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Ribbon Murphy

I grew up to realize being a kid is what I do best

0 · 302 views · located in The Star Liner

a character in “Deadly Waters”, originally authored by ali_rox96, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name: “I like my name, it’s unique” Ribbon Augustine Murphy

Nick Names: “Have you ever tried nicknaming the name Ribbon, and no, Rib is not a legitimate suggestion.” None.

Age: “Apparently too old to not have your life mapped out in permanent ink.” 22

Gender: “Seriously, I’m wearing a skirt.” Female

Role: “Okay, I’m wearing an apron and you just saw me take that guys order, but gee I don’t know.” The Waitress

Status: “I wasn’t a rich kid, but it’s not like I went to bed hungry or anything.” Middle Class.

Occupation: “Haven’t we already been through this.” A waitress on the Star Liner

How you got your ticket: “Ticket? Yeah, cause I’m just taking orders for fun.” Ribbon’s working on the Star Liner.

Weapon: “Oh, I’m against violence.” She is completely defenseless.

Does your character believe in other beings?: “I think that if we, humans exist than it’s not so hard to see that other beings might also exist.” Ribbon isn’t against the idea of their being other living things out there.

Personality: “Oh I don’t know, just whatever. Is this going to be much longer?” Ribbon lives her life her own way and doesn’t care what anybody thinks about it. She dances to her own drum and takes life one day at a time. She’s can be sarcastic, far too honest about her opinion’s, loud, lazy, a total slob but somehow she wears it wait a giant childlike grin. Ribbon tends to be undedicated to her work and never sticks at things believing that in life you shouldn’t have to try, that being yourself is enough to make your dreams come true. She doesn’t have any goals, dreams or life plans and while that leaves everybody close to her disappointed she’s not going to make any decisions about her future when she still doesn’t know what she’s about yet. She gonna live for a while and see how that goes first. She may have disappointed everyone else around her but she couldn’t care less, she is who she was. Ribbon may sound like some you can’t count on and isn’t very dedicated but inwardly she can be very self disciplined and dedicated about things she truly believes in. For example she has been a vegetarian for nine years and is also has a strict personal no violence rule.

History: “You know; I was a Starry eyed kid believing the world was a fantastic and magical place. Then I was an explosive teenager with a bad temper and a biological need to fit in while also trying to find my own identity and singlehandedly change the World. And then I grew up to realize the world was a much better place as a kid.” Ribbon was your everyday kid; adored by her father and dressed in itchy dresses by her mother. She was scared of the monsters under her bed, thought fairytales were true stories and was always searching for the faeries she was sure were living at the bottom of her garden. When Ribbon was a teenager she went to school most days, ditched same and faked sick on the others. She was the vein of her teachers existence being a loud and a pretty wild kid. Eventually she got through school though, making a few life friends along the way as well as braking a few hearts after deciding that the guy (or girl) weren’t as fun as they first seemed. After she finished high school her parents expected her to be through her rebellious stage and settle down into what they called, reality. Ribbon hated reality though, she felt as though her parents were modeling and reshaping her to be a perfect replica of them. She didn’t know who she was or what she wanted for herself but Ribbon knew that what she was doing wasn’t it. So she packed up her stuff, threw away her parents down deposit on an apartment and unenrolled from her Uni course and went to find out who she was. Moving around from place to place, waitressing or temping to get by became her life and she accepted it willingly. She occasionally talks to her family still, but it’s clear that she’s a big disappointment to them and it’s clear that she couldn’t care less.

So begins...

Ribbon Murphy's Story


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Ribbon Murphy

“Aye aye M’am” Ribbon said sarcastically to her boss while giving the older woman a mock salute. And for her follow up act she seemed to rip off her apron and hightail it out of the dining room in mere seconds. Ribbon had just spent the whole morning preparing for the guests who would be boarding the Star Liner shortly. She had been wiping down tables, polishing silverware, doing dishes and practicing her winning smile all morning under the watchful eye of her ever-present, perfectionist boss, Sherrie. It didn’t help that all Sherrie seemed to do this morning was make sure Ribbon didn’t sneak off during the flurry of movement on the ship.

Eventually Ribbon had been reluctantly given the rest of the afternoon off; free to use at her own leisure. Of course she would be required to return at dinnertime. While Ribbon was happy to be out of the evil clutches of Sherrie, she was also now left with nothing to do. All of her mates that she had made among the staff would be busy preparing for the new passengers. As she pondered what to do in her free time she found herself on one of the upper decks of the Liner. Looking down she found she was able to see all of the guests entering the ship from her vantage point.

Ribbon smiled to herself and ignoring the fairly obvious sign telling people not to sit on the railing she swung her legs over the railing and did exactly that. She pulled a lollypop out of her pocket and slowly unwrapping it, she dropped the wrapper down into the crowd of people who were in the process of boarding. Popping the lolly into her mouth Ribbon wondered what kind of people these passengers would be; would any of them be interesting?

Ribbon began humming to herself as she kicked her legs around for a moment before she realized what she was doing and immediately stopped. She was humming to herself and watching people from up high; that was creepy. So swinging her legs back around she hopped off the railing and went off in hopes of something fun happening elsewhere. She decided on heading to the pool, that way she could catch some natural sun light and also hopefully someone she liked would be working the poolside shift. Fingers crossed on that last part though.


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Character Portrait: Ava Lanchester Character Portrait: Ribbon Murphy
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Ribbon Murphy

Ribbon spent some time around the pool chatting to one of her good friends, Kayla who was working at the bar next to the pool. When is started to get too crowed and busy Ribbon gave a quick wave to her friend and left in search of somewhere more peaceful. She found herself near the lounge when she remembered being told they Liner was hiring a new singer. When Ribbon heard movement on the other side of the door to the lounge she knew it must be the singer and so, crossing her fingers behind her back and hoping it would be someone nice and around her age she opened up the door.

Ribbon noted the pretty blonde up on the stage. She had nice hair that was for sure and she looked a similar age to Ribbon. As for the nice thing though that would take some time. “Hey, I’m guessing your the new lounge singer?” Ribbon yelled out while making her way towards the stage. “I’m Ribbon, a little strange a know just go with it, I work on this Liner as a waitress.” She continued not giving the other blonde a chance to reply. “And don’t worry you’ll find your way around in no time at all, or at least I did.” Ribbon nodded towards the map the singer was holding.

Ribbon looked around the empty lounge for the first time since she had walked into the room. She didn’t really enter the room much, of course she knew it was here but she had never really had a reason to enter it. “So how long have you been singing for, I wish I could sing, or at least had some kind of remarkable talent.” Ribbon said addressing the singer again though not taking her eyes away from the piano she had spotted.