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Ashikaga Shigeru

"Nothing will be able to stop the footsteps of the era."

0 · 816 views · located in Edo Japan

a character in “Dawn of the Shinsengumi”, as played by chrian.


A S H I K A G A ∞ S H I G E R U
Brilliance of the Field of Reeds

Shige-san ∞ 35 ∞ Human
The Yakuza Swordsman

Hair: Dark Navy ∞ Eyes: Red ∞ Complexion: Fair
Height: 193cm ∞ 6'4''
Weight: 89kg ∞ 196lbs

Koto Playing ∞ Shigeru has many talents that he had taken up here and there during his life, but the most artistic one probably is his skillful ability to play koto. It was something people around him, especially women, would regard as a charm. Whenever the melodies from his koto echo, they can bring forth many aptitudes of emotions, sometimes as raging and wrathful like a storm, sometimes as graceful and gentle like a falling petal of cherry blossom. Shigeru would often commented that playing koto is "a soothing for all hardships in life."

Resilience ∞ Shigeru had lost count of the times that he threw himself into the heat of battles. There are times when his comrades have all fallen, but he still standing strong, fighting until the very last drop of his vitality is drained. Such are only the testament to how endurant he could be, whether in combat or in life. The very living proofs are countless of scars that scattered on his body. It was because of this undying resilience of his that he had managed to turn the tide of battles to his favor many times. For the path of life that is still seemingly endless in front of him, Shigeru knows that he has to continue to stand strong, against all hardship thrown at him.

Strong Will ∞ While Shigeru is known for his fearsome physical strength, what truly is formidable about him is the force of his willpower. For his whole life, he places his trust in nothing but his ideals. They have been his driven force that constantly reminded him never to fall into the dark. After having been through all sorts of hardships in life, it was no surprise that he had managed to acquire an unbreakable will. And thanks for it, Shigeru's resistance against mind tricks, hypnotism or empathic abilities is high. It has always been a motto of him to "never trust what your eyes fall for." However, he is well-aware that he is after all a mere human, and there are greater forces that would easily overcome him. For that, he must always sharpen his thoughts like how he sharpen his weapon.

Swordsmanship ∞ Spending most of his life learning and perfecting the way of the swords under the guidance of Sasaki Kojiro - the greatest swordsman of the era, Shigeru had indeed become a swordsman to be reckon with. "Without subtlety, a sword is but an iron bar." The words that his master had always taught him still echoed in his heart even up til now. He holds his sword with both strength and grace. The powerful way he swings the weapon, the clean way he cut through his opponents like knife cutting through butter, the way he aim at his targets with deadly speed and precision. They all will be shown once Shigeru unsheathes the proud ōdachi which he is always seen carrying - the Tenryubito. It is said that Shigeru was secretly taught a secret sword technique by his master - the trump card that he had used to killed the yokai who gave him his curse, but this is yet to be confirmed.

Martial Arts ∞ One of the main reasons why he was a well-respected member of the yakuza was his proficiency in many styles of martial arts. Even without the help of his sword, Shigeru is still perfectly capable of putting up a fight, as he considered himself to be as much of a weapon as any out there. After all, a warrior must always be ready for the most unexpected of situations when they have to fight without the aids of their arms. He is skilled in both offensive and defensive arts, though he seemed to lean a bit more towards offensive, because strength is one of his advantages in combat. There will always be those who are stronger waiting to challenge him, and Shigeru has to be ready for it.

Ki Manipulation ∞ As ki is the life energy that is presented in every living being, anyone is capable of learning to control them if they were taught. However, there are only a handful who could truly master this art and utilize it to gain them an upper hand. Shigeru is said by his master to be one of those few, but he still have a long way to go before he could reach the final level of mastering his ki. That is not to say he doesn't have a certain expertise over it either. During battles, he can channel his ki over his body or into his weapon to enhance them, giving them a boost. However, as ki also has its limit, he will need sometimes to meditate in order to replenish them. What's more, half of his current ki is used to keep his curse intact, so Shigeru needs to be careful of the amount he uses.

Rage of the Beast ∞ As many could notice, there is a set of tattoos that portrays beautiful, highly detailed pink, lotus flowers that reach from the top of his back to right above his tailbone. This is the very mark of the curse that the yokai he slain put on him. Should he ever gives in to the lust of power and desire to kill, he would be consumed by the hatred of the yokai. His strengths and speeds would be augmented by many times, but whatever remain of his sanity will be lost forever. He will become a ruthless beast, seek only to maim and kill to satisfy its' bloodlust. This is somewhat similar to Asuka's berserker state, but in a much wilder and instinctive manner, and death might be his only saving grace. Thanks to the utilization of his ki, Shigeru managed to restrain the curse most of the time. However, during full-moon nights when the rage's grips are the strongest, he has to endure excruciating pain if he tries to fight it. So far, only the Oyabun, and a handful of people whom he can completely trust know about it.

An honorable warrior with a heart of gold, an attractive man whose charms can make anyone swoon, a brotherly figure looked up by many.

Those are the words that the villagers of Edo would use to describe Shigeru. True enough, he is a kind, generous and charitable man, who is usually seen to put up a gentle and bright smile on his face. He likes to taking care of people, helping those who are in needs and generally gets on well with everyone. Well, almost. Sometimes he can be a bit laid-back and often deal with matters at hand in a relaxed manner, believing that nothing good will come in your way if you rushed over things. With his fellow yakuza, he also treated them all equally and is usually the one whom many of them would look for when they are in trouble. Because of this, and the fact that he was an elite amongst the older members, Shigeru is well-respected and is often regarded as a kyodai.

Thanks to his handsome and charming looks, Shigeru is quite popular with women. It is kind of a habit of him to flirt with females regardless of ages. However, this is only to hide his loneliness, and the belief that after all that he had gone through in life, the path that he's walking on must be accompanied by no one but himself. Despite being a loner, Shigeru is extremely loyal to the yakuza, and more specifically, Yoshiro the Oyabun. They all are like a family to him and he had sworn to risk even his life for their causes.

Shigeru is also known to hold his honor and pride as a warrior in the highest esteem and he would rather kill himself first should he ever tainted them. His respect is not for his allies only, but also for his opponents and whoever challenges him for a righteous ideal. Life is a never-ending journey that would take you to every corner of this world, and it would be a waste not to enjoy it to the fullest. He is well-aware of what had happened in his past and what had become of him, but clinging to them as excuses is cowardice, as for Shigeru, what mattered to him the most are the present and the uncertain future that is yet to be seen. With a soul as free as the wind, he knows that he will one day reach for a brighter future when everyone can enjoy their happiness, which is no longer too far from his sight.

The turning point of an era is getting nearer than ever, and with his sword in his hand, Shigeru will slash a path towards tomorrow.

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful village, hidden away within the blue forest somewhere in the mountainous regions of the country. The human villagers lived a humble life, making a living only from farming and raising crops. The forest was also home to many yokais, whom the villagers welcomed to their little settlement with open arms. Together, the two races co-existed and live together in perfect harmony. It was hard to find any place that could be so tranquil and calm like that these days. And, Shigeru was born as a child of such a village, growing up in the care of his frugal parents and trustworthy yokai friends.

Living within his village, without a care in the world, Shigeru enjoyed the peacefulness that his home village offered. But with an adventurous soul ever since he was just a small child, he had secretly hoped that one day he would be able to leave and to venture out there into the world, to set on epic journeys like those heroes in the fairytales that his grandmother had always told him before he went to bed. Shigeru had a yokai friend - a small kitsune boy named Ikari. They were the best of friends and never once did they do anything without the presence of each other. Ikari was a more reserved and quiet boy in comparison to Shigeru, but they both have made their promise that one day, they will travel into the world together, sworn that no matter what happened, their brother bonds will never be broken.

But, little do they know of the tragedy that will soon struck over them all...

One day, when Shigeru was carrying woods from the lumbering site back to his home, he was shocked to find that a portion of forest surrounded his village was being set on black flames. Rushing back to the village, he was even more terrified. Every house was engulfed in fire, dead bodies lying all over the way. And he saw it. A black yokai holding the blade stained crimson red was slaughtering every living being, regardless of humans or yokai. There was no remorse in the monster's eyes and a ruthless grin appeared on his face as he continued to take down life after life. And Shigeru saw that Ikari was lying, heavily wounded near the monster, but still breathing. Of course, who were he to abandoned his brother in a time like this? So, he ran over and carried Ikari on his back. It gained the attention of the yokai, and it chased both of them down until they were cornered in the village's shrine on the hill. "At least, I can die alongside my brother." That was what he had thought...

But at the most unexpected moment, a swordsman appeared and blocked the sword of the monster that was aiming for Shigeru. It was an intense fight, but it seemed that the yokai was overpowered and forced the retreat. But what Shigeru truly concerned about was the fate of his friend. Unfortunately, Ikari succumbed to his wound and passed away in his arms. It was the last time in Shigeru's life that he was able to cry and shed tears. After giving the small kitsune boy a proper bury, the swordsman who saved Shigeru revealed his name to be Sasaki Kojiro and that he was sorry that he couldn't save the village in time. Knowing that the young boy had nowhere left to go, Sasaki offered to take him in as his apprentice. With the flaring blaze of vengeance now burning deep in him, he accepted without a second thought.

And so, the day of learning the swordplay and martial arts of Shigeru had begun. It was incredibly intense and Sasaki certainly wouldn't show any mercy even for his own apprentice. But no matter how many times he fell, he would just stand up again, until the monster who had incinerated his everything face its' end under the thirst of his blade. Years passed and when Shigeru finally reached the age of maturity, he had already become the best apprentice that Sasaki had ever taught. Deciding that it was time for him to leave, Sasaki bestowed upon Shigeru his family heirloom - the proud ōdachi called Tenryubito. Sworn to cherish his master's gift forever, Shigeru bid farewell to him, eternally grateful of what his master had done for him.

His journey across the country began and he had searched high and low for the whereabouts of the black yokai. Thanks for the guidance of a wise, millennium-old kitsune that Shigeru rescued on his way, he had found the sworn enemy that had been the target of his vengeance for so many years. And the two of them engage in a battle that he considered to be the greatest fight of his life. As their swords clashed together, they both seemingly engaged in a waltz of blades. There isn't a single moment when they dropped their guard down. But eventually, with his strength and determination, Shigeru had managed to slain the monster. The black yokai accepted his demise, but remarking that he will "leave a small gift" for Shigeru, before he disintegrated into ashes.

After returning from the fight, Shigeru was contented that he had exacted his vengeance, the purpose of his life is served. However, a set of tattoos in the shape of lotus flowers appeared on his body, which the old kitsune revealed to be a curse that the black yokai had managed to put on him before his untimely end. At first, he had considered to just committed seppuku to die an honorable death, but the kitsune encouraged him not to give up on life, which he follows. Once again, his journey as a ronin continued, until the wind of change led him to the Edo village.

It was a peaceful village on its' way of thriving with the potential that could very well match up to the capital of the country in Kyoto. In a way, it reminds Shigeru of his home village now was reduced into nothing more than ashes. He then got a chance to meet up with the daimyo, who is also the Oyabun of the yakuza. Knowing that he had finally found those who shared the same ideals with him, Shigeru had since then sworn loyalty to Yoshiro and become a part of the great clan. The family he believes will be the shining light that would pave ways for a brave new era.

Now, Shigeru had been under the service of the yakuza for 10 years. He's contented with the life he's having now and would go for any length for the sake of the family he had come to treasured more than his life. In the upcoming clash between Lord Yoshiro and Lady Sakuya, he knows that the abilities of those like him are needed now, more than ever.


"A stern, yet respectable man. One might question whether he can follow his father's steps, but I hope he'll just stay the way he is."

As a member of yakuza under Makoto, there's no question over Shigeru's loyalty and respect for the daiyokai. Much on the contrary with his father, he doesn't seem to have a sense of humor most of the time, and sometimes can be a little bit too... straightforward. However, that doesn't stop Shigeru from looking up to him, as much as how he looks up to the Oyabun. He secretly found the origami pieces that Makoto made to be quite beautiful, and would snatch a few of them to decorate his room from time to time. Just like how a younger sibling would look after his older brother, Shigeru would certainly give his best for Makoto's sake, even if it means putting his own life in jeopardy.


"Ah, Fu-chan. My favorite girl. It's always nice to have her company around, though it seems that she's still shy."

Shigeru believes Asuka to be a strong and undefeated young woman, yet deep down inside, she's in fact a very sweet person. Of course, just like any other women out there, sometimes he would outwardly flirted with her, but never takes it over the limit. Just as the way she's being protective towards every member of the family, Shigeru will always got her back too, as he believes that there's no reason for anyone to fight alone in the inevitable battle that is soon to come to them all, and she deserves to be happy. He knows of the feelings that she harbors towards her mentor, Danzo, by the ways she looked at him, but decided not to bring that up, hoping that the best will come in her ways.


"I heard a lot about him and his kin from Shuu-chan. Interesting fella, if I must say."

Shugo had informed Shigeru of many things related to the black kirin, about him being the symbol of the True Emperor and things like that. But nonetheless, Susumu is just exactly the type of guy that Shigeru would love to hang out with, and hoping that they both can be drinking partners sometimes. Not to mention that he's a beautiful man - Shigeru has a thing for all beautiful people, regardless of genders, mind you - and he would often than not exuded a pure and tranquil aura, something that's quite hard to come across these days. Whatever reasons that had led him here of all places, Shigeru secretly hope that he would achieve them before the upcoming blood feud.


"Having lived such a long life like that, it's no doubt she's gone through high and low. When I look at her, I saw myself."

Shigeru attended a chado tea ceremonies which Toka held for a couple of times and found the way she is as an entertainer to be very unique and interesting. Despite the fact that she knows how to converse with people well and is capable of making anyone pleased, he can always see that there's a look of a loneliness in her eyes - something that Shigeru understands very well. Perhaps there are a lot of things that they both have in common, but Shigeru questioned the reason why she turned her back on her kind, why must she convince those who are living harmoniously with his kind to return to where they belong. Nonetheless, Shigeru hopes that one day she will see that the world is more colorful than she thought.


"A charming and sweet woman, indeed. She's like a hibiscus blooming gracefully in the night, yet no one knows of its' poisonous roots."

As a magnificent tome of beauty Akumi is, it's quite obvious that a flirt like Shigeru would never hold his tongue from flattering her, so much that he could probably make poems to cherish grace and charisma. He founds her ability to foresee the deaths to be quite intriguing, and more often than not would prefer not listening to them, as it's better to live the most of your life, whether you're on your deathbed the following day or not. Shigeru also admires her paintings a lot and is trying to convincing her to give him a few of her works, to decorate his room. Akumi is, after all, another member of his big family and it's natural of him to look after her, just like how he always look after the others.


"He's surely someone not to be taken lightly. But I shall see if he's worthy to be the opponent of this sword."

At first, Shigeru thought that Kenzo is but another of those idiots who are all brawn and no brains that he once took down in his past, but it seemed that's not the case. Of course, Shigeru respects him as a fellow warrior, and the fact that he's quite knowledgeable. They both can have a lot of things to talk about over a cup of sake. However, he doesn't hold the fact that what Kenzo fights for is money. So, whether they will have to cross their blades together one day or not, Shigeru will see if the guy is worthy enough to face him. After all, he was taught how to fight with grace, honor and strength by the his master Sasaki and he'll be six feet under if he ever tarnishes his name.


"Her whole life is an endless battle and she had created many facades to struggle against it. In the end, what is it that she truly seek?"

Yuka intrigued Shigeru because of her silent, but deadly aura. He knows that she come from the same clan with Asuka, though how would they react when they met is beyond him. He doesn't know much about how she truly is just yet, because of the many faces that she put on with different people. She's literally mute and she doesn't feel pain. Shigeru felt that it was better that she clung on to them, as her life could have been worse if she didn't. He's not so certain whether they can be friends or not, but he certainly sympathize with her seeing her struggling with the battle that she's yet to won. Perhaps one day, peace will come to her when she'd found what she's seeking.

So begins...

Ashikaga Shigeru's Story


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Character Portrait: Ashikaga Shigeru Character Portrait: Taiyo Kenzo Character Portrait: Fujiwara Asuka
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The sun rose on yet another day over the town of Edo. The villagers woke up and got to work on their chores for the day. Some started smithing, others worked the fields, and some simply lay passed out at the bar waiting for the owner to come by and wake them from their undoubtedly lucid nightmares. Above one of those bars, a man stood and strapped on his weapons and gear for the day. He slid a hand through his hair, grimacing a bit. He walked over to a bucket of water, kneeled, and dunked his head in it. Pulling back slowly to avoid splashing everything, he slid his hair back and worked in the curves that he had become so fond of so many years ago. He let the water drip a bit more before standing and making his way to the window and opening the panels to reveal an almost idylic version of a village before him.

Kenzo rested his elbows on the sill, letting the newly risen sun dry his hair for him. Below, people wandered to and fro, including one degenerate person being thrown out the front door by the owner of the establishment that Kenzo had stayed the night in. Kenzo took in the sights, trying to get a read on the place as best he could. Edo was a fairly large town, one that had made him question if he had actually taken a wrong turn and ended up in Kyoto instead. Looking towards the center of the city revealed a large house that was akin to a small castle which was the main building of the Yakuza leadership. the walls were smalll but sturdy with a heavy metal gate that blocked easy passage into the area. Looking in the same direction revealed several members of the Yakuza making their rounds, their blue and white hakama's easily identifying them as members. There were about 4 of them, stopping to help someone set up their fruit cart. Kenzo narrowed his eyes at them, slapping the window sill slightly as he pushed off back into his room.

He walked over to where his overcoat was hanging from a hook, reaching into the inner breasat pocket and pulling out a single parchment. He leaned against the wall, unfolding the paper and giving it yet another read, probably the fifth time he had actually looked at the thing.


Members of the Yakuza Clan, based out of Edo.

For the crimes of:

Possession and/or use of Illegal Drugs

The penalty of these crimes is: Death or Capture
Bounty: 200,000 Mon
Bonus: High ranking members of the Yakuza will earn a bonus payout of 400,000 Mon.

A wanted poster from a few towns over, posted by the local militia there on order from their lord. Edo wasn't too far away, and it had the potential to be an easy bounty...or so Kenzo had thought.

He folded the paper up once more and placed it back inside the pocket before donning the jacket himself. He had been in this village for a few days now, and so far had been unable to figure out a way to carry out his job with the least amount of blood and death possible without himself either being captured or dead by the end of it. Sure, he could start running up to these Yakuza bastards, who so far were not exactly standing up to their reputation as thugs and murderers, and start swinging his sword like a mad man, but it wouldn't end well for him. He had already seen a couple of the higher ranking members wandering around and the bonus was more than worth the effort needed to at least attempt capturing them.

If he couldn't figure something out soon, he would have to resort to killing a couple and taking something as proof of the deed. He wouldn't have time to take the entire head, and a simple ear or finger wouldn't do it. Maybe their Hakama? He would have to slice a big enough chunk off to display the Yakuza colors but maybe that could work. Regardless of proof, Kenzo didn't want to resort to killing if he didn't have to. With that mindset, he opened the sliding door of his room and made his way down to the bar below.

He stopped long enough at the bar to fill up his canteen with water, and walked out onto the beaming streets of Edo. Kenzo simply took the time to take a walk, peering into alleys and down streets to get a better feel of the place. He had scouted the entire city when he first showed up, but it was always better to have a fresh mental map in place just in case. Even during his little jaunt through the streets, Yakuza members were thick with their presence. Patrols of 3 or more would pass by him on a regular basis. According to a couple of the locals he had asked, the color of their Hakama indicated their rank. Apparently there weren't many officers, and there were a couple who didn't wear the standard colors of their faction.

Then what was the point? Why have colors if your leaders don't wear them? Seemed kind of redundant to Kenzo but then again he didn't fly any colors save his own. His walk took him past several different places, including the market and even what could be classified as the 'poor' district. Even Kenzo had to admit, Edo's poor district put other village's rich districts to shame. After having spent some time here, Kenzo had to concede that he was having misgivings about this entire bounty. For the most part, he hadn't seen the Yakuza do anything that would consititute a crime, especially to the scale written. Then again, it could be because this is their base of operations and it's the one place they want to be serene and peaceful.

Walking a little further brought Kenzo to the front gate of the Yakuza headquarters, for lack of a better word. A large building a simple step down from an actual castle, and while he couldn't see inside the building he could see around to their yard through the gate, where there sat a single tree, maybe orchard or something akin to that. It seemed like a couple people were standing around it. Without a doubt they had to be some of the higher ranking members of the Yakuza, or at least directly related to them.

Kenzo took a few moments to peer at the gate and surrounding structure. He could try to climb his way over but everyone would see him the moment he tried. The gate was locked so walking right in wouldn't happen without some kind of extenuating circumstance. He could try to lure them out...set fire to a building perhaps? Mix some sake with a burning rag and you have yourself a fire in a bottle. It would draw attention, but would it get those high priced people out from behind their safe walls? Kenzo scoffed to himself and walked away from the building. A fire that would draw their attention would have to be huge and have a massive risk of hurting innocent people. He wasn't willing to do that just yet.

It was only a few steps later that Kenzo's stomach protested it's own gripes, having forgotten to eat anything for breakfast and immediately regretting that decision. A short walk later and Kenzo was sitting at a table with a bowl of hot vegetables in front of him at some restaurant. It wasn't much, and he would have preferred some kind of meat, but it would do him well enough. He was only halfway done his meal when people started yelling outside. At first he thought it was because someone had drawn a sword and was about to do something stupid, instead he glanced out the window to see several Yakuza members running past.

He placed his money on the table and left for the door, exiting and nearly getting trampled by yet another patrol of Yakuza running past him with their hands on their blades. Several civilians were running the opposite direction, and Kenzo managed to grab one of them on the way past. "What's going on?" Kenzo asked quite bluntly.

"We're under attack! Soldiers with naginatas and katanas stormed in and started killing everyone!" The man shouted before shoving Kenzo and running further away from wherever the fighting was happening. Kenzo stared towards the danger for a moment, and saw his opening. The leaders, if they were worth any of the praise he had heard some of these towns people claim, would rush out to help with the situation. In that confusion, he could slip inside and find anyone who didn't go out with the party, subdue them and get them out of Edo. With that in mind, he made like the frightened villagers and ran towards the center of town.

A few moments later and he was at the gate of the main Yakuza building. Almost on cue, the gate swung open and several heavily armed Yakuza members charged out of the building. Before the gate could close, Kenzo whipped through it and drew his Katana expecting to fight some guards left behind. Instead he was greeted with nothing as the gate slammed shut. Not even a single blue and white hakama there to greet him. Were they all gone? Or were they so assured of their safety that they didn't bother with some form of security? Regardless, now would probably be his only chance to scope the place out if nothing else.

He ran forward, katana in hand and burst into the main lobby of the building. The moment he did, he was greeted by the sight of a white haired woman who stared him down as he nearly froze in place. She was armed, her capability not quite evident by her stance or apparel but her eyes spoke volumes. She would cut him down if he made the wrong move, or at least she would try to. Wait...white hair and armed? Makoto's bodyguard? Asuka, if he remembered correctly. Skilled according to the stories, well past the point of being able to subdue her easily. He didn't have time for a prolonged fight if he could help it, there had to be someone else here worth grabbing.

"Fujiwara-san." Kenzo bowed. "I bring word from the fight, more mercenaries have joined the attackers. Makoto-sama and Yoshiro-dono are under heavy attack and require your assistance." He had no idea if this would work, but his blade was already out if it didn't.

The alarm had come quickly inside of the shared home, and it did not take long for most of the Yakuza members to make for the battlefield. They needed to protect their villagers, and it was her father and brother who led the company this time. The both of them had left, leaving Asuka behind to watch over the rest of the village. She would be needed just in case some of the warriors made it passed the yakuza. She believed, however, that would not be the case. She sighed softly before a man came into her sights. She furrowed her brows slightly as he spoke. Makoto and Yoshiro were in trouble?

"Find Shigeru and tell him to keep an eye on the villagers. Tell him to make sure no one gets inside," were the only words she left him with. If she left the place unattended to... she didn't want to think of the consequences. She left him seconds later.

Kenzo watched Asuka leave, staring at the door as it closed for a moment before sniffing and wiping his nose slightly. "That worked." Kenzo whispered to himself as he turned towards the rest of the building. There was at least one more person in here. Shigeru, a lieutenant of the Yakuza if memory served and potentially an easier target than the bodyguard to the Dono's son. Without any more hesitation, he jogged through the building searching every room as he came to them when suddenly he heard the sound of some sort of stringed instrument. Kenzo made his way to the back, exiting the building to reveal a single tree with a man sitting below it and plucking away at a koto. Seeing as there seemed to be no one else in the entire building, this had to be Shigeru.

The man's back was turned, the music was muffling any sound Kenzo could make, and there was no one else around to see him. He pressed forward carefully as he flipped his katana around so that the handlle was facing towards his target. He wanted him alive, then he could haul him out of here while whatever was happening elsewhere in the village was wrapping up. He could steal a horse and be long gone before anyone realized they were missing. Kenzo got within a few feet of Shigeru, who seemed to be blissfully unaware of his presence as he plucked away, and Kenzo readied his strike.

Suddenly something pounced from the tree like a cat, tackling Kenzo to the ground who rolled with the surprise hit and managed to throw whatever it was off of him and get back to his feet. Shigeru turned immediately at the sound to see Kenzo in a battle stance and his blade back at the forefront in his standard style. Kenzo looked over to see someone else, standing from being knocked over. There was a slight smile on the man's lips as he realized he had stopped Kenzo from attacking Shigeru. Kenzo simply swore to himself, he didn't have time for a prolonged fight because there was no telling when the other Yakuza members would be back. He didn't have a choice though, he either left with Shigeru in tow, or he left with nothing to show his efforts. He would be hunted if he stayed here, so with that in mind he charged at his intended target blade at the ready.

He was going to get paid no matter what.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashikaga Shigeru Character Portrait: Taiyo Kenzo Character Portrait: Fujiwara Asuka Character Portrait: Fujiwara Makoto
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0.00 INK

Shigeru was sitting at his favorite spot, in the backyard of the Yakuza's Headquarters, where there was a big cherry blossom tree. It was such a nice morning, but apparently things hadn't been very peaceful as of lately. Someone had caused a ruckus in Edo and the heads of the family, Lord Yoshiro and his son Makoto, had gone to take care of it, along with most of the men. Shigeru, however, was tasked to stay behind with Asuka to watch over the villagers and make sure that no one traced their step here. Not like anyone would have the nerve to do that in times like this, anyway, if they valued their lives.

Morning didn't sound like a very suitable time to play koto, but he had to find something to do if he was stuck here waiting for everyone to return, didn't he? At least Shigeru wasn't totally alone right now, as his self-proclaimed kitsune servant was also sitting behind him, apparently enjoying the melody even more than he was. Of course, he had no intention of making anyone his follower nor his servant in the first place, but since Shugo kept insisting, he figured to just let him do whatever he wanted. That wasn't entirely a bad thing, since he was quite adorable. In a way, Shugo always reminded him of the trustworthy friend whom Shigeru had lost so long ago.

At first look, it almost seemed as if Shigeru was totally putting his guard down, completely unaware of what was happening around him. That's what he wanted others to believe. Every single being exuded their own distinguished auras, and as a master of ki, he could easily detect them if they didn't learn to conceal theirs. In a certain range, knowing who was walking in and out and who was suspicious, was childplay to him. It always proves to be useful whenever he's on guard like this.

And soon enough, he felt a rather strange presence, which differed itself from any of the Yakuza he knew. It was either a newbie, or a complete stranger somehow managed to get inside the headquarters. Whoever they were, it was certain that they were trying to approach Shigeru, for what intentions were yet to be seen.

"Shuu-chan, take cover," he said to Shugo, while still playing the koto. The kitsune nodded as he jumped onto a branch of the tree, keeping himself hidden behind the petals, keeping a watchful eye on his master. Shigeru remained calm and pretended to be blissfully ignorant as he continued to trace his fingers against the strings of the zither, making melody echoes as the man slowly approached him, ready to strike him down. Shugo wouldn't let that happen in a million years.

In a flash, he dashed from the branch he was hiding and knocked the man back, and jumped back in front of Shigeru, as the man entered his battle stance. "My deepest apology, but if you wanted to get to my master, you have to get through me first," he said with a slight smirk as he unsheathed his sword.

It was then that Shigeru stood up and smiled calmly to Shugo, "Just stay aside, Shuu-chan. I will deal with this guy."

"Are you sure, Shige-sama? Someone like him isn't worth for you to raise your proud sword," Shugo protested, but Shigeru just smiled assuredly, so he just sighed and stepped aside. However, he was still ready to back up his master if the situation called for it, though he doubted if he would actually have to if Shigeru decided to take care of it by himself.

Shigeru stepped up as he directly faced his challenger. "Come then, I don't see you as a worthy enough of an opponent for me to unsheath my sword. But I don't think I will let you take me down without a good fight," he stood still as the man charged at him.

An iron war fan fell from his sleeve into his hand as he blocked the attack with it, "Let's see if my tessenjutsu got rusty."

This Yakuza lieutenant wasn't even going to fight him with a blade? Was he going to use...a war fan? Kenzo took a couple steps back and stared at Shigeru for a moment. Was the man that confident that he could beat him with a simple war fan? Or was he that stupid that he thought he could beat him with a war fan. Regardless of the man's motivations or lack there of, he made a mistake in not allowing his friend...with cat ears...


Kenzo gritted his teeth, his desire to shove his sword into the Yokai's chest almost overcoming his inclination to finish the job he was already undertaking. He shoved his hatred deep inside him for potential later use. For the moment, he had to try and take out Shigeru as fast as he could then make his escape. He knew that the Yokai had a connection to his target though and would most likely step in to stop Kenzo from finishing him. Either way, he had to try.

Kenzo stepped forward, slashing upwards as he did so and felt his blade be redirected by the war fan. Without hesitation, his hand grip changed and brought the blade back down with another straight forward slash that was oncce again redirected. It was done with a fluidity that Kenzo didn't even feel the reverberations such a move would normally make along the blade. Shigeru was caressing the blade into another direction rather than forcing it, which spoke volumes about the man's skill. Kenzo slashed a couple more times to the same effect, and then he took two steps back outside the man's limited war fan range.

The testing was over, the real battle would now begin.

Kenzo's dashed forward, his feet sliding over the dirt as he came to a stop and kicking up dust at his heels as his sword slashed upwards, downwards, and sideways. Each time it was redirected or dodged by Shigeru, but it was evident that this was not what he was expecting from the Ronin. Kenzo switched to zatoichi, flipping his katana so the blade was running parrallel to his forearm and stepped inside Shigeru's guard. Slashing with precision, every time Shigeru tried to gain some distance from the now close quarters style, Kenzo stayed with him. In this situation, the Yakuza samurai couldn't help but suffer some cuts as the blade came extremely close to slicing open his stomach.

After a few moments of this, Shigeru slid back before spinning around and delivering a kick to Kenzo, who managed to get his arm up in time to block it, but wasn't quick enough to follow up the second kick which landed squarely on his face, sending him stumbling backwards slightly. Shigeru used this unbalance to his advantage, pressing forward and delivering three vertical slashes to Kenzo in quick succession. Kenzo had to practically fall backwards in order to avoid having his eyes cut out, and was left with a series of with a series of bleeding cuts on his face for the trouble. When Shigeru pressed his position one more, Kenzo managed to grasp the outreached arm, slide around and toss Shigeru over his shoulder. The Samurai fell to the ground hard but landed in a roll that allowed him to get to his feet quickly. They stood there for a moment before circling each other. Kenzo didn't have much time left, he couldn't afford to stay here for much longer.

Shigeru exhaled a short breath, but a smile managed to make it on his face. Ever since his fight with the black yokai, there hadn't been many battles that could truly get his adrenaline going like this. Apparently his challenger was not someone to be taken lightly, but there was no reason for him to go all out right now. It was quite clear to Shigeru that the man didn't have much time, that's why he was seemingly trying to take him out quickly.

And it looked like he was just getting serious. Shigeru could feel his aura change as he saw him unsheath another wakizashi sword and enter a stance as he wielded both swords simultaneously. Shigeru raised his eyebrow in slight surprise. He had heard a lot of about sword techniques like this where the wielders would attack with ridiculous speed, but never really got a chance to see it in practice. He could see that the atmosphere was quickly changing. One wrong move and his head would roll.

Yet, his lips still curved into a smirk. It seemed that he too had to get a little serious now.

Shigeru moved his hand over his chest and closed his eyes for a few seconds while exhaling another breath. A quarter of his ki was channeled throughout his body, enhancing every muscle. As he entered his stance, both of them stared at each other for a short moment before dashing toward their opponents.

Every swing and slash coming from both the wakizaki and katana was incredibly fast, with masterful precision. If Shigeru hesitated for just a second, it would mean his untimely end. There were not many swordsmen out there who could manage to be this fast, even with a hundred years of practice. But, it would be such a shame for Shigeru to fall now, wouldn't it?

Even with his enhanced dexterity, Shigeru found himself on the defensive as strike after strike came towards him with more and more speed. The mercenary was fast...faster than he thought someone should be as his blades found purchase on several parts of his body, just barely escaping a fatal blow more than once. On his own, Shigeru couldn't hope to match the speed of his opponent, but he did have something that he didn't. He had to buy his time, wait for a moment, strike with precision. As his Ki managed to keep him half a step ahead of the Ronin, he could feel himself coming dangerously close to his preferred limit. He had to strike soon.

After a couple more moments of dodging and redirecting strikes , Shigeru finally managed to make out a weak spot. He dashed forward as he blocked one sword with his iron fan, while purposefully letting the other cut his hip slightly. Centering most of the ki he was using at the moment into his free arm, Shigeru managed to punch the man in his abdomen with such force that it made him fly backwards several meters.

The man, though not having fallen because of the attack as he slid on the ground, was wincing slightly because Shigeru had almost hit a critical point. And now it seemed that he couldn't afford to stay and mingle any longer. He sheathed both of his swords before quickly turning his back and fleeing the scene. Seeing that the intruder was escaping, Shugo stepped up, intending to chase him down, but Shigeru raised his arm and stopped him. "There's no need to, yet."

So far nothing had gone to plan. He had dodged a skilled fighter to run into yet another skilled fighter. Obviously the raised bounty on the leadership of the Yakuza was a very reasonable thing to do, if they were all of the skill level of Shigeru back there. Still, he had given him a run for his money. Kenzo wondered, if the man hadn't been able to draw on his Ki, if he would still be standing. Maybe if he pulled his sword instead of some fan...but even then he managed to dodge Kenzo more than enough to warrant running away like some kind of coward. Kenzo swore to himself as he sprinted towards the gate of the complex. This was a stupid plan...a stupid stupid stupid...

Kenzo burst through the gate, and came to a skidding halt as several Yakuza members stood there in stunned silence at this new comer appearing from their headquarters. Kenzo peered around for a second, wondering if he could talk his way out of this one when Asuka appeared from the crowd and angrily stepped up to him. "Oh fuck off." Kenzo managed to utter before her fist connected with his face and sent him sprawling back towards the gate. Blood almost immediately started to pour from his nose and the taste of copper flooded his mouth. What did she hit him with, a rock in the shape of a fist? Kenzo tried to get to his feet but immediately felt a couple of knees dig themselves into his back and he grunted in pain as he could feel rope being tied around his hands.

He tried to fight back, managing to elbow one of the arresting Yakuza in the face, but was quickly silenced by a few more strikes to his head and stomach. They yanked him to his feet, and he glanced backwards to see Shigeru calmly staring at him with his pet demon by his side. Kenzo glared back at the man, but quickly returned his attention to the people in front of him, briefly licking the blood flowing freely from his most likely broken nose.

In front of him stood several lower ranking Yakuza members, but among them were Makoto and his bodyguard Asuka, who Kenzo tried to avoid visibly flinching from everytime her hand twitched. She hit like a brick shithouse, and the Samurai behind him was fast and a damn wizard with Ki...was everyone in the Yakuza some kind of super freak?

Makoto stared at the man after he was restrained, glancing towards Asuka and gave her a questioning glance. "Asuka-chan, what is the meaning of this?" he questioned, earning a slight narrowing of eyes. She merely released a frustrated sigh, and walked over towards the captured man. She resisted the urge to punch the man in the stomach this time around, and glanced back towards her charge.

"He is the one responsible of why I left my station. He said Fujiwara-dono and Makoto-sama were in need of assistance; that there was a suprise attack on the both of you," she replied, narrowing her eyes at the captured man. Makoto merely furrowed his brows and turned his attention to the prisoner. With a soft sigh, he waved his hand towards the group.

"Unbind him, but take him to Daizo-san. He will see to the care of this man," was the only thing he said. They didn't have a proper dungeon to detain criminals of the sort, but if the man was a spy for Sakuya, then Daizo would find out. For now, they didn't need to act so needlessly violent towards the man. "I expected better of you, though, Asuka," he spoke, causing her to look away. She could see the disappointment behind his eyes, and it stung.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashikaga Shigeru Character Portrait: Taiyo Kenzo Character Portrait: Fujiwara Asuka Character Portrait: Fujiwara Makoto Character Portrait: Akumi Tsubaki
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Akumi sat in the middle of her floor, her Tsubaki tree intertwined with the wood of her walls. Considering she was a tree yokai, she had been allowed a few odd accommodations such has having her host tree as a literal part of her room. The gnarled roots covered a portion of her floor and its branches sprawled above her and curled down, heavy with its burden of blossoms. Half of the tree bloomed just outside the walls, getting all the sunlight it needed. The velvety violet blooms could be found in the grass and all over her floor. She was often very careful to walk around the blossoms to avoid crushing them even if they were drying and snapped at anyone who tried to step on them. Thankfully, the branch that extended across the ceiling and draped down generally loosed its burden in one location.

The Tsubaki yokai also had various paintings decorating the walls that she had created herself, little bits of memories from her past. Most often, they were half remembered faces and events. A couple of spots had obviously missing portraits but she didn't mind. Shigeru-kun had mentioned his desire for them and she had happily parted with them to brighten his room and see him give that rather contagious smile. All of her painting supplies were neatly ordered in one corner of the room and a half painted canvas waited for her but she had much more important things to do today. She had warned the clan of an attack on the town and like most of her visions, they came to fruition.The clan had gone out to defend the citizens and she wanted to check her vision again. All the previous times she had sought answers, none of those she was close to had met their demise but she wanted to be sure now that most of the future would be set in stone revolving around this particular event. Perhaps she could offer assistance if things had changed and warn her family of the dangers.

Akumi leaned over to pick up one of the blossoms around her, her long dark hair pooling in her lap. She caressed the delicate petals, her amethyst eyes watching the lines intently. It wasn't long before images began to flash in her mind. As before, she saw the battle and their victory over the would be invaders. Makoto and Asuka were both safe. But oh, the future did change. A stranger entered her vision and lured Asuka away from the safety of the fortress which was troubling but even following this vein, Asuka's life remained a strong thrum. The stranger would target Shigeru then. The battle between the stranger and Shigeru was disconcerting. Shigeru was taking on a bit of damage but ultimately, he was victorious, landing a well-placed ki attack on the stranger at a vital point and killing the stranger instantly. Reassured that her family was safe, Akumi pulled away from her vision. With a smile on her lush lips, she stood with the blossom in hand and straightened the black kimono she wore with cerulean lines threaded through that created an elegant floral pattern.

Akumi rested the blossom delicately on one of the various shelves she used to keep the blossoms she had used for visions as a reminder, the visions still etched into the faded petals. She heard a sword fight not too far away from her then and tilted her head to the side. The fight between Shigeru and the stranger must have just started. She hurried to leave her room so she could catch the fight. She stopped a good distance away and watched as the two fought each other relentlessly. And then Shigeru hit the stranger with the ki move that Akumi knew would kill the stranger, as it had in her vision. Her eyes widened when she saw the man still very much alive and running towards the front gate. "Impossible..." she muttered. Unless Shigeru happened to not hit a vital point this time. There was a chance that something like that could happen and it was one of the few ways that her versions failed, but it was still unnerving. The stranger didn't get far however. As soon as he tried to rush past the gate, the rest of the clan was there waiting and Asuka punched the human hard enough to get him to fall. It wasn't long before the stranger was detained.

Akumi shook her head before she approached Shigeru and looked him up and down. She even reached out to pull his arms up to look at the ripped clothing where blood had already stained the fabric and was quickly drying, making it a nasty brown hue. She moved closer to turn his face and frowned at the bleeding cuts there. "My, that stranger did a number on you, Shigeru-kun," she called to him. "You should get your wounds checked before they get infected." Then she turned to Shugo. "And you? Did you get hurt when you tackled that trespasser?" she asked worried eyes searching him.