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Apples...That is all. -Poof-

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a character in “Deadly Little Experiment”, as played by badboyej




Male Soulmate3


Number Code

Ghost 8D


Random: Distance can have random outbursts from time to time. Either when he is very bored or just when he feels like it. During these outbursts, he can be very funny. Saying random stuff like "Guess what...i just farted." Or any reckless things of the sort. It can be annoying sometimes.. as he doesn't know when to stop or shut up. Infact he'll keep on going till he feels like stopping. Or something intresting takes over. From time to time, this tends to cheer other people up, even when its not supposed to.
Short temper: Distance has a very short temper, which can be pretty horrific. Once pissed, it slowly begins to get worse and worse till there is nothing left to get annoyed about. Normaly he would just tell them to shut up, but most of the time he prefers to make things worse. Constant back chat usually builds up until it turns to violence. He won't stop until his point is proven, or he gets some kind of pie/apple or if that person is dead. Stopping him would be like picking a fight with a polar bear. One may assume that Distance can be very childish, as he is a saw loser. So even if he lost a game of football... he would go on a rage, like a little child not getting what he wants. He could be verbaly angry.. mentally angry (When he keeps quiet and rages into a corner. Keeping things to himself) or physically (His favourite) Nobody likes having a short temper. So whenever he feels like he's gonna lose it, he simply walks away.. or just fades away into a deep daydream... Or you could always give him a apple..
Smarticle: Distance is actually pretty smart. Being a daydreamer causes him to be the type of person that likes to think things over, before going straight into it. Even if he has done that before, he would never like to do that again. People often moan that he thinks about things to much. Or that he worries to much. But its simply because he cares about others too much... or more like himself. If Distance does care for you... he will use his life to protect you, even when the odds are stacked up against him... He wouldn't care. Taking time to figure a way to get around problems is the way he rolls... If he isn't angry. Distance tends to judge people, even if they haven't done anything to him or anybody, he would judge them depending on their looks its a very bad habit of his, which sometimes happens without him noticing. If they look like an idiot.. well then he'll think that their an idiot. Lets just say that he does judge a book by its front cover.During deep though, Distance tends to talk to himself, which causes confusion. As you could imagine, he utterly hates it.
Flirt Distance is addicted to women (Other than apples). He can't get enough of them. When he sees a good looking girl, he'd drop everything and stop what ever he was doing, then stoll right over to her and "Attempt" to work his magic. To pick them up, he thinks about his wording planning on how he is going to talk, and whatever will happen after. Being able to judge someone effectively, helps him out alittle. Giving him clues on the type of female, their interests and how to talk to them. For example, if the female was tom-boyish. He would act cool yet tuff. Bigging up himself even if there isn't much to big up. Even if he fails at picking up girls. He can make a great friend... Nobody want's to be alone, so whenever he gets the chance... He would talk to a random person and make a decent conversation over something random.
Daydreamer Annoyed, bored or if he simply has nothing better to do, he'd be daydreaming. Its pretty hard to grab his attention, weither you're facing a life or death suituation... or just calling him for no reason at all. The chances that he'd reply first time is very unlikely. A way around this is poking him in the face... He hates being touched irrates him.

Crush/Relationship Status
Somebody will catch his eye, eventually.

Are You Broken?
Distance hates Father with all his heart.

Teleportation: Father gave Distance the power to teleport. As you could imagine, Distance was once a very helpful experiment around the mansion, and at one point, one of Fathers favourites. If somebody needed to get out of somewhere quickly, Distance was the guy for the job. There was no need for cars or any other transportation..Unless you wanted to fly. He can also make certain "Portals" to make other objects teleport to a different location aswell, allowing him to use this a some kind of attack aswell.

As his whole body has to change its state of matter, Distance can hide within a object or any kind of shadow for a veryshort period of time (1- 2 mintues Max), this allows him to sneak around for needed information, or to simply buy some time. For this to happen, a slight change in the atmosphere occurs just before he blends into a shadow/object. As a result, people with hightened senses can detect this, making his power pretty damn useless. The same occurs with his teleportation. He can't blend into another living thing, as the risk of fusing with it is too high.

He is not very skilled as one may think. Matter of fact, Distance can't teleport from one country to another. The maxium is from one side of a medium sized town, to another and thats pretty much it. Another downfall is teleporting different objects, they can't teleport as him. The size of the object also matters, as if its too big and heavy it can cause major problems with his health.
-Health problems during Teleporting: As his body changes matter completely, various organs stop working. Although, he's not really sure if thats true.
-Chain teleporting: He can't teleport one time after another. He has a time limit, at least 5 seconds between each move.
-His Anger: Can be his downfall.
-Being alone... It hurts his pride, i mean.. who would want to be forever alone?
-Being without his addiction. Distance can't cope without having a meal of pie or a bunch of Apples. It tends to keep him chilled, rather than go on a all out rage. Without his needs, Distance would slowly begin to turn against the people that trust him, and eventually end up in a well feared stage of anger. Something that he himself, can't even control.
- To break it down to you, Teleportation relies on many things. Most of it depends on imagination and actual confidence in order to change state and travel through a vortex in a short amount of time. Now don't get me wrong, Distance has alot of imagination...And his confidence is just too damn cocky. The problem is, during these vortex's, he can't breathe at all..The further he has the travel, the longer he has to put up with being out of breath. Which explains why he doesn't like jumping from place to place. Now, because of all these years of training, his lungs can intake a vast amount of oxygen at one time. As you could imagine, that puts alot of pressure on the heart as it gets bigger and bigger due to the work out that it gets daily. As it grows; more and more space is being covered by his heart and lungs, which is soon to cause death. Distance knows this, as in some occasions; his heart stops beating completely leaving him to gasp for air-like a fish. It may only last for about 30 seconds; but during battles, that is enough time for his enemy to strike. He can't do anything at all whilst this happens, making him an easy target.

Appearance Description
He is normaly seen with Black sunglasses just above his eyebrows, don't ask why he does.. A small scar goes over his left eye lid.. although the reason is unknown.

Would you kill your own family? For no reason at all? No?.. didn't think so. For some strange reason, Distance found that it would be fun to wake up when the whole family was asleep, and spread petrol and oil all over the place. Laughing at the same time, Distance would find a box of matches, a packet of popcorn and a can of coke within the fridge. He strolled towards his back garden and sat on a wooden outdoor chair with a packed bag next to him, a few meters away from the house. Leaving a burning match on a puddle of oil. Thus creating a small fire. Distance stat back on the chair and munched on his popcorn, while watching the house being cooked alive with his harmless family within it. Minutes past and the house was no more... just...burnt ashes and gravel. Police gathered the scene but Distance was already gone. This resulted in a 3 week search for the redhead, no matter how hard they tried to find him they just couldn't. Then something rather stupid happend. Distance was desperate for an apple, which happend to fall from the tree which helt his hidden tree house just behind his neighbour's backgarden. The treehouse was so old and rotten that nobody would think that anybody would hide in there. Once Distance fell from the tree, the neighbour (who was sitting on the grass) instantly reported him to the police. They later found out that the treehouse was upgraded from the inside, leaving the outside to look...Dead.

Caution: He has a mad addiction to apples. If one were to 'hurt' an apple or take one away... Distance will become annoyed.. and will moan at you endlessly untill he gets another. He may also request for the person he is with, to move on. The classic sentance "Carry on, i'll catch up." This is purely because of his breathing problems.

Nero- Must be the feeling. (Delta Heavy remix)
Every-Every-Everyti-Everytim-Everytime. I hear this tune. It makes me wanna' move-Move.
Must be the feeling! It brings to you. That makes you do what you do!
I hear this tuuune. It makes me wanna' move
Must be the feeling! It brings to you. That makes you do what you do-Do

(Sexual song effects)

Must be the feelin-in in in in (etc)

(More sexual sound effects *_*)

Must be the feeling!

(Continuing rather sexual song effects which take you away.)
Must be the feeling-in in in in (Etc)
(Clashes with sexual song effects)

Everytime, i hear this grove.
It makes me wanna move.
Must be the feeling
It brings to you
That makes you do what you do

(Bass drop builds, her sexy voice echoes)
Everytime, i hear this grove.
It makes me wanna move.
Must be the feelin-in-in-in
(Sexual bass drop returns, making you smile like an fool.)
Mus-mus must be the feelin!

(More sexual song effects)

Mus-mus must be the feelin-in-in-in(Etc)

(Sexual chain of sound effects ring in yo' ears like "Holy nugget, this is good.")

(Fades away.)

So begins...

Distance's Story


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Character Portrait: Distance Character Portrait: Mara
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"You picked on the wrong gang kiddio."

Rain poured endlessly on the city streets, causing a rythem of 'pitta pattas' over and over again. Dark, gloomy clouds hung in the sky, as buildings filled with dedicated workers, tried to reach the heavens. It was strange because the weather forecast said that it was going to be sunny all day...But then again, we all know that they hardly get the damn weather right. It was around 11pm at night. Each vehicle in sight was still and silent, as if they also need to rest in order to drag people around. This made distance wonder, was he classed as transportation? Did he have to live like a car now? Left out in the cold...Being fed liquids that nothing else tends to drink. Then a shadowy figure appeared in his thick skull... Father. What was his purpose? Even to this day, Distance can't seem to put his finger on it.

"Oi, can you hear me? Is-Is this guy some kind of joke?"
"Ha, he sure as hell looks like one bro."
"You can say that again."
By now the moon had finally poked its way through the clouds, casting an hazy glow upon the small group of people. Within that group stood Distance...God knows what he was doing there, staring at a bulky, hooded man. What ever he did, the gang wasn't happy about it. Most of them helt pistols, while others had possession of razor sharp knifes which reflected the glow of the lunar rock. Do what you want...Cause a pirate is free...You are a pirate.

Distance was locked in dreamland, once again. In this world, almost anything could happen, since it was all a dream. Despite this, all Distance ever dreamt about was the sky raining apples, while the trees were covered with leaves of pies. One may think that he had some kind of mental problem, well yes...You could say that, not that it would ever bother him. A picture of Mara appeared on an apple that he had caught. Which completely ruined his taste for apples at that moment. Nevertheless, it had caught his attention. Why was an ugly face in his dream? Why-oh-Why did she have to ruin everything that he was apart of? Was it for self pleasure? It wouldn't suprise him due to the way Mara was-Selfish, cold hearted fool. Matter of fact, the image had caused Distance to return to the "normal" world, his face had dropped.

"Who are you people? Where am i?" He questioned. Had he teleported to some random place again? Oh no...Not again. With the breeze blowning more violently, he had finally noticed that he had ditced Mara...Once again. Not that he cared, she could go die in a hole and he still wouldn't notice. Wait, that was a lie. With all the constant hate that he and Mara shared, there was sure to be some kind of respect between them. Besides, they had stuck together for quite a while now...And it was pretty damn fun annoying the shit out of her. Although, the other one... Wait, what was her name again? Huh...Hold on. Is she even a girl? That would make her a guy? Then what would that make Mara? A pig? Distance chuckled at his thoughts which triggered a chain reaction of a bullet being blasted out of the barrel of a gun.


His eyes opened, noticing that he was completely in a different place. And then there it was, a familiar face. Mara. She was dripping wet, yet it seemed like she was about to get changed. But Distance didn't see it like this...No, he took it differently. By now she should know that he can't keep still for a long period of time, so why must she strip knowing that he'd come back soon? Was this her way of showing off her sex appeal? Pfft, like she had any at all.
"Oi, Rat face. Now isn't the time to play stripper, wheres the other person? Whats her name again? Dave?" He said firmly, placing a seat on a nearby rock. It was cold. Too cold for his liking, what kind of place was this anyway? This made Distance remember how weird and stupid Mara actually was. It had only been about 2 minutes, and already he was bored. "Can we do something? Something thats better than looking at your pale skin all day?" Grinning smugly, Distance tralled over to where Mara was, holding out a hand for her to take a hold of. "Come on, lets get out of here...You're lucky that i'm in a good mood today, otherwise i would've made you walk."

Hopefully Mara wouldn't get too excited.

You are a pirate.
This makes me normal. >_>


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Looking distastefully at her wet clothes, Mara was in the process of removing her shirt when her favourite little friend decided to pop in. She hated being in wet clothes. Unfortunately for her, she'd already removed it when he decided to let her know he was there- watching her. "Oi, Rat face. Now isn't the time to play stripper, wheres the other person? Whats her name again? Dave?" The purple haired girl twitched a bit and then jumped a foot in the air.She turned around and held the bunched up, wet shirt in front of her chest awkwardly.

"Holy chicken, what was that for?" she snapped at him. "And look who you're calling rat face, apple boy." She smirked, though she wasn't sure how that insult was supposed to really offend him. "I'm changing out of these wet clothes. While you were away I decided to play with inanimate objects. I'm so sorry I don't like being cold and wet." She paused, realizing how odd that whole statement had sounded.

She turned back around and put on her other shirt. "Her name is Charade. Why would her name be Dave? That's like saying my name would be Bob or Bill or something. That would make you uh, Peaches?" She sighed. "I wish I remembered more sometimes." Mara looked over her shoulder at him and guessed that he wasn't going to leave for her to change out of her pants.

Moving around behind a rock, she quickly changed, throwing the wet pair in hopes of hitting Distance. Mara walked back around to find Distance impatiently waiting for her. He had a hand extended her way, which she only looked at wearily. "Come on, lets get out of here...You're lucky that I'm in a good mood today, otherwise I would've made you walk." "Where are we going?" she asked while reaching slowly toward him.


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Apple boy? No, this can't be true...Now she's flirting with me? Oh dear God, save me. While Distance's thoughts wept and moaned, a pair of wet pants skimmed his left cheeks, causing them to land just behind him.
"Erm...Yeah, i dunno' where they've been." He paused, turning his head away in disgust. "Its not nice throwing things at people ya' know...I'm only being kind to you and well, its proving to be a hard job. But atleast i'm making an effort." Instinct was telling him to continue, but something else was telling him otherwise. Now wasn't the time to mess around with Mara, even though she made quite an insult with the term "Peaches." How dare she compair him to that terrible fruit, nevertheless, she did have a point. Her voice replayed in his brain like an broken recorder. "I wish I remembered more sometimes." Normally, her voice was enough to annoy the heck out of anybody, but not this time...No, this time she had actually made some sense. "Me too.."

"Where are we going?" she asked while her pale -rather thin- reached for his. Impatiently, he grabbed her hand softly to cut some time. It was cold and wet, pretty un-natural despite the fact that she had been in the water, but then again, were any of them actually natural? Or normal? Well, after Father had his fun with all these bodies, that could easily be answered as a no. But...Normal people argue? Normal people have casual conversations about almost anything, they also laugh and love. Aren't we capable of that too? He thought, staring into Mara's deep purple eyes...
After about a minute or so, Distance clicked his fingers, creating a simple vortex. "We're going to find Dav- i mean...Urrr, Charade. Shouldn't be that hard right?" He blinked, noticing that he was staring right into Mara's eyes, which was weird...His head turned towards the votex swiftly, as small rocks and pebbles began to get sucked in. "Besides, it gives us a chance to play..." He grinned, holding Mara's hand firmly as he walked towards the vortex.

"Remember, don't let go...This is the only way i can teleport two people, as much as i...i mean, you would like to let go, you can't. Otherwise you will die." He took a deep breath, as he wouldn't be able to breathe within the vortex (Keep in mind that people traveling within the vortex can breath, the person that has created it cannot breathe within it.) which was the price he had to pay. As they became swollowed by the forces of the vortex, it gradually began to close...Until it did. While at the other side, (In the garden of the Mansion) another one opened, letting both Distance and Mara out. Once out, it closed.

"Home sweet home..Eh?" He panted slightly, as the chained hands became unlocked.


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She growled at Distance's touch. She didn't like being touched at all. But this was the only way they could travel together without Mara getting sucked into no-man's-land. That just might be worse than death. Worse than Father even? She'd have to save that thought for another time. But if they were going to where she thought they were, Father would never be far from her mind.

She hardly noticed Distance gazing into her eyes. She was too busy, as her mind clouded with thoughts. What if Charade wasn't there? Or if they were caught? She was powerless against Haze, powerless against Father as well. If it wasn't for teamwork and dear sacrifice, none of the three would have escaped. It was also why they needed at least the three of them, preferably more to defeat the evil entity known as Father- who was no father as far as she was concerned.

Mara briefly heard Distance mention something about dying. She gave him an odd look before the two stepped into the vortex. Before she knew it, they were in the old garden.

She had fond memories of the garden. By fond memories, she of course meant harassing Distance over his apples or toying with Ghost. She'd never talked to Haze, Xander, or Charade much. Funny, she hadn't talked to her own partner. But he wasn't for her if he didn't see what a monster his leader was. Maybe Haze did fit him, like Mara fit her. He was lost in a fog of demands.

The purple haired girl looked at Distance, who looked a bit winded. "Are you alright?" she asked in a sarcastic tone, though there was a hint of empathy in it. If she could help him in any way, she would (well, maybe). But numbing his senses wouldn't do much good here. She gazed up at the mansion and smiled. "Home sweet home is a pile of rubble for me," she mumbled, having a quick flashback to the burning house she'd left behind for others to clean up. That memory, that Mara even, was somewhere in another life. A before. This was after.

"I say we visit our old partners, eh?" she asked, though she was not fond of hers or his. "I'm sure Ghost will be so thrilled to see you, she might even blink!" She smiled and laughed, forgetting how much fun it was to point out how flawed the doll child really was.

Leaving Distance to continue catching his breath, she walked to the door leading to the garden and found it to be open. She looked in, seeing the familiar rooms. She sniffled a bit, missing the feel of a warm bed and having a real roof over your head. Going to the city was too much of an effort, especially with the useless power she had.

Looking back at her dearest enemy, Mara grinned. "I say we have a homecoming party. Perhaps we can have apples?" She knew he would like the idea of that.


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Mara was right...No matter how the mansion looked, it simply couldn't be described as "sweet." Once Distance got his breath back, Mara had started to make her way inside. "Yeah maybe she might blink for once...Thats' if Father hasn't killed her yet." He sighed, Ghost...Why didn't you come with us when you had the chance..

Escaping from his thoughts, his eyes glared upon the top floor of the mansion. No doubt Father was there...Planning his sick plans, who knows...He could've been watching him at that very moment. His hands curled into fists as the mere thought of that man was enough to piss Distance off. "God damn you" He paused, looking back towards the open door, only know had he noticed that Mara had ditched him. With a poof of smoke and dust, Distance had teleported right next to Mara, who had turned back and grinned.

"I say we have a homecoming party. Perhaps we can have apples?"
He couldn't help but smile at this comment, "You know, it isn't nice to taunt me with Apples...But yeah, sounds like a great idea." He streched out, looking around the dull room. "Hmm, Dave- I mean, Charade should be around here somewhere...Tell you what. Since we're looking for her, we might as well see our replacements, right?" Slowly, Distance began to walk backwards towards another door, leading to the hallway. "You should be alright with your powers" He chuckled, before teleporting out of sight.

Before he knew it, Distance was there standing in the elevator helplessly. Erm, where was the training rooms again...Judging by the silence, i guess everybody is locked away, working like slaves. Ahh, good times. His finger softly pressed the cool button, which light up thanks to his touch. "Fifth Floor, Training Domains." The robotic voice called out as the elevator rose towards the level. Shortly after, the metalic doors opened. "Enjoy your day"
"Like any normal person would want to enjoy their day here..." The scent of sweat and pain drifted towards Distance, which sent a slight shiver down his spine. Something was different.

"Ghostie! Come out and play!" His voice became high pitched, like a 8 year old child. "Don't be shy, i won't bite." Had Father actually killed her? Or was it self inflicted. Part of him wanted her to be dead, then the other part continued to hope that she was alive and well. "Ghostie!" He called out again, standing with his hands in his pockets right in the middle of the hallway. His breathing was calm and composed, as his eyes closed shut.

"Love sucks...Urgh."

[url=LINK TO SONG]Song for/listened to during post[/url]


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Ghost's blank eyes gazed absently between her charges, waiting for them to begin. Her right foot slid subtly back in stance, ready for whatever attack they could pull forth. Nothing could surprise the doll child any longer. Well, almost nothing.

"Ghostie! Come out and play!" Ghost's grey eyes blinked slowly to this, her features frowning slightly in confusion. She was about to begin training, why would someone want to disturb her? "Don't be shy, I won't bite." Ghost raised her small frame up slightly, her eyes clouding with uncertainty as she looked down to her arms. Why would they want to bite her? Did she taste good? What a strange thing to say. Ghost was unable to contemplate the creature that would say that. Perhaps he was a dog hybrid. But what would they want with her? Father did not foretell of any visitors. "Ghostie!"

Ghost stood slowly and stepped forward toward the door. She hesitated for a moment and turned back to her charges. "I will find out what they want. Continue training, or you may come with me." With a soft blink, Ghost's body turned translucent as she prepared to step through the wall. Coming through, she appeared to be nothing more than a sprite with her long, snow-white hair cascading around her shoulders, freed from the ribbons that were tied around her wrists to train the new experiments. Once in the hall, she opened her steal eyes to peer at new nuisance that was preventing her from completing Father's order.

Ghost froze, her pupils dilated slightly in confusion, her memory refusing to unlock at the sight of the red head. Ghost blinked, her body frozen. Was he the one who threatened to bite her? She felt like she was unable to breath, which was impossible since she was tangible once again. [b["Distance! Get me outta here!"[/b]

Ghost turned quickly to the source of the new voice and then back to the boy in the hall. "Distance. . . "Ghost found herself mummering softly, as if unable to fully recover the name from her memories. She blinked again and frowned, shaking her head softly. Impossible. "No, not Distance. He broke and Father removed him. You can not be him," Ghost said, her eyes cold as she glared at the boy. It was obvious that Ghost was not ready to admit her partner could be back. She lowered herself slightly be racing forward with the staff in her hand, moving surprising quickly for her fragile frame. "Father's orders: remove all outside disturbances."

Somebody I used to Know


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There she was...Pale as pale can be. Her emotionless eyes, gazing towards the male with such suprise...Such confusion, but why? Was something on his face? Her fragile frame, flinched slightly as her seemingly cold hair dangled freely from their bands, simply showing how much Ghost had matured as time had passed. Just how long had it been? A month? Two months? A year? Her face looked disgusted, yet backed up with a tint of fear...Almost as if she had seen a Ghost..
Distance blinked, the smile on his face had now transformed into a frown. He wasn't expecting little ol' Ghostie to turn him down. What happend to the warm hugs that she would only give him? The tender, juicy apples that she always greeted him with? And most importantly..A simple "Hello."
She had changed, she wasn't the same. Yet, why couldn't Distance accept that. He bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed, his eyes gathering moisture making them shine in the light. Now wasn't the time to cry, he had to hold back his tears, no matter how painful it was to see Ghost under Father's control. "G-ghost...What has he done to you..." His voice had became small and tender, like he wasn't worth anything anymore.

"Distance! Get me outta here!" Mara's voice moaned out, as if she were burning alive. Her fists constantly banged against the steel doors of the elevator. She was trapped.
"Mara..." Normally Distance would've reacted with some kind of insult, something to piss her off. But he didn't. He couldn't. His mind was still focused on Ghost, still trying to accept that the old Ghost was gone, blown away in the wind.

"No, not Distance. He broke and Father removed him. You can not be him" Her monotoned voice had never hurt him as much as they did just now, Father had curupted her, the only person that was close to his heart. Father had toyed with her, used her like a doll, a slave...Knowing how loyal Ghost is, he had planned to used that against her. Free will never existed for Ghost, she was now Fathers...He owned her.
I should've taken her with me when i had the chance, maybe then i could've saved her...Just maybe. Distance was still fighting with the truth, his feelings...Emotions...All getting involved with this one person. "Ghost!" He paused as her body lowered. "Its' me...Distance, you must remember me right?" His shattered heart, continued to beat. Increasing its' tempo as anger built up. "How can you say that i'm not the person that understood you the most? Ghost! Answer me!!" He cried out, hands now fists. He would worry about Mara later, he was too wrapped up in the conflict between fact and fiction.

"Father's orders: remove all outside disturbances." Cold eyes stared right into Distance's, showing no love, no welcome. Nothing but a simple stare...A slap to the face. Her stick-like body was now charging towards him, she was swift and agile. Yet it was no suprise, since air resistance had hardly anything to resist.

"So this is how its going to be eh? This...This..." His body was telling him to move out the way, teleport...Save Mara. But his mind...The thing that controlled everything, was telling him no. He couldn't possibly hurt Ghost, no matter if she was trying to kill him. His body froze, leaving him open for some kind of strike...A death blow, anything to make sure that he wouldn't return.


He blinked again, noticing what was happening. Ghost ment her everyword, she wanted to rid of him, just like Father had wanted all them days ago. Poof His body had vanished from where he was standing, appearing in the elevator. If he was going to Fight, he would need Mara...At least...She had his back. "You can stop banging now." He grabbed her hand, taking a death breath as always, and teleported back to the hallway.

Letting go, he panted. Although, his eyes glued back to Ghost who had her back towards them. "You ready Mara?"

Gemini Blue


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Character Portrait: Distance Character Portrait: Charade Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Mara
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Charade was leaned against the wall, staring up at her outstretched hands. Struggling to curl them, she clicked her tongue in irritation. The disguise hadn’t lasted long at all. It was still at a manageable level for now, but in an hour or so, she would have to revert and then waste who knows how much time trying to find shelter from those under Father’s control. Well, it was good while it lasted. It seemed that now was as good a time as ever to search for Distance and Mara. There would be some semblance of safety in their numbers.

To her great surprise, it didn’t take long to find them at all. Really, she had just been trying to get to a different floor
 but clearly that wasn’t possible from the familiar voice resounding from the metal doors. A loud ‘bang’ punctuated each word as she shouted for Distance to help – Charade could hear it all the way from the other end of the hall.

“Ghost! Answer me!!” Another familiar voice caught Charade’s attention, and her eyes immediately fell on Distance
 his expression was pained, and she couldn’t blame him for that. After all, his beloved partner was right in front of him
 completely against him. Although she couldn’t see Ghost’s face from where she stood, the smaller girl’s voice rang clear as she started forward.

“Father’s orders: remove all outside disturbances.”

What was Charade meant to do? She didn’t plan to interfere, but Distance seemed stunned in place. To her relief, he came to his senses in mere moments and simply disappeared. No – ‘teleported’. Seeing as Mara’s distressed cries for help had stopped, it wasn’t difficult to figure out to where. An instant later, there the pair was, right in front of her. Ghost was up ahead

 Well now that she found them, there was no point in just leaving on her own, was there?

“One question: does lab staff count as an outside disturbance?” Charade asked, stepping into the scene displayed before her. Yes, with her altered appearance and the lab coat she didn’t look anything like herself
 but she wasn’t acting a role either. The placid smile and passive tone was clearly her own. Mara and Distance were likely to recognize her in this way, but she wasn’t sure about Ghost. The poor girl. None of this was her fault. It wasn’t any of their faults.

Besides that, Charade wasn’t sure how Distance would fare in a battle against Ghost
 After all, she wouldn’t last long against Xander
 Ending this confrontation would be best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Distance Character Portrait: Charade Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Mara
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She hated to admit it, but Mara felt that she owed Distance a favor. It wasn't like she would starve to death in the elevator and if she did, it wouldn't matter. Wait, it would. Because without all three of the rebels, defeating Father would be impossible. And if they failed, who was to say that any broken would ever rise again?

Mara looked at Distance, who looked well, different. Though he was speaking to her, his eyes were locked on Ghost. His face looked paler, scared almost. He looks dead, she realized. She looked at him, hoping to help him out of the daze. "Ready for what?" she asked in a softer voice than she normally would use. She looked back at Ghost and stuck her tongue out at her, then waited for a response. She would be surprised if she got one.

She remembered Ghost as an indifferent, almost apathetic. As long as she had orders though, she had purpose. What was her purpose now? Mara shivered a bit at her gaze. The girl may be younger than her, but she still scared the crap out of Mara. A person who didn't have emotion was inhuman. Wasn't it emotion that defined the human being? The feeling of empathy towards another, the anger of injustice... how could Ghost not feel those?

The purple haired girl suddenly realized that there was a scientist among them, watching them intently. But there was something about the tone of voice that seemed off from those heartless things, something familiar. Oh of course! It was none other than Charade (or Dave according to Distance).

"A disturbance is a disturbance and each one of us is that to human society," Mara replied. She glanced at Distance, then back at Ghost. "Wouldn't you agree Ghost?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Distance Character Portrait: Charade Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Mara
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He had saved Mara...But why wasn't he smiling? He had dodged an attack from his so-called soulmate...Yet he could still feel pain.

His hands were now shaking frantically, but his eyes were still locked onto Ghost. His breathing increased, not because he was out of breath...It was simply the rush of hate flowing throughout him. Father had now made Ghost a pest..An insect on the wall, an enemy. The foul words left a nasty taste in Distance's mouth, the words just didn't seem right together. "Ghost...An enemy.." He took a deep breath, taking a slight step forward.

“One question: does lab staff count as an outside disturbance?” A familiar voice called out, which sounded quite like Dave. Nevertheless, Distance never turned around, he couldn't.
"A disturbance is a disturbance and each one of us is that to human society," Mara replied, her voice seemed alot calmer than normal. Infact it brought a slight smirk to his face, his teammates were ready to cause some damage, which showed the bond that they all shared. It wasn't a great bond, but it was good enough to call themselves allies.

"Wouldn't you agree Ghost?" Mara continued, Yet Ghost never replied...Her back, continued to face them...What was going through her head? Was this how life was in the mansion, no wait...Were all the experiments like this? Hypnotised by fathers' foolish greed? Distance shook his head in disgust.

"She wouldn't agree...She's merely a puppet, a tool...Fathers' living Robot. Ain't that right Ghost? None of us care to you anymore isn't that right?" He chuckled loudly, Teleporting closer towards her. "Not even your own soulmate hmm?" He paused, placing his hand on her shoulder. "If thats' the case, then theres' no need for me to hold back...Right?"

[url=LINK TO SONG]Song for/listened to during post[/url]