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Katsura Shiraishi

"Masaki, whether I win or lose, live or die, I'll always be by your side."

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a character in “Crowns and Empires”, as played by masato22



Katsura Shiraishi






Katsura is seemingly serious in disposition. However his stern facial expressions hide a warm and gentle hearted man. He loves parables and proverbs. He is a bushido theologian and versed in the classics. He smiles most when in the comfort of his own town, surrounded by his friends and family and most importantly his lover. He likes to ask question and learn about others. However he can be stubborn and dislikes foreign technology. He is an advocate of a simplistic life of worth and happiness. Thus he dislikes the lavish, gaudy and overdone nobles.


Katsura is passionate about serving the Kingdom of Wa and adhering to its rules. He has no desire for power but he wants to protect the people of his land. He is a just lord that prides himself in making sure that his men make it back safely from battles with the neighboring kingdoms. He has little tolerance for the bureaucratic nobles and their lack of understanding of the Samurai class. When angered he generally controls his temper unless pushed to the brink.


Body Build:
Muscular, average height

Where They Live:


The Kingdom of Wa, specifically the Taketani village.



(He often travels between the capital, the village and Izumo which is on the land’s border.)


What/Who They Are:


Ktsura is the leading Daimyo [Governing samurai lord] of the Kingdom of Wa. He is in charge of the safety of the kingdom from outside threats. The local police force must also answer to samurai and katsura. He must give input in political matters and the emperor must consider his ideas and advise as well.


Katsura oversees his own league of samurai and has his own village. He must focus on the protection of Wa and the preservation of the samurai code, Bushido. Samurai must be well versed in the code and the classics and they are looked upon as examples of manhood for commoners. This also separates them from the common vagrants. Katsura ensures that all samurai keep to the code.




Katsura Shiraishi was born into a samurai family. He trained since childhood to be a warrior. His mother taught him to respect nature and the people that worked with him. He learned that knowledge and wisdom were important and could be gained from even the most unexpected sources. He later rose to be the head of his clan after his father passed away. Katsura was and is a great and selfless leader.


During the imperial succession war Samurai clans were forced to choose whom they would serve under and fight for when an outsider to the imperial family declared that he had been given the heavenly mandate. The Shiraishi clan choose to fight under the banner of the legitimate imperial family and spearheaded the success of the Wa imperial family. The emperor bestowed upon Katsura the daimyo title and rank and thus all samurai were placed under Katsura’s leadership.


Katsura served under the emperor faithfully and worked well with the Queen of Wa as well. Masaki, the imperial prince, pledged himself as a vassal and apprentice of Daimyo Lord Katsura Shiraishi. Most everyone of the imperial court frowned upon this decision as it put the Katsura, samurai leader, above one of the imperial family descendants of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, and act most unfathomable and disdainful. Yet Katsura understood Masaki’s heart and intentions and accepted him despite the opposition he received. Katsura was little concerned with rank but with Masaki’s desire to defend his land and the will of Amaterasu.



Masaki trained diligently under Katsura and the two became so in sync they fell in love. Masaki pledged his life to Katsura as his vassal, and his love to katsura as his lover. Katsura likewise vowed to love and protect Masaki no matter the cost. Usually relationships between lords and their vassals were encouraged and smiled upon, because it improved the trust, sync and effectiveness in battle. However, Katsura and Masaki’s relationship needed to remain a secret. It was already bad enough the imperial prince was serving under and as a samurai, but to “wed” himself to the Daimyo was a travesty that should never occur. To be caught meant death by seppuku [suicide by cutting open the stomach] for Katsura. Katsura is prepared to end his own life if it meant saving Masaki’s life and honor.




Katsura is officially wed to Masaki via a private ceremony by High Priestess Himiko at Izumo temple. The joining of the two is official but secret.


Katsura is proficient in the use of Double katana and is a very skilled samurai. Samurai swords can cut through most anything and subpar weaponry won’t stand a chance against a properly made Katana. Katsura is also a skilled archer and proficient in the use of Nagita, and lances. Katsura is a skilled hand to hand combatant.


So begins...

Katsura Shiraishi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Tyra wiped her brow with a fur covered bracer as she and Masaki re-joined the table, the crowd of men and women still cheering from the duel display as her father stood to make a speech. “Today is a good day. We celebrate the beginning of a great friendship between the Leiknir and the people of Wa. It is they who are to become our secret weapon to drive fear into the other clans and trample them in our stride. It is the people of Wa who will aid to re-unite our shattered lands and bring the Fyrkat once more under one king.” He turned to face the honoured guests. “And for this, the people of Leiknir are grateful; as such we have prepared gifts to remember such a momentous occasion. Ulfar gestured towards the cleared floor as two display carts were wheeled into the room, each covered with a bear fur.

“We present to you, cloaks made entirely from the skins of the rarest of animals in Fyrkat, the snow leopard.” He explained as the first bear skin was removed, revealing three cloaks of speckled ash grey fur. “And secondly, we present to you rings of the finest dwarven craftsmanship, forged deep within the mountains.” The second skin was removed presenting three glittering silver rings, each circled with blue sapphires somehow shaped into the block lettering of the Fyrkat runes.

Ulfar gestured one of his massive hands and servants brought the gifts forward to the table, presenting the Wa with their respective gifts. Tyra couldn’t help but smile, the rings were incredibly fine and even she had to admit they were beautiful; lightly magical too, granting the wearer protection from the natural elements.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Katsura, Masaki and Himiko

Katsura, Masaki and Himiko watched with smiles as Ulfar stood to make a speech. “Today is a good day. We celebrate the beginning of a great friendship between the Leiknir and the people of Wa. It is they who are to become our secret weapon to drive fear into the other clans and trample them in our stride. It is the people of Wa who will aid to re-unite our shattered lands and bring the Fyrkat once more under one king.” He turned to face the honored guests. “And for this, the people of Leiknir are grateful; “We present to you, cloaks made entirely from the skins of the rarest of animals in Fyrkat, the snow leopard.” He explained as the first bear skin was removed, revealing three cloaks of speckled ash grey fur. “And secondly, we present to you rings of the finest dwarven craftsmanship, forged deep within the mountains.” The second skin was removed presenting three glittering silver rings, each circled with blue sapphires somehow shaped into the block lettering of the Fyrkat runes.

Katsura was humbled by the wonderful and lavish gifts the people of Fyrkat produced. He felt he was not worthy to receive such gifts. Katsura was most always humble. He replied, “Ulfar, your daughter, your people, and You and far to kind! I am truly humbled by such wonderful things gifted here today. Thank you. For a warrior such as myself I feel a bit undeserving of such gifts however royalty like Masaki would feel far more comfortable accepting such wonderful gifts.” Katsura gave Masaki a gentle smile, he wished a kiss could accompany it but that could only be done in private. Katsura bowed deeply to Ulfar and Tyra.

Masaki was amazed by the fine craftsmanship of the gifts. He only hoped that the gifts the people of Wa prepared were a fraction equal to what Ulfar and his people had given. “Lord Ulfar, I am as deeply humbled as my Lord Katsura by these gracious gifts.” Masaki said to Ulfar with a pleasant smile and then bowed as well.

Himiko Hatsumomo was equally impressed. As a geisha she had received many lavish gifts from men, and as the high priestess she also received very nice gifts as offerings for spiritual services. However none of those gifts were quite as special as what she received today. The gifts were thoughtful, and practical in use, not to mention beautiful. It definitely shed a different light on the people and culture of Frykat. Himiko looked up at Ulfar, “You are truly as thoughtful as you are strong Lord Ulfar. I have received many gifts in my time, but these are of the nicest ever given to me. Thank you.” Himiko also bowed.

Masaki stood to his feet. Katsura lowered his head in honor of the shift in status. Masaki was still the imperial prince and when fulfilling a duty as prince Masaki’s rank outweighed Katsura’s rank as daimyo. “Lord Ulfar we the people of Wa have also prepared gifts for you. I personally saw to their choosing so I’d hope you enjoy them.” Masaki gestured toward a few handmaidens as they brought the first gift. “This is from the Wa Emperor himself, my father. A golden imperial seal of Wa. It is believed to usher harmonious spirits into the kingdom.” Next a set of personal guards brought forth four sets of Katanas. “These are Katana’s crafted by the lands finest sword forger, Katsuoki Genpei. These swords will cut through the toughest of materials.” Masaki smiled with pride. “Last but not least, three jade necklaces. Jade is a strong symbol of good luck in our nation. Good fortune follow those that wear Jade.” The gifts were brought before Ulfar and Tyra.

Hatsumomo stood after Masaki once again took his seat next to Katsura. “I also prepared a little gift of my own.” Several of her handmaidens brought forward her gifts. “These are kimono of the finest quality. Please I hope you accept them. Also, I have brought Wa’s most expensive Plum wine and Green tea. Please enjoy them.”

Masaki wasn’t expecting Hatsumomo to bring her own gifts as well. Katsura stood to his feet. “Lord Ulfar, it is a great honor to be working with you and the people of Fyrkat. He will give our all in any way we can to help you in your mission to unify your land.” Katsura bowed once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Ulfar smiled at the Wa leader’s kind thankful words giving his own bow in return to theirs, slightly less clumsily then he had before. “Hospitality is something we Fyrkat pride ourselves on more than anything.” He answered, the gifts had been planned appropriately it seemed and the Wa were as impressed as Ulfar had hoped, they needed to see the non-warlike side to the Fyrkat else think them total barbarians.

Tyra watched silently as her father presented the gifts she never personally cared much for fine clothing or jewellery but she was excited to see the Wa’s reaction to such gifts, she presumed it was very different to the dresses they wore on a normal basis. She watched as the Wa Prince stood to his feet but then noted how Katsura bowed his head as Masaki did so, the Wa were a strange people. Tyra concluded to herself, they seemed to have so many different rules. She just hoped that her father didn’t decide to adopt the sheer amount of bowing they seemed to do.

“Lord Ulfar we the people of Wa have also prepared gifts for you. I personally saw to their choosing so I’d hope you enjoy them.” Ulfar beamed at Masaki’s offer for gifts, he was more than curious at what the Wa would have brought along, he sat down once more on his seat as the maids brought forth the first gift.

Sitting forward in his seat at the unusual gold object, the Fyrkat were a superstitious people and he was of course more than interested in its positive use. His interest was far to defeated by his daughters in the next gifts, Katanas; she was already fascinated with the foreign weapon, and was already interested in its use.

Their attention was brought together on the Green necklaces, a jewel not found in the Fyrkat Mountains they seemed vastly unusual to the two Leiknir warriors. Returning his focus first Ulfar had made to stand before Hatsumomo spoke, causing him to sit back once more. “I also prepared a little gift of my own.” Tyra looked the Ki-mo-no up and down, before the image of her father’s mighty beard coming forth from the shiny material almost caused her to erupt in laughter, thankfully her father spoke and gave a distraction. “The Leiknir thank you for your gifts and only hope that our hospitality has matched the Wa’s own.” He beamed happily, bringing his might hands together.

“Lord Ulfar, it is a great honor to be working with you and the people of Fyrkat. He will give our all in any way we can to help you in your mission to unify your land.” Ulfar nodded his head and picked up his goblet from the table, raising it high above his head. “Then a toast! To the Wa, the Leiknir and a united Fyrkat!” a cheer erupted from the men of Leiknir who also raised the goblets high, before taking a gulp of their drinks.

Tyra leant over to Hatsumomo, once the festivities had started up again. “I can’t wait to see my father in one of those.” She said smiling cheekily. “But you will definitely have to show us how to wear one, otherwise even the Jade necklaces won’t help. We’d still get it wrong.” She added laughing happily.

Ulfar sat back heavily in his chair, watching the revelry continue. “Tell me, what is it your people drink for celebrations such as this?” He asked curiously as the gift bearers of both nations bringing their charge up to the main table and placing them on separate stands on each end. “I only ask as I’ve just suddenly realised how little I know about the outside world. I have fought in Fyrkat for my whole life and it has brought me little knowledge of the rest of the world.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi
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Emperor Katsuhito, Empress Suiko, Junbei Tsukino, and Hazanko Kizakura

"Well, It pains me but after the celebration, I must be on my way, you see trade has come down in Anansai lately and I've decided to go to Khal and meet with Khal Jinn to discuss possible trade routes through there." Soo Min looked away as Tenanye spoke of the trade talks with a smile. "Soo-Min believes it to be a bad idea to go myself due to Khal Jinn's reputation, as well as my father, if he were in better health, then he'd probably would just accompany me, but regardless of that, It really is just a matter of civility. I am not going there on malicious terms so I feel there is nothing to fear." She continued. "I believe the worst that he'd say is no." She said with a light chuckle.

Katsuhito looked quite concerned. He’d heard the many rumors surrounding Khal Jinn’s strength and brute-like reputation. The thought of Tenanye going to see him did not sit well with Katsuhito. He rubbed his chin between his index finger and thumb in thought. He replied, “I do not feel at ease about your meeting with him. I’d much rather you not go, but if you feel you must then this must be the will of Amaterasu. If you must go, I’d urge you to take someone of great skill along with you for protection.” Katsuhito said. He spoke to Tenanye as he would Masaki.

Junpei swallowed another sip of his green tea from his cup before clearing his throat to interject. “I could accompany Princess Tenanye. It’s been a few years since I’ve been to the South Pacific Kingdom.” Junpei was enthusiastic. However, Hazanko seemed to feel differently.

“I actually agree with Lady Soo-min your Majesty.” Hazanko commented with a curious smile upon his face. “From what I know of Khal Jinn, he is a man of a rather particular moral code. It is steeped in respect for raw power, dominance, and a man’s tenacity. I am informed he’d strike down the weak that approach him for they lack the worthiness to be in his presence in his eyes.” Hazanko paused for a moment. “Your Majesty Princess Tenanye, your heart, character, and will are strong. You are a force to be reckoned with however, your strengths are harder for a man such as Khal Jinn to recognize so readily within his arena. I suggest you bring an exceptionally capable warrior or one of high magical prowess with you. This would both help to protect you and to gain an audience with you. You are as strong as the company you keep, the old proverb says.” Hazanko carried a pleasant expression.

Katsuhito nodded his head in agreement. Junpei’s disposition dropped a little. He could defend himself quite well but he was nowhere near capable enough to stand before one such as Khal Jinn and stand much of a chance. Empress Suiko also looked concerned. “We would like to help in whatever way possible. If you don’t mind, perhaps you could bring Hazanko along? He’s a very capable magic user and perhaps he can help you gain a proper audience with Khal Jinn?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa
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Hazanko, Junpei, Katsuhito and Suiko

Hazanko smiled as Princess Tenanye spoke confidently. Perhaps she will be fine without assistance. He decided that it would be better for him and Junpei to stay behind. The Princess needed to do this on her own. “Perhaps the princess should have her audience with Khal Jinn alone.” He said with a curious smile.

Junpei was confused. But he decided to let it go. Empress Suiko nodded in understanding. Emperor Katsuhito sighed heavily. “I suppose I should not hinder you from spreading your wings, as a ruler should be allowed to do. Please take great care when you go. You are indeed making a brave move for your people.” The Emperor said with a reassuring smile.

Hatsumomo, Katsura, and Masaki

Ulfar proposed a toast, “Then a toast! To the Wa, the Leiknir and a united Fyrkat!” a cheer erupted from the men of Leiknir who also raised the goblets high, before taking a gulp of their drinks.

Tyra leant over to Hatsumomo, once the festivities had started up again. “I can’t wait to see my father in one of those.” She said smiling cheekily.

Hatsumomo replied with a giggle, “Neither can I. I brought the Plum wine as a gift I’m sure he’d enjoy.”

“But you will definitely have to show us how to wear one, otherwise even the Jade necklaces won’t help. We’d still get it wrong.” Tyra added laughing happily.

Hatsumomo laughed, Tyra had a pretty good sense of humor. “Considering the clothing the Leiknir and other foreigners wear, Wa’s kimono are indeed over complicated pieces of clothing. I would like to see some of the traditional dresses of Fyrkat sometime.” Hatsumomo replied.

Ulfar sat back heavily in his chair, watching the revelry continue. “Tell me, what is it your people drink for celebrations such as this?” He asked curiously as the gift bearers of both nations bringing their charge up to the main table and placing them on separate stands on each end. “I only ask as I’ve just suddenly realised how little I know about the outside world. I have fought in Fyrkat for my whole life and it has brought me little knowledge of the rest of the world.”

Masaki replied, “Osake which is rice wine, or Plum Wine are common celebratory drinks in Wa. You must try some Lord Ulfar.” Masaki sent for his servant to bring forth Osake and Plum Wine. Masaki’s attendant poured two cups, one for each beverage and Masaki served them to Ulfar He hoped that Ulfar would enjoy them. “If you like them, Hatsumomo has gifted Fyrkat with a very large supply of them.” Masaki continued.

The festivities ended and the people of Wa were shown their quarters. The rooms were very nice and also very different from any room you’d see in Wa. Katsura settled down in his own private quarters and sat admiring the room. Moments later Masaki knocked on Katsura’s door. Katsura opened it, a smile upon his face.

“My Lord, may I enter?” Masaki said, his head bowed.

Katsura replied with a smile, “Indeed, it’s too late in the evening for formalities Masaki. You never need ask me if it is okay for you to enter.” Katsura said with a gentle smile upon his face. He took Masaki’s hand and ushered him into his chambers. After closing his door, Katsura continued, “I gather you couldn’t sleep well?”

Masaki stepped closer to Katsura, the two stood face to face. “I like the room, but sitting there alone I am without comfort. I am without the comfort of being in Wa, and without being next to you in my sleep. But now I’m beginning to feel better.” Masaki began to smile.

Katsura smiled and then chuckled at the prince. He gently pulled Masaki close into an embrace. “I love you my sweet prince. I pray you sleep well at my side and I at yours. We have a long day of preparation and training ahead. We also need to survey the land and make sure our troops are prepared to fight on such terrain.” Katsura was then interrupted by Masaki.

“Katsu-chan, not now please. I know it’s hard to separate the military from the military man, but I just want us to be without business tonight. Let’s just rest Katsu-chan.” Masaki said in a wispy voice.

“Spoken, like a true wife.” Katsura chuckled as Masaki’s face puffed up in a fussy manner but almost immediately cleared up into a comfortable smile. The two settled down and slept for the evening.

Faramir Elendil

Faramir and his small army of mages had made it to the lands of Fyrkat a few days earlier. He was there to aid the Ulfheimr clan in their battle against the Leiknir and their ally Wa. However his personal reason for agreeing to help was the opportunity to test Baldr is the Chieftain of the Ulfheimr clan to see if he was capable of taking on the responsibility of bearing a True Rune. Faramir sat in a council meeting with Baldr and a few others to strategize for the upcoming battle.

“Lord Baldr, I will now explain my suggested plan of action. The Leiknir will not only face your soldiers and a small army of my warrior mages, but they will also face an army of illusion.” Faramir smiled in an almost sarcastic manner. “I will be positioned some at the rear of the field of battle casting my spell. I will use my Pale Gate Rune to summon creatures from another realm to battle the Leiknir alongside your soldiers. My battalion of mages will hang back on the battle field with me. As I summon the creatures from the other realm, they will use their power to disguise them as Ulfheimr clan soldiers. This will deceive the enemy and they will basically fight and become run down by overwhelming odds. What say you to this course of action Lord Baldr?” Faramir asked in a rather frank tone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar and Tyra Leiknir

Tyra sat back in her chair, smiling knowingly. “If its alcohol then my father will like it, there’s never been any worry about that, only Thor himself could outdrink my father.” She laughed once again. “Considering the clothing the Leiknir and other foreigners wear, Wa’s kimono are indeed over complicated pieces of clothing. I would like to see some of the traditional dresses of Fyrkat sometime.” Tyra had to think about this for a while, before eventually deciding that armour was probably the more traditional dress of her people but wasn’t what Hatsumomo meant. “I don’t think we have anything like your kimono but when we’re not wearing armour we wear tunics? Kind of woollen things that go over the top of an under tunic, then underneath those we wear trousers.” She answered trying to think of a way to at least spice up her peoples clothing. “Sometimes they have patterns on the chest?” she said.

“Osake which is rice wine or Plum Wine are common celebratory drinks in Wa. You must try some Lord Ulfar.” Ulfar raised an eyebrow at the curious sounding drinks, he had tried some rice during the feast, and Katsura had even allowed him to try a small bowl he happened to have with him. It was a soft flavourless thing that looked like somewhat like seeds, needless to say he had decided to stick to ordinary vegetables. He just couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to make a drink out of such a bland food, still a drink was a drink.

Shrugging Ulfar downed the contents of the small cup. “Hmm. It’s different, that’s certain. Definitely not what I was expecting, though now you must return the favour. Try this mead, I brewed it myself.” He said proudly, producing a large cup of the dark liquid.

Once the celebrations had begun to die down and the many drunk Leiknir had staggered back to their quarters Ulfar walked quietly through his now empty hall, he had as usual indulged in mass quantities of drink and as equally usual seemed hardly even touched by the alcohol. As he walked through his impressive hall he pondered his long life of war and how close he finally was to achieving his goal of reuniting the shattered mountains. Fyrkat would have a king again and that would be a Leiknir, perhaps not he but Tyra would certainly become Queen a thought that only reassured him that she still had much to learn before such a day could arise.

He gave a small chuckle to himself, Tyra the Unifier what an odd idea. Looking up at the motifs across the wall Ulfar decided to turn in for the evening. There was still much to do before uniting the clans and it was not going to be any simpler just through the Wa’s aid.

Tyra lay in her bed engaging in her own fantasies though tonight instead of thoughts of a united Fyrkat she instead thought of Masaki. The way he held himself with a weapon it was incredible, she shifted herself onto her side and stared up at her armour mount the fur covered breastplate shining slightly in the moonlight. Although unusual these Katana were obviously fierce weapons and Tyra wanted to learn its usage more than anything.

The morning came quicker than many of the Leiknir would have liked, many were holding themselves with a slight sense of delicacy but Ulfar was not amongst these, he as always was sat in his throne with the same calm demeanour that had seen countless victories across Fyrkat. The hall had been reassembled from the evenings antics and was once more set up with Ulfar’s table looking across the ends of each of the others, mighty fire pits illuminating the room

Tyra had also managed to escape the suffering of her clansmen and was sitting next to her father eating hungrily from a bowl of porridge prepared specially for her by one of the kitchen staff. It was a simple meal but had always been the girl’s favourite. “You really need to try some of this Masaki.” She said offering the bowl to him. “Honestly, it’s good.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir
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Katsura Shiraishi, Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Himiko Hatsumomo


The next morning Masaki prepared for the day to get started. He decided to dress in a slightly more comfortable than the day before. He figured at least he wouldn’t wear armor to the morning meal. After he was ready he left his chambers and proceeded to Katsura’s chambers. Masaki knocked on the foreign style doorway and heard no answer. Usually a person in Wa knelt down by the door when knocking and waiting to be invited into the room, however here in Fyrkat the rooms were vastly different, the doors were different as well. Doors of Fyrkat opened inward and outward of the room, unlike in Wa where doors slid open and closed. It felt odd kneeling by the foreign style door.

Masaki didn’t hear an answer so he decided to enter. “Katsura is probably meditating.” Masaki thought to himself before entering. Sure enough he was correct. Katsura sat on the floor in meditation. He looked so at peace as he usually did while in meditation. Masaki waited patiently and quietly until Katsura opened his eyes. “Good morning Katsu-chan.” Masaki said with a pleasant smile.

“Good Morning Masaki-kun. I awoke this morning in a pond of sadness. I had sweet dreams of the prince of Wa at my side in the morning sunlight, however when I awoke he was nowhere to be found.” Katsura grinned.

Masaki sighed. “I’m so sorry Katsu-chan. I had too,” Masaki explained however Katsura simply pulled Masaki into a warm embrace.

“It’s okay Masaki. I know and understand. I just missed you my love.” Katsura said as the two embraced.

When Katsura was ready and the two headed to join Ulfar and Tyra for breakfast. They all bid good morning to each other.
Hatsumomo sauntered into the meal area slowly and elegantly. This time she wore a more casually draped Kimono and no white make-up. Masaki looked at her and figured she wanted to be casual too. Hatsumomo must have felt comfortable enough with the Leiknir to be informal with them.

They were served an interesting morning meal of the Fyrkat Cuisine. They called it porridge. Masaki seen soups before but this was very thick a quite different. Tyra seemed to enjoy it very much. Masaki looked at Katsura who after thanking Ulfar and Tyra dug right in and ate the porridge with no problem. He smiled and said, “This is very interesting and different from anything I’ve tasted in Wa before! I like it very much!” Katsura really did enjoy the porridge and began eating it with a great smile.

Masaki took note. “If Lord Katsura likes this dish, I must learn to make it.” Masaki mumbled to himself in the Wa language. He would do anything to please his love.

Tyra in excitedly looked to Masaki and spoke, “You really need to try some of this Masaki.” She said offering the bowl to him. “Honestly, it’s good.”

Masaki seemed to jump a little from being startled out of his train of thought. Masaki smiled and nodded, then took the bowl offered to him. “If my Lov- I mean my Lord Katsura, and Lady Tyra likes Porridge I am sure I shall as well. I apologize for my lack of proficiency in the common tounge.” Masaki said in an attempt to cover up his mistake with works. He spooned some porridge into his mouth and the flavor wasn’t what he expected. Masaki enjoyed it. “I must say it is good! I want to learn to cook this dish!” Masaki said then took another spoon full.

Hatsumomo took small elegant spoonfuls of porridge and thought that it was alright, but it was very different in taste. She wasn’t the biggest fan of foreign cuisine because usually in the tea houses she entertains at the cooks struggle to make authentic foreign food whenever it’s on the menu. Needless to say Fyrkat’s cuisine most never made it to the menus of Gion’s tea houses.

Junpei Tsukino, Katsuhito Mizuno-Wa, Suiko Mizuno-Wa, Hazanko Kizakura

Tenanye smiled. "Again, My lord. I do not mind the company as well. " She said. She sighed and then rose, she gave a respectful bow to the men before speaking. "Junpei-sama, Hazanoko-sama," She said. "As it seems that the Emperor and Empress as well as my Father and worrisome lady in waiting would feel better if I had you come along. Please, I humbly request your accompaniment on my journey to Khal." She said.

Hazanko smiled and bowed gracefully. “I shall do my best and lend all the support I can, Princess Tenanye.” Hazanko seemed to notice a bit of worry on Soo-min’s disposition. She was indeed smiling but Hazanko could tell that deep down something was bothering her.

Junpei grinned casually and also gave a slight bow. “I will humbly escort Princess Tenanye there and back. Besides I might make a trade deal while I’m there myself.”

Emperor Katsuhito smiled with great relief. “I think you have made a wise decision. I hope Junpei and Hazanko will help you on your journey.”

Empress Suiko flicked open her folding fan and began to fan herself. “Do you plan to leave for the South Pacific Kingdom from Wa or will you head home from Anasai first then proceed to the south pacific kingdom?” She asked sweetly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar and Tyra Leiknir

Tyra nodded happily at the Wa’s approval. Porridge always reminded her of her mother from when she was still a child, unlike many of the Leiknir - Tyra included Freya - Leiknir was a peaceful woman, tending to the life of a völva instead of that of a warrior. Leading the religious festivals and teaching the tales of the mighty gods, she fell in love with Ulfar during a celebration of the summer solstice birthing all three of his children in the years that followed.

“I must say it is good! I want to learn to cook this dish!”

Ulfar smiled at his daughter’s enthusiasm for the dish, he had never seen how she had become so infatuated with the meal given its simplicity though he had to admit Freya had always made the best porridge. “The amount of it Tyra eats she could probably teach you in her sleep.” He mused.

Tyra placed her now empty bowl on the table with little clues as to what its contents had been. “Victory starts with a good meal.” She quoted with a smile.

The light hearted breakfast continued with much joking despite the pressing matters of the day that was quickly beginning. Tyra on a rare occasion had decided to not wear her armour and was currently wearing a red tunic and brown trousers, her feet covered by a pair of thick woollen boots. She had however kept her sword on her which was hanging from an ornately studded belt. Across her shoulders she wore a thick green cloak held together at the front by a silver broach in the shape of a hammer.

As the leaders of the two nations began to prepare themselves for the strategizing of the coming battles, Tyra pulled Hatsumomo to one side. “You know how you asked about our traditional dress yesterday? Well
 What do you think?” she asked gesturing down at her thick clothing, her belt and the neck of her tunic being the only decorated part of her outfit, both baring a twisting pattern that was obviously the style of the mountains, with similar patterns being used in many different things including on buildings.

Ulfar had taken to similar approach for the day, also taking to very simple clothing with little decoration and very basic colours, the Leiknir were not so much bothered by signs of rich clothing but by the way ones armour was made. “Katsura, Masaki, I think it could be worthwhile if we attack the Ulfheimr on two fronts. Although it is unlikely he will know much of your arrival, Baldr is too stuck in his ways to alter his out-dated strategy even if he did and having your men flank his could crush his army much faster than just a headlong attack.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Oropher Rovain Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir
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Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Katsura Shiraishi, Himiko Hatsumomo

As the leaders of the two nations began to prepare themselves for the strategizing of the coming battles, Tyra pulled Hatsumomo to one side. “You know how you asked about our traditional dress yesterday? Well
 What do you think?” she asked gesturing down at her thick clothing, her belt and the neck of her tunic being the only decorated part of her outfit, both baring a twisting pattern that was obviously the style of the mountains, with similar patterns being used in many different things including on buildings.

Hatsumomo examined the garment with a smile. “It’s simple and quite comfortable seeming. I like it. It seems your people aren’t big fans of flashy and gaudy garments. That’s a good sign of humbleness.” Hatsumomo felt that this form of dress was a nice contrast to the very elaborate dress style of the Wa elite. However it was similar to the common wear of the Wa people in its simplicity.

Ulfar, Katsura and Masaki were busy with the planning of their tactics. “Katsura, Masaki, I think it could be worthwhile if we attack the Ulfheimr on two fronts. Although it is unlikely he will know much of your arrival, Baldr is too stuck in his ways to alter his out-dated strategy even if he did and having your men flank his could crush his army much faster than just a headlong attack.” Ulfar said.

Katsura nodded in agreement. “Attacking from two fronts seems to be a wise course of action. However I must also suggest that we consider attacking from a third front. This smaller force will serve as our perimeter guard and failsafe in case something goes array.”

The Wa scouts-men had returned with positive news regarding the terrain of Fyrkat and the compatibility of the Wa soldiers fighting there. The Scouts brought Masaki a few scrolls that had a detailed report of the land’s layout drawn neatly on them. Masaki looked them over and smiled. “It seems that the terrain here won’t pose a problem for our soldiers at all. For that, I am gald.” Masaki said with a relieved expression.

After politely motioning for Tyra to follow her, Hatsumomo approached Ulfar, Katsura, and Masaki. “I will also lend my assistance during the battle, My lords.” Hatsumomo said as she sauntered up to the group elegantly. Her natural beauty easily caught the attention of the foot soldiers from both nations that scurried to and fro. Many of those that were little familiar with her would wonder what use a lady of her manner would be on a battlefield. “I feel that the spirits in Fyrkat are stirring in anticipation. They yearn for a unified land. This battle shall bring forth change on the wings of the wind. But something else is unusual
 the spirits sense something that makes them shudder.” Hatsumomo paused. She could feel something was a foot in the spirit realm but could not place what it was. The only thing she could do, for now, was to warn Ulfar, Tyra, Katsura, and Masaki. “Please take heed to the ramblings of a priestess. They may seem quite strange and cryptic now, however what is mysterious shall soon be made clear. For now please take caution my lords.” With that Hatsumomo bowed and excused herself, she then went to serve tea and small snacks to the soldiers. Even as Wa’s prestigious High Preistess, Hatsumomo couldn’t fight the urge to act as a hostess and geisha. She lived to put others at ease.

Katsura turned to Ulfar with a smile, “A prophecy of such from Himiko Hatsumomo is best heeded. I hope, Lord Ulfar, you and your men are comfortable flowing with intel from the spirit realm as well. We of Wa believe it to be a major element on the battlefield.”

Rumil Arato and Oropher Rovain

On the southern border of Mildorian is the quiet waterway known as the Mermen’s lagoon. There Mermen lounged around on the stones that lay piled in and out of the calm and soft waters. The mermen are vain and playful when they’re not busy laying traps for pirates, sailors and or random humans. The mermen and mermaids most always lived separately from one another. They only really communed with their gender opposite come mating season, when mermaids choose mermen that were looking for mates for reproduction partners. The Mermaid’s lagoon, however wasn’t too far off from the mermen’s lagoon.

Rumil lay on a large, partially submerged stone in the lagoon. He lazily laid there combing his jet black hair with comb crafted out of coral. His hair wasn’t particularly messy, but he had little else to do so he combed leisurely. Oropher swiftly surfaced in the water that surrounded the rock Rumil lay upon. “Hey Rumil, get off your tail and spar with me. I need my sparring partner.” Oropher was energetic and ready to burn some energy.

Rumil simply yawned and dismissed Oropher. “Aaaaahh
 I don’t really feel like doing anything right now. Can’t you spar with someone else?” Rumil replied in a whimsical fashion.

“but no one else knows my fighting style as well as you. It wouldn’t be a challenge! Come on!! Shake a fin why don’t ya!?” Oropher answered in an annoyed fashion, his tail batting the water’s surface creating large splashes.

Rumil replied, “I just don’t feel like doing it. I want Lord Faramire to return to Mildorian so he can tell us more stories. I don’t quite feel like doing anything without having heard one of his adventure, romance, tragedy, funny or scary stories.” Rumil and the other merpeople liked Faramire and recognized him as a magical being rather than a typical human. They liked for him to take his trips from the Magician’s tower down to the Lagoons and share talks of stories with them. This also served informational purposes, it gave the merpeople info on current events happening in other places from a human perspective.

Oropher quickly became annoyed. “Seems like you’ve found yet another human to pine over
 Gosh Rumil when will you get a clue?! Merpeople and Humans don’t mix, less we’re using them and throwing them away. Besides, If you wanna hear a story of his so freaking badly, why don’t you go looking for him!?” Oropher meant his last statement sarcastically but Rumil took it another way.

“Ya know, That’s not a bad idea! It’ll give me something to do! I’ve not traveled in quite some time! I shall take to the Sub-cavern as soon as I can! Lord Faramire said he was headed to the north, a nation called Fyrkat or something of the like
 the currents that flow in that direction move swiftly! This will be fun!!” With that Rumil jumped into the water and gathered his things for travel. Oropher was angry with himself for opening his big mouth. He refused to let Rumil go alone. Oropher had to tag along.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Tyra could feel her cheeks blush as the Wa Queen looked her up and down, she felt naked without her armour it had been a very long time since Tyra had ever bothered with a plain tunic. “Thank you.” She answered, having to reimburse her confidence with the thought of the glorious battle to come, though the beautiful woman’s words were definitely a boost to her confidence.

Ulfar stroked his beard thoughtfully at the battle plans, “This is very true, catching the Ulfheimr between the three sides and crush them in the centre.” Ulfar had to admit this was almost beginning to sound easy. “It seems that the terrain here won’t pose a problem for our soldiers at all. For that, I am glad.” Masaki informed the two other men.

“That is good news, I was wondering if the Wa armour would survive the Fyrkat mountains. It is why we don’t often wear armour.” Ulfar explained.

Tyra followed Hatsumomo quickly, still slightly caught off by her own insecurity. “I feel that the spirits in Fyrkat are stirring in anticipation. They yearn for a unified land. This battle shall bring forth change on the wings of the wind. But something else is unusual
 the spirits sense something that makes them shudder.” She heard Hatsumomo explain, her words shaking Tyra’s thoughts.

Ulfar nodded in agreement. “The gods are eager for Fyrkat to be united once more, even Odin himself will smile on the day Fyrkat has a king once more. Gods and men alike will drink merrily when we the Shattered lands are re-forged.”

“Please take heed to the ramblings of a priestess. They may seem quite strange and cryptic now, however what is mysterious shall soon be made clear. For now please take caution my lords.” Hatsumomo continued.

“No, no I understand. The gods of Wa and Fyrkat alike are agreed on this, our ancestors have fought long and hard for our nation and soon they will all be honoured and finally take their place in Valhalla.” Ulfar answered sagely.

Tyra stepped forward at this point, “They say that at the final battle for Fyrkat even the gods will come down to fight for the great clans.” She smiled, obviously not as perturbed by the idea of fighting alongside or even against their gods.

“A prophecy of such from Himiko Hatsumomo is best heeded. I hope, Lord Ulfar, you and your men are comfortable flowing with intel from the spirit realm as well. We of Wa believe it to be a major element on the battlefield.” Katsura offered as Hatsumomo left to busy herself helping the soldiers.

Ulfar nodded, turning his attention to the General. “Yes, battle is very spiritual to us as well. Our ancestors fought for this land and we will honour them now as we fight for the oncoming dawn.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Faramir Elendil, Himiko Hatsumomo, Katsura Shiraishi, Masaki Mizuno-Wa

Faramir watched gravely as Baldr gloated. “And I will crush them both!” He snarled allowed raising his fist in the air as he tested the power, fire engulfing his hand as he smiled darkly. “The world over will kneel at my name!” he laughed egotistically his booming voice filling the wooden room of the Ulfheimr hall. "Jarl! Ready the army! We ride for Leiknir!" He barked through his laughter at his generals outside.

The men around rushed to get things prepped and ready for battle. Faramir wasn’t pleased at all with how things were shaping up. He had to fulfill his duty to oversee Baldr’s trial under the True Fire Rune. He couldn’t back out of this battle, but he could attempt to spare the Leiknir and Wa from certain death. He considered sending a warning to the Leiknir because he felt bad about the terror they could possibly encounter now that Baldr had proven that he was unworthy of the rune, and most certain to abuse it’s destructive power.

Faramir turned toward Baldr and smiled as if it pained him. “Lord Baldr I must be off to make preparations of my own. You can expect to see my warrior mages ready front and center by the time your forces are ready to depart. My spell casters will depart ahead of time to prepare the outer rear guard for the casting.” And with that, Faramir excused himself from the room.

Faramir ordered his men to commence their preparations. He then used his Blinking Rune to teleport himself right outside the entrance of the Leiknir camp. The guards were astonished at Faramir’s sudden appearance but this was very momentary. They immediately raised their spears and attempted to hold Faramir at bay. “Halt!! You there, identify yourself!! What business have you with the Leiknir?!” one of Leiknir guards said to the other. “He definitely looks like a foreigner by the looks of his clothing.”

Faramir gazed upon the two confused and defensive guards stoically. He replied, “You should leave this land while you have a chance. I’m warning you
” Faramir’s voice was stoic and calm. The guards then called others to keep Faramir at bay. Five more approached weapons in hand. “Fools, there is no time for this. To ride off to Leiknir’s glory is to desire to die.” Faramir stated in a voice only slightly more emotional in tone. However the guards took him as a threat in need of neutralization.

“Seize him and we shall bring him before Lord Ulfar! He will decide what to make of this fools ramblings!” The lead guard ordered in a roar befitting his position. The men rushed Faramir and he hopped backward at the same time producing a large magic staff. He swung his arm backward and then brought it forward and his staff began to glow brightly. The air above the men rippled and immediately large stones fell from the rippling air above, landing on the charging soldiers. They groaned beneath the heavy stones unable to move.

Faramir lightly clutched his magic staff and looked upon the subdued men with pity. “I hopped I could safe your little clan and its ally the Wa, but I’m afraid it can’t be helped. Your injuries are minor and should keep you from seeing battle today. At least I managed to spare a few for now.” Faramir said with a sigh.

By this time the soldiers had got Ulfar, Tyra, Masaki, and Katsura and show them to the stranger that was Faramir. “My Lords, this man did this to our men! He’s a witch, a warlock, a magic user!!”

Faramir stood before the leaders unflinching. “Who are you!?” Katsura asked in a strong and authoritative voice.

Faramir sighed deeply, “I am a man drowning in regret and sorrow. Walk away from this land and live. To fight Baldr today is to throw your lives into flame and parish. You’ve been warned.” Faramir tapped his staff onto the ground and a large teardrop-like air bubble fell from the sky causing the ground beneath Faramir to ripple. He then sunk down into the rippling ground and vanished. The atmosphere returned to normal and Faramir appeared back at Baldr’s manor. The armies were ready to depart. And so they set off to battle.

Masaki stood in great concern. “I do believe whoever that was intended to warn us.” He said.

Katsura placed his hand on Masaki’s shoulder. “Worry not my prince, we shall triumph in battle today. Nothing has changed. The enemy’s attempt to demoralize our army has not prevailed. We shall ride alongside Lord Ulfar and Lady Tyra to victory. I need your sharp senses keen and at 100 percent.” Katsura said to Masaki gently. He looked into Masaki’s eyes with great calm. He would protect his love from all harm, his heart demanded it.

Ulfar and Tyra seemed determined to continue. He ordered for the men to hasten preparations. The Leiknir would not be frightened out of glorious battle. Katsura was right behind Ulfar and did not flinch in his determination. His honor was at stake, and so was the honor of the Leiknir clan. Masaki looked at things much differently. He knew that he needed to keep an eye out for anything seemingly unusual on the battlefield. This man of magic would most likely make an appearance on or around the field of battle.

Hatsumomo who was still inside the Leiknir camp could feel the magical energy about when Faramir was present. The spirits in the atmosphere shuddered when Faramir was near. Hatsumomo could feel that things were going to be much different than the warriors had expected.

With everyone prepped the Leiknir and the Wa rode off to battle. The field was open and both parties stood waiting to attack. Katsura, Ulfar and Tyra were to lead the first two fronts. Ulfar and Tyra were to take the first and main unit, while Katsura was to lead the secondary unit, attacking from the side. Masaki was to lead the third unit t attack from the rear and act as a surprise backup unit. Hatsumomo remained in a small guarded unit not far off from the main battlefield and lend special magical support.

The Leiknir and Wa faced Baldr’s forces seemingly in the usual numbers Baldr had showcased in previous battles. However this time there were additional soldiers of a magical nature. They were Faramir’s mage unit and they looked as if they were more polished in prestine in appearance in comparision to Baldr’s men. By looking at them, one could tell that they were definitely not from Baldr’s clan or Fyrkat for that matter. Faramir himself was far off from the main field of battle out of view from the others with a special unit of powerful spellcasters. The players were all on the field of battle. History in the making.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

The guards that had alerted them had roused the leaders from their preparations, Tyra grabbing the first weapon she passed which at that point happened to be an axe which she was brandishing violently as they approached the foreign wizard. Ulfar on the other hand and summoned his guards and walked calmly towards the noises around them. “What is the meaning of this?!” he boomed over the noise.

“I am a man drowning in regret and sorrow. Walk away from this land and live. To fight Baldr today is to throw your lives into flame and parish. You’ve been warned.”

Tyra growled at the response holding the axe tighter in her grip. “We are Leiknir, we do not run, we fight!” With this she swung the axe head towards the man who was already starting to vanish, leaving her axe embedded in nothing but the ground on which he’d stood.

“I do believe whoever that was intended to warn us.” Masaki said reacting more calmly then Tyra.

“A warning which we will not heed. Baldr’s mind is clouded against better judgement he has abandoned his honour in his desperation to rule and we will remove him from his position. A coward who hides behind false words has no place as King or even as a Chieftain.” Ulfar announced calmly, ignoring his daughters own response.

Tyra eventually successfully managed to tear the axe head from the ground and looked up at her father’s still stoic face. “I will avenge my brothers today, father. I swear it.” She said, leaving to prepare her armour. Ulfar nodded as she left, Baldr would soon be deposed. He had already been in contact with his estranged family and a new chieftain was already waiting to take his place beside Ulfar as a vassal. This would bring great fortune for the war; the end was finally in sight.

The sound of snow crunching beneath hoof and foot was all that could be heard as the combined army of Leiknir and Wa marched towards the field of battle. Ulfar rode proud with the ancestral sword of the Leiknir resting at his hip, it was of course Dwarvish but had been passed down generation after generation of Leiknir Chieftain. The wind blew through his hair and beard as the rode in silence towards what was sure to be a glorious battle, no fear in his eyes or those of his men just the quiet anticipation, the calm before a storm.

Tyra sat high on her own mount, a shield in one arm with an axe clutched in the same hand preparing for any loss of her shield. Her other hand remained free for the moment but that was only until she would draw her sword Sigr and charge forth onto the field, her armour was dull with wear but her furs were all as pristine as the day that they had been cut from the animal.

She looked out on the battlefield searching for the large form of her enemy Baldr, seeing him next to the wizard from the morning Tyra snarled to herself but she was interrupted from her train of thought by her father. “We may be outnumbered in size but not in prowess, Baldr is a weak man undeserving of his title as Hersir, so show no fear in the face of our adversaries for today even the gods themselves will tell tales of the Leiknir clan and the victory we obtained here today! Today we avenge brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers; today the battle for Fyrkat begins!” Ulfar’s sword blazed with light as he drew it from its highly decorated scabbard. “To Valhalla!” He cried out his voice carrying across the frozen mountains to the ears of every soldier of Leiknir and Wa, an echoing of his words erupting from the soldiers of Leiknir who drew their weapons as one and began to beat their shields.

Baldr Ulfheimr

Baldr’s horse shifted under him as the Leiknir’s army chorused the words of their chieftain but his crazed expression of joy had not left his face since his taking of the fire rune. “Crush these Leiknir bastards and send them to the halls they seem to wish for!” He boomed to his men, signalling the beginning of the charge. The crazed man laughed darkly to himself before kicking his horse into movement. “Let us see who is a great man now Ulfar.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Katsura Shiraishi, Himiko Hatsumomo, Masaki Mizuno-Wa

The warriors were on the field of battle, ready to engage the enemy they were facing. Masaki scanned the opposing side and its warriors. He saw the mage that had appeared at the Leiknir camp beside Baldr. He looked as if he was forcefully made to be Baldr’s ally, like one who fought with an ulterior motive. Masaki made a note to keep an eye on the mage if possible. He noticed Tyra was dead locked on the magician as well.

Hatsumomo could definitely feel the heavy magical energy present in the battle field. She knew that the unit of warriors that stood behind the magician were mages, and they carried weapons imbued with magic elemental energy, properly known as the sword of magic. With magic involved, this would not be a straight forward battle. “It looks as if I shall become more involved than I susupected.” She said to herself as se flicked her long bangs out of her slender face. She quickly summoned her maid servant to her side and requested a small hand scroll and brush to write a message to Katsura. After the message was complete she whispered a few quiet words, spoken in the native Wa language, into the wind.

The scroll drifted into the air and gently blow in front of Katsura who rode on a strong black stallion. The scroll continued to hover in front of Katsura until he grabbed it from the air to read it. “The enemy is not what they seem. There is a strong and ancient magic emanating from the robed man that appeared at the camp. His unit is made of warrior mages. Their weapons are magically strengthened. Take caution, their fighting spirit may be low, but their magic is not to be taken lightly.” Katsura read Himiko’s note. He had the note delivered to Masaki’s unit who quickly translated it into the common language, and then had it delivered it to Ulfar.

Once Ulfar had delivered his speech, katsura prepared to give his own. He had breathe in deeply and spoke loudly in both the Wa Language and the common tongue, some of the Wa soldiers never learned to speak the common language. “Warriors of Wa! Today we are here to help Lord Ulfar, a friend of Wa bring rightful honor to his land. The goddess smiles on us today, and we shall make her proud. The enemy is not to be underestimated, remember the burning heart of a honorable warrior is able to make him worth a thousand warriors in one. We shall drink with our Leiknir brethren, and our kinsmen once again! The son of heaven, Prince Masaki Mizuno-Wa is at our side. The choosen priestess of the sun goddess Amaterasu herself, Himoko is at our side. The mighty Lord and Lady of Leiknir, Ulfar and Tyra our leading us forward toward honor and righteousness. Who dare oppose us? To victory!” Katsura said with his Katana raised.
Masaki thought silently to himself as he sat on his graceful white horse. Even as a soldier on the field of battle he could not escape being a figurehead. He wished that he could simply play the role of Katsura’s right hand man and not that of a prince, but it was unavoidable. He did however need to concentrate in the task at hand. There was much to come.

Faramir Elendil

“Crush these Leiknir bastards and send them to the halls they seem to wish for!” Faramir listened as Baldr boomed to his men, signalling the beginning of the charge. The crazed man laughed darkly to himself before kicking his horse into movement. “Let us see who is a great man now Ulfar.”

Faramir cringed silently. He rolled his eyes and clutched his horse’s reigns gently. He spoke calmly to his mages. “We must follow this course of action until the Circle Rune tells me of Baldr’s passing or failing of the rune’s test. As we battle pray that this trial ends swiftly. Black mages I order you to remain far back in the summoning grid and commence the casting. I shall join you once you’ve set up the summoning grid. Remember to stay out of sight. Proceed.” Faramir’s horse stood still as the warrior mages advanced past him. Baldr and his forces were advancing as well. The battle had begun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

The battle cries from both sides were deafening throughout the mountains and could be heard as far away as Fylkirholl as the two great armies charged full speed into one another and yet despite the noise, Tyra heard nothing her thoughts were set on finding Baldr and avenging her brothers. As the snow between the two armies was beginning to close and as it did Tyra pulled her feet up onto her saddle and stood up waiting for the moment to literally launch herself into the battle it wasn’t long before she got her wish, the final calm moment before the crunch of metal on metal finally hit and Tyra threw herself into the battle her shield ready to come crashing into those landed on as her weapons tore into the Ulfheimr.

The battle had waged on for almost an hour but it didn’t seem to matter what the Leiknir or Wa soldiers did the Ulfheimr just kept coming, for each man cut down another seemed to take his place. Driving his sword home into what seemed like the hundredth Ulfheimr warrior, Ulfar looked at his surroundings. Men and women lay upon the floor from both clans, cut down in the heat of battle but something was odd about the Ulfheimr warriors. Continuing to gaze across the bodies it slowly began to appear to Ulfar that the soldiers at the feet were the same people. Quickly turning his head up to Katsura, Ulfar voice boomed over even the sound of battle. “These are not men of Fyrkat! Look at their faces!” Returning his gaze to his foes Ulfar’s blade once more found its way home into the apparitions.

Baldr Ulfheimr

Baldr laughed manically as he walked through the battlefield hacking down the Leiknir soldiery with his axe without any form of remorse for his foes or even any visible effort. “Bow before me Leiknir! Bow before your King!” he boomed raising his fist into the air a fire appearing once more on his hand as he felt the force of the rune give way to his willpower.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Katsura Shiraishi, Hatsumomo Himiko, Faramir Elendil

The battle raged on with baldr’s seemingly endless number of soldiers. Katsura cut down soldier after soldier from the opposing team. He hated to admit it but the opposing forces were beginning to wear him and the other allied soldiers down. His eye darted left and right in search of Masaki. Katsura just needed to know that he was alright. His search was interrupted by Ulfar’s booming voice across the battle field. “These are not men of Fyrkat! Look at their faces!”

Katsura looked at the soldier he just killed. He looked almost identical to several other soldiers and they looked a bit off. In fact, Katsura realized that they made no real battle cries, Baldr’s soldiers were absolutely quiet. Katsura called back to Ulfar, “Keen eye my friend! I shall have my men look into this. If we can hold them off a bit longer we can hopefully turn the battle around!!” Katsura’s unit rendezvoused with Masaki’s unit. When Katsura looked upon Masaki he smiled in relief. However they weren’t out of the fire yet. “Masaki, these soldiers are not normal.” Katsura reported.

“I noticed. They don’t make any real sound, even their footsteps are too light. Something’s off.” Masaki replied. More enemy soldiers approached and Masaki fired arrows into the air that hit each intended target with a lethal shot. “Masaki the remembered, he had not seen the magician that was present at their camp since the beginning of the battle. “That mage from before!! He’s nowhere to be found. Yet his soldiers remain
 We must find him. I’m sure he’s the key!” Masaki explained.

Hatsumomo had spent the earlier portion of the battle at the rear concentrating on the spirit and magical energy she sensed. He rode up on her horse to Katsura and Masaki. “You need that mage? I can find him, follow me.” Hatsumomo said and continued to ride forward.

Katsura turned to Masaki, “Follow Himiko. I shall rejoin Ulfar and Tyra and attempt to push the enemy back. Find that magician and put a stop to his trickery. Hurry!!” Katsura sped off on his horse toward the area closer to Ulfar and Tyra.

Masaki followed Himiko as she trailed the magical energy back to its source. A distance from the battle was the magician surrounded by other mages. The magician held his staff into the air as a large purple symbol hovered over him glowing. There were creatures of a humanoid nature being summoned from a portal of sorts. Himiko explained. “The man in the center is a rune bearer and a powerful mage. I can feel it. The others are not nearly as strong as he is magically. The lead mage is using a rune to summon those creatures to this realm. The other mages are casting an illusion around them to make them look as if they were Baldr’s soldiers. What your men are fighting aren’t humans but monsters in disguise.”

Masaki prepared his weapons. “So we stop them and so stops the endless warriors. It looks as if my unit has a fight on our hands with magicians
” Masaki said in a slightly worried tone.

“I shall deal with the other mages. They can be incapacitated rather easily using my magic. However the lead magician is a different matter. I cannot stop him. But you can. The key is not to give him time to cast strong spells. If you bombard him enough, he’ll have to resort to casting lower level spells that will do far less damage.” Himiko explain as she dismounted from her horse. She prepared seven talismans with calligraphy characters written on them. After chanting quietly she released them into the air and they each flew to and adhered to the forehead of a mage surrounding Faramir. The seven mages were magically paralyzed thus their illusion spell had stopped. Now every monster disguised on the battlefield was revealed for what it was.

Faramir stopped his using his Pale Gate rune to summon creatures. He stepped toward Masaki and Himiko. “Well isn’t this a happy twist of fate. I’m glad the fool hasn’t burned you to ash fair prince of Wa.” Faramir said with a smile. “Your magical and spiritual intuition is impressive my dear lady. There aren’t many capable of subduing my mages magically.” He said to Himiko. “Unfortunately for us both, I am still in the service of Baldr until the trial is done. Therefore I must strike you down. I wish you would have heeded my warning earlier. I didn’t want to kill you. So be it.”

Masaki took that as an immediate ‘go’ and sprang into action. He unsheathed his katana and slashed at Faramir who only gracefully and smoothly dodged. Faramir evaded Masaki’s swift strikes as purple orbs of energy slowly spiraled around his body. “He’s trying to conjure a spell. You must land a blow to him now!” Himiko shouted. Masaki had never heard her raise her voice before this. But it was too late Faramir had succeeded in casting a spell from his Pale Gate rune. The Pale Gate symbol appeared and a cloud of dust appeared and in it stood a large centaur with a jousting spear in hand. The centaur charged at Masaki who dodged in time to avoid being impaled. The centaur disappeared promptly once the spell had faded.

Masaki knew that he had to catch Faramir by surprise. Masaki had a plan. He rushed in for an attack expecting Faramir to evade. Instead of attacking he tossed his katana to Faramir at the last moment and continued to run past the mage. Faramir dodged well as Masaki expected and mistaken evaded into Masaki’s grasp. The Wa prince grabbed Faramir and tackled him to the ground. Masaki the quickly pulled his smaller blade and held it to Faramir’s throat. “Surrender now. I know you don’t want to help Baldr. I don’t want to harm you.” Masaki said looking into the mage’s eyes.

In the distance a fire and explosions blazed. Baldr was using the True Fire rune. “You do have a good heart about you fair prince. Fortunately for us, Baldr has finally failed the test of the rune. The Circle Rune has okayed me to remove the rune from Baldr. However, I will need your help. Frykat needs that rune removed from Baldr at once!” Masaki then helped Faramir up to his feet. “I am Faramir Elendil, Lord and steward of Magician’s Tower in Mildorian. I know who you both are so you need not introduce yourselves. Let’s make haste.” Faramir remarked. After a few moments they rendezvoused with Ulfar, Tyra, and Katsura.

Fire blazed on the battle field. Many had been burned and injured. It seemed the battle field really turned into a real hell. “We have brought the mage Faramir Elendil to help us.” Masaki said as they approached the group. “Those phantom soldiers will not be a problem any longer. However he need our help to stop Baldr from further using the True Fire Rune.” Masaki continued.

“If I get you to Baldr, would you be able to stop him? I’ll need you to ware him down enough so that I can extract the rune from him.” Faramir explained. He knew that it would be difficult for them to trust him but he and they had little choice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir and Baldr Ulfheimr

The fires blazed across the battlefield as Ulfar and Tyra continued their fight, the sounds of swords, axes and shields colliding the only thing accompanying the Leiknir’s tiring battle cries. It had begun to dawn on Ulfar that the battle was beginning to take a turn for the worst; he only hoped that Masaki and Hatsumomo could put a stop to whatever apparitions their enemy was using before it was too late.

Tyra’s shield had long since been splintered away and now lay in splinters on the floor, her axe now in one hand and her sword in the other; both had obviously seen a fair share of blood already. In her young life she had seen much battle but none as ferocious as this, their enemies seemed endless. No matter how many were put to the sword. She could almost not contain her surprise as the sudden illusion faded before them and instead of the warriors of Baldr they were suddenly confronted by all wonders of creatures, though knowing their enemy’s true face was in some ways worse.

The battle waged on for some time more, the Leiknir almost reaching buckling point under the weight of the summoned adversaries before as one and as suddenly as they had been revealed the creatures disappeared into nothing. Both sides seemed stunned for a few moments as weapons of the Leiknir fell through thin air and the Ulfheimr suddenly lost a massive portion of their forces. The momentary silence was short lived before the Leiknir seemingly let out as one a cheer; the tide had begun to turn.

“We have brought the mage Faramir Elendil to help us” Masaki explained as Hatsumomo and he returned from their fight. Tyra at first readied her weapons but at a gentle touch to her shoulder from her father lowered them begrudgingly back down. “If I get you to Baldr, would you be able to stop him? I’ll need you to wear him down enough so that I can extract the rune from him.” The wizard said once Tyra was calmed.

“We can but traitor or not Baldr is a Hersir of Fyrkat and as such will answer for his crimes only to me.” Ulfar said. “I must fight him alone.”

Baldr strode through the field, his axe swinging brutally as he scorched the field, seeming to make no differentiation between the Leiknir soldiers and his own. “Burn! Burn! Burn for your King!” He laughed, his mind obviously having crumpled, though whether because of the rune or because of his own egocentricity it was difficult to tell. “Where are you Ulfar!?” he continued. “I would send you back to your sons!”

It didn’t take long for the gigantic man to come across the group, and when he did a mad smile crept across his lips. “There you are, Ulfar! Now would you burn here or send your little rat to die first!?”

Ulfar kept his composure in the face of the crazed Hersir, “You are a failure, Baldr! You will never rule Fyrkat!” He called back raising his sword in preparation for the battle.

Baldr threw his head back in laughter, taking his axe into just one hand. His other beginning to burn brightly with the power of the rune before launching a ball of fire almost as tall as Ulfar himself hurtling towards him. Ulfar made no move to avoid the fire instead he raised his sword and braced himself.

“NO!” Tyra screamed hurtling herself into the path of the fire and extending her arm, a wall of cold air dispersing the fire before it could burn either of them.

“A Seith!?” Baldr exclaimed his maddened eyes twitching slightly. “Bah! It doesn’t matter, I will kill you nonetheless!” he shouted charging forward with his axe held high. Ulfar pushed Tyra out of the way at this point, raising his sword once more and deflecting the heavy blow from the gigantic Ulfheimr.

The two men’s waged heavily against one another neither managing to gain advantage over their adversary for some time, before eventually Baldr managed to land a well-placed kick into Ulfar’s chest, knocking him into the show covered ground. His arm raised above his head as he once more summoned the power of the rune to scorch Ulfar.

It was here that Tyra re-joined the fight, leaping into the air as high as she possibly could and swung her sword with all her might at the giant’s hand removing it at the wrist, the fire of the rune cauterising the wound as his hand fell away from his arm.

Baldr howled in pain as he fell to his knees clutching at his stump, the forcibly tearing away from the power of the rune returning the small amount of sanity he had once had but the force of its extraction causing him great pain as well.

Ulfar returned himself to his feet and looked down upon Baldr’s hunched form. “Baldr Ulfheimr, you are a weak man. You have besmirched the name of the Fyrkat Hersirs and as such are exiled from the shattered lands. May the gods never grace you peace.”

The battle had begun to ebb as the news of Baldr’s defeat spread throughout the battlefield and Leiknir and Wa alike threw their arms up in great cheers of victory. The remaining Ulfheimr throwing their weapons down in surrender.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Faramir Elendil, Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Katsura Shiraishi, Himiko Hatsumomo

Baldr battled in a crazed manner and Ulfar met Baldr’s might with a valiant vigor. Faramir gripped his staff tightly in preparation to aide Ulfar and Tyra in their battle. He wasn’t sure if they’d need his assistance but he tried his best to stay out of the fight. He usually had no problem keeping his nose out of the affairs of others, unless it involved a True Rune, then it was just as much his business as well. Faramir was surprised when the Seith had countered the magic of the True Rune. This was not a feat easily accomplished by even the most powerful of mages. It seemed that Fyrkat was not without magical prowess of its own. Faramir was quite impressed.

Everyone was taken aback when Tyra rescued Ular and at the same time removed the hand of Baldr’s that bore the True Rune of Fire. The warlord was in excruciating pain and suffered as the battle came to a conclusion. Faramir remained stoic and his expression remained unchanged as he slowly approached the hand that now lay bloodied and in the snow. He held his hands forward into the atmosphere and rune glowed a fiery red. It lifted off of the dismembered hand and hovered in front of Faramir inside of an orb like container before disappearing into thin air. “Well thank you lady Tyra, you’ve made my task considerably easier than I had planned. Thank you.” Faramir said with a cheeky smirk. He knew that the warrior maiden seemed apprehensive of him.

The soldiers all cheered and Masaki could breathe easier knowing that they all made it through in one piece generally. Masaki turned to Katsura with a warm smile as he wiped the sweat from his brow. “I live to see your proud smile once more. To Amaterasu I am glad.”

Katsura chuckled calmly. “I thank the goddess that I live to relieve my love of worries.” Masaki’s pale face blushed a bit before flashing Katsura a stern look. Masaki wanted Katsura to remember to be cautious about how closely they behaved out in the open. The low level foot soldiers and servants of Wa dare not expose their secret for fear of severe punishment. But Masaki felt they couldn’t be too cautious.

After Baldr was delt with and everyone left the battlefield, a large feast was thrown. Masaki sat in his room getting ready for the dinner, accompanied by Hatsumomo. She had desired to speak with the prince. “It seems you have picked up a few ways from Tyra my lord.” Hatsumomo said with a giggle.

Masaki raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “Oh, really, How do you imagine Himiko?” Masaki replied, trying to hide how startled he was at the accusation.

“Well my lord, I am quite certain I didn’t imagine you tackling the mage Faramir to the ground the way you did today. It was quite an uncouth tactic if I do say so myself. Quite the contrary to your usual elegant form when fighting, much like the warrior maiden Tyra.” Hatsumomo continued to tease. It was good to see that the young lady had rubbed off on the prince.

 The situation simply called for creativity and out of the box thinking. Lady Tyra is quite creative on the battlefield. So it’s only fitting that I learn a thing or two from her.” Masaki replied with gained composure. He was not the biggest fan of being teased. However if anyone could get away with it Himiko knew how.

In a few moments the two joined the others. Faramir sat down near Katsura feeling slightly out of place. He was a tad apprehensive about joining the Leiknir and Wa for their celebration due to the fact that he was once a part of the enemy army and cause them great harm. Some of the soldiers were still confused as to his presence there among them. The other mages were also quiet and poised. They quietly mingled with the other soldiers after being welcomed a bit. They were all soon laughing and showing the Wa and Leiknir soldiers small little magic tricks over drinks.

Once Masaki approached the table Faramir could instantly pick up on his bond with Katsura. He moved a seat over from Katsura. “Ah fair prince, please have my seat. I you should sit next to your spouse.” Faramir said as plain as day, not really thinking that it would be a problem. Masaki froze in shock, Katsura sheepishly thanked Faramir with a shy bow for the kind gesture. Hatsumomo simply chuckled to herself. Masaki was quite worried what Tyra and Ulfar would make of such news. He definitely didn’t want to offend anyone or, most of all, he didn’t want his secret exposed back in Wa.

Faramir was puzzled by the prince’s perplexed disposition. “Did I say something wrong? My apologies
 if I assumed incorrectly.” Faramir said while still looking puzzled at the two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Tyra appeared to be somewhat more at peace as Faramir approached her and Baldr’s hand, “Well thank you lady Tyra, you’ve made my task considerably easier than I had planned. Thank you.” This seemed to rekindle Tyra’s fire as she turned angrily to face the mage, shunting him backwards with the blunt of her axe. “Your task!? You gave him the fucking thing!” She screamed angrily at the mage, the only thing holding her back being respect for her father’s orders. “As I see it you are just as responsible for this as he is!” She growled at him gesturing to the field of battle. “There is no honour in a slaughter!” She added before turning her back on the mage.

Ulfar remained quiet throughout Tyra’s outburst, he knew how his daughter would feel about this as soon as Faramir approached them and even he himself could see sense in her words. The man led to the deaths of hundreds of Leiknir warriors for no other reason than to test the crazed and now one handed Hersir.

The fires were lit for a feast by the evening, the servants working as fast as they could to provide a meal worthy of such a victory; the Ulfheimr clan had become a vassal to the Leiknir. Baldr having been replaced as Hersir by his estranged sister whom the insane chieftain had had banished, along with the rest of his family for their persistent attempts to convince him otherwise of his hatred towards the Leiknir.

By Fyrkat tradition it is imperative to be a good host towards friend or foe and this cultural imperative was the only reason that Tyra hadn’t already planted her axe into the mage Faramir; it was also the reason she had partaken in copious amounts of mead and why she was now swaying slightly in her chair.

She thumped her chest theatrically as Masaki and Hatsumomo entered the room from their preparations however instead of the dull thud of her armour it was the sound of her fist hitting her own chest, as for what was now twice in one week she wasn’t wearing her armour and instead was wearing the plain looking tunic favoured by the Fyrkat.

Ulfar ignored his daughter’s antics, at least she wasn’t singing on the tables yet; Tyra had never shown any sign of her father’s tolerance to alcohol however he wasn’t surprised in her drinking, she had been after Baldr’s head since before she had hit a decade old and she deserved a strong drink.

“Did I say something wrong? My apologies
 if I assumed incorrectly.” The puzzled voice beside him made Ulfar burst into laughter with almost a tear in his generally stoic eyes, it was some moments before the large man had managed to calm himself enough to speak. “I don’t think anyone’s supposed to know.” He whispered loud enough for only their table to hear.

Tyra giggled into her mead. “Although the sneaking in and out of each other’s chambers every night is a bit of a giveaway.” She added somewhat less quietly but still not loud enough for anyone else to have heard in the festivities. “Almost makes me feel jealous.” She added with another giggle.

Ulfar felt the hairs on his neck stand up at his daughter’s words; he was still a father after all. Tyra on the other hand had already leant her head on Hatsumomo’s shoulder and was daydreaming to herself. “What do you think, Hatsumomo? Fancy joining me?” she offered with a playful but obviously jestfull wink.

Ulfar continued to ignore his daughter’s flirtations wanting to have as little to do with that whole side of things as he possible could. “Another drink?” Ulfar offered already pouring more of the mead jug into their cups.

Baldr Ulfheimr

Waves crashed into his thoughts as Baldr groggily awaked, the side of his head pounding from the effects of some immemorial blow to the head it took some time for his surroundings to eventually solidify themselves around him but as soon as they did he sat up with a start, it was a ship that much was obvious and from the look of things its sole purpose was to house the Chieftain as uncomfortably as possible. Launching himself to his feet Baldr looked out of his cage and onto the deck of one of the Leiknir longships.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Shiraishi Katsura, Himiko Hatsumomo, Faramir Elendil

“Did I say something wrong? My apologies
 if I assumed incorrectly.” Faramir said.

Faramir’s puzzled voice made Ulfar, who sat beside him, burst into laughter with almost a tear in his generally stoic eyes, it was some moments before the large man had managed to calm himself enough to speak. “I don’t think anyone’s supposed to know.” Ulfar whispered loud enough for only their table to hear.

Masaki’s cheeks began to turn red with embarrassment. He still stood shocked at the discovery that his careful sneaking wasn’t as careful as he had thought. He was also afraid of being considered an impure prince, and a disgrace to the Mizuno-Wa lineage with his behavior.

Katsura sat quietly a smile slowly crept onto his face as the other spoke. He was finding that having been caught was amusing and made him feel silly for having snuck around in the first place. Masaki’s reaction didn’t help him refrain from wanting to laugh. However he knew that if he didn’t do or say something Masaki would not handle the embarrassment well. Masaki was indeed a Wa noble and image was everything to them, even to the generally down to earth prince.

Tyra giggled into her mead. “Although the sneaking in and out of each other’s chambers every night is a bit of a giveaway.” She added somewhat less quietly but still not loud enough for anyone else to have heard in the festivities. “Almost makes me feel jealous.” She added with another giggle. Tyra had already leant her head on Hatsumomo’s shoulder and was daydreaming to herself. “What do you think, Hatsumomo? Fancy joining me?” she offered with a playful but obviously jestfull wink.

Hatsumomo giggled loudly. “Only if you wear that dress my lady~” She replied in a sultry voice that was heavily accented. She then burst out into laughter.

Masaki could have died on the spot of embarrassment. Masaki then snapped and fussed at Katsura who at this point had begun to laugh. Masaki shouted in the Wa language, â€œćœŒă‚‰ăźă‚Žă‚·ăƒƒăƒ—ă‚’èžă„ăŠă€ç§ăŻćŠŸăźă‚ˆă†ă«èŠ‹ăˆă‚‹ïŒă“ă‚ŒăŻă‚ăȘăŸă«éąç™œă„ă§ă™ă‹ïŒïŒŸç§ăŻäžçŽ”é“ćŸłăźç”·ă§ăŻăȘă„ă§ă™ïŒâ€[phonetic equal: Karera no goshippu o kiite, watashi wa mekake no yƍnimieru! Kore wa anata ni omoshiroidesu! ? Watashi wa fujun dƍtoku no otokode wanaidesu!]

Hatsumomo ceased laughing as began to translate for the others, “Prince Masaki is upset with his husband
 He said ‘listening to their gossip, I look like a concubine. Is this funny to you? I am not a man of impure morals.” Hatsumomo tried not to giggle. She had never seen him so flustered and upset with Katsura.

Katsura stood to his feet and approached the upset Prince. Gently holding his shoulders, â€œèœăĄç€ă„ăŠăă ă•ă„ă€‚ćœŒă‚‰ăŻăăźă‚ˆă†ăȘæ–čæł•ă§ă‚ăȘăŸăźă“ăšă‚’è€ƒăˆăŠă„ăȘă„ă€‚ćœŒă‚‰ăŻć”Żäž€ăźć†—è«‡ă€æ„œă—ă„æ™‚ă‚’éŽă”ă—ăŠă„ăŸă€‚[Phonetic equal: Ochitsuite kudasai. Karera wa sono yƍna hƍhƍ de anata no koto o kangaete inai. Karera wa yuiitsu no jƍdan, tanoshÄ« toki o sugoshite ita.]

Hatsumomo began to translate again. “Lord Katsura said, ‘please calm down. they don't think of you in that way. they were only joking and having fun.’” She ended her translation and the couple sat down after Katsura gave Masaki a hug, something they most never did in public. Masaki calmed down and apologized for his outburst.

Faramir chuckled, “No married couple would be real if they didn’t argue every once in a while. I’m envious of you two. You’ve got something good going and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Hatsumomo added, “Yes we are laughing with you not at you.”

“Another drink?” Ulfar offered already pouring more of the mead jug into their cups.

“Yes please. I would much like that.” Katsura replied with a big smile. Once he was settled in his seat he spoke. “So lord Ulfar, now that you’ve won the war, are you still in need of Wa’s services? We can extend our stay if you would like the extra man-power. I’m sure I could convince the emperor to allow it.” Katsura figured the people of Fyrkat may still need an extra hand in case there is more fighting. He wanted Ulfar and Lady Tyra to have as smooth a transition as possible. Katsura turned toward Masaki, “Is that alright with you as well my love?” Katsura asked.

“I’ve told you before I’d follow you anywhere. I’d love to spend more time here. It’s cold but the people are warm and I like it.” Masaki replied.

Hatsumomo turned to Faramir, “What shall you do from here Lord Faramir? Will you offer to help Fyrkat as well? It would probably be good for you to do so.” Hatsumomo asked as she poured the mage more mead.

Faramir smirked a little as he thought about it. “I’ve nothing highly pressing to do at the moment. If Lord Ulfar and Lady Tyra would have me I will do what I can to assist Fyrkat.” Faramir gave a polite smile to Ulfar and Tyra. He was truly sorry for the hardship they had to go through due to baldr having the True Fire Rune. However he was not in the slightest going to apologize for giving Baldr the rune. It was Faramir’s job and a preordained test from the Fire Rune. Faramir could not disobey the burden of his Circle Rune.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Tyra smiled slightly confused at Hatsumomo’s reaction even in her drunken state she had not expected the woman’s response especially in such a voice. “Wow. I’m going to hold you to that now.” She giggled to herself, nuzzling in on Hatsumomo’s shoulder.

Ulfar laughter dimmed slightly at the use of the Wa language, it was a curious language very different from their own and from the common tongue. He looked over at Hatsumomo as she began to translate for Tyra and him; it almost made him feel glad that he couldn’t understand the Wa language, arguments between friends was bad an argument between lovers was worse.

Tyra looked over from her nuzzling but did not remove her head from Hatsumomo’s shoulder, lest she risk falling off her chair. At first she began to think she’d had too much to drink before it finally began to sink in that these were not the words of the common language.

“So lord Ulfar, now that you’ve won the war, are you still in need of Wa’s services?” Katsura asked once the argument had come to a close. “We can extend our stay if you would like the extra man-power. I’m sure I could convince the emperor to allow it.”

Ulfar stroked his beard thoughtfully at this for a moment. “The war with Ulfheimr is over but we are yet to see what will happen in the council. Messengers have been sent to all of the other clans and the Seidhr to call for a council meeting but there is no guarantee that it will pass yet. Only Odin can know if it is the Leiknir’s time to rule yet and for this cursed war to finally end.” He explained taking a small swig of his mead as he did so. “Though with the Ulfheimr vote on our side we have a chance to gain the Seidhr vote too, which will bring in the others too. No one argues with the voice of the gods themselves.”

Tyra had zoned out of the conversation at the other side of the table and was now deep in thought. “Lady Hatsumomo, do you think that when you do leave I would be able to go with you to Wa?” she eventually asked, looking up at Hatsumomo’s mahogany coloured eyes. “I have heard so much about Wa and I would really love to see it, learn about it first-hand.” She explained.

“I’ve told you before I’d follow you anywhere. I’d love to spend more time here. It’s cold but the people are warm and I like it.”

Ulfar smiled at Masaki’s comment, “It’s always cold here, in fact this is one of the warmer parts of Fyrkat, its worse up in the mountains. It’s why we wear furs and separate pieces of armour, solid metal plate freezes in the cold weather and then you can’t move, as some of our southern enemies of the past discovered for themselves.”

“What shall you do from here Lord Faramir? Will you offer to help Fyrkat as well? It would probably be good for you to do so.”

Tyra sat up at this point, feeling the hate she felt for the wizard burn away at the alcohol, sobering her up surprisingly well but the feeling of her father’s reassuring hand upon her shoulder stayed her tongue. She would get her chance but she could not dishonour her family by breaking the creed of hospitality. Instead Ulfar voiced their opinion for them, “All allies are welcome here and when the Leiknir finally rise out of the ashes to unify the Kingdom once again I will ensure that the friendships between our people that have been forged in war will continue into peace.”