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Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP)

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015


a part of Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP), by GK061490.

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

GK061490 holds sovereignty over The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

283 readers have been here.


A small town located somewhere around Central United States. The town is situated between a Yellow Zone and a Red Zone so infected activity ranges from moderate to heavy. To the west end of the city is St Claire's church and to the east is the slums. Town Square is in the center of Ashcroft.
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The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."


The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 is a part of Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP).

3 Places in The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015:

5 Characters Here

Glen Stokes [0] "Some leader you turned out to be..."
Deacon Christopher Hale [0] "The Lord will protect us."
David Serrano [0] "What makes you think I care who you are?"
Andrew Concepcion [0] "I'm just a Dominican guy from Fort Worth."
Rivera Walker [0] "Just try to question my brother. Try to hurt him. I'll put a bullet through your head." ~Steel Wolves~ -Gang Leader's Sister

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[Edited out. Sorry...]

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(Sorry posted in the city instead of the streets.)

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Danni, through all this, had taken her sweet time waking up. Her makshift 'hotel' consisted of a box lined with a few scraggled blankets and some feather encrusted pillows. As the morning sun shone through the propped up flaps of the box, she struggled to keep her eyes closed. But in the end, her stomach reminded her it was morning.

"Hot damn... Sunhigh already?" She grummbled, using the classic time from her Warrior cat books, crawling from her box. Giving a streatch, the girl gave a content sigh as she felt all of her vertabrea snap into place.

"I wonder where everyone is this morning..." She sniffed, her nose working furiously to see if she could smell any thing cooking. All she could smell, as usual, was the rotting of corpses and the stink the heat was giving off. Placing a hand on her collar she smiled gleefully. "C'mon, Drea, lets find everyone else." She cooed, as if talking to a pet. Lowering herself to her knees she reached back into her box and pulled out a few of her knifes, and a shot-gun she had collected off a dead cop the other day. Sticking the items in her pockets she streatched once more and made her way down the streets, a soft hum in her throat.

A soft yelp escaped her lips as a watchmen darted past her, shoving her to the ground as he went by.
"WATCH IT!" Danni hissed after him, slowly standing back up and brushing herself off. "Wonder whats got him all excited." She said with a shrug, gently tilting her head as she continued to walk.

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Georgiana found herself on a road parallel to the park she had seen, walking back towards town. eventually, it ended and she took a right onto a seemingly more main road, Camelia. It was unusually quiet around here; she knew that she still had to be in a red zone and their should be zombies crawling the streets. The damn things were everywhere she was, chasing her around and trying to kill her. She was lucky she hadn't been bit since she had had so many close calls. But she was extremely careful, and careful people were always the last to go.

Daylight was beginning to become stronger, although there was a permanently foggy haze surrounding everything and making the already thick air seem even harder to breath. The sun mocked her: all bright and happy and perfect up in the sky, beaming down on her. Today was definitely not one filled with cheer, but death. She really wanted to float up in the sky and punch Mr. Sun in the face.

As she walked, she noticed the buildings around her. There was a school, a Motel, some businesses, just a normal city. When she neared the end of the road, however, she came to a dead end and found a graveyard to her right. How ironic. Here is a graveyard, and the walking dead are among us, she chuckled to herself. Of course, she decided to go into it. Who wouldn't? As she walked through, she noticed there were no upturned graves, no bony hands reaching up at her out of the ground, no living corpses fighting to break free from their earthy prisons. It was surprisingly peaceful and calm, given the situation. Though through the dead silence of the air around her, she heard a strange noise: voices. She kept on, readying her katana just to be on the safe side (she always believed to be on your guard, else you won't have any you left to guard).

She neared the end of the graveyard and spied a church surrounded by a barricade of some sort. Then she stopped in her tracks, eyes wide and mouth gaping. She quickly dove behind a large gravestone and peered over it, trying to make sense of what she saw. In front of the church, standing and carrying on normal conversation, were two people; a man whom she assumed was a priest based on his dress, and a sweet but troubled looking girl.

"Am I dead, or just crazy? Am I seeing things? Is this Heaven? Are those angels? They're some pretty shitty angels. They don't look in the best shape ever," she whispered, expressing her thoughts allowed. If those were real living, breathing, normal humans, then maybe she had come across some sort of survivor station. But in not, if she they were just a figment of her imagination, then she would be in some serious mental trouble. "What do you think, Suzy?" she asked her blade. "Do we approach them and ask for help? Or do we run the other way?" After very little self-persuasion, she decided on the latter. She was desperate.

She mustered up the will and stood up, slowly approaching the barricade. One foot in front of the other; step-by-step.

"Hey there! Is this a safe haven?" she called out to the figures so close but so very far away from her. They looked in her direction and she cried a tear of relief. Somewhere deep in her heart she knew she wouldn't be alone any longer.

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(Sorry moved to the right location...)

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Shizel just watched as Rivera seemed to playfully brush off the worry Date showed for her, something she found a bit odd but he allowed it, his soft spot for her well known by now. Then she gave him a gift and although Shizel couldn't really see what it was she wished it had been her idea instead. She had never thought to look for small little things while she was out, whenever she went into the more dangerous parts of the city she simply gathered food, looking for survivors, and of course weapons and such, never something like a gift. She sighed to herself as she watched on, they were so lucky. She just stood there though, waiting for something to happen about either the man on the outside of the wall.

"Hey, Shizel! Wanna join me? Dante can handle this. He's not the leader for nothing, right?" Shizel just looked at Rivera a bit surprised, she wasn't really the person that Shizel wanted to be hanging out with to begin with but when there was something going on it just didn't seem like the right time. The thing was Rivera knew Dante better than her and if Shizel was going to be useless, which she had slightly assumed beforehand, maybe she should just go with Rivera. Though that was mostly her female side wanting to learn a bit more about Rivera and in turn hopefully about her and Dante. She looked at their leader, wondering what he would say to this and then she did it, "Dante, do you need me?" she asked not including 'or can I go with Rivera' but it was obvious that was what she wanted to do. Of course he probably knew by now but one word from him and she would do as he told her.

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... (fixed)

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When the man came in Shizel had got a little on guard, not that it was obvious but her eyes moved to him and didn't leave as he spoke and how arrogant he was. He walked in here acting like he was in charge, saying they could work together, it was like he didn't know where he was or who they were which if he didn't he soon would find out. Even when Dante started speaking she didn't take her eyes off of the man, if he made a reach for his weapon or anything of the sort she would be on him faster than he could do anything. Of course when Dante told her and Rivera to leave she looked to him, not really wanting to but simply nodding and turning to walk out, tapping Rivera on the shoulder, knowing she would obey Dante as well but she figured the girl would still want to do whatever it was she wanted a minute ago when she asked Shizel to join her. She didn't wait for the woman, she decided to take care of this apparent other survivor herself. She was wanting to make sure to search this one before she took him to Dante, she would not have him in any sort of danger for his 'one on one' time because of a hidden weapon and while she wouldn't take a persons weapon, knowing she would be more hostile if someone did that to her, she would make her intentions of protecting Dante clear. She made her way to the wall and looked over, seeing the man standing there, he looked youngish, though not too young and he was armed, that she could see from a distance. His stance told her while he didn't look it he was on guard, small little things she noticed such as his hands being near his weapon and of course the way his eyes while staring straight ahead kept occasionally looked to the side.

After looking at him for a minute in observation she went outside of the barrier and walked over to him. She looked at him and looked down as his weapon, her own hand on her knife just in case, the other ready to take his weapon if he tried anything, "Alright, the leader will speak with you and while I will not take your weapon if I see you touch it even look like your going for it when you get inside I will end you..." she threatened in a very serious tone before turning around, "Now follow me..." When she finished talking she went back into the compound and headed towards Dante's office. She was a bit more confrontational when it came to people seeing Dante, he was a bit careless at times, not that he couldn't handle himself but insisting to see a survivor without others was a risk she wished he didn't take. Then again their entire lives had so much risk nowadays. As she walked she didn't bother to check on the man, if he followed then great, if not he would not get a second chance and she would just go about her day without a care.

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As David waited he just continued to look around, he was going to be prepared if anything happened while he waited, not to mention he had to keep his eyes on that wall in case they decided they didn't want him standing around or coming in. Luckily after waiting awhile a person came out of the place and he just smirked, at first he thought it was a guy but as the figure got closer it was just a rather tomboyish woman, not bad looking at that. Of course she was getting right to business, a woman who knew what she wanted, he couldn't help but smirk. "Alright, the leader will speak with you and while I will not take your weapon if I see you touch it even look like your going for it when you get inside I will end you..." David shrugged and followed behind her, making sure to enjoy the small view he got because of that as they approached the town hall, or what he assumed was one because of the general appearance of the building. As they went through the base he saw several people, a sign of good fortune if he could say so himself, it seemed like he had come across the jackpot, a group of survivors with a decent setup who didn't take shit from anyone. Heck he had seen much worse in his time here, especially when the outbreak first broke out. His thoughts were cut short though as they went inside the building and made their way to what he assumed was the leaders office or whatever they called it. Once inside he was led there by the woman and soon came found himself at an office, walking in without hesitation to see two men talking, one in a strange getup, and the other who gave off the feel of the gang leader, not that he was all that sure he was correct.

David didn't speak though, he knew better than to interrupt the boss, be a little cheeky yes, but interrupt no, never make them feel like you had something better to say than they did, he had learned that awhile back when he ran with a gang of his own. Well not really a gang, more of a group of punks but it had been about the same as far as the general do's and don't's went. Instead he just stood there, leaned against the wall, and waited his turn, wondering if he was even being brought here for a chance to join or if he was just going to be shot for his apparent trespassing. Either way, he was in deep now, no getting out clean from this one.

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Danni sighed lightly as she came up to the camp, merely flashing the tag around her collar for identification to one of the guards. As they let her in, her step quickened. Her grumbling tummy hadn't left her alone since she emerged from her box. Making her way around, she was able to snag a few bits of food from a few of the other members, taking scraps for the exchange of her clearing their plates.

When she was done, she had cleared away most of the plates, and her rumbling tummy was satisfied.

Streatching comfortably, she contininued to walk through camp, a roll held between her teeth. Though she was smiling, her scarlet eyes dared anyone to take it from her.

The girl snapped from her thoughts as she suddenly felt something wet sliding down her leg. Taking a look down, she noticed that her leg had been scrapped when the man had pushed her, and it was begining to bleed. She reached down and brushed the liquid away, leaving a few streeks of red on her ivory legs. Shrugging it off she continued walking, munching on the end of the roll that was nuzzled in betwix her teeth. She only stopped when she reached the shadow of a building. Looking up she realized it was Dante's building.

Sighing heavily she tilted her head to the side. Since she had nothing better to do, maybe the Leader of this little group could entertain her with a job or something?

"I am so gonna be marked late..." She mummbled over the bread. She finished it off before she made her way inside.

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Georgiana smiled at the grinning girl and shook her outstretched hand. "It's nice to meet you, too!" It felt so good to be with company again, and she was glad that there was somebody she could talk to her. Especially another girl, about her age, it seemed. She stood as Ceely spoke to Brother Christopher and then turned to back to her. “ It’s pretty boring around here, I’m the only source of entertainment” she teased with a wink.

"Well, darn. I guess I'll be downgrading then. At least out on the streets I had some action!" she returned with a beaten expression. Then she smiled and turned to the minister.

"Thank you, Brother. You have no idea how great it feels to be here with other people." She bowed in gratitude then looked down at her blood and sweat stained clothes. She asked Ceely, "I'm looking forward to this tour, but would it be possible for me to take a shower or change or something? I'm pretty nasty, don't want to stink up the place!"

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Dante had opened his book to write a note about the survivor named Andrew staying for today. It what he had to do to remember, and in case anyone else came across this place on day and he was no longer here. That would be the day... He looked up to see the new survivor waiting. No more one on one, this became a simple chat. Though he was still a bit angry that he didn't get Andrew to become a member he said to the new man, "And just what the hell do you want?"

Sure not the nicest way to greet someone but he was pissed, so this guy either be joining or have something useful to say or he have blood on the carpet. He closed the book and slammed it on his desk, eyeing the man now. Dante, was unarmed at the time, and with his sudden outburst another guard came to view in the hallway, with a small handgun. He nodded to Dante, letting him know he had his back. Dante nodded back then turned to the new guy, "My bad, that was rude of me. I'm Dante, the leader of the steel wolfs, speak your deal now."

Being firm, intimating, was it really him? He was told he had a younger look as if her was only a young adult, other see him as the age he was. Still, he felt sometimes people didn't take him seriously, that's when he head an idea. He stored it in his mind and focused on the task at hand. Though he knew that the gang would have a new change soon enough. He examined the man more now, seeing that he looked armed as well, he felt the need to be more on guard. Now that he thought about it, today was not a good day to let random strangers into the heart of the camp. Well, nothing went wrong yet so his leadership must be fine right? He nearly fell into another daydream, till his thoughts came back to Andrew and the other man. He still needed to know where the supplies was.

Just then one of his wolfs came in. It was the late one. Dante glared at her seeing that she was needed earlier. Dante pointed at her and said, "Slacker, go with Andrew to fetch the supplies. Andrew, as soon as I have everything you promised your stay here will be much better..."

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Danni had not even put one foot inside Dante's office before his voice drifted through her ears.

"Slacker, go with Andrew to fetch the supplies. Andrew, as soon as I have everything you promised your stay here will be much better..." Danni's face fell as she looked at the new arrival.

"But-!" She started, but decided it was better then cleaning bikes, or any other punishment the leader would have dealt. "...Yes Dante. And the names Danni!" She mummbled, her eyes glancing down at the floor before her arms crossed over her chest. Looking to Andrew, she passed a friendly smile. "Whenever you're ready." She grumbled, before looking back to Dante with respectful eyes.

"By the way, Dante, I think I might have gotten a little bit of blood on the floor outside..." She cooed, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, a goofy smile gracing her lips once more. "Your Watchmen are lacking in manners. One swerved out of his way this morning just to push me down as he ran past." She pouted, more voicing her opinion. She ofcoarse expected Dante to ignore her, but she was just killin' time untill Andrew was ready.

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As Georgiana walked through the church, a little behind Ceely, she took in all of her surrounding. She noticed how everyone seemed to help each other, most people had smiles on, and how good everyone looked. They seemed like a happy and healthy bunch of survivors. She even saw some little kids running around and a pregnant woman sitting in a chair. Georgiana smiled at her and it was returned with such warmth. She was glad that she had stumbled across this place. She shuddered to think of what she would have found otherwise--or what would have found her.

Finally, they reached a part of the building that seemed like a makeshift shower room, right near the bathrooms. "Thank you so much," she said to Ceely. "Where do I get towels and clothes?"

((OOC: I know this is short, but I just wanted to get something out here. >.<))

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Danni sighed softly as she obediently followed behind Andrew, her hands held behind her back. As he went on with his list of rules, Danni's head tilted boredly.

"Yes, sir. Be quiet, don't be an idiot, and follow orders." She responded, looking up to him with that goofy little smile. "But, you have to agree to one of my rules!" She said, as she quickly ran around in front of him, arms crossed over her chest.

"We go to my box so I can get my stuff." Her voice had lost all fun to it, taking a stern tone. Though, to anyone, she wouldn't seem a threat. It was true, there where only a few things she would need to get, but she still wanted them if she was going to be moving.

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There it was... Another stress filled moment for Dante. The ones that simply made him want to rip his hair out. Why? He simply hated hearing the truth. It was too much to bare. With his parents, he could not avoid it or hide it. He was forced to face it, and with that he broke down into a heartless man. What was happening now? Dante was healing, his event with his parents was slowly being easier to overcome and with that, he become more sympathetic, soft, caring. Sure, it took about two, three years for him to heal his wound of that event, but at least he got over it. Or was it a good thing? Dante sat in his chair, stared at a plank piece of paper, a pen in his hand. He had nothing to write, nothing to say. He found it sad that the only reason he made this community into a gang was for his sake of anger and sadness of his parents. Now that was gone, his leadership was fading as well. It would not be too long before people would gain the courage to speak out against Dante.

"Okay... Think, what would the old Dante do? ... He personally go out with a few others and literally strip everything from anything and make it there's. He show a cruel nature, to those of Innocent, just for kicks. He bring in food, supplies, and everyone praised him... What now? ... What can I do now?" he said to himself.

It was like Dante to talk to himself. At all, even alone, he never do such. Or at least, when he was still intoxicated with hatred. He got up, and walked over to a bookshelf that was filled with nick nacks of his. He spotted an old necklace, it was the one his old freind had gave him before they sperated. That was the time when the wolfs just begun. He smiled at it, think if only he was here, if only they had gotten along. He sighed and put it on, then took out Rivera's necklace and also put it on. A small indication on what he cared most for. With that he exited his room, soon to be outside of the hall once more. To find fresh air greeting him, and the sun as well. Dante took a long view of what his members were doing. The guards, the more stricter ones, were guarding the wall as always. The ones inside either worked at the gas station or at the other buildings. The camps, the tents and other shelters, laid his people. It shocked him, to see them, there exasperation's, were all hurt, hungry, suffering faces. It stung Dante, more to the side that Glen was right once again. I guess he haven't change that much if all he cared about is one person at this point. To prove Glen wrong? Is that all were doing this for? NO... These are your people, they look at you for leadership, and they look at you to show the ruthlessness, cruel state that got them luxuries others only dreamed about.

You can't just become a bad ass over night though. Dante stuck his hands in his pockets and walked down the steps, walking towards the gas station. Once inside, there were three members, working, on what seemed to be scrap, and other random items to no doubt help in some way. Dante only told people that the gas station were to be used as a forging, more of cover spot. Where the plates were made fro the wall, and some other projects that Dante attempted to keep unnoticed, for they all involved helping his work and not benefiting the lower members. Dante walk past the three, they only glanced then went back to there work. He went to another door, a more privet area of the station, inside was the armory. Any weapon they came across was here, organized, and accounted for. He looked at them all, seeing on how some were never even washed and still had blood stains on them. He went to the shotguns, taking the one he had labeled to make sure everyone knew it was his. Took some shells from the ammo boxes and aimed at the wall.

"Idea number one: Go back to the old way." he fired at the wall, the recoil hurting his shoulder. "No, idea number two: raid and threaten the church and there survivors..." he fired twice this time, the pain in his shoulder increasing. "No, idea three: Send out scavengers to find food, risking there skin, in an unproductive way." he pulled the trigger, nothing happened, the gun had jammed. That gave Dante a answer for that. He dropped it the kicked it to the wall in anger. His thoughts, turned to what Glen had said. 'Listen to your people...' With that Dante went to leave the station and off to speak with the hungry suffering faces that disturbed him so.

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Danni's gaze softened as she smiled, standing straight again.

"It’s a block that way." She said, idly pointing her finger towards the east. "It won’t take long, I promise."

She smiled happily as she grabbed the male's hand and shot off toward her box. She had taken his silence as a chance to take a proper look at him. It had been a while since he had a male partner, the last having been an idiot. But… this one looked a little smarter then the rest.

Skidding to a stop, the girl released Andrew’s hand, and crawled inside the small box that was propped against the wall of some crumbling building.

“Home sweet home~” She said, more to herself then to Andrew. Quickly, the blonde began to fling small items out of the box; a few bras and under garments, shirts, a worn out bag, extra ammo and a box that read TRADE across the top.
A moment later the girl emerged, a black and white puppy plushie held betwixt her teeth, smiling dumbly she looked up to Andrew, her head tilted softly.

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Danni smiled softly as she crawled out, stuffing all of her belongings in the worn out bag. Propping the pup up on her shoulder she stood, giving Andrew an all to innocent smile.

"Alright, lead the way~" She said, her coverse gently scruffing the ground underneith her foot. Lookig back to the box, she gently nodded to it, as if giving her own respects. It had been her home since she had come to this accursed place, providing her shelter from rain and wind when most of the others just cast her from their shelters.

Sighing lightly the girl turned back to Andrew, waiting patiently with one hand behind her back, and the other resting idly on her bag, her shoulder holding up the pup plushie. She looked a little childish for a seventeen (and 11/12ths) year old.

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Danni watched the group of infected with slight curiosity. Never had she seen them in such a large group before... then again she was never allowed out of the compound much. Looking up to Andrew expectant glance as he talked. Now, he was in charge. Granted, she might have had a little more formal training, he was older, and he seemed to know a lot more about the horde then she.

"Whatever you say." She churred, quietly adjusting the dog on her shoulder as if it was talking to her. "Barley says we'd have to be very careful around the park." She nodded. The older members had told her stories about how the park - once a beautyful place - had now become a wasteland of blood and bodies; a perfect place for an ambush.

"Of coarse I can keep up! The question is if you can lead properly or not!" The girl hissed softly, careful to keep her voice barely above a whisper.

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Danni kept quiet as the older man spoke, her head tilted softly as she listened. It must have been lonely traveling by onesself... All alone. For a split second the blonde wondered if she could ever do it... No... Definatly not. She craved being close to people, since her family was taken from her all she ever craved was people to be around. Even though the camp only offered minimal socialization, she still felt safe there.

A soft glint of sadness appeared in her scarlet eyes as she looked to Barley on her shoulder. Barley - her stuffed dog - was the only remnense she had left of her old family. Her mother had given him to her when she turned 14, and she had kept it since. When she found out that her family had perrished back in their old home, she turned to Barley for comfort. When she talked to him, it always seemed that those stitched in brown eyes offered the guidance her mother and father once did. She wasn't crazy, not in the least.

"Well, you're doing a goood job so far." She whispered, her voice masked by the groans of the infected. Keeping her eyes glued to the area infront of her, she kept one hand on her bag, scilencing it, and the other on the handle of her Colt, ready to strike when and only when it was necessary.

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Dante had listened to his fellow gang members. He was truly trying to find the source of the problem, his leadership going stale, and he could not bring himself to believe that it was his ruthless nature that brought them here. Most didn't say much, they were to scared to upset him and be kicked or in worst case, hanged. Others, the more stupid and complain kind, told him useless things to fix for they only helped themselves. No one really had anything to say to him, he was the leader he should not be asking for what the followers think. He should all ready know what to do, and when he does it make sure it's for the best. He could not tell which ones were on his side and which ones were not. It was indeed a waist of time but he had nothing better to do but wait and send people for food.

The scavengers had returned, the ones that threw the man out with two others, they only had a few cans and bags of food and some bottles of water. Enough to feed the camp for one more day if there food supplies went to shit. Dante only sighed and grit his teeth in anger, once again he was right. Only a few cans, this can't be the way to live, food would be a memory and his men would resort to eating each other like the zombies. First the papers on the desk, then Glen's rant on how he was a foolish leader, his favorite gun jamming, now they hardly had any food! Dante felt built up anger inside him, it has lingered there for a long time. He glared at the women who was speaking for the rest of the scavenging group, her tone in voice was annoyed with what they had, as if she had something to say to him, something upsetting. The girl took a step to close, beginning to speak out of line, the other three began to look at her in surprise as she started to do a lesser version of what Glen's rant was. He was not about to put up with it again.

Dante raised his hand, she paused for a moment, only to be slapped in the face by the back of Dante's hand. She put her hand on the red mark stained on her face and grit her teeth, she began to yell at Dante only to be smack again, harder this time, bring her to the ground. Dante looked don on her like a bug, the chick reminded him to much of Glen. He was still sympathetic, he turned around and began to walk back to the city hall only to her the girl call him a argent prick. He turned taking a few more steps back to her and before she could get up he brought his leg back and kick her in the teeth, breaking some, leaving her mouth dripping in blood, and her crying in pain. He looked around, the rest of the members were looking at him with smiles and frowns, some liking this and some wishing her had not done such a deed.

He then took this advantage and said, "Listen my wolfs! I am your leader, we will never harm another human being for any reason unless they deserve it! This pathetic little bitch, deserved it for speaking to me in such a manner. Don't cross me ever, then we will thrive again."

With that he approached a guard, "Gather up my sis and are number one soldier."

The guard nodded and ran off into the camp. Dante entered town hall, and his office, only to start tearing things apart in rage, his door shut but still unlocked.