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half giant half human barbarian

0 · 412 views · located in Reinos

a character in “Corruption Within”, as played by Ken Shiro


Physical description

Height; 7'11"
Weight; 24 Stone
Sex; Male
Hair; shoulder length, dark brown
Build; Very muscular
Distinguishing marks; Clan and tribal tattoos covers most of his body scars on most the rest


Headstrong but not without wisdom or intelligence, is very direct and dose not like to be toyed with.

Equipment & Abilities

Two great swords
Retractable Iron gauntlet on right arm
2 handed shield that can split in half

Dragon headed war hammer
Dragon bone waist armor
Dragon bone pauldron on left shoulder
Hardened leather leg armor and boots

Barbarian cry's and shouts

Rough image;

So begins...

Atlas's Story


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*As I lumbered through the dense forest I kept looking over my shoulder, recent activity had given me reason to become paranoid. However this war did make for good business, especially for someone like myself. As night drew closer I removed myself from the path and found a small clearing to settle down for the night. After setting up a small fire and eating my fill from what I could scavenge I lent back and rested my eyes. Sleep was becoming more and more precious than gold to me, very few nights I was able to keep my eyes closed for more than a few hours. Without seeing their faces or being woken by either a nearby battle or some kids trying to claim some bounty. As I sat there I longed for a real bed and a real meal, but with how I look I was not exactly discreet. It would only take one person to recognize me and I would either be dead or would have to retreat back to the place I hoped I would never see again.*


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Atlas
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The prisoners looked at the newest arrival and saw that he was weak, injured and perhaps, near death. They slowly started to swarm towards him until I threw a rock at a prisoner's head, skillfully aiming right between the eyes, instantly knocking him out. The other prisoners quieted and they backed away. I stood up, walked out of my cave and onto the hard, stone ground. "Have you no shame? A being is wounded yet your hearts continues to blacken by letting your mind convince you to prey on the weak instead of aid them. Tell me, that this has not lead you here." I hissed as the prisoners parted to let me at the large man. I did not like anything that was unfair or unjust before my eyes but who am I to preach when my past couldn't support my words.

I hesitated before waved my hand slowly over him, inspecting his wounds. I picked up that he had lost a lot of blood and was weak because of that. I removed the stakes only to see more blood seep out of his wounds. I closed my eyes and whispered softly, concentrating hard as I lifted my hand. My hands glowed a whitish-yellow color, the glow was dim at first then it grew stronger. When it reached its peak, I opened my eyes and I thrust my hand into one of his wounds. His wounds started to glow then they started to close and heal itself. The healing process was painful at first then a feeling of recovery and release of pain should be felt along with renewed energy but myself, on the other hand, I felt the pain that this stranger once felt. My body shook at the growing pain and blood started to seep out of the corner of my mouth. My eyelids grew heavy as the feeling of unconsciousness began to overcome me. I slowly pulled my hand out as the last wound finished healing.

Once I withdrew my hand completely, the glow disappeared and I fell over, gasping for air. Pain, this was something that elfs where not suppose to feel. Not suppose to get use to and the pain this stranger had endured was incredible. This kind of pain could easily kill and that was exactly how I felt. I felt like I was going to die. Before I closed my eyes, I vowed never, ever to heal someone that close to death unless I felt the need to. My eyes closed, darkness came and my body laid limp with some involuntary twitching as my body was still experiencing some shock from the sudden feeling of extreme pain.


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Atlas
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I awoke half an hour later, my eyes slowly looking around before I grabbed the cloth that was on my forehead. I took it off and sat up slowly, letting a soft groan leave my lips as I did. I looked down at the cloth in my hand before I spoke, my tone soft. "You are very strong to be able to handle such an extent of pain especially for not being a full blood giant." I stood from the cot and my ears twitched as it caught the sound of water running. I turned my head to the water running down the wall and I looked at it hard, studying it. Water, underground, in the middle of the desert. I waved my hand over the running water, studying it. My hand stopped and I let me eyes trace where the water was coming from. There was no water on the surface yet gravity pulls water down. So where is this water coming from?

I looked towards the stranger, my tone suddenly changed to being hard and serious. "I do not plan to die here. I'm leaving this place the first chance I get. You can choose to join me or you can stay here and let you potential rot away into nothing." I looked back at the running water before I made my way out of the tunnel. Once out of the tunnel, I stopped and I looked up at the hole above. If I calculated right, the sun should be coming up and light will hit the tunnel but it'll just be light from that small 10ft hole. I shook my head, looking around. I needed more. I needed a plan but without certain things within reach and the entrance being 100ft high, it would be impossible to escape. I looked around the prison and picked up on the structures. This prison was once the dwarf's high out or bunker of some sort during the ancient war. Riddle with caves and tunnels, there must be a way to escape but the wrong move could cause myself and the whole prison to drown in sand. I needed to be careful when figuring out and putting my plan into action.


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I continue to look up, my ears twitch at the sound of heavy footsteps of the stranger. It seems that he will join me. I blinked when my acute hearing picked up on the prisoner's whisper. Ever couple of minutes. That doesn't give us much time at all. I heard the heavy footsteps come towards me then the stranger spoke. My eyes continued looking up at the hole before I spoke. "Watch." I whispered.

Above the hole, the lead guard yelled. "Alright! Let's give them some fresh air!" There was a sound of grunting that I could pick up from above before 4 new smaller holes became revealed to us. Apparently, the guards had to push large boulders to reveal 4 small 5ft holes that were about 10ft radius away from the hole that we came through. The deserts morning sunlight and sand poured in and I could catch a hint of fresh air before it became mixed with the foul smell of the prison. My eyes searched as I studied the now 5 holes. The prison guards only reveal the smaller holes once a month for fresh air for the prisoners, to keep them from dying too soon.

I waved my hand towards the entrance. What I originally thought was one main hole and 4 smaller holes on the surface was actually full of holes of different shapes and sizes. The story of this place being a bunker of some sort was a lie. The dwarves created a trap. One wrong step in the sand and you fall down into this prison and die. My eyes widen before I balled my hand in a tight fist. Could this place be any worst?


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My view was blocked by the stranger. I blinked lightly before I looked into the stranger's eyes, studying him for a brief second before I spoke again. "Quite demanding, are you? Must I give you the obvious answer to your simple question or..." A slight grin appeared on my face. "....are you wanting me to confirm your answer by answering your question?" I held my gaze to the tall stranger. "You are the only one in here that can help me escape. If you fate wouldn't be too different from yours, now would it?" I turned and walk away from the stranger. "I think we should talk more in private. I would hate for us to get caught."


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My skin crawled when he told me that the marks are seared into his skin. I wanted to look away and shrudder but I couldn't. He leaned closer and I looked at the marks on his eyelids. I waved my hand over his eyelids when he closed him but instantly heard a scream in my mind. It was his scream. I quickly pulled my hand away as a soft gasp escaped my lips before I looked back into his eyes. How could a being endure such pain? And why? Was it by force? Was it by choice? Or was it just tradition?

I held my gaze lightly towards him when he questioned me before I looked away. "The gods are not cruel. The gods do not joke. Cruel beings do. Cruel beings like humans." I hissed, clearly showing my dislike for mankind. "Elves are but peaceful caretakers of the planet. Our gods tell us to be kind, to care for all beings and to forgive, only ever fighting to protect. Never are we to fight for anything other than to protect." I wrapped my arms around myself. "The gods only show favor to the pure." I said softly. "Everyday I wish that I could be a pure but instead, my blood is tainted by beings who only carries lust and greed within themselves." I shook my head. "It's because of them that I can never be pure."


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I frowned lightly at the stranger's words. I didn't believe everything he said but, his words did have some truth to it. I looked at his hand but didn't take it. My independent nature and stubbornness wouldn't let me. I stood up without his assistance, dusting myself off lightly before I let my eyes look towards the stranger. "I am called Aiyana. It means...Eternal Blossom." I said, lightly. "Who might you be called?" I asked to the stranger.


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"Atlas. It is a strong name. Suiting for one like yourself." I said with a small smile before I looked up at him, watching his movements. It was without hostility so I was able to relax, slightly. I listened to Atlas words and my ears twitched with eagerness. "No lies, you say? A truth for a truth. Heh. Not quite the ideal setting I have in mind for getting to know another but I suppose it will have to do."

I decided to go first. "Hmm...let me think.." I paused as I looked him over. "What foolishness have you done to have a bounty on your head large enough to have you sent here?" I questioned as my ears twitched eagerly, awaiting his answer.