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In a post apocalyptic world where the devil has taken over little hope remains

1,322 readers have visited Cosmic since Lovely ♠ created it.


Far off into the distant future the world is not what the humans expected out of their future. All hell has broken loose, literally, plunging the world into a post apocalyptic wasteland. Lucifer waited centuries in the Underworld for his power to grow stronger as humans grew more and more greedy and hateful. At full strength he and an army of demons entered the world of mortals and took over. Many humans were killed in the process and what's left of them have gone into hiding. A war has sparked between the demons and the angels once again, this time taking place in the remains of what used to be great civilization.

~It isn't written law, but is understood by all angels that falling in love could mean the end of their lives. When angels fall in love with humans it's like finding a soulmate, they'll never be able to forget their love, even if it is one-sided. If an angel is not loved back in return they will die of a broken heart.

~Angels feed off of positive human energy, such as a person's happiness. All they have to do is make some sort of physical contact with this person to gain energy themselves. If they take too much the human may become weak. At the worst, taking too much can cause a human to become depressed and suicidal. Since the angels are trying to help the humans this is another reason why they are skeptical about even befriending them.

~Angels all have wings, they range in color but are always bright. If they are heavily damaged or ripped off they won't grow back, this greatly weakens them.

~Angels have the ability to heal but it drains their own energy, the bigger the wound the more of themselves they must give in order to close it.

~In their human forms angels can conceal their wings and are identified by their golden eyes.

~Demons can fall in love, but it isn't deadly to them. Naturally deceptive, half of the time their love is a lie, usually a ploy to steal a human's negative energy. Things such as greed, hate, and envy give them strength. Like angels, a demon must make physical contact in order to take energy.

~Demons have wings too, but they are always dark colors such as black, red, or even a dark purple.

~Demons have the ability to manipulate shadows from existing ones, including their own.

~In their human forms, demons can conceal their wings but have black tails and red eyes.

There are very humans left in the world, and since both angels and demons need them for energy they are highly valuable. They've gone into hiding, trying to hold on to what shred of humanity they have left.

Angel 1(F): {Taken by Lovely}
Angel 2(M):
Angel 3(M): {Reserved by CharlesWinchester}

Demon 1(M): {Reserved by Pimpette}
Demon 2(F): {Taken by Maci-Care}
Demon 3(M): {Taken by 8Lindela}

Human 1(F): {Taken by angelwolf123}
Human 2(M): {Taken by JustQuit}
Human3(F): {Taken by Quiz}

Character Sheet
Appearance:(anime or realistic)[angels and demons have a human and true appearance)
Age:(non-humans are all over 100)
Theme Song:(add lyrics and a link)

1. Respect me and Pimpette, she is my Co-GM
2. Get cozy with us, we're expecting you to stick around
3. No one-liners, keep them away mkay?
4. All post must be a minimum of 250 words
5. Romance is highly encouraged but keep it clean!
6. Please don't start trouble in the OOC, it's annoying
7. All reservations are held for 24 hours
8. Respect your fellow RPers!!!
9. No complaining in the OOC, if you have a problem contact me or Pimpette via PM
10. If you read all of the rules post you favorite color, or include it in your reservation.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Ame's mouth dropped when an old man turned into a -handsome- youth. A youth that was probably ages older than her. "No I have no need for your energy. Despite popular belief we angels do not feed constantly." Ame mentally sighed with relief. Honestly she was not good a negative thoughts.

"So I would like to know if you'd like to help us in this quest. You wouldn't have to deal with the demons yourself of course. You'd just help us convince the humans we are here to help you."

Ame snorted. "Actually, I've been trying to convince humans for half a year now of lots of things. I admit that wasn't one of them, but my mother and sister have had the time to talk about stuff like that...."

"I'm afraid to tell you that Serda was killed in a grand assault against the demon forces three years ago. She was one of a very few demons who saw the profit of the human race. How did you know her pray tell?"

Ame froze. No way. No way. Did that mean something had happened to her sister as well?!

She took an a deep breath before answering. "A-actually I have known Serda for quite some time.... And Kathrine. And Jazelle. And Loziel. Or as I call him Uncle Loziel. He read me bedtime stories before I could read. S-Serda taught me self-defense. I kn-know Kathrine and Jazelle better than anybody. Y-you see, they are my sister and mo-mother...." Ame blinked back a few tears. Serda...

Ame grabbed the angel, eyes desperate. "Tell me! Is my sister okay!? I haven't seen her or Serda ever since they left the house so long ago....! And do you know anything about my mother or Uncle!? I haven't seen them since I left the house half a year ago! Please, If you know anything, tell me!"


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Flying over the forest on silent wings Axle sensed the Angel, it was close, and... there was a human with it. He landed in a tree a few meters away, shrouded by darkness, and listened to the pair. The Angel was speaking, it was a male.

"I'm afraid I've come here for another reason. You see your people, they hate us. They would kill us as swiftly as we would protect them and, I must say, it makes protecting them very hard. We were sent here to destroy the demons that would kill the humans, then we will leave. That is the assignment that the big guy Himself gave us. So I would like to know if you'd like to help us in this quest. You wouldn't have to deal with the demons yourself of course. You'd just help us convince the humans we are here to help you." Axle could hardly keep himself from laughing, stupid Angels, always the hypocrites.

He sat in the tree listening until his patience wore out. Jumping to the ground, he advanced with his scythe draped lazily over his shoulder, and interrupted the human as she clung frantically to the Angel; "How horrible of you Angel, to lie to such a pretty thing..." His crimson eyes raked slowly over her figure. "Everyone deals with demons in this age." Chuckling he leaned against a tree a few feet from them, his eyes still locked on the Angel's. "The only difference between you and I, is that you deny what you need to survive," He pointed to the girl, "Whereas I, well..." His eyes switched to bore into the girl's and he grinned; "...I embrace them."


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Lilith followed the two for awhile, going by multiple houses and apartments, which all looked broken down and destroyed. Ugh, I’ve seen then look around a couple times, I wonder if they know they are being followed, they probably feel it and went by their house already. Lilith sighed as she thought to herself, seeing them talk to each other, but couldn’t hear them. But she wasn’t just going to give up now; she’ll wait for them to attack, or for them to give up before she does. So Lilith kept following, for a couple blocks, maybe even a dozen turns also. Lilith sighed. “They know they are being followed. Well I didn’t do all this just to give up, I'm bored.” Lilith said to herself quietly so no one else could hear her.

Lilith waited for the next intersection to cross the road and “talk” to the girl and boy, she kept glancing over every once in awhile with her eyes to see where they were going, or to see if she could see the girls eyes from where she was at, all she had to see was just a golden eye, and then Lilith would know for 100% if it was an angel. Once Lilith got to the intersection she went to cross the road, seeing it was clear for the moment. Right when Lilith got to the other side of the road she heard the honk of a horn and looked, spotting a car going pretty fast and heading right for her. Fucking Hum- Lilith was stopped from talking to herself from the hit of the car which sent her over the car and onto the ground, the car kept going, not caring. Lilith was alive, but she kept her eyes closed, any normal human would’ve died from the hit, but Lilith only got a couple scars and some pain. The boy and girl both could have easily saw her get hit, luckily Lilith's tail was still hidden.


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"Actually Axel the only difference between you and I is that you are condemned for all eternity and I have heaven to go back to. As well, anyone who I drain I will ensure comes with me." He met the demons eyes with cool hard stare. He hadn't met up with Axiphel in a very long time. However like all demons and angels he hadn't aged a day since then. When Axel turned his gaze to Ame Thaddeus quietly and quickly got between the two of them. "This human will not join your condemned list Axle. She is under my protection." Thaddeus leveled both his Shipkas at Axel's head. He let loose with a spray, not stopping to see if any of them landed, and then hugged Ame close to him and took off. He flew as fast and as hard as he could. Not stopping to look back or think. "My dear could you possibly look back and see if he is pursuing? If he is there is a .44 revolver in my shoulder holster which you can use to remedy the problem." He said above the wind, which at that speed pretty much meant he was shouting.


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Demon. And yet again, Ame's training took over. Unlike last time, though, she was pro at this. The scents of the forest were amazing, Ame felt great joy in being alive and seeing actual angels and devils. She felt happy that an opportunity to get a partner revealed itself with their appearance. Ame could find no offensive thing anywhere, at all. Or at least at the moment. Ame is very good at lying to herself, so she always found it necessary to go over what she 'thought' during meetings with demons and angels.

So, when the demon showed up Ame was unruffled. Instead, she felt delighted that she got to meet both an angel and a demon at the same time! But, if Axel's words had come from a humans mouth. Any humans mouth, Ame would have been creeped out beyond words. But no. It came from a demon's, and Ame would not give him the pleasure of seeing her scared.

"How horrible of you Angel, to lie to such a pretty thing..." Ame gave him an honestly bright smile. But when the demon looked at her like that, she was unsure what to do. Yes, Ame could not give this 'Axel' person the reaction he was looking for, but nor was Ame a slut.

"The only difference between you and I, is that you deny what you need to survive," Then he pointed at Ame. "Hey, you know it's rude to point...." "Whereas I, well..." Well what? Then Axel's eyes bored into hers, and Ame returned the gaze with a raised eyebrow. "...I embrace them." Eh!? Ame lost her cool for a millisecond, but quickly regained it. Ame laughed, and got out a teasing "You wish!". It wasn't disdainful, nor was it provocative, the statement was like the kind a person would say to a good friend. Then the angel moved out in front of her. H-he's protecting me?

Ame listened as her protector explained the difference between angels and demons. She couldn't help but think there was something wrong with it. People can change, can't they? Demons and angels... they shouldn't be forced to stay 'bad' or 'good' and be judged by what species they are... an angel shouldn't be good because they have to; it takes the actual [i]goodness out of them. Likewise, a demon shouldn't be forced to make bad decisions if they don't want to....[/i] Strangely, the though brought a wave of sadness over Ame. No... apparently not only the humans need help, but the demons and angels need it too... we all should have the choice of what we should be....

A tear escaped Ame before she caught herself. Demons also feed on sadness. Mom always said I was too susceptible to my emotions.... always get too happy, or too sad, or too angry, or have feelings that are unnaturally strong for someone... she always said that I loved Uncle and Surada far too much... Ame was jerked out of her thoughts with the sound of guns. All she could do was see the bullets head towards a living being, before she was in the arms of an angel and flying through the air. Her mind was blank. How could anyone want to kill another thinking, living person....? It was horrible, horrible, and more horrible. Ame couldn't even appreciate being able to fly again.

"My dear could you possibly look back and see if he is pursuing? If he is there is a .44 revolver in my shoulder holster which you can use to remedy the problem." Even if she wanted to look, Ame's particular fear of falling kept her from moving enough to check.

"Hey thanks for all this and everything, but WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?!?!?! He didn't even do anything to you! Ya sure he was creepy, but thats no reason to shoot at somebody! I know I may be totally wrong for yelling at you like this, considering you might have just saved my life and you probably know this Axel person better than I do, but still!"

Hmmm... I probably should've been a bit nicer... it's this person's arms that keeping me from plummeting to my doom, after all.... Also, I'm being kinda unfair...

"Look!"- this time in a nicer voice- "Sorry for blowing up on you, but that fact that someone might want to kill another person horrifies me. Also, I can't see him from this vantage point. You so tall I can't see over your shoulder!"


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"Aww, now that wasn't nice..."

Axle had been able to block some of the bullets with his scythe, but three managed to get past his reflexes and into his wings. "Whatever happened to the Angels code? What was it?... Something like, "thou shalt not kill?" He laughed, this was getting way too fun. "You forget Angel! We Demons enjoy pain!" He spread his wings wide, splattering the trees around him with some blood and smirked. He wouldn't let the Angel get away with that girl, she was... far too amusing. Feisty thing. Maybe after he paid the Angel back he would think about keeping her...

Axel took to the skies, his large black wings propelling him fast towards the fleeing angel burdened with the human girl. "Angel!" He taunted from behind, "You can't kill me that easily youngling. Now, don't drop the girl; I can smell her fear from here." Axle folded his wings and dived towards them from above, but the Angel outmaneuvered him. Smiling, he passed the girl in mid-turn and whispered in her ear; "Come with me little one... I want you..."
He dropped away, then steadied himself and flying after the receding Angel he roared, "Let me taste your sins Angel! I have a grudge to settle with you!"


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"Young lady Axel and I have an outstanding debt to each other. It's almost like a game. The second we met each other we knew we would fight each other to the end of the Earth." Thaddeus yelled over the wind "Besides we Angels and Demos can't reallydie per say. We are just sent to Heaven or Hell for a very long period of time until we are allowed to return to Earth." He swerved sharply as he felt the Demon coming from above. He may have been slower but he was more graceful then the bulky Demon. He slowly gained speed as he became accustomed to the extra weight. Finally he risked taking a look over his shoulder and saw the demon was far off. He could still fell the malice coming off of him though so he didn't stop for very long. However in his pause he forgot all about the human girl Ame. He dropped her and had to go into a spiral dive to catch her. He was moments away from catching her, even grabbing on to her before she hit the ground. But despite this she still seemed to be fatally injured.

He flew with the girl in his arms for a very long time. It was a very little known fact that Angels can pour their souls into humans as well as steal them. This was exactly what Thaddeus was doing. It would create some..... spectacular side affects, might even link their life forces together, but it was the only way Thaddeus could keep her alive. He finally found a small cottage that had served as his personal home for a very long time now. It was outside the city in which Melissa lived so he could easily contact her from there. Not to mention he had sealed it from the eyes of demons, although it was completely possible for them to walk into it but he figured a demon wouldn't be walking in the middle of no where. He landed outside the door and walked inside. He very gently laid the girl on the bed and rested his hands on her head. "Peace be yours/in this sleeping time/sleep to heal/ sleep to refresh/Now my child rest/Dreams be sweet/So that you may once again be on your feet." He sang sweetly. It was an old healing spell. She would be out cold for a little while but he would protect her, he had to. He now owed a debt to this human and he intended to pay it in full.


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Axel had been tracking the human girls scent as he chased the Angel. Suddenly he lost it. "Concealed? Hmmm..." He descended into the forest. They had to be hiding. He was pissed, the wounds in his wings had made him slower than usual and he had lost sight of the pair,having to rely on scent alone. He took a few minutes to pull out the bullets and clean the gore away. At least they weren't bleeding freely, he would heal soon. Axel looked around the dark forest, "Where to start?" He wasn't giving up, the Angel had insulted him, and taken away the fiery human. This was now a cat-and-mouse game, he just had to find them. "How about... straight ahead."

Axel began walking, thinking about the girl. She was interesting. He knew of the Demon she had spoken of; Serda. A fierce warrior, older than himself. Apparently she had paired with a human, who happened to be that girl's sister. He remembered when Serda left, renouncing the Demon "ways", if you could call them that, to follow a mortal in the Mortal Realm. She hadn't been the first to do so, but it caused an uproar all the same. Axel hadn't cared, only the traditionalists, or the oldest of Demons, still preached all-consuming obedience to the Black Lord. Every other Demon did what they wanted, taking their existence into their own hands, as well as the possible consequences that came with that freedom. There had been some in the Underworld who had sent assassins after Serda for her disobedience, Axel had always wondered how she had survived. Now he knew; she had the help of an Angel who had worked alongside her.

He frowned and thought it ironic she had been killed by her own "people". He had liked her, she was free-thinking and always had a snappy retort. But Serda also knew how to get things done, she knew what she wanted. In this way Axel envied her; She with a purpose, one that reached deeper than her own selfish desires. He shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts away. If he lapsed back into one of his melancholy moods he would never find the Angel... and the girl.


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"Come with me little one... I want you..." Huh!? HUH!? Where did that come from!? What could I have possibly done.... A few droplets of blood splattered onto Ame's cheek, sending her out of her weirded-outness. She leaned over to see where it had come from. The angel wasn't injured, so that must mean.... the demon. The angel had shot quite a few bullets at Axel, at least one or two must have hit him. Ame peered around looking for him. However, it seemed that the angel had out flown the demon. But when the angel himself paused to look for his foe, Ame simply slipped from his slack arms.

I should've known this would happen -Ame could feel he last brush of the angel's fingertips- His arms have been slacking more as he forgot about me...

Ame could feel the wind roaring through her ears as she plummeted faster and faster towards the ground, causing her eyes to water. Through the blur of tears, the human could see a white shape coming down towards her. Ame couldn't think. Ame couldn't scream.

In the end, it was her being saved that was her undoing. When the angel grabbed her outstretched hand, Ame could feel the bones in her arm come apart and even splinter from the force of her fall. Ame could have survived that. But when he grabbed her, Ame could feel her neck snap back with a crack.

...D-did my neck just snap in half....? No... I can't move.... but I can think... so I must have a concussion or something.... weird... I can't feel it.... The angel's head blurred in Ame's line of vision momentarily. The arms around her were oh so gentle.... But then something happened that almost made Ame's heart stop. She could feel it whispering on the edge of her soul. It was... something else. A being... no. A something that was completely foreign to her. Slowly it wrapped it's golden ribbons around her, intertwining themselves with Ame's soul until it was almost completely encased with gold. And Ame could do nothing to stop it.

She knew it was saving her life, yes, but it was so... strange. Having golden cords pull her away from death itself. It wasn't natural, but who was Ame to complain? Even so, she now owed her life to something... not human. Hey, he was the one who dropped me in the first place... and does being human really matter...? And yet, Ame's thoughts drifted towards the demon, Axel. Strange... I know his name, but I don't know the name of this angel... will he come after us...? He... didn't seem like the type to give up anything he didn't want to... at least not without a fight...

Ame could feel the slightest of bumps, signaling their return to earth. Her vision blurred again, and the next thing Ame knew she was gently placed onto something soft.

"Peace be yours/in this sleeping time/sleep to heal/ sleep to refresh/Now my child rest/Dreams be sweet/So that you may once again be on your feet."

"Th-thanks... for... protecting m-me... and stuff... I-i dunno... wh-what you did... but... I...-" And with that, Ame was lost in the land of nod with a faint smile on her face.


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Jordan was wondering where they were going.Where are we going? Jordan asked a quiet qusetion to himself. He saw the answer, some familiar women was following them. Jordan turned back around."Hey you look familiar Melissa, did I ever see you before the Leopard thing, are you gonna eat anyways". He smiled at what he said.[i]Bam[\i]. Jordan turned to see the women get hit by a car. He studied her whilethey ran. She looked sleep, not sleep. He looked at Melissa silently telling her to keep watching the girl. She might wake back up. Jordan decided to keep up the pace and started full out running holding her hand tightly. He didnt wanna loose her.


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Melissa looked at Jordan and how tight he was holding her hand. Looking back she saw the girl get hit by a car. She pulled back on Jordan's hand to pull him to a stop. "Yes I was there and you're the child I saved." She smiled at him before looking back at Lilith. "I know you're scared of her but I'm here so don't worry." She smiled at him before letting go of his hand. "Stay here and if things get out of hand run and don't stop." She spoke one last time before walking over to the demon.

"Back for more I see Lilith?" She questioned resting her hands on her hips. This demon was relentless wasn't she? A light chuckle escaped her lips as she looked down at the demon. "So what are you up to these days?" Melissa questioned the girl kneeling down and hovering over her. "Come on Lilith wake up I know not dead." Lisa teased the girl before standing back up. "Once you decide to get up, I'll make sure to put you back down." Her eyes held nothing but determination in them.


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Lilith laid there for a while, taking a little break. Eh, they are probably already gone, that is if they were smart. Lilith said, just about to get up, hearing a very familiar Angel voice. "Back for more I see Lilith?” Lilith chuckled to herself, but not out loud.Melissa... Lilith waited for the right time to get up and maybe talk for awhile then kill her. She listened to all she had to say, about how she was doing, and how to wake up. "Once you decide to get up, I'll make sure to put you back down." Lilith laughed out loud. “You really think you can put me down Melissa, protecting Jordan again, huh?” Lilith said as she wrapped her tail around Jordan’s leg and then pulling fast, making him fall to distract Melissa.

Lilith quickly turned into her demon form and got up and rolled back, looking at Melissa in the eye. “Human form ain’t that bad for you, not like you truly like humans, you feed too, and I know you have killed a few humans yourself.” Lilith said with a chuckle before latching her chain on a light post and brought it down near Melissa and Jordan. “You know I truly don’t want to kill you, just all the worthless humans in this place. Oh and just to tell you something, your friend, in white, Axel is hunting him as we speak, and we both know, he hates Angels more than anyone.” Lilith said before going up in the air.

“One last thing, either help the human, or go after me. Your pick, buh-bye.” Lilith said before chaining a nearby bus and throwing it towards Jordan, and then flying towards the forest, to go meet up with Axel, and have fun taking out the white angel. Axel probably already took him out, but eh, love to latch a dead angel and drag him around the city to show fear into the eyes of the pathetic humans, which Lilith always did when she killed an angel or was around when an angel was killed.

Lilith got to the forest and thought where Axel would be. Hmm, if an angel was running from Axel, the angel would just go deeper into the woods. Lilith said to herself before gliding down and landing in a patch of grass, around flowers, but then killing them all with a chain. “Ugh, all this life that these beings called pretty...” Lilith said as she started to walk through the forest, whistling, Angels didn’t know Exodus, Axel, and Lilith had a secret whistle, they would always do something different, last time it was a owl, time before that was a dog, which they all three mastered, then bird call before that. Whistle was so far the best, but they will change it within the week.


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Jordan laughed. She had horribly bad aim. Jordan jumped through the broken windows and out the other side unharmed as the bus continued to roll. She had caught him off guard. But demons were kinda predictible. Jordan look at Melissa."I knew I saw an unbeleivably hot Angel, but who knew it would be you". He had great agility and speed for a human. Fast like his father. Slippery like his mom. He was maybe the best in the city at getting away from demons. He had done it many times since he was 10. He was to afraid to see a Demon again. The demon went into the forest.Do we follow or go back?Jordan looked up at Melissa. "You guy's have a shotgun". I prefer to keep one with me out here". Jordan turned back toward the house from earlier.


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Melissa growled at the girl hearing her comments. She had to hand it to her, she was good at upsetting people. Just as she was about to tackle the demon, she noticed Jordan falling down next to her. She quickly looked at him to see if he was fine. Helping him up she looked at the bus Lilith threw his way. Lisa was going to save him, but he made it through all on his own. "Impressive." She smiled at him before watching the demon run off. She couldn't let Thaddeus die also, so she grabbed onto Jordan's hand again. "Us angels don't believe in guns sorry." Though they had to use humans, they still saw a gun as a bad thing to have. Even if it came in handy.

"We have to go help my fellow angel, so we are going to have to move fast." She thought of the quickest way to get there, when it hit her. Fly. Taking a deep breath, she turned back into her angel form. Walking behind Jordan she wrapped her arms around his waist before taking off. She didn't fly to high cause she wanted to see Thaddeus better. "I hope you're not scared of heights?" It was a question in which should have been asked before she actually decided to fly off the ground. It felt good to be in the skies again, since most of the time she doesn't cause it would attract too many eyes onto her. But in this situation there was no time to fool around.


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Thaddeus went out side his cottage. He staid close to the wall, so as to keep his protection around him, and got out his revolvers. They were his powerhouse guns and were really only his last defense. He morphed into his human form and sneaked over to the forest line. He now wore all black and he melded into the forest very easily. He hoped Melissa was coming his way but at the same time really didn't want to show her his cottage. It was the one place he could get away from this crappy world and now not only was there an unconscious human in it but it seemed that there would also be another angel in it. He paused momentarily as he heard a very high whistle. It was much to high for any human or animal to make, so Thaddeus assumed it was a demon. Melissa and he had assumed for a little while that they had a means to tell the others were they were but they hadn't ever come close to finding out what it was. Quickly Thaddeus scaled a tree and prepared for the worse.


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Lilith walked through the forest, wondering about two things, Axel, and if Melissa had followed her or not. Hmm, I’ll see her again sometime, but now was not the time. Lilith thought as she changed into her human form in case the Angel was still out here. “Hello?” Lilith said as she walked past the same tree Thaddeus was in, but not knowing, but then heard some ruffling. “Angel?” The noise actually came from an animal, but Lilith thought it was Axel, or the Angel. “Anyone?” Lilith kept saying, using the innocent voice she was so good at using.

After awhile, Lilith dismissed it but heard breathing coming from nearby, knowing if it was Axel, he would’ve came out by now. “Ang-Fuck it...” Lilith said as she turned back into her demon form. “Hey Angel! Come out already, unless you’re busy feeding on some humans...” Lilith said with a sick laugh, wrapping some of her chains. “Melissa is tending to a human, after me and her had a little run in.” Lilith said, as she kept on laughing, scanning the area for the angel. “Why don’t me and you have some fun, put aside we hate each other, please?” Lilith said, without a laugh to maybe confuse the Angel, hell, she was unsure if she meant it or not.

Lilith knew that an Angel was here, Axel would have already scarred her by now, and animals don’t breathe like the one she heard, it was either a human or an angel. Both cowards, both in denial, both a pain. Lilith thought to herself, “Name is Lilith, maybe you’ve heard of me?” Lilith said in a cold, clam tone, waiting for whatever she was waiting for.


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"Okay, Ame, what do you do if your captured by an angel or demon?" Jazelle was an imposing woman, with dark red hair pulled into a severe ponytail. However her stern effect was ruined by an easygoing wink from Loziel, with his tousled brown hair and with one of his ears pierced. Ame had to fight to keep from giggling.

"Uhm... either be happy or sad... depending which one it is?" Eleven year old Ame's short hair bounced as she swung her feet back and forth. Serda laughed, and leaned in front of the little girl with a wicked smile on her face. "But once they know you can't be munched on, do you know what they're gonna do?"

"Wh-what!?" Ame looked scared out of her wits.


"Uhm..." Ame's voice turned into a frightened whisper. "K-kill me?"

"Good girl!" Serda patted Ame's head before turning to Jazelle and Loziel. "She has some hope yet!" Then flounced away towards Kathrine, who rolled her eyes.

Ame gave a whimper and ran towards Loziel. "Wh-what do I do If they capture me Uncle! I don't wanna die!"

Jazelle looked down at her daughter. "Being immortal, angles and demons lead a boring life. Some of them kill people for fun..." -Loziel shot her a look- "...and some of them don't. However, a sure way to make sure they don't kill you is to make yourself entertaining."

"Jazelle. Not only are you giving us a bad rep, but your scaring the kid!" Loziel looked insulted.

"Ame needs to know this. Not all of your kind are safe, Loziel." He snorted in response, but didn't say anything.

"Entertaining!?" Ame was horrified.

Loziel frowned. "Jazelle, she doesn't understand. Anyways, Ame doesn't need to 'be' anything." He put his forehead against Ame's. "This little cupcake is as entertaining as they get!" Ame grinned and kissed the angel's cheek. "See! She's adorable" Loziel swung her onto his lap, combing his long fingers through her hair. "I bet she'll make any sane immortal she's comes in contact with blush!"

Jazelle sighed. "I know. But that the thing! Not all immortal's are sane!"

But Loziel wasn't giving in. "She's too cute!" He insisted. "Heck, I bet she'll make friends with whomever she comes across! Be it human, angel, or demon...!" The angel had continued his rant all afternoon, destroying any possible chance of the little girl learning anything....

Ame shot up, breathing heavily. Her heart ached for Jazelle, Kathrine, and Surda. Her heart ached for Loziel. The memory had resurfaced all of her homesickness, and for a minute Ame had forgotten where she was. Ame knew the angel had taken her to this place, but that was it. She fingered her neck. So he did save her, after all... Ame blinked and got out of the bed, only to crumple to the ground in a dizzy fit. Unsteadily, and after a few tries, the girl managed to stand up and wobble towards the window. A forest...? Why does it look so familiar...? With a start, Ame realized she was looking at the same forest her memory had taken place in. Her whole family had taken a picnic down by a river Ame knew was nearby.

The river was behind the cottage, hidden behind a patch of trees, in fact Ame was sure she could hear it's distant gurgle... That meant one of her family's hideouts was nearby. There was a chance she could see her family again.

Ame clumsily ran around the side of the cottage an through the trees. It was all happening too fast for her to have second thoughts. I might get to see Mom, and Kathrine, and Loziel! Even if they aren't there, I'll be able to- WHAM!

Ame had collided into something, and was sitting on the forest floor rubbing her forehead. "Ow..." Then she saw what she had run into. Defenses kicked in. Happy thoughts... Ame's brain was racing to try and figure out what to do. She could've been scared, but knew better than that. However, she allowed herself to gulp once before turning off all negative emotions.

It's that demon, from before. Wasn't his name... Axel? Shit! Ame remembered what he had said earlier. Want...!? She mentally slapped herself. Don't let him get to you! That's what he wants! Do you wanna give him what he wants?! No!

"I'm so sorry! I, uh, wasn't looking. Usually there's nobody in these forests!" Ame got up and dusted herself off, radiating her naturally friendly disposition. "Your name is Axel, right? Sorry again! See ya later, Axel!" Ame set off at a fast pace.


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At that moment Thaddeus felt Ame return to the world of conciseness. He had a connection so deep with her now he even felt the home sickness she felt. The rustle Lillith had heard was him morphing into his angel form. He was half tempted to just take off from there. He wasn't a great distance to open sky...... But no. He had already ran away from one fight today. This demon would be his third today. Not a new record but at the same time not a normal occurrence. Finally Thaddeus jumped down right behind the demon. On his way down he flapped his wings and kicked her cleanly in the back. He then pulled his Desert Eagle and trained her in the scopes. Melissa may not have like guns but they were God's greatest gift to Thaddeus. Demons often were slower on the technology update, because they hate all things human, so guns were almost new to them! "Stay where you are if you'd like to keep that ugly little head of yours." he said softly and calmly. "The last time I did this with a demon it didn't turn out so well for the demon. I hope you weren't friends with Farah. Cause she won't ve talking to anyone on Earth for a very long time."


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Lilith was about to give up when she heard a flap of wings and then a kick to her back which sent her down to the ground, and quickly rolled over to see an angel with a gun pointed at her. “Thaddeus, long time no see; did you have fun with Axel?” Lilith smiled. "Stay where you are if you'd like to keep that ugly little head of yours." Lilith put on a fake frown as she looked up at Thaddeus. “That's not a nice thing to say, Thaddy.” Lilith laughed, staring into the barrel of the gun with no change of emotion or expression. "The last time I did this with a demon it didn't turn out so well for the demon. I hope you weren't friends with Farah-“ “Yeah yeah, you killed Farah, big party for you then, she was annoying anyways.” Lilith said as she turned into a human form just to mess with Thaddeus, but she didn’t have her chains with her when she was in human form.

“So if I stay right here, your not going to kill me? An angel not killing a demon, real believable...” Lilith said as she noticed the gun was on safety, “So how’s my offer on about putting things aside just to have some fun...” She laughed but the laugh wasn’t cold or mean, it sounded actually nice for once. Lilith slowly pushed the gun a little bit to the side, getting tired of looking into a black hole. “So Thaddeus, you ever hit it off with Melissa? Or is she too carried away with all the humans?” Lilith said, with a smile, trying to have a conversation before Thaddeus realized his gun was on safety, which Lilith thought it meant it wouldn’t fire or something.


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Thaddeus smiled. Oh demons always playing a game! "No Lissa and I haven't "Hit it off" as you so crudely put it. We are both angels after all...... How about this Lillith. I have a human and an angel to find. You have a demon to find. Why don't we agree to a truce for now? We can go our separate ways and both can tell there friends they won the fight." He holstered his gun, noticing the safety was on which he mentally slapped his head for, and put his hand out. He had two revolvers and two pistols that would tear her to pieces if she tried anything. He hoped she would take the deal. Ame could be in serious trouble. He needed to help her and repay all the debt he had no stocked up to her.


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"No Lissa and I haven't "Hit it off" as you so crudely put it. We are both angels after all...... How about this Lilith. I have a human and an angel to find. You have a demon to find. Why don't we agree to a truce for now? We can go our separate ways and both can tell their friends they won the fight." Lilith laughed as Thaddeus tried to negotiate, trying to run from yet another fight. Lilith took Thaddeus’ hand to stand up, turning back into her demon form. “Thing is, Melissa is right above us, good luck explaining this one to her.” Lilith said as she went to whisper into Thaddeus’ ear. “For an angel, you aren’t that bad.” Lilith said as she gave a quick kiss on the cheek and ran into the forest, thinking about how Thaddeus would explain that to his angel girlfriend. I’ll have to find him again... Lilith thought as she began to glide pass trees and bushes before seeing some movement, a girl.

Lilith quickly flew infront of her and held her arm, not taking energy. “Where you going little girl, looking for Thaddeus?” Lilith said with a smile letting go of her. “You seem like a sweet little thing, what’s your name?” Lilith said as she flicked her wrist, and chains wrapping around the girl. “Now, be quiet, I’m not going to hurt you, yet...” Lilith said with a smirk and tightening the wrap of the chains so Ame wouldn’t slip out. “Do you want me to take you to Thaddeus the fun way, or the human way?” Lilith said, with an innocent look. “Fun being air, human being ground, ok?” Lilith said, examining the girl, wondering if this is the girl Thaddeus was looking for.


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Ame was speed-walking away from Axel as fast as she dared. But the only warning she got was a faint rustle from above before another demon landed in front of her and got a hold of Ame's arm. “Where you going little girl, looking for Thaddeus?” Thaddeus?! Who the heck is- Then Ame got it. So Thaddeus was the name of the angel who got her into this mess, huh?

Ame grinned and replied," Actually, no, I wasn't." She nodded towards Axel. "I just had a run in with your friend over there on my way back home." Hideout, home, same thing. Ame looked down at the chains that now held her uncomfortably tight.

“Now, be quiet, I’m not going to hurt you, yet...” "I'd be fine with seeing Thaddeus, although I'd rather be visiting my beloved Loziel. Know him? Your methods are questionably perverted, but I'll live. Go ahead, take me however you choose. I don't mind flying, I've been doing it since I was young."

Ame assumed that this demon hadn't yet tried to take her energy, judging by what she was saying and doing. But if she did, she would find no energy from Ame. All Ame was permitting herself to feel was general non-caringness.


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Axel had just turned around a thick grove of trees when something small and soft ran into his chest and rebounded off. He blinked, then looked down to see a girl lying prone at his feet. He simply stared until finally she stood, brushing herself off while spouting a fast apology; "I'm so sorry! I, uh, wasn't looking. Usually there's nobody in these forests!" He recognized the girls voice immediately, and when she brushed her hair from her face a slow grin crept across his features. She had come to him... It was... almost too easy. The human set off in the direction opposite of him, and he smiled, knowing she wouldn't get away. His scythe disappeared, and he stuck his hands back in his pockets, lazily following a little distance behind the girl as she wove around thickets and underbrush.

He was surprised when he felt Lilith's presence. She had jumped down from the tree in front of the girl, and had caught her by the wrist. Axel's eyes narrowed, as the scythe entered his hand. His booming voice cut into the still of the forest night; "Release her Lilith!" His eyes flashed as he saw Lilith's chains were wrapped tightly around the human. "This one is mine." Axel spun his scythe dangerously, closing in on the pair, and stopped right in front of the female Demon; "You have no claim on the girl. Unless..." He leaned in towards Lilith and bared his teeth in a sort of mad grin, his churning eyes staring into hers; "...You dare to fight me for her."

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Character Portrait: Jordan
Character Portrait: Thaddeus


Character Portrait: Thaddeus

I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to kill you.

Character Portrait: Jordan

'Hi, I'm paul. Well not really"


Character Portrait: Thaddeus

I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to kill you.

Character Portrait: Jordan

'Hi, I'm paul. Well not really"

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Character Portrait: Thaddeus

I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to kill you.

Character Portrait: Jordan

'Hi, I'm paul. Well not really"

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Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Well I keep on checking it everyday....

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Is this RP dead?

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Somebody needs to post....

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

So Sorry!

My only computer broke down, and didn't get fixed until now. ><

Hopefully Axle is still wandering the forest lost like a dumbass. I'll try to catch up.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Not sure if this is any of your guys idea for a good RP but this is a RP I made! Hope you join! :)

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Me posted, and i have no idea why im making lilith flirty, and Ame is in more trouble now.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Yeah he doesn't really KNOW what's happening to her but he knows shes worried about something.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic


Hehe 'Ame could be in trouble' waaaaaaaay understatement! XD

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Welcome back!

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Erm... I'm back?

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

<Sigh.> I'd like to apologize, on the earlier note I had been on. I cannot stay in the RP because my mom simply insists that I only get to be on once a week, and even then on that specific day I get a limited time. It is an unfortunate occurrence but one that cannot be rectified so soon as schoolwork and studies come first in my book, and RP comes later. I had fun RPing with you all, and if you ever want to start a Private PM RP or summat, mayphaps you can PM me.

I bid you all adieu,

- Proctor.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Mm. I won't let the RP die. In fact, if it does, I'm in love with it so we can just keep RPing. I mean, really. I understand that sometimes, there are people that really love an RP, and when it dies, what do they do? They gripe, and moan. They don't do anything to recreate it, or to fix it up again.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

As am I! As long as the RP doesn't die I can wait as long as needed!

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Considering I'm waiting along for Exodus to get mad at Quin and her two cousins.. I don't think I'll be finding his cottage any time soon. Sounds good. (That was not a hint, at Pimp. I'm completely okay with waiting.) <Serious face.>

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Sorry about your week Pimp. :/ Hope it gets better!

A little favor. Until Angelwolf gets back could you guys (except Lovely Spade) not find Thaddeus's cottage? It would be a pain to move her while she's gone. If you do decide to find it it's no biggie..... Just a little favor to me! :)

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Hun, just calm down. Like I told you, Real life comes first. Role playing is supposed to relax you.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Guys I'm sooooo sorry I haven't posted in this in forever. I've been having a really shitty week, but I'll get a post up soon!

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Sorry about not posting in like three days but LP please play my person for a little longer and try to keep this RP alive. I moved and need to move my Internet connection with me. I should be back by next Tuesday if I'm not I'll message you of my withdraw in the RP.

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

Hey everyone, if you can, please join this roleplay, and the poisons need people, espicially a muscle, so please help us out. Plus it is made by yours truly, Lovely SPade!

Re: [OOC] Cosmic

KK sorry, I didn't know! Hah! I doubt there is much that could stop Axel!