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Iristhiel Ravien

"A closed mouth gathers no foot."

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a character in “Deviance: The Uprising”, as played by Layla


Iristhiel Ravien: Iris, Age Unknown, Female
Chaos, Rank 1, Circle 3 - Red Eclipse

~ Physical Info ~


He scurried back on his hands and knees as she approached, her hair billowing around her like the rustling cherry blossoms of his hometown. Two emeralds peered at him through a curtain of long lashes tinged the crimson of his blood. Bruises flowered across her skin like the stains of flowers but instead of detracting from her mesmerising appearance, it seemed to enhance it. He was petrified, yet he found himself in awe of her beauty. Perhaps it was the inevitable death that loomed before him or the steady stream of his essence flowing from his wounds, but she seemed, for a moment, Angelic, and he willingly allowed her to slit his throat in those last moments.

The young woman swiped her blade over the corpse's Armani tie before slipping the dagger into its sheath at her right thigh. She was slight, her height of 5'5" nothing to boast about, yet she seemed to tower over everyone as she made her way back to her mages. The moonlight seemed to gravitate towards her pale, soft skin, revealing a pair of large eyes, a delicate, upturned nose, full lips with a clear cupid's bow and a small chin. She was in all appearances, a sweet girl, yet she walked with the grace of a dark cat and held within her a roiling, dangerous power.

{Rank Marking}
Between her shoulder blades, normally hidden beneath her clothes


~ Mentality ~

Iris could freeze fire with the warmth of her personality. There is no one in this realm she wholly tolerates, keeping them only for their usefulness and tossing them aside when they've outgrown it, and even fewer whom she genuinely likes, if any. Once upon a time, Iris was vastly indifferent. Then again, once upon a time, she was cheerful, outgoing and happy, someone that is now unimaginable. Yet now she is driven by revenge and anger so tightly wrestled, strangled and controlled that should it ever release all at once, it would consume everything in its path.

In a perfect world, human beings and mages alike would cease to exist, except for the writers amongst them, of course, but only if they've been enslaved and do nothing but write. Iris much prefers the company of a dusty corner of a neglected library than she does the company of people who talk too much. Alas, as leader of Red Eclipse, she does not have the luxury of being anti-social and thus must face the cruel and stupid world that is Earth.

Know that her general apathy is a blessing in comparison to her joy. To see Iris tilt the corners of her lips upwards to reveal teeth so white they blind the weak, is to watch is in awe and knowing as our solar system implodes in approximately eight minutes. She is bloodthirsty, to say the least, and demands compensation and an explanation from a world that cannot give it to her. Thus her pain has been consumed by rage and through it comes a creature that is a blazing force of violence.

Due in part to her determination to make the world feel a fragment of what it has done to not only her but the members of her circle, she is a formidable opponent and an accomplished leader. She is well respected and even, revered, amongst not just her circle but beyond. As someone with a purpose, she is an icon for many. Yet she is forceful and often cruel in her approach to discipline. She does not tolerate disobedience, weakness or betrayal and any member who is mild disloyal should turn and run with all their might.

The one constant of her prior personality to her present - from optimistic to the point of irritating, to indifferent and now certified psychopathy - is her sense of her humour. She retains the sarcasm she'd developed since childhood and is as brutally honest as she ever was. Most of the time.

Iris is highly manipulative and her acting skills make it perhaps her destiny to be an actress, had she not been a mage. She's in many ways, a psychopath, seemingly incapable of remorse, fearless and amoral. What sets her apart is her abnormally superior emotional intelligence. She's highly empathetic, in part because of her power, and recognises subtle cues in emotional change sometimes before even the individual does. Iris simply does not care, rather using her emotional awareness to her advantage in urging them to feel and act in a manner that suits her plans.

Iris is particularly hostile towards men and has no tolerance for perverts.

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Literature Painx
o Being left alone Painx
o Food Crowdsx
o Art Noisex
o Obedience People who talk too muchx
o Animals (Except chickens) Musicx


{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Drums her fingers when her patience is wearing thin Live chickens@
% Tucks her hair behind her ear a lot
[left]% Hates music and has not played the piano in years, yet she keeps one in her room and maintains it, polishing the keys and tuning it without fail

% She pauses and takes a deep breath before walking through any sort of entrance, almost as if she's preparing herself for something every time

{Strengths} {Weaknesses}
o Highly intelligent and well read Due in part to her powers, she feels everything more intensely than everyone else, and can act uncontrollably. Although mostly indifferent, when she feels, she is inconsolable x
o Manipulative Cuteness - she just can't x
o Capable of being utterly intimidating or seemingly harmless She is very attached to her guardian x
o Skilled pianist, even if she no longer plays it
o Focused, determined and ambitious
o Very convincing
o Superior public speaker and skilled at socialisation despite her dislike for people


~ Ability Statistics ~

{Guardian, Demon, or Enchantment}
Guardian: Kratos - Kratos has three primary forms, human, beast, and stuffed animal. He came to Iristhiel when she was a small child, in the form of a gift from her parents, a stuffed white cat. Little did Iris know that the object of her affections was not an object at all but 6"1' young man with snow white hair, eerie crimson eyes and a six pack. He revealed himself to her shortly after her 'Uncle' took her in following the murder of her parents. He has guarded her before she knew of his existence and continues to do so, although he is somewhat disappointed in the violent change in his mage's personality and actions. He'd, after all, seen her grow up and be the optimistic young girl who was so full of life. Despite this, he remains loyal to her by own free will. Kratos loved her dearly then, and he loves her now. If Iris' gloomy dislike for men doesn't thwart any incoming suitors, he does. Iris does not consider him a man, which he seems unhappy about.

His personality is a stark contrast to Iristhiel's. He is charismatic, charming, and playful. He enjoys teasing his master and does his best to make her smile, however impossible the task may seem. He's very caring and an honourable warrior, disliking mindless bloodshed and battles against the weak. Therefor he disapproves of many of Iris' recent actions and lectures her regularly - but normally subtly. Despite his disapproval, he continues to come to her aid when required. He regards himself as equal to Iris and does not take well to her commanding him around, and she, wisely, has never attempted to do so. That might be because she's found no need for that, of course.

Kratos main sphere of magic is that of Elvistior, or defensive magic. He acts mainly as a support and to protect Iris, rather than fight for her.

He is Iris' near constant companion, appearing, when she is in the form of a child - which she often is - as a stuffed toy and when she is not, as a human male. He interchanges between his beast form in both scenarios.
Xephereal: Pathokinetic Phenomenon ~ Xephereal: Torture Magic ~ Xephereal: Psychokinesis ~ Vivior: Age Manipulation

{Signature Spell}
Devouring Chaos - By claiming the emotions of every person within a 10 mile radius, she can create an overwhelming catastrophe. The emotions manifest themselves simultaneously, thus creating a whirlwind of mad proportions. This requires an overwhelming level of agony - psychological and physical - to power. The spell ceases when the castor is appeased and the pain dulled if not removed, or when they fall unconscious.

{Spell List}
~Feeling Metamorphosis- Grants her the ability to manifest an emotion - either her own or someone else's - into a sort of power. For example, anger manifests itself as fire, fear as an earthquake, sadness as water, confusion as a cyclone and such. In reverse, she can transform the energy associated with the emotion into that feeling, like making someone sad by throwing water on them. The strength of the spell is dependant on the intensity of the emotion, which relates to her next spell.
~Sensational Intensity- Allows her to intensify an emotion, either hers or others, for example, someone annoyed might become enraged and one's pleasure might become ecstasy.
~Heart Manipulation- This spell allows Iris to instil an emotion into a person, usually by transferring it from one to another, for example, calm. However, it grows weaker with distance and is most effective when there is physical contact or she is extremely close with a person.
~Inner Eye- Anyone who lays eyes upon her, see her as their deepest desires, greatest joy, fears, tragedies and so on, depending on what she wants them to see. This can be used to instil overwhelming fear in enemies.
~Linking- A combination of Pathokinetic Phenomenon and Torture Magic, this allows her to link two or more people together so that they feel what the other feels, including emotions and pain. Although they do not sustain any injuries of the other, they feel whatever is being done to the others in the Link.
~Deal with the Devil- By using pain as a sacrifice, it allows her to almost grant wishes. She can use pain as a sacrifice to make red lights turn green, create rare and powerful weapons, heal the wounded, temporarily increase her strength and so on. The grants are limited by what she is willing to sacrifice.
~Psychokinesis- Allows her to manipulate objects and to a smaller extent, living beings, with her mind.
~Aging- She can change her own age. Iris often makes herself a small child to deceive her opponents and stay undercover. In fact, she is nearly always that age when she isn't with her Circle. Her powers do not apply to others, but she is able to manipulate the age of objects, making flowers grow faster than they might otherwise.

{Non-magic Skills}
# Immense durability
# Expert in hand-to-hand combat
# Weapons master
# Acrobatic skills
# Spying and concealing


~ Personal Background ~

Perhaps it had something to do with Iristhiel's stark, pink hair, but her parents knew she was different from the moment they saw her "perfect head," as they said. She had two older brothers, both with their parents' blonde hair but only one, Niklaus, with their father's startling blue. August and Iristhiel had their mother's eyes of emerald green, the only feature she shared with her family besides their full lips.

Her family were tall and large, being of German descent, but Iris was slight in comparison, thin from when she was a child despite her parents' never-ending feeding of her, to her brothers' dismay. She ate as much, if not more, than both her brothers. Being the youngest sister of a family of boys, she grew up fighting, catching pigs on their farm, herding sheep, killing chicken, riding horses and being everything but a lady. It wasn't until her mother introduced her to the wonders of piano and music that she began acting, perhaps, a tenth female.

Whilst they were in no way wealthy, they were content and Iris was very much loved. All was well until, one day, whilst she was collecting the eggs from the chicken coop, a wild hen escaped and chased her across the compound. Her father found her curled up and bloodied from the hen who picked at her relentlessly for nearly an hour. That night, they had chicken stew.

Her mother taught her to play the piano, her father, to cook and both, the ways of the farm from how to milk a cow to cleaning out the pig's shed. August taught her to read books, sharing with her what papers he could snatch from the smaller library in a small school. Niklaus taught her to kick boys in the groin, climb trees, and generally get herself in trouble.

Then came the earthquake.

A man whom the Raviens knew well babysat Iris when she was a small child of about five whilst the rest of the family were busy elsewhere. He was kind at first, but then his games grew rough, forceful and painful. She was terrified as his weight crushed her small lungs, the fear expanded, grew and she quaked with it, horrified and terrified all the same.

She felt the world shiver and she thought it might've been his doing, but the ground choked and trembled as if to imitate her own small, shaking body. The man, alarmed, stood and hastily dressed himself but before his clothes went past his knees, cracks formed along the walls and an old book shell fell against him. He yelped in pain but was mostly unharmed.

Iris took the opportunity and ran from her house, hiding and cowering in the woods. That's what when she saw him - Daniel.

When her family returned, they were shocked to find the man they'd asked to care for their daughter trapped beneath a book shelf. He explained that he'd relieved himself when there appeared to be an earthquake.

Her family never let her out of their sights again.

"I'll make sure he's punished, Iri," Niklaus had said. The man soon left town.

During this time, Daniel lived not far from the Ravien farm, his name was Daniel and Iris thought he was the most beautiful boy she'd ever seen. She flushed bright red and hid behind her mother's skirts or a convenient stack of hay or bush whenever he passed by. For some time, she truly believed the pitter patter of her heart when he came close and the way the stars seemed to align when he picked his nose was true love. That was, until The Incident.

When she was seven years old and the future seemed bright, she decided, yes, she would approach Daniel. They spoke for a bit, mostly with her stuttering, but then, all at once, his hands were on her chest and he said, as one might speak whilst observing a surprising specimen of insect, "There's not much."

Her world shattered, then, she beat him up. It was empowering.

Her brothers had trained her well and from then on, she treated Daniel coldly, ignoring his advances, thwarting his attempts at conversation with cool and sarcastic remarks and generally doing her best to ignore his existence. Boys were stupid anyway.

When she was eleven and home from a friend's place, she found the door ajar.. She went in to find her home in a state of chaos but what overwhelmed her senses was the blood that was splattered… Everywhere. Her breath came in soft gasps as she fell to the ground beside her parents, their fingers millimetres from each other's, their eyes open, wide, afraid, as they stared at one another for the last time.

She found August sprawled in the hallway on the top floor, steps away from the stairs as if he'd been coming down to check what was the source of the noise. Only the answer he received was one he had no time to convey. Niklaus was nowhere to be found.

Her family were dead.

Iris cried, and when the tears pooled to her waist, she continued to weep and wail for the family she loved, and loved her in return. The heaving sobs shook her and she felt as if her head were leaking. Her home was flooded as her heart emptied.

After what seemed like years or days, a man, unshaven and cloaked, stepped through the doorway that had become the mouth of an underwater cave. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with rage, her eyes burning like furious emeralds.

"You," she'd hissed, wild as she jumped to her feet and leapt for him, a piece of shattered glass clutched to her bleeding hands. "You killed them!!!" she'd wailed, her voice nearly as deafening as the thunder that roared in her every cry.

Iris clashed against him. He held her and she saw then his old, weary gaze. He pressed a hand to her head, pushing her wet hair out of her green eyes and whispered, "Sleep, child," and she did. She never even felt the glass sink into him.

The man, whom, to this day, she still does not know the name of, "Call me Uncle," he'd said, even though he was old enough to be her grandfather, trained her to be the mage she is today. Iris does not know how he found her, only that he did not kill her parents and that was enough.

She followed him where he went and did what he asked of her, because there was no one else left for her to hold onto and nothing left for her to stay for. She grew numb, indifferent, the vibrant young girl replaced by someone foreign.

Iris woke up on the morning of her sixteenth birthday, and he was gone.

Meinard Ravien | Father | Deceased
Odelia Ravien | Mother | Deceased
August Ravien | Oldest brother | Deceased
Niklaus Ravien | Second oldest brother | Status unknown, presumed deceased
"Uncle," true name unknown | Mentor | Status unknown
Daniel Elsmoore | Childhood crush, friend and rival | Status Unknown


So begins...

Iristhiel Ravien's Story


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#, as written by Layla
Eighteenth of December | Early Morning

Clouds congregated overhead, gravitating into a massive pain in the butt with the ferocity and determination of ants returning to the depths of their sandy hills. The sun struggled to burn through the slithers of hollow sky, wiggling its thin fingers through the vanishing gaps. Raindrops tumbled from the grey clouds to shatter on cement, plastic umbrellas, and groaning, nude heads. The air was stale with the scent of rain, damp clothing and irritated people. Gusts of wind caught the edges of newspapers and foolishly adorned short skirts, bringing with it the shivering cold and carrying with it smells of baking bread and rotting garbage.

A pair of emerald green eyes peered from an obscured face, hovering in the shadows like two orbs of crystal light suspended in ink. The figure shifted and a stream of soft, golden light caught a lock of glistening pink hair, fierce green eyes, ivory skin, crimson lips and the edge of a wicked knife. The girl was perched one of the many ledges that surrounded each floor of the towering brick structure, a dangerous place to be during a storm as furious as this. A group of men raced past the stretched pavement below, cursing and yelling for Chaos to reveal herself and for one of them to find her. Their target was pressed to a wall facing a gloomy alleyway, her face impassive and stance nonchalant, as if she did not have such a long way to plummet to her death. The men belonged to a rival circle Red Eclipse had "slightly" irritated. People were hurt - although it was mostly their pride that had been - but no one had died. They were overreacting.

"Why can't you see her?" demanded whom she assumed to be the oldest of their little hunting pack, a stern faced and carrot headed individual.

"How should I know?!" their Tracker replied in exasperation. Such mages were well in demand and she would admit she was mildly impressed they had one. Then again, if they were better at what they did, they would not need one. "Maybe it's a cloaking spell or something." Indeed it was. Pain Magic had many uses, in fact, it was a limitless power. You received as much as you were willing to sacrifice, as many people as you were willing to hurt and as much torture as you could tolerate. The price for her most recent request was written on her arms, overlapping the ever fading and growing bruises beneath. They were spread like purple-blue-green-black roses beneath her skin, ripples of paint and power hidden beneath her sleeves.

The leader of Red Eclipse, a circle renowned for their strength and brutality, inched her way downwards, tucking her fingers between the grooves of the wall. Her toes grasped a fading brick and sputters of a crumbling structure clattered to the floor still a distance away. She remained still. The roaring thunder veiled her mistake and she remained undiscovered. Finally, she reached the last floors and dropped into a quiet roll. Unfortunately, she'd been seen.

"There!" a boy yelled.

"Get her!" Carrot replied.

Her feet kicked up spittles of rain as she raced across blocks and darted around bends. She whizzed between the people but heard the commotion behind her as her pursuers shoved bodies aside to make way. She lost them for a brief moment as she dived into a park overflowing with trees. Each stride grew shorter as her bones shrunk, becoming more soft and malleable. Her hair bled into a more vivid pink as her clothes seemed to loosen around her. She disappeared into the mess of trees and halted.

"Took you long enough, Princess," came a familiar, low voice.

"Well I didn't see you at my aid. What kind of guardian are you?" she questioned hotly, her high, tinkling voice betraying any hopes of intimidating the 6'1" man before her. The young woman, now shrunk to a little girl, fixed her large, emerald glare at her Guardian. She crossed her arms over her chest, stopping her blouse from slipping entirely from her body. Iris gripped the edge of her pants with one hand, trying to preserve whatever dignity she had left. Age manipulation was useful but utterly humiliating and degrading. Many a time had she been spoken too as if she were merely eight years old instead of eighteen, which was what she required, but loathed all the same.

"There, there. No need to throw a hissy fit now," Kratos teased with a laugh that might've been instrumental in desecrating the hearts of thousands of women in this realm and others, but not the one he'd pledged himself to. He dropped to one knee in front of her and tugged at her oversized garments.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" a young Iris demanded, shuffling back with her arms tightly crossed over her body.

"Helping you undress," Kratos replied, batting his eyes in feigned innocence.

"Not even in your dreams, creep," Iris said with a delicate, high pitched snort that might've belonged to a newborn piglet. Kratos laughed as she snatched her clothes from his arms. "Turn around," she commanded. Kratos rolled his eyes, releasing a long, long sigh as if she were the greatest obstacle to his happiness, but turning around as asked. He pressed his hands over his eyes dramatically and counted down from a hundred. Oh what trouble, his body said. "Done," Iris announced before he reached the number eighty. Kratos spun around and peeked through the gaps between his fingers, mocking her or humouring her... Probably the former.

"Oh, my god," Kratos gasped. He'd adopted much of contemporary human speech which he seemed to find rather amusing. Whatever, Iris thought. He was a little girl trapped in a large man's body and about as easy to entertain as a dog with a chewy toy. "You look adorable!" He grasped her small body and shoved her soft cheeks against his own, purring like the cat spirit he was. "You are simply stunning, my sweet. Stunning. Look at you with your cute little butt and- Ow!" He rubbed his sore head where Iris had slapped him. "Still cute." He broke into a charming grin that revealed a dimple in his left cheek. Iris wore a long sleeved ocean blue dress with lace covered sleeves and a hideous bow at the back. The costume was ridiculous but everybody else in this world was stupid, so for Iris to pretend to be another person, she had to act and look stupid too.

"Now turn into an inanimate object, you annoying twat," she told him.

"Such foul language from such a small, sweet-looking girl," Kratos chastised.

Rain trickled down wet strands of pink hair and gathered at the tips of the girl's blue fingers before shattering on the toes of her red ballet flats. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her small, hunched body as she clutched a soaked white toy in the shape of a cat. She knelt beside the gates of the Academy, shivering and frozen through, the beat of her chattering teeth following that of her trembling body. She was frail, not older than eight and seemingly lost. Raindrops dived along the arch of her curled lashes, green from the reflection of her emerald eyes.


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Character Portrait: Aleistar Leviathan Character Portrait: Iristhiel Ravien
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December 18th



The pitter-patter of rain hitting the ground mixed with the stomping of hurried feet.

"Oh god, is he still following us?" A hunter, one that had failed at their assignment, had recently had most of his team wiped out. The hunter, revealed to be male, was running with the other surviving member of his team. "I'm not waiting to find out." A young female, with white hair, had been the only other member of the team to survive.

Their team had been slaughtered mercilessly by someone who had, in their briefing, been said to be a part of the Leviathan family and an easy target. "I-I-I think we l-lost him." The male was tired. He had been expecting an easy paycheck, a simple shoot and clean-up operation. That was how all the other operations went, it was never as hard as this.


Thunder rolled down from the heavens, hiding the careless steps of Aleistar. The male hunter was named Cain while the girl was named Lilith. Cain, a cowardly hunter, yelped when he heard the thunder's crashing. "Shut up! You'll rev-" Lilith suddenly stopped talking, an expression of horror on her face.

Cain never got to see what Lilith had been afraid of, having been killed by the creature that had stood behind him. Lilith didn't waste any time standing still after having seen the life leave her team member's eyes.

Lilith, being much faster than the creature, managed to escape its grasp. She was not however, faster than Aleistar. Lilith ran into the streets of what seemed to be Circle Two, then headed for a conveniently placed library. Aleistar followed calmly behind, knowing that the girl had sealed her fate as soon as she choose to go the library.

Lilith went into the dark library, which was for some reason not locked, and sat down at a sofa. She pulled out a phone and typed in a set of numbers but never got to call, for she had thrown her phone to the side of the library. She had seen a shadow over her, but there was no one to be seen near her. Levi quickly sent a small imp-like creature to get the phone, then killed the girl without a moment's hesitation. He only let the girl live so he could get information, and he no longer needed her.

He did, before disposing of the body, check the girl's clothes for anything that could be useful but found nothing other than what would be expected. He would send what he could to the girl's family later, but he had other business to take care of.

Levi made his imp give him the phone and instantaneously memorized the phone number that was written on it, then brought out his own untraceable phone. Levi called the phone number, '134-594-4999'((OOC):random number, don't call)) and was soon answered. [color#91136F]"I'm hurt, really, you sent pitiable hunters against me."[/color] Levi was instantly hung up on. He expected that he had been targeted by a beginning hunter force with little experience, otherwise he would have had more trouble.

Early Morning

Levi had inspected every inch of the phone and its files, backed up said files, then sent the phone away with a bat-like creature. There was no way he was keeping that phone with him.

Levi, having told his friend taking care of his library what had happened and to lock the damn doors, left Circle Two and went towards the Academy. The rain didn't seem to want to let up, so Levi was forced to use a black umbrella. He would have used a magical shield, but didn't want to bother using the energy.

Levi reached the gates of the Academy and fumbled with his keychain before finding the correct key, then unlocked the gates. He was about to enter when he noticed what appeared to be a small child. Levi calmly approached the girl, crouched down, and covered both of them. He didn't ever believe anybody was harmless, yet his voice seemed to say otherwise. "You should really be more careful, there are monsters out here." Levi was referring to himself mostly, but the girl most likely wouldn't catch the truth in his words. "Anyway, I don't want there to be a dead body outside the gates, so come with me." His voice was calm and assuring, yet his words seemed to be harsh.

Levi passed through to the other side of the gates and waited for the girl to come or not come, then closed the gates. Levi walked to his classroom and turned around, half expecting for the girl to have turned into a large monster. He wasn't worried about having to fight in the school. The school itself was reinforced with magic and he had deployed creatures to be guardians of the school, guardians that he could see through and control.


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Character Portrait: Aleistar Leviathan Character Portrait: Iristhiel Ravien
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#, as written by Layla
Eighteenth of December | Early Morning

She felt him before she saw him. Power radiated from him like coils of thick smoke or beams of ethereal light, depending on whether you were on his good or bad side. It was a magic she recognised all too well, having watched the Academy from a distance for some time. It was a relatively decent place to find blooming young talent, but not so often the types of mages she required, ones who had no moral qualms about doing what was necessary and craved rebellion. Yet a few members of Red Eclipse attended the Academy to keep watch and corrupt, because their guardians demanded it of them and because wrecking havoc on school grounds was simply satisfying.

The keys in his hands jingled irritably, giving her the distinct feeling of a fork scraping against her teeth. She loathed the sound of metal against metal, yet she remained unchanged, curled over in a small, pink and blue ball, with her head tucked against her arms. His feet hardly disturbed the water as he walked by, pausing at the gates.

"You should really be more careful, there are monsters out here," came his calm and low voice. Indeed, Iris mused. This world is overrun by monsters. Monsters such as yourself. She wondered if he was threatening her or merely stating an observation. Or both. She did not allow her amusement to peek through, having long mastered the art of maintaining one's facade and deceiving with not only her childish body but her feigned innocence. Her act was impenetrable by most counts and it forever would be.

"Anyway, I don't want there to be a dead body outside the gates, so come with me," he continued. What a grim statement. Cynical, self-aware and guarded, Iris concluded from what she'd seen of him. The gates whined open as Alistair Leviathan stepped through, his dark hair damp from the rain. He was exceptionally young for a teacher of the academy, and one especially held in such high regard. As one who favoured Xephereal type magic, Iris was well aware and attuned to the subject the young teacher taught. His last name was one familiar to most experienced mages who'd discovered their abilities a time ago and she knew his family and the circle they primarily belonged was one feared by many. Yet Aleistair Leviathan did not seem to be a part of that circle Red Eclipse was already affiliated with. He was a strange case indeed.

The small girl grasped to her feet, stumbling quickly through the gates before they shut. Her pink hair bobbed around her shoulders as she shuffled closer to the tall man, seemingly frightened of the vast expanse that was the Academy. Her gaze was shy and uncertain. staring at her shuffling feet as she walked. Her red ballet flats were soaked through, clutching a pair of small, dainty feet for dear life. The two figures, one leading and another following, headed towards the one of the classrooms. The young girl was utterly silent.

She looked around with wide eyes, taking in the strange mechanisms of a classroom built to teach magic. Her long lashes were glazed with a sheen of liquid, framing impossibly large emerald orbs. Iris clutched her arms tighter around her shivering body, the cold taking its toll and causing her body to tremble uncontrollably. She stood in the corner just outside the door, rubbing her feet together and looking wholly uncertain. She was frightened and her mother had warned her not to follow strange men, especially not into secluded classrooms filled with strange magic. But she'd been so very cold, lost, alone and - her stomach growled loudly - hungry.

Her eyes lifted slowly to meet a pair of incandescent, ruby eyes, her gaze widening gently with surprise. Her lips parted as if to speak but were quickly shut tight, the movement doing nothing to make them look any less blue and cold. She did not speak for either fear of punishment, nervousness of something else. Instead she rubbed at her arms, her sleeves falling back to reveal rows upon rows of horrid bruises.


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Character Portrait: Aleistar Leviathan Character Portrait: Iristhiel Ravien
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"You aren't just going to stand there all day, are you?" Levi asked the young and shivering girl the intimidating and passive-agressive question he could, which wasn't very friendly to be frank. "If you're worried about being kidnapped by me, well," Levi paused, "you probably shouldn't have ever stepped through those gates." Levi felt very lucky that the school had cameras installed, otherwise he would have been in an disadvantageous position should the girl have deicided to frame him. It wouldn't have been very hard to convict him of being a criminal. He was, after all, secretly feared by a bit of the students and teachers at the academy, for reasons not even they knew.

Levi took a quick look around his classroom. It wouldn't be filled with students till much later, yet here he was with what appeared to be a young girl. Levi still wanted to believe the girl was a monster, to relieve him of boredom at the least. It would be much more interesting than the cliche setting of her having been left by her family, now that would have been booooring.

That's when Levi heard the growling of a stomach and saw the bruises on her arms. Seeing the bruises didn't change Levi's expression very much, he was, after all, a member of the Leviathan family. It would be stupid to assume that he hadn't seen worse. "Such a mess," Levi mumbled this mostly to himself, then went to a cabinet and brought out some select herbs. Levi put the herbs down on a table and began performing Alchemy with his bare hands, a feat few people could acomplish. He, after transmuting the herbs, managed to make a scarlet-red liquid. Levi moved this liquid into a small bowl, then carried the bowl over to where the girl was. He hadn't used a book to make the potion but had instead made it out of pure theoretical science. He had been hoping to use the potion on someone other than himself, and found that the girl would be a perfect guinea pig. If Levi's concoction was to work, then the girl would most likely be healed in a short of amount of time. Or so he hoped, those ingredients had cost him a lot of trouble to ste... acquire. "This'll hopefully help you." Levi didn't mention what it would help her with, mostly because he could. It could, if he had messed up, help her get worse; or it could help her get better. Levi really hoped the girl would drink the concoction, it would help him with his research very much. Then again, there was also the chance that the concotion did absolutely nothing and that he had wasted valuable ingredients, but he didn't want to think about that possibility.

The young child flinched away when the man reached towards her with a strange mixture in his hand. The older soul within her rolled her mind's eyes, as if she would simply devour some random potion she had no idea the effects of or the contents of. As a mage who specialised in Torture Magic, she was well versed in the various potions one could make, using pain as an extra oomph to create something extraordinarily potent. Yet she did not recognise whatever it was he'd mixed together. It was likely that he invented it himself. The question was: was it poison?

"What is it?" she asked in a small, soft voice like crystallised sugar. Her eyes darted between his eerie ruby orbs and the bottle in his hand.

Levi was utterly and completely surprised, although his face showed no sign of him being so. He had not expected another possibility, especially one where things didn't go according to plan. Levi began listing all ingredients but one, "A combination of Boneset, pure gold, a small amount of magic, Caraway Seed, Althaea Leaves, and a few other random things. The final ingredient were non-toxic and expensive, but she didn't need to know that, nor did she need to know how he prepared it. "Anyway, I'm not going to force you to drink it." Levi moved the concoction onto his desk then sat down. "Seeing as I can't do anything about your scars without possible danger from me, I might as well ask something." Levi didn't have anything better to do after all, "What's your name and do you have any relatives living near here?" Levi really hoped she did. He didn't want to take care of a child, seeing as he had very little experience doing so. There was also the fact that the child could still have been a monster in disguise, but that was unimportant.