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Rosalind Levine

Mi amour?

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a character in “Demigod Academy”, as played by KittyKLL


Rosalind Levine

Nickname: Call me as you like but I prefer Rose or Rosie.

Age: 17

It's not polite to ask a woman her age, but I am 17 even though some say I look older

Gender: Female

Is it possible to think otherwise?

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Parent: Aphrodite

Ahh my other mother that I never knew

Appearance: Image

Hair color: Blonde

Some may think its strange that I'm blonde with my tan Indian skin....but I beg to differ

Eye color: Blue eyes but they always seem to change from blue to green and occasionally silver.

The eyes are the window to the soul, you know


You would like to get to know me?

Rose is a very outgoing and independent person. She always tries her best to not have other people help her, but when people do help her she wont forget it and will always try to help the person back, in whatever way possible even if the person doesn't want any help. Rose doesn't really seem to notice when she isn't wanted and tries her best to be part of the "in" group even though she is well liked and doesn't even need to try that hard. She really loves music but unfortunately for her she has no musical talent what-so-ever and when bored sings to herself, horribly.


What are my favorites, you say? Hmm..

~Getting dressed up
~Hanging out with her friends
~Taking Pictures
~Listening to Music


I really despise these..

~Waking up
~Thunder Storms
~When she has to be in a hurry

Greatest Flaws:

My greatest flaw, well no one wants to admit to themself that they have one..

Her greatest flaw is that Rose falls in love easily and will protect her loved ones. She easily becomes attached to people and will do everything in her power to keep them close to her, even if it means using her godly power.

Element: Light

Crush: I find (will add later) very appealing to my eye

Roommate: (fill in later)


My weapon of choice?

Rose's weapon is a magic hair clip , given to her by her adopted mother on her 13th birthday and Aphrodite cast her magic on it. It gives her the power to control a person, within reason, with her words. Although it does not allow her to command them to do something against the person's beliefs or if its against human rights. She is also a but skilled with using a bow and arrows but only at a mediocre level.


You want to know about my history now? Alright then..

Rose was born to an Indian father, who was married at the same time he was with Aphrodite. Her father cheated on his wife because he was agitated that his wife was unable to bear a child. Unfortunately for him, he was unable to see his daughter since he died before she was born. So Aphrodite gave Rose to the man's wife, and luckily for Rose, she took her in even though she wasn't her real child. Her adopted mother was good and caring to her but if she asked questioned about her father, she would just become sad and lock herself up in her room for days. All her life Rose thought that her adopted mother was her real mother, until she discovered the truth on the day that took her to the Demigod Academy.

Other: =D

So begins...

Rosalind Levine's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Ten dorm rooms, a huge theater, a courtyard, a pool, a gym, an outdoor battle arena, a café, a dance club, a dance hall, a school store, and several different classrooms were what could be found in the University. Now, in the large theater, all of the students were gathered. They sat in front of a large stage where the twelve Olympians were gathered. Athena, who had the idea for the school and was therefore headmaster, was at the podium and was speaking.

Or trying to speak. The students, though, wouldn’t be quiet. Athena looked quiet timid in front of all of them. She would have hated for her plan to fall through.
“May I have your attention? Your attention, please?” she said, but was not heard over the chatting children.

“Everybody shut up right now!” Ares yelled powerfully. All the students went silent.

Athena took a deep breath and continued. “Thank you. Now, as you all know this is the Demigod Academy. You all have gifts. A gift of us gods. You possess spectacular powers to control a certain element. Obviously, none of you are quite certain how to control it. And that’s why you’re here. Here, we will not only teach you how to use your powers, but also about what it means to be a Demigod. You must use your powers for good. And to do that, you must learn about our history and train each day. I hope you will all enjoy yourselves…” Her speech went on for about ten minutes and most of the students lost interest after a while. Finally, she said, “Have a great year! Please hurry onto your first class which I believe is ancient Greek history. And—“

“Not so fast!” a voice from out of nowhere came. From the deep tone and rage within it, everyone could tell it was Hades. “You think this is a grand idea, Athena? You believe that all these little…rodents have the ability to be gods? And what about my children? Where are they? I’ll tell you now, Athena and the rest of you Olympians, this school will fail. Shut it down now or there will be hell to pay. I guarantee it!”
After a moment, all the students began to talk about what that meant.

“Children! Please! Please! Don’t panic!” Athena tried.

Then Zeus stepped up. “Silence! All students should immediately report to the common room at once! You are to stay there until further notice. Any student caught outside of the common room shall be expelled…dismissed!” And he left. All the students filed out and were escorted by minor gods to the common room. They sat around in silence waiting for what was going to happen next.
Sapphire looked around at everyone. She didn’t know what to do. Her hair a light shade of pink, she was feeling alright, but a little worried. She looked around at the other students, but was still a bit confused as of what to do. It was frightening. Especially for her. She knew Hades and knew that he would make good on his promise to end the school.

But there was nothing she could do, was there?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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#, as written by throne
Doug let out a light yawn as he found his way to a seat in the common room, folding his larger-than-average frame down onto it. He certainly didn't look worried. In fact, he was grinning faintly, if a little sleepily; this was all happening a little early in the day for his tastes. He was used to sleeping most of the sunlight away and partying long into the night, so it would probably be a little while before his sleep patterns adjusted to this new schedule of classes and trainings.

They'd forced him to wear a shirt, very much against his will, for the opening ceremony, but he'd undone every single button to leave it hanging open to expose his chiseled torso. He idly brushed some blond hair from his half-lidded green eyes, letting them wander around to appraise his fellow students. "He's just one guy. Er. God," he drawled, noting the panic in some of his peers' expressions. "Our moms and dads'll kick his ass, then we'll get to dive right into the boring school stuff." He lifted his broad shoulders in a shrug, then folded his arms across his chest, grinning. "Anyone wanna play a game while we wait?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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"A game?" Cali asked, "What do you mean?"

Siren rolled her eyes at her sister. "Depends," she said twisting her crimson hair.

"Pearl, don't be rude!" Cali scolded her sister. They were twins, but Cali always felt like the older sister. She was worried about the situation. Hades was a pretty scary dude. But Siren thought of it as an adventure. It was exciting. And anything to get out of class for a while.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Good God! Er... Gods, he supposed. Good Gods! How terrifying that had been! Archer laughed and grinned all the way to the common room. He was in a damn good mood, a damn good mood indeed. He wasn’t going to let some hellion fuck that up for him. Not Archer Scott Kennedy. No siree. He wasn’t even sure why he was so happy. Maybe it was the thrill of being near kids like him, demigods. In a way, it was like a whole big adventure. Arch loved a good thrill. Damn, he was in a good mood.

So, when some guy said, "Anyone wanna play a game while we wait?" , Archer casually chucked his hand into the air and replied, grinning, “Sure. I’m up for it. Have anything in mind?” It was one of the rare times his words didn’t contain vile swears. Road to recovery.

Oh. How lovely. A threat?

Seth was rather bored. Bored and infuriated. Too many people. They were all so... happy. Well, compared to him, anyway. A lot of people were happy when compared to Seth. Too many. He trudged after the other kids to the common room, where he promptly took a seat in the corner, cross-legged on the chair. He never liked having his feet touch the floor while he was sitting in a chair. Pet peeve of his. Seth wasn’t sure why. It was just uncomfortable.

Not as uncomfortable as being in a room full of people.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Shima Suyuke
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#, as written by Fencer
Roy was terrified, at first it was uncomfortable with the whispers, but the cry of God of War which ended the whisper almost makes him stop the heart and to complete the lord of the underworld in person comes causing an uproar, luckily before passed out they were sent to a common room which, although not was satisfactory, was better than being in the presence of the Gods, he breathed a few times to calm down and looked around, for some reason a blond giant decided that was appropriate to take off his shirt and propose a game and what is more, there were people willing to do it, insane undoubtedly, a God threaten them and they want to play ..."I don't want share my room with any of them" he mumbled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Sator’s Perspective

Watching the other “kids” sit down and settle in, talking and speaking of a game, Sator was bit irritated. One was off in what seemed to be a little fit of anger, a small one at that. Another seemed to shyly watch everyone else with utter apprehension and anxiety.

Sator thought nothing of all of this. Truly so. Perhaps he was even skeptical it was happening before his eyes, especially the whole gods-thing. Hermes came to him one night, just as he was laying in a particularly comfortable patch of corn, to tell him that Demeter, Lady of Agriculture, was his mother. Of course, Sator shrugged off this raving, naked lunatic with, “Hmm… that’s nice. Would you like to have sex?” Hermes was probably most obliged, though out of fear of Demeter he rightly rejected.

So was Sator the child of Demeter? Eh, maybe. Sator was a Christian, however. He didn’t believe in gods, let alone Greek ones, and he wasn’t sure what to think of all this. He wasn’t sure if a farmer finally hit him on the head with a rock and he got knocked out what. But it would make sense, all of this, Sator supposed. It would explain why Sator suffered and enjoyed such a dichromatic life, and would put to rest the question of who exactly his mother was. But he didn’t need a mother, and he didn’t need a father. He was an independent man. A virginal man, yes, but a man just the same. “A manly man, indeed,” he thought to himself. His only mother in life was the Virgin Mary, and he no pagan usurper could ever convince him otherwise.

He eyed a most becoming young woman sitting at the foot of a column in the commons. She was a bit near the large group of the kids. “Mmm… she is most delicious,” Sator thought. The others were not ugly, and some were certainly gorgeous, but had yet to capture his attention. What better way to catch their attention and prove his manliness than to catch her eye.

She seemed to be a rancher girl of some sort, a lil’ pistol packin’ mama it seemed, dressed in a cute little blue dress and a leather vest. Her hair was pulled pack in a pony-tail, and her eyes seemed generally enthusiastic. Sator strode gently towards her, his boots clacking against the marble floor, each calculated step purposed toward gathering attention.

“Excuse me, mi’lady,” Sator spoke, his accent leaking out a bit, attempting to catch her attention. Her smiling eyes caught up to his and he glared deeply into them. He grabbed her hand, catching her unawares. “Ah, you are indeed very beautiful,” he began to inch her hand closer to his mouth, “I am Sator Cereris Terensis, but you may call me Saturday.” He kissed her hand and looked back up to her eyes.

Victoria’s Perspective

“Get up off me, or I’ll be fixin’ to open a can’a whop ass!” she roared at Sator. “Ain’t no man touches this lil’ girl!” Sator jumped back up, surprised and embarrassed. His lips were sputtering for some type of salvation.

“Listen up men!” Victoria called out attention to the whole group, specifically those with the dreaded snake-organ, “Ain’t none of ya’ll ever touching this! Neve’ eve’, and ya’ll can just keep your hands down each others’ pants, ‘cause I like ladies and ladies alone.”

Bowing her head in a last grace of Southern ladylike behavior, “Thank ya’ll.”

Ain’t no man ever touchin’ without her consent. It made certain sense that Ares was her father, she was as tough or tougher than him, and she was prepared to get into the nitty gritty of things. But Victoria knew that at the heart of things, women were stronger than men, and her mortal mother was a helluva lot tougher than any man, God of War or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Nova Artanin Character Portrait: Douglas Merryweather
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Watching everyone, Alex and Ashe got a good look at what the students were all like; though, to put everything simply, about half of them apparently thought they could try hooking up with anyone and get lucky. Feels like regular school now, aside from Greek gods and goddesses being the staff and all of the students having what should be godly superpowers.

"So who are our roommates again?" Alex wondered between the pair. They only knew the names, not having had a chance to meet them face-to-face yet.

"Douglas and Sator are mine, but I hope we can request a change." Both were going to be boys; she wasn't comfortable amongst them unless Alex was there, living a semi-sheltered early life with her mother. Though, when they'd introduced themselves, Ashley was able to put two and two together, and now she /really/ hoped they could request roommate changes without incurring their parents' wrath. She was happy for the moment, however, since neither approached her yet. For now, she was content, but knew the ruckus she'd have to face once it was time to rest.

Meanwhile, Alex was a bit more worried. His roommates, Rosalind and Nova, haven't yet introduced themselves, leaving the few who also hadn't done so as a possibility.

As for the dance, most everyone else seemed to be jumping straight into getting a date when the topic was brought up, but neither of them really cared. If they didn't have a partner, that wasn't a problem between the cousins; if they could fire arrows into trees and targets together, they had no issue sharing a dance, too. Anything to keep each other out of trouble, even if they didn't say it.

"Do you wanna hear her sing?" Pearl tried to show off her sister's special talents, even though Calliope's mouth fell wide open when that happened. While Ashe and Alex did feel like hearing something good to drown out the noise, the latter still knew that few humans were able to compete with Ashe's god-blessed talent and training, not to mention her uncanny ability to play her violin and still sing at the same time. Ashe's mother would probably agree, too, trying to get her daughter to show off more had the woman been here, but nothing was said. Instead, the two watched as Sapphira tried to turn a coffee table into a pedestal for the girl with the voice of a muse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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After the strange ordeal with the school, the teachers decided that it was safe to allow the students out of the common room. They all went to their classes and the next night, they prepared for the dance. The gods were allowed to visit their children before the dance as a sort of welcoming. Many presented their daughters with gifts of dresses and helped their sons into suits. The dance was a formal.

As every student was required to go to it, several sat around and sulked. Those who wanted to dance enjoyed performances by the muses that attended as well as a single song sung by Calliope.

The dance, now in progress, seems to be going well.


Sapphira should have been down with everyone else. All the other students were there. But her mother was still locked away in the underworld and she had no friends yet to lend her a dress. For that reason, she was tearing her bag apart for any dress that seemed to be fomal. Any long dress would be good for her.

She sighed and continue looking through her bag. Nothing seemed to be there.

Her roommates weren't the nicest. She actually really hated them. She would do anything to switch. One didn't talk to her and the other already let her know what he thought of her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine
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Rose was in her room waiting for her mother. She had no idea where her roomates were or even who they are since it didn't seem like they introduced themselves while in the common room. She was just looking around the room, putting her clothes in the place and all her makeup in the bathroom. I hope my roommates won't mind. she thought. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door, thinking it was one of her roommates she said, One moment, I'll be right there. She just put the shirt that she had in her hand in the closet and went to go open the door. Although to Rose's surprise, what she found was her mother.

"Hello there Rosie," Aphrodite said as she kissed her daughter on both cheeks.

"Hello Mom," Rose said on shock. This is the first time she met her mother other than when she just arrived at the academy and she just saw her from afar. Now being so close to her, Rose saw how extremely beautiful her mother truly was. Unfortunately for her, she looked nothing like her mother other than long blonde hair and the ever changing eyes.

"So, there's a dance today. And of course, you bring my daughter and all, you have to look magnifique," Aphrodite said while walking to her daughter's closet. She started to rummage through all her clothes and occasionally gave a smile of approval otherwise she was just quietly humming to herself.

" Your taste in clothes is quite good, you pass. You are my daughter," Aphrodite said jokingly. "Although I do have something special just for you," she continued and she put back all the clothes she took out. Then Aphrodite called out to the hallway, "Sortez le présent" and for some reason Rose understood that it meant "Bring out the present"

Suddenly this boy, whose age Rose could not determine because it seemed like one minute he was a little boy and the other a full grown man, came with a beautifully wrapped box and he left it on the bed.

"That was your brother, Eros mon cher" Aphrodite said as she was opening the box. "Come here and take a look,"

Rose hesitated a bit but she went to see what was in the box and what she found took her breath away. It was the most beautiful outfit that she had ever seen. Quickly she put it on, and thanked her mother with a kiss.

"How do I look??" Rose said twirling around in her outfit.

"Très belle, vous êtes vraiment ma fille" Aphrodite said with a delicate smile on her face. " Come here and let me fix your hair and make-up" What Aphrodite did to Rose was unbelievable, she couldn't believe she was that pretty, and for some reason she could actually see a resemblance to her mother.

Quickly she hugged her mother and said, "Merci beaucoup maman. Rose was bewildered, when did she learn french. Her mother just laughed and said something about French being the language of love and since she was her daughter she automatically understood it.

Then Aphrodite said to her daughter, "Rosie, je dois y aller maintenant. Au revoir et amusez-vous" then she started walking toward the door.

"Au revoir maman," Rose said to her mother as she watched her leave. Rose was still in shock from her first meeting with her real mother. Well I better hurry I don't want to be late for the dance. She thought as she left the room, looking like a true Aphrodite's daughter.

At the Dance
Rose made her entrance but truthfully she didn't know anyone, so she just walked around and hoped she could catch the eye of a nice young man who would ask her to dance...hopefully.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Ashley & Alexander Character Portrait: Zero Vander
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Zero walked into the school with his mother. Nyx, goddess of the night, had finally gotten hin enrolled.

" can probably go now..." he said, a little embarrasses to be seen entering the building with his mother, goddess or not.

"okay, sweetpea. Just be good, alright? And don't get in trouble. Okay? Just have fun. Oh! And Persephone is worried about your sister. Well, Sapphira. She's technically not you sister, but--"

"I know mom! Just stop worrying! I'll be nice to her, I promise. When was I ever not?"

"alright. Just as long as you have fun. I love you!" she kissed him and left. Zero sighed. He then walked into the school. Out in a secluded hall, he saw Sapphira dancing with some invisible person. That was pathetic. He snuck up behind her and twirled her around.

"What is this? A wedding gown?" he asked.

Sapphira screamed. "Zero! What are you doing here?"

"Ma wanted me to be enrolled in the school. I thought I'd keep you company. Hey know of any good girls for your old pal?"

Sapphira smiled. And led him to the dance hall. She looked around at all the girls. "Well, Calliope there is a sweet girl, but she's a pretty outgoing performer sometimes and her sister I know you'd be afraid of. The there's Aphrodite's daughter. She's stunning and glamorous like her mother. You'd be adorable together, but you know what? I think you'd really like Apollo's girl. She right over there with her cousin," she pointed them out, "She seems like a bright girl and I've heard she lovely little singer. And, obviously, she looks beautiful tonight."

Zero looked between the two. "Do you think she'd reject me?" he asked looking at Ashe. She was lovely. Stunning, in fact.

"I donno. Maybe, maybe not. You'll never know unless you try. Go on now! I'll be in this little side hallway of you need me,"

Zero nodded and slowly made his way over to Ashe and her cousin.

"Hello," he said, "I'm Zero, son of Nyx. I'm new here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Erik Monroe
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Erik, aftere a talk with his mother, came out to the ballroom. It was lavish and a lovely party. But then he noticed someone. A beautiful young girl standing alone. Slowly, he descended the stairs. He immediately recognized the girl as Aphrodite's daughter. But why was she alone? Certainly someone as beautiful as she was would be dancing with all the guys.

"Mademoiselle," he greeted and kissed her hand. "Je m'appelle Erik. Comment vous appellez-vous?" he inquired as to her name. He knew the girl spoke french. His mother had told him that about here specifically.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Erik Monroe
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Rose looked at the newcomer, and blused as his lips grazed her hand. "Mon nom est Rosalinde, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Rose ou Rosie. Quel que soit votre préférence. Au plaisir de vous répondre, Erik.

Rose was taken aback one more because of the french, it was strange to her. Somehow it felt like she spoke it all her life yet today was the first day she uttered a word in french. "I'm sorry Erik, but I'm still not used to speaking french, so til then is it ok if I speak english with you? Of course if you feel more comfortable you may speak in french to me, for some reason I understand it perfectly."

She hoped that she wasn't being too mean and was scaring him away, so she gave him a dazzling smile. The same one that one the hearts of more than one man. Then she said, "I'm the daughter of Aphrodite and you...?" Rose could sense that once more her eyes where changing shade so she was uncertain which color they were.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Erik Monroe Character Portrait: Ashley & Alexander
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"I am the son of Iris," he said with a slight bow and a smile. "You seem to be quite alone over here. Would you like to dance avec moi?" Erik asked offering her his arm.
Was it possible the daughter of Aphrodite was all alone?
Sitting alone, Cali looked around the dance floor. Happy people everywhere, but she didn't really have any friends to make her happy with them. She had finally persuaded her sister to have fun with her date. She gazed around, but she kept staring at Alex. She should go talk to him. It would be what her sister would do, but she wasn't quiet sure that she would. She eventually stood up, but immediately froze. Why couldn't she be like her sister?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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The dance went on. Everyone seemed to actually be having a good time. But suddenly, a bloodcurtling cry ripped through and school, echoing off the walls, and filling every room. The music immediately stopped. Everyone froze where they were and looked around. A second cry, a little louder than the last one, came and everyone now knew where it came from.
Those who got to the hallway first saw the huge hellhound on top of Sapphira. The girl, staring up at it, was unresponsive. A part of her white dress was stained red with blood. She was pinned to the ground and the hellhound droolled over the bank face that stared up. She was obviously in shock.
But the hellhound that was prepared to devour the girl was the least of the other students' worries. Nine more hounds were now growling, their red eyes glowing as the stalked the students. They moved in closer on them, one slashing at a girl who quickly jumped back.
Hestia knew she couldn't protect all of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Sapphira lay motionless. Her eyes staring out at nothing. The five gashes created by the hound ran from her left hip to her right shoulder and were bleeding more than should have been safe. The front of her white gown was both torn open and stained a dark red. The girl was completely useless.

"Ashe!" Hestia yelled and quickly knelt by the girl's side, "She's in shock. I need you and your brother, though. Wait here!" she ran and was back in three seconds with two quivers of pale white arrows. "These things are hard to kill. Take these. Once a student immobilizes one," she looked to the one Seth had injured and shot an arrow through it's eye with her own bow. It helped and then disappeared into a cloud of black mist that settled and was gone. "These will send them back once they are injured. They can't die. They're already dead. You all need to work together. Distract, attack,and then shoot at them. Understand? You're a team here!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Erik Monroe
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Siren pulled Victoria to the hall with her. Meanwhile, Cali sprinted out with the others. They both saw the hounds and were terrified. Cali summoned her trident. She looked around and saw a hound lunging towards her. She stabbed at it and grazed it as it slashed her leg. The cut, although not as bad as Sapphira's injuries, bled down her leg. The dress, now slashed open and difficult to walk in, tripped her.
The hound growled and lunged for her. She gasped and tried to duck away.

"Cali" her sister yelled, but was preoccupied with the hound now circling her and Victoria. She summoned her own weapon. "Together?" she asked her date.
Erik quickly straightened up and pulled Rose close to him in preparation to protect her. He led her out to the hall with the others. The sight was horrible. "stay close to me," he said holding his weapon. He was prepared to protect her.

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Character Portrait: Rosalind Levine Character Portrait: Erik Monroe
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Rose saw the hellhounds and saw the battle that took place. Erik was ready to protect her, but she wasn't ready for that. All the screaming and fighting really freaked her out. She was wearing her mother's hairclip that gave her control over people, but she wasn't sure it worked on hellhounds. In the end some newcomer banished the remaining hounds and everything was fine. You could say.

From the shock, Rose fell on her knees. It wasn't like her to be this weak, but you could say only now she truely realized how much danger is involved with being a demigod. She took a deep breath and tried to regain her posture. I'm fine, its only because im inexperianced. I'll learn.