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Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP)

The Streets


a part of Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP), by GK061490.

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over The Streets, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Ashcroft has 4 main streets. Camelia road heads west towards St. Claire's church. Old Greyhound Road goes east to the slums but it is currently blocked by barricades and wrecked cars. The Raven and Acacia road heads south and north respectively towards the city limits and eventually outside of Ashcroft.
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The Streets

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.


The Streets is a part of The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015.

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Georgiana Grey [0] "I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."
Shizel Aria [0] "Some things are best kept to oneself, for your pain need not become someone elses."

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"Get away from me you stupid zombies!" yelled a frustrated Georgiana as she blocked a tackle from an infected S.W.A.T. member and followed through to slice the head off of what appeared to be a mangled teenager.

"That a girl, get 'em Suzy," she said with a crazed laugh. "Oh great, now I'm talking to a sword." She finished of two more zombies in a quick motion and lit one of her homemade molotovs. She threw it at an oncoming group of about five infected.

"Take that!" She laughed one more time and turned around to see that she was coming onto a city. "Finally," she thought to herself. "Civilization."

She had been traveling for what seemed like days on a long, deserted road. There were no buildings, no shelters, no people. Only the nasty, disease-ridden creatures that were once human beings. The sight of the small cluster of buildings excited her. Maybe there would be more food for her to scavenge. And some clean clothes too. Maybe there could even be more survivors! She laughed at that last idea. She didn't feel like getting her hopes up, again. She hadn't seen any other living person since the start of the infection.

She ran into a something hard and cursed at it. Then, squinting through the faded morning light, she made out the word Ashcroft. She saw another sign that said Acacia Street. She contemplated venturing further into the town, but weariness won the long fought battle at the sight of the large building to her left. All the adrenaline that she had been running on was drained from her body, so she went to the door, carefully watching for any signs of movement. When she decided the building was safe, she built a fire and settled down to a lovely dinner of mildly cooked spinach, then shut her eyes and curled up under her thin blanket, dreaming of times long past and hopes for what would come to her in the future.


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Rivera slowly walked the streets of Ashcroft. Alone. Dante hated it when she went out alone, always telling her that it wasn't safe. For the most part, Rivera understood why he was that way. But, to her, being in a group attracted a zombie's attention, whereas if you were alone, you would be less likely to be noticed. Of course, none of it matteres if you got surrounded. Then you were S-O-L. Her guns hit her thight in a constant rhthym as she walked, her shortened virson of a katan on her back, within easy reach, two incindiary granades hanging from her belt. She was prepared. She always was.

One might wonder just why she was out there by herself. What was she looking for? Why by herself?

Her answers?

She liked to be alone, she wasn't looking for anything, and she was taking a walk.

Of course, people would stare at her like she was crazy, and perhaps she was. After all, she had witnessed almost everyone close to her, besides Dante, slowly become one of these flesh-craving brainless creatures dubed "zombies". She sighed, remembering smipler, happier times.


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David just sighed as the sound of slow almost dragged footsteps could be heard outside the little hideout he had used to sleep the night before, that meant zombies, luckily though it only sounded like one and that was always a good thing if handled right. As it passed the door he quietly opened it slipped out, turning to see the zombie walking down the street he was on. He slowly approached it, pulling the knife from his sheath and then in one swift motion jamming the blade into the spinal column of the undead creature. The body thudded to the ground and he took the blade and cleaned it off on the zombies shirt, he liked to make sure to keep his weapon clean just in case. With that zombie dead he turned around and looked at the street he was on, Raven road, it was desolate not a sign of actual life to be had but there was one thing he was counting on.

David had heard some gunfire not too long ago and he hoped that meant survivors, though he wouldn't put it past himself that the long on edge days had been getting to him and he had imagined the whole thing in order to keep his sanity. It was something he had to check out though, it was somewhere in the direction of the town square and that was where he was going to head, he had decided last night. He put the knife back in the sheath on his side and clasped it in, to make sure it wouldn't fall out if he had to run and jump his way to safety, and then began to walk in the direction of the town square deeper into the city. He hoped that someone would be alive, then again just because someone was alive didn't mean he would be welcomed, that was another thing he had to be careful of. For now he was on guard, not knowing where exactly the survivors if any would be and trying to avoid detection of any infected that might be around, sticking close to the buildings to not be so obvious to the flesh eaters.


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A loud gunshot rang through the ears of a sleeping Georgiana. She awoke, barely rested from her makeshift bed and slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. Then she stopped. Infected aren't capable of carrying guns. That must mean...

She bolted up and smoldered the glowing embers of her dying fire. She stuffed everything into her backpack, threw Suzy on her back, and shoved her pistol in it's case at her hip. "I have to be careful," she thought. "The gunman could be crazy, and I don't feel like getting shot in the face after coming this far." She stepped outside into the light of dawn and took a deep breath of stale, stagnant air full of death.

She first went to a gas station that was across from where she was staying (an old GIEI outpost, she discovered) only to find that it was almost empty, except for some cans of asparagus and a couple bottles of water hidden away. She grabbed it all as well as another lighter she found and shoved it into her backpack before leaving through the back and cutting through a few backyards of houses towards what appeared to be a park. She hoped more than anything that she could meet up with the gunman. Maybe form an alliance. She hated being alone.


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David had been moving pretty quick down Raven road avoiding most contact with the undead on his way but something much more concerning was now in his way and he observed it from afar. It was a wall, seemingly made of junk and by hand from people who probably just piled things together in hope of holding off the occasional zombie. Of course whether it was badly built or not didn't matter, that meant there was a group of people behind it, no one person able to make and maintain a wall such as that, especially one that was so long from what he could tell. Of course then he saw a sign and it all added up, "Expect no kindness here... No shit..." he muttered with a smirk, he had never expected kindness, no he only expected a partnership so he could earn his keep and that was exactly what he was going to go for, not that walking up and asking if he could get in would be that much more dangerous than standing around out here waiting for a zombie to get him.

It was at that moment a scrapping sound was heard behind him and he turned just in time to roll away from a zombie who had lunged at him. He snarled and stood up taking a few steps forward and drawing the machete from its holster before jumping forward and sinking the blade into the head of the zombie, a wicked crack and sickening sound before the creature fell down dead. Just like the last kill he bent down and wiped the blade off on the kills clothing before putting it back in its sheath. With that taken care of he turned back around looking at the wall again, of course this time his ears a bit more open just in case, he had been slightly lucky that he heard that last one, just one mistake would probably be the end of him, all those he had traveled with or met while here had died form a bit or scratch, one from drinking the blood on accident, he was not about to die like that.

With that thought in mind he was ready to try and get off of the street and somewhere he could take a small rest and right now, whether he was welcomed or not, it seemed like that man made wall was his best bet. David reached into a small backpack he had on and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, the bag full of them since he had found a store stocked full but looked of most everything else. He put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it, taking a deep drag before walking forward straight towards the wall, it wasn't like he had a better way to go about the situation. He approached the wall slowly, thinking someone would notice him eventually and they did. A man in a tower looked at him but ran off, apparently going to warn their leader or whoever. David just stood there, no weapon out and no attempt to jump the fence, he would see how this played out.


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Andrew Concepcion

Andrew nodded back to the girl. Her kind hearted nature seemed like a double edged sword, on one hand she could brighten the spirits of others despite the very bleak situation. On the other it might wind up causing her tobe taken advantage of, or worse.

"This way, should only take us a half hour if everything goes smoothly." Andrew said in a calm monotone. "Remember," He said as he brought the crowbar to a ready posistion. "silence is our security."

Andrew lead the way down the street and headed west. Soon the motel came into sight and they hisin the shadows of an alleyacross the street. It seemed while he was away the street had become flooded with a large group of infected. Andrew sighed silently as he saw they were effectively blocking their path. With another dissapointed glance Andrew triedtosearch for an alternate route. He turned to Danni with a sigh.

"Streets packed, this way is a no go. I have an idea though, we'll cut through the alleys and head south along the Police station. Head into the northern part of the park and cut north to get into the motel from the south side. Think you can keep up?"


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Andrew Concepcion

Andrew smirked a bit at Danni's response. Half tempted to ask the obvious question: Who the hell is Barley? However he kept it to himself, it wasn't strange to see someone with a bit of a psychological problem after all that happened.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said quietly as he turned to begin walking down the alley. As she hissed at him quietly he smirked a bit more. Could he lead properly? "I don't know," he whispered to her, still facing down the alley as he slowly crept through it. "I've spent all this time survivng on my own. It's been such a long time since I had anyone to even talk to, never mind lead them around."

Andrew grew quiet then and focused on the task in front of him. The moans and groans of the infected on the other side of the buildings ringing through the air as they crept silently through the dark alleys.


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#, as written by Null10
Nick walked in a systematic pace down the street as his combat boots strutted against the ground his gun firmly in his right hand his eyes darted forward at the several zombies in front of him .He stopped suddenly as he waited for there response. There slow stammering became crazed as they moved faster in his direction . He breathed out slowly as he aimed his gun forward shotting four of them in there temples and looked at the last one with a frown. "Damnit jimmy stop followin me!" he weaved the sudden jump of the nearby zombie as he crouched down and picked up a piece of debris as he threw it at the zombie's head making a clank sound he began his systematic pace up Camelia road hearing a faint moan behind him grinned. "That jimmy does he ever give up" The cop moved his eyes around cautiously as he kept moving up the street this street wasn't too bad he thought to himself a few zombies here and there but it was not nearly as bad as the station. He tripped a nearby zombie as he moved up the street into a hardware store .

He looked around before approaching the door there was no sign of any infected he opened the door slowly as his police instinct came on. He aimed his gun forward as he surveyed the area he made a kick toward a nearyby fallen screw box as he listened for any sudden movements a few minutes passed and he deemed this place safe as he closed the door . His face looked up around to the many "sharp" things he could take as he thought to himself i guess people didnt have time to loot this store. He quickly grabbed what he deemed to be needed bolt cutters , rope and some jerky he found on the counter. He smiled putting his gun in it's holster and leaned against a shelf "looky chief i found us a new HQ I'd be gettin that promotion for sure" His face grew into a frown as he tryed to mimick his bosses voice" Let's not get too ahead of ourselves there kid you'r fresh out of the academy you won't be gettin a promotion any time soon" Nick laughed to himself " The chief such a stubborn old goat..." he leaned onto the shelf into a sitting position as he rested for a few minutes .. His eyes began to close as he opened them suddenly he rose up looking around alarmed i should lock this place up before i do anything else he thought to him self .

He leaned a metal pipe against the door as he looked for the key. If i were a key were would i be he thought to him self as he looked around the strong stench coming from behind the counter he covered his mouth with his hand as he reached down to what was left of the shop owner. How grotesque he thought as he grabbed the key chain and pulled it from the lower abdominal of the shop owner . He locked up ate a piece of his jerk and took a swig of water , he layed down in one of the aisles his head resting on his folded uniform as he closed his eyes and rested.