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Dante Abrax

"I am the Angel of Death; The Reaper. Relax, I'm not going to kill you."

0 · 308 views · located in Ever Green Academy

a character in “Crystal Spirits: Future's Flame”, as played by DemonDante


Dante Abrax


"To live needs no reason."

Basic info

ImageName: Dante Azazel Abrax "Shouldn't you give your name before asking for someone elses?"
Age: 19 "I am an adult as far as you're concerned."
Race: Full-Blooded Reaper Demon "Is that so rare?"
Role: Academy Student (Spirit Wielder) "So are you..."
Grade: 3rd Year "Nothing Special."
Appearance: "Can't you tell by looking? Idiots."

Dante's appearance is not that of most demons. Instead of having fiery red eyes, he has soft light blue eyes. His White hair isn't something that is rare though. He has an almost hairless body aside from the hair on his head, making his skin smooth. He has a mix of a slender and athletic build. He doesn't really work out, but his demon blood gives him some natural brute strength. He is rather short for his age, and for his peers. When he's not in his uniform, he is in his reaper cloak and hood, which also let's him channel his magic easier. "It just feels natural to wear it." Also, since Dante is a Reaper Demon, he has no beast form, or rather he is always in his beast form.

Height: 5'4" "Say one thing about my height and I will cut your head off."
Weight: 130lbs "Average, I suppose."

What's in the mirror

Personality: "What's it to you?"

ImageThe best way to describe Dante's personality is Tsundere. He acts all big, bad, and tough, but he really tries to look out for others around him, whether they want him to or not. Most people, if not everyone, see Dante as an eyesore for his rude outwards actions towards everyone. No one ever bothers to get close to him. Not many people know of his existence, only that he is one of the top people in his Combat Training Class.

Dante is still rather hot-headed, thanks to his demon blood. He usually channels that into his Combat Training at the Academy. Although not many people actually talk to him to make him angry, he tends to get mad at the little stuff he sees people do, like bickering and picking on the underclassman. The only sure-fire way to piss Dante really off is when someone mocks him for his height or call him short. Things may get a little messy. He sees everyone as equals, even though his actions make people think he conceited.

Likes: "Does it really matter?"
-His cat, Midnight

Dislikes "You're not gonna try and piss me off, are you?"
-Loud Places
-Fighting Women
-Not being able to eat food (Explained in History)

Life Story

History: "Not that it matters, but if you really want to know, it goes like this..."

Dante is the only son to the two Reaper Demons Damien and Elena Abrax. Being a Reaper Demon means that he can only live by feeding off of the Life Force of Living beings. The Most efficient was to do this is to kill that which is already living. Due to this, Dante was taught to kill to live at a very young age. Dante mostly killed animals, but on rare occasions, he has killed Humans and Elves. Dante's parents were killed when Dante was only 9 when they tried to Reap a strong Guardian's life. Dante was put into many foster homes and was taught a new way to replenish his life without killing, through Life Force Absorption. Dante was also given a young kitten when he was 11 to raise, to feed, and to get the life force he needed. He named this kitten Midnight.

In Dante's Early Teens, he took a liking to learning how to use his Dark Magic. He worked some odd jobs, and with the permission of his foster parents, paid for lessons on how to use and control his Magic as well as Combat Training. His foster parents helped pay for his lessons and over the next couple of years, Dante began to get better control over his powers. Although Dante knew that it would take decades in order for him to fully master his abilities, Dante kept training not caring how long it took. With his combat training, Dante watched after his foster Brothers and Sisters. Even so, they still teased him about how short he was.

When Dante was 17, he had his foster parents enroll him into the Ever Green Academy. They refused the first hundred times he asked saying that "It's not a place for reckless demons." After enough begging and pleading, they finally decided to enroll him into the Academy. Dante moved into Ever Green Academy as soon as they gave the okay that he could go. He stopped his Dark Magic and Combat training with his Old Instructor and took the training that the Academy provided. In his first two years of the Academy, Dante made it to the the #10 spot in the Academy thanks to his prior training.

Other: When Dante tries to eat normal food, he throws up everything. "What, you wanna know more? Sheesh."

So begins...

Dante Abrax's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukari Aono Character Portrait: Alex Shinjima Character Portrait: Dante Abrax Character Portrait: Touketsu Moonflare Character Portrait: Arlathil Panthar Character Portrait: Heki Koumyou
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"Worlds aren't made they are born yet two elements have fought since the beginning. It is because of their slumber this new world has little time left as chaos grows stronger in it's slumber. Should it awaken catastrophe is sure to follow close behind. Reawaken....." Because they feared that this message would find it's way into unholy hands the Oracles separated the stone tablet into three parts placing the bottom two pieces in different regions of the world but the top half stayed in the temple which would soon become the grounds for an academy Later named Ever Green.

A New Year

"Welcome to Ever Green Academy here your studies are top priority. Soldiers are located in the east wing. magicians, Wizards, Witches, And Sorcerers are located in the west. But combat and magic must not impede on your educational progression." As the speech drug on it was becoming more obvious that the students were losing interest. Then out of the blue a new announcement popped up "as you are all aware we here at Ever Green hold tournaments to help motivate our students in their studies those who reach the top ten will receive a custom made weapon, and as for the winner you will receive your weapon, with the addition of your own personal dorm located off school grounds." Whispers of excitement could be heard through out the room. "Signups start tomorrow the tournament will be held a month from today." With a bow the student body dispersed to their classes.