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(WIP) 'Sly as a dog? No way, I'm as sly as a fox!'

0 · 317 views · located in Faclarebal

a character in “Daertalmos Online”, as played by afreerobin


ImageName: Da'len
Level: One
Age: 15 (game age)
Gender: Female
Race/Tribe: MadraRua Duine
Class: Thief
Job: Chef
[img][/img]Personality: Da'len is a sly, untrusted person. She prefers to play with no remorse, feeling nothing when she cheats or tricks other players. Her young natural also seems to draw people in and she acts very sweet and loving to anyone she meets. Truthfully however she is plotting on how best to make this persons life horrible. (WIP)

Description: Made with amber hair Da'len is what you'd call cute. She was made this way on purpose, hoping to pull people in with her bright eyes. Her height is below average standing at 5'0, this being so she can easily slop away. Overall she is tiny thought she eats alot due to her job.

Da'len perfect traditional clothing, finding they make her seem less likely to be ruthless. Everything is about her is just her players choice. Bluish, purplish eyes and long flowing hair.

History: (Optional)


Writing Sample: Da'len let out a loud crackle. Barley cakes clutched in her hand she scampered easily over a fence, leaving the angry stall keeper shouting red faced after her. With a swish of her tail she easily scaled a nearby building, using the vines to help her up. Toothy grin wide on her face she sat down on one of her plum pillows. Not a second later she was stuffing her face with the cakes. They were gone within minutes and she let out a satisfied sigh. It had been a good run.

She leaned back into her little cove. It was nothing special, just blanked held up by poles and a pile of pillows to lay on. But it was home and it was comfortable. Da'len's favorite part of her hideaway was when the sun shone on it. The light bled through the colored blanket they where her makeshift roof and caused a multitude of colors to bounce around her. Now though it was getting dark. Da'len curled up around the pillows, kicking a pole so her 'door' would be closed. Her eyes wrinkled and she shifted. Sleep came soon after.

So begins...

Da'len's Story


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The anticipation she felt upon hitting the ground in this strange world was indescribable. Everything felt real. She could hear the chatter of people in the distance and...what was that? She took a step forward, ignoring the zing she got from stepping on this dirt that shouldn't exist, and raised her nose. Ah. There it was. An intake of breath and she could smell it again.


Before running off however Da'len took a good look at her body. Everything was as she wanted it to be.

Short? Check.

Long amber hair? Check.

Fluffy tail? Check.

She threw back her head in a loud laugh. Her mind still couldn't wrap around the idea that while her body was really laying in her bed, her subconscious was here. In this body. In this world.

Shaking her limbs Da'len took off in a run. She'd bump into a few players continue without apologies. Da'len just didn't have time for that. The scene was getting closer and she found her nose had led her to a stall. She licked her lips and reached out a hand.

Then a scream.

Da'len reeled around foodless. A player next to was frozen in fear. Swallowing her own she poked him arm, only to jump back as he exploded into pixels. Hands up she went to babble on how it wasn't her fault though stopped as others began to follow suit. Her jaw went slack. Just what was going on? Was everyone having problems with their WiFi or Internet? That wouldn't really make sence as her own was probably one of the worst here. So why was she still here?

The answer came in a pop up message.

=Event Announcement=
You will be transported to the Heart of Faclarebal in 15 seconds.

Not so unlike her first entrance Da'len found herself in the Heart as the message stated. This must of been where everyone was taken when they turned into pixels. Her bad Internet was the reason she was last....right?

She shook her head. Of course that was it. It couldn't be like they all just logged off or something. Who'd wanna log off from here? It was beautiful and the food smelt so realistic. Her stomach growled and she frowned. Hopefully whatever event happened was over quick.

Thankfully a woman appeared in a burst of light. A few players be her knelt causing Da'len to raise an eyebrow. The woman must of been someone important, probably mentioned in the lore books she hadn't bothered to read. It didn't matter who she was though as long as she got to leave soon.

“My dears, I hate to call upon you, however we are in need. Ait Naofa has been attacked and the mother to you all, has been taken from us. Those of us left in Ait Naofa are struggling to hold back the evil. It is time for you to put aside differences and help us. You chosen few have been bound to this system.”



The woman continued despite the murmurs of the crowd. “If you die here, you will be brought back and sent to a safe location. You will feel the pain of this death, but will not die. I have activated the headgear so that even if removed, your conscious will stay here. The only exception to this is those of you who face Vyrlo and his monsters. Somehow, he has modified the system and can kill you, along with your real body.”

Her heart skipped a beat. They could....die? As in for real? She had expected something to happen in your character did lose a life but she thought it would be a painless respawn. Not pain and in whoever Vyrlo was case, die IRL. 'What the hell....?' She muttered, her voice growing louder as the woman disappeared. 'What the hell!? They can't just keep us here!'

If there was ever a time she cursed her lack of the want to read it was now. But would knowing Vyrol whatsit even help? Ignorance was bliss after all. Maybe not knowing who it was could be even a good thing? And by the looks of some if the other players it was probably someone she didn't want to meet.

Sighing Da'len slipped away to sit on a bench. She was mad, confused, afraid, and did she mention mad? All she wanted was a place to have fun. Mess with other players without fear of backlash. But know it seemed she could die here. At least by scary unknown guy and his monsters. What Da'len needed was a body guard. It shouldn't be hard really. She could easily trick someone into taking a poor innocent girl with them.

Mind made up Da'len pushed her hair back, took a deep breath and began to sob as loud as she could. That oughta grab someone attention.