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Adrian DeLeFloria

"What's happening to me?"

0 · 306 views · located in Old Woods

a character in “Crimson Guild”, as played by singthesoul


Name: Adrian DeLeFloria
Alias: None.
Race:Lycan (newly turned, he has yet to take lycan form.)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2”
Weight: 160
Hair: His hair is raven black and falls right at his tail bone. His hair is normally silky, except when he is extremely dirty which then leads his hair to knot up a lot.
Eyes: Almond eyes. They tend to be a dark grey. Many people have disagreements over his eyes, some say they look lifeless or dead while other people have a weird fascination with them, finding them enthralling or entrancing.
Physical Structure: Adrian has a very slender body. While it may look like he lacks physical strength he is actually quite strong, his muscles are just more toned than built. He is by no means the strongest in the bunch. Some people have mentioned on occasion that his body has a slight feminine shape to it.
Skin Tone: He is incredibly pale, some likening him to a marble statue. However he was like this before he was attacked by the lycans. He has a few freckles on his cheeks and a small patch of freckles considered to be a 'birth mark' on his left ankle.
Scars: Once healed he will have a long claw like scar going from one of his hip bones to the other. HE was originally bitten on his hip, but the claw marks hide it.


While most of the time Adrian is calm and collected, there are times when he is all over the place. Sometimes he is happy and the smallest thing sends him plummeting into sadness, or even anger. Those times are only when he is beyond stressed. However he likes to try and stay as objective as he can, though most of the time is a feigned attempt as he seems to have little control over his emotions when he is in a situation that warrants extreme ones.

Adrian has very few friends at any one time, though the ones he has at the time are very close and he would do anything for them, even give his own life. Most of his conversations with people are short and filled with very few words, though every one seems to be worth more than it first seems. If he finds a person interesting, or of great help he becomes more friendly and willing to converse. He is hesitant at first however because he finds that he doesn't get hurt as often if he keeps himself closed off. Strangely however he is trying to break his antisocial behavior, though it's proving a little more of a problem than he first imagined. That being said, he isn't unfriendly, just a little distant.

It is also important to note that he frequently represses unpleasant memories, and suffers from a kind of amnesia when it comes to certain events.


Generally Adrian wears a black long sleeve shirt, with a dark blue tunic on top of it. He wears long black socks with a pair of colonial style breeches over them. He wears a leather belt around his hips which contains a pouch with his weapon karembits inside of them (One for each hand)

His every day Rucksack: In this he carries an extra pair of clothing as well as some other items, such as any food he finds or buys, gauze wrap bandages, flint and a piece of iron (to start fires) and any money he may have on him. (Which is sadly none at this point) and about 10 feet of plain old rope


Adrian came from a village that was pretty well populated considering the frequency of Lycan attacks it received. The village was lucky because unlike some of the neighboring ones, they had a well organized militia that was ready to defend the village, one that relied mostly on ranged combat (though they did have a unit that focused mainly on close combat in case the lycans successfully made it in), killing or scaring away the Lycan packs before they even reached the heart of the village. Thanks to this Adrian was able to have a fairly normal childhood, one rarely interrupted by Lycans. He hstablead many friends, and they often played in the center of the village during the day. Their favorite game was "Lycans vs. Heros" Of course, the heros always won. He would soon realize however, that wasn't always the case.

He was about 15 when he first actually saw a real Lycan. A rogue pack had attacked the village, this time they were more organized than previous attacks. They had attacked from several sides rather than one, utilizing the weak point in the wall of the village. Adrian was running home, as he was supposed to when the militia was activated. He was about to enter his house when he saw it, a very large dark Lycan. It was looking around and at first it didn't notice him, until his mother screamed from the second story window. It promptly turned and looked at him. Adrian, petrified to move let the Lycan come towards him. Adrian closed his eyes when it was about five feet away, assuming it was the end of him. A few minutes passed, and he began to hear sounds of a struggle. He opened his eyes when he heard his elder brother yell for him to get himself inside. Soon he felt a hot warmth on his face, the Lycan had slashed his brother across the neck causing the blood to splatter onto Adrian's face. As his brother choked and gurgled from the blood filling his throat he urged Adrian to get in once again. Adrian this time found no problem making himself move and he got inside. He quickly blacked out after.

When he awoke a doctor was looking over him for any signs of injuries from the Lycan, and he was cleared. His parents tried to tell him that his brother had died protecting him, but Adrian insisted that he didn't have an elder brother. He heard the doctor say something about amnesia and repressed memories but he didn't believe it. Even when his family showed him family portraits he said he didn't recognize his elder brother. It would take his parents explaining to him about the lycans before he believed them.

However after that incident he felt a weird urge to join the militia (Which his elder brother had been part of). He trained, and though his father wanted him to be part of the ranged combat unit, his skills at bows and arrows and crossbows were extremely lacking. However his skill in close combat fighting was superb, and he even held his own against the veterans that fought Lycans and managed to survive without being infected.

The next five years of his life would be smooth, despite the attempt on his life by Lycans every half a year or so.

He turned 20 not to long before the last Lycan attack on his village. However, instead of a normal pack, this was a pack that was about twice the size of any of the packs that normally attacked the village. The militia was ill prepared for this, as it just managed to fend off normal Lycan attacks. Needless to say, this attack was a blood bath.

The close combat unit was set to help women and children escape the villlage which was exactly what he was doing. He had safely evacuated his part of the village when he began his journey back to the village to help the others. Except, there was a dark haired Lycan that had another idea. Adrian had come to a clearing on the edge of the village when he saw him. He didn't recognize the Lycan, but the Lycan recognized him. The Lycan charged Adrian, and they proceeded to fight. Adrian managed to fatally wound the lycan right before it mauled him across the hip bones and threw him into a tree where he blacked out.

He woke up a few hours later, completely confused about what was going on. It was deadly quiet, except that the pain in his abdomen seemed to make a sound of it's own. He managed to stand up, his clothes tattered and bloody and he stumbled into the village. He wasn't sure what happened but he knew it was something bad. He entered his house to see his parents murdered on the floor. Adrian didn't recognize his parents, but could tell the man died protecting the woman. He went to his room and collected his rucksack and a few things before leaving the village, which he deemed to be inhospitable. He did that all in a half daze, not really connected to reality.

He now stumbles through the woods, his wounds barely tended to, still in a daze, unaware that he was attacked by a lycan....

And that's where his story begins.....

So begins...

Adrian DeLeFloria's Story