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Sator Terensis

"The greatest joys in being a manly man are those brief moments when even boys want to be your wives ;D."

0 · 383 views · located in Demigod University

a character in “Demigod Academy”, originally authored by lom.conor, as played by RolePlayGateway


Sator Cereris Terensis

Nickname: a favorite of his - Saturday

Age: 18

Gender: Man

Sexuality: Man "This IS deliberate. I label myself only as man. What that means is up to me, and if I like your ass I'll tell you."

Parent: Demeter, the Corn Mother

Appearance: Image
Sator is a whopping 190 Ibs, packed with muscle and the fat of breads, and 6' 5". His face and skin, however long worked into the Earth, are as soft as baby skin. His voice is a deep boom.

Hair color: Half blond/half dark brown

Eye color: One green/One brown

Sator is an interesting boy/man/thing/guy/mabob. He is a living contradiction. One moment, he is nice, the next he is cold and cruel. One moment he is brandishing a knife and shouting with deep verbose manliness, and the next he is flailing his arms and gasping for air because he just spotted the most cutest boy ever(which at untempered times has proven to create quite comedic scenes).

Don't misunderstand him, ever. He will never clarify anything for you, he will just make sure you know ONE thing: He is a man. Granted, everyone can see very well he is a male, because he is not the least bit effeminate, at least not in front of other men, and his body is perhaps the most masculine and rough few will ever see on such young bones. But he is constantly pent up to dominate others, to prove he is more manly. Especially against those that would threaten that machismo. And like the Earth, rough and ready against any possible erosion, Sator is steadfast and uninsultable(well at least he appears to be).

Although he is trusting, he also has his paranoid moments. Once he feels comfortable, which is rather quick, that everyone has been subdued and he has taken his place as the alpha-male, he becomes insecure and self-conscious, believing he is failing at manhood. He NEVER reveals this, however. Never. To reveal any sort of weakness, any sort of extreme emotion would be to cast away manliness forever.

His father raised him to be likes, at least he thinks. His father was a soldier back home, and made damn well certain that his son acted how he wanted him to act. But Sator was left many moments alone, learning his own identity(however dichromatic it may have been) and challenging himself further.

He adores his friends, and those few who can prove their intimate worthiness, he worships. Sator, however, would much rather spend a few hours in a cornfield or back a stream or listening to the bluebird sing than spend one second with other human beings. He feels an undying connection with the fields, truly.

His life seems to follow that of the fields as well. In Spring and Summer, he is joyous and manic. In Winter and Fall, he is melancholic and empty.

    -Leathery stuff
    -sh... Boys

    -loud, obnoxious people
    -men who can outman him
    -the forest

Greatest Flaws:
If you asked him his greatest flaw, he would reject the idea. But he knows within his heart that his stringent view of masculinity tears him apart. It does not allow him to dynamically solve important questions in life. Although he is no feminist, he does not deny a woman their right to equality, and he would refer to a female as a man if she could prove she was one, but his strong morality oftentimes leads him to call less manly boys as women.

Perhaps deeper still is his desire for a boyfriend. He truly wishes for one, and oftentimes it leads him to make severe mistakes and terrible life choices. He has yet to give his virginity, however, and wishes to keep that a secret.

Element: Earth

Crush: Prospective...

Douglas Merryweather
Ashley Vie

Weapon: Enchanted Scythe, symbolic of the sheaves of corn and grain of Demeter Image

Sator came from a small village, whose primary interest was in the production of maize corn. Other grains, of course, were produced, but maize was numero uno. A religious village, Sator perhaps still holds those values today.

His father was once a farmer, but was forced into the military by a local lord. He would come home rarely, but it was always with strict warmth. The winters that Sator enjoyed with his father were bittersweet. Sator was always depressed during the winters, but he always loved having his father around. But his father would leave shortly, forcing the now manic and over enthused Sator to propel off into the wilderness alone.

He remembers those sweet Summers, laying in Ms. Vivaca's fields, next to his best friend Gaius. Ah, there was a puppy love indeed. And though it was frowned upon in the village, it was not completely unaccepted, and Sator and Gaius were to be betrothed. At ages 12, they would be officially married in the village and have their own property.

Then came that night. Soldiers of the local lord came and burnt the crops, hoping to scare off enemy brigades. The the crops burnt, the village slowly died off due to starvation. Sator was left alone, alone to wander the fields.

But he learned how to fight, and kept to himself. He mastered the seasons of the Earth, learning when to plant, and having the ability to cultivate any dying plant into a monstrous beauty of overgrowth.

Other: A bit obsessed with sex and likes coffee... a lot. A lot. Btw, the whole having two different eye colors is called Heterchromia. Also has a slight accent, which sounds almost Hispanic or Roman.

pirate smile lolarg ;(

So begins...

Sator Terensis's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Ten dorm rooms, a huge theater, a courtyard, a pool, a gym, an outdoor battle arena, a café, a dance club, a dance hall, a school store, and several different classrooms were what could be found in the University. Now, in the large theater, all of the students were gathered. They sat in front of a large stage where the twelve Olympians were gathered. Athena, who had the idea for the school and was therefore headmaster, was at the podium and was speaking.

Or trying to speak. The students, though, wouldn’t be quiet. Athena looked quiet timid in front of all of them. She would have hated for her plan to fall through.
“May I have your attention? Your attention, please?” she said, but was not heard over the chatting children.

“Everybody shut up right now!” Ares yelled powerfully. All the students went silent.

Athena took a deep breath and continued. “Thank you. Now, as you all know this is the Demigod Academy. You all have gifts. A gift of us gods. You possess spectacular powers to control a certain element. Obviously, none of you are quite certain how to control it. And that’s why you’re here. Here, we will not only teach you how to use your powers, but also about what it means to be a Demigod. You must use your powers for good. And to do that, you must learn about our history and train each day. I hope you will all enjoy yourselves…” Her speech went on for about ten minutes and most of the students lost interest after a while. Finally, she said, “Have a great year! Please hurry onto your first class which I believe is ancient Greek history. And—“

“Not so fast!” a voice from out of nowhere came. From the deep tone and rage within it, everyone could tell it was Hades. “You think this is a grand idea, Athena? You believe that all these little…rodents have the ability to be gods? And what about my children? Where are they? I’ll tell you now, Athena and the rest of you Olympians, this school will fail. Shut it down now or there will be hell to pay. I guarantee it!”
After a moment, all the students began to talk about what that meant.

“Children! Please! Please! Don’t panic!” Athena tried.

Then Zeus stepped up. “Silence! All students should immediately report to the common room at once! You are to stay there until further notice. Any student caught outside of the common room shall be expelled…dismissed!” And he left. All the students filed out and were escorted by minor gods to the common room. They sat around in silence waiting for what was going to happen next.
Sapphire looked around at everyone. She didn’t know what to do. Her hair a light shade of pink, she was feeling alright, but a little worried. She looked around at the other students, but was still a bit confused as of what to do. It was frightening. Especially for her. She knew Hades and knew that he would make good on his promise to end the school.

But there was nothing she could do, was there?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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#, as written by throne
Doug let out a light yawn as he found his way to a seat in the common room, folding his larger-than-average frame down onto it. He certainly didn't look worried. In fact, he was grinning faintly, if a little sleepily; this was all happening a little early in the day for his tastes. He was used to sleeping most of the sunlight away and partying long into the night, so it would probably be a little while before his sleep patterns adjusted to this new schedule of classes and trainings.

They'd forced him to wear a shirt, very much against his will, for the opening ceremony, but he'd undone every single button to leave it hanging open to expose his chiseled torso. He idly brushed some blond hair from his half-lidded green eyes, letting them wander around to appraise his fellow students. "He's just one guy. Er. God," he drawled, noting the panic in some of his peers' expressions. "Our moms and dads'll kick his ass, then we'll get to dive right into the boring school stuff." He lifted his broad shoulders in a shrug, then folded his arms across his chest, grinning. "Anyone wanna play a game while we wait?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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"A game?" Cali asked, "What do you mean?"

Siren rolled her eyes at her sister. "Depends," she said twisting her crimson hair.

"Pearl, don't be rude!" Cali scolded her sister. They were twins, but Cali always felt like the older sister. She was worried about the situation. Hades was a pretty scary dude. But Siren thought of it as an adventure. It was exciting. And anything to get out of class for a while.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Good God! Er... Gods, he supposed. Good Gods! How terrifying that had been! Archer laughed and grinned all the way to the common room. He was in a damn good mood, a damn good mood indeed. He wasn’t going to let some hellion fuck that up for him. Not Archer Scott Kennedy. No siree. He wasn’t even sure why he was so happy. Maybe it was the thrill of being near kids like him, demigods. In a way, it was like a whole big adventure. Arch loved a good thrill. Damn, he was in a good mood.

So, when some guy said, "Anyone wanna play a game while we wait?" , Archer casually chucked his hand into the air and replied, grinning, “Sure. I’m up for it. Have anything in mind?” It was one of the rare times his words didn’t contain vile swears. Road to recovery.

Oh. How lovely. A threat?

Seth was rather bored. Bored and infuriated. Too many people. They were all so... happy. Well, compared to him, anyway. A lot of people were happy when compared to Seth. Too many. He trudged after the other kids to the common room, where he promptly took a seat in the corner, cross-legged on the chair. He never liked having his feet touch the floor while he was sitting in a chair. Pet peeve of his. Seth wasn’t sure why. It was just uncomfortable.

Not as uncomfortable as being in a room full of people.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Shima Suyuke
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#, as written by Fencer
Roy was terrified, at first it was uncomfortable with the whispers, but the cry of God of War which ended the whisper almost makes him stop the heart and to complete the lord of the underworld in person comes causing an uproar, luckily before passed out they were sent to a common room which, although not was satisfactory, was better than being in the presence of the Gods, he breathed a few times to calm down and looked around, for some reason a blond giant decided that was appropriate to take off his shirt and propose a game and what is more, there were people willing to do it, insane undoubtedly, a God threaten them and they want to play ..."I don't want share my room with any of them" he mumbled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo
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Sator’s Perspective

Watching the other “kids” sit down and settle in, talking and speaking of a game, Sator was bit irritated. One was off in what seemed to be a little fit of anger, a small one at that. Another seemed to shyly watch everyone else with utter apprehension and anxiety.

Sator thought nothing of all of this. Truly so. Perhaps he was even skeptical it was happening before his eyes, especially the whole gods-thing. Hermes came to him one night, just as he was laying in a particularly comfortable patch of corn, to tell him that Demeter, Lady of Agriculture, was his mother. Of course, Sator shrugged off this raving, naked lunatic with, “Hmm… that’s nice. Would you like to have sex?” Hermes was probably most obliged, though out of fear of Demeter he rightly rejected.

So was Sator the child of Demeter? Eh, maybe. Sator was a Christian, however. He didn’t believe in gods, let alone Greek ones, and he wasn’t sure what to think of all this. He wasn’t sure if a farmer finally hit him on the head with a rock and he got knocked out what. But it would make sense, all of this, Sator supposed. It would explain why Sator suffered and enjoyed such a dichromatic life, and would put to rest the question of who exactly his mother was. But he didn’t need a mother, and he didn’t need a father. He was an independent man. A virginal man, yes, but a man just the same. “A manly man, indeed,” he thought to himself. His only mother in life was the Virgin Mary, and he no pagan usurper could ever convince him otherwise.

He eyed a most becoming young woman sitting at the foot of a column in the commons. She was a bit near the large group of the kids. “Mmm… she is most delicious,” Sator thought. The others were not ugly, and some were certainly gorgeous, but had yet to capture his attention. What better way to catch their attention and prove his manliness than to catch her eye.

She seemed to be a rancher girl of some sort, a lil’ pistol packin’ mama it seemed, dressed in a cute little blue dress and a leather vest. Her hair was pulled pack in a pony-tail, and her eyes seemed generally enthusiastic. Sator strode gently towards her, his boots clacking against the marble floor, each calculated step purposed toward gathering attention.

“Excuse me, mi’lady,” Sator spoke, his accent leaking out a bit, attempting to catch her attention. Her smiling eyes caught up to his and he glared deeply into them. He grabbed her hand, catching her unawares. “Ah, you are indeed very beautiful,” he began to inch her hand closer to his mouth, “I am Sator Cereris Terensis, but you may call me Saturday.” He kissed her hand and looked back up to her eyes.

Victoria’s Perspective

“Get up off me, or I’ll be fixin’ to open a can’a whop ass!” she roared at Sator. “Ain’t no man touches this lil’ girl!” Sator jumped back up, surprised and embarrassed. His lips were sputtering for some type of salvation.

“Listen up men!” Victoria called out attention to the whole group, specifically those with the dreaded snake-organ, “Ain’t none of ya’ll ever touching this! Neve’ eve’, and ya’ll can just keep your hands down each others’ pants, ‘cause I like ladies and ladies alone.”

Bowing her head in a last grace of Southern ladylike behavior, “Thank ya’ll.”

Ain’t no man ever touchin’ without her consent. It made certain sense that Ares was her father, she was as tough or tougher than him, and she was prepared to get into the nitty gritty of things. But Victoria knew that at the heart of things, women were stronger than men, and her mortal mother was a helluva lot tougher than any man, God of War or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Siren grinned at Victoria, a sexy little grin that she often gave. "Well, aren't you the sassy little southern belle!" she said as she ran one finger under the girl's chin. "I like that!" she walked around her once in a circle until she was again in front of her, "I'm Siren!" she winked and giggled. "Why do you keep your hair up? I bet it would look so pretty down."

Calliope wanted to disappear out of embarrassment. It was bad enough that her sister was a complete slut and flirted with all the guys, but it was even worse that she did it with girls two. It wasn't that she disliked her sister for likening girls or guys, but she just wished she wouldn't constantly act like such a slut.
"umm..." she began to say to Sator, "are you alright?" but she avoided his eyes, too shy and embarrassed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Victoria’s Perspective

Victoria couldn't help but giggle at Siren's touch.

"Truth be told now, I ain't certain sure. I just always have my hair pulled back," she smiled, grabbing her ponytail with her rough yet still lady hands.
"It's just somethin' you pick up on the ranch, ya' see? Ain't no uptight persnickety squirrel or nothin'."

Victoria grinned a wide smile, gave a playful scoff in Sator's direction, and rushed to gently pet Siren's beautiful hair. "Ain't ya'll got the darned near cutest red hair I've ever laid eyes upon, Lord knows." Victoria may truly have found someone she liked here, after all.

Scolding back at Sator, "Ya'll can have the boys, if'n ya'll want. I'm sure they'll be just fine with a nice ass like yours." Sator was obviously upset, embarrassed and angered, but remained silent so as not to give this girl anymore traction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo Character Portrait: Douglas Merryweather Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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#, as written by throne
Doug Merryweather

To be fair, Douggie hadn’t removed his shirt. He’d wanted to, but they wouldn’t let him! So he’d just unbuttoned it was all. Some kid with blue and black hair, cute, was grinning like a madman, and he responded in the affirmative regarding a game to pass the time. “Well, I can think of a few games I wouldn’t mind playing with you,” he answered Archer, following up with a devilish wink.

His eyes skirted the room again as he considered the question earnestly. What sort of game? A few of the other kids seemed terrified, but most of them just seemed to be waiting. They wanted to see what happened, and they were neither afraid nor excited. Some huge guy was hitting on a girl, and Douggie laughed aloud when she professed her Sapphic tendencies for all to hear. “Duly noted!” he piped up, still laughing and shaking his head. It gave him an idea.

“Well, we’re kinda limited on options, so how about we play one of those… get-to-know-you kind of games. Like, we’ll go around, and everyone says their name, who their mom or dad is, and then just a random fact about themselves. Like, I’m Doug, or Douggie, or… well, no, don’t call me Douglas unless I’m in trouble. My dad is Dionysus, and…” He paused to think up a good ice-breaker fact. “And I once made a wish on a dandelion, and it came true.” He grinned a huge grin, then settled back in his seat. “Who wants to go next?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Archer Kennedy Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Douglas Merryweather Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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0.00 INK

Sator’s Perspective

"A game, I see?" Sator's attention was caught by all the "fun". The blond muscle-man started it all. "An icebreaker?"

The muscle-man, Doug, his father was Dionysus, and the pompous fool's father was Zeus(surprise surprise).

"I do not know if you have already heard," Sator's deep, rumbling voice was ragged from his embarrassment, almost cut weak, "but if you didn't, I am Sator Cereris Terensis." He rolled his "R"s, and anyone could tell he was Mediterranean.

"You may call me Saturday, if you find my name, a... tad too odd," he smiled, watching the chemistry between Doug and the pompous fool named Archer. "My mother, eh, she was Demeter, if you believe all of this."

He started laughing, "I have nothing really interesting about me... I suppose you can see, both my eyes and hair are heterochromatic. Something I've had my entire life."

He looked at the little one off in a grumbling corner.

"And you, little one, would you mind sharing yourself with us?" Sator smiled a bit, winking at the little one, "I am sure I would like to know you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Sator’s Perspective

"Ah Persephone's daughter," Sator was impressed.

"If this is all true," Sator smiled, "then surely you are my half-niece, as my mother is your grandmother." He admired Sapphira. She was amazingly gorgeous, but not in the same way that other girls or boys made him feel. This gorgeousness was completely platonic to him. Perhaps it was true, this whole demigod thing.

"Perhaps we carry similar traits, if we come from the same divine gene-pool, so to speak?"

Decidedly unsatisfied by this Seth's answer, he inched his way closer to the little one. Something about the air of this boy was interesting, truly intriguing. Sator was determined to know this boy more. Not to suggest a possible relationship, but Sator NEEEDED to know for certain who this Seth was. He needed to know whether or not he was a possible candidate. The desire to figure out this mysterious figure was way too strong.

But then he realized how deep he was getting into all of these people, and remembered the scares from just a few years ago. He remembered... the village.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siren Rivers Character Portrait: Cali Rivers Character Portrait: Victoria Angelo Character Portrait: Douglas Merryweather Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Siren smiled, "You know, sweetie," she said to Victoria, "I think you and I should be come best friends. How about coming to tomorrow's school dance with me? It'll be fun! I'd love to see how a cute southern belle such as yourself dresses for a dance!" she smiled and fluttered her eyes at the girl. At the moment, Victoria was much more investing than the game or any of the guys. Accept maybe Doug who was looking so fine with his shirt open, but she quickly determined that he was not in the running. But Victoria was a very beautiful young lady.

Meanwhile, Cali sighed. She had been ignore by Sator as she expected to be. She took a deep breath and suddenly gained a sort of confidence. "Hey, everyone. I'm Calliope. You can call me Cal or Cali for short, but nothing else, please. My father is Poseidon. For my birthday, my father gifted me with the ability to sing like a Muse."

Siren laughed a little and paused her flirting with Victoria for a moment. "Hello, everyone! My name is Siren--"

"her real name is Pearl." Cali said.

Siren paused a moment and glared at her sister. "The first low-life to call me Pearl, though will find themself tied to a rock at the bottom of the ocean. I am Poseidon's daughter, Calliope's twin. And on my birthday I slapped my father and he gave me the gift of singing like a siren," she only smiled at this, "and I'm very kissable." she gave a look at Victoria.

Cali tried to hide behind her hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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He saw a crow fly by the window, off on its business and such. Seth often payed attention to the weirdest things when he was bored. He heard a noise next to him, and, on instinct, his head turned in that direction. Lo and behold, it was none other than the big young man Sator inching his way closer. Seth's eyebrows raised and he folded his hands together. What did this guy want? He was starting to get a little creeped out. 

"Yes?" he inquired, tilting his head to the side and looking at the young man who approached him. 

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Sapphira, now in her Autumn persona, could see a potential conflict starting between Seth and Sator. She decided, although probably a bad idea (she didn't care), to try to step in. She walked over to the two. One was her kin and the other her roommate. What to do? What to do?

"Are you trying to seduce my roommate, uncle dearest?" she teased in a friendly way. "Not sure if he likes that." Yeah, this was getting boring. She flipped her hair and it became black. Her bitchier, straight forward, crueller persona.

"Now which of you are gonna take me to the dance? Or do I have to go by myself?" Honestly, she believed that she was setting herself up for disaster. Winter doubted that she would ever get anyone to like her. But, being in this persona, she assumed that she deserved to be completely rejected and embarrassed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Sator’s Perspective

"Oh nothing, you just remind me of someone I once new," Sator replied to Seth.

"You are very enigmatic. I like things I do not understand." Sator sat down on a table near the window close to Seth.

"I can tell you don't like me, but you have nothing to fear, lil' one," his deep voice eased into a comforting lullaby-like tempo, "I've no intention to hurt you or anything. I simple intend to know you."

Turning to Sapphira, "I don't intend to seduce anyone. If they like me, they like me on their own will. And I don't do dances, if he wishes to take you to the dance, he may."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Remaining cross-legged on the seat, he hid his hands under the table and wrung them together. Seth may seem all though and stuff, but he got nervous as well as everyone else, perhaps even easier than normal. He always got like this on the inside whenever a stranger began talking directly to him. He didn't like it. 

His pale face turning the slightest shade of pink once more, he lifted his green eyed gaze from the table to Sator. He replied, as calmly as he could, "What do you want to know? You've already heard everything I have to say." 

"And," he continued. "I am most certainly not accompanying this... creature to the dance." It had come out har her than he'd meant it, but he was in a bad mood and more people crowding him wasn't making it any better.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Roy Notus Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Sator’s Perspective

"Now, now, little one. No need to insult the young lady," Sator said, face slightly shocked, but as cool and calm as before.

"If it pleases you, Sapphira, I will accompany you, but perhaps the young shy fellow in the back might interest you as well, you should ask him," Sator said, trying to clean up. He also knew that he could solve various issues at once. It would allow Seth the ability to only concentrate on one person at a time, thereby deflating the situation as much as Sator liked it, and provided Sapphira and the other shy young man a chance to socialize.

"You don't have to be nervous, Seth," Sator said, smiling at him and attempting to assure his friendliness, "I've no interest to harm you, I'm your friend."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sapphira Black Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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Sapphira glared at Seth. She wasn't really asking him anyways. But her Winter persona seemed to be sticking for the time. She walked over to Seth, "You know what's great?" she said, "I'm your roommate and I know where you're sleeping tonight. So you better hope you don't fall asleep." He was pretty lucky she didn't slap him across the face. Especially in Winter.
She turned to Sator, "You're a nice dude, but I'd rather you go with someone you actually want to. Later, bitches!" She turned her back and walked away from them. She seemed to be absolutely fine with this rejection, but she hit the two sparkling tears from everone by going to stare out the window furthest from everyone else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth McAlister Character Portrait: Sator Terensis
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The boy bit back a sharp retort. It wasn't worth it.

He turned his attention back to Sator. "I'm not nervous..." he grumbled. Today was not his day. Despite this, he couldn't help but feel relieved that Sator had tried to defer Sapphira. Seth was also a bit confused. He almost did a double take. Had Sator said... friend? Really? They'd just barely met. Of course, it could also have just been a figure of speech meaning that Sator wasn't an idiotic asshole like the majority of people Seth had met. Now that he thought about it, it was most likely the latter. Seth clasped his hands together, trying to still them under the table. At last, he sighed. Might as well humor the guy. 

"All right, Sator. What do you wish to know about me?"