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Tokyo, japan


a part of Different, by MidniteRoseSixx.


MidniteRoseSixx holds sovereignty over Tokyo, japan, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Tokyo, japan is a part of Different.

14 Characters Here

Rei Noelevia [0] "She shoots!...... And she scores!"
Peter Jett [0] Well, I'm the leader here...
Matthew Serra [0] A shy boy, who's only friends are his pets.
Lilly Takami [0] I am watching you sleep!
Rosalyn Pearle [0] Eg er evig pint. ???
Evin Itruolde [0] I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious is all...
Sayaki "Komi" Komiksuko [0] So what, I'm a cat. Big FREAKIN woop. I can still beat you in a game of chess.
Adrian Rivers [0] Shit Happens.
Ali Wilson [0] So im a bit quiet so what?

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#, as written by Ziddie
ā€œYeah.ā€ He eyed her carefullyā€¦wondering what else she could possibly be thinking. Peter was a bit cold. He had dressed in something sleeveless as he had been expecting to dance that night and didnā€™t want to get too hotā€¦right now, that decision was biting him in the rear. ā€œPut it back on, okay?ā€ He said gently, ā€œYou donā€™t need to get sick. Iā€™m even more used to this stuff, trust me.ā€
With a shrug, he shoved his hands in his pockets to warm them. ā€œI can see that,ā€ he admitted. ā€œEveryone has that ā€˜friendā€™ that is absolutely positive that theyā€™re going to take your innocence from you.ā€ Then he chuckled. ā€œSue-ness. Interesting way of putting it.ā€

The new question had hit him like a ton of bricks, but he eased into the response smoothly. ā€œMy family is with Yumi, Aiko, and Takumi. My real family, I could care less. Dadā€™s in Venice, last time I checked. Mom died, I think. Dad might be dead tooā€¦ā€ Shifting from foot to foot, he looked up at the grey clouds, his chocolate eyes sad for a moment. ā€œI havenā€™t spoken with them since I was fourteen, I think. They just said I could leave when I asked, so I did." Clearing his throat, he nodded. "What about your folks?ā€


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She slowly put the coat back on just in case he decided to change his mind...
She stared at him with a sad look, though she wasn't to surprised about the fact...a lot of people these days have problems..especially if they are Nekos or half breeds. Though she was surprised at the fact that it look as if he didn't care that much
" It's good to have a family, but you should cherish your real family the most..."
She smiled expecting the question to be thrown back at her " Well I guess it's only fair I tell you to then huh? They are on vacation for some time, My mom,dad, and my sister. They kind of forgot about me...they didn't mean to of course! I am staying here though for the time being" She laugh softly scratching the beck of her neck

" It's kind of a shame though, that I'm missing out on the fun." She shrugged " What can you do though?"


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Mika smiled and looked up at Ali.''We Are going out to party tonight and i want you to come, i promise i wont leave your side.'' She said tilting her head to the side, a pleading look in her eyes.''I'll even bathe and clothe you, just so you'll come with me!'' she said gripping his arm lightly.''I'll let you think i'll go take a shower.'' she said getting up and alking to her closet, grabbing some clothes she walked into the bathroom. After washing her hair and body, she stepped out and dried herself off. After blow drying her hair and appling her make-up she got dressed. Putting on her usual black mini skirt, and white v-neck long sleeve. She put on her hightops and then grabbed her black leater jacket. grabbing her phone she sent lilly a text. 'Waiting for a answer from Ali but i ish ready. Chuu~ for you!' She smiled and slid the phone in her jacket pocket.


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#, as written by Ziddie
ā€œHuh. Well youā€™re lucky your family is together,ā€ he admitted with a nod. ā€œBesides, I wouldnā€™t have met you if you werenā€™t been left behind.ā€ He smiled sweetly. Looking down at his feet he looked like a little boy for a moment. ā€œSoā€¦how did you deal with school when you were young? Did you hide too?ā€ As if confessing, he pulled a blue bandanna from his inside pocket and waved it between them. When he was a boy, he wore that more often than he liked.


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" Yeah...lucky..." She sighed softly look up at the sky " I was home schooled for 1-6th grade, my parents were strict about learning but because of them I was able to skip a couple grades. When I got into the schools I hid my tail all the time, things were worse back then...not much has changed now but. It's not as violent towards nekos as it use to be I guess." She laugh " Well thanks, but honestly I don't think it would of made much of a difference if you didn't meet me."
She jump as the sudden *Beep!* her phone made "GAH! oh...just a text...from Mika."

'Waiting for a answer from Ali but I ish ready. Chuu~ for you!'
She stared at the text for a moment " Chuu~? Yeah...Mika will be right out after Ali decides if he wants to tag along."
She sat down " Yep, that's going to take sometime, might as well get cozy."

It wasn't long before Sam showed up prancing over to Lilly and setting himself on her lap

" School was easy to get through since I only had a tail, how was it for you?"


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#, as written by Ziddie
ā€œI would have said different. I have never met a half-breed like myself. Weā€™re rarer than you think,ā€ And with a sigh he added, ā€œPlus, I would have gotten bored and left if you werenā€™t around.ā€ Peter laughed as she repeated the text. ā€œā€™Chuā€™ like the sound of a kiss. You donā€™t know that?ā€ His head leaned toward the silver car parked right out front. ā€œWant to wait there? I left the engine on so itā€™s warm insinde, you know. And we have the radio and my rather wide assortment of various CDs,ā€ he offered with a light smile.

ā€œHey, who are you?ā€ He asked Sam, giving him a pat on the head. Peter liked cats but he never had one he got really close with. Living in alleys does that. You become a friend to all the cats that come up to you.

ā€œI usually hid my ears under a bandanna. But there was that ā€˜no-hatā€™ rule so I was picked on a lotā€”my hair was jet black then. White cat ears really stuck out!ā€ here, for some reason, he smiled. ā€œbut after I got with my gangā€¦there was this girl who knew a lot of things. She fixed me up so they were virtually invisible.ā€ Shaking his white hair from his eyes, he rubbed his arms. ā€œSoā€¦Would you and Sam like to join me in the car?ā€


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She groaned " Should of guess, that's Mika for you...oh and yes this is Sammy here, he is a a tom though...introduce who him to shet-cat and BOOM babies..." She laugh stroking Sam softly
Her eyes got wide at the mention of a warm car, she didn't hesitate and darted over to it " HURRY UP!"
She was half eager and half excited, she never been into a car before in her life! Her family would travel by bus most of the time or walk to there destinations.


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ooc|| @_@ I got buried again xD

Rosalyn made her way into the living room. There was just too much going on at the moment. Humans in the house? All of her friends walking around with tails and ears out. It was madness! She laid her head on a pillow, and looked around the quiet room, wondering what sort of trouble everyone was getting into. Perhaps she'd check on everyone in a moment... perhaps not?


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Ali visibly choked on his own breath as Mika suggested that he come along to wherever they were going.

As she left to get ready Ali grabbed his tail and writhed it in his trembling hands even though she said she would look after him and she wouldn't leave his side. Ali still felt a huge wave of nervousness hit him square in the chest. He didn't want to go for a number or reasons one he would have to go outside and then there was the issue of building himself up to getting into the car or even walking to their destination and finnally walking into a crowded room full of new people.

At this point Ali's breathing was increasing he could hear his heart thumping in his ears, he scrunched up his tail it hurt but it was nothing compared to how painfull his chest was. Digging frantically in his pocket he pulled out a wrinkled paper bag and breathed into it quickly. It was too much for Ali to handle especially with the scare this morning outside which had driven him more into his shell.


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#, as written by Ziddie
ā€œWell, Sam. I think we can be friends,ā€ Peter chuckled giving the cat a pat on the head, looking into its eyes seriously, ā€œWeā€™ve got a lot in common, man.ā€ Watching Lilly dart for his car was almost funny. He had unlocked it, slid into the driverā€™s seat and held his hands over the heater for a second. ā€œBetter in here, huh?ā€ he sighed happily.

ā€œWonder how itā€™s going with Mr. Outdoorsman,ā€ the boy mumbled more to himself, looking up into the windows of the mansion, ā€œHope the kidā€™s okayā€¦ā€


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Lilly slip into the passengers seat as quickly as she could,she look around excitingly...that's until Peter mentioned Ali. " Yeah...poor guy,his parents didn't like the fact he had ears and a tail." she frowned, " It's got to be hard,I would talk to him more but I am just no good with shy people." she sighed, she blink feeling something on the side of her seat. Out of curiosity she pulled it and the seat fell back along with her, she had the look of amassment on her face! She paused and turned her head to look at Peter with a grin " said you and Sam are alike huh? So you sleep around after all." she chuckled teasingly


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#, as written by Ziddie
ā€œOhā€¦ā€ Peter said quietly, taking his hands from the heater, feeling a bit guilty. ā€œHe was dumped, wasnā€™t he? ā€˜Cause he was first generation?ā€ Lilly really hadnā€™t the chance to answer because she had found that the seat moved back. With a slight chuckle as he watched the child-like awe in her eyes, he too, let his own seat collapse back. ā€œIā€™ve had my way with a few girls,ā€ he admitted as if it were really nothing. Turning on his side and propping his head up with an elbow, he grinned. ā€œBut itā€™s not like Iā€™m addicted! Iā€™m incredibly picky. The girl has got to beā€¦ā€ he struggled for the description but instead left it with, ā€œā€¦just rightā€.


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Lilly raised an eyebrow but before she said anything she sent quick text to Mika 'Hey be sure to yell out in the house that we are going out partying and that every one can come if they want.' after putting her phone away she turned to her side to face Peter " Well, it's nothing to be proud of...poor girls probably got there hearts brocken. That is unless they are like Sue..." she let out a soft laugh "That's why I still havent done anything like...well you know, I am picky about my men." she rolled onto her side and stared at the car roof, Sam made himself on her stomach. Her tail was flicking back and forth as she was thinking to herself


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Thomas walked around to the front yard and saw a bunch of the folks piling into the car. Starting forward he yelled
"Hey! Mind if I go?!?"
Anythin's better then this awkward situation, besides Ah need a drink.
He stopped in front of the car and grinned sheepishly at Lilly and Peter,
"Weres the others?"


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Mika Gasped as she saw Ali hyperventalating {?}.She ran over to him and looked him over.''Ali It's okay, you dont have to go! I just thought you might want to so you wouldn't be left alone. Im so sorry i scared you! I would never mean to do anything of that sort!'' She said hugging him.''I'm sorry.'' She mumbled quietly.


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Ali jumped as Mika hugged him but his breathing slowed down, his eyes were watering for some reason was he crying? He didnā€™t know he had been crying although most times he sometimes didnā€™t realize. He really didnā€™t want to hold Mika back from enjoying her day out, he hated holding everyone back even though he had been there for a long time he really didnā€™t get on with everyone he still felt confused as to how to interact with people. That was one of the main reasons why going outside was such a big deal to him.


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#, as written by Ziddie
Maybe," Peter mumbled as he looked up with a sigh, "but I think they recover easily from me. I don't think I'm very 'real', y'know? Not in an egotistical way, but I'm like that guy in the fairytales--he's only there to make the story pretty but when his role is done, they don't want him anymore," laughing it off, he shrugged. "Girls don't want the good guys that are also the bad guys, so I usually make myself disappear when I know she's lost interest." Sitting up, he grinned. It completely explained why he went from girl to girl--there had never been any real breakups with them. So no broken hearts. He had just...faded away and became some old 'friend-with-benifits'. "Well, that's good," he began, "about you staying like that. It means that going to be special when it comes down to it. Being picky is a wonderful trait in these cases."

Sitting up at the sound of the other voice, the fair-haired boy sighed. He was hoping that nobody would ask to come with them...but it had been a group invitation. "Hey, man!" Peter smiled as he opened the driver's door but his ear was giving that annoyed flick before it faded back into the white spikes. "I was just about to show this group some of the most epic clubs in Tokyo." He didn't get out of the car but instead rested his elbow on the steering wheel. "I suppose they're still inside," he mumbled, finally standing and pushing his seat back. "You can come but driver and shotgun have already been called," he chuckled, giving the other a gesture that said; 'after you'.


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She frowned and opened her mouth to say some comforting words but was interrupted, she sat up to see Tom in front of the car. She nodded slightly her eyes cautiously staring at him, she still wasn't sure she like the fact that they were staying...even if it was just for the night.
" I hope Ali comes." She messed with the seat trying to get it to sit back up, it had hit her in the back of the head when she figured it out
" Blasted thing! I hate cars...buses and trains are the way to go." She stared out the window and sat there silently for a moment " How did you get this car...?" she slowly turned her head to face Peter. her eyes were narrowed with suspicion


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#, as written by Ziddie
With a laugh, he rubbed his hand through Lilly's short hair--surprisingly, it was soft despite what he thought. And it was apparent that she didn't like the guy either...good, he kinda had an ally there. It made him happy that he had that half-breed thing going for him.
"Hey, a second ago, you loved my car!" The laugh turned from something real to something forced as the question was asked--Peter newly aware of the guy in the backseat. "The leader of the Shokun has some perks--It was earned, trust me. We aren't the kinda gang that beats down people for money. We have more of a favour system...or we," he muttered uncomfortably.


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Lilly cringed at the sudden hand that went through her hair, she couldn't help but blush " Sh-shokun huh? Sounds fun..." she glanced behind her and shifted uncomfortably.
The fact she was alone with two guys made her feel nervous, she couldn't stop scratching her right arm " Mika is sure taking her time, I guess Ali is still deciding." she laugh uncomfortably
Mika please hurry! she kept saying it over and over in her head until her thoughts were interrupted by Sam. He was pawing at her as if trying to cheer her up
a mew came from outside the car, it look to be a scottish fold cat. Sam then changed his focus to the she-cat and begged Lilly to let him out
" Sorry little cat, fine go have fun." she opened the door and quickly closed it after Sam had gotten out and ran off with the she-cat
she smiled softly as she watch him run off
she whispered softly " Why did I call you Sam when your not really like her?"


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"Well I dont aim tah be in any condition tah drive anyway." With a smile Tom settled in, it seemed ole Pete was gettin his mack on.
Gonna have to remember to apologize tah the guy later, honestly couldnt take another second in there, its probaly time tah split before I wear out me welcome.

Tom lounged back and ran over the rudimentary Japanese he knew, mostly "Sake" and "More Please", probably woulda been a better idea to pay attention when schools try to teach you, but those Asian lassies were quite distracting. Tom often whished he finished school, hell he whished he could finish anything.
At least Ive got a set career one day "I.D? Ok go in....Not you pal yer not on me list...." sheesh.

Tokyo was different from Glasgow in every way, were Glasgow had the rolling hills of Scotland, Tokyo's lights and buildings put even Vegas to shame, In a way the trade off was decent but a lad does get homesick sometimes.
Hopefully this Peter guy wasnt just spoutin tales tah woo the ladies and actually had some connections.
I dennae what help Ill be with the ladies Pete but as long as yah keep me soused I got yer back.

I mean was the guy a mobster or what? Either way Its better to keep new friends then live with recent enemies, not that Tom intended to start anything he just figured it best tah sit back and enjoy the ride.


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#, as written by Ziddie
ā€œQuite alright,ā€ he said, running his hand back through his white hair. Peter sighed,ā€ You arenā€™t from here, are you? Iā€™m not eitherā€”so let me know if you need a translator, ā€˜kay?ā€ He held up his final two fingers. ā€œTwo drinks unless you can hold your liquor well. And use manners if you talk to any girls. Period.ā€ With a sly smile he added as he turned around, nearly reading the otherā€™s mind: ā€œAnd donā€™t ever call me Pete.ā€ Resting his hands on the steering wheel, he slumped forward as if to see if there had been any movements on the upstairs of the mansion. Just some shaking curtainsā€¦

ā€œI think you guys are going to like where I take you. Anything of suggestionā€¦?ā€ He looked to the two of them, the seriousness fading. ā€œItā€™s gotta be casual, of course so nothing to close to Harajuku, reallyā€¦Specific music? Do you care for popular stuff?ā€


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Lilly thought for a moment "Well I don't mind where we go along as it's fun! Though I am afraid I am going to have drop by a bar. Got some things that need to get done." She tap her thighs " Does it really matter where we party though? Unless one of you caused some trouble..." she grinned kicking her feet up feeling a bolt of confidence ( sorry for such short post,on vacation and type this up on the IPhone )