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Dytto Devereux

"Your bae wishes they could look this good."

0 · 6,764 views · located in California

a character in “Crossroads Academy”, as played by chanelindistress



Full Name
Deanna Chanel Devereux

"Don't really need to explain why I'm called Dytto, my dancing and the history behind that is enough. But my favorite of all the nicknames aside from Dytto is D-Mac. A bunch of guys and I along with a few girls were hanging out after a video game session, and because I can eat like a football player, I ordered two big macs, a medium fry and a sweet tea. And I crushed that shit. I don't go to McDonalds all the time, but when I do, best believe that I get a Big Mac, regardless of whatever the rest of the order is. So, the nickname just kinda stuck."
Dytto {Most common; everyone; also her host name and moniker} || Dee, Double Dee, or D-Mac {Common; mostly by good friends and fellow cheerleaders}


Date of Birth
July 30

Astrological Sign

Sexual Orientation
"Funny story - my step-sister thinks I'd molest her ass in her sleep. Biiiiihhhh, please! But I do like girls. And guys. I like people - as long as you're a person, my damn-dat-ass-is-fine radar will be going off."

Relationship Status
"Shame me all you want, but I don't normally do relationships. I can admit it, I'm a possessive bitch and the second I claim you're mine, that's it. Period, point blank - mine. And since I'm not...comfortable with feeling that way, I make sure that I don't have to. Not like I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend - had one guy during middle school that honestly should not count, and I've dated two girls outside of school. Just not my cup of tea. I do sex, though, and I fucking love it. No strings attached, no need to get all attached and ish. Though...well, it's not like I haven't been looking."

Grade Level

"I may be on the cheer team, but I've been at Crossroads since the beginning and I'll always ride hard for the Artists. Honestly, for the B level as a whole. We're literally the fucking coolest kids in the school."

Scholarship or Not?
"As much as I respect Bernard and appreciate what he does do for me, I came to this school a scholarship student and call it my stubborn streak, but I refused to let some rich mofo think he was coming in and saving me with his billions. I have worked for and to maintain this scholarship and I bear that title proudly."


125 lbs

Body Shape
"Gotta appreciate these Italian and French genes. I'm not the curviest chick on the block, but I've got bigger boobs than my step-sister and I have a small, but perky bubble butt. I can appreciate that."

Eye Color
Electric blue

Skin Tone
Creamy and fair

Hair: Color || Type || Length
"My own favorite feature, as if all of me isn't just gorgeous. I love my hair, specifically my curls. Couldn't tame them for shit when I was younger but now? My hair is probably my favorite accessory. It'll take me a gazillion years, but I'll straighten it and last I checked, my hair fell to the middle of my back. A bit proud of that growth and with the products Bernard bought me, my hair is crazy soft and I'm in love."
Long and naturally curly, Dytto's chestnut brown mane is a never-ending and can't-be-tamed mass of thick, lustrous curls. On most days, she leaves her hair as is, the curls small and defined, but it's volume only being slightly contained by the snapback or hair-tie she just so happened to place in it that morning. However, upon straightened, her hair follows the smooth line of her back in a sleek waterfall of nothing but brown silk. It just so happens that that is typically too much work for her and she would prefer leaving her hair in its natural state.

Tattoos? Piercings? Distinguishing Marks?
"Call me a bitch, if you will, but the only piercings I have right now are the ones in my ears from when I was a baby and my nose stud. Not gangster enough for a tattoo. But I do have a few freckles along my back that my mom said is some stupid constellation, but whatever. There's also a few freckles on my shoulders, but a light sprinkle on my face around my nose and under my eyes when I don't have on makeup. I only wear a little makeup to begin with, but those freckles are so light that they're easily covered."

Fashion Sense
Indeed, her favorite color may be pink and she may be more accustomed now to more expensive brands of clothing, but Dytto will never be a girly girl and that sometimes reflects in her outfit choices. It probably didn't help her cause back in the day when people would comment on her having no curves or not being that cute considering the fact that Dytto's style had always been urban and tomboyish. It still is, to be quite honest. She has also just learned to be a bit more feminine in her outfits. While she has a deep love for jeans and Doc Martens or Timberlands, her Timbs might very well have a heel to them and she has a deeper love for crop tops now. She keeps her nails on point as long as they don't interfere with her cheer routines. Her curls are more defined and less frizzy. A constant will forever be her snapbacks. There are times when Dytto might seem girlier than the day before, but trust and believe the urban tomboy style is reminiscent in her every day ensemble. She has just learned - due to an increase in her confidence and sense of self - to add a bit of a fem charm that does not compromise her comfortable wear.

Overall Attractiveness
"I may like to hang with the boys, but I'm cute as fuck and no one can tell me otherwise. Not when your boyfriend's been staring at my chest for the last five minutes. I mean, you have too, but I didn't wanna call you out or anything."

Good Personality Traits
Sassy Outspoken Intelligent Down-to-Earth Honest Fearless Compassionate Independent Fierce Competitive

Bad Personality Traits
Vain Flirtatious Blunt Headstrong Rebellious Impulsive Stubborn Emotionally-Guarded Possessive

Dytto had always been a bit of a force to be reckoned with, even as a child. It was one of the reasons why her mother and step-father purchased the home that they did; they needed something that would be luxurious enough to garner attention, but also something that would keep Dytto active. Not that it kept her grounded or at home because if you asked anyone, Dytto is a bit of a wild child. It fits the image she has constructed just before high school. After years of physical and emotional abuse by her peers in elementary and part of middle school, Dytto hardened the sweet girl she was before - the Deanna inside - and molded herself into a smart-mouthed, tough, flirty, and competitive badass that takes no shit from anyone. She has the capacity to be a leader, that much a lot of people know. Her fellow cheerleaders have acknowledged this the most. After all, Dytto would never be considered a follower. She's too unwilling to adhere to anyone else's rules other than her own. Granted, Dytto knows the rules of life and understands she's not the queen of the world. However, since she was a child her mother grilled into her a sense of self-confidence that enables her the ability to not bow down to anyone, no matter how bitchy or high-maintenance they may seem. In fact, she'd probably tell that person off and not give a damn who heard her. After all, who does she have to fear? A lot of the elite girls she knows, particularly like her step-sister, are more catty and willing to spread rumors; the woman Dytto is now will gladly fight with her attitude, vain bravado (since she has to pump up a bit of cockiness to fully embrace her confidence), words and fists if necessary.

Over the years, Dytto went through a development that cultivated a stronger sense of self and confidence. As a child, she had never been allowed to fight the girls and guys who made digs at her and made her middle school years hell, so when she finally had time to herself to get ready for high school, Dytto refused to allow herself to ever be vulnerable. Around the same time of her bullying was her parents' divorce and the discovery of her mother's affair, which solidified Dytto's inability to do romantic relationships. Sex has always easy for her. She can do that. It's never really a walk-of-shame for her. She's not a slut; she doesn't wake up every night with a new guy. That's not in her. But she likes sex and she does it well, and when she finds someone who does as well, why not explore that? They might have great chemistry. She's also the type to simply have fun and chill out, but that can be discussed later. The big thing is that anything deeper than a friends-with-benefits endeavor leaves her wary and even more closed-off. It terrifies her. If the happy marriage she thought she saw with her parents couldn't last and the amount of long-lasting relationships in the world ending, what would make her believe that anyone would ever want that with her? Granted, a good chunk of this stems from being told in middle school that no one would ever truly want her and she's since then forged herself into a bit of a tease - something to be touched, but never cherished. And Dytto contends to this personification of sex and closes herself off when feelings arise, or at least, she tries to. The issue with Dytto is that while she is the one who seems the most open and the easiest to read, she's not. She's far more closed off and sensitive than she allows for people to know.

What ends up surprising most people is the girl Dytto can be once you take away the performing and the defenses - the girl who has actually inspired people despite the image she wants to have. As a girl who has always been book smart and a bit street smart, Dytto's intelligence is typically a surprise, but not as much as her compassion and her ability to care. She doesn't spend unnecessary money. Sure, she does shop every now and then; she will gladly admit that girlier side of her. She's also one who could do movie nights and play video games with the guys, and have low-key hang-out sessions with friends. She's the one who will shake her ass in the middle of her choreography on stage, but will also gladly stick up for another student who is bullied under the guise that watching them quiver their lips like a little bitch is annoying. She is the one who looks out for her family, even when they don't believe that she is or that she even cares about them, and will gladly cut a bitch off if they come off for someone she cares about. While it is rare for her to be vulnerable around people unless they are closer friends, and even rare during those times, she is still loyal. Even if someone calls her a slut or even a bit of a bitch, the one thing they can say is that she does have her priorities and as they always have been, close friends and family are her number one priorities. Them and having fun.


Greatest Joys in Life
It's probably safe to say that Dytto's greatest joy in life is being able to dance. She's renowned, particularly in Los Angeles but in various scenes around the world, as Dytto, host and model who hosts a music show for World of Dance called The Drop. As a dancer, she displays her unique styles of popping, animation, robotting, tutting, and finger tutting. She has always felt passionate about dancing and she is literally always moving, going so far as finger tutting in class when she's simply bored. Her next greatest joy is honestly having fun and enjoying life. While some people find joy in the superficial, Dytto finds joy in simply being in good company and being young adults. Even if some times her quests for fun are a bit reckless.

Greatest Fears
Dytto is a natural-born and trained dancer - a choreographer. A bright one at that. Her greatest fear would be becoming paralyzed or any physical situation that causes her to be unable to dance. It would literally destroy her. As much as her mother instilled an actual enjoyment of learning, it was her emotional connection to having something that brought her somewhat closer to her estranged father - dance - that is literally her life line. She's already made a career out of it outside of school. If she couldn't dance anymore, Dytto might honestly never find true satisfaction in life and it terrifies her to lose her purpose. Her other greatest fear, even a bit more than losing her mother though that itself is a powerful fear, is not ever being truly wanted. Once high school started and puberty officially decided to bless her just a little, Dytto has been wanted. Dytto is fun and flirtatious and sexy. But Deanna - the sweeter girl she was a few years back - never was, or at least, in her eyes, she never was. And that scares her - the idea that she'll always be wanted for a good time, but never anything more than that.

Dancing | Gymnastics | Pranks | Flirting | Playing video games | Netflix | Kickboxing

Dance | Video games | Hot chocolate | Brownies | Driving with the window down | Competitive cheering | Adrenaline rushes | People who can make her laugh | Kissing | Marvel and DC films | Deadpool | Mathematics | Shopping | Watching sports games | Bacon cheeseburgers | Kickboxing | Winning | Awesome parties | French Toast | Sweet potato fries | Sex | Smoothies | World of Dance

Being underestimated | Bigotry | Losing | The idea of rejection | Bullies | Anyone who lies to themselves that they are better than her | Being lied to | Snow | Sunburns | Cauliflower | Tea | Being vulnerable | Crying in front of others | Country music | Snakes | Dark, enclosed spaces | Entitled people | Her father | Anyone who thinks they can boss her around or tame her

Clubs? Sports?
From the second she entered Crossroads Academy, Dytto was on the dance team. However, once her popularity outside of the school grew exponentially and she became a host on World of Dance, she wanted something different. She was becoming more known and after being bullied during those younger years, she wanted to be stronger. Tougher. And to piss people off - which turned into her joining the cheerleading team. She didn't make captain like a lot of her fellow cheerleaders still want, but Dytto's satisfied with being involved with gymnastics and tumbling again. That makes her dancing better. She's also a member of the National Honor Society and the Anime Club.


Most people tend to think that there was never a moment where Deanna wasn't this outspoken and daring young woman with the sex appeal that would rival some of the greatest icons, but there was definitely a defining moment in her life. And there was also a point that she was just a regular sweet girl with a dream and a naivety to be rivalled with. That was before her mother married Bernard Arnault. Deanna had simply been the daughter of up and coming luxury brand fashion designer, Amelia Devereux, and Millennial Dance Complex instructor, Lorenzo Albertini. Lorenzo's lessons were always jam-packed and a few notable celebrities who had to prepare for dance films or simply attended them raved about him, but the real breadwinner was Amelia. At a young age, Amelia was privy to the mounting tension between her parents. The shouting matches, the thrown dishes, and occasional bruises - she knew all about them. Had witnessed them. Definitely not the healthiest environments to grow up in, but surely school was an escape. She was a smart girl with all of her teachers talking about how well she would be as her educational experience was broadened. She was attending one of the most prestigious and expensive schools on the west coast. And she was miserable. Granted, she was doing more than some of the other rich kids. Deanna's escape from everything - the both sometimes physical but definitely verbal bullying from her peers, her parents' failing marriage, the knowledge that her mother was having an affair, the fact that her father only cared when she had on ballet slippers - was dance. And she was gaining attention for it. She had seen online in various choreographers' routines as one of the youngest on dance teams. She was on an all-star cheer team outside of Crossroads and on a dance team at the complex her father worked at and at Crossroads.

However, she was getting the heaviest critiques, not from Hollywood and those who would late catapult her career, but by the peers she spent a good chunk of her time with. Deanna didn't develop until the ladder part of middle school, so she had always been really skinny. Her lips were too big for her face, same as her eyes, and her curls were Hermione Granger's original mess of a head. She would get bullied constantly, being told that she wasn't particularly pretty and even worse by the richer students who thought her mother's brand would never become anything bigger than it was. That her dancing wasn't going to get her anywhere. There had been one time she was locked in a dark closet for nearly an hour before her claustrophobia caused her to pass out. At the time, her mother didn't see that Deanna was really struggling with the girls and told her to suck it up. They were just jealous and she shouldn't worry. However, the bullying escalated to physical torment and at the same time, her mother's affair was brought to the forefront. Deanna was about ten, her father was leaving with a false promise to always be around, and suddenly she was going to have a new step-father and step-sister.

And Deanna didn't take moving into her new home, despite Bernard's attempts to win her affection with material goods, well. In fact, once she turned thirteen, the little girl who was getting bullied refused to allow anyone to do anything to her anymore. Actually, not even her mother could do anything to her. Deanna would simply throw in her face that her new-found love was nothing but trashy scandal like one of the sitcoms she loved to watch. So, she turned to her dance and embraced the wild side. As she constantly tells everyone, she never shot anything in her blood stream and the most she has ever smoked was weed, but she definitely made a rep for herself as a party girl. Hell, she even threw parties whenever Amelia and Bernard weren't home. At Bernard's insistence (for which Deanna did begin to show a bit of gratefulness) Deanna was allowed to quit the school dance team and distance herself from those whom she has acknowledged now as nothing more than haters, which only enforced her loud lifestyle and allowed her the freedom to dance more outside of the school, and was even trained in kickboxing Of course, she would get grounded, Amelia gave lectures, and Lorenzo (upon Amelia's consistent insistence considering the fact that he flitted in and out of their lives like the summer breeze) called to check in on her and make sure she understood what she was doing, but that was the point - she did know what she was doing. Deanna was choosing not to be the same Deanna that was locked in a closet. Definitely not the one known as the nerdiest of the Artists. And definitely not the one everyone seemed to think they could walk all over. To put it plainly, she became Dytto.

It's not like the change in attitude, not to mention puberty's eventual presents, didn't gain her a few things. For one, Dytto has become a renowned Los Angeles based dancer. She hosts the World of Dance shows every year, models, and has even recently been featured on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Not to mention a few other accolades and mentions from celebrities and dancers alike. She gets to say she makes a bit of her own money and doesn't have to - though she does now that she fully appreciates his assistance - always depend on step-father's hefty allowances. Come high school, Dytto was a popular artist of Crossroads. She still threw parties and guys and girls alike give double takes at the sight of her plump, luscious lips and curves. Some are even intimidated by her. With the cheer team and even some of the dancers who used to have shit to say about her, she's garnered respect and admiration that Dytto eats up. She may have enemies now that she doesn't take anyone's mess, but they understand where she stands. She won't be taken advantage of. She has gained confidence. But it also cost her her ability to be that sweet girl that her closer friends would know her as. Dytto may seem energetic and ready for fun, but there was a gentleness in her that she now hides behind blunt bravado and nonchalant protectiveness. It cost her the ability to allow herself to be vulnerable enough to have meaningful relationships and to see that not everyone wants her to have sex. It cost her the ability to love without feeling like someone was going to take that love for advantage or not want her - all of her. It cost her a bit of being herself more, even if Dytto won't admit that to anyone.

Girl2Fine2, but you can call me Nelle or Nellie

Face Claim
Dytto, AKA, Courtney Kelly

Bedroom B
*Ignore the Kylie Jenner in the pic as I could find no pictures of the bedroom without her in it. Ignore any pets as well.*

So begins...

Dytto Devereux's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington
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Esperanza sighed, closing her bag up. She wasn't in the mood for any more packing. She knew that this was a mistake, and she wanted to just disappear. Even the Palm Springs trailer park sounded like a better place than this room. She pursed her lips, tapping her foot anxiously. The lack of response from her best friend scared her. She knew she was done for. The life that she had built to hide everything was gone, and it was the damn party from her junior year's fault. If she hadn't have made out with that girl, Jenna wasn't it? She wouldn't have to deal with the problem she had now. But perhaps it was time for Esper to show her true colors. She glanced at her phone, not even caring anymore about who texted her. "Good, I really don't need any tears to be shed, because then I'm gonna cry," the girl huffed. She chuckled dryly, turning around to look out the window and wipe the single tear that was beginning to form on her visage."I only cry when I'm drunk, at least that's what I'm told," she responded, almost sniffling. She kind of wished that the barbecue would start soon because then she could actually get her mind off things by doing her favorite things, making people feel bad about themselves.

Esperanza made a gagging noise at London's plea. This bitch could not be serious. She dramatically turned around, hair flipping as she pivoted. A scowl formed on her facial features. ["Seriously, fuck you London. I just told you my biggest secret and hinted about a sort of crush and now you're on my ass about it? No me gusta!" she said in an annoyed manner. Her dark orbs rolled as she tried to come up with an excuse. "You know I don't do feelings, like I'm a cold hearted bitch. I don't even know how I really feel. This could be like some sort of innocent school girl crush that will go away once I meet the 'woman of my dreams,'" she continued. She flung her arms around dramatically. A smile finally came onto her face. London somehow could cheer Esper up even when she was in the bitchiest mood. The woman truly was a queen. "What's in it for me?" she said in a mock three year old voice. The childish side of Esper was showing. Her eyes darted around the room, thinking there was a clock on the wall. "On a serious note, what time is it? And when's the barbecue going to start? I'm craving some ribs. Or perhaps a big ass burger. I need a really good quality meal after I've been eating shitty camping food."

She snatched the phone next to her and began responding to her texts. Esper wasn't one to leave messages unread forever. She was one of those people who responded to her texts faster than a normal human being. It was almost like she had no friends, but she had lots of friends. Way more than those nerds and other outcasts.

To Dytto:
Whatever. I might come over to your dorm when I'm done unpacking. Gotta see my other friends before the barbecue.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen
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0.00 INK


Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room B || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

Frederick shared Nathan's soft smile. He and Nathan were not best friends per say, but they were friendly towards each other. There was not need for them to hate each other. Frederick was always nice to everyone he met and Nathan seemed way nicer than what was on the surface. And they both shared a mutual friend. Dytto. So their friendliness was more than enough. Nathan left the room and Dytto's door was shut.

The nerd sat and grabbed the controller that he imagined was used by Nathan before he left. "I want the Cheeze-its." He told her. Freddy was not a big fan of snacks, but it was a long car ride from his home to Crossroads. After unpacking he played a hand held game. He does not really remember the last time he ate real food. Probably before he left. But this snack was highly necessary. Then he could have the feast of a king at the barbeque. "I have been practicing different gaming techniques all summer. There is no way you could beat me."

Frederick worked for a good portion of the summer. Unlike his good friends Natalya and Dytto, he did not have a lot of money. He gets buy by working over the summer and stocking up his bank account. His parents do send him money every now and then, but for the most part he is on his own. When he wasn't working, he was playing video games. He was getting better than usual. And he was determined to beat Dytto. "Hey. Where is Natalya?" he asked curiously. She had texted him earlier, but he has not seen or heard from her since.

Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room A || Mood: Slightly Irritated || Outfit: XX

Farrah had completely forgotten about her neighbors and most of her problems. That is usually what happens when she is dancing. It makes her feel better about life. It also makes her forget about issues that she should not be worried about. Like living next door to Dytto. Or Nathan and Esper being best friends with Dytto. Those are problems that she will just need to get over. Farrah was half expecting for the brunette to bang on the wall and tell her to shut up. Of course the dancer would not listen and probable instigate a fight. There was a chime and she took a quick break from the dancing. Message from Esper, Will, and Liam.

To: Esper
I think you are right. Anyway. I will see you at the barbeque?

To: Soccer
I am not helping you move in. Get Liam to do it. And I will see you at the barbeque.

To: Liam
The streak will end today. Gotta see my favorite royal.

Farrah had managed to keep in contact with William all summer. He is the only person that knows about her relationship status with Nathan. She trusted him to keep the secret to his grave. Or at least until she felt like it was okay to tell people. Honestly, Farrah has no idea when. The dancer turned the music up and returned to dancing her heart out. No one needs her right now so she does not plan on stopping anytime soon.

She was so lost in her dance that she did not even notice who walked in. It wasn't until they made eye contact that she realized Nathan actually came to her room. Farrah stopped dancing immediately and smiled brightly. She turned the music down just a tad. She did not want Dytto to hear them still. "I was." She responded, walking closer to him. "Did Miss Dee send you over to get me to turn my music down?" Farrah's voice was dripping with some hatred, but she kept her voice playful. It was her boyfriend's best friend after all. "Because if that is the case, I suddenly feel the urge to turn the volume all the way until my speaker burst."


Location: Chase Hall, Floor 2B, Room C || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

The driver settled all of William's things in his room and then waited to be dismissed. The soon to be duke did not even noticed that the older man was just standing at the doorway. Will had decided to admire the view. He got the beach front which was nice. Maybe his friends would want to go to the beach this weekend. That would be a great get together. He will bring it up to Liam and see what he thinks. He might have plans already for a reunion party. Or maybe Farrah. He will just have to find out. "Sir?' Will turned around to see and impatient driver. "Oh. Thank you. I can take it from here." He said, a bright smile on his face. The driver nodded and swiftly exited. Before unpacking, William checked his phone.

To: Dancer
Fine. I will see you soon.

To: Liam
Or you could help me move in like a good friend would. Farrah told me to ask you since she does not feel obligate to help.

Setting the phone down, William started unpacking the simple things, like his clothes. His father had arranged for the extras to be here for him when he arrived. There was a tv that needed setting up and some other things that needed assembling. He did not feel like dealing with all of that by himself. He was hoping one of his friends would be kind of do that for him. Speaking of friends, Natalya came to mind.

They have been talking pretty much all summer and he started to like her, as a friend. He has not heard from her since he has landed. Will decided to shoot her a quick text message to make sure that she was okay.

To: Russian
Are you moved into Crossroads yet?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen
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0.00 INK

Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room A

What He's Wearing

Dialogue Color #B6B6B4 | Thought Color #2B1B17


Nathan's smirk, and he would deny it vehemently if anyone other than the dance team co-captain called him on it, morphed into a much softer smile the second his eyes met with Farrah's. In the beginning of their relationship, you wouldn't have caught such an expression on his face. He had guarded himself in the beginning and yet, somehow, this one girl managed to soften the edges he swore were too rough to be smoothed out. It still freaked him out, to be quite honest. He was just good at not showing it until he was alone - away from Dytto and the others, away from her.

But he didn't have time to delve into such a depressing train of thought because Farrah's smile was radiant and she was within reach. Nathan didn't hesitate to place his hands on her trim waist, fingers clutching her curvy hips as he pulled his girlfriend - really should not get such a damn kick out of being able to say that in his head when he couldn't say it out loud - much closer. "Actually, Miss Smarty Pants, she told me not to even bother, for your information," he retorted, amused at the animosity between the two girls. It was actually unfounded and hardly had much of a cause. They were just two competitive artists who happened to both be close to him in different ways. Neither of them had much of an actual reason to hate each other so passionately and they all were. "I missed you," came the absolutely unguarded blurt that had heat rushing to Nate's cheeks the second the words fell from his mouth. But he couldn't bring himself to take them back because...well, one, he was a man of his words. Two, he wasn't about to ruin his own street cred - even in public to stutter over some...sappy dialogue.

What he could do, however - and did - was lean down and kiss the girl in his arms. Wasn't like anyone else was going to see him being the sap that he was. Not even your own best friend, a traitorous voice in his head chimed in, but he adamantly refused to acknowledge it.

Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room B

Her Look

Dialogue Color #C8A2C8 | Thought Color #785278


Dytto's grin never faltered as Fred made himself comfortable in her room and laughing lightly at him, she pulled the box of Cheeze-its she had stashed on the second off-white chair and handed it to him. "Have at 'em!" As her friend proceeded to dig in, Dytto pulled her phone back out to her face, wondering only for a brief moment if Farrah was laying it on Nathan for interrupting her or if she was simply ignoring him since music was still playing. However, the texts she received both from Liam and Esperanza gave her pause. They both made her inquisitive and Dytto hated when she wasn't at least...partially in the know about things.

With Esperanza came, and inquisitiveness probably wasn't the correct term, an anxiety that Dytto could feel in her gut. A - and she hated the cliche phrase, but damn it if it didn't fit! - swam of butterflies were throwing a bitch fit in her stomach. Her flight-or-fight instincts on overdrive. Some part of her yearned to see those moments when Esperanza wasn't trying to put on some dramatic, abrasive show but smiling softer, being less harsh - being someone who honestly made Dytto smile. Like, really smile. The other part, the inquisitive, wondered about their future interactions. Now with Jon-Jon outta the way, she thought before instantly trying to find some part of her that regretted thinking it. But she couldn't. Shouldn't she feel bad that she thought one of the guys that she believed to be her friend had been in the way? Probably...but also, in the way of what, exactly? She had already decided - remained ever resolute - on not touching Esperanza. Not even looking at her too...too not like she's not supposed to. Right?

And with Liam came...wariness. Whenever they text one another, it was always teasing, sometimes taunting. Always - or at least, most of the time - flirty, seductive. Seeing who could get under the other's skin faster. It wasn't like Liam was a potential...anything more; Dytto hadn't even considered it and maybe yet needed to be added to that, but at the moment, she was very secure in admitting that she honestly was using him - as much as he was using her - for sex. Good sex. Great sex. Sex that had her more worn out than a cheer routine in the middle of a championship competition. Sex that had her ready to smoke a cigarette after a glass of wine and she neither drank wine nor smoked cigarettes. Barely even smoked weed - but the picture was clear. They provided each other pleasure. Which was why she had to eye her phone for a hot second, a suspicious eyebrow rose. What did this boy want from her now? And why did she have to actually consider whatever the fuck was on his mind, especially if such phrasing suggested she probably wasn't gonna be happy about it? Was it not enough that she rode him like a '63 only over 48 hours ago? The worst part of it was that she wouldn't even be surprised if it was a sexual thing, to be quite honest. It was her own fault, she eventually reasoned, as she typed out her responses before focusing on her current guest.

With great sexual prowess comes great burdens, after all.

To: Liam
As long as u dont ask 4 no 3sums w/ animals. #nevergonnahappen

To: Esper
Baby, wont u come my waaaaaaaaaayyyyy <3

She chuckled at Fred before chucking her long, red plaid vest off and onto the floor, before proceeding to crawl towards the game station on the television stand where she kept her collection of video games. "Talk is cheap, hot shot," she shot at Fred with a daring grin before gesturing towards the neat row of games. "Future loser's pick. And Nat should be on her way, but lemme check. Has to make you feel better after I whoop dat ass." It was all in good joking and she was always teasing when it came to Fred, even if she honestly thought he was the better gamer. He had skill and Dytto could admit it: she only had luck. Good luck, but luck nonetheless.

To: Black Widow
U here yet??


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Katherine thought that she could get away with actually just meeting London and Esperanza at the barbecue in a little while, but only a few minutes after leaving the girl in Esper's room, her bedroom door opened, and in came London. Normally, Katherine was very social. She enjoyed talking and hearing her own voice, and having people to converse with. That was especially true when it came to London, and should have been confirmed to an even greater extent today, since she had went a while during the summer without even seeing her blonde partner in crime. After the morning she had though, all she wanted to do was curl up in bed and go to sleep. Well, she wanted to curl up in a bed that was located in a different room and go to sleep. Even with all of her things arranged in this room, her refusal to allow herself to feel at home made it impossible for her to feel comfortable in the bedroom. In her mind, that just translated to its "aura being off" and resulted in her sending a text message to her father, claiming that she was going to fail all of her classes that year, against her own will, because the vibes of the room were already working against her. Deanna's rude response deserved a comeback as well, but Katherine was stumped on what to respond with. That was always her issue with Dytto. The girl had a quick wit to her that Katherine just didn't possess, and she hated knowing that her stepsister could one up her. That was another reason for why text-fighting was easier, because it gave Kat time to think about her responses, unlike face to face fights where she was deemed a moron if she couldn't come up with a comeback in a millisecond like Dytto always could.

Eventually, and just before London had come in, she responded saying, "You're literally so rude. I don't understand why you won't give me my room back when I asked you so nicely in the beginning." Trying to flip the situation to make herself seem like the victim was a typical card Kat pulled, and calling the room hers, and acting as if Dytto had actually taken it from her, was something that wasn't new to this conversation that was probably getting very old for everyone at this point. She just couldn't give it up yet, though. Not to Dytto, and especially not to Dytto when she still possessed the taunting attitude that her mother had told her to lose. Just as London walked in, she decided to follow that text up with another lie, in her last ditch attempt at convincing her stepsister to swap with her.

To: Deanna
If you don't switch with me I'm moving off campus and you're going to have to drive home every morning to pick me up and then drive home after classes to drop me off too

She was going to respond to Liam with a dismissive respose, but the second London walked in, she set her phone down. It probably would have been better and easier to just tell London that Liam was reaching out to her, and brush it off as if he were a disgusting pig, but for some reason, she opted against mentioning it. When London entered, she set her phone down on the table beside her bed and stepped towards her closet, but didn't enter it like she wanted to do, because London was already addressing her. Of course, like the rest of the world, she had clearly sided with Kat's step-family on the bedroom issue. So typical. If it were anyone other than London, Katherine would have told them to shut up because they didn't understand, but she kept herself composed because she knew better than to snap on London like that. Not when she knew that the blonde was right, and her energy probably was bringing down the first-day-mood. It was impossible to be happy knowing that she wasn't getting her way, though. "Fine, but I'm going to have to spend every weekend in Beverly Hills if I want to survive this year. I'm not living in this room for any longer than I have to," she said, a frown radiating the defeat she was feeling, though she knew that regardless of her admitting defeat verbally, she would still press the issue with her stepsister. "Aren't you going to Natalya's stupid party tomorrow? I'm not going, especially since I know I have to go home for the weekends now. I'd rather be in Beverly Hills than at another one of her dumb parties anyway."

She had waited to respond to London's reference to Esperanza until the end, because she knew that it partly wasn't true, and that if Esper had said that, she was lying to appease London, and also because even if Esper was going to be nice, Kat knew it wasn't going to be enough to make living in this room doable. "And I've been nice to her since day one, so like, yeah, I'll keep being nice to her. She's just always so rude to me for no reason, but I'll try to be the bigger person if that's what you're asking," she explained in a voice that was innocent as she could muster up. She stepped further into her closet then, hoping that could be the end of the conversation. "And I just found out that Deanna made a sex tape with Liam, and she basically offered to show me it, so you better watch your back in that room too. Like, I'm telling you, she's a freak. She might put cameras in the shower or something. Like, I guarantee that the only reason why she won't switch with me is because she wants to hook up with you. She's seriously that weird," she said plainly as she began to look through her clothes. The "sex tape" remark was a typical exaggeration for Katherine, where she would take something, such as Dytto saying she had a picture of her and Liam, and stretch it to a remarkable length into a completely different story.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: William Richardson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Flighty


"Let's keep an open mind here, alright?"
It didn't take very long for Dytto to answer his text, but it felt like forever since he was staring at his phone. Even Will and Farah's texts popping up in between, and distracting him for a few seconds as he typed out a response didn't make the wait time for Dytto's text seem much shorter. London's was more important, but he didn't allow himself to acknowledge that, and opted to push her buttons instead. William and Farrah were both good friends, so their texts kept him engrossed for a second, but they didn't compare to what he wanted from Dytto, and it was probably more telling than coincidental that she wasn't too far off with her guess at what he wanted.

To: London

To: William
Yeah yeah alright I guess I'll do my good deed of the day. What room are you in?

To: Farrah
Smh, I'm hearing that you're not just lazy with me, but too lazy to even help Will move in? Got enough energy to run a dance team but not help out your friends? Wowwwww Farrah. Thought you would be better than that

To: Dytto
As long as your stepsister doesn't count as an animal, my request should be valid.

From what he knew of Dytto's relationship with Katherine, he guessed that she probably fell just as low as an animal on Dytto's list of potential threesome mates, but Liam wasn't going to take no as an answer on this one. He hadn't kept his desire to add Katherine to his list of conquests a secret from many of his guy friends, and he might have even told Dytto too, though he wasn't sure, since he was also aware that bringing that up would probably take a good shot at her libido, and whenever he was with her, they were usually too busy to actually talk much anyway. He doubted Kat would be better in bed than her stepsister, and he definitely wasn't looking to lose the latter to the former, but if anyone could somehow convince both of them to get into bed together, it was Liam. Or at least he thought so. And really, what guy could blame him for fantasizing over that? Katherine and Dytto were both beyond hot, and both cool. Them not being blood-related didn't make it weird or incestual, and call him weird for it, but knowing that the two of them didn't get along made him crave it even more. The fact that Kat just so happened to be London's best friend, and sleeping with her would somehow make him feel like he were making London jealous, helped in his desire there too.

To: Dytto
Come on, consider it. You already got to live out your fantasy by just getting to see me naked. Now let me FINALLY get an ounce of pleasure out of all of this.

He didn't let her reject the idea right away, at least not until after he sent that followup text. Knowing that William still wasn't on campus yet, he allowed himself a few more minutes of relaxation time in his room and collapsed onto his bed, kicking his shoes off and waiting for one of the three to answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK


Location: Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room B || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

Dytto told him to have at the snacks and Frederick immediately dived in. Putting the controller down, he grabbed the box of Cheeze-its and started eating. His hunger made the cheesy snack taste so much better than it really was. He was grateful to his friend for letting him devour anything he wants. There was a reason that he kept her around. Besides the fact that she was an amazing person in general. He was barely paying attention to what she was doing as he was stuffing his face with the cheesy goodness. "She really needs to be here to make you feel better after I destroy you."

Their competitive conversations is pretty much how they always talked to each other when it came to video games. It was friendly and completely innocent. Frederick rolled his eyes and glanced over all of the games she had. She had a lot. From that were a couple years old and some that had just come out. Clearly someone had recently gone video game shopping. Freddy put the snack box down and wiped his hands. "Lets start with something simple. Just to make sure that your skills didn't go to shit over the summer" He teased. "Call of Duty. World at War."

He waited silently for a moment as Dytto set up the game. "Hey did you hear that Jonnie isn't coming to school this year?" He did not think it was a much a huge deal, but he was just passing along rumors he has heard.

Location: Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room A || Mood: Loving || Outfit: XX

Farrah's smile did not falter as she allowed the sarcasm to drip from her speech. She loved the fact that she could be this sarcastic with Nathan and continue to feel this happy around him. He brought her so much joy that she felt like her heart was going to explode. But she was keeping herself together, like Nate was. Besides the fact that they were grinning at each other like a couple of hyena's. She allowed for her boyfriend to pull her close, happy to be back in his arms. Slowly, she loosely wrapped her arms around his neck as he told her what Dytto said.

At least she knew better than to send someone to get Farrah to do anything. It would never end well for Dytto or whoever she was sending. If the dancer wanted to blast loud music then she would. The only way Dytto could ever do anything about it would be to storm in here and smash her speakers. But if that happened, Farrah would end her life. Nathan quickly pulled her from her thoughts with an 'I miss you'. It was so sweet sounding. Any hostility she had a moment ago, quickly disappeared.

No one would ever know, how they truly were when they were alone like this. No one else mattered. They could be sappy, sarcastic, loving, and kind. There is not one person she could ever imagine be this way for. Which is a scary thought. Farrah did not date much. This was her first real boyfriend and she already could not get enough of him. Before she could respond to Nathan, he did what most boyfriends would do when they were alone with their girlfriends. There kiss was not long, but it meant everything.

The dancer pulled away and smiled brightly. "I missed you too, Sap." Though she was teasing, she meant it. She was used to spending most of her time with him, but just moving in alone without seeing him once was saddening. "How much longer do you think we have until the witch next door thinks I killed you?" she asked. She was trying to keep Dytto's name calling down to a minimum for the sake of Nathan, but the next time she had to mention her Farrah will not be as nice.


Location: Chase Hall, Dorm 2B, Room C || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

William got most of his clothes put away, but he was not in the mood to do much else. Farrah had not responded to his text, so he was assuming that she was really busy. Or just did not feel like doing any manual labor. He completely understood and was not going to push for help. Liam on the other hand did not have much of a choice. It was a friends duty to help. IT Liam hadn't moved in so early this morning, Will would have helped him as well. Speak of the devil, it seems like the King does not mind doing some heavy lifting.

To: Liam
I am in Dorm 2B and in Room C

Setting his phone back down, he laid on his bed. It was quite comfortable for a cheap mattress. Crossroads might have a lot of money, but it mostly goes towards academics and extracurriculars. Granted, Liam had been use to sleeping in a specially made mattress back in Westminster. Everything felt cheap to him. He was going to make the most of it. Consistently, each year has just gotten better. He wanted this year to go out with a bang. He was not exactly sure how it was going to happen, but he was more than willing to figure it out.

His mind wandered to London. Not really sure why, but he had not heard much from her either. He wanted to say hi and let her know of his arrival. He is aware that Liam and London are not friends at the moment, but Will had grown to like her. He could not just toss her aside because of the fall out between her and his best friend. So far he has managed to keep from getting in the middle of any fights they might have. The last thing he wants to do is have to pick sides and lose a friend. A King and Queen at war is not good for his mentality or for the kingdom they are supposed to be running. Royal 101.

To: London
Hello Queen. It has been a while since I have heard from you. Are you all moved in?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK

Interacting/Texting With: Holly, Dytto, Fred, Alex, Nate, Esper, Will ||Location: Senior Parking Lot <--> Wright Hall
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

The twenty minute drive to school, while exhilarating, was uneventful. The weather was nice and warm something that, while not necessary since Natalya grew up riding in New York, was definitely pleasant. As she pulled into the senior lot and into an spot Natalya noticed that the first of the trucks drove in the same entrance she had just passed under. "Awesome! I made perfect time." Cutting the engine to her bike, Natalya lowered the centerstand and took off her helmet. Shaking out her hair and setting the helmet down she pulled a mirror out from under the seat. Quickly checking her lip she was glad to see that the injury didn't look as bad as it had that morning. Throwing the mirror back in it's spot, albeit after making sure her makeup wasn't smudged, she jogged out to where the three trucks had stopped, unsure where to park. "Yo, perfect timing." The windows already rolled down the driver of the truck closest to her nodded. "Yup, where do you want these parked?" Natalya quickly looked around the parking lot. Sadly, most of the spots closest to the buildings were filled. The Chase and Wright dorms both shared a parking lot that was currently filled with people rushing to finish unpacking. Looking at her watch Natalya sighed, 11:25, glancing around again she waved her hand to the left, to a large amount of parking spots left empty cause they were so far from the building. "There. It might be a bit of a walk but it'll be easier if they're all together. Make sure they're all side by side. You guys have the box right?" One of the other guys in a different truck called out a yes and Natalya smiled, leaning back to see the large box strapped down in the bed of the truck. 'Wonderful.' "Make sure you take it out and set it down gently. You guys all brought drinks and shit like I told you right? You're gonna be here at least another hour and you might have to drive them someplace else." The man who had spoken before waved off her questions. "Don't worry I got us covered. Go get your friends."

As the trucks drove off Natalya set out towards Wright Hall. She had arrived at exactly at 9am earlier and 5 of her cousins guys had been there to help her move in. With so many people it had taken a bit longer than the usual 45 minutes but it wasn't that big of a deal. While she had been there she had left Esper's two gifts, the two sets of keys and the card she got for London in her room. She wasn't really that close to the girl but she had gotten her something for two reasons. The first, while not that important, were how it would look to others. Natalya's gifts, after freshman and sophomore year, became legendary and tons of people gossiped about it every year. Most likely London would be there for the unveiling of the gifts, as she had been sophomore year, being a friend of Esper's and Natalya didn't have to imagine how it looked that she didn't give the Queen Bee a present. The second, and most important in Natalya's book, was that the girl had never been anything but friendly to her. Despite her status whenever Natalya was around the Queen Bee all she got was kindness, whether this was out of fear of Natalya or respect for Esper she didn't know but she appreciated it. She had also felt horrible giving presents to all of her friends and leaving London out so that had a bit of play in it too.

As she burst out of the elevator one of the first people she spotted was Holly and she smiled. The supervisor was walking out of the dorm across the hall from Natalya's and was talking with a younger student but that didn't stop her. "Holly! It's wonderful to see you." Natalya went over and pulled the woman into a hug, promptly ignoring the startled looking freshman. Her freshman year she had been extremely wary of the woman but after coming back from a fight and only getting a worried/disapproving response she seemed to relax around her. Holly smiled and hugged Natalya back. "Hey Sweetie, it's great to see you back!" Pulling away Natalya spoke quickly, obviously excited. "I know this is sudden but I need a favor. I need you to get three buckets of water down to the parking lot asap. I know it's short notice but it's for Dytto's birthday present. I couldn't wait till friday night so I brought them here!" Holly laughed but then sighed, a regretful look on her face. "I would love to help but I still have to help some of the girls moved in on the third floor. If you still need me, I should be free in thirty minutes or so." Natalya sighed and shook her head. "No, I have to do it right away. The guys who drove over here with the... Presents, wouldn't be happy to have to wait that much longer." Natalya caught herself, almost slipping up and giving a hint to the presents when people were around. "Anyways I gotta rush! See you later! Giving the woman another quick hug Natalya looked around and spotted three girls she knew, both sophomores. As she quickly explained to them what she needed done and where to find the buckets her phone chimed and she pulled it out, not even pausing in her explanation. 'Holy shit, everyone's messaged me...' After thanking the girls at least three times she shot out some texts.

To: Fred
Psh, I moved in at 9 am sharp. Guess what's coming early this year? You better be with Dytto and Nate.

To: Nate
You better not have left Dytto's room. I have plans set up. -.- <3

To: D-Mac
Don't leave your room. I'll come get you and the boys in 10.

To: Crazy Bitch <3
I'm coming to grab you. Presents are happening today in 15 minutes. London's included if she's with you.

Yo, you alive?

To: British Tea
That was set hours ago. I'll help you move in if you meet me in the parking lot in 15. Don't be late, the Queen wouldn't approve.

Natalya chuckled at her last message and headed towards her room. While Will was only a normal boy from England she always loved to tease him, though truly many of their summer talks had been her quizzing him on British culture. 'At least talking to him is never boring.' The two trips down in the elevator and across the parking lot to leave the rest of the gifts with the guys took exactly 10 minutes as she expected. Arriving back on the second floor of Wright hall Natalya quickly ran to Dytto's door and bangs on it three times, hard, before throwing it open. "Hurry up and get your asses downstairs! I'll go get Esper and meet you at the elevator!!!" Without waiting for an answer Natalya shot across the hallway, dodging around other people as she went. It was surprising how fast she could move in heel but then, she was probably the only girl who's dad made her do combat training in heels 'just in case'. Banging on Esper's door just as hard she flung it open, her excitement showing on her face. Even as she started to speak she looked around the room to see if London was there. "Come on! Time to go!!!" While Natalya could be one of the most cold-hearted, bitchiest people you will ever meet she could be a kind and generous person. She loved giving presents, she loved the looks of shock, sometimes horror, and happiness that people got when face with a truly heartfelt, meaningful gift. And Natalya, as her friends knew, didn't know how to NOT spend absurd amounts of money on gifts. Her family tradition was literally to try and outspend/gift each other, going so far that they had made it a game that they literally had scorecards for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Esperanza wanted to say something as London left, but nothing could come out of her mouth. She bit her lip, looking over at one of the bags near her suitcase. Now that no one was here, no one could judge her over obsession. Esper was a a huge fan of vinyls. She loved collecting them and then playing them when she was a sad little Latina. Somehow she got her hands on several good ones this summer, and she couldn't wait to hear how they sounded. She opened the reusable Trader Joes bag and pulled out a sleek black box. She turned around and stepped towards the dresser, placing it down by her laptop that she had unpacked earlier. Looking around for an empty plug, she bent down and jammed the black cord into the plug. She grinned as she pulled back out from under the desk. Her hands began rummaging through the bag for her vinyls. She delicately grabbed the five new vinyls and placed them by her other collection.

She smiled in approval as she had finally finished unpacking. She did a little happy tour jete and landed just by the closet, banging her head. "Ow Jesus fuck!" This was the second time that Esper had been clumsy today and that was totally uncool in her book. Esperanza Ramos was supposed to be a graceful dancer and cheerleader, not a clumsy gay. Well now that she was sort of out of the closet, she could technically refer to herself as gay. Esper made her way towards her phone, checking the several messages. The one from Russian Barbie made her groan. The girl had made it impossible for her to go to Dytto's now, since she had to go help her with the presents or whatever. Maybe, just maybe this was a good thing. Then she could keep her hands to herself, not look like a stammering idiot in front of the nerds that she probably had in her room. She inhaled sharply as she began to respond to the messages.

To Russian Barbie:
Girl, you cannot be serious. Presents so soon? I'll have my ass ready when you come.

To Dytto:
Change of plans, Russian Barbie's going to hand out presents. I'll still see you at the elevator, and you besta believe that I'll be coming your way afterwards.

To Farrah my Babe:
Duh, I think it's time we get you a boyfriend. I'm back to being a matchmaker after I dumped Jonnie's ass. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Just not any of the nerds, okay? Well I mean, maybe one of the nerds if they aren't Fredrick Gains.

Just as she finished the messages, Natalya poked her head in. She nearly fell over in shock. How the hell did that woman get here so fast? Did it take that long for Esper to unpack and marvel over her vinyl collection. "Yeah, yeah. I'll go get London, she's just next door," she commented before slipping out the door. "Oh, and nice to see you again. We'll catch up at the barbecue? I have something to tell you," she gave a faint smile before making her way to Katherine's room. Without knocking, she swung the door open. "Sorry to interrupt. Well actually no, I'm not sorry but that doesn't matter," she announced her presence with a genuine smile on her features. Not the fake one that she forced when Katherine was around. "Natalya's got her presents, since it's probably our last year of getting them. It would suck if you didn't come too London!" She pleaded, acting as if what had happened in their room not too long ago never happened. She looked at Katherine, suddenly putting two and two together. Natalya didn't like Katherine as well, so she probably wouldn't have any gifts for her. "Unless you want to stay with Katherine, that's cool," she shrugged. She looked out the door to where her friend was and smiled softly, "Either way, I'll see you both at the barbecue okay?" She gave a small wave to the pair before taking off. She hated running, but she had to do it all the time to stay in shape for her activities which totally sucked. Esper made her way to the elevator, looking behind her in hopes that the brunette beauty known as Dytto would come out of 2B. She winced at her own thoughts and sighed heavily. This was going to be a long year.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen
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0.00 INK

Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room A

What He's Wearing

Dialogue Color #B6B6B4 | Thought Color #2B1B17


Nathan only grinned down at Farrah's face when their lips parted, tucking a few strands of hair behind her left ear gently. He had to learn to ignore the faces she made whenever Dytto somehow made her way into their conversation. It was always an awkward situation to be placed in, which was the other reason why he was perfectly fine with keeping them a secret for just a bit longer. Dytto might actually kill him.

The other dancer was usually much chiller than that and her carefree, don't-give-an-absolute-fuck-about-anything-that'll-cause-me-drama attitude was renown in their group. Sure, she liked hearing drama from time to time, but if Dytto could help it, she would remove herself from it or dispel it from her mind as quickly as she could so as not to linger on the issue. It was unhealthy just as much as it was healthy, but he doubted she would handle the situation well. Nate remembered their earlier years at Crossroads, Dytto's misery. It had fostered a bit of hatred towards anyone who was involved and, despite the fact that she admitted that Farrah had never touched her nor even acknowledged her back then, her fellow dancer was hated. The abhorrence was strong with this one and it should have been enough to keep Nathan on the frenemies-with-benefits track like he was supposed to. But it gives you such a thrill, should not still be the unspoken truth.

"Probably not long," he answered honestly just in time for his phone to vibrate in his back pocket. Sighing heavily and thinking it was probably Dytto since she had kept going back to her phone all morning back when she helped him check-in, he pulled it out only to see Nat's text. It made him roll his eyes and chuckle quietly before meeting Farrah's eyes once more. "Well. Duty calls. Apparently, I gotta go. Dee's other half just got here," he said and kissed Farrah's forehead gently. He turned to at least reach for the door when he heard heels stomp excited into the apartment from the other side, willing himself to be silent and not move. "Shit," he swore as he heard Natalya's unnecessarily loud and excited voice and her bang against Dytto's door. He waited until he heard those same heels leave just as quickly as they came before glancing over his shoulder at Farrah, "I'll text you after class.", and then hurried out, closing the door quietly behind him.

Wright Hall, Dorm 2B, Room B

Her Look

Dialogue Color #C8A2C8 | Thought Color #785278


Dytto was cracking up at Fred's quick retort, moving to peruse through her collection for Fred's enjoyment but also to get out her second controller. She had earlier only pulled out one game controllers since Outlast was only a one-person game. It made her briefly made her wonder if the creators would change the interface to accommodate more than one, but she quickly shot that down. Having one player was what made it a heart-racing experience. "Uh huh, talk your shit, Gains," she said distractedly and finally found her second controller in the lower cabinet of her television stand. Her phone vibrated on the rug, but she chose to ignore it at the moment. Especially if it was Liam.

"You say something simple and chose Call of Duty?" She exclaimed, dramatizing her skepticism before tsking and shaking her head. "You must really want this ass-whooping." Dytto sorted back through the disk boxes as she had seen the game a second ago and then let out a small exclamation upon finding it again. As she proceeded to restart her game station's system and exchanging the disks, the sound of Fred digging his hand into the paper lined box ceased and his next question came. "Yeah, I did. I didn't kn - " Only a second later and there was a loud banging on her door, which for a second reminded Dytto of Nathan (despite knowing that he knew he could easily walk into her room at any given moment), and then Natalya's voice. Dytto whipped her head in the direction of the door and she rolled her eyes as Natalya decided to rush her. Well, them, since she had also been looking for Fred as well earlier. "This bitch...always tryna' give people heart attacks," she grumbled without actually meaning a thing by it.

Dytto quickly rose to her feet, raking her fingers through her straightened hair and fixing her snapback so that it was no longer backwards on her head. She had flipped it in the middle of watching Nate play - who, by the way, was taking too damn long and she wouldn't be surprised if Farrah had pissed him while acquiescing to his demands for quieter music since there was literally silence from the wall now. As she slipped her feet back into her black Aquazurra sandals (they were heels, for some reason, most people called them sandals and Dytto really didn't feel like arguing about it) and picked up her red vest, she also grabbed her phone and glanced at Fred. "Rain check on your ass kicking. We've been summoned," she told him on a playful wink and pulled her red vest back on, allowing it to fall freely down to her ankles. She glanced back down at her phone to see messages from Liam, Esperanza and Katherine. Two made her roll her eyes; only one made her smile. And aren't you turning into a sappy ass bitch, some part of her brain taunted and Dytto chose to ignore it, grabbed a hold of Fred's arm while reaching for her set of dorm keys, and then heading out of her dorm to see Nate standing in the hallway. Her head tilted to the side for a moment before Dytto closed her door behind them, locking it.

"You just leaving her room," she questioned sardonically, suspiciously, as she continued to walk past him so that Nate and Fred could follow. A scent hit her as she passed him and Dytto wrinkled her nose ponderingly "No, just coming back from the bathroom," he lied without falter, nodding to Fred again, and proceeded to follow the brunette as she appeared to be typing on her cell. "Smelling like you've been dumped in a trashcan filled with nothing but perfume?" Was her next inquiry and not one to usually stumble at the face of Dytto's quick fire questions, Nate responded with "Not my fault that apparently, you live with a lot of girls who flooded your damn bathroom with this shit." His Brooklyn accent became much clearer in his defense of himself and Nate didn't have to see Dytto's face to know that she either didn't trust him or didn't care. So, he turned his attention to Fred. "What's up with her? You kick her ass or something?" Dytto hated losing, but she also wasn't taking Nathan's bait either. And he still couldn't see her face. Her hair fell like a curtain of chestnut silk as she punched out a few responses on her phone, her heels click-clacking against the white linoleum floor.

To: Esper
Can't wait

To: Liam
1, ew. 2, ew. And 3, the difference between animals & Kat is dat 1 of dem is cute. And it damn sure ain't her

To: Katherine
Try again

It didn't take long to reach the elevator and when she did, a small smirk was on Dytto's face because she was taking in both her best friend and Esper. Though, her gaze was mostly on the cheerleader and Dytto ran her fingers through her hair, twisting her fingers on a few strands as she eyed Esperanza surreptitiously. After all, she said she wouldn't touch. Said nothing about not looking. Nate had to laugh to himself, just a bit and quietly, at that. He knew all about Dytto's little "innocent" crush on Esperanza and always found it interesting with the two interacted. Dytto was good at being cool and detached, just not when this one was around. "This better be a bomb ass present for you to be banging on people's doors like you've lost your mind," Dytto stated distractedly, flitting her gaze to Natalya with a warm smile, before her gaze returned to Esperanza. Who honestly shouldn't show that much long. Like, honestly - that's not fair. How was Dytto not supposed to envision getting her hands all over that smooth, tanned, untouchable skin. Honestly, unfair and unjust torture. "Hey, gorgeous. Don't you look all tanned and glorious!" She greeted her, dragging her eyes up to meet Esperanza's, her tongue peeking out to wet her bottom lip. Nate had to cough into his fist to avoid a snicker.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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Maybe it was a good thing that London didn't come, but it still kind of hurt when she thought about it. She knew exactly how London felt between her and Katherine now. She desperately wanted everyone to be friends, but that would never work. Even the statement sounded so hypocritical when she herself could not stand some of her friends' friends. She closed her eyes, thoughts running through the Latina's head. She really didn't know how she was going to survive this year without all the money that her friends hand. It was true that Esper was really poor, only here on a scholarship. She knew that literally all the A-Listers were rich and had some sort of fame. Esper lived a lie, that her father was a famous Latino director. No one gave a shit anyway about celebrities outside of America anyway, so it was easy to lie. She thought about getting a job, but she probably would only end up working at McDonald's and become a laughing stock.

She pursed her lips, opening her eyes to see her walk down the hallway. "Fuck," she breathed. It was obvious that the girl was checking her out to a certain degree. Perhaps the only reason she wore this outfit was to leave some impression if she ran into Dytto. Or maybe she wanted to wear the outfit to mourn the loss of her summer; wearing black would symbolize a fake funeral that she'd never attend. Normally she'd be smirking when anyone checked her out, but now she couldn't do anything but tense up. Her dark orbs rested on the girl's, not really caring that there was a nerd behind her. She wasn't a huge fan of the nerds, because all they did was play video games or some shit like that. Esper did love playing a little Call of Duty or The Last of Us on her brother's Xbox. She tried her best not to scowl, but the signature look of Esperanza Ramos filled her features. If she had to hang out with them, it would be hard to keep her cool. Especially when her heart is beating faster than Eminem's crazy sped up verse in Rap God.

"Hi," she said with a big grin on her face. She silently cursed herself for softening up a bit. Esper had a reputation as someone who was never slightly cheerful in public. Her eyes narrowed as she looked over at the other guy. The look on his features were amused and it pissed Esper off. He seemed to know something that she didn't about what was happening. She merely rolled her eyes before turning back to Dytto. "She's right, I mean I would expect something extravagant since it's our senior year," she commented, crossing her arms. "But I'll wait until later before ripping your eyes out," a playful smirk escaped her lips as she said those words. On Dytto's comment, she felt her cheeks heat up. If she could, she would slap herself. So she looked down, quickly waiting for her flustered nature to die down. Esper looked back up, tilting her head slightly, "Ugh, thanks but I would have preferred to have spent getting a tan on the Mexico beaches. My papa thought it would be a great idea to spend it camping, it was gross," she huffed. She eyes the girl, taking her features in. The girl truly was extremely attractive, and if there weren't other people around she doubt she would be able to control herself. Her mind kept telling her to play it cool, so she stepped towards her. She placed an arm around her waist in an one armed embrace. She didn't know if the brunette would be okay with it. It was supposed to be a friendly gesture, but she didn't want to make it awkward. Almost too quickly, she slipped back over to where she was standing before. The nervous look that was on her visage had disappeared, "How was your summer?" she inquired.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: London Wellington Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room B || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

Frederick was more than ready to kick Dytto's ass. He had been practicing all summer and he had new techniques that he knows that she has never seen before. He kept a good grip on the controller, excited to play with one of his favorite second players. He knew he was going to enjoy this as much as she was. Just then his phone buzzed as well as Dytto's. But her phone was always buzzing. People were always trying to get in contact with Miss Dee. Checking the message, he saw that Natalya was making sure that Fred was with Nate and Dytto. Well Nathan had just walked out for reasons Fred was not aware of.

Dytto was finally going to answer his question about Jonnie's absense, but that was when the Russian thought it would be best bang on the door and let herself in. Excitedly exclaiming that the two of them needed to join her downstairs. The gamer rolled his eyes and set the controller down. Dytto called for a reign check which caused him to laugh. "You weren't ready for this ass whopping anyway." he said, throwing back her own competitive remark.

They left the bedroom and Nathan rejoined him. Frederick smiled. Dytto on the other hand immediately started interrogating his whereabouts. Fred did not see the big deal, but he was not going to be in the middle of his conversation. Nathan did not seem to get that and tied her crabbiness to getting beaten in a game. Frederick laughed a little. "Didn't get the chance. Natalya came running in and summoned both of us."

The three of them made it downstairs where a lot of people were starting to gather. That was when Frederick started to understand what was going on. This was consistent every year. Natalya buys all her friends expensive gifts and expects no payment in return. "You interrupted Dytto's ass kicking, Nat. This has to be good." he said, with a charming smile and humor in his tone.

Location: Wright Hall, Floor 2, Room A || Mood: Annoyed || Outfit: XX

Farrah thought they would have much longer than what they were given. As soon as Nathan spoke, his phone went off. The dancer was not pleased to hear that her boyfriend was being dragged away by the dumb Russian blonde. She kept that to herself. Nathan happened to be friends with that girl and upsetting him with her rude comment was not in the plan. With a kiss to her forehead, he pulled away and turned to leave. But the Russian barged in the dorm and obviously went to collect the witch next door. When Nathan said it was safe, he said his farewell and stepped out. Farrah gave a half-hearted wave and turned to sit on her bed.

She took hold of her phone and released that Esper and Liam both messaged her. Esperanza's text worried the dancer. There was no need for her best friend to find her anyone. Farrah was already dating someone, but Esper did not know that. A sigh escaped her. This secret relationship was going to be much harder than anticipated.

To: Esper Darling
I don't have time for boyfriends. We are co captains in our senior year. I would much rather focus on ending up as national championships than someone's girl

That was a lie. If she could figure out a way to spend as much time with Nathan as she spent dancing then she would.

To: Liam
Oh please. Don't act like the Goldon Boy. Where was the extended invitation to help me move in, Mr. 'I was here at 7 in the morning'

Shaking her head in amusement, she laid on her bed. She just wanted to kill some time. She did not want to see everyone gathered around some tattooed chick, accepting gifts. Farrah played some music and just stayed in her bed.


Location: Chase Hall, Floor 2B, Room C || Mood: Excited || Outfit: XX

William was happy for some help. Liam was not here yet, but there was no rush. There was still and hour or two to kill before everyone needed to be mingling outside at the barbeque. Will was rather excited to reunite with his friends there. He had missed hem. Being in England for his entire summer with no opportunities to see anyone is rather saddening. But he was back in the United States ready to make this the best year yet. His phone buzzed and it was from Miss Russia. He smiled and glanced over it before laughing.

Every time she wanted him to do anything she uses the queen against him. Will has only met the Queen once. It does not work on him. But he will go to the parking lot to see what was so important. There was no harm in getting some fresh air and seeing his friends.

To: Russian
This has to be good, Nat. I had to hang up on the Queen

No harm in going along with the joke. He needed to send Liam a quick text so that he knew not to come to his dorm.

To: Liam
There has been a change of plans. I will just see you at the barbeque

Grabbing his keys, he left his room and headed downstairs. On his way down, he received a message from London. He was glad that she was still nice to him, despite his friendship with Liam. He would be sad to lose one of his other favorite royal.

To: London
My stuff is in my room, if that is what you mean.

Moving in was still a slow process he would have to get back to after dealing with Natalya. When he got outside, he saw that he was clearly not the only person out there. Nat must have something big planned. He went closer to the crowd, smiling politely at some of the faces he recognized.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains Character Portrait: William Richardson
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0.00 INK

Interacting/Texting With: Dytto, Fred, Alex, Nate, Esper, Will, Grigori (NPC) ||Location: Senior Parking Lot (Across the parking lot from the Wright and Chase Buildings)
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get London, she's just next door," Despite knowing that meant London was in the airhead's room Natalya just nodded, a big smile on her face. "Oh, and nice to see you again. We'll catch up at the barbecue? I have something to tell you." Natalya rolled her eyes though her smile never left her face. "Of course! Now hurry up!"As Esper went to one of the other rooms in their dorm, the one she assumed to be Katherine's, Natalya stood next to door that lead out of their dorm. Bouncing up and down in excitement she peaked out to see Dytto and Fred emerging from her room just as Esper walked past her and down the hall. Rushing out after her Natalya practically skipped which caught the attention of a group of Junior nearby. Shooting them an evil smile to make up for her unsual amount of happiness the girls quickly looked away. Just as Natalya chuckled at her little accomplishment Dytto and the boys walked up to them. Turning to press the elevator button Natalya looked back as Dytto spoke. "This better be a bomb ass present for you to be banging on people's doors like you've lost your mind" Esper chimed in right after her. "She's right, I mean I would expect something extravagant since it's our senior year" And Fred was quick to add a comment in as well. "You interrupted Dytto's ass kicking, Nat. This has to be good." Natalya laughed, a devious look in her eyes. "I'll be lucky if you're not banging on my head after you get your wicked sweet present. And sweetheart you have no idea. Also, Fred we both know she was about to kick your ass." For a moment Natalya let her eyes wander over Nate's physique as he approached with the others but her eyes skipped away just as quickly. Just as the elevator doors opened Natalya felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and pulled it out as she and her friends stepped in. She chuckled at Will's text and sent a quick reply.

To: British Tea
Oh it's good. I'm on my way down. I'll grab you on our way out.

As the elevator opened and they exited the building Natalya noticed the crowd as she put her phone back in her pocket. She had expected this of course. After asking sophomores for help it was obvious they would tell a few people but Natalya definitely had underestimated the rate at which information like this would travel. Shrugging Natalya looked around the crowd, as she started across the parking lot. Once they were a good halfway across the parking lot Natalya spotted Will. Letting out a whistle she waved him over and then headed towards the trailers, the small crowd parting for them in a manner that had Natalya chuckling again. Shaking her head she let her excitement fall away for a second, glancing back to see if Will had joined the group or not, as she touched her lip gently. 'It's still just as fun but I really wish I wasn't doing it now just to distract them from the fact that I look like someone beat me up...' Natalya had been known to get into fights (both in school and out) but never before something important, like the first day of school, and she always made sure her friends never saw the worst of her injures. Sadly a busted lip was hard to hide, unlike the bruise on her left arm from using it to block a blow, so she put on a smile and hurried the last few feet past the crowd. Making it within the vicinity of the trailers Natalya saw that all five guys now stood outside of the three trailers that were parked in a neat row. The next moment she spotted the three sophomores she had asked for help, each with buckets full of cold water at their feet and looking at the guys nervously. Three of the five were on the bigger, and definitely buff side, the other two having being muscled in a far more subtle way, and all five had at least a couple tattoos.

Letting a smirk slide onto her face Natalya stalked over to one of the bigger guys, who happened to be the one she had chatted with earlier. "You didn't have to get out of the trucks you know. It's just a school." Before the man could answer one of the other guys shrugged. "It's not a problem Boss, Grigori here felt nervous once the crowd started to gather so we decided to stretch our legs." Natalya shot a sharp look at the man that obviously screamed 'Not Here' .The man's Russian accent was thick and at that moment Natalya was glad that her own was at least partially masked by her Boston accent. While she knew most people would assume she had hired the guys the use of the title Boss could raise questions. The man she spoke to, know known to be Grigori, cleared his throat and spoke up quickly. "You want us to get back in the trucks?" Natalya pursed her lips and then looked at the man who had spoken up before. "My friend Alex isn't here from what I can tell so go bring that one back. The rest of you can stay out, I'll need three of you anyways." Natalya motioned to the trailer that she knew had Alex's present in it and then watched as the guy nodded and turned to leave. Satisfied Natalya turned to look at her friends, her smile reappearing. "Okay! So, for those of you who aren't used to this let me tell you the rules. There are no refusals, no returns, and no regrets! I worked really hard to get you all things I know you'll love. I don't want to hear complaints about cost. As much as I love you, I will kill you. They're birthday presents, you're my friends, and this is senior year! Also, I enjoy this just as much as you guys enjoy using your gifts afterwards so don't ruin it for me." Laughing Natalya headed over to grab the first gift.

Going over to where two large boxes sat, though one was extremely larger than the other, Natalya lifted a gift box about the size of book off the top of the larger one and walked over to Esper. Handing the girl the box Natalya watched as the girl lifted the lid off. Inside were two jewelry boxes, a purple Ipod (That wasn't supposed to be released for another two months) and a stack of iTunes gift cards worth $2000. Natalya quickly put a few steps between her and Esper as the, known to be violent, Latino girl reached for the jewelry boxes. Inside the first was a simple necklace with a two carat diamond on a 18 karat white gold chain. The second held another necklace, this one being far less simple. It was, as the man selling it had said, a one-of-a-kind diamond pendant showcasing an exceptional fancy yellowish green pear shape diamond adorned by a double halo of petite brilliant white diamonds and fancy pink diamond accents set in a modern 18 karat white and rose gold design. The 2 carat,pear shaped diamond in the center was what had caught Natalya's attention and as such had been the main reason for it's price of 42 thousand dollars. Looking up at Esper's face Natalya hesitated to get too excited. This was the first year she had gone over the 10 grand mark so she didn't know how the girl would react.

Going to get the next present Natalya decided to grab the smaller of the two large boxes, figuring that it would be a little less of a punch in the gut since only Will would know how much they truly cost. Carrying it over carefully Natalya set it down in front of the Brit and smiled. "Go ahead!" As she knew, inside the box were six gifts in total. The most expensive was the antique, Arthur Stone Sterling Silver Tea Set. 'Though now that I think about it all of the tea might have been more expensive...' The tie, since Natalya honestly couldn't remember, was the box that filled the entire bottom half of the gift box. After finding a Chinese tea website Natalya had called them and ordered a 200 gram (7 oz.) bag of every type of tea they had, which now filled the box. There were also two more antique tea sets, a Green Toile Porcelain Tea Set, a Black Totem Japanese Tea Set, a stack of iTunes gift cards, and an iPod (the same model as Esper's) in blue. As Will looked through the items Natalya spoke. "I know that some people don't use the antiques so I wanted to get you some normal ones too. You would not believe how hard it is to find non-girly tea sets..." Though she was smiling, uncertainty was definitely present in Natalya's gaze. Will and her had only started talking this past summer and weren't that close. She had tried to tone back but had gotten carried away and excited while shopping online for him and it had lead to this.

Figuring she would go on with the boxes Natalya asked two of the guys to grab the huge box and carry it over to where her friends were. As they set it in front of Fred she looked between him and the box, that looked like it could fit ten 60" flat screen TVs in it, and wiggled her eyebrows. "You ready?" Just to make it difficult on him Natalya had actually tied a bow and wrapped the huge box, her efforts apparent as there were three types of wrapping paper covering it. Inside was a treasure trove of gifts. Fred was very hard to shop for expensively so she had decided to go quantity=quality. Inside was another bow that heal an actual 60" flat screen TV in it. Other than that there was an Xbox One, a PlayStation 4, four extra controllers for each console, five headsets (those things break wicked fucking easy) that are compatible with both systems, a green Ipod that, just like Esper's, wasn't supposed to come out for another two months. Not stopping there, there was a large stack of gift cards tied together with a ribbon. The stack was quite large and contained ten thousand dollars of Game Stop Gift Cards, two thousand of iTunes, ten thousand dollars in Barnes and Nobles Gift Cards, and five thousand dollars of cards to his favorite local coffee shop. "Two guys will be coming by with a stand for the TV and the gaming systems tomorrow. I had it custom made to where it would fit the TV and Systems on top and the two shelves are both tall enough to hold games. Oh, and I had them make it taller, which three shelve, but not as wide so it would stick close to he wall and not take up a ton of room." As Fred looked through the gift cards she laughed at the coffee shop one. "You would not believe the look on her face when I told her to ring up five grand of gift cards this morning. She had to ring it up as eight separate orders"

Natalya rushed over to Nate, a huge smile on her face, and held out a small box to him. As the box moved it jingled and inside there was a key, an iPod, and a stack of iTunes gift cards. Once Nate had opened the box and looked at Natalya she rushed over to one of the two trailers that was still there. After getting a confirming nod, Natalya yanked the door up, garage style, and ran in. Having prepared for this there was a black cloth that concealed her, and the gift from sight. A few moments later she came out, pushing a 1963 Harley Davidson DuoGlide FLH along at her side. As she walked it over to him she smiled, knowing he would have instantly recognized the bike. After all it was the type Wolverine rode in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and Nate loved Wolverine almost as much as Natalya loved music... Maybe a little less than that but still, he was obsessed. "Not only is this the same type of bike but is the actual bike from the movie. It was really hard to find and even harder to convince them to sell it but here it is. AND, you have another present but you can't have it until I can talk to you and Dytto alone." She handed the bike over to him with a smirk.

This one excited Natalya the most, something she made obvious as she jumped in excitement before scurrying away from Nate. Going into the second trailer, after lifting the door, Natalya revved the engine and drove the Redish-Purple Lamborghini Gallardo out of the trailer. Jumping out Natalya looked at Dytto with an excited, goofy face. "Don't move! Watch this!" Jumping away from the car, closing the door, and running over to Dytto's side she clutched her best friend's hand in excitement. Grigori who, along with two of the other guys, was now holding one of the buckets full of water. Giving him a quick nod Natalya focused her attention on Dytto's face as they dumped the water onto the war making it appear to wash the paint away to reveal a wicked sweet paint job. "It's thermo-chromatic paint! Whenever the car gets wet it changes back and forth! As if to set an example one of the guys dumped what little water was left in his bucket on the car and a splash of the maroon reappeared. Sitting inside the car on the passenger seat was, of course, a purple iPod and it's paired gift cards. "If you can believe it I think your other gift is cooler."

Prices (cause I had them xP)
Arthur Stone Sterling Silver Tea Set - 37.5k
Tea Set Link "Antique" - 4.2k
Tea Set Link "Tea Sets" - 14.5k
Green Toile Porcelain Tea Set - $120
Black Totem Japanese Tea Set - $35
Fred's Gifts - About 35k (sorry, I wasn't searching all that again xD)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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After the awkward encounter with Dytto, Esperanza wanted to just poof. Hanging out with the underclassmen sounded like an excellent idea now. She felt her phone buzz in her bag, which caused her to flinch. As much as she wanted to check her messages, she was supposed to be getting all hyped up for Russian Barbie's presents. The girl's comeback to Fred was completely amusing. The girl burst out laughing, nearly falling over again as she stepped on the ground weirdly, causing her foot to wobble. She cursed under her breath as she finally stood in a balanced position. "Woah there, as much as I love your spunk. You're threatening to take away the title of Queen Bitch, and we all know that's me," the Latina commented. "Bow down peasants-" Before she could continue, her phone buzzed again. She felt kind of bad for ignoring her previous message. so she checked her phone. The first message was from Farrah; she made a mental note to respond to her later. The next message, she rose a brow completely perplexed. "Holy fucking shit, Stephanie's not coming back this year," she gasped. Esper hated the head cheerleader. She thought she was too conceited and she also hated the fact that the bitch wanted to overthrow London as the Queen. Clearly London was the queen, and Esper was her sexy Latina sidekick. This year couldn't have started any better. With Jonnie gone, she was free to pursue whoever she wished. And now with Stephanie gone, they wouldn't have to do routines to Taylor Swift or some crappy artist like that. Stepping into the elevator, she began to respond to Farrah's message, humming LoveGame under her breath.

To Farrah my Babe:
Suit yourself, but I'm pretty damn sure this year will be great for us. Once I scare the freshmen shitless with my warm up routine, we'll be good to go.

It was true that Esper was known to be a hardcore captain. She wasn't afraid to become the more attractive Abby Lee Miller. She expected perfection, and she didn't want anything less. Luckily Farrah was there to balance out her cruelty, if Farrah wasn't there Esper would probably have killed every member of the dance team. Following Natalya out of the elevator, putting her phone away, she eyed the trucks suspiciously. Remembering what she had gotten in the past, it made Esper sick. She didn't deserve those presents. She wasn't exactly the bestest friend ever, but she tried. The thing that she hated the most was the fact that she had considered selling her gifts for money. It was selfish and cruel, but Esper needed the money. Not many of the kids in school understood what it was like to be poor like her. If she was a good person, she'd refuse it to prevent the temptation from consuming her; Esperanza Ramos was not a good person. She watched as the girl went to get the stuff. Her mouth opened and she shook her head in disbelief. $2000 worth of iTunes cards, an iPod that wouldn't be coming out for several months, and two necklaces that were probably worth double the price of her house and family car combined. "Russian Barbie, I literally knew it. You went way over the 10k mark. Not saying I'm mad," she chuckled, looking at the girl with a genuine smile. "Thank you, you're literally one of the greatest people I ever met, and that's probably the most positive thing I'll say about you," she continued. The girl had to keep it real. She didn't exactly know what to say when it came to positive things. She was surprised she could talk without stuttering.

Esperanza waited as everyone else got their presents. She didn't really care about the other people. Her arms were crossed, eyes not leaving the brunette beauty that somehow made her have a heart. Watching her was easily one of her favorite things to do. Not just for her undeniable beauty, but the fact that she was just a great person in general. As much as she wanted to see what that car looked like. She knew it would be more interesting to watch Dytto's reaction. Esper would probably vomit at the sight of the car anyway, since she knew that the car was way too expensive. She would love a nice car, if she actually deserved it. Her face softened a bit as she sighed quietly. "Rich people," she breathed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Joseph Grant Character Portrait: Eloise Tailer Character Portrait: Rachel Locklear
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#, as written by Sophiex
Joe received answers to most of his text messages. However, a few minutes after sending them, he left his dorm room after receiving a text from the student government president, asking him to come outside to help set up some of the food and drink stations for the barbecue. Joe obliged, but he didn't get out of the building before he ran into the boys' new RA, Brian, who was attempting to help someone's dad move a couch up to the third floor. It didn't fit in the elevator, therefore, the two men had to carry it up two flights of stairs. Even if they hadn't seemed to be struggling, Joe would have offered to help anyway, but since they clearly needed a third person, he offered a hand and the offer was accepted. That led to him helping them with a few other pieces of furniture, and by the time he was finished, it seemed too late to offer to help Will move in. He said he had friends on their way to help him anyway, but knowing Joe, that wouldn't have mattered. He still would have offered to help, even knowing that he and Will weren't actually close friends. They were friendly, but had they not been rooming together this year, it would be unlikely that they would even be seen outside of a classroom together. He opted against answering Will's message, mostly because it seemed unnecessary, but did text back Dytto, and followed it up with another text to Eloise, and one to Rachel.

To: Dytto
Sorry, was helping someone move in or else I would've come by. Come to the barbecue. I'm heading down there now.

To: Ellie
Do you need help moving in, by the way?

To: Rachel
Rachel! Tell me you're on your way to the barbecue

Those who didn't answer his texts included Katherine and London, and really, he had no reason to be surprised. Both girls were A-listers, so that said enough, and though both returned his kindness to an extent, even him, in his ultra-friendly state, knew that they weren't actually friends. Kat was his dream girl and London was everyone's dream girl, but he was aware enough to know that the only time they were actually going to reciprocate his genuine kindness was exactly that - in his dreams. It wouldn't stop him from being nice to them, especially since he was that way with everyone, though.

The barbecue was being held on the lawn right outside of the courtyard that separated the senior girls and boys dorms. Underclassmen would be present as well, and though Joe was arriving early into the barbecue, he wasn't surprised to see that the area was already buzzing with hungry students. A tent had been pitched, and underneath it sat a buffet styled selection of just about any type of barbecue food that one could want, plus an array of coolers with drinks. Although Joe wanted to wait for some friends before sitting down, he couldn't resist going over to the lie that had formed by the food and taking his spot. Maybe he wouldn't actually sit down and eat yet, but with his appetite, it was probably in his best interest to at least begin filling his plate now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Joseph Grant Character Portrait: William Richardson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Flighty


"I don't mind having to work for it..."

When Will texted him back, Liam rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance that really had no place there. He was still on his bed, relaxing. It wasn't like he had jumped out of bed to prepare to help his friend move in, but he still wanted to pretend that he had a right to feel annoyed at plans being cancelled, even if he wasn't necessarily excited for them in the first place. Instead of bringing down the mood and being petty, though, he sent a normal text back to Will. The fact that Dytto had texted him shortly after made it easier to brush over paying too much attention to Will, too.

To: William
Alright cool

To: Dytto
I'll take that as a maybe then? Come on, lmk what I have to do to make it a yes, and you know I'll do it. Ur telling me that an ultra sexy guy with two hot feuding sisters in bed doesn't sound hot af to you? YOU'RE the weird one if that's true.

He knew that his text to Dytto placed him in that same pretentiously arrogant category that he had warned the freshman boys not to fall into, but he didn't care, since it was Dytto who he was texting. He put up with her sass, and she put up with his. It was how their friendship worked, with each purposely pushing the other's buttons. The fact that he found her sass to be a turn on helped in making it all work, that was for sure.

Since Will didn't need his help, Liam sent a text to a few of his fellow royals, and some jocks from the baseball team, and told them to meet him in the lobby of Chase. Five minutes later, he was downstairs, and the group of them headed out to the barbecue. Classes would be starting soon enough, and Will wanted to enjoy what felt like the last hour of summer before it was time to buckle down and work again. Doing that with his boys would be fun, but it would be a lie to say that his eyes weren't skimming the crowd, as they neared the barbecue, for either London, Katherine, or Dytto. They seemed like his top three choices for senior year, and he definitely wasn't going to complain about that. As they got to the tables lined with food, Liam saw one of many familiar faces, but this was one who he was close enough to to actually know his name, and care about his existence (at least to an extent). "Joe," he said, greeting the boy with a hard pat on the shoulder. "Good to see you, bro. Summer treated you well?" Though he and Joe weren't very close, or even really friends, Will knew that it was important to be friendly to most people. It allowed him to maintain a good reputation, even if it wasn't always a genuine one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK

Senior Parking Lot

What He's Wearing

Dialogue Color #B6B6B4 | Thought Color #2B1B17

Senior Parking Lot

Her Look

Dialogue Color #C8A2C8 | Thought Color #785278


"Now, you see what you've done," Nathan demanded, though his tone was still as lax and seemingly unbothered as ever. Once the barbecue's beginning was announced, mostly anyone who had either been involved in or witnessed Natalya's "gift-bearing ritual" went their separate ways. Most, considering they were students who would obviously go where there was free food, went to the barbecue in lieu of the long line that was sure to form. Others, like the staff members Natalya had brought on to campus or simply students who would not be bothered by interactions with classmates they could do without, just left campus. Nate gestured to Dytto, who seemed to be practically vibrating in the driver's seat of her new Lamborghini. "She's like the freakin' Energy Bunny now!"

"Bitch, don't kill my vibe," Dytto sang, hands on the wheel as she debated whether or not she would take the car for a spin. As much as she liked barbecues and she always caved to the allure of honey barbecue ribs, or even a bomb burger, she could always go pick something up. Not because she didn't like the school's food, but because she honestly loved driving. The simple truth of the matter was that she had been debating whether or not she was going to allow Bernard to purchase her another vehicle. He had said something about wanting both her and Katherine to have cars that they could share or simply have back-ups - whatever reason he came up with the idea that any one person needed more than one car still alluded her, but she wasn't going to deny a good vehicle - on any given day. Now, she didn't have to worry about feeling bad for having him spend money on her. Since... well, someone else beat him to it. Not to mention it had a wicked fucking paint job that totally did not make her jump up and down like a damn loon. Because, Dytto would never do that, absolutely not. Too cool for that.

"But still, as much as I love it, you know I'm gonna have to send this home. Can't take up two parking spaces," Dytto acknowledged ruefully to her best friends, climbing out of the Lamborghini and closed the door behind her in favor of leaning back against. It took her a second later to turn a look to Nathan as she said, "And I like how you're talking shit considering you're still leaning against that thing like you're actually Logan. All you need is a cigar and you'll have it made." Not to mention the tragic backstory, she almost quipped, but then again, he already did. Which was why Dytto kept her damn mouth shut. Either Nate didn't notice her almost slip or didn't care enough at the moment because he grinned at her a second later. "Says the girl who's all heart eyes over a damn car and she barely even likes anything less than an SUV." She only stuck her tongue out at him and he stayed propped up against his new bike, a bit happier than he was going to admit to either of his friends.

"But also, how the hell is anyone supposed to get you a present after this?" Nate inquired with a raised brow, standing straight when he noticed more students heading in the direction of the barbecue. Dytto hummed in agreement. "Yeah, some of us don't have money coming out of our asses here," she complained, wincing in faux reproach at the look Nathan tossed her. "Says the girl with the thousand dollar television," he reminded her. "Not my money." Nathan only rolled his eyes before turning his attention solely on Natalya. He did, though, bite out at a "Shut up!" Dytto pouted and muttered, "Okay, okay," and pulled out her phone to see messages from her friends, but also to figure out where Fred had disappeared to since she had lost him in her earlier excitement. Esperanza too, but Dytto was pretty sure she'd catch that eye candy back at the barbecue.

To: Liam
The answer is no. U want a 3some? Try finding sum1 I actually want. Never her. Not even I was drunk

To: Joe
B there soon

To: Fred
Where u go?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Liam Nielsen Character Portrait: Frederick Gains
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0.00 INK


Location: Barbeque || Mood: Content || Outfit: XX

Frederick could not believe the gift Natalya gave him. This was greater than anything he has ever gotten in his entire life. There was so much that he was almost speechless. When it was handed over to him, he practically choked out his thank you. The nerd continue to geek over the endless amount of gaming opportunities with the new consoles, games, and gift cards he just got. He stayed through the end of the gift giving. Everyones gifts were both thoughtful and expensive. He could not imagine What he would have to get the Russian to make up for this. But he would think about it later. Freddy took his gift and headed back to his room. He wanted to put it away and then join everyone at the barbeque. He was starving and food was an absolute must.

It wasn't long before everything was put away and he headed back down the to where everyone was. But he was taking his time. Dytto texted him, wondering where he was.

To: Dytto
I put my systems away. I'm headed to the barbeque now.

With that message sent, he continued on his way. It wasn't long before he had another buzz. Dytto was a fast texter, always stuck to her phone, but that was unreasonable fast. He saw that it came from Eloise. He smiled softly and quickly tapped away at a response.

To: Ellie
On my way!

Frederick saw everyone mingling at the barbeque. First he spotted Dytto and Nathan with Natalya. Probably talking about her need to buy expensive gifts. He was going to join them, but then he saw Ellie at a table by herself. He hadn't seen her all summer or talked to her much. They were friends and it would be nice to catch up again. He headed toward her table and then sat down across from her. He smiled brightly. "Hey Ellie! How's it hanging?"

Location: Barbeque

William could not believe that the Russian had bought him some many different tea sets and a billion different types of tea leaves. There was endless possibilities when it came to tea now. He was more than excited to try this right away. But he wanted the first cup to be with the person that bought it for him. After classes this afternoon, he would ask her to come hang out in his room so they can have some tea. When Farrah wasn't around of course. She would get the second cup. Speaking of which, he hadn't heard from her since she told him that he was on his own from moving in. As Will pulled his phone out to message her, someone tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me? Can you help me? I'm looking for a Brit."

William and Farah laughed before hugging each other. Best friends united after an entire summer away from each other. Once they pulled from the embrace, Farrah crossed her arms and looked over him. "So how was the Queen?" She asked, knowing full well that he did not see the Queen this summer. "Well. In fact, she insisted on meeting you. How's the President?" Farrah waved his hand dismissively. "Always requesting my dancing. I turned him down. Again." hey both managed to keep a straight face, before breaking out into laughter once again. The dancer ran her fingers through her hair and glanced over at Natalya, Dytto, and Nathan. The two people she hated surrounding her boyfriend. How lovely? He had such a great taste in human beings. William caught her glaring and snapped his fingers. "If you keep staring, it won't be a secret anymore." Will told her. Farrah just rolled her eyes and peeled her gaze away from her mancandy of a boyfriend.

She caught sight of Liam and smiled bright before looking back at William. "Let's go entertain to the king." Will chuckled a little before following after the dancer. They stood close to Liam, who was talking to Joe. Farrah kept her arms crossed not really attempting to be friendly. Will on the other hand smiled bright. "Hey Liam, Joe." He said, making up for Farrah's unfriendliness. He never understood why she never attempted to make friends with people. It would save her a world of trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Farrah Hart Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: William Richardson
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0.00 INK

Esperanza hated to be in big crowds of people that she disliked; that was what she felt every single day of her life. After the gifts she had returned to her room to hide her two necklaces because she constantly feared someone stealing her stuff. At the same time she was up there, she debated changing, feeling as if her outfit was too prone to get her sweaty. She didn't really have anything good to wear. Since today was all about good impressions, she's go to her athletic gear and cheerleader uniform later. Placing her hat down by her bed, she picked up her sunglasses, peering out of her window. Sure enough, the barbecue had started and Esper knew she just had to get her ribs before some asshole got to them first. She closed the curtain, turning on her heels once again and sauntering out of her room.

The whole way down through Wright Hall felt like a breeze, no one was inside to look at her so she could actually smile without getting odd looks. She hated her genuine smile because it made her look cheerful. Sure she was comfortable with smiling when she was around close friends, but otherwise the only smile that will come out of her lips is a smirk. As she walked across the lawn, she saw a few of her friends. They seemed pretty occupied and she didn't want to bother them until she got her food. Esper made her way towards where all the food was, helping herself to some barbecue ribs and potato chips. After she was satisfied with the amount of food on her plate, she searched for the closest person to her.

She saw Farrah in the distance with Will. Shrugging to herself, she made her way towards them. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed the familiar figures of Liam and Joe. Both of them were not good in her book. Liam shattered London's heart, and Esper swore that she would get revenge. She had not come up with a scheme yet, but she knew that once he did he would regret breaking her best friend's heart. And then there was Joe, who was way to nice for Esper to stand. She'd talk to her best friend later, when she was far away from those blockheads. She turned away from the group, curling her lips distastefully as she maneuvered through the lines of people that were coming in her direction. Most had the nerve to stay in her way, others who she had probably beaten up or had been warned stayed clear. The effect the girl had on others was intimidating, but she couldn't stop the leering from horny teenage boys.

Her attention was brought to a certain trio in the crowd that consisted of Russian Barbie, Dytto the girl who couldn't seem to leave the Latina's thoughts, and Nate. She was impressed she still remembered his name. She popped a few chips into her mouth as she sauntered towards the group. "Yo, you kiddies mind if I join you?" she inquired in a light voice, licking the salt off of her lips. "My other friends are either with people I hate or aren't around," she continued but those weren't the only reasons. She had hoped as soon as the male left Russian Barbie and Dytto alone with her, she could just come out to them to save the trouble of hiding it throughout the school year. She came out to London and she seemed cool with it, why wouldn't either of them have the same reaction. There was also a small hope that maybe, just maybe if she came out of the closet she'd have a better chance of figuring out what she wanted to do with her attraction to Dytto based on her reaction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale Character Portrait: Frederick Gains Character Portrait: William Richardson
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0.00 INK

Interacting/Texting With: Dytto, Nate, Esper, Grigori (NPC) ||Location: Barbeque
Speech: #CC0000||Thought: #FF5555

Natalya smiled as her friends fawned over their gifts. Esper had taken it particularly well. "Russian Barbie, I literally knew it. You went way over the 10k mark. Not saying I'm mad. Thank you, you're literally one of the greatest people I ever met, and that's probably the most positive thing I'll say about you." At that Natalya had promptly stuck out her tongue. "Love you too Esper, and I never said I would stay under ten grand you guys just assumed that I would. You all got cheap presents last year for a reason." A two and a half grand max spending range might be a lot for some people but not for Natalya.

Fred, on the other hand, had been speechless. Technically his had costed the least so to see him so happy with it Natalya was proud of herself. Will had pretty much been in the same boat only he had been far more shocked. Since they had only really started to become friends over the summer through texts and Skype calls Natalya could understand the shock but she had shrugged, responding with a casual, "You're my friend. All my friends are family. Family members get birthday presents." She knew that, at least to her, it meant a lot more than that but she wasn't the type to make a big deal of it.

Once their crowd had dispersed and most of her other friends had went to put their gifts away Natalya was left with Nate and Dytto. After a quick, whispered, conversation with Grigori Natalya smirked and punched the man on the shoulder. "Haha, see you later." As the guys all loaded back into the trucks and left Natalya walked over to where Nate and Dytto were. "Now, you see what you've done? She's like the freakin' Energy Bunny now!" Dytto's response was quick. "Bitch, don't kill my vibe" Natalya laughed and rolled her eyes, watching the two quarrel. But still, as much as I love it, you know I'm gonna have to send this home. Can't take up two parking spaces." Natalya raised a brow at Dytto. "You don't think I would have thought of that? My Dad donated 250 grand to the school to wipe the fights off my record and get all three of us a second parking spot for the year. School gets a new tennis court and my dad doesn't have to worry about bribing a college to overlook my fighting habits. Well at least not right away. Of course I had to promise to keep the fights in school to a minimum... I think he said no more than three.." Natalya shrugged, her father had tacked it on to her birthday present last year, trying to make his present better than her uncle's so it hadn't even been something she had to ask for. Seeing as stuff like this was normal Dytto went right back to her tiff with Nathan. "And I like how you're talking shit considering you're still leaning against that thing like you're actually Logan. All you need is a cigar and you'll have it made." Natalya followed the verbal battle as if it was a tennis match, her eyes skipping from one person to the other. "Says the girl who's all heart eyes over a damn car and she barely even likes anything less than an SUV." She only stuck her tongue out at him and he stayed propped up against his new bike, a bit happier than he was going to admit to either of his friends.

"But also, how the hell is anyone supposed to get you a present after this?" As the two suddenly turned their attention on her Natalya giggled. "Yeah, some of us don't have money coming out of our asses here." Natalya shot Dytto a cool look, one eyebrow raised. At the brunette's fake look of regret she chuckled and shook her head. "Says the girl with the thousand dollar television." Natalya almost wanted to smack the two of them but she withheld herself, mostly because it was the first day of school. "Not my money." "Shut up!" "Okay, okay," Natalya waited a minute to speak, making sure the two were done. "Anyways, you don't have to get me something expensive. I got all of you gifts I knew you'd love. I mean, yeah, I spent a lot of money but that's because I have access to it and it makes me happy to indulge you guys." She made sure that her demeanor was serious for this since she wanted them to know she was being honest. As soon as she had finished explaining this though she smirked, started taking steps in the direction of the Barbecue, and looked back at them. "Also, I already told you that that wasn't even all of your present so it's actually kinda making me nervous hearing you bitch this much about the small part." Natalya laughed, knowing her friends wouldn't take it the wrong way, though they might strangle her. "Now hurry up, I'm hungry."

Just as the three of them reached the Barbecue Esper approached them. "Yo, you kiddies mind if I join you? My other friends are either with people I hate or aren't around." Natalya rolled her eyes and snatched a chip off the Latina's plate. "Wow, love you too you crazy Latino bitch. I don't care, I'm gonna go grab some food though. I haven't eaten since a muffin and a hot tea at six." Natalya walked off, wanting to grab food and get back to her friends as soon as possible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dytto Devereux Character Portrait: Esperanza Ramos Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Nathan Hale
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0.00 INK

Senior Parking Lot

What He's Wearing

Dialogue Color #B6B6B4 | Thought Color #2B1B17

Senior Parking Lot

Her Look

Dialogue Color #C8A2C8 | Thought Color #785278


"Still, you know I hate feeling like I owe you for shit and I still feel that way no matter what you say about me not owing you anything," Dytto replied to Natalya's terming their complaints as "bitching" about the gifts. Dytto was competitive and about a lot of things. Granted, she wasn't about to drop the amount of money Natalya seemed almost always willing to drop for her friends. She loved them, truly did - would probably fuck a bitch up for them. But she wasn't dropping neither her mother's newly acquired millions nor her step-father's billions on anyone (and no, she was not including her actual father because he didn't exist. Nope. Not at all). It meant, however, that she was going to have to find something of sentimental value for both Natalya and Nathan. Somehow...not as though it were an actually difficult task since she spent so much time with both, but still. She was Miss Independent for a reason. She barely accepted all of the gifts Bernard wanted to lavish her with and he was actually family at this point. Even when she didn't consider his daughter in that same light.

Nathan sucked his teeth sharply at the amount of money Natalya exclaimed that her father gave to the school, running a hand messily through his hair. Dytto could act as appalled as she wanted to, but at the end of the day, the only one in their little trio who could actually manage to be a bit overwhelmed by the amount of money his friends could drop was Nathan. He was still surprised by the stuff Dytto gave him and those were simply a laptop, her old television and a few dorm things like lamps and blankets. It was more of Amelia doing it and Dytto having asked her to, but still. Despite how much Dytto remembers being a part of the lower bracket of the middle class, she was still farther up and more privileged than Nate. And, despite her kindness, Natalya's gift-giving was a reminder. The added amount of money her father paid to the school - after allowing her all of these purchases - was an even sorer reminder.

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming," he grumbled playfully and nudged Dytto, who was distractedly running her fingertips over the new addition to her key set. He rolled his eyes at her dumbstruck expression and began to follow Natalya into the throng of classmates conversing and eating at the barbecue. Dytto grinned before hopping onto his back, instinctively wrapping her legs around his waist. Nathan was known for being a douche to her, but his arms still hooked around her slim legs when he felt them. "Spoiled brat." Dytto only grinned cheekily at him, sticking her tongue out as she gazed about the crowd. She spotted Liam with Joe and while she would have loved to run over to the latter, he disappeared, Liam was left alone, and the sight of him made her frown just a bit. He was stupid and totally not getting laid any time soon for his...proposition. Who the fuck does that anyway? Definitely not a turn on.

Soon enough, the trio wasn't alone because Esperanza had returned to their company and while Natalya seemed to eye the girl's plate hungrily, Dytto had to stop herself from eyeing Esperanza hungrily because unfair could the sun be right now? Making her hair glisten and shit like Dytto wasn't already staring any other day? Umm, hello, totally uncalled for, whichever God is responsible. Of course, Dytto kept all of that to herself and smacked Nathan on the shoulder because she didn't even need to see his face to notice that he was smirking. Stupid know-it-all, she thought grumpily. Nathan tapped her thigh a second later and Dytto slid off of him as he inquired quietly, "Want something?" Dytto beamed, exclaiming, "You love me!" Nate rolled his eyes, jogging lightly to catch up to Natalya while yelling over his shoulder, "Don't make me starve you!" Dytto only chuckled, realizing - belatedly - that he had purposefully left her alone with Esperanza. Traitor. She couldn't help but think before meeting Esperanza's gaze, a smirk forming on her face as her gaze - as always - flitted over the Latina's everything before settling on her dark eyes. "So...cap'n..." Dytto paused, as if remembering, before a devilish grin formed. "I actually get to call you that this year and not actually use it as a way to shade ol' Bitchanie. Sexy." And if that "sexy" came out a little too honeyed and flirty, Dytto can't be held responsible. This is Nate's fault. Why did he think this was a good idea? "But really...any late night practices or other ways you're planning on monopolizing my time with this year that I should know about? You know, a girl's gotta be prepared and I even bought a whole new set of jammies in case you wanna rendezvous in the gym again." Dytto said that on a wink since, well, she wasn't lying. Last year had been brutal.

Closer to the food, Nathan smirked to himself, knowing damn well one of his friends was cursing his name. But he was more focused on the blonde one and nudged her as they both grabbed plates to start fixing. He grabbed an extra for Dytto as he said lowly to Natalya, "So...since...well, Dee's a bit distracted right now, wanna tell me what happened to your lip this time? And try not to lie this time around...kinda lost your ability to fool me, Nat."