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Nathan Cook

The Identity Thieving Fraudster

0 · 961 views · located in The U.S.

a character in “Criminals on the Run”, as played by ~Lonesome Butterfly~











✫ Name ✫
Nathan Cook

✫ Gender ✫

✫ Race ✫
1/3 Vietnamese 1/3 African 1/3 French

✫ Sexual Orientation ✫

✫ Age ✫

✫ Relationship Status ✫










✫ Likes/Hobbies ✫
Con Jobs
The Ocean
Modern Technology
The Gym

✫ Dislikes ✫
Staying put too long
Ignorant people
Law Enforcement
Nosy people
Bratty Kids




✫ Weight/Body-Type ✫

✫ Height ✫

✫ Eyes ✫

✫ Hair ✫
Brown and reaches to the very end of his back when out straight.

✫ Body Art ✫
N/A at the moment, but I might add something in the RP about a tattoo and/or piercing.

✫ Personality ✫

- Personable and Smooth

- Even-Tempered and Unabashed

- Intelligent and Always Curious

- Always Joking





✫ Short Bio ✫

Nathan grew up in a seemingly happy household with two older brothers, a younger sister, and a happily married Mother and Father. However after his father died when he was nine things took a sharp turn. Their father was the breadwinner and helped hide their mothers pill addiction, so when he died so did the household income and the facade that his mother was a stable caring parent.

His mother's pill addiction made it impossible for her to keep a job but the need for money even more pressing, so in a bid to support the family Nathan's older brothers dropped out of HS and got jobs, but soon realized hustling on the street was a quicker way to pull in more money.

Despite Nathan's high IQ the desire to get out of the toxic household he was in and never have to need for money again led him down the wrong path too, however unlike his brothers he chose a much more lucrative and white collar crime - Credit Card Fraud & Identity Theft.

Out of the four siblings Nathan's younger sister is the only one who has remained on the straight and narrow, and he keeps in close contact with her as she works through HS with Straight As. On the other hand he doesn't keep up with his brothers as closely, and doesn't give a rats ass about his mother most of the time - who he has a load of resentment towards.




✫ Strengths ✫

- Fluent in Several Languages.
- Photographic Memory
- Quick on his feet in a jam.
- Krav Maga
- Natural Guitarist
- Even-Tempered

(I might add more later, but for now this is about it! =D)

✫ Weaknesses ✫

- Trypophobic
- Naggers
- Children
- Coming off as "too cool" to some.
- Impersonal with men he's not familiar with.




So begins...

Nathan Cook's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Sirens blazed in the middle of the night, three criminals have just escaped from prison and had no interest in looking back. Tamako may not have known Nathan and Melanie too long, but she trusted them with her life. For a couple months the three of them have been talking about this escape plan and the night finally came that they were able to go through with it and surprisingly they had succeeded, or so they hoped.

The three of them found themselves deep in the woods just outside of the prison, starting on their way towards their new lives as escapees. As she made her way deeper into the woods and farther into the night, she could feel herself starting to get cold. With the two years she served in prison, she had no idea what the weather was going to be like. There was snow on the ground, freezing wind chills going throughout the air. With a slight chatter of her teeth, she slowly slid her arms around Nathan's and Melanie's, keeping close hoping to get more warmth.

"I pray to God those fuckers better not catch us!" she exclaimed. "We need to find some sort of shelter in order to live through this weather. I have no interest in sleeping in the snow," she added with a soft chuckle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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As the sirens rang out behind them Nathan focused on moving forward. He still remembered the layout of the prison fairly well and he knew if they could just make it another half mile they'd come across a small suburban neighborhood called Lake Royale and gain access to a telephone.

"Once we get to Lake Royale we need to get to a phone, fast. I have a cousin who lives ten or fifteen minutes from here, I can get him to pick us up and maybe drive us out a bit. I think our assumption is right that they're doing a sweep in a small radius around the prison first before branching out. That gives us twenty or so minutes."
The realization of the time crunch they were under caused Nathan to take a deep gulp in as he felt Tamako grab onto his and Melanie's arms.

It was freezing out, and their clothing was the furthest thing from suitable for the snow on the ground all around them, but Nathan was so focused on moving forward that his adrenaline thankfully masked some of the discomfort from the cold.

As Lake Royale came into view Nathan let go of the other two and began to pick up his pace dramatically. "Stay by the edge of the woods, I'll meet you back here!"

The first few houses Nathan stumbled across all had cars in their driveways, but after a couple of minutes he finally was beside an empty one. It was night time so the lights being off was of no comfort for Nathan but there wasn't time for hesitation.
The front door was locked, but like most other houses in a small town community there was lax security with the back door, and Nathan was able to walk right into the Kitchen. It was pure luck that he picked a house without a dog or alarm system, and as soon as he spotted the phone hanging on the wall he picked it up and dialed his cousin's number.

As expected his 45 year old 2nd cousin wanted to give him an ear-full on breaking out of prison, but still agreed to pick him up at the entrance of the Lake Royale community.
"If I blow the speed limit I should get there in 10 minutes, no promises though."
"Thanks man, I mean it."
"Yeah yeah, you owe me."

The conversation lasted only a couple minutes and Nathan was out of the house as swift as he came in.
As he made his way back over towards the girls the cold really began to kick in and he felt the tips of his ears warming.
"My cousin is meeting us at the entrance, he should be here in 10 minutes and has agreed to drive us to the border of the state and give us a bit of spending cash. After that, it's up to us."

Nathan would catch his breath for a minute before pointing towards the entrance of the community.
"Come on, lets make our way over there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Melanie Browne

The blazing of the sirans and the shouting of cops and prison guards were behind the three prisoners. Melanie was new but she met Nathan and Tamako there, and well, she felt closer to them and she became their friends. Melanie did not want to escape, first cause her sentence was not long but also it will make her father's reputation decrease. However, she helped her two friends planning their escape plan and she joined them. <I> After all, she wants her revenge.... </I>.

She was running at top speed, almost breathless, but she kept running with her new friends. When they stopped to catch a breath and Nathan explained their new plan, she nodded. "That's sound like a good plan" . She quickly gathered her strength and constitution for the next run. it was so freezing, but the run makes the cold bearable. She stopped and looked at Tamako a bit confused as Nathan told them to stay at the edges and run. "He will come back, right?" .

She watched nervously and hoped no guards will suddenly pop out infront of them. They have no weapons yet, nothing to defend themselves. They only need to hide and wait. Melanie sigh in relief when Nathan came back and told them the good news, she smiled brightly. "Alright, that's awesome! Come, lead us there". . Melanie grabbed Nathan's arm and started walking beside him, quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Tamako did just as Nathan stated and began to run along the lining of the trees. "He will come back, right?" she heard Melanie state. Tamako just nodded her head, "Yeah, I believe he will. I trust Nathan with my life," Tamako answered with a soft sigh.

The brunette stood there, leaning against one of the trees as she waited for Nathan to come back. Tamako really hoped that everything will be taken care of before the twenty minutes are gone and the guards begin to search outside the perimeter of the prison. As she stood there in the orange jumpsuit and socks, she found herself freezing a lot more than she was when she was running. "Nathan needs to hurry up, I'm freezing my ass of right now," she stated just as he returned. "My cousin is meeting us at the entrance, he should be here in 10 minutes and has agreed to drive us to the border of the state and give us a bit of spending cash. After that, it's up to us. Come on, lets make our way over there."

Tamako followed Nathan towards the entrance of Lake Royale, hoping that his cousin would quickly arrive. The last thing she wanted to do was go back to the horrible place. After going through everything she did to get out of there that would be the worst thing to happen right now. "So, what do you guys suggest we do once we get out of here?" she questioned, hoping to fill the silence with a bit of needed conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK


After standing by the Lake Royale sign for a few seconds Nathan would push himself up and sit atop the brick sign.
"So, what do you guys suggest we do once we get out of here?" Tamako asked out of the blue, causing Nathan to smirk a bit as simple everyday pleasures that people take for granted popped into his head. For him the old saying "you don't know what you've got until it's gone" definitely rang true.
"Well if I think with the proper head then I guess the first thing I'd wanna do is get some food, that shit they fed us in there doesn't really qualify as food, so something that has some flavor would be nice, and then getting some clothes that don't look like prison greys and heading south would be good. Not to Mexico though, the islands....easy to get lost there, and Cuba would be a safe haven like no other....but i'm just rambling man, we need to find a safe way to travel first."

As the cold began to get to him more and more Nathan would pull his knees to his chest and wrap his arms around his legs.
Thankfully it was only a few minutes longer before his cousin David pulled up. Nathan instantly walked to the passenger side and opened the door, but before he could get in his cousin threw a pair of jeans, a tshirt, and a black beanie cap at him.
"There. So at least you don't look like you just hopped a fence" David said with a tint of annoyance in his tone before looking at Tamako and Melanie. "Got nothing for them though"

Nathan would quickly change into the jean bottoms and then hop in the car. He'd wait until both of his partners in crime were in the back seat before throwing the T-shirt back towards them. "Lucky for us we're in prison greys instead of stripes. The top goes fine with the jeans and that T-shirt will go fine with one of your bottoms. We can worry about getting all of us something more suitable later, maybe by jacking something from a motel laundry room or something."

The ride to the border would take a few hours, and despite his exhaustion Nathan planned on staying awake. His cousin had handed him a few hundred bucks - enough to get some food and a motel room for the night once they got to the border, but after that they were going to have to get creative to get their hands on more suitable clothing and get a ride.

Out of curiosity Nathan turned on the radio to see if there were any reports going out about them, and luckily there weren't - which was a great thing. The longer the public wasn't aware and on the lookout - the better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Melanie Browne

"So, what do you guys suggest we do once we get out of here?". Melanie turned and looked at Tamako and suddenly was out of words, she did not quite thought ahead of that. Mostly the escape was more her friends' idea and she just tagged along, as always. She heard Nathan's plan,
"Well if I think with the proper head then I guess the first thing I'd wanna do is get some food, that shit they fed us in there doesn't really qualify as food, so something that has some flavor would be nice, and then getting some clothes that don't look like prison greys and heading south would be good. Not to Mexico though, the islands....easy to get lost there, and Cuba would be a safe haven like no other....but i'm just rambling man, we need to find a safe way to travel first." , Melanie nodded and her cheerful smile went back to her face. "Oh, I think it is a wonderful plan, Nathan, first thing first is to find a safe place and food" .

They waited for Nathan's friend to pick them up in the location. Melanie continued to wrap her arms around her, hugging herself to keep herself warm. Damn, can't they have escaped on a more warmer night? . Was just a thought, but she did not say that out loud. Finally they noticed a car coming towards them and her mood became more optimistic. She smiled to Nathan's cousin and nodded, "It's okay, I guess....we will find something, thanks for the ride" . Melanie flashed her most cutest and innocent smile she always do on people that almost always get her out of trouble when she was a kid, and also even when she was grown up. That smile almost always melt people away.

Melanie climbed to the back seat, whichever side she takes as she let Tamako choose the side she prefers, if she wants. Than she sat beside the window and watched closely for any signs of police chasing or any road blocks. She really hoped not, she saw lots of movies to know what the police was planning. But that was in the movies, what will happen in the real life? The ride took very long, which the cold and the fatigue suddenly fell on her and she drifted to sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Tamako found herself listening to Nathan's plan once they got out of there and just nodded her head, agreeing with him. She sighed, finding a cloud spewing from her lips just as Nathan's friend pulled up. She climbed into the backseat as Nathan changed into the pants. When he handed the shirt to Melanie and Tamako, she figured she'd take it and throw it on over the orange jumpsuit since Melanie hadn't even given thought to touching it. It seemed that she was lost in her own world, which kind of worried Tamako a bit.

She glanced over at the blonde and placed her hand upon her shoulder, but then found that she had already passed out. Damn, that didn't take long, she thought to herself before looking to the driver's seat. "I know you're doing this more for Nathan than either of us girls, but just wanted to thank you for the ride," she stated to the male behind the steering wheel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK


David started to wave one of his hands up in the air after Tamako said thank you. "Yeah yeah, just don't get caught - it'll make all of this pointless."
Nathan would smirk and glance back at a sleeping Melanie and Tamako before looking back at his cousin. "We don't plan on it."

Despite the temptation to pass out Nathan stayed awake the entire ride to the border like he planned to, and as his cousin pulled up across the street from a motel he'd unbuckle his seat-belt and turn so that he was facing Tamako. "Wake Mel up, I'll go get a room in the back then wave you guys over - okay?"
After a quick jog across the street Nathan made sure his hair was stuffed inside the beanie and then unbuttoned the first couple of buttons on his grey prison top to give it a more relaxed appearance before walking inside the dimly lit motel office. An older white man sitting behind the counter reading a newspaper casually welcomed him and asked what he needed.
"Hey, you got a room available for the night?"
The man hit a few buttons on his computer before nodding. "Sure do, how many of ya staying the night?"
Nathan wanted to say two in order to get two beds, one for him and one for the girls, but he decided against it and played it off like it was just him. "Just me, think I could get a room in the back though, I have a thing about sleeping towards the roads."
The old man shrugged, completely uninterested in his reasoning and more interested in getting his money. "That'll be 37.99 for one night, got ID?"
This is where most would freak and begin stuttering, but Nathan played it cool. "Nah my girl's bringing the rest of my stuff tomorrow, her folks kicked me out and what not. I'll bring my ID in tomorrow when she gets here since I'll probably need this room for another week or two." before the man could respond he'd throw two 20's on the counter. "There ya go, keep the change."
"Sounds good to me." the man responded with, and several seconds later he'd hand Nathan a key to room 19. "It's on the end in the back, opposite side we're on now."

Nathan would thank the man before walking out the office and making his way towards the back. He purposely took the long way around to see if there was anybody loitering outside, and if you couple the emptiness with the lack of security cameras the threesome truly were lucky to find this old motel.

After making his way back around to the front Nathan would wave the girls over, and wait for them to round the side of the motel before walking back towards the room door and opening it.
The room was nothing to write home about, but it was better than a cell by a mile, and once everyone was inside and the door was locked Nathan would flounce down on the couch and sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Tamako just nodded her head at Nathan's cousin and leaned back against the seat. The rest of the ride, she couldn't seem to sleep until she was sure there was no way of being caught, at least tonight. She just glanced out the window the entire ride and sat there completely silent. Every now and then she would look over at Melanie and she just smiled. Honestly she didn't see why Melanie and Nathan seemed to trust her so much because of the simple fact she turned against her own parents and killed them...for no reason at all. But she just figured she should just stop questioning it and focus on the task at hand, getting out of sight.

Once they arrived at the motel, she sat there in silence, awkwardly as Nathan stepped into the building, leaving her alone with the sleeping Melanie and David. With a sigh she leaned over towards Melanie and started waking her. Part of her hoped that being distracted in this way couldn't make her feel awkward about being in the car with David without Nathan, but it was far from helping. "Melanie, wake up. We're at the motel," she stated as she gently shook her.

Once she was finished waking Melanie, she glanced out the window to find that Nathan was signaling the two of them towards him. She climbed out of the vehicle and made sure to keep standing in front of Melanie as they casually made their way over towards the room so that the cameras wouldn't catch a good view of the jumpsuit she was wearing.

After stepping into the room, Tamako's eyes widened. This was far from what she was expecting at a motel like this. "Wow, this is pretty damn nice for a piece of junk motel," she stated as she plopped down on the other end of the couch and turned on the television. To see if the media happened to know about their prison break as of yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Melanie Browne

Melanie was quite a heavy sleeper, so when Tamako woke her up she woke up in a jump. Took her a few seconds to realized where she were and how they got here. She looked at Tamako and nodded and sigh, "Yeah....damn....". She gave a bright smile to Nathan's cousin and stepped back into the cold with Tamako as soon as she saw Nathan signaling them. She got out of the car back into the cold, Tamako walked infront of her, guess as hiding her orange jumpsuit she guessed. Melanie could not help but yawns, putting her hand on her mouth, that sleep made her even more tired.

When they got into the motel's room Nathan checked out for them, Melanie gasped in disbelief. "Oh, my god! That room looks amazing! I think even the floor was better than a cell, but this one is million times better!" Mel was in her cheerful mood again, she jumped flat on her back on the bed and grabbed a pillow and cuddles with it. She watched Tamako turning on the t.v as she maybe looking for any news about their break. She suddenly fall silent again, curled up on the bed with the pillow, she looked at the screen. She than stood up, she actually did not want to see that if there will be any news about them, she spoke silently, " you want maybe I get us something from the vending machine to eat?" . She wasn't thinking of money, she can get into a vending machine without entering coins, but if Nathan offers her some change she will take it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK


Nathan sighed as the news anchors began to talk, he was hoping the officers were waiting until morning to give the state news channel's word of the prison break.

Melanie suddenly shot up from the bed as soon as the news station came back from their second commercial break. " you want maybe I get us something from the vending machine to eat?"
"Uh yeah, sure." Nathan dug into his pocket and handed Mel the four singles he had gotten from the hotel clerk. "Thanks" he'd say before sitting up.
Melanie didn't seem to have much of a stomach for the news,and neither did he to be honest, however he knew it was important to know how much of a head-start they've gotten on the media. So after Mel left Nathan would sit and watch the news anchors talk about seemingly everything but the local prison.
"I think they're clueless still....I mean a prison break would be the lead story right?" Nathan said to Tamako with a smirk before standing up from the couch, pulling off his grey prison top and beanie cap, and heading over towards the sink right outside of the bathroom.

It was a relief to wash his face with a fresh wash cloth, so much so that - despite his exhaustion - Nathan made his way into the bathroom to take a shower.
"I'll be out in ten minutes or so" he'd call out to Tamako, before closing the door. He'd go to lock it but after realizing the lock was busted he'd shrug and turn on the shower.

After giving the water a second to heat up Nathan slipped out of his clothes and stepped into the shower.
There was a short list of things men in prison wanted to do first once they got out, and while a hot shower usually wasn't at the top - it was close. So as the water ran threw his hair and then down his body Nathan closed his eyes and sighed in total comfort.
It was nice to be free again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Tamako glanced over to Melanie after Nathan handed her the money and spoke, "Could you get me some chips or something that would be easy on my stomach? I can't really eat too much right now," she stated over towards Mel. She sighed as her attention returned to the television as she leaned her head upon her hand. After sitting through a good few minutes of the news she heard Nathan speak. "I think they're clueless still...I mean a prison break would be the lead story right?"

Tamako nodded her head and turned the television off before returning her attention over towards Nathan, soon enough to watch him remove his shirt. The brunette sat there for a couple minutes before hearing that he was going to take a shower, so then she was left there in silence.

"Where is Mel?" she mumbled to herself as she picked up a magazine from the table and began to slip through the pages. Immediately she let out a laugh when she noticed there was a dildo in the magazine.

"Oh my God! Who would order one of those from a magazine?!" she spoke to herself before shaking her head and turning the page once more. Though after turning the page it just got worse. So in turn she just dropped the magazine back down on the table with a sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Melanie Browne

Melanie nodded with a smile towards Nathan, taking the change from him. She turned her head to Tamako, "Could you get me some chips or something that would be easy on my stomach? I can't really eat too much right now." Melanie smiled, "Sure thing, be back in a few minutes...." . Well, she hoped it will take a few minutes, she hoped it will be an easy trip to the vending machine. The TV was still talking as she closed the door behind her and walked towards the row of vending machines most motels has them.

For a few minutes she looked at the machine, she saw some chips for Tamako and with the rest of the change a few energy bars will be enough. Mel thought it will be great, they quite need energy because they are not safe yet from the danger ahead. She puts the coins and grabbed the energy bars and the chips. She started walking towards the room when she stopped in her tracks, Do we need a drink? . She wondered and than she looked around, seeing there is no one looking, she quickly ran to the drinks machine. She had no coins left, so with the skills of what she always learned and using a button from her shirt, she was able to "fool" the machine as she dropped a coin and a diet coke can came out. Mel smiled, at least I still got this.

She ran quickly back with the food and coke in her hands, not wanting anyone to notice her any further. She almost bursts open the door, but she held back a bit her enthusiasm. She closed the door and sat the chips, bars and smiled putting the can of soda on the table. She sat on the couch and grabbed one of the energy bars and munched on it like she has not eaten in weeks. "There you go, bone appetite". She did not talked about the food or the drink, just sat there with a proud smile on her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK


After what was easily the best ten minutes of his week, if not month, Nathan stepped out of the shower and dried himself off.
He'd ring his hair out before tying a towel around his waist, opening the bathroom door, and stepping back out into the motel room.

"They wouldn't happen to stick free deodorant and shit in here, would they?" he sarcastically asked aloud before spotting a cheap basket beside the sink stuffed with cheap freebies most hotels like to give to their customers. First thing he'd find after rummaging threw it was some lotion, and after rubbing some on his arms and face Nathan keep digging - pulling out shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash, and finally - a small bottle of deodorant spray.

"Oh Mel, you're back with the good stuff."
Nathan would bend down and grab a bag of sour cream & onion cheddar chips and a snickers bar before walking back towards the full-size bed furthest from the door and flouncing down on it.
The news was still on and there still was no report of their escape from the prison that was now several hours away. Tired of listening to the anchors go on about heartless politicians and a whole list of other moronic topics, Nathan would beckoning Tamako to switch the channel.
"What would I have to say to get you to turn something else on??"
He'd smirk at the woman and hope she'd willingly switch channels, before interlacing his fingers behind his head and closing his eyes.
Nathan had every intention on getting back up and putting on one of the two robes hanging up in the bathroom, however as he listened to the television he'd quickly grow tired, and within a few minutes he'd be out like a light - leaving both the bag of chips and the snicker bar unopened on the nightstand beside him.

(OOC: Sorry for not posting last night, I was so tired after my mums b-day festivities that I totally forgot until this morning....haha. <3)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Tamako found herself being re-accompanied by Melanie after a good few minutes, though the second she came inside she began wondering what had taken her so long. But, not feeling in the mood of questioning her she just reached for a bag of chips and began eating them as she continued flipping through the magazine.

"Thanks Mel," she stated just as Nathan stepped out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist. Immediately her mind began racing with thoughts that she never have popped into her head about one of her best friends. But what could she say, she was locked up with a bunch of females for two years and the only time she was able to speak with males was on their free time that they had outside once a week. There was never enough privacy or time to do those kinds of things.

Immediately Tamako cleared her head, though it wasn't in time for her to hear anything that Nathan had said. She just sat there with the magazine in her lap in nothing more than silence. With a soft sigh she finally stood to her feet and tossed the remote to Melanie. "Guess it's my turn for a shower now," she stated as she began stripping on her way towards the bathroom.

At this time she believed Nathan was sleeping so he wouldn't see anything and hopefully she was right. Though there could always be this slight possibility that she could be far from being right about it, that was just her luck. The female stepped into the bathroom and started running the water before climbing in and washing her body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Melanie Browne

"Oh Mel, you're back with the good stuff." . Melanie smiled and gave a wink and fingers point towards Nathan and kept munching on the energy bar and sips a few sips from the drink. She nodded toward Tamako, "Don't mention it...." . She turned her head to the t.v set as Tamako was watching, she was in relief to hear nothing in the news about them or about a break-out from prison of any sort. She was startled when a remote was thrown in her way as it almost fell to the floor but she managed catching it barely with her wrists. "Guess it's my turn for a shower now" . As Tamako said and Mel smiled and suddenly she was so bored, she finally turned off the t.v "Well, I guess there is still nothing good on t.v when we got in.... . Melanie chuckled to herself and suddenly out of instinct reached her hand for her pocket for her Iphone, realizing she defiantly doesn't have it anymore, she pretended she like cleaned her pants.

She yawns again, still feeling tired as she laid down on the couch. Even the couch was more comfortable than the beds in her cell, so she could sleep on that couch right there. She looked at Nathan and asked in still her cute voice, "So....what exactly we gonna do tomorrow? run to the borders of Mexico?" . She smirked, but deep down she thought it might be an option even if she said it as a joke. She thought about her father, he might use any of his powers to catch her and bring her back. Her new friends and her, she fears, might not be too safe in here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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Despite the daring escape, and all the worries and anxiety that came along with it, Nathan slept relatively well. It was still a bit dark out as he stood up, but the clock on the cable box clearly read 6:45am.
"Shit..." he'd mutter as he stood up, noticing that he had fallen asleep in nothing but his towel.

After walking into the bathroom and grabbing one of the robes hanging up on the wall Nathan would open the motel door and stare out at the back parking-lot. The sky was filled with dark snow clouds, explaining why it was still so dark out even though it was past sunrise.
As he stood in the doorway taking in the fresh air an idea popped into his head, and he'd quickly slip into his old prison shoes beside the dresser and grab the key from the table before stepping out the room and closing the door.

The parking lot had the same few cars in it as it did when they first arrived and there was not a soul in sight. It was only when he approached the laundry room that he'd hear a couple arguing with the motel owner about leaving their car in the parking lot.
"You can't pay me my money why should you park here?" he'd here the manager ask as the threesome stood outside the main office door. However after Nathan made his way inside the small laundry room he'd stop paying attention to their conversation since he spotted what he came for - a crate of unclaimed/lost articles of clothing.
He'd notice a few empty boxes in the corner and would grab one to quickly begin filling with random shirts, hoodies, and/or bottoms. As he was doing so he'd hear one of the dryers shut off, and after looking around to check for cameras or people Nathan would make his way over to the warm dryer and open it up.
The lace panties, random bras, and pink crap inside the dryer made it obvious that this was a woman's batch of clothing, and without thinking Nathan would begin to pull a few things, but he wouldn't pull out much from the dryer because the last thing he wanted was to make it immediately obvious that clothing was missing, he wanted the woman to only figure this out after sorting through her clothes, so most of the things he stuffed into the box came from the crate of unclaimed items.

As he left the laundry room and walked past the office door again he'd hold the box on his hip and walk calmly past the owner who was in his own little world smoking. After making it towards the end of the front of the motel Nathan would round the corner and spot the couple from before arguing several yards ahead of him.
He'd listen to their conversation and quickly gather that they were parking their car on the side of the motel and returning to it later, when they'd return seemed to be a bone of contention between the two however, and before Nathan passed them he'd notice the man angrily throw the keys into the back seat. Quick thinking Nathan would turn away from the couple and appear to be digging through his box as he walked past them, and once he rounded the corner to the back of the motel it would only be a few seconds before he was back inside the hotel room.

"Okay, lets see what I got here." he thought, before dumping the box of clothes out onto the couch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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Dialogue Color Code: #00ff37

Once Tamako finished taking her shower, she let out a soft sigh and stepped out the bathroom as she rapped a robe around her, being sure it's tied in place so it wouldn't fall off her over night. Even though she could have put the clothes back on, she decided against it. She would rather sleep in the robe instead of sleeping in those prison clothing another night when she necessarily didn't need to.

With a sigh she glanced over at Nathan, finding that he was passed out in the towel on the bed and Mel took over the couch. She just chuckled a bit at the two of them and took the empty spot on the bed beside Nathan. Part of her wished they were able to get a room with two beds but it didn't bother her all that much. She trusted Nathan well enough to sleep in the bed with him.

Tamako carefully climbed in the bed beside him, trying her best not to wake him and pulled the blanket over her. Damn it was nice to sleep in a real bed for once. The female closed her eyes and it didn't take very long for her to pass out along with the other two.

Suddenly Tamako awoke with the sound of the door closing, finding Nathan dumping a box onto the part of the couch Melanie hadn't taken up while she was sleeping. She stretched a bit as a yawn slipped from her lips and checked the clock, finding that it had been seven in the morning.

The petite Korean woman stood to her feet and made her way over beside Nathan, to see what he was dumping onto the couch. Tamako smiled when she noticed it was clothing. "Wow, real clothes," she stated as she spotted a bra and a pair of pink panties that seemed to match and draped them over the back of the couch as she continued to find a shirt and a pair of pants, shorts, or a skirt that would fit her.

Finally after a couple of moments she came across some clothes that would fit her. She pulled the underwear on her, being sure to keep the robe on so Nathan wouldn't happen to see her nudity and turned her back towards Nathan as she began to pull the bra on over her breast.

Tamako knew she could have always took over the bathroom to get dressed but she was honestly not that interested in it. The bathroom was too small for her liking. All it would manage to make her do it begin to feel claustrophobic, the same feeling she felt back in the prison cells. If she could keep herself from being in such small spaces like that, she would do it without a second thought.

Once she pulled the pair of jeans over her legs, she dropped the robe down to the ground and pulled the shirt on over her torso before facing Nathan again. "Should we wake her?" she questioned as she glanced down at Melanie, who seemed to still be completely passed out. She hadn't even budged from the noise her and Nathan were making.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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Melanie Browne

Mel was sleeping so deep she did not awaken when Nathan opened the door and plumped a huge basket with laundry clothes. She had quite the most vivid and deep dreams in her sleep she just could not hear any slight noise around her. Not until she jumped startled from a bad dream just when Tamako asked, "Should we wake her?". Melanie rubbed her eyes and gave a loud yawn, she smirked "It's ok, I'm up, I'm up" . Melanie decided it is her turn for a morning shower and suddenly her eyes brighten seeing the regular clothes on the couch. She looked at Nathan with a smile, "Oh my gosh, Nathan, you are defiantly our hero!" . She quickly grabbed some t-shirt and another pair of jeans of what was left that Tamako didn't grab, a blue bra and pink panties and quickly ran to the bathroom.

In the bathroom she was relief to finally throw the prison uniform away and stepped into the shower's hot water. She was humming along in the shower, it was quite her habit to hum tunes in the shower, but she did it softly and quietly. When she was done and stepped out, drying herself in hotel towels that felt like towels from Hilton hotel. She wore the new clothes Nathan brought them and combed her hair in front of the mirror. Melanie smiled, she started to look herself again, now they all have energy for their next plan. As Mel stepped out from the bathroom, steam coming after her, she giggles "Now that was necessary..." .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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Nathan grinned at Tamako's reaction, it was the same feeling he had when he first laid eyes on the box of clothes in the laundry room - "Wow, Real clothes"

He'd let Tamako pick a few things out before picking out a plaid shirt to go with the jeans his cousin had brought for him the other night.
Nathan was in his own little world as he threw the articles of clothing on the end of the bed and flounced down on it, however as Tamako began to dress right in front of him he snapped back into reality. Thankfully, before she noticed, Nathan would catch himself staring at her and turn away - quickly noticing the soda and snacks he left on the nightstand from last night.
He'd make his way over to them and dig in, not caring one bit that the soda was warm, it was still the best thing he had tasted in a long time.
Tamako's towel dropping to the floor caught Nathan's attention again, but as she turned around he'd feign opening a bag of chips, and only look up when she spoke. "Should we wake her?"

Melanie had remained asleep through all the ruckus Tamako and him were making, however she seemingly awoke after hearing herself being referenced in their conversation. "It's okay, I'm up, I'm up!"
The sleepy brunette would rub her eyes and yawn for a moment before noticing the clothes poured on the couch beside her. "Oh my gosh, Nathan, you are definitely our hero!" she said, to which Nathan laughed. "Got lucky. At least we can blend in better now."

After grabbing a few things Melanie ran into the bathroom and started up the shower, and after slipping into a pair of boxers he found amongst the other clothing Nathan would drop his robe and begin dressing in the plaid shirt he had just picked out, and the jeans from the other night.

"A couple left a car in the parking-lot" he began,as he walked towards Tamako and then sat on the couch near her. "I'm pretty sure I saw them ditch the keys in the back seat. It would be a risk but it'd be the quickest way to get on the road from here. Any suggestions on where to go?"
Nathan valued both Tamako and Melanie's opinions, and even though he had his own ideas he wanted to see if theres were better.

A short while after disappearing into the bathroom Melanie would reappear in the main room completely dressed and full of energy.
"Now that was necessary..."
Nathan smiled at the remark and sat back into the couch as he turned the TV onto one of the local stations.
As suspected their escape was being reported on the news, but he was annoyed by the amount of attention it was getting. The anchors dedicated nearly ten minutes to the prison escape, which is a lot for a local news broadcast, but thankfully the police seemed to still be searching within the state they had just fled.
"Well, at least we've got a few hours on them, but we can't stay put for much longer. So what's it going to be - North or South?"