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Vivianna Gorvakith

"You should stay away from me. Why? I'll only say that everything in this world rots away at some point, including you."

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a character in “Deviance: The Uprising”, as played by Aizuki


Vivianna Gorvakith
Anna, Vivian, Kitt
17 Years Old, Female

Vivian the Rot Mage Ranked 5B, Freshman

~ Physical Info ~


Vivian is often described as a tall female with oddly colored hair with an unnatural eye color as well. People say that she's pale and lanky, almost boyish if not for the just below average chest size. However, when she looks in the mirror she notices things about her that others don't without a fairly close examination. Vivian sees long slender legs and a small waist with average hips. The girl has small shoulders and that they accent her shyness by curving slightly inwards, almost hunched but not quite. Her hands are slender with well-manicured nails that often are being held carefully at her sides. Her hands are also usually gloved as well even during sleep. Her face is heart-shaped and her silver hair that frames her face comes down no further than to the nape of her neck. Her hair is straight but often seems slightly wavy because of its messy style. She has roundish almond shape eyes with a red colored iris in both eyes. Her upper lip is thin without much of a cupids bow but her bottom is thicker. Vivian doesn’t wear a lot of makeup, only occasionally wearing a minimal amount of colored lip-gloss and some blush to try and add color to her pale cheeks. She usually wears a skirt with attached underpants and a solid-color sleeveless tee. If she decides not to wear skirt then she always settles on dark jeans with a lace tank top or business casual T-shirt and tie. Over her outfit she intermittently wears a long brown trench coat. All in all she's not unattractive but not gorgeous.

{Rank Marking}
Her rank marking is placed just under her left shoulder blade.

~ Mentality ~

Vivian is like water. She is easily frazzled by the warmth of peoples feelings but she just as easily slips through people's fingers. She is a person who goes with the flow and yet takes care to notice other people around her. She is unintentionally cruel just like the rough river rapids but she doesn't mean too, she does it as a method to warn them off before they get hurt. She does so because her control over her powers doesn't allow her to be kind and enjoy a friendship like most others. She is always afraid of hurting somebody she cares about and thats why she doesn't bother to get close to people. In actuality though, all she really desires to have at least one meaningful friendship just like anybody else.

When she is alone, she is morose. She doesn't speak a lot as it is but when she is alone, the silence envelops her and seems to quiet everything including the noise in the background. However, after so many years of pushing people away she has gotten used to the silence. Perhaps that is why she prefers the company of flowers. She believes that they will never judge and will respond to her feelings sincerely, receiving all her regret and loneliness. During these moments when she cares for her flowers and whispers with her soft, unused voice about her feelings to the beautiful petals of the flowers as she waters them, she often smiles. Yes, Vivian knows how to smile and does so quite sweetly but only in the company of her flowers. In public, she keeps a carefully controlled straight face, only occasionally scowling and knitting her brow at others remarks. Vivian doesn't like to be called the "Rot mage" but can't stop people from saying what they want to about her.

Vivian doesn't believe in a lot of things and chooses never to believe in others. She refuses to let them use her for their personal gain and hates it when she sees greed in others. The only thing Vivian puts her trust and belief in is that everything has a due date or time of death. So this means that she doesn't believe in love and that if she did, forever could only mean a second. The last time she even felt that she was in love, the person was only using her to get rid of her enemies. (Yes, her. Vivian doesn't care about gender or age. Feelings are feelings.) Vivian wasn't stunted by the incident but she decided not to get so caught up in her feelings and to put less belief on the idea of love. For some people, there is only personal gain.

Lastly, Vivian has a particularly active imagination. This helps her artistic ability but it doesn't help her when she begins imagining scenarios. Although she may go with the flow, she does think about the consequences on some actions she may take. She tries to avoid unnecessary fights and confrontations, and tries to avoid hurting people worse than what is needed. A stern word is better than a slap to the face. She's stubborn in this sense because while she pushes people away, she refuses to let herself cry and whine over her loneliness. She describes it as a means to an end, a way for everybody to stay safe without anyone getting hurt. She won't back down on this and many have tried to get her to do so. Some have tried to be friends with her despite the rumors and have never succeeded to even coming close. She kept her feelings cut off and strictly enforced her "personal space" rule. She won't let anyone touch her, her reason being that only through touch can her spells work and although she can't control them it doesn't mean that they won't suddenly activate from a trigger or stimulus. In conclusion, Vivian is just another normal girl with feelings, but the burdens placed on her make her inaccessible to the others.

Regarding her power, Vivian hates magic and wishes that she had never developed the ability she has. However, this doesn't stop her from trying to make herself more powerful so that she can learn to control her powers and her demon form. Vivian is terrified of turning into a demon and it's only happened five times in the entirety of her seventeen years of life. Every time she eventually changes back she is reduced to a ball of tears because her demon is the emphasized version of her own emotions from her true personality. Her demon likes to hurt others and craves the blood and decay. It especially loves to kill normal citizens and has a special hate for mages stemming from Vivian's own dislike of magic. The demon won't let anything come close to her just like Vivian to the point of hurting others on sight. Vivian hates it and thats why she tries her best to control her expressions and emotions although her have very volatile emotions, evoked even by teasing. [/center]

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Gardening Pets &Animals x
o Electronic, Trance Superheroes x
o Coffee Meat, Animal Byproduct (Vegetarian) x
o Science Hot Temperaturex
o Reading Combat x
o Swimming Carelessnessx

{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Daydreaming Flames (Being Burned) @
% Avoiding Eye Contact When Speaking Grotesque Monsters & Ghosts@
% Strictly Enforces Personal Space Rules Hurting Others@

{Strengths} {Weaknesses}
o Decisive Emotional x
o Controlled Expressions Self-Consciousx
o Intelligent Hides Feelings x
o Agile Physically Weakx
o Gentle Unable to Control Magic x
o Conscious of Others Unintentionally Cruel x

~ Ability Statistics ~

{Guardian, Demon, or Enchantment}
Demon - Since her magic has a central focus on cell regeneration and decomposition, her demon form heavily emphasizes this. Her hair grows to chest length and the bones in her fingers form to a point, almost likes needles. Her skin becomes pasty and grayish almost a deathly color and her teeth become like shark teeth, razored and rowed. In this form, most injuries aren't fatal as the cells regenerate so quickly that the wound would close just after the weapon was pulled away. Weaknesses in this form are usually only capable by decapitation, loss of movement, Blood Loss (Serious wounds would have to be inflicted (wound exposing innards would take more time to heal allowing more blood loss, etc.) and any spell affecting the mental state would possibly work. Vivian can't just take this form and it doesn't usually just come and go as it pleases. It's only when she suffers a trauma, injury, or type of rage initiating a transformed state of mind. When she returns to human form her newly formed features disintegrate and it's a bloody mess because Vivian can't control the transformation and it ends up being a gruesome sight.


{Signature Spell}
Decomposer - The user can dissolve any sort of organic cells, including plant, bone, or even human parts and dissolve them, destroying them at a cellular or even protein level, allowing them to destroy their targets, either by a specific part or outright disintegration. They can also dissolve viral or germ like cells from their own body for self-treatment. Users can even overpower regeneration spells by disintegrating cells faster than the victim can recover however, for Vivian thats just a dream as of right now.

{Spell List}
Organic Generation - The user can generate organic matter, including plants, disease, bodies or once living matter, such as oil or coal. They can also create only parts of the organisms, such as skin, fat, muscles, blood, nerves, or leaves, flowers, fruit, etc. Once created it can be used like the actual material. Also, a substitute or offering is a starting material needed for this spell. Example: Starting Material is Blood, She can generate anything organic from there. Colors and traits of the finished product sometimes take on the starting materials traits. So for blood, finished product might be a red flower instead of intended yellow flower. At least, that's the limits of Vivian's power whenever she can manage to get the spell to work.
Rot Touch - User can cause anything organic to wither, rot, decay and eventually disintegrate, whether living or deceased. However, only through touch will the organism or organic substance decay.
Cellular Analysis - The user can manipulate healing and healing processes, speeding any or all aspects of healing to the point of regenerating by causing cell regrowth or cell decomposition. Also can manipulate the process by slowing and blocking healing even if the victim has regeneration spells in effect. They can sense the health of mostly anyone as long as the damage is on a cellular level (meaning she couldn't sense mental health issues or indigestion but rather scratches, burns, cuts, illnesses such as cancer or the flu)

{Non-magic Skills}
# Gardening
# Painting
# Reading, Writing
# DJing
# Being Vague

~ Personal Background ~

Vivian grew up with both her parents and was a cute crybaby although basically a normal child until the day she learned about her powers. She was playing with another child from her hometown that she had grown close to. She was about four. As they were playing, her friends mother came to them with their dog. Vivian smiled and was happy to see them, of course, she wasn't expecting what would happen because she had never known such things as magic or death. When she wrapped her arms around the dog and hugged it, it yowled in pain and began to writhe around. Vivian, startled by this, hugged the dog tighter hoping to calm it down. When she noticed the terrified look on her friends face, it was then that she noticed that the dog was bleeding onto her and was acting that way because of her. Vivian let go but one of the dogs vital arteries had been touched by the disintegration and it laying dying at Vivian's feet. Her friends mom quickly called the authorities and her parents and by the next day, her parents were telling her that they were moving away and that everything would be okay.

Vivian and her family moved away to the countryside and her father commuted to work in the city. Her mother stayed at home to watch over Vivian who was no older than six at the time. Her mother had been watching TV and Vivian was playing with her dolls as usual. Her father came home from work and he usually appeared tired and messy but he seemed to have taken a shower and was smiling. Her mother stood and told Vivian to go into the next room. This the first time she had learned of her parents arguments and their troubles with the marriage. Her father had been having affairs and he had been completely open about it from the beginning because he was that type of honest man even though his honesty hurt others. Her mother stayed with him out of love, respect, and love for their child even though it pained her. That day was the last straw though. Her father confessed that his mistress was pregnant and that he was leaving to go live with his second family. Her mother protested and began yelling. Vivian stepped out of her room and when the parents looked to her wondering why she was staring at them she simply asked, "Why are you arguing? Don't you love each other? I know mommy and daddy love me but you can't not love each other." Vivian regrets saying it that day but she was a child and thought that everything would be okay in her own naive way.

Her mother didn't say anything but after a heavy silence her father confessed, "Your father has another child who he loves a lot. Truthfully you scare me and I don't want to be here anymore." Vivian responded by asking "More than me? Us?" and he of course after another strong pause said, "Yes. I'm sorry baby." He was being honest but Vivian's mother slapped him for his cruelty and told him to leave. Vivian understood slightly what her father meant because she was scared of herself as well but it hurt her to see him leave. As her father approached the door, the pain in her chest grew until finally Vivian blacked out. When she woke up she was covered in blood and couldn't control her body. It moved on its own and there was a painful voice in her head. She killed things, flowers died as she walked upon them, everything seemed to cringe away from her. She could catch glimpses of her body and it scared her. It was disgusting and deformed although relatively human-looking. Eventually she returned to her house and with a burst of pain, returned to normal. She walked inside her home, as the door was open, and saw her mother cradling her father and crying hysterically. She had called an ambulance and it arrived right on time, to save her fathers life. Her mother began to fear Vivian but didn't ever let that fear show in her later years. However after the incident and much worry, Vivian's regular red hair wouldn't go back to its normal color. It remained a silvery gray and her normally brown eyes stayed an unnatural red. Also her skin was now paler. The doctors couldn't explain it and much to her mother's pain, she cut Vivian's hair short and decided not to dye it. It was just another reminder of her powers. After a three years, Vivian figured that the color change happened because the demon damaged the pigmentation of the hair follicles, the iris, and her skin thus when it regenerated it couldn't develop its normal color.

For the remainder of her childhood and her teens years, Vivian was home-schooled and began wearing gloves that were made of inorganic cloth such as polyester. Without the means to touch somebody with her hands, it was relatively safe to be around her mother and any tutors that came to her house. She hadn't seen her father since the incident where she accidentally hurt him. It was probably for the better. Vivian stayed out other peoples business and that included her mothers. After seeing her mother's fear for the while after the incident, they grew apart even though her mother still tried her best to show Vivian that she loved her. There was never a time when if Vivian wanted something, she didn't receive it from her mom. But Vivian had grown wary of getting close to others at this point, always unsure if she would hurt someone again.

Nevertheless to end her story on a happier note, although she was lonely, her mother had built her a greenhouse for her to nurture her plants in. Vivian took special care of the plants in her greenhouse and spent most of her time there after studies. She did research on growing habits and how the plants functioned based on certain stimulus. She always stroked her plants and sang to them when she had time and when she was sure they were alone. Her favorite plants were the lotus and the geraniums. They always bloomed so beautifully for her. Vivian was never truly without some form of happiness whether that was in flowers or in that she was okay with everything that had happened in her life. She only regretted some parts of it but she believes in the present and that what you did in the past is really the past because you never know when your due date is coming.

She is enrolling in a new school as a freshman and hopefully she will survive it. TBA.

Alive Father
Divorced with 1 Child (Vivianna)

Alive Mother



So begins...

Vivianna Gorvakith's Story


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#, as written by Aizuki
Vivianna Gorvakith

Behind a medium-sized traditional Japanese house sat what looked to be an abandoned greenhouse. Vines crawled up the sides of the clear walls roaming freely over the structure. The grass grew in large tufts and was uncut for the most part save for a path leading to the greenhouse doorway from the house. The area was covered in a glossy sheen as the clouds above released a heavy shower of rainwater. Nevertheless, the sound of pattering raindrops on top of the greenhouse didn’t affect the girl inside.

The tall girl moved around inside the greenhouse, only seen as a blurry image from the outside. Her electronic music was pleasing to the ears as it played from rock-shaped speakers in two corners of the room closest to her. She had long slender legs and a shapely waist that was accentuated as she leaned over the birch desk in the corner of the single room. Her gloved hands fidgeted restlessly, sometimes typing on the desktop computer that sat on the surface in front of her. Her messy hair was uncombed but it fell around her face in straight silvery strands that was in contrast to her red eye color. Her lips moved as she mumbled under her breath. The bottom edges of her pajamas pants leg were wet showing that she hadn’t completely escaped the rain. Vivianna typed a bit more into the logbook then stood upright and peered over her shoulder at the flowers in bloom behind her. She stared for a minute more then sighed complacently. She pulled the wooden chair away from the tables supporting the potted plants and set it in place beside the desk. With her bottom firmly in it, she leaned back in the chair and smiled. “A good days work
” She murmured as her eyes closed in relaxation.

Her nap was interrupted by a sharp command. “Anna. Wake up, this instant.” Vivianna opened her eyes to reveal the woman who had spoke. Her mother. Vivianna raised her left hand to wipe sleep out of her eyes. The frustrated mother spared her daughter a look of disgust and sighed, placing her hands on her hips. Vivianna harrumphed as she raised herself out of her chair. She noticed that her mother, Susan, was wearing a pink apron that suggested she had been cooking breakfast. Vivian glanced to the greenhouse walls to see how long her nap had lasted. The rain was still going so it must have been no more than thirty minutes. Most likely less. Susan tapped her foot on the tiled floor to grab her daughters’ attention, which succeeded because Vivian pulled her gaze over to her mother’s cross face.

“Yes?” Vivian responded after a long silence where she had simply stared at her mother in open confusion. “Vivian. Don’t you have school today? It’s your first day and I hope you're not going in your pajamas. Look at you; your hair is a mess. Stop fiddling around. You need to take a shower and get ready.” Susan scolded her. Vivian shrugged and avoided her mother’s blue gaze, stubbornly holding her ground. Susan was having none of that though. “You know it takes you forever. C’mon.” Her mother approached but didn’t take hold of her hand, just extended the invitation. After a tense moment of uncomfortable suspension, Vivian lightly took her mother’s hand. She only did so because she was wearing her gloves and could put her worries aside. Susan smiled as she tugged her daughter out of the greenhouse and into the house to get ready.

Vivianna towel dried her hair as she faced her reflection staring back at her from her vanity mirror. The girl was pale and her eyes startling even to Vivian herself. She peered closer, seeing that her eyelashes were decently long yet being the same color of her hair went unnoticed. Also that she had no laugh lines or crows feet. Vivian scoffed at the idea of wrinkles since she was young but she expected to have some indication of having been a happy person. She wasn’t depressed. So where was the indication. Vivian smiled at herself, scanning her lips and face for some sign but to no avail. She scowled and turned away from the mirror, pacing over to her dresser that lay in disarray from her mother pulling clothes out for the day already. Vivian ignored the dress on her bed and pulled out some jeans from the bottom cabinet of the dresser. Just as she was slipping them on, her mother’s familiar voice stopped her. “What are you doing?” She questioned, unabashed by her child’s state of undress.

“I’m getting dressed?” Vivian asked in return, playing innocent. Susan frowned and marched into the room, lifting the dress off of the bed and shoving it towards Vivian. “Why can’t you wear this?” She inquired insistently. Vivian regarded the dress then transferred her regard to her mom's face incredulously. “I don’t want to.” She responded briskly. “It’s nice-looking and it’s your first day; you need to make friends.” Susan supplied in reply. Vivian’s tolerant gaze turned sharp, her red gaze piercing her mother’s smile causing it to wilt. She didn’t retort, instead turning to the dresser and pulling out a skirt. “No dress. I’ll settle for a skirt.” Vivian spoke carefully, hoping not to let her mother her wounded dignity. Her mother clapped her hands and tossed the dress back onto the bed with a revitalized grin. “Thank you sweetie. Come down for breakfast when you’re done. And hurry.” With that, Susan left the room. Vivian watched her mom’s flowing dress skirts until she was out of sight. She could admit to herself that she didn’t have friends but she had hoped her mother wouldn’t press the issue. After all, didn’t she know best why that was the case?

Finally finished getting dressed in a loose black knee-length skirt, pink tank top with flower-printed lace trim, and her alternative cotton black trench coat; she sat down at the dinner table across from her mom who stood washing some dishes that had piled up. “Thanks” She softly directed towards the woman. Susan looked over her shoulder long enough to show that she was smiling before returning to her task. Vivian ducked her head and finished her meal in silence.

She exited the house and followed the directions in her head to the nearest station. Once she arrived, she boarded the crowded train and put on her headphones to drown out the passengers’ voices. Trance blared over the speakers numbing her emotions, allowing her to keep the thinnest control that she could manage on her magic. But it did whatever it wanted, regardless of the exterior circumstances. She felt people brush her shoulders as the train became more crowded, and she stepped aside-putting space between herself and the others. She pushed the other thoughts away and pictured her flowers instead, letting her mind focus on caring techniques and others tips. It was better than the painful incessant worry that always at the forefront of her mind otherwise.