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Liam Makris

"Come on, guys. It'll be fun! "

0 · 463 views · located in Maziah island

a character in “Discoveries at Maziah island!”, as played by Emerald.x


Liam Makris

Liam Christopher Makris



Liam is perfectly average. He has short brown hair, that is rarely ever done in any particular style, he usually just lets it go where ever it pleases. His has on aval shaped face that like the rest of his body has an olive coloured tone to it, not naturally, but rather from the amount of time he spends in the sun. His eyes are changing in colour, ranging from hazel to a dark green. Height wise, he stands at about 5'9 with a fairly firm build from being as active as they all are on the island.



≈ Junk food
≈The ocean
≈Finding cool things
≈Rule breaking
≈Being slightly reckless
≈Adrenaline rushes

≈Confined spaces

Liam is the rebellious one of the group. He is the epitome of a stereotypical teenager. Whenever he is told he can't do something, he wants to do it even more. He is laid back and likes to do whatever he wants, when he wants to do it. Their parents have voices their opinions of disliking them venturing too far into the tree filled, forest like area (at least the island's version of it), and yet on many occasions he has led the group straight into it. He enjoys the adventure of just climbing aimlessly through the forest and trying to see what they might uncover.

He is fun and is still somewhat of a goofball for his age. As there isn't much to do on the island to keep them busy with they have to make their own fun. Be it convincing the gang to jump off tall rocks into the water or sneaking out to go for midnight swims, Liam is usually the one to initiate any of the misbehaving that they do. He is a trouble maker and enjoys every second of it. [will add more later]


Liam, like the others, is a great swimmer, but then again when you grow up on an island you tend to be. He is somewhat fearless and always loves to try new things even if they sound like they might be dangerous. He is charismatic when he wants to be, charming his way out of most of his problems.

His fearlessness and need for causing trouble often causes him to over look just how potentially dangerous something might be. But, then again, that's what his friends are for. He also has a slight fear of lizards and birds, it's nothing truly major he just doesn't like being near them, he doesn't like that lizards are rough and scaly and that birds have shard and gross legs and that they both tend to bite.

Liam was born, like all the others in his little group of friends, on the island. He was the first to be born which left him all by himself for a while, not that a 3 month old really minded the lack of company. He was three when his sister was born, and originally the toddler had been quite excited to have a little brother. But however, once Nora was actually born, he was no longer as thrilled. He was that terrible two's toddler who didn't want to share his parents, his toys and all the attention that had solely been placed on him. It took a while for him to get used to having a sister, but to this day there are still times where he contemplates throwing her into the ocean. However, living on the island did make them a lot closer than most siblings. He grew up, as normal as one could on a tropical island. He learned how to swim, younger than most children and has never been swimming in a pool, or anything except for than the ocean, for that matter. He doesn't really miss the idea of technology found on the main lands because he's never had much more than a land line telephone in his life, so he never grew accustomed to using it. He is glad about this as he's heard it can be somewhat addicting and he would much rather spend his time enjoying the outdoors.

So begins...

Liam Makris's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Gilidian "Gil" Usophia Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Rey swam around, and at hearing her brother, dove deeper into the water. She swam up next to the dolphins, swimming around them, eyes wide open. She saw a flash of blonde, hiding behind some coral, and swam toward it. Then, she heard her name being screamed. She broke the surface, pulling herself up on one of the rocks out a bit further.

"There you are you little snot! Why did you swim past me this morning? I didn't even think you knew what 'before 9 am' was, Aly boy!" She joked, flipping her long, soaking wet hair over her shoulder. "Hey, do I look like Ariel from the little mermaid?" She asked at a seemingly perfect time as a wave crashed behind her.

"We should wake up Liam and Nora, there's something weird down here. The dolphins are being funny again. Like, staying in as shallow water as possible," Rey said, reaching back and fish tail braiding her hair quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Nora awoke to the sound of Reyton's voice. She was used to this, so it didn't necessarily bother her. She groaned as she usually would. If there was one thing to remember about Nora, she was defintely not a morning person. She rolled out of bed to the view of the ocean. She had always enjoyed having a room with a view. She smiled as she walked over to the window, in only her tank top and shorts. It was a beautiful day. Perfect for swimming, she realized, as she made her bed, and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her, and letting the steam of the shower awaken her.

Fifteen minutes later she walks out, hair damp hair falling around her shoulders, bikini on. She walks into her room again, finding a simple tank top and shorts, sliding them on lazily. If there was one thing she still cared about out here on the island, it was her clothing style. She had somehow kept it up.

She walks downstairs, passing Liam's room. "I wonder if he's up yet," she mutters to herself but decides against barging in. She tried to get along with her brother as best she could, and didn't want to CAUSE an argument. She then makes her way into the kitchen, where she grabs a bowl, opening a box of her favorite Chocolate cereal. Then she takes a seat at the counter, and begins to devour the goodness in peace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Liam was awoken by the sounds of people shouting and moving about the house. He made a soft groaning noise as he rolled over, it seemed as though the people in this house had no idea what sleeping in was. He wasn't one of those people who were overly grumpy in the mornings, but he much preferred to sleep in a bit. He was used to it by now, so being woken up in the mornings didn't exactly surprise him any more. He dragged himself out of bed and pulled some clothes from his dresser. He put on a simple t-shirt and a pair of dark coloured swimming trunks.

He then walked downstairs, hearing his sister in the kitchen. He followed the sounds, taking a bowl and spoon to the island. He pulled out the milk, placing it on the counter top. He slid the box of cereal across the counter and poured some into his own bowl. After the milk was added he dug the spoon in and took a bite of the chocolatey goodness. Of course they could have chosen to eat healthier cereals, but the chocolate kind and the ones with the little marshmallows had always been his favourite.

Once he was done, he left his bowl in the sink after rinsing it out quickly. "Come on, lets go see what the commotion out there is." He figured that the other two had probably just gotten into one of there usual spats about something silly again. He headed out the door of their home and crossed the sand. "Must you two shout at each other every morning? Couldn't you at least try to play nicely for once?" He called out smirking a bit. He wasn't entirely serious about it, and was saying it more to bug them than anything else. He knew that the pair had always had some difficulty getting along together and were always getting on each others nerves. He could tell, as he approached that they were having some kind of discussion, and that Rey seemed to think it was far more serious than Alex did. He brushed it off, assuming that she was probably just making a big deal about fish swimming away from her or something like that. She was always getting worked up over the behaviour of fish, sharks, dolphins, sea urchins and basically anything that she thought was behaving oddly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Gilidian "Gil" Usophia Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Rey swam to shore, running up to each of them. "Either Alex can be in two places at once or our government supply ship decided to send someone to play a little trick on us. I saw something in the water, I swear!" She said, looking at all three of them in turn. "Something....I don't know how to even say this without sounding completely crazy....something with a human torso and a tail," She looked at her friends, the people she had grown up with, and waited for them to mock her.

"Before you mock me, the dolphins were acting funny, again. They were following something, and I'm prepared to find out what. Join me if you want to," She lowered her voice in case on of the parents were awake. "I stole 4 of the breathing devices. They're inside my pillow. You guys really have to see this. I mean, I saw a ship on the horizon yesterday morning, but it was still way to far off to have gotten here today," She looked at them again.

"I'm not crazy," Rey said, looking back to the water. "Something is out there,"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Alex stopped when he heard what Rey said. What she was describing....the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them: " saw a mermaid??"

Could it be true? Alex knew it wasn't impossible. They were still lots of mysteries about the ocean and exactly what lived in it. But still, a possibility wasn't affirmative, and it was very improbable.

Rey suggested that they look for it. For once, he agreed with her. There were four people out here, enough to count as swimming buddies. He wasn't sure about the breathing devices--they weren't completely fool-proof, as Rey herself knew--but, he supposed they were better than nothing.

He grew excited. Supposing they did find a mermaid? Imagine the breakthroughs in science! Biology would take a turn, humanity would be reconsidered, mysteries solved. And he, of course, would snap the first picture verifying it.

He wondered about telling his parents about this, but pushed it aside. If he did, they'd just assume all responsibility, probably thanking him, but no doubt taking all the credit for themselves. Adults were frustrating like that. No, he'd wait till after he got a picture, and then share the good news.

"I'll come," Alex said, "But first I need to get my camera."

He ran to the house, opening the door quietly and tiptoeing to his room. Changing out of his wet shorts, he changed into his swim trunks and grabbed his underwater camera. After checking to make sure the film was set, he returned back to the beach. "I'm not saying we'll see anything," he said. Despite his hopefulness, he didn't want to give Rey too much credit to what she said. He had been disappointed several times, and it wasn't exactly the first time his sister had set him on a wild goose chase. "But it wouldn't hurt to take some pictures." He snapped a shot of Rey unexpectedly to prove his point. Looking at the photo, he snickered. "Nice face," he said, referring to the Derpy look he had captured.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Nora smirked as she watched her brother eat the chocolate cereal. Sure, no one in the house was as obsessed with sugar like herself, but it was still nice to know she and her brother had something in common.

As she followed Liam out there, she noticed Rey and Alex in the water, their words silented by the waves around them. As they both came up to the shore, Nora ran to catch up to Liam. When Rey began to speak of her sighting, then thought of a mermaid popped into her mind. She had always believed they existed, but never really expected to find one..

Before she could say anything, Alex, of all people spoke up. She was surprised and gave him a slight smile, then turned to Rey, her friend, more like sister, since childhood. "Hey, it's worth a shot." She snickered. "And even if we don't see anything, atleast it's something interesting to do instead of sitting around here doing the same damn thing, as usual. But I agree, we can't let our parents find out, just if say, by chance, there is something..or someone, out there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Liam groaned. "Seriously Rey, this is just your body's way of punishing you for being up until one and being up again at six. There is nothing out there, no mermaids, no Atlantis, none of the sea creatures the movies claim are in oceans." He told her shaking his head. He knew that there was no possible way that there could be anything but fish living down there. Their parents had studied every inch of this island for their research and there was no way that there could be any kind of mermaid or anything remotely like that down there.

When she told them about the breathing devices he grinned slightly. "You stole them? And they say I'm the bad one." He said. To be entirely honest, he was actually somewhat proud of her for it. He was surprised when Alex, of all people, was the first to agree to the explorational dive. When his sister soon agreed as well he made another groaning noise. Now he had to go, his parents would have killed him if they knew he let them go off alone. "Fine, we can go. But just to be clear, I think you have all drunken far too much of this water recently and are officially going insane. "

"There is not something, let alone someone out there!" He told them again. He thought they were being silly and childish and it was going to get them all in trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris Character Portrait: Camille
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Rey looked at Liam, and shrugged. "Believe whatever you want, but you are coming with," She winked. "Weather it be to find something, or just see my ass in a bikini, I'm not sure. But you're coming," She punched his arm playfully, smiling.

"Okay, you three wait here. I'm going to get the breathers. And if anyone catches me...well we all know I'll be grounded from swimming for a month for stealing these, so just come back up," She ran up the sand toward the house, sneaking up to her room, and grabbing a hooded jacket, shoved the other three breathers into the front pocket. As she ran back down the stairs, she ran into her mother.

"Oh...Hi mom. Um...we're going swimming, so don't worry about breakfast, we've already eaten," She hugged her mom, kissing her cheek. "Love you, have fun in the lab today!" As she attempted to walk away as cool and nonchalantly as possible, she knew her mom thought something was up.

As she reached her friends again, she handed out the breathers. She took off the jacket, putting her breather into her mouth, and jumping off a cliff like structure and diving down, deep into the reef, breathing through her invention (which her parents had taken credit for) and swimming with her eyes open. She looked up, waiting for the others to follow her into the water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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As Liam went on and on about how unrealistic the thought of finding a mermaid was, Nora began to zone out on the water. She could just feel it pulling her in, even as she pulled off her shirt, and shorts, revealing her bikini. She took the breather from Rey as she held it out to her, then made her way into the water. She trudded through the water, out a ways, before going under.

She opened her eyes. She couldn't even find the words to describe the beauty that lie under someone so secret to so many. She looked through the clear water, at the reefs, at the fish--At The FISH! She'd always had a fascination with fish. She had started to draw them at an early age. She made her way passed a school of bright red fish, which remined her of her latest painting. She had gotten the inspiration from a dream. She had imagined a world where fish could live outside of water. Oh, what a life that would be.. She smiled to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Gilidian "Gil" Usophia Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Nora could feel the water push against her. She closed her eyed for a long while, then slowly but surely removed the breather from her mouth. It felt uncomfortable. She had never liked the things, but had worn them only to satisfy her parents, and now Rey. But seeing that no one could see her under, she removed it, then contined to swim around a moment more, before rising to the top for air.

She always had a sad feeling when leaving the underwater world. It just felt so nice, so perfect. If mermaids did exist, she had decided long ago, that they were extremely lucky. Her eyes lay on the group now, looking for any sort of clue as to what to do next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Marina "Rina" De la Costa Character Portrait: Gilidian "Gil" Usophia Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Alex reluctantly took one of the breathing devices, too excited to argue otherwise, and he followed after his sister. Unlike her, he went underwater unaided, camera in hand. He shot a couple pictures of the marine life, just to make sure the camera was still functioning well.

He noticed that Rey had ventured further than they were supposed to, and he held back. He began to wonder if she was just trying to get him into trouble. Dragging him into the deep end, then promptly abandoning him to go tell their mom seemed viable. Curiosity tugged at him, though, and he tread his feet underwater, unsure what decision to make in this dilemma.

Finally, he came upon a solution. Holding the camera up to his face, he zoomed in to where Rey was. It was a good thing he still had his telephoto lens in. Even though he was several yards away, the view on the camera matched what it would have been if he was right next to his sister. Grinning behind the breathing apparatus, he ventured just a little closer, floating in between what was permissible and what wasn't. He snapped a couple embarrassing pictures of his sister before moving the camera around, trying to get a better look of what he was seeing. Suddenly, he saw a flash of bright color. He snapped a picture and drew back. It was a unusual tail. Biggest fish tail he had ever seen. Hey, maybe if it wasn't mermaids, perhaps they'd discover a new fish! That was rewarding enough, and he returned his eye to the lens, keeping his camera locked on the tail as he went trigger happy with the capture button.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Nora Cassandra Makris Character Portrait: Marina "Rina" De la Costa Character Portrait: Gilidian "Gil" Usophia Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Marina looked at Gilidian as he teased her. "They're probably not all that keen on you either." When he stuck his tounge out at her she rolled her eyes before looking back at them. "They probably have never seen a mermaid before or a merman for that example." Looking at the feet, she wondered how they worked. Did they grow from a fin into feet or were they born with the strange things with the tiny little fingers sticking out? So many question,that she shouldn't be asking. "Glad you're coming around Rina. Things get a whole lot more fun when you take some risks." Fun? This was fun? No, this was crazy yet, interesting. "Yea,yea yea. You and everybody else, what am I really that big of a killjoy? Oh no,i'm turning into my parents." "Well, tell me when you feel antsy and we'll go." She smiled at him and nodded. Believe it or not but Gil was a lot nicer than Marina once you got to know the both of them, you would agree.

After a minute Rina could feel her becoming, her normal self once she saw a human swimming closer and closer to the pair. She hid her head from above the rock and let out a small squech. Before going back up to see if they were gone, they weren't. "We should swim away." She nodded and closed her eyes. "Please go away. Please go away." When he took her hand she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Come on. I wanted to see them, but... Uh... this might be a bit too much." She looked over the side for a minute and covered her mouth. "It's going to touch my tail isn't it?" She said in a whisper through her hands. The human was looking at her tail and that was Marina's frist thought. She thought she was going to touch it,that would have made her just swim away faster than a sailfish. When she waved over another human, Marina looked at Gil. "Do you think they actually eat fish and underwater mammals?" She nodded letting go of her mouth. Probably. That's it. We are going to die. She whispered quickly seeing a few more humans joining the girl one with a camera. She shooked her head. She moved her tail quickly from where they couldn't see it. It was an uncomfortable position but she didn't want pictures taken of her colorful tail.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reyton Jones Character Portrait: Marina "Rina" De la Costa Character Portrait: Gilidian "Gil" Usophia Character Portrait: Alex Jones Character Portrait: Liam Makris
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Damn. The tail moved away.

He pulled the camera down and glared at his sister. No doubt they were scaring the fish away. Stealth wasn't exactly their forte.

He wanted to yell at her to back up, but at the this distance she wouldn't have even noticed a wave. They need to invent breathers that allow you to talk... he thought sorely.

A bit bummed at the setback, he decided to browse through the pictures he had already taken. Those tails were really odd...was it really a fish? They way the fins were positioned led him to believe that the fish--if it really was one--actually swam like a dolphin, with up-and-down motions, versus side-to-side. Then again, perhaps it was the distortion of the water, or just the way he took the picture.

As he switched to the next picture, something caught his eye and he squinted, his nose almost touching the screen. His eyes widened and he zoomed in further, perplexed.

Were those fingers??

But...whose? It couldn't be Rey...he zoomed out of the picture just to verify. Rey was too far away, as was Nora. Was there another human there? No...they'd probably approach them. Maybe a pair of dismembered fingers? That was just creepy...

His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the scenery underneath his feet had changed. Looking up, he realized he had unknowingly drifted sideways and farther out, floating above a sand bank rather than the reef from before. A slight inconvenience, he was about to swim back when he noticed an ominous shape in the water. When he realized what it was, he froze, eyes wide, almost dropping his camera.

There was a large tiger shark coming straight for him!