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Lola Hart

"I might be the only talking but I've already figured you out"

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a character in “Damaged Goods”, as played by XViolet7




Lola Hart

Nickname(s): Lo, Hart

Age: 24

Birthday: April 14, Aries

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dialog: #6600CC

Race: Human

Ability: Alchemy, she's an amazing potion artist.


Image Appearance

Hair Color & Style: Fiery red, long to below her breasts and natural straight

Eye Color: Full and brown

Skin Tone: Fair

Height & Body Type: 5'3, fit and curvy
Other Features
: Lola has dimples on both sides of her cheeks. She has long full lashes and perfectly manicured finger nails. She has a belly button ring and three ear piercings on both ears.

Style: Dresses, wait...what do you mean it's not summer? Doesn't matter how cold it gets, Lola will wear a dress any chance she gets. She refuses to leave the house without always looking her best. She loves to wear high heels and dress classy. Lola enjoys wearing a variation of jewelry from designer earrings, to necklaces to fancy rings. She's always wearing a silver ring with sapphire diamonds all around, it was given to her by her grandmother on her sixteenth birthday and she never takes it off accept for when she showers. She wears little makeup, on occasion she'll put some lipstick on but she prefers her natural beauty.


Image Personality

She's a petite girl with an attitude and has no problem arguing until her point is clear. She has a strong opinion and isn't afraid to show for it. Lo is an energetic and hyper individual, many can't stand her blabbering nature. She loves to talk, she loves to share theories and conspiracies and have meaningful conversations with bright minds. She's smart and strategic, although her mouth may run off without her at times, her mind is the opposite, focused and analyzing. She uses her chattiness as a defense mechanism, she's able to confuse individuals until she's figured out her next moves.

She loves to read and to research. She has studied the supernatural since she was very young and has always been fascinated with the beings. She has befriend many individuals in this world due to her ability to understand their hardships, strengths and weaknesses. She's kind but the furthest thing away from a push over, she will put herself first in any situation then assist a loved one if they're in grave danger, but she will do her best to keep herself out of harms way.

She's quirky, always spewing out her thoughts and going off on tangents that seem to come out of nowhere. She's always up for an adventure and she loves a challenge.

The only time Lo is calm is when she's truly afraid. She checks out mentally hence why she tries to avoid any dangers. She's able to keep herself out of messy situations through strategic maneuvers of persuasion but if someone is threatening her she struggles to find her thoughts and get herself out. Her silence is intimidating especially considering she never shuts up to begin with. Many fear her when she's quiet but realistically she's confused and lost, they have the upper hand.

Lola can get snippy, she doesn't like being told what to do or how to act. Raised by only her mother, she was taught to be independent. Although she says a lot, it can get difficult to actually know her background, she doesn't like sharing details about her past and will divert the subject whenever there's mention of it.


Image Likes

~ Talking
~ Alchemy
~ Analyzing
~ Shopping
~ Singing
~ Reading/Researching
~ Socializing
~ Weed

Image Dislikes

~ Crowds
~ Alcohol
~ Sushi
~ Horror films
~ Idiots
~ Fights
~ Chaos
~ Being told what to do/how to act


~ Reading
~ Alchemy
~ Baking
~ Shopping
~ Hiking
Image~ Singing


~ Alchemy
~ Analyzing
~ Research
~ Understanding
~ Confusing individuals


~ Never stops talking
~ Fidgets with anything close to proximity when nervous
~ Rolls eyes often
~ Loves to get stoned, smokes weed almost everyday

So begins...

Lola Hart's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Transported to Dungeon

Lifeless eyelids trembled weakly against blinding rays of sunlight that poured inside the back of the now ajar doors of the truck. The girl dared not open her eyes. She had been thrown into the vehicle some time ago, and had absolutely no recollection of where she had been, or how much time had passed since she had arrived. She groaned in distaste, holding up her skimpy arm to hide at least her eyes from the unrelenting ball of light. She was tugged forcefully out of her sitting position and in an instant, she hit the dirt ground. Hard. Her tightened eyes yielded the only agony she felt from the sudden drop. She was picked up swiftly and her legs could barely hold her up from the lack of use. She wiggled some on her unstable limbs as she managed to finally grow accustomed to the shining daylight. Two men in matching uniforms held either arm and guided her towards an unimaginably huge castle. Her eyes widened at the mass of just the exterior. It was an architect masterpiece with dark gray stones, a draw bridge and even a rising metal gate with spikes that inserted into the ground.
"What the hell?" She questioned aloud as she examined the gate with curiosity. The guard to her left tugged her quickly, as if trying to keep her from talking or something.
"Hey, what the fuck man?" Her voice raised some, her slim brows lowered angrily. The man to her right came close to her ear.
"For your own safety, the masters must not know you are on premises at this time. They aren't getting along at the moment and we wouldn't want anyone harmed because of it...Things get pretty...uh toasty around here." After that they both stayed quiet for a while. What could he possibly mean? Toasty? Vitane had never heard something so absurd. She rolled her eyes, but decided to comply only because she didn't want to get shoved again. She swallowed saliva from her now dry mouth as she entered the corridor. A giant gothic chandelier hung low from a very high ceiling - it was at least fifty feet above her - she could nearly reach up and touch the centerpiece of the room but she was carried away from it. She wondered why the place was so magnificent. Were there kings here?
She was led into another room. One that had a fireplace covering almost the entire wall. It would need entire tree trunks just to be the logs. There was a single seat placed in front of it atop a tiger rug. From her distance, it was hard to tell if there was someone sitting in it or not.
The room across from the one she left housed shelves that reached the high ceiling and expanded along either side of the wall. The men closed the door behind them silently as to not disturb anyone, she assumed, and on the wall with the door she took in the incredible grandfather clock and sitting area lavished with leather seats and couches and a glass table with detailed engravings.
"This way." The man on the left gruffed, tugging her along again. They were headed to a winding staircase that went...down? How much ground did this thing cover? Miles? It was hard to tell how far back it went from just the front door.
It began to grow much darker as the group descended the steps. Stench of sewer and scurrying of rats was the first thing she identified. It took a lot for her to get scared, but she was starting to get creeped out a bit because she was starting to realize where she was. A legitimate dungeon with steel iron crossed bars and cold stone floors. She squinted her eyes in the near dark and could see the outline of a figure, definitely a female who seemed to have...bright red hair? Cool. She smirked to herself as they passed the other girls cell. They stopped at the next cell door. Hay littered the ground and a wooden bench with a pillow seemed to be the only place that looked decent enough to touch.
"What is this?" She huffed in an annoyed voice. She wasn't used to this kind of treatment. Naturally she was the one sitting in the chair in front of the fire place, enjoying a good book or using new art supplies.
The man that had been on the left laughed evily and the other man seemed to almost be sad for her. "I'm sorry miss. This is where you will be staying from now on. Someone will bring you new clothes and a blanket and some food later. You will meet the masters on your own time."
"You mean their own time." The other guard guffawed and the first guard hit him across the head. "At least try to be a little sympathetic Damon!" The guard yelled in a hushed whisper.
"What the fuck are you people even talking about? What is this? Why the fuck am I even here anyway and who the hell are these "masters" you dipshits can't stop obsessing over?"
The nicer guard opened his mouth to speak, but received a silent stare from the one he addressed as Damon and stopped. "I'm sorry ma'am." He apologized, seeming to be sincere. He unlatched the door with an over-sized iron key and lightly nudged her inside and closed and locked the door behind her. They both left in a hurry and shut the door behind them, another large clunk confirmed that they locked that door too.
Vitane groaned and turned around on the ball of her foot to face the opposing wall of the small structure she was now held in. She went to one of the three rock walls and knocked on it. It was too thick to dig out of. Even if she had the best tools. This place was reinforced on purpose. There was a single window that was at least seven feet high and it was only half a foot in length so she could tell the sun was starting to go down somewhat. It was probably 5:00 in the afternoon. She attempted to find some sort of foot hole to hoist herself a little higher in an attempt to peer out the window but the second her foot found a good spot, vicious barking could be heard from the entrance to her cell.
Two large black dogs with scruffy fur and extra sharpened teeth snarled at her from the other side. Although there was a thick door keeping them separated, it still startled her when one stuck its muzzle in between the metal. She dropped down and flattened herself against the back wall across from them and sighed in relief that they were as far from her as they were and that they had stopped making so much noise. They must have been specially trained to know what to look for in someone escaping.
"Brilliant." She muttered and slumped down and crossed her legs, leaning her head against the bench-like bed. This was her first realization that she could see into the cell next to her. It had the same cross hair metal as the door did, but the space was a little wider so nearly a whole hand could go through with spread fingers. She sighed and clenched her jaw to keep it from quivering. She wasn't about to cry now.

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Grand Fireplace Living Room

A largely drawn out sigh escaped from exasperated lips. One hand held onto Forrest's face, a single finger tapping against his chin, while the other hand held open the newspaper from town.
"Arsonist Strikes Again" The headline read and his eyes skimmed the article discussing the damages. No matter how many times he tried to keep Jace out of trouble, he found another way to wreak havoc. He grunted discontentedly and flung the newspaper at the fire.
It immediately ignited and the fire grew a little brighter as he heard the guards come by and unlatch the door to the library, but he had paid no mind.
He sat in the only seat of one of the living room's, in his lap, a slight lizard looking being laid at peace. If you were to look much closer you could see the miniature wings tucked underneath it's stomach. The beast was clearly asleep, it's back raising and lowering slowly as it did so.
Soon he would go and greet the newcomers that were now dwelling in the lower dungeons, but he didn't want to wake his new pet.
He waited, trying to stay patient. His brother should have heard the guards arrive with the second girl so he knew Jason would enter the room soon and they would head off together.
The two had gone through several manila folders. Each one labeled to a certain woman between the ages of 20 and 30. They each had taken careful time, picking through the stacks and found girls that seemed to match themselves in personality and hotheadedness. Although they were their new pets, they were also guests here and unbeknownst to them, the dungeon was merely temporary. Both brother's had prepared a room for their woman of choice and each would take them to their own rooms after introductions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd Character Portrait: Jason Winters
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600cc
Location: The Dungeon

It’s been five hours
don’t lie to yourself like that, you’re exaggerating, three and a half at most Lo contemplated as she sat stiffly on the wooden bench. Where have I been these last few hours
damn mind, why didn’t you fight back Lo? Why would you get yourself in this situation in the first place? A tear rolled slowly down her left cheek, she sniffled and wiped her face with the palm of her hand. She shivered as goosebumps rose on her arms from an unexpected breeze. She frowned at her attire, she had to wear her pretty polka dress
who was she trying to impress anyway?

She frowned as she analyzed her surroundings, she couldn't remember where she was or how she got into the dungeon, her mind had checked out the moment she was grabbed. She Brushed her hands up her bare arms, they were slightly bruised, she had put up a fight when she was taken.

The wall in front of her was made of stone, hideous and lifeless in color. There was an odd stench in the air, it made Lo’s nostrils flare up in discomfort. She sighed irritably, she needed to get home.

She perched back and rested on her palms as she stared longingly at the window ahead of her. Glistening light sparkled through, it looked beautiful. Lola huffed under her breath and leaned forward resting her elbows on knees. She dropped her face in her hands and groaned irritably.

After another thirty minutes of unproductive thoughts, Lo could hear someone approaching. She became even stiffer as their footsteps approached. Two men she noted and a body
yes they’re dragging someone, I think? It seems a little too light to be a person, unless it’s a child? she let out a small gasp at the horrible thought. She shook her head and her ruby like curls bounced. She tugged a strand of hair behind her ear but it fell to her facehad to curl my hair, never thought I’d missed my straight hair, sigh, I need a shower

A moment passed before the guards stomped through the dungeon. She listened intently with her back to them as they exchanged words. A woman spat at them in hysteria, she felt a slight relief when the voice seemed mature it’s not a kid
good. The jail door creaked to a slam, she could hear the girl shuffling around in her cell but she dared not to glance over. She didn’t need to see her face, she didn’t need to know who was sharing her fate No need to make a connection, don’t get attached to anyone Lo, this is about you, you have to get out of here, save yourself, your life
and find a fucking shower

Brilliant she heard the stranger say. Don’t Lo
don’t speak, don’t make a comment. For once just keep your fucking mouth shut
okay? She could feel the girls sorrowed energy, she couldn’t help it, something triggered in her mind and she just perked up as she glanced at the stranger. “It’s not so bad, I mean at least you’re dressed more appropriately. I thought today was a good day to wear a dress, guess not. Always look your best” she laughed ”I can hear my mother’s voice saying that. You know deciding to reject that gorgeous werewolf was such a bad call on my part. He could have protected me! I had to friendzone him, I mean he’s gorgeous and the sweetest guy, seriously, Tristan is great and all but I’ve known him since I started supernatural hunting. Oh, but not in that way, see when I go hiking I like to meet supernatural’s. they’re not all bad, most are really cool plus it helps when you stay away from the wrong side of town. I hear the pyramids have been taken over by the sand eleves. How neat is that?” she blabbered. Through her seemingly endless rant Lo analyzed the stranger’s expressions, and reactions, but struggled reading them. Dammitt
” she mumbled ”I forgot to feed the cat”.

Dialog: #000066

Location: On his way to the Living Room

Jace wandered with his hands in his leather jacket down the halls of the castle. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth as he let out a puff of smoke. The guards that stood against the stone walls of the hall all straightened up as he passed by. They all stared straight ahead and avoided eye contact as Jace shifted his eyes from one face to another.

He grinned and took a drag of his cigarette as he bowed his head, he loved the control. He shuffled his feet along the thick burgundy rug and reflected on his life in the castle. He loved this castle, he loved this place but he was often bored here. Unless there was a party happening in the main hall, the castle was rather lifeless and empty, something he knew his brother loved but he hated.

Today was a good day, he had just been informed that the new girls had arrived. Something he always looked forward too but somewhat despised. He didn’t like difficult girls and he didn't enjoy having to re establish his status, the process was dreadful.
As he approached the living room he began to conjure a fireball in his hand and tossed it up and down in the palm of his hand, like a tennis ball. The guards opened the large thick wooden doors for him and he stepped through. He chuckled when he noticed his brother was reading about his latest arson ”Don’t worry, I didn’t kill many people” he mused. He took the cigarette from his mouth and flicked it to the ground. He paced around the living room and admired the deco ceiling and the architectural details in the stone walls. ”You know that vampire Bulb? I know, fucking ridiculous name
anyways fucking bastard lost his house last night. Guess he hadn’t heard of the king of poker. Dumbass.” he scoffed.

He extinguished the ball of flame as he brushed a hand through his hair and plopped down on one of the armchairs “So Demon, when are we going?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Dungeon

Vitane slammed her head against the stone wall, annoyed that she allowed herself to be captured and taken as a prisoner practically. What did these people want with her? With them?

She brushed her blue hair back behind her ear, her hand slightly trembling from the imagination of how vulnerable she was. She hated it. Quickly she snatched a familiar box from her from right pocket. Inside held a blue Bic lighter and seven cigarettes. She analyzed the amount and sighed. She would have to save these most likely. But what if they were going to be taken away? In that case she should just chain smoke. She grunted in frustration at her thoughts and grabbed a slender cigarette and placed it between her lips. As she was lighted the tobacco product, she heard the woman next to her speak up.

“It’s not so bad, I mean at least you’re dressed more appropriately. I thought today was a good day to wear a dress, guess not. Always look your best."

Vitane looked down at her attire. A strapless corset top, accompanied with her leather skirt and black boots accessorized with fishnets for sleeves and covering her legs. She guessed it was decent attire, better than a dress at least.

She took a drag off of her cigarette, then turned her head to study the girl next to her. She almost seemed innocent in her presence, but Vitane could feel a fire underneath the sweetness. Nonetheless, she was talking too much for Vitane's liking right now.

”I can hear my mother’s voice saying that. You know deciding to reject that gorgeous werewolf was such a bad call on my part. He could have protected me! I had to friendzone him, I mean he’s gorgeous and the sweetest guy, seriously, Tristan is great and all but I’ve known him since I started supernatural hunting. Oh, but not in that way, see when I go hiking I like to meet supernatural’s. they’re not all bad, most are really cool plus it helps when you stay away from the wrong side of town. I hear the pyramids have been taken over by the sand eleves. How neat is that?”

For some reason, the way she was talking so casually really ticked Vitane off. They were locked up, who knows where, and she was just carrying on a conversation as if she and Vitane were sitting across from one another at a diner. She scoffed at the idea of ever associating with any type of supernatural creature. She gained respect though, when it was noted that this girl was actually a hunter. Much like herself, but Vitane didn't care for labels.

"Listen dude, I don't know what you think this is, but we are in a dungeon and I've got to get out of here." She smashed her cigarette butt into the stone floor while saying, "You're either with me or against me." This wasn't really the time to be making friends and Vitane wasn't being as sweet as she could be, but the reality of being a prisoner was setting in. In a way, she needed this stranger. Whether to use her to escape or to actually work together and get out.

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Grand Fireplace Living Room

Forrest's head was filled with ideas of plans to make in order to make their new guests feel comfortable. He'd already established Lola's room accordingly, but in their files it also stated a few of the girls' favorite foods and he had his best chef preparing their feast as he sat there contemplating the best way to approach this situation again.

The brother's had had girls before these, but...they didn' out. He was hopeful that these girls could be their new pets and actually accept it instead of fighting it. They would be lavished in anything and everything they could ever want, as long as they stayed.

The old wooden doors made a loud creak as they became ajar. Jason walked through, playing around with fire of course and Forrest just sighed while shaking his head at the words his brother said to him.

”Don’t worry, I didn’t kill many people”

"Boy, I told ya...Ya can't be doing this shit. Innocent people...they don't deserve to die." This was an ongoing argument that happened at least once every other month, but it seemed to be more frequent lately. Probably because Jason was bored.

He ignored Jason's banter about some vampire he knew, but his eyes narrowed on him when he called him a Demon. Jason knew he hated his species because it reminded him of his father. Of course he just had to get his dad's genes. Jace was lucky. Forrest sometime wished he didn't have the burden of being forced to kill to survive. His eyes said enough though, there were no need for words. Jason could easily see that his brother was unsettled by his words. Forrest grunted, then stood without a word, heading towards the dungeon, knowing Jason would follow.

((Also these are two videos of Tom Hardy and this is how I picture him talking/grunting so you know as well. video 1 video 2 It's pretty funny to listen to a grunting compilation. XD ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600cc
Location: The Dungeon

Lola's mouth twitched as she watched the girl burn through a cigarette in a matter of minutes. She hated the smell and the smoke, it made her uncomfortable. She began fidgeting with one of her curls out of nervousness and bit her lower lip as the girl interrupted her train of thought. ”...we’re in a dungeon
” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the comment Obviously, god, I know...not like I've been sitting in a five star hotel the last 4 hours and 13 minutes. Oh goodness, it’s almost been 4 hours and 20 minutes
 she couldn’t help but chuckled at her own thoughts but frowned quickly when she realized she didn’t have a joint on her. Uh oh, I’m about to go through some serious withdrawls...I don’t think I’ve been sober in about week, shit.

”...or against me”
”What? Oh...yea um” Lola clued in not realizing the girl had still been talking, Hope I didn’t miss much? Nah, she only said a couple other words right? I’m good
 she thought and nodded in agreement with herself.
”Well I guess I’m with you, I don’t have much of a choice now do I?” she stated. She looked the girl up and down in observation, now was no time to make friends, but behind these bars, she need all the help she could get. You just need to find a way out of this cell, after that you can ditch miss bones and find safety

”I’ve been in here for a while, I’ve thoroughly analyzed my surroundings and well, unless someone unlocks our cells, we’re fucked.” She stood uneasily on her heels, her calfs burned from all the running she had done, but she refused to take them off, the floors were too grimy for her. She walked over to the door of her cell and placed a hand on one of the bars. ”It’s emitting energy, there’s magic keeping us in here. Whoever these so called master’s are sure know their way around a security system. Did you know before the fall it was more common for people to use technology as security instead of magic? Fools! When the takeover happened it’s no wonder they got owned” she giggled heartlessly at her comment.

She flopped back onto the wooden bench and let out a large huff ”Damn pride...always say yes to a werewolf...” She reached inside her bra and pulled out a little vial, it was half full. She contemplated with herself as she laid out a mental plan, all was good, she just needed to get out first. ”Anyways, any ideas?” she asked the girl as she shoved the small potion back in her bra.

Dialog: #000066

Location: Living Room/On his way to the dungeon

A small grin appeared on Jason’s face, he loved getting on his brothers nerves, truthfully it was one of the only things in this world that kept him going. Despite their constant bantering, Jace respected his brother, although he would never obey him out of pure ego, he would die for him.

Life seemed dull lately, aside from the arson and the parties, there wasn’t much to live for. Jason had grown tired of the shattered world, he had everything he needed and it was awful. He missed the days where he was challenged for a fight. Now, having his type of status, he was simply feared and many dared not to challenge him. Even when he gambled, he had a reputation for trickery and only fools would bet against him. He needed something new and exciting, the world was as grey as the stone walls.

He pushed himself off the armchair with the palm of his hands and walked up next to Forrest. He shoved his hands in his leather jacket pockets as they wandered through the halls. “I hope these new pets don’t put up a fight, as much as I long for entertainment, the last thing I need is a shrew that doesn’t cooperate.” he stated flatly.

Jason became spaced out on their walk as pondered his preparation for Vitane’s arrival. He hadn’t done anything this time around, he left it up to the maids to prepare her room and find out relevant information to get her suitable clothes and the proper food. This time he would avoid trying to make a connection, getting to know someone just to lose them was draining. He always did his best to be polite and treat the girls with respect and not like property. But after a couple deaths and a few betrayal's he gave up. He was never emotionally invested in any the girls, or anyone for that matter. Jace just didn't care about much anymore, he just needed a girl to obey and to mind her own business so that he could carry on with his increasingly shallow life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Dungeon

”Well I guess I’m with you, I don’t have much of a choice now do I?”

Well that's not a very reassuring response, Vitane thought. Her eyes squinted against the now onset of darkness. The sun had gone almost completely down by now. She was trying to read the girl in the next cell, but all she could really extract was that this girl wanted to get out of here just as bad as she did. Vitane needed to be on her toes. This woman could use her to get out the same way she was planning. She couldn't allow herself to get left behind or abandoned if she were to help her. So her trust was very thin towards the other prisoner.

”I’ve been in here for a while, I’ve thoroughly analyzed my surroundings and well, unless someone unlocks our cells, we’re fucked.”

Great! She thought to herself again. I wish I didn't even need to meet the people holding the keys.

”Anyway ideas?” The girl across from her said, interrupting her thoughts.

Just as she was about to reply a large clunk interrupted the silent corridors. Vitane rose from her sitting position and went to the front of her cage to peer up the stairs. A short, plump, grey-haired woman came into sight. She carried two white boxes that were long but somewhat thin. Her rosy cheeks and sweet smile shone in the light as she descended the stairs and approached their cells.

"Hello, dearies!" She said in a soothing, but excited voice.

"The sirs are on their way, but they requested that you two change before they arrive. They've picked you two some very pretty dresses." She said happily, her eyes closed when she smiled, almost proudly.

"Here you are." She said as she slid one of the boxes through the meal depository into the red heads cell. She gleefully waddled over to Vitane's cell and began pushing the box into the depository but a hand stopped it midway. Her smile dropped and her eyes read that she was confused.

"I don't do dresses." Vitane said flatly.

"Oh, but the sirs insist!" She said, urging Vitane to accept the box, trying to put on a reassuring face.

Vitane's eyes glared at the box and she accepted it from the woman, only to hurl it against the back wall in frustration. The dress fell out and lay crumpled on the filthy ground. Vitane looked back to the woman who was holding both of her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Oh, dear!" She yelped. "Master Jason will not be happy with this at all." She muttered to herself as she started up the stairs.

"You can tell "Master Jason" that he can suck my dick!" Vitane snapped angrily.

This, too, upset the old woman and she whispered. "You poor thing. She shook her head. When she arrived at the top of the stairs and looked back down towards the girls. She said under her breath, "I hope that the sirs don't hurt these like the last ones." But Vitane couldn't hear her. She was too busy trying to get a cigarette out of her pack as quickly as possible. The whole situation had her blood pressure rising.

The woman left, and again the sound of the wooden door being locked echoed against the stone walls.

"Fuck them." Vitane complained before pressing her lips to the cigarette in her hand.

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Destined to Dungeon

Forrest was completely over all of this tomfoolery. Jason thought of it as a game to play with people and their lives. But he let it roll off of his shoulders. Again. He did this often, but only when it came to Jason. Anyone else he would have exploded, but because it was his brother and he cared for him so deeply, he said no more on the subject.

He opened the door to the library and stepped through the opening.

“I hope these new pets don’t put up a fight, as much as I long for entertainment, the last thing I need is a shrew that doesn’t cooperate.”

Now Forrest was a little irked. His jaw gripped tight and he stopped in the middle of the room. He turned his head to look back at Jason and in a quiet, but stern voice said,

"Don't call them that."

He continued towards the door in the floor that led to the dungeon, but continued.

"They're our guests."

He did, however, agree in hope that these two women would be much more tolerate of them and obey their requests.

He spoke to Jason again, squatting down and holding the metal key in his hand, but he didn't turn to look at him. "Please be polite." He requested. He sighed heavily and unlatched the lock then opened the door using the circular, metal handle.

He was met with Eunice who was clearly about to leave.

"Oh, hello sirs!" She said happily, her plump cheeks rising as she grinned.

"I just delivered the misses' outfits."

"Thank you, ma'am." Forrest said, bowing his head a bit in respect. He stepped aside, allowing her to pass by them. She waved them goodbye and said that if they needed anything she would be washing the windows in the main hall.

Forrest stepped down onto the first step of the grimy dungeon. He really hated having to keep them in such a terrible place, but most girls ran the first chance they got, so they had to set up precautions from now on to avoid that from happening again.

He continued down the stairs and heard the door close behind him. Jason had locked them back in, as policy. Another safety net to keep them from escaping.

Forrest got to the bottom of the steps and lifted one side of his mouth into a half smile as he looked into the cells. Both of the girls were beautiful. Perfect figures. Beautiful hair. Lola was well fit and looked healthy in her size and bust, but as his eyes went to Vitane's cell his eyebrows fell in sadness. Not only did she look miserably thin, but she had flung her outfit and now it was soiled on the ground. He grunted and looked to Jason, since he was usually the talker out of the two of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600cc
Location: The Dungeon

Lola couldn’t help but perk up the moment the women came from the stairs. She just seemed so joyful, how could she not reciprocate it? “Dresses?! Dammit I’m already so cold” she grumbled and grabbed the box from the lady. She opened it and let out a small gasp “Well never mind then, I will happily wear this” she stated as she took hold of the gorgeous silk fabric and dropped the box. She admired the simplicity and beauty of the dress, she was in awe until she heard the other girl snap. Her head shot up and she watched as she threw the dress against the wall. Lola let out another small gasp Goodness, doesn’t she know it’s designer? she thought in a snobby tone.

As the woman left she heard the comment about “the last ones.” Lola narrowed her eyes at the lady as she turned on her heel and made her way up the steps. “Last ones
you’ll have to be strategic Lo” she mumbled to herself sensing the woman’s worry. Lola gave Vitane a look and shrugged. She slipped out of her dress and began putting on the new one. The fabric fell nicely to her sides, she did a twirl in admiration “Okay, so hear me out, I’m thinking this is like some Cinderella shit and prince charming is about to turn that corner. Can you believe this gown? Oh man” she said excitedly.

The door creaked from the upstairs and all her excitement vanished with a sense of urgency. She could feel a shift in energy as heavy footsteps made its way down the stairs. She held her breath as two gentlemen appeared from the staircase. She wanted to smile and gush, they were gorgeous Wow better looking than Tristan, hot damn but her thoughts quickly shifted I should be scared right now, keep quiet Lo, now’s no time for chatter.

Dialog: #000066

Location: The Dungeon

Jason rolled his eyes at Forrest’s demanding comments, "
guest’s?” he sneered. He thought it was stupid to refer to them as guests, they were prisoners, slaves
anything but guests. He hated how attached his brother always seemed to these poor creatures, humans were going extinct, why did he give a shit?

“Please be polite”

“I’m polite until they give a reason for me not to be” he responded in a rather sarcastic tone. Jason never cared to be polite, people were assholes and he was a jerk, he’d accepted it by now.

He gave Eunice a nod as she walked by, he could sense her discomfort towards him as she smiled forcefully at him. He blew air out of his nose finding it humorous, he loved his effect on people.

He followed behind Forrest as they stepped through the entrance of the dungeon. He turned on the top step and locked up the door behind him with his copy of a metal key. He shoved his hands back in his pockets once it was secure. Closely behind his brother they arrived at the bottom steps, his nostril flared up at the stench “God it’s no wonder I never come down here” he grumbled. He glanced quickly at the two cells and walked passed his brother as he made his way to the second cell. Before he looked into Vitane’s he paused and took a couple steps back and analyzed the redhead in the first cell. Her face was blank and she looked afraid. Jason lifted a brow at her and said “Have we met?”
Lola crossed her arms below her breast and shifted her eyes from Jason’s face to Forrest’s and back at Jason. She rolled her eyes and shrugged “In your dreams maybe”

Jason snickered and glanced back at Forrest with a small grin on his face “Alright, well good luck with this one”

He walked over to Vitane’s cell and placed his arms up against the bars over his head, leaning against it. His eye’s shifted from her face to the dress and he huffed irritably “Should have been more involved” he said to himself. Aside from the fact that she was very thin, Jason found her beautiful. She looked tortured in a way, he liked that. She had a fire in her eye’s that sparked mild curiosity within him Nope, don’t make a connection he cautioned, stopping his thoughts of admiration.

“First off, that dress is really expensive” he stated flatly.

Lola walked up to the front of her cell and peered over at Jason “I knew it wasn’t a knock off” she chimed.

Jason paused and gave Lola an intimidating glare, but she didn’t seem bothered.

“Oh your eyes are menacing, okay tortured boy, I see how you and miss ‘I haven’t eaten a burger in a century’ will get along. Well I appreciate the gift, but I’d like to go home now. See my cat Minx isn’t a very good mouse hunter, so I have to feed him. He’ll die without me. Well okay not true, cats are very independent, maybe he’ll be just fine
shit did I leave the oven on? Oh no that’s right, my fairy friend Syd was over. She’s amazing and always looks out for me, when she’s around, you know cause I’m currently stuck in a dungeon. Funny story, I was just tellin-“

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Jason interrupted, he had pushed himself off the cell bars and had a ball of fire in his hand. He could feel his temper rising, Lola had fallen silent with her eyes wide with fear. Jason took a breath to calm himself and glanced over at Forrest “Why did we think this was a good idea again?” he said clenching his hand to extinguish the flame.

He looked over at Vitane and then back at Forrest. He shook his head and sighed “Alright, listen here.” he said locking eye’s with Vitane “Ruin another dress and I’ll ruin you, got it? Shits pricey, and I don’t like losing money. Second, this is your home now and you’re going to listen to me Want to be difficult? Go for it, let’s see how long you’ll survive that. Lastly, don’t piss me off”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Dungeon

Vitane paced inside the cell from side to side, avoiding the dress on the ground. She wanted nothing to do with any one of these people in this castle. She was barely making a relationship with this other victim, much less one of these "Masters".

She realized now, that she had not heard the door close yet. She walked to the front of the cell to look out. Light from the room above illuminated the top of the stairs, but it was so dark at the bottom, she couldn't even see the black hounds that guarded them.

Finally someone emerged through the door. No, not someone. Two people. But just by their aura of walking into the room, she could tell these men had power and if she wasn't trying to put such a brave face on, she would have been quaking in her combat boots.

As they got closer, even through the lit torch lighting, she could tell they were both beautifully carved. She couldn't help but to stare in admiration as they descended towards the two girls. She shook her head, annoyed at herself.

You're a prisoner here! Not some dainty little school girl!"

One of the men stayed closer to the back. He was purely muscle, his shirt could barely hold his biceps it seemed. His piercing golden eyes watched the red head and a sting of jealousy endured her mind. UGH! She thought again. But then the other one approached her cell. He was even more her type. More slender, almost lanky, but a perfect combination of muscle and slenderness. If she wasn't in a cage, she would ask to buy this guy a drink and bang him in a heartbeat. She struggled with maintaining an angered look on her face due to the fascination she had with both of these men.

The slender one spoke and she figured immediately that this was Jason because, as the old lady said, he was not happy about the flinging of the dress.

“First off, that dress is really expensive”

Vitane scoffed loudly, as if that would make her want to wear the dress more. Money couldn't buy her, even if she loved the dress. The other girl spoke. Again. Damn did this girl ever stop talking? Maybe her nervousness made her more chatty. Either way, Vitane was getting flustered, hearing her voice so much.

All of a sudden she went into some rant, crying that she needed to get home. As if that would sway them. Yeah right. And Vitane noted that she insulted her size. She would remember that later. Although, she would not stoop to a level of pettiness even if she wanted to. Instead, she would find a way to repay the favor.

As if their minds were in sync, both Vitane and Jason said at the same time,

“Shut the fuck up!” Except Vitane seemed to hiss it towards the girl. Who gave a fuck about her damn cat anyway. That should have been the least of her worries. These men could keep them down here for who knows how long. Torture them. Starve them. (Although she was used to that) And so much more. But she was worried about her fucking cat?

When they spoke the same words at the same time, her green eyes met his light blue eyes. She smirked at him and winked then chuckled. A smile began to spread on her face, but she practically shoved herself in distaste of her own actions.

Stop being all nice and shit! She thought angirly.

She was looking down, avoiding both of the men's eyes, but suddenly the room grew brighter and warmer. She looked up to see fire sitting in the palm of Jason's hand and her eyes went wide in terror. Fire. Her worst fear. She stood glued to that spot, whimpering and slightly shaking, but she was like a deer in the headlights. She couldn't process this. So these guys were way more powerful than she could have expected. She hated being bossed around or blackmailed into possibly being hurt or scorched,

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Dungeon

Forrest sighed heavily and crossed his fingers together and placed them behind his head. He leaned against the wall and listened to Jason. Then his brother turned to him. He met his eyes and chuckled lightly.

"Hey, it was you who was the one that wanted to try this again." He mused and smiled at Jason. Although he was leaning back casually, his eyes now locked on Lola. Watching her every expression and movement.

When Jason erupted his hand in fire, Forrest lifted himself off of the wall and came behind Jason, pulling his hand down, encouraging the fire to go out.

"You want to scare them already? They haven't even seen the torture chamber yet."

He let go of Jason and stepped towards the cells, a sincere smile on his face.

"What my baby brother is trying to say is that we are welcoming you into our homes. All we ask for is respect in return. He pointed to the dress behind Vitane. "That right there? That won't work. If we give you something, you aught to be grateful."

"Now then. If you'll comply and not try to run, we can let you out. Or you can stay here, that's your choice." He looked over to the first cell. "Well, Lola, what's it gonna be?"

His hand rubbed the stubble on his chin and jaw while he waited for a response.

"By the way, I'm Forrest. And this is Jason."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location: The Dungeon

Lola kept her face blank as she locked eyes with Forrest. Her mind was scrambling with a rant she wish she could spew out right now in effort to get some information from Forrest. As the minutes passed her fingers began to twitch at her sides as she grew evermore uncomfortable. It’s been almost six hours since I’ve had a joint, oh man, I need to chill. I’m getting antsy. Damn he’s fine, sweetie I would dip you in chocolate and lick you till dawn if I wasn’t in this dungeon or know...oh shut the fuck up Lo, these don’t seem to be the fun kind of supernatural’s you encounter.

Through her whole rant about her cat, Lola had already figured out details about Jason. He was tortured, that was clear, he lost someone close to him and he had a spark of trickery. When he asked if they had met before it triggered some lost memories, she couldn’t make them out, but she recognized him by his icy blue eyes. The flame confirmed what she already knew, they were supernatural, currently in human form, she wasn’t sure of their species just yet. She knew it was a scare tactic and she wasn’t really afraid until Forrest made a comment about a torture chamber which caused a shiver to go down her spine.

She could feel the energy of the girl in the next cell, she was giddy or some shit. Is she dense? This isn’t prom! Lola sneered, but her judgement quickly vanished. She understood why the girl was acting so flirty, they were like prince’s, just like she had joked and Forrest was giving her a look that made her knees shake, her stomach flutter and her mind dazed.

He was smooth with words, he seemed oddly respectful in his mannerisms and she was swooning until he said “...try not to run.” The words pulsed in her mind Don’t run Lo, there’s more to this place. You won’t make it passed the first door she thought, feeling the vial pulse through her bra. She began laying out a formula in her head, frozen in place, she hadn’t dropped her eyes from Forrest’s this whole time. She had almost mastered her escape plan but the moment he said her name she lost all train of thought, her heart skipped a beat, it sounded so lovely coming from him.

“Well obviously I’m not going to run” she said slowly and glanced over at Jason and the girl before refocusing on Forrest. “Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve been locked up but I mean you could have at least bought me dinner first.” she said with a nervous giggle as she began fidgeting with one of her curls. She wished she was joking, but through all her encounters with the supernatural, a few had turned out bad.

“...I’m Forrest and this is Jason”

“Well it’s not really nice to meet you considering I’m behind bars and all. But hi, I’m Lola or Lo which you probably already know...” she replied, fading out at the end as she reanalyzed her grimy surroundings.

Dialog: #000066

Location: The Dungeon

Jason shoved his hands in his leather jacket pockets as he watched Vitane and listened to Forrest. He cringed when Forrest referred to him as his “baby” brother instead of just brother, he always had to establish his status above his own.

” ...aught to be grateful”
“Or we can just kill you for being a little bitch, you know, whatever you prefer” he stated bluntly with a shrug.

He could see Vitane was feeling uneasy, which entertained him. He loved striking fear in the hearts of humans, plus it just meant that she understood who was in charge around here. He leaned back against the wall and continued to watch Vitane as Forrest finished his spiel.

”...I’m Forest and this is Jason”

“I prefer Jace, but don’t call me that unless I like you.” Jason added and brushed a hand through his hair. He pulled his zippo lighter from his pocket along with a cigarette. He placed the stick between his lips and lit it. He took a large drag and let out a huff of smoke from the corner of his mouth, the thick cloud crept into the girl's cells.

“Oh my god, you smoke too? Gross” Lola blurted out.

Jason pulled the cigarette from his mouth and chuckled at Lola’s comment “You can stop talking to me now. Your his problem, not mine, got it?” Lola stuck out her tongue at him and recrossed her arms “Jackass” she mumbled.

Jason ignored her comment, took another large drag of his cigarette before he flicked the butt onto the ground “So Vitane” he began, once again brushing his hand through his hair “I can let you out right now, as long as you’re going to play nice.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Touring The Castle

It was almost like Vitane forgot how to breath while Jason held bright, burning flames in his palm. She probably looked like a trembling puppy and she hated how weak she became when she saw fire. Her legs were jelly until the male leaning against the wall helped Jason to extinguish the fire. She found her breath again and her voice.

"Holy shit..." She whispered. Her hand went to feel the heavy beats of her heart. She hoped that would not happen again. She realized that she had dropped her still burning cigarette and she bent to pick it up, take one last puff, then extinguish it.

But she lost her breath almost instantly again when she raised back up and the taller male stated something about a room they held in the castle.
T...t..tor...torture chamber? She thought as her body shivered. What had she gotten herself into? These guys were the exact reason why she hated the supernatural. Taking advantage of humans because they had magic on their side. Fuck them...Fuck them both! She thought to herself.

"That right there? That won't work. If we give you something, you aught to be grateful."

Vitane peered back at the dress and nodded back sympathetically to the taller one.

"I-I understand."

"Now then. If you'll comply and not try to run, we can let you out. Or you can stay here, that's your choice."

Run. Vitane dreamed. Well that's exactly what she wanted to do. But her fear of getting burned to death was greater than her fear of these men, so she would grudgingly comply.

“Well obviously I’m not going to run” She glanced to the girl she now knew as Lola. I mean of course even if they were going to run, they would still say they wouldn't. No one would admit their deception to someone.

She nodded in agreeance with Lola, she too did not intend on going anywhere.

Her eyes found their way back to Jason. He lit his own cigarette and her heart fluttered a little at the idea of the two of them laying in bed together, sharing a cigarette after having a good time. But again, the red head was complaining.

“Oh my god, you smoke too? Gross”

"Can you, like, not judge everyone every five seconds? Damn." She was loosing her temper with this girl. Although she would gladly bang her too, she would have had to duct tape her mouth shut first.

“I can let you out right now, as long as you’re going to play nice.”

"I will gladly play nice." She said in an almost ravishing voice. "And anyway, I don't think you'll miss the dress. This corset fits my curves much better." She smirked and winked again at Jason giving him a longing look. It was funny that she said she held curves. The girl was such a stick from not eating for so long, she barely had an ass anymore. She was thankful for her mother's genes in breast size though.

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Touring The Castle

Forrest held a warm smile while his eyes stayed locked with Lola's. He couldn't get over how gorgeous she was. She seemed to be thinking the same thing as her eyes wandered along his body.

Jason lit a cigarette and Lola turned her nose up at the smoke smell. Forrest slightly grimaced. She was not going to be happy to find out he smoked too. But he knew of her background with meddling in marijuana and he had stocked her dresser drawer with three different pipes, joint papers, an ashtray, a grinder, and an ounce of premium weed. She would probably be excited about that so she would just have to get over his smoking.

"Forgot to tell 'ya. Your cat is waiting for you in your room. As well, dinner is waiting on the two of you." He winked at Lola since she had stated that she wished they had supplied her with a meal before throwing her in the dungeon.

After he said that, everyone seemed to grow cat claws of their own. Lola complained that Jace was a jackass.

"You'll have to get used to that." He interjected.

Then Vitane was annoyed at Lola. These women were already on the verge of giving him a headache.

"Alright! Alright!" Forrest said in a louder voice, talking over anyone who was in the middle of a sentence. He had all eyes on him as he usually did when he raised his voice because he was typically so calm and collected. Forrest took two long strides to the first cell, key in hand.

"We're all living together now. Let's play nice." His golden eyes met Lola's brown ones and it was almost an emotional two seconds between the two. He turned the key, not daring to lose this hold on her.

He broke it and strode to Vitane's cell and opened it as well. He was holding both cell doors open for the women, as a courteous gentleman should, and they slowly emerged.

"Now then!" He said happily, clapping his hands together. "Let's show you the rest of the house!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location: The Dungeon

Lola became triggered the moment she heard her cat was in her room, her cheeks flushed but she tried to control her irritation. This jackass stole my fucking cat?!!! Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Now I have to save my cat too, god dammit. No Lo...the cat can live here, it’s a castle and he’ll probably be fed better. Or just get killed if I leave him. Screw it, the cat stays. I’m getting the fuck out of here.

Her thoughts were disturbed when Forrest raised his voice. Alright! Alright! She glanced over at Vitane to see if she was shaken too, she took a breath to calm herself down, but it was too late. She felt her thoughts slip away as reality began to set in. She could feel herself checking out almost instantaneously, all her plans, all her strategies just vanished. Her mind became blank and her eyes almost lifeless as she entered a world of fear and confusion.

When Forrest opened her cell, she felt her autopilot kick in and she stepped out, it was trance like. The fire from Jason was a scare tactic, but then came the mention of a torture chamber, followed by a change in temper. This would not be easy and she was finally afraid.

Dialog: #000066

Location: The Dungeon

Jason grinned at Vitane as she flirted with him. When she stepped out of the cell he lifted a hand to her cheek to touch her skin, she felt cold. He took a moment to admire her, he didn't care that she was thin, she was beautiful. Don't connect Jason thought irritably. He gave his head a slight shake and dropped his hand from her face. He appeared emotionless, it was almost haunting as his face became blank again.

He took hold of Vitane's small bony hand when Forrest said “Let’s show you the rest of the house!”

“Yea, let's get to it then” he agreed. He guided Vitane up the stairs, he pulled out his metal key from his leather jacket and unlocked the door to the library.

Lola could feel herself being walked up the stairs to follow Jason and Vitane. She did everything she could to regain focus but her mind was blank, it was useless.

The grand library had shelves that towered at least twenty feet high, filled with thousands of books. Paper trails and research scattered across the fine wood tables. Large paintings hung between the shelves with abstract images all signed by the same artist, small in cursive, the name was Ariel. The ceiling was all glass, you could see the stars and the moonlight shining through.

“Here is our library, you’ll find almost every piece of relevant history in here but that shit is boring considering I lived a good chunk of it.”

Jason shrugged and continued leading the tour, he had a decent grip on Vitane's hand, not enough to hurt her but enough that would prevent her from escaping.

They walked into a hallway that had two doors, Jason pointed to each one un-enthusiastically and stated what was inside “Storage room in that one, and this one’s a hallway to the maid's quarters, nothing fancy.” Then they made their way into another room, it was a small living room with a couple armchairs with a small wooden table in between and an ashtray on top. Two walls were blanketed in velvet curtains that covered what appeared to be very large windows. The windowless wall on the far side of the room had three paintings, again by the same artist from the library, all with gorgeous detail of evergreen trees. “Just a sitting area, nice place to read I guess.”

They wandered through a large wooden door and into the grand entrance hall, a gorgeous chandelier hung from high above, it was rich in crystal and glittered in the moonlight. Large window panes spread evenly along the walls, they were grand in size, from the floor to the ceiling. The doorway centered the room with two guards on each side. Two large grand staircases curved up to the second level, their rails were gold, their steps were marble. “Just the entrance, this is one way to get upstairs...” Jason stated blandly, he hated giving tours.

Entrance, entrance, you’re in the entrance Lo. Lola’s breath became heavy as she suddenly clued into her surroundings. They were now in an entrance hall, the front door was a few feet away. Forrest had a tight hold on her but she wasn’t thinking straight, her mind became flooded with stupid ideas.

Reacting without proper thought, she reached with her free hand and pulled out the small vial from her bra. ”What are you doing?” Jason asked, pausing mid-sentence and turning to face her whilst tightening his grasp on Vitane's hand, practically crushing it. Lola did not hesitate, she ripped the lid off with her teeth and downed the potion. She jabbed Forrest in the side, it hurt her arm more than him no doubt, but his grasped loosened enough that she slipped from his hold. She dropped the vial to the ground, it shattered by her feet and in that moment, she vanished.

“Holy shit!” Jason blurted out “Didn’t you say she was an alchemist? What fucking idiot didn’t check her!” . The guards had seen it all and had run towards their masters. Confused expressions on their faces, they clearly didn’t know what to do. Jason looked over at Vitane "don't even think about it" he threatened in a low voice with flames in his eyes as he tugged her closer to him.

In her form of invisibility, Lola searched for an easy way to escape. She stood close to Forrest still, her mind screaming at her as she took a couple steps back. Her heels tapped on the marble floor and they echoed in the hall. The guards jumped in her direction in attempt to grab her. She fell back onto the ground to dodge their attack and ripped off her shoes. Breathing heavily, she scurried back onto her feet with her heels in hand and ran to one side of the hall. She contemplated escaping through the front door but she didn’t know what was on the other side. She needed to run, find another room, something with a window that was easy to open. Hurry Lo, there wasn’t much left in the vial, this will only last 3 minutes and 13 seconds longer. Fuck why did you do this? Her mind was racing and her heart was pulsing uncontrollably. A headache from her marijuana withdrawal was also kicking I'm a fucking idiot.

Jason paid no mind to the chaos, his eyes were fixated on Vitane, he was calm as always and his face was once again expressionless.

Lola began to sprint and dodged the maids that were busy cleaning and a couple guards that nearly slammed into her as they rushed into the hall for backup. She was basically running in circles, she ran across the hall again and into another room, it was the grand living room fireplace. She spotted a window and took a couple strides up to it. She pulled and pushed with all her might but it was sealed. She ran back to the entrance way of the hall, she stood in the door way as she analyzed her surroundings in a panic. This is literally the stupidest thing you've ever done.

Jason's furry and pointed grey fox ears formed on his head. He listened intently whilst not dropping his gaze from Vitane, he didn't care about Lola, she wasn't his problem but clearly the guards were incompetent. With slight irritation in his voice he said ”She’s running up the stairs”.

Lola paused on the middle step, she wanted to run back down but it was too late. She scurried up the last few stairs and sprinted down a maze like hallway. Finally, she just picked a door and burst into what would be her bedroom. She ran up to another window and tried to open it, but again, it was sealed. Her cat Minx walked up to her casually and began to meow, she tried hushing him but it was useless. She became dizzy, her headache was blasting into a full on migraine, she felt sick. She took a couple breaths and stumbled back to the nearest wall to keep herself up. Her vision had become blurry, she wanted to keep running and finding a way to escape but her body was going into shock. ”You wasted the potion Lo” she mumbled in defeat and slid against the wall and onto the ground.

The potion’s effects were slowly wearing off, tears began to stream down her face. She lifted her knees and rested her pounding head against them. Her cat curled by her feet in comfort and let out a small meow. Breathing heavily, spots formed clouding her vision as her mind became blank once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd Character Portrait: Jason Winters
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Entrance Hall

The taller one known as Forrest unlocked Vitane's cell door and for the first second that she had been here, her instinct was not to book it. She slowly stepped out, almost expecting this to be some kind of trap or test, but Forrest closed the doors behind the women.

Jason's hand touched her cheek and she flinched away, her eyes dropping at he held her face to his hand. He removed his hand and slipped his fingers between her own then led her upstairs followed by Forrest and Lola.

This time when she was brought through their library, she was able to take everything in. It was a bit overwhelming, how much knowledge she could imagine being housed in these shelves. She wanted to tear away from Jason right now and plop down in one of the seats to stick her nose in a tower of books. She couldn't wait until she had the freedom to roam about and do as she pleased. If it were ever granted to her at least.

Each room was just as beautiful as the last. The paintings were all exquisite and their decor was lavish. These really were men of high standards. So why would they pick simple humans to be their companions? Couldn't they get any breed or specification they wanted? Maybe it was a power thing, she guessed.

They came to a stop in what Jason described as the entrance. Her eyes again wandered the walls, but next to her there was a burst of excitement and the overwhelming surprise of it all had Vitane's mind completely blank. Even if they had planned this together, even if it was the only thing she had thought about, right now she wasn't going anywhere. She watched, thoughtless, as Lola downed a small vile she had kept hidden.

"don't even think about it"

"I-I-I I wasn't." She stuttered honestly.

She didn't meet his eyes, but felt a warm surge when he pulled her closer. She couldn't tell if it was coming from inside of her or radiating from him but nevertheless, she nestled her head somewhat against his chest, still lost in her unknowing thoughts.

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Lola's Room

Forrest bowed some to Lola, allowing her to follow the two up the stairs. It wasn't but a moment that they were separated anyway, his hand loosely sitting on her hip in a respectable place. He guided her, room by room this way and enjoyed not being the one having to give this tour yet again because it was so much nicer being able to admire this woman in his arm.

When they came to the entrance hall he could feel a shift in her body posture. Like she was standing on her tip toes or holding her breath. His eyebrows knit in confusion and he watched her snatch...What was that? Before he knew it she had downed some colorful liquid and then she was gone.

"Ah, fuck." He grunted, making no clear move to rush for her either. His hand went to his face because he knew this would be costing some guard their life later on this evening and he would have to interview new ones that were reliable.

The guards all clamored around practically running into one another like loons. He passed them all, following his shadow sense to the stairs then heard his brother confirm her whereabouts from behind him.

"I'll handle this!" He barked at the guards. They all stood straight up where they were, in fear, but he passed them to follow Lola up the stairs. He was furious, but he didn't want to show Lola his horrifying side either. He had to get a grip.

His breathing slowed as he calmed down outside of her door. He could hear her inside weeping and that made him calm down much more. He couldn't blame the girl's for ever wanting to escape. He, too, would have run if he were given the opportunity.

He entered her room after she had stopped crying, but he stayed by the door after he closed it to give them some privacy.

He listened to anything exasperated she had to say and afterwards made his way to view a very large painting that was centered over the bed. It was of Lola. She was laying down, looking up, as if towards the painter. In the painting she was nude, but her womanly areas were covered by a thin sheet. One of her fingers was curled into her red hair. Forrest turn around and looked at Lola. "I think I did a pretty good job. What do you think?" He smiled sincerely at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location: Lola’s Bedroom

Lola heard the door shut quietly, she could feel Forrest’s presence but she didn’t look up. She stared at her cat who was now licking her bare toes. The tears had stopped, her face felt dry as she breathed slowly in attempt to regain control of her thoughts and body. You’re okay’re okay, just calm down for a second. She closed her eyes and counted in her head 10...9...8

“I think I did a pretty good job. What do you think?” Forrest interrupted.

Lola blinked a couple times as she felt herself regain consciousness, she didn’t even know where she was. She slowly looked up and made eye contact with Forrest, then diverted her attention to observe her surroundings. The room itself was luxurious, like something she’d seen out of a movie and she would have gushed over it if she saw it in a magazine. However, something about it seemed familiar, memories from her childhood flooded her thoughts but her heart hurt, it did not bring her the pleasure she’d expected. She bowed her head again and shook it slowly as logic and strategy returned to her mind. You wasted your potion, fine, the windows are sealed, okay, but you don’t even know what’s outside anyways...could be worse than in here. You don’t remember how you got here. It’s been at least 4 hours and 56 minutes now
Lola...Forrest is waiting for you to say something. Reply to him but don’t need to make need to figure him out, manipulate him...then you can escape, this time, you’ll have to be patient...he’s not like the others

She nodded in agreement with herself and finally looked up at Forrest feeling perky. “I just wanted to see my room” she joked. She got to her feet and spun on her heel as she admired the room, her heart skipped a beat in awe. “It looks almost like the room my mom sketched for me when I was a kid, she told me that if she ever won the lottery she would make it a reality...I always dreamed of it...minus the painting of course.” she chuckled and felt her cheeks flush in slight embarrassment.

After a minute of admiring the painting she turned to face Forrest, she stood a couple feet away from him and crossed her arms as she spoke slowly to avoid any quivering in her voice ”I will not apologize for my actions. I don’t remember how I got here. I don’t know who you are or why you chose me. I don’t know how you know so many things about me, I’d argue, kick and scream right now but I know that’s useless. I don’t like you. You are an attractive piece of man meat or whatever creature you actually are but we are not friends. Thank you for the dress and for showing me a part of my childhood dream, but I want to go home. I know that’s not possible but I’m hoping you’ll reconsider. I’m just a human, if you need me to make you some sort of elixir, fine, I’m quite skilled at that as you probably already know. But I will not tolerate any abuse from you and if you choose to kill me, you can bet your ass I won’t go out quietly.” She took a breath to recompose herself, before she smiled warmly and said ”What would you like me to do?”

Dialog: #000066

Location: Vitane’s Bedroom

When Forrest stormed off Jason couldn’t help but chuckle. All the guards had frozen in place out of fear “It’s going to be a fine night boys!” he chimed. He looked over at Vitane and grinned “I’ll deal with them later, so, how about I show you your room.”
He lead her passed the guards and up the stairs, grinning maliciously at each one of them as they walked by so fucked he mused.

They wandered down a hall that had numerous doors with different paintings in between each one. They were all portraits of different family members and next to Vitane’s french bedroom door was a
portrait of Jason from the late 1800s. He looked about the same but there was an anger in his eyes accompanied by an odd gleam of innocence. He ignored the painting as always, he hated it and wanted to burn it but he could hear his mother’s voice in his head insisting on keeping it there.

He glanced back at Vitane as he let go of her hand, a feeling of nervousness crept on him as he reached for the door handles and swung them open. He stepped inside and nodded, he was impressed at the decor, it was the first time he had seen the room since it was renovated.

“The designer didn’t fuck up, well, good thing we have guards to kill tonight or this day would have been really boring” he casually stated. He paced around the room for a moment before he paused a foot away from Vitane. “I made sure they stocked your bookshelves with your favorite novels and with some you may not have read. There’s maybe about a hundred in here, feel free to grab some from the library, but only when I allow it. There’s a mini bar over there, its stocked with your favorite liquor. Drink as you please but do not get trashed. I don’t like a girl without a class. If you show up drunk at anytime, I’ll show you the torture chamber. The closet is full of clothes that I’m hoping fits your style, if not I guess I get to hang the stylist, either scenario works for me.” He brushed a hand through his hair and glanced around the room. He analyzed Vitane’s face as he shoved his hands into his leather jacket pockets and asked ”Thoughts?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Vitane's Room

Vitane gripped Jason's arm with such force, it was obvious she was close to being terrified. Seeing Forrest get upset like that for some reason really unnerved her. His eyes. It looked like they went completely black for a second. And his voice. It had changed, almost sounding ancient, like he'd held a grudge for centuries and now the anger was boiling over.

She was thankful when he left and let go of Jason. She noted that she never ever wanted to upset these two. She glanced up to Jason and noticed his ears. Her eyes grew wide in child-like amazement. She'd never seen ears on a humanoid this close. She'd shot a werewolf once, but it was in its full form.

Her hand reached up and pet the backs of his ears and a grin appeared on her face. It was almost as if she, too, had a new pet. All of a sudden any and all desire to leave melted away as she allowed herself to attach to Jason. Maybe it had something to do with her obsession with foxes, but she didn't care. She wanted to know everything about this man that held her.

Hold her? She suddenly realized Jason was grabbing her hand and her face flushed. She was allowing herself to be vulnerable for this moment. She followed him, now looking around the castle as if she had new eyes. Everything looked brighter and more beautiful. She was still smiling this entire time.

She suddenly became aware that they were in a room that Jason was saying she now owned. She looked around, loving every single detail about it. She wandered about the room, touching everything and admiring the fine details. This was all hers? How could she have gotten so lucky. She had been picked up off the streets before she came here. She'd never known a life of royalty or nice things. This was beyond her comprehension.

"So...this is...all mine?" She asked in almost amazement. Jason was talking behind her, but she couldn't hear him due to the fact that she was reading the spines of the books on her new shelving. Everything by Rick Riordin, Neil Gaiman, and Dean Koontz. She picked up the book "Odd Thomas" and immediately got giddy.

"Have you read this?" She asked excitedly. She returned the book to the shelf and carried about on her exploration. A small desk was placed off to the left of the bed and inside the drawers she found paints, ink pens, charcoal, and anything else she would need to create artwork. Her eyes seemed to shine even brighter than before.

"You-you did all this...For me?" No one had ever cared about her enough to notice the details about her. Her preference in art media, her favorite kind of books, even her favorite type of Whiskey, Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey (please drink responsibly) was set out for her. She couldn't take it all in. Her eyes began to tear up. For some reason this was all really getting to her. The fact that someone took this much time and cared this much to address all of her favorite things.

She ran to him. Her boney arms wrapped around him in a tight squeeze. She held her eyes shut as well, a single tear trailed down her pale cheek.

"Thank you so much." She whispered into him. She turned her cheek so that the tear rubbed off on his clothing and her face was now dry. She looked up at him with a sweet smile.

" really means a lot."

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Lola's Room

Forrest could feel the emotions in the room. They were swelling like a giant cloud. He turned around to Lola who seemed to be concentrated on holding the emotions inside.

He turned away to look out of one of the tall windows, allowing her to gather herself. He knew if he was ever emotional, he did not like if someone watched him. So he stayed away and gave her space.

“I just wanted to see my room” Yeah, as if I'd believe that. He turned back to her to catch her spinning in the middle of the room like the most graceful dancer he had ever seen. He attempted to keep himself from being completely enamored by her, but she was making it difficult.

”I will not apologize for my actions. I don’t remember how I got here. I don’t know who you are or why you chose me. I don’t know how you know so many things about me, I’d argue, kick and scream right now but I know that’s useless. I don’t like you. That last part. His smile fell. Why did it sting so badly? Why was he already getting so affixiated with her? He had to drop this nice act one way or another and show her that he was the master of this household.

"I don't expect you to apologize." He stated with no emotion in his voice. His face stayed the same way, too.

"...but I want to go home. I know that’s not possible but I’m hoping you’ll reconsider."

"You're right. It's not possible. In fact. You'll never see your home again. Even if you escape, a tracker was placed inside you upon your arrival in an undisclosed location and if you get within a certain distance of the house without us deactivating it, it will kill you." He said this in such a casual way. A way that showed not only had he repeated this sentence at least a dozen times, but in a sense that he had seen what the tracker could do to someone if they tried to escape.

"Actually everyone who lives or works in this house besides me or Jason has the same tracker. There is no escaping here.

She continued on then finished with a simple question. ”What would you like me to do?”

"Well, to be frank, I want your compliance. I want you to want to stay here. I understand it may take time to adjust, but I promise you will never go without. You will have no wants or needs. Everything can and will be provided to you in some way." He tried to change the topic for it not to be so serious.

"Anyway, your bedside table is stocked as well as your bookshelf. I advise you not to get too high because you can easily get lost in the castle. Your closet has plenty of clothing and accessories I think you will enjoy and next week I can take you shopping, if you would allow me." He bowed, actually bending his waist, and swung his arms both to the left, presenting her room to her. He went to the door and began to walk out, but before he did, he added, "By the way, don't think that you can make any potion or dig out the chip either. If it senses trouble, it goes off as well. I...wouldn't want to lose you in such a gruesome way. Dinner will be ready in thirty. Why don't you get ready? We will be waiting." He left the room after giving her a smile then closed the door lightly, heading for the kitchen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location: Lola’s Bedroom

“Everything can and will be provided to you in some way”
Lola crossed her arms and shook her head “I never asked for this, I don’t want any of it” she argued. She wanted more out of him but he quickly changed the subject and spoke of the hidden treasures in her room. She looked at every piece of furniture he mentioned growing more and more furious at all the luxury he spoke of. “Shopping? I can provide for myself thank you, I don’t...I don’t need this” she stated fading off into a mumbled.

...we will be waiting” and just like that, he left without another word. Lola stood frozen in the middle of the room, her mind was blank for only a moment, then she became infuriated. “FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!! Goddamit Lola what the fuck did you get yourself into? I’m chipped! Seriously?” She pulled at her hair and felt her body in complete horror. “This can’t...THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING” she cried as she ripped the blankets off her kingsized bed and tossed them to the ground. She walked over to one of the shelves that had books about alchemy and a large jewelry box on top and slid her arm across it shoving it all to the ground. Minx, almost hit by one of the books, jumped on top of a desk and hissed at her. “FUCK YOU, FUCK THIS. WHAT THE HELL. I WAS GOING TO WORK WASN’T I? OR WAS I GOING TO MEET IAN?? I DON’T REMEMBER, WHY CAN’T I FUCKING REMEMBER WHERE I WAS BEFORE THIS. WHY THE. She ran up to the dresser and began rummaging through each drawer until she found the stash of marijuana. She grinded a couple buds and took hold of a dragon glass pipe and packed the bowl. “Don’t get too high, fuck you, fuck everything.” She grabbed a lighter and lit the bowl, hauling at it in a hurry, wanting to forget her pain and to forget this reality. ”. ...fuck
” she mumbled as the high was starting to set in and she began to calm down. She fell to her knees and leaned back staring up at the ceiling as she started to feel her body shake. She hugged herself to regain control when she noticed her heart pounding through her locket. She pulled the silver chain over her head and sighed as she opened it. Inside was a picture of her mom with her estranged father. A tear fell on the picture and she squeezed her palm shut as she wept.

Lola glanced at her the now disastrous bedroom and scoffed “Well Lo, you have 10 minutes to get ready for dinner, you should hurry” she said calmly. She placed the locket back around her neck and sighed as she got to her feet.. She walked up to the closet and couldn't help but gasp in awe when she saw all the designer wears. ”Note to self, before I leave, I’m robbing this place...yup...sounds good.” She filtered through the hundreds of fabric until she found an outfit that suited her perfectly. She slipped into the lovely polkadot dress, the way it fit her so well was astounding, like it was custom made just for her. She walked over to the jewelry box that had exploded onto the ground when she had shoved it. She searched through the pile of gold and silver pieces and grabbed a bracelet and a couple earrings.

At that moment, a small knock sounded at her door. Lola froze in place “Fuck, I’m stoned” she mumbled. Another knock sounded, Lola gave her head a nodded and walked over to answer it.

“Hello Dear, I’m here to escort you the dining room” greeted a friendly maid, her nostrils flared up almost immediately as the smell of marijuana crept out of the room. She was a kind looking woman with a pixie haircut and wings at her back, she was fairly thin and her eyes were big and green, they were so full of life.

Lola looked her up and down, a feeling of distrust stabbed her gut “It’s only been twenty-eight minutes” she snapped.
The maid’s eyes grew wide and she bit her lip ”Oh, I’m sorry dear, I can return in a moment. I’m sorry I bothered you, please don’t tell your master...I was just doing as-”
Lola stepped out of her room, shook her head and closed the bedroom door behind her ”Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. Please guide me but before we go, do I look okay?”
The maid nodded ”Just like he imagined my dear, although your eyes are a little red”
A small smile appeared on Lola’s face and she giggled “Now that’s just something he’ll have to get used to” .
She followed the maid a few steps back as they walked to the dining room to admire the castle she had yet to observe. The art was breathtaking, she wanted to stop and admire every piece but she knew she had the rest of her life now to do that.

When they arrived in the dining room, the maid excused herself and left Lola standing awkwardly in the entrance way. She began to pace around the hall and brushed her hand against the wall as she took in all the small architectural details. “ breathtaking”

Dialog: #000066

Location: Vitane’s Bedroom

Jason was so spaced out in his own words he hadn’t realized that Vitane had exploded into pure excitement. As she was bouncing around the room and when he finished talking, he completely checked out into thoughts of the previous tenants. His mind became filled with images that were in most cases horrific and unfriendly.

“You did all this for me?” Jason slowly turned his head to look at her and blinked a couple times as he checked back into reality. His eyebrows furrowed almost immediately, she was so happy and to some extent, that was bothersome. When her eyes began to tear up, Jason didn't know how to react. He was rather speechless and bewildered The fuck?

Then, when Vitane ran over to him and wrapped her small arms around his torso, he instantly became tense. He was taken back, no one had over shown such gratitude for being kidnapped. What is happening? he thought to himself as he glanced around the room in slight discomfort. Why isn’t she screaming
 For some twisted reason her happiness made him furious but cheerful at the same time.

”It really means a lot.” Finally, at that moment, Jason eased up. It seemed so genuine he couldn’t help but feel himself melt into her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her close “You’re welcome” he responded, his tone was perplexed. He took a small breath, he could feel his heart pulsing into her. He raised his hand to her chin and tilted her head up. His face was like stone as he gazed into her eyes. Who is she...

After a moment, he dropped his hand, placed it on the small of her back pressed her closer to him.

Okay, so she’s happy. That’s a good thing right? What the fuck...I expected her to freak out. She’s so warm now...she’s holding me so tight. Damn she’s beautiful...stop it Jace...let go of her...don’t do this to yourself. He took hold of the ribbons on the back of her corset and tightened his grasp, a feeling of desire flooded through him. Fuck... she’s sexy. This is a good thing Jace, she's cooperating, put on the charm do your-no-dude not now...seriously not now...let.go.of.her.

Jason bowed his head, let go of the satin ribbons and slowly unwrapped his arms. When she didn’t reciprocate his motions, he took hold of her arms and placed them gently at her sides. He took a step away from her and brushed a hand through his hair. A serious expression suddenly painted his face as he spoke “Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes in the dining hall. Feel free to dress in whatever. Also, don’t bother running, you’re chipped, and you’ll die if you do. Want to know more about it? Ask the maids, I don’t care to explain it. Anyways, I'll see you at dinner.” He brushed a hand through his hair again and gave her a final look before he stepped out of her room and closed the door behind him.

His mind was flooded with pure confusion, ecstasy and slight irritation as he headed to the kitchen. When he arrived shortly after Forrest he gave his brother a look. “It’s a damn good thing we’re killing guards tonight” he said flatly. “She didn’t even put up a fight, I was joking when I said I didn’t want her to be difficult. They’re always difficult. Where the fuck is the challenge? Lets trade.” He placed his hands on the granite counter-top and leaned forward against it. One of the chefs immediately placed a bowl of purple grapes in front of him. He picked at one and tossed it in his mouth. As he chewed, he couldn't help but scoff “I’m kidding of course, your pet seems like a fucking whack job. He swallowed his grape and turned to face his brother. He slid and sat up on the counter-top as another chef rushed over to him and handed him a glass of wine. He downed half the glass and brushed a hand through his hair "Jesus. I need to burn something
this was a bad idea man” He took another sip of his wine and a chef rushed over again to top it up, he didn't even flinch as they served him. "I don't know Demon, I don't know what to think of her. I don't know why I give a fuck to be honest..." He chugged the wine and slammed the glass down on the counter, a chef immediately grabbed it and wiped the area. “I mean the girl was petting my fox ears for the love of god." he was clearly confused, he reached up and scratched one of his fox ears, he had forgotten they were still there. He gave his head a shake and they vanished "I'm fucked. Lets face it, she sees me cute doesn't she? Fuck man...could be worse I suppose. This is just too good of a day, I hate it, I need to kill something...” he huffed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Vitane's Room

Vitane embraced the hug and felt like she never wanted to move. What was this feeling overwhelming her? She was a prisoner here and she was grateful for everything. She was confused, but it didn't show on her face. When he lifted her chin, she just grinned up at him. Her bony structure showing through her cheeks. In that moment her stomach made a noise that Vitane was all to familiar with. It ached from lack of nutrition and she smiled through it all. When she felt that pang inside her stomach, it encouraged her to continue starving herself.

"Also, don’t bother running, you’re chipped, and you’ll die if you do."

It all fell on her shoulders. He left the room and she stayed standing in the same spot. Chipped? It was as if that word brought her back to Earth. Her head had been up in the clouds with this beautiful boy and this beautiful room. Chipped. What exactly did that mean? Had they placed something inside her? Vitane's eyes widened and she ripped her clothing off in a matter of seconds. Her fingers traced her pail frail figure, looking for a bruise or an opening. Sure enough on her right hip, closer to her back, she found a small hole. No bruise. No markings. How had they managed to insert something without hurting her? Was it just a shot? Her blood was so thin from lack of food it was so unlikely that she could even be touched without someone leaving a mark. Yet some kind of chip had successfully proved her wrong.

She paced the room, her skin still bare, and the curtains were open, but it didn't bother her. She'd been a stripper before, so being modest wasn't really in her repertoire. She opened a few more drawers, finding more little secrets about the room. She had a small stash of weed and a small baggy of cocaine. She would have to save those for a rainy day. As she pranced around the room she opened a small airplane bottle of everclear and threw it down her throat then opened another. She oohed and awed over the clothing in her closet while she sipped on the second bottle. Due to lack of food in her stomach (as per usual) she already was starting to feel the affects. A tiny buzz was welcomed as she slipped into something comfortable.

There had to be some way she could escape. Maybe if she could get a chance to be alone with Lola, they could brainstorm. Maybe attempt to take these trackers out. Or just help each other set them off so they would no longer be trapped. It wouldn't have been the first time Vitane considered suicide. But the other half of her was too happy about everything around her. She needed to shut that side of her brain up. It was as though when Jason walked in a room she was almost hypnotized by him. She deducted that the second he left, it was as if she regained her mentality. She would need to test this at dinner.

About that time a butler came to her door. He knocked promptly at the thirty minute mark and Vitane opened the door slowly.

"Oh, hello." She said.

"Dinner is served." He bowed to her, allowing her to come out of the room then he led her to the dining hall. It was a good thing too because with the buzz she had, she knew she couldn't have found it alone. She perked up when she saw Lola. She had to stop shaming her and befriend her because she was the only one like her here and could truly understand what she was dealing with.

"Hey!" She said as she skipped over to her, her hands knit together behind her back. She got close enough to where they were both touching shoulders, but they were both looking out into the dining hall.

"What do you think of this place?

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Dining Hall

Forrest helped the maids set the table. He wanted everything to look perfect. He lit the candles that were placed on the table runner and adjusted the vase of flowers.

Jason came in soon after he had set all of the plates and he gave his brother a smile.

“It’s a damn good thing we’re killing guards tonight” Forrest chuckled but inside he knew it was somewhat of a blessing. He wouldn't have to work and research someone to be his next kill this month. As a demon, he was forced to kill one person for every moon cycle there was or he would suffer loosing what little of a soul he had left and become an uncontrollable monster.

"Yeah, I guess." He agreed.

“She didn’t even put up a fight, I was joking when I said I didn’t want her to be difficult. They’re always difficult. Where the fuck is the challenge? Lets trade.”

He wished that Lola had been so accepting. Instead she had been like every other girl. Difficult. Soon she would see their ways.

“I mean the girl was petting my fox ears for the love of god." Forrest laughed loudly. No woman before had been entertained by Jason before, but this one was eager to learn more it seemed. Petting Jason? That was hilarious. A tear welled in his eye from laughing so hard and he wiped it away.

"At least you're "pet-able" He imagined showing Lola his demon form. He wasn't soft or inviting. He was scaly and scary.

"I already have Damon and Jasper in interrogation to see if it was their fault. Either way they will die anyway because they didn't double check. So luckily we won't have to share. How about that, foxy boy?"

He went to the rolling bar and made himself a glass of scotch on the rocks and drained it down in a single gulp, then refilled his cup before walking to stand near his brother.

"They should be here any second now. Tonight we are having grilled salmon, lobster, prime rib, mashed potatoes for Vitane of course, grilled vegetables, and a few other sides, I can't remember." He finished his glass and set it at the end seat of the table where he would be sitting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location:Outside the Dining Hall

Lola was startled by Vitane when their shoulders touched. She was so stoned that she wasn’t present, more in a spaced off land thinking about theories regarding the castle.

“What do you think of this place?”

Lola squinted her eyes at Vitane, she stared at her for a long moment before she burst into a small giggle. She began playing with one of her hair curls as she pondered. “Well, I think” she began, taking the question way too literally. “I think there is an evil presence here, lots of death. I think it’s enchanting but very sinister. The architecture is astounding, I feel like a princess in here but a prisoner all in the same because you know we’re” she broke off into a whisper ”chipped.” She glanced into the dining hall then leaned in closer to Vitane and continued to speak in a whisper “Shadows roam these hall’s.”

She shrugged and blew air from her mouth as she crossed her arms. She began to speak more casually “I don’t know man, honestly I think an alien invasion would have been better than this shit. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the supernatural they’re fucking fascinating. I mean the evolution of genes to create this beautiful mutation is just mind boggling but like humanity just got fucked over you know
oh goodness...I’m so sorry girl, I don’t remember what we were talking about...please don’t tell that bulky God over there, you know, my so called master, but I’m so fucking stoned right now. Holy shit.” she paused, her eyes became wide as she stared at Vitane’s face “Your eyes are gorgeous you know that? Damn girl.”

“Anyways, I am starving, talk about making a girl wait. I think it’s been about 8 hours since I’ve
” she broke off falling into deep thought. Her eyes focused on the floor ahead of her as memories began to flood her mind about where she was and where she was going before she was kidnapped. “Oh
” she mumbled with slight sorrow. She gave her head a shake and glanced back up into the space “Well that answers a few things.”

She sighed and spoke in her usually perky tone “Our minds are fascinating.” She gave Vitane a warm small and stuck her hand out “I’m Lola by the way, we haven’t officially met.”

Dialog: #000066

Location: Dining Hall

Jason glared at his brother as he called him “pet-able.”
“I fucking hate you, you know that?” he stated bluntly with slight sarcasm in his voice.

“ about that, foxy boy?” Jason made a hard fist and punched Forrest in the arm “Hahaha, alright Demon, you can fuck off now, but on a serious note because life is serious, let’s torch them both. One for you and one for me, because we can.” He brushed a hand through his hair and huffed exaggeratedly. A butler came around the corner and handed Jason another glass of wine, he drank it all in one gulp and extended his arm, another butler came by in a hurry and replaced the glass in his hand.

“This day is going to damn well Demon.” he mumbled and walked over to the other end of the table where he would be sitting. He set his glass down and sat on the edge of the table. Maids and butlers scurried around him adding the finishing touches, he was in the way of their work of course, but he didn’t care. He fell into a sudden daydream as the world around him seemed to move at a quicker pace. His arms were crossed, his face calm but he was clearly spaced out.

Jason began to daydream about his last encounter with his previous slave. She had just finished yelling and threatening him, he found it amusing. But he had grown tired of her attitude, his eyes became red with flame, a small grin appeared on his face, he snapped his fingers, and just like that she combusted into flames. He remembers her screeching and crying as she burned alive in an open field, he didn’t care. He just turned his back on her and casually walked away as she fell to her death.

The memory was sickening but he found joy in it, he loved burning things and people. It was like a drug that fed his madness.

His thoughts were disturbed when Forrest announced that the girls would be arriving shortly. He blinked a couple times back into the present and glanced over at the entrance where the girls were standing and chatting amongst themselves. A small genuine smile appeared on his face as he admired Vatine. Her outfit was sexy, Maybe she’s not like the others he thought with a slight gleam of hope. Don't Jace he cautioned.

He walked over to the entrance almost running into one of the butlers. Jason gave him a glare and the butler scurried around him with fear in his eyes. Jason carried on like it was nothing and extended his hand out towards Vitane not bothering to acknowledge Lola "You look lovely" he said kindly "Come on in, I'll show you to your seat."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Outside The Dining Hall

When Lola began to giggle, Vitane joined right in. The buzz was growing. She had finished the second airplane bottle and thrown it into a nearby garbage bin. When she said this place was evil, Vitane nodded deeply several times while her eyes wandered the ceiling as if she could see the darkness that Lola described.

"...I feel like a princess in here but a prisoner all in the same because you know we’re...chipped.”

Vitane's green orbs flashed back to Lola. She was right. About everything. Without realizing it, Vitane's hand had grasped the back of her hip when Lola said chipped. Her eyes wandered the red heads body. She wondered if hers was in the same place as her own.

“Shadows roam these hall’s.” Vitane could agree with that. Sober or not. These guys were...underrated. She thought. [i]They try to look just like normal humans, but these guys are scary creatures underneath the familiar human flesh. That statement tripped her out for a moment, but Lola brought her back.

“Your eyes are gorgeous you know that? Damn girl." Vitane focused and stared at Lola expressionless. Then she kissed her.

. . .

“Anyways, I am starving, talk about making a girl wait. Vitane scoffed. Talk about starving. It felt like she had nothing between her ribs. She could really go for some mashed potatoes.

“I’m Lola by the way, we haven’t officially met." The blue haired girl eyed Lola as she introduced herself then smiled sweetly.

"Vitane." She looked down at the hand that had been presented to her and she hesitated then looked back up at Lola.
"Uh...I don't do handshakes." She lightly pushed her hand away and gave her a hug instead. This was how Vitane used to introduce herself to people. Back when she was happy. But Lola deserved it. Who knew how long they would be in here together.

She heard a familiar but spine-shivering voice beside her. Jason. Vitane held the hug a second longer, knowing he might put her under that spell again. She let go, turning to him and grinning instantly.

"You look lovely"

"Why thank you, darling." She curtsied for him, pulling her skirt aside to show garters underneath. She smiled back at Lola then took Jason's hand to be led into the dining hall.

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Dining Hall

As soon as Forrest had set down his glass, a butler came by with the same kind of Scotch he had been drinking and refilled his glass. Forrest thanked him as he passed.

“I fucking hate you, you know that?” Forrest laughed again then took a swig of his drink, letting out the refreshing "ahh".

"I love you too, boy." He straightened his suit making sure it looked decent, then nodded to Jason as he stepped towards the entrance to retrieve Lola.

He bowed to the women when he got to the entryway. "You both look phenomenal. But you..." He almost whispered, turning to Lola. "Look just like an angel." May I take you to dinner?"

He took her hand and showed her to one of the middle seats. The table had been removed of all unnecessary seating. The food was steaming fresh and maids stood by waiting to be directed to place food on their plates.

Forrest went to his own chair at the end and took another drink of his scotch then raised it up to have a toast. A butler came and filled it with more ice and alcohol before he could speak.

"Welcome to your new home."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location: Dining Hall

It was like a spark, the moment their lips touched something curious happened to Lola’s mind as she melted into Vitane. Although the kiss with Vitane lasted about ten seconds, within that timeframe a series of montage like images appeared before her eyes. Their connection struck these memories that Lola unknowingly had. The memories were focused around Vitane and every single time she had encountered her in her life without having realized it. From passing her in the street to exchanging looks in a cafe, they were random and insignificant. It was a quick blur, a flash, but it was enough for Lola to become confused as Vitane pulled away. She stared at the green eyed beauty with a perplexed expression What the fuck is in this weed...?
She wanted to ponder the visions further but the hug from Vitane made her lose her train of thought. She wrapped her arms around the thin girl and sighed, she was struck with a little bit of hope. I need this girl she thought to herself, feeling a small tear on the side of her eye. Lola had always put herself first, but in this moment she knew that she couldn’t very well leave this place without Vitane’s help.

When Jason spoke and they parted, she couldn't help but notice Vitane’s change in attitude as she turned to face him. Something seemed unnatural, she gave Jason a curious look but he didn’t bother acknowledging her.

When Forrest stepped in front of her, she felt her cheeks flush. “...just like an angel” Lola couldn’t help but feel giddy at his compliment, maybe how Vitane was acting towards Jason wasn’t so bad after all, but what did she know? She was so stoned she wasn’t exactly seeing straight. She took hold of Forrest’s hand and allowed him to lead her to her seat. A butler came by and poured her a bright pink drink. Lola glanced up at the butler and gave him a look as she took the drink in her hand and sniffed it “It’s not poison is it?” The butler looked up at Forrest in slight horror and shook his head at Lola “No of course not miss”

Dialog: #000066

Location: Dining Hall

Jason couldn’t help but bite into his lower lip piercing as Vitane showed off the garter. Putty in my hands, damn she’s sexy.... He took hold of her hand with a grin on his face and lead her to her seat that was across the table from Lola.

He made his way over to his end of the table and a butler came by and poured another glass of wine. He exchanged a look with Forrest and gave him a nod as Forrest proceeded with a toast. Jason lifted his glass and gave Vitane an uncharacteristically warm look. “Cheers” he said and downed his full glass, a buzz was starting to kick in.

Lola took a sip of her drink and immediately slammed it on the table “Holy shit! That’s very berry pomegranate grapefruit explosion! They discontinued this product like 5 years, 3 months and 6 days ago!” She felt giddy and slammed the drink back, another waiter came by and refilled the glass, and she downed it again “Keep them coming sweetie, I’m blitz’d and this is my poison!”

Jason glanced over at at Lola and gave her an unimpressed look with a tinge of annoyance. He wanted to make a comment but for the sake of his brother he bit his tongue and refocused his attention to Vitane. He gave her a small grin and gestured the maids forward to bring the meals.

Lola felt herself sink in her seat in awe at the amount of food in front of her “My god” she mumbled “This is more food than the feast I had at my friend Josie and Chris’ wedding...and they’re Elves, God knows how much they can eat!”

Jason scanned the food on the table and a sudden wave of curiosity hit him as he took a bite out of his lobster. He looked over at Lola and asked “Not that I really care but for a human you seem to be friends with a lot of supernatural beings. How did you survive with a blabbering mouth like yours.”

“Same as you sweetheart, I’m tortured, I know things and my secrets would keep you up at night” she snapped.

Jason scoffed “Oh really? I highly doubt that.” He put his fork down, sat back in his chair and crossed his arms “Entertain me then”

Lola took a bite out of her salmon and shrugged a shoulder, she eyed her plate as she spoke “Sorry, but if I told you or anyone for that matter about half the things I know, my hair wouldn’t be this vibrant”

Jason lifted a brow at her then exchanged a look with Forrest then Vitane and just burst out laughing. Lola’s head snapped up in confusion, why was he so amused by her comment? He brushed a hand through his hair, continuously laughing and shook his head.
"Oh man" he snickered.
He picked up his fork, still chuckling and took a bite out of his lobster. His eyes wandered across his plate, he had a grin on his face as he suddenly became spaced out.

A small smile appeared on Lola's face, he seemed genuinely amused and oddly enough, it was heart warming. Something about Jason, when he interacted directly, seemed rather hypnotic. Lola could feel herself being pulled into the space and she found herself actually having a good time. She peeked over at Forrest, her cheeks were slightly flushed again as she took another bite of her salmon Maybe this won't be so bad... she thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Hex Code:#8600A1
Location: Dining Hall

Hex Code: #0A0A8E
Location: Dining Hall

Vitane caught Jason biting into his lip and a devilish sneer crossed her face. At least he was just as attracted to her as she was to him. Maybe she could show him some of her special moves later. She chuckled to herself and pranced through the entryway, almost playing the part of the princess, in love with her prince.

She pulled her seat up to the table once she had sat down in a comfortable position, but her skirt fell open, still revealing her garters and fish nets. She didn't mind.

A butler swooped in and filled Vitane's cup after Jason's with the same drink that seemed to be going around the table. She swirled it around her glass and smiled into the liquid. She was already tipsy and was pleased to find she was being offered even more alcohol. She would have to pass on the next glass, though, if she could manage to pass her dinner off somehow. As Jason instructed, and just for herself, she did not want to get sloshed.

Vitane held her cup up to the toast silently, then took a long drink and ended up finishing the entirety because it was so delicious. She smirked and dotted her face with one of the over-sized fancy napkins that she used to see in steak houses. She looked up at that moment to catch Jason's eye. He had been looking at her. She felt warmth press through her cheeks and she bashfully looked down at the table. A plate was slipped in front of her and her eyes widened. Mashed potatoes. She grabbed her spoon and as much as she would hate herself for this later, she was starving and on the verge of being drunk and now her favorite food just popped up. She couldn't pass it up. She helped herself to several spoonfuls but earlier than anyone she set her silverware down.

She realized there had been talking going on around her.

"Sorry, but if I told you or anyone for that matter about half the things I know..." Man, could Vitane relate to that statement. At the other end of the table Forrest laughed loudly.

"Aha, honey, what do you think I've been walking through for over three hundred years? The Peppermint Forrest and I live in the Licorice Castle? This isn't Candy Land. I have witnessed and participated in darkness that you cannot conceive." Vitane stared at him long after he had finished speaking. For one, where was this sudden attitude coming from? He always seemed so cordial. Or was it because he really had experienced hell? Forrest took a long drink out of his glass. Vitane swallowed the saliva in her mouth. She didn't even want to think about dwelling in his mind. To see three hundred years go by and see the change of the world. The change of people. And to still remain so considerate and polite? Her thoughts trailed off.

She realized she was still staring when a cold nose touched the bare skin of her inner thigh. For a split second she hoped it might be Jason coming to surprise her, but she looked down to see a full canine face. This was too perfect. She looked up and Jason and Lola were having their own conversation and Forrest was focused on his dinner. Vitane slipped her plate underneath the table and let the salmon flop onto the floor then she quickly replaced the plate. Phew. No one had seen. She picked up her napkin and played the part, acting as if she had just finished her meal.

"Next time I don't need such a large portion." She instructed one of the butlers as he passed by with a now empty bottle. "I could barely finish what I had." She smiled as the butler nodded his head deeply and took her dinnerware.

Forrest watched Vitane's plate get taken and he instructed one of the maids to pick up any other empty dishes with a hand motion. He, too, had finished his food. He folded his fingers together and set his hands against his chin, just listening to everyone else.

A second later, Rufus slinked out from underneath the dinner table licking his chops. "Ah, who let this dog in 'er? Get him out before he eats us out of house and home." He turned back to the group after two butlers had forced the dog out.

On her end, Vitane silently snickered to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Carson Character Portrait: Lola Hart Character Portrait: Jason Carson Character Portrait: Vitane Todd
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0.00 INK

Dialog: #6600CC
Location: Dining Hall

Lola finished the rest of her meal in silence as Forrest spoke of his three hundred years on earth. Her eyes widened, she couldn’t imagine living in such hell for so long but it made sense to her. They were young and vibrant looking but in their eyes you could see the years and they were wise. Lola had spent her life studying history, researching and understanding the supernatural and here she was, in the presence of possibly the oldest creatures she had ever encountered. Everything she had ever taught herself they probably lived and she was fascinated. She had questions and she was curious, she loved discussing such topics but as a woman who hates speaking of her past, she knew better than to pry. She gently set her fork down on her plate and a butler came by and took it away as she finished her meal. She patted her lips gently with a napkin, her high was being soaked up by the food and she was nearly sober again.

As the dog interacted with Forrest, Lola’s heart melted in awe. She loved animals and she secretly wished that the canine had come to her to say hello. She looked over at Vitane who was snickering at it all and couldn’t but join in with a giggle.

Dialog: #000066

Location: Dining Hall

Like most nights, Jason had blanked out completely through his meal. His thoughts had wandered into his deep past as they always did. He finished his meal in silence and was brought back to the room when a butler came over to take away his empty plate. Jason glanced up at the table, he was the last one to finish which wasn’t uncommon.

He grabbed his glass of wine and finished what was left of it, his buzz growing stronger. He looked over at Vitane and his usual sly grin appeared on his face. “Alright, now let’s party!” he said enthusiastically. He got to his feet and walked over next to Vitane and extended his hand “The night has just begun princess” he said with a devilish gleam in his eyes.

Jason took hold of Vitane’s hand and they walked past Forrest “We’ll be in lounge, I’ll meet you later for the slaughter” he said casually.

Lola almost choked on her very berry pomegranate grapefruit explosion drink when Jason said “slaughter.” She coughed and gave her chest a small pat, the fact that he meant that literally was disturbing. She shook the thought away and glanced up at Forrest when they left the room. Her eyes were full of fear but she managed to give him a genuine smile as she asked “What are we going to do?”

Jason lead Vitane to his paradise, the bar lounge. They approached two mirrored doors and Jason turned the skull shaped knob to open one of them. He lead Vitane inside and the door closed gently behind them. He admired his empty lounge for a moment, no matter the hardships, he always found peace here even when he hosted the wildest parties. He let go of Vitane’s hand and wandered over to the bar. He poured them each a whiskey and he slid hers across the bar for her to grab it. He sipped his drink and made his way to the far side of the lounge and placed his crystal glass on a bar table. He grabbed a pool cue from the wall, with a smirk on his face he handed it to Vitane and asked "So, have you ever played strip pool?”