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Ivory "Snow White" Rose

"I'm feeling generous today so I'll give you seven choices of how you can die,"

0 · 369 views · located in Fairy Woods

a character in “Dark Tale”, as played by Orbweaver



Alias: Snow White
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Basic Appearance: There's a reason she's often referred to as the fairest in the land, her skin is incredibly pale, her long black hair often lies across her face, covering her eyes but occasionally she'll tie it back with a ribbon. Ivory is very fond of elegant dresses and is often found wearing one of pure white or blood red.
Personality: Ivory is rather apathetic, she doesn't care what is right or wrong or who lives or dies as long as she can get some amusement out of what she does. Often she can be seen as quite seductive or flirtatious, not that she realises this, whether you're a man or a woman she doesn't care as far as romance is involved, as long as you provide her with a challenge. Ivory is most usually seen sitting in a makeshift throne while her underlings do all the dirty work, this is not to say she is lazy or bad at fight however, it's rather that she has most likely left her involvement to a flip of the coin or a roll of the dice. In her mind she answers to no one and has no fear of dying, all she really cares about is finding something to entertain her. While she spends most of her time around the seven, when she has a moment to herself she can be found gazing blankly into a hand mirror, seemingly unaware of everything around her.
Likes: Apples, Compliments, Causing others pain, A good challenge, Bargins and deals, Being needed.
Dislikes: Always being bored, Meat, Emothions, Not getting what she wants, The thought of being replaced.
Psychological Disorder(s): Ivory is a vegetarian and will completely lose her cool if someone eats meat near her or even mentions it around her, she gets so worked up about it that she will not hesitate to kill someone who dares to eat meat while in her prescense. She also tends to go into trance while looking into mirrors.
Background: Rumour has it that once, long ago, hidden in the folds of Ivory's past, she had a sister and went by the name of Snow White. Her sister's name was Rose Red. The two lived with their father and would happily spend hours outside together, playing with the woodland animals and picking wildflowers. However, that all changed when their father remarried. Their new stepmother was a vain woman and wanted her husbands attention all to herself, it didn't help that Snow White and Rose Red were growing up to become beautiful young girls. One night the two young girls heard their parents arguing about them, their stepmother wanted their father to choose between her and his daughters. They never ended up hearing what their father chose. The next day the two girls went out into the woods again to play, they thought that maybe a bouquet of flowers would help sweeten their stepmother's temper, however, it soon began to rain, forcing the two to race home again, only, Snow white got lost along the way. By the time she got home it was too late for her to do anything, as she opened the door she saw her stepmother standing over the body of Rose Red, wildflowers scattered everywhere and a crazed look in her eye, Snow White's father had chosen his daughters so the vain woman had killed him. Rage overcame Snow White at that moment and she attacked her stepmother visciously, when she came to the woman was lying at her feet, lifeless. Rose Red hadn't died in their stepmother's initial attack but her wounds were too great for her to recover so withtears in her eyes, Snow White ended the life of her sister. Her mind snapped, she would no longer feel emotion or remorse, she would be the perfect killer. Running away blindly from the house she changed her name to Ivory Rose and wandered around untill she was picked up by a group of murderers known as The Seven, no doubt she would have met her end then if she hadn't killed the leader. Since then she has stayed with the group as their new leader, constantly searching for something to lift the numbness that encases her mind.
Partner: Wherever you find her, you'll find the Seven, her band of murderers and thieves.
Current Story: Ivory is traveling, constantly on the look out for something that will give her a thrill, she's unsure whether she wants to get involved with the White Order or the Dark Court but is interested in the conflict rising between the two factions, whether she picks a side or not could all depend on a coin toss, or what each side has to offer.
Weaponry: Ivory doesn't feel that she needs weapons to be dangerous as she is excellent at hand to hand combat, however, she has realised that certain situations require the need for weaponry so often conceals a long knife in her clothing and always carries a ribbon with her incase the need for a silent death is needed.
Powers Ivory can tele-empathically comunicate with most living creatures and even control some of the more weaker willed beings, however, she very rarely does this becuase being inside another persons mind means she has to feel what they feel and she despises emotions. She can also enter a berserk mode as a last resort which gives her hightened speed, strength and agility, however, she has no control over when or if this will happen and can never remember it afterwards.

So begins...

Ivory "Snow White" Rose's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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Ivory/Snow White

The Tipsy Fairy Pub

She stood out, she was aware of that, clearly a pub wasn't a place that you usually found a woman in elegant attire, but she wasn't bothered, she knew that there would of been staring regardless of what she wore, there certainly weren't a lot of women that had her looks, her beauty.

"Let them stare," she thought, quite content to sit in the corner, stroking the hand mirror that she had placed in her lap.

She couldn't imagine what had posessed her to go to a place such as The Tipsy Fairy today but she supposed that any time away the Seven would be good, at times she felt like she wasn't their leader but rather their...mother if she dared to use the cursed word. At least there seemed to be a lot of interesting people in the place, she had noted the merceneries by the bar as she came in, perhaps they would provide a challenge if there was a bar fight, she hoped there would be one.

"They certainly wouldn't expect me to be a threat," she muttered to herself in a bored tone, examining the pale skin of her arm which almost seemed to glow in the darkness of the corner.

She smiled as a man in a long sleeved jacket entered the pub and made his way to a table at the back, there was something about the way he moved that piqued her interest.

"Something tells me that you're not at all what you seem," she whispered, taking a sip from her drink as she continued to watch him.

Perhaps things were going to get exciting after all. Especially if she fanned the flames of chaos a little, then she'd be able to tell if he was worth the challenge. But for now she would wait and see what happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
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Rebellion HQ

Red fumbled to stow her book as the bear entered and changed form. As far as she knew, no one knew about her little indulgence, and she wanted it to stay that way. If people knew she was reading a ...romance novel, while there was work to be done, she would lose their respect. "It's fine if you couldn't get anything today, Bebe. Lexi. Bebe." Red rolled her eyes under her hood. It was so annoying to keep track of the aliases that her friend kept, and she gave up trying. Bebe it would be, at least as far as she was concerned. It was the first nickname she had come up for her friend's original name, after all. "Pearl, you say? I'll be sure to check in with her after our meeting at the Tipsy Fairy." Red then dug in her desk and brought out a bandage, tossing it to Bebe. "If you want to join me, be sure to disguise yourself, and stagger your movements from mine. If anyone recognizes you, me or both of us, we could blow each other's cover." She didn't need to state the obvious underlying consequence if that happened. With that, Red snatched up Graban, her trusty sword, and gave it a few test swings before stowing it in her magical picnic basket. She hoped she wouldn't need it, though. She also slipped off her easily-remembered red cloak, stowing it in the basket as well, and revealing the tight-fitting black clothes that she wore underneath. It would have to do. She didn't want to be late, after all.

The Tipsy Fairy Pub, Brogdin

Making her way through the town, Red weaved in and out of the crowd. Without her trademark cloak, others would be hard pressed to recognize her. Even amoung the Order, rarely had anyone seen her face. And if someone who did not know her looked at her, they would see a cute, but not attractive persay, young - almost child-like - woman with blonde hair walking innocently through town with a picnic basket. As she neared the pub, Red ducked into an alley, sweeping out her cloak and immediately activating its special ability.

It was like this that she quietly padded into the bar, surveying what was before her. Due to the effect of her cloak, for the most part, her entrance would have been quite inconspicuous. She noticed three people in particular: a cat, a hooded man, and a woman. She canceled the ability, taking a seat. To those watching, it would have seemed as though she had been there the whole time. It also added a bit of dramatic effect, which probably wasn't a bad thing. While her identity would be fairly obvious, Red decided to throw out the code phrase mentioned in the invitations. "The forest has been lovely as of late, no?" She watched for reactions with eyes that matched her cloak, the only visible part of her face. However, she was also wary, being out in 'enemy territory', and kept a hand near the basket on her lap, ready to draw Graban if necessary. However, that would mean the mission was a complete failure, and she would have to book it out. And that would be the worst outcome, the last resort.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
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0.00 INK

Rebellion HQ

Lexi smiled at Red. "Thanks. I'll go in human form, though I won't be with you. I'll stay somewhere else in the Pub." Shoving her sword in her scabbard, Lexi swung a black cloak over herself, completely hiding her face. "I'll follow you to the Pub, but try not to be aware of me." She walked to the door and held it open for Red.


Lexi followed Red down the streets, staying back a good distance. Being seen with each other would mean death and the end of the Rebellion; all hell would break loose if that happened. As Red ducked into an alley, Lexi did not stop but instead swept on into the Pub. Sitting at the counter, she ignored the bartender and leaned against the counter, watching. The counter was a good vantage point; Lexi could see every part of the Pub. Before Lexi knew it, Red was in the Pub. She had never really gotten used to Red's ability.

Red sat at a table where a cat, a hooded man, and a woman were sitting. Lexi leaned forward slightly, trying to hear their conversation. Realizing that her behavior seemed suspicious, she turned around and signaled to the bartender. The bartender ignored her. Lexi shrugged. She really didn't need alcohol racing through her anyway, and she would have an excuse if anyone asked why she wasn't having anything. Though Red's voice was faint, she could hear her words. "The forest has been lovely of late, no?" Lexi snorted to herself. What a choice of words. With the witch's reign, everything had lost its value. Nothing could really be described as 'lovely' anymore.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
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Ivory/Snow White

The Tipsy Fairy Pub

Ivory raised an eyebrow, things seemed to be getting more and more interesting by the second. A cat had just entered the pub and made his way to where the other curious man was seated, he was soon followed by a young woman carrying a picnic basket.

"It seems that there was a party and nobody invited me," she said quietly, coldly watching the group, "Red certainly does suit her I must say."

The woman seemed on edge and overly fond of her picnic basket in Ivory's opinion, it certainly didn't seem like a casual meeting. Sadly she couldn't hear what the group was saying and this was causing her to lose interest. Narrowing her eyes she rearranged the folds of the purple gown she wore, while not one of the colours she would usually choose to wear, she had to admit that it did look nice against her skin and hair and it was such a beautiful gown.

"Now what have we here?" thought Ivory as she turned her icy gaze to a girl at the bar, "My my, it seems I came to the right place to find interesting things today."

She wondered if the girl could feel her staring. This place really was a little dull, perhaps these colourful characters would help to liven it up a little. All it would take was a few well chosen words to the right people and the place would no longer be a dingy pub but rather the arena for a battle royale. She shivered in anticipation, such a display would give her the chance to see what all these people were capable of, she was particularly interested to see what the woman in red could do. But perhaps she would give them a little more time before starting the chaos, after all, it did appear that the odd group was discussing something very important.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots Character Portrait: Hansel
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An Grey-haired, old woman strolled clenched her cloak as the breeze blew strongly, almost as if it was against her. A weaved basket was tucked nicely in a hand filled with cakes from the bakery. Her grandchildren were waiting for her return so they could fill their stomachs with all these delicious goods. She passed few people, most were hurrying back to their homes. So when she saw a couple, standing around as if it they had nothing but time in their hands. A young man and lady. They might have been married, at least that's what she thought before the lady murmured 'brother.'

She passed them, greeting them with an odd look of both confusion and disgust on her heavy wrinkled face. She should hurried herself, refusing to contact them. Strange people, plain strange.

While her dark purple hood covered her hazel eyes, Gretel could see the old woman's treats as clear as day. A scowl on her lovely face, she twitched her nose in disgust, the smell of baked goods reminded her too much of that fateful incident. If not, it would just remind her of the blood and meat of young children in that god damn witch's food. Not a single crumb, not a single bite of treats will ever come into her mouth. Her slender body leaned against Hansel, her head rested on his shoulder as she affectionately placed her pale lips upon it. "We should go soon." Gretel spoke softly, her fingers trailing his chest, "They'll be waiting for us."

Receiving an invitation from 'Red' to attend some sort of meeting at the Tipsy Fairy Pub. Instead of looking for information, they had to go meet up with who knows what. "Come." Gretel moved her fingers to hold Hansel's, gripping it as she moved away. But leave him, never. Hand-in-hand, they approached the Tipsy Fairy Pub. With her free hand, she lifted her hood to reveal her lovely yet sullen face with a milkmaid braid in her hair. She noticed the eponymous red cloak over everything around. "I spot her." She moved carefully along the pub until she reached Red, a cat, the hooded man and a woman she had never seen before.

"The forest has been lovely as of late." Gretel spoke, taking a stool to share with Hansel. There were few remaining and she didn't mind to help. Sitting on his lap, her arms wrapped itself around his pretty neck as she spoke out the other code just in case she missed anything, "Is that so? The howling has kept me away."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
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A sudden burst of giggling was heard. Lexi turned and frowned. Wha was so funny, at this point of time? She turned to see a hooded man rocking back and forth with laughter. Lexi pressed her lips together, willing herself not to go over and yell at the man.

Although, Lexi could hardly blame him. Since the witch, Lexi had found little funny. It was as if er sense of humor had disappeared altogether with her beloved Queen. Any little hint of laughter would set Lexi's teeth on edge, a small giggle would make her feel like exploding. In her mind, laughter was only meant for the other side, and it was forbidden within the Rebellion.

Lexi found the hooded man very intriguing. She closed her eyes and listened intently. This one is different, perhaps he will be vital in the uprising.

Shaking her head, Lexi reminded herself not to be too confident. Confidence is good, but we have no knowledge that it will work. But is this too pessimistic? Lexi toyed with the idea, liking the catch-22. Catch-22... Lexi had always liked puzzles. Her mind was constantly alert, and keeping it busy was the best way to ward off sleep that would not, and never would, come to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
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Red's eyes flashed simultaneously with anger and fear for a split second before she calmed herself down. "Indeed, my were a bit hasty in your comment. Be glad that I have a modicum of trust in those who received my invitations. Watch your mouth unless you want us all to die." She laid back in her seat a bit, still ready to move or grab her sword if necessary. "But I digress. Your name, if you please? We can get to business in a less public place." These were all directed at the cat.

With that, she turned to the hooded man, meeting his red eyes with her own. The light flashed across her face for a moment, revealing a dangerous, predatory grin on a fairly childish face. It would have been an unsettling sight to most. "And you, sir. You seem like an interesting person. You are correct. We could've been in trouble. If indeed you were an assassin from the queen. But, as I said. Anyone who received an invitation has more reason to side with us than her." As her hood covered her face again, the amused yet warning tone continued from the darkness where her face was. "Though you seem like a bright fellow. So I'd assume if you were an assassin, you wouldn't have blown your cover. Thus, I am inclined to believe you are not. Now...regarding the second part of that statement..." She gave a small laugh, and nodded towards the door. "You would also know that if you tried to leave, or harm me, you would not complete either alive. Or complete them at all, rather. But enough with the threats. It seems we have started off on the wrong foot. Your name as well, my hooded friend?"

Then, she faced the couple...or so it seemed..that was sitting nearby. "Ah, is that so? My friends here were also scared off by the howling. Care to join us?" She spoke with a friendly, casual tone of voice, in order to at least attempt to keep everything inconspicuous.

Finally, as she waved at the couple, she moved her fingers ever so slightly. It was a signal that Bebe/Lexi would hopefully understand. It said that if everything went wrong, they should both get out. Red would silently follow any troublemakers, but Bebe should get back to base. Red's priority was to keep everything secret over everything, and because this was her idea, it was her firm belief that she should handle any problems that arose.

Red kept an eye on the woman just a few tables away. She seemed like potential trouble, and hadn't approached them, leaving room for doubt if she was an ally.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Princess Pearl (Pearl) the little mermaid
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Ivory/Snow White

The Tipsy Fary Pub/ Streets of Brogdin

Ivory was getting bored. The little group in the back of the pub had been joined by a couple that seemed to be brother and sister. Certainly, this odd assortment of people were interesting enough but they all seemed to be very involved with their talk and didn't look like they would finish any time soon. She knew that she probably would never get the chance to see all these people in action again if she didn't start a brawl now but the prospect of having to wait any longer in this dull pub really was a dreary prospect. She decided then to settle the decision the same way she settled everything, with a toss of the coin.

"Heads, I leave in search of greener pastures," she whispered to herself, "Tails I stay to incite chaos among the cattle."

Counting to three she flipped the coin, it almost seemed to spin in slow motion in and oddly elegant way before landing in her outstretched palm.

"Hmm, heads," she murmered, standing up, "Lets see what I can find amongst these merry streets."

With one last look at the curious group she left the pub, if she ever had to be confined by its four walls again it would most likely be too soon but then again, she never knew what the coin would decide. Silently she walked through the streets, hoping for something to catch her eye untill she happened upon a flower store. She loved flowers, they reminded her of a time where things had been happier, simpler. A time where Rose had still been alive.

"Rose," breathed Ivory, glancing at the mirror in her hand.

She knew that all the members of Seven thought she was vain because she spent so much time looking in the mirror but nothing was further from the truth. THe reason she really looked at the mirror was because sometimes, if she stared long and hard enough then occasionally she could catch a glimpse of her sister, fair haired and beautiful, the opposite of Ivory.

"Now is not the time to be thinking of that," thought Ivory, striding towards the flower store.

Gracefully she opened the door and swept inside, gazing at a bunch of lillies before turning to look at the shopkeeper, there was something strangely familiar about her. She reminded her of someone she knew from a long time ago.

"Pearl?" asked Ivory uncertainly, "Well now, I must say that this is a suprise. Dry land is the last place I expected to find you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
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Gretel left a trail of butterfly kisses on her brother's neck, fingers played along his chest. Her free hand grabbed hold of his lighter, flicking it open and lighting a flame. Her hazel eyes lit up in amusement as a curved, almost twisted smile slowly appeared on her face.

"Beautiful, isn't?" Gretel mumbled against Hansel's skin, playing with the flame from across his neck. How enticing was the flame in its glory? Too much too compare. Keeping it small enough to be consider simple, such a challenge. All she wanted to do was let out a big ball and hurl it at someone. Maybe at that girl who kept giving them the eye.

Red called them over and her eyes snapped at her. "Of course, we'd love to." Her voice was clear yet soft, friendly even. Unlike her brother, Gretel was one to make friends. No, they weren't friends. They were merely tools and stepping stones to defeat Matilda, and the Queen to a lesser extent. Once they were done, she'd leave them or kill them. It would all depend on the outcome.

She tugged Hansel's collar lightly, leaning over his ear before whispering, "They may know more than we. I'd like to hear what they say." It was an unusual sight to see, Gretel whispering words barely audible into her brother's cool ear and leaving him a kiss behind. She caught a good whiff of his delightful odor, the mild scent of their victims' blood in honey and dew.

"You smell wonderful." She inhaled the smell once more, placing a hand on his that laid on her waist. Pulling themselves apart killed her softly but they should move. They had to move closer. Together, they pulled it closer and she plopped right down on his lap one again.

They could all stare but she'd have their remains guttered. A hand began to stroke her brother chin and jaw affectionately as another flicked his lighter. "Why not discuss over a drink?" She could feel the tension between everyone, how the cat almost blew their cover. A woman left, she kept looking at them as if she was contemplating something. Gretel was contemplating how to kill her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Princess Pearl (Pearl) the little mermaid
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0.00 INK

Ivory/Snow White

Daisy's Flower Shop

Ivory looked at the old man tending the flowers, surely he was joking, if she remembered correctly, Pearl had abeautiful voice. Sadly, the man's words were proven to be true as Pearl handed her a note.

"Oh dear," said Ivory, concern not quite reaching her voice, "Whatever happened to you?"

She didn't really care but she was curious as to why the mermain now had legs and she had a feeling there would be a fascinating story behind the loss of her voice.

"Perhaps if you'd be allowed a break then you could tell me all about it," she said, "I remember that the last time we met turned out to be a very interesting occasion, perhaps it was fate that we met again."

Surely such a meeting as this was a sign that things would soon be heating up. If the mermaid was on land then chances were that she had some sort of dark agenda in mind and Ivory would only be too happy to help, she could almost see the murder in Pearl's eyes or rather, she could imagine it.

"Seven could use the workout," she thought bitterly.

It had been a while since the band of murderers had had a serious job, with luck, Pearl would provide the perfect opportunity for one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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#, as written by Wraith
Aurora was almost amused. For yet another long moment on her walk that evening, the steady golden gaze of the woman remained level on eyes that met hers with varying degrees of hostility, envy or lust as she passed by. It was as though she had disturbed the laws of the worlds by stepping beyond the portal of the The Tumbler and into that darkest of slums in Brogdin. It was funny how that worked. She was welcome in that town, so long as she remained in her place. Tale had fallen to ruin..but even in ruin there were the haves, and the have nots - and she had made it a point to cater to the haves.

The Tumbler was no Three Little Pigs; for one, she had a bar and something close to a table service.. and her girls didn’t walk the streets whoring for bread. Clients who could afford it paid well for the chance to pretend that life was not the sordid hell it had become. A well stocked top shelf and intimate rooms rooms, plush sheets and tender personal attention- the façade of love in one of the cleaner quarters of town; that was what she bartered in. It was the sale of lost dreams and almost forgotten memories. The mayor himself, and many of his inner cohort were frequent dabblers in her wares, and it wouldn’t be a lie to say she was on a first name basis with many of them. Tongues wagged loose on the sheets. Hopes, fears..plans; she had made it a point to keep a catalogue of them all in her not so little black book. It had proven itself useful on many an occasion, and was the main reason that she was a sparkling object of luxury against the squalid dreariness of Brogdin’s slum heart. The main reason too, that she was the receptor of those looks that lusted or hated everything that she represented. She should be used to it by now. Everything she’d ever wanted had slipped out of reach; was it any wonder she would claw to hold onto whatever was left of her dreams?

The warmth cooled in her eyes, and a certain tension crept into normally placid expression. She could still see them, all dashing charm and winsome smiles. But those memories were crowded out by others, dark things seen and done in even darker woods. No. they were gone, both of her princes. The fingers resting loosely on the wrist of her escort flinched, tightening briefly on that supportive rest and its owner noticed. The professor glanced her way and issued an almost irritable reprimand.

“Focus, Aurora. It is pointless to attempt at exercising the power your mind if you are so easily distracted,” he bit out. He was one of the few who ever bothered to be so very blunt with her; it was, perhaps why she was as fond of him as of anybody in the world. Not that that was saying much. He was not attracting nearly as much attention as she was. His robes were threadbare now, if clean still and patched in places. Life had left its marks in the lines on a mature, if not unattractive face, though grey had not yet touched the nut brown waves that fell in disheveled waves over his cheekbones and to his shoulders. Anton always looked like he’d just been distracted from the most important task in the world; perhaps because it had quite often been the case. His mind was a power few could understand or hope to decipher. Aurora didn’t try either, she was satisfied with the scraps that fell from his table.

She slid a golden look his way, and gifted him with the twitch of a smile and the lift of a single dark brow.

“Careful, Anton, or a woman might suspect that you care more than you should..” she murmured with a wink. “I swear, I almost expect to see their eyes pop right of their heads and go rolling down the street, one day. It is as if they had never seen a breast or a leg before
” she intoned dryly.

The Professor leveled a hard look the woman’s way. “Hogwash, Rora.. and you know it.” He paused in his stride long enough to lift his wrist and turn it under her palm to capture it, drawing her knuckles to his lips for the brush of a courtesy kiss. “There is not a breast in the kingdom that can hold a candle to your own. You drive them mad with envy, or lust..or both.” There was a reason Anton had been so long and deeply entrenched at her side. He could play the game, too. “Now, focus.. What do you see?” he murmured, steadily, and there was already a quieting and sharpening to his psionic resonance that Aurora could feel prickling over her skin.

Slowing her breaths, the apprentice shifted a golden gaze along the street, eyes pausing on shop and tavern fronts, carriages as they passed and people as they bustled by. It came without warning, when it did.

“A woman in white will leave the pub..” she murmured. “Flowers, and and old friend. Surprise, I think..” Her brow furrowed slightly. “But not here, in the street, ...somewhere else..”

“Excellent..” There was no denying the satisfaction in his tones. “How soon she appears will give us a sense of how far out you are seeing. Anything else?” He had caught the hesitant almost slightly puzzled expression that was flitting across her face.

“Yes..” she trailed a breath bemused. It made no sense. “Hate..mistrust
unity.” She looked into his eyes. “War.”

Aurora almost missed seeing Ivory as she slipped from the tavern, but golden eyes were trailing her along the street to the front of the flower shop until she disappeared inside. Ten minutes. Nothing to shout about, but something, where before there had been nothing. Progress. It was a pensive gaze that shifted to the closed pub door. She answered the concern she felt, before he urged it.

“I’ll be careful..” she assured smoothly. But she was going in. The bastard royal made no attempt to disguise her entry, it was all but impossible, anyway in her current hooded luxury. You didn’t need to see the outfit beneath the rich chocolate robe to know that she was out of place in her finery. With no demonstrated effort to see who occupied the room, she was making immediately for the bar, a polite nod and smile offered to the woman seated there as she lifted a slender finger to beckon the tender closer. It was while she was waiting for that drink, that she would try to delve deeper into her empathic reading of the room. There were powerful, almost toxic emotions present, and she couldn’t help but discern them.

And if she heard or saw anything that could make it to her black book at the same time. Well, all the merrier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden) Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose Character Portrait: Princess Pearl (Pearl) the little mermaid
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Ivory/Snow White

Ivory was quickly loosing interest. She had decided that she didn't really care to hear what Pearl had to say right now, this resolve was further strengthened when she saw who had just walked into the store. Eyes flashing she smiled.

"You," she said darkly, "I've been looking forward to the next time we encountered each other."

Standing in the doorway was Vivian, the person who had tried to spy on Seven and almost paid for it with her life. The interesting part was that the woman had only almost died, most did. To this day Vivian was the only one who had ever gotten away from Ivory. Since then they had encountered each other a few more times and each time had resulted in conflict with Ivory only just missing out on a kill. Rather than being angered by this, Ivory found that she respected Vivian a fair amount because of it. It showed that Vivian had skill and it had become a game for her with the prize being Vivian's life.

"Shall we begin with the usual or do you have something to say that is worth listening to?" said Ivory, grinning wickedly.

Now that she thought about it, she didn't want to kill the spy, she would miss their encounters too much, it was one of the things that was always certain to give her a rush. Perhaps if she ever succeeded in besting Vivian she'd allow her to join Seven, Vivian would definitely be a good ally to have.

The setting changes from Brogdin to Fairy Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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Ivory/Snow White
The Plantation

Ivory had been about to reintroduce her fist to Vivian's face when she had been interupted by Gale, one of the members of Seven. Whispering in her ear she had revealed news that started a spark of excitement deep within her. Rumour had it that something big was going down in the forest and she hadn't been invited. Well now, that just made things more entertaining, didn't it.

Without a word she had left the shop and gathered the remaining members of Seven, they wouldn't want to miss out on the show. Once everyone had been found hey had all headed to the forest, hoping to encounter whatever it was that was meant to be happening.

Along the way though, Ivory had been distracted and ended up seperated from her band of merry murderers. She had found a pond with water as still as glass, to her it was like finding an enormous mirror. She lost track of time as she gazed into the the image on the surface, not her reflection but her sister, Rose Red.

She could have stayed there for an eternity, never had the image of her sister been so strong but in the distance she could hear a disturbence and she was sure its source was what had drawn her to the forest in the first place. Hurridly she headedin the direction of the noise, only looking back once.

Soon she came across the Plantation, a place she had never been before an honestly, a place she didn't care to visit again, everything was a mess but the fact that there was what looked like a small army of demons and giants trying to get into a mansion full of animals certainly did give it at least a few points in its favour.

Smiling Ivory watched the scene just waiting to throw herself into the combat, but first she needed to decide which side to help out, it really was a tough decision. Bringing out her coin she looked at it with distaste, that would be one way to solve things but perhaps she'd wait a little longer to see what happened. After all, if one side didn't have a chance against the other then there would be nothing more thrilling than helping the underdog win.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: Goldielocks Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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#, as written by Sonata
The attack on the mansion was intense. Demons, ogres, giants, and trolls clawed and raked the edifice. They jumped through windows only to be carried out by bulls, warthogs, and rams. Midnight whirled before a grand window in the foyer where an ogre was slowly trying to squeeze its armor and girth in. His hindquarters rose and his legs stretched out sending powerful hooves smashing against the ogres’s chin. The bones in the creature’s jaw split apart as blood and teeth rained from its face. The ogre released a pained bellow as he collapsed back outside only to have a demon soldier take his place.

Strong Horn had charge of the back of the mansion and with his two, sharp horns he carried out several enemies. A pointer raced over to the black unicorn, his eyes wide and tail between his legs.

“We have moved the wounded to the basement, my lord. How long must we fight? Her units seem endless!” the dog whimpered.

Midnight flared his nostrils at the dog’s loss of hope, but he was slow to answer. The mouse he had sent to find help didn’t seem like the type to betray. When they were enslaved, he had been small enough to not be seen by the enemy. Midnight cast his crimson eyes out the window, they first lowering to the demon that was clawing its way inside. Raising his hind legs again, he sent another harsh kick to the enemy’s face, and a cry similar to the howl the ogre made resounded behind him.

“Do not lose hope,” Midnight said. “Help is coming.”

The pointer didn’t believe him, but Midnight didn’t care. The fool could run for all he cared, but he had a battle to win.

“Ms. Locks, the animals’ forces are crumbling!” a troll ecstatically exclaimed.

Goldilocks didn’t smile. Instead, her deep-blue eyes widened and glistened with her suppressed joy and excitement. Idiots; did they think they could actually win? The thought of seeing them whimpering and crying before her made her lips curl. They had had their recess, but the games were now over.

Suddenly, a harsh breeze passed in front of her, blowing her fat, spiraling curls in a haphazard mess about her face. Her left eye, being the only eye not obscured by her tousled hair, blinked in her temporary state of shock. The troll that had just spoke to her uttered a gurgle as blood welled from his cracked lips and rolled from a seam that parted at his throat. The troll struck the grass like a weight.

Around her, a second cry was heard from a demon knight that collapsed in a heap of armor, then a third. Her hidden army was dropping around her, one by one in a mysterious tempest that smelt of
sweets. Shaking her head, Goldilocks’ curls bounced back into place and she held her hand out to her squire who placed a tall, black scythe into her grasp. A second after, her squire screamed as he fell to the grass to join the corpses that formed a circle of death around her.

Goldilocks went still as she listened to the wind and felt the change in it. In a speedy blur that resembled a silver slant being drawn across the air, Goldilocks swung her scythe and a bright spark flashed off her weapon’s sickle. A red, hot liquid splattered her blade and her face as Goldilocks then opened her mouth to utter a sadistic laugh.

The assassin that had butchered her surrounding units struck the grass with a grunt as one of his legs went flying some ways away. Goldilocks continued her victorious laugh until she noticed the blood that was on her face didn’t roll or drip but stuck like a paste. Blinking her girlish eyes, she raised a finger to a red, sticky dollop and examined it closely. It didn’t look like blood nor did it smell like it. Pressing it to her lips, she suddenly felt confused by the sweet, strawberry flavor that delighted her tongue.

“Strawberry?” she queried.

The little general then turned toward the hooded assassin that was trying to crawl away and was leaving a trail of the jam she had tasted. What was he?

The Gingerbread Man heard Goldilocks’ approach and rolled onto his back to attempt to lob his knife at her. Five more silver lines appeared across his body, severing his limbs and head. His arm fell to the grass still clenching the knife and Goldilocks used the end of her scythe to peel back the hood of the murderer. She was surprised to see a face of bread, frosting, and candy.

“A cookie man?” she spoke in wonder.

The Gingerbread Man’s red, hot candy eyes darted to Goldilocks startling her with how he was still very much alive. His red licorice lips parted revealing his silly rows of candy corn teeth.

“Not cookie man. The Gingerbread Man,” he replied with a sneer. “Surprise!”

Goldilocks frowned and brought her buckled shoe against the side of The Gingerbread Man’s head. Like a kickball, she sent his head flying off randomly into the woods as the killer cried, “YOU BIIIIII~TCH~!”

There were others amongst her army now. Did the animals have reinforcements?

“It’s an ambush!” Goldilocks angrily screamed. She didn’t like to be toyed with.

The Gingerbread Man’s head fell into a bush and rolled some ways to stop by a woman who was apparently hiding and watching the ordeal. He hadn’t recognized her. If she was a part of The White Order, she hadn’t been at the meeting.

“Hey! Hey you!” The Gingerbread Man called. “Whose side are you on?”

He made it seem like he could harm her without a body.

Red Riding Hood stepped from the tree line behind the mansion with her trademark cowl and picnic basket. She approached the line of monsters that were fighting to get into the mansion, her hand dipping into her basket to draw from its infinite depths a red, burning sword. It resembled a katana with a twisted hilt molded like the skulls of numerous devils. Tucking the basket into the shadows of her cape, Red grasped the hilt of her blade with both hands and charged toward the unsuspecting unit.

A goblin that happened to peer over his shoulder, cast a golden, reptilian eye on the approaching red blur and screamed, “Behind-”

His warning was interrupted as Red landed before him, her blade splitting him down the middle. He parted like a sticky sandwich, his blood—darker than a human’s—streaking her red hood. Beneath the rebellion leader’s hood was darkness; her face absent and swallowing the fears of the beasts that surrounded her. She charged the next one, swinging her blade with the dexterous strokes of surrealist. Arching ribbons of blood in monochromatic reds, browns, and blacks coated the grass as Red hacked a path for Aurora and Thumbelina.

The setting changes from Fairy Woods to Brogdin


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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Ivory/Snow White
The Plantation

Ivory had been watching the battle for a while and still hadn't decided on who to fight for when something came flying out of the fray to land at her feet.

It was a head but not like any she had ever seen before. This one appeared to be made out of gingerbread and was talking to her.

"Which side am I on?" she repeated flatly, picking up the head and placing it in her lap, "I hadn't decided, shall I leave it to a toss of the coin?"

She sat silently for a moment, pondering the situation, brushing crumbs off the face of the gingerbread head and gazing into its molten eyes.

"Actually, I don't think I'm going to need that coin," whispered Ivory with a slight smile, "I have to say, you're very peculiar and I find that fascinating. Never have I seen eyes like yours, they're quite stunning. Just let me know how I can help, I'll be more than happy to cause a little mayhem."

She didn't know if the gingerbread head fought for good or for evil, she didn't even care which side of the battle it was fighting on. All she knew was that she found it interesting and helping the head out would certainly provide a rush.

"You may call me Ivory," she said, her smile darkening, "Better known as Snow White, now who needs to be dealt a little death?"

The setting changes from Brogdin to Fairy Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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#, as written by Sonata
The Gingerbread Man's black licorice brows lifted when the mysterious woman with skin as white as porcelain cupped the sides of his face and hefted his head off the ground to set it within her lap. He closed his eyes as she brushed crumbs from his face, and then opened them again when she ceased.

The assassin gave her a lopsided grin of candy corn teeth. He was flattered by her compliments. He didn't get them often for people were usually confused or frightened by his looks. When she mentioned the word mayhem, he swore his candy-coated heart started melting. Was this love?

"You know, I was once a man," Gingie informed on a low, flirty air. "If you ever want a piece of me babe, you just open your mouth and say 'Ah.'"

He winked at her before his brows shot upwards again when the woman revealed her identity.

"Snow White? The leader of Seven?" he queried in shock. Back when he wore flesh, he had heard of her gang. He couldn't dodge the rumors even if he tried. In the crime world, she was infamous, but if Tale had been the same, she would be a hero.

Gingie felt like he had candy hearts in his eyes. This was a fated meeting. It was love. She was not only dark and beautiful but violent.

"I'm here with some friends and we're trying to save the animals. I took on Goldilocks by accident and the bitch filleted me. If you can kill any soldier that looks like the ass end of a goblin with a bad case of hemorrhoids, then we'd appreciate that. I'm sure the animals would too. I won't be of much use to you unless you got some candy on you. My body is behind enemy lines, and if I had some sort of sugary substance..." A bit of caramel drool leaked from his mouth just by mentioning sweets, "Then I can pull myself back together. I mean real candy! Not that Le bon bon shit! If not, just keep me close by. I'll watch your back."

He’d watch more than that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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Ivory/Snow White
The Plantation

"Well now, we simply can't let those poor defenseless animals be manipulated by that vulger little girl now can we? It simply won't do," said Ivory girlishly before changing to a more suggestive tone, "Besides, if anyone's going to do any domination around here then it's going to be me."

Smiling seductively at the gingerbread head she set about searching the folds of her dress.

"Oh my, how very forward of you," she said, "We've barely met and you're already asking me for a little sugar. I don't even know your name. What would my mother think of me?"

At last she found it, the toffee apple that Argilla had given her on the way to the forest, it was so sweet how each member of Seven always tried to gain her favour. Apples were her favorite and having them candied made them even better, she had been saving it but perhaps it would prove to be more useful for her new...friend. He'd certainly be more entertaining if he had his entire body rather than just a head.

"Do you think this will do?" she asked, tracing a finger down his cheeks and showing him the apple, "You know, there's a lot of symbolism behind the sharing of an apple, people might begin to talk about us."

Inwardly I vory smiled to herself. She hadn't even begun fighting and she was already having fun. Certainly her gingerbread companion was proving to be a fortunate discovery indeed.