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The World of Discordia


a part of Discordia, by ReaperGirl4.


ReaperGirl4 holds sovereignty over The World of Discordia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

652 readers have been here.


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The World of Discordia is a part of Discordia.

23 Characters Here

Valisee Iyon [11] "Don't be a baby!"
Nia Kionai [11] "I'm not scared..."
Lee Kane [11] "Well damn."
Lytha Green [10] "I do believe I have bitten a hole in my lip."
Lucian [10] "Welcome..."
Niki [10] "You scared?"
Emi DeVita [9] "Okay, so now what?"
Kohl Soryn [9] "Just keep holding my hand..."
Elizabeth Simmons [5] "Now this is my kind of place!"
Luciana Klein [4] "...I sense trouble."

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Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Tsume Character Portrait: Kumo
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Kumo had been walking around, not doing much (there wasen't much to do). He knew, though, that Lucian would bring more. More of the funny little ones called humans.

Tsume watched the sky grow dark, "Another night without a fright" he said to himself. He was waiting for a fresh batch of kids to come. Oh how he loved their expresions when they tried to hold their screams. He chuckled to himself. He always enjoyed watching the children's terror. Only a few had gained their freedom from his snapping teeth and slitting claws. Only a few.

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Simmons
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Elizabeth walked around, soaking in the creepy and spooky scenery. Now this was her kind of town. Spooky was her middle name. (Not literally) She spotted a few discordians, all scary and demonic. Now why can't I stay here for awhile? I'd probably fit in here better than back home.

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(OKAY OKAY OKAY THIS IS WHY I SAID THAT I POST FIRST!!!!- They begin in the woods, not in the kingdom. They're just waking up, okay?)

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(Sorry :( Forgot that you post first but i was begining in a town i guess like a ghost town)

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Character Portrait: Niki
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Niki wokeup in her bed and yawned sh got out of the bed and went to take a quick shower. After she did that she went to go to hav abit for breakfast before heading out . When she went out she didn't know if today was she was as going to be a good day or bad..When sh apprched the woods it was dark and spooky it was also a little foggy but she is up for the adventure

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(Did you read what I wrote at all?????)

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(Oh i sorry i didn't see post...sorry go ahead)

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(I still have things to do before we start... I'm getting other Discordians ready. First legit post will be up soon)

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Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon
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The young girl sat up groggily. She jumped when she noticed that she was not in her bed. She wasn't home at all. Deep, dark woods surrounded her. A full moon shined in the dark, starless sky. An eerie wind blew. She rubbed her eyes and saw other kids, all asleep around her. She looked to her left and saw her friend, Nia, asleep as well. Thoroughly frightened but glad to see a familiar face, she shook her friend roughly awake.


Nia woke with a jolt and a cry of surprise, sitting up and looking around frantically. Her friend, Valisee, was next to her and had woken her up. "Huh?" she peeped. "Where are we? Where's our home?" In fact, the place looked nothing like the old village the children had come from.


He was awoken by frantic whispering. Lee sat up and rubbed his head. He looked around and saw some familiar faces, all asleep but for two girls, younger than him. He cautiously rose. The kids were the ones that had fallen comatose! He remembered the fear that the adults of the village had expressed upon losing their kids. He had been one of the last. An eerie breeze ruffled his plaitnum hair as he looked up to the pitch black sky, the only light the full moon

(Lucian appears when everyone wakes up, just fyi )

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Lytha Been

Lytha groaned as she woke, eyes opening a fraction of an inch. She expected to be surrounded by her small bedroom, with the sunlight streaming in her windows. Sadly, this was not the case. She jolted up as she heard a rushed whispering, and felt a cold breeze blow against her cheek.

"W-What?" She said softly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She turned towards a trio of young children, her eyes wide with surprise. Lytha struggled to make out their face in the dark. Realizing that with the amount of light streaming through the trees, her attempts were futile. She began tugging on her hair nervously.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green
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Niki woke up from a stran whipears.When she had woken up she didn't see her warm bed or her room at all she was in a the cold dark woods. When she looked around she saw a girl about her age...And then a ground of young children. She said in a whiperer "W-whats going on?" She quinted to try to see their faces but it didn't work

When she rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out of them. She looked behind her she saw nothing but trees, bushes, and verious other objects. But the only life she sees is the people beside her well all around her.."What i'm i doing here?" She thought as she rubbed her head "How'd i get here?" She looked at her self. She was not in what she had worn to bed at all she started to play with her shorts nevously as she sat there waiting for something to happen and so she can go home.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green
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Kohl & Emi

As Kohl slowly drifted out of the darkness of sleep, he became aware of several strange things. First, the feel of the soft sheets of his bed had been replaced by prickly stems of grass that poked into his side. Second, he no longer heard the quiet murmuring of his parents as they moved around in their cozy little cottage in the village, and instead heard what sounded like wind whispering through leaves.

And third, as he opened his eyes, he realized that he was not alone.

There were at least six other kids gathered around him, though most were awake and looking surprised and confused, some a little fearful. He was surrounded by trees, and a full moon hung above in a starless sky. Where was he?

A young blonde girl groaned beside him, still not having woken up. Kohl shook her gently, and her eyes immediately fluttered open. She sat up quickly, looking around in a daze at these new surroundings.

"What the...?" Her eyes flicked to the kids huddled around them, then up at the nearly blank sky. "Where are we?"

"I dunno," Kohl said, standing slowly. He looked around at the other children. "Anybody here have any idea where we are?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon
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Lytha stared at the other children around her. She breathed as one of them broke the tense silence around them.

"Anybody here have any idea where we are?" He asked. Lytha shook her head slowly, shifting her gaze towards the large moon above them. "Not a clue..." She replied in a horse voice, looking over to the group of small children.

"Are you all okay?" She asked, only slighty louder than before. She felt herself shiver slightly, as a chill wind blew through once more. Lythat stood on shaky legs, brushing off her knees. I' my day clothes... She was shocked. She expected herself to be in her pajamas. She looked over to the others, and they seemed to be in their day clothes as well. She began to nibble on her thumb nail in worry.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green
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((I keep getting the feeling someone hasn't made their introduction post yet... oh well it might just be me. Anywho, enter: Lucain! :D))

A laugh sounded in the dark forest. A diabolical cackle, of sorts. Heads turned to look in the general direction of the laughter. Out from the dense trees appeared a man, but a strange man indeed he was. Formal, black clothing and a top hat garbed the man. He held a scepter with a carving of an eye set in a crystal ball set atop it. Within the ball swirled purple and black tendrils of some smoky substance. The eye carving flashed gold as the man drew closer to the children. At last, he addressed them, speaking in a hauntingly chivalrous tone.

"Greetings, children! My name is Lucian. I am pleased to be the first to formally welcome you to the lovely world of Discordia." He pulled off his hat and bowed in a most chivalrous manner, as though they were all royalty. His eyes were covered by plaintum bangs, his grin wide and displaying sharp teeth.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green
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"Dis-cor-di-a?" Emi queried, drawing out each syllable of the unfamiliar word. She'd never heard of such a place, nor had she ever seen this strange man in her entire life, and she knew everyone in the village. He dressed like a creepy lunatic, she noted as she watched him warily. "Why aren't we in our village?"

"And where are the stars?" Kohl added, staring upward at the blank expanse of dark sky. The moon hung alone in the inky blackness, and he shivered with the eeriness of it.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green Character Portrait: Ky Character Portrait: Kumo
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Niki looks around as he talked "W-why are we here?" she said looking at lucian she's never been here before in her life she got soo scared she just sat their till someone said to move or something

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green Character Portrait: Vivi Character Portrait: Elizabeth Simmons
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Skye had been listening to the conversation quietly, trying silently to work out the confusion of their location herself. Chill bumps outlined her moon-colored arms and legs, and she detachedly regretted wearing nothing more than her skimpy white nightgown. When Lucian appeared before them, she removed herself from her thoughts and from the shadows she had been hiding in. "You kidnapped us!" she accused, her eyes like green daggers that bore into Lucian's without wavering. She stood up, her fists clenched at her sides.

16 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Skye Grey Character Portrait: Luciana Klein Character Portrait: Augustin Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Dante Character Portrait: Deiyo and Enyo Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon

...and 4 others.

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((I would wait, but I don't want Lucian to have to respond to six or seven other kids XD))

Lee tensed. The man, Lucian, seemed... scary. Real scary. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. Valisee did the same, while Nia looked around, thoroughly frightened. 


Lucian waved away Kohl's question, deeming it unimportant. At Skye's outburst, however, his grin seemed to widen and he lifted up the brim of his hat, displaying twin blood red eyes that were fixed on the girl. He stood straighter and tapped his staff on the ground. "Well well, Skye Grey. This will be amusing." He paused here, an ominous chuckle reverberating from him. "As a matter of technicality, you have not been kidnapped. Your bodies have not moved. I would go into the specifics of your existence in two places at once, but I'm afraid it's rather beyond your mental capacity." Another amused laugh. He lifted his head and addressed the whole group. 

"For the time being, you will be staying in our lovely world. You will see things you'd never thought you'd see, meet people like you'd never imagine. Some would like to befriend you..." An image appeared within the crystal ball on his staff. It was smoky and hard to see, but it appeared to be an image of two boys, with ears like a cat's. "Some would like to hurt you." The image was replaced by rapid images of people the children unrecognized: a little blonde girl who looked quite angry, a ghostlike boy, a ferocious beast with three heads, a girl with a scythe, a girl with blood spattered across her face. Lucian laughed some more. "And believe me, most would like to hurt you. But don't worry, as long as you're careful, nothing terrible should happen." A more serious look came across his face. "Any questions?"

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Skye's jaw tightened at Lucian's nonchalant response. He blatantly insulted my intelligence! she raged silently, swearing at him quietly as her anger continued to fuel itself in her head. Though as the strange man continued to explain their presence, her anger -and her silent swearing- was quickly replaced with confusion and, dare I say it, a tad bit of fear. "You're insane," she said, although she sounded a bit uncertain. "There's no way... This is a dream... You kidnapped us, you had to!" After a moment of thought, she added, "And how did you know my name?" Skye shivered again, though this time, she ignored it.

11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Skye Grey Character Portrait: Luciana Klein Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Nia Kionai Character Portrait: Valisee Iyon Character Portrait: Lytha Green Character Portrait: Elizabeth Simmons
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"This is ridiculous," Emi sniffed, crossing her arms over her chest and giving Lucian a disdainful look. "Either this is a dream, or you're a creepy lunatic. Or both. Either way, I'm not scared of you!" She pointed a finger at him, her expression angry.

Kohl warily watched the man, unsure of what to say. Though none of what he had said made any sense, it did explain their situation. Nevertheless, the man couldn't be trusted. That was for sure.

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Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Luciana Klein
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#, as written by neej
"Lucian?" Yana repeated, "Nice name," she jokes for once. This was the first time she got a good look around, and it kind of startled her... to the extent where she was crept out, but not extremely scared. Her eyes continued wandering until her focus was centered on the man again. The way she looked at him changed to something like a glare, "What are you? No, what are you supposed to be?" She might have thought this was some sort of sick joke... or a dream. Yes, a dream... a nightmare even, maybe.

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Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Lytha Green
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Lytha rubbed her head as Lucian talked. She had a roaring headache, and it would not go away, not matter how hard she tried.

"So," She began, letting a bit of her anger seep through. "You're saying that you brought us to an random world called "Discordia", tell us that there is a high possiblity that we will be mauled by angry, physcopathic children, and expect us to comply to all of this?" Lytha pinched the bridge of her nose slighty.

"Genius" She muttered with a wave of her hand. She began to look over her surroundings again, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

20 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Character Portrait: Elizabeth Character Portrait: Skye Grey Character Portrait: Luciana Klein Character Portrait: Augustin Character Portrait: Emi DeVita Character Portrait: Niki Character Portrait: Kohl Soryn Character Portrait: Lee Kane Character Portrait: Dante Character Portrait: Deiyo and Enyo Character Portrait: Nia Kionai

...and 8 others.

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Kumo suddenly scensed it, children. "So they are here finally, are they?" he said with a smile. "Great! The show needed to start up. I was getting bored" and with that comment he slipped back into the shadows. Waiting for the first to show their face to him.

Tsume was ready, ready and waiting. He began roaming towards the forest. He knew he should be patient but the thrill of meeting the newb's excited him. He was ready. He coulden't wait to see them, and their held in screams. That was the best part. Trying to make them scream. Most were good with that sort of thing but some... some were the best screamers on the planet of Discordia. "The moment is comming" he growled to himself. "It's comming"

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Character Portrait: Alyss
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"Children. It's always children," Alyss complained. She was by herself. "Why can't he mix it up once in a while? Children are so boring."

And yet she was grinning, ready for the fun. No matter what, freaking people out had always been her favorite activity. She loved it, could possibly live off of it. And tricking them just added to the fun. They're so naive. She couldn't wait to start in on all the confusion. To wreak havoc with her innocent facade.

"Let the games begin," she mumbled.