subtle so as not to be noticed, and tosses it into her top drawer, where it will go unseen. She's kind of secretive about still sleeping with one, for reasons that should be fairly obvious.

She walks over to her coffee maker, which is a cheap thing she got from a thrift store, and silently hopes that it will make something that is at least above a lukewarm temperature today. Of course, this may very well be too much to ask of the ancient thing, whose owners had not been particularly kind to it. When she tries to start it up, the young woman is greeted by a small electrical spark, shocking her -literally-, and setting fire to the curtains that are on the window beside it. She had been so excited to get an apartment with so many windows, and had immediately gotten cloth to make curtains for them. Well, at least one of those panels is now on fire right before her wide eyes, before the young woman finally reacts and scrambles to get splash water on it, extinguishing it successfully. With a final noise that sounds eerily similar to a scream, probably heard by all of her neighbors, it becomes painfully clear that her coffee machine has passed on to the big kitchen store in the sky.

"What a lovely start to the day, fantastic," she mutters to herself, before sighing and rummaging through her fridge. She has yet to go shopping for the week, and thus all that is left for her is a half-used stick of butter and a single can of beer. Sarah-Jane never buys more than she will use, having figured it out to a science, and is now regretting this, as her stomach growls lightly. Oh, shut up, she tells it, trying to figure out how much money she has on her at the moment, and whether it would be better to just skip breakfast today. I don't know how I'll deal without coffee, though, she wonders to herself, before deciding to get dressed and just go get coffee somewhere outside. A gas station nearby should have some, though she recalls it to be absolutely flavorless.

She takes a quick shower and brushes her teeth before dressing in a sleeveless blouse, denim shorts, and sneakers. Of course, she also has an apron draped over arm, the pockets of which hold rubber gloves. Her cleaning supplies and such are in the old car she got when her parents died, and saved to fix up. Well, the supplies that can deal with heat, anyway. A sudden realization hits her, that there is a tomato stowed away in a refrigerator drawer. Leaving the door open, she immediately goes for it, pulling out a knife and beginning to cut it into slices before slicing her finger open, jumping back as the knife drops onto the counter, and letting loose a loud string of swears. Blood is spilling out quickly, so she presses her left index finger against it and starts searching, mostly with her elbows, for a bandage of some sort. Another lucky day in Paradise, she thinks bitterly, ignoring the fact that she probably doesn't have any bandages.