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Offelia Elias

"That was SO funny I didnt even react."

0 · 862 views · located in New York, America

a character in “Darkness And Plague”, as played by Mileenazel


"Don't follow me. I have nothing to offer you.... leave me alone."
Name: Offelia Elias
Alias: Off
Age: 19
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Affiliation: With George, none others yet
Physical Description: Black (Hair), 5'10 (Height), Violet (Eyes), Very Pale (Skin), 125 lbs (Weight), Slender Light & Frail (Body Type), A (Blood)
Other Features: Medusa piercing, lots of earrings


Personality: In progress
Background: Before high school, Off was always the same. A dark and independent, introverted child that didn't like to talk much. She always had problems making friends, speaking her mind, and doing things with a group. Through her school life she developed quite an impressive sarcastic attitude, especially in high school when she met G. The awkward duo became best friends, and G was able to get Off to socialize more. He even helped her get her first boyfriend (of course making sure he was qualified to be with such a woman) and the two had just become inseparable. When Off turned 18 and her boyfriend, Morris, was 19 they moved into a flat together. But, this was just the beginning of the walker outbreak. Morris became jittery, and paranoid that the simple cold would turn into something devastating (little did everyone know he would be right). Morris decided he didn't want to be with Off for their last days. He wanted to go out and be fucking crazy. So he broke her heart ruthlessly. Offs first love had shattered her, called her names and laughed at her. Morris left Off in a million pieces, she felt ruined.
And worse, she couldn't tell G because he would literally kill not just Morris, but he would probably lecture the hell out of Off too. She was alone for that time.
When the first zombies began to roam, and then the infection spread, Off had stepped outside of her flat to see what all the screaming and crashing and commotion was about. Right before her eyes, Morris was running towards the flat. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. A walker, who quickly came up beside the running man, knocked him to the ground and brutally ate him alive; right in front of Off. Lucky for her, G showed up on his motorcycle and picked her up from the shit-hole of a flat. But... since then Off hasn't looked at any man the same. She tells herself that she doesnt want another lover, no one would be like Morris. But... she needs a hole filled. One that will change her for the better.


Skills/Strengths: Staying quiet, keeping secrets, serving others, mapping areas, keeping calm in extreme situations, not being able to eat or drink for long periods.
Habits: Not speaking her mind when its needed, biting her nails, being curious
Likes: Sleeping, coffee, (In progress)
Dislikes: In progress
Secrets: In progress
Fears: Spiders, getting left to die, the dark
Other: In Progress


So begins...

Offelia Elias's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Offelia Elias Character Portrait: George Wolfen Character Portrait: Isabella Sophia Gray Character Portrait: Nadia Brunswick Character Portrait: Rodrick Warren Character Portrait: Ellena Barins
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[For now I'll post in first-person, but later I'll probably transition to third since I'm more accustomed to writing in that perspective.]

It's dawn, more specifically around, 5 AM? Feels that way. The mist smothering the ground swirls around my lowers legs as I run desperately down the street. I didn't care enough to look at the name, I just need to find G. I don't even know when he left me, did he really not care enough to say anything? I look around nervously, but there are walkers still chasing me I think. I don't have the guts to cry out. He couldn't have gone too far, right? He can be pretty lazy.
I pray under my breathe that I find him, and a few alleyways come into view, branching into the in-betweens of buildings.
Moaning, and groaning is heard from the third. It's dark, and I almost decide to run past it; but I see a familiar face.
I stop dead in my tracks, and look behind. The walkers must have stopped a while ago, even though I'm not much of a runner. I silently walk to the alleyway; G is pinned against the wall with the walker slowly advancing in on him.
Aw shit you idiot!
I grit my teeth and rush in. Even though its been a long while since the apocalypse started, I haven't killed too many walkers. I'm not good at attacking, I don't have much experience. Wielding G's signature bat, I close my eyes and take in a sharp breathe, before swinging the bat with all my strength into the walkers head. There's a loud splat noise, it must have hit the wall.
After moments of silence, I slowly open my eyes. G is just staring at me, he wasn't bit was he?!
G distantly stutters. Weakly dropping the bat to the ground, I fall forward into him, and grip his shirt.
"Why the hell would you do that?!"
I lash out emotionally. I can feel Georges eyes on me, he's staring. I shouldn't have been so loud.
"Off. Pick up the bat, we need to go."
He answers strongly. Damn, trying to be a badass again? I willingly pull away though, holding back any feelings I want to just yell out. I lean down, and pick up the bat from the muddy water.
I don't swing well...
I stare off forlornly, and like reading my mind he snatches the bat from my hands and pulls me away out of the alleyway. He's in a rush, I wonder what kind of shit he got into while I was sleeping back at our room. I don't want to question him though, G can get aggressive when I ask too many. I decide to stay silent, and just cling to him. We get to another street, and G stops to stare at it.
"We're not even close to the center..."
G sighs, is he relieved? I don't know much about walkers, but I wonder if they crowd together purposely; and maybe the heart of New York is where they all decide to stay. Zombies don't think like that though... or, probably don't.
"Is that a good thing?"
I speak reluctantly. G doesnt reply, he stares down at me, and beckons me forward as he continues to walk. I gulp nervously and follow close.
"The... fog and mist is ominous, isn't it."
I say quietly. He nods, it isn't often when G doesnt talk to me. Maybe he's really thinking hard about something. Probably nothing I would know of, G is quite the tracker. And I'm, well, not really much of anything.
Horeno Road...
I try to remember.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Offelia Elias Character Portrait: George Wolfen Character Portrait: Isabella Sophia Gray Character Portrait: Sebastian Barins Character Portrait: Nadia Brunswick Character Portrait: Rodrick Warren
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[So because Isabelle still hasn't posted we're just going to go ahead and continue :)]

"Are we atleast going somewhere specific-" "I don't know Off." G says, this time with bite.
I hold any other questions back. 'We're probably going to go look for another place to stay, even though it's getting closer and closer to morning.' I think with a quiet sigh. 'Maybe we'll search the bus stations??' I rub my hands as G leads me around.
'Looks like I'm right so far.' I recognize the different street signs and maps.
"Off, watch where you step. I hear lots of walkers, and glass can make the loudest noises." G sighs anxiously.
I nod, going completely with his instruction. 'I really hope G doesnt have to waste his energy on the walkers.' I assume he hasn't eaten like me this morning.
We stop at the corner of a brick wall, standing close against it. "There's three coming this way, four at the next corner, and then I can see two more at the map I think." G sighs as quietly as possible.
I frown "Well how do we maneuver around them then..." I glance down at the ground nervously.
"That's.... I don't know yet." G admits in an annoyed tone.

[Sorry it isn't longer.]