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Deep 17: Contingency

Deep 17: Contingency


In the underground labs beings of all forms and origins, born and created, have been contained with the ideal of conditioning them towards advancing the world , making it greater. They thought they could keep it under control, that nothing could go wrong.

5,184 readers have visited Deep 17: Contingency since MartinVole created it.


"We are playing with fire," says Hulson, part of security of floor 11. He looks closely at the containment status lights on his console. "With a button we could extinguish it."

"Murder my children? They think and feel just as you do." Dr. Addler says to him. He looks at his wrists, electronic manacles, placed on him after he was found experimenting on himself.

"Thanks to one of your children, we had to move more research cadavers to the upper levels to avoid anymore zombie incidents." Hulson says checking the different cameras.

"She simply is growing too big to confine herself to a single body... and hates the presence of lifelessness... she takes after her father." Dr. Hayden responds.

As he finishes saying this the monitor shuts off getting a "What the hell!?" from Hulson then all the lights go off soon followed by the red lights of the backup generator.

Hulson starts to bring back the security cameras seeing a large figure in something akin to a hazmat suit by the main generator. He hesitantly turns on the intercom.

"Juggernaut, did you break the generator?" Hulson says slowly, sweat trickling down his forehead, Juggernaut does not respond, instead starts holding his head. "Where's the engineering staff?"

Juggernaut lets out a warped screech destroying the monitoring equipment and causing Hulson to fall back out of his chair, he hits his head knocking him unconscious, the doctor rushing to him to check his pulse. He then pilfers his ID card and rushes to the locked door excitedly running the card through a scanner and dropping it. As he reaches for it a small clawed hand snatches it. He looks to see the creature, a silhouette in the corner, eyes glimmering. He fearlessly turns to it and reaches out but it scurries into an open vent leaving the doctor stuck in the security office.

"Is that any way to treat your father...?" He mumbles as he walks over and begins trying to repair the console.

Toggle Rules

This will be an alternative to a facility breach type role play where you are allowed to play the role of an experiment... er... patient. Supernatural and strange is encouraged, powers and weird abilities are allowed. Technology is semi-futuristic, reinforced electronic doors, biometric locks, reinforced containment cells, genetic splicing, cloning, etc. The idea and main goal is to survive the breach and escape captivity. Not all experiments are as in control as you may be, so there's that as well.

There is little in the way of limitations on this particular roleplay, but still be courteous to other players and do not control or determine their fates, and don't write off a battle immediately as a victory or loss. Little tolerance for controlling the entire flow of a battle. Also don't be the "one-shot god king" or something of that matter. You may be powerful, but power should always be within certain reason and never strive to be infallible/indestructible. You can be generally any level of non-human creature or augmented human otherwise with only some limitation in materials specific to fandoms.

For fun the character sheets will be in a subject file format:

[image, but not required]
ID: (code name)
Registered Name: (preferred name)
Physical Characteristics:
Behavioral Characteristics:
Abnormalities: (this includes abilities)
Containment Protocol: (includes weaknesses and comforts/discomforts)
Subject Overview: (backstory and any info that doesn't go in previous fields)

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Floors 1-5

Floors 1-5 by MartinVole

Medical facilities and low-risk patient wards are here in the upper levels.

Medicalical Wards

Medicalical Wards by MartinVole

[do not use, glitched]

Floors 6-10

Floors 6-10 by MartinVole

Moderate containment cases are kept here, while not high-risk they are considered potential threats, or are in delicate states that require the somewhat higher security.

Floors 11-14

Floors 11-14 by MartinVole

High containment protocol, subjects held here are considered highly dangerous to themselves or others, either by behavior or the nature of their power. While not necessarily vicious, what they are or are made of leaves them as an unsettling uncertainty.

Floors 15-17

Floors 15-17 by MartinVole

Largely restricted these floors house some of the deepest secrets and containment cases of the entire facility. Mostly used for housing the "Genesis" subjects who's nature has yet to be fully explored.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skitters Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
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0.00 INK

"Whoa -" Alver staggered backwards a little. He hadn't expected to bump into something - which squeaked, and Alver's gaze focused down on the object like a hawk spying a rabbit, moving a few steps back so that he could see it better or in case it, y'know, exploded or something. Considering that he was inside a crazy death facility, Alver felt that it was pretty reasonable to expect it to explode.

It was a cardboard box. A cardboard box which, as Alver stared at it like he wasn't sure whether to kick it to the stratosphere or just put up a shield and hope for the best, opened to reveal a raccoon with a scarf that covered its lower jaw. Somehow, it looked sheepish, which was weird. Because it was a raccoon. Raccoons weren't suppose to look sheepish.

Alver stared, a mixture of emotions that ranged from am I dreaming to is this a joke to should I run or should I stay crossed his face before finally settling on you have got to be kidding me, what the hell. The Raccoon looked up at him and gave a wave with her claws, somehow giving off an even more sheepish air. Alver stared some more.

Seriously, how was he suppose to react to a humanoid raccoon sneaking up on him in a cardboard box? Who even snuck up on people in cardboard boxes instead of hiding in the shadows or, well, Alver didn't even know anymore. The hell?

Then he noticed the S-shaped eyes that meant that it was possessed by GNS-088 and nearly kicked it across the room with a shield-covered leg before realising that hey, GNS-088 had helped them, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to punt one of her possessed subjects across the room before hearing what it had to say. Just as quickly as his leg had left the ground, it stilled, and Alver scowled angrily at the rodent as he straightened his knee out of its bent leg kicking pose it had taken.

"Ah, sorry," he said, temporarily embarrassed. He placed the leg back on the ground. "Forgot that you had helped us." Then he caught himself and his eyes narrowed, embarrassment lost in the face of anger - lots of it. "Oi, what're you doing sneaking up on people?" He asked, crossing his arms surlily, ready to put up a shield in case of an attack. He didn't think that he needed to do so since she seemed to need them for something, but who knew? Alver certainly didn't. "How long have you been spying on us? Bloody Lady over there didn't set you up to scare me or anything, right?" he asked, looking suspiciously at the Bloody Lady's direction. He didn't think that GNS-088 and Bloody Lady had worked together, but it was possible! Alright, maybe not, but it never hurt to be sure.

The setting changes from Deep 17 to Floors 6-10


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skitters Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone Character Portrait: Bas'met Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
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0.00 INK

Skitters holds up a clawed finger telling Alver to hold on for a minute, then fumbles with the device around their neck, it crackled a bit as the speaker comes to life. "Testing, 1, 2, oh! There it goes..." A voice emitted from the device, it was the voice of Bas'met herself, and clearly this was some form of two-way radio. This didn't stop Skitters from pantomiming ever word, though. "First off, I have so many sets of eyes so... so I've been watching you and many others." She says this casually, but Skitters exaggerates every motion cartoonishly. "Secondly, what? No. Skitters is just a scatterbrain who acts on her own at times... a lot of the time." Skitters folds her arms at the scatterbrain comment and grunts.

"Thirdly, I know we've had poor first impressions but we aren't entirely different, and to something you said earlier... I've only ever killed once." She says, Skitters pointing to herself to leave no ambiguity on the victim. "And I do feel pain, as well as everything else to a degree... and... with every body I reanimate I get a taste of their final living moments, so... yeah."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone Character Portrait: Bas'met Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
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0.00 INK

"Well. what was I suppose to think?" Alver shot back, folding his arms. He remembered to keep his voice down - no way did he want the sound to echo and alert them to the guards. "You reanimate people. I saw you reanimating people, and do you know what the other subjects say about yo- wait." He wrinkled his nose, baffled. "Only one? But - what about the blood and gore and all those dead animated bodies -" Realisation hit, and Alver eye's widened. "Oh." he said, voice small, suddenly unable to look at the raccoon.

Those had been dreams. Dreams which he'd mixed up for reality, agh he was such an idiot. Flushing red with embarrassment, Alver forced himself to look at the raccoon - Skitters. "I-" he paused, then forced out the words like expelling too-hot liquid from his mouth, grimacing and shuffling his feet silently against the floor, the gesture making him look very fifteen year old. "I'msorry."

Alright, time to change the subject before anything else happened. "Lets just start over then, its not like we've met each other before till now." He offered hurriedly, scratching his head. Well, Alver hadn't met her. She'd sounded like she'd been spying on everyone long before the escape happened. That'd explain how the she'd found them so easily. A bit of sympathy (not much, but enough to be understanding) resounded in his voice as he said, "Didn't know about the reliving their deaths thing though, that sucks."

At least his power didn't involve feeling pain, just a sort of mental pressure. Well, it did kind of physically hurt when Alver used it too much though, in the form of nosebleeds and headaches.

"Well then." He looked at Skitters curiously, almost apologetically. "Didn't know you weren't possessed by her. That's pretty cool," he said, then got down to business. "But do you know the way out of here? I don't think we'd like to be stuck in this pit for too long," he said, glancing at Kajimera.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone Character Portrait: Bas'met Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aramay
Kaij wasn't just taken back when Alver spotted her in the dim light. She was beside herself with the annoyance she felt towards the twerp. Her eyes narrow. If she was still too slow to remain out of his sight how was she going to fair against the more highly trained guards? It didn't help that the clothes she decided to wear weren't tailored to handle the particular events that ended up occurring today. However she wasn't about to strip down to her skivvies just to change that. That doesn't mean that there is nothing that she can do to improve her chances.

A grunt, or grunting drew her attention away from being tempted to backhand Alver again. Despite being partially (fully) responsible for his anger towards her. She squints at the raccoon-like creature who made rather poor attempts to remain quiet. It and Alver already appeared to be quite the pair by the way they began interacting with each other. "Helvete." She mumbled to herself. There was already one noisy, clumsy olf, did there need to be two? It wasn't until Alver pointed out that this thing had helped them out before that she took notice of its eyes. The same type of pupil formation. Another influenced being. And the voice that crackled from the speaker from around its neck. With the two distracted, she remained focused more on what was around them. Listening to their conversation was important. Although there was something even more pertinent in her mind.

"För långsam." She whispered in a strained voice. Her toes twitch and splay; gripping at the ground. The pressure within her legs increased like pins and needles. Kaij looked back up and away from herself with a disgusted look on her face. They were wasting too much time with their little conversation, and at least two out of three of them definitely didn't know their way around in here. This wasn't a good position that they were in. Alver seems to be so quick to trust as well. Then her eyes met with Alver's glance. "We're wasting time."

The moment Alver looks away from her again he feels a strong hand grasp at the collar of his shirt and his neck. A small gust of air followed by long soft hair brushes against his face. Skitters also finds themselves scruffed and quickly lifted from the ground and pulled forward. The distance between them and the door at the end of the hall rapidly shrinks while light trickles in from around the door frame. With a loud bang the door is kicked open to the new area. Her eyes squint trying to adjust from the poor lighting to the red emergency lights in the hallway but her momentum doesn't stop. "Buckle down. Shields up!" To the left Kaijmera lobs Alver down the corridor after the hard windup. And to the right, her other arm does its best to send the too many limbed garbage diver down the other way to hit any unpleasant guards down the way or simply slide across the floor. No point in asking them to scout ahead for the best route. This will do just fine according to her. So long as any guards they might attract were distracted, Kaij would take care of the rest...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bart Ramirez Character Portrait: Domingo Sandoval
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0.00 INK

Location  Floor 6

Domingo watched the freed Bart ramble on about nonsensical issues that seem to trouble the former patient.    During his rant Domingo remembered a rumor about a few obedient patients becoming part of the Security staff he must be one of them.  Now that Domingo can see Bart relatively more clearly.  He now recalls see this large security guard from time to time.  Never though he would be station up in the higher floors.  Considering he mentioned possessing an ability to either shoot quill needles laced with some kind of natural tranquilizer, or he just frills up like a big porcupine.  However one thing is for certain, Bart doesn't shut up.  Domingo begins to contemplating if it was a stroke of bad luck to be paired by fate to such a noisy partner.  Regradless Bart maybe that slight edge Domingo needs when facing the situation that is taking place below.

Domingo is standing and waiting with his arms crossed for Bart to finish ranting.  He hopes that his new partners venting his fustrations will clear his mind and help him focus on the task at hand.  Thankfully Bart did manage to wrap his head around the situation, asking about properly arming ourselves.  "You caught  on quick.  Alright we need to go to Armory on the lower floor to get some suitable weapons and ammunition."  Domingo starts to walk towards the stairs, he motions his hand signaling Bart to follow him.  "Hopefully considering the circumstances the gentleman running the gun locker doesn't give us any guff about taking more than is needed.  Do you follow?  Bart."

The setting changes from Floors 6-10 to Deep 17


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skitters Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
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0.00 INK

"Wha-" Alver felt himself being picked up by the scruff of the neck. The boy struggled, but before he could get free the door slammed open with a bang and he squished his eyes shut with a cut-off whimper because owwwww. The lighting was dim, with the only glaring lights being the red exit signs glowing on top of the doors, but after being in pitch darkness it was bright like staring into a stadium. He drew a hand up to shield his eyes, momentarily stunned still.

"Buckle down. Shields up!" Was all Alver heard before the Bloody Lady threw him like a baseball down the corridor.

"Aaaaaahhhh-" Alver yelled in panic and crossed his arms over his head as white surrounded both him and the front of the raccoon as he flew down the corridor like a baseball heading for a homerun. He squinted through his arms and saw two guards gathered together staring at him in astonishment, face turning panicked and hands reaching for their guns as they realised that Alver wasn't going to stop.

Dammit, this is going to hurt. Alver snapped his eyes shut and braced for impact, mentally cursing his thrower. Stupid Bloody Lady!

He slammed into the others like a wrecking ball at full speed, bowling them down to the ground. He himself landed with a grunt, tumbling into a crouch. His shields dissipated to form around his leg as Alver quickly aimed a kick at one of them while he was down, knocking him out before he could do anything like say, reach for his gun to shoot or grab the walkie talkie to call for reinforcements.

Alver didn't want to think what would happen to him if he got attacking guards.

"What the fuck?!" The other guard shot a tranquilizer at him, but it got held in place by a shield of purple as Alver leaped at him, desperately (please please please let this work) swinging his fist into the guards face. The guard moved backwards with a curse and knocked his head against a white barrier that materialised behind his head moments ago, and with a nasty thump he went crosseyed and collapsed like a sack of potatoes.

Heart in his mouth and feeling like he'd just ran a marathon, Alver collapsed to his knees beside the guard, panting for breath. It was more out of shock than any physical weakness, and soon enough he was back on his feet and gingerly checking the unconscious men's pulses, hoping against hope that they weren't dead and cursing the stupid dumb ass Bloody Lady under his breath. Alver really, really didn't want to kill anyone, even if they were the one's keeping him in the facility. There was too much death already, no need to add more to the mix.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he felt their pulses still beating, soft and steady. The men were just unconscious, not dead. Straightening, Alver dusted his knees off and looked around, finding his side of the area deserted. Thank goodness there weren't any more guards around. Must've been the shutdown.

That wasn't the problem, though. Alver walked angrily over to the lady, his fists clenched so tightly that his nails dug into his palms. "You asshole!" he whisper-yelled at her, vibrating with anger and adrenaline so hard that even his hair seemed to be standing on end. "What the hell were you thinking, are you insane?! I'm not a ball, for crud's sake! And there were guards out here, what if they caught us before we caught them?! ever thought about that?!"

The setting changes from Deep 17 to Floors 6-10


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skitters Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone Character Portrait: Bas'met Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund Character Portrait: Bart Ramirez Character Portrait: Domingo Sandoval
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0.00 INK

Floor 10

The raccoon did not exactly desire to become a hairy bowling ball, but Kaijmera didn't leave her many options. Flying through the air and protected from injury only by Alver's shields she instead hit the ground with a roll until she comes into impact with a wall. She then lays on her back with her feet up in the air, her tail flopped down over her face. The hallway was spinning before her, and by extension, Bas'met's vision through her eyes.

The voice of Bas'met casually pops through the collar communicator. "Well that was... unexpected." Skitters twitches trying to regain equilibrium. She eventually rolls back to her feet and regains some balance. She watches as Alver checks the pulses of the guards he had flung into. She tilts her head and follows shortly after as he goes towards Kaijmera and begins to scold her for tossing him. She lowers her head and reaches out tugging at Alver's leg.

"Do you plan to treat all obstacles in life so tenderheartedly?" Bas'met asks Alver, a legitimately curious tone to her voice. Skitters looks up with fully dilated eyes, the 8 shaped pupils, a deep black abyss can be seen in it. "Just, what does it mean to you to have power?"

Floor 6

A black claw covered in sickly red glowing markings emerges from the broken elevator. From it flows what appears to be a hazey mist, like it were a creature of the shadows itself. A pair of orange glowing eyes stares out at Bart and Domingo, a blank expression in them. It grips the side of the elevator door and pushes it open, the metal being etched away by whatever this thing is made of.

"L..ght..? W..r..?" It cracks in an ethereal voice. It continues to advance towards them. "Wh.r..?!" Its voice escalating into desperation.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Floors 1-5

Floors 1-5 by MartinVole

Medical facilities and low-risk patient wards are here in the upper levels.

Medicalical Wards

Medicalical Wards by MartinVole

[do not use, glitched]

Floors 6-10

Floors 6-10 by MartinVole

Moderate containment cases are kept here, while not high-risk they are considered potential threats, or are in delicate states that require the somewhat higher security.

Floors 11-14

Floors 11-14 by MartinVole

High containment protocol, subjects held here are considered highly dangerous to themselves or others, either by behavior or the nature of their power. While not necessarily vicious, what they are or are made of leaves them as an unsettling uncertainty.

Floors 15-17

Floors 15-17 by MartinVole

Largely restricted these floors house some of the deepest secrets and containment cases of the entire facility. Mostly used for housing the "Genesis" subjects who's nature has yet to be fully explored.

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jessica Eren
Character Portrait: Nina "1519" West
Character Portrait: Skitters
Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Character Portrait: Myrion Testarossa
Character Portrait: Zeke
Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone
Character Portrait: Wren Cossak
Character Portrait: Arcee Cree
Character Portrait: Bas'met
Character Portrait: Bart Ramirez
Character Portrait: Domingo Sandoval
Character Portrait: Lily/Lucy subject 1009


Character Portrait: Lily/Lucy subject 1009
Lily/Lucy subject 1009

childish but very smart LR001 is not one you want to provoke

Character Portrait: Domingo Sandoval
Domingo Sandoval

"Not today."

Character Portrait: Bart Ramirez
Bart Ramirez

"How about we sit down and talk about it?"

Character Portrait: Bas'met

It was never clear if GNS-088 was the subject being tested, or it was actually us that were her experiment.

Character Portrait: Arcee Cree
Arcee Cree

"Want to play soccer with me? I promise it'll be fun."

Character Portrait: Wren Cossak
Wren Cossak

I ...just...want to read.....

Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone
Alver Glanestone

"...ugh. Whaddaya want? I was sleeping..."

Character Portrait: Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund
Kaijmera Eveleen Nylund

"Excuse me for a second while I vomit in this corner."

Character Portrait: Zeke

Possessing a level of thermal control he exhibits traits of cryokenesis and pyrokenisis depending upon a shift in his mood.

Character Portrait: Myrion Testarossa
Myrion Testarossa

"My official designation is Subject 0197e. My unofficial one is 'Little Professor.' I find neither of these preferable to the name my father gave me."


Character Portrait: Bas'met

It was never clear if GNS-088 was the subject being tested, or it was actually us that were her experiment.

Character Portrait: Lily/Lucy subject 1009
Lily/Lucy subject 1009

childish but very smart LR001 is not one you want to provoke

Character Portrait: Wren Cossak
Wren Cossak

I ...just...want to read.....

Character Portrait: Arcee Cree
Arcee Cree

"Want to play soccer with me? I promise it'll be fun."

Character Portrait: Nina "1519" West
Nina "1519" West

Justice is like batteries! Righteous, full of energy, and AAA!

Character Portrait: Zeke

Possessing a level of thermal control he exhibits traits of cryokenesis and pyrokenisis depending upon a shift in his mood.

Character Portrait: Jessica Eren
Jessica Eren

"On wings of paper, I flutter in the breeze now. I am but a pet."

Character Portrait: Myrion Testarossa
Myrion Testarossa

"My official designation is Subject 0197e. My unofficial one is 'Little Professor.' I find neither of these preferable to the name my father gave me."

Character Portrait: Domingo Sandoval
Domingo Sandoval

"Not today."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Zeke

Possessing a level of thermal control he exhibits traits of cryokenesis and pyrokenisis depending upon a shift in his mood.

Character Portrait: Bart Ramirez
Bart Ramirez

"How about we sit down and talk about it?"

Character Portrait: Alver Glanestone
Alver Glanestone

"...ugh. Whaddaya want? I was sleeping..."

Character Portrait: Jessica Eren
Jessica Eren

"On wings of paper, I flutter in the breeze now. I am but a pet."

Character Portrait: Arcee Cree
Arcee Cree

"Want to play soccer with me? I promise it'll be fun."

Character Portrait: Myrion Testarossa
Myrion Testarossa

"My official designation is Subject 0197e. My unofficial one is 'Little Professor.' I find neither of these preferable to the name my father gave me."

Character Portrait: Skitters

Product of exposure to subject GNS-088, the former pet of the subject, now a vessel for their conciousness.

Character Portrait: Wren Cossak
Wren Cossak

I ...just...want to read.....

Character Portrait: Bas'met

It was never clear if GNS-088 was the subject being tested, or it was actually us that were her experiment.

Character Portrait: Lily/Lucy subject 1009
Lily/Lucy subject 1009

childish but very smart LR001 is not one you want to provoke

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Floors 1-5

Floors 1-5 by MartinVole

Medical facilities and low-risk patient wards are here in the upper levels.

Medicalical Wards

Medicalical Wards by MartinVole

[do not use, glitched]

Floors 6-10

Floors 6-10 by MartinVole

Moderate containment cases are kept here, while not high-risk they are considered potential threats, or are in delicate states that require the somewhat higher security.

Floors 11-14

Floors 11-14 by MartinVole

High containment protocol, subjects held here are considered highly dangerous to themselves or others, either by behavior or the nature of their power. While not necessarily vicious, what they are or are made of leaves them as an unsettling uncertainty.

Floors 15-17

Floors 15-17 by MartinVole

Largely restricted these floors house some of the deepest secrets and containment cases of the entire facility. Mostly used for housing the "Genesis" subjects who's nature has yet to be fully explored.

Floors 6-10

Moderate containment cases are kept here, while not high-risk they are considered potential threats, or are in delicate states that require the somewhat higher security.

Floors 11-14

High containment protocol, subjects held here are considered highly dangerous to themselves or others, either by behavior or the nature of their power. While not necessarily vicious, what they are or are made of leaves them as an unsettling uncertainty.

Floors 15-17

Largely restricted these floors house some of the deepest secrets and containment cases of the entire facility. Mostly used for housing the "Genesis" subjects who's nature has yet to be fully explored.

Floors 1-5

Medical facilities and low-risk patient wards are here in the upper levels.

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Most recent OOC posts in Deep 17: Contingency

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

I'm not sure exactly what kicked it off but I remember my friend was saying that he couldn't get on the website. Same thing happened with me when I had time to log on later. Not long after that my father got very sick and I had to take over a lot of the office management responsibilities. That plus still feeling the jabs of self-disappointment with not being able to pass the very last class required to get my business degree unfortunately helped aid in me forgetting that I was even a writer until the same friend asked if I worked on any of my stories lately.

It sucks that this place petered out but at least it doesn't look like it was purely my doing. This pretty much helped solidify that my likelihood/chance of joining another RP are extremely improbable. But I may still read some stuff or browse the forums to check up on you guys, when I have time. :)

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Aw... well, I may start another someday. I haven't heard from Aramay or Alle9009 either in a while. Feel like the whole attack on the site has made them leave.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

I'm still here, oddly enough, but I can't post anyway since Senpai left. :/ I'm not mad at her, since she had a whole bunch of shit to deal with, but I am a little sad that my plans for Myrion fell through. :(

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Is anyone still around?

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

I was slower than I expected. And I'm kicking my friend in the butt to hurry up and post his deal soon. He said something along the lines of ,"Oh crap thats right!" and its not too surprising since he is taking macroeconomics online, which takes up a lot of brain power to get through in and of itself.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Symptoms of PTSD + mountain of paperwork does not = Productive results. Regardless, I know I can post tonight once I finish processing receipts and printing off checks to pay business bills. Yaaaay adulthood.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Haha, sorry. Been dealing with school on my end. :P
Welcome! And have a good time.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

XD oh gosh i just read martin's latest post and i keep breaking into fit's of laughter at the end there

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

so i just made my first post ill be honest I'm new to forum based role-plays so i suppose id like to ask for some criticism. i don't know i just feel like i might have rushed the ascent and pulled a boogieman out of a hat. I've been checking this RP since i posted because , with being in high school and getting most homework out of the way on the school bus i have a lot of free time and not much to do with it . I'm going to be a pretty active member on this site so i guarantee that any PM's or reply's i get will see a response within 2-3 days at the most. if this time frame has any possibility of changing ill say as much.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Was something of the idea that they would eventually come to cross paths, yeah.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Ok, so.... we're getting everybody to meet up, or should we just let everyone do their own thing? :)

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

I sould have a post done in the morning.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

It lives... in the shadows. So posted and the first of many extremely violent types.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Other post coming later.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

I promise I will post soon. Both posts by tomorrow morning or later in the day I hope. I'll be working off of my phone so it will take a bit of time. Two nights in a row my brain has been dead due to family business related work and I feel a little sun baked from an impromptu walk on the beach with dad.

@Alle9009 I'd like to think that Bart is more of a good guy in bad guy clothing, knowing what its like to get stuck with needles. He might need a little convincing at first. As for Domingo. I would peg him more as a bad guy XD. I mean come on he put shaving cream in Bart's locker. That's like his "kick the dog" moment right off the bat.

@Senpai I wouldn't necessarily say that Kaijmera is willing to do a bunch of killing. But she is on WAY more delicate of a hair trigger when it comes to things that can set her off. She will go from 0 to 60 if someone happens to put her on edge. She nearly clawed up Alver on accident after disemboweling a doctor and guard. I wouldn't discount Bile either with his multiple personality thing going on. Along with any mystery subjects that MartinVole might decide to throw into the fray.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Sorry for the delay and the shabby post... I felt there wasn't a whole lot to reply to.

Also, for introducing Jess, who are the more... psychotic, willing-to-do-the-killing characters in this RP? I'd like to arrange a killing of Jess's doctor. From there, it's up to whomever finds her to start interacting with her.

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

No clue about the armoury, but I think it'd make sense if there was. I'd think there'd be caches hidden in other places, though, in case someone invaded the armoury or something.

Life's been pretty good. Been wondering how everyone's gonna meet up, though. Maybe Bas'met can drag us all together or something, haha. Are the PC guards the bad guys or are they gonna help the experiments escape?

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

So how's it going? Party people. Also does this place have an Armory?

Re: Deep 17: Contingency

Day off today. I'll probably post.