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Devil's Impression

Devil's Impression


Watch out. The person next to you might be your predator.

958 readers have visited Devil's Impression since xCrossX21 created it.


*RP has started. You're still allowed to submit a character.^^

In the streets of Japan... not everything is normal. There's something there, lurking around in the shadows, and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Watch out, cause the person next to you might be your predator.

Demons... you often read about them in books right?
They're sick little creatures that feeds on human flesh. It doesnt matter who you are. Once they see you as a prey, you're done for it.
Sadly, these creatures arent just part of those horror stories or your nightmare. They have somehow made their way into reality. At first it was just a few lingering around, messing with us, humans. But over the years, their numbers increased. Each day, at least 20 people die. Yet most people dont know the truth behind these murders. To them... it's nothing but an unsolved mystery.
Now, you might be wondering... how exactly are these creatures hiding amongst us? Well, the answer is quiet simple. Look around you, and tell me what do you see? Your friendly neighbors? Your friends? Everything seems normal doesnt it? ... You're wrong. You might not realize it, but at least one of those people around you are demons. Yes, they learned to disguise themselves, deceiving the human eye.

Are you scared? You should be. Who knows, even your closest friend you have known for years can be one of those dirty little demons. Of course... there's no way I would allow these things to keep living on Earth. It's pretty troublesome to deal with them.

So, I have a good news for you. There's some of us who can actually see through the demon's tricks. Who are we? Two words.... "Demon Hunters."
Dont tell me I have to explain to you what we do... I mean.. I think it's pretty obvious -.-

Lately, the demons have been hunting little girls. No, that doesnt mean you're safe if you're not a girl or anything... they'll still want to kill you.
Anyways, I really havent figured out what they are up to just yet. But... at the same time, we're kind of stuck looking after a little girl. She's being targeted. I'm guessing these demons have a strange addiction to her. Whatever the reason is, for now, we're stuck baby sitting her.

So there you have it. I hope you have a basic idea of what this rp is going to be about.

Characters Needed:
The Little Girl- Ruska (Rue) Mia
1.) Hiroshi Kimura
2.) Akari Matsumoto
3.) Yuriko Matsuki
4.) Takishi Matsura
5.) Ikari Sudou
(Can add more if needed)
1.) [Reserved for Lovely VonSchultz]
2.) Shikari
(Can add more if needed)

Other Info. You Should Know:
-All the Demon Hunters should know each other. They work together in an organization they formed. (Just so the rp doesnt die as soon as it starts. I've noticed when the characters start off by not knowing each other.. it kind of dies.)
-They can all live together in a mansion, but you're free to live alone in your own house if you want.
-Demons are pretty much everywhere.
-You should have a bit of stuggle once in a while.
-All demons come in different size and forms. And no, they dont always have those bat like wings.
-Demons can take form of pretty much any living things. Yes, that includes animals, and trees...
-No magical powers like controlling elements, blah blah blah. Demon Hunters use weapons, and combat skills.
-Most of the time, Demon Hunters can easily tell if someone or something is a demon or not. But you should also know that some demons are powerful. Which means you might not know someone's a demon right away.
-The little girl is a half demon. Nobody (including the Demon Hunters) are aware of half demons. They can easily hide their demon side.

Character Sheet:
Appearance: (Anime prefered)
Name: (Japanese name prefered, but you're free to name your character whatever.
Extra Description: (mention anything that's not shown in the picture. Such as height, weight, etc..)
Weapons: (Dont get crazy with it -_- be reasonable. I mean... you character is not going to be bringing around 100 swords. & feel free to be unique with your weapons.)
History: (just a bit about your characters past.)
Others: (any extra info?)
Theme Song: (optional)

Toggle Rules

-I'm the GM.. but that doesnt mean you guys cant argue with me. If you have a problem do speak up. I wont mind.
-Keep all OOC stuff in the OOC thread.
-IDEAS! Share ideas. It helps the rp going.
-If you reserve a spot, I'm only holding it for 24 hours, unless you let me know you need more time. But 72 hours at max.
-No cybering... take it to PM if you must.
-Swearing is perfectly fine with me. But I dont want to see it in every sentence.
-No Godmodding. Do not control someone's character without approval.
-Play fair and be a bit reasonable. I understand if your character can take down five demons at a time, but if you're surrounded by like 30, you might not survive. Even if you do, your character should have serious wounds.
-NO ONE LINERS ! At least a good 3 lines.. fair? I understand if you do 1 liners once in a while.
-Posting once and just leaving is a big no no. If you're not going to be active (until the rp dies or something) then dont join.
-Lets all get along.. shall we?
-Have fun. ^^

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Persistent scrum...
Grabbing out his sword, Hiroshi swung it down, cutting a demon in half. With a cry of pain, the creature fell to the ground with a loud crash. "Next time.. just let me enjoy my cake will ya?" the hunter murmured, walking out of the destroyed store. His job here was done, and it was a good thing nobody was around. Not that anyone would like to come to a store that was deserted. Yawning, the teen placed his sword onto his back, and headed back to the city. Come to think of it... why did he even come here anyways? "Gin that bastard.. always giving me such useless jobs." Hiroshi complained.

Gin sneezed as he stopped his car in front of a mansion. "Hmm? Someone mus be talking about me.." he mumbled scratching the back of his head. "Oh well." Getting out of his car, the man walked up the front steps, poking his head inside the large house. "Hiroshi? Yuriko-san?! Anyone here? Hello~" he called out. Gin waited patiently, expecting someone to pop out of nowhere and greet him. A minute passed, and there was nothing but silence. At least until he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

Hiroshi made a face, and covered one of his ears as Gin screamed like a frantic girl. "Would you shut your trap? It's just me..." he muttered, pushing the man aside, clearly not showing any manners or respect, and stepping into the mansion. "Why are you here?" he asked, adding a yawn.

"Oh, it's just you.. phew." Gin smiled following him in. "Well... I just wanted to tell you guys... STOP DESTROYING STUFF!! Do you know how much money I use because of you guys? Geesh. Just a week ago, you broke down a hotel, and two days ago you broke a bridge. I am not your personal bank."

There was a small thud, as Hiroshi layed down on a couch. "Mhmm... is that all you have to say?" he asked, closing his eyes.

"Huh? ... Oh, right. I have another job for you." Gin answered, taking a seat across from him. "I want you--"

"No thank you. You're always giving us crappy jobs." the hunter interrupted. He opened one eye and glared at the man, "Give me another useless job and I'll feed you to a damn demon."

"Yikes... you're so cold~~" Gin whined, with a pout. His head jerked backwards as a pillow smashed into his face. "Uh... so anyways. Listen for five second.." the man continued, rubbing his face. "I want you guys to take care of a girl. She's being targeted by the demons. I'm not sure why, but I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen if they get their hands on her. Recently, little girls had been disappearing."

"So you want us to babysit?" Hiroshi concluded.

"Exac-- No, what?! Dont think of it as that way. This is really important. Please.. for me?" Gin begged, clapping his hands together, before another pillow smashed into his face.

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#, as written by Cazuki
"Heh" Takishi smirked as he walked down the mansion's staircase. He looked at Gin and smiled. Yami and him had been napping before but had been woken up by some girlish screams "I'm gonna guess you woke me up then Gin... so where is this little girl?" he asked, he had heard the conversation from the staircase on the way down and was curious A little girl... seems interesting enough he thought as his pet husky, Yami, walked to his side and he lifted him up to put him on his shoulder.

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Upon hearing another voice, Gin looked up with a smile. "Oh~ good afternoon Takishi-kun. Hiro-kun is being mean again." the man complained.
"Get out of here... you're irritating me.. especially the way you're acting." Hiroshi warned through gritted teeth. Did this thirty-two year old man always have to act so childish? It sent weird chills down his back.

Ignoring Hiroshi, Gin answered Takishi's question instead. "The girl? ... AH CRAP!" he yelled getting up. "I have to go pick her up. Hm... we should be here in about an hour. Bye, bye~" he said waving as the two before walking out.

As soon as Gin was out the door, Hiroshi sat up. "Pack your things.. we're moving. One hour is more than enough."

"I heard that..." Gin replied, poking his head back in through the door. "Takishi-kun, if you would please be kind enough.. tie Hiroshi to a chair or something." With a yelp, he closed the door, just in time for a third pillow to fly across the room.

With a dreadful sigh, Hiroshi buried his face into the cushion of the couch.

Whistling delightfully, Gin got into his car. "Now lets see... what was the address?" he muttered to himself as he looked through a pile of junk, and finally finding a piece of paper. "Aha." He started the engine, and drove off. In about twenty minutes, he came across a rich looking house. Tapping his finger on the steering wheel, he pulled his car to a stop. "I wonder if this is the right place.."

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#, as written by Cazuki
Takishi laughed at Gin's remark about tieing Hiro up "We don't need to move Hiro... it'll be nice having a young girl here... i mean we gotta have some break from the demons right?" Yami, sensing the exictement, walked down Takishi's arm and jumped onto the couch, sitting in front of Hiro "Seems Yami likes you..." Takishi said, smirking "You never know this girl might be interesting, if the demons are after her then she must have something speacil about her" he said as he sat down on the un-occupied part of the couch and started to relax again.

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Yuriko was in a room, enjoying the quiet aura and her music playing in her ears while she hummed. That was all until a high pitched scream went through her ear plugs and into her ears. She could guess it was Gin and Hiroshi, again due to this happening over and over, again. She had already taken off, the ear plugs that was in her ears, one minute ago. She stuck the MP3 player in her sun dress's pocket. The legs of hers, moved to the door of the room, standing there for a while before taking in a few deep breaths and letting them out. She wasn't going to be chaotic.

The girl approached the mansion's staircase, wearing a blank face which was normal for her. She made her legs go slowly down the stairs that were quite beautiful. Yuriko peered down, seeing there Hiroshi and Takishi. She supposed that Gin had left which was going to be quite true. Thee last step came and she bowed down to Hiroshi and Takishi, standing there. Her eyes starred to the ceiling.

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#, as written by Cazuki
"Yuriko-san!" Takishi said happily "nice to see you" he smiled, he knew Yuriko was the shyest of the group but that had always inspired him to get her to open up to him. Out of all the members of the demon hunters group she was also, in his opion the smartest. "I'm gonna guess Gin surprised you as well... he just went out to bring us our newest mission"

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In his room, Ikari Sudou appreciated the heavy riffs and addictive guitar licks of Angra's 'Angels Cry', the headphones' cord snaking down over his torso and into the red iPod that lay at his side; his dark eyes swept over the pages of a book held in his hands. Most people would think hard rock and reading hardly went together, but then, when was it that Sudou much cared what others thought? If he felt like listening to some hard rock music while at the same time reading a good book, then he would do it; if anyone cared enough to tell him he couldn't do it, well, they could go to hell for all he cared.

At that moment, however, Sudou heard over the sound of his music, a scream--a very girly scream. Well the only girls here were Akari and Yuriko. Akari was far too tough a person to scream, especially not like that, and Yuriko...well, Sudou knew Yuriko to be perhaps more sensitive than the others, but he doubted she was the kind of person to scream like that. And even if something had made her scream in such a way, the rest of the Hunters would be at their feet at a moment's notice--Sudou not least among them.

But of course, it was Gin. Sudou scowled as he set aside his book and, placing the iPod in the pocket of his coat (yes, he wore his coat indoors. Problem?), Sudou pushed open his door and began stepping--or rather, with his heavy footfalls, stomping--down the stairs. "Oi, what's this, then?" was the greeting his harsh voice issued to those in the room already. "That damn asshole screaming like a girl all over the's a bloody wonder every demon doesn't hear him whimpering."

Meanwhile, as Sudou shook his head, throwing himself onto one of the seats around the room, far far away, as if he had been heard, a wicked voice, deep, dripping with sadism and brutality, growled, "Kill the girl, eh..."

Shikari smiled a smirk full of pointed teeth as he wiped a sticky red fluid from the blade attached to his wrist cuff. The beast's monstrous face was contorted into a twisted grin; held in one hand, beneath a similarly bloody blade, was the demon's mask, a tribal-like helmet with a pair of long, wickedly pointed tusks jutting from the front of it. He had removed it to show his vicious face to his latest victim, who now lay at his feet, slashed and destroyed. Shikari had admitted, the man had done far better than many others Shikari had captured and released for the hunt, perhaps because he had formerly been of this country's military. The demon had released the man into the forest armed with a pistol, two clips, and a combat knife; immediately the man, even without knowing the threat he faced, had scoped out his surroundings, making a note of each landmark. It even took Shikari more than five minutes to track him down, a refreshing change from most of the humans, who simply took off screaming and running. The man, however, was not careful enough--all it took was a single footprint in the mud that had not been hidden well enough, and Shikari had tracked down his quarry within seconds.

But now he had been recalled--and though at first Shikari had been disappointed, angered to be disturbed as he relished the adrenaline leaving his eight feet tall body, he had heard what he was to be going after. A girl--a girl about whom something was very special, apparently...

Shikari's hideous grin widened, and he slowly rose an arm to seal the tusked mask around his head before turning to begin a new hunt back in Japan. No matter how special you could say someone was, when they became a corpse, there was nothing special about them anymore.

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#, as written by Cazuki
"Ah, hello Sudou" Takishi said, his eyes darkining slightly, he had never really like Sudou "Gin's gone to get our newest mission... we are looking after a girl...this girl might be the main thing those demons are after, who knows... and if she's been put into our care then Gin must know something... he may be inmature but he isn't stupid" as soon as Takishi said the words about Gin not being stupid he started to ponder that himslef Why would a guy as old as him act like a kid anyway he thought

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"Not a mission, he's going to bring back something that'll torture us." Hiroshi muttered. "Like he even brings good missions." He sat up, mumbling something under his breath, before giving a small nod towards Yuriko, as she appeared. There seemed to be a moment of silence before Sudou walked out of his room. His eyes stared at him for a second, before drifting towards the window. "This is boring.." Hiroshi finally said before standing up. "I'm going to go out.."

Without a second glance towards the others, he walked out of the mansion, wondering what to do. He would go hunt for a demon.. since that was his job, but he liked it better when the demon came to him. It was interesting the way they thought they can challenge him. But before that... he wanted something to eat... something sweet. As Hiroshi walked past an alley, a small cat ran out, jumping onto his shoulders. "Yo, neko." he greeted, as the cat meowed a greeting back.

Gin thought for a second before getting out of his car. "Yay, I think I'm here~" he cheered. The man chuckled to himself and walked towards the mansion. He knocked on the door, tilting his head from side to side. No answer... "Hello~~ anyone home???" he called out. Although he was acting like a fool, his eyes searched the surroundings, for any demons.

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[sorry for the long wait @_@]

A minute after Gin's knock, the door opened with a sudden jolt. In the doorway stood a sturdy looking butler, hair slicked back and a formal but cold look in his beedy brown eyes. "Yes, Sir, someone is home. I apologize for the wait." Though he was apologizing, his voice was just as chilling as the dirty look he gave the young man. "I presume you are Mr. Gin from the agency who is to protect our little Rue. Do take care of her. You seem a little... special, and I wouldn't want her to get into any trouble because of that."

"Oh Jenkins, please try not to be so rude to the man!" came a voice from the shadowed inside of the home. The lights flicked on to reveal a stunning interior and a fine man standing just behind the butler. Like him, his hair was slicked back and he held that cool and superior air to himself. He was tall and lanky and, despite his age, graying at the hairline.

"Forgive me, Master," the butler apologized, this time seeming to actually mean what he said. He bowed deeply to the man before turning and hurrying up the stairs as if going to fetch some runaway dog.

"I'm Jenson Mia, Ruska's father," the orderly man began with a light, relaxing smile. "Thank you for taking her along with you and your companions. I fear that I cannot be the protection she needs any longer. And you seem like a fine enough man to take care of her. She isn't much trouble, I must say. She enjoys a good book and a quiet space and she's happy. A completely normal, educated child." The way the man talked was as if he had something to hide. It was clear that he wasn't used to sending his daughter off with people he didn't know.

A little shuffle behind the man made him pause in his little speech. A small but adorably cute looking girl was standing just a couple feet from the doorway, her face burried in the head of the rabbit she held. Compared to the stuffed animal, they were about the same size and it was a miracle she could carry it without toppling over. "Good afternoon, Mr. Gin. Sorry to keep you waiting. Jenkins forgot to pack my things and I fell asleep. Pardon me..." She gave a little bow, though it was more of a stumble, before dragging the rabbit and herself to stand beside her father. Her cool, piercing eyes watched Gin with a blood-curtling sort of stare. It was as if she was gazing right through him, as if he wasn't there at all.

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#, as written by Cazuki
Takishi sighed, none of the demon hunters seemed happy about the mission except him and even he was questioning the importance of one girl, besides that the demons were going after little girls at the moment. Yami yaped at his side and Takishi smiled "Come on then... i better take you for a walk little guy... Yuriko... can you look after the house for a bit, i'll be back in 10 minutes" Without waiting for an answer he put a lead on Yami and walked out he door.

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"Heek!" Gin yelped taking a small step back as the door suddenly opened. "Oh, hello. It's fine it's fine." he said waving his hands in a girly manner. Although he didnt like the way this butler talked, he didnt complain about it. Besides, he always got the cold treatment. The man raised his eyebrows upon hearing another voice. He peeked over the tall butler, seeing another man walking towards the door.

Gin gave a small bow as the older man appoarched him, "Greetings sir." he said as the man introduced himself. The happy smile remained on his lip, as he listened to the man speak. Gin chuckled, "No need to worry sir. We'll provide anything the young miss will need." His eyes traveled down when a young little girl appeared from behind her father. Gin bent down, just so he was eye level with her. "Good afternoon Ruska-chan." he replied. He blinked as he looked at Rue, feeling a bit uneasy at the way she was looking at him. Shaking the weird feeling away, Gin stood back up, clapping his hands together. "Well, if little Ruska-chan is all ready to go, I'll gladly take her to my mansion, where she'll be safe and sound."

Hiroshi finished an ice cream sundae, and ordered a chocolate cake.
"Wow... it's surprising you dont get fat." Lily muttered sitting across from him. "Ha? This is just... a small snack. Besides, I need the sugar." Hiroshi answered, taking a spoon on the table. "And shouldnt you be working right now?"
The girl laughed, "I'm on my lunch break." she said sticking her tongue out at him as someone placed a plate of chocolate cake on the table. "Hey, there's no cats allowed in here." the girl continued as the animal meowed from besides him.

Though at the sound of the store door opening and closing, Hiroshi's eyes wandered over to a man, wearing a cloak. "And no demons allowed here either.." he said silently to himself.

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#, as written by Cazuki
Takishi sighed, he and Yami had been walking for a while now and Takishi was getting hungry. Suddenly he saw a cafe in the distance and started walking towards it, looking forward to the food that awaited him. Then he saw Hiroshi sitting with a girl and he smiled as he whispered to himslef "So even a mone wolf has a person to talk to" he whispered then saw a demon, he was hidden in a cloak and to any normal human he would have just looked like any strange passer-by. Not to him though, he took out his small hand-gun and took the lead off of Yami, who climbed on to his shoulder anticipating the fight. "Hiro... i think you know what to do?"

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Rue gazed back at Gin as he bent to her level, unfazed even as he looked a bit uneasy with her stare. He should. He just didn't know why a little girl such as herself was giving off such a weird vibe to him. Her silvery eyes followed the man as he spoke. Beside her her father tensed. It was clear that he wasn't really happy that she was handing his child off to some mad-mad sort of person. But then again, she could sense his relief that he was finally getting rid of her. Nobody wants to accept that their child isn't normal, she thought, face impassive. "By the way, jijii, please call me Rue. Only my father is allowed to call me Ruska."

Her father beside her chuckled lightly. "I'll leave you to her then, my fine sir." The butler scrambled up suddenly and placed two suitcases beside the small child. Without another word, both men curled back into their home and closed the door.

"You don't seem like a goofy man, jijii," Rue said after a moment of awkward silence. "Why do you act like that? It makes you look stupid." She was a child, no doubt. Only children would go for the blunt, straight-forward way of talking to others. "Let's go, I wana meet my new butlers." Dragging the bunny with her, the child abandoned her belongings and skipped down the front steps towards the car.

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Jijii? That word struck Gin. "Uh... hai~" he said as the little girl ordered him not to call her Ruska. He blinked as the two man closed the door on them, leaving him with Rue. There was a moment of awkward silence before the kid spoke up.

"You don't seem like a goofy man, jijii," "Why do you act like that? It makes you look stupid." Now those struck him harder.
"Gomenasai.." he wasnt even sure why he was apologizing.. but he felt like he had to say it. He watched as the girl walked off, leaving her stuff behind. The energy in him was drained out, as he grabbed the suit case, and following behind her. Little kids... he didnt know it was this hard dealing with them.

Gin placed the bags in the trunk, before opening the door for Rue. "Actually.. they're not butlers... um.. lets say more like your brothers and sisters?"

Hiroshi looked over at Takishi, wondering when he got here. Seeing the smile on his face, Hiroshi's eyes twitched. "Dont get the wrong idea..." he muttered. Before Takishi can go charging towards the demon, he grabbed him. "Wait.. it's too dangerous to fight here. Wait until that guy leaves." he said licking his lips absentmindedly.

As he predicted, the demon stood up, and hurrily left the store. As soon as it turned the corner, Hiroshi headed for the door.
"HEY YOU DIDNT PAY!" Lily shouted. Hiro looked back at her and shrugged, before leaving. Eh, she can pay for him. Right now, he had something to do.

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#, as written by Cazuki
Takishi couldn't stop a slight growl at being held back but as soon as Hiro let him go he ran after him "Wait for me!" he shouted, not hearing the women say somehing about the bill. He was in full hunter mode now and nothing was going to stop him. He ran up to Hiro and laughed "How long's it been since we've done a demon hunt together?!"

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As Rue hopped into the vehicle, she gave Gin a confused sort of glance. That is, if her silvery eyes could look anything other than piercing and cold. "Not butlers?" she murmured and after buckling in, pressed her large stuffed rabbit to her stomach. Her chin rested fondly on the top of the rabbit's head as the child strained to figure out exactly what he meant. "But Daddy said they were going to protect me," she said aloud but to herself and not to the man she was now partially ignoring. "Isn't that what Jenkins does for me...?" If anything, the family had forgotten to mention that the butler at home was a demon, and a tame one at that. He'd been there since the girl's birth and hadn't shown any violent or possessive action since that moment.

"What are their names, Jijii?" she asked, now to Gin and not to herself. This would be one of the few times she would speak this much while being brought to the hunters. Rue if anything enjoyed the little world she'd constructed by herself and including nobody but herself. If these people got in the way of her fantasies she'd make sure they understood their boundaries, but only when she snapped was when she really spoke often. So this was odd; only, Gin didn't know that.

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Sudou watched as just about everyone left without another word; Hiroshi had left to wherever, and Takeshi had taken that dog of his out on some walk, leaving Sudou and Yuriko there in the main room. Sudou glanced at Yuriko with an expression of irritation. "Well 'ell, that little get together was over right quick," he grunted, standing back up from the chair he had only just sat into. Wonder where Akari is, then? Looks like everyone got their arse down here but her. Sudou did not know Akari to be particularly reclusive or quiet as far as the people in the group went. He looked back to Yuriko. "Meh. Looks like all there's gonna be to do is putter around this ridiculously large mansion. Well, Takeshi and Hiroshi are out doing who knows what, so unless you and Akari have anything planned, I'm gonna...I dunno, go to my room and be bored to all hell." He shook his head, turning around to go upstairs again.

Meanwhile, behind the car Gin was driving, which contained the girl named Ruska Mia, a second car revved up, and began to drive after Gin's car had left. With the distance the second car maintained from Gin, it was surely not making it obvious that Gin was being tailed. Behind the wheel of the second car was a rather thin-looking, almost frail young man with light hair and eyes and fairer skin than most in this country--a young man who looked as if a single bump with another car would entirely break him. As this thought passed through his mind, the eyes of Shikari's human form flashed scarlet for a split second. It was useful, if only because no one would ever expect this fragile-looking boy to be a being that could probably break their neck with a flick to the chin. Of course, Shikari was disappointed that he would not be allowed to release the girl into a forest, where the hunt could proceed as always--but then again, urban environments were also very entertaining for the hunt. A malicious smirk, entirely out of place on the innocent looking face of his human form, spread on the demon's face as he gunned the car forward.

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"Hmm.. actually, it's best to call them bodyguards if someone is protecting you." Gin said as he closed the door for her, and got into the drivers seat. Again with the jijii... ignoring that, he answered her question. "Well, there's Takishi, Yuriko, Sudou, Akira, and Hiroshi." He started to drive down the road, heading back towards their mansion. Hopefully.. they'll all be nice.. I mean she's just a kid he thought to himself.

Hiroshi shrugged, "It's been a while. But really, I can take care of him on my own." he said with a small grin as he followed his prey into a dark alley.
The demon stopped, and turned around, an innocent smile on his face. "Uh.. may I help you with something?" he asked.
"Oh? Hmm... yeah, answer one question for me. What are you guys doing with little girls?" he asked, eyes narrowing.
"I'm sorry.. I dont know what you're talking about." the demon replied, taking a step back.
"Then, I'll make you answer." with that, Hiroshi pulled out his two guns, while the demon transformed into its real form.

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#, as written by Cazuki
Takishi sighed "As stubbon as ever..." he ran beside Hiro and eventually they came to a dark alley. He saw and heard the demon try to back out but Takishi knew it wouldn't work. He was trapped and as Hiro pulled out his guns he decided to pull out his own. The gun was a little old but he liked it and it had good power as well as a good recoil, making it an effective weapon.

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As the car rolled on, Rue's gaze fell outside the window. From the way his emotions reeled as she spoke, she could tell he didn't like being called jijii. Of course, he shouldn't. He was a young man of fine authority and despite his goofy behaviour appeared to be fairly talented. But that wasn't about to stop her. He acted too nonchalont for what he was doing. He didn't know what he was dealing with at all. From the corner of her silver eyes she watched him though the reer-view mirror as he listed off the names. However, a far off movement caught her eye in that mirror. She remained fairly still as she confirmed that there was in fact something following them. Every time they turned a corner the front of a car would be turning onto the street they'd just left. Rue, elbow resting on the door, leaned against her clenched hand. "Jijii," she said with a light voice. It was as if nothing was wrong at all. "Jijii, I know you're an expert in this field, but we're being followed. They're doing really nicely at not attracting our attention." She wouldn't be surprised if he was stunned by her notice. But then again, he'd come to realize that she was used to having her life on the line. He wasn't the only one who knew about demons.

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Gin nodded, "I know, but nothing to worry about." he said waving his hands. He was smiling, but his eyes were saying something else. He looked through the side mirror, watching closely. He couldnt see the person who was driving it, but that car was following them for a while now. A demon? Possibly.. or someone else? Whatever the case was, being followed didnt give him a nice feeling. Gin picked up the speed, making a sudden turn, followed by another sharp turn.

As the demon roared in anger, Hiroshi pulled the trigger. One simply gave a cut on its shoulder, while the other pierced through his stomach. Despite the wounds, it swung its tail at the two hunters. Hiroshi jumped just in time, and the demon's tail smashed into a building wall instead. "Oi, oi, it's not good to break other people's things. Now answer my question." the hunter demanded.

He reached his hands towards his back, to pull out his sword, but blinked when nothing was there. "Crap.. I forgot it back at the mansion.." he swore under his breath. The demon took that time, to slam his hands down onto him. Hiroshi crashed onto the ground, and the demon laughed, swinging his tail once more towards Takishi.

"Tch... damn demon. Get your dirty hands off me." Hiroshi growled, shooting at the demon's huge hands, multiple of times. It roared in pain, letting the hunter go. Its hands were bloody, and pretty much useless now, but the demon continued to stand.

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#, as written by Cazuki
Takshi had jumped over the tail the first time and took a shot at the demon, scaving on his left leg. When he saw that Hiro hadn't brought his sword he sighed and shot twice in suceession hitting both of the demon legs. As the tail returned to hit him again he jumped over it and grabbed it. Pulling the demon toward him, shotting his legs with his pistol all the while "Give us the infomation we need to know" he said in a gruff tone that differed greatly from his useal happy tone.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hiroshi Kimura
Character Portrait: Ruska (Rue) Mia
Character Portrait: Gin Saitou


Character Portrait: Gin Saitou
Gin Saitou

Feel free to control him.

Character Portrait: Ruska (Rue) Mia
Ruska (Rue) Mia

So innocent, yet so powerful.


Character Portrait: Ruska (Rue) Mia
Ruska (Rue) Mia

So innocent, yet so powerful.

Character Portrait: Gin Saitou
Gin Saitou

Feel free to control him.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gin Saitou
Gin Saitou

Feel free to control him.

Character Portrait: Ruska (Rue) Mia
Ruska (Rue) Mia

So innocent, yet so powerful.

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Most recent OOC posts in Devil's Impression

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

My gosh, i'm so sorry. I've been busy with my school musical. Posting now.

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

Sorry, I might not be able to post for some days. So please excuse me.

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

To clarify, I used Japanese style naming as this seems is set in Ikari Sudou's given name is Sudou.

Also, I shamelessly based Shikari on the Predators XD

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

umm, i was thinking of putting a demon profile but what do they really do... i mean are they main demons or grunts?

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

Dang it... thats sort of cheating but ok.
Anyway i saw you had a reborn roleplay but it died... if you ever get one up again count me in

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

i see ;p
i skipped a few episodes at first, and went straight to the future arc.
but i made sure to watch the important ones like varia, and the one with mukuro. after finishing the anime, i went back and watched the ones i missed :D

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

aw i'm only on 80 cause it's realy long, i'm on the third story arc, the furture one

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

im actually done watching all the episodes ^^
it was great, and i heard they'll be making a new season this spring. hopefully that's true.

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

Ha! real big coincidence that i used Takashi Yamamoto from Katekyo Hitman Reborn and you like the series... didn't even know you liked it till i saw your profile picture...
What episode you on?

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

not a problem. ^^
we'll be starting soon. ;P

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

I'll be posting my character in a little bit, sorry for the delay :]

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

Yaya! Thank you for accepting my character.

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

nope, your character is fine x3

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

Submitted Character.... Any mistakes, please tell... <.<

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

May I reserve a hunter?
: 3

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

sure ^^

edit: if you're going to submit a profile for a demon, then make sure you include his/her's demon form

Re: [OOC] Devil's Impression

I was wondering...

Could I play a demon? I would love to play both a demon and a hunter if you allow. But if not, I will most certainly play a hunter. :)