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Blake Kansas

"Who said you can't enjoy both worlds?"

0 · 720 views · located in Las Vegas

a character in “Dark Extinction”, originally authored by Quakernuts, as played by RolePlayGateway


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xBlake x Kansas
xā€¢ x Medicus x ā€¢ x Doctorx ā€¢ x DƤktər x ā€¢

"Fear is a primal feeling of all mortal, and some immortal beings. I will continue to exist so long as they do"
- Blake Kansas

n i c k n a m e s x // x BK

a c t u a l x a g e x // x1541

p h y s i c a l x a g e x // x36

g e n d e r x // xMale

s e x u a l i t y x // xPreviously experimental, has since chosen heterosexuality

o r i g i n x // xRome, 476 AD

s p e c i e s x // xNightmare


h e i g h t x // x6ā€™1

w e i g h t x // x220lbs

h a i r x // x Short and messy, Blakeā€™s hair is usually a representation of how he would like to be most of the time. In times of great appearance based needs, he will slick it up and clean himself to look the part. Typically there is a constant 5 oā€™clock shadow on his face, but rarely does it continue on to a full beard, and you will never see him clean shaven.

e y e s x // xTypically a dark blue, but they have been known to change.

o d d i t i e s x // xIt almost appears like heā€™s lost a slight amount of control when it comes to his eye color on days of extreme stress. His eyes will shift from normal colors such as blue and green, to more extremes such as milky white and blood red. He plays this off as colored contacts. He also tends to spend a great deal of time staring off into the distance, contemplating his next moves or simply daydreaming.

a p p e a r a n c e x // xTall but not muscular, Blake gives the impression of someone whoā€™s gone past their prime and is just starting to slide into the inevitable degradation of old age. There is no six pack, there are no rippling muscles, but he isnā€™t completely fat or out of shape either. In most terms, he rather a fairly slim aging man with a few wrinkles here and there to signify his changing stature. Thereā€™s something about Blakeā€™s presence that appears to be calming, a soft smile often accompanying his features and eyes that project an aura of safety. He has his own case of charm, often using jokes and wiles to get what he wants to accompany his rather ā€˜at easeā€™ posture and appearance. In terms of clothing, he prefers practicality and, at times, a little bit of flourish. None of his items are ever bargain bin, but neither are they completely over the top. Most of the time theyā€™ll be well crafted signature items meant for the busy aristocrat on the go.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x a b i l i t y x ā€¢ x \ ə - Ėˆ b i - l ə - t ē \ x ā€¢

Shadow Form x // x Every Demon has their own sort of form that they can shift to to give themselves an advantage, akin to a shapeshifter. Blakeā€™s happens to be a malleable shadow like entity that can grow or shrink to any proportion he can think of. This form also gives off an aura, imperceptible to the regular human senses that induces a very primal feeling of fear and dread. While current advances towards his kind have dulled this ability somewhat, he has found that he can power through it if he simply tries hard enough. In this form, Blake is immune to all conventional weapons and even some of the ones meant specifically to kill him. That being said, this form drains his energy rapidly, and unless heā€™s fed recently, he canā€™t maintain it for long. Along with this comes: Increased strength, limited ability to glide and rapid movement, ease of entry via air ducts, small holes, cracks in the floor, etc.

Demon Sensesx // x Blakeā€™s senses have long ago surpassed the humans, and while he can not claim to have the best nose in the business nor ears, what he does possess is an incredible insight into the human anatomy. His eyes work like a combination of heat sensing and x-ray. With them, he is capable of seeing through walls, exploring the interior of someoneā€™s body, registering their pulses and breathing. Naturally, his other senses are heightened as well, but his eyes are the only things that are worth explaining.

True Invisibility (Planar Shift)x // x Keeping in tune with his shadowy persona, Blake has the ability to make himself invisible to the human eye. While one might assume they could use some other method of sight to get the upper hand, such as heat or even night vision, they would be mistaken. Blakeā€™s ability to disappear from sight could be considered an extra-planar power as he seems to step into a realm that stands side by side with the mortal world. He can not be viewed through any means aside from powerful magics. On the flip side, he cannot interact with the mortal world when he does this, and essentially becomes ethereal, able to pass through walls, doors, people, etc as if they werenā€™t even there. In order to do anything, he must make himself visible once more.

xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x s t r e n g t h x ā€¢ x \ Ėˆ s t r e ŋ ( k ) t h \ x ā€¢

Medical Expertisex // x It may seem ironic for a being that feeds on fear to become the one profession that can save people from death, but not in his mind. Blake has trained for a millennia learning every new technique throughout the ages to become one of the best doctors in the world...but no one knows it. Instead, he uses his profession to take on only the most desperate of cases, ones where people arenā€™t expected to survive and a family is waiting for them to pull through. Situations where the fear of death is so overwhelming Blake canā€™t help but enjoy his work. He saves lives and he feeds at the same time. One might think that he intentionally screws up operations and surgeries to further his own goal, and while he has tried that at one point, it proved fruitless. When a person has died, they can no longer be fed upon and their familyā€™s emotions turn to sadness. There is nothing to be gained by intentionally killing his patients.

Assassination x // x Over the countless years of life, Blake has had to ā€˜alleviateā€™ some pressure from himself in certain situations. People who were getting too close, asking too many questions, generally making themselves a problem for him. Naturally, the first few hundred times he killed someone, it was messy and completely unprofessional often times leading people to believe a beast of incredible size and savagery had broken into the murdered partyā€™s property. Over time, Blake started to realize that this kind of attack brought more attention, not less. So he started focusing on simple things, easier things, standard things. A burglary gone wrong, a mob hit, a fire, or his personal favorite, the unexplained disappearance. These all lead people to believe that a human had done the deed, not some monster from the abyss. Blake still got the fear from the people he killed, and they went away in a fashion that drew attention away from him. To this day, Blake has perfected it to a near art, making plans among plans to get the best result possible out of whoever it is heā€™s targeting.

Dream Manipulationx // x An innate ability and strength of Nightmares. Blake has the ability to seep into a personā€™s subconscious and affect their dreaming mind to produce images of sheer horror and fear. Itā€™s through this he can feed without making himself physically known and with no long term side effects to the affected party. It was through the use of this ability that he kept to himself for so long, only killing or revealing himself when absolutely necessary. While the ultimate goal is to use this ability to strengthen himself, this does not mean he canā€™t send subconscious messages and details into a personā€™s dreaming mind. Technically speaking, he could make someone dream of green pastures and pretty rainbows if he wanted to...which he never has.

xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x w e a k n e s s x ā€¢ x \ ə - Ėˆ b i - l ə - t ē s \ x ā€¢

Spontaneousx // x Blake has spent so much of his life planning out situations, plan Bā€™s and escape routes that he doesnā€™t really know how to do something without thinking ahead about it first. Asking him to do something in the spur of the moment is a surefire way to throw him off and make him stammer through some sort of impromptu plan to compensate.

Human Formx // x While Blake is capable of a great many things, he is largely restricted to his human form which is highly susceptible to death in many forms, not just the underworld killing weapons of today. While there is the fact that even in his human form, he does have some sort of innate demon ā€˜toughnessā€™, even regular weapons can kill him given the chance. Something as simple as a knife through the neck in his human form would be enough to end his life.

Attachementx // x As an immortal being, it is incredibly hard for Blake to get attached to any one thing for too long, knowing that it will inevitably fall into a state of decay and one day cease to be altogether. He avoids getting too close to people, preferring a state of likable associate. To have him see you as a friend or anything else for that matter is a fruitless endeavor as he will ultimately fall back on the ā€˜everything diesā€™ mentality.

xxxxxxxxxxxxā€¢ x f e a r x ā€¢ x \ Ėˆ f i r \ x ā€¢

Fear of Fearx // x Being a creature whose sole purpose in life seems to be to leech off of otherā€™s innate fears and inner tortures, Blake is an odd creature who doesnā€™t feel like heā€™s ever felt Fearā€™s true touch. Heā€™s been scared before, but heā€™s always brushed that off as a defense mechanism. Never has he once felt the paralyzing sensation of someone broken beyond all rational thought and movement as fear overtakes their body, and ultimately he is afraid of that. The irony in this entire statement is not lost on Blake.



xxxxxxxā€¢ x Distant x ā€¢ x Professional x ā€¢ x Well Spoken x ā€¢ x Strategist x ā€¢

Blake Kansas is an oddity in the demon community, especially the Nightmares. He is a dark being brought forth through the power of pure evil not inherently evil. At least, he isnā€™t anymore. He works hard at his job, he takes on the most extreme cases at the hospital but unlike what is expected of him, he actually saves most of who he works on. He only kills when he feels it is absolutely necessary and otherwise blends right into the human population like he was meant to be there all along. His charming smile and almost regal way of speaking make people look at him in a better light than he feels he deserves, while his compassion often gets in the way of what he feels must be done. During the day, when heā€™s Doctor Kansas, heā€™s someone that everyone more or less enjoys being around but canā€™t really say that they know him all too well. He goes for drinks sometimes, is invited to certain social events and has even won a couple of awards, yet you would be hard pressed to find someone who could tell you what his favorite meal is, or his favorite color, or even what school he went to.

Then thereā€™s the actual Blake Kansas. The one you donā€™t want to meet, the one that will make your skin crawl and your very soul shiver in fear. Blake didnā€™t start out a doctor, nor did he start out compassionate or with restraint. When he first came into this world, he was filled with a desire to seed fear and chaos in the world, and did so with a reckless abandon that would be akin a wild beast. Over the years, Blake has honed that to a razor fine edge capable of killing any he would deem a threat with such precision he might as well be called the Needle. At these times, Blakeā€™s tactical and calculating mind come to the forefront along with a smile that is more cocky than charming. He plans everything and executes with a precision of a highly trained military team. Sure, sometimes he doesnā€™t have the time to plan like he would and has to go in with only half a plan, it's during these times you can sometimes see him stressing about the details, worried about what could and would go wrong.

At the end of the day, Blake is completely two faced, and which one you see depends entirely on what side youā€™re on.



Created at the end of the Roman Empire and beginning of the Dark Ages, it seemed like Blake came into existence where humanity was about to suffer its most turbulent times in history. Blake canā€™t remember much of what happened when he first came into the world, only that it was pitch black yet blood red at the same time. He remembers hearing screams, torn limbs, and the overwhelming sensation of an unstoppable torrent of power pouring into him. When he finally did gain, at this point letā€™s call it sentience, Blake had no idea who he was only a near unstoppable desire to feed on the fear of the living. With the exuberance of a pre-teen going to prom, he went about doing whatever he could to feed his habit. He manipulated dreams, he created stories, he murdered so many people that eventually a myth started to form around him. A demon, with a soul of black and blades stained red from his victims. A story that made him laugh and crave that feeling of unstoppable power even more.

Fast forward a couple hundred years, and Blake has more or less evolved. His desire for power seemingly controlled as he wandered from place to place, more intent on learning the world and its people rather than have them turned into blood stains on the grass. One could probably say he just got bored of the constant bloodshed, and they wouldnā€™t be wrong. It became a routine, one he was tired of maintaining. Now, he was more interested in learning things that didnā€™t necessarily have to do with what he was or what he did. He read every book he could find, talked to professors and experts in fields, and generally spent a good few decades going to school for lack of a better term. Naturally, this didnā€™t mean he stopped killing people and/or feasting on their fear. He was what he was after all.

This all came to a head later on in his life where he eventually drew too much attention to himself and made the mistake of sticking around for too long. People started getting suspicious, and eventually figured out that Blake was not a regular person. They assaulted his current living area, and Blake was forced to fight nearly an entire town. He changed into his demon form, expecting a torrent of fear, and while there was some, there wasnā€™t nearly as much as he wanted. Instead, he felt more anger and disgust than anything else, and they fought Blake right down to the last man. Even then, he was confused. He had just turned into something that was otherworldly to these neanderthals, yet they still stood and fought him with a determination like the warriors of legend? Why was this?

It took Blake some time to realize that if he wanted to live in relative peace while he learned, he couldnā€™t keep doing what he was doing. Instead, he would have to figure out a system that allowed him to feed but also alleviated suspicion on him. So started the Blake that now roams the world today. He figured out covert ways to instill fear in the populace and feed off of that, creating stories and myths of dangerous beasts and instilling these ideas in the mind of the susceptible. He would then manipulate dreams of people and take his dosing of fear this way. Whenever someone ended up suspecting him, he killed that person without hesitation, although his methods became more refined with time.

Ultimately, Blake learned that there was one fear that seemed to override all others in a mortalā€™s mind. The Fear of Death. He contemplated how best to exploit this, and ultimately his eyes fell to medicine and the art of saving lives. The irony was thick, and honestly it wasnā€™t Blakeā€™s first choice. He thought about becoming a soldier or mercenary, but quickly realized that most in that field were resigned to the fact that death was an inevitability and didnā€™t feel fear, or at least, not in the quantities that were worth the risk. A mortician dealt with the dead, no way to gain fear. There were many other careers that Blake looked at, but ultimately people went to the doctor because they were afraid. Afraid of being sick, afraid of a weird boil, afraid of some sniffles they got from someone else, afraid of the plague, afraid of death. It was the perfect job.

He started down his career as a doctor, making sure not to stay in any one spot long enough for people to notice his lack of aging. He tried many ways of dealing with the profession, even going as far as to intentionally screw up surgeries to see if he could get an influx of fear right at the moment of death, and while he did, he realized that he could actually get more if he kept them alive as long as possible. Eventually this ended up with him actually saving people as time went on. He learned every new technique in the book, created a few himself, and ultimately became a great doctor. This had the nearly unwanted side effect of him being proud of his work, being proud of saving people, being compassionate.

At the time, he understood what compassion was, but never truly felt it on his own until he started saving lives. His demeanor softened, and with even more time, his desire to feed grew dull, only throbbing when he had an absolute need, but being a doctor provided a constant flow of his power source. Through this, he grew to have an appreciation for children as well. Adults thoughts were rigid in structure, predictable and uninteresting. Children provided a raw viewpoint filled with innocence and humor that Blake found endearing. It didnā€™t help that their fear was powerful, a pure and innocent form of the utter blackness found in the pits of the human soul. While it tasted sweet, Blake came to hate its presence. He didnā€™t enjoy taking something from these children, even if they were unaware it was happening. Let them enjoy what they could before they became dull adults.

To this day, Blake is a respected surgeon often called upon for the most difficult of cases. He saves lives by day, and by night he ends them if they turn out to be a threat.

h e x c o d ex // x # 0333C2 x // x f a c e c l a i m x // x Nathan Fillion x // x c r e a t o r x // x Quakernuts x // x c s x // x Scar.-

So begins...

Blake Kansas's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Cassius Glaber Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Axel Lee
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

L I V I A 0 A R D E L E A N
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x s h a p e s h i f t e r x ā€¢ x d u c h e s s x ā€¢
# e 6 9 c 7 a x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

A X E L 0 R O S E 0 L E E
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x h u m a n x ā€¢ x h u n t r e s s x ā€¢
# b d a f 9 c x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x f a l l e n x a n g e l x ā€¢ x o v e r l o r d x ā€¢
# 0 0 3 f 5 7 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

Mephistopheles sat at his massive ebony desk deep within the labyrinth that was hell. Page after page he signed parchment and folded them up. He then wrapped them in ribbon and poured hot wax where the edges met. He clenched his right fist before pressing the seal on his ring into the black wax leaving a calligraphic ā€œMā€ in the drying form. With a sigh, he leaned back in the cracked leather chair, the squeaking of the gears echoing around the quiet room.

ā€œNazeer,ā€ Mephistopheles called to the door towards the demon that stood guard outside his study.

The man entered, bowing before he approached the large desk that nearly swallowed the whole of the room. ā€œYes Phaedra?ā€

Mephistopheles stood up from his seat, pressing his hands against the pleats of his suit jacket before motioning for the man to approach. He scooped up the fresh letters and held them out towards Nazeer. ā€œDeliver these to the head of each factionā€¦ Vampires, werewolvesā€¦. All of them.ā€ He pointed his index finger towards the man. ā€œDirectly into their hands. I want them delivered and you back within the hour. Now go.ā€


Livia stood in the center of her large council room. Her palms down on the table as she stares at a large map of the globe. She takes a deep breath as she brushes back her crimson hair before reaching out an unsteady hand. Her trembling fingers grabbed a figurine that stood over Romania. She cupped the wood carved lion in her palm before yelling and throwing it at the wall, the small object breaking into pieces.

ā€œDucissaā€¦ā€ One of her guards said as he stood at the door of the large room.

Livia grabbed the edge of the table and flipped it as she screamed. Her eyes flashing to a golden color as a growl rumbled in her throat. ā€œAnother packā€¦ Gone!ā€

ā€œI know my lady.ā€

ā€œVladmirā€¦ How many are left?ā€ she asked as her chest heaved heavily with each breath. Livia was on the edge of shifting. Her emotions were unhinged. She paced around the room, her left hand on her hip while her right pinched the bridge of her nose. The clicking of her heels reverberated off the walls of the room as she walked back and forth.

Vladmir didnā€™t answer. He cupped his hands together as his gaze fell to the floor.

ā€œHow many!?ā€ she demanded of him.

ā€œFive packs remain my ladyā€¦ Including ours. Weā€™ve officially been deemed endangered.ā€

Livia covers her mouth trying to subside a whimper. She sniffled before wiping her eyes, turning to face Vladmir. ā€œVladā€”ā€ her voiced cracked, ā€œVladmir, send word that all the remaining shifters must migrate here so that we may fortify and try to repopulate.ā€

ā€œMy lady, might I suggest you take a mateā€¦ Seeing our leader set an example of our need to breed then maybeā€”ā€

Livia raised her hand to silence him. ā€œWhat would be the purpose in me taking a mate?ā€

Vladmir quickly looked down, ā€œApologize Ducissaā€¦ I didnā€™t think, Iā€™m sorry.ā€

ā€Ducissa.ā€ Another guard stepped into the room followed by another. ā€œNazeer, ambassador for Mephistopheles the right hand of Lucifer.ā€

Livia waved Vladmir away before she nodded her head for the man to enter. Nazeer came before her, bowing then held out a black piece of parchment towards her. She took the paper in her hand before nodding her head towards the demon. With a final bow he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

She cleared her throat and took a deep breath as she turned the letter over. Her fingers carefully pealed back the wax seal and opened the parchment. Livia cursed under her breath when she saw it was all in latin. ā€œFor the love of Godā€¦ Who speaks latin anymore?ā€ She sighed as she scratched the recesses of her mind to read its contents.

Madame Livia Ardeleane,
It is time. Vegas, 24 hours.

ā€œVladmir, Xanderā€ she called after her guards. They both filed into the room. ā€œThe meeting has been called. I must travel for Vegas. I appoint both of you to act in my place. Stay in constant contact with me directly. I need to know how the migration is faring. Keep the shifters hidden in the bunkers at all times with constant guard rotations. I donā€™t want any hunters getting in here, you hear me?ā€

Livia crumples up the note, as she hurries down the long corridors of the barracks. As she passes a fireplace she tosses it into the flames. On her heals Vladmir and Xander followed. Xander quickened his step to move in front of Livia, walking backwards as he speaks to her. ā€œDucissa, I implore that you take a guard with you. The journey to Vegas is long and it is a known haven for the Dark Species. There no doubt will be hunters there as well.ā€

ā€œDo you find me incapable of protecting myself?ā€ Livia motioned her hand for two female shifters that waited beside double doors to open them, allowing her and the guards to enter her private chambers.

ā€œItā€™s not thatā€¦ But you do not have a mate or an heir to succeed you. Everyone worries for your well being. Youā€™re the best leader our species has seenā€¦ but a meeting with the other leaders could put your life at high risk. Itā€™s not just hunters but the others that can prove dangerous. You need someone who will have your back, no matter what.ā€

Livia nodded her head as towards him as she began rushing about her chambers. She grabbed a suitcase and grabbed what things she could manage and shoved them inside. ā€œBring me Anton.

The guards hurried off while the women remained and began to help Livia pack for the journey. She couldnā€™t help but worry about what the guards had said. What would happened if she died? No heir, no mateā€¦ Nothing. The shifters would start fighting amongst themselves to choose a leader only hindering their growth more. It turned her stomach.

ā€œDucissa,ā€ Anton bowed at the entrance. ā€œHow may I assist you?ā€

ā€œPack your things, we head for Vegas at midnight.ā€

ā€œOf course. Shall I acquire airline tickets and hotel accommodations?ā€

Livia shook her head as she placed clothing in the suitcase. ā€œI do not fly if Iā€™m not the one controlling it.ā€

ā€œSoā€¦ Weā€™re driving?ā€

ā€œIā€™m driving. Gather your things and meet me at my car.ā€


Axel lounged in the passenger seat of their old busted up pickup truck. Her feet crossed out the window over the sideview mirror as she looks over a piece of black parchment. Carry on my Wayward sons begins on the radio. Axe leans over, quickly shutting it off. ā€œHate that song.ā€

She flicks her cigarette out the window before raising her sunglasses, using them to hold back her short messy hair. ā€With the extermination of the Gorgons, do you think I rightfully inherit this fancy invitation to Vegas?ā€ Axel asked sarcastically. She didnā€™t expect to come upon this when they attacked the Gorgon hive. The extinction of yet another Dark Species of course was something she was happy about but this was an entirely new find.

ā€œItā€™s addressed to Medusa,ā€ she snorted as she read over the letter again and again. ā€œOle bitch created quite a myth letting people think Perseus killed herā€¦ā€ Axel flipped the paper over and studied the wax seal ā€œMā€. Who the fuck was M?
After a good half an hour of silence it final hit Axel. ā€œOh my god I have itā€¦ Stop the truck.ā€ She shoved the letter in her pocket as she brought her legs into the truck. She turned around in her seat, pushing open the back window. Axe climbed through the window and as she stood up she put her sunglasses back on.

Axel waved her arms to get the othersā€™ attention. She then unclipped her walkie talkie from her belt. ā€œHey trailer twats! Pit stop!ā€

She slammed her hand on the top of the truck before shouting towards Rusty, ā€œPull over here!ā€

When the truck came to a halt on the side of the state route, Axel hurdled the side of the truck and landed on the ground. They were entirely surrounded by desert on this dirt covered two lane road. She walked over to the driverā€™s side door and opened it, ā€œLetā€™s go Vin Diesel, time for a pow wow.ā€

Once everyone was there on the shoulder of the road, Axel took out the letter and grinned deviously. ā€œI figured it outā€¦ This was addressed to Medusa. Head evil bitch gorgon ruler. Itā€™s not a letter of gathering armies or preparing a battle. War wouldnā€™t go down in Vegas, hunters are outnumbered ten to one there. Sure it would hurt us but thatā€™s not where you hit us to do damage.ā€ Axe started talking faster as she tried to explain her reasoning.

She snapped in front of Lucas, ā€œStay with me city boy.ā€ Axel pointed to the M in the seal. ā€œAnyone besides Rusty remembered theology? Mā€¦ Mephistopheles. Heā€™s rumored to either be Lucifer or be the first angel to fall from heaven after Lucifer. Soā€¦ if the devil or the closest thing to the devil is writing to the head of the Gorgons to meet in Vegasā€¦ I believe that this is going to be a meeting of the leaders of the remaining species.ā€

Axel grinned showing her excitement at connecting the dots on her own without Rustyā€™s wicked brain to beat her to the punch. ā€œAlright, your gratitude would be nice.ā€

After a moment she sighed. ā€œIf we can take out the leaders of all of the Dark Species at onceā€¦ Weā€™d be global heroes. The species would be in chaos without their leaders fighting amongst themselves and weak. Thatā€™s exactly the advantage we need.ā€

Axel walked to the bed of the truck and lowered the tailgate. ā€œIā€™m going to ride ahead, scout out what information I can get.ā€ She climbed up into the bed of the truck and started unhooking her motorcycle. ā€œMeet me at the first roach motel you see on this state route on your way into the city. Iā€™ll be there.ā€

She kicked down the ramp for her bike and rolled it down onto the ground. Axel walked over to Rusty, kissing her forehead before she mounted her motorcycle. ā€œ6 hoursā€¦ and rooms on you pretty boy,ā€ She said towards Lucas before she started the engine, and sped off leaving a trail of dust in her wake.


Mephistopheles stepped out of his limousine before Caesarā€™s Palace. He motioned two fingers at his guards to leave his bags in the car and follow him inside. As he walked inside her unbuttoned his suit jacket then tucked his hands into his trouser pockets. He made his way inside and towards the welcome counter where an all too optimistic woman waited to great him. ā€œHello sir. Welcome to the beautiful and extravagant Caesarā€™s Palace. Here at the Palace we exercise a zero prejudice environment. We welcome humans and Dark Species alike to enjoy a little R&R within our walls and promise that you will not be bothered or endangered while under our roof.ā€

Mephistopheles rested his left arm on the counter as he held out a solid gold credit card towards the woman. ā€œYou know who I am. Penthouse suite. None receive a key to the top floor without the pass word or I will personally harvest your soul for my dinner. If we are disturbed, you will hear from me.ā€ He reached his hand over the counter, grabbing the key or the penthouse.

The woman stood there silent and nodded her head in agreement as Mephistopheles dictated his wishes. He then left her and made his way to the elevator. Once inside he scanned his door key and pressed the button for the penthouse. After starting their ascension, Mephistopheles adjusted his cufflinks while talking towards his two guards. ā€œNazeer, who will be joining us?ā€

ā€œShapeshifter, vampire, werewolf, demon, reaper, witch, nightmare, siren, incubus and banshee.ā€

ā€œI thought there was more,ā€ he said as the doors open to the penthouse.

ā€œYes my lord, but the leviathans wereā€¦ purged when I arrived and the gorgonsā€¦ Iā€™ve heard no word. The letter was put straight into Medusaā€™s hands but, I fear that they too have met the same fate. The remaining species have beenā€”ā€

Mephistopheles waved his hand to silence the guard knowing the words before he spoke them. ā€œGo prepare for out guests. No doubt there will be blood shed hereā€¦ So letā€™s hide anything that can be used as a weapon.ā€


Livia swerved through the streets of Vegas, her Ferrari cornering like a dream as she refused to follow street laws. In a world where everything was being taken from her, it was nice to feel untouchable if even for a moment.

She came to a stop before Caesarā€™s Palace. Livia looked over towards Anton who looked like a deer in headlights in the passenger seat. ā€œWeā€™re here.ā€

ā€œThank God,ā€ he said as he wasted no time in climbing out of the red demon car.

Livia chuckled as she got out of the driverā€™s seat. She placed her hand on the rough of the car as she put her heels on before walking around the car. She walked into the lobby where she met a chipper woman who was about to give her welcome speech. Liv quickly cut her off ā€œMorior Invictus.ā€

The woman nodded her head, reaching under the counter to pull out a penthouse key. ā€œMy Lord asks that you hand over your keys. He has made diligent instructions about where your luggage and vehicle shall be taken.ā€

Livia reluctantly forfeited her keys. ā€œA single scratchā€¦ And Iā€™ll raze this Palace.ā€ She continued forward towards the elevators.

Once her and Anton were inside he cleared his throat, ā€œDucissaā€¦ Do you know what will happen inside?ā€

ā€œNo, Anton, I do not,ā€ Livia admitted with a sigh.

ā€œThen forgive me for coming armed.ā€ He looked down at the ground accepting the consequences of his actions.

ā€œI was the one who agreed to come unarmed. You made no such promise. Please just hold until I give word.ā€ She glances over her shoulder towards him.

ā€œYes my lady.ā€

Livia gave his upper arm a reassuring squeeze before exiting the elevator. She slowly made her way through the penthouse until she came to the overly ornate and expensive dining room where Mephistopheles sat at the head of the table. ā€œDucissa Ardeleane I presume?ā€

He stood up and closed the distance towards her. Mephistopheles took her hand, bowing and placing a kiss upon her knuckles. ā€œIt is a pleasure to finally meet the newest edition to thisā€¦ council.ā€ Not that it was a council but it was the most neutral and potentially optimistic way of looking at it.

ā€œYes, yes I know I am one of the youngest leadersā€¦ Thank you for reminding me.ā€ She shrugged her shoulders. ā€œNo matter. Iā€™m not here to discuss my right to be treated as an equalā€¦ Not yet anyway.ā€ Livia didnā€™t take a seat and instead decided to wonder about the penthouse until the others arrived.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Axel Lee Character Portrait: Ari Haley Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Rusty Lee
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0.00 INK


B L A K E 0 K A N S A S
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ā€¢ x n i g h t m a r e x ā€¢ x d o c t o r x ā€¢
# 0 3 3 3 C 2 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

New York City, Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell

ā€œCan I get a reading on his blood pressure please.ā€ Doctor Blake Kansas asked, his hands preoccupied with attaching a graft to bypass a blocked artery in his patientā€™s heart.

ā€œ128 over 88 Doctor.ā€ The nurse replied, although Blake didnā€™t stop or even make any indication he heard her.

ā€œA little high, apply 5 ccā€™s of nitro and monitor. Pump status?ā€ Blake asked once more, at this point he was only doing it to keep his mind busy. Over the countless centuries he had done surgeries like this plenty of times, almost to the extent as to call it monotony. His hands moved without any hesitation or shaking, as steady as the ticking of the clock.

ā€œNo problems on this end.ā€ Blake gave a nod, finishing up the second of three grafts needed for the man on the table. He took a moment to peer over at the manā€™s face, completely passed out as the gas being pumped in through the mask kept him under for the duration of the operation. He would have to admit, this guy was a caveat of fear when Blake had given him his primary diagnosis. He hadnā€™t let him know that he could perform this operation until he had filled up his reserves of power for at least the foreseeable future. He had had to pull some parts of the manā€™s saphenous veins from his legs in order to perform this surgery, and to be honest this patient was a complete mess. Blake could see evidence of long time smoke inhalation consistent with a smoker lifestyle. His lungs looked like someone had thrown them on a brisket BBQ, black and basically charcoal. Not to mention there were several other factors to consider, his ripening age and sedentary lifestyle among the top. Regardless, he had a hippocratic oath to help the man.

With the ease of hundreds of years worth of practice, Blake finished up the triple heart bypass and stood back. ā€Alright, sew him back up and get him to post op. Monitor him closely and pay special attention to his blood pressure. If he hits 130 over 90, you let me know immediately. Keep him attached to oxygen for as long as possible, this manā€™s lungs look like they were torched with a flamethrower so he may start complaining about shortness of breath. Questions?ā€

ā€œNo Doctor, weā€™ll take care of him.ā€ The nurse replied as the others in the room went about finishing up the surgery. Blake made his way towards the door, removing his gloves and masks and placing them in the sterilization bin. He walked out the door, moving towards the waiting area. He tugged at his blue scrubs slightly, surprised at himself that he managed to keep the blood at a minimum. Usually those kinds of surgeries were a lot more messy, so that was a definite plus in his mind. He opened the door to the waiting area and saw it was about three quarters full of people either waiting for a doctor to look at them or to hear the verdict of a surgery such as his. He recognized the family of his patient, an aging wife and two daughters who were well into their twenties. He walked up to them, his hands clasped behind his back as they noticed his approach.

ā€œDoctor Kansas.ā€ One of the daughters stated, her flowing brown hair draping her shoulders as creases of concern marred an otherwise attractive face. ā€œAre you done the surgery?ā€ A stupid question that Blake had been asked so many times he couldnā€™t even muster up the will to be irritated by it.

ā€Yes, and you will be relieved to know that it was a complete success. Theyā€™re finishing up the post op now and your father will be wheeled into a recovery area.ā€ Blake saw the relief wash over their face, but he held up a hand. ā€Yes, itā€™s a good thing, thereā€™s no doubt about that, but thereā€™s something you should be made aware of. While I was in there, I managed to poke around a bit and saw the effects of your fatherā€™s lifestyle. While I have prolonged his life with this surgery, it should be noted that it wonā€™t be for very long unless you can convince him to have a healthier lifestyle and to give up smoking.ā€

ā€œWeā€™ve tried in the past, but heā€™s addicted to those things.ā€ The other daughter, younger with a multi-color short pixie haircut that screamed ā€˜rebelā€™. She wasnā€™t as attractive as her sister, at least in the refined sense, but she made up for it in spunk if her chopped up attire was anything to by.

ā€Well I would suggest trying harder.ā€ Blake stated, his tone coming across as a disapproving father rather than cold or heartless. ā€Weā€™ve already taken precautions to minimize the risk, but even now heā€™ll have to be attached to oxygen for far longer than any other outpatient because his lung capacity has been severely reduced. At this point, I would suggest a very tough love approach to this situation. I wouldnā€™t want to see him on my table again so soon after such a successful operation.ā€ The family seemed to look down and slowly nod.

ā€œWe will do our best Doctor. When can we see our dad?ā€ The first daughter asked once more, to which Blake checked his watch.

ā€Well, like I said their patching him up now...including the time to get him into the recovery area...a nurse should escort you to him in about half an hour or so, so hang tight.ā€ They all seemed to nod, looking around for a clock.

ā€œAlright, thank you.ā€ The oldest daughter stated before turning back towards her family. What they didnā€™t know was that they had just given Blake a little bit of a top up in his power reserves with the fear of loss and failure now permeating around them. They didnā€™t want to lose their father and they didnā€™t want to fail in getting him to quit his smoking and standard mode of living. It wasnā€™t major, but it was the equivalent of eating a couple of cookies. Blake made his way out of the waiting room, walking down the halls and removing the cap from his head as he did so.

A lengthy walk later had him at the door to his office, his name and credentials posted in gold lettering on the door. He opened it up to reveal a rather simplistic albeit sizable room. A glossy and well maintained desk, several file cabinets, a few more chairs...and a person standing inside. He paused for a moment, staring at the Demon as he slowly stepped inside and closed the door, locking it behind him and making sure the blinds were shut. ā€You know I donā€™t like to be interrupted while Iā€™m at work. Make it quick.ā€ Blake stated, his voice low and the threat very much implied as Nazeer handed over a letter. Without so much as a word, the demon disappeared into smoke as Blake gave the letter a once over.

He walked over to his desk, grabbing a letter opener and peering at the contents inside. After reading it, he rubbed his chin with his hand before reaching for his phone. A couple beeps later and he got the rather overly optimistic voice of his Head of Department.

ā€Doctor Candine, I think Iā€™m going to need to take a sabbatical.ā€

Blake tugged at the black suit jacket he was wearing as he stepped out of the taxi, his other hand carrying a silver suitcase filled with a number of things, chief among them being weapons for his personal use. The suitcase was lead lined, preventing x rays from peering inside or metal detectors from sensing their presence. Even though there was the underlying mention to not be armed in the presence of the council members, Blake had long ago ignored that rule after one too many accidents between boiling blood and headstrong alpha males and females. Inside his suit was a single .45 pistol, non-descript and all identifying markers such as a serial number filed off. The rest of his luggage had already been moved to another hotel, a less notable one off the beaten path. Nothing of any real importance, mainly clothing and the like. Either way, he wasnā€™t stupid enough to believe that he was going to stay in this hotel with every other important member of the Dark Species in attendance. They were basically asking for someone to come kill them all if that was the case. Plans for plans, that was Blakeā€™s basic mentality.

He made his way inside and walked to the front desk. There, a cheery woman gave her speech about the building, a smile so wide and frustratingly warming that Blake had trouble giving a smile of his own as he politely waited for her to stop talking. ā€Morior Invictusā€ He stated, and her demeanor changed entirely. She pulled out a penthouse key, looking at the briefcase that Blake was carrying.

ā€œMy lord has made specific instructions as to what to do with your luggage sir. If I may?ā€

ā€You may not. Thereā€™s no need for you to take this, I will be fine.ā€ Blake stated, starting to make his way towards the elevator.

ā€œSir, I must insist. It is my dutyā€¦ā€ She made to chase after him, as he sighed and turned around.

ā€œYou have your duty, and I have mine. If your ā€˜lordā€™ gets angry simply say that Blake was a handful. He should understand completely.ā€ Blake stated, giving a quick flash of a smile and leaving the woman wondering what she should do. Blake stepped onto the elevator, pressed the appropriate button, and within a few seconds was on the correct floor and standing in front of the door where they were to meet. He could hear the pleasant sounds of a piano being played as he stepped through into the room.

Inside were a few people already. Naturally, there was Mephistopheles, the right hand of Lucifer. They knew each other, at least on a professional basis. Theyā€™re personalities matched when the job was the focus point, but everything else about the fallen angel and the demon was conflicting. Not to mention there were the multiple fights about Blakeā€™s chosen earthly profession, and the constant bickering that he was ā€˜helpingā€™ the enemy. They seemed to have found a neutral ground when it came to keeping the Dark Species alive, and whatever Mā€™s thoughts on Blake now, there had to be some begrudging respect for Blakeā€™s abilities and innate skill in staying alive for over 1500 years.

Over to the side was a new addition to the council. Ducissa Ardeleane, the leader of a very rapidly declining shapeshifter population if memory served him right. He had had no prior contact with this woman before now, but if reputation preceded her, he doubted they would get along at least past a professional sense. Her guard seemed somewhat twitchy though, and that worried Blake at least inwardly. He didnā€™t want things to escalate because someone overreacted, but he guessed thatā€™s why he was here. He could sense when fear was taking over and act accordingly.

The last person in the room was the Incubus leader Claudius Kim, and was the one filling the room with pleasant music. He could remember meeting the being a couple times before, and had actually enjoyed his company although Blake was worried that this was merely a byproduct of Kimā€™s nature. Regardless, he didnā€™t mind the Incubus and found that he got along with the creature well enough.

As for himself, Blake considered himself the oddity in the council. He wasnā€™t in charge of a species, at least not in a leadership capacity. He was the councilā€™s answer to extreme problem cases that required a deft touch. He was their weapon, an assassin of the highest caliber and healer should the need arise. Aside from M, he was one of the longest running council members and had seen other members rise and fall from the ranks, although the latter was happening a lot more frequently as of late. Regardless, he was used for his strategic mind and cold efficiency in the face of threats to Dark Species both inside and out.

ā€Good evening.ā€ Blake stated, a slight smile on his lips as he made his way to the table and placed his suitcase beside the chair he planned on occupying. He gave a nod towards M. ā€A pleasure as always my lord, although I wish the circumstances were more optimistic.ā€ Blake stated, giving a simple nod to Kim as he walked past him towards the Ducissa, stopping just short and extending his hand for a shake. ā€We havenā€™t been introduced. I am Doctor Blake Kansas, Nightmare and Enforcer for the council. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.ā€



L U C A S 0 V E R C A N N O N
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ā€¢ xh u m a nx ā€¢ x h u n t e r x ā€¢
# 2 B A D 0 0 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

Somewhere in the Mojave Desert

ā€Whatā€™s wrong with bein...whatā€™s wrong with bein...whatā€™s wrong with bein confident?ā€ Lucas sang along with his ipod, one earbud in and his feet up on the dashboard. His seat in the car was fully reclined, or at least as close as he could get it as he made hand gestures to go along with his singing. The scenery, dry and dull as it was, was doing its best to put Lucas to sleep, and so he had resorted to being that passenger asshole for a good duration of the trip to keep himself from passing out due to extreme boredom. Thatā€™s all this was once they had taken out the Gorgons; bitchy snake heads. He took a moment to glance over at Ari, who was stoic as usual. He was about as much fun as slamming a rock onto oneā€™s foot. Why couldnā€™t Lucas have driven with Rusty? At the very least she was easy on the eyes and would have made the trip bearable. Instead, Lucas flopped in his seat with his mouth agape as he started counting the notches in the ceiling out of sheer lunacy.

ā€Is there a reason we couldnā€™t take a plane? Or, you know, a party bus? Anything that would have doing something else aside from staring at your blank face.ā€ Lucas complained, knowing full well Ari would fire back with something that would sting emotionally for awhile. At least they had that sort of rapport between them, even if Lucas wouldnā€™t necessarily call their relationship a ā€˜broā€™ level. After having taken off for Vegas because of a letter, Lucas couldnā€™t help but feel like they were just firing shot after shot without stopping to reload. He wasnā€™t necessarily against going to Vegas in order to figure out what was going on, but he couldnā€™t help but feel underprepared. They had stocked up before heading out sure, but if the leader of the Gorgons was being summoned to Vegas, who else was?

Lucas snapped up when Axel, in all her refined glory, ordered for them to pull over for a quick meeting of the minds. Lucas yawned and stretched, putting his seat back into the upright position. He looked out at the scenery, a dreary sight of sand, sand and more sand. They were in Nevada alright. As the car rolled to a stop, Lucas hopped out, stopping only long enough to visually reassure himself that his sniper was still in the back seat. Naturally he had a 9mm pistol in a underarm holster, hidden underneath his jacket and filled with dark metal rounds, but there was just something reassuring about that massive rifle of his.

They all made their way to Axel, who then went on her little ramble about the note and itā€™s intent. Of course it was addressed to Medusa, it was literally on her person when we killed her. Lucas said, his eyes wandering towards the desert as Axel stepped in front of him and snapped him back into focus man. ā€Yes maā€™am, always paying attention to you maā€™am.ā€ Lucas stated in an exaggerated soldier tone. As she continued on, Lucas could only feel an incredulous look on his face as she expected some form of gratitude. ā€You got all of this...from an M?ā€ Lucas asked, looking around at the others to see if he was in some form of crazy town. ā€ M! M could mean McDonalds for all we know and you pull the right hand of Lucifer out of your ass?ā€

To put it bluntly, Lucas wasnā€™t good in dealing with authority figures.

ā€But letā€™s say youā€™re right...for the simple sake of embracing insanity for a moment...You think all 4 of us can take out every single leader of every single Dark Species ever? We need to call this in, get some back up, maybe a nuke?ā€ Before he could even finish his sentence, Axel was already driving off down the road with a quick order to find a motel and that Lucas was paying. Of course he was, his family was rich, ergo he was rich, ergo he had to pay for everything because these guys were life sucking parasites. Lucas stared as she went, looking between Ari and Rusty. ā€Cmon! Iā€™m not the only one thinking about this shit, am I?ā€ Whatever answer he got wasnā€™t going to be enough to make Lucas feel anything near comforted as he kicked some dirt.

ā€Fine, whatever...I call shotgun with Rusty for the rest of the ride then!ā€ Lucas stated, looking back at Ari. ā€No offense buddy, but you lack one thing that makes travelling bearable...And thatā€™s being attractive.ā€ Lucas gave a wicked smile and a thumbs up, turning towards the truck only to see it peel off after Axel. Lucas stood there for a second, his face solemn as he watched the vehicle go. ā€Well thatā€™s a right kick in the nuts...Guess Iā€™m stuck wi-ā€ Lucas turned back towards Ari who was already in the car and starting to pull away. ā€Shitfuck!ā€ Lucas yelled, sliding slightly on the dirt as he ran to the car and managed to pull open the door and climb in before Ari truly got going.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them before Lucas looked over. ā€I stand by what I said.ā€ That was all he said as he plugged his ipod into his ears once again.

ā€If you like it you shoulda put a ring on it!ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Clodagh An Character Portrait: Alistaire Kim
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0.00 INK


the flowers bent to greet her,
to revel in such light.
to face such majesty.
to feel, for once, alive

Ragged sighs. Wild hair. Lips on lips on neck on chest on flesh. As the siren basilis explored the human girl, she found energy, and the girl found Eden.

Sun through curtains. Soft snores. Dark limbs tangled in silk sheets. As the siren basilis left the human girl where she lay, she stained the hotel key card with lipstick lips and ordered the full oriental breakfast to come up in ten minutes -no, she's had little sleep, after all- half an hour.

Heels on smooth, marble floor. A ruby smile and, as always, a confident air. As the siren basilis walked into the lobby, she was flanked by two beautiful creatures. Leo and Antigone. Loyal creatures. Lovely creatures.

Morior Ivictis."

The siren basilis Jian Fen, winked at the girl as she took the offered key.

Rising to the highest floor, Jian Fen exited the elevator and strode towards the penthouse. Slipping the key into the lock, Leo pushed open the door.

Walking into the room, Jian Fen grazed the room, noting its occupants with a smooth smile. She looked to her left, where Antigone stood, and the pair exchanged a smirk.

"Nervous, your majesty?"

"Of these creatures? You underestimate me."

"I wouldn't dare."

With a wave of her hand, Antigone and Leo retreated to the edge of the room, whilst Jian Fen strode towards the man behind the letter.

"Mephistopholes. You haven't aged a day."


she pined in thought,
and with a green and yellow melancholy
she sat like patience on a monument,
smiling at grief

The court meeting had not being going on especially long- an hour and a half, at most- but the Ard Tiana all seemed restless. They did not fidget, of course, but it was not difficult to see the impatience humming behind their stony features. Every now and then their internal annoyance would flush towards the surface, and they would make an especially sharp comment, a particularly caustic remark.

"Why were no measures taken?" As always, Ard Tiarna Kapoor was accusing in her tone, her lip twisted as it oft did when she began spewing her criticisms. She was bolder than the others, and for that Ri Clodagh II appreciated her presence among the banshee lords. Honesty, however impertinent, would always be appreciated when the rest of the court consisted mainly of manipulators and liars.

You know why. You know, and yet still you try to place blame. Why am I not surprised? The banshee queen's expression was austere, her voice cool, as she replied. "We cannot force assistance where it is not wanted. We offered the leviathans sanctuary, and they refused. Their pride is what destroyed them, not the hunters."

A long pause, as the lords stared at their queen, and decided whether or not to point out the lack of compassion in the statement. They're stunned. Good. Let them be stunned. Let them learn that I can be cold, when I need to be. Maybe then I won't have to be cruel.

Ard Tiarna Prentiss, with his summery face and silky tongue, smiled as he broke the silence. "Wise words, your highness. May we learn from their mistakes."

The comment roused the others, and by the time the court adjourned, they had enough empty words within them to take their leaves without acting out of character. As they filed out of the room, only Prentiss stayed behind. Clodagh looked at him, gaze steady, perfectly aware of what he was lurking for.

Confirmation. He wants me to say 'yes'. No. He doesn't care what I say, so long as I put a crown on his head.

The recent events had drained her of patience, and, with a polite nod, the Ri left room before the man even had a chance to speak.

The letter had come half an hour later. Sealed in dark wax and signed with a familiar initial.

She'd slept little that night, brooding over the letter, and what it meant.

'It is time'. But time for what?

Flaith Clodagh would not have wanted to know. But Ri Clodagh... well, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know either. In a sense, she was thankful for the lack of slumber, for the dreamworld was where visions roamed rampant, and in the wake of those three, chilling words- Clodagh had no desire to glimpse at what's to come. It is time

It is time. It is time. It is time. It is time. It is ti-

Three months. She had only been on the throne for three months. She had only worn the crown for three months. She had only been Ri Clodagh II for three months.

But there had been shorter reigns, and every monarch started at one minute, one hour, one day.

Three months.

What would Laoise have accomplished in three months?

The banshee stood alone in the elevator. Her instinct assured her that she was not dying today, and banshee had a bit of a knack for foretelling tragedy.

Slipping the key into the lock, Clodagh opened the door, and paused for a brief moment.

Music. I didn't envision the music.

The people were familiar, but unspoken to, for the most part. She knew their faces, and with her abilities, she'd soon likely know their thoughts, feelings, histories. But not yet. They had known her sister and her father. The Ri and the crown-Flaithri. Any insecurities perished behind a mask of calm, and as she stepped into the fray, Clodagh was Ri.

Whether she liked it or not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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V A L E N T I N E 0 L O U P - G A R O T E
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ā€¢ x w e r e w o l f x ā€¢ x l o r dx ā€¢
# 7 9 6 6 5 8 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e
The moons pull finally ebbed and the wolves returned from their homes among the trees to their homes within walls. Lord Valentine Loup-Garote, much preferred his home among the trees, where his skin did not feel too tight, the walls too close, even if the walls were sitting on over forty acres of unmolested land.
He strode up to the castle steps to find his young ward waiting for him. Clothes folded neatly over his arm. The boy was mortal, but he did not fear him in this form. He was a massive beast, gray and black fur clumped together in tufts by old, dried blood, mostly nearly his talon thick fangs. Gold eyes scanned the boy, who was no older than 19, tall and lanky, dressed for the times, looking woefully out of place standing on the stone steps, besides a towering wooden door, of the castle. The beast looked at him and the boy graced him with a warm smile and waved. "Welcome back, Lord Valentine," he said, the boy was Ethan Squire, an American, the accent had been something that the wolf needed to get used to when he was given to him. The Squires had a pact with the wolves for generations and had usually been French, much like the wolf himself, in recent history, wolves began to spread throughout the world, along with the Squire clan. This one, had the, unfortunately, pleasure of being from America and had been raised away from his true roots, his family having died in a horrific massacre that claimed the lives of many of wolf as well.

The beast rose to his hind legs before he allow the Change to fade, and his mortal skin grew over his natural one. Ethan immediately approached him, robe unfolded and already draping over his still sore skin. "Have a good run?" Ethan asked and Valentine, standing tall, tugging the robe more conformably over his shoulders, grunted. "Cool," Ethan said, expecting nothing else but that response and followed behind him as they entered the low lit castle. It was a sprawling estate, having been updated with electricity and Internet for Ethan's sake. Electric sconces lit the hallways that lead to the main hall where to stone stairwells lead up to the second floor one leading left and the other right for their respective wings. "Well, You've got a message from the States," Ethan said, almost too excitedly for Valentine's taste. Valentine cast him a sidelong look, pausing before he reached the stairwell. He knew the boy missed home and while Valentine tried to make him as comfortable as he could, it would never be the same. He couldn't fault him for that, even if the idea of going to that commercialized country irked him to his very core.

"From whom?" Valentine said, his voice still rough from three nights of lack of use, not that it would change much. Ethan patted himself down before finding -apparently the proper pocket with which the letter had been hidden. "Uh Mefah--stah-foo...I have no idea how to say-"
"Mephistopheles," Valentine said sparing the poor boy further embarrassment. "What does he want?"
Ethan shrugged and popped the wax seal open and pulled the letter free. He frowned at the paper and Valentine arched a thick red brow. "Um, I don't know this language." He said and Valentine frowned. "
"I know, You had me learn 14 languages, this is not one of those." He said and handed the letter to Valentine who took it wordlessly. He twitched a frown."Latin."
"Latin, Who speaks Latin?"
"You will, eventually."
Ethan gaped. "I just started to understand Mandarin"
"Then this should be simple, no new characters for you to learn." Ethan dropped his shoulders and sighed and murmured something in Mandarin along the lines of "Why can't I learn something cool like Klingon or Dothraki."
"Neither of actually those exist," Valentine said and Ethan flinched. Admittedly, Valentine's Mandarin was rusty but he knew enough.

"Am I going to have to learn every language in the world or just the ones you know."
Ethan dropped his head in his hand in defeat. "What's the letter say?" Ethan asked Valentine looked it over with a huff. "We are going to America." He said and Ethan frowned, Valentine didn't have to look at him to know
"Alright," Ethan said, obviously dissatisfied with the answer given. Valentine handed him the letter and continued moving.
"Lord Valentine Loup-Garote, It is time. Vegas, 24 hours." Valentine said and Ethan gaped at him. "Vegas? We're going to Vegas, in less than twenty-four hours? It's time for what?"
Valentine didn't answer and Ethan sighed. "Alright, I'll prepare the jet." He said and Ethan was off, and Valentine made his chambers. He was not looking forward to this but he knew what this was about. It wasn't hard to guess, the American Pack had dwindled and the moon wasn't looking very bright for the European Pack either. He knew now that this wasn't an isolated thing. It didn't take much to figure that the other Dark Species were being cut down by those mortals and their Dark Metal as well. He sighed heavily, stroking his beard. What could the demon possibly hope to gain with the Dark Species meeting?

After a plane ride and painfully long car ride, Ethan drove up to the towering Caesar's Palace Hotel and Casino and Valentine grunted. He never bothered with Rome, he couldn't handle the pomp of it all. There were things that he appreciated but it was the people he couldn't stand. "Am I staying outside for this one" Ethan asked as they pulled up to the entrance where a valet waited. Valentine looked at him through the rear-view and thought about this. There were many reasons why Ethan should stay far from this meeting, with half of them wanting to eat a young mortal like him, Valentine would be even more on edge than he already was, however, Ethan served a purpose, squire wasn't just his last name, he was just that, and while the classical meaning was obsolete, he had other duties, alone of them being this god-awful technology he seemed to be obsessed with. Valentine knew nothing and wanted nothing to do with it. However, it ran the world and Ethan was a pro. He had a feeling he would be the only classical-minded one of the bunch. "No, but stay close" He said and he saw Ethan tense. He turned around and he frowned. "Uh, Boss, should I be worried?"
Valentine looked him in the eye. "Yes,"
With no further explanation, Valentine opened the door and stepped out of the car. He stretched, cracking his back, and neck and made his way toward the entrance. A woman approached him but he ignored her. He could smell the concentration of Dark Species and followed his nose. Ethan, however, hung back and listened to what she had to say, Valentine didn't bother to listen, it was Ethan's job to handle these little things. He did, however, wait for Ethan to catch up to him.He lifted his hand before Ethan began to tell him what he was told. "Alright, I'll handle it but the meeting room is-" Valentine looked at him, blankly. "You already know, Okay." Ethan said nodding and they made their way toward the room where a few of them had congregated already. Valentine said nothing as he entered and merely glanced about the room. As far as he could tell the Witchand the Vampire wasn't not hear yet but who knows that could have been killed off for all he knew.He was about to find his seat until his eyes found a red haired woman, a shifter.

Suddenly, his pulse quickened, freezing him in place, Ethan crashed into him but Valentine couldn't move, he couldn't pull his eyes away from her. All sound ceased and was replaced by a ringing in his ears and tunnel vision for nothing but the an wombefore him. He tried to will this away but he knew what this way and couldn't accpet it. He was Imprinting. The thought finally brought him out of it and his sense were heiger then ever. He could sense her now and she was....concerned.
"Boss," Ethan hissed quietly and Valentine blinked, finally able to pull his gaze from the woman. He looked at Ethan, wide eyed. "Are you okay or Should we go?"
"No," Valentine rubbed his face and took his seat, as far away from the woman as he could manage. "One day, I'll learn not to ask you multiple questions at one time.," Ethan murmured standing at his side. Valentine took a deep breath, steading his beating heart. He closed his hands and rested his lips on his finger, looking foward, or more speciafally anywhere the woman was. Now, was not the time for this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

L I V I A 0 A R D E L E A N
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x s h a p e s h i f t e r x ā€¢ x d u c h e s s x ā€¢
# e 6 9 c 7 a x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

A X E L 0 R O S E 0 L E E
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x h u m a n x ā€¢ x h u n t r e s s x ā€¢
# b d a f 9 c x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x f a l l e n x a n g e l x ā€¢ x o v e r l o r d x ā€¢
# 0 0 3 f 5 7 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

Mephistopheles chuckled at the spunk of the red headed shape shifter. Of course, he was apprehensive when he heard of the numerous young leaders that will be brought here today. But this Ardelean might have made him second guess. Perhaps if the newer leaders were like her they had a chance. But he did not hold his breath, not that it mattered. This was as good of an idea as it was bad. Their numbers were decreasing at alarming rates. What was he to do? Plus it wasn't only his own wish, but that of Lucifer's. So, he obeyed without question... Even though he had many doubts.

He spared the feisty shifter a glance before he crossed the penthouse to the dining room. A large ornate glass table with plenty of chairs for them all. But instead of sitting, he went to the bar on the opposite side of the room. He glanced through all the vintages before finding the best bordeaux. He then proceeded to pour glasses for all of the company he was about to have. In most circumstances, alcohol would make things worse but for their advanced metabolism it did little more than water.

"It is an honor to be here, Phaedra Mephistopheles." Mephistopheles turned around to be met by Claudius Kim. He smiled a tight grin, nodding his head while the arrival bowed.

"Thank you for coming, Comitivus Kim," Mephistopheles took a glass by its stem and took it towards the incubus who made himself at home on the piano. He set the crystal ware on the top of the instrument as a silent peace offering. Not that he had an issue with the man or anyone there in particular. But a drink always helps everything. "I do hope this didn't come as an inconvenience. We know how these things can be." He raised his own glass in a slight toast before taking a drink. He was right, the vintage was ideal.

His attention rose to the addition of yet another leader. ā€Good evening.ā€ Mephistopheles watched Blake enter the penthouse and set down his things. ā€A pleasure as always my lord, although I wish the circumstances were more optimistic.ā€

"Don't we all," Mephistopheles responded in a glum fashion. He then gave a friendly smile while nodding towards the drinks. "Do make yourself at home."

Mephistopheles ran the tip of his index finger along the brim of his glance as he propped himself against the piano. He just studied the room. So far no yelling, arguing or distasteful interactions. But the day was young and the biggest feud had not joined them, the wolves and vampires. False pleasantries were only a matter of time but from what he could tell everyone was being mature, that's a surprise.

He did not notice Jian had entered until she was standing before him. "Mephistopheles. You haven't aged a day."

Mephistopheles chuckled as he set down his glass of wine. With a smile, he took her hand and placed a soft kiss of greeting upon her knuckles. "You flatter," he said as he released her hand. "It has been too long madame Fen... How have the years treated you?"

His gaze shifted to the entrance when Clodagh An followed by Valentine Loup-Garote entered. That was a man not known for being personable. So, Mephistopheles was not surprised when the man entered without a word and eventually took a seat. Seven in and four more yet to arrive. He hoped that they did not have the same fate as the late gorgons.


Livia cupped her hands behind her back as she slowly paced about the penthouse. Anton was at her side with every movement. Her heels softly clicked on the extravagant tiled floors as she made her way to the full wall windows that looked out over Sin City. The lights were so bright that it masked every star from the sky. A feeding ground for all of the Dark Species and their last hold. It will a war to shame all wars held here. This will be the war that will end them all or they'll rise up. The thought caused her stomach to turn. She raised her hand to rest it upon her abdomen.

"Ducissa, are you alright?" Anton asked. Livia nodded her head towards him before having her attention drawn to someone approaching. A new face, but then again all faces here were going to be new to her.

"My pleasure, Ducissa Ardelean."

"Claudius Kim... The rumors do you little justice." She smiled to him as he took her hand and placed a kiss upon it. A gentleman, not something she was entirely used to.

"I hope we will work well together in the upcoming blood feuds."

Livia tried to manage her best smile. She didn't want to feud with the humans at all. Risking her species terrified her, not for her life but for theirs. "I just hope for a swift resolution before too much damage is done." She watched him walk away towards the piano. She noticed Mephistopheles pouring wine and she wasted no time in walking over to the bar to get a glass.

After taking a glass, she turned around to glance towards Anton. He simply shook his head. She figured he would not want a drink, wanting to keep his mind clear. As she crossed the room towards him she was met by yet another new face. ā€We havenā€™t been introduced. I am Doctor Blake Kansas, Nightmare and Enforcer for the council. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.ā€

Livia shifted her glass to her left hand so that she could place her right in his and give him a firm but friendly handshake. "Ah, yes. I have heard of you... All good things I assure." She smiled towards him and took a sip of the wine. "I am Livia, Livia Ardelean, Duchess of the rapidly declining Shapeshifters."

After sharing pleasantries, she rejoined Anton. Livia remained quiet and hardly noticed the joining of two more women. She didn't like being here when her species was in such a fragile balance. "They'll be fine, my lady," Anton said almost reading her mind.

She gave a weak smile as she turned to face him. Livia was never good at masking her emotions and her guards learned to read her all too well. When she went to go take another sip of the wine, she froze feeling as though eyes were upon her. Livia heard a distant voice, "Boss." It caused her to pivot on her heels and turn to meet the gaze of a wolfish male. She didn't need her sense of smell or eyes to tell her he was a wolf. Shifters and werewolves have always been sister species and their connection is rooted deeply.

He just stood there, staring at her. She exchanged a glance with Anton and then when she looked back towards the wolf he was sitting at the table. Livia scoffed slightly as she looked back towards her guard. It was like the wolf was directly ignoring her. Her of all the species.

Anton could tell the gears in her mind were steaming. "Ducissa... Don't."

Livia was already on the move. She bee lined straight for the wolf, a catlike smirk grew across her lips. Her stride grew more confident and commanding as she closed the distance. Once beside him, Liv set her glass of wine down before the seat next to him with enough force to get his attention. But she didn't look towards the wolf and instead faced his servant. "I'm Livia Ardelean." She extended her hand towards him with a friendly smile. "Since your master didn't seem inclined to introduce us."

Her gaze slowly drifted towards the wolf again. Her irritation growing at his lack of even looking in her direction. Something about being around this werewolf brought out her inner animal. She quickly became more impulsive. Similar to when two packs are in the same territory, the alphas dig their heels in the ground and bare their teeth as if taunting the other to make a move. But they weren't completely animals.

Livia pulled out the chair beside him and proceeded to sit down. She crossed her long slender legs and finished her glass of wine. With no more patience, she reached out and took his right hand in hers. "I am Livia Ardelean." She gave his hand a firm shake, "And who might you be? Or do you not speak?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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0.00 INK


V A L E N T I N E 0 L O U P - G A R O T E
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x w e r e w o l f x ā€¢ x l o r dx ā€¢
# 7 9 6 6 5 8 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e
Valentine should have known. The moment he began imprinting that the woman he'd imprinting on, would be a spitfire. The shifter came forward, her eyes on him. He didn't have to look at her to know that now. He felt it. Like a lingering shadow at the corner of his eyes, he knew where she was.

Beside him, she set down her glass down and found the most obnoxious way to do it. Valentine rolled his eyes, before sparing her a glance. She was lovely, he had to admit that. The wolf in him stirred but it felt wrong. While he'd lain with plenty of women in his lifetime, he'd felt nothing for them. SO while his wolf wanted nothing more to throw her on the table and mount her then and right, the man wanted to be as far from her as humanly possible.

Her eyes lifted to Ethan, who stood sentry, and wildly out of place amount the Dark Species. Being the only human with the witch not being present, Valentine kept a close eye on this conversation. "I'm Livia Ardelean." She said smiling friendly and offering a hand. Ethan smirked boyishly. "Ethan Squire, Ma'am." He said and taking her hand after she offered. Valentine knew that Ethan was, and for lack of a less offensive word, an 'open minded' lad, when it came to affairs of the heart. He wasn't ashamed of it and neither was Valentine since Valentine cared little for what another person did with their lives so long as it did not affect him. Ethan could love whom and whoever he pleased even if he did find it rather odd when he was first brought to his attention. As far as Valentine could tell, he was attracted to the mind, nor matter the gender said mind belonged to. Thankfully, however, Ethan saw Valentine as a brother or even a father figure so there was no need for Valentine to think much on it. Truthfully, Valentine wasn't sure what he'd have done if Ethan felt some way for him that was not familiar.

Distracted by his thoughts, he nearly missed, Livia as she called herself turned her attention back on him. It was a sudden pressure on his skin. Like a hand, set upon his arm while he slept. Her gaze immediately caught his attention. He almost turned to her but decided no, just in case he wasn't done imprinting and did not want to risk being caught staring at her. He felt something shift in her, and his wolf reacted, causing a low growl to rumble in his chest as she pulled a chair next to him, and sat, crossing her impressively long legs. Valentine rose a copper brow, allowing his eyes to scan the pale appendage. "Yea, The Boss can be a little....ornery, just by default, please don't take it personally." Ethan said, chuckling nervously. She was challenging him and being the Alpha of Alphas, he felt the need to react. She was a woman, a challenge from her would result in later regret. Suddenly, she reached out and took his hand. Valentine was struck for a moment, unable to move for his shock. His skin felt tight, like the Change was upon him and he would turn in a moment. "I am Livia Ardelean." She said, and he had to fight the Change. He hadn't needed to do that since he was a boy. She shook his hand.. "And who might you be? Or do you not speak?" He merely growled at her, snatching his hand away with a sharp snarl. Ethan flinched. "Yes." He said and Ethan slapped his forehead so hard, Valentine worried he might bruise. "The boss likes to answer only one question at a time, usually it's not so apparently but whatever. This is Lord Valentine Loup-Garote, Alpha of Alphas, Lord of the Wolves, and so on, I'm his squire...and voice box most days." Ethan said and Valentine said nothing to confirm of deny this. "For the record, I literally have no idea what's going on right now, like none." He said and again, Valentine said nothing. "Ethan, Wine." He said and Ethan nodded. "Okay, He said, rubbing the back of his head, squinting the way he does when he is unsure of what to do. "I'll get some for myself too because I get the feeling this is gonna be a long night." He said and left valentine alone with Livia. "You can go now, Shifter." He said and wondered if she felt what he did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

C L A U D I U S 0 K I M
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x i n c u b u s x ā€¢ x c h i e f x ā€¢
# D 3 3 D 3 D x ā€¢ x a t t i r e


Claudius was immersing in the melodies that he was playing, but that doesn't mean he didn't pay any attention to his surrounding. Although the chance of encountering any life-threatening dangers is very low, at least for the moment, he still needs to be on guard all the time. That simply how he had always been ever since he taken on the reign over his kin. Throughout the past 700 years of his life, Claudius had mastered many arts, and concealing his emotions almost flawlessly is one of them. The current situation is dire, so losing his composure in the faces of the other leaders is the last thing he wanted to do. While he is not yet a member of the "thousand-years-old" club, he has been around long enough to know just how these big bad boys are. that is not to say Claudius is afraid of them, but underestimating someone and let his pride blinds his judgement is something he will never do.

He glanced outside to the living room briefly to see Alfredo and Cassandra sitting on the fancy sofa, seemingly lost in the own world as well. Since long, they needn't have to be over-protective of their chief, knowing how very well-capable he is in defending himself. The two of them are mates, and along with Aaron, are the only people who had remained by Claudius's side since the day he was still travelling the world. They are only ones in the world who truly understand him and the only ones that he will ever place his trust onto. Claudius continued to let the ten of his fingers slide through the keys of the piano, bringing music across the whole penthouse. Until Mephistopheles approaches with two glasses of wine moments later.

"I do hope this didn't come as an inconvenience. We know how these things can be." The fallen angel said as the glass was placed over the instrument. Of course, Claudius understands the symbolism of this action well, and glad that the man's conscience hadn't changed over times. He stopped playing and picked up the glass, "By no means, Phaedra. I know my tolerance well, and I am certain that I am capable of drinking anyone under the table." He proceeded to make a toast with Mephistophelis and took a sip from the glass, "1961 Bordeaux Vintage, I presume? Your taste is as admirable as ever." Claudius gave a quick compliment before shifting his attention back to the piano and continuing with his melodies.

Soon after, the other leaders have arrived one after one. The first one was Blake Kansas, the Nightmare doctor and an enforcer of sorts among the council of the heads. Out of them all, Claudius ranked him as the one with the highest combat capabilities. His medical expertise is also a valuable facets and not to mention his sharp and fearsome strategy planning. An opponent the hunters should think twice before fighting head-on. But he is not very good in dealing with unexpected components. Having worked with the being a few times prior, Claudius could know as much. He nodded back to the Nightmare as Blake greeted Mephistopheles.

The fourth person to arrive is Jian Fen, the leader of the Sirens. A dangerous woman, if Claudius may say so himself. Aside from having a stunning outlook that can match that of his own kin, her capability to wrap anyone around her finger is not to be underestimated. He has no problem with the nymph though, since the relationship between the Sirens and the Incubi and Succubi had always been well, to say the least, due to many things that the two races have in common. Jian Fen is a woman of no jokes, and Claudius respects that. But he must question whether her pride will one day be her downfall.

Stepping in right after is one, if not, the newest member of this so-called council. Clodagh An - the Lady of the Banshees. Of course, due to her being relatively new, he hadn't had a chance to work with her just yet. Thus, he only knows about her through rumors and the information he gathered. But looking at her, despite Clodagh not showing any signs of insecurities, Claudius couldn't help wondering if she is truly the suitable one to lead her kin, not just by the way her position suddenly weighed on her shoulders. That is yet to be seen, but he hopes that the girl will take on her duties well, as the Banshees are a valuable ally to his kin, and their previous leader was once a close friend of Claudius himself.

And, the latest one to join the meeting up to now is Valentine Loup-Garote, the Lord of the Werewolves. Like the Shapeshifters, his kin is also among one of the most respectable ones, as they are one of the oldest Dark Species on Earth. The man is certainly not the most sociable person around, and definitely not the most cool-headed if he is ticked off. Valentine will be one of the few whom Claudius will try to avoid to work with unless the situation called for. There's no telling whether the werewolf can still retain that stoicism or not when the Vampires turn up. But Claudius will be quick to act should needless violence occur.

Every of the leader is unique in their own ways, and Claudius is well-aware of what each of them are capable of, and what they are not. It is the least he needs to grasp if he wanted things to go as the way he had planned. They need to unite despite their odds, otherwise, they will all vanish from the face of this planet. Simple as that.

Claudius was still concentrating in playing the piano, but something certainly was off by the way Livia and Valentine act. He doesn't need to observe them to point out that much. Every being emits their own unique pheromones, or scent, and that alone is enough to tell a lot about how they are, and their feelings. And the Incubi is the race known to be very perceptive of this. In Livia and Valentine's case, there seems to be somewhat a chemistry of sort that is going on between them, as their pheromones currently are all over the place. Knowing how highly unstable both the Shapeshifter and the Werewolf can be when are ticked off, he couldn't help but hope that nothing too concerning will turn up for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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0.00 INK

#, as written by mjolnir

L I V I A 0 A R D E L E A N
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x s h a p e s h i f t e r x ā€¢ x d u c h e s s x ā€¢
# e 6 9 c 7 a x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

A X E L 0 R O S E 0 L E E
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x h u m a n x ā€¢ x h u n t r e s s x ā€¢
# b d a f 9 c x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ā€¢ x f a l l e n x a n g e l x ā€¢ x o v e r l o r d x ā€¢
# 0 0 3 f 5 7 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

"Ethan Squire, Ma'am," the younger male said as he took her hand. Livia liked the young lad. He didn't seem to be intimidated of her which was a breath of fresh air. Something about her always seemed to make humans keep a distance. Like a pheromone or something, it was like they could tell what she was without her showing even the slightest glance. But Ethan here was used to being around the Dark Species and seemed to fit in quite well. "Yea, The Boss can be a little....ornery, just by default, please don't take it personally."

Livia chuckled, running tip of her index finger along the brim of her emptied wine glass. "Ornery? No..." she mused. She glanced back over her shoulder towards Ethan momentarily, giving him a coy smirk. Liv couldn't help but raise a brow with slight curiosity at the squire's nervous chuckle. Her gaze drifted to Anton who looked equally as uncomfortable.

The wolf alpha growled towards her when she took his hand, attempting to introduce herself. He snatched his hand away with a snarl. Livia scrunched her nose, a soft growl rumbled in her chest as she withdrew her hand. "Yes," was all he said.

"The boss likes to answer only one question at a time, usually it's not so apparent but whatever." Ethan's voice drew her attention away from the wolf. Livia's body didn't shift an inch from her upright and empowering pose, merely her eyes drifted towards the squire. "This is Lord Valentine Loup-Garote, Alpha of Alphas, Lord of the Wolves, and so on, I'm his squire...and voice box most days." She chuckled. Her eyes then squinted as she looked back towards the antisocial Valentine. Her lips parting slightly as she ran her tongue along her teeth. "For the record, I literally have no idea what's going on right now, like none."

"Ethan, Wine."

"A gentleman, gets a woman a drink himself," Livia said with silky sarcasm. Her alpha and predator like nature always seemed to come off animalistic and flirtatious all at once. She reached out her hand to place her fingertips on the base of the wine glass. She slid it to the side as she glanced up at Anton. "Darling, would you mind?"

Anton hesitated. He cleared his throat and stepped forward to take the glass. He gave her an apprehensive glance while nodding his head towards Valentine.

"Go on," Livia nodded her head towards him. "I can handle the big bad wolf."

Anton reluctantly took the glass and made his way towards the wine. After he was gone, Valentine remained unchanging. "You can go now, Shifter."

Livia's hands clawed at the armrest of the chair as her body tensed. Her upper lip pulled back as a snarl escaped her mouth. But unlike Valentine's her sounded more like a lion not a wolf. Livia leaned forward in her seat so that she was closer to him. "Is there something festering in your rectum?" Livia snapped at him, her eyes flashing yellow briefly as her body fought for control, wanting her to change. Her voice was no more than a whisper but sharper than talons. "Do not treat me as if I am inferior, wolf... I've earned my place here, as much as you have."

Her gaze did not waver from him as she slowly moved away. Livia let herself lean back in her seat. After a long moment she looked down at her hands in her lap, her fingers placing with the pleats in her skirt. Although she may have looked calm, her chest heaved as she breathed deeply trying to keep herself from shifting. When Anton returned with her wine, she snatched the glass out of his hand and downed it in one drink. "What's your problem with Shifters?" Livia asked, this time not sparing Valentine a glance but her question no doubt was intended for him.


Mephistopheles remained quiet and observant near the piano. They had all barely been there, but the wolf and shifter were already at eat other. No they were not fighting but everything about their movements seemed like a challenge. It was always difficult to tell if it was primal, predatory or a mating ritual. The animals always seemed angry and it all blended in his mind as to the meaning behind it all. He just hoped that it didn't lead to premature conflict.

After awhile of no more entrances, Mephistopheles cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentleman, time is precious and we cannot afford to waste more of it waiting for other leaders who may not show." He motioned his hand to the large dining room table. He strolled into the room, sipping from his glass of wine. "Let us hope that they are simply tardy and did not fall victim to the hunters."

He pulled out the chair at the head of the table. Mephistopheles set down his wine glass and unbuttoned his blazer. He then took a seat, resting his hands on the table before him. "I do not know if you have heard word or not, for it has happened recently... But the Gorgons have fallen." He scratched at his stubble before continuing. "I fear that Medusa's invitation might have fallen into the hands of a hunter. I do not know for certain, but the timelines do coincide." He pinched the stem of his wine glass and began slowly spinning it on the table. "Your things are currently being transferred to a facility of my own on the outskirts of the city. I've also sent the navigation to all of your mobile devices incase something were to happen during this meeting."

Mephistopheles leaned back in his chair, adjusting his tie. "That being said, I find it be best to get this underway so that we do not have to linger here long enough to be sought out." His gaze shifted between every member that has arrived. "We all know why we're here... We all can no longer afford to fight these battles on our own. If we do not come together, then it will be all of our undoing."

He motioned his hand and Nazeer stepped forward setting down some paper and a fountain pen on the table before him. Mephistopheles rubbed his temples with a sigh. "Before this meeting spirals into chaos and bickering amongst ourselves... I'd at least like to make count of our numbers. So... How many of each of your species are there left?"

Livia didn't want to look up but she could feel Mephistopheles gaze on her. "I know you know. Why else would you look to me first?"

"I apologize Miss Ardelean... But I need a number."

Her fingers drummed on the armrest of the chair as she pursed her lips. Livia tried to keep her calm but inside her heart was fighting to break through her ribcage. It was like giving breath to the truth made it feel all too real. She didn't want to dignify it by speaking it. She moved her hands to her lap when they began to tremble. Livia didn't want to look weak or frightened in front of the other leaders. She didn't want to be seen as a bad leader. Liv has been doing everything she can to try to keep the Shifters alive. "For the love of God..." She began to bounce her crossed leg as she clenched her jaw. "... One hundred... Maybe One hundred and fifty if you include elderly, or recently matured."

Livia's gaze was fixed on her hands. She focused on her breathing as she tried not to get too upset. She wanted to cry, scream and more than anything her inner beast was banging at the cage, fighting to get out.

Mephistopheles nodded his head towards Livia, then wrote down what she said. He then looked up expectantly as he waited. "Look... I know that giving me a number makes this all too real. But, we all need to know where we stand. For the fallen angels we have 20, maybe... And that's including Lucifer himself." He gave a sighed as he marked down his own species then took a drink of wine. Unfortunate that alcohol did nothing for him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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B L A K E 0 K A N S A S
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ā€¢ x n i g h t m a r e x ā€¢ x d o c t o r x ā€¢
# 0 3 3 3 C 2 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e

Having introduced himself to the new head of the Shapeshifters, Blake felt no reason to continue a conversation with anyone else in the room. He made his way over to the bar, pouring himself a couple fingers of whiskey in a short glass. He held it up to his nose, taking a whiff, and using that moment to enjoy the subtle amounts of fear cascading around the room. It was true, Nightmares got a more filling meal out of the fear of humans, but all fear could be feasted upon should they so choose. He turned back around, glancing at everyone as he took a sip from his drink. Out of all of them, the only one who wasnā€™t exuding some sense of proverbial dread was Mephistopheles himself, and most likely due to his incredibly hard to kill nature. Out of all of them, he was probably the hardest to actually stick in the ground and keep him there, but even Fallen Angels could be killed if the situation was right.

Naturally Blake didnā€™t feel any sense of fear, at least not in the traditional sense. He didnā€™t get scared, or to put it into a more understandable sense, he couldnā€™t be scared. He was fear incarnate, so he knew what the feeling was and fed upon it over the countless centuries, but had never once felt it organically. That was somewhat of a problem, considering that this meeting was based upon that very emotion. Deny it all they want, but survival was very much in tune with being afraid for oneā€™s own life. Everyone put up a front, pretended that nothing bothered them, that didnā€™t work when Blake was akin to an empath with a particular sensitivity.

Everyone went about their own thing as a few more members of the council showed up. Unfortunately it seemed that a number of them were late, including most of Blakeā€™s demon brethren. This did not bode well for the meeting, but there would be a time for dealing with that later. For now, he was more interested in Duchess Ardeleanā€™s attempts to get under the Wolf Kingā€™s skin. There was a saying about playing with fire, and honestly he would like it if she didnā€™t provoke an attack out of the wolf that would require Blakeā€™s interference. Kim continued playing softly on the piano, and Mephistopheles continued making small conversation with everyone. So far, so good.

It didnā€™t seem like much time had passed before Meph decided to step up the meeting and start moving towards the topics at hand. Blake grabbed the bottle of whiskey before making his way to the seat. This way when he wanted a refresher he wouldnā€™t be interrupting anyone. As Meph started by saying all their things were being moved to a facility of Mephā€™s outside the city limits, Blake couldnā€™t help but feel some relief in knowing his things werenā€™t checked in and instead were sitting at a safehouse of his own. He didnā€™t expect Mephistopheles to betray them or steal their things, but it was a pet peeve of Blakeā€™s when people touched his stuff without permission.

It was then the Lord started pushing for numbers before things eventually devolved into a shouting match over who had what power and how they would use it to shut everyone else up. Surprisingly, he went after the new head of the Shapeshifters first, a bold move to put the leader with everything to prove in the driving seat so early. Naturally, the fear in her heart doubled as Blake felt its presence, but refused to feed on it out of courtesy rather than anything else. He doubted she would have even noticed had he done so anyways, but he would have known. When she gave her answer, with a max of one hundred and fifty wicked souls, Blake had to admit that he didnā€™t think the situation had become that dire. These were creatures who could blend in anywhere yet, just like the rest of them, they were being cornered and put down like rabid dogs.

Once that part was stated, Mephistopheles piped up with his own numbers, which were not surprising in the slightest. Fallen angels were rare creatures prone to bouts of obnoxious arrogance and literal sense of invincibility. They were tough to take down, not unkillable, and many of them forgot that. Without the ability to reproduce naturally, their numbers would constantly decline unless an influx from Hell or Heaven produced a sizable chunk. Blake gave a sigh and opened his briefcase. Inside was an assault rifle, or better put, pieces of an assault rifle in which he could put together in a few seconds should the situation warrant it. Aside from that, documents lined the top side, which Blake took out and closed the lid on his suitcase once more. He shuffled them in his hands for a moment, taking a second to collect his thoughts on the matter.

It was an odd thing for him, considering he was expected to keep an eye on the Nightmare population but he wasnā€™t their leader nor any kind of figurehead for them save a council member. Nightmares, by their very nature, couldnā€™t stay around each for long. Unlike other species who could share food and living space, Nightmares fed on the intangible, which either went one hundred percent to one of them, or zero percent to all of them. Their feeding habits started the isolationist way of life, and everything else widened the gap between all of them. Nightmares were solo hunters, creatures of the night who played on peopleā€™s frightened emotional state and were good at it too. They rarely, if ever had reason to get together with one another.

ā€œBy my last count, there are at least thirty nightmares still active around the world, but this information is dated by about three months. Also, I should note that a number of us have gone to ground and are no longer answering my calls. Honestly, the number could be anywhere between twenty and sixty by this point, but I canā€™t know for sure how many there are without some way to convene a moot with them.ā€ Blake finally answered, placing his documents closer to Mephistopheles if he wished to view them himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Livia Ardelean Character Portrait: Claudius Kim Character Portrait: Jian Fen Character Portrait: Mephistopheles Character Portrait: Blake Kansas Character Portrait: Valentine Loup-Garote
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V A L E N T I N E 0 L O U P - G A R O T E
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ā€¢ x w e r e w o l f x ā€¢ x l o r dx ā€¢
# 7 9 6 6 5 8 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e
Valentine watched as the woman, Livia, grew irate. He merely watched her out of the corner of his eye. She snarled like a hungry lion.
"Is there something festering in your rectum?" Valentine almost laughed at that. This would be the type of woman he would imprint on. One that would drive him right up a wall. He almost laughed. Almost. Her eyes flashed and that caused him to turn his head in her direction. "Do not treat me as if I am inferior, wolf... I've earned my place here, as much as you have." She hissed and Valentine arched a dark red brow. She thought this had to do with her race. He was not so petty, but it was better that she think that then anything else... She sat back down in her seat, and he could feel the heat radiating from her. Her attendant returned with her wine just as Ethan returned with his and the woman drank hers in a single gulp. That was impressive.
"What's your problem with Shifters?" She said without looking at him. Valentine couldnā€™t resist the retort. "Who said anything about Shifters?"
It was then the Mephistopheles began to speak.
"Ladies and gentleman, time is precious and we cannot afford to waste more of it waiting for other leaders who may not show." He began and Valentine glanced around, there were quite a few missing from the last meeting, there were no vampires, thank Selene, no fae, nor witches. He thought the witches would have survived the longest since they were practically human but then again, they didn't have the best track record for anonymity. "Let us hope that they are simply tardy and did not fall victim to the hunters." He said and Valentine merely grunted.
Mephistopheles took a seat. "I do not know if you have heard word or not, for it has happened recently... But the Gorgons have fallen." He said and Valentine narrowed his eyes. "I fear that Medusa's invitation might have fallen into the hands of a hunter. I do not know for certain, but the timelines do coincide." He said and Valentine felt Ethan stiffened. The kid knew very little about their world, s this was all probably overwhelming. "Your things are currently being transferred to a facility of my own on the outskirts of the city. I've also sent the navigation to all of your mobile devices in case something were to happen during this meeting." He said and Ethan leaned down. "Is that okay, Boss?"
Valentine nodded.
"That being said, I find it be best to get this underway so that we do not have to linger here long enough to be sought out." He said and Valentine sighed. He didn't like admitting his limited numbers but he knew that was coming. "We all know why we're here... We all can no longer afford to fight these battles on our own. If we do not come together, then it will be all of our undoing."

"Before this meeting spirals into chaos and bickering amongst ourselves... I'd at least like to make count of our numbers. So... How many of each of your species are there left?" His eyes lingered on the woman next to him.
"I know you know. Why else would you look to me first?" She said bitterly.

"I apologize Miss Ardelean... But I need a number." He said and Valentine felt the urge to growl at the Fallen for upsetting her. The irony of that was not lost on him, but that was the imprinting at work. He could piss her off all he wanted because he knew he meant her no real harm, but anyone else was at risk of losing their throats.
"... One hundred... Maybe One hundred and fifty if you include elderly, or recently matured." She admitted and that wasn't bad considering. Was he going to tell her this? Absolutely not.
"Look... I know that giving me a number makes this all too real. But, we all need to know where we stand. For the fallen angels we have 20, maybe... And that's including Lucifer himself." The Fallen said and Valentine frowned. He couldn't say he was surprised, The Fallen weren't exactly humanity's favorite since the birth of Christianity, they probably sought them first out of religious duty.
It was then that the Nightmare spoke up, Valentine wasn't entirely sure what the Nightmare even was, but he didn't care enough to question it.
ā€œBy my last count, there are at least thirty nightmares still active around the world, but this information is dated by about three months. Also, I should note that a number of us have gone to ground and are no longer answering my calls. Honestly, the number could be anywhere between twenty and sixty by this point, but I canā€™t know for sure how many there are without some way to convene a moot with them.ā€
He said and Valentine decided it was his turn to speak up. Resting his chin on his crossed fingers, he grunted.

"The European Pack stands at about one hundred, I've yet to check in with American Pack, but at last notice, they were at about forty to fifty, but that could be higher or lower now," he said and he heard Ethan suck in a breath behind him. He didn't know how bad the numbers were, before the boy could speak, a cloud of smoke plumed up just behind Mephistopheles. Valentine pinched the bridge of his nose. The witch had arrived.


[font=times]T I T U B A 0 L A V A E U

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ā€¢ x w i t c h x ā€¢ x q u e e n x ā€¢
# 7 c 1 7 3 7 x ā€¢ x a t t i r e
"Starting the party without me, Mephy?" called a loud voice from the smoke, thick in its English accent. "That's terrible rude." The smoke cleared and a dark skin woman appeared from within. Her dark hair would pulled tight behind her head, she wore a gold dress that huge tight against her skin that looked much more like a body suit had it not been for flowing train behind her. "Funniest thing, I got a letter to come here, but it was only after my things vanished from my home in New Orleans?" She said, placing her hands on Mephistopheles' shoulders. "The artifacts in my home are awful dangerous and even more fragile," she told him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Get with the times, Mephy, Call me, you have my number, I can see sending Garote a letter, he doesn't know fuck about the new world. Hello, Darling." She said and gave Valentine a finger wave, he merely grunted. Her eyes went to the boy and she smiled. "Ah, Look at that, a new mortal pet, Hello Love, I am Tituba, yes, the Tituba, a pleasure," She said and held out her hand for him to kiss. The boy looked at her then his master and Tituba laughed. Valentine merely nodded and the boy approached her and kissed her knuckles. "This was is cuter then that last, Well done, Valentine." She said and looked around the room. "Claudius, My Love, How have you been? Jian, Clodagh, it's been too long. We need a girl's day. Blake, Darling, You look well." She said and then turned to the others. and took a seat at the end of the table, opposite Mephistopheles. "So What did I miss?" She asked as if this was merely a reunion and not a meeting to discuss the fate of their kind.
