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Amelia Stormborn

I am Amelia Stormborn, Queen of the South Atlantic Kingdom

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a character in “Crowns & Swords”, as played by TvAddict13





Where do you hail from:

I am Amelia Stormborn, Queen of the South Atlantic Kingdom






Amelia is small when looked upon in height, only standing at 5'2 she is always the shortest person in a room. Her hair is a platinum blonde and flows down to her back in soft waves. Her skin tone blends in with hair and her eyes are a dull greenish gray hue.



Amelia has a gentle heart but she is not one who allows her compassion for others cloud her judgement. Being a princess she has learned to be respectful of all and is polite and well-spoken. However it is wise not to let her beauty fool you into thinking she is gullible and can be easily lead. Amelia is quite intelligent and is filled with a quiet yet very fierce determination. Her father's tragic death has made Amelia far more responsible as she now has the weight of her entire kingdom on her shoulders. This puts a lot of pressure on her and when she feels overwhelmed she tends to lash out at those around her. She is skeptical of those she doesn't know and is never fully trusting of those who are not from her kingdom. The only people she feels she can truly trust are the people who she has know her entire life and those on her high counsel as they were the ones who her father himself put his trust in. Her young age plus her inexperience when it comes to ruling an entire kingdom causes her to always second guess herself and the decisions she makes regarding her kingdom.

Skills and Abilities

Amelia can not be burned or hurt by fire. She is a skilled horseback rider and excels at mounted archery.


Amelia loves, cherishes and adores her beloved dragons. Aside from her kingdom they are the most important creatures in her life and she will protect them at all cost. She loves her kingdom, it is the place she has lived her entire life and she is in love with the scenery and beauty of her homelands. She likes all animals from horses to dogs to butterflies and all others, she is just an animal lover. She has a liking for the sea although she wouldn't choose to live her life at sea she does like the feeling of being out on the water.



She has a strong distain for Drake City and its people as it was when her father was at war with this kingdom that he was killed in battle. She isn't a fan of meeting new people as she is wary of those from far off places. She hates the depressed state her father's death has left her mother in. She doesn't like to see people suffering especially when the cause of their suffering is caused by something that was out of their control. She doesn't like Gypsies as she feels the magic that they practice is unnatural and dangerous.


Her biggest fear is that she will disappoint her father looking down upon her by failing to provide for her people as he did. She is scared that she will not be a good leader and that in her leadership her kingdom will fall. She also fears for her mother's life, since the death of her father her mother seems to have lost her will to live and because of that Amelia doesn't see her being around much longer.

What do you wish for most?

The thing Amelia wishes for the most is to do right by her ancestors and her people and to rule her kingdom the right way. She wants her people to live a life of happiness and peace, and for her kingdom to thrive under her leadership. She also wishes to find herself a worthy prince to marry to help her in her efforts to rule her kingdom.



Amelia was born and raised in the castle of the South Atlantic Kingdom. She was the first and the only child born to her parents which made her the heir to her father's throne. In the past her parents had tried to have children after her as every king always wants a son to lead the kingdom after he is gone, however in her parents case every pregnancy her mother had after her ended in either a miscarriage or a stillborn child. As the only child she was the kingdoms' number one treasure and her parents much precious jewel and joy.

When she was sixteen her father went to war with Drake City in attempt to expand his rein over onto other lands. The war had gone on for many months long enough to surpass her seventieth birthday. Her father's army was strong and fierce and he had though that taking the city would be an easy feet. Just outside the city walls her father felt that his victory was in inevitable at that point, but during what he father thought would be the final battle before his victory ended up being the battle that killed him. With the death of her father the army still tried to take the city in name of the royal family but without a king to led them in battle there battles were lost as the was pushed back to the South Atlantic Kingdom. Fearing she would lose what was left of their army and then eventually their kingdom her mother order the knights that remained to return home to protect the kingdom. Those who survived long enough to returned home were greeted by happy wives and children and friends. It was when the knights came home that her mother felt the true absence of her father's presence and soon she began drifting slowly into a state of deep depression.

With her father dead and her mother being to depressed to even get out of bed in the morning the responsibilities of the kingdom fell upon her. Once her father realized he would never have another child after her he made it his as well as all those involved in the business of the kingdom duty to prepare her for her days as the future ruler of the South Atlantic Kingdom. However no one had ever thought that she would have to come into that line of duty at such a late age, especially not her. Even thought at the time she was like the rest of her people in a state of grief over the death of her father she without any other options took over for her father and became the Queen of the South Atlantic Kingdom.

Being a queen at such a earlier age has been no easy task for Amelia but with the help of her high council she has managed to keep things afloat so far. Although her father was dead the kingdom was still in the middle her had started. That is why shortly after the burial of her father she sat down with the king of Drake City and although she wanted to ever so much stab a knife through the man's heart she instead put her feeling of hatred aside and signed a peace treaty with the king. While her heart beat with a passionate hate for the man that she felt robbed her father of his life she opted to sign the treaty in favor of keeping her people safe instead of gaining selfish revenge. Since that day after signing the treaty she has focused all her time and attention solely on her kingdom. She hasn't wanted to give any of the other kingdoms or cities a reason to declare war upon her home and so far she has done a good job of avoiding that so far.

The Dragons



Amelia's dragons came into her life the same day she buried her father. When she was born a man who she has never met a day in her life left to her parents as a gift for her three dragon eggs. The man believed the eggs to be nothing but fossils but giving their beauty and her family sigil being that of Dragons he felt that the eggs would be the perfect gift for the young Stormborn.

For as long as she could remember Amelia had always felt a special bond towards the eggs that she could never explain. As a child she cherished the eggs and would allow no one not even her own parents to touch them. A saying her father once told her when she was six was "Dragons are fire made flesh. And fire is power." This talk of fire being a sense of power is what drew her into fire. The first time she touched fire she saw that she hadn't been burned, this only made fire more intriguing to her. As she got older her father's words stuck in her head and she began placing her eggs near fire and at times on fire.

It was on the day that her father was to be buried that her eggs hatched. To say that she was surprised by this would be lie. She had always gotten a feeling that the eggs were more than just beautiful fossils and something within her that day told her what to do. Moments before lighting her father's funeral pyre on fire that night she had placed the eggs around the pyre. Then as she watched the fire surge on she without though walked into the flames.

The next morning as the blaze from the fire died down the queen who every one presumed would be dead and nothing more than ashes spent away with her father's was still alive. Along with her where born three baby dragons, the first dragons to ever be on Earth in over 2,000 years. The birth of her dragons were kept a secret from all who did not witness it with their own eyes.

A year later the dragons have been growing at a great rate and word has spread over the lands of their presence in the world. Amelia's dragons is the main reason she feels that none of the other cities or kingdoms have tried to start war. Her dragons may not be of full size yet but even the dumbest of people know better than to try and go up against a creature who's fire is said to be able to easily melt steel and even stone.









So begins...

Amelia Stormborn's Story


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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Amelia stood at the forecastle of her ship outlooking the ocean displayed in front of her. She had always loved going sailing, when ever her father took a trip to another part of the land he always had her there at his side. Either they would travel to their destination by ship or by horse, Amelia could never say which she liked most. The waves of the Brazilian Ocean crashed against the ship as the morning winds guided her ship through the rough waters.

As sight of land came into view Amelia smiled, they had been at sea for about two days now and once they dock it would only take a few hours for them to reach their location. She was traveling to met with the royal family of the South Pacific Kingdom. Before her father's death he and the king of South Pacific had agreed upon a marriage between herself and their son. Amelia in truth was not completely comfortable with the idea of marrying the prince but through much convincing from her high council while she hadn't agreed to be wed she had said she would meet the prince face to face.

From what she knew of the royal family they were quite the prestigious reputation when it came to matters of war. In her time as queen Amelia did her best to avoid conflict with other lands outside of her own but her need for a bigger army to reduce the risk of threats led her to overtake to lands. She had never truly intend for a battle to occur as both times she gave both kings a chance to surrender before battle but they'd both refused. She knew in order to gain the men she required for her army she had to defeat the kings so that is what she did.

The South Pacific Kingdom was said to have a most impressive and fierce army and she now wanted them as her own. While she could try her hand at seizing the kingdom if she was to fail she would without a doubt lose not only a partner in trade but a great ally. The marriage seemed to be the easiest way to achieve her goal of getting the army that she so greatly wanted.

"Queen Amelia," the sound of her name made her attention from the water to the crew's man who requested her attention "the captain says we will be docking momentarily." Amelia nodded "Okay. Thank you", her voice was kind and as the man smiled at her she returned his smile right back to him. Once the ship docked at the port from there she along with those she had brought with her would be riding the rest of the way horseback.

She spent the rest of her time walking along the ship making sure everyone was prepared to go wants they docked. A few of her servants didn't quite have their sea legs as they had spent most of their time either below deck or puking over the banister. Moments later the ship came to a spot and with her servants, advisor, right hand man and dragons she left the ship. She had given the dragons the freedom the fly about as the ship had sailed knowing they'd never leave their mother's side for long. Now that they were in foreign lands she didn't feel safe letting them just be out in about. Crating the dragons in their specially made carrying crates she loaded them in and once everyone was ready to go she mounted her horse and led them off to the South Pacific Kingdom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Markus Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Adela Adelmar Character Portrait: Tobias Adelmar Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Labrador City was at it's finest today, as Adela could see from out her window. She watched as the people woke up, opened their shops, set up stands, and strolled along the streets. Adela had just finished having her hair braided down her back by her loyal maiden Ophelia. They had also succeeded in dressing the princess in a red simple, tunic like gown with gold accents and long sleeves. Image After she was dressed for the day she walked down to the dining hall to eat some breakfast of grapefruit, bread with jam and milk. Grapefruit was so exotic to her she made sure to have it every morning, loving the sweet yet bitter taste. While eating breakfast a guard announced to her that her father was expecting her in the main hall. After she finished eating she walked up to the main hall to see her father sitting on his throne, looking lonely and almost hollow as the seat beside him sat empty. "Yes, father? You wished to see me." she reminded him. "Ah yes my lovely Adela. I wanted to discuss with you about your future. I was thinking of having you travel to Drake City with me to meet-" King Tobias was cut off when "Prince Adrian Markus of Drake City!" was announced and a man walked through the door. He was tall with a dangerously good looking face, Adela noted as she curtsied to him. "My lord. It is a great surprise to meet you." she smiled. It was easy to tell by her light skin, deep brown eyes and hair that her mother was Siberian. King Tobias roared with laughter. "Well we were just talking about Drake City and here you appear good friend." he said as he got up to come down and meet the boy. "Though I do admit I would rather see your brother at my door if it is my daughter you have come to inquire about. She is fit for a king, do you not agree?" he asked and Adela just smiled, happy to see her father in a better mood.

Cadeyrn had ventured with his Queen across the sea to visit the South Pacific Kingdom. Personally he did not like the idea that she might have to marry the young prince. He had heard of him and not good things. While Cadeyrn was not a fan on sailing he sucked it up. He prayed to the Gods his Queen would get whatever it is was she desired from this visit. Once they had docked all the things were packed up and the magnificent dragons were crated. Both he and the Queen got on their horses and prepared to ride for a couple of hours, till they reached the castle. He rode by her side, his horse keeping up with hers. "Milady, I have a bad feeling." he said with his thick Mediterranean accent.


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Character Portrait: Adrian Markus Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Adela Adelmar Character Portrait: Tobias Adelmar
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Adrian Markus

The princess curtsied to Adrian. "My lord," she greeted. "It is a great surprised to meet you." Adrian bowed to her and smiled.

"My apologies, princess," he said. "I hadn't planned to show up unannounced." Yes, I had. "It seems my brother's adviser did not get that letter to you after all." Or I was testing how well prepared you were for an invasion. You should really do something about your shortsightedness.

The king launched into a fit of raucous laughter. "Well, we were just talking about Drake City, and here you appear, good friend," he said. He came down from his throne to greet the prince. "Though I do admit I would rather see your brother at my door if it is my daughter you have come to inquire about. She is fit for a king, do you not agree?" he asked, and Princess Adela just smiled.

"Wholeheartedly, Your Highness" Adrian admitted. "I would be lying if I said I didn't request this assignment to see her, but I'm really here to negotiate an alliance between Labrador City and Drake City."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Amelia led the way to the kingdom with her faithfully and trustworthy right hand man Cadeyrn at her side as he always was. Like all that served her he had served her father before her and her father always spoke of him in the highest of respects. Her father was one who didn't believe in the owning of other human beings and when presented with the opportunity to set one free he always took it. That was how Cadeyrn had ended up at the South Atlantic Kingdom. He had come to live with her family when she was only nine years of age and she had a liking to him from the start. When her father pass Cadeyrn stood at her side through all her inner turmoil and that was why today he stood still at her side now as her right hand.

They had been riding for a little over an hour now and Amelia couldn't shake the nervous feeling she had in the pit of her stomach. When she dreamed of marriage as a young girl she had always dreamed of being in love with her prince and live being nothing but perfect. Now here she was today and she was going to speak marriage with a man she had never met before a day in her life just because she wanted the protection that his man could provide for herself as well as her people.

"Milady, I have a bad feeling," Cadeyrn voice sounded from beside her. With a sigh she turned and looked a him "You are not the only one Cadeyrn," she understood how he felt as she herself wasn't comfortable with the idea "but nothing is set in stone as of yet. The purpose of this meeting is for me to get a feel for my possible husband. If I do not like him than there will be no union." She hoped her words reassurance Cadeyrn that he had nothing to worry about. In her mind she knew that things were not as simple as she spoke them to be but while trying to reassure Cadeyrn she was also attempting to reassure herself.

Every decision that she made reaped consequences whether they'd be good or bad. She just always hoped when making her choices that the outcome ended with more good done than bad. That was her mindset when she seized the lands and that was her mindset now. As they continued forward she did what she could to push her worries to farthest part of her mind and keep a positive outlook on things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Tyronell woke up upon his daily bard playing some simple music, of his family most likely. He yawned and got out of his bed as his slaves dressed him, While they later on fed him. He sat down on his throne next to his father and smiled. "FATHER !! oh please tell me how handsome,smart and lustful I am ?." His father quickly turned the other way trying to hide his face. Tyronell felt like killing this man who gave him life, but was it really his father who ever loved him ? who ever treated him like he would be future king ? but no, Tyronell had greater plans than that. He was going to conquer all of the realms of the land and succeed with pleasure.

He walked back into his room as his falcon, Yonsa landed with a note under its feet. He took the note and smiled as he read aloud. "The Queen of The South Pacific Kingdom has landed onto shore..and we believe she is dealing with you m'lord Tyronell." He smiled and yelled for his slaves to hear. "Get me my armor, my great sword storm, and take me on the royal float to meet this lady amelia.

He turned around and felt maximum pressure erupting from the back of his neck. He had never felt pressure before, and he has never encountered a dragon..but his plans were coming intact. He wouldn't attack them even though he could've taken the dragons on the spot.

He went down a long flight of stairs with his armor on, his great sword 'storm' dangling from its holster on his right side putting a bit of weight on his hip. He smiled as he could see her a few paces away. Knowing of course, that to conquer a kingdom you must stand your ground. Something Tyronell was awaiting to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Markus Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Adela Adelmar Character Portrait: Tobias Adelmar Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Adela and Tobias

"Well then, let's talk business." King Tobias jousted, throwing his arm around the young prince and guiding him toward the Map Room where wars and allies were declared, and his most trusted men met to make the biggest of decisions. As he did Adela smiled and called out "Twas lovely to make your acquaintance, Prince Adrian." as her father dragged the Prince off. She would admit he was nice looking and seemed well but she had not yet conversed with him to learn what type of man this was, yet alone think of marriage. Thankfully her father hadn't went so far as to come right out and say that. Which he was always talking about. Who each of his children should marry to best ally themselves with other kingdoms. To strengthen their bloodline and secure their place in the world. So now with nothing to do she decided it would be nice to venture into the market. After choosing a guard to take with her, Naiid, on her walk she bounded down the steps to walk the streets and greet the people. Perhaps purchase a few of the lovely goods.

Tobias shut the door behind Adrian and himself. They were alone inside the Map Room, withe a large, oval table, book shelves and maple of the world then more detailed ones of each Kingdom and city. He moved over to his chair at the head of the very large table. On top of the table were many books and maps with pawns of troops spread around. Once comfortable he offered Adrian a seat "Well then my dear boy, what was it you wished to discuss? When your father was alive we had seemed to be in a passive alliance. What shall it be now?" he asked.


"If I do not like him, there will be no union." Amelia assured both him and herself. Cadeyrn was satisfied with the answer she provided. His eyes were constant in watching the lands they traveled. He was ready for any unexpected surprise that may come. Hanging from his side was his enchanted sword, that increase himself. His mother from Baikal had enchanted it when he was a boy and had trusted it to him. It had never left him since. Even when he was a slave he made sure to keep it in his mischievous ways. He inwardly prayed to the Gods that the Queen would stay safe and he would stay strong. "It won't be much longer now, I think I can see the Kingdom of the horizon." he stated, preparing himself and the Queen for what would happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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The sights along the way to the kingdom where beautiful and while Cadeyrn was keeping an eye of for danger Amelia was just taking in the scenery. "It won't be much longer now, I think I can see the Kingdom of the horizon." Amelia could see the kingdom in the distance drawing closer and closer the longer they rode. While she was still doubtful about what she was doing she had managed to easy her mind while riding. Now she was just ready to get things going and see what came of it.

As they came to the entree of the kingdom she saw a royal float and inside awaiting her was a guy who she was assuming was the prince. When only a couple of feet away Amelia drove her horse to a halt making those who followed do the same. Dismounting her mare she looked at Caderyn "Stay alert and be ready to strike if necessary," she spoke in a hushed voice that only he could hear before approaching the float. Walking over to the float she could get a good enough look at the boy to see he was young but not to young and he wore an expensive suit of armor that Amelia figured was suppose to impress her. Standing just outside the float she waited for the prince to come out and embrace her presence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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As soon as they arrived to his kingdom, Tyronell looked at the girl, smiling with impressiveness written all over his face. He walked around her observing her then walked back to center. "Hmm...your fit for my queen..but it's out in the open. We shall continue this conversation inside." He stepped aside nodding to his guards to clear the way for the queen of the south atlantic kingdom. For Tyronell was looking for something when he remembered exactly what 'it' was. The dragon. He could've added a bit more to the dragon(s) but other that he also observed Cadeyrn for a quick second.

He was quite tall of course. With a dark toned skin that matched his bravery..and this honestly scared Tyronell. This man ( Cadeyrn ) if given orders would kill Tyronell within a blink of an eye. Now..Tyronell wouldn't be afraid of much. But his hatred for Drake City was growing without any patience..and today would be the day that might as well be historic. For he knew exactly what she would ask him. He has his bets on marriage and to bring both of together. He knew of course she was asking the wrong person since his father was king..but his father would take no other wife.

His so-called father had it in to kill Tyronell for a long time. But something he knew was holding his father back. Maybe he really wanted to die. And now, without further due. Tyronell was ready for the events that would happen.

later on at night. His father ( King Tyronus The Might Stormborn ) would drink wine in the main hall with all of his knights and slaves and guards. This, will be the last taste and the last drink he will ever take. For Tyronell had plans to take into action. And since this would be the perfect moment. Nobody would expect the 'Prince' to poison his own father. But he didn't care one less for the druken bastard.

Tyronell suddenly smiled and winked at the queen. " I didn't quite catch your name m'lady."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Amelia watched as the prince circled her once before stopping in front of her "Hmm...your fit for my queen..but it's out in the open. We shall continue this conversation inside." Well aren't you assertive. She smiled and nodded as his guard split apart making a path. She was waiting for him to lead the way inside when she caught him looking over at her guards and servants. He seemed to be focusing in on Cadeyrn, the man was certainly a sight to see giving his tall stature.

Amelia wondered where the king was she had planned to seat with both royal father and son to discuss the reason for her visit but only the prince had come. It was no matter to her as long as at the end everyone was on the same page there wouldn't be a problem. Amelia knew her reasoning for why she was considering this possible union but the prince's reasons were a mystery to her. A mystery she planned on uncovering.

Looking at her the prince smiled then winked at her, " I didn't quite catch your name m'lady." Giving a small smile back she replied "I am Amelia Stormborn, your grace." Glancing back at Cadeyrn and the others she had brought with her she looked back at the prince "A moment," she said walking over to her people. Stopping in front of Cadeyrn she looked up at the man "I want you to take the dragons. Bring them to my room and watch over them there until I come." She was still wary of the prince and his intentions so until she was more comfortable she would be keeping her children a safe distance away. Looking at her four handmaidens she told them "Unpack are things. I will want to take a bath after my meeting with the prince so be prepared.," the four woman nodded "Yes my queen." Looking at the fifteen guards standing behind the ladies "You six come with me the rest of you are to take watch outside my room," the men nodded.

The guards she ordered to follow her did as they were told following behind her like shadows as she returned to the prince. "Can you have one of your subjects escort my right hand and the others to my room. And if you are ready now let us speak of our chance union in private."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Markus Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: Tobias Adelmar Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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King Tobias

Tobias watched as the boy sat down and listened intently to him. "Queen Amelia is seeking alliance with the South Pacific Kingdom," the Prince Adrian stated. "One can only guess what she wants by that, but my brother has mobilized the army and set it to protect Drake City for the moment. We are prepared to offer you a great deal to actively ally yourselves with us." A smile broke out on his lips. A great deal? "And what exactly, would that great deal be? When I was allies with your father we clashed but just decided not to attack each other, knowing it would only be too much trouble when there were bigger problems at hand. So now here in front of me is his son offering me a "great deal." I can only wonder what it might be?" he asked, his eyes content on the man in front of him. He had come unannounced and without the King or any others for that matter. What exactly was it he wished to offer.


Cadeyrn had stiffened as the small boy circled his Queen. He was so small that Cadeyrn imagined him sitting with the children's table. He did not like how his eyes wondered the Queen. "your fit for my queen" as if he could handle her being his Queen. And when he looked at Cadeyrn, he made sure to match his gaze with a warning one himself. "I didn't quite catch your name m'lady." He almost scoffed at that, but held himself back. What a joke! How could you not know her name? He was purposely being ignorant. She was the Queen of an entire Kingdom, all of the world knew her name. He did not deserve her greatness. There was something about his snotty face that just said trouble.

"I want you to take the dragons. Bring them to my room and watch over them there until I come." Amelia requested of him. His sense flared. "My Queen, I will do whatever you ask but I wish to stay by your side. Your safety is my priority and I do not like to leave you unarmed with strangers in a strange land." he suggested. How could he just watch the dragons while she was out there and he was not by her side protecting her. It did not seem right to him.


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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn
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Tyronell smiled. "Of course, oh and i'll have my best guards protect your dragons..of course, we wouldn't want anything to happen to those precious creatures." He led the way for Amelia showing her the famous paintings while stopping up to his room. He opened the door and sat down while pouring himself a small glass of red wine. He smelled the the berries emerging from the cup as he smiled and took small, tiny sips.

" Now..Amelia i wished to ask you one question. Why out of all places would you come here and why are you here ?." He smirked at his comments and smiled. She was a foul to step into his kingdom. In a place where he could've killed all of them on the spot. But he needed her army and her combining both kingdoms would make drake city stand no chance.

He took a few more drinks reciting an ancient song sung my his fathers father..going on until his great grandfathers. "In games like these Amelia..were the only hope."


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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn
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"My Queen, I will do whatever you ask but I wish to stay by your side. Your safety is my priority and I do not like to leave you unarmed with strangers in a strange land." Amelia understood Cadeyrn and knew that she was his number one priority but her dragons were hers and they weren't many she would ever in trust with such a task. She had the only living dragons in the entire world and there were many people in this world who dream of having such a thing. Then there were the crazy few of this world who were dumb yet bold enough to try and get it. In new kingdom were she trusted no one and the only loyalty she had came from the few people she had brought with her leaving her children without the best of protection was a scaring thought.

She pondered in though for moment "Cadeyrn you are to come with me," looking at the group of six she had already selected she pointed to two of them "You two go and protect my children." Although it scared her a little on the inside Amelia knew her guards and knew they were capable of this task.

With all matters now settled she listened as the prince spoke "Of course, oh and i'll have my best guards protect your dragons..of course, we wouldn't want anything to happen to those precious creatures." The way he spoke of her dragons made her feel like they were anything but safe which made her think over her decision to take guards at all. "Your guards services are not needed. My men can take care of [b]my dragons without assistance. But thank you for the offer."[/b]

Allowing herself to be led off she stopped and looked at the paintings that the prince showed to her before finally making it to his room. Entering his room Amelia took a look at the decor as the prince poured himself a drink. " Now..Amelia i wished to ask you one question. Why out of all places would you come here and why are you here ?." Walking over to were the prince was she gave him his answer "Well for starters you've got asked two questions not one and my reason for choice your kingdom out of all the others is simple. Before my fathers passing he felt that the combined union of our kingdoms could prove to be something of greatness and I came to see if I felt the same."

She didn't much care for the prince's attitude but she would tolerant his ignorance for as long as she felt him to be of some use.
"In games like these Amelia..were the only hope." Amelia eyed the young prince "You view this as a game?", she let out a sigh as she started thinking that coming her was a mistake on her part. "Tell me, what hope is it that [b]we instill?[/b]"


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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn
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He smiled. "Oh i'm so sorry I forgot about my sentences..and of course this is a game. Chess." He snickered pushing his legs back on the table while folding his arms. "The hope I was talking about was you Amelia..your a symbol of hope. My was him that ever got me through tough times with our father. But when my brothers army were defeated by the smucks of drake city..I had heard of many things."

A small tear ran from his face. "He had been captured and enslaved. And he still is to this day. It was him who never wanted to be king. Only to bring the family and every kingdom together as one. So now you know my enemy. Drake City..will burn to the ground.

He pushed the tear off of his face with his right index finger as he looked down. "Excuse me m'lady..i'm sure it must've been hard for you too. But for me..My father lives on each and every day to make sure I don't become king. And even a drunken Labrador City bard knows that."

He sat back in his chair and stood up facing Amelia.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn
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"Oh i'm so sorry I forgot about my sentences..and of course this is a game. Chess." As he snickered Amelia just rolled her eyes his obnoxious attitude was a pain to endure but see was silent allowing him to do on. "The hope I was talking about was you Amelia..your a symbol of hope. My was him that ever got me through tough times with our father. But when my brothers army were defeated by the smucks of drake city..I had heard of many things." Although she still found Tyronell to still be annoying she couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards the young prince. Slavery was a thing her family never believed in and she hated the though of human beings being mistreated as if their life held no meaning.

She could see a tear rolling down his face. "He had been captured and enslaved. And he still is to this day. It was him who never wanted to be king. Only to bring the family and every kingdom together as one. So now you know my enemy. Drake City..will burn to the ground." Amelia nodded "So you see Drake City burning to the ground. Not crumbling or falling but burning. Well I see where I come into play in your genius plot." Amelia wasn't surprised that his plans for destroying Drake City had involved her dragons but she wasn't exactly sure if she allow them to be used.

"Excuse me m'lady..i'm sure it must've been hard for you too. But for me..My father lives on each and every day to make sure I don't become king. And even a drunken Labrador City bard knows that." Amelia listened as Tyronell spoke of his father it was clear he didn't share the same relationship Amelia had with her father with his own. As he stood up and faced her Amelia began to speak, "Hard doesn't even began to describe the things I went through. However in times pass things have gotten better. As far as you and your father goes I don't know either of you well enough to speak on the matter. All I will say is that you don't need to be a king in order to for this union to happen."


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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn
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Tyronell Stormborn

He nodded. "Of couse m'lady. But the thing is my father is only in an alliance with drake city, and actions like those require for the king to be ehrrm...taken out of the picture." He laughed taking a few more sips of his wine. "Ahh would you like to know Amelia why they call me the Prince Of Poison ? Because like the snake, the cobra. My fangs as they call them are waiting in the grass until the moment is mine to strike..and take down my prey."

He smirked holding onto his belt around his small waist. "Excuse my cockyness, but Drake City has much of alliances with Labrador City as my seekers have informed me. Which means my army ( 500 thousand man and more ) shall join your army and your dragons shall be used as our..secret weapon when they're full grown. So now, we will not attack. If time goes through your dragons must be bigger and i must regain stature in my warfare and combat."

He walked back over to amelia and tried to explain. "You see, as i forgot to brother is held captive as a slave in either Drake or Labrador City. Once the price for his head gets out someone will free him..and he will come back and hopefully become head knight of my future kingdom. But before i get over taken by this plan he will have a target. But we will just have to see which king dies this month m'love."

He smirked again spilling some of his beer. He led Amelia out his room as he faced her. "Your dragons shall be kept safe and i'll be seeing you tomorrow hopefully ?."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn
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Amelia nodded as he spoke of his kingdom's alliance with Drake City and the kingdom needing to be taken out of the equation. "While my kingdom is not in an alliance with Drake City we do have a treaty of peace. One that I' am not sure I' am willing to break." The last time the South Atlantic Kingdom went to war with Drake City her father ended up dead. With in her heart she felt a hateful passion towards the city, the royal family and quite frankly there people but this wasn't just about her and her feelings. If she decided to go to war her decision wouldn't just effect her. The knights, the unsullied, the wives, the children and so many others on both sides would be effected. She just wasn't sure if her feeling of hatred was enough to end the treaty of peace that she had worked so hard to form between the two lands.

"Ahh would you like to know Amelia why they call me the Prince Of Poison ? Because like the snake, the cobra. My fangs as they call them are waiting in the grass until the moment is mine to strike..and take down my prey." Amelia nodded as she let him continue, "Excuse my cockyness, but Drake City has much of alliances with Labrador City as my seekers have informed me. Which means my army shall join your army and your dragons shall be used as our..secret weapon when they're full grown. So now, we will not attack. If time goes through your dragons must be bigger and i must regain stature in my warfare and combat."

When she heard him speak of Drake City joining in alliance with Labrador City she assumed they had found out about her coming to South Pacific Kingdom. The lines were being drawn already on both sides it seemed in preparation for what was looking like an inevitable war. The talk of their armies being combined was one she liked until the mention of the dragons being involved. It was common sense that taking three dragons into war would be a great advantage on her part but she really didn't want to involve them. The main reason she wanted to combine armies was so their army together would outnumber the enemy and that would be enough to win if they did go to war. "A dragon grows continuously throughout its entire life. So there is not such thing as one being full grown. As far as them being a secret weapon at this point ... we will just see what happens. In regaining your stature that seems like a thing of great importance so for now let that be of greatest concern."

Walking towards her he started to speak again. "You see, as i forgot to brother is held captive as a slave in either Drake or Labrador City. Once the price for his head gets out someone will free him..and he will come back and hopefully become head knight of my future kingdom. But before i get over taken by this plan he will have a target. But we will just have to see which king dies this month m'love." Did he just call me his love. Amelia pushed the thought aside, "So depending on which city has your brother is the king you plan on having killed." Tyronell obsession with the death of kings was a bit unsettling but she understood him to a certain degree. "Well I guess that is something we will deal with when the time comes."

Leading her to the door as he spilled his wine in the process he stopped her just at the doorway. "Your dragons shall be kept safe and i'll be seeing you tomorrow hopefully ?" Amelia nodded "Tomorrow", turning she exited the room and with her guards went to her room. She could hear the cries of her dragons as she walked through the castle. Entering her room she walked over to their carrying case and let them out. The dragons had grown so much in their first year of life she wondered what she would do with them when they were to big to stay in her rooms. She couldn't help but feel saddened at the thought. With her dragons now happy at the sight of their mother they fly around the room. Turning to her handmaidens she spoke "Is my bath ready?" they nodded and Amelia was led away to her bath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Sitting in the warm bath her mind went over the days events as her handmaidens bathed her. Although she had journeyed here to discuss the details of marriage there hadn't been any real talk of it today. She wasn't worried thought as she knew that the real matter of marriage would have to be discussed between herself and the king, not the prince. While she and Tyronell hadn't spoken of marriage the topic of war had been the main focus of their conversation.

Out of her first meeting with the prince she saw that he had dreams of conquering and that concerned her a bit. While she did have her own reasons for wanting Drake City to fall she was more concerned with keeping her kingdom protected than seeking revenge. One thing her father had always told her was that the job of a king and queen was to provide the best life possible for their people. She didn't see sending her people out to fight in war as giving them the best life possible.

Even thought his want of battle and war was troubling it wasn't something that she didn't understand. It was in his efforts to expanded their kingdom that her father died in battle. So she clearly understood a man's want of power. The prince's want for power wasn't the only thing that bothered her. His interest in her dragons also raised a red flag. Dragons hadn't lived among the world in centuries so it was never a surprise to her when people spoke of or wanted to see them in person. The thing that worried her was that Tyronell didn't just want to talk about or look at the dragons he wanted them to fight.

As the time came for her to get out of her bath she sent two of her handmaidens to prepare dinner and let the other two go about brushing her hair and dressing her in her nightgown. While her servants prepared her meal she set out the food for her dragons. Their supper being mutton for tonight she placed the raw meat out in front of the dragons. They waited for her to give them the nod that told them it was alright for them to eat and they went about scorching their food to their likely.

Once her meal was set on the table in her room she relinquished all of her servants of their duties for the night. As they all bowed and started exiting the room she looked at Cadeyrn, "So what is your opinion on the prince?" she asked as she started putting some food on a plate for him. "While riding you expressed your concerns about us being here. Do you still feel concern?" Amelia poured to glasses of wine before sitting down and waiting for Cadeyrn to join her. She didn't have her high council with her talk to but she did have her right hand and if anyone would be honest with her Cadeyrn would.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Markus Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Tyronell Stormborn Character Portrait: Moloch Markus Character Portrait: CADEYRN GEIRR
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Amelia sipped her wine as she waited to hear Cadeyrn's opinion on the matter. She couldn't help but feel that his words would be similar to those her spoke earlier but she wouldn't be able to blame him for his feelings. In all honesty she needed the honest voice of her right hand because after today she was more confused about what to do then ever.

The sound of a loud caw made Amelia jump as she hadn't noticed the crow perched outside the window. Rhaegal who didn't have a particular liking for crows after an indicated with them when he was a baby screeched before attempting to fry the messenger bird. Fortunately for the crow the young dragon fire had missed and before he could make a second attempt Amelia stopped the dragon "Rhaegal! NO!" was all she had to say to make the dragon stop and retreat. Although he did make a few growling noises and protest before going back to its scorned meal.

Getting up she walked over to the black bird and allowed it to perch on her arm as she untied the message attached to its leg. Placing the crow on the back of her chair she unfolded the message and began reading. Word must have gotten out about her trip to the South Pacific Kingdom because according to Tristan a man on her council the royal brothers of Drake City had taken trips of their own. The whereabouts of Moloch Markus they didn't know but were looking into and as for his brother he was seen entering Labrador City.

Crumbling up the paper and tossing it on the floor she sighed, it seemed the brothers like everyone else was preparing for war. Looking over at Cadeyrn she said "The Markus brothers are out making alliances. One with Labrador City and the other .... who knows." Picking up the paper she tossed it in the air in Viserion's direction "Dracarys" the dragon on command breathed fire that instantly turned the paper to ash. Turning her attention back to Cadeyrn "This news makes me crave sleep. We will talk tomorrow." she said sending Cadeyrn out of her room and leaving just herself and her children.

She cleared the table not feeling much like eating any longer and sitting back down to the table she wrote a respond letter back to her council. She wanted to know what Moloch was up to and she wanted all eyes and ears on prince Adrian. If they were readying themselves for war then maybe she would marry Tyronell and with him lead their armies into battle. Tying her message to the leg of the crow she released back into the sky. Walking over to her dragons she caressed them all as she got them ready for bed and once they were settled and comfortable she herself got into to bed ready to sleep away her worries.