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Rheya Ashdown

The woman of many faces. Turns into whatever she needs to be, whenever she needs to and is quite deadly with a bow.

0 · 170 views · located in Western Guild Ward

a character in “Daggerford”, originally authored by Celedia, as played by RolePlayGateway



n a m e s a k e :
¬ Full |birth| Name: Rheya Ashdown
¬ Spoken |used| Name: Rheya
¬ Acquired |aliases| Names: Swiftshot

n u m e r i c a l :
¬ Appearing Age: 20
¬ Factual Age: 20

s o c i o l o g i c a l :
¬ Classes: Bard/Assassin
¬ Alignment: True Neutral
¬ Marital Status: Single
¬ Faction: The Achaz

b i o l o g i c a l :
¬ Height: 5'2"
¬ Weight: 104
¬ Hair: Shoulder length, straight black hair with almost bluish highlights.
¬ Eye: Hazel, they switch hues depending on her mood.
¬ Body Art: Achaz tattoo on her chest, right above her heart.
¬ Scar Tissue: None, so far.
¬ Genetics: Human.

m e n t a l i t y:
¬ Demeanor: Charming, witty, generally jovial, observant.
¬ Tendencies: Center of attention, storyteller, secretive.

p o l e m o l o g y :
¬ Feats: Rheya is intelligent enough to know when to play dumb. She makes herself needed but not of great importance so she doesn't become a target and she is just as happy in the limelight as she is lurking in the shadows. The 'woman of many faces', she is quite adept at changing her features with powders and dyes or dirt and grease to become a completely different person.

a r s e n a l:
¬ Armed: Longshot
-- type: Composite Longbow.
-- style: Ranged.
-- creator: Elven made.
-- paragon: Crystalline.
-- quiver: working closely with alchemists, her arrows are tipped with numerous concoctions.

¬ Armed: Dragon's Tooth.
-- type: Dagger.
-- style: Melee.
-- creator: Dwarven made.
-- paragon: Mithril.

¬ Armed: Shadowstep
-- type: Armor.
-- style: Boots.
-- creator: Elven made.
-- paragon: Imbues the wearer with almost imperceptible footsteps.

a t t i r e :
¬ Casual: If Rheya is out of her battlegear, it is at the behest of her Leader for some sort of mission. So whatever she wears will depend on what task she is set to perform.

b a t t l e c l a d:
¬ Upper Body: Brown leather vest.
¬ Head: Leather straps to hold her hair away from her face.
¬ Arms: Strappy brown leather bracers.
¬ Waist: A brown leather belt with several pouches attached.
¬ Legs: Dark brown leather leggings.
¬ Feet: Shadowstep.

a c c e s s o r i e s :
None, at the moment.

p r o f i c e n c y :
¬ Archery
¬ Daggers
¬ Coercion/Persuade
¬ Secrecy/Spying
¬ Rapid aim

So begins...

Rheya Ashdown's Story

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#, as written by Celedia
Rheya Ashdown

Like a silent spectre, a petite figure donning shadowy threads ran upon the rooftops of the Grey Ward with the grace and agility of a panther. A collection of flat-topped buildings made her game that much easier but her target was going to be the real challenge- a solitary temple built close to the graveyard. Its ornate architecture wouldn't seem outwardly dangerous but to a woman that was used to keeping to the heights of such buildings knew that its pyatthat roofing design would give her very little room for error.

Yet, the acrobatic rogue held no hint of fear as her slender legs pumped faster, bringing her more swiftly to the edge of the roof she was currently on until at last she reached its edge and pushed off with her right foot. For a moment, she was airborne and her arms wheeled slightly to maintain her balance until her leather-wrapped feet finally settled upon the Temple's gilt-trimmed spire. Her momentum carried her further, making her alter her course and tumble up onto a higher tier of the roof then she had to leap once more until she was at the building's very pinnacle.

The view from this spot was one of the most breathtaking in all of Daggerford. With her right hand wrapped around the needle-like extension protruding from the Temple's apex, she watched the people below her bustling around like tiny ants gathering food for the colony. Her frivolous side trip wouldn't last long though. Despite her random bouts of whimsy, she had to get back to the Guild hall to see if there were any rumors floating around about the murder from the night before.

Swiftshot had a keen interest in such high profile murders and the gossip that surrounded them. Surely, by now, half of the guild would be up and wandering around after a late night of carousing. Moving quickly, she slid down the first tier of the rooftop then tumbled once more, bringing herself towards the front of the temple where large red and gold banners hung from roof to road. As with most holy places, the bigger the better, and it was one of these silken banners that Rheya latched onto with gloves hands to rappel herself down the side of the temple's wall. When she was only 10 feet from the ground, she released her hold and fell the rest of the way down, kneeling with the force of the impact so her legs would take the brunt of the motion. Then, like liquid smoke, she vanished into the crowds and made her way to the Western Guild ward and the Guild hall of the Achaz.

As the roof top aerobics had been a game to the young woman, so too was getting into the Guild Hall undetected. They had several silent sentries on guard almost around the clock to prevent the petty excuse for a rival guild from getting too close to their lair. So she melded with shadows, tiptoed silently and used every bit of cover she could find until finally she edged up behind one of her Guildmates undetected.

"Boo." She whispered softly, her lips mere inches from his ear. The man flinched visibly and reached for his weapon but Rheya gave herself away with her soft, melodic laugh as she jutted out a hand, pushing her palm against the back of his arm to jostle the watchguard.

"You need to brush up on your perception skills there, Barenthius. If I were one of those lingerie clad thief-whores you would've been sliced and diced before you even had a chance to look at some cleavage."

The man blushed slightly, then turned the embarrassment into anger. "And you should stop wastin' your talents on givin' me a 'eartattack, girl. Go inside and slip into some real clothes before you catch a cold." He snorted, then rolled the sound into a chesty chortle as he applauded himself for his amusing comments.

Such verbal jabs were lost on Rheya, though. Out of most of the females in town that she knew, she probably wore more clothing than any of them so she didn't take his jest too seriously.

"Yeah, yeah. Stick it in your ear, Bar. I'm heading in... Don't get yourself killed." With a wink, she spun on her heel and jumped through the semi-boarded up window that was one of the many secret entrances into the lower levels of the Achaz' guild hall.
