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Melisandre Tyrell

"The night is dark and full of terrors"

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a character in “Crowns and Empires”, as played by CreativityIsPower




Melisandre Tyrell

What/Who They Are ?:

Melisandre is a priestess of R'hllor and a witch, hailing from the Mediterranean Kingdom She is known by many names The Red Priestess, The Red Woman, The Red Witch and Lady Red. All her names having to do with color red.


Her age is unknown to all but she appears to be in her late thirties.


Melisandre is a great beauty, with long hair the color of crimson red and pale, unblemished skin. She is slender and graceful, and rather tall for a woman. She has full breasts, a narrow waist, and a heart-shaped face. Her voice is sonorous, with an exotic accent. As is the custom of the Red priests of her faith, she wears red or crimson clothing, usually long gowns of silk. She is never without the red gold choker that fits snugly around her neck. When she works magic, the ruby setting glows with power. It can burn her if the magic worked is particularly demanding.

Where they live ?:

She has recently arrived in the capital of the South Atlantic Kingdom in hopes of helping Queen Amelia reach her full potential.



Melisandre is a mysterious woman who trusts completely in the power of her god and the visions he grants her in the flames. She calmly rebuts all those who doubt her and scoffs at the followers of other gods as deluded. Unlike many others with prescient abilities, she has complete faith in her ability to correctly interpret visions. She is careful to present herself as mysterious, serene and powerful. Although she is genuinely skilled with magic, she enhances this with various smokes and powders that she keeps concealed in her robes. Melisandre says she has practiced her art for "years beyond count" and because she has never revealed her age people can only suspect.



The Mediterranean Kingdom is a popular trading destination for ships traders' circle in the African Ocean. The kingdom is best known for its exports, such goods as amber and dragonglass. Aside from merchant traders, few from other lands visit the kingdom so little is known about it.

The kingdom and its people have an ominous reputation in other lands. The lands are described as having a dark and solemn appearance. The native people are well versed in witchcraft and wizardry and have a language of their own.

Melisandre born Melony, was born a slave of R'hllor. She was purchased in a city of the Mediterranean Kingdom to serve the red temple of R'hllor. The slaves who are taken become priests, temple prostitutes, servants or even join the temple guard known as the Fiery Hand.

Melony has had the gifts bestowed upon her from the Lord of Light for as long as she could remember. When she became an official Red Priestess is when she changed her name from Melony to Melisandre.

Since becoming a priestess she has advised using the abilities gifted to her by her deity to do his bidding. In temples of the Lord of Light, Red Priests conduct bonfires and sing prayers each night, beseeching the Lord of Light to bring back the dawn. R'hllor is the one true god of the world and Melisandre will do whatever her god wills her to do.

It is because of her god that she know finds herself in the South Atlantic Kingdom. Her most recent visions have shown her things that has convinced her that the Silver Queen of the South Atlantic Kingdom is the one who will rid this world of darkness and bring forth the light.



The Red Priestess who are the clergy in the faith of R'hllor are said to have magical abilities.

Shadow: Melisandre has the power to conjure a shadow that will do whatever she wishes up it to do. In order to use this power, Melisandre first has to have sex with a man and in doing so sap a piece of his life-force. For this to work the 'father' of the being must be of royal blood. Once the Shadow has achieved its purpose, it vanishes.

Poison protection: When traveling through the cities of the Mediterranean Kingdom a man attempted to poison Melisandre by slipping poison into a cup of wine. After realizing that the cup was poisoned, Melisandre drank the entire cup without fear, completely unaffected by the poison, while the man who tried to kill her died moments later from a simple sip. The red amulet around her neck lit up and glowed as this happened.

Visions: Melisandre repeatedly has visions of the future by staring into the fire and praying. These visions may take time to come true, as Melisandre claims. She is able to show others these visions, by having them look into the fire with her.

Fire Magic: By calling upon the Lord of Light and using her blood, Melisandre can produced fire.

Resurrection: This is an ability that she herself has never used but she has heard of a one red priest who has. By repeatedly chanting "Lord! cast your light upon this man, your servant. Bring him back from death and darkness. His flame has been extinguished, restore it!" the red priest was able to revive a man. This man who was was brought back, wounds healed within seconds of being slain. The priest claimed he had done this on five other occasions. Melisandre is astonished that this happened at all, let alone that it worked six times. The priest himself insists that he has no control over this ability at all, he's just the man who recites the words, and the Lord of Light apparently sees fit to answers his prayers.

So begins...

Melisandre Tyrell's Story

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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The red woman walked the city streets of the kingdom's capital. She had arrived in the kingdom close to a month ago and had reached St.Helena a week ago. Her reasoning behind her visit to the kingdom was clear to her and a secret to those around her. She had to meet and speak with the Queen. For the past three years when she looked into the fire she saw visions that at first left her profoundly confused. The first vision she got those years back was hazy and left her profoundly confused. Every vision that she got after the first had been relatively the same which meant R'hllor was trying to show her something of great importance.

In her visions she would see flashes of silver hair, a sea of what she at first took as a water but cleared to show bodies scattered across a field, a dark and heavy smoke would over takes the field until she could see nothing. Then just as she thinks the vision is coming to an end a screeching cry is heard then suddenly a great fire appears bright and strong enough to be seen through the black fog. Three winged beast are seen and with them is a silver haired figure hold a flamed sword. For years her visions never made since until rumors of a Silver Queen birthing dragons into the world reached the Red Temple. That is when she understood just what it was that the Lord of Light had been showing her.

When she told the High Priest of what she thought of her visions they both saw it as the prophecy of Azor Ahai coming to light. Giving Melisandre his blessing he provided her with coin and food and had her on placed on a ship heading to the South Atlantic Kingdom that night. It had taken so long but now that she has reached the capital she will let nothing stop the will of R'hllor. As she approached the gates of the castle she was not surprised and raised her hand up to show that she was of no threat. "I am Melisandre Tyrell the Red Priestess of the Mediterranean Kingdom and I must speak with Queen Amelia Stormborn. I believe I have information that could prove useful to the pending war that is approaching."

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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Amelia Stormborn

Her advisors bowed to her respectfully before one by one filing out of the Great Hall. This left only Amelia and the seven knights of the Queensguard left in the grand room. Sitting back in her throne in the dead silent of the Amelia contemplated her day's decisions in her head. She hadn't had to deal with something like this since first becoming the Queen of the South Atlantic. She recalled the marathon of council meetings that were held, the countless nights without sleep and her kingdom crumbling around her. She had managed to protect her kingdom once and she would do it again at any and all cost.

As the large doors that provided entree into the Great Hall swung open a guard ran forward coming to a halt in front of the Queensgaurd. Bowing in respect he avoid eye contact with his queen looking at the Lord Commander as he spoke, "A woman ... a red woman ... a red priestess-" the Lord Commander getting agiated yelled "The woman what?!" The guard shuddered at the sound of the man's booming voice and looked up to his Queen with a unsure look. Smiling a kind and reassuring smile she nodded her head slightly giving the man a signal to continue relaying his message.

With a quick nod back in her direction he cleared his throat and continued, "She wishes to met with you Your Grace. She has information that she fills will be beneficial to you in means of the coming war." The talk of war hadn't left the council and news of one coming was new news to anyone that wasn't of the high council. The fact that this red woman spoke of it and had information regarding it peaked the silver queen's interest. Looking over at the Commander she gave a light shrug of her shoulders "Shall we hear what she has to say?" The Commander just shook his head knowing that know matter what he thought the woman would be let in. With a sigh he turned to their messenger "Bring her!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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As the young guard re-approached the gate the head guard of the gate walked over to him and the two man spoke in a hushed whisper that was inaudible to Melisandre's ears. She couldn't make out their words so she just stood silently. Her light blue orbs surveyed her surroundings as she took in the beautiful architecture and landscaping of the castle. While she tried her best to disregard the guards she couldn't help the uneasy feeling she got with all their hard eyes and cold looks deadlocked on her.

It didn't help that she could tell by their giving body language that at a moments noticed they were each ready to gut her like a fish without a second thought. Putting her inner feeling of apprehensiveness on the back burner of her mind as she knew her reasoning for being there today. Queen Amelia needed her and the Lord of Light wanted her to be there to help the silver queen fulfill her destiny. She would not let down the great R'hllor, if this was his will then she would see it done.

"Open the gate!" the head guard gave the command that told Melisandre that the Queen had agreed to see her. Giving the pending war that was closing in on the South Atlantic Kingdom the queen was in no position to turn away those that could help aide her and her kingdom. This much was clear to Melisandre and obviously to the queen as well. Walking the few steps that lead to the head guard that had only been a few feet away from her she stopped in front of him as he turned from the young guard he had been conversing with and looked at her.

"Today is your lucky day mi'lady. The Queen has agreed to heed your counsel." he addressed her as several men approached. "Take her inside!" he ordered with her eyes still on the redheaded woman, with a nod the younger guard began leading the way and the other guards took position behind her as they waited for her to follow him so they could follow her. As the head guard walked passed her to continue on with the duties Melisandre followed her escort into the castle and to the Great Hall were the silver queen awaited her.

As the great doors creaked open and she was led in the first thing she noticed were the seven knights that made up the Queensguard. Like the guards at the gate the knights were willing and ready to strike her down if the Queen gave the order. Everyone outside and within the castle appeared to be on a high level of alert which she greatly understood. For if her perception of what was to come was right and true which it always was they had every reason to be on edge.

Bowing to the Queen of the South Atlantic Kingdom flashes of her vision the vision that her god had been repeatedly showing her in recent months sparked through her mind as if a reminder of why she was there. As she slowly rose she stood with poise as her blue orbs connected with the queen's royal green ones. "Your Grace, you have been told who I am but not why I have come. So please let me explain." she began wanting to get straight to the point as she knew the queen or better yet the guards wanted her to. "I am a red priest from the highest red temple of the Mediterranean Kingdom. I worship the Lord of Light and he has because of this gifted me with the gift of sight." The sound of the men sucking their teeth and scoffing could be early heard at the mention of her visionary gift but this did not discourage her and she continued on.

"I have seen many things in the past and all have come true. Over these past months I have seen a vision ... the same vision ... many times over. I believe -" Melisandre came to an abrupt stop as she wasn't entirely sure how to form the words to explain to the silver queen what it is exactly that she saw. The room went deadly silent as she felt everyone's eyes on her as they waited for her to continue. After a moment of thought an idea came to her and her eyes yet again locked on the green eyes of the young queen, "While I could tell you of what I see I would rather have you look and see for yourself." The red priest was not sure if her words could convince the queen but having the young woman see for herself what it is that was to come would do more than words every could. She stood and awaited the queen's response praying to her god that were her words had failed her sight would not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Several hours had passed in the spymaster’s tower; Meredith had been reluctant at first but with a few glasses of wine Eira had managed to get her to open up. It was important to know those in one’s employ after all. Now Meredith was sitting with her knees up in one of the leather chairs her tangle of hair covering much of face as she quietly slept. Eira had watched her for short while, weighing her uses in her mind before it began to wander away from the room and into the folds of the coming war.

There was little she could do personally to prevent the war; there had long been animosity between the two nations and the people of both nations had wanted blood for decades. It didn’t matter what Amelia managed to do to stave off the war it was only a matter of time before someone did something to ignite the fire.

Her mind wandering back to Amelia, Eira thought more on the woman she served. It had been unforeseen circumstances that had led to her service, a few pieces of work from her usual avenues that eventually led to her meeting the queen face to face. At first she was no more than another sheep to feed upon but the more that Eira got to know her the more intrigued she became and when Amelia discovered her nature she hadn’t shunned the vampire as Eira had expected instead she granted her access to as much blood as she required, even going so far as to quell any of the mentioning of a vampire in the city as normal murders with no suspicious nature at all.

Smiling slightly to herself Eira stood from her chair and refastened the buckles on her armour. It was probably about time she re-joined the formalities downstairs. Perhaps she would gain the chance to speak with Amelia again before the end of the day.

As she descended back down the tower Eira raised her hood, it could not shield her from the sun entirely of course but so long as she did not face directly towards it the hood was an effective means of keeping her skin from being exposed during the day. Continuing into the great hall Eira stayed back and out of view as Melisandre proceeded towards the throne keeping towards the shadows.

"I am a red priest from the highest red temple of the Mediterranean Kingdom. I worship the Lord of Light and he has because of this gifted me with the gift of sight." Eira shuddered at the woman’s words, priests always made her feel uncomfortable.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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Amelia Stormborn

As the young guard left to retrieve the woman Amelia looked at her Lord Commander as he turned to face her as the grand doors closed "Say what is on your mind.", she said knowing that the man all to well. "War has not yet been declared and yet this woman has information that shall be beneficial to you. Tell me that you do not find that to be the less bit suspicious." Amelia gave a light shrug of her shoulders "Am I skeptical of this woman and what meaning her untold words will hold. Yes, I am. However, neither I or this kingdom is in any position to turn away anyone who offers us help in our time of need."

As the creaking sound of the grand doors re-opening sounded the head of her Queensguard sighed as he turned and got into formation with the others. The first thought that crossed her mind when she saw the woman being escorted in by the guards was the color red. This woman was red. From the color of her hair to the dress she wore and the jewelry that adorned her body it was all red. The title of "red woman" that the young guard had used when mentioning her was dead on.

Amelia watched with curiosity as the woman bowed to her in respect before they locked eyes with one another. The woman's eyes was of the lightest shade of blue which along with her pale complexion was a great contrast to the rich reds that covered the older woman's body. "Your Grace, you have been told who I am but not why I have come. So please let me explain." Amelia gave a slight nod of the head allowing the woman to continue on without interruption.

"I am a red priest from the highest red temple of the Mediterranean Kingdom. I worship the Lord of Light and he has because of this gifted me with the gift of sight." The men all made sounds that either mocked or displayed their disbelief in the woman's words. With nothing more than a warning glare to all the men quickly silenced themselves noticing their Queen's disapproval. In a word full of mages, priests, dragons and only god knows what else to her of a woman with the power of sight was not unimaginable to the Mother of Dragons. If she could walk into flames and be completely unscathed why couldn't this red woman have the power of sight.

"I have seen many things in the past and all have come true. Over these past months I have seen a vision ... the same vision ... many times over. I believe -" Her words suddenly stopped as she was unable to form the words that she need to explain her prophecy to the awaiting queen. Amelia as well as all others in the room remained quiet and observant as the red priest to the time she need to process whatever it was that was going on in her mind.

"While I could tell you of what I see I would rather have you look and see for yourself." The men of the Queensguard immediately drew their swords being done with the woman's words. There was no way they were letting the witch any closer to their queen. While the guards were all busy readying themselves Amelia had remained silent before rising from her throne "Let me pass." The Lord Commander glanced back her as if to make sure he had heard her correctly but their eyes never connected as the queen's gaze was fixed in front of her own the red priest. Reluctantly he lowered his weapon and stepped aside and Amelia without hesitation walked forward until her and the priest as only inches apart "Show me."

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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The reaction she got from the guards was not one that she had anticipated but it also wasn't one that surprised her. She was use to only being accepted by those who also shared in her worship of her deity as most other people either did not believe in the power she possessed or feared it. This was the case at the current moment as the guards all held ready to kill her at their queen's word because they were either nonbelievers like the Lord Commander appeared to be or they were believers who believed she possessed the ability of which she claimed and considered her a threat to their beloved queen.

She ignored the men all around her that threatened to end her life as she was prepared to die because if she died now that was with the Lord of Light had intended and she accepted that. However, her faith in R'hllor told her that this was not where she was meant to end and as the moon colored hair queen rose Melisandre eyes never left her. "Let me pass." the young queen ordered with a confidence and authority of a true queen. Her tone was calm and her eyes spelled focus as she eyed the red priest standing in the center of the Great Hall.

While the uncertainty was evident in her men the queen knew what is was she wanted and had to do. As her head of command stepped aside the silver queen walked over to her with the grace and poise of a royal, "Show me.", she said as she stood in front of her. She felt the corners of her lips form a simple smile on her face as she nodded at to the queen's request. "Well first things first your Grace, we shall need fire."

She looked to the guards who all looked to the queen for guidance. She most have given them her approval because within the next moment a large cauldron made of iron was placed before them. "Might I burrow your blade?" she asked a nearby guard who after once again looking to his queen handed over his blade to the red priest. Standing over the cauldron she in an almost inaudible hushed voice she repeatedly chanted the Lord of Light's name as she called upon him. Holding her right palm openly above the iron pot she used the given blade to slice open the center of her palm.

As the warm red fluid bubbled out of the open wound she tilted her hand slightly and let her blood flow from her body into the pot as she continued to recite her deity's name. She felt the eyes of her observers on her as she drew her hand back and a fire instantly combusted within the cauldron. The ruby jewel embedded in her golden choker now glowed unbeknownst to her as she stared her blue orbs into the fire. Her eyes and the fire were connected as she held an intense stare with the growing flames.

As she drew her glance away from the intense flames she looked at the silver haired girl who was standing beside her. She motioned for the girl to come closer as she placed her in front of her. Melisandre standing behind the young woman glanced over Amelia's shoulder as the two woman together looked into the fire, "You know see what I have seen many times before this day."

As the vision came to an end the fire abruptly extinguished itself and a black smoke flowed softly into the air. Walking over to the guard who's blade she used to perform her magic she gave him a smile that appeared shifty to the man as she slowly took the stained steel back "Gratitude." She slowly turned to face the queen and began to speak as she did so.

"There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him." Melisandre spoke part of a the prophecy from the ancient book of her religion that had brought her to the capital of the South Altantic Kingdom. She as well as the High Priest both believed that Amelia Stormborn is Azor Ahai reborn.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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Amelia Stormborn

"Well first things first your Grace, we shall need fire." The expression on her face was a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Her looked to her for instruction and she gave with a simple nod of her head "Fetch a cauldron for the priestess.", she ordered. As the waited for the man to return Amelia's eyes danced over the red woman as she took in every detail of woman. She was defiantly older than the young queen but by how much Amelia could only estimate. Like most people she was taller than Amelia which was something that Amelia was use to by now. Her hair was a rich red and the accent she spoke with was exotic accent that Amelia was unfamiliar with.

As the guard returned with the large pot he placed it down in front of the two woman. Amelia smiled "Thank you." her voice ran sweet and as the man looked up to his queen he couldn't help but smile. "Your Grace.", he said slightly bowing before returning to his place among the men. "Might I burrow your blade?" Amelia hadn't notice the red priestess move across to room to where she was now standing in front of another one of Amelia's guards. The guard's eyes drifted over to Amelia and once she nodded telling him it was okay. As the blade was handed over the woman walked back over to where Amelia was standing next to the cauldron.

Amelia watched the red priestess as she began the process of her magic. She looked to be chanting something but her voice was so low that not even Amelia could make out what she was saying. As the woman outstretched her arm and slit open the center of her palm. The blood flowed from the open gash into the cauldron and Amelia was not completely intrigued in the magic being performed before her. As the priestess hand was removed from above the cauldron a fire combusted within the iron pot and Amelia was amazed. She didn't truly believe that the priestess had any magical properties until now.

As she gazed at the beauty flames her family's ancient motto played in her head. Fire and blood. Amelia moved around from where she stood until she was standing beside the red woman. The woman suddenly looked back at her and motioned for Amelia to move forward. Taking a quick breath she did as was instructed by the priestess and when she was standing in front of the woman she looked at the fire. The warmth of the fire hit her body and made her feel alive as her light green eyes focused on the intense flames.

Images flash before her that she could not completely make out. She saw the moon colored hair that was a signature trait of the Stormborn lineage. In a midst fog she saw what first appeared to be water but as the vision drew in she saw that the sea was not of water but of bodies. Dead bodies. A heavy soot flooded over the dead making them vanish before her and they the all to familiar sound of her children cries ran through her ears. Her initial instinct was to go to them but the grip the witch had on her shoulder tightened and kept her still. A bright light pierced through the thick smoke and as the rays of light broke through the darkness she could see unclear images of what appeared to be her and her dragons.

"You know see what I have seen many times before this day." Amelia heard the red priestess whispered words in her ear. The vision at the moment ended as did the fire and the silver queen stood with a blank expression on her face as she was not sure what to make of what she had just seen. She now understood why the woman had come but she wasn't sure what she was suppose to do with the information she had been shown. "There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him."

Amelia slowly turned to face the red priestess "You believe me to be the reincarnated soul of some warrior?" she asked in disbelief. This woman was crazy. "Do I appear to be a warrior with a sword made of flames? I am sorry you have come all this way but I don't believe I am the person who you seek." The witch's vision was still playing in her mind and her mind was having issues grasping all that she had seen. While she wasn't exactly sure of what the vision meant she was positive that she was no reborn warrior. This woman was clearly mistaken.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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"You believe me to be the reincarnated soul of some warrior?" the tone in the voice of the Silver Queen made it clear to Melisandra that she did not believe the red priestess words. This neither surprised or detoured her as she knew that this is was the Lord of Light's will. Whether the moon haired Queen believed her words Melisandre knew that the words she spoke breathed truth. The same way she had come to make the young queen see her vision she had to get her to hear her words for what they were. That being her destiny.

"Do I appear to be a warrior with a sword made of flames? I am sorry you have come all this way but I don't believe I am the person who you seek." Melisandre lightly chuckled as the Queen of the South Atlantic continue on expressing her disbelief. “It is written in prophecy that "when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone"" Melisandra spoke a piece of the ancient prophecy from the books of Asshai. "Queen Amelia Stormborn the reborn Mother of Dragons. The night you burned your parents on their funeral pyre three petrified dragon eggs that where believed to be nothing more than stone awoke. On that same night amidst smoke and salt and awoken dragons a comet passed through the sky. The bleeding star."

Melisandre broke down the pieces of the prophecy that implied the Silver Queen. Due to the fact that Azor Ahai was also know as the prince that was promised for thousands of years people had always assumed Azor Ahai would be reborn a male. The prophecy however was originally said to be made by dragons. Who are neither male or female, meaning Azor Ahai reincarnation may not necessarily be a man. An additional prophecy from a the head priest of her temple prophesied that the Prince That Was Promised would be born from the line of Prince Aerys and Princess Rhaella. Amelia being the daughter of Aerys and Rhaella made her directly connected to that line. As far as she was concerned Melisandra was staring directly at Azor Ahai and she would do all that she could to make the prophecy a reality.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eddard Snow
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Amelia's eyes were glued to the priestess as she chuckled lightly at her words. This woman was surely made and she was only proving that more and more as time passed on. “It is written in prophecy that "when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone."" The only word of the red woman's that Amelia immediately processed was dragons.

"Queen Amelia Stormborn the reborn Mother of Dragons. The night you burned your parents on their funeral pyre three petrified dragon eggs that where believed to be nothing more than stone awoke. On that same night amidst smoke and salt and awoken dragons a comet passed through the sky. The bleeding star." Amelia felt the threat of fluid building behind her green orbs as the red priestess spoke of the night she laid her parents to rest. That night had been both the end as well as the start of a new beginning for the young queen.

As the red woman broke down the prophecy of her religion so that others that were ignorant to her customs could understand Amelia began to comprehend exactly why the woman believed her to be this reborn warrior. On the night that her children awoke from their thousand years of slumber she had seen a comet pass through the sky. It was as the comet pasted through the sky that Amelia lit the pyre and started to burn away the fragments of her old life. Many tears had fallen from her eyes that day and night which was the salt that was amidst the smoke of the flames that night.

On her fourteenth birthday when she had been given the dragon eggs the man that gifted them to her had said that the ages had turned them to stone but that they would always be beautiful. The eggs hadn't been in the greatest condition when given to her but they were beautiful nonetheless. Amelia had felt a strange and yet special bond to the eggs from the start and had started caring for the eggs and they in time became more rich in color. She would keep them in a chest surrounded with lit candles, day and night and was drawn to them. Amelia had experimented with her eggs before they day that they had hatched. She once briefly placed one of the eggs into a fire pit in an attempt to hatch it, but the egg remained unhatched although in that moment she was had sworn she'd seen a spark of life within the egg.

Amelia's mind was still in the mist of trying to grasp everything the red priestess was telling her when a guard ran into the room interrupting her train of thought. "Your Grace," he started to which Amelia nodded "Is something wrong?" she asked as she was curiosity as to why the guard barged in she abruptly. "Lord Eddard Snow requests your presence outside." he stated. After sending the letter to Khal Jinn Amelia had went to Lord Snow and asked that he do as much digging as possible on the man in the chance that he actually came she wanted to be well informed on just who the Khal was. She did not have time to continuing trying to piece together the red woman's prophecy at the moment but after everything she couldn't very well just dismiss her.

Turning her attention back to the priestess she spoke, "I have other matters that I must attend to now but I would like for you to stay here within the castle. We still have much to discuss and I do plan on concluding the discussion at hand." Looking at the guy who had been sent to her by Eddard she ordered, "Escort the priestess to one of the available chambers and make sure she is giving whatever she requires to make her stay here more comfortable." With that she took her leave and went to where she had been told the faithful Lord awaited her. The second her eyes fell upon the old war veteran her face lit up with happiness "Uncle Ned!" she exclaimed the glee in her voice evident as she embraced the man who was although not her blood the only uncle she had ever known. Breaking the hug after a moment she took a step back and looked at the man, "What have you discovered?" she asked not being able to hide her interest.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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Melisandre had long since blocked out all the other people in the room and it was as if only her and the Silver Queen stood in the Great Hall. Her eyes were deadlocked on the Queen's fair face as she traced every feature the Queen wore trying to read what it was she was thinking in her mind. Melisandre for sure couldn't say what is was that the Queen was thinking but she could tell the young woman was still in the process of trying to make it all make sense in her mind.

Melisandre had had years to link together every piece of the prophecy along with her vision to the moon haired Queen. She understood that something such as this was a lot to process so she did her best not to push as she wasn't trying to overwhelm the female ruler, although she was positive it was already to late for that. Melisandre stood silent giving Amelia the time she needed to grasp the vital information she had been giving.

Before the young monarch had had the chance to fully process her thoughts a new guard entered the hall and told the Queen that a Lord requested her presence. When the royal ruler turned back to address the red priestess she spoke, "I have other matters that I must attend to now but I would like for you to stay here within the castle. We still have much to discuss and I do plan on concluding the discussion at hand." Melisandre only nodded glad to hear that their conversation would not go dismissed. Hopefully the next time they spoke it would be in private manner as Melisandre was not fond of having an audience.

"Escort the priestess to one of the available chambers and make sure she is giving whatever she requires to make her stay here more comfortable." The Queen ordered the disrupting guard and after the Queen had left the hall he looked to her. "Follow me milady", she gave a small smile accompanied by a nod before following the man to her temporary chambers. The royal room was elegant and beautifully decorated as she had expected it would be. Turning to the guard as he attempted to make his leave she asked him for writing utensils and once they were giving she allowed him to leave her alone. Sitting down at a desk that faced a window in the room that showed an alluring view of the kingdom she began to write a letter to the Head Priest of her temple.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Eira listened intently as the priest explained herself and her prophecy to the Queen, resisting the urge to speak her mind on the matter. Few religions thought highly on vampires and as far as Eira was concerned the feeling was mutual, this woman’s prophecy was more than likely to be some scheme, masked in order to forward Melisandre’s own desires.

An outside voice broke the focus of the room; "Your Grace, Lord Eddard Snow requests your presence outside." Eira already knew what Amelia’s reaction would be, Eddard was effectively Amelia’s family and he had known her since she was born, the priestess would be dismissed before too long.

"I have other matters that I must attend to now but I would like for you to stay here within the castle. We still have much to discuss and I do plan on concluding the discussion at hand. Escort the priestess to one of the available chambers and make sure she is giving whatever she requires to make her stay here more comfortable."

Eira nodded to herself she already knew which room she would be led to, there was always several rooms kept free for visitors to the palace and since Melisandre was not an envoy of a nation there was only one wing she would be taken to. Being sure to keep her hood across her face Eira followed behind the guard, being sure to keep enough of a distance to avoid being seen. She needed to see what the priestess’ actions would be when left alone.

It wasn’t long before Eira’s suspicions were confirmed about the location of the room and she could not pass up such an opportunity; waiting for the guard to settle into his new position as doorman Eira stepped forward to the doorway, the guard snapping to attention as soon as she approached. “At ease, I am merely here to speak with the priestess.” She explained her voice as icy as it ever was and she knew that it often gave the newer guards to the palace shivers.

Not waiting for a response Eira turned to face the door, rapping lightly. “Miss Tyrell.” She said inwards to the door, waiting for a reply from within. “My name is Eira Gunvald; May I speak with you?”

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Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Melisandre sat at the desk and began writing her letter to the High Priest of the red temple which she held from. In the letter she told him of everything she had experienced over the past months seen leaving the temple. She had seen many beautiful and splendid places in her journey to reach the South Atlantic Kingdom and none of those places rivaled that of the spectacular kingdom. While she told of the things she had seen she also spoke of the moon haired queen whom she had meet. As far as she could tell she and the High Priest had been right in their speculations and she was positive that she had found the reborn Azor Ahai.

As she finished the writing of a letter an unknown voice sounded in the room that drew her attention “Miss Tyrell.” She turned her head slightly to see a woman with ginger red hair and green eyes that appeared cold when compared to the warm ones of the Silver Queen. She said nothing as she turned her attention back to her letter signing it and preparing it for sending. “My name is Eira Gunvald; May I speak with you?” Rising from her place at the desk with her letter in head she walked towards the door and signal the guard when she reached the doorway, "Do me a favor young guard and have this sent to my temple for me." she said as she handed over the letter to him.

The guard nodded silently as he retrieved the letter and went to do as he had been asked. Now turning her attention to the woman who had wished to have words with her. She wasn't sure what is was that they had to discuss but for the woman to come all this way just to break words she must of had something on her mind. "Please come in and tell me what it is that is on your mind." Melisandre said as she turned from the girl and walked over to the bed in the room sitting down as she waited for the ginger haired woman to begin.

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Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Eira words had at first seemed to fall on deaf ears as the priestess looked towards her before turning her attention back to her writing. Resisting the urge to snarl at the woman, Eira spoke again. Again Melisandre ignored her, even going as far as to walk past her with her now sealed letter. "Do me a favour young guard and have this sent to my temple for me." The priestess of R’hllor asked of the guard behind Eira.

Eira gritted her teeth together to stop herself from launching at Melisandre there and then but finally as the woman sat back down she finally acknowledged the vampire’s presence. "Please come in and tell me what it is that is on your mind."

Falling into her well-practiced façade Eira entered the room in several long and confident strides, now it was her turn to take the reins of the conversation. No priestess would ever bat her aside like some common rabble. Eira continued over towards where Melisandre had set her things up, evidently she had not brought many belongings with her for the trip but a small Icon of her god The Lord of Light. Making careful note not to touch the religious symbol - a caution she had learned previously in her life when touching a symbol warded against the undead – Eira looked over the symbol making a mental search of what she knew of the faith.

“I hope that your journey to the South Atlantic was a pleasant experience. These are dark times befalling us and the roads are a reflection of the dangers in the world.” Her voice was not unkind but she was certainly not extending any olive branches, turning to business Eira spoke again; “I hear that you believe our Queen is a reincarnation of a hero of your faith, Azor Ahai, was it?” she said her hands shifting letters on the desk for anything of incrimination, although it was obvious if there had been anything then it was in that letter that was sent before her entry. “I trust that we can expect nothing but well-meaning service from the priests of R’hllor on this matter.” It wasn’t a question, in fact her emphasis almost made it sound like an order.

“You see…” Eira began as turned to face the priestess. “I have had dealings with your order once before in the past Melisandre and I am well aware of the blind faith that is common in your religion. As such; I believe it is my duty to inform you that no religion will ever sway the Queen or her kingdom into acting out your wishes.” Eira took a step nearer to her. “If you attempt to push your own desires on the Queen then I will personally see to your swift departure from this palace.”

Smiling coldly towards the woman Eira leant in. “So what is that you really wish of our Queen?”

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Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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She watched from the end of her bed where she sat as the ginger woman walked in long strides as she entered her chambers. She looked on with curiosity as Eira walked over to where here few possessions were and study them. Melisandre noticed the way she got when she noticed the symbol of R'hllor. As if cautious all at once flooded her body the woman observed but didn't touch.

“I hope that your journey to the South Atlantic was a pleasant experience. These are dark times befalling us and the roads are a reflection of the dangers in the world.” The words the woman spoke were those that one would relate to actual concern but Melisandre knew the ginger held no care of her or her journey. "For the night is dark and full of terrors," was the red woman's only reply. She could tell from the way Eira spoke that this was not meant to be just a causal conversation among two woman.

“I hear that you believe our Queen is a reincarnation of a hero of your faith, Azor Ahai, was it?” As Eira voiced what was on her mind Melisandre didn't take her blue orbs off the lady as she began shuffling through the letters on her desk. What it was Eira was looking for Melisandre wasn't sure but she was positive she wouldn't be finding it there. “I trust that we can expect nothing but well-meaning service from the priests of R’hllor on this matter.” A light chuckled escaped the priestess as the truth behind Eira's visit was revealed. She was a non-believer and there for she held the same doubts as all non-believers did.

"Well to answer your questions," Melisandre paused for a moment as she thought about her words carefully, because just as every other person inside the castle expect the Queen the woman seemed prepared to end her life without a second thought. As a thought such as this was unnerving on the outside you could see no such unease written upon her face or through her body language. "I do believe Queen Stormborn to be Azor Ahai reborn." Melisandre stated matter-of-factly as she would never lie when it came to matters that involved the Lord of Light. "As far as what you can expect up of me, I am just here to assist the Silver Queen in fulling her destiny. I would never wish for any harm to be brought upon your Queen. Although giving the pending state of war this kingdom finds itself in that may not be within my control. Although if the queen was to embrace the warrior within ..." Melisandre let her words trail off as she already felt she was pushing her luck with the cold woman.

“You see…” Eira turned to face the red priestess, "I have had dealings with your order once before in the past Melisandre and I am well aware of the blind faith that is common in your religion. As such; I believe it is my duty to inform you that no religion will ever sway the Queen or her kingdom into acting out your wishes.” A small smirk spread across the priestess face as Eira took a predatory step towards her. “If you attempt to push your own desires on the Queen then I will personally see to your swift departure from this palace.” As the woman drew in closer she leant in, “So what is that you really wish of our Queen?”

"I have already told you what is I wish for your Queen and it is for nothing more than the best. I wish for her to live out her destiny and rid the world of the darkness that plagues it." Melisandre spoke feeling slightly uncomfortable with the closet proximity between her and the cold woman. Although she refused to show it as she continued on, "What it is that I or you yourself does not matter as the Lord of Light's will shall prevail in the end. For R'hllor is the source of all good. You should worry yourself for Queen Stormborn has proven to be more than able and fit to lead this kingdom, and my wishes are only that she continue to be."

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Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Eira stood herself up straight again as Melisandre spoke, despite the lack of any sign of faltering in her eyes or expression Eira remained sceptical. As far as she could see this was only ever aiming towards the priests of R’hllor befitting out of the Queen.

“I do not worry for the safety of the Queen, merely what it is that you intend to do with her. She is a noble woman and a fine ruler and I would gladly lay down my life if it meant saving hers.” Eira walked over towards the priestess’ desk and sat down, turning the chair to face the bed where Melisandre still sat watching her. “If she truly is your hero reborn and you have no intentions of twisting things to sort your own needs then we have no quarrels.”

The red witch was certainly controlling herself well if she was lying, Eira had to hand that to her but that didn’t mean she was telling the truth after all she was lying on a day to day basis about her mortality, it doesn’t take much to convince someone with good practice.

“Now that we have dispensed with the formalities, I am interested to know what exactly it is that you intend to achieve with your crusade. After all even if the Queen is Azor reborn how can you be so sure that ending the darkness is even an achievable feat?” Eira’s deep emerald eyes searched Melisandre’s brown looking for any sign of deviance; it was also seemingly the one part of the woman that wasn’t red.

“And which particular darkness are you talking about? The impending war with the Drake Kingdom or do you mean evil in general?” Eira smiled sarcastically, she was purposefully pedantic. “Or do you expect that just by obtaining the sword that all will suddenly be rainbows and rabbits?”

The sound of horns echoed through the windows as she spoke, it seemed that the Khal had arrived at last. The sudden influx of visitors to the palace was certainly a change from the previously quiet months, things were certainly going to become interesting over the next days.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eddard Snow
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"Catelyn will be happy to hear that, she misses you my Queen. You know how she worries." sharing a heartfelt laugh with her uncle she nodded "Yes, I know. Which is all the more reason for her as well as the rest of your family to attend. So that everyone can know that I am doing okay." As they walked and her second question was asked she watched him as he sighed before answering which was not a good sign. "I think if it wen't poorly we'd know. So there's hope. He's a.... rare man, is he not?" Amelia nodded to the first part with a small smile on her face as her uncle reassured her feeling of hope. The second part of his response as he asked her what she thought of the Khal caught her off guard and she was lost for words. What did she think of Khal?

Before she could relay her thoughts or he could tell her of the other three foreigners who were clearly not Dothraki the Queensguard approached all ready to draw their weapons. She wasn't sure what was happening until she turned around to see one of the three non-Dothraki that Khal Jinn had brought with him. "Easy lads... wouldn't want to cause an international incident would you? That's the Princess Tenanye Ananse, daughter of King Amun Ananse. Wouldn't want him finding out you lot were threatening his daughter would you?" Amelia stared at her uncle Ned for a moment as he spoke the unknown woman's identity. Looking back at her guardsmen she ordered them to stand down as she didn't need the spilled blood of the princess on her marble floors.

"Sumimasen, Excuse me. I believe I can answer that." the Princess said with a bright welcoming smile. "My apologizes on the intrusion, Your Majesty. I am Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai." Respectable bowing to the Silver Queen she continued, "I had been in midst of trade negotiations with Khal Jinn during the travel here. Once we've concluded, I shall be on my way, lest of course, you wish to discuss trade as well, I'll be more then willing to." Amelia smiled with the woman as she added, "Might I add that you have a beautiful country. I've never been on this side of the world before. It's stunning."

Amelia smiled brightly at the compliment giving to her kingdom, "While I am more than willing to discuss trade with you, before I do I feel its best that I handle my business with the Khal first." Amelia didn't want to overload herself by taking on more than she could handle so she would handle business with the Khal before she started up business with the Princess.

Just than she spotted her handmaiden Nala and motioned her over, "Your Grace?" Nala along with serval others had been assigned to helping the Dothraki settle in and Amelia just wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly. "Are the Dothraki settling in well?" she asked and Nala replied with a nod. "I just finished escorting the Great Khal to his room. He seems ... nice." Amelia nodded with a smile at Nala's words. "Excuse me.", she said dismissing herself as she went to see Khal Jinn.

She knew which room he was staying in during his stay in the capital so locating the great man was no issue. She knocked on the door but when she heard no reply she entered the room unannounced. Entering the room cautiously as she wasn't sure if she was going to be interrupting anything when she entered she closed the door behind her. Scanning the room with her emerald green orbs she caught sight of the gigantic man standing out on the balcony. She approached slowly "Do you like the view?" she asked as she joined the Khal on the balcony. The wind blew a gentle breeze that carried from the ocean and felt nice against her skin. She wondered what King Moloch had told the Khal of her and her kingdom to make him side with Drake City. Turning to face the man who towered over her she smiled, "Shall we discuss your reason for being here?"

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Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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“I do not worry for the safety of the Queen, merely what it is that you intend to do with her. She is a noble woman and a fine ruler and I would gladly lay down my life if it meant saving hers.” She could tell that the words Eira spoke were sincere and genuine and it was clear that the Silver Queen was truly beloved by the people she ruled over. With all the corruption in the world and tyrants that called themselves Kings and Queens it was a wonderful sight to see such true love between a ruler and her subjects.

The ginger woman than walked away from her and back over to the priestess desk, adjusting the chair so that it faced Melisandre she took a seat. “If she truly is your hero reborn and you have no intentions of twisting things to sort your own needs then we have no quarrels.” Melisandre nodded in understanding, "I do not see any reason for there to be quarrels formed between us." Melisandre by no means wished to make enemies but in a world full of non-believers that seemed to be inevitable. “Now that we have dispensed with the formalities, I am interested to know what exactly it is that you intend to achieve with your crusade. After all even if the Queen is Azor reborn how can you be so sure that ending the darkness is even an achievable feat?”

"As I have told you the only thing I wish to achieve is getting the Queen of this fine kingdom to accept and achieve her destiny. I am sure that destroying the coming darkness is achievable because R'hllor shows me that it is possible." Melisandre was becoming bored of the woman's interrogation of her and her motivates. Her business was with the Mother of Dragons not her help. While she understood that the woman was just trying to look out for her Queen Melisandre was of no threat to the moon haired Queen.

“And which particular darkness are you talking about? The impending war with the Drake Kingdom or do you mean evil in general?” the ginger had a sarcastic smile spread across her face as she begun mocking Melisandre religion and beliefs. “Or do you expect that just by obtaining the sword that all will suddenly be rainbows and rabbits?” Melisandre was done with conversation at hand and felt no need to continue talking as it was clear to her that this woman did not nor would she ever truly believe in the words Melisandre spoke. Fortunately horns sounded at that moment and as she glanced out the window she realized just how long this conversation had been going on for. Getting up off her bed she looked at the woman sitting down across from her "If you would excuse me I should be getting ready for the day." She didn't wait for a response as she exited her bed chambers and entered the extended bathroom.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Eira Gunvald

Eira could see that Melisandre was becoming slightly irate with her but Eira could hardly admit to having been fair in their discussions, in different circumstances Eira had little doubt it wouldn’t have been impossible for the two of them to have spoken as friends. However if the priests discovered her nature then it was almost certain that things would become complicated and Eira would have a lot of explaining to do for the reasoning of killing the priest or worse the news spread. It would be difficult to protect the Queen if Eira was no longer able to enter the palace.

"As I have told you the only thing I wish to achieve is getting the Queen of this fine kingdom to accept and achieve her destiny. I am sure that destroying the coming darkness is achievable because R'hllor shows me that it is possible."

Blind faith had always confused Eira, obviously when she was young she was raised with tales of the Fyrkat gods but being someone of such lowly status meant that Valhalla was never possibility for her and now as a vampire no glorious battle would send her anyway but straight into Helheimr, though at least the half fetid goddess who ruled there was favourable of vampires.

A lack of conversation continued as they spoke, Eira had obviously mocked too much for the priestess, though at least her mind was settled that Melisandre was honest in her intentions.

"If you would excuse me I should be getting ready for the day."

Eira stood along with Melisandre, she was a very hateful person but she could still be courteous. “Of course Priestess.” She answered bowing slightly, not that Melisandre had seen of course, having moved straight into the next room. Evidently Eira had just gained another person who didn’t like her.

“I do hope we can talk again.” Eira called back into the room as she left, her cynical smile revealing her fangs. “Perhaps we should take a drink together to celebrate your visions.” She added as she turned to descend the stairs, as she made to do so she could see the glint of the Queens guard all stood outside one of the guest rooms, evidently the Queen was meeting with the Khal here.

Continuing towards the gardens Eira looked out to see the Lord Snow conversing with what appeared to be a noblewoman of Ananse, though with the bright light stinging at her eyes Eira could not identify her properly. It did not seem proper to interrupt especially since she would not be able to walk out to meet them so instead she sat with a shoulder pressed again one of the pillars that decorated the edging of the garden.

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Character Portrait: Melisandre Tyrell
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“I do hope we can talk again. Perhaps we should take a drink together to celebrate your visions.” Melisandre could hear the woman's voice through the door but she gave no reply as the conversation was already dead and over with. Being from the Red Temple she never experienced a real royal feast and she didn't know what exactly to expect. She knew that there would be food and drink but as far as the rest she had no clue and was anticipating the feast to come.

It took her a little over an hour to get ready and being the red woman that she was it was no surprise that she wore a red gown for the event. As she exited her chambers she could hear the music coming from downstairs. Strolling down to the lower level of the castle where the festivities were being held and was taken back by the sight of it all. She knew that there would be a lot going on but she didn't expect to see everything that she saw.

There were live performances going on all throughout the castle from jugglers to acrobats and fire eaters. The music was even louder now that she was in the mix of it all and she enjoyed the South Atlantic's taste in music. Taking the glass of offered wine from a member of the serving staff she took a sip and found the sweet honeyed wine to be divine. She finished her first glass as she causally walked through the castle as she marveled at different sights that caught her interest. She also enjoyed watching the Dothraki warriors and the knights of the kingdom display there strengths as she witnessed the sparring matches that the knights dominated in the the horseback riding events which the horse lords of the South Pacific excelled in.

Leaving the outside courtyard she re-entered the castle just in time to witness the Great Khal enter the practice pitch. She couldn't help but feel bad for middle aged knight as he truly had no chance of defeating his new opponent. The match itself hadn't gone on long before as expected the Great Khal Jinn was its crowned victory. She had been impressed with his fallen opponent as she hadn't expected the man to last as long as he had, plus he had even managed to get a few good blows in which was a victory within itself. With the practice match having come to an ended the Khal retreated into the crowd and Melisandre went about meeting the nobles and a few of the Dothraki warriors.