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Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince

"I care not for my father's opinion, I have my own, and I find mortals...fascinating."

0 · 1,924 views · located in The Republic of Khalidor

a character in “Crowns, Empires, Blood and Swords”, as played by TheCrimsonLady



{ Q U O T E }

"Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning."
-William Arthur Ward

{ T H E M E S }

[url]Song Name|Artist[/url]

[url]Song Name|Artist[/url]



❛__I___A M___W H O___I___A M__❜

Image ▓

Name:Severyn Alderson
Title/or Moniker: Seelie Prince. The Alder Prince
Age:appears about 26
Species:Seelie Fae/Elf
Class/Occupation:Crowned Prince of the Seelie Court,
Description:Sevryn is an inhumanly beautiful Fae male, tall, 6'5, with pale skin, dark lashes and long shimmering silver white hair. He has quizzical yet kind cool blue grey eyes, and a dashing smile. He has a slender that hides muscular form. He has a regal aire about him, a wisdom beyond his appearance.


❛__W H A T___I S___H I D D E N___W I T H I N__❜



Being Outside
Happening upon Mortals
Watching Mortals
His Fathers' belief about mortals
The UnSeelie
Melee Combat
The Inability to Lie
His Father's orders
Severyn is a simple man, who enjoys simple things. While he spends most of his time training, this is mostly out of habit, He was raised under the notion that one day, The Seelie would rule all and therefore he must be ready to fight, however, he would much rather spend his time, reading, or traveling, though he hasn't seem much of the world outside of Anansai. He is a laid back indiviaoul and not much gets to him, expect the UnSeelie, anyone of the UnSeelie he finds vial, especially because they are known to take and eat small children. Severyn finds children, those of the human variety interesting, as he was never a child himself, He was born the way he is, and will never change. He is curious and always wants to know more about things, and loves to explore. His father hates this way of thinking, saying how that is what brought down the Summer King and brought about the Great UnRest, even though, history says something else. He has a small nervousness around human women because of this, as it was the love a human woman that brought down the Summer King, and the lost of her, in which turned him to Winter, so while he likes to watch, he rarely approaches. Overall, Severyn is a kind, relaxed person, with a curiosity bout the world around him, he is open minded, valiant and even a bit charming, despite his nervousness with human women, and while his father tends to frustrate him to his very core, he is obedient to a certain degree.
Quirks and Habits:
Arching his Eyebrow when he finds something curious.
Saying the word "Curious" when he comes upon something he doesn't understand.
Half Truthes, Severyn like all Fae, can not lie, but with his curiosity, and his father's disapproval he has become skilled with Half Truths. He never lies, just bends the truth just before it breaks.


❛__H O W___I___C A M E___T O__B E__❜


History: WIP


So begins...

Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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The gentle rocking of the caravan lulled Tenanye into a gentle sleep, her baby sister, and Lady-in-Waiting, Xiao Jingshen's resting her head on her lap didn't help the situation none either. They had been traveling for nearly a month, on their way to the Khalidorian Trade Summit. Her mother was none too pleased and neither were the Seelie nor UnSeelie King and Queen. Anansai had been cut off from the rest of the mortal world, humans were rarely allowed entry into Anansai and even if they made it past Hai-Fen, they barely survived so when Tenanye opened communications and then got a response back, her mother had alot to say.

"You plan to let mortals enter Anansai?" Empress Tae-Young had said as they all were seated at the small council chambers, a large round room made in a cave with the sunlight beaming down on a large wooden Dryad made table. Tenanye sat at the head with her mother on the right of her, The Seelie King, King Alder on her left, with his son Prince Severyn beside him, and the UnSeelie Queen, Sophinia at the end, with her two children Prince V'lane and Lady V'laya on her left and right.

"Mortals are not allowed in Anansai, Lady Tenanye," Said the long faced King Alder, who wore a mask of disinterest as he gazed at his nails. "Empress," Tenanye corrected with a short tone. "I have spoken with Hai Fen, who has been in Anansai since the days of Anansi herself, We have discussed what to do should my trading partners want to enter Anansai, she will guard as she always has, only the pure of heart may enter, as it has been for eons and as it will remain." Tenanye said, looking at her council. They were not pleased.

"So you believe now that you are Empress you can do as you like?" Queen Sophinia said smuggly. "Yes, that is exactly what I believe." Tenanye said, her tone controlled but there was an evident hint of annoyance in her tone.

"They are not coming just yet, my Lords and Ladies, We have only just open trade....and this letter states that they want us, to come to them, they are not coming here."

"They have Iron, Tenanye." Her mother urged. "Yes, I know, Mother, but that is...of little consequence."

"What do you hope to gain, Empress Tenanye?" Prince Severyn asked, her oldest friend and probably the only person at the table that trusted her judgement.
"The Hallows, I believe they are...Out there."
The entire table went silent. Prince Severyn swallowed. King Alder stood straight, Queen Sophinia gaped at her, and her mother gasped.
"You are looking for the Hallows? Why?" Her mother asked. "I have my reasons." Tenanye said and the table all seemed to shift uncomfortably.
“You will not tell us, your plans for them, Empress, that is very unlike you.” Queen Sophinia said and Tenanye just looked at her, her dark eyes light with amusement. “I will tell you my plans for them...once I find them, for all we know they might now be in this realm at all.” She said plainly but the room still looked unsettled.
“Well, I am offering to send Prince Severyn with you, we do not know much about these mortals and the Empress is correct, they do have iron, it would be displeasing to see that our new Empress, was cut down whilst she was still so green.”King Alder said and Prince Severyn looked at her. Tenanye nodded, only once.
“Very well, but understand this, King Alder, yes, I am young, I am still a girl, and this throne is still new, but make no mistake, I am still a spider, and we are always much stronger then we look.”
That was the end of the council meeting, and her mother still feared. “This is foolish, Tenanye. There are Seelie and UnSeelie all over this realm, The King and Queen will send them for you.”
Her mother said as they walked together. “Not foolish, a gamble, perhaps, but not foolish.”
“You hate gambling,”
“Only if I believe I will not win.”
“You think you can win.”
“I am a spider, Mother.” She told her and her mother sighed. “So was your father.”
“My father...Blessed be his immortal soul, was too slow, he knew an attack was coming, he just ignored it.”
“He refused to listen to sound council.”
“I am listening to you, Mother, I hear your words, and I will heed your warning, but I have webs of my own, I can sense the danger just as you can.” She told her and walked into her chambers, where her sister was waiting for her. Tenanye’s mood lighten at the sight of her sweet sister.
“Meimei!” Xiao Jingshen smiled, but it faded at the sight of their mother. Tenanye was more her mother then Tae Young was. She rose, and curseyed. “Mother, My Empress.” She said formally now, and Tenanye walked over, touching her sister’s head with a soft hand. “Be at rest, sister,” Tenanye said, but Xiao Jingshen was still a bundle of tension.
“You and I are going on an adventure.” She told her sister, who smiled up at her. “We are we going?”
“We are going to venture into the mortal’s world, we have been invited.” She said with a smile as she took a seat on her bed. Xiao Jingshen could barely contain her excitement. “Oh I’ve always want to see the mortal world.”
“You plan on taking the Halfling too?” Her mother barked disdainfully. “This is unwise, Tenanye, very unwise, she is weak.”
Tenanye rose then. “ You did not think her father very weak when you bedded him, Mother.” She spat and Tae Young stiffened. “Xiao Jingshen is strong, and she will be coming with me, you have no say in this, you are no longer Empress, now out with you.” She said and with wave of her hand. Tae Young took a breath before turning, and walking out.
Tenanye heard soft whimpering behind her and turned to see her sweet faced little sister, sobbing in her hand, trying to be quiet.
“oh now, Little Sparrow, do not shed tears.” She said softly, and she pulled her sister to her chest. “I am weak, I am mortal too.”
“I have learn that mortals are much stronger then they themselves know, and That’s why I want to bring you, so that you may see, what greatness mortals can breed and who knows, perhaps, you will fall in love with one.”
“I don’t want to fall in love, I do not want to be like the Summer King.” Xiao Jingshen said and Tenanye smiled. Her sister loved stories. “You will not be like the Summer King, because I will not take your love from you, like the Winter Queen, you will be free to love whomever you wish.”
“I can do that with a mortal?”
“Surely, if they do not hurt you, I will see to it that you will live out the rest of your days happy, and in love, now come, We must get ready.”

Now they were on their way, headed for a mortal castle a long way from Anansai. Tenanye made sure to swallow her nerves. She is a spider.

The setting changes from The New World to The Republic of Khalidor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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The ride was long and wary, but finally, The Empress of Anansai, Queen of all Fae finally, arrived, her spritely little sister and oldest and trusted friend at her side.

"Will they like us?" Xia Jingshen asked, as she walked beside her sister, as they approached the capital building. "Everyone likes you, Little Sparrow." Prince Severyn said with a smile to the small girl. Xiao Jingshen blushed adorably. "I thought Fae couldn't lie." Xiao Jingshen pouted and Tenanye looked at her baby sister with a sad smile. Xiao Jingshen was half mortal, she was teased and bullied all too often as a child, Tenanye punished those who wronged her sister, but they still left her with the scar of low self esteem. Severyn, to whom was a childhood friend, was very much like a brother to Xiao Jingshen, and would often to try to keep a smile on the little girls face when Tenanye wasn't there to do so, which of late, had been often. Serveryn was only a prince, and his father's reign has practically only begun, he wouldn't be Seelie King for many centuries, Tenanye, has just succeeded her mother, and found that her time was being swallowed up with this and that. She hardly had time for her baby sister. She couldn't be any more grateful to Severyn for that. "Severyn only refers everyone when they are important to him, and the people that are important to him, likes you, so my little Sparrow, everyone likes you." She said and Xiao Jingshen smiled before looking up at the Capital.

"It's not very big, I thought it would be bigger." She mused and Tenanye smiled. "We make our palace from the sentinel trees, they grow very big, they make their buildings from stone, and mortar, they don't grow at all." She told her sister, as she too looked around with a semi critical eye. "Let us be polite, now, Little Sparrow, we do not wish to offend our guess." She said, as she waited one of her bannermen,a brownie aptly named Brown Tom, waddled up the stairs, step by single step to alert them that the Queen and all of her attending, had arrived. Surely this would be an interesting sight to behold, because, many of those that joined the Queen, were of all different shapes and sizes, big, small, fat, thin, some oozed while others glittered, some flew while others slithered. Such was the way of the Fae.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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Image Severyn had to admit it, he wasn't nearly as patience as the lovely spider fae beside him. She watched as Brown Tom waddled up the stairs, while her whole procession stopped and waited. Severyn found himself...bored, waiting to pick the brownie up himself and carry him inside. Severyn looked to his friend, she was lovely, always had been and while once he though himself in love with her, but it had eased into a friendship that he was alright with. Empress Tenanye, she was now, not Princess, not, Tenanye, and while his father would have liked nothing more, then to marry the two of them to unite their houses, Severyn would not be apart of it. He loved Tenanye much too much for that. That wasn't the reason of his ire though. He didn't trust this place, this summit, mortals, not in their own habitat. He could smell the iron, and felt weaker for it. He was worried for her. She was wise, but still young....and so was he.

"You're doing it again, Severyn." Tenanye's voice called, breaking him from his thoughts. "My apologizes." He said sheepishly. She wasn't even looking at him, yet she always knew. It was as she always said, she is a spider. She could sense things, even something as simple as gaze of admiration.
"How long do you think it will take?" He asked, trying to keep himself still, Xiao Jingshen was right, everything here was small.
"It will take patience, my friend, " She said, turning to him then, only her head, with a smile. "I am not like you, my Queen I am not a spider."
"You don't need to be a spider to have patience, my Prince." She said, teasing him with the title. Severyn huffed good naturedly. They had been friends for as long as the two lived, long before he was named Crowned Prince, and she, Empress of All Anansai, they were never fond of the titles and they often teased each other, usually it was the other way around. "I have never known you to brood, Severyn?" She asked him, cocking her head in the way she does when she finds herself an engima of some sorts.

"Forgive me, I do not trust this place...I do not trust a man for whom leaves a lady waiting."

"You trust many men then, Sev?"

"No..of course not, they are capable of lying."

"So why does this perturb you more then it had before?"

"I can smell the iron...."

"I can as well."

"I worry."


The conversation ended with that, Severyn still "brooding" as the empress called it, while she waited patiently. He looked over at their little sister, his sister and everything but name. " How are you, Little Sparrow, faring well?"

Xiao had been seated, plucking at her sitar that she'd brought with her. She was a wonderful little musician, and would often play for him when she had nothing better to do, and when her sister did. Severyn didn't mind, he would have been off training or something and he was Fae like all the rest, he enjoyed music.

"I am well, my Prince," Xiao insisted on the titles, despite how they both protested. "I am practicing, The Empress says I will preform a song and dance for them...I want to be good."

"You will, Our music had always been a delight to the mort--to them." He caught himself with his words. He should have known better. Xiao Jingshen was half mortal and Tenanye insisted that they didn't address her as different from themselves or the mortals. He was only to say words like Ours, and We, when referring to the Fae, and Them, and They, when referring to mortals, it kept things neutral in Xiao Jingshen's mind, at least while she was with them. Fae had a habit of reminding her of what she was. Tenanye's wrath then was as horrible as she was beautiful. After all, She was a spider and just as venomous.

Xiao, thankfully, only smiled. "You think I will be good enough."

"Better." He said and the girl smiled again. At least she had something to keep her attention. He hated sitting still, he hated being bored and by the Mother, he was bored.

The setting changes from The Republic of Khalidor to The New World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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__(Father Superior)__
__(The Blue Faery)__


Father Superior searched all over the Star Faery domain for any sign of Niven. He didn’t want to jump the gun and begin his search with Khalidor if Niven was actually somewhere in their own domain. However much to Father Superior’s dismay Niven was nowhere in the Clouds above Anansai. He let out a heavy sigh as he looked at the lands below. As distant as they were he would soon be down there searching for the young faery that had disobeyed him and went to the mortal realm.

Blue flew down to Khalidor. What would have been a long trip took him only a few moments using magic. Khalidor was much cooler than he figured it would be. It had been some time since he last had been there. Wishes from the people of Khakidor were scarce as of late. Blue remained in his smaller faery size as he could move about much swifter this way covering more ground. He hovered about the piers looking for any sign of Niven. Many ships were amassed at the ports. The city was indeed getting foreign visitors.

Blue flew about the city trying to remain out of sight from the many humans bustling about to and fro. His blue glow caught the attention of a few mortals for a split second before he was able to duck out of sight. “I hate this sneaking about! When I find Niven I swear he’s in serious trouble. He’ll be 300 before he’ll make faery godfather status.” Father Superior complained to himself.

Since he saw only common and working class people in the markets at present he figured the nobles were still arriving, Which meant that Niven was most likely still observing people at the docks and ports. Father Superior flew back towards the ports and happened to spot the Empress Tenanye Ananse and Prince Severyn. He gave a heavy sigh of relief at the sight of them. He flew to greet them. Having stopped in front of them he bowed gracefully although he was slightly out of breath from all of his rushing about looking for Niven.

“Empress Tenanye, Prince Severyn, I am very much honored and relieved to see you. I’m here searching for a young Wishing Star Faery by the name of Niven. Have you seen him? I expressly told him to remain in our domain but while I was away assisting a mortal in distress he slipped down to the Trade Summit. He was asking me earlier today if I would be attending.” Blue explained to the Empress and Prince as he hovered in front of them.

Blue found it interesting to see the Empress and Prince of the Fae waiting outdoors to be greeted. He figured that the king of Khalidor must have been unaware of their arrival. However such an oversight could be very hurtful to one’s cause in such a situation. This was another reason Blue was against attending the Summit when he initially heard about it. Blue also noticed that Xiao Jingshen was missing from the Empress’ entourage, a rare happening.

“Empress, Prince, may I ask where young Xiao is? I’m most sure I heard that she would be accompanying you on your journey.” Father Superior gave a puzzled look. It seemed things weren’t quite adding up at all today.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai Character Portrait: Kallias Markus
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Kallias looked like he was about to ask another question, but Arkaelus had quickly turned the conversation back to politics. Moloch hummed thoughtfully as the young king asked him about his plans. It was true that the small city-states of the Volanti to Drake's west had fallen on hard times since the coming of that monster in what is now the Waste. They had borrowed heavily from Drake moneylenders who were all to eager to sell their now worthless loans to the king when said cities defaulted. Moloch intended to have his due and he rather thought the Volanti would benefit as part of a larger, more prosperous nation.

"Only those who have wronged Drake. Currently, there is a debt to be collected. I am sure you understand how vexing it can be for someone to take your gold and run. Ah, but look, we are not your only guests."

"By Lila, they are amazing," his brother gasped, his eyes obviously on a delegation of unearthly beautiful people. Moloch hid his own amazement. These could only be the legendary Fae. One, however, caught his attention. This one wore his brother's face. Kallias, after taking his gaze off the female, gasped as he took a step closer to observe the Fae that could be his twin. He held up his hand, as if he were looking in a mirror.

"How is this possible?" Moloch asked himself. Cyrus himself looked intrigued.

"Well, if this isn't interesting. Perhaps... No," the old magi muttered. Moloch made a note to interrogate his old tutor later. Instead, he bowed his head in greeting and gave his brother a stern look who, sheepishly, returned his side but couldn't refrain from looking curiously at the Fae.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai Character Portrait: Kallias Markus
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Tenanye gave a soft smile as the Blue Faery floated down before her, graing her with a bow. She gave a regal nod. "Blue," She said. Severyn nodded as well with his easy smile. "How wonderful it is to see you." She said. “Empress Tenanye, Prince Severyn, I am very much honored and relieved to see you. I’m here searching for a young Wishing Star Faery by the name of Niven. Have you seen him? I expressly told him to remain in our domain but while I was away assisting a mortal in distress he slipped down to the Trade Summit. He was asking me earlier today if I would be attending.” The poor pixie seemed nervous. "Forgive me, I have not." She said, before the Blue Faery's attention was turned to her left, where Xiao Jingshen had been.
“Empress, Prince, may I ask where young Xiao is? I’m most sure I heard that she would be accompanying you on your journey.” He asked and Tenanye turned. Panic settling in her chest. She wasn't at the carriage, where she was supposed to be. Tenanye huffed through her nose, trying to keep the tension from her body. "That girl is more fae then she knows." She muttered. "Easy, Empress, We'll find her." Severyn said, a gentle hand on her shoulder. "She should be Nanji, see through him." he suggested and Tenanye nodded. That was the reason Severyn was always at her side. She was usually, calm, could think several steps ahead...unless her baby sister was involved.

Tenanye excused herself to the Blue Faery, and Severyn stood behind her, keeping her upright as her dark irises dispersed, bleeding a black ink across the whites of her eyes.

She saw through Nanji's many eyes. Xiao Jingshen apparently made a friend... a term she was using loosely.

"She is safe....with Nanji, and a man, warm of skin, dark of hair, however Nanji senses no danger," She said, her voice like a breath before her irises went back to their normal disk shape.

"She is safe." She said with a breath but it didn't remove the tension from her body. Severyn smiled at her as she stood on her own, and it was good thing too, as just then the King and Prince of Drake arrived with the King of Khalidor.

Tenanye and Severyn turned at the same moment and both were struck by the sight of the smaller version of Severyn standing beside the Drake King.

"I haven't the slightest, my lady...." Severyn said, not able to hid his shock. He took a step forward, as the boy did. "Uncanny, A little smaller, clearly human but....still, How Curious?" He said, looking at is own face staring equally confused back at him.

"How is this possible." The King of Drake spoke, more to himself then anything.

"Severyn, remind me to speak with your father when we return home."

"Of course, Empress...I shall like to speak with him as well." He said, and backed away, standing straight.

Tenanye, clearing her throat, she turned gave a bow.

"Forgive us, Your Grace, The likeness between them is....astonishing." She said, with a smile. It really was, the only difference was that Severyn bore the marks of a Fae, pointed ears, long white hair, bright blue eyes, and was nearly a foot taller then the human one, while the boy bore dark curly hair, trimmed short, there was warmth to his skin, and he had the rounded ears of a human. The Alder King must have been up to some point.

"I am Tenanye Ananse, First of my name, Empress of Anansai, Queen of the Soliatry Fae." She said with a gracious curtsy. "This i s Severyn Alderson, Third of his Name, Royal Adviser and Prince of the Seelie Fae." She said, and bit her lip, her sister was meant to be here with her. "My sister and Lady in Waiting, will be arrive shortly, Curious little thing, she ventured off it seems, finding your home to be quite the wonder." She said, her words were true of course, but Xiao Jingshen found wonder in everything.

"Honeythorn Gump, Find my sister, bring her to me." Tenanye turned, calling to asmall, skinny fae boy, with pointed ears and pink skin.

"As you wish, Your Grace" said the creature before he sniffed the air, and scurried off to find her.

Severyn was still staring at the boy, he started forward but Tenanye had the presence of mind to stop him before he invaded the Drake Prince's personal space. Human's were different that way, she knew. "Forgive me, but....have you been to Anansai?" He asked the boy directly. "I've never been outside of the island least as far as I know I haven't...." He mused, folding his arms over his chest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai Character Portrait: Kallias Markus
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There was no deception in the Fae's words. While Fae were known to speak in half-truths, they could not outright lie and the surprise in their actions and words was genuine if Moloch was any judge of character, human or not. He nodded at Tenanye before speaking.

"I am Moloch Markus, the Chosen of Kiel, the King of Drake and my brother is Kallias, Prince of Drake. The older man with us is Cyrus of the Circle of Magi and our most esteemed adviser. We are honored to meet you and greet you in friendship."

At her words on her sister, Moloch could not help but smile slightly.

"I know a little something about curious siblings. They can be a handful," he said dryly. Kallias glared at him while Cyrus could not help but laugh.

"Oh, he only speaks the truth, my prince."


As Severyn stepped forward, Cyrus gripped his staff instinctively and the guards tensed, but Kallias did not seem to mind. Instead, he was gazing at the Fae who looked so much like him with utmost curiosity.

"No, I have not, though I have long wished to see the Land of the Fae for myself.... Is this common? Do all Fae have a human twin somewhere in this world and we are one of the fortunate pairs that meet?"

Thoughts were racing through Kallias' head. He had studied the Fae in his youth. He had read every book and scroll that was available to him in either the Royal Library or within the libraries of the Circle of Magi but none contained knowledge of anything like his current situation. Perhaps his twin's father would know. He frowned thoughtfully. Was he anything like his own father, cold, distant, and perpetually disappointed? His father had expected a lot from his sons and it seemed only Moloch ever delivered while their mother watched him with sad, thoughtful eyes.

He glanced at Cyrus. The old man looked to all the world as puzzled as the rest of them, but Kallias knew the old man better than that. He was hiding something and eventually Moloch would know it to and possibly shield him from whatever knowledge the Magi possessed. Or, he thought with a small smile, he would try.

He eyed Severyn thoughtfully and was surprised to see that he had folded his arms in like manner to the Fae at almost the same time. How strange. He glanced at Moloch. His brother maintained a curious but confident demeanor, but he knew that Moloch wasn't one to be happy to be ignorant in such a situation, particularly in front of a man like Arkaelus. His brother did not like showing weakness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai Character Portrait: Kallias Markus
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"No, I have not, though I have long wished to see the Land of the Fae for myself.... Is this common? Do all Fae have a human twin somewhere in this world and we are one of the fortunate pairs that meet?" Said the Drake Prince, Kallias as the King called him. Severyn pursed his lips. "No, Your Grace, This is not common, There are pairs but usually one of the two know the other exists, Changelings, they are called." Serevyn said, noting how the boy matched his own movements as if they were his own. It was....troubling as it was curious.

He couldn't be a Changeling, He was a Prince, and even still, Severyn looked different enough from the boy that it was clear he was Fae, Changelings still looked human, save for their eyes would be different and a slight point of their ears, it would be so subtle, it would be hardly noticed, Severyn was clearly Fae, and this boy, clearly human and if that wasn't so, then this boy could be his twin, a true twin, of Fae and Human Birth....but no, his father was never so curious, he would not venture out and mate with a human, least of all, allow her to bare a childern and keep on, human or not, he would have kept the human one as a slave, the mother too.

What was this? How did this clearly mortal boy, share his face.

Tenanye smiled at the King, Severyn noticed out of the corner of his eye.

"Forgive us, we are young by Fae standards, I only just succeeded my mother, ten of your years ago, in that time, no Changelings were created...." Tenanye said and Severyn didn't hear her, not really

"Do you have allergies? Rowan Berries, perhaps?" Severyn offered, stroking his chin with his arms folded.
"Witch hazel? Does it make you sneeze? Primeroses, do they make you itch? Iron does it make you weak?" He went on,
'Ah!, Oatmeal, Do you like oatmeal?"

"Severyn.... That's enough." Tenanye said, and Severyn realized his mistake, he should not have said how many ways to repel faeries in front of mortal men, though Iron was rather well known, the others weren't. He stood straight and cleared his throat.
He had to know....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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__(Father Superior)__
__(The Blue Faery)__


"Forgive me, I have not." Empress Tenanye said, before the Blue Faery's attention was turned to her left, where Xiao Jingshen had been.Father Superior was beginning with worry again as the Empress informed him that she hadn’t seen Niven either.

"That girl is more fae then she knows." Empress Tenanye muttered.

"Easy, Empress, We'll find her." Severyn said, a gentle hand on her shoulder. "She should be Nanji, see through him." he suggested and Tenanye nodded. Tenanye excused herself to the Blue Faery, and Severyn stood behind her, keeping her upright as her dark irises dispersed, bleeding a black ink across the whites of her eyes.

Blue nodded in response with a warm and patient smile. As she checked on young Xiao Blue had hoped that maybe Xiao had encountered the young Faery Niven in her wanderings. Tenanye reported that Xiao was alright and Blue was relieved to hear that at least one of the missing fae’s whereabouts where now known. However still there was no sign of Niven.

Blue was deciding if he was going to excuse himself and continue his search for Niven when his thoughts were interrupted by the approach of the King of Khalidor and the Drake King. Blue turned to face the regal mortals as they neared, his dragonfly like wings fluttering swiftly behind him. His hands clasped in front of him as he began pondering if he would change size to that he was on equal footing with the mortals. Blue felt that pixies sometimes tended to make mortals uncomfortable when small. Humans never seemed to mind if they were in the middle of a crisis but in a situation such as this it was probably better to be human size as opposed to being roughly the size of one’s head. Still hadn’t shifted size yet.

As Father Superior scanned the group he saw few things that swiftly caught his attention. Upon looking at the young Drake prince he also realized that he bore a striking resemblance to the Fae Prince Severyn. Blue glanced back and forth between the two in astonishment. Blue was on friendly terms with Severyn’s father but he was never told about any secret dealing his father may have had involving the nobility of Drake. Blue was also saddened at the sight of the Drake king because he was reminded of a secret involving his parent’s murder. Blue had gotten wind of Valen’s hand in the murder of the former rulers of Drake but was pretty sure that the young King had no knowledge of who provided the magic poison that was later used in his parents’ murder, magic knew magic and dark magic definitely had an effect on the Drake kingdom. Blue closed his eyes briefly as he refocused his thoughts.

"I am Tenanye Ananse, First of my name, Empress of Anansai, Queen of the Soliatry Fae." Tenanye said with a gracious curtsy. "This i s Severyn Alderson, Third of his Name, Royal Adviser and Prince of the Seelie Fae." She said, and bit her lip. "My sister and Lady in Waiting, will be arrive shortly, Curious little thing, she ventured off it seems, finding your home to be quite the wonder."

"I am Moloch Markus, the Chosen of Kiel, the King of Drake and my brother is Kallias, Prince of Drake. The older man with us is Cyrus of the Circle of Magi and our most esteemed adviser. We are honored to meet you and greet you in friendship." At Tenanye’s words on her sister, Moloch could not help but smile slightly. "I know a little something about curious siblings. They can be a handful," he said dryly. Kallias glared at him while Cyrus could not help but laugh.
As the Fae Prince Severyn and the Human Prince Kallias questioned one another, still in astonishment of their striking resemblance Blue grinned attempting to hold back a chuckle. He’d never seen Severyn steeped in such childlike curiosity before. The Empress explained to the Drake King and his companions that there were no changelings created as of recently and about her and the Prince’s age according to fae standards. Father superior was much older in comparison however he was blessed to not show any sign of considerable aging in quite some time.

Blue looked on in amusement as the Fae Prince Severyn burrowed deeper in his investigation of the young Human Prince Kallias. The barrage of questions began. "Do you have allergies? Rowan Berries, perhaps?" Severyn offered, stroking his chin with his arms folded.
"Witch hazel? Does it make you sneeze? Primeroses, do they make you itch? Iron does it make you weak?" Severyn went on,
'Ah!, Oatmeal, Do you like oatmeal?"

Father Superior’s eyes widened as he watched Severyn go on. The Fae Prince’s questioning was swiftly becoming a full blown interrogation. Father Superior was being reminded of Niven’s impulsiveness. This comparison was something Blue never in a century though he would draw between the often composed Fae Prince Severyn and the often impertinent Wishing Star Faery Niven . Niven was the one Faery to give Father Superior the most trouble as of late.

"Severyn.... That's enough." Tenanye said, and Severyn realized his mistake.

Blue, having realized the need for another topic Segway, took this time to introduce himself. He decided this would be better if he grew to human size so in a blue flash the transformation took place. It was but a flicker of a few seconds but Blue now stood human size. He gave his shoulders a quick shake and his dragonfly like wings seemed to dissipate away like pixie dust in the wind. “Your majesties I am Luin Elen, the Blue Faery. I am Father Superior of the Wishing Star Faeries of Anansai. I am also here with a young faery who has wandered away at present. It is with humbleness that I greet you.

Although Blue had not intended to attend the summit as a representative, it would be seen as rude if he were to back out now. He was in it for the long haul. However as opposed to his initial feelings about attending, Niven earlier burning curiosity on the matter was beginning to catch on to him as well.

The setting changes from The New World to The Republic of Khalidor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Ursuul Character Portrait: Kiran, Prince of Ashkara Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery
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There were so many royals who had gathered in such a short time. He had expected the arrival of these representatives to be much different. He was also amazed by the fae. When he sent the letter, he honestly didn't expect Tenanye to come. No one in Khalidor have had official contact with Anansai and everyone was keen on learning what kind of goods could be gained from the fae. Arkaelus had heard rumors that fae trade for knowledge. The only thing he was unwilling to trade was the knowledge of mass producing gunpowder and steel, a dangerous tool that had to be kept to Khalidor for its safety.

"Greetings to you all!" Arkaelus spoke up. "I'm glad that you've made it safely. There should only be a few more guests arriving. May I suggest that we go to the palace? I have prepared a wonderful Khalidoran feast for you all with entertainment to boot!" He wanted the small crowd of royals to be treated properly, that is with fine food and pleasurable accommodations.



The city was in chaos, but as resistance was dying down so were the soldiers fighting. As Dorian walked to the docks he saw a ship of interest. A foreign ship. An Ashkara ship, one with guards. That meant the royals were on that ship. Bad luck had plagued him, especially if his cousin caught word of this. He called the soldiers to stop what they were doing and form up at the docks. There were calls across the streets of orders from the general.

"Greetings my lords." Dorian spoke loudly to the princes. Being careful not to get too close. "This town has revolted, I expect due to some greedy merchant, so I have been sent to take it back. I'm surprised to see you all here and not in Jodan....." He paused. He knew there were three princes. Ahkil the crowned, Skander the competent, but Kiran the younger was not there. There was a distressed look on the face of their guards.

"Where is prince Kiran?" Dorian asked them. He turned his head to his troops gathering behind him. Nearly eight hundred were shambling to their formations. That meant there were still some within the city. He hoped the prince was in the boat, the last thing he needed was an incident.

The setting changes from The Republic of Khalidor to The New World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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As Kallias was overwhelmed with questions from his Fae look-alike, Moloch could not help but commit said Fae's words to memory. While he did not intend to wage war against the Fae, it never hurt to store away knowledge for later use, particularly as not all Fae were a hundred percent obedient to their Empress. Take Severyn's father for example... He caught Tenanye's disapproving tone when she spoke of him.

Soon enough, Arkaelus ushered them into the palace for refreshments and entertainment. Moloch was grateful that he did not take the opportunity to embarrass himself or Kallias over Kallias' now questionable origins. He was no fool. There had to have been some Fae involvement in Kallias' development in the womb if not at his very conception.

Kallias, meanwhile, was shaking his head at Severyn's questions. Still, he grinning madly.

"I'm sure the Circle of Magi would be happy to examine the two of us. You must visit Drake City."

Moloch raised an eyebrow as he took a goblet of wine from a bowing servant.

"There are mages who can be trusted," he noted. He nodded at Severyn, Tenanye, and the Blue Faery, who had arrived amidst the excitement of Kallias' and Severyn's appearances.

"The invitation is open for any Fae who comes in friendship," he stated, measuring his words carefully. The lore was vague on invitations given to Fae, but he knew that they could not lie and to accept his invitation would entail accepting his parameters. Or, so he hoped. At any rate, he would note extend an invitation to openly malevolent or suspicious Fae such as the Dark Faery of Valen Alus or his blood.

He turned to Arkaelus and raised his glass in toast. It was only right and proper to acknowledge their gracious host.

"To the Khalidor's hospitality."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen Character Portrait: Aada Funar
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__Zexen Tiberius Elen__



__Valen Mori Elen__


As Zexen and Valen exited their carriage Zexen took in the scenery. The city of Jordan was very large. Zexen admired the architecture of the structures. It had been many years since he had last visited Khalidor. He always noted it as being a land of stone. Valen Alus used a far different material for most of its structures. Sandstone was commonly utilized, many brick and clay structures could be seen in Valen Alus. However Khalidor was much different, stone paved streets and even the air was cold like stone. “Perhaps I shall go on holiday here one day.” Zexen said to his father Valen.

Valen smirked and replied, “So you can spend the entirety of the Holiday getting to the bottom of Khalidor’s wine vessels? Indeed.” Valen chuckled. Zexen rolled his eyes and smiled at his father’s joke. Zexen wasn’t initially thinking about the wine but now that it was mentioned that simply sealed the deal as to him making plans.

The Royals were ushered into the palace where a lavish banquet awaited them. Valen, Zexen, and the Cinnabar Royals Arim and Aada had arrived there after those hailing from Anansai and Drake City. Upon entering the grand room, Valen stopped suddenly. He could feel powerful Miracle Based Faery Magic. This magic he had not encountered in a very long time. His eyes darted to and from scanning all present in the room and his heart felt as if and arrow had pierced it. He saw the Blue Faery for the first time in over a century. “Luin
” he whispered to himself. Valen had not counted on anyone from Anansai being present at a human Trade Summit, however there stood Empress Tenanye and Prince Severyn alongside the very person he was afraid to face, The Blue Faery.

Valen also noted the presence of Moloch the King of Drake and his younger brother. Valen remembered the anxious and desperate nobles that assassinated the Drake king’s parents. They came to Valen wanting to strike a deal for a way to kill the former King and Queen. Valen remembered conjuring a poison that was swift and merciless. Looking upon the Drake King now, Valen could see that he was strong of heart but it was not without its fair share of darkness. He wondered what his future with the Drake king would entail.

Zexen noticed his father stop cold as if he were staring at death itself. Looking on curiously, he addressed Valen. “Father, are you alright?”

Valen quickly pulled himself together and flashed a quick smile. “Yes and no. I wasn’t expecting Anansai nobles to be present here. Seeing the young Empress and Prince brings back memories.” Valen’s reply heavily omitted his biggest cause of anxiety, The Blue Faery.

Zexen was excited to see fae from Anansai. He didn’t often encounter his kind elsewhere in the world. He was already cooking up a plan to speak with every person from Anansai present to get information on his origins. Surely someone knew something, he thought. He then noticed the Blue Faery. He turned to his father as he spoke, “It is The Blue Faery. I didn’t think he’d be here.”

Valen’s eyes widened in shock at what he had just heard. “How do YOU know of him?” Valen quickly inquired. His heart was racing. It was extremely rare when he felt nervous like this.

Zexen gave an arrogant smirk. “We’ve met before.” Zexen, like a rebellious teenager, took a little pride in the fact that he got around a rule.

Valen frowned angrily. “I had expressly forbidden anyone in Valen Alus to call upon Wishing Star Faeries. When did you,“ Valen was interrupted by Zexen.

“I didn’t call upon him in our kingdom. I was in Athedale at the time we met. I broke no law.” Zexen replied smugly.

Valen discreetly grabbed Zexen’s arm and pulled him closer. “What need had you of Father Superior?” Valen’s tone was quiet and dark. He was not happy at all. However his anger would turn into concern with Zexen’s reply.

Zexen’s smug smile faded and was replaced with a melancholy stare. “I tricked him into helping do something very dark. And I regret that I did such a heart blackening thing.” Zexen lowered his eyes to the floor now feeling ashamed of his dark secret.

Valen worried about what his son had not told him. Something bad had happened that he was not aware of. However they had not the time to deal with it at the present moment. Valen placed a hand on Zexen’s shoulder reassuringly. “My son, whatever it is we will conquer it together. You needn’t worry anymore. Now let’s not be bad guests hm.” Valen wanted to make sure his son was at peace so he set aside his anxiety. Zexen felt relieved and returned to a more normal disposition for himself.

Valen and Zexen approached the Nobles of Anansai. Valen bowed to the Empress. “Greeting Empress Tenanye. It has been many years since we’ve last seen one another. I regret not being able to attend your coronation as Empress. Majesties and Luin appear to be well.” Valen tried to hold it together and keep composed in front of Blue. It wasn’t very easy.

Blue was heavily flustered to see Valen. He wanted to shed tears but he held them at bay. However he couldn’t mask the look of longing on his face. “Valen
” Blue spoke quietly as he gazed upon his former lover. “How are you?” Blue continued.

“I am very well. I’d like you all to meet my son. He informed me that you two have already met apparently.” Valen replied. He had gained his fortitude back. He knew flaunting a son in front of Blue would make him assume that Valen had fallen in love with another and produced a child.

__Luin Elen/ Father Superior__
__(The Blue Faery)__


When Zexen had stepped forward and Father Superior saw him he remembered him and the event in which they met. “I do indeed remember you child. I had no idea that Valen was your father.” Father superior began to recall the vent in which they met.

{Flash back Scene 10 years prior}

It was a night bathe in blue moonlight. Much was quiet in the atmosphere of Athedale. Zexen had wandered out side into the night’s forest. Zexen was desperate for a way to get his revenge on the commander for making him end his friend’s life. However the commander was slowly dying of a poisoned wound. Zexen knew he didn’t have much time left if he was going to make the commander Suffer the same feeling of loss he had. Zexen, needed to save the commander so that he’d have more time. Zexen sought out the Blue Star and called out “Luin Elen, I call upon the Blue Faery.” Father Superior had heard the call of his name, Luin Elen. He soon appeared before Zexen. Zexen looked in amazement. “Wow you really came.” He said sounding in disbelief.

“I know when I’m needed.” Father Superior replied as he, in pixie size, flew before Zexen. “I can see child that you are not untouched by darkness. What is it that I can do for you young Fae?” Father Superior asked. It was highly unusual for a Fae to ask for a wish from faeries. He knew that Zexen was definitely a Faery but lacked the feeling of one that dwelled in Anansai.

Zexen replied, “I want to save my commander. He’s been mortally poisoned and I don’t think there is a remedy to cure him of it and to save his life. Please help me save him. He can’t be allowed to die.” Zexen was desperate. He needed to keep the commander alive so he could one day have his revenge. “He can’t die.” He pleaded again.

Blue held his wand clasped in between his clasped hands and responded in a nurturing manner. “It is the way of the world young one.”

Zexen stepped a little closer. “There must be SOMETHING you can do.” Zexen was nowhere near ready to give up. He was going to have his way one way or the other. Father Superior averted his gaze to the side and shook his head. Zexen knew that mannerism well. His father would do it when he wanted to refrain from divulging information and he couldn’t lie. “You know something don’t you? What aren’t you telling me?” Zexen pushed the matter further.

Blue was couldn’t get around granting the wish as Zexen used his full name to summon him. Father Superior let out a heavy sigh and replied. “I may be able to conjure a remedy that will save his life using magic that is forbidden to faeries in all but only the most dire of circumstances. You must promise to never tell anyone about this. No one must ever know.”

Zexen shook his head in compliance. “Yes anything!” He responded eagerly.

Father Superior continued, “To save a life that is beyond salvation is to cheat death, one of the darkest of undertakings. Alas all magic comes with a price.” Father Superior pointed his wand and a double sided candle began to hover in front of Zexen. It had white wax on one end and dark colored wax on the other. Zexen grabbed it and began examining it. “This candle will allow you to trade the life of one for another. You must hold the candle over the heart of the one you wish to sacrifice and whisper their name. Once the candle is lit that person’s life will be traded for the person you wish to save.”

Zexen replied, “Wait I have to choose who dies? What if I can’t do it?”

Father Superior looked Zexen in the eyes. “Then the commander will die. However death is a part of the natural order of things. You shouldn’t interfere. You will darken your heart if you do this. I beg you not to use the candle.”

Zexen had an idea. This would essentially solve his problem. The sacrifice would be someone important to the commander, his son. Zexen held the candle close to him. “I can do this and I will do this. Thank you for your help. I must go, I have a sacrifice to make.” Zexen said, he then ran off with the candle leaving Father Superior with a heavy feeling of regret.

{Flash back Scene ends}

The setting changes from The New World to The Republic of Khalidor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Father Superior The Blue Faery Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul Character Portrait: Tenanye Ananse; Empress of Anansai
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"Greetings to you all!" The King of Khalidor spoke. Tenanye gave a gracious smile, though her heard was thundering in her chest. She knew Xiao Jingshen was safe, but it didn't stop her from worrying. Her sister was so green, so new to the world. She feared, for she was so naive. "I'm glad that you've made it safely. There should only be a few more guests arriving. May I suggest that we go to the palace? I have prepared a wonderful Khalidoran feast for you all with entertainment to boot!" He said and Tenanye nodded, as she and her procession moved along. Severyn seemed overly thrilled to be moving his feet as he and Kallis continued to speak.

“Greeting Empress Tenanye. It has been many years since we’ve last seen one another. I regret not being able to attend your coronation as Empress. Majesties and Luin appear to be well.” Spoke Valen, A Wishing Star Fae, long since exiled. She knew his tale, and knew it well but she kept up the pleasantries. "There is nothing to regret, Valen." She said, her voice even and composed, though she purposely did not address any titles. She did not take kindly to those who thought to destroy her people and she was fairly certian he was one of them. A measly wishing star calling himself King. It was laughable. V

” Blue spoke and Tenanye decided to turn away. She heard the longing in his voice that turned her stomach. Not for their gender, but for Blue was a good soul, deserved love, and he would not get it with Valen, the self proclaimed Dark Faery.

“I am very well. I’d like you all to meet my son. He informed me that you two have already met apparently.” Valen said, introducing the young lad lingering by. Tenanye gave a short nod, and let it at that, turning her attention to Severyn then.

"I'm sure the Circle of Magi would be happy to examine the two of us. You must visit Drake City." He said and Severyn nodded. Tenanye wasn't so sure about this arrangement, she would not have Severyn running off to some foreign land, to be examined by mortals, fueled by curiosity.

"There are mages who can be trusted," he noted, Tenanye resisted the urge to narrow her dark eyes. She now understood Severyn's early discomfort. With Xiao Jingshen off Mother knows where, Servern hoping to uncover some new mystery, she felt uneasy. She closed her eyes, for a moment, and took a calming breath before opening them again.

"The invitation is open for any Fae who comes in friendship," He said, his words chosen thoughtfully. This was not lost on Tenanye, nor was it on Severyn. There was something disconcerting about the way they spoke. The Fae weren't a complete mystery to the outside world, and with Severyn's word, they knew more about then that they should have. Tenanye liked the mystery, she liked not being known. It gave her power, with them knowing much more then she anticipated, it made her unease, and a feel a bit vulnerable.
Moloah then rose a toast to the host.
"To the Khalidor's hospitality." He said and as she took her seat at the table prepared for them. She left a seat open for her sister at left. "To hospitality." She said, raising a glass with a gracious bow of her head.

It was then, that Honeythorn and Xiao Jingshen came barreling into the room, causing Tenanye to shoot to her feet. Worry was etched on her features, her body stiff and rigid but she held firm. "Everyone, My sister, Princess Xiao Jingshen Ananse." She spoke, and the pale girls face blushed a hot pink. "My Lords." She said, with a breath, giving a regal curtsy. " Forgive my absence, I became lost" She said sheepishly. Tenanye noted how the end of the girl's dress was marred with dirt and sand, all the way up to her knees, as if she'd been kneeling in it. Tenanye held her calm. "Come, Sister, Sit." She said, waving her over, holding out her arm. Xiao Jingshen quickly made her way over and sat in the seat left for her and Tenanye took her seat as well. "Are you alright, Little Sparrow?" Severyn asked in a hushed tone. "mm" Xiao Jingshen, seeming to hold back a smile. "I made a friend." She said, whispering back, smiling large. "You did?" Tenanye and Severyn asked at the same time. " Mhm. I did, something happened, he helped me, so I gave him a kiss."

" You what?" Tenanye gasped. There were two types of kisses, and neither of them were preferable at the moment.

"he saved me, I owed him." She said and it was those words that told Tenanye which kiss she gave, though it did nothing for the stress the stiffened her back.

"We'll speak of this later." She told her and Xiao Jingshen was quiet.

Xiao Jinghsen then looked aroudn the room, and noticed Kallias. She blinked, looked from him to Severn, then to him again, and back to Severyn once more. "He looks like-"
Tenanye rose a hand to quiet her. "Not now." Tenanye said, taking a breath to center herself.

Tenanye rose then. "My Lord, Arkalus, In honor of our first venture out unto your world, and you, so graciously hosting us, We, The Fae of Anansai, have brought you the gift of our song." She announced, " With your blessing, once the other Lords and Ladies arrive, My sister, The Princess and the Finest Singer in Anansai, shall sing and dance it for you." She said and Xiao Jingshen shot to her feet. "My sister is much too kind, I shall do my best." She said, bowed and sat down again. Tenanye could feel the girl's nerves beside her but left it alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Ursuul Character Portrait: Kiran, Prince of Ashkara Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince
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Arkaelus drank with the rest on Moloch's toast. The food had been brought out. Large servings of meats, potato, and wine were brought out to enjoy. He looked around at his guests. He was surprised by the turnout since many nations didn't take Khalidor seriously as it was not yet a military power. He was particularly interested in the fae of Anansai, even more so with his neighbor, Valen. His son looked strong, just as rumored. A strong, fit warrior. His cousin, Dorian, enjoyed meeting new challenges in his sparring matches.

"Zexen..." Arkaelus began, as the prince was closer to his chair. "I've heard that you're quite the warrior and I was wondering if you would hear out a request? My cousin Dorian is always looking for a good sparring partner and I think you would be just right. I don't believe you've met him, but he'll be here later. Anyway I'm sure that both of you could learn some new techniques from one another, after all it would be the best of Khalidor and the best of Valen Alus." Arkaelus did hope that Zexen would except. Sparring was one of the few things that Arkaelus knew Dorian could still do that truly made him happy, even if for a short while.



Dorian ordered his officers to search the city for the young prince. "If even a single hair on the princes head is harmed, decimation will be your last concern!" He shouted to the soldiers who then quickly hurried off to find the boy. "We'll find your brother soon." He said to the other princes. "I'm sure he'll be fine, hopefully he won't be part of the collateral."

After about ten minutes an officer came to him with the with news of the search. One soldier had found a tan boy. He also reported that they had found the merchant who caused the revolt, pointing to the prisoner near some of the soldiers. Dorian recognized that man. To his surprise it was one of senator Grido's men. "Bring the boy here." He told the officer in a grim voice. Then quietly added "Bring a cannonball and chain." So powerful rogue senator was conspiring against the republic. His day just kept getting worse by the moment.

The setting changes from The Republic of Khalidor to The New World


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Ursuul Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince
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__Luin Elen/ Father Superior__
__(The Blue Faery)__

▉__Zexen Tiberius__Elen__▉

__Valen Mori Elen__


Zexen was in awe of the Empress of Anansai. She was very beautiful and graceful. A funny little smile crept across his face as she nodded to him. He could see that there must have been some form of dynamics between her and his father. It was becoming really apparent that Valen had not left Anansai of his own accord. However what exactly happened to spark his departure and migration to present day Valen Alus?

Zexen thought back to the moment Valen and Father Superior greeted one another. He noted the odd exchange between the two. Zexen was beginning to see that the two had some form of complicated history. He knew that Father Superior seemed to make his father nervous seeing that Valen was aggressively against the summoning of wishing star faeries. But the real question was why. Zexen’s eyes toggled back and forth between the two and he noted, that they acted like separated ex-lovers. Zexen’s eyes narrowed. He tapped his father on the arm lightly, “Father a word.”

“Yes.” Valen replied as he was beginning to sit down.

Zexen took his seat next to his father, and made sure that Father Superior would sit on the other side of him. “What’s the nature of your relation to Father Superior?” He asked quietly.

Valen rolled his eyes slightly, his attempt at belittling the inquiry. “Long and extremely complicated.”

Zexen smirked, “I figured that would be your answer. Very well, I just wanted to get hear your response to the question before I asked him.” Zexen immediately looked over toward Blue, who was getting settled in his seat. Just before Zexen could ask a question he saw a beautiful young fae woman enter the room. She caught the full attention of Empress Tenanye who immediately stood to her feet. Zexen felt that the Empress, in that moment, resembled his father when he was impatiently awaiting Zexen’s return from an excursion. The young man snickered a little looking at the event.

Tenanye rose then. "My Lord, Arkalus, In honor of our first venture out unto your world, and you, so graciously hosting us, We, The Fae of Anansai, have brought you the gift of our song." She announced, " With your blessing, once the other Lords and Ladies arrive, My sister, The Princess and the Finest Singer in Anansai, shall sing and dance it for you." She said and Xiao Jingshen, the young fae woman, shot to her feet. "My sister is much too kind, I shall do my best." She said, bowed and sat down again.

Zexen was much interested in seeing the young sister of the empress sing and dance. He wondered if the dances of Anansai were anything like the dances of Valen Alus. Moloch proposed a toast and everyone drank to it. Zexen couldn’t help but notice an exceptionally pleased look fall upon Valen’s face. He knew his father was interested in consulting for the Drake king. Zexen looked Moloch up and down in assessment. He had heard a lot about that man but had never before seen him in person. Zexen could tell that Moloch earned every bit of respect he commanded. The revelation only made Zexen begin to feel a bit in over his head.


Father Superior leaned a little closer toward Zexen. He spoke quietly, “With you always is a king’s heart. Never lose faith in that strength dear. It’ll carry you through the darkest of moments.”

Zexen felt like he saw a light at the end of a dark tunnel. He looked over to Blue and smiled. “Thank you Father Superior. I needed to hear that.” Zexen took a moment and then spoke again, “I also wanted to apologize to you for what I asked you to do before. You were right it was a heart darkening deed I set out upon and I regret having done what I did.” Zexen took a big drink from his glass.


“Worry not, you may have lost your way for a moment but you are back on the right path. No one is immune to darkness. I myself broke a rule doing what I did that day. You reminded me of a time when I could have held on to someone dear to me by breaking a rule and fighting for them. Instead I gave up on them, something I regret doing.” Blue responded with a melancholy expression. Valen overheard the conversation and upon hearing Blue’s words he quietly closed his eyes to take it all in. Trying to keep up the appearance that he wasn’t listening he turned to look about the room.

Zexen replied, “I’m sure you did the right thing back then. You’re not head of the Nuns and Monks of Anansai for nothing.” Zexen said with a chuckle. The wishing star faeries were known to be something akin to monks and nuns in the Anansai realm.

“Well dear that is what I tell myself.” Blue responded with a light smile.

Valen took a moment to approach Moloch. “Moloch Markus, King of the magnificent Drake City. May I express my sincere desire to one day serve as a consultant to your cause whatever it may be. The magic of Valen Alus may be of service to you. You remind me of your parents, strong of both heart and will. I owe a debt to them, I would like to repay that debt by assisting you. If you decide on it, let me know.” Valen soon returned to his table.

"Zexen..." Arkaelus began, as the prince was closer to his chair. Zexen was a bit surprised to be called. He turned to address the voice and it was of the King of Khalidor himself Arkaelus. He looked far more mature and had much more presence since he last saw him years ago.

Zexen responded somewhat shyly, “Yes your majesty.” Zexen knew he wasn’t technically royalty like many of the others being kings, empresses and the like. His father simply claimed to be the Lord of his nation and Zexen was a young lord, a noble in their kingdom. Zexen tried to make sure he addressed people properly and in a way befitting his status.

The Khalidor King continued, "I've heard that you're quite the warrior and I was wondering if you would hear out a request? My cousin Dorian is always looking for a good sparring partner and I think you would be just right. I don't believe you've met him, but he'll be here later. Anyway I'm sure that both of you could learn some new techniques from one another, after all it would be the best of Khalidor and the best of Valen Alus."

Zexen felt flattered to be called the best warrior in his country especially from a foreigner. It was true that he rarely lost a match with some of the best warriors in Valen Alus. He was excellently trained by Peregrine Le Buque. Zexen was unaware that he had a reputation of combat prowess abroad. He hoped that he wasn’t blushing. “I am most honored by your request your majesty. I accept. I can only hope that I am a challenge for Sir Dorian. I look forward to meeting him. I also wanted to express how much I admire the architecture here in your kingdom. It is very regal. I would like to visit here on holiday sometime soon.” Zexen took another drink from his cup.

Valen was most proud of his son. He gave a glance toward Father Superior who quietly watched Zexen with a smile. Valen couldn’t help but wonder how much, if anything, did Father Superior actually know about Zexen. Given Blue’s rule as the Superior sage of wishing star faeries he had a connection to a higher powered entity in Anansai that gave him insight on certain things that others didn’t have. However Valen seemed sure that Father Superior had no knowledge of the truth behind his secret.

Valen took this moment to present his gift to Arkaelus. “King Arkaelus, Zexen and I would like to present you with a gift for your invitation to this summit, and for being a kind host to us.” Valen then presented the ring. “This, my lord, is a magic ring most rare. It is called Binding Agreement. When wearing this ring any deals you make become binding when you and the other party shake hands. The party who breaks their end of the bargain with suffer an unfortunate happening as punishment. May your future deals be honest and true.” Valen handed the ring box over to Valen with a relaxed smile.

Father Superior cringed a little, “I see some things seldom change with time.” He said quietly as he folded his arms. He decided that he no longer wished to watch Valen back in his old habit of dangling darkness in front of mortals. He stepped over to the royals of Cinnabar. He bowed, “Greeting your majesties. I’m Father Superior of the wishing star faeries of Anansai. I wanted to express to you that your people are quite the dreamers. The wishes that come from the citizens of Cinnabar are so full of hope and pure intention. That is a sign of a gentle leader. I felt that was something you should know, to cherish and to nurture within your kingdom.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen Character Portrait: Aada Funar
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Arim looked around the room. Nearly every major power was represented. He felt a gnawing in his gut. Aada's hand rested on his arm, "Relax brother," she said quietly, "everything will work out as it will. There is no need to be anxious."

Despite himself, Arim chuckled, "You were always better suited to the court Aada," he took a moment to look at Aada. She was wearing a dress he hadn't seen before. It was red for the most part, although the skirt seemed to shift in colour as Aada moved, panels of material flickered like a..."A flame?"

Aada looked down at her dress, "That was why I chose this particular material. Fire is my strongest suit of magic after all."

"Oh, really? I would never have guessed that," Arim said, remembering all too often the times he had walked in on Aada manipulating the fires in the hearth. Once, when they were children, he had seen her coax a dying ember into a roaring fire. Fire had never been his strong suit. The air was where his strengths lay when it came to magic.

"Yes, it came as quite the surprise to everyone," Aada lowered her voice as the Fae girl began her performance, "Mother most of all."

"It's beautiful, Aada."

Aada smiled at her brother's unexpected compliment. She murmured a quiet thanks, before returning her attention to Empress Tenanye's sister. Arim watched, too, as the girl moved with a grace beyond any mortal man or woman. As her performance came to a close, the Funar siblings politely clapped. Aada leaned over to Arim, "The man Valen is speaking with is King Arkaleus, our host."

"I know who he is," Arim answered, trying, and failing, to keep the tension from his voice.

Aada looked up at her brother. "Of course." Aada saw Valen present something to Arkaleus, but from this distance, she couldn't hear what was being said. They would have to be careful, as much as Cinnabar and Valen Alus were allies, Fae magic had a habit of biting people when they least expected it. Aada forced her features into a more neutral expression when she saw one of Empress Tenanye's party heading towards them.

“Greeting your majesties. I’m Father Superior of the wishing star faeries of Anansai. I wanted to express to you that your people are quite the dreamers. The wishes that come from the citizens of Cinnabar are so full of hope and pure intention. That is a sign of a gentle leader. I felt that was something you should know, to cherish and to nurture within your kingdom.”

Depends on who you believe the leader to be, Aada thought, silently willing her brother to say something. He was, technically speaking, the leader of Cinnabar. Their just and noble King Arim.

"Thank you for your kind words, Father. I hope that my people are content, it's all a King can truly wish for. An angry populace makes for uncertain times, something we could all do without." Arim answered, surprising Aada with how smoothly he spoke. He had made it through an entire exchange without making himself look like an idiot. Perhaps this was a sign that he was finally learning.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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Moloch was surprised to find that he felt a certain amount of sadness as he saw the brief look of distrust on Empress Tenanye's before she returned his toast and offered a gift of song and dance to their host. He did not feel any malice towards the Fae. He simply couldn't afford to leave himself or his people vulnerable. Still, wariness on the part of one's peers was good, Moloch reminded himself. It meant that there was respect there and with respect came fear, unfortunately, but fear was necessary. If that lunatic in Valyria did not fear Moloch, then his people would be in danger.

As they moved to leave, Kallias opened his mouth to say something to his new Fae twin, but words failed him, particularly as the singing and dancing began. He felt something grab hold of his heart as his mind turned to memories of simpler times. A gentle laugh, a strong grip on his shoulder, the gentle teasing of a voice before it lost its innocence and laughter... He felt a single tear run down his cheek, but he did not move to wipe it away. He looked upon the Fae with a new appreciation. Even his brother looked impressed, though he still maintained a regal expression, never forgetting that he was a king. Again, Kallias felt something clench his heart, but there was no pleasure in it this time. Could Moloch ever really let down his guard.

The sound of clapping interrupted his thoughts.

"Remarkable, simply remarkable. The Fae are, as always, beyond this world," Cyrus mused, clapping his old hands together. Kallias looked at his old tutor in surprise.

"Have you encountered them before?"

"Oh, a few times. Each was more magical than the others," Cyrus stated with a small smile. Kallias opened his mouth to say that that didn't make any sense whatsoever, but the old man waved him away.

"Later, my prince, later..."

Kallias nodded, but was surprised to find that a man had approached his brother without him noticing. He shivered. Kallias wasn't sure he liked the man.

“Moloch Markus, King of the magnificent Drake City. May I express my sincere desire to one day serve as a consultant to your cause whatever it may be. The magic of Valen Alus may be of service to you. You remind me of your parents, strong of both heart and will. I owe a debt to them, I would like to repay that debt by assisting you. If you decide on it, let me know.”

Moloch looked thoughtful and very suspicious, but Kallias knew that he would speak to him later. It wasn't like him to pass over a new ally without a thought. Cyrus had frowned. That magi obviously did not think much of the man.

"Come, now, my king. This isn't the time to ask the Darkness what favors it might grant you," the old magi half-teased, half-warned, "Instead, take a look towards the Light. That must be the Princess Aada of Cinnabar. She has created quite a stir, even among the Circle of Magi."

Reluctantly, Moloch felt his gaze shift from the Dark Faery and over on to the Royalty of Cinnabar. His gaze fell upon the princess, as Cyrus had intended. She was quite beautiful, he noted, and he dress was designed to accentuate the beauty, giving her the appearance of a flame. He felt himself raise an eyebrow during the course of her and her brother's conversation with Father Superior. Her expression matched her appearance if only a for a moment. It was like a fire trying to break free from its confines and one need only look to her side to find what those confines might be. He found it intriguing.

"Kallias, you seem subdued. Go, enjoy the celebration..."

"But, oh, yes, of course, brother," Kallias murmured, attempting to reach the Fae. He wanted to see if Severyn enjoyed the same type of wine he did anyway.

Cyrus smiled mischievously and Moloch gave his old tutor a look. Nonetheless, they both rose to meet the Royals of Cinnabar. The magi chuckled.

"Believe me, you do not want to face an angry mob, Your Grace. One can be more dangerous than a hundred knights. May I present King Moloch Markus of Drake."

"It is a pleasure," Moloch greeted, his eyes still favoring Princess Aada, though he took a moment to take the measure of King Arim. He looked the part of the king, but was he really one in spirit as well as fact? He bowed his head respectfully.

"Your fire is most delightful," he told the princess, "Though, I confess, I know little of Cinnabar."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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#, as written by zeph_gm
Nemu approached the gates of the castle in which the trade summit was taking place, her duel pairs of bodyguards in their dark cowls obscuring her and guarding her from prying eyes. The guards who stood at attention to their approach eyed them suspiciously, clearly unwilling to allow the darkly clad strangers entrance to a summit of royals.
"Beat it you lot, only royalty and their representatives are permitted access to the summit, take yourselves elsewhere." Their leader said, a burly man in a slightly more ostentatious version of the guards apparel.
"I am here representing my master." Nemu said, coming to a stop before the growing crowd of guards, her four mammoth attendants dwarfing even the largest of the cities watchmen.
"Oh yeah, and who would that be darling, your pimp?" One of them said, eliciting a scattered mutter of laughter amongst the group.
Nemu waited for the noise to die down before answering, her voice toneless, "I serve my master, Tsarvin Sphex, lord of the Wyrmspire and Master of the Wastes."
There was a collective paling of faces and mutters of disbelief, the name was a byword for terror and agony, her masters unnaturally long life allowing plenty of time for the cultivation of rumour, of myth, of nightmares.
"I am to believe the summit is open to all rulers? My Master is indisposed, and has sent me in his stead. I assume there is no problem with this?" Nemu said, oblivious to the effect she was having.
"How Do I know you're telling the truth?" The guardsman said, rattled but not shaken from his duty.
Nemu reached up and removed her cowl, causing a collected gasp of horror and a few gags of lost stomachs. Beneath her cowl, her face was its usual appearance, but above that, six, four inch long glass capsules stood in duel lines down her shaven skull. Each one was two inches in diameter, and contained a virulent green fluid with swirls of red blood, but it was what floated within each capsule that horrified the guards. Inside each glass container, floating in the green fluid, was a chunk of brain matter, connected up to various tubes and sinewy strands of organic matter that lead down into her skull. The horrific pieces of neuro-synaptic tissue twitching occasionally. A last minute addition to her body from Sphex, he had deemed that when working on her own, She would require the extra grey matter to assist in understanding and adapting to changing intellectual discussion.
He would remove it once she returned. The heightened mental capacity was not something she needed on a permanent bases.
"I trust this will suffice as proof of whom I serve?" Nemu said, her head cocking to the side.
"Ye-... uh, Yes, Yes, please, enter, the rest of the delegations have almost all arrived."
Nemu replaced her cowl, much to the thanks of the green city guard, "Thank you." Without another word she strode past the guards and into the castle, her accelerated brain capacity whirring as she took in the unnatural stimuli from her secondary brain segments, processing feelings and emotions she had not encountered in an age. She did not like it. She wished for the simplicity of her purpose, when there was only the master, only he that mattered. It was alright, he would relieve her of them once her task was complete. Maybe he would even reward her.
Against all of psycho-conditioning she had been subjected too, the influence of her secondary brains influenced her muscular movements.
She smiled.
Her movements were unimpeded as she and her cohort moved towards the hall where a mortified servant had told her the royal dignitaries were meeting, only being stopped in a chamber before the hall, where a number of palace guards tentatively stopped her. Once her own guards were given the order to remain outside, and she had been checked for any OBVIOUS signs of armament, she was permitted to enter.
The doors swung open and she was led in by man in fine robes who announced her arrival, as no doubt he had done all the dignitaries before him, "The uhh... The Lady Nemu, representing the interests of her master... Tsarvin Sphex..." He finished with a half terrified, half disgusted look upon his face. Sphex was a creature of nightmares, a monster children were warned of, some did not believe he even existed.
"Greetings, my lords and ladies," Nemu said, stepping forward with short, jerky steps, her elbows bent and hands clasped before her, stiff and artificial, "I am here so I may convey the will of my master." She bent and gave a jerky, stiff curtsey, which inadvertently pulled back her hood to reveal the grisly augmentation along her scalp, "It is a honour."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Aada Funar Character Portrait: Arkaelus Ursuul
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After the Prince and Princess of Cinnabar arrived, and began to speak among the others. Xiao Jingshen rose to begin her dance. Her heart racing at the prospect. Tenanye had confidence in her but regardless, she would do her best as she said. She moved to the front of the room. A few faeries following her, a lute player and a sitar player. As the music began to play,Xiao Jingshen began to sway softly to the music. Finally, when she began to sing, magic softly touching her words.
[i]” Feel us now, we are the stars
Feel us now, we are the sea
Feel us now as the magic flowing within your heart
We are the wind that kisses the trees

We come softly through the night
As evening falls behind us
Our footsteps leave no mark upon the snow
Let your spirit go, it will find us

We come adorned in spider web and dew
Through woodland to the meadow
We come luminous and bright
Dancing with the light and the shadow
The winter moon is calling us to play
A sacred light to guide us
The wild music leads us in a trance
Spinning to the dances inside us
The air is cold and echoes with the sound
Of laughter rising higher
With drums and bells, we sing into the night
Dancing in the light of the fire
We weave a music curiously pure
A crystal song suspended
We fly on wings diaphanous as light
Dancing till the long night is ended
We come ancient as the moon
As new as every season
We come as fire, as icicle, as leaf
Suspend your disbelief and your reason
Feel us now surrounding you
We are the wind that kisses the trees
Feel us now inside of you
A fairy heart that's guiding you home...”
Xiao Jingshen let the note linger on until finally bowing. She rose her head, hearing clapping and applause. She smiled bashfully, watching her sister’s proud gaze as she gave a simple nod that spoke volumes.
It was then the door opened and Xiao Jingshen froze hooded female appeared with the two fined robed men. "The uhh... The Lady Nemu, representing the interests of her master... Tsarvin Sphex..." Said the herald and Xiao Jingshen gasped. As the girl stepped forward, her movements odd and strange.
"Greetings, my lords and ladies," said the girl. "I am here so I may convey the will of my master." The girl bent, pulling back the hood she wore revealing a horrible disfigurement. "It is a honour." She said and Xiao Jingshen gasped. “By the Mother!” She rushed to her sister’s side, clinging to her while Tenanye held her tight, shushing her softly. Her sister looked to their host then at the girl. Xiao Jingshen hid her face for her fear. “Greetings, Lady Nemu,” She said, “You say, your master sent you? Tsarvin...? Who is that?” She asked, her tone even, and unwavering, though Xiao Jingshen could feel her sister body go completely still.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao Jingshen Ananse Character Portrait: Arim Funar Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: Zexen Tiberius Elen Character Portrait: Severyn Alderson; Seelie Prince Character Portrait: Valen Mori Elen
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__Luin Elen/ Father Superior__
__(The Blue Faery)__

▉__Zexen Tiberius__Elen__▉

__Valen Mori Elen__


"Thank you for your kind words, Father. I hope that my people are content, it's all a King can truly wish for. An angry populace makes for uncertain times, something we could all do without." Arim responded as he and Aada spoke with Father Superior. Blue had high hopes for the Kingdom of Cinnabar.

Father Superior turned to acknowledge the King of Drake as he and the older magi approached. “May I present King Moloch Markus of Drake." Cyrus introduced Moloch. Father Superior looked upon the magi curiously. They had met once before a very long time ago. Neither party seemed to let on that they’d ever encountered one another before.

"It is a pleasure," Moloch greeted, his eyes seemingly favoring Princess Aada, though he took a moment to take the measure of King Arim. He bowed his head respectfully.

Blue bowed to the Drake King respectfully, “Your Majesty, it is an honor.” he said to Moloch. Blue could tell that the king of Drake City was taken by the Cinnabar Princess. He smiled kindly. “If you’ll excuse me please.” he said politely as he shifted to his pixie size in a blue flash. He bowed once more as he hovered in the air and then flew towards Zexen, Tenanye, Xiao, Valen and Arkaelus. Blue felt he had been human size long enough and wanted to return to what was more comfortable.


Soon the door to the grand room opened up and another guest was about to be introduced. Father Superior could immediately feel a rush of darkness flood into the room. It was as if this cloaked person carried the energy of hell itself on their presence. He hadn’t felt this sort of dark energy in quite a long time, not since the before the Wastes were closed off to the rest of the world.

Zexen looked over toward the floating Blue Faery that hovered about shoulder height and asked, “Father Superior what’s wrong?”

Father Superior kept his eyes fixed on the figure and its entourage as he replied to Zexen. He materialized his wand into his hand and readied himself for the worst. “Dear child something VERY dark has come into our presence, hailing from a land long since closed off to the world.”

The Khalidoran man dressed in fine robes nervously announced the cloaked guest. "The uhh... The Lady Nemu, representing the interests of her master... Tsarvin Sphex..." He finished with a half terrified, half disgusted look upon his face.


Valen’s face couldn’t avoid displaying the shock he felt in the pit of his stomach upon hearing the name Tsarvin Sphex. That was an entity that freaked even him out. The presence of a representative of Sphex meant that the Wastes were no longer in an isolated state. The world would once again see a new form of horror that it had long since almost forgotten. Valen hoped that the invitation sent to Tsarvin Sphex was in error. However at this point it mattered very little.

Zexen looked on curiously. “Isn’t Tsarvin Sphex some scary story adults tell children about to keep them from getting out of bed in the middle of the night and go wondering around? But that’s just a scary fable.” He said to blue.

Father Superior replied quickly with an unusual hit of nervousness in his voice. “Oh
 dear you don’t know what you’re saying. Tsarvin Sphex is a scary reality that I had hoped the world had seen the last of. Unfortunately I was wrong.”

Zexen seemed a bit more concerned than he was previously. Realizing that the beautiful and talented Fae Xiao was still relatively close to this feared entity he grew protectively concerned. Zexen took a few steps forward in an effort to reach Xiao. He felt compelled to safeguard the young woman. After the cloaked figure made a few obscure movements toward Xiao she stopped and spoke.

"Greetings, my lords and ladies," said the lady presented as Nemu. "I am here so I may convey the will of my master." Nemu bent, pulling back the hood she wore revealing a horrible disfigurement. "It is a honour." She said.

Xiao Jingshen gasped. “By the Mother!” She rushed to her sister’s side, clinging to her while Tenanye held her tight, shushing her softly. Her sister looked to their host then at the girl. Xiao Jingshen hid her face for her fear. Zexen was relieved that Xiao got away from Nemu. However he honestly felt sick looking at the disgusting state of Nemu’s body. He tried to be tough and keep eyes on the tortured physical form that was Nemu but he could no longer manage it and averted his gaze.

“Greetings, Lady Nemu,” Tenanye said, “You say, your master sent you? Tsarvin...? Who is that?” She asked, her tone even, and unwavering.

Blue realized that the young Empress of Anansai had never before encountered the likes of Tsarvin Sphex. Blue remembered a time when the warring was strong in the Wastes and cries and prayers went up into the skies for days. The torment the souls there endured was immeasurable. The darkness enveloping those lands repelled any chance of the faeries to help. That realm was beyond salvation.

Valen stepped beside his son and the hovering pixie sized Father Superior and added on to Empress Tenanye’s inquiry. “And what intentions does your master wish for you to convey? What possibly would a representative of the Wastes desire to give and gain from a trade summit?”