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Alys O'Grady

"The 'O' stands for obambulate...hey, a butterfly..."

0 · 397 views · located in The Forest

a character in “Darkening Wonderland- Let's play a Game”, originally authored by Fredalice, as played by RolePlayGateway


"What an idea. A crazy, mad and wonderful idea!"

Full Name: Alicia Miranda Philips
Nick Name: Alys Obambulate Grady
Age: 16
Gender: female
Hair Color: white blond
Eye Color: silver

Appearance Description: She has long wavy white blond hair that she either keeps down or tied up in a light blue ribbon. She has a baby face which makes her more like 13 than 16, but this doesn't bother her all to much. Her skin is very pale, making her younger and she's got a small mouth that is open every so slightly most of the time in aw. She wears light colored sun dresses most of the time because she likes how they're light weight and yet still poof out when she spins. Her eyes are very doe-like and always dreamily moving around revealing how amazed with everything around her. Alys also loves to walk around bare foot, so whenever she can, she'll automatically take her shoes off and put them in her bag. Her voice is very wistful and airy as if her mind isn't fully there.


Personality: Alys is a very dreamy person, never fully aware of her surroundings and yet able to understand some of the smallest of details. She's a very kind person, never judging anybody for how insane they are. She has a very child-like disposition with her imagination and with shyness. If she sees another person and/or creature coming towards her, she'll hide behind a bush or tree until they have gone passed before returning to her path as if nothing had happened. Her short term memory sucks and if too many things happen all at once she won't remember anything significant, but her long term memory is amazing and she can remember almost every detail of her life thus far, all the way back to when she was one. She also has a minor Tourette's Syndrome, where she has vocal and motor tics, where she will shout out words if she gets excited or will punch or kick if scared or angry, all of this is out of her control and she's gotten used to it, but to others who don't know her will think that she's a little brat that never learned about manners.

●wandering in the middle of conversations
●vocal and motor tics
●claps her hands quietly if she sits for too long

-"Alys O'Grady is here and the 'O' stands for obambulate!"
This is a big moment for our dear Alys as this is the moment when she becomes Alys to herself. This is the final moment of her transformation from Alicia into Alys. Now it doesn't take long for this transformation to happen because back home she never felt like an Alicia and so at her special place by the river she would always think about who she really was and when she makes it into Wonderland it just sort of hits her that she is indeed Alys Obambulate Grady. Now since the word 'obambulate' is rather obscure, it means to wander about which is exactly what Alys does most of her life. This also shows us that she is a bit of a sesquipedarianist (person who uses large and obscure words in their speech or writing) and also that she must have spent hours at times reading the dictionary and memorizing its contents. The link to where I found 'obambulate' -

●anything sweet
●what she calls "Dreamland"
●the March Hare (he makes her laugh)

●manners/ being polite
●metal and machines


Powers: TBA

Weapons/ Things They Are Carrying: water bottle, her light blue ribbon, and a small rainbow color stone she found she found in a river before she got brought to Wonderland.


Back Story: Her ancestry was from Ireland and so since she found out she's been obsessed with the Irish culture. She had a fairly normal life, thought when she developed her tourettes it complicated her life at school and at home, so her parents pulled her out of school and began homeschooling her. Their house was a couple miles out of the nearest town so on breaks from learning, Alys would go to the river that was nearby their house and there she would play in the water and collect stones. On one of her outings at her river she found a special stone that turned different colors when you turned it. Right away she knew this rock held special powers so she put it in a pocket in her sun dress and left for her house at a skip, then a hand from a rabbit hole came and pulled her down. Now she's in the world she has dreamed of going to, Dreamworld, only this one is much different than she imagined.

So begins...

Alys O'Grady's Story

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Alicia stumbled down, looking around herself at a small round room with many, many doors. And each door was different; different sizes, different shapes, even different colors. She got up and dusted herself off walking around looking at all the doors in great awe and then she stopped. She stopped in front of a slanted door made of glass, nothing was behind the door except for swirling colors. This was the door she would've chosen to go through if she was given a choice, but as she was the pawn in a game she had yet to learn, she didn't have that choice.

Just as she was going to grab for the handle a voice spoke behind her, a voice that made her scream though she wasn't scared, not one bit. "So here we are at last Alice...Shall we play a GAME?!" What she saw was a large hand, offering to pull her through another door, this door was not the door she would've chosen at all. It was large and wooden and looked more like a door that rich people had, but even though she wouldn't have chosen it, she stepped forward.

"Fine!" She yelled, she identified this sudden outburst as a vocal tic and took the hand firmly. The hand pulled her through, towards the darkness that was behind this big door

On the other side she found a wonderfully beautiful, yet dark garden. She stood still for a moment taking it all in. Alicia knew in a heartbeat that this was her beloved Dreamland, though it looked like someone had been ruling it rather badly while she was away. Everything was too dark and every creature that crossed her path looked either blood thirsty or scared, and in Dreamland nobody was supposed to be scared, ever.

"Alicia, take a deep breath," she told herself as she began to walk towards the forest with the dead claw-like trees, "Keeping walking, Alici. Don't hold back, Al. You can do this, Alys." Then Alys took a deep breath and put her first step into the forest, her adventure beginning here and she was planning on seeing it through to the end.

"Alys O'Grady is here," she announced in the darkness ahead of her, "and the 'O' stands for obambulate!"

The setting changes from Alice in wonderland, Underland to The Forest


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Character Portrait: Alys O'Grady
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Alys walked deeper into the woods and with each step clung to herself a little bit more. She looked around at all the dead trees, they were starting to really spook her.

"What have they done to my poor Dreamland?" Alys asked herself, "It used to be so bright and colorful." Just like door, she added in her head. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was meant to go through that other door, the slanted door with the swirling colors. That being pulled through this one was a huge mistake. Maybe this isn't my Dreamland after all, she thought, Maybe this is someone else's and maybe their Dreamland needs to be saved from who eve made it like this. She continued walking, toying with this new thought and trying to decide what she was supposed to do here.

She turned a corner and stumbled over something. At first she thought it was a log, but when she turned around and looked she noticed it was a girl about her age with long blond hair. She crouched down and was about to shake the girl awake, but stopped. If she awoke the girl, then that girl would see her and she wouldn't be able to hide in time. With a newly revised plan, she grabbed a stick and hid behind a dense bush. Alys poked the girl a couple times, gently at first but then harder.

"Excuse me," Alys squeaked, "Miss, excuse me. Are you okay?"


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Character Portrait: Alys O'Grady Character Portrait: Maria Alice Greenich
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"I'm Alys O'Grady," she said shyly, staying in the protection of the bush, "And I don't know who you are. But if you don't, you should think of who you want to be." She stayed quiet for a little bit, before the sitting still got to her and when this happened she crawled part way out of the bush so only her face would show. She heard a howl in the distance, it sounded angry and too far away.

"Fuck!" she yelled randomly. The situation was becoming to tense for her tics to handle, new people and weird noises, add more people/creatures onto that and Alys knew that she would start getting violent.

She looked back at the girl, "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that," she knew this situation was going to get awkward soon if she had to explain. She hated other people having to be let in on her secret because that knowledge always came with sympathy.