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Niall Callhoun

"I serve the Life-Force."

0 · 494 views · located in The Forgotten World

a character in “Crowns and Empires”, originally authored by almostinsane, as played by Selene Durlan


Niall Callhoun



Niall is a rugged man, dressed in brown robes and carrying a staff wherever he goals. He always keeps a pouch of herbs and other essential items near him at all times. His most prized possession is a red amulet, given to him by his master. Its powers even he has yet to understand. He is about 5"9 and has a body built for walking and surviving in the wild. His hair is brown and he sports blue eyes. He has a slight beard and usually has a pensive expression.

Build: Niall is not fat, but he is not thin either. Instead, he is in a muscular midpoint, though he conceals this with his robes.

Niall is an innocent person and, as such, struggles to comprehend the darker parts of human nature. He is certainly aware of them, of course, but he struggles to understand why. Niall has been opened up to the Life-Force for fifteen years, longer than when he was blind to it. Because of this, he sometimes forgets that people do not perceive the world as he does. Niall is a peaceful person and easygoing by nature, but when provoked, he can use his powers rashly, which his master has warnd him constantly against.

Where they live: Wanderer; was born in the Celtic Lands.

What/ who they are:
Traveling Bard

History: The Celtic Lands are home to a diverse collection of tribes, sometimes warring and sometimes at peace. Niall lived in a tribe that lived off the land rather than wander around, making its living from farming and trading. In this village, instead of a Druid or Druidess, lived an old Bard by the name of Dragon Tongue. Niall was fascinated by the old man and the old man noticed that Niall had a gift for perception and a connection to the Life-Force and took him on as an apprentice. Though his father was a farmer with little use for magic or mysticism, Dragon Tongue was able to get him to agree to Niall's apprenticeship with a small sack of gold and the promise that Niall would help out during harvest time. Niall learned magic and life as a servant of the Life Force with Dragon Tongue, sometimes going on journeys with the old man. It was only a couple of years ago that Dragon Tongue deemed him ready to journey on his own. Niall has travelled since, tasked with gaining real world experience.


Like most Bards, Niall is a magic-user. He can perform many spells, but his chief ones are based upon the elements of nature and the Life-Force. Connect to the Life-Force, he can feel its warnings and commands. When he listens, he can seem to have a precognitive ability in battle and outside of it, sidestepping dangers to himself. Occasionally, the Life-Force grants him visions, but they are foggy and can be symbolic, unlike those of the Seers. Niall can also heal many illnesses and injuries with his connection with the Life-Force. Having traveled the wilds for most of his life, Niall is a capable survivor and traveler.

Other: He possessed a wooden staff and harp, both made from heartwood, with the harp made from unicorn hair.

So begins...

Niall Callhoun's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvar the Guardian Slave Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci Character Portrait: Halldora the Courageous
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Aithne Cauci
Aithne's mother nodded to Halldora, "I am the High Druidess of this clan but I was once of a clan that travelled North." She replied in Halldora's native tongue. "My mother taught me your language so as we could attempt to fit in." Aithne's mother then listened to Alvar as he spoke up. Aithne's mothehad a face cold as stone and eyes filled with fire. Halldora silenced Alvar but his words had already damaged Collene, however, Halldora continued to talk.

"I would apologize, however I do not apologize for the truth. Though would you not do the same if men wished to settle in your land. Would you not attack them? And yes we have attacked camps of your people if they not attack us, but it be in an order of surviving. How is one to live if he does not conquer." Collene stood from her throne and clenched her jaws.
"You could apologise for the damage it has done." Collene held her anger back as she conversed with Halldora. "Men have settled our land, women and children too. We stay away from each other. We have citizens from the Labrador city and the Bards of the Life-Force. We have no quarrel with either parties." Collene stepped towards the woman and sighed. "Your people killed my family and I offer you asylum. Pray to your god, your men do not make me regret this." Collene then left the tent, however, Aithne's father stayed at the table, eating his meal.

Aithne sat outside with Alvar and jumped up when she was approached by a robed man. "Greetings. I hope things are well." Aithne could sense a great natural energy from him, yet it was so unfamiliar. She bowed her head in respect and raised her head with a smile.
"Good day," she spoke softly. "I think so." She turned to look at Alvar before returning to look at the man before her. "What are you?" Aithne asked him, curious about his unfamiliar energy. Aithne's mother then stormed out from the tent and wandered into the forest, the shrubbery closing up behind her so no one could follow her, Aithne paid no heed and continued to look at Niall, her hand reaching up to feel the energy but she stopped herself and remembered that he was not a celt and may be a bit freaked out by a stranger touching him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvar the Guardian Slave Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci Character Portrait: Halldora the Courageous
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((Sorry double post xD and so so sorry for taking so long to reply :3 it's been hectic here))

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Character Portrait: Alvar the Guardian Slave Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci Character Portrait: Halldora the Courageous
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Niall Callhoun

Niall smiled at the girl's greeting. She was beautiful, both in the physical world and in the Life-Force. It shined around her like the Sun. Nonetheless, he frowned as his senses took in other sensations. There was darkness, fear, and anger permeating the camp. He glanced in the direction where a woman, who also shone with the Life-Force, left camp. He had noticed the other visitors. He hoped...

"What are you?"

Niall turned back to the girl and smiled again. He bowed.

"I am a Bard, the student of the great Dragon Tongue, though most people in my village just called him "Bard". Truthfully, he hasn't even told me his real name and I was his student from the time I was 8 summers until he sent me to travel on my own a couple years ago. Bards serve the Life-Force without question and learn to use it with respect. It is the source of all life and magical. Everyone is a part of it from the smallest ant, to you and I, to the gods themselves. I never know whether to believe my Master when he mentions he met a few... He can be frustratingly vague, particularly whether he's making something up or not. That is another role a Bard plays. We are musicians and storytellers as well.

"I am also a Celt too. I come from a village further north, near the Fyrkat lands. My name is Niall," he finished sheepishly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Aithne Cauci
Aithne smiled at Niall and watched him curiously as he told his story, her eyes were filled with curiousity and interest as she listened to him.
"The Life-Force? Do you mean the Silver mother?" Aithne had not quite grasped the concept that Niall was trying to tell her and just filled the void that she didn't understand with something she did understand.
"The Mother Goddess, the Goddess that created everything."
She then picked up on him questioning whether or not the gods were real.
"Oh but the gods are real! My mother and I are proof of that."
She told him excitedly, pointing to her heart and taking his hand and placing it on her heart.
"Feel the energy, that's a gift from my grandfather. My mother is a child of the God of the Hunt and a human mother, we get our gifts from him."
She said smiling.

She jumped excitedly when he mentioned music and stories.
"Can you tell me a story? Sing me a song? Please."
She asked, her face excited. She always wanted to hear stories other than the ones of her tribes and finally hear the sweet tune of music, rather than the horrid drum of war.
"I am Aithne, daughter of Clan Chief Desmond Cauci and High Druidess Collene Cauci."
She bowed humbly before jumping back up and asking him to play a tune for her, her smile was innocent and wanting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Niall Callhoun

Niall blinked as the girl brought his hand to her chest. He closed his eyes, feeling the energy throbbing from her heart. Yes, this woman was special. The Life-Force flowed through her, though differently than what he was used to. He smiled over at the girl and laughed slightly.

"No. I do not doubt the gods. I'm just taught they're one part of the Life-Force, like you and I."

At her request for a song, he unstrapped his heart. He didn't know what to sing at the moment, so he just played the harp. He wove into the music of all the things he had seen on his journeys so far: of high mountains, deep caves, green, vibrant forests, peoples of many different languages and colors. He didn't decide consciously what to weave into the music. The Life-Force simply dictated it through him.


Moloch nodded at the Khal, deciding that this was his cue to leave. He had many plans at the moment, but it seemed things were now in his favor. They just needed to strike quickly and his enemy would fall. Drake City's future would be secured. The city-state would be truly a kingdom with no one to threaten it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Aithne Cauci
Aithne looked up into his eyes as he felt her natural energy coursing through her body. She heard him laugh and it made her smile as she watched his eyes, she could feel his energy as he could feel her's, it was much more clear and harmonious.

Aithne did not question his faith, the answers made her more confused than she was before and only led her to more questions so she just listened to his music with and excited smile and an energetic skip and sway, an attempt at dancing to the music.

Listening to the lyrics made Aithne yearn to see the world and she stopped dancing, breathless, she smiled up to him.
"Show me?" She asked him, watching his eyes and yearning to see what they'd seen, her yearning showed clear on her face. She stepped closer to the forest edge and put her hand out for him to take, she wanted to take him to the great oak. The energy there was puriest and most harmonic, the magic practiced there was often powerful and Aithne needed the harmony of the nature if she wanted to harmonize his memories of his adventures and feel, hear, see the things he had.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Niall Callhoun

"Show me?"

Niall took in the sights around him: the tree roots went deep in the earth, taking in water and the energy of the Life Force. This was a special place. He could sense the prescence of many creatures: elk, deer, wolves, foxes, the fish in the lake, the birds in the sky, and the countless insects within the earth. He would need to be cautious. If he opened himself up too much, then the energy could overwhelm him. He placed a hand on the girl's heart.

"How about someplace different?" he suggested. He willed her to see his memories of the mountains of Fyrkat: fierce and deadly, snow everywhere. He remembered the howl of the wolves and the sheer defiance of the animals and plants that made their homes in the mountains. It flowed with the Life Force there too, but it was different. Yet the differences highlighted the beauty in both places.

"Life exists everywhere. Death itself gives way to Life. Even Un-Life cannot prevail. Not in the end," he told her. Niall frowned at the mention of the opposite of the Life Force. He dared not speak of it here.


"There is still time, Moloch. Do not goto war so rashly," Cyrus warned the young King, causing him to frown. He had told both of his advisers of his and the Khal's plans and the old Mage wasn't pleased. It was early in the morning, but none of them had slept which wasn't too much of a bother. Eirene's training had kept her up for a week before she could join his Guard and Cyrus had had many late nights in his long life. Moloch too had spent many sleepless nights planning for the futur.

"We are ready. King Moloch has been doing everything he can to prepare our people for the next war and Queen Amelia doubtless has been doing the same. Drake City and the South Atlantic Kingdom cannot coexist forever. Eventually, one will conquer the other," Eirene cut in.

"Does it? Maybe we can step back for a moment and see if maybe both our people's are acting out of suspicion. If could reach an understanding..."

Moloch raised a hand, signalling the two to be silent, "I will prepare our forces, but if it satisfies you, Master Cyrus, then I will speak with the Queen. However, I will do whatever it takes to protect our people," Moloch told them both.

He rose, the other two rising with him.

"Captain Eirene, send word to the men. We are leaving this morning. I trust my brother and his advisers," Moloch told them, mentally adding And the knights charged with reminding the nobility that my absence is brief, "But I intend on arriving home by nightfall."

"Kallias is a good lad, Moloch. You underestimate him," Cyrus told him gently. Moloch frowned.

"He is still a child. He'd be torn to shreds without me, either in Court or on the battlefield."

"He fought well in the last war," Cyrus reminded him.

"Against ordinary soldiers, yes. An experienced warrior could easily kill him," Eirene stated. Moloch nodded in agreement. They would say their farewells to the Khal and then they would ride.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Aithne Cauci

Aithne smiled when he suggested going some place else,
"How about someplace different?"
Aithne took his hand and lead him through the forest.
"This forest has one of the most harmonious energies I have ever felt in it."
She explained as she danced over the undergrowth and weaved through the trees.
"It is one of the safest places to use the energy we have in us, it's a great place of pilgrimage for druids."

They eventually immerged at the foot of the great oak, Aithne looked back at Niall to look at his reaction to the energy emitting from the great oak. Aithne looked up at him with a sad smile when he mentioned death.
" Life exists everywhere. Death itself gives way to Life. Even Un-Life cannot prevail. Not in the end."
She noticed his frown and stopped smiling, she placed her hands in his and took in slow, soft breaths before looking into his eyes and listening to his breath.

She'd be able to feel the things he remembered, smell them, see them and hear them. Aithne waited patiently for Niall to open up the memories to her, she noticed when her skin touched his the energy with her went ecstatic yet the energy from the forests remained the same as it had.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Niall Callhoun

The forest was beautiful. It was very alive, Niall noted. Gripping the girl's hand, he allowed his memories of the mountain to flow through his spirit into hers slowly, careful not to overwhelm her with his memories lest he damage her mind, keeping in mind the Bard's warnings.

The mountains were cold. The winter here was nothing like those winters back home and Celtic winters were by no means temperate. He shivered in his cloak as he trekked through the mountains. At first glance, they were lifeless, but he knew better. He could feel the pine and fur trees at rest, slumbering through the low temperatures, but still drawing life from the earth and the Sun. He could feel the cry of the wolves as they howled. It was one of struggle, of survival. He shivered at the intensity of the Life Force around him.

"I should make camp," he murmured.

He returned them to the forest grove with a smile, "I hope that my memory was enlightening for you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niall Callhoun Character Portrait: Aithne Cauci
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Aithne Cauci

Aithne felt Niall grip her hand, letting his memory flow between his and her souls, the energy was giving her an odd warmth, almost giving her a slight buzz.

Aithne shivered when she felt the chill of the Memory, she took her eyes away from Niall's and looked at the scene that now surrounded her. They were on a mountain, covered in the most beautiful snow, the trees had icicles that looked like they'd been made from diamonds and the cold was something Aithne had never felt and it excited her, she wanted to feel the temperates of other lands, she wanted to see the sights of the world. Aithne felt Niall shiver and he murmured something, then she was back in front of the Great Oak.
"I hope that my memory was enlightening for you."
He smiled and Aithne returned the smile and ran a hand through her hair.
"That was beautiful, where was that?"
She asked as she rested her energy and sat next to the Great Oak, drawing energy from it in an attempt to stabilize her own energy.
"My father would be willing to set you up for a few nights before you have to be on your way."
She offered, her smile fading as she thought of Niall being able to go and see more of the world, unlike her, she was stuck travelling with her family unless her father gave her permission to leave.
