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Beatrix Tarlaman

"I won't let myself run away forever."

0 · 797 views · located in The Kingdom

a character in “Denouement”, as played by BespectacledBeauty


"Only cowards walk away without saying goodbye."



Beatrix Marie Tarlaman

Answer here.




"I can't hate those who fear us. Most of us fear us too."




Snow White

Bright Purple


With porcelain skin and large eyes that are lined with thick, dark lashes, Beatrix's appearance has often been compared to that of a china doll. Her cheeks are always flushed a light pink, with small cheeks and a softly pointed chin to shape her face. She doesn't appear to have a single scar on her, her skin as flawless as silk, however if one looks closely they can see that she has a few dark flecks on her hands. Her most prominent feature is the pure white hair that falls around her hips, looking slightly unusual against her dark eyebrows. Her eyes are also quite the attention-grabber's, like amethysts lit up by the light of the moon after a storm.

Beatrix can be rather picky when it comes to her attire, as she's not the type to wear anything that looks dull. She likes comfortable but pretty dresses that go well with her white hair and fair skin. Since her eyes are such a bright color, and the eyes are the windows of the soul, she prefers clothes that don't draw too much attention away from her face. Her hair is always down and it always decorated in some way with a headband of flowered pin. She's not as terribly picky with shoes as long as they're comfortable and match her outfit.

"If every one of us is different, then doesn't that make us all the same?"


It was rare for Beatrix to ever have the chance to interact with others her age. She spent the majority of her time alone when she was a child, only seeing her father during meals or parties, yet even then they would hardly ever exchange more than a word or two. As a child, she didn't mind being alone. She had plenty of fun in the gardens around the mansion, chasing butterflies and weaving flower crowns for herself and the house maids.

Her solitude formed her into an independent being. I she needed to get something out of reach, she'd stack something together until she was tall enough to get it. If she had questions she wanted answers to, she'd browse the mansion's library and do find the answers in a book. However her independence also led her to stubbornness, not wanting to accept assistance from others when she could just find a way to do it herself. What good was she if she couldn't take care of herself in every way? Of course, most of the time she'll just be too embarrassed to admit that she actually needs help.

She's never been very good at making difficult decisions on the spot. If she's faced with a problematic situation, she may procrastinate solving it for days. Though she's also been known to change her mind over and over on simple things too, like what she wants to eat or which necklace she should wear. She's incredibly indecisive, going back and forth between choices until she's given herself a headache. This can be quite troubling in fast-paced situations, as she'll often hesitate for too long and end up in even more trouble.

As a person, Beatrix isn't the greatest in giving advice and struggles with accepting criticism, but she's also quite cheerful when she's in a good mood. She may seem detached and shy at the start, but once she becomes familiar with someone she can be incredibly friendly. Though she isn't keen on sharing personal information about herself, she finds it interesting to learn about the lives of others. Since she's spent most of her life closed off from the outside, and then another part of it in hiding, she hasn't had much chance to explore all the things that the world and can be a little naive.

It's true that Beatrix often complains about the behavior of others, such as not showering regularly, how someone might smell of alcohol, how people can steal from others without a second thought, but most of her distastefulness is out of confusion and ignorance. Even if she disagrees with one's life choices, she still tries her best to understand that everyone faces their own hardships and probably have their own reasons for doing the things they do.

"I won't make anyone risk their life for me anymore."


Springtime || With a cool breeze in the air, birdsong every morning, and the scent of blooming flowers everywhere, how could the spring season not put someone in good spirits?
Pastries || The cream puffs and cakes were the first thing Beatrix went after during dinner parties or balls. Unfortunately, too much sugar can make her feel dizzy, so she was only allowed to eat sweets on special occasions.
Being A Witch || Being born as a witch has turned her down a difficult path, but she doesn't despise the powers she was born with. She tries to think of her powers as a gift and not a curse as most witches and wizards do.
The Finer Things || Beatrix doesn't see anything wrong with wanting to crawl into a bed made of silk after eating a perfectly cooked steak with vintage wine. Beautiful dresses and sparkling jewelry are sure to catch her eye when walking down the street.
Small Animals ||Specifically the ones with soft fur. Rabbits are her favorite, but she's also a pretty big fan of cats, dogs, squirrels, and a plethora of other little fur balls.

Stereotypes || Those who are less fortunate are treated as lower than those who were born with riches. Beatrix never learned this herself until she began living with her adoptive parents. Rich, poor, humans, witches, and wizards are all the same.
Walking Long Distances || Going for a nice stroll in the woods can be relaxing, but don't expect her to go hiking without complaining halfway through. She much prefers riding transportation over walking for hours on end.
Dirt/Filth || She's not exactly the type to go building mud pies after a storm. In fact, she can't stand it if her dress or body gets dirty.
Cowardice || One should stand and face their fears. It's pathetic to see someone run away from hardship instead of trying to do something about it. If you don't confront your fears then someday they'll just catch up to you.

Music || Her father always enjoyed listening to her mother play, so naturally he wanted Beatrix to learn how to play instruments as well. She caught on fast with the piano and violin, and since she was already gifted with quite the beautiful voice, she would often preform during her father's business parties.
Business || Though some may not expect this of her, Beatrix is actually quite knowledgeable in the matter of managing business. She thought that if she could understand her fathers work that she'd maybe be closer to him, so she took to familiarizing herself with all the aspects of how to be the head of something. She knows how to be in charge and her negotiating skills are fairly impressive.
Force Magic || As simple as this magic is considered to be, it can cause devastating destruction. It can be used for both defense and offensive attacks. To explain it, it's when one is capable of creating a sort of invisible wall that can be pushed out and force whatever is around them backwards. It has the power to repel bullets and other projectiles, create craters in surfaces like walls and floors, and allows one shoot pretty much anything at an enemy with incredible speed. Forces can be used to cover fists and legs to increase strength in combat as well, though Beatrix uses it more to shield herself. This can sometimes be mistaken for telekinesis, but those with Force Magic are incapable of picking up objects with their mind or moving them around freely, as they can only push objects away from them.
Aura Control || Still a power that Beatrix has difficulty controlling, as it centers solely around her emotions. By making her aura visible to others, she can relay how she is feeling, though it's also possible for her to make herself seem weaker or far more dangerous than she is. Making her aura visible isn't the hard part, but changing it into something else takes a great amount of concentration. On another note, Beatrix can also see the aura that living beings possess, making her capable of reading the intentions of others.

Emotional || Beatrix has always been frustrated at how easily she can be brought to tears, even at the slightest of teasing. She can take a joke, but if it's something to do with her personally, she can't help but feel upset. She doesn't taking failing or watching others get hurt very well either. It's her lack of emotional control that can cause her powers to activate involuntarily, especially when she's angry.
Denial || You're pretty much out of luck if you're trying to get Beatrix to admit to her mistakes or flaws. She'll beat herself up enough mentally when she messes up, but there's little chance in her admitting that she's wrong out loud.
Strength || Beatrix has a small body and lacks in muscle, so she'd have a hard time fending for herself against someone larger. She is capable of defending herself with the use of her magic, but her defensive capabilities aren't always full proof.

Abandoning Her Friends || She's been running all her life, hiding away and keeping herself from drawing attention. If she was put in a situation where she could escape, but at the cost of someone else, she couldn't really tell you what she'd do, and this in itself frightens her to no end. The answer should be obvious enough-- risk your life to save your loved on, but Beatrix isn't actually sure whether or not she'd have the courage to do so.
Her Magic || She's not ashamed of the power she was born with, but ever since the day it first appeared, she's been struggling to overcome the fear that she might hurt someone close to her. Her adoptive parents did what they could to make her feel more confident in her magic skills, but she still can't seem to shake it. Of course, this is also one of the reasons she's so set on getting stronger.
Failing || She has a goal she's set for herself, and the last thing she wants to do become unable to accomplish that goal for some reason. Either because she's unable to meet the requirements for her to accomplish said goal, or even worse, for her to lose her life before she has a chance to achieve it.

"One day I'll show him how strong I can be. This isn't the end."


Amy May Tarlaman || Mother || Age: 22 || Deceased
Benjermen Tarlaman || Father || Age: 39 || Alive
Torishi Hasher || Adoptive Mother || Age: 37 || Alive
Gaius Hasher || Adoptive Father || Age: 40 || Alive

Beatrix never had the chance to meet her mother. Amy was already an ill woman, though her frailty was hardly visible under her stubbornness. It was the way she remained strong even during the times where she had to remain in bed that drew Beatrix's father in. He was a rich, successful man with a noble bloodline who desired a freelance musician. It took some time, but his persistence eventually led to their marriage, and soon after Amy would be expecting their first child. Having a weak body, carrying a child was difficult and had many risks, even with the best doctors ready to care for her. The child was born a month ahead of schedule, and though the baby was said to be healthy, the mother passed away as she held her daughter in her arms, the daughter she named 'Beatrix'.

Though Beatrix seemed to grow slower than other children her age, she had plenty of energy. The mansion belonged to a decently-sized estate with beautiful trees and gardens which Beatrix loved to stroll through on a daily basis. Of course, with her father being an important man, making sure she grew up to be a lady was also an issue. She was provided a private tutor, her education being one of the many priorities, along with learning proper etiquette, and that she not do anything to swindle her father's reputation.

Beatrix was nine years old, taking one of her usual walks in the garden behind the mansion when a group of three men attempted to kidnap her. She'd never felt so afraid in her life, and in her struggle to get away, the men were suddenly thrown back, their bodies slamming into the ground. One of the housekeeper witnessed this, immediately reporting to Beatrix's father, who made the woman swear secrecy. The men's bodies were deposed of, and Beatrix was locked in her room, forbidden to leave. After a month, she was moved to the basement. She remain there for two years, her father visiting her only once. He'd begun to blame Beatrix for the passing of her mother, calling her a monster and telling her that her birth was a mistake. She was to be handed over to the authorities the next day.

The maid who had sworn secrecy entered her basement prison that night and told her that she would help her escape. She knew someone who would protect her. Beatrix was reluctant to leave her home, but she didn't want to die. In their hasty escape, Beatrix watched the made be captured as she was hauled off to safety by a man she'd never met, but somehow she knew she could trust him. She remembered the dim light that swarmed around her father the night he visited her in the basement, how it was lonely and cold and full of hatred. This man was warm, brimming with sunlight.

She lived with the man who took her away that night, Gaius, and his wife, Torishi, for just over four years. They were kind and loving, despite them losing their own son as a toddler to the discrimination against magic-users. However, once she began to hear of the horrible things that were happening to wizards and witches, as well as to those who were hiding them, she knew she could no longer stay. It was too dangerous. she couldn't bare the thought of them getting hurt because of her. And so, she left in the middle of the night.


Dialogue ~ #007068
Face claim ~ Chaika || Hitsugi no Chaika

Character Sheet by © Masquerade (Skye) DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

So begins...

Beatrix Tarlaman's Story